299 - Part 2


Part 2 of 5 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


 Isaiah 22, verses 1 - 3, Alternate Translation, “Thus says Jehovah to his fallen wife, how did the carnal mind” -- he is asking her a question -- “how did the carnal mind manage to sacrifice you up to Satan?” Or “how did the carnal mind manage to sacrifice your Christ mind up to Satan?” I guess we should really say Christ mind.

“Your mind is filled” -- your present mind, which is your carnal mind -- “is filled with the animalistic, noisy restlessness of the carnal mind because Satan has triumphantly pierced through your soul. You have been mortally wounded in the war between Christ and the carnal mind, and you are dead.

“All of you are taken as prisoners of war and bound together to the carnal mind. Your collective strength is completely broken because you have turned away from Christ and put him to flight.”

This is Jehovah indicting Israel, and it is happening in the church today. But please note that verse 3 speaks about the collective strength being c- -- of Israel being completely broken. I do not believe that will ever happen again to the church.

I think God is raising Christ from the dead an individual at a time. This is the hour of personal responsibility. And I believe that Christ can be put to flight in the individual but will never ever be completely broken. What is that? The mind of Christ will never ever be completely broken in the church again. There will always be a handful of faithful in whom Christ is still being raised from the dead.

We are in a war. Christ is being raised from the dead in many human beings, I believe, in this hour. And many of those human beings are being shot down. The Christ in them is being shot down. The strength of Christ in them is being broken. But there will always be a handful in whom Christ is prevailing and overcoming and going forward until there appears in the earth at least one man, if not a group of men, to start with initially in whom Christ will be appearing in full stature.

And I just wanted to take a -- and the reason for that -- let us not forget to give the reason for that. The reason for that is that the Lord Jesus Christ has already overcome the carnal mind. The Lord Jesus Christ, who is now a glorified Spirit, is in the earth, continuously attempting to reproduce himself in imperfect men. And no matter how many times Christ Jesus, which is still in his immaturity, is shot down, the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, who has already overcome the world, will continue to be raising him from the dead in any- -- in everyone and in anyone that he can.

So it is now impossible to break Christ completely or to put Christ to flight completely in the whole body of Christ because Jesus of Nazareth, who was Christ, has fully overcome the world, the cosmos, of the carnal mind. He is raised from the dead. You can never wipe him out completely again.

Had they only known, they would have never crucified the Lord of glory. The Father raised him up in a condition of godhood that was greater than the godhood of Jesus of Nazareth, who was Christ.

Do not shut off the tape, all you Pharisees. Jesus clearly said, the Father is greater than I. God in the form of pure Spirit is greater than God in the flesh. That is why Jesus said, I never do anything or say anything except what my Father does or says. He said, my Father and I are one, but nevertheless my Father -- or the spiritual manifestation of God, God in a form of pure Spirit -- is greater than I am, the Son of God in the flesh. If you can hear it, hear it. If you cannot hear it, do not worry about it. Just pray about it, please.

So I would like to zero in on verse 2, which says that Satan has triumphantly pierced through your soul, and you have been mortally wounded in the war between Christ and the carnal mind. And you are dead. Please note that the dead have an existence that to be dead does not necessarily mean a cessation of existence. It can mean that, and there is a word in the Hebrew and there is a word in the Greek, which indicate that. In the Hebrew I believe it is pronounced [FOREIGN WORD]. I may be pronouncing it wrong. And in the Greek, the word is [FOREIGN WORD].

But there are other Hebrew and Greek words which mean death, and that is speaking about the death of this existence, the death which is in the carnal mind. Paul said if you live in sin, you are dead already, dead in your sins, dead because of sin. So there are different forms of death. Some forms of death have an existence, and other forms of death render one without a form of existence.

So I would just like to put that on the board for you. This piercing through, just by way of review -- we have been drawing our soul, or the soul of man, with circles. The center of man is his spirit. Next comes his mind. The next circle is his soul.

And remember the mind is formed because the human spirit has joined with a male spirit either Jehovah or Satan. So we are going to say Jehovah here because it is the Christ mind which is destroyed. So if the human spirit has been joined to by Jehovah, the spirit in that man is the Spirit of --


-- Christ. And the name of the mind is -- if the Spirit is the Spirit of Christ, the mind is the mind of Christ.

And Satan is resident where? In the soul. Satan is resident in the soul. And he is under the authority of the Spirit of Christ and the mind of Christ, and he is tread down under that authority.

Why is it so hot in here? Is that air conditioner not working?

But we see that Satan has pierced through. The Lord says Satan has pierced through. Satan has found an opportunity, a loophole, to come up from underneath the authority of the mind of Christ, has illegally risen up and made contact with what? With Jehovah? With the Spirit of Christ? With the human spirit.

He has committed adultery with Christ’s wife. He got past the mind of Christ, and he got past the Spirit of Christ. And he got into the garden, and he got to the woman. And she is a harlot.

So we see that a new mind is born in the man. And we have the human spirit. We now have Satan, got in there into the center where he has no business being. It is another man’s house. The thief got in, got ahold of his wife and brought forth the carnal mind.

And the carnal mind, as soon as she is formed, is waging an intense warfare, utterly bent on destroying this mind of Christ. And this is a great mystery, but the carnal mind in relationship to the mind of Christ, which is not imparted, which is not woven together with the soul and the whole creation -- that carnal mind is stronger than the mind of Christ, which is not yet woven together and firmly locked into the creation.

So what happened to Israel was that this mind of Christ died. And for all intents and purposes, Israel got an -- a heart transplant. The mind of Christ dissolved and ceased to exist. She looked the same on the outside, but she was a whole new person on the inside. OK.

In case you are confused, this is the spirit of Satan in here. Let me do it for you this way. And that is what the Lord is talking about when he says Satan has completely pierced you through, and you have died. Paul says the carnal mind is death.

I would like to take a couple of minutes to go over this principle on page 5, I think, of “[?Mind, Hell?] and Death”. It is the third full paragraph on page 5, and this paragraph teaches us how the human body is formed and exactly what the human body is. I suggest to you that the human body is a part of the physical world that we live in.

OK, we are told that the man is made of the dust of the earth. Our physical body is spiritualized dust. We are made out of the dust. We return to the dust. And this external house, this clay house that we live in, is a form of the same substance that the external world is made out of.

And I would like to relate this for you to the word city. We would like to find out what a spiritual city is. Invisible, unformed spirit dwelling inside of the soul. The spirit at the innermost point is dwelling inside of the soul. The soul is in front of him. Spirit, then mind and then soul because the innermost point, where spirit is, is in your heart. You do not measure spirit from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes, but you measure it from the center of your being, where your heart is, outward. And the innermost circle is spirit. He is surrounded by heart. And then he is -- the soul is in fr- -- or mind, and the soul is in front of the mind.

So we are finding out how this body is formed and how this world out there is formed. Invisible, unformed spirit, dwelling inside of a soul, fortifies his city. The city, brethren, is the soul. And if you recall the first message in Isaiah 22, we found out that the Lord is speaking to his soul. The Lord is speaking to his soul, the soul that he made to be his wife, and the name of that soul is Jerusalem. She is either fallen Jerusalem or that holy Jerusalem depending on the mind which is dwelling in her.

God only made one soul, brethren. She is either fallen or righteous. She is either good or evil. She is either a harlot or a virtuous woman, the same soul.

And what -- that determining factor of whether she is positive or negative is the mind which is in her. So we see that this soul, which has within her a spirit and a mind, is a spiritual city. Invisible, unformed spirit, dwelling inside of soul, fortifies his city or his kingdom -- sometimes the soul is called a kingdom -- by erecting a visible image of himself round about the soul.

You read in the Scripture about a wall or the wall of the city, and we will be talking about that when we do the next three verses of Isaiah 22. If the soul is the city, and the spirit and the mind are the inhabitants of the soul, the wall of the city is a visible image, a reflection, of the spirit, which is hiding beh- -- in the house of the soul. Is everybody OK?

We cannot see spirit because he is invisible, but we can see his image in the mirror. And this whole world out here is a mirror, and in that mirror is an image. That is why when you look at this world or when you look at a human being, when you look at their flesh, it is a picture, an image, an illusion of the spirit, which is inside of their heart.

That is why if there is something wrong with your flesh or if there is something wrong with the environment, you can patch it up. You can give it an operation. You could dig it up. You could plant a tree.

You could make a temporary correction, but you will never make a lasting, permanent correction until you bring a healing to the object, which is the reality. So long as you are repairing the image, and the reality continues to be corrupt, no matter how much effort you put into repairing the image, it will break again. It will corrupt again. It will be sick again.

So it is important for us to know that the root, which has the potential to produce healing to our world and our body that will be permanent, is not that which we see but that which is invisible and that which is at the center of our being. That which is visible -- this body and this world -- is the wall that surrounds the city. And it is formed when spirit, the inhabitant of the city, pierces through the mind, which is his offspring, and then pierces through the soul and forms a fourth ring or a wall around the individual.

And that wall has two parts for the individual. The wall is the world that he lives in plus the body that he lives in, which is made out of the same substance as the world if you can hear it. If you cannot hear it, that is OK.

Viewing the relationship between spirit, mind and soul then as a series of concentric circles -- does anybody know what concentric circles are? Anybody?

            [UNINTELLIGIBLE] one inside the other. 

Yes, with- -- and they are equidistant. Although you cannot tell it by the way I draw it, these circles are equidistance [sic]. In other words if there is one inch between the circle which represents spirit and the circle which represents carnal mind, if I tell you that these circles are concentric circles, then you do not have to measure. You know it is one inch between the circle which is the carnal mind and the circle which is the soul. They are equidistant.

Viewing the relationship then between spirit, mind and soul as a series of concentric circles, with spirit at the center, mind next and then soul, we see that an image is formed when spirit, which abides in the innermost circle, penetrates mind and pierces through the soul, forming a fourth circle beyond them. When spirit --


-- passes through, penetrates mind and passes through soul, the occult people call it an aura, and you see another circle formed. And we see this circle hardened. It becomes the body, and it creates a world system out here. And the body also has an aura. It has just some spiritual presence, but basically the fourth circle is the body. Satan forms a physical body, but when Christ penetrates through mind and soul, he forms a spiritual body.

Brethren, this body that you love, that you bathe, that you groom, that you deodorize, that you dress and that you perfume is Satan’s image. Now I am not telling you not to dress it and groom it and perfume it. You do the best you can with what you have got, but you need to know that your body is Satan’s image. And it is not the body that you will have in the kingdom of God or when the kingdom of God appears in the earth.

Now the kingdom of God is appearing first in -- as a spirit, as the mind of Christ. And then it is making your soul alive. And eventually he is going to pierce out into this world system and change your external ring. You are the third ring of your atom or the third ring of your cosmos.

And eventually he will change this corruptible world system into an incorruptible one. And you will not look like this anymore, and you are not going to be flesh and blood anymore. You are going to be flesh and bones. And if you have an inordinate attachment to your body, you have a problem getting into the kingdom. And what is more if you have an inordinate affection for the functions of this body, you are going to have a problem getting into the kingdom because the functions of this body are not going in and neither is this body.

Amen. We can say then that the God of the creation appears as an image of a world or a living environment when he penetrates the mind, which he has begotten or formed in the soul, and then piercing through to the other side of the soul, forms a fourth circle around the whole city. Mind then not only connects man to the God who is the master of his soul -- mind connects the whole man to the God who is the master of his soul -- but also binds the whole man, spirit, soul -- spirit and soul to the image of the world system, which the God has formed. So we see spirit at the center binding the whole ball of wax together, mind, soul, body.

And we are attached to this world, brethren. We eat off the land. We are very much attached to this land. The substance of it sustains our flesh. We cannot live without it.

So we see that for us to fully enter into the kingdom, it is going to be necessary to be completed renewed in the spirit of our mind. This spirit, right in here, the human spirit, her renewal starts with her union with the Lord Jesus Christ, which replaces the carnal mind with the Christ mind, which replaces the fallen soul with the holy soul of holy c- -- of the holy city called Jerusalem, which will replace this fallen, clay prison house with a glorious spiritual body not of flesh and blood, brethren, but of flesh and bone, and will eventually replace this whole corruptible world, which includes the pestilence and the mosquitos and the lice and the scorpions and the ticks. All of that pestilence is a part of this fallen world, which will be replaced by the glorious image of heaven.

So we see a worship by factions who are indeed promoting Hinduism and other forms of pagan worship sending out signals to you saying, do not kill the poor flies, and leave the mosquitos alone. And let the ants bite you because they have a right to live also. Well, if you want to believe that, you believe it, but I do not believe that.

I believe this world is corrupt. I believe it is the image of Satan. I believe that it is cursed. And I believe that it is coming down and the sooner, the better.

And everything in it that is not of God -- the sooner the better -- let it come down with the cockroaches, brethren, who have no right to live in the life of someone who is living by the power of the resurrected Son of God. Flies have no right to buzz around my house, and cockroaches have no right to inhabit here. And lice and mosquitos and pestilence have no place in my life. And when they come into this house, I kill them hopefully with the power of my word.

OK, let us go on.

            [?What about?] the butterflies?

Butterflies are not pestilence. Butterflies are not pestilence. I really do not know what they are classified as, but they are not dangerous. They do not bite; they do not harm human beings. Whether or not they have any benefit to mankind, I do not know. But I know that there are no insects in the Kingdom.

[UNINTELLIGIBLE] [?six?], they are not to be preserved, brethren. There is a movement in this country today which is designed to diminish the authority of man. You see, my Bible says that God shall have dominion over the earth and over the sea and everything therein, that man is the ruler of this planet.

But there is a movement; it is called environmentalism. It sounds good. It sounds like these people who are promoting it want to preserve the planet. I always thought it was wonderful until I recently found out that these environmentalists have an agenda. And that agenda is not to just preserve the planet, but it is to worship the earth of the planet. And the worship of the earth of this planet is the worship of --


-- Satan. Satan is the God of the earth.

And as I watch this movement progress -- I watched an interview just the other day of an eminent scientist promoting environmentalism. And he was actually on TV saying there is no difference between man and beast and insect, and it is the pride of man which likes to think that he is higher than the mosquito. It is Satan taking dominion over God’s appointed ruler. And when you lose the value of life, then you start killing people.

You see, it starts out with the teaching that you should not eat cows, and you should not eat chickens because they have a right to live just like you do. And as soon as you embrace this ungodly philosophy, it is just a matter of a few years, and they are preaching that the mosquitos and the chickens have a right to eat you. And that might sound funny, and the way I am expressing it is humorous, but I am telling you if you have eyes to see, it is already happening in other areas.

People who are tearing down the word of God are tearing down godly aspects of this society, telling you they want equal rights. And as soon as they bring you down to a place where they are equal with you, the next step is to put you underfoot. Does anybody not know what I am talking about?

Brethren, a partnership is not legal in Christ. There must be one who is in authority and one who is in submission. When you bring down an authority and say, let us be partners, it is just a matter of time before the one who was on the bottom is on the top, and the one who was on the top is on the bottom. And the Scriptural example is the woman who said, let us boil your child today, and we shall boil my child tomorrow. And the foolish woman boiled her child and ate him. And the next day, the wise woman -- I do not know if wise is the right word -- the trickery -- the tricker, the woman who was into trickery, refused to turn her son over for destruction.

You never give up any authority that God has given you. You fight to the death. If God backs you, you will not lose it. And if for any reason he does not, so you will die, big deal. You do not ever, ever voluntarily give up authority that is God-given. And there are forces operating in this country today which are determined to bring goddess worship back to this nation and to overthrow the Christian church.

So let us go on. Isaiah, chapter 22 -- were there any questions on this area before we go on? Isaiah, chapter 22, picking up with verse 4, brethren. Verse 4, “Therefore said I, Look away from me; I will weep bitterly, labour not to comfort me, because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people.”

Now remember Jehovah has just said that Israel has been penetrated, that the mind of Christ has been killed and that as far as God is concerned, his people are dead. And I want to tell you that, I think as recently as a year ago, the Lord spoke to me about somebody who left this ministry without his permission. Now I do not want you mixing me up with ministers who curse people who leave their ministry. I do not curse anyone who leaves this ministry, but I am telling you, brethren, the truth that if, in fact, you have left without God’s permission, the chances are that he will let your spiritual life die.

And if I did not tell you that, I would be remiss. I do not pronounce death on people who leave here. But the truth is if you leave without God’s permission, he might let Christ in you die. And if you think that is a curse, you need to get some instruction because that is not a curse. That is the truth.

And God spoke to me about someone who left here a long time ago for whatever reason. And he said to me, they died. And I was shocked. And then I realized what he told me, that the Christ, which was being formed in them, aborted.

They are physically alive. They are prospering as far as I can see [?there?]. I hear from them. But spiritually speaking the life of Christ, which was being formed in them, died. And as far as God is concerned, they died. That does not mean he will not raise them from the dead.

But look, brethren, we need to know how God thinks. We need to know how God thinks. If you are shocked by some of the things that I say, I just continue to encourage you to put them before the Lord, to ask him to help you to understand and to help you to not criticize or condemn me because you are just defeating yourself if your pride rises up because you do not like what I say.

I am not here to tickle your ears. You have a large selection of churches to go to today if you would like your ears tickled. If you want the truth, this is at least one place that you could come.

And Jesus clearly said he has things to tell us, but we could not bear it right now. The truth hurts. To some people the truth is unbearable. So why are you shocked at some of the things that I say? If the truth -- if some of the truth is unbearable, would you not expect to have some negative reaction sometimes to some of the things that I say?

“Therefore said I, Look away from me; I will weep bitterly, labour not to comfort me, because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people.” Well, it sounds pretty good except that is not what the Lord is saying according to my understanding of the Hebrew. He is saying, do not look at me. I want to weep bitterly. Do not comfort me because my people have died. Woe is me. Woe is me.

But I suggest to you that this translation does not characterize our God. I would like to suggest to you that this translation characterizes fallen man. Does anyone know who the Bible character is who manifested this form of behavior at the death of his son? Anybody?


David, amen. At the death of who?


Absalom absolutely. David moaned, and David groaned. And David mourned for the dead and said, woe is me. Woe is me. Until his generals said, if you do not get your act together and show yourself to the people, you are going to lose your throne. And our Lord himself said, let the dead bury their dead. And you are telling me Jehovah said this? Brethren, Jehovah never said this. The carnal minds of the King James translators said this.

“Therefore said I” -- the word therefore, it is made up of two Hebrew words, the first of which means in, on, upon or over, and the second of which is Strong’s 3651 and can be translated -- and in fact the first translations in Gesenius are upright, erect, upright. Therefore I suggest to you because of righteousness, upright righteousness, on account of righteousness.

Because of righteousness, Jehovah is saying, my response to the death of my people shall be based upon my righteousness. We had an exhortation on this this morning. My response to the death of my people shall not be boo-hoo emotion but shall be the response of righteousness. So, Jehovah says, because of righteousness this is what I shall do in response to the death of my people.

“Look away from me” -- the Hebrew word translated look away is Strong’s 8159, and one of the translations in Gesenius’ Hebrew Lexicon is to be smeared together or to be smeared over as the eye, to be smeared together. I suggest to you that the carnal mind and the Christ mind be joined together.

What does the word smeared imply? A mixture. Do you not smear finger paints? You take some yellow finger paint, and you take some blue finger paint. And you smear them together, and you get another color? Let them be smeared together.

And we are told in Gesenius as to smear something over the eye. And we know that the eye is used to describe the soul. Let them be smeared together. Let them be crushed together. Let them be joined together so completely that you cannot tell which one is the carnal mind and which one is the Christ mind.

Brethren, we are speaking about the renewal of the mind. Jehovah said Satan has penetrated your Christ mind, Israel. Israel did not have an imparted Christ mind. She had an imputed Christ mind, a Christ mind which was not completely woven together in every point with the soul. Therefore Satan got loose, you see.

When the mind of Christ is completely woven together with the soul, Satan is locked in there and bound in. But the formation of the Christ mind in Israel was temporary. It was not formed by a growth process. It was established in maturity. It appeared one day; it did not grow up from seed. Therefore it was not interwoven [?intermittently?] with the soul. And Satan got loose and brought forth her carnal mind, which killed Christ.

So therefore, Jehovah says, my righteous response to this event or this series of events is that I say, let the two minds be crucified one unto the other that this will never happen again. That is what he said.

“Look away from me; I will weep bitterly” -- the Hebrew word translated weep is Strong’s 1065, and it can be translated a great cry, but it can also be translated the distilling of water. Does anybody know what the process known as distilling is? Does anybody know what distillation is? You distill -- the process known as distillation or the distilling of water is the process by which you boil the water. Does that sound familiar? Who is being boiled?




The Satan is being boiled. The water of Satan’s salt sea is being boiled. And the water evaporates, and the salt remains. The process of distillation separates water from its impurities.

And the way this process works is that the water is converted to steam or vapor, and the sediment or the solid parts [?or in the natural?] the impurities remain in the pot or in the test tube or whatever you are boiling. And we have heard from the Lord as much as almost two years ago that Satan’s salt sea is being boiled so that Eve, who is typified by salt -- Jesus said, ye are the salt of the earth -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

-- the name. Her name is Eve. So we see that the boiling or the distilling of the salt sea, which is Satan’s mind, will separate the spirit of man, which belongs to the Father, which is the Father’s wife, from the water of Satan’s sole existence or sole life.

So we see that Jehovah’s answer to the death of his people is the death of Satan and the securing of Satan in the position that she was designed to serve in so that she could never rise up again and penetrate God’s wife again. Now before he can put Satan in a position where she could never rebel again, he first has to separate her from the spirit of man, which is God’s -- which is the female parts of God’s wife. And the process which is freeing our human spirit from the union which resulted from our adulterous union with Satan is distillation, boiling. The Scripture says, he shall burn us as a sin offering, typified by the boiling of the beasts in the Levitical law.

Let me ask you a question, brethren. Those of you who believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the ultimate fulfillment of the sin offering typified by the Levitical law, why was he not boiled?


Well, I mean, I am talking about what the world saw. Why was he not boiled? Why was he crucified? He was not boiled. He was not roasted.

Because the crucifixion of the body of Jesus of Nazareth is not the ultimate fulfillment of the type of the Levitical sacrifice. The ultimate fulfillment of the type of the Levitical sacrifice, brethren, is your carnal mind, which shall be boiled by the fire of Christ and shall be roasted in the lake of fire and shall be consumed by the high priest whose name is Christ. Let us file that one with the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. It has holes in it. Your doctrine has holes in it, brethren.

“I will weep bitterly” -- the word weep means the distilling of water, and the Hebrew word translated bitterly is Strong’s 4843 and can be translated flowing, bitterly, flowing -- it is in Gesenius; look it up -- flowing in the sense of passing away. Brethren, when you distill Satan’s salt sea, he is going to pass away. And is not to pass away an expression or a euphemism, a nice way of saying to die?

Alternate Translation, “Therefore said I, Look away from me; I will weep bitterly” -- “in order for you to be righteous then, said I” -- Jehovah speaking -- “let the two minds be smeared together and the water of Satan’s sea be distilled” -- or be boiled -- “and pass away.”

“Labour not to comfort me, because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people.” Not is merely a negative. Labor -- the Interlinear translates the Hebrew word translated labor as hurry. Do not hurry. The Interlinear says hurry. It is Strong’s 213.

But I have chosen another translation. It means to go back or to withdraw oneself. Sometimes the word is expressed as repent. Jehovah, do not repent from the judgment that you have passed upon this people. Jehovah says, I shall not repent. And the Pharisee says, Jehovah is going to burn them forever and ever, and he shall not repent or withdraw that fire though they scream with pain and torment for the life of the ages.

But I declare to you that the Lord is saying, I shall not withdraw myself. I shall not go back from executing the judgments which will free my people from the bondage of hell and death. No matter how much they scream and yell and cry, I will save them from themselves.

I want to tell you, brethren, out of everybody I know that is crying out to the Lord Jesus Christ -- help me, oh, God. Save me -- when they find out what they have to go through because the Lord is answering their prayer, if they could read -- if they could beat it out of there, they would leave. But I want to tell you, once you pray that prayer, dear God help me, and he receives you, he will not withdraw from the correction that he is inflicting upon your body and upon your soul in direct answer to your cry for help. Everyone that the Lord receives he corrects. You wanted him to punish your husband. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

“Labour not to comfort me” -- the Hebrew word translated comfort, Strong’s 6162, means to pain, to groan, to grieve, to take vengeance. “Do not go back,” he says. Jehovah says, I will not go back. I will not withdraw myself from taking vengeance on the carnal mind. He is going to kill the carnal mind. He is not going to kill the people. He loves the people. But he is going to tear down this illegal mind, which he likens to a weed, which has arisen in his people and destroyed the mind of Christ.

And he will not repent, and he will not turn back no matter how much you scream and yell and carry on. He will let you scream and yell and carry on until you are exhausted and ready to do it his way.

“Labour not to comfort me, because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people.” Spoiling, Strong’s 7701, can be translated destruction, the devastation of wild beasts or a devastating tempest. And I suggest to you that this Scripture is indicating the carnal mind, describing her as a devastating tempest. So we see the Lord saying, I will not withdraw. I will not draw back from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest, which killed the Christ mind of my people.

The word -- Hebrew word -- translated daughter is speaking about human women. And I suggest to you that the Lord is speaking about the humanity of Israel, which he describes as female. Number one she is wife unto him, and number two her car- -- her Christ mind has died, so she has lost her manhood.

Alternate Translation, “Do not” -- this is the second half of verse 4. “Do not cease from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest, which is the carnal mind, of my human people.” “Do not cease from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest, which is the carnal mind, of my human people.”

All of verse 4, brethren, “In order for you to be righteous then” -- or -- “In order for you to be restored unto righteousness, Jehovah says, you died. And in order for you to be restored unto righteousness, let Christ and your carnal mind be smeared together, and let the water of Satan’s sea be boiled and pass away. Do not cease from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest of my human people.” Or, “I will not cease from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest of my human people.”

I put that in better English. Amplified Translation, verse 4, “I will not cease from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest” -- which is the carnal mind -- “of my human people so that they may be righteous, says Jehovah. Therefore let Christ be smeared together with their carnal mind, and let the water of Satan’s sea be distilled and pass away.”

One more time, Amplified version of verse 4, “I will not cease from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest of the carnal mind of my human people so that they may be righteous” -- or be restored unto righteousness -- “says Jehovah. Therefore let Christ be smeared together with their carnal mind, and let the water of Satan’s sea be boiled and pass away.”

Verse 5, “For it is a day of trouble, and of treading down, and of perplexity by the Lord God of hosts in the valley of vision, breaking down the walls, and of crying to the mountains.”

Therefore “it is a day of trouble” -- the Interlinear says tumult. It is Strong’s 4103. Other translations of this Hebrew word are disturbance. It is a day of disturbance. This word is used of the irregular and voluptuous lifestyle of a rich man, irregular, up and down lifestyle of the rich man.

Webster says the word voluptuous is referring to sensual pleasure or gratification of the senses. We are not just speaking about sexuality here, brethren, everything that is sensory. Touch, taste, smell, every gratification of the senses is going to be shaken when the Lord God Jehovah takes down the carnal mind. And he is taking down the carnal mind so that his people can be restored unto righteousness.

Brethren, the hour is short. Without the truth, you will not come out of hell. This existence that we have is a sensual existence. It is an existence based upon feeling. Life in Christ is not based upon feeling. Life in Christ is based upon the rational mind of Christ.

Can I have some more volume on this? I should have realized it sooner. I am losing my voice here. Hello, testing, testing, testing, testing. A little more, please. Thank y- -- just a little more. Thank you, OK.

The life of Christ is not based on what you feel. The pleasure or the satisfaction which is in Christ is not based on a feeling. It is spiritual. And the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit lusteth against the flesh. And the two -- one is contrary against the other.

Brethren, for the kingdom of God to be established and fully functioning in your life, this existence of sensual pleasure must come down. We read in the Book of Revelation about the harlot who lives deliciously. I am sorry, but the Scripture is not just speaking about sexual sin. This whole existence of sensual pleasure, this whole existence in which sensual pleasure is exalted, must come down for you to enter into the kingdom of God in its fullest.

And although this might seem grevious [sic] unto you in this hour, I declare to you that life with Christ is far superior to this sensual existence. Your problem -- if you are feeling distressed at what I am saying, your problem is that you have so little, if any, experience at all with the gratification which can be found in the rational mind of Christ that you are panicking at the thought of giving up the only form of life that you know.

And I can tell you for the next hundred years that life in Christ is far superior. The fact of the matter is that you have no experience with the life of Christ, and you would much rather have a bird in the hand than two in the bush.

OK, Jesus. So we see that it is a day of trouble, a day of the disturbance, a day that the uneven lifestyle of the sensual pleasure of this world system is brought down, brethren, because sensual pleasure needs to be repeated. Even if you enjoy eating, everything that is sensual needs to be repeated. It only gratifies for a moment, and then you have to do it again. And then you have to do it again, and then you have to do it again. It is an imperfect existence. God has better things for us.

“It is a day of trouble, and of treading down” -- treading down, Strong’s 4001, means a treading down of enemies by conquerors. It is the day that the Christ mind will be raised from the dead and tread down that carnal mind, which has killed God’s people. It is also a day of perplexity. The Interlinear says confusion, Strong’s 3998. Webster says that confusion means a tangled, involved or confused condition, a tangled or involved condition. I want to tell you that the human spirit of man is entangled and involved in a perder- -- in a perverse relationship with Satan and her offspring, the carnal mind.

So we see that this is the day -- which is the day? -- that Jehovah restores his people unto righteousness. And the characteristics of this day is that Jehovah shall disentangle and tread down -- excuse me -- the voluptuous or the sensual lifestyle, which we are trapped in.

Remember the pleasure-pray- -- pain principle. I talked about it a lot here, the pleasure-pain principle. Satan tries to keep you in voluntary slavery by offering you pleasure. Should you get the revelation that no pleasure is worth separation from Christ, as you head towards Christ, Satan will punish you with pain. Christ wants to raise up -- us up above both pleasure and pain with a form of spiritual gratification that may be alien to you as you hear this tape but far superior to anything Satan can offer you in this world system.

“The Lord God of hosts” is speaking about Jehovah, God or captain of the army. “For it is a day of trouble, and of treading down, and of perplexity by the Lord of hosts in the valley of vision.” We found out in verse 1 that the valley of vision is speaking about the low place where revelation is received. It is speaking about the soul, and it is speak- -- the soul is the city. And since we are speaking about God’s people, the name of that city or the name of the soul is Jerusalem.

Alternate Translation, the first half of verse 5 of Isaiah 22, “It is the day the Lord of hosts shall tread the carnal mind down under Christ because her c-” -- who? The carnal mind -- “because her confused mental order and disturbed, irregular state of mind” -- that is describing the carnal mind, brethren -- “has covered over Jerusalem’s” -- or the soul’s -- “God’s wife’s awareness of her true existence, surroundings and feelings with sensual pleasure.”

Let me read that again. “It is the day the Lord of hosts shall tread the carnal mind down under Christ because her confused mental order and disturbed, irregular state of mind has covered over Jerusalem’s awareness of her true existence, surroundings and feelings with sensual pleasure.”

Brethren, we do not know who we are. We are all confused as to who we are. Do you know what we are? We are a bunch of junkies, and we are so shot-up with crack cocaine that we cannot even remember who we are. Either we are just lolling around, high all the time, or we are so concerned about dealing with the pain that we are feeling that we do not even know who we are. That is what the Scripture says.

We are so occupied with either our pleasure or our pain, we are so busy looking at ourself [sic], either to get pleasure or to lick our wounds, that we have taken our eyes off of the spirit, and we have completely forgotten who we are. And who are we? The Sons of God.

Let me read that for you again. “It is the day the Lord of hosts shall tread the carnal mind down under Christ because her confused mental order and disturbed, irregular state of mind has covered over Jerusalem’s awareness of her true existence” -- [?with spirit?] -- “of her true surroundings” -- which is spirit -- “and her true feelings” -- which are spirit -- “with sensual pleasure.” You see, our true existence, surroundings and feelings are that which comes through the Spirit of Christ. There are emotions in Christ. There are emotions in Christ. They are different than the emotions which come through the soul. It is a different experience.

The second half of verse 5, it is the day of “the breaking down of the walls” -- now we just had a teaching on what the walls are. The wall is this world system and the human body. It is a day of the breaking down of the walls -- “and of the [sic] crying to the mountains.”

Breaking down, Strong’s 6979, means to undermine or to dig down. The wall is coming down from going underneath, digging it down, digging a hole underneath it and collapsing it. And I suggest to you that hole is coming when Christ comes up out from under. The carnal mind is falling down into the hole, and Christ is coming on top.

From “the breaking down of the walls,” this Hebrew word translated walls actually is a singular word. It is the breaking down or the digging down of a wall, Strong’s 7023, speaking about a place fortified with a wall or a fortified city. I suggest to you the intention of the Scripture is the digging down of the fortified city. That wall is coming down, and the whole city is coming down. It is going to be renewed in the image of Christ.

And the “crying to the mountains.” The word -- Hebrew word -- translated crying is Strong’s 7771, and believe it or not, another translation of this word translated crying is rich, opulent, richly supplied and wealthy. I suggest to you that this fallen soul is rich, opulent, richly supplied and wealthy and noble. Another translation is noble because the human spirit is at the foundation of it. The human spirit is the nobility. She is the wealth. And she is held captive because Satan could never have formed this world without her.

She is the gold which the Lord is saving out of this creation after he smelts it. He wants his gold. He really does not care that much about the dirt. He is the God of the living not the God of the dead. He wants his wife back. He wants that which is spirit. “And of crying to the mountains.” The word mountain is mountain. It usually means a spiritual nation, the spirit of the -- of -- that is in the nation.

Alternate Translation, the second half of verse 5, “And the destruction of the wall” -- or the human body -- “and the spiritual nation” -- which is the mind -- “which is formed because of the stolen human spirit. It is a day of the destruction of the human body and of the mind which is formed because of the stolen human spirit.”

The whole of verse 5, Alternate Translation, “It is the day the Lord of hosts shall tread the carnal mind down under Christ because her confused mental order and disturbed, irregular state of mind has covered over Jerusalem’s awareness of her true existence, surroundings and feelings with sensual pleasure. And it is also the day of the destruction of the human body and the carnal mind, which is formed because of the stolen human spirit.”

I put that in better English for you. Amplified Translation, verse 5 of Isaiah 22, “It is the day the Lord of hosts shall destroy the deformed personalities and bodies which are expressing the confused, irregular state of mind, which has covered over Jerusalem’s awareness of her true existence, surroundings and feelings with sensual pleasure, by treading the carnal mind down under Christ.”

Once again, “It is the day the Lord of hosts shall destroy the deformed personalities and bodies which are expressing the confused, irregular state of mind, which has covered over Jerusalem’s awareness of her true existence, surroundings and feelings with sensual pleasure, by treading the carnal mind down under Christ.”

Now, brethren, please not the key words the omission of which distinguish this revelation from that which is being preached in the Kingdom church. And those key words, which are lacking in the message being preached today, are covered over with sensual pleasure. You see, the Kingdom church is telling you that all you have to do is identify with your Christ nature. That is all you have to do is ignore your lower nature, and identify with your Christ nature.

But I suggest to you that they are not telling you that that mind which gives you an existence in sensual pleasure must be destroyed. They are not telling you that sensual pleasure must be destroyed. They are not telling you that your body must be destroyed. They are telling you all you have to do is believe that you are God and that you are God if you can hear it.

Let me read it again. The Kingdom church is telling you -- the Kingdom church preaches that your problem is an identification problem, that the reason you are sick and the reason you are dying and the reason you have every problem you have is because you are not accurately aware of your true existence, of your true surroundings and your true feelings. That is what they teach you, and that part is true.

But they have neglected to tell you that the reason that you are not aware of your true existence, your true surroundings and your true feelings is that there is a mind in you, which has captured you and subjected you by shooting you up with pleasure-filled drugs and that has therefore subjected you to this world of century -- sensory pleasure and that there is no way you are going to remember your true identity or your true existence or your true surroundings or your true feelings until this mind, which has bound you to an existence of century -- sensory pleasure, is destroyed. They have given you half the message if you can hear it.

Let me say it again. The Kingdom church today is, by and large, telling you your problem, the problem you are dying, the problem you are sick -- the reason that you are sick and dying and have problems in this world is that you do not know who you are. You have forgotten who you are. And if  you could just remember that you are spirit, that you are noble, that you are royalty, that you have eternal life -- if you could just believe it or remember it, your jailhouse [?and?] every problem in your life would fade away.

And I am here today to tell you that it is true. Your problem is that you do not remember who you are. You are in a state of mental confusion whereby you think you are an animal when you are truly spirit. It is true. But you cannot get free by just remembering who you are because you are bound to a condition of an animal existence by the animal. So it is going to take much more than remembering who you really are to get set free. The animal or the beast, which has subjected you, must be subjected.

And, brethren, you cannot subject a captor that you are happily cohabiting with. You will never defeat an enemy that you are collaborating with. You will never defeat an enemy who is pumping you full of heroin when you love the heroin.

You must come to a point where you say to your enemy, keep your heroin. Keep your money. Keep your pleasure. Keep everything of this world that I love because nothing is stopping me from walking out of here. And that part of it they are not telling you. And when Jesus, having fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, was tempted of the devil, he hungered for dominion over his strong enemy. And because he had fasted and because he had abstained from the pleasures and the pain of this soul realm, he rose up and took authority over the lord of this world and subjected him unto himself.

Brethren, how are you going to defeat your only source of food and sustenance in this world? You cannot. You need him to stay alive. You must therefore obtain another source if you are to overcome the lord and master of this world system. And I am here today to tell you that if there is anything that you are not willing to give up in this world, that is a hold that is binding you to this world.

Now you do not give it up unless the Lord takes it, but you must be willing to give it up; for Satan has [?ground?] in you. And they are not telling you that. They are not telling you about the price you have to pay to get out of here. They are telling you the truth of your condition; you have forgotten who you are.

“It is the day the Lord of hosts shall destroy the deformed personalities and bodies which are expressing the confused, irregular state of mind, which has covered over Jerusalem’s awareness of her true existence, surroundings and feelings with sensual pleasure, by treading the carnal mind down under Christ.”

Verse 6, “And Elam bare the quiver with chariots of men and horsemen, and Kir uncovered the shield.” Elam is a province of Persia in which stood the capital city Susa. It is a masculine word. Persia is the empire which defeated Israel.

This word is speaking, I suggest to you, about the human beings which are formed in the image of Satan. Persia is a part of the empire which defeated Israel. It is speaking about an enemy of God’s people, and the enemy who defeated spiritual Israel, we are told at the beginning of this study, is Satan, who has penetrated the Christ mind and killed him. So Elam, I suggest to you, is typifying Satan.

“And Elam bare the quiver” -- bare, the Interlinear says carried. It is Strong’s 5375, and it means to life up a hand as in swearing, shaking a fist. So I suggest to you Satan, through her carnal mind, shook her fist at Christ. She heard the prophecy of the Lord. She saw the coming of Christ. She saw the deliverance. She saw God coming to take his creation back. And she would not bend her knee, but she put on all of her military gear and shored up the full force of her military strength and stood against the Christ, who was coming to take back what was his.

And this principle, brethren, is speaking about the carnal minds of men. In this hour Christ is coming to get back his wife; that is you. And your carnal mind is picking up the bow and the arrow and taking up arms against Christ, who is coming to save you from hell. And you are killing him, and you are killing his ministers. And you are killing his prophets. Why? Because your mind is deformed and confused and irregular and covered over with false experiences of sensual pleasure, and you are spiritually sick.

“And Elam bare the quiver with chariots of men and horsemen” -- the quiver is spiritual arrows, and of course these are a- -- this is the spiritual weaponry of the carnal mind. And chariots -- “with chariots of men and horsemen” -- chariots, Strong’s 7393, it means riders, calvary [sic], or it could mean the beasts of the cavalry themselves. We have been translating the concept of chariots as the soul for a long time. The rider of the horse is the spirit. The horse is the whole man, and the saddle, which is between the whole man and the spirit, is the soul. So we see that Satan is coming with the souls of men or with the carnal minds of men.

“And Elam bare the quiver with chariots of men” -- the Hebrew says not men, not plural. The Hebrew says a man. Actually the Hebrew says Adam. He is coming with the chariots of Adam. He is coming with the spiritual weapons of fallen Adam. In response to God’s declaration to kill the carnal mind and reestablish the mind of Christ, fallen Adam’s response is to wage war by means of his carnal mind, of many carnal minds in the many members of humanity.

And he is also coming -- well, according to the King James, it says, “and horsemen,” but the word horsemen is 6571, speaking about the one who sits on a horse not an ass. I suggest to you that the correct translation here is, “And fallen Adam shook his fist at the Sons of God and fought against them with the spiritual power of their carnal minds.” And I got Sons of God from the word horsemen. I suggest to you that the ones sitting on the horse are the Sons of God.

So we see “Elam bare the quiver with chariots of men” -- Elam meaning Satan. He lifted up the weaponry, which is the carnal mind, of the fallen man, of fallen man, of fallen Adam. And then we just have the word -- in the King James, it just says horsemen. The word and is in brackets; it is not even in the Hebrew. So I suggest to you that the horsemen is speaking about the Sons of [?God?]. This is just a very poor translation.

And once again the translation the Lord has given me is, verse 6 of Isaiah 22, “And fallen Adam shook his fist” -- or opposed -- “the Sons of God” -- the horsemen -- “and fought against them with the spiritual power of their carnal minds.”

And of course we find that concept in the Book of Revelation. We found a couple of those Scriptures. We were looking for them earlier. I think we found one in Revelation, chapter 6. Let me read that to you.

This is the reaction of fallen man to Christ’s attempt to deliver them from the bondage of hell and death. “And fallen Adam bid Satan, the spirit that ruled in their souls and their souls that had been strengthened without repentance by the Holy Spirit, to be their state of mind.” “Fallen man bid Satan to be their state of mind and hide them from Christ and from the desire of the Father, which was reaching out for them.”

And then again chapter 16 in the Book of Revelation -- what verse was that? Does anybody remember?

            [?9 and 11.?]

9 and 11? “And fallen mankind knew that it was God who was subjecting them to severe spiritual, emotional and physical trials, but they refused to repent and admit their guilt and instead accused God of afflicting them unjustly.” And, brethren, that is what every carnal-minded person does when the servant of God approaches them to reveal their sins. And it is only the men in whom Christ is appearing that even have a chance of confessing their sins and coming to repentance because the carnal mind of man denies the truth and attacks the prophet.

So therefore if you have the mind of Christ, you have the opportunity to repent. Does it not say in the Scripture that we can only repent if God grants us repentance? May God grant you repentance. It is in the Scripture, brethren.

The granting of repentance is in Christ. You cannot repent without Christ. You do not have the ability to do it without Christ. But the fact that you have Christ growing in you does not guarantee that you will repent. It is an opportunity. He is an opportunity to repent. You must utilize the power which he imparts to you.

And the other verse, you said, was 12, [?Mary?]? Now --


Pardon me?


I think we will just stay with the one. We will just stay with verse 9.

The second half of verse 6, Isaiah 22, “and Kir uncovered the shield.” Kir is Strong’s 7024, a nation and region subject to the Assyrian Empire. The Assyrian Empire again, brethren, is an enemy of Israel. “Kir uncovered the shield.” Uncovered, the Interlinear says bared, is Strong’s 6168. It means to be naked. The primary idea appears to be that of plucking out, such as hair, or hence to make naked, to uncover.

And I suggest to you that to uncover a shield, that the implication of this Scripture is the uncovering of the spiritual weapon of the fallen man who is claiming he is a peacemaker, who is claiming he is good, who is claiming he is righteous but whose hidden heart makes war against Christ continuously. We are told that when Christ appears to show men their sins, people who have lived their whole life as good people will find a shield inside of them, a warmonger inside of them, a beast inside of them, who will rise up to kill the Christ, bypassing their conscious will and thus revealing the truth of the beast nature in that man.

Everyone, brethren, everyone is fallen, and everyone is a manifestation of the beast. And unless your man of sin be revealed, he cannot be killed by the brightness of the coming of Christ. Your man of sin must be revealed. Do not fight against Christ. Confess your sins, and repent that the beast in you might be defeated and destroyed.

“And Kir uncovered the shield.” Shield, Strong’s 4043, speaking of an armed man, used to describe a thief. And we are told the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy. Satan is the thief.

Alternate Translation, the second half of verse 6, Isaiah 22, “And the beast nature of the man of sin” -- or of fallen Adam -- “was revealed.” Who was the man of sin? He is fallen Adam; that is who he is. “And fallen Adam shook his fist at the Sons of God and fought against them with the spiritual power of their carnal minds. And the beast nature of the man of sin was revealed.”

Christ is coming to save us from hell, and the carnal minds of man everywhere will fight against him thus revealing the beast or the bestial nature of man. Let us take a look at 2 Thessalonians for a minute, chapter 2, verses 3 - 4.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 and 4, “Let man -- let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come” -- what day? The day of Christ, the day that Christ appears in you -- “shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; the [sic] one [sic] who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing [sic] himself that he is God.”

And we see in verse 8, “And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth” -- that is the spirit of Christ, brethren -- “and shall destroy with the brightness of his appearing [sic].” So we see, brethren, that God’s answer to our fallen condition is a restoration to righteousness, which involves two stages, one, the exposure of the beast nature in man and, two, the destruction of that beast nature.

Brethren, if you have a cancerous tumor in the midst of your internal organs, the surgeon must cut you open before he can remove the tumor. For you and for me to be restored unto the righteousness, the cancer must be exposed. If you hide the cancer because you have got some religious concept in your brain that you do not want anyone to know you are not perfect, you are embracing death. God is not going to change his plans for you. God has a plan, and if you want to be translated into the life of his dear Son, your sins must be exposed. Jesus.

Alternate Translation -- or recap I should say, verses 4, 5 and 6, Isaiah, chapter 22, “I will not cease from taking vengeance on the devastating tempest of the carnal mind of my human people so that they may be made righteous or restored unto righteousness, says Jehovah. Therefore let Christ be smeared together with their carnal mind, and let the water of Satan’s sea be boiled and pass away.

“It is the day the Lord of hosts shall destroy the deformed personalities and bodies which are expressing the confused, irregular state of mind, which has covered over Jerusalem’s awareness of her true existence, surroundings and feelings with sensual pleasure, by treading the carnal mind down under Christ.

“And fallen Adam shook his fist at the Sons of God and fought against them with the spiritual power of their carnal minds, and the beast nature of the man of sin was revealed.”

Hallelujah. Glory to God. Any questions on this message? Heavy, huh? Heavy, I know I am getting slain myself. I barely have my eyes open. I am waiting for the day that I am going to go out myself, I tell you. Any questions on this message?

            I am just thinking, you said before Christ [CROSSTALK]

Could you speak just a little louder, please?

            You said before that Christ, his mind was not boiled. His --

His spirit -- Satan’s spirit. I mean, the carnal mind is being boiled.

Like, it has to be boiled in us; we understand. But you said it was not that way with Christ. 

Oh, no, no. Let me explain that. I saw that look on your face when I was preaching, yeah. I just did not feel that to stop at the time.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth at the time that his carnal mind was joined in crucifixion to his Christ mind, he had that experience. His carnal mind was boiled. That was a spiritual experience, OK. And he had that same experience that -- or we will be having that same experience as he had.

W- -- I w- -- what I said was an attempt to make a point, and I was speaking to the teachers in the church, which claim that Jesus of Nazareth, the physical body of Jesus of Nazareth, was the fulfillment and the final blood sacrifice, which was typified by the animal sacrifices required by the Levitical law. That is what -- there is a teaching such as that in the church, that whereas in -- under the Levitical law, bulls and goats were sacrificed, when the perfect man, Jesus of Nazareth -- when the body of the perfect man, Jesus of Nazareth -- was sacrificed, that was the final physical sacrifice because of hi- -- because he was perfect, OK?

And I am say- -- I disagree with that teaching. I do not believe that Jesus’ physical body was crucified to satisfy a blood lust of Jehovah. I believe that Jesus of Nazareth, who was Christ, was crucified so that men would believe. He was physically crucified so that men would believe. He was a sacrifice. He was sacrificed for us in that and for the purpose of his being resurrected into a higher form of godhead, known as pure spirit, because he ascended unto his Father.

And he is, in this hour, pouring out of his flesh -- sorry, p- -- I am completely out of it. He is, in this hour, pouring out of his spirit upon all flesh. Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. He was killed so that he could be converted into a form -- or that his physical body could be combined with the rest of his spiritual being thus converting him into a form whereby he could reign upon all mankind. And when a drop of him gets in your heart, where a drop of him gets in your heart, he is being reproduced in your heart, and he is going to do the same thing to your carnal mind that Christ did to the carnal mind of the man Jesus of Nazareth. And you too shall be saved. That is why the man Jesus of Nazareth had to die.

He died the death of crucifixion -- physical, public crucifixion -- so that men would see it and believe. So I therefore disagree with the church teachers, who will tell you that the reason Jesus of Nazareth had to be physically crucified was because he was the fulfillment of a requirement of Jehovah that blood be shed. Because what that says to me is that Jehovah is a bloodthirsty God that required the shedding of blood for the shedding of blood’s sake. Are you following me? And that is a lie.

So to those people who embrace this doctrine that the man Jesus of Nazareth, who was Christ, had to be crucified so that he would bleed red, fallen blood to satisfy a bloodlust of my God, which is an insult to our God to say that of him -- to those men who teach this, I say unto you, if in fact this is true, and the man Jesus of Nazareth was sacrificed and crucified as the ultimate fulfillment of the Levitical law, why was he not killed in the same way as the bulls and goats were killed? Why was he not boiled -- his physical body? Why was he not boiled? And why was he not roasted? Do you hear what I am saying? OK.

And the truth, my dear brethren, is that the reason his body was not boiled or roasted is that the body -- the physical body of the man Jesus of Nazareth -- was not -- and the destruction of it was not the fulfillment of the Levitical sacrificial law, but in fact the carnal mind that the man Jesus of Nazareth was born with, which he inherited from his fallen mother -- that carnal mind was boiled by the Spirit of Christ and roasted in the lake of fire and is in fact the fulfillment of the Levitical sacrificial type. Do you understand what I said? OK.

Anybody else? Anybody else? Could you just put that on pause for a minute, please?

This anointing, this incredible anointing, is definitely associated with this doctrine. It is -- it seems to me that for me to preach this doctrine, he has to come up in his full strength in me and that this power that pours out is the result of it, you know. That I could not -- it is incredible. [AUDIO CUTS OUT]

-- to go to [?sit?] on these preachers, you know, for 15 hours, for 10 hours, six hours, you know. And [UNINTELLIGIBLE], you know. Maybe they went to work. In a while they will come back. You know, it is too late. But in their devotion, they [?take off?] 10 percent of their hours, you know, 2.4 hours, you know, out of the day, you know, towards God. But sometimes they are weary, you know. And they said, ah, maybe this is not the gift of God for me, you know, to seek the face of God, to read the Scripture, you know, to talk to God, to relate with him, you know, to pray and to do whatever, you know. So by that, you know, they are relaxing. You know, that maybe is not the gift of God, you know.

And another one is, you know, the attitude of, you know, if somebody, you know, towards [?maybe?] we are not saved by doctrine, you know. So we are not saved by doctrine, so I do not need to go to [UNINTELLGIBLE] to, you know, learn some doctrine or to go fellowship or any doctrine or to even read the Scriptures, you know, for doctrine because we are --


08/28/16 Transcribed by Verbal Fusion 08/28/16
09/08/16 1st  Edit bp

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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