Rahab, The Dragon


Scriptures Commented On (In Order Of Appearance):

Alternate Translations: Josh. 2:9-14, Is. 51:9-11, Job 9:13, Job 26:12, Ps. 87:4, Ps. 89:10, Ps. 30:7, Josh. 2:9-11,14, Gal. 6:9, 2 John 7, Phil 3:12

<LivingEM> Good afternoon, everybody. There has been a great deal of stress in the spirit. Let's start with a prayer.

Father, in the Name of Jesus, we break the curses flying towards your people and, in particular, towards this meeting and the people who you have called to attend.

We stand up in the power of Christ Jesus and declare that your will should be done, Lord. We bless everybody, especially our enemies, and anyone that we might have hard feelings towards, and ask you to help us to forgive, and otherwise manifest the nature of Christ Jesus, in all things.

We thank you Father, and ask you to bless this meeting and feed our hungry hearts with an edifying message.

As I said earlier, there is a lot of stress in the spirit. Yesterday was particularly difficult. I was in prayer almost the whole day to deal with the stress.

I use the word stress, because pressure is exerted against the spiritual borders of our world from the unseen planes of existence, and our walls, which are more elastic than rigid, give with each thrust of the penetrating force.

Can anyone tell us what this penetrating force is?

<LAMB> Satan.

<Jsngsng> Satan?

<Myprecous1> Satan's force who is breaking into our world?

<LivingEM> Who is the god of this world?

<Jsngsng> Satan or Leviathan.

<LivingEM> Yes, Satan is the god of this world.

Would Satan be breaking into her own territory?

<Jsngsng> No. Christ Jesus is the penetrating force.

<LivingEM> Yes,

Christ Jesus is breaking into the invisible part of the multi-dimensional, spiritual Tapestry that covers the invisible planes of consciousness. The earthen, background threads of the physical world are woven through the colorful, spiritual threads of the primordial substance to form the visible world, and Abel, the immortal part of humanity, is the design, or spiritual substance, that imparts conscious to the Tapestry. All of mortal mankind is entangled with the earth.

The spiritual Tapestry appears to be a three-dimensional, solid world, but actually consists of many particles, or many units, clinging so closely to each other, that they appear to be one solid mass. Christ Jesus, the penetrating force, also consists of many spiritual particles.

Can anyone tell us how Christ Jesus, who consists of many particles, is penetrating the borders of this world, which also consists of many particles?

<LAMB> By waves.

<Jsngsng> Through light?

<LivingEM> These are both very general answers. We are looking for specific answers in these meetings.

<LAMB> Waves of vibrational thought.

<LivingEM> Lamb, how does your response explain how Christ Jesus, who consists of many particles, is penetrating the borders of this world, which also consists of many particles?

<LAMB> No answer.

<LivingEM> Can anyone name the characteristic of Christ Jesus' particles that distinguishes Him from the spiritual particles of this visible, physical world?

This world is an energy field, a force.

What path do the vibrating particles of this world take?

Do they move in a straight line?

<Jsngsng> No. Wave lengths.

<LivingEM> How would you describe the path that they take, JSNGSNG? Or anyone who has the answer.

<DANIEL42> Circle?

<LivingEM> Yes,

The particles of this world's energy field, move in a spiraline path.

Can anyone tell us what path the particles of Christ Jesus' energy field move in?

<Jsngsng> Straight line.

<LivingEM> Yes, JSNGSNG,

Christ Jesus moves in a straight line.

The negative particles of the spiritual Tapestry move in a circular, or spiraline, pattern, and Christ Jesus' particles move in a straight line.

The Scripture describes the Spirit of Christ as a needle in relation to the Tapestry of this world, because Christ Jesus, Jehovah's linear force, penetrates the spiraline particles of the Tapestry.

But the small penetrable openings of the Tapestry, are filled with???

<Jsngsng> Water?

<LAMB> Mud or clay?

<LivingEM> Do you think that water would stop Christ Jesus from passing through, Jsngsng?

<Jsngsng> No.

<LivingEM> Yes, LAMB, mud is the answer.

And who is the spiritual mud?

<Jsngsng> Cain?

<LivingEM> That is a good guess, JSNGSNG, but the answer is Leviathan.

Cain is formed from the DUST of the ground, mixed with the waters of creation.

Cain is the spiritual clay, and the conscious part of the carnal mind.

Leviathan is formed from Jehovah's royal seed and the SOLID EARTH.

Leviathan is the spiritual mud, and the collective subconscious part of the carnal mind.

So we see that Leviathan will hinder Christ Jesus' penetration into this physical world, until the mud that blocks the openings of our spiritual fabric is cleansed.

Christ Jesus' entrance into the physical world is like many needles penetrating an energy field consisting of many points, or many doors, that are clogged with mud.

A simple example is a male electric plug penetrating a female outlet. Another example is a tenderizing tool that penetrates meat fiber. The butcher, or the cook, uses this spiked tool to destroy the strength of the meat.

And is this not the purpose of tenderizing meat? To break down all of its strength so that it can be chewed easily? And does not the Scripture tell us that the glorified Jesus Christ is consuming us?

Does anyone know the name of the sacrifice that Christ Jesus, Jehovah's high priest, consumes?

<LAMB> Satan.

<Jsngsng> Leviathan.

<LivingEM> Yes,

Christ Jesus consumes Leviathan.

So if the Scripture says that Christ Jesus is consuming us, and we know that the Scriptural judgment upon Leviathan is to be consumed by Christ Jesus, what does that make us?

<LAMB> Dead meat of an animal.

<Jsngsng> Spirit is left.

<LivingEM> This is simple logical reasoning, brethren.

<IsaiahSixty1> Leviathan.

<LivingEM> Thank you Isaiah. Yes,

That makes us Leviathan.

And those of you who could not see that, were blinded by???

I would like you all to respond.

<Myprecous1> Pride.

<Jsngsng> Pride.

<LAMB> Satan?

<DANIEL42> Satan.

<IsaiahSixty1> Leviathan.

<LivingEM> Yes, Satan, the god of this world blinds us when we agree with Leviathan, the pride of our own mind, rather than with the Spirit of Truth which is in Christ Jesus.

I came across something very interesting in my studies this morning.

Can anyone tell us who Rahab is?

<LAMB> The harlot.

<LivingEM> Yes, Rahab is the name of the harlot that recognized the children of Israel who were checking out Jericho. But I found out today that

Rahab also means, the Dragon.

In Unger's Bible dictionary, ninety-nine percent of the entry under Rahab, concerns Rahab, the harlot.

Unger also says that Rahab is derived from a Hebrew verb that means insolence, pride, or violence, is symbolically applied to Egypt, and suggests the character of a sea monster.

Nelson's Bible dictionary, on the other hand, has quite a bit to say about Rahab, the Dragon.

Nelson says that Isaiah, the prophet,

(1) Called Egypt, Rahab-Hem-Shebeth, to compare that nation to Rahab, the Dragon, a mythological sea monster or primeval Dragon of chaos, and that (2) Rahab, the Dragon, is a mythological sea monster, or Dragon, representing the evil forces of chaos that God subdued by his creative power.

Nelson goes on to say that the name Rahab, as it occurs in Job 9:13, Job 26:12, Ps. 87:4, 89:10, Is. 30:7 and Josh. 2:1-21, has no connection with the personal name Rahab, the harlot of Jericho, spoken about in Josh. 2:1-21. The reference to Rahab in the Books of Job, Psalms, and Isaiah, says Nelson, speak of an evil power overcome by God.

Nelson goes on to say that the Scriptures do not explain how Rahab, who came out of a culture where harlotry and idolatry were acceptable, recognized Jehovah as the one true God.

But the Scriptures do, indeed, tell those of us who have ears to hear and eyes to see, how Rahab, the harlot, recognized Jehovah as the one true God.

Rahab, the hero harlot who saved the lives of the Hebrew spies, is, indeed, the same Rahab, the primeval Dragon of chaos, who was renamed Rahab, the harlot, when she repented and submitted to God.

Rahab, the harlot, signifies a company of mortal men who agree with the Spirit of Truth so completely that THEIR NATURE CHANGES from that of Dragon, the evil force arising out of the chaos of the primeval waters, to Jehovah's righteous nature.

Jehovah (who is appearing to us today as the Lord Jesus Christ) is the only one who recognizes His own nature.

The man who agrees with the thoughts of Christ Jesus (on whatever level he can), will recognize Christ Jesus in another man, even if he does not understand the doctrine that the son of God is preaching.

Rahab, the harlot, recognized the Spirit of Jehovah, despite the ungodly activities of her lifestyle, because her repentant heart burned with a desire for truth and righteousness.

Rahab is translated proud in the King James version of Job 9:13 and Job 26:12, and strength in the King James version of Is. 30:7.

Can anyone tell us the name that Leviathan takes when she is within the individual mortal man?

<DANIEL42> Fiery Serpent.

<LAMB> Fiery Serpent.

<LivingEM> Yes,

The Fiery Serpent is the name that Leviathan takes when she is in the midst of an individual mortal man.

The Fiery Serpent is the whole personality of mortal man,

The Primordial Serpent is the conscious, dry (barren) spiritual earth,

The Dragon is the evil force that arises when the Primordial Serpent possesses the waters/energy of creation,

Satan is the Dragon's arm,

Leviathan is the Dragon's hand,

The Fiery Serpents are the fingers of Leviathan, the Dragon's hand, and

Cain is the fingernail that cover the Fiery Serpent, the finger of Leviathan, the Dragon's hand, that is penetrating mortal mankind,

Can anyone tell us who Leviathan is in relation to the many Fiery Serpents of her hand?

<Jsngsng> Mother.

<LivingEM> It is true that

Leviathan is the Mother of the Fiery Serpent,

But what other relationship does Leviathan have with respect to the many Fiery Serpents?

<LAMB> Husband.

<LivingEM> It is also true that

Leviathan is the husband of the Fiery Serpents,

But what other relationship exists between Leviathan and the Fiery Serpents?

<Jsngsng> Collective consciousness.

<LivingEM> Yes, JSNGSNG. that is the answer.

Leviathan is the collective consciousness of all of the Fiery Serpents,

Leviathan is the name of the group mind of mortal humanity.

So, if we acknowledge that there is an energy source called the Fiery Serpent within us, we must also acknowledge that WE ARE LEVIATHAN.

I exhort you all, although I cannot demand this of you, to acknowledge that you are Leviathan, because it will break the pride which is legal ground for Satan to blind you.


(1) Spiritual Rahab is the evil force arising out of the chaos of the primeval waters, manifested as Pharaoh, who is the Dragon married to the Fiery Serpent, and

(2) Physical Rahab is spiritual Egypt (Rev. 11:8), mortal men who are living out of the crown (7th) energy center of Leviathan's timeline because their Fiery Serpent is married to the Dragon.

Satan, the collective unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the Dragon's nature in mortal man,

The Dragon consists of spiritual earth and spiritual water/energy, but

The Dragon lacks Jehovah's royal seed,

The Fiery Serpents are Jehovah's royal seed engraved with the Dragon's nature,

Leviathan, the collective subconscious part of the carnal mind, is the spiritual wreath woven from all of the Fiery Serpents of mortal humanity,

Leviathan is the Dragon's hand,

The Fiery Serpent is Leviathan's finger in the individual mortal man,

The Seraphim are the Fiery Serpents engraved with Jehovah's nature (Is. 6:6),

The Fiery Serpent is Cain and Abel, the whole personality,

Abel, Jehovah's royal seed, is being redeemed,

Cain, the physical clay animal, is being saved.

<LivingEM> RAHAB, THE HARLOT, is the company of repentant personalities that is spiritually sexually involved with both the Dragon and Adam/Christ Jesus,

Now, to get back to the main thrust of this message.

Christ Jesus is pounding upon the borders of our world, and we are Rahab, the harlot, IF we recognize Christ Jesus in the mortal, but still imperfect men, that Christ Jesus is appearing in.

2 John 7, For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an anti-Christ. (KJV)

<LivingEM> As I told you earlier, yesterday was very tough, and Christ within me was crying out to the Father all day. I perceived insanity in the spirit, and I also perceived many people screaming and yelling and moaning in torment.

I now know that I was feeling, actually experiencing, the impact of spiritual events that were manifesting in the physical world, but I could not see, nor did I have any understanding, of what was happening.

The Lord explained it to me this way: I was sitting at my desk, in front of my double window, looking at the beautiful forest, and enjoying watching the birds and the squirrels, when the Lord said to me:

The beautiful, peaceful scene that you are looking at is an illusion that affects you like a drug while, at this very moment, right here on Long Island, someone is being murdered, someone is being raped, someone is being incested, someone is dying, and someone just found out that they have cancer.

The illusion has less and less effect on you as you ascend into the higher energy centers, as you're doing more and more, so you are beginning to experience the pains of this world, and to awake the reality that this world is hell.

I thanked the Lord for the information, and for telling me that I was where I should be, despite the distress that I had experienced all day.

Then I turned on the news and heard that a French Concorde had crashed, the first one in its thirty-year history of flying intercontinental flights. Everyone on board died, all 100 of them, flight crew and passengers alike, and the plane was destroyed.

After that, I heard about a tornado in Minnesota that ripped up a whole town. Only one person died but, of course, that is one person too many. Many lost their homes and possessions.

I had heard the pain and the cries of the people, and had felt their distress. The flight crashed around 11:00 a.m., and I perceived the insanity somewhere around 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. This could mean either that I did not hear in the spirit in real time, that is, at the exact moment that the event was happening, or that the insanity manifested in the relatives of the victims, who may not have received the news for several hours.

I watched my neighbors walk past my window as they returned to their homes in this beautiful location (this was before I knew about the tragedies), and I said to the Lord, what are we to do? How can it be good for us to experience all of this pain, or have knowledge of the trouble causing the pain, if there is nothing that we can do about it?

Who could face this kind of pain every day? It's a miracle that soldiers return home from war with their sanity intact. How do policemen or doctors and nurses bear this kind of pain every day? I guess they rationalize it by telling themselves that they are helping the afflicted.

My hope is that the pain that I experience empathetically will not be for nought, that I will not stay in this intermediary place where I experience only partial knowledge with pain, but that I will continue to ascend until I arrive at a place where I can help the suffering and afflicted.

The problem is, that it is Christ Jesus' relentless pounding upon the borders, or the walls, of our world that is causing many of the natural disasters.

Did you ever see a movie about life in England during World War II? How the bombs fell on a regular basis, with the sirens screaming, and everyone running to the bomb shelters for cover? I am sure that the French had similar experiences when the allied forces invaded France to rescue them.

Our world and, in particular, the United States and Europe, the Christian world, is under siege.

Why would Christ Jesus be bombing his own people, you ask?

Brethren, the people of Israel are destined to carry the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world, and Christendom is spiritual Israel.

Judgment begins at the house of the Lord, FOR THE PURPOSE OF LIBERATING THE SAVIORS OF THE WORLD, who are clinging to Leviathan, and refusing to depart from her nature.

It is the prayers of the believers themselves, crying out to the Lord Jesus to deliver us, that has precipitated Christ Jesus' relentless bombing of our spiritual borders.

The whole world is Leviathan, brethren, the hand of the Dragon, the evil power that arose out of the chaos of the primeval waters, and the wall that surrounds the Church, which is spiritual Jericho.

You see, brethren, the prayers of the believers who are praying, with knowledge, for Christ Jesus to appear and shut down this evil Age, are causing the destruction that is falling upon this physical world.

Are you praying the Doctrine of Christ?

Are you executing the Scriptural judgments upon Satan, Leviathan, and the Fiery Serpent?

If your answer is yes, you are partially responsible for all of the natural disasters that have fallen upon the Western world in recent years.

We are told in the Book of Joshua that there will be a company of people who recognize the Spirit of Christ upon the imperfect sons of God, and that this company will preserve their own lives by protecting and nourishing these spiritual males to the best to their ability.

Josh 2:9, And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you. (KJV)

<LivingEM> How shall we identify the Rahab, the harlot company?

We will recognize Rahab, the harlot, by the way they think,

The Rahab, the harlot, company will be studying under the sons of God,

The Rahab, the harlot, company will acknowledge that the sons of God wield the spiritual power of the Lord Jesus Christ,

The Rahab, the harlot, company will have a knowledge of the Doctrine of Christ,

The Rahab, the harlot, company will know that the Lord Jesus Christ is responsible for the natural disasters of recent years, NOT AS A PUNISHMENT, but because the Lord Jesus is waging a liberating warfare against Leviathan, the wall the protects the Church AGAINST CHRIST JESUS.

Josh 2:9, And she said unto the men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you.

(AT) And said the spiritual males (men), I know that Jehovah has given you the land, and that the idol (your terror) [that is] above (upon) exhausted from resisting and dissolving (faint) cast down (fallen), and that the inhabitants of the earth (land) personalities (because of you)

<LivingEM> The idol in the right side of the heart (4th) energy center is the Devil.

The Fiery Serpent married to Leviathan and dwelling in the heart (4th) energy center (the marital abode), is the Devil.

Leviathan is called Pharaoh, and the Fiery Serpent, her bride, is called the swine, when the married couple ascend into the crown (7th) energy center and marry the Dragon.

The incestuous inter-marriage of the negative principles replaces the true spiritual marriage (Christ Jesus to the Fiery Serpent in the heart (4th) energy center, and marriage to the Lord Jesus in the crown (7th) energy center), and completes the personality on the dark, earthen, side of the creation.

So we see that Joshua and Caleb become members of the sons of God company, to deliver the Hebrew children from bondage of Pharaoh, their ascended carnal mind, by exposing their sin nature.

The children of Israel are the Rahab the harlot company.

The Hebrew word translated "men," Strong's # 376, means, "a male person." This word signifies a mortal man that has spiritual power, and can be applied to a son of God, or a member of Leviathan's household.

The regenerated Adam (appearing today as Christ Jesus) is the only spiritual male, and the personality that Adam manifests through is male also. The regenerated Adam married to Elohim, who is above, is called King Adam.

Alternate Translation, Josh. 2:9, And [Adam], the spiritual male [within Joshua] said [to the children of Israel, Satan] knows that you have cast down the idol [in the heart (4th) energy center that is] above, that [the fiery serpent who] inhabits your earthen personalities is exhausted from resisting you, [and] that Leviathan's marriage to the fiery serpent] is dissolving, [because] Jehovah has given us [dominion over] the land [of your personalities],

<LivingEM> The Rahab, the harlot, company will understand that the sea is Satan's symbol, and that drying up the sea, means Satan's destruction.

Josh. 2:10, For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red sea for you, when ye came out of Egypt; and what ye did unto the two kings of the Amorites, that were on the other side Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed. (KJV)

<LivingEM> "To utterly destroy," Strong's # 2763, can be translated "to shut up the nostrils." The nostrils in the Hebrew language, signify anger, wherefore "to shut up the nostrils," can be translated "to be consecrated to God," on the positive side, and "to slay" (the destructive principles) on the negative side.

The Hebrew word translated "red," Strong's # 5488, means "red seaweed."

The Fiery Serpent is the red seaweed, the spiritual plant that exists in Satan's sea, and the waters of the Red Sea signify Satan, the water/energy of the Fiery Serpent, the spiritual blood of fallen mankind.

<LivingEM> The Rahab, the harlot, company will understand that Sihon is Leviathan, and Og is Cain.

Sihon, Strong's # 5511, means "to sweep away," but there is an unused root under the same number which means "to be muddy, clayey." Strong's # 5512, has the exact same spelling as the Hebrew word, Strong's # 5511, and means "clay. " Leviathan is the Primordial Serpent's male spiritual sex organ, which is formed from the mud of the primeval ocean bed, and

Sihon is Leviathan, the collective subconscious mind of mammalian humanity.

Og, Strong's # 5747, means "long-necked," and is derived from Hebrew words that means "round, baked cakes made from ashes."

The word round suggests a cruel race of people who existed at the time that Jehovah destroyed the tower of Babel. These people dwelled in the crown (7th) energy center of Leviathan's timeline, which curves around until the crown (7th) energy center meets the root (1st) energy center, to form the circular surface of a spiritual black hole.

The parallelogram is the geometric expression of Adam/Christ Jesus' timeline.

Cain is the clay animal that appeared when the waters of creation mixed with the spiritual dust of the earth and became hard.

Leviathan (Sihon), the collective subconscious part of the carnal mind, and Cain (Og), the clay animal, are one creature, mortal man.

(AT) Josh 2:10, Because we have heard how Jehovah (Lord) dried up [Satan], the spiritual blood (water/energy) of [the Fiery Serpent], the red seaweed (red) of your personality (for you=face), so that you could depart from (came out) the crown (7th) energy center of Leviathan's timeline (Egypt), and what you did to Sihon, the two-fold (unto the two) muddy (Sihon) king of the Amorites [Leviathan and Cain], who (that) swept away (Sihon) ("were" not in the Hebrew) [Abel], the other [righteous] side of death (Jordan), and Cain (Og), the round, baked clay (Og) [that covers Abel], who is consecrated to God, who [Cain] slew (Og) [after Jehovah appointed Abel] to shut up [Cain's] anger (destroy).

Alternate Translation, Josh 2:10, Because [the children of Israel] heard how Jehovah dried up [Satan], the spiritual blood of [the fiery serpent], the red seaweed [side] of the personality, so that they could depart from spiritual Egypt, the crown (7th) energy center of Leviathan's timeline, and [because the children of Israel heard] what [King Adam] did to [Leviathan], the spiritual mud that swept away [Adam], the other, [righteous] side of death, [the dream world presence of] Sihon, the Amorite king [who is conscious in] two [worlds], and [to] Og, the round, baked clay animal [called Cain, who] slew [Abel, because Jehovah consecrated Abel, and appointed Abel] to shut up [Satan's] anger.

<LivingEM> The Rahab, the harlot, company will be familiar with The Doctrine of Cain And Abel.

Leviathan and the Fiery Serpents are dead because they are separated from Jehovah. They do not die from generation to generation like we, the mortal side of the personality, do. Leviathan and the Fiery Serpents are immortal for as long as this age endures.

So we see, once again, that we must destroy Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent within ourselves, to receive the supernatural power that liberates mortal mankind from this physical world, which is hell.

We can receive temporary power from the Holy Spirit before He is swallowed up by the Spirit of Christ, but if we are not struggling with, overcoming and destroying our own negative principles, the supernatural power that we possess is not from Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit heals, delivers, and comforts, but does not deliver us from this world system.

Josh. 2:11, And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.(KJV)

(AT) Josh 2:10, Because we have heard how Jehovah (Lord) dried up [Satan], the spiritual blood (water/energy) of [the fiery serpent], the red seaweed (red) of your personality (for you=face), so that you could depart from (came out) the crown (7th) energy center of Leviathan's timeline (Egypt), and what you did to Sihon, the two-fold (unto the two) muddy (Sihon) king of the Amorites [Leviathan and Cain], who (that) swept away (Sihon) ("were" not in the Hebrew) [Abel], the other [righteous] side of death (Jordan), and Cain (Og), the round, baked clay (Og) [that covers Abel], who is consecrated to God, who [Cain] slew (destroy) [after Jehovah appointed Abel] to shut up [Cain's] anger (destroy).

Alternate Translation, Josh. 2:11, And as soon as [the children of Israel] who were nailed to Leviathan understood [that] Jehovah [is] the supreme God [of all] the gods* in the throat (5th) energy center [of King Adam/Christ Jesus' timeline, which is] above the heart (4th) energy center [of Leviathan's timeline], the Spirit [of Truth within Adam], the spiritual male rose again [within the children of Israel, and] the Devil, the idol in the heart (4th) energy center of the personalities [of the children of Israel], dissolved.

* Ps 82:6, I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

7, But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. (KJV)

<LivingEM> The Rahab, the harlot, company will have a knowledge of the energy centers, and their inhabitants.

The Rahab, the harlot, company, will be afraid of the warfare until they understand that Jehovah is undefeatable.

The Rahab, the harlot, company will have faith that in Christ Jesus to give them every victory over the other planes of consciousness, and their inhabitants.

Josh 2:12 Now therefore, I pray you, swear unto me by the LORD, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye will also shew kindness unto my father's house, and give me a true token:(KJV)

<LivingEM> The Hebrew were translated "swear," literally means "to seven," which signifies "completion." The English word "assemble," signifies assembling one's spiritual atoms in the higher energy centers.

(AT) now, therefore complete (swear=7) [us] to belong (unto me) Jehovah (Lord) so (since) we have demonstrated (that will shew) much zeal (kindness) to assemble (also) ourselves (ye) into (unto) the house [of] my father [and] give us (me) the privilege (kindness=favor) [of being a] witness [to] (token=evidence) the Truth.

Alternate Translation, Josh 2:12, [And the children of Israel said to Joshua], we have demonstrated [how] zealous [we are] to assemble ourselves into [the brow (6th) energy center of] the Father's house[hold], so complete [us] now, [and] give us the privilege [of] belonging to Jehovah, [so that we might be] witnesses [to] the Truth.

<LivingEM> The disciples of the spiritual males demonstrated their zeal by understanding some of the Doctrine of Christ. They thought that they understood all of the Doctrine of Christ, so Adam enlightened them in verse 14, concerning the exposure of their sin nature, the mercy of the White Throne Judgment, dying to the Fiery Serpent's lifestyle, and the rejection of Leviathan.

The Rahab, the harlot, company, will desire the ministry of the son of God.

The two witness company witnesses to the truth of Jehovah's philosophy, as opposed to the Dragon's philosophy, and to the Lord Jesus Christ, as the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises.

Rev 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. (KJV)

Josh 2:13 And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death.(KJV)

(AT) revive (save alive) the Father in (and) your mother, your brothers, your sisters and everyone (all) that belongs to (they) [Jehovah] [that] defends (deliver) himself (untranslated word 853) personality (lives=soul life) against [Satan], the spiritual blood (prefix mem=water) of fiery serpent (death)

<LivingEM> Abel is the one that is revived in the Jew and, according to this verse, Christ is given to everyone who wars against Satan within himself.

Abel is the one that is revived in the Jew and, according to this verse, Christ is given to everyone who wars against Satan within himself.

Alternate Translation, Josh 2:13, [So that Elohim], our Father may revive [Abel], our brothers, [and Cain], our sisters, [so that Adam], our mother, [will regenerate in] everyone who belongs to [Adam, and] defends [Cain, the female side of] the fiery serpent, against [Satan, the fiery serpent's] dead, spiritual blood,

Josh 2:14 And the men answered her, Our life for yours, if ye utter not this our business. And it shall be, when the LORD hath given us the land, that we will deal kindly and truly with thee. (KJV)

(AT) Adam (2 prefixes, vav=nailed, yod=mind) answered the spiritual males (men) the personality (life) underneath (yours) to die (untranslated word 4191) fiery serpent (if=not) Leviathan (not) stand boldly opposite (utter) our cause this shall be given Jehovah (Lord) to possess (us =to belong to) the land we will tell you (deal) the truth [about yourselves] with mercy.

<LivingEM> The very important, untranslated word in this verse, "to die," unlocks the mystery of the verse. The spiritual males are telling their disciples what they must do if they are to ascend into the brow (6th) energy center of the righteous timeline.

Alternate Translation, Josh 2:14, And Adam, the spiritual male [within Joshua], answered [the children of Israel saying, your] whole personality [is in the world] underneath [Satan's sea, so] you [must] die to the fiery serpent's lifestyle, [if you want] to dominate the land [of your personalities, and, if you want to die to the fiery serpent's lifestyle], this Leviathan [who] stands boldly opposite our cause [of dying to the fiery serpent's lifestyle, must] be given over to Jehovah, [so that] we can tell you the truth [about yourselves] with mercy.

<LivingEM> The time is short, brethren. Direct all of your power, strength, and energy, toward the building of Christ Jesus within yourself. Lay down your life for the brethren, and pray for whoever you believe is about to receive the power to overcome death.

So, we see one more witness to what I have been preaching for years, that there will be only two categories of believers after Christ Jesus makes his public appearance: The sons of God who have overcome death, and the company of disciples who study under them.

There will be many men who call themselves Christians, but the Lord Jesus Christ will express Himself through these two categories of men, who will manifest Christ Jesus to everyone else in the world. The sons of God will be a company of priests who minister to, and meet the needs of, the people.

Are you saying that there will be no more personal relationship with Jesus Christ, Sheila?

No, I am not saying that.

Everyone who seeks the Lord Jesus Christ can have a personal relationship with Him. But the Lord Jesus is in the process of delegating authority, and may decide to respond to some prayers by directing the petitioner to His representatives. Now, if the Lord, Jesus, refers you to one of His representatives, and you refuse to submit to that man, the answer to your prayer will be on hold.

Alternate Translation (Interspersed), Joshua 2:9-14

2.9a And [Adam], the spiritual male [within Joshua] said [to the children of Israel],

2.10 As soon as [the children of Israel] heard how

Jehovah dried up [Satan], the spiritual blood of [the fiery serpent], the red seaweed [side] of the personality, so that they could depart from spiritual Egypt, the crown (7th) energy center of Leviathan's timeline, and

What [King Adam] did to [Leviathan, who is]

(1) The spiritual mud that swept away [Adam], the other, [righteous] side of death, [and]

(2) [The dream world presence of] Sihon, the Amorite king [who is conscious in] two [worlds],

And [as soon as the Hebrew children heard what King Adam did to] Og, the round, baked clay animal [called Cain, who] slew [Abel, because Jehovah consecrated Abel, and appointed Abel] to shut up [Satan's] anger,

2.9b You cast down the idol [in the heart (4th) energy center that is] above, and [Satan] knows that [the fiery serpent who] inhabits your earthen personalities is exhausted from resisting you, [and] that Leviathan's marriage to the fiery serpent] is dissolving, [because] Jehovah has given us [dominion over] the land [of your personalities],

2.11 And as soon as [the children of Israel] who were nailed to Leviathan, understood [that] Jehovah [is] the supreme God [of all] the gods* in the throat (5th) energy center [of King Adam/Christ Jesus' righteous timeline, which is] above the heart (4th) energy center [of Leviathan's counterfeit timeline], the Spirit [of Truth of Adam], the spiritual male, rose again [within the children of Israel, and] the Devil, the idol in the heart (4th) energy center of the personalities [of the children of Israel], dissolved,

2.12 [And the children of Israel said to Joshua], we have demonstrated [how] zealous [we are] to assemble ourselves into [the brow (6th) energy center of] the Father's house[hold], so complete [us] now, [and] give us the privilege [of] belonging to Jehovah, [so that we might be] witnesses [to] the Truth,

2.13 [So that Elohim], our Father may revive [Abel], our brothers, [and Cain], our sisters, [so that Adam], our mother, [will regenerate in] everyone who belongs to [Adam, and] defends [Cain, the female side of] the fiery serpent, against [Satan, the fiery serpent's] dead, spiritual blood,

2.14 And Adam, the spiritual male [within Joshua], answered [the children of Israel saying, your] whole personality [is in the world] underneath [Satan's sea, so] you [must] die to the fiery serpent's lifestyle, [if you want] to dominate the land [of your personalities, and, if you want to die to the fiery serpent's lifestyle], this Leviathan [who] stands boldly opposite our cause [of dying to the fiery serpent's lifestyle, must] be given over to Jehovah, [so that] we can tell you the truth [about yourselves] with mercy.

Isa. 51:11, Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.(KJV)

<LivingEM> This is a very happy-sounding Scripture that many Christians sing about before they read the previous verses.

Isa 51:9, Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the Dragon?(KJV)

<LivingEM> Can anyone tell us who the arm of the Lord is?

<Myprecous1> Christ Jesus.

<LivingEM> Yes,

Christ Jesus is the arm of the Lord.

Can anyone tell us the name of the strength that Christ Jesus will put on?

<Todanow9> The Glorified Lord Jesus.

<Jsngsng> Elohim?

<Myprecous1> The Glorified Lord Jesus.

<LivingEM> Yes,

The glorified Jesus Christ, the present-day manifestation of Elohim, is the strength that

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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