Spiritual Sexuality

There are two kinds of spirituality: female spirituality and male spirituality.


Female spirituality is spirituality apart from wisdom. For example, perceiving another person's thoughts, or recognizing a word of knowledge, or instruction from the Lord in one's mind.


Male spirituality can be described as a knowledge of how the spiritual realm works and how to function in it. Female spirituality is usually either a gift that one is born with, or the result of pursuing a spirit, whether that spirit be the Spirit of the Lord, or the spirit of the world (usually through meditation or the practice of spiritual arts (witchcraft).


Female spirituality (spirituality without wisdom) is very dangerous, because it is easy to receive a communication from a spirit other than the Spirit of the Lord. That is why Paul said that a (spiritual) woman should not prophesy (unless a spiritual male is present to recognize an ungodly spirit, should it appear as words in the mouth of the spiritual woman).


The only spiritual male is Christ, whether He is appearing in a female or a male physical body. The whole human race, both physical males and physical females, are female in relation to God. If this were not so, how could the Lord tell us that we are his bride?


Women (the carnal mind of mortal man), should be silent in the Church. The carnal mind has no authority to teach anyone, but especially the Sons of God (those believers who have Christ formed in them and are under His instruction, either directly, or through a spiritual teacher).

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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