What Do I Do Now? (Part 2)

Subj: Re: Your questions

Date: 07/16/98


Pastor Sheila,

I have been evangelizing to some of my friends, and in a prison where I was employed. This question enter my mind , If I am teaching or speaking about what I learn from your material, in the mind of the Satan, then what is the purpose reading them or studying them, If I can't say anything about it, in fear of speaking from the mind of Satan. Which I don't want to do.

PASTOR SHEILA: You can repeat what you hear, and should not be in any fear of doing it. The whole issue of what the Lord is trying to say to you is in your own words: "Which I don't want to do." You are running ahead of the Lord. Christ wants to live through you, and he cannot do this while you are in your carnal mind continually. Your will has to be broken. This is the purpose of trials in our life. No matter how hard we try, I haven't met anyone yet who was able to stop living out of their carnal mind without the trials that "break us." You are trying to accomplish your own conversion, in your own strength, and neither you, or anyone else, can do this. The Lord must do it for you.

I know that Christ must be formed, in me. I do understand some of your material, and some I am drawn to more than others. Is this not some kind of spiritual growth?

PASTOR SHEILA: This is a sign of spirituality, but we don't know what spirit it is coming out of.

I know that I still have my carnal nature, and yet, I am drawn to your materials. I enjoyed reading them, and studying them. I want others to know, what I have learned.

PASTOR SHEILA: This means that you are a spiritual man, which is a good thing. But, as I have told you in another email, this "wanting others to know what you know," is a lust coming from your carnal mind. The whole Church is infected with it. One of the signs that we are living out of Christ, is that our focus is on self improvement through the destruction of the sin nature, the acquiring of the characteristics of Christ in our personality, and that our lusts are directed towards Christ Jesus and the development of an increasingly intimate relationship with him. It is out of this intense intimacy with Christ Jesus, where we actually become one with Him in our mind, that we begin to minister and teach out of Christ Jesus.

The materials have helped me in some of my problems. Now. I am troubled about saying anything at all, because I don't want it to be from Satan's mind.

PASTOR SHEILA: Conversion takes time. It is accomplished little by little. All you can do for now, is to continue on with your life, continue to study and seek the Lord, and wait for your change to come. I do not suggest that you take any drastic steps, such as ending your Bible study. But give the Lord some leeway, in directing your efforts. He wants you to come into submission to Him in your mind. If you stop to think about it, you will see that you are running the whole show.

When I read or listen to your tapes, I will gather information, and then I will do my own research into the Greek, for my own understanding. I know that Christ will teach me His way. I am not trying to be like you. I know that Christ must open my mind to this doctrine for me to teach it in His mind.

PASTOR SHEILA: The question is, are you letting Him teach you, or are you forging ahead by your carnal mind. The Lord does not want you to stop studying or teaching, but He does want to get your attention. He wants to lead you.

If. I am not to say anything about your information, because I will be bring this message from the mind of Satan, then what I'm I to do?

PASTOR SHEILA: Continue on, but stop and pray before you do something. "Lord, do you want me to study this now? Which tape would you like me to listen to Lord? What do you want me to preach on Lord? Is this what you are telling me to do Lord? Do I have it right? or am I misunderstanding you?"

I pass by a church billboard last night, before I when to bed. It read, Go forth into the world, and bring the light of Jesus. When I saw it, I begin to wonder is this a message from Christ or Satan. Is Satan trying to get me to bring your message from her mind, or has Christ given me his answers. My mental state now is, are my actions are of Christ or Satan, before I do or say anything.

PASTOR SHEILA: This is encouraging, because this is how the "war of the minds" is fought. But be careful not to answer your own questions. Ask the Lord. He wants to share your whole life with you. He wants to be able to give you His input on every decision you make. This is really a marriage. He wants you to share everything with him, no matter how small it may seem to you.

I feel like I am experiencing a spiritual battle.

PASTOR SHEILA: I'm sure you are, and this is just the beginning. The ends of the ages are upon you. This means that the Serpent's timeline in you has begun to be destroyed.

God bless you.

Pastor Sheila

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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