Thank You For The Correction

From: xxxxxxxxxxx

Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 11:16 AM

To: Pastor Vitale

Subject: Our morning conversation


Thank you for your call this morning and for the correction. I am praying about this situation of control. I took a shower, and talked to the Lord about it, and one thing I believe He said to me was that my most vulnerability to Satan's attacks is my hurt and pain, from childhood on through adulthood. Of course, I know there are other issues also, and I am asking the Lord to have mercy on me and enable me to see, understand, and overcome my negative principles (all the aspects of the serpent) that are operating in me and to move on in His timing to the call on my life. I really appreciate your call and your correction, and I agree with you that I did what you said I did. Actually, I should have expected your call as yesterday that issue came up in my mind, and I thought about saying "I'm sorry," but I did not recognize what to do about it at that moment. You explained it very well, and I agree with you.


I have appreciated and enjoyed the freedom you have given me all these years in running the XXXXXX Department. It has been a good experience over all. Difficult at times, but educational and maturing (at least to some degree). I have to say that right now the department seems out of control, not running smoothly, all kinds of tiny things that have discouraged me somewhat. I just have to pray through this.


I had no idea that the sign for the church here was MY thought. It came to me while the thoughts of the church were running through my mind, and I felt at that time that it was the Lord showing me some of the details. But I will accept what you say that it was MY idea, and I ask the Lord to forgive me and pray that HIS thoughts run through my mind, and I rebuke any thoughts of Satan concerning this ministry that is forthcoming. I really appreciate your encouragement and witness to what the Lord has been saying to me. I have not shared this with anyone else but you, but if the Lord leads you to share it, then so be it. Thank you for loving me enough to help me in my time of need, and for your encouragement of what the Lord is doing here. Love - XXXXXX


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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