Bitten By The Fiery Serpent

Q. My first question is: How are we bitten by the Fiery Serpent, and what are the symptoms?


PASTOR SHEILA:  With thoughts and/or words.


Q. How do we know it is the Fiery Serpent that has bitten us?


PASTOR SHEILA: The Fiery Serpent bites Christ Jesus in us and wounds Him, which results in the weakening of His hold on the Fiery Serpent in the personality that He is married to. The Fiery Serpent in the person that He is married to takes advantage of Christ Jesus' wound and attacks from within, to overthrow Christ Jesus and dissolve His marriage to the personality that He protects. It goes without saying, then, that only the personalities that live out of Christ Jesus most of the time experience the bite of the fiery serpent, and, then, only secondarily. The Fiery Serpent in one man bites Christ Jesus with evil thoughts or words towards the personality that Christ Jesus lives in. Christ Jesus is wounded, and cannot adequately protect His wife against her own Fiery Serpent, and the personality that is married to Christ Jesus feels the sting of her own Fiery Serpent stirring up her sin nature in an attempt to overthrow the marriage and deprive Christ Jesus of this faithful mouthpiece [personality].


Q. Does that indicate we have sinned?




Q. Now, I know we sin in much of our thoughts, but when does the Fiery Serpent decide to bite us?


PASTOR SHEILA:  Explained above.


Q. And do we bite the Fiery Serpent?


PASTOR SHEILA: The sting of the sons of God is directed mostly towards the conscious personality who is bewitched by Satan's witchcraft. It is a wake up call.


Q. If so, how do we do that?


PASTOR SHEILA:  Speak the truth in the Spirit of Truth. The personality is a part of the sin nature. If we are not stinging with the Spirit of Truth, we are stinging with the Fiery Serpent within us.


Q.  Pastor Sheila stated that she shook the Fiery Serpent off (took 24 hours), so what is the way you shake the Fiery Serpent off?


PASTOR SHEILA: You refuse the suggestions and refuse to act out the sins that the strengthened Fiery Serpent within you is pressuring you to do.


Q. In the past, I thought we were dealing with Satan and Leviathan and that rebuking them was the mechanism by which we worked against them?


PASTOR SHEILA: This is the warfare for the personality that is in their carnal mind most of the time.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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