047 - Part 2
(Revelation 8 & 9)

Part 2 of 4 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We're on the Fifth Trumpet, and the Lord has revealed to me the difference between preaching out of the soul, preaching out of the spirit and preaching out of the satanic realm, which is our unconscious mind. He has revealed the difference to me, so I'd like to share that with you. We've been talking about this for the last few weeks, that the Scripture has been teaching us, when the gospel of God, when the true understanding of the plan of God for mankind is preached out of the souls of his preachers, the first fruits company shall be raised up. When it's preached out of the spirit, the word is going to be able to apprehend unbelievers. And the example that I gave you is if I was standing in the street preaching this, or if the Lord could be heard out in the street, and it was coming forth from my spirit and an unbeliever heard it, that word would have the spiritual authority, once heard, to enter into the person's heart and bring forth salvation. OK. So there's --


Now, this is what he told me it means. When you have to study to teach the word, like I do to teach you. I study for hours, as you all know. This is coming out of my soul. It's coming out of my intellect. I'm preaching this word as a result of an intellectual endeavor. I go into the Scripture. I look the word up in the Greek. I do research. And when God puts the whole thing together in my mind, I have understanding for you. This is preaching out of my soul.


Now, in the word, people preach out of the soul under the anointing and without the anointing because as we all know here, there are many preachers that are preaching utter fantasies and things that are -- we don't even know where they get these messages from that they're preaching. That is coming out of their soul. It's coming out of their intellect, and it's without the sanction of God. It's without the anointing. What I am doing is preaching out of my intellect with the sanction of God, with the assistance of God who is giving me the ideas. When I research, he pulls the whole thing together for me.


And what's happening is that the first fruits company is being called and gathered and responding to this message. And as we know, nobody in the world is very much interested in it. And the church world that is not called to the first fruits company is not interested in it and, in fact, is attacking it. We all know that. So this is where we stand in this ministry. I'm preaching out of my soul.


The preaching out of the spirit comes without study, without research, without preparation. This is how Jesus Christ preached, and I remember reading Scriptures about him. I can't quote any for you. They're in the Gospels, that he just expounded on the whole Old Testament. There was no New Testament in Jesus' day, that he just knew the Old Testament in such intimate detail that he referred to it -- and I heard a preacher preach once, and he said, well, it was his word. Well, I know it was his word, but this was the Son of God in the flesh. This was a man.


Can anybody [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- we've all been reading the Bible for years. Can you imagine knowing the 66 books of the -- is it 66 books of the Old Testament, or is it -- is that the whole Bible? I just showed you what I don't know. OK. Can you imagine knowing the whole Old Testament with such intimacy that you could expound upon any verse off the top of your head? I can't even conceive of it. I cannot conceive of studying this word of God for the next 20 years and -- or 30 years and being able to do that. And I did- -- I never really understood how Jesus did it. I just accepted it.


We're told, when he met the apostles on the way Emmaus after the resurrection that he expounded from the whole Old Testament all of the Scriptures that pointed to his appearing and his resurrection from the dead. And I've been very impressed and very amazed for years. This is preaching out of his spirit. His intellect is not involved at all. And the closest example that I can give it to -- give to you to help to understand is prophecy. Now, it's not prophecy. This is an analogy. It's like prophecy. If you've ever prophesied, you know that the Lord does not have you sit down and do research and study you Bible because he has a word for you to bring forth to the body of Christ. The anointing comes upon you and you speak it.


And I don't know about you, but years ago, I -- it hasn't really happened to me in a long time. I would prophesy what turned out to be Scripture, and I didn't even know it was Scripture. So this is preaching out of your spirit. Somewhere along the line, we're going to develop spiritually to the point that the Christ that is emerging in us, that is growing up to full stature, shall be so mature that he shall speak out of our mouth in what is, in reality, a separate entity from us. And, you know, this is a hard word, but it's really the truth.


And I remember the first time I experienced something along these lines, I was going to a church. I was an acknowledged prophet in that church, and -- so I prophesied freely because I knew that I was accepted. And the Lord sent me to this woman. She's a real woman of God. She apparently was very distressed that day. I didn't even know it. And he sent me to her, and this voice spoke out of my mouth and said to her, fear not, it is I. And I was overwhelmed, because I had never prophesied anything of the sort. We all know what prophecy sounds -- like, thus sayeth the Lord, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da. Well, there was li- -- it was like there was a little man inside of me, and before I knew -- he didn’t consult me, brethren. He didn't ask my permission. And before I knew what was happening, he just spoke out of my mouth, and he said to her, fear not, it is I, first person.


And I want you to know I was rattled. I was shaken. And I went to my research books, and I looked up all that I could about prophets and prophecy. And I found out that this is a sign of the true prophet. And you know that you don't have to be a true prophet to bring forth a prophetic utterance. You can bring forth a prophetic utterance as a result of a gift of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit within you.

But according to Unger's Bible Dictionary, one of the signs of a true prophet is that they speak in the first person. And somebody that doesn't understand would say, well, who do you think you are? Do you think you're God? No, but God was inside of the prophet and speaks out through his mouth and through his body. And if you want to hear that everything that God is saying to you or in your presence, you have to understand these things because the church is riddled with people that will hear an utterance like this and don't realize it's God and say, who does she think or who does he think he is?


Well, God speaks in the p- -- first person through his prophets, not necessarily through those who bring forth prophetic utterances in the church. You have to try the spirit. It could be a charlatan. It could be a fake. But before you condemn something that's said to you as the Lord in the first person, you'd do best for your own safety to try the spirit, or if you can't, at least, ask the Lord if that were Him. So this is the preaching out of the spirit, no more work, no more seven hours before the compute, just going to walk in here and preach. Glory to God. That's very exciting. That's very exciting.


But I'll tell you where I am today if that happened. Unless God really put a confidence in my heart, I'd be very concerned that it -- maybe it wasn't God. You know, this way, at least I get all my books out and I look in the Greek, and I research it, and God witnesses it to me. And I put everything together, and I bake a cake. And I come here, I preach the cake to you, you know. But we're going to really need a lot of confidence in Christ or in our ability to discern his spirit to know that without any research, without any studying that this is Christ in a person. And there's going to be many of us, and so maybe you're going to do it before me. It's possible God's going to raise you up to do that. It's not at all impossible that you could be doing it before me.


So that's what the preaching out of the spirit is. And when that kind of preaching starts coming forth from men, when unsaved men hear this preaching, that word that is spirit and life, the true word of God, the true logos coming forth from the Christ within us is going to have the ability to enter to the heart of unbelievers and quicken them to the word of God. You don't have to hit them over the head with the Bible, and you don’t have to frighten them with hellfire and brimstone. It's going to be done by a spiritual work which is a result of the love of almighty God, because the Lord does not want to save us to -- keep us from burning in Hell forever. Or he does not want to send us to hell to burn forever. This is just a part of his plan, from the beginning, that we shall be joined to him. And there's a lot of false doctrine and error in the church today.


So that's the preaching out of your spirit. I haven't seen it. I do believe that Paul and the apostles had that power. I believe that. And I believe when the Scripture says that there were crowds of 5,000 and all were healed and the demons all came out with one voice and -- I believe that this is how the deliverance and the healing took place, that the preaching came forth from the living Christ within their vessels and by a spiritual work, that I can't really explain to you, that spirit vibrated forth, touched them and brought forth healing, deliverance and salvation in unsaved people. So I can't -- that's going to be exciting. I can't wait to see that.


And the preaching out of the satanic realm or the preaching out of the unconscious mind, what that means is that the unconscious mind will no longer be opposing the preaching that's coming forth. And we all know that our unconscious mind opposes us continuously. In a couple of services ago, I had a situation where Satan in my own mind rose up and actually changed what I had written in my notes and I'm con- -- and deceived me for a season and let me think it was God. But I came back, and in the next service, I told you the truth. But my unconscious mind rose up and opposed what I was preaching.


So when we preach out of our satanic realm, that will no longer be happening. Satan will have been totally pacified. And he will be in agreement with what the spirit is preaching. And a human being that is in this condition where his whole mind, including his unconscious mind which is the wild, venomous beast capable of anything, OK, is totally pacified, we shall have become research. At that point we shall be holy because all sin originates in the unconscious mind. He's the one that's got to really get cleaned up, but the Lord starts with the conscious mind and the conscience first. So that's what it means. Anybody have any question on that before we go on? The Lord's so faithful, you know, just brings forth all knowledge for us. OK.


We're continuing with chapter 8, and we're going to start with verse 13 as I explained on the previous message to you. I stopped at verse 12 of chapter 8. That was the Fourth Trumpet. And although the King James writers started chapter 9 one verse later, I believe that chapter 13 of verse 8 should be a part of chapter 9. It's a part of the Fifth Trumpet, and that's why we are starting with chapter 8, verse 13.


And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the Earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound! Glory to God. And I beheld, and I soar unto the spirit, and I heard an angel flying. Now, we also heard the angle, notice that.


And through the midst of heaven. Now, the word midst is Strong's 3321, and it means mid-sky, and I'm going to suggest to you that it's talking about the spiritual realm of the soul, OK. The high realm or the third realm is the spiritual realm of God. The mid spiritual realm is the spiritual realm of the soul. And underneath that, the low spiritual realm or what the Scripture sometimes refers to as that life that which lives underneath the sea, is the unconscious mind or the satanic realm. Glory to God. Three levels, the spiritual realm of God, the spiritual realm of the soul. The heaven is the spiritual realm of God. The Earth [INAUDIBLE] spiritual realm of the soul, and under the sea is the unconscious mind or the satanic realm. Glory to God.


And I'd like to deal with the word woe. It's Strong's 3759, and we're told that it really means an interjection of grief and annunciation, grief and annunciation. So what the Scripture's really saying, oh, my goodness, you know, there's grief coming to you and there's torment coming to you. Woe, woe, woe to the inhabiters of the Earth. And the word inhabiters is 2730, and it means to dwell, to be always present. And the Hebrew equivalent which is 3427 means to settle, to marry, to continue. So we find out that someone's that inhabiting the Earth, it could be said they are married to the Earth.


And we know that the Earth typifies the soul. So who is married to the soul in this hour? Who is married to the soul in t his hour? I remind you that the soul has committed incest, and she's married to Satan. There are three elements of the living soul, Adam, Eve and Satan. Incest has been committed and Eve, which is the female element, the part of the living soul that can reproduce, has been married to her own satanic realm who has fertilized her and brought forth the carnal mind. So the inhabiters of the Earth is the spiritual life of the living soul, the carnal mind. The natural man is the inhabiter of the Earth in this hour.


Alternate Translation. I want to ask you a question. When I put this light on, does this blind you when you look at me? Because then I'm just going to leave it on. I thought it was bothering you. OK.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 8:13. And as I continued to look into the spirit, I saw an angel flying in the spiritual realm of the soul. And I understood his very authoritative spiritual communication which was saying, grief and mourning and disaster to the spiritual life which is married to the living soul because of the warfare which shall be waged against them when the last three angels perform their ministry to the living soul.


Now, I remind you, this angel is flying in the spiritual realm of the soul. Why? Because these people to whom he's addressing, they are no- -- they have not entered into the spiritual realm of God. If this announcement was pronounced in the spiritual realm of God, the inhabiters of the Earth, the spiritual life of the Earth would not be able to hear it. So the pronouncement is made in the spiritual realm of the soul. It's made to the Satan mind. It's made to the carnal mind. It's made to the spiritual life of natural man.


I'll read it again. And as I continued to look into the spirit, John I remind you, is seeing this vision of what is to come. He saw an angel or a spiritual messenger. That's the preaching, brethren. When someone preaches under the anointing, it enters into the spiritual realm of your soul. It's entering to the spiritual realm of your soul. I'm talking about spiritual things. It's not going into your body. It's not going into the -- into your unconscious mind. It's entering into th- -- your spiritual realm of the soul.


Well, hopefully, with people here, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it's stimulating the spiritual realm of God in you. But if we're dealing with unbelievers, you know, with people that are not spiritual developed, this is going to enter into the spiritual realm of their soul because they don't exist in the spiritual realm of God's spirit.


And I continue to look into the spirit, and I saw an angel flying in the spiritual realm of the soul. And I understood his very authoritative communication. Glory to God. And that's the loud voice. It means an authoritative communication. And what he was saying was, woe, woe, woe, grief and mourning and disaster to the spiritual life, to the inhabiters of the Earth, to the spiritual life which is married to the living soul. Why? Because of the warfare which shall be waged against them when the last three angels perform their ministry to the living soul.


And I remind you that the sounding of the trumpet of the angels is a warning of the wars to come. And if you want to review that, you'll have to go back to the message that deals with the beginning of chapter 8. We established that when we first started talking about the seven trumpets, that the blowing of the trumpet is a warning. It's a warning that war is impending. And each trumpet -- each angel that sounded each consecutive trumpet had a different message to different elements of the living soul. And now the angel is saying these last three angels that have blown these last three trumpets, the message is directed to the inhabiters of the Earth, to those -- to that spiritual life that's married to the living soul, the carnal mind, the natural man. Woe, woe, woe unto you because when the warning is sounded, when the trumpet is sounded, these angels shall wage war against you. And the purpose of the war, brethren, is to destroy the rebellion, put down all rule and bring forth Christ in every last member in -- of the living soul on the face of the Earth. Glory to God.


And I remind you that when man is not in submission to God, he is his enemy. And the only relationship God can have with you when you are not in submission is warfare, and, therefore, the judgments of God and the warfare of God is a mercy of God. It is designed to bring you into submission. Why? So that when you are obedient, God can bless you. He cannot and he will not and he shall not bless people that are in rebellion to him. He will direct every effort towards putting that down, the uprising. He will not talk to you. There is no negotiation while you are his enemy. When you've been, when you've been brought to your knees, he will have mercy upon you. And I'm sorry if you don't like it, but that's the way it is. Glory to God.


Chapter 9, verse 1. And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key to the bottomless pit. Now, in verses 1 to 3 -- oh, yeah, I want to put this on the message. In verses 1 to 3 of chapter 9, the Scripture is declaring what the fifth angel is going to do. Starting with verse 4, we're going to see these first three verses explained in great detail. Remember, we've talked about literary style in the Scripture, that it's a typical literary style in the Scripture. God states the accomplished fact, and then in the subsequent or the following verses, he explains how he did it. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] the first three verses are declaring the ministry of these last three angles with these last three trumpets. And starting with verse 4, God is going to be describing, in detail, how he's going to accomplish what he says he's going to do in the first three verses. Glory to God. OK.


I just want to remind you that the word fifth symbolizes ministry. And we have determined what the spiritual significance of what the first four angels meant. The first angel, number one, raised up the first fruits company. And the second angel, we said that it meant -- it was dealing with the soul, the spirit and the satanic realm. The first angel dealt with the soul, and it raised up the first fruits company. The second angel dealt with the spirit, and it brings the authority of Christ to the living soul, imparting life to those who have been seeking it and imparting a double portion to those who already have it. And the third angel, who deals with the satanic mind, judges those that have the Holy Spirit but have refused the Son.


And if you recall, when the satanic mind is pacified totally in the first fruits company, they shall be righteous, and that's when they're sent to the church world. I hope I made that clear. Maybe I should do it again. I don't know if I made it clear. The first three angels -- the trumpets that are blown by the first three angles are describing the raising up of the first fruits company. So when the first fruits company preach out of their soul, the first fruits company is gathered. That's the first angel. The second angel typifies the spirit in the first fruits company. And when they preach out of their spirit, they're going to be imparting life to those who have been seeking it across the world.


And I remind you, I guess God wants me to repeat this. OK. I know I have it on another message. There are people across this world, they know Christ, they know about Christianity. They've seen the move of God. They can discern it when they see it, and they have not been able to receive salvation. They go up to every altar call. They go to every big name evangelists. They can't get it. I know people like this. They can't get it. Well, when the Sons of God preach out of their spirit, these people are going to be quickened -- as soon as it touches them, they're going to be quickened.


And then there are also people in the world that are a law unto themselves, that have birthed the Christ. They're living in a very undeveloped -- the Christ in them is [UNINTELLIGIBLE] -- is living in a very undeveloped measure, and a lot of the church world would be ready to stone me for saying this, but it's still the truth. There are people out there [UNINTELLIGIBLE] they have law -- the law of God written onto their -- on their hearts. They're a law unto themselves. And when the first fruits company preach out of this spirit and this preaching touches these people, Christ in them is going to jump up. He's going to jump up. It's going to be a stimulation to cause him to grow, and he's going to stand up in full stature.


How could this happen without going through the process that we're going through? What happened to us? We confessed Christ. We received the Holy Spirit. Our human spirits were fertilized, and Christ appeared in us. Well, why isn't it happening that way to them? I don't know. It didn't happen that way to Jesus. It didn't happen that way to Jesus. Did he get the Holy Spirit first? No, Jesus Christ was born with a fertilized human spirit. He was fertilized in utero. If you don't know it, that's what happened to him.


Jesus Christ of Nazareth was a natural man. He was born from a natural line of David. He had a body and a soul that were -- descended from natural Israel. It was not perfect. What was perfect in him was the logos, the spirit of God. He was born with a fertilized human spirit. The Christ was present in the reproductive parts of his soul at birth. And if you want to study that further, oh, I don't have the message written for you, but get the series of messages on salvation and adoption and reconciliation. I talk about it a lot in those messages.


That's what happened to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And there are people in the Earth today who are born with fertilized human spirits, whom the Christ dwells in a very inactive, underdeveloped state. But when the Sons of God preach out of their spirit, they're going to strengthen that embryo, and he's going to stand up in full stature in these people. And if the church -- I could hear the Pharisees screaming now. I could hear them in the spirit. If they could hear me preaching, they'd stone me. But it doesn't matter because it's going to happen. I'm telling you, it's going to happen.


Oh, the Lord just gave me an explanation for you. Just like in the natural, some people are saved by faith and some through faith. I get it mixed up. I think i- -- I'm not sure whether it's Israel that's saved by faith. He said Israel is saved by faith and the Gentiles through faith, but I might have it backwards. OK. By faith and through faith, there's two ways to get saved in the natural. If you are a natural Jew under the old covenant, you were saved by faith. And if you're in the new covenant and you're getting it through Jesus Christ, or I might have it backwards. Well, he said it's the same thing happen in the [?religious confession?] only it's spiritual.


You can get it two ways. You can come in through the church. You can sit in this service, the Holy Spirit could fall on you. You go through the whole thing, the training, the teaching and the prophesying, and somewhere along the line, your human spirit gets fertilized and you produce Christ. That would be likened to the -- to ancient Israel under the old covenant. You are getting it the hard way. If that's the way you're getting it, you're getting it the hard way. You spent years in the church world giving out tracts and praying for people and reading your Bible and studying and working and laboring and praise God, Christ was birthed in you.


And, yes, when the first fruits company go out there and preach, there are people that are going to get it the easy way. They're going to hear the word, and Christ is going to stand up in them. And what happened to you over 15 years is going to happen to them in a year or six months. And the way to get yourself ready for it, because if you're filled with envy, brethren, it's not going to stop it from happening to them. You're going to cut your tree down. Do you hear what I'm saying? Don't be a Pharisee because it's going to happen.


We have a crop of believers coming in that are going to go the easy way in a fraction of the time or effort that you went, and that's the way it's going to be. Don't worry about what God's paying the other guy. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Just worry about your relationship with Jesus Christ. The only thing that matters is that you get there. It doesn't matter if you race for 20 years and someone else races for six months. Don't get caught up in it because you're going to get locked out of the garden or the vineyard. Be careful, be careful, don't be a natural man. It'll kill you. Hallelujah. Just keep your eyes on Jesus. OK.


And the third angel -- and the third trumpet refers to the pacification of the unconscious mind of the Sons of God. OK. Now, I remind you, if I haven't made this clear, that with each trumpet, the first fruits company is being raised up to a higher spiritual realm. And when the third trumpet is blown by them, their satanic mind, their unconscious mind, shall have become totally pacified, which means they shall have become righteous, at which point they're being sent to the church world that has the Holy Spirit that has refused to receive the Son, and they're going to judge the church.


And the fourth trumpet blown by the fourth angel, at this point, the first fruits company goes forth and destroys the carnal mind of the living soul and its false doctrine. We're now up to the fifth angel. OK. So what did we say? One refers to the Adamic soul. Two, the second angel refers to the spirit. The third angel refers to the satanic mind. The fourth angel refers to the whole of the first fruits company in their fullness dealing with the carnal mind. And the fifth angel and its trumpet means ministry, and that ministry means that they're being sent now to the balance of the living soul. I hope I made it clear. I don't know why I keep repeating it. Lord wants me to keep repeating it.


The first three angles with their trumpets refers to the completion, the spiritual completion, of the first fruits company. When the fourth trumpet blows, they destroy the carnal minds of men and its false doctrine. And by the time they're up to the fifth trumpet, they are dealing with the balance of the living soul. And when I say they're dealing with them, I mean they're bringing their salvation to the balance of the living soul. Now, we know the balance of the living soul is in rebellion, so what form is this ministry going to take? It must take the form of warfare. They're not going with bread and loaves and fishes because the whole world out [UNINTELLIGIBLE] shaking their fist at the Sons of God, so they're going in warfare [?array?]. OK.


Verse 1, chapter 9. And the fifth angel sounded, the -- and the angel brining ministry to the living soul, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key to the bottomless pit. Now, we talked about a star back in message 45, part three, just a few verses back, and we established it was Christ Jesus. If you want to review it, that's message 45, part three. And that establishes that star are the righteousness of God, the truth of God in those messengers in which it appears because we shall become one with the righteousness of God. We shall become the righteousness of God. I have a Scripture for you on that, but I put it down later on, so I'm just going to wait on that. OK.


And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth. It descended from the spiritual realm into the realm of the earth. The soul is made of earth. It descended from the spiritual realm of God into the realm of the soul. Why? Because the people that dwell in the realm of the soul couldn't see it, couldn't hear it, couldn't understand it. Do you understand that there's spiritual life everywhere around us? Do you know that God talks to people all the time. He doesn't just talk to saved people. He talks to everybody.


You know when you have a baby and it's laying there, and you go, goo goo, coochie koo, aren't you pretty? Aren't you lovely? And the baby becomes six months old, and you say [?cup plate?]. I love you. Do you want to eat? Are you hungry? The baby goes, no, he doesn't know what you're talking about. But you continuously talk to the child. That's how he learns to talk back to you. God is speaking to the human race continuously, saying, realm of the spirit, salvation, Jesus Christ. And the baby that's going goo goo, go away. That's what's happening. It's the truth. It's the truth.


He doesn't just talk to us. He talks to everybody. Either they cannot hear him or they hear him and they ignore him and they think there's a wind. I heard a wind blowing. Did you hear something? It sounded like thunder. Oh, really? The Lord said, get up, flee the city. Vengeance is coming. Did you hear something? Crash, bang, destroyed. OK.


So they descended from heaven unto the Earth, and when they got to the Earth, they came into a position where men would have to hear them because even if you don't like what I'm saying, if you're sitting in this room, you've got to hear me. There's only one way you could stop hearing me. Well, I guess you could plug up your ears. I don't even know if that would work. But if you really don't like what I'm saying, you've got to get up and leave. But when God starts speaking in the realm of the soul, you can't get up and leave. It's going to be everywhere. It's going to be in your mind. You're going to hear it in your mind, and you're not going to be able to get away from it. And you're not going to be able to say, gee, it sounded like a rushing wind. What was that? You're going to hear it. So they descended from the realm of the heaven to the realm of the earth. Glory to God.


And to him, the fifth angel typifying Christ Jesus, was given the key to the bottomless pit. Now, we have seven messages on keys. It's -- if you want to review it, Keys to the Kingdom is on message 35 part one, and we did a very exciting message on the key of David, which is message number 36, part six. It was message one.


So I'm just going to tell you, for the purposes of this message, that Jesus is the key that is unlocking or accessing the living soul to -- making it capable of performing the function it was created to fulfill. The living soul was created for the purpose -- anybody want to take a crack at it? What was the living soul created for? For what?


            For God to appear.


For God to appear, amen. God is impressing his image in the living soul. He wants to appear in him. And for a season, because of the way God operates, man has had an existence apart from God. The Bible expresses it as going to sleep. And during this season that man is sleeping, during this season that man is separate from God, he has forgotten that he has been created for the specific purpose of God appearing in him. And he thinks that he's the end of it. He thinks that he's here to live unto himself, and that's why Jesus Christ has to wage war against him, to fulfill the purpose of his creation. He's -- man is working against the purpose for which he was created. So the living soul has something that needs to be accessed.


If you are a young nubile woman, it's not -- it doesn't happen too much in this country today or [UNINTELLIGIBLE] in this hour. I don't know about the rest of the world. But years ago, it was very important to the society that women had children. It was very important. And a man, when -- if he got married, he wanted a woman that was healthy and strong and that he -- looked like she'd be able to bear children. It was very important.


I was watching "The Agony and the Ecstasy," the story of Michelangelo, recently. One of the Medicis, one of the patrons of the art by the name of Medici, was in love with Michelangelo, and she went to him. And he said to her, but you're a married woman. And she said, well, it was just a contract. And he said, you know, but there's been contact between you. She said, well, the contract called for children. It doesn't mean I love the man. I had to sleep with him. The contract called for children. So my whole point to you is that bearing children was very important. Now, what that means is that if for any reason this woman could not bear a child, this man had the right to divorce her, and she could not oppose it. He would take this marriage contract to the courts, and he would say, she could not bear children to me, and the courts could grant him a divorce, and he could take another wife. That's how important it was.


So the living soul was created for the purpose of bearing a child, and that child is the offspring of almighty God. His name is Christ Jesus. So we're out here. We've done all these wonderful things. We've destroyed the world, and we've destroyed the animal life, and we've destroyed our resources, and we've destroyed the ozone layer in the sky, and we're wrecking the Earth. But we're really -- we've really progressed, and we have all kinds of research and scientific studies, and man thinks that he's very, very sophisticated, but the reality is that he has not fulfilled his purpose in life. Well, I shouldn't say he. She, because in relation to God, the living soul is female. She has not performed the contract. She has to produce a child.


And we've talked about Scriptures here. I'm not -- I'm just going to touch on it. I'm not going to -- I don't have the ni- -- the number of the messages here, but I know we talked about it, and we went over a word-by-word Scripture, I believe, in Isaiah. It's either Isaiah or Jeremiah where when God divorces Israel, he clearly states that they did not bring forth the child. Israel did not produce Christ, and almighty God divorced her. And we found out in this ministry that in the new covenant, in the new dispensation, the title Israel, the category Israel, the nation of Israel is not spiritual, and it has been extended to the entire living soul. And God wants his son. You cannot have a son unless you have sexual intercourse.


Living soul, you've got to do it. The contract calls for a son. Can you hear this? It's the truth. I'm telling you the truth. We must have sexual intercourse with almighty God. The contact, the entire purpose for the creation, demands that we produce his Son. And all of the demons that we've produced and the carnal mind that we've produced and every spiritual offspring that we have produced is illegal and a harlot, unacceptable, so the living soul must be accessed. She has to have sexual intercourse with almighty God. I don't know how to make it any more simple. It's the truth. Glory to God.


So the key -- and was given to him the key to the bottomless pit, was given to him the ability, the means by which he is going to effect this sexual intercourse with the living soul because we did mention on the last message that the bottomless pit is the living soul. Glory to God. Did I write that up for you? Let me see what I did here. I think I gave you some witnesses on that. Yeah, I did it a little later, for whatever reason. I'm just going to stay with my notes. I'll just throw it out at you right now that the bottomless pit is the living soul.


So Christ Jesus was given the key to the bottomless pit. He was given the means that was going to make this harlot woman submit to him. That's all that it means. Do you know that it's a reality in this world, that some men get married and they cannot cause their wives to have sexual intercourse with them? Do you know that that is ground for annulment? Do you know that it happens? It happens, it happens. And we know that everything that happens in the spiritual happens in the natural because God gives us examples. It happens. I know it ha- -- [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it didn't happen to me personally, but I know people that it happened to. On the wedding night, the woman locked herself in the bedroom, and she wouldn't come out for eight hours. It turned out she was emotionally disturbed, but it happened. The man ultimately divorced her or annulled her, and I don't know how long he waited for her. Why? I think she was mentally disturbed, and he made the decision to divorce her. And she woul- -- you know, she wouldn't let him near her. It happens.


Well, the living soul has locked herself in the bed- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] she does not want to have sexual relations with almighty God. Israel did have sexual relations with him and did not produce the child. She was barren. Now, we're in the spiritual covenant, and the living soul does not want to produce his son. Glory to God. But he has found a way that's going to cause her to yield to him and submit to his lovemaking. Hallelujah. OK.


And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star, Christ Jesus descended from the realm of the spirit into the spiritual realm of the soul, and to him was given the means by which he was going to win the living soul. Glory to God. Now, the word pit is Strong's 5421, and its Hebrew equivalent is deep. And in Geneses 1:1 where it talks about the waters being on the face of the deep, that's the same -- that's the Hebrew equivalent of the word pit. And we discussed that. I have three messages for you. In one message, I went into it in much more detail, but I don't know which one it is. But if you want to check it out, you could try message 25. Try that one last. I don't think I went into detail on it on that one. And also try message 31, parts one and three. And if anybody does pursue this and finds the message where I actually turn to Genesis 1:1 and went into it, would you please let me know? I'd like that information for my records for the future. OK.


So the bottomless pit is the living soul. [INAUDIBLE] where I turn to Genesis 1:1. I've determined that the face of the deep, the waters were upon the face of the deep, that that was talking about the creation of the living soul and that the deep was the living soul. And here we find the Greek equivalent of the word appearing in Revelation 9. So I'm not going to go into it any more deeply right now. I'm just going to leave you with this information, that the pit that is bottomless, the hole in the ground that is bottomless, is the living soul. Glory to God.


And so he was given the key to the bottomless pit, or the living soul. And the word was given is Strong's 1325, and it means to bestow as a gift, to supply or furnish necessary things. It can also be translated to reach out to, to pay wages or reward, to reckon on account to bring forth, to deliver. So the ability to seduce the living soul was given the Christ Jesus. Hallelujah. We have a whole ministry in the Earth today that are barbarians. They don't know how to convince their wife or the world to go to bed with them, so they're beating her, and they're threatening her, and they're terrifying her, and she's still laughing in their faces. But Christ Jesus is going to be given the charm, the ability, the attraction, the appeal, whatever it is, to cause the living soul to respond to him. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


And I saw a star fall from heaven unto earth: and to him was given the key to the bottomless pit. And that -- those words -- it really -- in another translation it was translated to it, and I want to tell you that it also could be a reflexive pronoun. It could be translated themselves. Him -- and to him was given the key could be translated themselves. Instead of him, we could use the word themselves. OK


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:1. And the members of the first fruits company, which were standing up in spiritual strength, that's the blowing of the trumpet, they began to minister judgment to the living soul by waging war against it. That's what blowing the trumpet means. So that the spiritual men dwelling within the living soul in the same vessel could be set free. Now, we established all this with the first trumpet, that this is what the blowing of the trumpet means. They're waging war so that spiritual man that spoke from within inside of me and said to that woman, be not afraid. It is I. So that that spiritual man could be separated and set free from what [UNINTELLIGIBLE].


There's two men living in this body, and it can't continue that way. One has to prevail. One has to live, and one has to die. So this is what the blowing of the trumpet means. They're announcing the warfare so that the spiritual men dwelling within the living soul in the same vessel can be set free and that the living soul could be redeemed and restored to the spiritual realm of God.


And I saw the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, appear to the balance of the living soul, and they were extending themselves to the living soul. And they were extending themselves to the living soul. Glory to God. So that's that word was given. I'm translating it extending themselves, bringing themselves forth, delivering themselves. Not delivering the key because what is the key? The key is Christ. They were delivering themselves to the living soul. And we know that Jesus gave himself to us as a gift. So when Christ Jesus appears in the Earth, they are giving not the key. Well, what -- they're giving the key, but the key is themselves. They're giving the key. They're giving the ability to the living soul to bring forth Christ. Well, how is the living soul going to bring forth Christ? She has to be fertilized by Christ Jesus. So for all intents and purposes, the Sons of God are giving themselves to the living soul. They're extending themselves to the living soul. The Christ that's dwelling in the Sons of God is extending themselves, delivering themselves to the other members of the living soul so that Christ can appear in them too. They're extending the body of Christ.


And the living s- -- oh, let me just read the last few phrases here. And I saw the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, appear to the balance of the living soul, and they were extending themselves to the living soul. That's what they did, but because the living soul was in rebellion, the manner in which they were extending themselves to the living soul was that they were waging war extend her.


Did anybody here ever see "The Taming of the Shrew." I saw it recently, within the last couple of years, in this local theatre here in Port Jefferson. And I'm telling you, you know, God just really blesses me through literature. And I don't -- I'm not blessed through cops and robbers and blood and people killing each other, but especially literature, plays and movies. God just teaches me so much through it, and I went to see "The Taming of the Shrew." And this woman was -- lived in a year when your father chose your husband for you, and she was given in marriage. And she didn't want anybody. And believe me, she didn't want anybody was because she wanted to rule, and she did not want to submit to any husband. And most of the suitors ran from her because who wants to live your whole life with a woman that's going to be shrewing you around, so they ran from her. They wouldn't even consider her. And finally a man came along that would consider her, and her father said, take her. You know, now she's your problem. You tame her. She's no longer my problem.


And you know how this man tamed her? He was very hard on her. He denied her food. I'm not saying -- we can't do this in our society today, but this is what happened. This is the play. He -- in those years, your husband had total authority over you. He denied her food. She was starving. She was a very spoiled girl. He whacked her bottom. He denied her respect. He denied her pretty things, and she broke. And this is what God's doing to the living soul in this hour. If he comes to you and you're in rebellion, you're going to -- just talk to anybody that's been dealt with by God. You're denied his kindness. You're denied his love. You're denied food. You're denied the things that you have craved and lusted for in this world. And you start creating this big stone wall wherever you turn. Well, you got everything that you wanted. Nothing's going your way. You keep getting hit on your bottom. You keep getting denied, denial, denial, denial. And when this man brought her into submission, they fell in love.


And I just looked at this -- this is -- I b- -- it's Shakespeare. I believe it's Shakespeare, "The Taming of the Shrew." And I looked at this play, and I said, my, goodness. Will you look at that? That's exactly what God did to me. I was that much of a spoiled brat, and that's exactly what he did to me. Oh, I was a terror. I wouldn't submit to any man. I'd beat him up first. I'd do it with my mouth. I was too little to beat him up physically. I was. I'm telling you the truth. I was a terror. No man could have lived in peace with me, had to have my way, had to make all the decisions, wouldn't take no, had to rule. I let him rule when it was convenient to me. If he did what I wanted him to do, I let him rule.


It's called a titular head. In politics, that's what it's called. They have a king. He's a figure head. He sits up there, and the people in parliament [?rule him?]. That was me. I called all the shots. And if I didn't get my way, I made a scene that would have knocked your socks off. That was me. God took my food away. He whacked me on the bottom, and he utterly broke me. Now, I do whatever he tells me. I don't have any fight left in me.


Hopefully, we're no- -- hopefully, you're not in the condition, in the terrible spiritual condition, that I was in when the Lord called me. But if you are, you can't be happy. If you are in that condition, you can't be happy. And I'll tell you something else, you cannot change of your own will. If you can hear this word and you could say, yes, I'm in that condition, and I'll never live in peace with any man because I must rule. If you can see this and admit to yourself, yes, that's me, you still don't have the power to change yourself. God has to break you. You have to be broken. Of course, if you submit to the breaking, it'll be easier, but there's no easy way to go. You have to be crushed. Hallelujah. OK.


So righteousness is imparted to the many by means of warfare. Christ Jesus has appeared in the Earth, and he has found the living soul in the condition or the form of a shrew. And he is proceeding to wage war against her.


Roman's 5:17. For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. We are a fallen creation because Adam fell, but because Jesus Christ is righteousness and because in the hour that this is happening he shall have a first fruits company that has been raised up to righteousness, that righteousness shall be extended to every member of the living soul, whether you choose or whether you refuse. And if you refuse, you will be approached by the warfare. [AUDIO CUTS OUT]


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] there is no physical sex in spiritual matters with God. If you are the most macho man going in relationship to God, you are his wife and his woman. And I know this is really hard for a man to deal with. It's really hard for men to deal with. I told this to a man once, and I didn't know that he had been a homosexual. I really didn't know that he had been a homosexual. And I told him that this is what I thought. He turned beet red, and then I later found out that he had been a woman in the natural. It's very hard for a lot of men to deal with this, but this is your relationship to God. And then it's doubly hard to be a man in the natural and to be a woman in relationship to God. It's very hard. But with God, with Christ, all things are possible. You could do it. All things are possible in Christ. OK.


I just want to read that Alternate Translation for you again. I'll just read that little phrase. What did I do with the paper here? This is verse 1. And I saw the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, appear to the balance of the living soul. And they were extending themselves to the living soul, and the manner in which they extended themselves was warfare because the living soul was a shrew, and there was no other way to deal with her.


Verse 2. And he opened the bottomless pit. And I just want to put this on the message. If you're a natural man and a woman, you can't run around doing this. Now, you can't be beating up women, and you can't be denying them food, and you can't be doing any of these things, you know. I ho- -- I don't want anyone to misunderstand what I'm saying.


This is 1989, and we have to go according to the law of the land. You have to seek God. If you find yourself married to a shrew, you have to seek God as to how to deal with her. And I firmly and fully believe that in this hour, it is not the man's place to break this woman, especially if you are a believer. This is the job of the Holy Spirit. If you are married to a shrew, it is not your place to break her. What you do is pray and have the Lord do it. And I hope I'm making this very clear. Men, gentlemen, if you're married to a shrew, in this hour, men are not beating their wives, and they're not denying them food, and they're not breaking them. Your release, your -- the answer to your problem is to seek God. God must break your wife. You cannot do it. You are to love her like Christ loves the church. I hope I made it clear. OK.


Verse 2. And he opened the bottomless pit, and there arose a smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace. And the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And he opened the bottomless pit, and there arose a smoke out of the pit as a smoke of a great furnace. And the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. Bottomless pit is the living soul.


And I'm just going to mention this to you. I don't know if you'll be able to see it or not. But this bottomless pit, the word pit means a hole in the ground. And the fact that it's bottomless means that it has no bottom. Now, we talked about this here, that the realm of the spirit is the exact opposite of the realm of the soul. I'm going to take a second to try and put this on the board for you. It's just a little side thing I thought you might enjoy. OK. This is what the hole in the ground looks like. And if there's a man and he wants to get into it -- OK, if this is the Earth, he just walks over, and he gets into the hole. Well, how does the Lord get into the bottomless pit? Is that what I wanted to say? I wanted to describe how we are the bottomless pit. This is how the living soul is the bottomless pit.


Well, if this is the living soul, we have taught here that spiritual things are not measured from top to bottom. They are measured in. They go in. I don't know how to draw that [UNINTELLIGIBLE] three dimensionally. So at the very, very -- at what we would call the bottom is really heaven. At our most innermost depth is heaven. When the Lord goes outward, he descends. When the Lord descends, the highest point is what to me, I would consider it down. If I went into my deepest depths, I would consider it down. [?We've been saying?] deepest depths.


But from -- God is on the other side of the mirror. And when he descends to the natural realm, he appears in the realm of appearance. So when God wants to get into the bottomless pit, this is where he's coming from, the deepest depths of our being. And as he arises and finds contact with the realm of the soul -- this is the pit [UNINTELLIGIBLE] can you see the top of it? That would be the top of the pit there, and the man's going down it. Here's the -- this is the pit right here. Can you see that? God arises from the deepest depths of our beings, and where does he find himself? Inside of us. We are the bottomless pit that God has entered into as he arises from the depths of our being. He's inside of us. We're the outline. You see this here? This would be the equivalent. This is the pit, the sides of the well. Well, this is the sides of the well. I'm drawing it as a circle here for whatever purpose. And God is arising from the deep- -- only, you see, man goes into the pit this way. God would be going in this way. He's ar- -- God would be going in that way. He's just coming forth, and we're it.


And when he comes into the realm of the soul, he finds himself in a well that has sides. OK. What are the sides of the well? My torso, my arms, my body. He's inside of me. My body is the sides of the pit. Can you see it? OK. I just thought you might enjoy that. Yeah. Let me get it on the message.


When you said that men is -- go down into the bottomless pit and it talks about Apollyon or Satan being thrown into the bottomless pit. Is that [UNINTELLIGIBLE] the natural man? Was Satan the natural man? Was Satan -- and is that the reason of being put down into the bottomless pit because that's where the change is made because God is down there. God is -- because you're saying that God comes up from underneath and rises from the bottomless pit. Is that why he's put in there?


Well, I never really quite thought of it that way. But we're being chained in the bottomless -- Satan's chained in the bottomless pit, and what that means is he can't get out because the bottomless pit is really the unconscious mind. So when man descends into the bottomless pit, what we're really saying is that he's yielding to the thoughts of the unconscious mind. When man comes out of the bottomless pit and he lives above ground, OK, you really have to have your spiritual eyes for this, he was away from the unconscious mind and is being fed by the fingers of God. Can you hear that? To descend to the bottomless pit means to become one with the unconscious mind, which is pure evil. You see that?




I know, but he's entering into it. He's entering into it.




He's piercing through. OK. That's a good way to put it. He's piercing through. So this i- --


You said also that Satan pierces through the unconscious mind, but you're saying that -- now that God rises up out of the deep depths within and really that heaven is there.


No, it's heaven -- God, help me explain this. Heaven is beyond the living soul, you see. Heaven is beyond the living soul. He's just -- I don't know how to explain this. He's beyond the living soul, but he enters into the living soul. And, well, the Scripture says he descends into it. If I said arise, I'm sorry. God is descending into the living soul, and he's piercing through the unconscious and the conscious mind and appearing. God is beyond. He's greater than the living soul. But as far as Satan being bound in the bottomless pit, Satan is a part of the living soul. Satan is the unconscious mind. And the fact that he's bound in the bottomless pit, what that means is that he can no longer pierce through to the conscious mind. That's what it means. Did I explain that to you? Satan being bound in the bottomless pit, what that means is that he can no longer pass through to the conscious mind.


Is this in what God doe- -- like what God does showing [?that this man?] descending down, that's what -- that's the way God does [INAUDIBLE]


No, God doesn't descend. God -- a man descends into the bottomless pit when he starts yielding to the evil of the unconscious mind. And the reason the pit is bottomless is it means that there's no end to the evil that can come forth from the unconscious mind of man. And if this man is not -- does not receive the mercy of God, he'll just -- now, this is a spiritual pit. He just keeps going down until he's -- I mean, I saw people -- lots of people [INAUDIBLE] on the streets, you know, doing terrible things or terrible [INAUDIBLE] spiritual condition. And according to the Scripture, they could just -- there's no end to the depths of spiritual depravity that they can fall to without their body dying. And that's why the spirit is -- the pit is God in us. So to descend into the bottomless pit means to yield to the evil of the unconscious mind.


And God descends. God is up here. He's up here. If this is the soul, God is up here somewhere. He's beyond the soul. But when he wants to get in contact with man, he comes down, OK. But when God -- well, I guess, you're right. I guess [INAUDIBLE] I did say descended. I was right, I was right. I'm sorry. God does descend to the bottomless pit, but what happens when God descends to the bottomless pit? When man descends into the bottomless pit, he becomes depraved. When God descends into the bottomless pit, does anybody remember from our study in Ezekiel? This is supposed to be fire in case you can't guess. The fire of almighty God floods the bottomless pit, and fire is the purifying agent. When man descends into the bottomless pit, he's corrected. He's spiritually destroyed. When God descends into the bottomless pit, he pacifies it. He [INAUDIBLE] neutralizes it. He imparts his righteousness to it. [INAUDIBLE] Satan's going to be preaching glory and blessing and honor to almighty God who is worthy to be praised. [INAUDIBLE] because to me -- I don't want to play with words here, but to be neutralized means that you don't -- you're neither positive or negative.


And when I use the word pacify, the reason I'm using the word pacify is because I'm using it in the military sense. I don't know if anybody here knows this, but pacification is a military term. And if you are a ruler or a warrior and you are -- of an empire, and the natives are restless and they're in rebellion against you, the general will use the expression [?haven't the natives been?] pacified. And what that means is that they're no longer rebelling against the colonial power, but they're living in peace and saying, hail, Caesar. That's how I'm using the word pacification. It's different from neutralization which means you're nothing. Did I answer your question? OK. So God does descend into the bottomless pit. I'm sorry if I made -- if I confused that issue. Glory to God. OK.


And [INAUDIBLE] bottomless pit. This is Christ Jesus. He accessed the bottomless pit, and that means he fertilized it. He made it, sexual intercourse with the living soul. And there arose a smoke out of the pit as the smoke of a great furnace. And the sun of the air -- and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. OK. So the bottomless pit is the living soul. Glory to God. And the smoke, I just want to remind you, is a gaseous substance. And gas typifies the spirit of God. And the Scripture says, and there arose a smoke. This word arose is Strong's 305. It's the only time it's translated arose in Strong's. And what it really means is to spring up.


And I want to remind you of the Scripture in Ezekiel. It's Ezekiel 28:15. And it's God's prophecy to the Prince of Tyrus, which is a type of Satan. Thou Prince of Tyrus was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created, till iniquity was found in thee. Now, I knew for years that this Prince of Tyrus, it means Satan. It means Lucifer. It means Adam. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] to me it means Adam. It's -- God's talking to his creation and he's saying you are perfect in every way. The only one that was perfect in all his ways was Adam, and he was perfect from the day that he was created until iniquity was found in thee.


And I went around for years saying, well, what do you mean was found in thee? And I looked up the Hebrew word, and it means spring up. And for years, I prayed about it. And one day, God explained it to me. It's so simple. He was perfect. And within him was an unconscious mind that kept coming to him and saying, sin, sin, sin in the mind. And he kept saying, no, no, no. And one day that unconscious mind came to him, and he said God doesn't want you to prosper. He's afraid that you're going to be a God. And Adam said -- and I know it was Even. OK. I won't put any confusion on the message. And Eve, which is a part of the whole creation said, yeah, God doesn't want us to have what he has. And boom, a demon was birthed and iniquity sprang forth just like a baby is co- -- is born in a human woman. That's how it sprang forth. OK.


So if iniquity can spring forth from a perfect creation. Well, he wasn't perfect. He was innocent. Well, it says perfect here, but this word, in the Hebrew, does not mean perfect in the sense that we are speaking about the perfection that comes from holiness in the new covenant. What -- when it says perfect, it means that no sin had occurred yet. But I hope you all know here that the original creation was capable of sin. It had not been tested. When it was tested, it did sin. When we are made perfect in Christ Jesus, we shall be incapable of sin. So the creation was tried, the unconscious mind came to it. Fornication occurred, and a spiritual birth resulted, and it was not Christ. It was a demon. Iniquity sprang up like a plant. Well, what I'm going to suggest to you brethren, is that if this could happen in Adam, if iniquity could spring forth in him, well, if the Sons of God come to demonized natural men whose substance is ungodly and forcibly go to them and fertilize their spirit, what's going to spring forth? Christ is going to spring forth. It's a reversal of the process.


Adam was innocent. Iniquity was found in him. He's now morally corrupt. And the Sons of God are coming to him in the same manner that Satan came to him. Satan came to him when he was innocent and produced iniquity. He is now no longer innocent. He is morally corrupt. He is a fallen creation, and the Sons of God are coming for him and are going to fertilize him, and Christ is going to spring forth. And smoke arose. Spiritual life sprang forth in the highly demonized minds of unsaved men. And that spiritual life, brethren, was not iniquity. See, we're just told it's smoke. We're just told that it's gaseous. We're just told that it's spirit. We're not told that it's legal spirit or illegal spirit. But I declare to you the spirit that sprang forth was Christ. God's utterly reversing the procedure. OK. I'm going to get over there [INAUDIBLE] hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.


With som- -- what you said with Adam. You said the creation had a capability to sin. [INAUDIBLE] did sin. But we're going to come into a place where we're not going to sin. So then [INAUDIBLE] could say that we're being resorted back to a [INAUDIBLE] Adam-hood. It's something much greater than that. Because I'm hearing that a lot, and it's surely not the case then.


You're right. I have this on a lot of messages. This eraser doesn't work. I can't erase this board. But I have this on a lot of messages. There are three stages. I'll just write over it and hope you can follow me. There are three stages. Man was birthed in the garden, and it was the age of innocence. OK. The second stage was that -- I have to do something about this blackboard. OK. And in this condition God was ruling over the mind of man. This is man's mind, and God was ruling. So Adam was not dying because there was no corruption. OK.


Adam sinned, and his condition changed. This is the condition that he changed to. Satan became his God. Satan was ruling. And the condition of his existence is called death. That's where we are now. Satan is the God of the natural man. He rules in his mind. Man is no longer innocent. He is dwelling in death. And the reversal that's coming in Christ Jesus -- there's a reversal that's coming in Christ Jesus. The Scripture calls it life, and God will be ruling, and in our mind will dwell Christ. So it is not a reversal to this. I put mind over here. I should have written Adam. God was ruling over Adam. He was untested in the age of innocence. He fell. Satan was ruling. We have the  carnal mind over here, in the age of the death. And in the end, God shall be ruling not over Adam, who couldn't sustain the responsibility, but he shall be ruling over Christ, and we shall have life. So, you're right. It's greater, and this is a reversal. This is untested. Life is tested, [INAUDIBLE]. Did I answer your question? OK. Glory to God.


But if you want to review that, that's in the Babylon is Falling series. You'll spend the rest of your life reviewing all these messages. OK. Glory to God. OK. So a smoke a arose, and I'm suggesting to you that spirit arose from the fallen condition known as death of the natural man, and what -- and that smoke typifies Christ. Glory to God. OK.


I have a note here. Let me see what I wrote here. The Sons of God opened the pit. OK. The Sons of God opened the pit by the fire of their spirit. And he says and he opened the bottomless pit. How did they open it? By the fire of judgment, and that fire causes a chemical reaction which results in a new substance, the smoke of God's spiritual life. OK. So the Sons of God are coming to unsaved med with the fire of judgment. And we know that when fire burns, there's a chemical reaction that produces smoke, the spiritual life of almighty God. When the Sons of God interact with unsaved men, there's going to be a change in their spiritual being, and Christ is going to spring forth. You ever hear about the [INAUDIBLE] I'm pregnant. How did that happen? Well, Christ sprang forth from you. That's how you got pregnant. That's how you got pregnant. You heard the word of God, and you were fertilized, and you didn't even know it. And the life of the almighty God sprang forth in you. OK.


Now, this Scripture, verse 2, it likens it to the burning of a furnace. Now, we know that in a furnace, if gold is being refined, for example, the pure gold remains in the furnace, if I'm not mistake, and the smoke that burns off is the impurities. No one's holding onto the smoke. The smoke [?are the?] impurities. But I'll just remind you that the spiritual is the exact opposite of the natural. So if in the natural realm the impurities are within the smoke, in the realm of the spirit it's going to be the reverse. The perfected product is going to be in the smoke. So if you had that question in your mind, I hope you're answered -- I answered that. OK.


So this burning is taking place in the earth of the living soul, causing it to function like a furnace. The judgment of God is falling upon unsaved men causing -- excuse me, causing a burning in their soul that's refining their spirit to bring forth Christ. And this is how the Lord draws the conclusion that -- well, the Scripture talks about a furnace. [INAUDIBLE] and I draw the conclusion that the human body and the human soul is the furnace of Earth. And the word furnace is Strong's 5948, and it means a crucible in the sense of completing. It's for the working over of metal and making it complete.


And Psalms 12:6 says, the words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Furnace of earth, the words of the Lord, brethren. We are the words of the Lord. We're pure as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.


Proverbs 17:3. The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the Lord trieth the hearts. The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace is for bringing forth gold: but the Lord trieth the hearts. The furnace of earth, the human soul, it's for the purpose of perfecting the human spirit. And the burning that takes place by the fire, which is almighty God ministered by Christ Jesus or the Sons of God, takes place in the soul, and it's the fire of judgment that's for your good which will bring forth Christ in you so that you can receive the blessings of almighty God. OK.


And I have a note here. Let me read it to you. I know I told you this already. The realm of the spirit is opposite the realm of appearance. In the realm of appearance, precious material is left in the furnace, and impurities ascend in smoke. In the realm of the spirit, impurities remain in the soul, and the gold of spiritual life springs up and ascends above the soul. Can you hear that? In the realm of the spirit, the impurities remain in the soul, and the gold of spiritual life springs up and ascends above the soul. And the woman, she gave birth the a man child, and it was caught up to the right hand of God. When Christ first appears in you, there is not an automatic purging of all of the filth in your soul, but what happens is that Christ is birthed, and he immediately takes a position of spiritual authority above your soul, as typified by the smoke ascending. When Christ appears -- I don't -- that's the [?other one?]. Christ is birthed in you. He is immediately caught up to the right hand of the Father. He immediately has authority. He's in a higher spiritual realm than your soul. And this is typified by the smoke ascending. See, this is very symbolical, and you could never understand this but by the anointing of almighty God. OK.


In Revelation 8:4, which we talked about recently, the smoke of the incense ascends up before God. In Revelation 8:4, we're talking about the angel taking the censer and burning the incense, and it talks about the smoke of the incense. Now, I just put this comment in here. In Revelation 8:4, the smoke of the incense ascends up before God. And the incense, which is in the censer, is cast into the earth, and that's in verse 8:5. So what does that mean? The smoke of the incense ascends up before God. And in the next verse, the incense itself, which we established were the souls of the Sons of God, are cast into the earth.


And I just thought you might enjoy this little tidbit, that this is another of saying that the spiritual substance of the Sons of God have ascended. They're in the heavenlies with the Father. Yet, their souls are down in the earth. This is the fulfillment of what we shall be. It's the fulfillment of Jacob's ladder. It's another way of talking about the spiritual man, the tree, that shall have its leaves in the clouds and its roots deep under the earth. We're going to be spiritual men that shall exist in the heavenlies and in the earth at the same time. Our spiritual life, typified by smoke, shall ascend up into the heavenlies and be received by the father. Yet, we shall be in the earth. And that's what this is talking about in Revelation 8:4 and 5. The smoke of the incense, the spiritual substance, remains with the Father, when the substan- -- when the soul life or the Sons of God were cast into the earth or appeared in the earth. And we know that Jesus Christ was in heaven and earth at the same time. He was in constant communication with his father while his soul life lived and walked on the Earth. And I just put that in as a little extra, thought you might enjoy it. OK.


Alternate Translation. This is the first half of Revelation 9:2. And the living soul was fertilized by the Sons of God, and the spiritual life of God sprang forth from it, and is seated above the existence on the soul realm, just like the smoke which results from refining metal in this realm of appearance ascends into the heavenlies. Jesus Christ is going to spring forth in the souls of unsaved men and immediately ascend, as smoke ascends, to a position -- to a high spiritual position above the spiritual realm of the soul. Glory to God. OK.


Continuing with and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. If you want to review what we've determined about the sun, it's on message 46. And what we determined was that the sun typifies the spiritual life of the living soul, which is in three parts, Satan, the human spirit and the carnal mind. That's the spiritual life of the unsaved man. The mind of the unsaved man is in three parts, Satan, the human spirit and the carnal mind. And if you want to review that and find out how we got it, it's on message 46. OK.


And the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. Air -- and I didn't write down the number for you, but it is in Strong's. But I'm suggesting to you that it means the spiritual realm of the soul. And it's the same Greek word that appears in I Thessalonians 4:17 when -- and then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so we shall forever be with the Lord. This is the same Greek word translated that the air was darkened by the -- excuse me, by the smoke.


And just to give you a little glimpse into that Scripture, what I believe it means. And then we which are alive, we which have the life of Christ and remain shall be caught up together to a higher spiritual realm with them in the clouds of the life of God, a spiritual life, to meet the Lord in the air in the realm of the soul because we're getting caught up to a life in the spirit, and the Lord is coming down to the realm of the soul. We're going to meet him in the realm of the soul. Hallelujah. And we shall forever be with the Lord in the earth. And then we which have the life of Christ and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] there's a part of us, a part of our spiritual substance, that's going to exist in the clouds of the spiritual realm of God. And we shall meet the Lord in the realm of the soul, and we shall be forever together both in the heavenly realm of his spirit and in the realm of the soul, Jacob's ladder. The leaves of the tree in the heavenlies, the roots underneath the earth. The trunk appearing in the realm of appearance.


Jacob's ladder, in case you're not familiar with it is -- tells us that angles shall ascend and descend from the heavenly realm of the spirit of God's spirit into the realm of the soul without restriction. And the way that's going to happen is a part of us, a part of our spiritual being, shall remain with God at all times, just like the roots of a tree anchor it into the earth. This part of our spiritual being shall anchor us in the heavenlies with almighty God. Nevertheless, we shall appear in the realm of appearance, in the realm of the soul. And our roots shall not be under the earth of the ground of the tree, but our roots shall go upward. The realm of the spirit is the opposite of the realm of the soul. Our spiritual roots are upward. We're going to be anchored in the realm of the spirit of almighty God. Hallelujah. You've got to get spiritual life.


If you're having trouble following this reverse thing with me, I'll pray for you, to get it. You got -- were a mirror image. The natural realm is a mirror image. You've got to be able to see it if you really -- well, you don't have to. That's just the way I talk. You know, don't lay hold of my words. But if you want to have an easier time understanding this reversal, this mirror image of the realm of the spirit and the realm of the soul, you can ask for prayer. If there's anything that I preach that you're struggling with, you can ask for prayer. God will help you. OK.


So we're saying and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And the word “darken” means obscured. And if you want to review what we've already studied bout that, it's on message 42, part one. And you can also review message 46. Glory to God. And these are all messages that have been taken from the book of Revelation. So we find that the same symbols continue throughout the book of Revelation. And when I do a deep study on a particular thing, I don't repeat it every time. OK.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Revelation 9, verse 2. And the spiritual life of the living soul and the whole spiritual realm of the soul were covered over -- was covered over and hidden by the spiritual life of God, which had appeared in it. And the spiritual life of the living soul and the whole spiritual realm of the soul was covered over and hidden by the spiritual life of God, which had appeared in it. The life of God that sprang forth is typified by smoke. It ascended to a high spiritual place and placed the soul life, the whole -- the spiritual realm of the soul and the whole realm of the soul under its dominion. And it covered it over, and it darkened it, and it stopped it from manifesting. It stopped it from being seen. So that when you look at a man in whom this has transpired, what you see is the spiritual life of God. You do not see the spiritual life of the soul which is Satan and the carnal mind. You're no longer you're going to see it. He's going to be obscured by the life of Christ, by that man child that shall have been birthed in him and caught up to a high place in God.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:2. And the living soul was fertilized by the Sons of God, and the spiritual life of God sprang forth from it and ascended above the existence of the soul realm, just like the smoke which results from refined metal, in this realm of appearance, ascends into the heavenlies. And the spiritual life of the living soul and the whole spiritual realm of the soul was covered over and hidden by the spiritual life of God which had appeared in it.


Verse 3. And there came out of the smoke, locusts upon the earth. And unto them was given power as scorpions of the earth have power. This word came out is Strong's 1831, and it simply means to issue out. OK. So it simply means to issue out to spread abroad. There appeared, there sprang forth the life of Christ, and it spread over, it overlaid the life of the soul. Now, with regard to the locusts, Webster says that a locust is a migrant grasshopper, often traveling in vast swarms and strippi- -- [AUDIO CUTS OUT] the areas passed of all vegetation. And I remind you that the Sons of God shall be traveling in groups. If not in the natural, in the spiritual, there are going to be swarms of us. There are going to be many of us. And we're going to be organized by what? By the mind of Christ that dwells in all of us. We're going to be a swarm. We're going to be moving as one man. Why? Because we're all going to be in submission to Christ. We're not going to be going after our own mind.


And the fact that the locusts eat and strip vegetation, I remind you that the living soul is a plant. God likens the living soul to a plan and that when Christ appears in us, it shall con- -- he shall consume our soul. So it all fits in. The locusts that came out of the smoke, the spiritual life of God, ascended, and they took the form of beings that move. They s- -- locusts fly, indicating spiritual life, and they consume soul life. They consume soul life. Glory to God. Stripping the areas passed of all vegetation, stripping it of all sin that exists in the soul life.


Exodus 10, verses 4 to 6. Else, if thou refuse to let my people go, behold, to morrow will I bring the locusts unto thy coast. This is Moses speaking to Pharaoh. Actually, it's God speaking to Pharaoh through Moses. And they shall cover -- the locusts shall cover the face of the earth, that once cannot be able to see the earth: and they shall eat the reside of that which is escaped, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which growth for you out of the field: And they shall fill thy houses, and the houses of all thy servants, the houses of all the Egyptians; which neither thy fathers, nor thy fathers' fathers have seen, since the day that they were upon the earth unto this day. And he turned himself, and went out from Pharaoh. So we see that locusts are a plague of almighty God. They're one of the plagues of Egypt. They're the plague -- one of the plagues against Pharaoh.


And I remind you that Pharaoh would not let the Hebrew children go. And I remind you that your own carnal mind is likened to Pharaoh. Christ wants him to let you go and serve Christ, and he will not let you go. He lies to you. He deceives you. He gives you false doctrines. He does everything he can. He afflicts you. He will not let you go. And God is plaguing him, and one of the plagues that he's sending is the plague of the locust. And I remind you that is says that the locusts came after the hail. And we know that the hail of God was manifested in Revel- -- the beginning of Revelation 8. So the plagues of God in this realm of the spirit, we're finding out, are the Sons of God. The fulfillment of the plagues that were upon Egypt are going to be fulfilled in the Son of God, and they're going to be manifested against the souls of men. Hallelujah.


And I remind you that they're going to eat the residue of everything that's escaped. Escaped what? The hail. OK. That means everything in you that has not become hail, everything in you that was not converted to Christ is going to be eaten by the locusts. Everything of the natural man is going to be devoured. Glory to God. And they're going to fill the houses, the Sons of God. And they're judgments are going to fill your houses, which is your mind and your body, and the houses of all your servants and the houses of all the Egyptians. And the Scripture says that you've never seen anything like it before or to this day. OK.


So the Scripture that we're dealing with and they came out of the smoke, locusts upon the Earth, and unto them was given power as the scorpions of the Earth have power. Scorpions is Strong's 4651, and Strong's says that they're called scorpions from their sting. And this word comes from the root word meaning to pierce. And I remind you that Satan has pierced through. And I suggest to you that the scorpion is a type of satanic power. And Webster says that a scorpion is any of an order arachnids. I can't even pronounce that. Having an elongated body and a narrow, segmented body, bearing a venomous sting at the tip. Scorpions bring death. I think what we want to understand out the Scripture, the most important point, is that scorpions produce death.


And I have a Scripture for you on that. And it said that their authority was as -- they were given power. OK. They were given power. As you may know, there are two Greek words that could be translated power. This word is Strong's 1849, and it means exousia. It's legal authority, delegated influence. They were given the power of God for the specific purpose of brining torment unto death, not so much torment but death. They have the power to kill.


1 Corinthians, verse fif- -- chapter 15, verses 56 and 57. The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. And I'm declaring to you that the scorpions typify the sting of death. And it says here that the strength of the sting is the law. So the scorpions -- the locusts have authority as scorpions have. They have the power to kill you, and where is this strength? In what way do I have the power to kill you? It says here the strength of sin. The reason I have the power to kill you is that they have been made righteous, and their righteousness will judge your sin. And the soul that sinneth is [INAUDIBLE] with the Son of God who is walking in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, what happens is that his sin becomes judged. And the judgment for sin is death.


Verse 57. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Sons of God will have the ability, the legal authority of God, to bring forth death or repentance. They are the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Repentance or [?obligate?] the death sentence. Although, that's not really true. God, we're getting to things so deeply here. The soul has to die, brethren. The soul that sinneth must die, but when the Sons -- you see, when the law comes to you, when the law of ordinance comes to you and the law of Moses comes to you, if you're proved a sinner -- we shouldn't say the word Moses. That's one too. When the Lord God comes to you without Christ and you're proved a sinner, you die. Well, all of mankind is dying because we are sinning. That's why we die. That's why your mother died. That's why your father died. That's why your aunts and uncles and your ancestors died, because the living soul has sinned. But when the Sons of God come to you in righteousness, there is an alternative. They bring with them the ability to judge you unto death or to grant repentance through Christ Jesus. I hope I made that clear. I faltered a little on that.


The Lord that's in the earth today destroy sin. Everyone that you have ever know that has died has died as a result of sin. The whole human race is dying because of sin, and there's no way out. It's the spiritual law of God. But when the Sons of God confront you, they will have the authority to execute death because they are righteous, and unrighteous man cannot judge an unrighteous man. Only the righteousness of God can judge you. But the Sons of God will also bring with them a way, the victory over death through repentance and faith in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:3. And the spiritual life of Christ which sprang forth from the living soul appeared in the souls of men. And they had the authority to execute the judgment of death upon the living soul because they were the righteousness of God. II Corinthians 5:21. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Brethren, when the locusts appear in you, when Christ appears in you, the provision for the exchange of souls has appeared in you. Yes, the Sons of God will judge the sin in your soul, and they will destroy it. But by their very presence in your spiritual being, you have now an opportunity to be exchanged, to leave your marriage to Satan and enter into the soul of Christ. And as your soul is destroyed, you can live in Christ Jesus. There is an exchange of souls. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. And when he has been birthed in you, you can get out of the burning building which is your soul and receive the life of almighty God through Jesus Christ. There's no other way, brethren.


There are people out there preaching all kinds of things. They don't understand what happened on the cross. Brethren, the only way you're going to get eternal life is when the life of Christ appears in you personally, in you personally. Glory to God. When Christ appears in us -- so this -- I just want to give you this little side [UNINTELLIGIBLE] I know I've been long today.


When Christ appears in us, in natural man, which is demons and everything else, demons that never bothered us before start tormenting us. We were talking -- a few of us were talking about this last week. People that never have problems with the occult, after they get saved, all of a sudden they're hearing voices. They're hearing a voice telling them to throw their baby over the balcony. They're telling you -- they're hearing voices threatening them. This is very common in the church world. What happened? Christ got [INAUDIBLE] he shook the rattlers nest, and they're rising up, and they're threatening these people. Why? Because if Christ has appeared in you, you have agreed with Christ in your mind that you are him, at least in this dispensation. To have Christ birthed in you in this dispensation, you have to desire Christ. And when he appears in you, the demons or the Adamic man in your own mind rise up to start tormenting you because you have thrown your will in line with Christ.


And I just want to give you something to think about. In this later dispensation, OK, when the Sons of God go to natural men that are not desiring Christ. When they're fertilized against their own will and Christ appears in -- is birthed in them and the minds of these men are not bent towards Christ but the minds of these men are still one with Satan and they love their sin and they don't want Christ to be there. They don’t want Christ to be there. He's an offense unto them. I declare to you the torment is going to be as the torment of the demons in the minds of the people that have birthed Christ. Can you hear this? I'm going to say it again. If Christ is birthed in you and you're in agreement with it, the demons torment you. They torment you because you've become their enemy. Or if you're a natural man and you do not want Christ and he's birthed in you anyway and your allegiance is to the carnal mind and to the demons, the torment coming forth from Christ in you will be as the torment of the demons against those men who desire Christ. Can you hear it? Anybody have a question on that? OK. Let me get over there. OK. This is [INAUDIBLE]


But wouldn't the torment be a lot worse for those who not -- don't want him? I mean, wouldn't it be, like, so incredible? I can't even imagine somebody not wanting him, and if the Lord appears in him, you know, [INAUDIBLE] just incredible?


I believe it would be worse. When I said that, I was just trying to give people the understanding of the spiritual principle that that's how it's going to work, that if you're not in agreement with him in your mind, he's going to be a torment to you. But I agree with you, it's going to be absolutely terrible and much worse than anything that I could imagine. And I think that we're going to find that all the judgments that follow now, in the book of Revelation, what's really happening is this torment that's appearing in the minds of men that don't want Christ. But he's there anyway. He's there anyway. And this is also another manifestation of the white throne judgment. Christ is standing in righteousness in the minds of men that don't want him. They love their sin. They want to continue to sin. And he's standing there in this white throne, letting them look at themselves, OK, and destroying every sin that continues to manifest in them. And it's going to be terrible. It's going to be very painful.


And if you want to get an idea of what it's going to be like, just -- if you haven't experienced it yourself, just think of somebody that was tormented by demons after Christ appeared in their mind. It's going to be much, much worse than that, and there's going to be no one to run to for prayer to help you. It's going to be terrible. And it's going to continue until they yield to him. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Anybody else? OK. Hallelujah.


Well, [INAUDIBLE] -- I know everybody's very tired, but let me just recap these four verses just for the people listening to the message. OK. Recap, Revelation 8:13 and Revelation 9:2. And as I continued to look into the spirit, I saw an angel flying in the spiritual realm of the soul. And I understood his very authoritative spiritual communication, which was saying, grief and mourning and disaster to the spiritual life which is married to the living soul because of the warfare which shall be waged against them when the last three angels perform their ministry to the living soul. And the members of the first fruits company which were standing up in spiritual strength began to minister judgment to the living soul by waging war against it so that the spiritual men dwelling with the living soul in the same vessel could be set free and that the living soul could be redeemed and restored to the spiritual realm of God. And I saw the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, appear to the balance of the living soul. And they were extending themselves to the living soul. And the living soul was fertilized by the Sons of God. And the spiritual life of God sprang forth from it and ascended above the existence on the soul realm, just like the smoke which results from refined metal in this realm of appearance ascends into the heavenlies. And the spiritual life of the living soul and the whole spiritual realm of the soul was covered over and hidden by the spiritual life of God which had appeared in it. And the spiritual life of Christ which sprang forth from the living soul appeared in the souls of men, and they had the authority to execute the judgment of death upon the living soul, because they were the righteousness of God.


4/08/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

4/09/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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