
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 3:20 PM


Pastor Vitale, 

I just listened to half of the tape so far on Confusion.  I have several questions but I will only ask one for now.  I know I will have to listen to this tape several times.


The question is this.  Did you happen to say that the soul is of the beastly nature?  If so, what scripture indicates this?  I'm just in the process of learning what the role of the spirit, soul, and body do.  So I'll take it one step at a time.  You told me to slow down.  And this is what I'm trying to do.


Pastor Vitale's response:



The Strong’s definitions of the Greek words translated “soul” and “spirit” are virtually interchangeable. This is because the definitions of the two were not clear in the mind of the translator.


If you look at the Strong’s definition for the Greek word translated “soul<” Strong’s 5590, however, you will references to 3 Hebrew words which more clearly define and distinguish between spirit, soul, and flesh.


Hebrew soul: 5315 – a breathing creature; animal vitality


Hebrew spirit: 7306 – wind; a region of the sky; a rational being


Hebrew flesh: 2421 – alive, hence, raw flesh


Adam before the fall was a [chayyah (H) zoe (G) living] [nephesh (H) psuche (G) soul], Adam was a living/animated (2421) creature/animal/beast (5315), which was imbued with the rational spirit that is found heaven only in heaven.


Mind is the product of the union of spirit (7306) and soul (5315).


The “Mind of Christ” is formed from the union of Jehovah’s Spirit and the “drop” of Jehovah’s spirit/breath (7306) which was breathed into the man


The “Carnal Mind “ of mortal man is the inferior, counterfeit of the reality that Jehovah intended for us.


The “Carnal Mind” was formed from the union of the living soul (7306/5315) and the “spirit of the soul.”


The “spirit” of the soul is the “drop” of Jehovah’s breath (7306) which was breathed into the  man


The “Carnal Mind” is the product of spiritual incest, i.e., the living soul (7306/5315) joined with its own spirit, rather than with the “whole” Spirit of Jehovah.


I believe I have told you in a previous email that the Hebrew always controls and clarifies the Greek. Remember that the New Testament was written in Aramaic, translated into Latin by the Jesuits who made unauthorized changes, translated into Greek from the Latin and then into English from the Greek.


God bless you,


Sheila R. Vitale,

Pastor, Teacher & Founder

Living Epistles Ministries

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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