Think Not That You Are Righteous (Prophesy)

Wake up, brethren, for the time is at hand. Think not, that you are righteous without me. Begin to search within your yourself. Be not deceived as to what the carnal mind tells you. Be not be deceived by the message that the world gives. Be not deceived by your friends, relatives, and those who are close to you. Be not deceived as to what they are saying. Be not deceived by what you are hearing, for the time is truly at hand. You must begin to look within yourself. You must begin to confess you sins, whether you are aware of them are not.

You must repent. Be not deceived as to think that you are righteous without me. Come to me with the knowledge of the truth. That you have a sinful nature, and are capable of all the sins known to man, and the ones that have not manifested as of yet. Be not deceived as to think that you're righteous without me. Be not deceived as to think that everything that my Word says is yours only for the asking. Be not deceived as to think you don't need to do anything. Be not deceived as to think, that you can do all things without me. Be not deceived with the natural wealth. Be not deceived with fleshy desires. Be not deceived, as being so prideful as to not confess, and repent of your sins.

Be not deceived, in thinking that you don't need to ask for my help. Be not deceived, into not listening to the words of the sons of God. Be not deceived, into not seeking the doctrine of Christ, and the message from the sons of God. Be not deceived, take the word, and message from the sons of God, that will fully manifest in it's time, and speak my words. I am the Lord thy God. Be not deceived as to think that you're righteous without me. Come to the knowledge of the truth. Be not deceived as to think, that the carnal mind is okay. Be not deceived in thinking that you're righteous without me, and everything is okay with you.

Be not deceived, for your carnal mind must die. As for now you have two minds. You desire to do right, but you do wrong. You want to do right, but there's a war, and you do what is wrong most of the times. You cannot change yourself, you cannot kill your mind, without me. Be not deceived, you must conform to me. Be not deceived as to think, the little subtle prayers, are worthy of my honor and praise. Be not deceived, as to think because you don't seek after me, you're righteous without me. Be not deceived to think that you don't have to rightly divide my Word, and show yourself approved unto me; and think that you're righteous without me.

Be not deceived as to think that you don't have to study my word. Be not deceived as to think that you can go about your daily work without me. I say, that you must do some things, in this world, but you can't put the things of the world above me. You must come to the knowledge of me. Think, think, think, when last have you really sought after me, and the things of God? When last have you really cried out to me, for my righteousness? When last have you really cried out to me, to hear from me? When last have you really sought deliverance from me? When last have you really called upon me, in the mist of your circumstances, and so forth? Think not, that your trouble is from the enemy.

You have given Satan legal ground to trouble you, and you are experiencing trouble because you're disobedient to me. I desire you, I desire for you to come to me. Think not, and let your carnal mind rule you. Let my mind be formed within you. For if, my spirit dwells within you, you will be able to see my righteousness. For, the spirit that is of the world, think not that is of me, for it's not my righteousness. For the spirit of this world hates the things of me. For it thinks not about the things of me. For it is saying, that everything that I say or do is not truly right. For it sees no sin in itself.

All they see is what my Word is saying. So they claim it, and believe it. They think that all they should do is confess it, say it, and do nothing. They refuse to confess, repent of their sins.

They point their finger at others, but refuse to fail to point it at themselves. Wake up, wake up, my brethren, wake up, think not, that you're righteous without me. Come to the truth of my word. Come to me, I'm the door. I'm knocking, let me in. Fight to come through, strive, seek, struggle to get to me. For in me there's life. For, in the world there's death. You must come to the knowledge of me. For the time is truly at hand. For I will begin to manifest, for when I do, think not you're righteous without me. Fear not me, in the way that man portrays me, but you must fear me, for I'm the one who gives life to the soul.

You must seek after me, and go forth in my power, power to do, to speak, and let me manifest through you. For I'm the Alpha, and Omega, I'm the beginning. I'm the first, and the last. There's no other. I'm the Lord thy God that calleth thee, I'm the Lord thy God that maketh you known of me. I'm the Lord thy God, thy speakth through the sons of God, to speak my words.

Why, why, have you failed to seek after me? Come to me, I'm at the door, knocking, seeking to mature in you, to kill the carnal mind. You must fight against all the thoughts that are not of my mind. You must begin to discern my mind with the Spirit of Christ. Begin to discern the Spirit that is manifesting in others, to see if, it's of me. Think not, think not, that you're righteous without me. Think not, there's condemnation in what you are reading or hearing.

There's no condemnation, in those who are in Christ Jesus. Think not, what the carnal mind is saying to you, and wants you to believe that you don't have to do anything. You're continually day after day, hours after hours, minute after minute seeking the things of this world, and not the things of me. Then you come to me, and bow, stand, and offer up to me selfish prayers. You must come to me, strive after me. Take not my kingdom by force. Come to me, and ask for it. Be not deceived, as to think that you're righteous without me. My brethren, I call unto you, reject not what I say to you. Come to me, and be conformed to what I say. Be conformed to that which I teach through those who are truly the sons of God. Deceive not thyselves, to think that you're are righteous without me. Think not, confess your sins daily, seek me to manifest thy sins before you. So you can confess it as sin, and repent of it. Repent, repent, of it, and strive for deliverance. Deliverance may not be, in your generation, but you must continue to seek after me regardless of not seeing your deliverance. Don't let pride stop you from doing it, to say you want your deliverance right now, right now. You must come to me, come to me, call upon me, and seek after me, for it's I who give deliverance in my time. You must endure, and struggle. Think not, if you see no manifestation of your deliverance, in your life. For deliverance maybe, in your next family generation. But, you must continue to come to me. Think not that you're righteous without me. Seek after the things of me, seek after the things of me, come to know me, come to know me, come to know me. Amen

Prophesy brought forth by xxxxx xxxxxx

October 22, 1999

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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