299 - Part 3

Part 3 of 5 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


And now the message entitled “Isaiah 22, Part 3,” already in progress.

-- “’the restlessness of the carnal mind because Satan has triumphantly pierced through your soul. You have been mortally wounded in the war between Christ and the carnal mind, and you are dead. All of you are taken as prisoners of war and bound together to the carnal mind. Your collective strength is completely broken because you have turned away from Christ and put him to flight. I will not cease from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest, which is the carnal mind, of my human people, so that they may be righteous,’ says Jehovah. ‘Therefore, let Christ be smeared together with their carnal mind and let the water of Satan’s sea be boiled away -- be boiled and pass away. It is the day the Lord of Hosts shall tread the carnal mind down under Christ and destroy the deformed body she fashions out of the human spirit because they are expressing the confused, irregular state of mind which has covered over humanity’s awareness of her true existence, surroundings and feelings with sensual pleasure.’”

Sensual pleasure: That means anything to do with the senses, taste, feel, touch, hearing, sight, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of life.

Verse 6: “And the many members of fallen Adam shook their fists at the sons of God and fought against them with the spiritual power of their carnal minds, and the beast nature of the man of sin, which fallen Adam is, was revealed.”

The bottom line of this message, brethren, is that man is the beast. In the condition that we are in now, we are the beast of Revelation. We are the man of sin. We were supposed to be Christ, but Christ died, and we are his skeleton. The Lord wants to raise us from the dead -- from the death of this existence back up into the life of his righteousness.

This is hell. This is the abode of the living dead that you read about. It is here. It is in your mind. It is in your thoughts. It is in your feelings. It is in your emotions. It is in your flesh. And we are the living dead. We are the remainder of the one who has lived. We are those who have died, nevertheless, have an existence undernea- -- we, who are spirit, underneath the ground of our soul and our body, which are dead.

Man, especially the Christian church, cannot see this truth because he is in denial, and he would like to believe that he is righteous. He would like to believe that he is holy, and he would like to believe that some myth by the name of Satan, who is not serving God, a Satan who is independent of God, is responsible for all of the harm to mankind. But the truth is, brethren, that Satan is God’s warden in this jail -- a spiritual jail called hell. He has been appointed by God. He is sustained by God. He is allowed by God. He is given authority over us by God to the fullest extent that he has it because we are all spiritual criminals, and each man is in jail in his mind and in his emotions and in -- to the extent that he has pain in his physical body or is restricted by his physical body, in direct proportion to the sin which his ancestors, and he also, has committed.

God is righteous. Every sin shall have its just recompense, and no one is innocent, no not one. There is no way out. You do get some benefits for good behavior. They make you a trustee. You get a few nice things in this world, but there is no way out of hell except the one who came down from heaven comes down and marries you and gives you a passport with his name on it and takes you back out. It is the only way out. For all of you who want to be in denial, well, you be in denial. You stay here, and I am going out. I will wave at you from the other side. Have your way.

Verse 7, Isaiah 22: “And it shall come to pass that thy choicest valleys shall be full of chariots, and the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate.”

Now, remember, Jehovah is speaking to his fallen wife. The wife of Jehovah is this creation. The Son of Jehovah is the offspring of the union between Jehovah and this creation, and the Son of God is -- has what office in the creation? The Son of God is the --




Well, he is, but what -- he is the mind -- he is the mind of this creation. Amen. And he died, and God’s wife brought forth a daughter of her own accord. She did it without a man. It is what is happening all across this country today. She said she did not need a husband, and her children, which all these people are, did not -- do not need a father, and she brought forth an offspring all by herself, and we are all messed up in one big dysfunctional family. We are all limping around here trying to survive.

So let me just remind you before I try to interpret this verse 7 that when we deal with prophecy, we are interpreting on two levels. We are, number one, looking for the spiritual meaning behind the verse. That means that we need the mind of Christ to help us to choose which English word out of the many English words which each Hebrew word can be translated into is the choice of the Spirit of Christ, which is written in these Scriptures.

After we choose the correct English translation, we then have the parables which are within the prophecy, and parables need to be interpreted according to their symbols. So we must unlock the symbol of the correct word after we choose it wherever that word is in a parable form. So bear with me. Verse 7 is not too bad, but we have one really tough verse there. I think it is verse -- it is either verse 8 or verse 9, and I know God is going to help me.

“And it shall come to pass.” The Interlinear translates this “it was.” It is Strong’s 1961, and it is merely the verb “to be.”

So, once again, I would like to take this opportunity to point out to you the extreme license which the King James translators have taken, and that is fine with me. My whole point is to any Pharisee reading to this message, and I will keep telling you until you cannot stand my voice anymore that I am not doing anything different than the King James translators have done, and I am not doing anything different than any other translator of all of the different translations of the Bible which are on the market have done.

So we see -- this is an easy one. In the Hebrew we see the verb “to be” in the tense -- in the pa- -- one of the past tenses, “it was,” and the King James translators translated it “and it shall come to pass.”

We are going to move this word -- you see, when the King James translators went to translate these verses, they had a lot of -- the deeper the revelation in the verse, the more trouble the translator has. The more hidden the message -- the more hidden the spiritual message of God, the less clear it is and the more confusing the Hebrew is to someone who is not spiritual. So another thing that the King James translators did, which I do only when I have to, is that occasionally they move the order of the Hebrew around because not having this -- the deep spiritual revelation, they just could not make any sense out of this at all. So we do that from time to time. I will take a Hebrew word, and I will move it to a different location of the sentence so as to put forth what I believe to be what God is saying to you, and, as always, you are free to say yay or nay.

“And it shall come to ba- -- to pass,” this is the verb that means “to be,” and we are going to move it to the second phrase. The second phrase of verse 7 is: “And the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate,” and we are going to take this verb “to be” and translate it “and became” because it is a past tense: “And they became the horsemen who set themselves in array at the gate.”

So for the time being, let us go back to the beginning and find out what “thy choicest valleys” means. Choicest, Strong's 4005, it means elect. Does that word sound familiar to you? The New Testament speaks about the elect, those who are chosen, the ones in whom Christ shall appear. Let me remind you, all you Pharisees out there that think that there is a small group of men who are superior to the rest of the creation who are called the elect, you are all lifted up in pride.

There is one elected one. He is a many-membered man. His name is Christ Jesus. He is the elect. He is the preferred one. He has the potential to appear in every human being on the face of the earth, and when he appears in you, you become elect. It is nothing that you were born with, nothing that you have done. You become the chosen of God when the very Son of God has overthrown your soul and is ruling your life. So if you want to be special, you should know that you have to die because you cannot be the king over other men when you are lifted up in pride and you are about to tyrannize them and exploit them. When you become a king over other men, you shall be their minister. That is what Jesus said. The greatest amongst you shall be the minister to those who are lesser than you. Not lesser in value to God, but people who do not have the same wisdom as you do or the same strength as you do, you shall be a minister unto them.

Valleys, 6010. Now, I would like to refer you back to verse 1. You might notice that we translated the word valley -- well, the word -- it -- verse 1 -- let me just read you verse 1. Isaiah 22 speaks about the Valley of Vision. Now, this is -- there are -- this is two different Hebrew words. In verse 1 and verse 7, they are both translated valley. They are two completely different Hebrew words. And this is so common in the King James translation. There is no consistency.

There is one translation of the Bible where the translator has endeavored, and as far as I know succeeded, in being consistent. He has translated -- he will take a Hebrew word, and no matter where that word appears in the Scripture, he translates it the same way. OK. Now, that does not always make sense, but it -- so it is a help to a lot of people studying the Scripture from a certain point of view because this is very confusing to a lot of people. Two English words, valley; two completely different Hebrew words. The King James translators were just trying to do the job. This is [?her?] -- an awesome job, translating the Word of God, very difficult.

So we see in verse 7 it is a different Hebrew word translated valley than the Hebrew word translated valley in verse 1. The Hebrew word translated valley in verse 1 is Strong's 1516. This word is translated valley because it is a place the -- Gesenius says where the waters flow together. So we see in verse 1, the Scripture is speaking about a valley that has water in it, and I remind you that water is a type of the soul realm, and I suggest to you that one Hebrew word translated valley has a spiritual significance, and the second word translated valley has a more carnal significance, and this is a principle. We have found it over the years through the Scripture, OK, that this is a very subtle way that the Lord will indicate to someone who has the spiritual sense to recognize it, that -- it is a valley, but in one case he is speaking about a natural valley. In another place he is speaking about a word valley that is a symbol for something spiritual, and it is a clue that he wants you to know that.

Waters flowing together typify the unconscious realm of the soul. Why do I say the unconscious realm? Because every one of us, brethren, have a conscious mind which has a wall around it. We have an individual conscious mind, but in the unconscious realm we all flow together. That is how some people hear people’s thoughts. That is how some people are psychic because we have a c- -- an unconscious mind in common, whether we know it or not. Some of us are more sensitive than others. Some of us are more tapped in than others, but we have one unconscious mind in common. It is called the [?salt?soul?] sea -- Satan’s [?salt?soul?] sea, and then each of us individually is a river. We have our own little body of water, but all the rivers empty out into the same ocean. We are all connected, brethren. We are all connected. We are one soul. This is a many-membered soul that we are all a part of it. Glory to God.

The second word translated valley is Strong's 6010, and this seems to -- as I looked up all of the meanings of it, this 6010 seems to indicate the individual conscious mind, whereas the one in verse 1 indicates the corporate unconscious mind. That is how it looked to me.

“And it shall come to pass thy choicest valleys shall be full of chariots.” “Shall be full of,” the corr- -- that is a wrong tense. It is not future. The Interlinear says this whole chapter seems to be written in the past tense, and this word means “to make full” or “to be completed.”

And let me remind you that we are t- -- we are incomplete. The reason we are all messed up is that we are incomplete. We are negative. We are constantly needing to take things in from the outside. We need food from the outside. We need air from the outside. We need fellowship from the outside. We need love from the outside. We need clothing from the outside. We need companionship -- everything. We are negative, negative, negative. We keep sucking in, sucking in, sucking in. If you are positive, you are giving out, giving out, giving out. It is not good to be negative.

The Scripture says -- one of the promises of the Scripture is that you shall be the lender and not the borrower, and that is speaking about much more than money, brethren. It means you are going to cease from being negative. You are going to cease from being needy. You are going to be so filled up, you are going to be so completed in him emotionally and spiritually and in every way that you will be the lender. You will have so much of what man needs that you will be giving out, giving out, giving out, and you will be helping people who are needy.

When Christ fills you, when Chris so completes you that you are so -- your needs are so met, he is sending you out to others who are desperately negative, and you are going to start to fill them because that fountain of living water that Jesus promised to this -- the woman at the well is going to be flowing from you. It is a fountain which will feed emotionally. It will give water. It will give food. It will give spiritual life. It will give emotional nourishment. It is Christ in you, the hope of glory, and you are complete in him, and you will never be complete in anyone else. You will never be complete in your wife, and you will never be complete in your husband, and you will never be complete in your kids, and you will never be complete in your job. You need Jesus.

And if you do not have Christ in you, and you happen to have a soul -- some souls are more negative than others. In this society we tend to call a very negative soul a codependent soul. If you are a needy person, and the whole country is under a plague of codependency I am told, and you think that you are going to get filled up from the people in your life, you are mistaken because you are a bottomless pit. The Scripture has said, “Hell hath enlarged herself.” You will never fill up on the fellowship of this world -- never ever. You will never fill up until Christ fills you because you are a bag with holes in it. Haggai the prophet speaks about the bag with holes in it. Everything you put in comes out the other end. You will never fill up. You have got to get Christ. He is the only one who will fill you.

If you think marriage is the answer, you are mistaken, and if you come into a marriage seeking to make a withdrawal from that relationship, seeking to take from it, it -- you most likely are marrying someone who feels the same way, and you both come to the marriage, and you are both taking from it, you are going to strip the marriage and strip each other, and you are both going to have nothing. You have to get what it takes for you to be a giver and not a taker. Now, that -- what you need to become a giver and not a taker has a name. He is a person. His name is Christ Jesus, and if you do not have him, you will strip every relationship you enter into because no human being or group of human beings can satisfy someone who is a manifestation of hell which hath enlarged herself, which makes you a bag with holes in it. But be of good cheer, brethren, Christ Jesus is here for you, and he wants to complete you.

So we see the Hebrew word translated “shall be full.” It means “to be completed.” This is a promise of salvation. That is what salvation is. Are you going to make heaven your home? No, I am going to be completed in Christ. Earth is my home. God said, “And let the man have dominion over the earth and over the sea and over all the animal life.” No, I am not going to make heaven my home. Christ Jesus, the hope of glory, is going to complete me, so that I might be the lender and not the borrower, so that I might be the head and not the tail, so that I might be the giver and not the stripper of people who I love and the destroyer of people who I love. He is going to fill me, so that I will have something to give. I shall be complete in him. I am in the process of being completed in him.

And those of you who know me know I have a lot to give in Christ. I have a lot to give. I used to be completely negative. I was the le- -- I was the borrower, and I have largely become the lender -- not completely because he who is filling me is pouring out of me. I have an excess. We found a word. I think it was even in this study. I know it has been recently we have found it twice. It is a Hebrew word that means honey, and honey is a type of -- who is honey a type of? Anybody know? What is honey a type of? It is a type of the w- -- Christ -- the wisdom of Christ. There is a Hebrew word that speaks about an abundance of honey, an overflowing of honey, overflowing the honeycomb, just oozing out and pouring over, and that is what Christ wants to be in your life. He wants you to be so full, so filled with his riches, with the riches of his life that you are lacking nothing.

And this is what salvation is. It is not making heaven your home. It is not a mansion. It is not streets of gold. It is not an Italian dinner. It is completeness. It is satisfaction, and it is the peace which comes from being completely satisfied. That is what salvation is: contentment and peace.

“And it shall come to pass that they choicest valleys shall be full of chariots,” shall be completed with chariots. Chariots, Strong's 7393. This is the same Hebrew word translated chariots which appears in verse 6. I did not go into a deep explanation of that word in verse 6 for whatever reason, but it is the same word, and under the same entry in the Hebrew lexicon by Gesenius we are told that these are war chariots equipped with scythes.

Did you ever see -- I think in “Ben Hur” they showed a chariot race where the bad guy has, like, a sword coming out from the wheel of his chariot, and as the horses pull the chariot and the wheels spin very fast, if the bad guy drives his chariot up real close to you and that metal bar gets in the spokes of your chariot wheels, because the wheels were wood, it would break up the good guy’s wheels and send him off into the ditch.

So this word chariot is speaking about a war chariot, a chariot which is a weapon. And you may recall that chariots have a symbolic meaning. They basically typify the soul. Chariots, it is the same Hebrew word that usually means saddle -- a saddle or a chariot. It is that which goes between the horse and the rider. The rider typifies spirit. The horse typifies man. That which is between man and spirit is soul. So the chariot, the weapon of the soul is the mind. The spiritual power, that part of the soul which has the power to wage war is the mind.

And we know that there are two minds which are at war in this world in this hour. One is the Son of God, Christ, and the other is the daughter of Satan, the carnal mind -- well, also known as the daughter of Babylon.

And that daughter of Babylon, she is wicked, and she plays dirty, and her mind is a sword. She has a lot of spiritual power, and the name of her spiritual power is? The carnal mind. The name of her spiritual power is? Witchcraft. The harlot of Revelation, she is the mother of witchcrafts. Or is it the daughter of Babylon? They are both the same -- one Old Testament, one New Testament.

OK. Alternate Translation, the first half of Isaiah 22:7: “And your elect fallen souls were completed with spiritual weapons.”

The fallen souls, the men whose souls were fallen who had carnal -- whose minds were carnal, who were incomplete, the men of Judah, Jehovah is saying, “I completed you. I gave you Christ. Even though you were carnally minded, even though you were fallen, I came to you. I visited you. I joined with you, and I formed Christ in you, and I completed you.” And when you are completed in Christ, it means you receive power. “You shall receive power when the Holy Ghost has come upon you.” Is that not what Jesus said? Jehovah said, “I have given you overcoming power against the god of this world through the completion of your spirit, which occurs when Christ is formed in you.” It is what Jehovah is saying to Judah. “I have completed you with a spiritual weapon. I have given you my Christ, and you are no longer helpless and defensive [sic] in this world.”

I put that in better English. This is still the first half of Isaiah 22:7: “And Christ completed your elected or your chosen fallen souls.” And you were chosen because Christ has completed you, because Christ is the chosen one.

Continuing with the second phrase of verse 7: “And the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate.” The horsemen, this word is in a -- was in a previous verse. It is the same Hebrew word, and I suggest to you, it is speaking about the sons of God. In a previous message, I referred you to a verse in the Book of Revelation. I believe it is Revelation 9 where the Scripture is speaking about the horses and the horsemen which are breathing fire, and I suggest to you that the horsemen are the sons of God.

“And the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate.” “Shall set themselves,” Strong's 7896. It means to be set upright. This is the same Hebrew word that we read about in Genesis, I think it is chapter 3 where we are told God set Adam in the garden, and what it really means is that God set Adam upright in the garden. It means God imputed righteousness to Adam, so that Satan would have no power over him.

So we see that God came to Judah, and he gave his son to her. He formed the Christ mind in her, and she was completed because the Christ mind was formed in her, and in that completion was a spiritual power against the power of the god of this world, and in Christ she was chosen to have power over all the power of the enemy. That is what the Lord is talking about here. He is exalting himself. He is saying to Judah, “Look at what I gave you,” and do not forget that at the fir- -- in the first verse he is saying to Judah, “What in the world happened to you? How did the carnal mind appear in you? Look at what I did for you. I formed Christ in you. I completed you. I gave you your spiritual weapons. I put my elect son in you. How in the world did you ever mess up?”

So he said, “I gave you my Christ mind. I set you -- and with that Christ mind you set yourselves upright over the authority of the god of this world, and the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate.” “In array at the gate.” This word, “in array at the gate,” it is all one Hebrew word, Strong's 8179. Now, I could not find -- I look at the Hebrew spelling in the Interlinear text, and I could not find the exact same spelling in my lexicon. So I had to really make a choice here, and I prayed about it, and I have chosen the translation which says “to sit in judgment.” Now, some of you may know that in Bible days court was held at the gate of the city. The elders of the city sat in the gate, and people came, and they came with their complaints, and the king, or the representatives of the king held court right in the gate. So the significance of sitting in the gate means that you have authority to judge between man and man. You have the authority to judge civil matters and complaints between the people of Judah.

So the Lord is saying to Israel -- or saying to Judah, “I see the carnal mind is in you. Your mind has become bestial. What happened to you? I gave you my Christ mind. I set you upright. I gave you dominion over sin. I gave you the ability to judge righteous judgment. I gave you a knowledge of right and wrong and power to choose righteousness over sin.” The Lord is saying to Judah, “I did everything I could have done. I did my part, and it was not enough. That is what the Lord is saying.

So, once again, we see we are in a court of God’s law, and the first thing God does -- we had this in the Book of Zephaniah also. The first thing God does is declare his complaint against his people. And as we found out clearly in the Book of Zephaniah, almost consistently the King James translators and the carnal minds of men follow up God’s complaint with prophecies of disaster and destruction and eternal torment by Jehovah against his wicked people that just keep messing up.

Well, I declare to you that God has shown me another message in these Scriptures. God has shown me a message that says, “You have messed up, and you will keep messing up because you are not capable of doing anything but messing up; and because you are such a mess-up, I have decided to give you my son forever because you cannot make it without him. And when I nail him to you, you will stop messing up because you will be dead, and he will be living his sinless, perfect life through you, and, therefore, you will stop messing up.”

The Lord says, “I am going to fix you.” The carnal mind says, I am going to burn you in hell forever. But my Bible says, I am going to fix you. And if you want to believe you are going to burn in hell forever, you believe it. I do not believe it, and I do not preach it, and if you want to condemn me and tell me that I am changing this perfect word of God -- you want to believe that? You believe it. I do not believe it. I believe as Go- -- that God is greater than burning his people in hell forever when by his own statement they are just mess-ups. They do not have what it takes to do it. God does not condemn forever people who are doing the best they can and keep messing up because they are lacking a basic ingredient. My God gives them what they need to do it, and what we need to do it is Christ.

But I have got a flash for you: Christ is not going to do it through you or for you until you die. You must stop trying to do it yourself, but because you are such a mess-up, you are trying to kill the one who wants to kill you so that he could give you eternal life. And the Lord still love us, and he is going to defeat our carnal minds, and we are going to die, yet we shall live; not us, but Christ in us and Christ through us, and we shall live by the righteousness of the Son of God after he kills our carnal mind. And if you think that you are taking your carnal mind into heaven, if you think you are taking your pride in, if you think you are taking your rebellion in, if you think you are taking your profane, reprobate ways in, you are mistaken. Look up because there is a big rod coming right for your head, and it is about to beat you until you come into submission to Christ, at which time you will stop dying and begin to live.

And that to me is the love of God. He will beat you until he saves your life, and he will not pay any attention as to how hard you are screaming. And his own word says if he would not do it, it would be a sign that he hated you. To have the ability to righteously bring a correction and not do it is hatred. If you are a parent and you do not correct your children, the Scripture says you hate them. If you are a person of God, and you have attained righteousness in a particular area, if you have attained to strength in a particular area, and God sends you to a weaker brother, and you do not like confrontation or you do not like the pain of their arrows or you do not like the bite of their serpentine mouth or words, and you will not go and you will not minister, God says you hate them. God says if you hate your brother, you are a murderer. You are not getting into the kingdom.

“And the horsemen shall set themselves in array at the gate.” You see, the first part of the -- the first phrase is “and Christ completed your elect fallen souls.” God gave them the mind of Christ. They used the mind of Christ. They set themselves upright. Righteousness appeared in them, and they judged righteous judgment between the men that were not where they were. Between the men that did not have righteous judgment, they judged righteousness. They mediated, and their motives were righteous. They did not declare someone correct because he gave them money. They did not declare someone correct because it was their friend. They did not declare someone righteous because it was their associate or their lover or for any sick reason. They declared righteousness because of the righteous mind of Christ which was in them, for no personal gain. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] the overriding characteristic of the Son of God: righteousness without personal gain.

How could you do that? How could you live a life basing every decision you make without considering personal gain? There is only one way you could do it, brethren. That is when your every need is met, and you do not need personal gain, you see. You could only do it when Christ is meeting your every need because if Christ is not meeting your every need, you are going to compromise. You must be totally dependent on him if you wish to judge righteous judgment. There is no other way. And if he is not meeting your every need, you are not called to be judging righteous judgment at that time. You will be bribed. You will be corrupted, brethren.

The second half of Isaiah 22:7: “And the sons of God, setting themselves upright, were publicly judging the people.”

Now, please, notice the word “publicly.” I believe that we have sons in this hour who are judging righteous judgment. They are not perfect. They are members of the two-witness company, but they are not doing it publicly. Why are they not doing it publicly? Because God has not yet revealed them publicly, or they are doing it publicly in very restricted areas. Why? Because the carnal minds of men are not acknowledging their spiritual qualifications to judge righteous judgment, and God has not shown them publicly, except, in some cases, to a few people.

And the carnal minds of men are trying to kill them, but we see that in Judah the eldership of Judah were judging righteous judgment publicly. That means that the tribe of Judah recognized the spiritual authority to hold court, and we do not see this in the church today. It is very, very rare to find someone who is qualified to hold court, and it is even rarer to find believers who recognize that and who are willing to submit themselves to the righteous judgment of an imperfect man. It is -- people just do not have the confidence in it today, but they had it in Judah. They had it under the old covenant. The people knew that it was God manifesting through these men. They knew it.

You read a lot in the Old Testament about the men of Judah drawing lots or drawing straws. When I first read about that, I said, I do not believe that these men are choosing people for public office and for important assignments by drawing straws until God showed me that they knew and they believed without a question of a doubt that God was controlling who drew the short straw. The straws, or the lots, were just a point of contact by which God witnessed his choice to the human men.

You see, I went to Nigeria a few weeks ago, and God told me -- he named two people that were to preach here when I went away, but there were people here that did not believe that God told me, you see, because there was not a bunch of straws there with one of them short, and even if there were, the people who did not believe me that God told me, that God instructed me who was chosen. So, you see, the same people that [?had?] a problem believing that God spoke to me and that I merely repeated God’s words and that it was not a personal choice for my own motives, neither would you have believed that God chose the one to pick the short straw because your faith is not what it should be. Glory to God.

[INAUDIBLE] do I have a pen here somewhere? I do not have a pen.        


Thanks. Oh, OK. I put that second half of verse 7 in better English.

Amplified Translation, second half of Isaiah 22:7: “And the sons of God were standing up in full stature and publicly judging the people.”

That means holding court. Paul clearly said, “Do you not know you shall be judging angels?” Brethren, when Christ is your mind, you do not even need evidence of a crime. If it -- Christ is truly your mind, you know the truth. You know who is guilty. You know who is innocent, and you know what God’s answer to the guilty one is. Peter pronounced death upon Ananias and Sapphira. Peter pronounced blindness upon Simon the Sorcerer, and I have heard ignorant carnal men say, well, that was some nerve of that guy Peter putting blindness on somebody. Brethren, you are just showing your ignorance. That was Christ in the Apostle Peter. It was the judgment of God, and you are ignorant because you cannot tell the difference between a carnal man and the Son of God. You had best not talk because women should not talk in the church. Go ask your husband to explain these things to you, that you should not make a fool out of yourself.

Alternate Translation, the whole of Isaiah 22:7: “And Christ completed your elect fallen souls, and you were the sons of God who were standing up in full stature and publicly judging the people.”

Now, Jehovah is saying this to Judah after declaring in verse 1 that they lost it. What we just see described in verse 7 they have lost. Their mind become carnal. They lost their understanding. They lost their knowledge of righteousness. They lost their ability to know who was innocent and who was guilty. They lost it, and we are told, I believe, in verse 2 that their mind was filled with bestiality, personal motives, motives for personal gain, evil thinking, evil speaking, murder, hatred, envy, every evil work.

Verse 8: “And he discovered the covering of Judah, and thou didst look in the day to the armor of the house of the forest.”

Who discovered the covering of Judah? I suggest to you the Lord did. We will find out as we go through this verse that, well, to discover means to uncover, to strip bear, and the covering of Judah, it is speaking of a veil which hides the sins of man. And who is the one that is stripping the cover off of all of us who are in denial? It is Christ himself in the day of judgment, in that day when he shall judge our sins. In that day, he shall show us our sins. Christ is the one.

You see, Satan does not show you your sins. He just checks you out. So your name comes up on his roster, and you see Smith, J., worthy of death. Check out. Does not show you your sins. Does not give you a chance to repent. Does not give you the opportunity or the instruction as to how to change. Just lets you have it.

But Christ comes rich with mercy, and he says, “Hey, look, you are in trouble because you are thinking wrong. You are in trouble because you are doing wrong. He is the right way. Now, today, choose death or choose life.” And if you choose life, he gives you the power to change. And then he does not have to kill you anymore because you are not doing the sin anymore. You have chosen life. You have gi- -- he has given you the power to change, and there is no law against righteousness, and there is no law against love. So you stop dying, and in that day, the Lord shall turn away your captivity little by little.

“And he,” the Lord, “discovered the covering of Judah, and thou didst look in that day to the armor of the house of the forest.”

“And he discovered.” The English word “and” is a translation of the Hebrew letter Vav, you know, a prefix. Let me just review what a prefix is. We have prefixes in English. In other words, if we take the word form, we could change it to reform. You just add the two letters before the word form. Those two letters, re-, is called a prefix, and it changes the word. Usually it makes it positive or negative. It changes it somewhat. So we find it very common in Hebrew that a single Hebrew letter is used as a prefix. In this case, the word transla- -- the -- it is a -- just a Hebrew letter prefix, Vav, which is translated “and,” and we are told in Gesenius, our Hebrew lexicon, that this same letter can be translated “but.” So we are going to translate it “but” in verse 8 -- not “and,” but “but.”

“But he discovered the covering of Judah.” To discover means to uncover. The word covering, it is Strong's 4539. It is speaking of the veil of a virgin. In Bible days, virgins veiled their faces. No man could see their face. You did not take your veil off until you got married. So the symbology is that you d- -- that the man did not know what the woman looked like until the wedding day. Well, when Christ comes to marry us, brethren, he is going to unveil us, and everything that is not holy is going to be revealed because he has the power to clean us, and that is the significance here, that we have not yet been unveiled, but Christ is coming to unveil us.

“And he discovered the covering of Judah.” Jehovah, he took away our covering. And what is our covering? What is our covering? It is all the ways of man. It is all denial. It is pride. It is bluster. It is all the defenses that we put up to look like we are not hurting when we are bleeding, to look like we do not care when we are crying inside, to look like we are innocent when we are filled with hate, to look like we love when we are filled with envy and cutting your heart out with the poison which comes from the serpent.

We are told that in this day that Christ is appearing nothing shall be hidden, that the secrets of men’s hearts shall all be exposed, the secrets that you know about that you will not talk about and the secrets that are buried so deeply know your own heart that even you do not know about them. The man in whom Christ is truly manifesting will know every lie that you are telling to yourself and to others, and will look right down into the depths of your heart to see your childhood hurts and all your scars and all your pains and all of your motives, which are filthy because you are all filthy. We are all filthy, and you cannot get clean until you look at the dirt. You have got to look at the dirt if you want to get clean.

And that is not just true in Christ. That is true in this world. Any psychologist will tell you that. Any heathen that knows about human nature will tell you that if you have got a problem in your life and you want to get well, you have got to look at the thing. You have got to see what is driving you to do this craziness, and when you deal with it, it will go away, and you will stop acting like a crazy man. You have got to look at it.

Judah, I suggest to you, is speaking -- or symbolizing Christ. You may remember that in verse 1 we determined that the Valley of Vision, that phrase the Valley of Vision, was Jerusalem, and that Jerusalem typifies the soul which God made, and that we are calling that soul humanity. Judah is the tribe which the kings of Israel came out of, and Judah, I suggest to you, typifies the mind of Christ when he is appearing in God’s creation, the soul.

So we see that Christ is stripping away, or uncovering, our veil by which we live in a world of denial. “And thou didst look in that day to the armor of the house of the forest.” In the day that Christ exposes your sins, Judah, or church, you looked to the armor; you defended yourself. You did not say “Amen. It is true.” You defended yourself against the truth. And how do you defend yourself against the truth? There is only one way. You lied, and if you are going to lie, you need a spiritual authority by which you are going to ali- -- by which you are going to lie to Christ. If you are going to stand against Christ, you need a spiritual weapon to do it with, and the name of that weapon is the carnal mind and the pride thereof.

So we see a parable in verse 8, that in the day that Christ began to show you your sins, you did not say amen and bend your knee, but you took up armor, brethren, and you took up weapons, and you waged war against him, and you waged war against the man in whom he was appearing, and you tried to kill the mind of Christ, and you tried to kill the one in whom he was appearing to you. How did you try to kill him? Character assassination. You said that you are innocent and the one telling you the truth was the guilty one and that he had an ungodly motive for showing you your sins.

“And thou didst look in that day to the armor of the house of the forest.” Armor means arms or weapons. This is a masculine word, and we know that the carnal mind is female, but I suggest to you, the word is coming up masculine in this context because Satan, through her carnal mind, has taken on a male role and is confronting Christ as a male. And the Scripture acknowledges that by using a male form of the noun she is not fighting as a woman fights man. The carnal mind fights Christ as a man fights. She is acting like a man, walking like a man, talking like a man, doing like a man, but doing imperfectly. That is why the world is all messed up because she is not a man. That is why we are in the condition that we are in.

So the word armor means arms or weapons. The Hebrew translated house just means house. The Hebrew word translated forest is very interesting, OK. The King James translators chose the word forest, but the Hebrew text in the Interlinear, brethren, does not line up with the spelling of the number which appears in Strong's. If you look up this word forest in Strong's, it says it is 3293, but I have compared the spelling of the Hebrew word in the Interlinear with the spelling of the Hebrew word next to Strong's number 3293 and guess what? It is not the same word.

Now, how could that happen? Well, brethren, the King James translators and the writers of the lexicons could not figure out how it could really be any other word because the correct word is Strong's 3292, which means to boil up or boil over. The house of the forest, I suggest to you, is Satan’s house, the house which is being boiled. Is Satan not being boiled? Right? But the translators said this is ridiculous. Somebody had -- their pen had a slip. Somebody had to make a mistake, and they changed the reference work. And you are telling me I cannot change these mistakes? You need to repent.

The weapon of Satan’s house is the carnal mind. The phrase is “the armor of the house of the forest.” The house of the forest. The house of the one who is being boiled. The weapon of the house of the one who is being boiled. The carnal mind. “In that day that Christ shows you your sins,” God said to Judah, “you did not say amen, but you defensed yourself with your carnal mind, and you killed my prophets.”

Alternate Translation, Isaiah 22:8: “But in the day that Christ disclosed Judah’s sins, she looked to the carnal mind for protection.”

I have a New Testament witness to that for you. It is Revelation 6:16, which reads: “And these people said to the mountains and the rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and hide us from the wrath of the Lamb.’” The Lamb typifies Christ, brethren.

Our Alternate Translation on that verse, Revelation 6:16 is as follows. It is in the Alternate Translation Bible if you want it. “And they” -- these people who were refusing to confess their sins -- “bid Satan, the spirit that ruled in their souls, and they also bid their souls which had been strengthened without repentance by the Holy Spirit to be their state of mind and to hide them from the Christ.”

They bid Satan and their souls to hide them from the Christ, the mind, which was in them and to hide them from the desire of the Father which was reaching out for them to make them righteous. That is what man does, brethren. That is our programming. If you have ever taken a biology course, you learned about animals operating on instinct. They are programmed. Animals do not take care of their young because they love their young. They operate on instinct. Well, if your mind is carnal, you have an instinct, and it is an instinct that kills Christ wherever he is appearing. That is why you need a new mind which has its own instincts, and the instincts of the mind of Christ are righteousness.

That is why you do not obey your feelings. You do not obey the pleasure, and you do not obey the pain because if you do it, you are obeying the instincts of your carnal mind, which can lead only to death. In this hour, we have a new mind and a new way, and those of us who are fighting this war are obeying the instincts of Christ, which are righteousness. And, thus, brethren, we shall go from death unto life.

Verse 9: “Ye have seen also the breaches of the City of David, that they are many, and ye gathered together the waters of the lower pool.”

This is the verse I was telling you about. There is a deep revelation in it, and it is a very difficult translation. I am going to do the best I can for you. I moved the English words around. I restated verse 9, and I will make it as clear as I can. I just pray that God helps me to bring this forth in the way he would want me to.

“Ye have seen also the breaches of the City of David, that they are many, and ye gathered together the waters of the lower pool.”

Now, let me give you something up front that might help you. Up until now we see the Lord indicting Judah. First he tells her in verse 1 that she lost her Christ mind. Then he goes on to tell her that she has become a beast. Then he goes on to tell her that he did everything he could for her. He gave her the Christ mind, and she still messed up. OK. Now, the carnal mind of man says, “Surely the Lord is getting ready for the kill. He is about to tell her he is going to burn her in hell forever,” but I want to tell you that verse 9 is the promise of the Lord as to how he is going to restore her. But the King James translators, translating out of their carnal minds, could not see this message in it, and, therefore, the King James translation sounds very threatening, but I hope to show you a very positive and encouraging promise from the Lord in verse 9.

“Ye have seen also.” The word -- Hebrew word translated seen is Strong's 7200, and Gesenius, our lexicon or our dictionary of the Hebrew language, tells us that a legitimate -- another legitimate translation of this word is to cause to experience. You shall see, you shall cause to experience. Did you ever hear somebody say, “Well, when you get there, you will see. You know, you will experience it. You will understand”?

“Ye have seen also the breaches.” The Hebrew word translated also -- this is -- well, at this point, let me tell you that I am going to move this word, “also.” I am going to restate verse 9 by moving the phrase “that they are many” and the word “also.” I am moving those five words to the second phrase.

So verse 9 is going to sound like this now: “Ye have seen the breaches of the City of David that” -- makes no sense in the English. That is why the King James translators changed it, but this is what we are doing. “Ye have seen also the breaches that,” and he second phrase is “and also the waters of the lower pool ye gathered together are many.” Well, it makes no sense when you choose these translations of the Hebrew words, but we are going to choose different translations of the Hebrew word, and God is saying something very encouraging to us.

First phrase: “Ye have seen the breaches of the City of David that seem to cause to experience.” Breaches or breaks: It is Strong's 1233, and the word means a chink or a fissure. You know how you chink something out of a rock. And, of course, the carnal mind says, well, you are breaking up. It is disaster.

I remember several years ago a very anointed woman of God prayed for me by -- I was going through severe trials in those days. I still go through severe trials, but I am on top of it. In those days, I was not on top of it. I remember hearing a preacher a while back saying that he had been in the Lord 30 years, and the trials never got easier. They just got harder, but he b- -- God enabled him to cope more, and that is -- at the time, it sou- -- I did not like the sound of it, but that is exactly what has happened to me. The trials have gotten harder, but I have gotten stronger. So things really have gotten better.

And this woman was praying for me one night, and she has told me that she saw a big crack in the spirit, and she was distressed. She thought she had a bad report for me. Now, that would be a bad thing to see a crack in the spirit, but I had a word of knowledge that it was not a bad thing, that my soul was separating from my spirit, that that was the crack, that my soul was separating from my spirit. And for years I asked the Lord. I says, look, why would you want to separate my soul from my spirit? And now I know that this has to be, that when my spirit separates from my soul, my spirit can then join with Christ. So this woman who did not even have this revelation saw this big crack, and I said, wow, that is exciting.

And that is the significance of the word fissure in verse 9. I suggest to you it is speaking about the separation of the soul from the spirit. So, you see, j- -- the Lord is saying to Judah, “Boy, you messed up really bad. You lost the Christ mind. Satan got a hold of your human spirit, formed the carnal mind in you. You are bestial. You are failures. So what am I going to do? I am going to separate your soul from your spirit. I am going to kill your carnal mind, and I am going to reform the mind of Christ in you. I am going to do it again.” That is what he said, but the carnal mind or man says, no, I am going to burn you in hell forever.

Now, God says, “I am just going to do it again. You fell down; I am going to pick you up. I am going to do it again. If you fall down, I am going to pick you up, and if you fall down, I am going to pick you up, and if you fall down, I am going to pick you up, and if you fall down, I am going to pick you up; and one of these days I am going to pick you up and you are going to walk.” I do not know about you, but that sounds more like God to me, not someone burning me in hell forever.

You have to really ask yourself why you believe all this junk that is being preached. [?I know?] when I first came to the Lord and I heard about this rapture, I just wanted to study this Bible. So I went to a Bible study at some church in [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. I was all excited. I had wanted to study this Bible since I was a little girl, and ju- -- it just -- I just did not find anyone who could teach me. So I sat down in this Bible study, and this preacher gave a Scripture reference for the rapture, and I sat there in the -- in my chair, and I said to myself, that is the Scripture reference for the rapture? I said, well, what do I know? I mean, like, he is a pastor and he is a teacher, and I guess I do not know what I am talking about. You know, I just let it slide, and I guess that is what the whole church is doing. They are just letting it slide, figuring that these guys must know what they are talking about.

But guess what? They do not know what they are talking about, and the reason they do not know what they are talking about is that they are women in men’s bodies, and they have got the whole church confused, and women are not supposed to be teaching. They are not even supposed to be talking in the church. But the whole church is messed up in their head. They cannot even tell the difference between a man and a woman. It is like a human being looking at someone’s eyes and trying to determine whether they are male or female, or looking at someone’s nose. They are looking at all the wrong things, and they are making all the wrong decisions as to who is the man and who is the woman, and they are taking their instruction from the women, and because they cannot discern the body of Christ, they are sick and they are dying.

OK. We have restated verse 9: “Ye have seen the breaches of the City of David that seem to cause to experience.” Breaches, fissures, cracks speaking about the separation of soul and spirit. Webster’s definition of fissure is “a narrow opening produced by the separation of parts.” The soul from the spirit: the separation of the parts of the carnal mind. Hallelujah. I like that.

“Ye have seen the breaches of the City of David that.” The City of David. Gesenius, our Hebrew dictionary -- the Hebrew lexicon says that the City of David is Zion. If you would like to see that in the Scripture, it is in 1 Kings 8:1: tells us that that City of David is Zion. Unger’s Bible Dictionary also says that Jerusalem is Zion, the City of David. So we see more information in the second Scripture, which is 1 Chronicles 11:4 and 5: tells us that Zion is the City of David, but it also tells us that Jerusalem is another name for Zion, the City of David.

I would just like to give you some information about this symbology. If you do not follow it, do not worry about it, but every time there is a shade of difference from Jerusalem to Zion, it means something. There is a subtle difference, so let me give you some information on this. After investigating, I am of the opinion that Jerusalem is the name -- the symbolic name or sy- -- Ju- -- the word Jerusalem -- the city of Jerusalem symbolizes the soul which God made. It is called Zion in the Old Testament, and the Holy City or the New Jerusalem in the New Testament when this soul, Jerusalem, is possessed of the mind of Christ. Jerusalem is the name of the creation. The creation is either good or evil. The creation, the soul, she is either dead or alive. The soul, she is either male or female, depending on the what, which is in her?


Depending on the mind which has been formed in her and which is expressing himself or herself through her. So when Jerusalem, the soul, is expressing or possessed of the mind of Christ, in the Old Testament her name is Zion, and in the New Testament she is the Holy City or the New Jerusalem.

Judah in the Old Testament typifies the mind of Christ, and the cities of Judah th- -- is an expression signifying the individual man in whom the Christ mind is appearing, and Mount Zion in the Old Testament typifies the Spirit of Christ which dwells in the mind of Christ.

So for the purposes of Isaiah 22:9, we see that the term “the City of David” is speaking about the corporate or the many-membered man through whom the mind of Christ is appearing. In the Old Testament, he was a natural Israel. Who? The mind of Christ was a natural Israel. OK. And in the New Testament, the mind of Christ is where? The mind of Christ is where in the New Testament? He is in the church. The mind of Christ is in the church.

OK. “You have seen the breaches of the City of David that.” The Hebrew word translated that -- the word that is a translation -- it is not a word. It is a translation of a Hebrew letter, Kaf, which appears as a prefix before the Hebrew word translated “they are many.” And another potential translation in accordance with Gesenius is “therefore.” G- -- you can translate it “that,” or you can translate it “therefore,” and I suggest to you that this word should be translated “therefore” and placed at the beginning of the first phrase of verse 9.

So this is what it is going to read like -- ri- -- this is what it is going to read like. I am going to read you verse 8 and the first half of verse 9: “And in the day that Christ discloses Judah’s sins, she shall look to the carnal mind for protection; therefore, you have been caused to experience the separation of Zion’s parts.”

Listen. In the day that God showed Judah her sins, she did not say amen. She picked up the weapons of the carnal mind, and as a result of that the Chri- -- the mind of Christ blew apart. Now, listen, brethren. The mind of Christ is being formed in a lot of people in the church in this hour. You see, you were in Pentecost, and you went to church, and you danced and you sang, and the Holy Ghost fell on you, and people laid hands on you, and somewhere along the line you got pregnant, and the mind of Christ is being formed in you. And the next step that happens is that mind of Christ begins to show you your sins, but in the day that you refuse to say amen and you pick up your carnal mind to defend yourself against Christ -- in that day, your Christ mind is going to break up. You are going to abort.

I know two people that it happened to. You want to believe once saved, always saved? Believe it. It is your baby. Brethren, if you cannot even pray about these things that I tell you, you have got a real problem. Whoever is reading this message, if you cannot even say, “Lord, if it is true, I want to know it,” you are in trouble. Your Christ mind can abort, brethren. It can break up just like it happened to Judah.

“And in the day that Christ discloses th- -- discloses Judah’s sins -- she shall look to the” -- that is the wrong tense.

“And in the day that Christ disclosed Judah’s sins, she looked to the carnal mind for protection; therefore,” church, Judah, “you have been caused to experience the separation of Zion’s parts.” Your Christ mind has broken up.

This phrase is clearly speaking about the breaking up of the mind of Christ and the subsequent reforming of the human spirit into the carnal mind.

The second half of verse 9, Isaiah 22: “And also the waters of the lower pool ye gathered together are many.”

It makes no sense in the English. The Hebrew word translated “also.” There is no Strong's number for this Hebrew word, brethren, but I do read Hebrew a little bit. I found the word in Gesenius. It is listed under Strong's 853, and Gesenius says that this word can also be translated “this same.” As well as “also,” it can be translated “this same.” 

“Also,” this word, Strong's 853, is preceded by the prefix the letter Vav -- the Hebrew letter Vav, which can be also translated “yet” or “nevertheless.” So we are translating the Hebrew word which the King James translators translated “also.” We are translating it “nevertheless, this same.” And I am suggesting to you it is speaking about the human spirit.

So despite the fact that God gave you the mind of Christ, despite the fact that you messed up and Satan broke up your Christ mind and stole your human spirit and reformed her in the image of the carnal mind, nevertheless, this same human spirit, we will see later on that the Scripture says, will once again be formed in the image of Christ. The Lord said, “I am going to do it again.”

“And also the waters of the lower pool ye gathered together are many.” Waters, Strong's 4325. Strong's says that this word [?waters by?] euphemism. In other words -- I do not know why he says euphemism. I would use the word idiom -- that the word water in this Scripture, it is used to describe urine. It is also used to describe male seed. That is the word, you know. They have -- they are talking -- in the Scriptures when they are talking about the male seed, semen, they call it waters -- the waters of the man.

And I suggest to you that that is what this word is speaking about here -- seed, human seed, but it is in the feminine form. The word water is in the feminine for- -- I am sorry, not the word water. Since the form of the word lower is feminine, I suggest to you that the intention of the Scripture is the female spiritual seed. I know in the English it sounds like the word lower is modifying the word pool, but you will see that they all -- the word lower pool is modifying the word waters. It is the waters of the lower pool. So I suggest to you that it is female spiritual seed. It is the human spirit which is not connected to Christ. The human spirit connected to Satan and the carnal mind is female. So I suggest to you that the waters, or the soul realm of the lower pool, it is speaking about the human spirit as she is formed in the carnal mind.

The word lower is Strong's 8481, and it is the feminine form of the word, which means lower or lowest. The Hebrew word pool is Strong's 1295, and this is a place such as camels kneel down to drink. Camels are unclean animals, and a pool is a place where the unclean animal drinks or exists, and I suggest to you that that is where fallen man dwells and that it is this fallen world system known as hell. So the waters of the lowest pool, I suggest to you, is speaking about the soulish realm of hell, the spiritual aspect of hell, which is in the soul and the emotions of this world system.

Gathered together is Strong's 6908. We found -- we have dealt with this phrase, and particularly in the Book of Revelation 18 we found that this expression, to gather or to gather together, speaks about incarnation. We go over that in the 18 series. I spent, I think, a whole message on it in the number 18 series. So, as I jumped ahead to tell you before, I suggest to you the Lord is telling us in verse 9, and even though you messed and you lost your Christ mind, and Satan got ahold of your human spirit and formed her in his own image through the carnal mind; nevertheless, this same human spirit will once again be gathered together into Christ.

But before God can keep that promise to you -- in order for him to keep that promise to you, he has to break up your carnal mind, and because we are all married to an insane person, Satan, we are all married to a homicidal maniac who is really a her. It is a lesbian. We are all married to a homicidal maniac lesbian named Satan, and we are so joined to her that we cannot get away from her mind, and we fight against Christ when he comes to save us. But, you see, he is not responding to our words. He is not even responding to our deeds. He is responding to our needs, and we are dead. That means our need is to be raised from the dead, and he is doing it, even though we are not working with him.

They are many. “And also the waters of the lower pool ye gathered together are many.” Strong's 7231: It means to become increased.

Alternate Translation: “Never” -- Isa- -- the second half of Isaiah 22:9: “Nevertheless, the same spiritual substance of fallen Adam’s carnal mind is gathered together and increased.”

The spiritual substance, or the human of fallen Adam’s many members, is gathered together as one man and increased into Christ once again after the separation of the soul from the spirit of the reformed carnal mind. Brethren, you ha- -- your carnal mind has to die. He has got to be offered up as a sacrifice to the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan has to be boiled, and the flesh of the carnal mind is going to be eaten by the high priest, Christ Jesus, and consumed. There is no other way.


Alternate Translation, Isaiah 22:9: “Therefore, you have been caused to experience the separation of Zion’s parts; nevertheless, this same spiritual substance of fallen Adam’s carnal mind is gathered together and increased.”

Better English, and I have added a couple of words to show you what the Lord is saying.

Amplified Translation, Isaiah 22:9: “And this is why you have experienced the separation of Zion’s parts.”

If you remember, in verse 1 the Lord is saying to Judah, “How in the world did this happen to you? How did you lose the Christ mind and wind up with the carnal mind?” So here in verse 9 we see the Lord answering his own question.

“And this is why you have experienced the separation of Zion’s parts. Why? Because you refused to confess your sins in the day that Christ showed them to you, but you chose to fight against Christ with your carnal mind. Nevertheless, this same spiritual substance of fallen Adam’s carnal mind is gathered together and increased into Christ.”

Brethren, even though you fought against Christ when he came and showed you your sins, nevertheless that human spirit, which is the foundation of your carnal mind, will once again be reformed into Christ, but not without a war and not without a sacrifice and not without a death.

“And this is why you have experienced the separation of Zion’s parts; nevertheless, the same spiritual substance of fallen Adam’s carnal mind is gathered together and increased into Christ.”

Please note that the above Amplified Translation makes no sense whatsoever because the idea that the human spirit is reformed into the carnal mind after Zion is broken up is not stated. You see, there is something missing there. We have to amplify this verse. I have to tell you, in case you do not know it, that for this verse to make sense, you have to know that after the Christ mind is broken up that the human spirit is reformed into the carnal mind. Otherwise the next phrase, which says -- which God says -- by which God says “nevertheless, I am going to reform you into Christ again” makes no sense if you do not know that she was formed into the carnal mind, but what is interesting is that God does not even mention it. That is this great mystery. It is a part of the mystery of the Scripture. God does not even talk about it, but it is necessary for us to know that it happened to understand.

Listen to it again. “And this is why you have experienced the separation of Zion’s parts” -- and I have added this in now -- “and the reformation of your human spirit into the carnal mind; nevertheless, this same spiritual substance, which is the foundation” -- I added that in -- “which is the foundation of fallen Adam’s carnal mind is once again gathered together and increased” and I am adding “into Christ.”

Can you see that if you did not have the revelation, it would not make any sense to you at all? If all you had was the Hebrew words, you could never, ever bring forth this translation, and that is why the King James translators switched all the words around and got a translation -- you know, they pulled it out of the air because they could not make head or tail out of it. And the deeper the revelation and the more important the revelation and the more hidden the revelation, the worse the translation is because the King James translators did not have the spirit. They were scholars. So we see that the spiritual message of the Scripture is very deeply hidden, and it is covered over until the last days, only to be discerned out and taught by the sons of God.

Verse 10. This is the last verse we are doing tonight. S- -- try and stay with me. “And ye have numbered the houses of Jerusalem, and the houses have ye broken down to fortify the wall.” I do not know about you, but that makes no sense to me at all. “And you have numbered the houses of Jerusalem, and the houses have ye broken down to fortify the wall.”

Numbered, “you have numbered,” Strong's 5608. Even the Interlinear translates that counted, but Gesenius says there is another potential translation for that word: to inscribe or to engrave. See, that makes no sense to the King James translators at all, but I know that the soul of man is being engraved. That is how you put an image in a soul. That is how we are going to be in the image of Christ: when his nature is engraved in the clay of our soul.

“The houses of Jerusalem.” The word houses can be translated sepulcher. Jesus told the Pharisees they were sepulchers, walking graves, dead men’s bones. Brethren, we are the sepulchers that are about to be engraved. We are going to be sealed. Do not worry about the mark of the beast, brethren. You were born with it. You have got to get it erased, and you have got to be sealed or inscribed with the mark of God. And we read about this in Ezekiel 9 when we see a man going along with an inkhorn, marking the souls of the faithful with the nature of Christ.

So we see in verse 9 the Lord is speaking about reforming Judah once again in the image of Christ, and in verse 10 we are getting some more information about how he is going to do it. He is going to engrave this fallen soul with the nature of Christ. He is going to write a new writing on us that says holiness unto the Lord. Is that not the Scripture? “And there will be bells on the horses saying, ‘Holiness unto the Lord.’” Holiness.

So the Lord is going to inscribe us, or seal us. He is going to seal the houses of death, which we are, the houses of Jerusalem. The Lord is going to seal the dead houses of Jerusalem. Each individual man is a house, and the dead Jerusalem is the Jerusalem which is inhabited by the carnal mind. So the Lord is coming to the church, coming to Judah, and we are all dead, and he is going to write a new writing on our soul, and that which has the power to write is the mind because a writing is an engraving. So when he forms the mind of Christ in us -- the mind is typified by metal, and the soul is typified by clay. That metal will press into the clay -- the metal of the mind of Christ will press into the clay of the soul and engrave the nature of God upon our house. There is only one problem: It hurts. But there is no other way.

Alternate Translation, the first half of Isaiah 22:10: “And you have sealed the dead men of Jerusalem with the seal of God.”

That is how we are being raised from the dead, brethren. The dead men of Jerusalem, the dead men of humanity, that is us. The Lord is going to seal us with his own nature. The one who came down from heaven is going to join himself to us down here, and his mind is our passport back up to heaven.

Continuing with the second half of Isaiah 22:10. “And the houses ye have broken down to fortify the wall.”

Houses, it is the same word. We see the word houses repeated twice in verse 10. It is the same Hebrew word both times, but just as the King James translators could translate two different Hebrew words, valley, I can translate the same word house two different ways. I could choose two different translations from the lexicon, and the first time I choose the word sepulcher, indicating that we are dead, and the second time I choose the translation from Gesenius which says Strong's 1004 can be translated to mean the inner part of what is inside the tabernacle. And the next word, broken down, is Strong's 5422, and we are told in Gesenius, broken down as in breaking down altars. So I took the word broken down, and I put it together with the word house, which is speaking about that which is inside, and I am drawing an educated conclusion that the Scripture is speaking about the breaking down of the altar.

And you may recall from our study in Elijah -- in the Book of 1 Kings 19, you may recall what an altar is. A spiritual altar is formed when a male spirit joins with the human spirit of man, and then the sacrifice that goes on that altar is the mind which is born of that union. So we see the altar is Jehovah’s union with the human spirit of man, and he mind of Christ is born -- brought forth or born as a result of that altar.

And we see in the destruction or the death of a people, first the mind breaks up, and the Scripture calls that the killing of the prophet, and the next thing that follows is that altar breaks up: the male spirit separates from the human spirit of man. The d- -- spiritual death is in two stages, brethren: first the death of the mind, and then the breaking up of the altar.

“And the houses have ye broken down to fortify the wall.” So you have broken up the altars after you already killed the mind of Christ in prior verses. In verse 10, the Lord says you broke up the altar for the purpose of fortifying the wall. Fortify, Strong's 1219. Gesenius says that this word commonly refers to grapes and the vintage -- vintage means wine --the grapes and the wine of the grapes, and that to use this word -- this Hebrew, word, Strong's 1219, is the equivalent in the Hebrew of saying to gather the wine of the grapes -- to gather in the wine of the grapes. And I suggest to you the Scripture is saying Judah, you killed your own Christ mind because of your wickedness. Your altar was broken up. Jehovah separated from your human spirit, and Satan gathered in the wine of that human spirit.

The word fortify is Strong's 1219. It means fortified city.

Alternate Translation, the second half of Isaiah 22:10: “And you have broken down the Christ altars and gathered the wine of the fortified city.”

Well, I do not really know what that means. I am going to put the whole verse together, and then I will show it -- and then I will -- I am going to put the Alternate Translation of the first two phrases together, and then I am going to interpret the symbols for you, and I will show you what this verse is saying.

Alternate Translation, Isaiah 22:10: “And you have sealed the dead men of Jerusalem and broken down the Christ altars and gathered the wine of the fortified city.”

OK, I am going to amplify this twice now. We are going to interpret the symbols here. The first time: “And you have broken down the Christ altars and gathered the wine of the fortified city, and you have sealed the men of Jerusalem with death.” I put the ideas in a logical sequence here. Let me read it again. “And you have broken down the Christ altars and -- in the individual men, and gathered the wine” -- that is the spirit of man -- “of the fortified city, and you have sealed the men of Jerusalem with death” -- you have reformed that human spirit in the image of Satan through the carnal mind.

OK. One more time. We are interpreting the symbols here. “And you have broken the union between Jehovah and the human spirits of humanity and joined yourself to them.” The soul in -- which is inhabited by the carnal mind is a soul which is joined to itself. It is spiritual incest. It is a soul which has fertilized herself. Our natural example would be a woman who would fertilize herself. That is what the soul has done. She has brought forth a mind without a male spirit.

“And you have broken the union between Jehovah and the human spirits of humanity and joined yourself to them, and you have sealed them with the death of the carnal mind.”

Speaking to Judah, still indicting his people. “And you have broken the union between Jehovah and the human spirits of humanity and joined yourself to them, and you have sealed them with the death of the carnal mind.”

Now, I would like to read you the four verses that we did today, and then I am going to read you them again. I have -- and -- where I have interspersed verses 8 and 10, but let me give it to you as it came forth in the King James.

These are our Alternate Translations, Isaiah 22:7-10: “And Christ completed your elect fallen souls, and you were the sons of God who were standing up in full stature and publicly judging the people, but in the day that Christ disclosed Judah’s sins, she looked to the carnal mind for protection, and this is why you have experienced the separation of Zion’s parts and the reformation of your human spirit into the carnal mind. Nevertheless, this same spiritual substance, which is the foundation of fallen Adam’s carnal mind, is once again gathered together and increased into Christ, and you have broken the union between Jehovah and the human spirits of humanity and joined yourself to them, and you have sealed them with the death of the carnal mind.”

Now, let me emphasize this. Without condemnation, this is a warning which is the love of God, brethren. This message is telling us what happened to Judah, and it is telling us what can happen to Christians today in whom the mind of Christ is being formed. I have preached to you that you can abort. I think this is probably the first scriptural proof that the Lord has revealed of it. You may be aware that this is very common with me. I get a revelation in my spirit, but if anyone were to press me for a hard scriptural proof, I do not have it, and I preached the message for a year, and, all of a sudden, I find the hard scriptural proof. Here it is right here, brethren. God will give you the Christ mind or the beginnings of it without specific repentance. It is something that happens to you as a result of being under the imputed anointing. You hang out with the Holy Spirit long enough, and you wind up pregnant. The whole problem is when you get pregnant, you get pregnant with Christ, and the first thing Christ does as soon as he gets old enough is to start to show you your sins, and if you tried to kill him with your carnal mind, you could kill him because he is not full-grown yet; and if you kill him, you have killed your life because Christ is our life.

You can spontaneously abort. Pray to the Lord before you are confronted with your sins. Pray now. Make a covenant with him that you would like the ability to say amen, that you would like the ability to recognize a true exposure of your sin. And what do I mean by a true exposure of your sin? An exposure of your sin that does not come by a carnal man for the purpose of destroying you, but it -- an exposure of your sin which is being revealed by a servant of God for the purpose of imparting life unto you. Tell the Lord you want to be able to recognize that difference, that you might say amen in the hour of your judgment, that you might live and not die.

One more time, brethren. Recap Isaiah 22:7-10, and I have interspersed verses 8 and 10. Actually, I have put verse 10 after the first phrase of verse 8a -- verse 8, and then I have put the second phrase of verse 8 after the end of verse 10.

And Christ completed your elect fallen souls, and you were the sons of God who were standing up in full stature and publicly judging the people, but in the day that Christ disclosed your sins, brethren, you broke the union between yourself and the Lord Jesus Christ, and you have been sealed with the death of the carnal mind because you looked to the carnal mind for protection from Christ, and this is why you have experienced the separation of Zion’s parts -- so this is why your Christ mind has aborted -- and the -- your m- -- and this is why your human spirit has been reformed into the carnal mind. But do not be condemned, brethren, the truth will set you free. Nevertheless, despite all that has happened to you, this same spiritual substance, your human spirit, which is the foundation of fallen Adam’s carnal mind is once again gathered together and increased into Christ. When, brethren? When I judge you without your agreement. When I force judgment on you brethren because I love you enough to not let you stay in your sins.

Now, I do not really know what the next four verses will bring, but it is probably something like that, and if the Lord lets me, I will have that for you on Sunday, and then if the Lord lets me, I will just go through the whole 14 verses and put them in a logical sequence. It is a very exciting message, and the balance of the chapter, as I may have mentioned at the beginning of the message, but I do not think we put it in this message, verses 15 to 25, we did Alternate Translations on that several years ago. If the Lord lets me, we will take a message to just review those Alternate Translations. I will tell you up front, it is a prophecy of Messiah. It is a prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ that goes from the beginning of the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ unto the end of the ministry of the man Christ Jesus, and it is a second witness -- or it is the only Old Testament witness that I know of and a second witness to the New Testament Scripture, which says that after he has put every enemy under his feet, even the last enemy, which is death, he shall offer the whole creation up to the Father, which means no more need for a mediator. It is speaking about the glorification. When man is completely glorified, when man is completely spirit, there will be no more need for a mediator, and we will find that in those last verses of Isaiah 22.

So we see in the first half of the chapter God is indicting Judah, promising to restore her, and then in the second half of the chapter, we find out how he is going to restore her, with the man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man. Very exciting. Yeah, very ex- -- I wish I can -- I wish I could do this whole Bible. Very exciting. [?You know,?] I get high on this stuff. It makes me high. It is absolutely great.

Any questions? OK. Let us take questions for [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- anyone have a question on this message tonight? OK.

I only wish I could remember all of this, every little bit of it. One thing that really [INAUDIBLE] [?said tonight?] [UNINTELLIGIBLE] about Christ had to swallow us up, and as you talked [INAUDIBLE] say about -- he has to eat our flesh, consume us.


And now I understand. [?I know why.?] [INAUDIBLE] swallowed by Christ [INAUDIBLE]

Amen. Praise God. Anybody else?



Jesus, what a wonder you are.

You are so gentle, so pure and so kind.

You shine like a morning star.

Jesus, what a wonder you are.

Jesus, what a wonder you are.

You are so gentle, so pure and so kind.

You shine like a morning star.

Jesus, what a wonder you are.




Lord, you are more precious than silver.

Lord, you are more costly than gold.

Lord, you are more beautiful than diamonds,

And nothing I desire compares with you.

Lord, you are more precious than silver.

Lord, you are more costly than gold.

Lord, you are more beautiful than diamonds,

And nothing I desire compares with you.




Gentle Jesus, meek and mild,

Look upon your little child.

Pity my simplicity,

Suffer me to come to thee.

Lamb of God, I look to thee,

Thou shalt my example be.

Thou art gentle meek and mild.

Thou wast once a little child.

Fair I would be as thou art,

Give me thine obedient heart.

Thou art pitiful and kind,

Let me have thy loving mind.

Loving Jesus, gentle lamb,

In thy gracious hands I am.

Make me, Savior, what thou art,

Live thyself within my heart.

Loving Jesus, gentle lamb,

In thy gracious hands I am.

Make me, Savior, what thou art,

Live thyself within my heart.




Though life-changing values may vanish away

And things that were real become dreams,

How blessed to walk with the Lord day by day

And know he is real as he seems.

Jesus is real to me.

Yes, Jesus is real to me.

I will try not to doubt him or journey without him,

For he is so real to me.

I never have seen him with these eyes of mine,

But though he be hid from my sight

I know he is with me in spirit divine.

I live in the strength of his might.

Jesus is real to me.

Yes, Jesus is real to me.

I will try not to doubt him or journey without him,

For he is so real to me.

My Savior and leader each moment is he,

My helper in all that I do.

Companionship with him is blessed to me.

His friendship is faithful and true.

Jesus is real to me.

Yes, Jesus is real to me.

I will try not to doubt him or journey without him,

For he is so real to me.

My reason the unseen can never discern,

Nor fully explain the unknown,

But precious the truth of the spirit I learn

When his spirit speaks to my own.

Jesus is real to me.

Yes, Jesus is real to me.

I will try not to doubt him or journey without him,

For he is so real to me.




I come to the garden alone

While the dew is still on the roses,

And the voice I hear falling on my ear,

The Son of God discloses.

And he walks with me, and he talks with me,

And he tells me thoughts of his own,

And the joy we share as we tarry there,

None other has ever known!

He speaks and the sound of his voice

Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,

And the melody that he gave to me,

Within my heart is ringing.

And he walks with me, and he talks with me,

And he tells me thoughts of his own,

And the joy we share as we tarry there,

None other has ever known!

I will stay in the garden with him

Thought the night around me is falling,

And to sleep I go till the time I know

His voice to me is calling.

And he walks with me, and he talks with me,

And he tells me thoughts of his own,

And the joy we share as we tarry there,

None other has ever known!




Praise him, praise him, all ye many members,

God is love. God is love.

Praise him, praise him, all ye many members,

God is love. God is love.

Thank him, thank him, all ye many members,

God is love. God is love.

Thank him, thank him, all ye many members,

God is love. God is love.

Serve him, serve him, all ye many members,

God is love. God is love.

Serve him, serve him, all ye many members,

God is love. God is love.

Trust him, trust him, all ye many members,

God is love. God is love.

Trust him, trust him, all ye many members,

God is love. God is love.

Bless him, bless him, all ye many members,

God is love. God is love.

Love him, love him, all ye many members,

God is love. God is love.




I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,

I will sing, I will sing.

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord.

With my mouth will I make known

His faithfulness, his faithfulness.

With my mouth will I make known

His faithfulness to all generations.

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,

I will sing, I will sing.

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord.

With my mouth will I make known

His faithfulness, his faithfulness.

With my mouth will I make known

His faithfulness to all generations.

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,

I will sing, I will sing.

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord.



Transcribed by Verbal Fusion 09/17/16

09/21/16 1st Edit rh

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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