Part 5 of 14 Parts
The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
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I would like to start this off by reviewing what we ended with last week. We had an interesting study about triangles and demonstrating our spiritual substance and I am just going to go over it. What God gave us is a teaching that says that man is developed in three stages, he is the natural man first, and then he is the spiritual man, and then he is the glorified man.
The natural man is a number 6. I never did look up the Scriptures supporting that, I do not know maybe next week. The natural man is the number 6, and we have been teaching in this ministry that the creation is based on scientific and mathematical principles. God just did not take a lump of clay and lump it together like a two year old does on the beach. He has used sound physical and scientific and mathematical principles, and that the natural man is a linear man. He is linear, he is a straight line from a mathematical view point he has one dimension. We started out as a one dimensional man, and we shall end up as a four dimensional man.
The natural man is linear, he has one dimension and his number is 6. We then progress on to becoming a spiritual man, and the spiritual man has two dimensions, he is two men. He is the natural man and he is the spiritual man, so he has a second 6 added to him. That makes his number 12, and this is what he looks like.
He starts out by being a linear man, he is a straight man, he is a man that lives along the earth, he is a horizontal line, the line of the earth and to become a spiritual man he has a second line added to him, it is the heavenly man, it is even Christ Jesus, and He is added to him in the form that forms a right triangle. The linear man is along the earth, the horizontal line; the spiritual man is in heaven. He is in heaven and he comes down to meet the linear man. Christ comes down from heaven, amen?
What we get is a right triangle. We have the spiritual man consisting of two lines, one the line of the natural man which is along the earth, and the second is the line of the spiritual man which descends down from the heavens, and the point at which they meet, the point at which the heavenly man meets the natural man forms a right angle on the inside of the right angle and outside is called the corner. If you are listening to the tape, just draw yourself a right angle and you will see that the inside of the meeting of the two lines is a right angle, and the outside is a corner.
What we are talking about is to the realm of appearance the meeting of the natural and the spiritual man, the forming of the becoming one of the spiritual man, in the realm of appearance forms a corner; spiritually within it forms and angle, and we are referring to the Scripture that says Jesus is the head of the corner. I am suggesting to you that the corner refers to the two dimensional spiritual man whose number is 12, 6 for the spiritual man and 6 for the natural man and they become one, they meet, and the place at which they meet, the place at which heaven and earth meet, is a corner. This is heaven over here, it came down to earth, it formed a corner and the head of the corner is spirit that rules the natural man, Jesus, He is the head of the corner. He is the head of this spiritual man. We said last week that the head of the linear man is who? Satan. The head of the linear man is Satan.
The word angle, Webster’s definition of the word angle means to have two dimensions, and over here we have height, and we have length. That is the spiritual man, the formation of an angle. We can call the spiritual man an angle. The natural man is a straight line, and the spiritual man is an angle, and to have an angle means to have two dimensions. It is a projecting structure or fragment; it is the figure that is formed by two lines extending from the same point. That is that right there, the corner.
An angle is the figure that is formed by two lines extending from the same point or by two surfaces, diverging from the same line. Jesus is the head of the corner. The third man that we have, the third stage of the creation of God is the glorified man, and his number is 144, and we have had a couple of messages on how we attained to that number. The third stage of the development of the creation is the glorified man whose number is a 144, and he is the spiritual man that has come down from heaven, plus the linear man which has formed the corner.
What we have here is a triangle, and the line that completes the triangle is Satan. He is the spiritual skeleton of the creation, he is the spiritual skeleton of the creation and he completes the triangle. The glorified man is the spiritual man squared. When we square this right triangle, this is what we get, we get a square, Satan is buried in the midst, he is held down, he is held powerless but he is the skeleton. Your skeleton does not have a mind of its own. It does not have a mind, it just holds your body up, it is the framed that your flesh hangs on.
That is what Satan will be in the glorified man. That is the third stage of the creation of God. I personally believe it is thousands of years away because we have not even seen the first appearance of the sons of God. We have seen Jesus, but we have not even seen the 42nd generation yet, and after the 42nd generation, which is the first, I am sorry the first fruits of the 42nd generation. The whole world has to become a spiritual man; it could take thousands of years. The only one that has been glorified is Jesus.
Just to review, the first dimension is length; that is one line. The second dimension is the length plus the height. The spiritual man plus the natural man, and that is the angle of the second dimensional man, and the squared man is the spiritual man squared, he is the glorified man, which of course has 4 right angles. He is right, he is square; he is solid.
We said last week that geometrically, the figure known by a square is strong and solid, it is stable, it cannot totter, it cannot fall over, it is the most, one of the most stable geometrical forms. Satan is the skeletal line, we just talked about that. I am reading my notes here. This completes the right triangle, and when the right triangle is squared, he is buried in the midst of the square; he is the third dimension that God does not name. He talks about a one dimensional man, a two dimensional man and a four dimensional man. The third dimension in the creation is Satan but we do not talk about him, we do not bother talking about our skeleton.
I have never heard anyone talk about their skeleton have you? Webster says that the word dimension is one of three or four coordinates determining a position of space or time. To be either a one, two, or four dimensional man, you have to take up space; you have to appear in the realm of time. This is what the creation is all about, God is Spirit, He has no shape, and He has no form, and He is in the process of appearing in the realm of time. The way He is appearing is on the basis of a mathematical figure, the square. He starts out as a triangle. I just want to comment here on what is being taught in some areas of the church today, and I know it is being taught in the occult, that the body of Christ is a triangle. The way these people perceive it and I can understand how they get this way, they say that Jesus is up here in the heavenlies, and they say He is Jesus Christ of Nazareth and He is just one man, He is a spirit and He is in the heavenlies and He has a body down on the earth which is made up of many members, and that this forms a triangle from the head of the corner which is in the heavenlies down to the earth which has many members, a triangle is formed. This is what is being taught in some areas of the church today.
It is taught in some areas of the occult, and apparently they have laid hold of some truth in that Jesus and His body is a triangle at some stage of development, although I believe that they believe that this is the ultimate, the ultimate form that He will take is a triangle and if you look at it, you can see that it is not a right triangle. It is not a right triangle. If you square this triangle, there is no way that you are going to get a solid stable geometrical form. Can you see that?
If you multiply this triangle by itself, and you get the glorified man, what is He going to be? Can you see that? It is a misunderstanding in the church world. Jesus in his condition of spiritual man is indeed a triangle, but He is not a triangle formed by Jesus remaining in the heavenlies and having as many bodies on the earth and being connected by some spiritual rays that float down to the earth. Jesus Himself came down to the earth. Jesus is straight line, He is straight, He is not crooked, He came down from the heavenlies and He met the line of the earth and He made a right angle which when squared, when He becomes glorified, shall become a stable solid square.
The church world has laid hold of some kind of a truth, but I believe they are just a little off. Did I make that clear? I know you were not here on Wednesday, did I make that clear? Okay.
A dimension is one of the three dimensions which constitute mathematical space. Right now we were one dimensional; we are in the process of becoming two dimensional. Webster says that space is a boundless, without bounds, three dimensional extent in which object and events occur and have relative position and direction. It is a direction, it is a place, there is no bound to it, but objects, you are an object, I am an object; the chair is an object the basket is an object, objects exist in space. We do not exist in the realm of the spirit, we exist in space.
We talked about this a couple of weeks ago, that the realm of the spirit is eternal. There is absolutely, it is infinite, there is no end to it, and when God created the realm of time what He did was He dropped down a big ball out of the realm of spirit. He made bounds in the infinite realm of space. Can you hear that?
I know when I was in high school and I started studying geometry, I had a lot of trouble understanding this concept of infinity, that is something that never ends, space that never ends, but it is real, and God because He wanted to draw limits dropped down this big ball, it is a line.
The three dimensions associated with space are distance, area and volume, and he dropped down this big ball, this is a line and if you measure the line you have distance. If you go around the earth, the earth is a globe, if you travel around the whole globe, you have gone in a big circle like this ball, and you can measure the distance in miles or in kilometers. God formed time and He formed space and He formed it in three dimensions and one is distance, the circle of the earth, and the second measure is area, He measured this space within the circle, and He called it area, He called it area, and I am going to suggest to you that He covered this line or this distance, He cut it out and He covered it with a many celled body and He measured.
We are told that He knows exactly how many vessels will be in the last generation, and I suggest to you He formed space and time, he outlined it with a measure called distance, and He covered the surface with many cells, many cells which He called men. The last measure of space is called volume and if you have a cup or if you have a basket, the amount of liquid or gas that fills that vessel is called volume, and I suggest to you that a volume is referring to; well Webster says that volume is mass. We said recently that we are mass.
Mass is anything that takes up space. Volume is mass and it is the amount of substance occupying a particular container. God formed space and time, He drew a line, He drew boundaries, distance, He covered over the surface with many cells, and then He filled the cells with spirit. There is a spirit operating in the living soul. We know that; we know that our soul is spirit and our body is filled with the spiritual life of the soul man. If you have birthed Christ, He is coming forth also. We are a container; the Scriptures call us bottles from heaven. We are containers, we have an outline; we have a form. That is the distance; there are many of us covering the surface and within we are spirit. Either we are spirit on the soul realm or we are spirit on the spiritual realm of God or we are both going from one stage to the other.
Distance is formed, the measure known as distance has formed the circle of the earth, and we know it is in the Scripture that the earth is a circle. The area filled with human vessels and volume filled them with spirit and the creation appeared.
The fourth dimension is the squared spiritual man when God gets through all of the processing, this is how He started; and we just talked about going from the first dimensional man to the second dimensional man, and the fourth dimensional man, the way God got the fourth dimension is that He took His creation and He covered it over with the realm of the spirit, and the realm of the spirit does not exist in the realm of time. We have a square that exists in the realm of time.
I gave you this on one of the prior exhibits. God layered it over with the realm of His Spirit and we became utterly stable and incorruptible in every area. That is the fourth dimension added to man is the realm of the spirit. We said we are, we have the circle of the earth, we have the area of the earth covered with cells, we have each one of the cells filled with spirit on the soul realm, three dimensions, and then God added His own Spirit to the creation making it a glorified four dimension creation.
I am suggesting to you that this is what the intention of the Lord is, that He has an outline of the earth called the realm of time, and He is going to have vessels throughout the realm of time, they are going to be unattached vessels. Man will never be attached physically, but the Spirit of God; I will draw it with another color, the Spirit of God is going to flow at will through these vessels and because the Spirit of God is going flow these natural vessels that will not be attached, they shall be joined by the spirit that flows through them. Can you hear that?
They are going to be joined by the spirit that flows through them, and also I believe we had this last week, they also are going to be joined by the spirit on the soul realm which is under the dominion of the Spirit of God, and because the Spirit on the soul realm, because our spiritual life, our human spiritual life which is the soul, because it will be under the dominion of Christ we will all thinking the same thoughts. There will be no more disagreements. We are all going to be thinking what; does anybody know we are all going to think what?
We are all going to think the mind of God which is righteousness, and all conflict shall cease. We shall be joined in the realm of the soul in our thinking and we shall be joined in the realm of the spirit, but we nevertheless shall remain individual vessels on the face of the earth in the realm of time. That is the creation of God and that is His glorious plan that He has permitted us to partake of.
We are doing a study in the book of Ezekiel on the glorified man and that is what He is. Are there any questions on this area right now? Someone asked me last week a question; they did not understand how, we mentioned last week I know you missed it, that Satan is going to be castrated, and I have been teaching here that Satan is not changing, that it is just man that is getting weaker or stronger depending on whether or not the Spirit of God is flowing to him. The answer to that question is that there is something called cause and effect. You may have heard that, there is cause and effect. If we have a relationship and we have loved each other for years and one of us decides that they hate the other person, the other person will be affected, you have to change. You have a relationship. I should have done it the other way, if you have hated each other for years, if there are two people that have hated each other for years, and one person receives the ability in Christ to love that person, the person that; I am going to put this on the board.
You have sister A, and she hates sister B, sister B hates sister A because there is no way that you can love somebody that hates you unless Christ is dwelling in you. I suggest to you it is impossible. Sister A and sister B hate each other. Sister A gets saved, and she decides that she loves sister B with the love of Christ, this situation no longer exists. You no longer have two people hating each other, you now have one person loving and the other person hating, and it is a spiritual law that says; let me draw this back, that if sister A’s attitude towards sister B changes, sister B’s attitude must change. It is called cause and effect.
In other words, what it is saying is, that sister B hates sister A for no reason other than sister A hates sister B. Did you ever see that among people? One person, they really do not hate anybody, but this woman comes over to them and starts hating them, and the reaction of the other person is that she hates back. They say who do you think you are; hating me? I hate you too.
If that is true, then when sister A starts loving sister B, sister B is going to start loving sister A. It is called cause and effect. If you have an existing relationship, and one person changes, the other person has to change, unless you are in Christ, Christ never changes, He does not care whether you love Him or you hate Him, whether you are in submission or whether you are in rebellion, He does not stop loving you, He does not stop being righteous, and He does not stop moving towards reconciling you to Him.
Outside of Christ, this is the law of cause and effect that exists in the realm of the soul. If Satan is not going to change but we are changing. If we change, his function must change. Let me show it to you on the board. His function must change. It is not that he is changing; it is that his function is changing.
The Scripture that we studied last week said that Satan has become castrated. We have Satan over here, and we have the tree of Adam which is flourishing, and Satan is weak. The only reason he is weak is that we are strong. When the tree gets clipped down and we become weak, the tree is lying over here dead, Satan becomes strong. Satan has not changed. His environment has changed. Can you understand that? His environment has changed. Satan has not become strong, but what was keeping him weak was no longer present; so he became strong.
What is going to happen to him is that we are becoming strong again, we are going to become a second dimensional man and he is going to become weak but still alive. He has not changed but restraints have been put on him, restraints have been put on him. What is going to happen to him is that this is the two dimensional man, this is what we are coming into and we are going to become four dimensional men, we are going to become squared, and the power of God is going to be added to the strength that is already keeping Satan underfoot.
The power of God which is eternal, which can never change which is incorruptible is going to be added, and the result is that Satan is going to be castrated functionally; he is going to be castrated functionally. Over here we say he is weak because he always has the chance of getting out, but once Christ is added to us, once we become the fourth dimensional man, once we become squared and incorruptible and unchangeable, he is castrated because there is no chance ever of his getting out in strength again; but he still has not changed. He is being acted upon, can you understand that? Thank you for the answer to the question.
We are going to go on now, we are dealing with Revelation 3:7, which says, and the first beast, was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had the face of a man, the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. In order to understand this, we are in the midst of a study in Ezekiel 1. I am going to recap for you verses 4 -10, and we will go on with a couple of more verses today. Chapter 1 of the book of Ezekiel, verse 4;
4. And I looked and perceived that God appeared with judgment in the form of a many membered man; which man witnessed to the presence of the Father and the Son, who compassed the man about on every side. And in the middle thereof I saw the appearance of smooth brass which shown like gold, even the purified human spirit. Also, in the middle thereof was the essential nature, the physical material, the arrangement of parts, the structural design, and the visible characteristics of human souls which had been multiplied by themselves, and thus made strong and solid and raised to a higher realm of spiritual life and in their minds, they had the structural design and visible characteristics of Adam. And every soul had four dimensions to his personality, and every one had four aspects to his spiritual nature, that is height, width, depth, and the realm of the spirit. The reproductive parts of the creation of God, even natural man were made righteous and revealed the peace of almighty God, and the spirit that rules in the mind of men, even Satan himself was like one covered over and contained by the spiritual maturity and power of the elevated creation. And having been delivered from their sins, they blossomed forth as serpents shining with the life of God and in each of the four dimensions of their personality the corresponding spiritual nature over layered it and ruled it, thus preventing it from expressing ungodliness and empowering it to express the nature of God, and each of the four of them were joined to each other in their personalities and in their spiritual life because of the mind of Christ ruling and reigning in them. And not one of them manifested Adam as they went on with God; every one of them crossed over into the spiritual realm of God and returned to the Garden of Eden.
As for their nature, there appearance and the way they were constructed, the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power who had been made spirit, had the appearance and were made in the visible pattern of Adam, and in their personalities, they exhibited the spiritual strength, fierceness and cruelty of the fallen human spirit, and the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power who had been made spirit, they had in their hidden interior parts the castrated structure of the violent adult spirit which had ruled the living soul by witchcraft, even Satan; the squared ones the men who had been raised to the second power who had been made spirit, and they also had as a part of their state of being a spiritual dimension, even the life of Christ which layered over Adam and Eve, completing them, and filling in what was lacking in them, and it also layered over Satan, castrated him and Christ expressed His nature through Adam, Eve, and the powerless utterly subdued Satan. AT
We are saying that the man is equal to Adam or the soul, and that the lion is equal to Eve or the human spirit, and the ox is equal to Satan which is our spiritual skeleton. We are going on to verse 11.
11. Thus were their faces and their wings were stretched upward, to wings of every one were joined one to the other and two covered their bodies. KJV
The word stretched is Strong’s #6405 and it is the only time it is translated stretched according to Strong’s. It means to separate by breaking, it means to expand and it can also be translated to go aside for fornication. I looked up this word break, it means to separate by breaking, and I looked up the word break in Webster’s and I got so excited by some of the definitions that I just spelled out a few of them for you, and I am going to share it with you. We are talking about the word stretched. They stretched their wings up to heaven, it is the only time this particular Hebrew word is translated stretched in the Scripture, and Strong’s tells us that it means to separate by breaking, to expand. When you have one and you break it in half it expands.
It also can mean to go aside for fornication. I just wanted to show you that word that it can be used to go aside for fornication. Hosea 4:14;
HOSEA 4:14
14. I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor your spouses when they commit adultery, for themselves are separated with whores and they sacrifice with harlots, therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall. KJV
That is a witness that this word stretched out can mean to go aside for fornication. I would like to comment on this verse. The Lord God said I will not punish your daughters. The first part of the verse says I will not punish your daughters, and the last phrase is, therefore the people shall fall. I remind you that he whom God chasteneth is a son, and if he chastens you not, you are a bastard and if you are not chastened by God, what it means is He has turned you over to the soul realm, and you are hated. That is what it means.
Webster says that the word break means to separate into parts, that is what we just said, only with suddenness and violence; to separate into parts with suddenness and violence. Romans 9:28 says;
28. He will the finish the work, He will cut it short in righteousness. KJV
He will break it with suddenness and violence. What is the work that Jesus is going to cut short? Does anybody know? His work is to bring mankind, to bring the natural man into the image of God. He is going to end the work; He is going to end the process of bringing us into the image of God with suddenness and the violence. We are still in Webster’s; these are all definitions of the word to break. It means to cut into and to turn over the surface. That means to plow, and there are many Scriptures that indicate that, that is what the Lord is doing to us. He is cutting into what? He is cutting into our heart. He is cutting into our Adamic souls and turning over the surface. Why would He want to be doing that? It is because He wants to get to the spiritual substance which is deep within us which is the human spirit. When He gets to the human spirit He is going to join with it and He is going to bring forth Christ, and when Christ comes forth, He is going to join with the whole living soul. He is going to swallow up the whole living soul. Let me make that point because the Lord just really gave that to me recently. I am listening to the earlier tapes and I did not even understand this on the earlier tapes. If this is the cell of the soul that you are; and you have a human spirit in here, and Christ wants to save you, but He has to penetrate the soul, cut it up, rip it up, and He is going to get to your spirit. He is going to join with your spirit and when He joins with your spirit, your spirit becomes Christ and then Christ goes forth and swallows up the soul, so there is really two joinings here. Can you see that, that there is really two joinings? There is the joining of the Holy Spirit to your human spirit, you have to be plowed first, you have to be plowed before the Holy Spirit can get to you.
When the Holy Spirit joins the human spirit, Christ comes forth, and then Christ goes forth from within, and breaks through and swallows up the remainder of the soul. Can you see that? All of these words break, they really have spiritual applications here; it means to cut in and turn over the surface, to penetrate, to pierce, to disrupt the order of. We have been talking about moral order in this ministry; that Jesus is coming to utterly disrupt the moral order in which Satan rules.
To break means to disrupt the order of. It also means to end or destroy by dispersing. Jesus is coming to end and destroy, He is coming to end the reign and the rule of the Adamic man, and He is coming to destroy the Adamic man by dispersing. He is breaking us down in our component parts. We are being melted, we are being broken down into human soul, human spirit, and body, and we are being rearranged and we are being joined to and swallowed up by Christ. He is utterly destroying us, but that destruction has a good end, we live in another end. Do you all understand that?
It means, this is the word break, it means to defeat utterly and end as an effective force. The natural man shall be utterly defeated and his rule and reign as an effective force. Satan is a military force.
There are many Scriptures that make this clear, if you are not familiar with this concept. Satan has a military connotation. Even if you look up the words where it says he is being paid wages, those wages are a military stipend. Satan is the armies of God that is ruling and reigning over the fallen living soul and reigning down judgment upon them for their sins, that is who he is. This reign is coming to an end. He is an effective force. He shall no longer be an effective force, he is going to be castrated we found out last week.
The word break means also to demonstrate the falsity of. We know that this natural realm is a lie, this natural realm is an illusion, and it shall only exist until the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed in each and every one of us. Natural man is lie. To break means to bring about suspension of operation. He is not going to operate anymore. This natural realm is folding up. We have talked about this; there are a lot of Christians that think that when Christ appears life is going to go on as it appears as it is today and that we will just be nice. That is not the case. Life as we know it is coming to an end. We cannot imagine, God has not told us what life is going to be like when the creation is completed but it is not going to be like it is now.
The word to break also means to find a solution for, and we have spoken about the fact that man is evil because he is not complete, he is evil because he is lacking; he is evil because he is not capable of being righteous. He has a problem, and the solution to his problem, the key to his problem is that Christ should be added to him. To break, to cut off the soul realm in righteousness and it is only going to be cut off when Christ is added to you, that is the solution to the problem. The word break also means to alter sharply the direction or course of.
We all know that the living soul is going to exist in another form. Its direction and its course is going to be altered, and the word break also means to escape with a sudden forceful effort, to escape with a sudden forceful effort. Luke 21:36 says;
LUKE 21:36
36. Watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all of these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man. KJV
A lot of people in the church say the escape is the rapture. We know the escape is not the rapture; the escape is Christ in you the hope of glory. That is what this word break means, to escape. Escape in this Scripture, Luke 21:36, is Strong’s #1628, and it means to flee out from, and it is from a root that means origins, to flee out from your origins. What is our origin? Our origin is natural man; we are going to escape from the life of the natural man which we have identified in this ministry as hell. We are going to escape from this life of the natural man, where our emotions and the sin in our mind and the lack of understanding bring destruction and death upon us generation after generation after generation, and I got a little ahead of myself. Webster says that the word origin means beginning. We are escaping from our beginning. We are escaping from our roots. Did you see that movie roots? We are escaping from our roots; we are escaping from being a natural man. We did not choose to be a natural man, we were born this way. We did not choose to have emotions, we did not choose to have pride; we did not choose to have destruction in our own mind. We are escaping out from our beginnings.
We are still on this word break, it means to develop or emerge with suddenness or force. We have talked about the ending of the soul man, who or what is emerging or developing with suddenness or force? It is Christ in us; He is emerging and developing with suddenness and with force. The word break also means to come into being as if bursting forth. Do you hear what happened here, the first few definitions of the word break were a tearing down. These definitions of break are what comes after you tear down. Can you hear that? The first ten definitions of break I said something is coming to an end, the soul realm is coming to an end. It was all negative. This is the same word break; we have definitions that mean that something new is coming forth. It is the soul man that is being torn down, and it is Christ that is coming forth. The word break means to develop or emerge with suddenness or force; it means to come into being as if bursting forth to emerge from the surface of the water.
Matthew 3:16 says;
16. And Jesus when He was baptized went up straight away out of the water, and lo, the heavens were opened unto Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon Him. KJV
I suggest to you brethren that when your wings break forth into the heavenlies, it is going to be coming up through the water, and the heavens shall be opened to you. We have talked about this, we are in utero brethren, we are in utero, and we are about to be birthed into the realm of the spirit, which is reality. This world is not reality, it is a temporary womb and we are living here until we are developed. When we break forth into the realms of the spirit, we are going to break forth with suddenness and with force and we are going to come into being as if we emerged from the surface of the water. This is what baptism typifies. I have heard a lot of talk about water baptism and we all do it because we know that Jesus told us to do it, but those of us that are moving in the Spirit of God; we know that we want the reality, we want the spiritual truth of what the symbols represent. This is what the symbol of baptism represents. We know that it means death and rebirth, but I do not really think this understanding is in the church world. It is not the rebirth of where we are in Christ now. We have to break through the water; we have to come up on the other side of the spiritual realm.
The Scripture says Matthew 3:16;
16. And Jesus when He was baptized went up straight away out of the water, and lo, the heavens were opened unto Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon Him. KJV
That does not happen when you come up out of the natural water. You have to come up out of the water of the soul realm. Did you know that this world is 96% water? Our bodies are 96% water, and this realm that we live in, is 96% water. We have to break through the water brethren, and get into the realm of the spirit. That is what water baptism typifies. That is the hope, this is not it brethren. It may be glorious if you have God. You have the word, you have manifestations of His power, or His healing, but brethren this is not it. This is not it. We are moving into a realm where every problem is dealt with before it never even occurs; peace, total peace, life without trouble. This word break also means to fail in strength. Adam, Eve, and Satan are failing in strength. Christ is being raised up power and in glory and in due season, we shall break through the water and enter into the spiritual realm of God in His fullness.
We are going on; we are dealing with the phrase. Their wings were stretched upward. This word stretched means everything that we just talked about. Their wings broke through into the realm of the spirit and what are their wings but that part of their being which is spiritual. Wings fly in the heavenlies. Satan did not break through the water. Adam did not break through the water; Eve did not break through the water, the spiritual life coming forth in them, even Christ, broke through the water of this natural realm, and took the whole creation with Him into the realm of the spirit. There wings were stretched upward.
This word upward is Strong’s #4605 and it simply means the upper part, above overhead and it is from a root that means to ascend, to arise, or to break the day. We have had other studies in this ministry where we have determined that break the day means to break forth, for the life of Christ to break forth.
We have an alternate translation of the first half of Ezekiel 1:11;
11. Now what you have just heard is a descriptive understanding of the four dimensions of God’s creation. And the spiritual dimension in the midst of them; caused them to be divorced from their husband, Satan, the spirit which rules in the minds of natural men. And to be joined in marriage to Christ, who is above. AT
11. Thus were their faces and their wings were stretched upward. KJV
11. Now what you have just heard is a descriptive understanding of the four dimensions of God’s creation.
Thus were their faces, and when their wings stretched upward what happened was, that the spiritual dimension in the midst of them caused them to be separated from Adam, divorced from their husband Satan, the spirit which rules in the minds of natural men, and by their wings by the eagle nature within them, they were raised up, broke through into the heavenlies and were joined in marriage to Christ who is above. John 8:23;
JOHN 8:23
23. And Jesus said unto them, Ye are from beneath, I am from above. Ye are of this world, I am not of this world. KJV
If Jesus that the word above is referring to the heavenly realms. Moving on with verse 11, the second half of verse 11;
11. Two wings of every one were joined one to another and two covered their bodies. KJV
The word joined is Strong’s #2266 and it means, it can mean to be marked by the traces of stripes and blows. This process of joining is associated with beatings and blows. It sounds like tribulation to me. It also means to bring into fellowship as a city which is joined together, the ruins of which and the stones long thrown down and scattered are again being built.
God is rejoining His body, and the process by which He is doing it is that He is beating us, and we are being marked with traces of stripes and blows. The result of it is that we are being rejoined into the form of His city, we are going to rule and reign and dwell with Him. Hallelujah. The word covered means just to cover over, and I read you Psalm 32:1;
PSALM 32:1
1. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered over. KJV
The question is, what is being covered over in this new creation man, and I am suggesting to you that their sins are being covered over and what is sin? Sin is the natural man; he is sin in his state of being. The natural man is being covered over by the life of Christ. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven. You see brethren; it is not enough to be forgiven. I hear a lot of Christians running around the church world saying, we are forgiven, we are forgiven, well that is beautiful, but brethren that is not the end, your sins have to be covered over. Christ must appear in you, rise to full stature, and cover over and contain and rule and control your natural man so that you do not sin anymore. It is not enough to be forgiven. The word body is Strong’s #1472; it merely means a body, either dead or alive, or a body of men, or beast, dead or alive, man or beast. Alternate translation of the second half of Ezekiel 1:11;
11. Each of the squared glorified men were joined to the other squared glorified men, in that they all had a human spirit which had birthed Christ, and that they all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of an adamic man expressing his nature, Christ’s nature. And the glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan and their human bodies, only Christ was seen in them. AT
11. Two wings of every one were joined one to the other and two wings covered their bodies.
11. Each of the squared glorified men were joined, two wings, to the other squared glorified men, in that they all had a human spirit, that is the first wing, they all had a human spirit which had birthed Christ, and they became joined.
We have preached this before. The natural man will never be joined. There is no unity in the natural man that is in the body; that is in Christ. You have to birth Christ, and when He is birthed in you, you become joined to anyone and everyone that has also birthed Christ. That is the first wing. They were joined in that they all had a human spirit which had birthed Christ, and that they all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of the adamic man, that is the soul realm, expressing Christ’s nature. Even though you still had a natural man’s mind, you still were not at enmity with one another because Christ was ruling and reigning and controlling your natural mind and you were in agreement, both in the realm of the soul and in the realm of the spirit.
We have had two wings on the left side, two wings were joined one to the other and two covered their bodies, it does not say left or right.
We are dealing with the two wings that covered their bodies. The glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan; these were the two wings on the other side, and their human bodies, only Christ was seen in them. This is what we are going to look like. We have talked about this from time to time, that in the new creation man, everything is going inside out. What is happening to us, our condition right now is that our spiritual man is within. Our spiritual man is within. Outside of him, we have a soul and we have a body. That is our condition today; everybody in the church that I know of except Jesus Christ; that is His condition. God is going to pull us inside out. What is happening is we are going to have a body which really it is going to be a skeleton; that is what it is going to be, the skeleton of Satan.
Then we are going to have a soul, I should not draw it like that, that is what we have been teaching here is that we are going to have a soul that has been beaten to dust. We are going to have a spiritual skeleton, a soul that has been beaten to dust. Our spiritual man although he is going to be coming from deep within our heart, he is going to be vibrating forth in the Shekinah glory rays of his Spirit.
That is what he is going to look like. When you see him from the outside, what you are going to see is the blue marker. You are not going to see the skeleton which is the dead body, you are not going to see the soul; you are going to see the Shekinah glory rays of almighty God which is emanating forth from the depth of the creation. That is what the Scripture means when it says it has; two wings are going to cover the human soul and the human spirit, and the other two wings are going to cover Satan, and the dead body.
We are still going to have a body but it is going to be, you cannot see it because you are going to be blinded by the glory of God coming forth. Can you hear that? This is really exciting. Someone said to me last night, well now that you have got all of this information what are you going to do with it? It is going to get inside of you brethren, and it is going to nourish Christ and He is going to grow, and eventually He is going to be risen up to full stature, and I am going to be in that condition. That is what all of this information is going to do for me. Only Christ was seen in them. This is alternate translation the whole of verse 11 of Ezekiel 1;
11. Now what you have just heard is a descriptive understanding of the four dimensions of God’s creation. And the spiritual dimension in the midst of them caused them to be divorced from their husband; Satan, the spirit which ruled in the mind of natural man and to be joined in marriage to Christ who is above. Each of the squared glorified men were joined to the other squared glorified men in that they all had a human spirit which had birthed Christ. And they were also joined to each other in that they all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of an adamic man expressing the nature of Christ. And the glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan and their human bodies and only Christ was seen in them. AT
Glory to God, here is verse 12;
12. And they went everyone straight forward whither the Spirit was to go, they went, and they turned not when they went. KJV
The word straight is Strong’s #5676, and it is a different word than the word used in verse 7 where it says and their feet were straight feet, this is a different word straight, and it means the region across or the region on the opposite side, that is what it means, the region on the opposite side. What is the region on the opposite side from where we are now? It is the realm of the spirit. The word forward is, we have had this several times, it is the same word that is translated face, where it says that the creation had four faces, this is the same word face, it is Strong’s #6440, and the word turned is Strong’s #5337, it means to snatch away in a good or a bad sense to escape, and it sounds an awful lot to me again like the catching up, the term to snatch away in a good or bad sense, to escape. Here is the alternate translation of Ezekiel 1:12;
12. And every one of the glorified men crossed over into the realm of the Spirit of God, they all returned to the realm of the spirit, where their spirit was intended to be, and as they crossed over, their adamic personality did not escape and appear in the them. AT
And everyone went straight forward, every one of the glorified men crossed over into the realm of the Spirit, they made it, they became glorified men, and whither the Spirit was to go, that was where they went. Where was their spirit to go? They all returned to the realm of the spirit where their spirit was intended to be, that was where their spirit went, to where they were intended to be. They turned not when they went and during this process as they crossed over, they did not revert or turn back to their adamic personality. He did not escape from the dominion of the Christ that was ruling and reigning in them, and He did not appear in their thoughts or their words or their deeds. Glory to God, here is verse 13;
13. As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps, it went up and down among the living creatures, and the fire was bright and out of the fire went forth lightning. KJV
As for the likeness of the living creatures, just a review that word likeness is Strong’s #1823, it means construction, and the word appearance is Strong’s #4758, it means the thing seen, and the word burning is Strong’s #1197, it means to kindle. Webster says that kindle means to light, to stir up, to arouse, to cause to glow, to illuminate, to flare up, to become alive or living. We know that it is a very common expression in the Scripture to say God’s stirred up His Spirit. It means He made His Spirit alive; He brought it to life by adding the power of God to it, that is what the expression means in the Scripture. The word coals is Strong’s #1513, and apparently in the Hebrew we have two different words, one expressing a live coal, one that has been illuminated, it has been kindled, and a dead coal. This is the word for a live coal. Webster says that coal is a black or brownish black solid combustible substance which is formed by decomposed vegetable matter which does not have free access to air, and it is under the influence of moisture and increased pressure and temperature. I would like to demonstrate to you brethren that I believe the Scripture is indicating that we are coal. I am going to read that to you again in another form.
Spiritual coal is the easily ignited substance of human life. Webster says coal is a black or brownish black solid combustible substance. I am saying to you, spiritual coal is the easily ignited substance of human life. We know that human life was made to be burned. As a matter of fact, that is a Scripture. I cannot remember which of the apostles said it; human life is made to be burned, and to live again in the higher form of the spiritual realm of God.
Spiritual coal is the easily ignited substance of human life and I remind you that the Scripture refers to us as vegetable life, it refers to us as blades of grass, it refers to us as fruit, as grapes, we are referred to as vegetable life, so it is a combustible substance formed by decomposed vegetable matter. I am saying to you that spiritual coal is the easily ignited substance of human life which is vegetable matter which is lacking the Spirit of God, it is black. When you lack the Spirit of God, you are black, and when you have the Spirit of God, you are white. This is reflected in the first chapter of the Song of Solomon, I have all kinds of teaching on what it means, whoever the speaker is; it is a big controversy, who is narrating in the Song of Solomon. He says, I am black, but I am comely, and there are all kinds of strange interpretations of that, but I declare to you it simply means he is without the life of God. He is black.
We are spiritual coal, which is easily ignited, which is the easily ignited substance of human life which is vegetable matter which is lacking the Spirit of God, making it black, and it is decomposed, it has been broken down into its component parts, even Adam, Eve, and Satan.
We know that, that is what God is doing to us. He is breaking us down, He is separating the soul from the spirit, and he bone from the marrow, and He is breaking us down into our component parts, Adam, Eve, and Satan, He is decomposing the spiritual life which we are. Then it goes on to say, that it is decomposed vegetable matter which does not have free access to air, and I suggest to you that it does not have the free access to the Spirit of God. Air is the Spirit of God, and then it goes on to say, and it is under, this what coal is, it is under the influence of moisture, increased pressure, and temperature, and I declare to you that we are under the influence of the spirit which rules in the living soul, the moisture of Satan himself and we are under the increased pressure of being formed, and we studied this many times, if you look up the words that mean tribulation, it means to squeezed into a narrow space.
In the book of Genesis, it tells us that God formed Adam, and I suggest to Adam which we are is still being formed, and we are under great pressure being formed having our soul formed into the shape that God wants us to come into. The moisture is Satan and the increased pressure is the power of God that is forming us into His image. The temperature that we are under is the fire of the tribulation of the judgment of almighty God, and He is bringing us into His image by pressuring our soul and forming it into where He wants it and the fire is upon our human spirit, and at the end of the process we shall be in the image of God. I declare to you that we indeed are spiritual coal. The Scripture says that, we are in verse 13; …and the appearance of them was like burning coals of fire. We have established that the coal is natural man which is under the processing of God. The word fire is Strong’s #784, it is used frequently to describe the wrath and anger and power of God, and the word lamp is #3940, it is from a root that means to shine and it means a torch or a flame. It is used to describe men that are highly esteemed; in other words men that are shining with the light. Here is the alternate translation of the first half of Ezekiel 1:13;
13. As for the structure and composition of the glorified man, they appeared as living garbage…AT
I am declaring to you that what we just described which was the vegetable matter that was decomposed, that it is spiritual garbage. We had a teaching in another message where God showed us through the Scriptures that man is formed from the garbage of the earth.
13. As for the structure and composition of the glorified man, they appeared as living garbage which had been illuminated by the life of God.
That is Satan, living garbage. If you recall, I guess you probably do not, but the teaching about the garbage says that we were formed, Satan was formed from the garbage of the earth, and the garbage was the white ashes, it was white without the life of God. It was white without the life of God. They appeared as living garbage which had been illuminated by the life of God and I suggest to you that, that is Satan. That is Satan is existing in this new creation man, and the fire and the life of God is burning all around him. It has illuminated him in that he is no longer living in the depths of the soul realm, and that he is functioning in accordance with his ordained function of the higher level of glorified bodies. I suggest to you that, that first part is Satan,
…and they also appeared as highly esteemed who shined with the authority of God. AT
I suggest to you that, that is the adamic man, they are both being illuminated by the fire and the power of almighty God and the result of it is that Satan has been illuminated. He who was death has been given a form of life at least he is the skeleton in the creation, he is no longer bringing death to all mankind, and the adamic realm, the shined with the authority and glory of God. The Shekinah glory which emanates from the very being of the spiritual man gives life to everything that it touches, but it must be life in a form acceptable to the living God.
We cannot stay in our reprobate mind and have the life of God pouring forth from us, because by our very nature, and we talked about cause and effect earlier, by the very nature of the life of God pouring forth from us, all reprobate thinking in our mind will be destroyed. I will just read it again. This is the first half of Ezekiel 1:13;
13. As for the structure and composition of the glorified man, they appeared as living garbage which had been illuminated by the life of God; and they also appeared as highly esteemed men who shined with the authority and the glory of God. AT
That is Adam. This is a recap of Ezekiel 1:11-13, first half of 13;
11. Now what you have just heard is a descriptive understanding of the four dimensions of God’s creation. And the spiritual dimension in the midst of them caused them to be divorced from their husband; Satan, the spirit which ruled in the mind of natural man and to be joined in marriage to Christ who is above. Each of the squared glorified men were joined to the other squared glorified men, in that they all had a human spirit which had birthed Christ, and that they all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of an adamic man expressing His nature, Christ’s nature. And the glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan and their human bodies, only Christ was seen in them.
12. And every one of the glorified men crossed over into the realm of the Spirit of God, they all returned to the realm of the spirit, where their spirit was intended to be, and as they crossed over, their adamic personality did not escape, nor did he appear in the them.
13. As for the structure and composition of the glorified man, they appeared as living garbage which had been illuminated by the life of God; Satan, and they also appeared as highly esteemed men who shined with the authority and the glory of God. AT
Are there any questions today?
01/29/13 Transcribed by RLR
I would like to start this off by reviewing what we ended with last week. We had an interesting study about triangles and demonstrating our spiritual substance and I am just going to go over it. What God gave us is a teaching that says that man is developed in three stages, he is the natural man first, and then he is the spiritual man, and then he is the glorified man.
The natural man is a number 6. I never did look up the Scriptures supporting that, I do not know maybe next week. The natural man is the number 6, and we have been teaching in this ministry that the creation is based on scientific and mathematical principles. God just did not take a lump of clay and lump it together like a two year old does on the beach. He has used sound physical and scientific and mathematical principles, and that the natural man is a linear man. He is linear, he is a straight line from a mathematical view point he has one dimension. We started out as a one dimensional man, and we shall end up as a four dimensional man.
The natural man is linear, he has one dimension and his number is 6. We then progress on to becoming a spiritual man, and the spiritual man has two dimensions, he is two men. He is the natural man and he is the spiritual man, so he has a second 6 added to him. That makes his number 12, and this is what he looks like.
He starts out by being a linear man, he is a straight man, he is a man that lives along the earth, he is a horizontal line, the line of the earth and to become a spiritual man he has a second line added to him, it is the heavenly man, it is even Christ Jesus, and He is added to him in the form that forms a right triangle. The linear man is along the earth, the horizontal line; the spiritual man is in heaven. He is in heaven and he comes down to meet the linear man. Christ comes down from heaven, amen?
What we get is a right triangle. We have the spiritual man consisting of two lines, one the line of the natural man which is along the earth, and the second is the line of the spiritual man which descends down from the heavens, and the point at which they meet, the point at which the heavenly man meets the natural man forms a right angle on the inside of the right angle and outside is called the corner. If you are listening to the tape, just draw yourself a right angle and you will see that the inside of the meeting of the two lines is a right angle, and the outside is a corner.
What we are talking about is to the realm of appearance the meeting of the natural and the spiritual man, the forming of the becoming one of the spiritual man, in the realm of appearance forms a corner; spiritually within it forms and angle, and we are referring to the Scripture that says Jesus is the head of the corner. I am suggesting to you that the corner refers to the two dimensional spiritual man whose number is 12, 6 for the spiritual man and 6 for the natural man and they become one, they meet, and the place at which they meet, the place at which heaven and earth meet, is a corner. This is heaven over here, it came down to earth, it formed a corner and the head of the corner is spirit that rules the natural man, Jesus, He is the head of the corner. He is the head of this spiritual man. We said last week that the head of the linear man is who? Satan. The head of the linear man is Satan.
The word angle, Webster’s definition of the word angle means to have two dimensions, and over here we have height, and we have length. That is the spiritual man, the formation of an angle. We can call the spiritual man an angle. The natural man is a straight line, and the spiritual man is an angle, and to have an angle means to have two dimensions. It is a projecting structure or fragment; it is the figure that is formed by two lines extending from the same point. That is that right there, the corner.
An angle is the figure that is formed by two lines extending from the same point or by two surfaces, diverging from the same line. Jesus is the head of the corner. The third man that we have, the third stage of the creation of God is the glorified man, and his number is 144, and we have had a couple of messages on how we attained to that number. The third stage of the development of the creation is the glorified man whose number is a 144, and he is the spiritual man that has come down from heaven, plus the linear man which has formed the corner.
What we have here is a triangle, and the line that completes the triangle is Satan. He is the spiritual skeleton of the creation, he is the spiritual skeleton of the creation and he completes the triangle. The glorified man is the spiritual man squared. When we square this right triangle, this is what we get, we get a square, Satan is buried in the midst, he is held down, he is held powerless but he is the skeleton. Your skeleton does not have a mind of its own. It does not have a mind, it just holds your body up, it is the framed that your flesh hangs on.
That is what Satan will be in the glorified man. That is the third stage of the creation of God. I personally believe it is thousands of years away because we have not even seen the first appearance of the sons of God. We have seen Jesus, but we have not even seen the 42nd generation yet, and after the 42nd generation, which is the first, I am sorry the first fruits of the 42nd generation. The whole world has to become a spiritual man; it could take thousands of years. The only one that has been glorified is Jesus.
Just to review, the first dimension is length; that is one line. The second dimension is the length plus the height. The spiritual man plus the natural man, and that is the angle of the second dimensional man, and the squared man is the spiritual man squared, he is the glorified man, which of course has 4 right angles. He is right, he is square; he is solid.
We said last week that geometrically, the figure known by a square is strong and solid, it is stable, it cannot totter, it cannot fall over, it is the most, one of the most stable geometrical forms. Satan is the skeletal line, we just talked about that. I am reading my notes here. This completes the right triangle, and when the right triangle is squared, he is buried in the midst of the square; he is the third dimension that God does not name. He talks about a one dimensional man, a two dimensional man and a four dimensional man. The third dimension in the creation is Satan but we do not talk about him, we do not bother talking about our skeleton.
I have never heard anyone talk about their skeleton have you? Webster says that the word dimension is one of three or four coordinates determining a position of space or time. To be either a one, two, or four dimensional man, you have to take up space; you have to appear in the realm of time. This is what the creation is all about, God is Spirit, He has no shape, and He has no form, and He is in the process of appearing in the realm of time. The way He is appearing is on the basis of a mathematical figure, the square. He starts out as a triangle. I just want to comment here on what is being taught in some areas of the church today, and I know it is being taught in the occult, that the body of Christ is a triangle. The way these people perceive it and I can understand how they get this way, they say that Jesus is up here in the heavenlies, and they say He is Jesus Christ of Nazareth and He is just one man, He is a spirit and He is in the heavenlies and He has a body down on the earth which is made up of many members, and that this forms a triangle from the head of the corner which is in the heavenlies down to the earth which has many members, a triangle is formed. This is what is being taught in some areas of the church today.
It is taught in some areas of the occult, and apparently they have laid hold of some truth in that Jesus and His body is a triangle at some stage of development, although I believe that they believe that this is the ultimate, the ultimate form that He will take is a triangle and if you look at it, you can see that it is not a right triangle. It is not a right triangle. If you square this triangle, there is no way that you are going to get a solid stable geometrical form. Can you see that?
If you multiply this triangle by itself, and you get the glorified man, what is He going to be? Can you see that? It is a misunderstanding in the church world. Jesus in his condition of spiritual man is indeed a triangle, but He is not a triangle formed by Jesus remaining in the heavenlies and having as many bodies on the earth and being connected by some spiritual rays that float down to the earth. Jesus Himself came down to the earth. Jesus is straight line, He is straight, He is not crooked, He came down from the heavenlies and He met the line of the earth and He made a right angle which when squared, when He becomes glorified, shall become a stable solid square.
The church world has laid hold of some kind of a truth, but I believe they are just a little off. Did I make that clear? I know you were not here on Wednesday, did I make that clear? Okay.
A dimension is one of the three dimensions which constitute mathematical space. Right now we were one dimensional; we are in the process of becoming two dimensional. Webster says that space is a boundless, without bounds, three dimensional extent in which object and events occur and have relative position and direction. It is a direction, it is a place, there is no bound to it, but objects, you are an object, I am an object; the chair is an object the basket is an object, objects exist in space. We do not exist in the realm of the spirit, we exist in space.
We talked about this a couple of weeks ago, that the realm of the spirit is eternal. There is absolutely, it is infinite, there is no end to it, and when God created the realm of time what He did was He dropped down a big ball out of the realm of spirit. He made bounds in the infinite realm of space. Can you hear that?
I know when I was in high school and I started studying geometry, I had a lot of trouble understanding this concept of infinity, that is something that never ends, space that never ends, but it is real, and God because He wanted to draw limits dropped down this big ball, it is a line.
The three dimensions associated with space are distance, area and volume, and he dropped down this big ball, this is a line and if you measure the line you have distance. If you go around the earth, the earth is a globe, if you travel around the whole globe, you have gone in a big circle like this ball, and you can measure the distance in miles or in kilometers. God formed time and He formed space and He formed it in three dimensions and one is distance, the circle of the earth, and the second measure is area, He measured this space within the circle, and He called it area, He called it area, and I am going to suggest to you that He covered this line or this distance, He cut it out and He covered it with a many celled body and He measured.
We are told that He knows exactly how many vessels will be in the last generation, and I suggest to you He formed space and time, he outlined it with a measure called distance, and He covered the surface with many cells, many cells which He called men. The last measure of space is called volume and if you have a cup or if you have a basket, the amount of liquid or gas that fills that vessel is called volume, and I suggest to you that a volume is referring to; well Webster says that volume is mass. We said recently that we are mass.
Mass is anything that takes up space. Volume is mass and it is the amount of substance occupying a particular container. God formed space and time, He drew a line, He drew boundaries, distance, He covered over the surface with many cells, and then He filled the cells with spirit. There is a spirit operating in the living soul. We know that; we know that our soul is spirit and our body is filled with the spiritual life of the soul man. If you have birthed Christ, He is coming forth also. We are a container; the Scriptures call us bottles from heaven. We are containers, we have an outline; we have a form. That is the distance; there are many of us covering the surface and within we are spirit. Either we are spirit on the soul realm or we are spirit on the spiritual realm of God or we are both going from one stage to the other.
Distance is formed, the measure known as distance has formed the circle of the earth, and we know it is in the Scripture that the earth is a circle. The area filled with human vessels and volume filled them with spirit and the creation appeared.
The fourth dimension is the squared spiritual man when God gets through all of the processing, this is how He started; and we just talked about going from the first dimensional man to the second dimensional man, and the fourth dimensional man, the way God got the fourth dimension is that He took His creation and He covered it over with the realm of the spirit, and the realm of the spirit does not exist in the realm of time. We have a square that exists in the realm of time.
I gave you this on one of the prior exhibits. God layered it over with the realm of His Spirit and we became utterly stable and incorruptible in every area. That is the fourth dimension added to man is the realm of the spirit. We said we are, we have the circle of the earth, we have the area of the earth covered with cells, we have each one of the cells filled with spirit on the soul realm, three dimensions, and then God added His own Spirit to the creation making it a glorified four dimension creation.
I am suggesting to you that this is what the intention of the Lord is, that He has an outline of the earth called the realm of time, and He is going to have vessels throughout the realm of time, they are going to be unattached vessels. Man will never be attached physically, but the Spirit of God; I will draw it with another color, the Spirit of God is going to flow at will through these vessels and because the Spirit of God is going flow these natural vessels that will not be attached, they shall be joined by the spirit that flows through them. Can you hear that?
They are going to be joined by the spirit that flows through them, and also I believe we had this last week, they also are going to be joined by the spirit on the soul realm which is under the dominion of the Spirit of God, and because the Spirit on the soul realm, because our spiritual life, our human spiritual life which is the soul, because it will be under the dominion of Christ we will all thinking the same thoughts. There will be no more disagreements. We are all going to be thinking what; does anybody know we are all going to think what?
We are all going to think the mind of God which is righteousness, and all conflict shall cease. We shall be joined in the realm of the soul in our thinking and we shall be joined in the realm of the spirit, but we nevertheless shall remain individual vessels on the face of the earth in the realm of time. That is the creation of God and that is His glorious plan that He has permitted us to partake of.
We are doing a study in the book of Ezekiel on the glorified man and that is what He is. Are there any questions on this area right now? Someone asked me last week a question; they did not understand how, we mentioned last week I know you missed it, that Satan is going to be castrated, and I have been teaching here that Satan is not changing, that it is just man that is getting weaker or stronger depending on whether or not the Spirit of God is flowing to him. The answer to that question is that there is something called cause and effect. You may have heard that, there is cause and effect. If we have a relationship and we have loved each other for years and one of us decides that they hate the other person, the other person will be affected, you have to change. You have a relationship. I should have done it the other way, if you have hated each other for years, if there are two people that have hated each other for years, and one person receives the ability in Christ to love that person, the person that; I am going to put this on the board.
You have sister A, and she hates sister B, sister B hates sister A because there is no way that you can love somebody that hates you unless Christ is dwelling in you. I suggest to you it is impossible. Sister A and sister B hate each other. Sister A gets saved, and she decides that she loves sister B with the love of Christ, this situation no longer exists. You no longer have two people hating each other, you now have one person loving and the other person hating, and it is a spiritual law that says; let me draw this back, that if sister A’s attitude towards sister B changes, sister B’s attitude must change. It is called cause and effect.
In other words, what it is saying is, that sister B hates sister A for no reason other than sister A hates sister B. Did you ever see that among people? One person, they really do not hate anybody, but this woman comes over to them and starts hating them, and the reaction of the other person is that she hates back. They say who do you think you are; hating me? I hate you too.
If that is true, then when sister A starts loving sister B, sister B is going to start loving sister A. It is called cause and effect. If you have an existing relationship, and one person changes, the other person has to change, unless you are in Christ, Christ never changes, He does not care whether you love Him or you hate Him, whether you are in submission or whether you are in rebellion, He does not stop loving you, He does not stop being righteous, and He does not stop moving towards reconciling you to Him.
Outside of Christ, this is the law of cause and effect that exists in the realm of the soul. If Satan is not going to change but we are changing. If we change, his function must change. Let me show it to you on the board. His function must change. It is not that he is changing; it is that his function is changing.
The Scripture that we studied last week said that Satan has become castrated. We have Satan over here, and we have the tree of Adam which is flourishing, and Satan is weak. The only reason he is weak is that we are strong. When the tree gets clipped down and we become weak, the tree is lying over here dead, Satan becomes strong. Satan has not changed. His environment has changed. Can you understand that? His environment has changed. Satan has not become strong, but what was keeping him weak was no longer present; so he became strong.
What is going to happen to him is that we are becoming strong again, we are going to become a second dimensional man and he is going to become weak but still alive. He has not changed but restraints have been put on him, restraints have been put on him. What is going to happen to him is that this is the two dimensional man, this is what we are coming into and we are going to become four dimensional men, we are going to become squared, and the power of God is going to be added to the strength that is already keeping Satan underfoot.
The power of God which is eternal, which can never change which is incorruptible is going to be added, and the result is that Satan is going to be castrated functionally; he is going to be castrated functionally. Over here we say he is weak because he always has the chance of getting out, but once Christ is added to us, once we become the fourth dimensional man, once we become squared and incorruptible and unchangeable, he is castrated because there is no chance ever of his getting out in strength again; but he still has not changed. He is being acted upon, can you understand that? Thank you for the answer to the question.
We are going to go on now, we are dealing with Revelation 3:7, which says, and the first beast, was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had the face of a man, the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. In order to understand this, we are in the midst of a study in Ezekiel 1. I am going to recap for you verses 4 -10, and we will go on with a couple of more verses today. Chapter 1 of the book of Ezekiel, verse 4;
4. And I looked and perceived that God appeared with judgment in the form of a many membered man; which man witnessed to the presence of the Father and the Son, who compassed the man about on every side. And in the middle thereof I saw the appearance of smooth brass which shown like gold, even the purified human spirit. Also, in the middle thereof was the essential nature, the physical material, the arrangement of parts, the structural design, and the visible characteristics of human souls which had been multiplied by themselves, and thus made strong and solid and raised to a higher realm of spiritual life and in their minds, they had the structural design and visible characteristics of Adam. And every soul had four dimensions to his personality, and every one had four aspects to his spiritual nature, that is height, width, depth, and the realm of the spirit. The reproductive parts of the creation of God, even natural man were made righteous and revealed the peace of almighty God, and the spirit that rules in the mind of men, even Satan himself was like one covered over and contained by the spiritual maturity and power of the elevated creation. And having been delivered from their sins, they blossomed forth as serpents shining with the life of God and in each of the four dimensions of their personality the corresponding spiritual nature over layered it and ruled it, thus preventing it from expressing ungodliness and empowering it to express the nature of God, and each of the four of them were joined to each other in their personalities and in their spiritual life because of the mind of Christ ruling and reigning in them. And not one of them manifested Adam as they went on with God; every one of them crossed over into the spiritual realm of God and returned to the Garden of Eden.
As for their nature, there appearance and the way they were constructed, the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power who had been made spirit, had the appearance and were made in the visible pattern of Adam, and in their personalities, they exhibited the spiritual strength, fierceness and cruelty of the fallen human spirit, and the squared ones, the men who had been raised to the second power who had been made spirit, they had in their hidden interior parts the castrated structure of the violent adult spirit which had ruled the living soul by witchcraft, even Satan; the squared ones the men who had been raised to the second power who had been made spirit, and they also had as a part of their state of being a spiritual dimension, even the life of Christ which layered over Adam and Eve, completing them, and filling in what was lacking in them, and it also layered over Satan, castrated him and Christ expressed His nature through Adam, Eve, and the powerless utterly subdued Satan. AT
We are saying that the man is equal to Adam or the soul, and that the lion is equal to Eve or the human spirit, and the ox is equal to Satan which is our spiritual skeleton. We are going on to verse 11.
11. Thus were their faces and their wings were stretched upward, to wings of every one were joined one to the other and two covered their bodies. KJV
The word stretched is Strong’s #6405 and it is the only time it is translated stretched according to Strong’s. It means to separate by breaking, it means to expand and it can also be translated to go aside for fornication. I looked up this word break, it means to separate by breaking, and I looked up the word break in Webster’s and I got so excited by some of the definitions that I just spelled out a few of them for you, and I am going to share it with you. We are talking about the word stretched. They stretched their wings up to heaven, it is the only time this particular Hebrew word is translated stretched in the Scripture, and Strong’s tells us that it means to separate by breaking, to expand. When you have one and you break it in half it expands.
It also can mean to go aside for fornication. I just wanted to show you that word that it can be used to go aside for fornication. Hosea 4:14;
HOSEA 4:14
14. I will not punish your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor your spouses when they commit adultery, for themselves are separated with whores and they sacrifice with harlots, therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall. KJV
That is a witness that this word stretched out can mean to go aside for fornication. I would like to comment on this verse. The Lord God said I will not punish your daughters. The first part of the verse says I will not punish your daughters, and the last phrase is, therefore the people shall fall. I remind you that he whom God chasteneth is a son, and if he chastens you not, you are a bastard and if you are not chastened by God, what it means is He has turned you over to the soul realm, and you are hated. That is what it means.
Webster says that the word break means to separate into parts, that is what we just said, only with suddenness and violence; to separate into parts with suddenness and violence. Romans 9:28 says;
28. He will the finish the work, He will cut it short in righteousness. KJV
He will break it with suddenness and violence. What is the work that Jesus is going to cut short? Does anybody know? His work is to bring mankind, to bring the natural man into the image of God. He is going to end the work; He is going to end the process of bringing us into the image of God with suddenness and the violence. We are still in Webster’s; these are all definitions of the word to break. It means to cut into and to turn over the surface. That means to plow, and there are many Scriptures that indicate that, that is what the Lord is doing to us. He is cutting into what? He is cutting into our heart. He is cutting into our Adamic souls and turning over the surface. Why would He want to be doing that? It is because He wants to get to the spiritual substance which is deep within us which is the human spirit. When He gets to the human spirit He is going to join with it and He is going to bring forth Christ, and when Christ comes forth, He is going to join with the whole living soul. He is going to swallow up the whole living soul. Let me make that point because the Lord just really gave that to me recently. I am listening to the earlier tapes and I did not even understand this on the earlier tapes. If this is the cell of the soul that you are; and you have a human spirit in here, and Christ wants to save you, but He has to penetrate the soul, cut it up, rip it up, and He is going to get to your spirit. He is going to join with your spirit and when He joins with your spirit, your spirit becomes Christ and then Christ goes forth and swallows up the soul, so there is really two joinings here. Can you see that, that there is really two joinings? There is the joining of the Holy Spirit to your human spirit, you have to be plowed first, you have to be plowed before the Holy Spirit can get to you.
When the Holy Spirit joins the human spirit, Christ comes forth, and then Christ goes forth from within, and breaks through and swallows up the remainder of the soul. Can you see that? All of these words break, they really have spiritual applications here; it means to cut in and turn over the surface, to penetrate, to pierce, to disrupt the order of. We have been talking about moral order in this ministry; that Jesus is coming to utterly disrupt the moral order in which Satan rules.
To break means to disrupt the order of. It also means to end or destroy by dispersing. Jesus is coming to end and destroy, He is coming to end the reign and the rule of the Adamic man, and He is coming to destroy the Adamic man by dispersing. He is breaking us down in our component parts. We are being melted, we are being broken down into human soul, human spirit, and body, and we are being rearranged and we are being joined to and swallowed up by Christ. He is utterly destroying us, but that destruction has a good end, we live in another end. Do you all understand that?
It means, this is the word break, it means to defeat utterly and end as an effective force. The natural man shall be utterly defeated and his rule and reign as an effective force. Satan is a military force.
There are many Scriptures that make this clear, if you are not familiar with this concept. Satan has a military connotation. Even if you look up the words where it says he is being paid wages, those wages are a military stipend. Satan is the armies of God that is ruling and reigning over the fallen living soul and reigning down judgment upon them for their sins, that is who he is. This reign is coming to an end. He is an effective force. He shall no longer be an effective force, he is going to be castrated we found out last week.
The word break means also to demonstrate the falsity of. We know that this natural realm is a lie, this natural realm is an illusion, and it shall only exist until the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed in each and every one of us. Natural man is lie. To break means to bring about suspension of operation. He is not going to operate anymore. This natural realm is folding up. We have talked about this; there are a lot of Christians that think that when Christ appears life is going to go on as it appears as it is today and that we will just be nice. That is not the case. Life as we know it is coming to an end. We cannot imagine, God has not told us what life is going to be like when the creation is completed but it is not going to be like it is now.
The word to break also means to find a solution for, and we have spoken about the fact that man is evil because he is not complete, he is evil because he is lacking; he is evil because he is not capable of being righteous. He has a problem, and the solution to his problem, the key to his problem is that Christ should be added to him. To break, to cut off the soul realm in righteousness and it is only going to be cut off when Christ is added to you, that is the solution to the problem. The word break also means to alter sharply the direction or course of.
We all know that the living soul is going to exist in another form. Its direction and its course is going to be altered, and the word break also means to escape with a sudden forceful effort, to escape with a sudden forceful effort. Luke 21:36 says;
LUKE 21:36
36. Watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all of these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man. KJV
A lot of people in the church say the escape is the rapture. We know the escape is not the rapture; the escape is Christ in you the hope of glory. That is what this word break means, to escape. Escape in this Scripture, Luke 21:36, is Strong’s #1628, and it means to flee out from, and it is from a root that means origins, to flee out from your origins. What is our origin? Our origin is natural man; we are going to escape from the life of the natural man which we have identified in this ministry as hell. We are going to escape from this life of the natural man, where our emotions and the sin in our mind and the lack of understanding bring destruction and death upon us generation after generation after generation, and I got a little ahead of myself. Webster says that the word origin means beginning. We are escaping from our beginning. We are escaping from our roots. Did you see that movie roots? We are escaping from our roots; we are escaping from being a natural man. We did not choose to be a natural man, we were born this way. We did not choose to have emotions, we did not choose to have pride; we did not choose to have destruction in our own mind. We are escaping out from our beginnings.
We are still on this word break, it means to develop or emerge with suddenness or force. We have talked about the ending of the soul man, who or what is emerging or developing with suddenness or force? It is Christ in us; He is emerging and developing with suddenness and with force. The word break also means to come into being as if bursting forth. Do you hear what happened here, the first few definitions of the word break were a tearing down. These definitions of break are what comes after you tear down. Can you hear that? The first ten definitions of break I said something is coming to an end, the soul realm is coming to an end. It was all negative. This is the same word break; we have definitions that mean that something new is coming forth. It is the soul man that is being torn down, and it is Christ that is coming forth. The word break means to develop or emerge with suddenness or force; it means to come into being as if bursting forth to emerge from the surface of the water.
Matthew 3:16 says;
16. And Jesus when He was baptized went up straight away out of the water, and lo, the heavens were opened unto Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon Him. KJV
I suggest to you brethren that when your wings break forth into the heavenlies, it is going to be coming up through the water, and the heavens shall be opened to you. We have talked about this, we are in utero brethren, we are in utero, and we are about to be birthed into the realm of the spirit, which is reality. This world is not reality, it is a temporary womb and we are living here until we are developed. When we break forth into the realms of the spirit, we are going to break forth with suddenness and with force and we are going to come into being as if we emerged from the surface of the water. This is what baptism typifies. I have heard a lot of talk about water baptism and we all do it because we know that Jesus told us to do it, but those of us that are moving in the Spirit of God; we know that we want the reality, we want the spiritual truth of what the symbols represent. This is what the symbol of baptism represents. We know that it means death and rebirth, but I do not really think this understanding is in the church world. It is not the rebirth of where we are in Christ now. We have to break through the water; we have to come up on the other side of the spiritual realm.
The Scripture says Matthew 3:16;
16. And Jesus when He was baptized went up straight away out of the water, and lo, the heavens were opened unto Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon Him. KJV
That does not happen when you come up out of the natural water. You have to come up out of the water of the soul realm. Did you know that this world is 96% water? Our bodies are 96% water, and this realm that we live in, is 96% water. We have to break through the water brethren, and get into the realm of the spirit. That is what water baptism typifies. That is the hope, this is not it brethren. It may be glorious if you have God. You have the word, you have manifestations of His power, or His healing, but brethren this is not it. This is not it. We are moving into a realm where every problem is dealt with before it never even occurs; peace, total peace, life without trouble. This word break also means to fail in strength. Adam, Eve, and Satan are failing in strength. Christ is being raised up power and in glory and in due season, we shall break through the water and enter into the spiritual realm of God in His fullness.
We are going on; we are dealing with the phrase. Their wings were stretched upward. This word stretched means everything that we just talked about. Their wings broke through into the realm of the spirit and what are their wings but that part of their being which is spiritual. Wings fly in the heavenlies. Satan did not break through the water. Adam did not break through the water; Eve did not break through the water, the spiritual life coming forth in them, even Christ, broke through the water of this natural realm, and took the whole creation with Him into the realm of the spirit. There wings were stretched upward.
This word upward is Strong’s #4605 and it simply means the upper part, above overhead and it is from a root that means to ascend, to arise, or to break the day. We have had other studies in this ministry where we have determined that break the day means to break forth, for the life of Christ to break forth.
We have an alternate translation of the first half of Ezekiel 1:11;
11. Now what you have just heard is a descriptive understanding of the four dimensions of God’s creation. And the spiritual dimension in the midst of them; caused them to be divorced from their husband, Satan, the spirit which rules in the minds of natural men. And to be joined in marriage to Christ, who is above. AT
11. Thus were their faces and their wings were stretched upward. KJV
11. Now what you have just heard is a descriptive understanding of the four dimensions of God’s creation.
Thus were their faces, and when their wings stretched upward what happened was, that the spiritual dimension in the midst of them caused them to be separated from Adam, divorced from their husband Satan, the spirit which rules in the minds of natural men, and by their wings by the eagle nature within them, they were raised up, broke through into the heavenlies and were joined in marriage to Christ who is above. John 8:23;
JOHN 8:23
23. And Jesus said unto them, Ye are from beneath, I am from above. Ye are of this world, I am not of this world. KJV
If Jesus that the word above is referring to the heavenly realms. Moving on with verse 11, the second half of verse 11;
11. Two wings of every one were joined one to another and two covered their bodies. KJV
The word joined is Strong’s #2266 and it means, it can mean to be marked by the traces of stripes and blows. This process of joining is associated with beatings and blows. It sounds like tribulation to me. It also means to bring into fellowship as a city which is joined together, the ruins of which and the stones long thrown down and scattered are again being built.
God is rejoining His body, and the process by which He is doing it is that He is beating us, and we are being marked with traces of stripes and blows. The result of it is that we are being rejoined into the form of His city, we are going to rule and reign and dwell with Him. Hallelujah. The word covered means just to cover over, and I read you Psalm 32:1;
PSALM 32:1
1. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered over. KJV
The question is, what is being covered over in this new creation man, and I am suggesting to you that their sins are being covered over and what is sin? Sin is the natural man; he is sin in his state of being. The natural man is being covered over by the life of Christ. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven. You see brethren; it is not enough to be forgiven. I hear a lot of Christians running around the church world saying, we are forgiven, we are forgiven, well that is beautiful, but brethren that is not the end, your sins have to be covered over. Christ must appear in you, rise to full stature, and cover over and contain and rule and control your natural man so that you do not sin anymore. It is not enough to be forgiven. The word body is Strong’s #1472; it merely means a body, either dead or alive, or a body of men, or beast, dead or alive, man or beast. Alternate translation of the second half of Ezekiel 1:11;
11. Each of the squared glorified men were joined to the other squared glorified men, in that they all had a human spirit which had birthed Christ, and that they all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of an adamic man expressing his nature, Christ’s nature. And the glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan and their human bodies, only Christ was seen in them. AT
11. Two wings of every one were joined one to the other and two wings covered their bodies.
11. Each of the squared glorified men were joined, two wings, to the other squared glorified men, in that they all had a human spirit, that is the first wing, they all had a human spirit which had birthed Christ, and they became joined.
We have preached this before. The natural man will never be joined. There is no unity in the natural man that is in the body; that is in Christ. You have to birth Christ, and when He is birthed in you, you become joined to anyone and everyone that has also birthed Christ. That is the first wing. They were joined in that they all had a human spirit which had birthed Christ, and that they all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of the adamic man, that is the soul realm, expressing Christ’s nature. Even though you still had a natural man’s mind, you still were not at enmity with one another because Christ was ruling and reigning and controlling your natural mind and you were in agreement, both in the realm of the soul and in the realm of the spirit.
We have had two wings on the left side, two wings were joined one to the other and two covered their bodies, it does not say left or right.
We are dealing with the two wings that covered their bodies. The glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan; these were the two wings on the other side, and their human bodies, only Christ was seen in them. This is what we are going to look like. We have talked about this from time to time, that in the new creation man, everything is going inside out. What is happening to us, our condition right now is that our spiritual man is within. Our spiritual man is within. Outside of him, we have a soul and we have a body. That is our condition today; everybody in the church that I know of except Jesus Christ; that is His condition. God is going to pull us inside out. What is happening is we are going to have a body which really it is going to be a skeleton; that is what it is going to be, the skeleton of Satan.
Then we are going to have a soul, I should not draw it like that, that is what we have been teaching here is that we are going to have a soul that has been beaten to dust. We are going to have a spiritual skeleton, a soul that has been beaten to dust. Our spiritual man although he is going to be coming from deep within our heart, he is going to be vibrating forth in the Shekinah glory rays of his Spirit.
That is what he is going to look like. When you see him from the outside, what you are going to see is the blue marker. You are not going to see the skeleton which is the dead body, you are not going to see the soul; you are going to see the Shekinah glory rays of almighty God which is emanating forth from the depth of the creation. That is what the Scripture means when it says it has; two wings are going to cover the human soul and the human spirit, and the other two wings are going to cover Satan, and the dead body.
We are still going to have a body but it is going to be, you cannot see it because you are going to be blinded by the glory of God coming forth. Can you hear that? This is really exciting. Someone said to me last night, well now that you have got all of this information what are you going to do with it? It is going to get inside of you brethren, and it is going to nourish Christ and He is going to grow, and eventually He is going to be risen up to full stature, and I am going to be in that condition. That is what all of this information is going to do for me. Only Christ was seen in them. This is alternate translation the whole of verse 11 of Ezekiel 1;
11. Now what you have just heard is a descriptive understanding of the four dimensions of God’s creation. And the spiritual dimension in the midst of them caused them to be divorced from their husband; Satan, the spirit which ruled in the mind of natural man and to be joined in marriage to Christ who is above. Each of the squared glorified men were joined to the other squared glorified men in that they all had a human spirit which had birthed Christ. And they were also joined to each other in that they all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of an adamic man expressing the nature of Christ. And the glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan and their human bodies and only Christ was seen in them. AT
Glory to God, here is verse 12;
12. And they went everyone straight forward whither the Spirit was to go, they went, and they turned not when they went. KJV
The word straight is Strong’s #5676, and it is a different word than the word used in verse 7 where it says and their feet were straight feet, this is a different word straight, and it means the region across or the region on the opposite side, that is what it means, the region on the opposite side. What is the region on the opposite side from where we are now? It is the realm of the spirit. The word forward is, we have had this several times, it is the same word that is translated face, where it says that the creation had four faces, this is the same word face, it is Strong’s #6440, and the word turned is Strong’s #5337, it means to snatch away in a good or a bad sense to escape, and it sounds an awful lot to me again like the catching up, the term to snatch away in a good or bad sense, to escape. Here is the alternate translation of Ezekiel 1:12;
12. And every one of the glorified men crossed over into the realm of the Spirit of God, they all returned to the realm of the spirit, where their spirit was intended to be, and as they crossed over, their adamic personality did not escape and appear in the them. AT
And everyone went straight forward, every one of the glorified men crossed over into the realm of the Spirit, they made it, they became glorified men, and whither the Spirit was to go, that was where they went. Where was their spirit to go? They all returned to the realm of the spirit where their spirit was intended to be, that was where their spirit went, to where they were intended to be. They turned not when they went and during this process as they crossed over, they did not revert or turn back to their adamic personality. He did not escape from the dominion of the Christ that was ruling and reigning in them, and He did not appear in their thoughts or their words or their deeds. Glory to God, here is verse 13;
13. As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps, it went up and down among the living creatures, and the fire was bright and out of the fire went forth lightning. KJV
As for the likeness of the living creatures, just a review that word likeness is Strong’s #1823, it means construction, and the word appearance is Strong’s #4758, it means the thing seen, and the word burning is Strong’s #1197, it means to kindle. Webster says that kindle means to light, to stir up, to arouse, to cause to glow, to illuminate, to flare up, to become alive or living. We know that it is a very common expression in the Scripture to say God’s stirred up His Spirit. It means He made His Spirit alive; He brought it to life by adding the power of God to it, that is what the expression means in the Scripture. The word coals is Strong’s #1513, and apparently in the Hebrew we have two different words, one expressing a live coal, one that has been illuminated, it has been kindled, and a dead coal. This is the word for a live coal. Webster says that coal is a black or brownish black solid combustible substance which is formed by decomposed vegetable matter which does not have free access to air, and it is under the influence of moisture and increased pressure and temperature. I would like to demonstrate to you brethren that I believe the Scripture is indicating that we are coal. I am going to read that to you again in another form.
Spiritual coal is the easily ignited substance of human life. Webster says coal is a black or brownish black solid combustible substance. I am saying to you, spiritual coal is the easily ignited substance of human life. We know that human life was made to be burned. As a matter of fact, that is a Scripture. I cannot remember which of the apostles said it; human life is made to be burned, and to live again in the higher form of the spiritual realm of God.
Spiritual coal is the easily ignited substance of human life and I remind you that the Scripture refers to us as vegetable life, it refers to us as blades of grass, it refers to us as fruit, as grapes, we are referred to as vegetable life, so it is a combustible substance formed by decomposed vegetable matter. I am saying to you that spiritual coal is the easily ignited substance of human life which is vegetable matter which is lacking the Spirit of God, it is black. When you lack the Spirit of God, you are black, and when you have the Spirit of God, you are white. This is reflected in the first chapter of the Song of Solomon, I have all kinds of teaching on what it means, whoever the speaker is; it is a big controversy, who is narrating in the Song of Solomon. He says, I am black, but I am comely, and there are all kinds of strange interpretations of that, but I declare to you it simply means he is without the life of God. He is black.
We are spiritual coal, which is easily ignited, which is the easily ignited substance of human life which is vegetable matter which is lacking the Spirit of God, making it black, and it is decomposed, it has been broken down into its component parts, even Adam, Eve, and Satan.
We know that, that is what God is doing to us. He is breaking us down, He is separating the soul from the spirit, and he bone from the marrow, and He is breaking us down into our component parts, Adam, Eve, and Satan, He is decomposing the spiritual life which we are. Then it goes on to say, that it is decomposed vegetable matter which does not have free access to air, and I suggest to you that it does not have the free access to the Spirit of God. Air is the Spirit of God, and then it goes on to say, and it is under, this what coal is, it is under the influence of moisture, increased pressure, and temperature, and I declare to you that we are under the influence of the spirit which rules in the living soul, the moisture of Satan himself and we are under the increased pressure of being formed, and we studied this many times, if you look up the words that mean tribulation, it means to squeezed into a narrow space.
In the book of Genesis, it tells us that God formed Adam, and I suggest to Adam which we are is still being formed, and we are under great pressure being formed having our soul formed into the shape that God wants us to come into. The moisture is Satan and the increased pressure is the power of God that is forming us into His image. The temperature that we are under is the fire of the tribulation of the judgment of almighty God, and He is bringing us into His image by pressuring our soul and forming it into where He wants it and the fire is upon our human spirit, and at the end of the process we shall be in the image of God. I declare to you that we indeed are spiritual coal. The Scripture says that, we are in verse 13; …and the appearance of them was like burning coals of fire. We have established that the coal is natural man which is under the processing of God. The word fire is Strong’s #784, it is used frequently to describe the wrath and anger and power of God, and the word lamp is #3940, it is from a root that means to shine and it means a torch or a flame. It is used to describe men that are highly esteemed; in other words men that are shining with the light. Here is the alternate translation of the first half of Ezekiel 1:13;
13. As for the structure and composition of the glorified man, they appeared as living garbage…AT
I am declaring to you that what we just described which was the vegetable matter that was decomposed, that it is spiritual garbage. We had a teaching in another message where God showed us through the Scriptures that man is formed from the garbage of the earth.
13. As for the structure and composition of the glorified man, they appeared as living garbage which had been illuminated by the life of God.
That is Satan, living garbage. If you recall, I guess you probably do not, but the teaching about the garbage says that we were formed, Satan was formed from the garbage of the earth, and the garbage was the white ashes, it was white without the life of God. It was white without the life of God. They appeared as living garbage which had been illuminated by the life of God and I suggest to you that, that is Satan. That is Satan is existing in this new creation man, and the fire and the life of God is burning all around him. It has illuminated him in that he is no longer living in the depths of the soul realm, and that he is functioning in accordance with his ordained function of the higher level of glorified bodies. I suggest to you that, that first part is Satan,
…and they also appeared as highly esteemed who shined with the authority of God. AT
I suggest to you that, that is the adamic man, they are both being illuminated by the fire and the power of almighty God and the result of it is that Satan has been illuminated. He who was death has been given a form of life at least he is the skeleton in the creation, he is no longer bringing death to all mankind, and the adamic realm, the shined with the authority and glory of God. The Shekinah glory which emanates from the very being of the spiritual man gives life to everything that it touches, but it must be life in a form acceptable to the living God.
We cannot stay in our reprobate mind and have the life of God pouring forth from us, because by our very nature, and we talked about cause and effect earlier, by the very nature of the life of God pouring forth from us, all reprobate thinking in our mind will be destroyed. I will just read it again. This is the first half of Ezekiel 1:13;
13. As for the structure and composition of the glorified man, they appeared as living garbage which had been illuminated by the life of God; and they also appeared as highly esteemed men who shined with the authority and the glory of God. AT
That is Adam. This is a recap of Ezekiel 1:11-13, first half of 13;
11. Now what you have just heard is a descriptive understanding of the four dimensions of God’s creation. And the spiritual dimension in the midst of them caused them to be divorced from their husband; Satan, the spirit which ruled in the mind of natural man and to be joined in marriage to Christ who is above. Each of the squared glorified men were joined to the other squared glorified men, in that they all had a human spirit which had birthed Christ, and that they all had the identifying qualities and characteristics of an adamic man expressing His nature, Christ’s nature. And the glory of God covered over and hid both the castrated Satan and their human bodies, only Christ was seen in them.
12. And every one of the glorified men crossed over into the realm of the Spirit of God, they all returned to the realm of the spirit, where their spirit was intended to be, and as they crossed over, their adamic personality did not escape, nor did he appear in the them.
13. As for the structure and composition of the glorified man, they appeared as living garbage which had been illuminated by the life of God; Satan, and they also appeared as highly esteemed men who shined with the authority and the glory of God. AT
Are there any questions today?
01/29/13 Transcribed by RLR