038 - Part 1

Part 1 of 14 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We are not going to do the whole Chapter today.  We are going from Revelation Chapter 4, Verses 1-7.

Revelation 4:1–7.  After this I looked, and behold, a door was opened in Heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said; Come up thither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.

2. Immediately I was in the Spirit; and, behold, a throne was set in Heaven, and one sat on the throne.

3. And He that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

4. And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

5. And out of the throne proceed lightings and thundering and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

6. And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.

7. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.  KJV

Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation, Verse 1, - After this I looked and, behold, a door was opened in Heaven; and the first voice which I heard was as if it were of a trumpet talking with me which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.

Hebrews 10:19-20.  Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.  By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh.  (KJV)

We are entering into a new and living way through the veil that is the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ.  His flesh is His soul and we have His soul.  If we are in Christ we have two souls, the soul of Adam and the soul of Christ.  What this is saying, is, that the way we get into the Kingdom of God is by entering into His flesh.  I want to put this on the board.  It is really an important concept.  I do not know as to what degree I have succeeded in explaining it to you.

If we are in Christ, we have two souls.  And it looks like this, this is the soul of Adam, and Christ who is first in seed form, is within us by His soul.  A circle within a circle, Ezekiel says, it is a wheel within a wheel.  We are two souls and somewhere in the soul of Adam, there is a manifestation of our life, and it has to get from Adam into Christ.

This is what the Lord just said to me.  We have a soul, it is the soul of Adam, and we have a human Spirit.  We studied this before and the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us.  We have the Holy Spirit within us.  When that Holy Spirit fertilizes our human Spirit, Christ comes forth.  Apparently I am going to get more information from the Lord for you on this.

I have been teaching you that the Holy Spirit fertilizes the human Spirit and there is no more Holy Spirit, there is just Christ.  Apparently even though we have Christ birth in us in seed form, there is something in us that is capable of living, either out of the soul of Adam or the soul of Christ.  I cannot give you any more of information right now.   I will have to pray about that, and see what the Lord says.

Even though Christ who has been birthed in us, there is something that is our true Spiritual life that is capable of either living out of Adam or living out of Christ.  Let us just say, it is up here, this is our life, and we are living out of Adam who is motivating our thoughts, and our words, and our deeds. 

The way we are going to enter into Heaven, the way we are going to enter into the Kingdom of God is by drawing our self from Adam.  We have to uproot our self from Adam the Lord says and we have to move in here with Christ.

When we get inside this circle, when we pierce His flesh; you see this circle is the soul of Christ and the outer realm is His flesh.  When we get into the circle, the inner circle with Christ, we are in the Kingdom of God, and we are in Heaven.

That is how we enter in.  I will have to get more information for you on that.  That is how it works.  We have to get right inside here with Christ so that our thoughts, and our words, and our deeds come from Him, who is all wise and all knowledgeable and all powerful.  Therefore every problem is solved in our life.

We are told in the Book of Hebrews that we are going to enter by a new and living way which is concentrated for us through the veil, that is to say, His flesh.  That means that when we get inside the circle, and start living out of Christ on a regular basis we have entered into the holiest by the blood or by the soul life of Jesus Christ.

We have been studying this for a long time in this Ministry.  We are capable of going in and out, in and out, not only one day or the next day; however, from second to second, we can be either living out of the soul of Adam or living out of the soul of Christ.

What happens to us when we get pelted - you see it is very hard to abide in the soul of Christ.  The soul of Adam is pulling us back, is pulling us back.  When we get pelted with trials, what happens is that we tend to lose our grip, we lose our grip and we come out of Christ.  We lose our grip, and we get back up over here and we start doing all the wrong things.

We start doing the things that are not going to help us.  We start doing the things that we have done all our life.  We start doing the things that we do automatically.  We start doing the things that the natural man does, which lead only to death. 

As we know, we have been teaching here, the soul of Christ, He is going to get bigger and He is going to get bigger, and as He gets bigger He is going to exert pressure on the soul of the natural man. 

The Bible calls this soul a grape, and as Christ exerts pressure, the grape is going to be crushed, not from a natural machine on the outside, from the pressure of Almighty God within your soul; the grape skin is going to be crushed.  When it is crushed the life of God will come pouring out, and what we now have is a soul, and a body that is going to be broken into many pieces.  It is going to become the center of our Spiritual life.

This is going to be Christ on the outside and the fragmented soul and body is going to be within.  It is going to be the exact reverse of it.  Can you see that?  It is going to be the exact reverse.  Our soul and body is going to be beaten to shivers.  It is going to be grind like fine flour and we are going to be the exact reverse.  Our Spiritual condition is going to be the exact reverse of what we are now.

The life of Christ is going to come pouring out and it is going to be within us and without us and surrounding us, and that which gives form and substance is going to be within instead of without.

We are dealing with Verse 1 of Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation.  After this I looked and behold, a door was opened in Heaven.  What is the door?  This is the door; Christ is the door.  The seed of Christ, that is inside of the Spiritual being; that is the door to Heaven.

The door of Heaven is not outside you, it is not in the sky, it is not a man.  Jesus Christ of Nazareth today has already ascended on high and is a Spirit.

There is no Jesus Christ of Nazareth today it is Christ Jesus who is a Spirit.  We do not have a natural man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth today, He has become a Spirit and He is in the earth today by the form of His Holy Spirit. 

He is indwelling many men and His name is no longer Jesus Christ of Nazareth, it is Christ Jesus, the Spirit of Christ in many men.  When we enter in, when it says, a door opened in Heaven, brethren, within John’s Spiritual being, Christ manifested.  Do you hear that?  Within John’s spiritual being Christ manifested and made Him-self available to the Apostle John, who was at the time, a natural man.

And Behold a door was opened in Heaven and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me.   We mentioned when we studied Chapter 1 Verse 10, of the Book of Revelation - I was in the Spirit on the Lords’ day, and heard behind me was a great voice, as of a trumpet, saying, I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.

The trumpet is God Almighty.  After this I looked and behold a door was opened in Heaven, - the Christ was in John, manifesting and said, John, enter in.  John, whatever your spiritual substance is, whatever the true you, is, enter into my soul, and live out of me.

And the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet; it was the voice of God talking to me; and it said, Come up hither and I will show the things which must be hereafter.  It said, Come over here, enter into Christ which is within your own mind, and I am going to show the thing which must be hereafter.

We know that when we receive Christ and we start getting Spiritual, we start seeing visions, we start receiving wisdom; we start receiving knowledge.  The way that happens is that when we get a vision, we have entered into Christ.

I have told you this before. I am going to put it on the board for you again.  The easiest way that I could think of, to explain this; the way this works is the way of space satellite works.

When the nations of the earth first started going into space, they knew that the man who went to the moon or the nation who went to the moon, or the nation that put a satellite up in the sky, is going to rule the earth.  When you are this high above the earth, when you are on the moon or when you are in a satellite, you could bomb down destruction.  The earth turns.  As the earth turns, and it comes in the vision of the moon, which is above, or the satellite, he just rains down destruction.

It just rains down destruction on whatever aspect of the earth is turning.  The earth turns on its axis and it goes around the sun.  Every part of the earth is exposed to the satellite that is in space. 

That is what Christ is, for when God said, Come up here, come over here and I will show you things to come.   He said, Enter into Christ which is above all and I will put you in a high position, where you could look down upon the earth or the realm of time, and you will be able to see everything.  You will be able to have all knowledge; you are going to be high above the earth in a place where everything is visible to you, and nothing is hidden.

When we are in Christ and we have a vision, or we have a word of knowledge, or we have a word of wisdom, it comes, Lord willing, from us having entered into Christ.  If it is a false word, we have received spiritual communication from the Spirit of the living soul, which is whom?  Adam or Satan, Amen.  That still happens to us when we are in Christ.

Sometimes we get a spiritual word, and it turns out that it is wrong and there is only one explanation; Satan whispered in our ear.  We thought we had entered into Christ, although we did not.  As we mature in Christ, we learn how to discern what Spirit is talking to us.  We can never tell for sure; we have to pray our way through everything, especially if that knowledge involves, making a decision that is going to affect our lives.  We have to pray that if it was not God, that He saves from the deception and correct us.

After this I looked and behold a door was opened.   Christ within the mind of John said, I am here, I am open, enter in.  And the first voice I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me.  Christ within John which said, Come up here and I will show you the things which must be hereafter.  Enter into my soul which is in your mind, and I will show you what must come upon the soul of man.

Revelation 4:1.  After seeing the glorified Christ and writing down the messages, He directed me to take to the seven churches; I looked and perceived that Christ was the entrance way into the Spiritual realm of God.  The first thing I heard was an utterance, which sounded like a trumpet speaking to me and it said, Enter in behind the veil, even the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ into the Spiritual realm of God and I will show you the course of events which are about to come upon mankind.  AT

In the Old Testament, when under the old Covenant, when the Spirit of Adoption had not yet been poured out, and Christ was not within the people, we are told that when the Spirit of God wanted to give marriage to a prophet, He entered into him. 

It was a temporary entering in.  Daniel said, The Spirit entered into me and spoke with me.  It was not an indwelling abiding Christ.  When the Spirit of God wanted to talk to a prophet, He possessed him, temporarily.

That is a very unpopular thing to say, that the Spirit of God possesses you, although He does.  Everything an evil does is a counterfeit of what the Spirit of God does.  The Spirit of God will possess you, and it is legal.  When an evil spirit does it, it is illegal, and when he fills your mind with his thoughts and his knowledge, he possesses you.

Whether you are under the Old Covenant, and it is from the outside and he enters in temporarily, or whether you are under the New Covenant, and he is abiding in you; that is, I hope you all know He says that even if you are under the New Covenant, and Christ is abiding within you, He is not manifesting every second of your life.

When He manifested, He fills your mind and your heart with knowledge, wisdom and understanding, He has entered into you or you have entered into Him.  I guess under the Old Covenant, it says, The Spirit entered into Him, although under the New Covenant we have to say, And, we entered into the Spirit, and is not that what we say, I was in the Spirit, I was in the Spirit.

The New Covenant is the opposite of the Old Covenant.  Let me read that again to you.  This is Verse 1 – After seeing the glorified Christ and writing down the messages He directed me to take to the Seven Churches, I looked and perceived that Christ was the entrance way into the Spiritual realm of God, and the first thing I heard was an utterance which sounded like a trumpet speaking to me and it said, Enter in behind the veil, even the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ into the Spiritual realm of God and I will show you the course of events which are about to come upon mankind.

Revelation 4:2.   And, immediately I was in the Spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne.  KJV

The word, set, a throne was set in heaven, is Strong’s #2749.  It is a reflective verb and it means to lie down.  Strong’s is very clear about this.  It means to lie down utterly prostrate as opposed to another Greek word, which means to set; like you would plant a tree.  To set a tree, that grows upright.

This word, #2749, specifically means, to be utterly prostrate.  Do you know what prostrate means?  It means to be lying down and the Scripture talks about a man lying in a bed having no Spiritual power.  To be utterly prostrate is to be in this position, utterly stretched out like a dead man.

We have a throne that was set in Heaven.  It was utterly prostrate, lying down in Heaven, and someone was sitting on the throne.  This is a very interesting Verse.  The word, sat is #2521 and it means, besides to sit.  It means, to remain, to revive or to dwell.  Let us try this with an Alternate Translation.

Revelation 4:2.  And in response to the invitation, I immediately entered into the Christ within me and I perceived a soul which had utterly prostrated itself in the presence of God and God sat upon it.  AT

Who is the soul that utterly prostrated itself?  Here we have a soul; his name was John, and in the midst of him was Christ.  John was over here somewhere, living in his soul and the Christ in his mind said, Enter in, and John dwelt with Christ and he saw his soul that utterly prostrated itself before Almighty God.

I am suggesting to you that the soul that he saw that utterly prostrated himself was his own soul.  He came out of his soul, he joined to Christ and the natural, the Adamic soul of John laid down in utter submission to the Christ within him.

We had many teachings in the Scripture, in this Ministry, that the true praises of man unto God is to utterly prostrate your-self, to utterly lay down your soul life in total submission to Christ.  We cannot do it.  If I could do it today, I would do it.  If I had the power to do it, I would let my soul die and just live out of Christ.  We have to be apprehended by Christ.  We could be in agreement with it.  He is doing it to us.  The most that we could do is not resist and to work with Him.  I wish it was happening faster.  It is not.

John was invited by Christ to have an experience whereby his soul was utterly prostrated, and in submission to Christ within him to the point that it would be considered dead.  In response to the invitation I immediately entered into the Christ within me, and I perceived a soul, my own soul which had utterly prostrated itself in the presence of God.  When we enter into Christ, however long it last, our own soul is utterly prostrated, suppressed, pushed to the background, put under foot, not functioning, limp.  Christ and Adam in you cannot be manifesting at the same time.

I have two more phases of the translation of the same Verse.  The next step is; And in response to the invitation; What invitation? - To enter into Christ.  The last Verse was, And God sat upon it.  And in response to the invitation, I immediately entered into the Christ within me and I perceived a soul which had utterly prostrated itself in the presence of God and God sat upon it.  God sat upon it. That means that Christ accepted the worship.

We could even say, that the two souls now look something like this; Christ on top and Adam on bottom.  The Lord said, I am going to make your enemies your foot stool.   And God sat upon it.  The soul lay down and Christ accepted the worship.  He sat upon it.  His Spiritual moral order was changed. 

And in response to the Invitation to enter into Christ, I immediately entered into the Christ within me and I perceived a soul which had utterly prostrated itself and sat upon the soul.  That is the actual translation.  The King James writers put in a few words in italics because they could not understand it.  What we are talking about two souls here.

And I perceived a soul which had utterly prostrated itself and sat upon the soul.  And who sat upon the soul?  And Christ sat upon the soul.  Which soul?  That he utterly prostrated itself.

I will say it one more time.  And in response to the invitation I immediately entered into the Christ within me, and I perceived that I was dwelling within a soul which had utterly prostrated itself before God and which was sitting upon my soul.  Christ too, was prostrated before God.

Do you know the Scripture in 1st Corinthians; where after Christ subdued every enemy, He is going to offer up the Kingdom to the Father?  Christ was the utterly prostrated soul.  Christ is an utterly prostrated soul.  He descended to the right hand of the Father.  He is in total submission 100% of the time to the Father.  

When we enter into Christ, we come into utter and total submission to the Father.  Can you hear that?  Let me read it again.  And in response to the invitation, I immediately entered into the Christ within me and I perceived that I was dwelling within a soul, Christ, which had utterly prostrated itself before God and which was sitting upon my soul.

He entered into Christ, which was utterly submitted to God and that; that soul that he had entered into was sitting upon his adamic soul, and he came in to the perfect moral order.   God, Christ, man.

Revelation 4:3.  And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone and there was a rainbow about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. KJV

The word, jasper is a precious stone of diverse colors, some are purple others are blue, others were green and others the color of brass.  The Hebrew word, jasper, Strong’s #3471 says that the word comes from a root which means to be smooth. 

Sardine stone is the root #4555.  There is no comment there; I am giving a Hebrew equivalent, Strong’s #124. 

The word for sardine stone is, Oden, only the one letter off, from the word Adam.  It is a ruby, a garment or some other red gem and it is a direct descendant of the derivative of 119, the word Adam, which means to show blood in the face.  If someone is liken unto the sardine stone, what we are saying about him, is that he had the life of God that is being revealed in his face. 

The word rainbow, there was nothing in Strong’s about it.  Webster says that, rainbow is an ark or circle that exhibits in bands, the colors of the spectrum. I do not know if everybody who knows it, if you put bright white light through a prism, it breaks down into the colors of the spectrum. Color is a manifestation of bright white light.  And what is the bright white like?  The bright white light is Jesus.

We have Jesus up here and when you break him down he breaks down in the many colors of the rainbow. What is the rainbow then?  It is a manifestation of Christ being filtered through the atmosphere, either of the natural sky or of our soul.  It breaks down and he appears in many different manifestations, the fruits of the Spirit, or whatever you want to call it.  He breaks apart and appears in different manifestations.

Webster says it is an ark or circle that exhibits in bands, the colors of the spectrum. The way this is formed is by the reflection of the sun’s rays in rain drops, rain or mists.  What we are really saying here, is that we have the life of God, the Spirit of God, and He is shining through the atmosphere which could be rain, spray or mists.  It is God on the soul realm.

Can you hear what I am saying?  You have a rain drop here.  In this rain drop you see the bands of color.  It is the Spirit of God seen in the rain drop, and the rain drop causes him to broken down in many colors.  When the pure Spirit of God enters either in the atmosphere or into the soul of man, he is seen as a rainbow. The whole point is that the rainbow really is God in the soul realm.  We are on Verse 3 – And he that sat was to look upon was like a jasper and a sardine stone and there was a rainbow around the throne.  We know the throne is the soul, which we established that before.  There was a rainbow around the soul and in sight like unto an emerald.

The rainbow that was around the soul, looked like an emerald.  The word, sight is Strong’s #3706.  It is the only time it is translated sight in Strong’s and it means, something gazed at, especially a supernatural spectacular or spectacle.

The word, emerald is Strong’s #4665 and it means; a green gem.  In the Greek it means a green gem. In the Hebrew it is #5306.  The Hebrew tells us that it is, from an unused root meaning, to glisten or to shine.  I am suggesting to you that the emerald typifies the anointing of God. It is the anointing of God, the Holy Spirit in the realm of appearance.  

God is the realm of appearance; I have a reference for you with regard to the sardine stone, the jasper stone and an emerald stone.  We are told in Peter 2:5. Ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, a holy Priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

These stones are typified believers.  They are typified men that are manifesting ones smoothness.  What is the application of smoothness?  All of our sins have been rubbed off of us.  Sins cause facets in us.  Sin causes upheavals in us.

The Scripture describes the natural man as mountains and our souls tend to look like this, it has all kinds of protrusions coming from it.  God said he is going to take down the mountains and he is going to, raise up the low places, and he is going to make everything even.  Everything is going to be smooth. We talked about that before.  Remember that? This is going to happen to our soul.  Where there have been mountains and valleys, it is going to be smooth in the life of God.

We are talking about a smooth stone.  We are talking about a stone that reveals the life of God.  We are talking about an emerald with the anointing, the shining, the glistening of the Holy Spirit.  Do not forget we have the life of the Father and we have the life of the Son.

In the Scripture, the wine is, liken to the life of the Father and the blood is liken to the life of the Son.  That is the soul life as compared to the spiritual life of God.  The two in one, the Father and the Son are one.

Nevertheless you have to know that there is the life of the Father and the life of the Son and the way the Scripture separates them, is either called, the Life of the Father Spirit are one, and the life of the Son, either the soul or in the form of the Holy Spirit.  The oil, the anointing, the glistening, that is the life of the Son. They are one but they are separate.

Revelation 4:3.  And the one who sat upon John’s soul had the appearance of a perfected Spiritual man who reflected the ruddy soul life of God and the Spirit of the Father which was round about the soul, and the supernatural spectacle was glistening with the life of God.  And the one who sat upon John’s soul, that is the soul of Christ; he had appearance of perfected Spiritual man who reflected the ruddy soul life of God, and the Spirit of the Son and the Father.  And the Spirit of the Father, it was around about soul, and the supernatural spectacle was glistening with the life of God.  (AT)

This is what we had.  We had the soul of John down here, and we had the soul of Christ on top of him, and wrapped around the soul of Christ we had the Spirit of the Father.  Glistening about the whole thing was the glorious life of God.

And the one who sat upon John’s soul had the appearance of a perfected Spiritual man.  He was blessed with a ruddy soul life of God and the Spirit of the Father which was round about the soul and his supernatural spectacle was glistening with the life of Almighty God.

Revelation 4:4.   And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.  (KJV)

This was the word, seats; it is Strong’s #2362 and it is not just a seat like we have here.  It is a seat that is referring to a throne seat, a chair of the State that would have a footstool.  A chair of the State, that would have a footstool, is a fancy chair for dignitaries.

Acts 7:49   Heaven is my throne and the earth my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord.  (KJV)

Hebrews 1:13.   But to which of the angels said he any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?  (KJV)

Hebrews 10:12-13   But, this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God.  From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.  (KJV)

When we had chairs, we had twenty four chairs, and what they represented apparently was the connection of heaven and earth.  The top part of the chair represented the realm of the Spirit, heaven.  Connected to it at the bottom, was a footstool.  That is the realm of the earth.  That is the soul of man.


That is the relationship we are in when we are joined to God.  He is sitting upon our soul and resting his feet upon us.  We are on the bottom.  Natural man is on the bottom.  Heaven is my throne and earth my footstool.

We are the footstool of the Lord to rest upon us.  And to which of the angels, said he at any time sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies my footstool.  The enemies of God are not the demons.  The enemies of the Lord God are the earth man.  The demons are no problem.  The demons are the results of our enmity towards God.

When we repel against God and live out of our soul, we produce demons.  Yet God will deal with demons.  The enemy is the natural man, the carnal mind who is producing the demons.

And we shall be the footstool of the Lord.  We shall come in submission to Him in due season.  This man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of the God expecting until His enemies were made His footstool.

The natural man shall come under the seat of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul said to the disciples, The Lord God shall bring Satan unto your feet in due season or quickly. What we are talking about is the bringing into submission of the soul of man to the soul of Christ.  The Father is dwelling within the soul of Christ.  We are talking about correct moral order, correct moral order.

PASTOR VITALE:  What is the result of being in the correct moral order?  Does anybody know?

PASTOR VITALE:  Eternal life, eternal life.

We are dying today for our Spiritual makeup is in the wrong moral order.  It can be liken to a deformed child, which is born with his lungs in the wrong place, so that he cannot function or his heart or his stomach in the wrong place. When you are born, if your stomach is on the ears, your body cannot absorb the food and you die.

The reason men die, is that our Spiritual makeup is in the wrong moral order.  The life we need to survive, which in the Spirit is the life of God, cannot get to us because we are upside down.

The Hebrew equivalent of footstool is Strong’s #3534, and it means, to be trodden under, from a root that means, to conquer, to subjugate; to subdue.  It is just another witness to what we just said.  When you are a footstool you are subjugated, you are conquered, and you are subdued.

The word, to clothe; And they were clothed in white raiment and on their head they had crowns of gold.  We talked about this before that, two words that mean clothed, one that is referring to a garment. I’m wearing this blouse I can take it off and remove it at will.  Another Greek word translated clothed means, when you are clothed it is literally a part of your being. Just as our Spirit man is clothed with a soul and with a body.  We cannot separate ourselves. 

If we separate ourselves we die.  This is the word that is used, to clothed, it is the second one, #4260.  It means, to throw all around, to invest, it becomes with what you are clothed with becomes a part of you.

We know that the word, crown, from our previous study in the Book of Revelation refers to be interwoven, to have in our mind interwoven with the mind of Christ.

That a crown is a wreath, that is interwoven, like the olive branches of Rome and Greece.  When we have a crown of gold, our mind has been interwoven with the mind of Christ, and the mind of Christ is ruling and reigning.

Revelation 4:4.   And around the soul, because the throne is the soul, there were twenty-four thrones or twenty-four souls with footstools.  Twenty-four manifestations of Christ, that has brought the natural man into submission.  And around the soul there were twenty-four souls with footstools and I saw twenty-four mature Spiritual men sitting upon the throne and they were covered all over with a pure and holy garment and their minds have been intertwined and made one with the mind of God.  (AT)

What are we saying here? We are saying there is a soul; His name is the Lord Jesus Christ.  I think that everybody here knows that He is a soul, even though He is in Spirit form right now, He is a soul.  He was made into a man and He is a soul. 

He is a redeemed glorified soul who, in this hour is manifesting in the earth by His Spirit, but He is a soul.  And they sat around him twenty-four redeemed souls, and what it means was that Christ has been birthed in each of these.

Christ has been birthed in each of these souls by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ by His Spirit.  Can you see that?  There are a lot of people in the earth today that get very upset.  People in the church when you tell them, that the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is not returning to the earth.

The man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, was a stage of the development of Almighty God.  He has reproduced Himself and in this hour He is living in the next generation.  Remember that teaching, that we live in the next generation, that it is the same Spiritual ancestor that goes from generation to generation?  When the flesh wears out, it sheds and it is the same Spiritual being in the next generation.

Christ received the glorified body His flesh did not wear out.  For the purposes of reproduction, He is now a Spirit and He is moving in the next generation.

He is living in you, He is living in me.  He said, if a corn of wheat fall into the ground, it will bring forth a great harvest.  The man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth did not have to die because He has brought His soul into submission to the Spirit of holiness that was within Him.

He could have kept His flesh alive for as long as He wanted to and because His Father had ordained to bring forth a great harvest of sons, He gave up his life.  He said, it is expedient that I leave you.  If I leave you not, the Comforter will not come.

He chose to seek his existence as a natural man, for the specific purpose of becoming a Spirit by which in fact he did and is in the process of pouring Himself out upon all flesh, and reproducing His life, the life of the glorified Son in every person upon whom he pours out his life.

We are the next generation, and we are living by the life of His glorified Spirit.  He gave up His life as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and He is living in the next generation, you and me. Touching one in the church they get all upset when they hear that, it is still all the truth.

Revelation 4:4.   And around the throne there were twenty-four thrones with footstools.  And I saw twenty-four matured Spiritual men sitting upon their thrones or their souls, and they were covered all over with a pure and holy garment.  Their souls and their body had been made clean, purified and holy, and their minds had been intertwined, and they made one with the mind of God.  (AT)

Revelation 4:5.  And out of the thrones proceeded lightings and thundering and voices and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven Spirits of God.  (AT)

Lightings, is Strong’s #796.  Lighting is something that you see.  The word itself means, bright and shinning.  I suggest to you it is a visible, physical manifestation of the life of God that you see with your eyes.  Thundering – Strong’s #1027.  You do not see it, you will hear it with your ears, and the number of Strong’s #1027, and the literal translation of the word, is roar.  I suggest to you, that the thundering were the roar of the lion of the tribe of Judah, even the Lord Jesus Christ in its fullness in the living soul. 

We also heard voices, and I am suggesting to you that the voices that we heard are the sounds coming from the individual manifestations of Christ.  We have lightings, we have the sign of the life of the Father, we have thundering, the roar of the lion of the tribe of Judah, Jesus the Son of man.  The lightning is the Spirit of God, the thundering, the roar of the soul man, the Lord Jesus Christ and the voices are the many voices of the many sons of God that are coming forth.

Even the forty-second generation the children that the Lord God has received from His Father, that his days should be prolonged.

The Lord God, we are told in Isaiah 53, the Lord God has given him seed so that his days should be prolonged. He is no longer living as the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but in the next generation in his offspring.

Revelation 4:4-5.  And visible signs of the Spiritual power of the Father, the law of Jesus’ victorious soul life, and the voices of the many membered body of Christ came out of the soul, and the containers which hold the life of Almighty God; even the fullness of the manifestations of his life in the flesh; that is the seven Spirits of God. (AT)

We had that in two separate meetings recently that the seven Spirits of God are the fullness of the life of God in the flesh.  And the containers which hold the life of God; what are they? Man; natural man, are the containers; they hold the life of God. And the containers, which hold the life of Almighty God, even the fullness of the manifestations of his life in the flesh. They are in the front of the soul.


We are talking about redeemed man.  And visible signs of the spiritual power of the Father, the role of Jesus victorious soul life, and the voices of the many membered body of Christ came out of the soul. They also came out of the containers, which hold the life of Almighty God, even the fullness of the manifestations of his life in the flesh. They are in the front of the soul; even redeemed man, the containers of the redeemed man, and they are in front of the soul.  What does it mean they are in front of the soul?  They are in front.  There is a screen in front of you.  They are in front.  The Spiritual life is within, and the containers are in the front, they are holding it.


Did I make that clear? The containers, and the natural man, and the lamp, holds the fire of God.  They are talking about the container.  We are talking about a lamp, a lampstand, that is Christ, and the fire is the Father.  They are saying, before the throne was the soul.   Actually what we are saying is, the Father, Christ, and the soul of man.  It is the same thing.  This is the moral order that man is being brought into. That is what all of these symbols are about.

This is what is happening to the creation today; being brought into the correct moral order.  The old moral order is being torn down.  Let me just go over that for you.  At the beginning of time this was the moral order that we were in. 

We had God, the Father, and we had the soul.  The soul was innocent. It had not yet sinned because God was subduing the wickedness; the potential wickedness that was in the soul.

The soul fell and the moral order changed.  Satan became God.  He produced his son, the carnal mind, and sin came forth in mankind. Wrong moral order, man started to die.  His stomach was in the wrong place.  Satan was supposed to be down here; he is the part of the soul.  This is the moral order that gives life.  Satan came out and went up on top and mankind cannot live in this spiritual condition. The reason that men get consumed is, because in accordance with spiritual things, we will have an existence for a seventy or eighty years, and we think it is right.  That is not life; that is death.

God is saving us.  The moral order is returning.  God is going to be ruling, and reigning.  Christ is going to be on top, and the soul is going to be in submission.  This is sin or death.  We are going to be restored to life.  God is on top; Christ in the flesh; and the soul in submission.  And we can live in that condition.  There is one more step.  We are going back to this.  Even though we can have eternal life in this condition, Christ, when all enemies are put under his feet, shall offer up the Kingdom unto the Father. There will no longer be any purpose for his function.

Remember this teaching?  That what Christ is doing here, is being purifying the soul.  The reason we need Christ between us and God, is that we are filled with sin.  Our soul has to be purified, even when Christ starts ruling and reigning in our vessels.  It is going to take generations to purge the sin out of mankind.  When the last enemy is under Christ’s feet; when there is no more sin in any manner, shape or form in the creation, Christ, which for all the intents and purpose, is a filter shall no longer have a function.  We shall walk and talk with God directly as Adam did in the garden.  Can you hear that?  Everybody understand that?

I personally believe this is thousands of years away.  What we are moving into now is righteousness, and justification with God, correct moral order by the power of an indwelling Christ.  There is no way we can do it ourselves.  This last condition whereby the living soul was so purified that we do not need a mediator or a filter any longer.  I personally believe it is thousands of generations away.  We will go on to Chapter 6.

Revelation 4:6.  And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal, and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne were four beasts, full of eyes before and behind.  (KJV)

We have a sea of glass like unto Crystal.  The word, glass is Strong’s #6193 and it means, transparent.  The word, crystal is Strong’s #2930 and you will know what a crystal is; it has many facets, like a diamond.  The crystal is colorless.

The word, Sea throughout the Scripture typifies the living soul.  We are talking about a living soul that has become transparent; you can see through it.  Can you see through it now?  You cannot see through now.  It is dark, and it is dingy, and it is filled with sin, and now, it has become clear.  You can see through it, and it has many facets.  That is the general idea.

The many facets, of course, are its many members.  It is many cells.  What when you can see through it, when it becomes transparent, what can you see?  You see Christ through it.  We have a throne, which is a soul.  We have a sea, which is a living soul that has now become clear, and transparent, and many faceted.  In the midst of the soul, and also round about it, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.


We have all these things and seem to be superimposed, one upon another, and that is exactly what they are.  This is a spiritual description of the glorified man.  There is a sea; it was clear; it was many faced, and in the midst of it, and round about it were four beasts full of eyes before, and behind.  We had four beasts; how could they be in the midst of the soul, and round about it?  These are spiritual entities brethren; remember they may be rooted in the midst of the throne, vibrating forth their spiritual life.  They are vibrating forth, so they are in the midst of the soul, and they are also round about it.  Can you see that?

They were full of eyes before, and behind.  They were full of eyes in the front, and in the back.  I am suggesting to you that the word, eyes, in the Scriptures also, means, soul because the soul sees spiritual knowledge comes through the soul so there were many souls in the front of it, and behind it. There were many members.

We are given the word, four here because four is the universal number of the earth. It is the number representing the totality of the earth of the soul.  There were many members, and they were behind, and they were in front.  They were everywhere.  The souls were everywhere. The souls were everywhere in the midst of the glorified creation.

Revelation 4:6.  And there were a many membered transparent dead human soul in front of the soul of Christ.  And in the middle of the soul of Christ and all around it, there was a many membered animal life.  The four beasts represent the animal life.  (AT)

The animal life you may recall is the life of the body.  You have the life of the soul, and we have the life of the body.  And in the midst of the throne, and round about it were four beasts, and the four beasts was the animal life.

We are talking about the glorified soul, and the glorified body.  The sea that was like glass unto crystal is the glorified soul, and the animal life with the many eyes is the many membered of the glorified body.  Do I make that clear?


And before the throne there was a sea of glass liken to crystal.  The soul has become redeemed; it was now glass; it is hard, it is transparent.  The soul is soft now, and spiritual life can impress His image upon our-selves.  If it is the life of God, we reveal Christ.  If it is the life of Adam, we reveal Satan. Our soul is soft and any spiritual power can manifest itself through us.

The sea has become hard.  Christ has impressed his image on it, and has baked us in the oven, and no one else is going impress their image upon us again.  We have become permanent.  There was a sea of glass, and it was like unto crystal with many faceted, so the soul had many members.  There is a soul here that has been impressed with Christ; that has been baked in the oven, and now it has become hard.  It cannot ever be changed again, and it has many facets; it has many members.

In the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four beasts.  There was an animal life.  There was also the life of the body represented by the universal number four, the totality of the number of bodies that God had ordained from before the foundation of the earth. They were filled with many eyes representing the many membered of the natural body.

There were many facets on the glass which were the many members of the soul, and there were many eyes which represent the many members of the natural body.  The four beasts were full of eyes before and behind.  They were in front of the creation and they were behind it.  They were all mixed together.  There is no time in space in a spiritual creature. They were just all mixed together.  We had a redeemed soul in many members. We had a redeemed body in many members, and we had the Spirit of God.  It was all mixed up together.

It may look like confusion to us.  In the realm of the Spirit what is this look like?  This reminds me of what we have been teaching here, that when the soul is broken to shivers, and the body is broken down, we are going to have a glorified body that going to be many pieces.  These pieces are going to be liken to our natural universe, and what is going to be holding all these pieces in a logical order, is the indwelling Christ.

There are going to be many pieces like dust flies up, when you walk through dry dust. It is not going to be without order.  The Christ within is going to be holding everything in a big black place. Just like we have our universe, we have the sun, and we have all of the planets flying around the sun.

If you look at a picture that you said, well, there is the Earth, and there is Mars, and there is Venus, and why are they going in order around the sun?  The sun has specific power, and authority to keep them in order.  In our glorified body, we are not going to be solid like we are now.  We are going to be many pieces, with each piece going to be in perfect order because the indwelling Christ, which is our son, is going to hold our body together. 

Revelation 4:6.  And there was a many member transparent dead human soul in front of the soul of Christ.  And in the middle of the soul of Christ and all around it, there was a many membered animal life.  Our natural soul had gone.  (AT)

Revelation 4:7.  And the first piece was like a lion and the second beast like a calf, and a third beast had a face of the man.  And the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. (KJV)

This verse, 7, is very similar to about ten or more verses in the Book of Ezekiel.  I think we are going to diverge here because I hope you all know that every symbol in the Book of Revelation was taken out of the Old Testament, and John was a Hebrew.  We are going to take the time to do this study in Ezekiel so that we can really understand what we are talking about here.  The first beast was like a lion, and the second was like a calf, and third beast had a face of a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.

This appears in Ezekiel, Chapter 1, Verses, 4 through 28.  What I am going to do now is that I am going to recap Revelation Chapter 4, Verses 1 through 6, and we are going to start on Ezekiel. Right now I am going recap Revelation Chapter 4 Verses 1 through 6.

Revelation 4:1-6.  After seeing the glorified Christ, and writing down the messages he directed me to take to the seven churches, I looked, and perceived that Christ was the entranceway into the spiritual realm of God, and the first thing I heard was an utterance which sounded like a trumpet speaking to me, and it said, Enter in behind the veil even the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ into the spiritual realm of God.

And I will show you the course of events which was about to come upon mankind. And in response to the invitation I immediately entered into the Christ within me, and I perceived that I was dwelling within a soul which had utterly prostrated itself before God, and which was sitting upon my soul, thus prostrating it. 

By the power of Christ, John’s soul was prostrated, because Christ was sitting on him.  And the one who sat upon John’s soul had the appearance of a perfected spiritual man who reflected the ruddy soul life of God.  And the Spirit of the Father which was round around the soul; and this supernatural spectacle was glistening with the life of God. 

And around the soul there were twenty four thrones with footstools, and I saw twenty four mature spiritual men sitting upon the throne, and they were covered all over with a pure and holy garment, and their minds had been intertwined and made one with the mind of God. 

And the visible signs of the spiritual power of the Father, the law of Jesus’ victorious soul life, and the voices of the many membered body of Christ came out of the soul. And the containers which held the life of the Almighty God, even the fullness of the manifestations of his life in the flesh are in front of the soul, even he being man. 

And there was a many membered transparent dead human soul in front of the soul of Christ.  And in the middle of the soul of Christ and all around it, there was a many membered animal life. (AT)

We are in Ezekiel now, Chapter 1 Verses, 4 through 28. I am going to read you the whole thing, and we are going to do verse 4. And we are going to call it quits.

Ezekiel 1:4-28. And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire enfolding itself, and   a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

5. Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures.  And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.

6. And everyone had four faces, and every one had four wings.

7. And their feet were straight feet; and the soul of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot; and they sparkled like the color of burnished brass.

8. And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and they four had their faces and their wings.

9. Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward.

10. As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.

11. Thus were their faces: and their wings were stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies.

12. And they went every one straight forward: whither the Spirit was to go, they went. And they turned not when they went

13. As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.

14. And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.

15. Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.

16. The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

I just have to stop here because of the wheel in the middle of a wheel; the whole church world, have been talking about this for years, brethren.  What is the wheel in the middle of a wheel?  I want to suggest to you that it is what we have been talking about here.  A wheel is a circle and it is the Spirit and the soul in man.  It is Christ inside the soul in man; the wheel in the middle of a wheel.  There is a song about it.

17. When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went.

18. As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.

19. And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.

20. Whithersoever the Spirit was to go, they went, thither was their Spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the Spirit of the living creature was in the wheels, which is the throne.

21. When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted over against them: for the Spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.

22. And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above.

23. And under the firmament were their wings straight the one toward the other: everyone had two, which covered on this side, and everyone had two, which covered on that side, their bodies.

24. And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of a host: when they stood, they let down their wings.

25. And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads, when they stood, and had let down their wings.   

26. And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it.

27. And I saw as the color of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about.

28.  As the appearance of the bow or the rainbow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so the appearance of the brightness round about.  This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.  And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake. (KJV)

I suggest to you brethren that, that is the glorified Christ in which we shall be a part, and that it is an expanded explanation of verse 7 in Chapter 4, of the Book of Revelation.

COMMENT:  Why there were 24 thrones and 25 elders surrounding the throne.

PASTOR VITALE:  That is a good question.  I apologize for not touching on that.  Twelve is the number of God’s perfect government.  There are twelve tribes of Israel, and the number of witness according to the law of God is two.  For something to be valid there must be two witnesses.  We have two witnesses testifying that each tribe of Israel is present.  There are two elders, two witnesses, to each tribe and Twenty-four elders typifying the whole of God’s people.

02/08/13 Transcribe by JE

02/08/14 1st Edit JE

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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