Jesus Asleep

Question:  I have a question I wanted to post - You mentioned that Christ does not sleep; I believe so. However since Jesus of Nazareth was a man, am I correct to conclude that the disciples physically saw him (his body) sleeping but Christ in him was awake (supposedly the disciples understood this spiritual doctrine at the time).


Pastor Sheila :  To the best of my understanding today, it is not likely that Jesus would be asleep while  Christ within him was speaking to the disciples spiritually. The whole purpose of having a human teacher (which is necessary in the spiritual walk) is to have the spiritual principles and exposure of sin spoken clearly in human language as the first witness while the disciples have the opportunity to hear what the teacher is hearing in the Spirit, as the second witness. Christ is supernatural. He is One, but each of us experiences him personally. So, if the disciple has his sin nature underfoot, he is hearing, or agreeing, or getting a witness, to what the teacher is saying. This is the second witness. There is only one voice, and the disciple that is hearing clearly is the second witness to what the teacher is saying.  So it would make no sense for Christ to speak spiritually to the disciples when Jesus, the first witness, was sleeping.


It is true that Christ does not sleep, but the Scripture says that he was asleep in the bottom of the boat, the boat being, the ark, the dimension of Christ where the disciples were permitted to have spiritual experiences when they were still in their carnal mind. For Christ to be in the bottom of the boat, he would have to be under Cain, the carnal personality. Both Christ and the fallen personality cannot be "awake" at the same time. So, the phrase, "asleep, etc" means that the disciples were still in their carnal mind even though Christ was present, and their carnal mind, which is Cain (the fallen personality), was prevailing over Abel (Christ) at that moment. Christ within the individual can die if the personality chooses Satan (the carnal mind) over him. Remember that Christ in the individual is a seed. He can be PUT TO SLEEP, he can be sick if he has been prevented from "coming to the surface" for too long, and he can die. But Christ Jesus, the source of the seed, cannot die.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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