Cute Story

Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 9:37 AM

Subject: Cute story


Last night at about 10:00 o’clock our four year old, Maciah, came running in beside my bed. With much detail and hands waving through the air, he began describing the howling wind outside his window.  I pulled him beside me, hugged and kissed him, then prayed for him and sent him back to bed.


About five minutes later he came running back in. I told him to go back to bed, that Jesus would protect him. “But, but,” he stalled. Then, with his eyes fixed up on me he stretched his chin to his chest and said, “But I can’t see Jesus, my head won't reach into my heart!”


So I took him to his bed, snuggled him in and assured him that even though he couldn’t see Him, Jesus was still there. Maciah went right to sleep and I am pretty sure the winds continued all night long.


Made me think . . . What is it that keeps us from seeing or hearing Christ in our lives. I think this story begs to tell us that the reason we don’t hear Him is not because He is not speaking to us. The reason we don’t see Him is not that He is not at work all around us -- all of the time. It just may be that our focus is our present, carnal circumstance(s) blinding us from seeing Christ and deafening us from hearing Him.


And, unlike 4 year old, Maciah, who went right to sleep in the midst of the commotion, we adults need to stay alert and awake; being aware of the conflicts and being even more aware of how to deal with them through hearing Christ’s solutions, answers and explanations. This is done as we continue to study, pray and set ourselves apart from the carnal things which distract us from Him. As we place our minds and hearts in Him, we WILL hear and see all that He has for us.


May we all grow in His power and strength as we fight these battles.


With much love and encouragement to you all,



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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