The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
As I have been preaching here for a couple of years now, there is a false revival in the land. That false revival is associated with a false or a counterfeit Holy Spirit.
The foundational errors of this false revival basically are: an emphasis on spiritual signs and wonders accompanied by a de-emphasis of the preaching of the Word, and a lack, an obvious lack of concern with the exposure of the sin nature, not so much the behavioral sins of men, which those who do not understand think that this means, but with the exposure of the sin nature so that Christ, who is being formed within us, can be separated from that sin nature, rise above that sin nature, and cover it.
That is the reason for the exposure of sin, not to say you did it and you are bad. There is a big misunderstanding in the church today believing that sin should be left alone and that everyone is God’s child, the Lord loves us all, and we are received into His glory, or we all have the opportunity to be received into His glory.
Unfortunately, I see every year, more and more ministries falling under this false revival, seduced by the signs and wonders of the counterfeit Holy Spirit. These same ministries refuse to believe that God could possibly be involved in the exposure of the sin nature.
I repeat one more time, the purpose for the exposure of the sin nature is so that Christ can be revealed, separated from that sin nature, and that Christ can ascend above the sin nature and cover it so that we might receive the true ascension and the true deliverance from hell and death that the Lord God desires for the whole world.
This information is lacking in the church today. We see the church divided into basically two groups. Either the people who are preaching what I have just described, I call it the false revival, or the members of the church, many of which are very faithful to the fullest ability that they have the capacity to be faithful to the Lord Jesus, and these people are very fundamental and coming against every ministry that is spiritual in any way, including this ministry.
This second group, they cleave unto the King James Translation, and not even the King James Translation, but the understanding of the King James Translation, that has been around for centuries, taking the letter of the Word, believing that everything is physical, that we are going to be physically raptured, and perfected, they do not even believe in perfection, and live in some mansion in another world somewhere after death.
Basically, that doctrine, which is in, I will call it the fundamental church, is basically pagan religion. That is Egyptian religion, that you go to another world, and you live there after death, just as you have lived in this world.
The reason this erroneous doctrine has been able to seep into the church is that the true doctrine has been lacking. False doctrine can only enter in when there is a vacuum. The true Doctrine of Christ, the true Gospel of the Kingdom, has not been preached. It has been a false message, and many are confused because the Holy Spirit is present in the same church where this false doctrine is being preached.
Many say, "How could the Holy Spirit be in the same house with a demon?" The question is, how great is the Holy Spirit that he would enter into every one of us which are fallen and filled with this sin nature?
There is a great lacking of understanding in the land, and a false revival has risen up and another quality, or another characteristic of this false revival is that they pronounce doom, sometimes overtly, sometimes subtly upon the people who preach against their revival. That is something to watch for.
This same category of people who, many of which believe that there are no demons and there is no Satan, and that we should not be dealing with sin, and most of them do not believe that there is any hell, this same group of people, by and large, are preaching destruction, or are preaching hell upon the people who oppose their revival. They may not realize what they are doing, but that is what they are doing.
What we are going to do this morning does not make me very happy, but we are going to go over a newsletter that I have received from a minister that I have been receiving newsletters from for years, and to me, I believe that by this newsletter I have drawn the conclusion that this man and his congregation have entered into this false revival, and I am very sad to tell you this.
I want to go over the newsletter, not to hurt him in any way, but to help you all and whoever will be listening to this message, to understand how to discern the false revival, because if you cannot discern it, you will be seduced by it.
I believe, do not misunderstand me, let me make this very clear, I believe that the preachers that are involved in this false revival, most of them anyway, and this man in particular, are very sincere, and they really believe that they are hearing from God.
I believe that Benny Hinn believes he is hearing from God, and I am not afraid to say his name on the message. I believe he believes he is hearing from God, and he had a whole show last week about death.
His whole half hour show was about death. He had a couple up there who lost a six year old child and his singer, who has this beautiful voice, xxxxx, and he looks like a beautiful man, and I believe he has the Holy Spirit, but he cannot seem to get over his son’s death.
You have to let the dead bury the dead. You have to go on and serve Jesus. You should not be emotional over your son’s death years and years later. There is a line that you go over. Of course, you love your son, but he is dead. Go on with Jesus.
Benny Hinn dedicated his whole half hour show talking about these dead people. I kept hearing in my head, and it was Christ Jesus speaking to me, "Let the dead bury the dead, let the dead bury the dead. You must go on!"
We have some very well meaning people in the country today who are deceived. They think that the spirit that manifests through them and that is manifesting in their services is the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, and it is not. It is a counterfeit Holy Spirit.
I have a flash for you. The occult knows that there is a counterfeit Holy Spirit, and they know that she is a female spirit. I read about her in Madame Blavatsky’s book. She is the founder of Theosophy. She knows that there is a Holy Spirit out there, and that she is a female Holy Spirit, but the church does not know it.
We are going to go over this newsletter, not to hurt this man, not to hurt anybody, but to help God’s people to think and to put their thoughts before the Lord, to help God’s people to knock them out of this slumber that they are in that is denying that a preacher that they have known for years, or preachers that they have know for years, can have gone over a line and can actually be in a false revival.
God’s people, they are out there trusting the preachers. Of course, you are supposed to trust the preachers, you are supposed to trust me, but you are also supposed to have your own relationship with Jesus Christ. You have to be educated, you have to be knowledgeable, you have to know that if that preacher really goes off, I am not talking about someone doing one thing wrong, or making one mistake, I make lots of mistakes, but if that preacher is worshiping and inviting a false Holy Spirit into your services, you are supposed to get out of that church.
Not many even know that there is a false Holy Spirit. We are here to educate today.
If this message gets to the man whose newsletter I am commenting on, please accept my apologies for any harm that I have done you, but I am doing my service to the Lord and to the body of Christ. I hope that this message helps you, and I pray that in the name of Jesus.
I am not going to read the whole thing, but I am just going to skip through this. This man is talking about, back many years ago, hearing the Word of the Lord that there is a new order of the Spirit coming in.
What I want to point out to you here is that this newsletter quotes many Scriptures and says many good things. This is what is deceiving God’s people. It sounds wonderful. The problem is that it is the carnal mind understanding the Scriptures. The Scriptures are good, many of the principles stated here are good, but the question is, what does the carnal mind think this means as opposed to what the Christ mind thinks this means?
Just to give you a brief example up front is that the newsletter does deal with the enemies of this revival. Yes, there are enemies of the true revival. Who are the enemies of the true revival? Can anybody tell us who the enemies of the true revival are? Answer: Leviathan and Satan?
Pastor Vitale: Yes, Satan and Leviathan are the enemies of the true revival and every personality who is in agreement with Satan and Leviathan. Even if they are in agreement because they are deceived, if you are believing Satan and Leviathan’s doctrine, you are a mouthpiece for Satan and Leviathan.
The reason we do not curse people or pronounce evil upon people is because ever since Jesus and His Holy Spirit has entered into the earth, as Jesus taught us, men are capable of being changed. If you are pronouncing evil on God or God’s true servants in any way, the Lord is out to get Satan and Leviathan in you and give you His mind so you no longer curse God’s servants.
Under the Old Testament, if you committed sin, you were stoned unto physical death. Now that the New Covenant is available to us, the Lord Jesus Christ is out to destroy His enemies and our enemies, Satan and Leviathan, to give the personality a new mind so that they will no longer be the enemies of God.
If you listen carefully and you ask the Lord to help you hear it, I trust that you will hear that the thoughts of this newsletter is that the enemies of this revival, the revival that I believe is the counterfeit revival, but the enemy of the revival that is happening across the church world and that this newsletter believes is the true revival, you will hear that he believes that the enemies of this revival are other people.
Can you hear what I am saying? There is no division in Christ Jesus. That is why Jesus called Judas friend. Did you ever wonder why He called Judas friend? Because Judas was his friend. Because Judas was overtaken by Satan, the criminal mind, but Judas was still Jesus’ friend. Jesus.
This is why, no matter what somebody does to us, no matter what anybody does to us, especially somebody that has any kind of relationship, no matter how basic, with the Lord Jesus Christ, especially them, or even any one in the world, this is why we forgive, this is why we do everything we can to help them, this is why we reward evil with good.
Because human beings have the opportunity to have a change of mind. That is the definition of repentance, not a change of opinion, but you have to get a whole new mind. The carnal mind thinks according to a certain mechanism, according to a certain pattern, and the mind of Christ thinks a whole different way.
Even if in your carnal mind you have a change of opinion on one issue, and let is say you are convinced that there is no rapture and that the people of the church have an opportunity to ascend into spiritual maturity, let us say you are convinced of that with your carnal mind.
If the mechanism of the way you think has still not changed, it is just a matter of time, no matter how many principles of the Doctrine of Christ you believe you have absorbed with the good side of your carnal mind, it is just a matter of time, and it is just a countdown until you find yourself in a situation that requires creative thinking, not a question of hearing what Pastor Vitale said and being convinced of it, but you will find yourself in a situation that requires creative thinking, where only the thought mechanisms of the mind of Christ will deliver you out of that trial, no time to get someone else’s opinion, and all of your good thoughts, all of the thoughts, everything that you believed about the Doctrine of Christ is resident in the good side of your carnal mind, your thought mechanism will not work in a manner that will deliver you from your present predicament.
It is the mechanism! It is the way you think! It is the spirit of righteousness that rises up to creatively solve problems that will ultimately deliver us from hell and death. It is not the doctrine. Beware of idolatry for doctrine.
The doctrine is important because the Doctrine of Christ is the food that Christ in you eats, and He needs that food to grow up to be a full grown man. The doctrine is very important, but if you think you have arrived because you understand the doctrine, you are in danger. Rebuke your pride because that is not the truth!
Deliverance from hell and death come when we live out of the mind of Christ, and the only way we can live out of the mind of Christ is when our spirit is joined to the spirit of Christ. We are saved through union with the Son of God, and the only way for us to live out of the mind of Christ is for the mind of Christ to be formed in us, to ascend above the carnal mind, to cover the carnal mind, and ultimately suffocate her.
The only way this can happen is if we begin to recognize the thought processes of our sin nature, which is our carnal mind, as opposed to the thoughts of our Christ mind, not for condemnation, but for the specific purpose for distinguishing between the two, that we, the personality, might cleave unto the righteous mind of Christ, separate from our sin nature, and live forever.
From the very, very foundational root, our mind must be righteous by the spirit of Christ, which is the spirit of righteousness and the spirit of truth, for us to overcome death.
Death cannot overcome death. If you are learning the Doctrine of Christ, if you know it, I do not even know if it is possible, but if you are good enough to teach it, and it is coming out of your carnal mind, then you are still going to die, because death cannot overcome death.
Listen, the Christ mind has to overshadow your carnal mind, has to overshadow it, bury it in the bottomless pit and put a seal on it. If your carnal mind does that to herself, you will not have any mind. She is not going to do it, and if you do not have any mind, you are going to die. So, it is never going to happen.
You are just deceived, you are just deceived, you are just deceived! You submit to the exposure of your sin nature and the destruction of her so that Christ can be exalted in you and save your life. That is the reason you do it. If you are doing it for any other reason, it is your carnal mind doing it, and no good can come out of it, because you are saved when you live out of a thought mechanism which arises out of righteousness.
If it is the carnal mind judging your sins, it is not going to help you either.
My point that I started to talk about here, and this is so important, I hope anyone listening to this message can hear me, that this newsletter is filled with Scriptures and it is filled with statements that are true, but the understanding of what these statements mean, by the writer, which are obvious to me, is wrong.
The understanding of the spiritual principles in the Scripture, is wrong! Does anyone not know what I’m talking about? The word has come down.
Listen, I do not doubt that this man has heard from the Holy Spirit. He has been ministering for years. I do not doubt that he has heard from the Holy Spirit, but we misunderstand what the Holy Spirit says to us.
Brethren, you talk to me, and I misunderstand what you are saying to me. I talk to you, and you misunderstand what I am saying to you. We really think that we understand everything the Holy Spirit says to us?
Pastor Vitale, do you think you understand everything the Holy Spirit says to you? No, I believe the Lord says things to me that I do not understand, but I walk in a revelation which makes me aware that I may misunderstand, which therefore opens me to His correction. But some think that there is no chance that they might misunderstand, that the thought of misunderstanding has never entered their mind. They hear a voice in their head, like what happened to you last week, they hear a voice in their head, and they assume it is God talking to them, and, therefore, are not open to the possibility that they may be wrong.
You are not seeking God to correct you. You are not praying every day for deliverance from false revelation and from error. You are open to deceit, but I do all of these other things. I pray continuously for deliverance from error, for the spirit of truth to be manifesting the spirit of Christ.
My prayers, plus the knowledge that I can be deceived, plus faith in Jesus Christ, that because I am taking every possible precaution, He will correct every error that I make, allows me to sit here and preach this message and say, yes, I believe I have heard from the Lord, and that He has told me to preach this message this morning, and I believe that my revelation is correct, and that the church world who believes in the signs and wonders without the preaching of the word and without the exposure of the sin nature, are deceived.
I do not condemn you for what you preach, and I hope you are not condemning me for what I preach, but if you are condemning me, or if you are angry at me, that is your sin nature manifesting. It is the sin of pride to condemn me for giving an honest commentary on your newsletter. I do not condemn you personally.
I have the highest hopes for you and the greatest admiration for you, but if you are angry at me, it is the sin of pride, because I am in the right spirit. If you are mad at me, that is your sin nature, that is the sin of pride being exposed.
This man of God who has been in the ministry for years, had a word from the Lord way back, I will not name the year, back 10 or 15 years ago, that this day was ushering in a new order of the spirit. That is true. I believe the Holy Spirit said that to him.
The question is, what is the new order of the Spirit? Is it the way I am preaching it, or is it the way you are preaching it? I do not doubt that the Lord told you there is a new order of the Spirit coming in.
“A change of order in the Spirit realm was imminent. A change of order in the Spirit realm is occurring and would gradually manifest. “ That very well could have been the Holy Spirit. I do not know. It could have been the Holy Spirit, it could have been the counterfeit Holy Spirit, whose name is Satan. I do not know, but it is the truth.
Whether the Holy Spirit said it or whether Satan said it to this man, it is the truth. This man is saying that everyone in his meetings have witnessed some real tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit, and this is what he writes in his newsletter, “And I do want confirmation on this from others.” I am answering his request. “Out of the mouths of two or three witnesses let every word be established.” Here is my witness, brother, and I love you in Christ.
He believes that this outpouring has to go forth to the whole universe. Apparently, this man believes that there is life on other planets. This is what he says, you can draw your own conclusion. “And I’m convinced that other people in locales across the whole universe will also begin to see our Great Father.”
Personally, I do not believe that there is life on other planets, but I would not argue with anyone over this. You want to believe that, that is fine, but I will stand against anyone’s assertion that we are not to deal with our sin nature, and that there is to be no teaching of the Word, or minimized preaching of the Word, and I will stand against anyone that thinks that they can ascend without first manifesting the Mind of Christ and overcoming their carnal mind.
I will not stand against you as your enemy, but I will stand against you with a different revelation. If you want to believe that there is life on other planets, I do not think so, but that is okay with me. I do not have any problem with that.
“This new day has brought in a higher order that is completely contrary to the order which we have lived in.” That is true. This new order that we are coming into, how is it different than the order that we have lived in, can anyone tell us that? Answer: The old order was ministry to the carnal mind, and this order is ministry to the mind of Christ.
Pastor Vitale: Absolutely, and the two are as different as day and night. The carnal mind is our sin nature, the spirit of the carnal mind is Satan, who is both good and evil. To find out that Satan is the spirit of the carnal mind does not make you a serial murderer. Satan is good and evil, and everybody who is born with her mind eventually dies.
If you have any reason to believe that you are aging, and that if the Lord does not intervene that you will possibly get sick, but not necessarily, and die, you have the Serpent’s mind, because when you live out of the mind of Christ, you will live forever. You do not die when Satan is in the bottomless pit, sealed over, and you are living out of the Christ mind.
Satan is good and evil, Satan and Leviathan, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and you, my dear brethren, have trouble distinguishing between goodness, which is the good side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and righteousness, which imparts eternal life. Even the good die, but the righteous live forever.
It is not much of a problem distinguishing between evil and righteousness. The problem is distinguishing between goodness and righteousness. That is where the Pharisees had a problem, that is where Israel failed, and that is where the church is failing today. They have taken goodness for righteousness, and the good die just as well as the evil.
The new day has brought in a higher order, which is completely contrary. The Scripture he quotes is, “Awake, Jesus is appearing now, arise from sleep.” It is a good Scripture, and he says that his revelation is, “then it was given to me that we have (and another Scripture he quotes is, “They all slumbered and slept.”), and his opinion is, “then it was given from me (that means he received revelation) that we have had revelation, revelation, revelation, that has been a sleeping pill, it has caused us to all slumber and fall asleep spiritually.”
He is saying that teaching, at least the teaching that was in the church, has put us to sleep spiritually. That may be true because there has been wrong teaching in the church, especially the teaching on the rapture. A lot of people think they just have to do their good works and wait to be raptured, and that is a lie.
We are supposed to be changing, we are supposed to be in the process of being delivered from spiritual filth of the spirit and the mind. We are supposed to be studying to show ourselves approved.
He says that this new order has arrived while the sleeping ones were unaware of it. That is true too. Because we here know that the new order is arriving, I would not say, "has arrived," with regard to me and this fellowship anyway.
He is arriving, and the whole church world is sleeping, and many who have received our materials have rejected them in favor of the false revival. He is ascending anyway. Christ Jesus is ascending,
He is arriving, and the tares and the wheat are growing together. Does that mean I am good and you are bad? No, let Christ appear! Let him appear wherever He is appearing.
If it is proven in the hour of His appearing, when Christ Jesus appears as a full grown man, where it is undeniable who He is manifesting through, if it turns out that He is not manifesting in me, I will repent and submit to you, whoever He’s manifesting in. Just let Him appear, but right now it is hard to see.
The sleeping ones are unaware of it. Then he quotes 2 Peter 3:3 and 4 and says, “Knowing this first that there shall come in the last days mockers, walking after their own desires saying, where is the promise of his coming? For instance, if the fathers died, all continue as they were from the beginning.”
That is true, that is going on today. There are many saying that. Then he says, “The glory of the Father that is now present to fill you while living here on planet earth is beyond mortal mouth to speak.” That is true.
The glory of the Father that is now present, I do not believe the fullness is present, although we have had a lot of words here that there is about to be a great outpouring, and I do not think that we are fully filled. If we were fully filled we would be in perfection.
Or, maybe these people feel that they are fully filled, but I know that here we are not fully filled. He quotes the Scripture, “Arise in my likeness, it is (I guess this is a prophecy) for you now.”
I believe it is for us now, but I know that when the Lord says things like that, it is for you now. It does not mean that you have it. It means that it is available to you. It is available to us, we have been laboring here for over twelve years in this ministry. It is available to us, but you have to work for it, and you have to grow into it.
It is not that the Lord is holding it back, because you have to work for it. You have to grow up into it.
He says, "I have to tone this down because there are people who it would stymie or founder, even if it could be explained here." He says, some people would stumble over it. That is true, people stumble over everything.
He says, "The appearing of Christ is advancing outward." I believe that, absolutely true. "Their brightness is destroying the non-light of their flaming fire, appearance being revealed from heaven with his mighty angels." This is true too, because he is talking about the Father and the Son and he is saying, their brightness is destroying the non-light with their flaming fire.
That is true. What he is calling the non-light is our sin nature. I do not want to get too deep into this, but there is a carnal mind. What I am saying is that this true, there is a lot of truth, but everyone’s interpretation of the truth is not the same.
My understanding of this truth is that your non-light is your carnal mind, and that the Lord Jesus and Christ Jesus are appearing, and they are appearing in the individual, and it is their intention to cover the carnal mind.
I do not think that is what he means by the non-light, because as far as I know, this man, either he does not think we have a sin nature, or he just ignores it.
A lot of preachers today believe that if you just ignore the sin nature it will just go away.
Now he says, “Jesus is revealing himself now in his spirit, nature, and character.” That is true. “We see him, we are experiencing him revealing himself in his spirit, in his nature, in his character.” I do not believe that this is the case in the false revival.
How do you determine that Jesus is revealing his nature in you? There is only one way to determine that his nature is revealed in you, and that is through victory over Satan and ultimate deliverance from death, because the nature of Jesus will produce deliverance from death.
The Holy Spirit has graced this nation, and many nations of the world and has brought healing and deliverance, but that measure of healing and deliverance that we saw with the true Holy Spirit is passing away.
We are told that the gifts and the calling of God, that they are without repentance, that those gifts will be passing away, and the reason that they are passing away is that, that Holy Spirit has been internalized.
I cannot say He is not doing it anymore, that Holy Spirit, the true Holy Spirit is being internalized by the people who He touches, and the internalization of that Spirit is working to bring forth the engrafted Word, Christ.
When Christ heals you, for Christ to heal you, when the gift of the Holy Spirit, the gift of healing and deliverance lifts, and all that you have, which is no small thing, but what you have left is Christ, the healings from Christ only come with a change of nature. The healings from the Christ within you only come through true repentance and as your nature changes.
The Holy Spirit is a gift that is given to you because the Lord Jesus wants that Holy Spirit to get inside of you and form Christ inside of you. You have to be able to distinguish between the gifts of healing of the Holy Spirit, and the healing that comes when Christ is grafted to you.
The healing that you receive from the Holy Spirit can be very real and can endure, but you will still die. The healing that comes from the grafted Christ Jesus within you can heal you, and if you come into the fullness of the Lord’s plan, you can receive eternal life.
There is no eternal life in the Holy Spirit. There is only eternal life in the spirit of Christ which arises out of the Christ which is grafted to you. Christ Jesus is the Word of God. When Christ Jesus is grafted to you, you have the Doctrine of Christ within you.
The Doctrine of Christ is not a part of the Holy Spirit. The reason this false revival plays down the teaching of the Word is that it does not have the Doctrine of Christ. It does not have the Word. The spirit of Christ, the spirit that has the power to heal and impart eternal life, comes with the Doctrine of Christ, comes with the Word of God and the spirit of righteousness and truth.
We see there is a very fine line here and much misunderstanding in the church.
This teacher, our friend, says, “Jesus is revealing himself now in his spirit, nature, and character.” That is true, but what that means to you is not what it means to me as a teacher of the Doctrine of Christ.
Then he paraphrases a Scripture in Malachi saying, “Zion of God (spiritual) arise and meet your descending day star (that is okay), for He (the day star) has unfamiliar resurrection in His wings.”
The Scripture in the King James says it is healing, and in the interlinear text, the word that is translated healing means pretty much that. I do not know where he got this translation of unfamiliar resurrection, and I do not know why he would even say it, because resurrection is resurrection.
I do not really know what it means, because we are not resurrected in the Holy Ghost. In the Holy Ghost we are as carnal as could be. We are the same person, but the Holy Ghost is added to us.
Resurrection is only in Christ Jesus. I do not know how you can have a familiar and an unfamiliar resurrection, unless I am really misunderstanding what I am saying. The only thing I can make out of that is the familiar resurrection is Christ Jesus, and the unfamiliar resurrection is Leviathan and Satan, but, I doubt very much that he meant that, wherever he got this word from.
You see, brethren, the principalities and the powers of this world are touching many of God’s people in the church and talking to them and giving them revelation, and these people who still have the Holy Spirit, I believe the Holy Spirit is in there fighting for them, so they have the Holy Spirit while these powers and principalities are talking to them, and touching them, and manifesting in their services. Is that not confusion?
Whether this man heard this word, unfamiliar resurrection, himself, this phrase, or whether he heard it from somebody else, I do not know what it means to him, but what I am trying to tell you here, and I may not have made it clear, is that these people in the church who are being touched by these powers and principalities, are receiving expressions, and words, and knowledge from them, and they do not even know what they are saying.
They do not even know that they are speaking Satan’s words. The reason they do not know is that to know this, you have to be educated in the history of occultism. I do not recommend this to the average Christian. I have done some reading in occult philosophies, very little, actually.
The Lord just grabs a hold of it and teaches me through it and tells me to use it, instructs me to use it in the way that He would have me to use it to educate you. I am certainly no expert, and I have been amazed at what I have found in occult books because I see the same thing in the church.
It is an eye opener, and the one that was most shocking was concerning Ananais and Sapphira. I had it by revelation that, that Scripture concerning Ananais and Sapphira and their giving the money from the land to Peter, which I do not believe that translation, but my point right now is, that I had by revelation that Sapphira was not a human wife, but that she was Ananais’ Fiery Serpent, or a spiritual wife.
She was the carnal mind. She was Ananais’ carnal mind and spiritual wife. I had that by revelation before I read an occult book saying that the name of the Hebrew wisdom is Sapphira. It is the exact same spelling!
Paul knew what he was talking about. The understanding of the Scripture is utterly corrupt in many, many areas, because unless you have spiritual knowledge, you cannot understand a spiritual Scripture. You have to be spiritual.
Do you know that there are non-Christians in the occult that understand the spiritual principles of the Bible more than the church understands it? Because they are schooled in spiritual principles, and they pick it up immediately. The carnal mind that has no training in spiritual principles whatsoever, can only understand to the degree that, that mind is able, which is death!
The carnal mind brings that spiritual Scripture down into the earth and buries it.
I will just jump ahead with this right now, because this is an experience that I just had yesterday, and it more or less led to me preaching this message. Maybe I should just go on and wait until I get to that part. Okay, I will wait until I get to that part, sorry about that.
Then some good Scriptures are quoted here, “The Lord has sworn by His right hand (this is Isaiah 62:8-9), and by His mighty arm, Surely I will not give your grain to be food for your enemies and the invading sons of aliens.”
The invading sons of aliens, who are the sons of aliens? Brethren, we are the sons of God. If Christ is in you and speaking through you, you are a son of God.
Who are the sons of the aliens? All of the human beings, whether you are in the church or outside of the church, but most likely you are in the church who the alien is speaking through. Who is the great alien? Satan and Leviathan is the great alien! There are only two. What do you mean, Pastor Vitale, there are only two?
Brethren, there is the earth, and there is the possessor of the earth. There is the true, legitimate heir to the earth, and who is the earth? Who is the spiritual earth? We are the earth, the personality is the earth. The personality is the earth. We are to be inhabited. Because we are fallen, we have a physical body and our personality is to be inhabited. There is a true heir to the earth and a false heir to the earth, and the false heir is an alien.
What is an alien? That alien does not belong in the earth. An alien is someone that comes from another place. The true heir is Christ Jesus. We are His inheritance. The alien that is in the earth is Satan and Leviathan.
They have no right to this earth. They are the earth themselves. They are the one that is supposed to be inhabited. They are supposed to be in the same level as the personality, down under Christ Jesus.
We see this newsletter quoting a promise. I pray that this promise should be granted to everyone in the church that has received this lie. I pray that this prophecy should be granted to you, that the invading sons of aliens shall not drink your new wine for which you have toiled.
What is the new wine? The new wine is the Spirit of Christ. As I told you many times, spiritually speaking, we are in a jungle, we are in a mental jungle, an emotional jungle, and a spiritual jungle. Just as in the physical jungle, animals eat and kill other animals all the time, so it is in the spiritual jungle.
Satan and Leviathan, to the fullest degree that they are able, are seeking to kill, destroy, and consume and drink the blood of who? Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus is seeking to kill, and destroy, and consume, and drink the blood of Satan and Leviathan. Does this sound horrendous to you? It is spiritual, brethren.
There are not supposed to be two. There are not supposed to be two beings, there are not supposed to be the true heir and the aliens. There is not supposed to be a separation of the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Everything is supposed to be gathered into Christ in a singularity. Christ is not divided. The Serpent’s kingdom is divided.
There is a hunting and a consummation of flesh and blood, and at the end of this great conflict, which has been going on for eons already, there will be only one. That one will be Christ Jesus.
There are some more very good Scriptures quoted here, sounds really good, and then he says, “The Lord’s personal intervention is at hand with His new presence.“ His new presence, and to the best of my understanding there has been an outpouring, a spiritual outpouring in this man’s ministry, and I do not believe it is the spirit of Christ or the true Holy Spirit. Then he says, “I exhort all to enter into sincere praise, worship, and thanksgiving.”
We know that there is no outpouring until the enemies of God are put down. The outpouring must come from Christ. He cannot pour out of His Spirit when He is underneath the carnal mind. The outpouring, or the Spirit outpours when Christ Jesus puts down the enemies of God - Satan and Leviathan, the carnal mind. You cannot do that without the exposure of your sin nature.
He says, "I exhort all to enter into sincere praise, worship, and thanksgiving." No talk whatsoever about confession of sin. It cannot be the true Holy Spirit, because God is not doing what He did 20, 30, 40 years ago, where you could receive the Holy Spirit without specific repentance.
Then he says, “He is giving us spiritual eyes and the spirit of discernment to see and know the spiritual uncircumcised who would come to defile His lambs, and those who would fleece the flock of his pasture.”
Who is the one that, Scripturally speaking, is called the uncircumcised one? Who is the uncircumcised one? Goliath was the uncircumcised. Did David not call Goliath the uncircumcised one? That is what is coming to me. I may not have that right but, Scripturally speaking, the uncircumcised one in the Old Testament is talking about the heathen.
He is not talking about the heathen, he is talking about people in the church. He is giving us spiritual eyes and the spirit of discernment to see and know the spiritually uncircumcised who would come defile His lambs and those who would fleece the flock of his pasture.
He is talking about preachers asking for money, and also stealing this new anointing from them. “The uncircumcised and unclean have stood beside the sons of light ministering darkness and the concepts of men.” We see he is talking about other men. “The uncircumcised and unclean have stood beside the sons of light ministering darkness and the concepts of men.”
What surprises me is that this movement, in general, basically arises out of the doctrine of ultimate reconciliation which believes all men will be saved, and believes in radical acceptance of all men including their sin. At least in years past that is what it meant. "Someone sinned, do not exposed it, just cover it over."
Out of this same teaching of ultimate reconciliation, we now see a teaching about uncircumcised Christians who are fleecing God’s people and stealing them of this true anointing. All of a sudden, there are enemies in the church?
Brethren, I want to tell you something. Satan’s doctrine concerns hell and death and brother against brother. All of you who have been under ultimate reconciliation for a season and refuse to see your brother’s sins, the legitimate sins of your brothers who are now moving into this false revival, are once again preaching Satan’s doctrine.
You are preaching division in the church. Calling the members of the church who do not agree with you, uncircumcised and unclean. You have gone around in a circle.
You, who would not recognize sin in another Christian, you have turned full circle, and you are preaching condemnation. You are preaching the condemnation of the church, of the ignorant aspects of the church, that tell people who have not received Jesus Christ that they will be punished in hell forever. You are preaching the same message? Can you hear that?
This is the same doctrine as telling people, "If you do not receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will burn in hell forever." That is the same doctrine. Can you hear that? Can you hear that? It is the same doctrine. What has happened to you?
I will tell you what has happened to you. Satan has curved you into Leviathan’s timeline. You thought that you were ascending, but you were ascending in goodness, not in righteousness. You are ascending in the good part of your carnal mind, and you thought that it was righteousness to not see sin, true, legitimate exposure of sin in God’s people, because the truth will set them free.
You thought it was the right thing to just cover it over, but you ascended to a certain point, and you did not ascend into the timeline of Christ Jesus which is a straight line upward, but Satan curved you, and curved you into the circular timeline of Leviathan, so that on some level you think you are ascending because you are having spiritual signs and wonders, but doctrinally you are going back to where you came from. You blinded to it because of the signs and wonders.
“Awake, O Zion and trim your lamp.” That is a good Scripture. Then, he talks about Christians who talk about the good old days, who live in the past with no light, and that is true. There are a lot of people in the church today who are living in the good old days. Talking about the good old days, living in the past with no light.
It is true that Christ is appearing, but there is also Satan appearing as an angel of light. You are not going to see the true light. You are not going to see the true Christ unless you are willing to deal with your carnal mind and the sin nature.
The only way you could deal with your sin nature is if Christ is formed in you, and Christ may be formed in this man. It is possible for Christ to be formed in you and for you to still be living out of your carnal mind.
He says that he had a personal word from the Lord many years ago, "The sons of darkness will stand alongside of the sons of light, ministering in my people." That is true, and I believe that the Lord spoke that to him. I believe Jesus Christ said that to him, but look at how he is assuming that he is the one that has got the light, and that everyone else is the son of darkness. This is what the carnal mind does.
Pastor Vitale, how do you know you have the light? I pray every day for correction if I am wrong. I prayed for years and years for correction, and I am open every minute of every day to hear from the Lord if I have an error in my heart and in my mouth. I have faith, not in myself, but in Jesus Christ, that He will keep me in the truth, because I know how easy it is to deviate from the truth.
Then he goes on to say something about “being clothed in the light of a thousands suns.” I do not know what that means to him, but I have no problem believing that, the light that comes out of the seventh energy center, which is characterized by a thousand undulations.
Then he says, “Are you ready for that?” Then he says, “No yet, but do not quit before the finish line for the prize is not going to the swift nor to the strong, but to those who obey the Emperor, Christ Jesus’ voice.”
In another place, he talks about the names that some people can call the Lord, and he says that he chooses to call him Emperor. When I read that, I said to the Lord, "I never heard you called Emperor before, Lord. It does not sit right with me, but perhaps I am just not used to hearing that term. What in the world does that mean?" I asked the question, and I forgot about it.
Either the next day, or two days later, I do not really remember which, but no more than two days later, I went into the gym to walk on the treadmill, and we always play the TV in the gym because it is boring to walk on the treadmill. I scanned through the stations, and I saw a movie, a movie that normally I would never watch. I saw that it had to do with Kung Fu, which I do have somewhat of an interest in, and I decided to watch this movie, which normally I would never watch!
My mouth just dropped open when I heard, in this movie, that the immortal of this world, that controls this world, the God of this world is called the Emperor in Chinese mythology. Kung Fu, the martial art Kung Fu, arises out of an intense Chinese mythology, intense supernatural Chinese mythology.
The Kung Fu that you see being taught in this country, I mean, anyone that really knows, that is really Chinese in their spirit, would not even take it seriously. All of the martial arts are spiritual pursuits woven together with physical exercise and physical fighting.
In this movie I saw highly spiritual manifestations of Kung Fu where they hold up their hands and serpents come right out of their hand and attack their opponent. You think this is science fiction? Where do you think it comes from? It comes from Chinese mythology. All about supernatural power coming out of the eyes and the hands.
Just to briefly give you a description of this movie, it is really good for Christians to wake up. We are not the first religion to talk about the salvation of the world. Not that we are a religion, but the teaching in the church, Christians are very naive. There has been talk about the salvation of the world for centuries.
The movie opens in a Buddhist monastery, and they are talking about the salvation of the world. They are talking about the contest between good and evil that will take place, which will determine the fate of the world.
According to Chinese mythology, or according to this movie, which I believe was fairly accurate Chinese mythology, the conflict would be in the physical between two human beings fighting a supernatural form of Kung Fu.
We know that there is a conflict between righteousness and good and evil. The world thinks the conflict is between good and evil, but the conflict is between righteousness, which is Christ Jesus, and good and evil, which is Satan and Leviathan.
There is a young man who apparently is “the one.” It is not enough to say that Christ Jesus is going to appear in you. Christ Jesus is looking to appear in human beings that also have an ability to be what He wants to make them in one lifetime.
Of course Christ Jesus has the power to make anybody into anything He wants them to be if He had hundreds of thousands of years, but we do not live that long in this world.
When He looked to make a teacher to teach the Doctrine of Christ, He did not pick somebody who was illiterate. He picked somebody who was good with words, who had writing skills, who knew how to use a computer before she ever heard of the Lord Jesus in any serious way. He did not go pick someone who had a first grade education. He only had one lifetime to do this in, to bring me to this place where I am now, where I am bringing forth the Doctrine of Christ to this degree.
This principle of being “the one” means that you are a human being who has the potential to be all that you could be in Christ Jesus, when you pass all the tests, and He comes forth in you.
Everybody in the world at this moment does not have that potential. It takes a lifetime, a lifetime to train somebody to be a son of God, whether you are a son of God in Christ Jesus or a son of God on the good side of some occult philosophy.
The Hindus know all about it too. That is why they do not take Jesus seriously. The Hindus and the Buddhists have heard a similar message for centuries, but they do not understand that the man, Jesus, came forth in a different spirit.
These occult religions, Hinduism and Buddhism and many other associated religions, they believe that the whole world is one, that we are all woven together, there is no separation, and that is true, except for the spirit of Christ. That is why the Scripture says there is liberty in Christ Jesus. You are not bound to this world if you are living out of Christ Jesus.
Hinduism and Buddhism do not understand this principle and, therefore, they say, "The man Jesus, he was just another prophet." I do not believe they are being irreverent. I believe they are being very serious from their point of view. They do not get it. "He is just another man that ascended in spiritual power."
We have our history all written up with all of these men, many Chinese men in ancient China that manifested spiritual power, and in India that manifested spiritual power. The naive Christian says to them, "Those men are dead, Jesus is alive. "
I say to you, "Oh really." No, these are all ascended Masters. They have not heard the message yet. The Hindu, and the Buddhist purists have not heard the message yet. They have not heard the true gospel yet.
There is this young man, he is “the one.” He is undisciplined, he has left the Buddhist monastery, he is arrogant, he is filled with pride, he does not believe what the elders believe. Not just the elders, they have all ages at the monastery there. He does not believe that the world needs to be saved, and he is the one.
He is denying his destiny. His destiny is that he is to be trained up and prepared to defeat the evil warlord who is controlling the earth from a spiritual place, but now was intending to descend into a physical manifestation in the earth. He could not do this, he was prohibited from descending into a physical manifestation in the earth until he could overcome the champion of goodness. Chinese mythology, does it sound familiar to you?
The young man is a fool. There is a great wise one on the good side who goes forth to protect this young fool so that he does not kill himself before the great contest. The young fool goes forth, and the wise elder follows him and protects him with supernatural power every time he is about to get himself killed.
In the explanation of the wise one, of course other characters come into the movie. I am not going to spend too much time on this.
Of course, there is an American woman there. I think she is either a policewoman or a newspaper reporter. When she sees the manifestation of spiritual power, because she happens to accidentally come in contact with this young man who is “the one” who does not even know who he is himself, she says, "What is going on here?" Supernatural Kung Fu, with Serpents coming out of people’s hands, electricity coming out someone’s eyes and hands and knocking people all across the room?
The ancient wise one explains to her that the great conflict is about to appear, and that this young fool who is foolish now, but he is the one, is not to get into a fight. He is prohibited from getting into a fight with the powers and principalities before his time. Why? Because he is not ready.
He is the one, but he is not ready. There is a preparation. The name of the God of this world is the Emperor. Jesus never called Himself Emperor, but the God of this world has called herself Emperor to the ancient Chinese.
What am I saying? That there are powers and principalities talking to teachers and individual members of the church and that they cannot distinguish between the voice of the Holy Spirit, which they have been hearing for years, and these other voices. They cannot tell the difference.
They think every voice they hear is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God. They are deceived, and they are being seduced because there are many voices out there. Try the spirit, brethren. All the spirits are not of God.
I will just tell you a little bit more. This young man who is the one, and the woman, and then there is another man that is involved, and they are taken to this island, and it is where the monastery is, and there is so much spiritual power there that the young lady, she has a compass on her wrist, in a band on her wrist, and the compass is just spinning round and round and some mechanical instrument that she had did not work.
All I could think about is all the trouble that we have with the computers here all the time. I know the higher the anointing, when I am studying, when I am doing research on that computer, or I am writing on that computer, that is when I have the trouble with the computer.
For years I thought it was Satan, and I am just coming to the conclusion more and more and more, it is that such an anointing works up in me that it affects the computer.
I know that I have to shut it off when I pray. I have had someone call me for prayer, and when I finished praying I have turned around and my whole computer was corrupted or crashed. Anyway, I will just tell you one more thing.
Then, of course, this turns into a mystery and a big intrigue situation, and the men who are manifesting darkness, they want these three young people, the one, and the woman and then there is another man who is an American too, wind up in this castle of darkness, and there is a non-human being present there.
He is very big, he is a giant, and his face does not look human, and he has four arms. I just got really excited because, I am so excited that the Lord has taught me what He has taught me.
I remember looking at the Hindu God, I believe it was Kali, and she has six arms, and I said to the Lord, "Why six arms? Why would they come up with six arms?" Does anybody remember why? What the six arms mean, when you see more than two arms on a person, or on a being?
They are insects, brethren. They are spiritual insects. There is a whole realm of spiritual insects out there in the etheric plane, and they have spiritual power that is greater than any human being alone. There are spiritual insects out there. Kali is a spiritual insect, she comes from the etheric plane, and has made herself a God to the Hindus. That is why she has six arms. This giant had four.
I do not know what kind of insects have only four arms. Maybe there are insects with just four arms, I do not know. Then, one more thing I will tell you, and we will go back to this message. There is a princess there on this island. There is a princess there, and she is beautiful.
Of course, there are two young men, the one and then another young man. A warning goes forth by the good wise one that “the one,” the young man who is “the one,” he must be very careful, and under no circumstances must he join with that princess because she is 10,000 years old and a great spiritual power. He must be very careful, he must not join with her.
Can anybody relate that to the Doctrine of Christ? The princess is the Fiery Serpent, she is the daughter of Leviathan, remember? It is very important that Christ in us does not join with the Fiery Serpent in the wrong moral order, because when He joins with the Fiery Serpent in the wrong moral order, He dies.
I am seeing the Doctrine of Christ in this movie of Chinese mythology. What does that mean? There is one spiritual truth, brethren, and it is preached from different points of view. There is one spiritual truth, and all spiritual peoples, and all spiritual philosophies, are built around the one spiritual truth of our existence.
I thought I could see the rest of the movie when I came back home. I was in the gym for about 40 minutes, but I did not get that station on this TV so that is all that I have to tell you.
My whole point, in case I lost you, is that I asked...this word Emperor, it did not sit right with me. I believe some angel ministered this word to the writer of this newsletter, and I asked the Lord, "Was I wrong? Is the word okay, why was I uncomfortable with it?" Within two days, the Lord answered my prayer. Praise the Lord.
We will just make another few comments here on this newsletter. Isaiah 54:5-7 is quoted here. There is not a doubt in my mind that this man is as sincere as could be, and I hope he is still my friend after he hears this message, because I will send it to him. He is as sincere as could be, but I believe he is deceived, and he is under the seduction of an angel that is not from God.
“Your heavenly bridegroom would make himself known to you in this hour. He will draw you near to himself in personal union." That is true, that is true of Christ, and it is true of the seducing angels that are out there. "He is your Redeemer delivering you from self-centeredness." That is true, Jesus is delivering us from self-centeredness. "Then you will be conscious that He is all that is left.“ This is all true, if you have the right Spirit, that He is all that is left when you come to the end of yourself.
You better pray that when you come to the end of yourself, what is left is Christ Jesus, and not the Emperor. “He will draw you near to himself in personal union to make known to you his name, his holy, undefiled name and character. He is your Redeemer, delivering you from self-centeredness, that you will be conscious that he is all that is left when you come to the end of yourself. Yes, you will praise and extol him as he calls you near to himself in his personal embrace of love union.” This is all true of Christ Jesus.
“He is the greatest lover anyone has known or will know, and God Elohim of the whole is He.” Elohim is God.
Then, he goes on to witness to casting out of demons and healing that took place in the Latter Rain movement, and I understand that this is going on in this new revival, that there is healing and there is deliverance. He quotes quite a bit here, this is a prophecy, “Now he is calling, saying, see me now. You have been engrossed in that which is passing away. Look unto me and be saved.”
"All you have to do to be saved is to look unto him," but that is a lie. The parallel to the Scripture that I see with this is the account of Moses and the Hebrews who are being bitten by the Fiery Serpents in the wilderness, and they just had to look at the Serpent on the pole, and they were saved. Except that we did an Alternate Translation on that event.
We studied that whole thing out, and we found out that what had happened was that the men of Israel that were bit by Serpents were bit by the spiritual Fiery Serpents within them. They were not bit by physical Serpents. They were bit by their own Fiery Serpents who got out from under the authority of Christ Jesus in them.
When Jehovah told Moses...first of all Moses and Aaron interceded for them, and when Moses and Aaron interceded for them, God anointed Moses or told Moses to ascend in Christ Jesus, in the true timeline in the power of God to a high spiritual place which was high enough to cover the Fiery Serpents in all of those men.
Christ in all of those men, the Scripture says they were being bitten by Serpents. The personality was not being bit by a Serpent. Christ in the men of Israel was being bitten by the Fiery Serpent that He was covering. Christ was dying in the men of Israel because they were murmuring and complaining and jealous of the head that Jehovah raised up, that Jehovah and Elohim...I guess it was Elohim, raised up over them.
When Moses interceded, he did not take it personally. He fought for their life with his prayer, and Moses was raised up to a spiritual place, high enough to cover all of those Fiery Serpents, all of those men of Israel and force them back down under Christ, and thereby save the life of Christ in those men of Israel.
The Scripture says, but many died, a couple of thousand died, I do not remember the exact number. They did not die physically, Christ in them died. It is not true that all you have to do is look up and see Jesus and be saved. You are misunderstanding the Scripture.
All you well-meaning teachers out there, you are misunderstanding the Scripture. You do not just look and be saved. You have to fight a war to be saved. You have to overcome Satan and Leviathan to be saved. It is a war of long duration which follows only after you confess that you have a sin nature, which is diametrically opposed in every way to the Mind of Christ.
Even the good things that you do and that you think are the exact opposite, spiritually speaking, of the thoughts and things you do out of Christ. There is no salvation in goodness, there is no salvation in looking up. There is salvation only through union with the Son, and you cannot join with the Son until your carnal mind is defeated, because you are married to your carnal mind.
You, the personality, you are married to your carnal mind. Looking up with your carnal mind is not going to help you.
He goes on here to say about how you should relate to him. "Open your communication equipment." He does not really say it, but I believe he is talking about meditation. Of course, the message in the Kingdom church today is meditate, open yourself, sit silently, and wait to hear from God. This is occult meditation which opens you to the voice of Satan. Silent meditation opens you to the voice of Satan.
Concentration on the Doctrine of Christ and the things of God brings the mind of Christ to the surface, and then He talks to you. Sitting in silence with no warfare against the carnal mind means that Christ is down under the carnal mind, and Satan speaks.
To hear the voice of the Lord, you have to wage a warfare against Satan and Leviathan, your carnal mind, to cause them to be still.
“Renew your love to him, kiss him more (spiritually). He is a lover who wants to be loved personally and often.” How do we love the Lord? "He is a lover who wants to be loved personally and often." How do we love the Lord, by kissing him? How do we love the Lord, does anybody know? Answer: By keeping his commandments.
Pastor Vitale: Yes, through submission. Worship is submission. Love is submission. Love is honor, respect, submission, and doing what He tells you to do. Love is not kissing Him, love is not meditation. "He is a lover who wants to be loved personally?" I know He wants us to obey him, I do not know what you mean by "love personally." God is not a man, He does not need your affection. He wants you to obey him.
That is why the Scripture says, "husbands love your wives." Women need to be loved emotionally, but "women, honor your husband, and call him Lord." Do what he says, even if you do not understand why He is telling you to do it.
Women are not ordered to love their husbands but to honor and obey him. Because women hardly ever understand their husbands, and I am talking about spiritual women now. In this society, we have a lot of spiritually and emotionally mature women, but many are not.
If you are in a traditional marriage where you are home with the children or even if you have a job, if you are not really wise in the workings of the family and the things of this world, you do not have to understand everything your husband does.
If you’re an enlightened woman, then you should have a partnership with your husband, you should discuss things and work things out together.
Spiritually speaking, if you are living out of your carnal mind, you are a spiritual woman, and you love your husband by honoring and obeying Him, not by emotionally loving Him. He is not a woman, He is a man, and He is a great and mighty warrior. He is not emotional. He wants your obedience.
There is a false Christ in the church today that wants your emotional love. The work of Christ Jesus in your life, the work of Christ Jesus, your husband, is to make a spiritual male out of you. If you are a physical man, maybe you are a man and maybe you are not.
A lot of men in this country are not really spiritually male. The Lord wants to make you a spiritual male, and there is no emotions involved there. He wants to raise you up in the mental plane to rule over your own life and over the life of your family, to rule with righteousness, to be a bastion of strength to the weak that are under you.
If you are a physical woman, and you are called to be a spiritual male, He wants you to rise up into a high place in the mental plane. Christ Jesus is not emotional any more than army generals are emotional. We are in the midst of a big war. No place for emotionalism.
“Smile at your bridegroom often. Your motto should be, Jesus is delightful, he is perpetually fun and delightful.” He may be fun and delightful, but He sure gets on my tail when I do something wrong. He wants me to change. He wants me to confess that I did something wrong, He wants me to go and make it right with the person that I mistreated, He wants me to reconcile with them, and he wants me to do it right. He is not happy with me until I do it.
Yes, the Lord has laughed with me. I know the Lord has a sense of humor, but only after all business is taken care of, all relationships are in right order, and I have done everything He told me to do. When I am walking in that kind of obedience, yes, He has a sense of humor.
He is not fooling around with the people in the church who are living out of their carnal minds, walking in pride, ignoring other people’s sins and their own, saying that "It is good, that it is okay, that it is okay to leave an open wound. That it is okay when someone writes to you with a legitimate position to not respond to them, or to respond with silence." No, He is not laughing with you. It is not the true Lord Jesus.
If you are living your life like that, if you do not confront issues, if you do not confront sin, if you are not looking into yourself every day, warring against the sin nature within yourself, no, He is not delighting in you and laughing with you, unless you are walking to the fullness of the revelation that He has given you.
No, He is not fun. This is a very serious business. Your life depends on it, and the life of His Son. The life of the Son, of the Lord Jesus Christ, who you are pregnant with, depends on your obedience to the Lord Jesus, and He is not laughing with you unless you are doing everything you have to do to enable His Son to be born.
Then he says, “He is perpetually fun and delightful, and you can call him darling and honey or my husband. Some call him Father or Dad. If that makes one feel closer, I’m sure it is acceptable. At times I call him my Emperor.” Darling? Honey? I do not think so.
“The objective of Almighty God is to transfigure you into his glorified image.” That is true. “Our Father’s preoccupation is to take us beyond Pentecost.” That is true.
There is a personal prophecy here. I believe it is personal to the writer of this newsletter, and I will not read the whole thing. Most of it sounds very good, because you know, the angels of darkness, they talk in the language that we would expect Jesus to talk in. They sound very Scriptural. They are religious principalities.
The prophecy, by and large, sounds very good and I would like to comment. Oh, I see this is a Scripture that he quoted. It is a mixture of the Scripture and prophecy. Then, he says, “I’m turning the searchlight of my Spirit on Jerusalem to search the hidden places of men’s hearts. I am come suddenly to my temple to cast out the thieves and the robbers and the moneychangers.”
The thieves, and the robbers, and the moneychangers are the powers and principalities within the personality. The soul that is being saved is the personality. Jesus is coming to save souls, to save personalities, and the way He is saving them is by casting out Satan and Leviathan and all manifestations of the carnal mind called thieves and robbers.
He has come to give us a new mind, but if you do not have this revelation, you tend to think that it is individual people, that it is personalities being cast out. No, Jesus said, “Now the new order is here.” Love your brother, forgive those who curse you, because it is not the personality that is being killed anymore. Just the mind that is in them, but if you do not have this revelation of the Doctrine of Christ, what conclusion would you draw other than there are some people who are enemies of your ascension?
Yes, Jesus is coming to cast out the thieves, and the robbers, and the moneychangers. I did an Alternate Translation on that, moneychangers, and I do not really recall what it means. I would have to look it up.
“Awake, arise from sleep. I am come with great light and truth. I am come to be glorified in the saints.” That sounds like God. “And to be admired in those who believe.” That sounds like God. “For this is that day, I am appearing from heaven with the angelic hosts of my power in flaming fire...” ...That sounds like God.
This is why He is appearing, now this is a personal word to this preacher, and this is why the spirit talking to him is appearing. “ take retribution with my justice on those who do not acknowledge me and who are not obedient to the good news of the revelation of my Son.”
Obviously, the good news is, it is coming through this channel. Retribution is coming upon everybody that does not believe this revelation. I said this earlier, there is no difference between this message and the message of the fundamental church that says if you do not believe in Jesus Christ, you will burn in hell forever. It is the same message, it is preached by the same spirit who’s name is Satan.
That is not the message of the Lord Jesus Christ. The message of the Lord Jesus Christ is that, "I come to take retribution on my strong enemy, Satan and Leviathan, the carnal mind, and I will surely destroy her, I will boil that wicked, polluted sea, and I will cook that sea Serpent in the midst of her, and I will consume her, and I will apprehend the Fiery Serpent within you, and place her under the feet of my Son, Christ Jesus, and He shall rule over her, and He shall force her into the bottomless pit and put a seal on it, and my law, which is my spirit, and my mind, which is Christ Jesus, shall rule over all of my people, and eventually over all of the earth, and all personalities shall be liberated and made free in this great unveiling of my Son, Jesus Christ."
That is the message, brethren, that is the true message. "I will destroy that wicked, carnal mind, and I will replace her with my Son." All personalities that are in existence at the time of this great work shall be preserved. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Does anybody have any comments or questions?
Concerning the comment on the moneychangers earlier, I have decided to go in and check out the message that we discussed that on and the name of that message is “A Colt, the Foal of an Ass”, it is our message #476.
What I am going to do now, I did not do an Alternate Translation on those verses, I believe it is Verse 11 or 12 of Matthew 21, must be verse 12 because I have an Alternate Translation of Verse 11. I did an Alternate Translation of Matthew 21:1-11, and then I just commented on the subsequent verses which concern the moneychangers.
I am going to read into this message our Alternate Translation of Matthew 21, Verses 1 through 11, and then I am going to read onto this message my comments on the subsequent verses concerning the moneychangers right out of our message which has been transcribed and is now being published as a pamphlet. Message 476, A Colt, the Foal of an Ass.
This is Matthew 21, Verse 1, “At the time that Jesus drew near to the disciples Christ was lying dormant under their carnal mind. Jesus separated Christ, the fruit of Elijah’s spirit, from Leviathan, their second mind.” James clearly said that we are double minded, we have two minds, and this teaching is not accepted in the Kingdom church.
We have two minds, and one is good and evil, and the other one is righteous. If you ascend in the mind which is good and evil, Satan will curve you over, and in your ascension, you will be worse off than you were when you just believed the false doctrine of the rapture.
“Jesus separated Christ, the fruit of Elijah’s spirit, from Leviathan, their second mind, and the disciples killed Leviathan, and Christ appeared in the orchard of olive trees in their heart energy center. Jesus said to them, Transfer over into Christ Jesus, the spiritual village on the opposite side of your heart center, and immediately you shall perceive the dumb animal, Cain, within yourself (Cain is within us) bound up together with Christ, the offspring of your personality.”
The personality is the woman who is to be saved in childbearing. “Separate the two with judgment and bring them to me.” I think the Lord just really told me that He wants me to really comment on these Scriptures, so I am going to do it. I am going to go back to the beginning of Verse 1. I will bet you somebody here prayed for that right now. Was it you? No? (Comment from congregation member)
PASTOR VITALE: You wanted me to comment on the Alternate Translation?
PASTOR VITALE: Okay, I will do it.
I am starting with Verse 1 again. “At the time that Jesus drew near to the disciples...” What does it mean to draw near to to the disciples? It means that Jesus draws near to bring judgment. Brethren, to draw near to God means judgment of everything in you, everything in your mind and your personality that is in opposition to God.
The sin nature, whether it be evil or good, is in opposition to the purposes of God. Why? God wants you to live forever, and even the good thoughts of your carnal mind result in death. Why? Because the good thoughts are generated by whom? Who generates our good thoughts? Yes, Satan generates our good thoughts as well as our evil thoughts, and only the righteous thoughts of Christ Jesus, and the Spirit of Christ, in particular, can give us permanent healing and eternal life.
Therefore, even if your thoughts are good, Jesus Christ is against them, because eventually they will kill you. It is His intention that you should live.
“At the time that Jesus drew near to the disciples, Christ was lying dormant under their carnal mind.” Brethren, the engrafted Word, Christ, that humble seed, lies dormant under our carnal mind. It is a miracle that He grows and becomes strong enough to war against Satan, which is the beginning of the warfare which will liberate you from hell and death.
If there is no warfare in your life, Christ, if you have him, because the Holy Spirit and Christ are not the same thing – if you have Christ, He is lying dormant under your carnal mind. The Holy Spirit is part of the seed. The Holy Spirit is the medium that the virile seed of Christ is grafted to.
Christ was lying dormant under the carnal minds of Jesus’ disciples. “Jesus separated Christ, the fruit of Elijah’s spirit that was in Jesus...” The King James Translation makes it sound like John was the one with the Spirit of Elijah. They both had it, but Jesus was the one that had the virile seed. Jesus was the incarnation of Elijah. He was talking about himself. “Jesus separated Christ, the fruit of Elijah’s spirit, that He, Jesus, had planted in His disciples, He separated Christ from Leviathan, the second mind of his disciples.”
If you only have one mind, if you are a member of the church today, and you only have one mind, that mind is your carnal mind. Because if you only had one mind and that mind was Christ Jesus, you would be in perfection. You would be a supernatural, spiritual giant. If such a man exists, I do not know about him. If he does exist, I pray the Lord introduce me to him.
Everybody in the church has either one mind, the carnal mind, or you are double minded. If you are double minded, if Christ is grafted to you, and you are not in a warfare, you are AWOL. If you have no warfare, either you do not have Christ, or you are completely dead, Christ is in you completely dead.
Christ was lying dormant under the carnal mind of Jesus’ disciples. Jesus separated Christ, the fruit of Elijah’s spirit, from Leviathan, their second mind. How do you think He separated Christ from Leviathan in them? How did Jesus separate Christ from Leviathan in His disciples? Judgment, brethren, judgment.
Separation is the fruit of judgment. It is the threshing floor, it is the separation of the wheat and the tares, it is the beating of the wheat to bring forth separation. Beating, beating, against your carnal mind, to come off, you hard shell that is covering Christ, come off! The disciples killed Leviathan.
They needed help, brethren. Jesus imparted the seed of Christ to the disciples, Christ was grafted to them, but He was dormant.
When Jesus came and revealed their sin nature, their carnal mind, then the disciples were able to see which thoughts were Satan and Leviathan, and which thoughts were Christ, and the personalities of the disciples clove unto the thoughts of Christ and agreed with him to destroy the thoughts of their carnal mind, and they killed Leviathan.
How did they kill Leviathan? Does anybody know how they killed Leviathan? Where does Leviathan exist? Where is she?
COMMENT: In the subconscious mind?
PASTOR VITALE: That is true. Maybe I did not make the question clear. Leviathan is the subconscious mind, but symbolically speaking, where is she found? Is she found in the woods, is she found in the mountains? Where is she found?
COMMENT: In the mind?
PASTOR VITALE: She is in Satan’s sea. Leviathan is
the sea Serpent that exists in Satan’s sea. Satan’s symbol is the sea, and Leviathan is the Serpent that lives in the sea. The way we kill Leviathan is to boil the waters of Satan’s sea. Then, Leviathan gets cooked, and her flesh is consumed by the high priest.
Leviathan is sacrificed by boiling, and the high priest eats her flesh. Who is the high priest that eats her flesh? We are talking about spiritual sacrifice now. Who is the high priest that consumes Leviathan’s flesh when she is sacrificed by boiling? Christ Jesus within you, brethren. Christ Jesus consumes her flesh. Praise the Lord.
Actually, the Fiery Serpent, every man born of a woman has a Fiery Serpent which is an energy force, is the seed of Leviathan. To say that Christ Jesus consumes Leviathan is just another way of saying that Christ Jesus utterly dominates, controls, and becomes one with the Fiery Serpent in the individual and becomes one with that Fiery Serpent in a configuration where Christ Jesus is Lord and ruler, where Christ Jesus rules over the Fiery Serpent.
This is the end of our sin nature. No more temptation to sin. We lose our temptation to sin when our righteous mind utterly consumes our unrighteous mind, and they become a singularity, no more two minds, but one singular mind under the authority of Christ Jesus.
Satan would love to make us singular, those of us who have the mind of Christ, she would love to make us into a singularity. She would love to make us into one mind under the dominion of herself, Satan.
“And the disciples killed Leviathan, and Christ appeared in the orchard of olive trees in their heart energy centers.” Christ appeared. When Leviathan is boiled and consumed, Christ appears. How does Christ appear? In your nature, in your thoughts, in your attitudes, and the way you relate to people.
"And Christ appeared in the orchard of olive trees." Many people who are following the Scripture with their carnal mind are waiting for Christ Jesus to appear on the Mount of Olives, but that is just another way of saying, "the orchard of olive trees." And the mountain that arises out of that orchard... and, what does the olive tree represent, does anybody know what the olive tree represents?
COMMENT: Christ, the Tree of Life?
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Tree of Life is an olive tree. It is not an apple tree. It is an olive tree. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is not an apple tree. What kind of a tree is that?
COMMENT: The fig tree.
PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is a fig tree. That is why Jesus cursed the fig tree. He did not curse some poor, physical tree that was just sitting there minding its own business.
He cursed the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in his disciples because the fig tree, signifying the carnal mind is not capable of producing the fruit that Jesus was looking for. He was looking for Christ. He was looking for the man child. That is the fruit He was looking for. He was looking to form a spirit tie with his disciples, and He could only form a spirit tie with Christ, or the resurrected Abel.
In Judah, He is called the resurrected Abel. He cursed their carnal minds. He said, "Your carnal minds cannot produce this tree. I therefore curse you, this tree, this carnal mind, and I will bring forth the Tree of Life in you." The orchard of olive trees is the heart center. The mountain, or the mountain of olives that arises out of the heart center, there are two levels of mountains.
The mountain that arises out of the orchard of olive trees is the fifth energy center, which is the throat center. If your consciousness abides in your throat center, you are a very spiritually powerful person, and when your whole man ascends into your brow energy center, you are in perfection.
It is possible for your spirit to be in the brow energy center. Maybe that is even what the mount of olives is. Actually, it is the brow energy center, the spirit of the man could be ascended into the brow energy center, and the man will not be in perfection if his personality is still in the heart center.
When the whole man ascends into the brow energy center, you are in perfection, and you can no longer die. You can die, but it would take very, very severe events. It is not likely that you would die. You are above the powers of this world in the sixth energy center.
Technically speaking, so long as we are in this flesh, we could always die.
Verse 2, “And Jesus said to them (to His disciples), transfer over into Christ Jesus, the spiritual village on the opposite side of your heart center.” They were on the right side of the heart center. He said, "Go into the left side of the heart center where Christ Jesus is, where it is dry ground."
When Jesus said something like this, He was not just making a suggestion to His disciples, He was giving them the power to do it. Anyone that has this knowledge of how preferable the left side of the heart center is where Christ Jesus rules, over the right side of the heart center where Satan rules, anyone with that knowledge would go into the left side of the heart center.
Why were they not in the left side of the heart center? Because to get into the left side of your heart center you have to overcome Satan who dominates the whole right side of the heart center. You have to get through the sea, you have to cross over the sea.
When Jesus said, "Go into the left side of your heart center where Christ Jesus is," He was giving them the power to do it. Jesus said to them, “Transfer over into Christ Jesus, the spiritual village on the opposite side of your heart center, and immediately when you arrive there, you shall perceive the dumb animal, Cain, bound up together with Christ, the offspring of your personality.”
What does that mean, brethren? It could take a long time to get from the right side of the heart center to the left side of the heart center, but once you arrive there, immediately after you arrive at the left side of the heart center where you are free of Satan’s influence, you will see Cain within yourself. You will see the truth. If you are blinded, you are blinded by the God of this world.
If you are under Satan’s influence, you are blinded to the spiritual truth as Christ Jesus sees it. He says, "As soon as you get there," it could take a whole lifetime for you people, I am talking about relating this to human beings. To people in the church right now, it could take years for you to migrate from the right side of the heart center, which is under Satan’s influence, to the left side of your heart center, which is under the influence of the glorified Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus within you.
Satan is not there, but when you get there, immediately, as soon as you are free from Satan’s influence, who is blinding your mind, you will realize that there is a dumb animal within you. The church calls her the flesh. There is a part of you that is ignorant. That offends you? I rebuke your pride. The truth will set you free!
There is an ignorant, spiritual animal within you that is doing everything she can to stop you from going on in Christ. Why? Because she serves Satan. As soon as you are delivered from Satan’s blindness, and this does not have to be an across-the-board deliverance. This is true for any revelation that you have.
We are spirit, and spirit is not a particle, spirit is an energy stream. We are made up of many particles. We are a wave that is made up of many particles, and one particle can make it to the left side of the heart center.
You told me, twenty years ago in the Catholic church you heard the Lord say to you, "Don’t celebrate Christmas, it is a pagan holiday." That one particle of your spirit made it over to the left side of the heart center and received a word of truth.
Any area in which you have received the truth, you had that with regard to the Holy Spirit. You had the same experience, and you did not believe in the Holy Spirit. Any experience that you have where you receive a word of truth from the Lord Jesus, some aspect of you has overcome Satan and is abiding in the left side of the heart center.
Jesus is controlling this situation and He is was Jesus’ intention for His disciples to see that this ignorant part of themselves, which we have found in other studies, is the conscious mind. The conscious mind is the veil that covers our subconscious mind, which is our spiritual potential.
Jesus wanted them, His disciples, to see how Christ within them was bound together with Cain. By saying to them, "Go to the left side of your heart center, and this is what you will see, Cain bound to Abel," Jesus was giving them the power, He was setting them free in this area.
Jesus was imparting the power to them to receive this understanding that there is an ignorant part of their spiritual being, their conscious mind, which is killing, killing, their spiritual potential. That every time Christ in them wanted to think or did think a spiritual thought, their conscious mind was right there thinking something carnal, killing Christ, crushing him. Why did Jesus want his disciples to see this? Why, anybody? So that they could resist.
You will never ascend in Christ if you do not resist and ultimately overcome your conscious mind, which is a part of Satan’s household. Made of the earth, your conscious mind is made of the earth. Spiritual ascension requires a spiritual mind. Christ, your spiritual mind, must be liberated, separated from Cain, the ignorance of your conscious mind, which loves the things of this world and does not want to change.
She is the stubborn animal that will not change. Inability to change is a manifestation of your conscious mind. It is a resistance to become spiritual, because people who are spiritual change easily. Spiritual people flow like rivers, so resistance to change is a sign that the conscious part of your carnal mind is standing like a strong wall, preventing you from becoming spiritual.
If you want to become spiritual, you have to bring down this wall, or you have to go over the wall. How are you going to go over the wall if you do not even know that you have a wall?
Jesus said in this one area, "I am setting you free." In this one area of your understanding, I am establishing you in the left side of your heart center, beyond Satan’s grasp, and you will understand that the part of you, the part of your spiritual being, which has the ability to make you spiritual in the spirit of Christ, not in the spirit of this world, that, that part of you, in Jews it could be called Abel, or it could be called Christ.
I am not going to go into that whole separation now. You have to see that Cain is covering Abel and stopping up your spirituality from coming forth in Christ Jesus, so that you can separate from that ignorance.
“And immediately you shall perceive the dumb animal, Cain, bound up together with Christ, the offspring of your personality.” That is referring to the Scripture that says, "You shall be saved in childbearing." The personality is female, and we are bringing forth the son, we are bringing forth that man child that the Dragon is seeking to devour as soon as he is born.
Then, Jesus continues, “Separate the two with judgment and bring them to me.” Separate the two minds with judgment. How do you separate two minds with judgment? How do you distinguish a mind, let alone separate two minds? By the thoughts of the mind. Learn which thoughts are from your carnal mind, and which thoughts are from your Christ mind, distinguish between the two and utterly reject the thoughts of your carnal mind until she withers and dies.
Jesus said, "Those who love me are the ones who obey my commandments." I never heard this commandment, Pastor Vitale. Christ in you heard it. Which mind are you thinking with? You think you are obeying all of Christ’s commandments? We do not even know all of His commandments. I do not know all of His commandments.
It is the ignorance of the conscious part of your carnal mind that really would let you think that you are obeying all of Jesus’ commandments. He said, "Love ye one another." You think you know what love is? True love only comes out of the Christ mind. Can you tell the difference?
Verse 3, “And if any man that you are trying to free says anything to you, like Do not do that, Leave me alone, Who are you to judge me, Who do you think you are? tell that man that the Lord demands that they be set free immediately, and that they should depart in liberty, that Christ should depart in liberty.”
Anyone who says to you, "Who do you think you are telling me that I need my mind judged, or that I need my sins exposed?"
The only answer I have for you, anyone thinking that or saying that to me, is that I am not against you, I am for you and that the Lord Jesus commands and demands that Christ in you should be set free from your carnal mind and depart in liberty immediately.
These verses are interspersed, I have Verse 7 next, “And Jesus dominated Cain, the dumb animal, and Christ, the male offspring of the disciples (That is wrong, that should be Christ), and "Christ in the disciples dominated Cain, the dumb animal, and Christ, the male offspring of the disciples’ personality lay upon their heart center." (I see what I did here, I said it was Jesus by the power of His spirit dominated Cain in the disciples so that they could escape to the left side of the heart center.)
“And Christ, the male offspring of the disciples’ personality lay upon their heart center, and clothed the Fiery Serpent, their spiritual virginity, and married her.” We see that this is the same message that we found in Samson and Delilah. Jesus, by the power of His Christ Mind dominated the household of darkness so that Christ could arise and overcome Cain in the disciples.
I am reading out of the Alternate New Testament, in case someone is listening to this message, and these verses are interspersed. “Indeed, Christ Jesus, that great spiritual garment spread forth into the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, their other side, the disciples’ other side.”
Christ Jesus wants to suffocate the lifestyle of this world that you are living in, because everything in this world that you desire or enjoy is coming out of your carnal mind. You think you cannot live without something? You could live without it in a second if Christ Jesus covered your carnal mind. It is all in your carnal mind.
Everything of this world that you lust for, that you are not willing to leave behind, or you think you could not bear to leave behind, as soon as Jesus covers your carnal mind, you will forget all about it. That is the truth. You labor before the Lord and agonize and say, "What is wrong with me, Lord? I just do not want to study, I cannot stand the Doctrine of Christ, the thought of judgment frightens me.
When Christ Jesus ascends in you, you will love judgment, because righteousness rejoices in judgment. It is your mind, your problem is your mind.
We see that Christ Jesus, that great spiritual garment, spread forth into the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, the disciples’ other side, of the ones who cut down the branches of the trees of life." Let me start that from the beginning. “Indeed, Christ Jesus, that great spiritual garment, spread forth into the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, their other side, who, the Fiery Serpent, who cut down the branches of the Trees of Life.”
Who are the branches of the Trees of Life? Christ and the church. “And spread forth her lifestyle in the disciples.” We see Christ covering over the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent who has cut down the branches of the Tree of Life and put her lifestyle, which is the lifestyle of Satan, into the disciples.
Brethren, there is a continuous war going on. Christ Jesus is trying to cover your carnal mind, and your carnal mind is trying to cover Christ Jesus, and whichever mind is on top, that is the way you think!
Who are you, who are we? We are the personality. We are the wineskin, and there is a war going on for who will control, and dominate, and live through, and possess the wineskins. Which mind will we be an expression of? We are not passive victims. The Lord Jesus has called us into a warfare against the carnal mind we were born with, to fight on His side.
When we make that commitment, we cannot fail, if we do not faint. If you do nothing, you are joined to the carnal mind.
“And the spiritual ones went forth and joined Jesus.” The spiritual ones, you see, the King James Translation says, "the multitude," but we studied that word all the way back to the Old Testament, and found out that, that word multitude, it really means the spiritual ones, brethren. I do not think there were thousands of people following Jesus.
Brethren, this was 2,000 years ago in a small town. No electric power, only human power. I do not think there were 5,000 people in any town, or gathered together at one point. All those numbers are spiritual. The spiritual ones followed him.
I just got a letter from Nigeria. They want me to come visit them, they are going to send out hand bills, they want my picture, they are going to plaster it all over the time. No! The spiritual ones will come. Jesus did not do that, He did not have a PR agent!
That is what that woman that was crying out, "Here they are, the disciples of the great God!" Paul cast the demon out of her. She was giving them publicity, no! The spiritual ones will gravitate towards Christ Jesus, they will know He is around.
On my first trip to Nigeria, there were people, I had a week of very exciting meetings in a Kingdom church in Lagos, and there were people in that meeting that the Lord told them to come to.
Most Africans are very spiritual. They knew the Lord told them to come to that meeting. They did not even know who was going to be there. They did not hear my name, they did not see my picture, they did not know someone from America was in town.
The Lord told them to go to that church that night, and they went, and I was there. They came back for the rest of the week. The spiritual ones, brethren. The ones that live out of their spirit. If Jesus has to knock on your door for five days before you hear him, you are going to miss the party.
Maybe you do hear Him, maybe He told you to go to some meeting somewhere, and you said, "Oh, that is my carnal mind, I am not going to go." Did you ask him if it was him?
“And the spiritual ones went forth and joined Jesus, the one who preceded them, and Christ Jesus broke his silence of spiritual speech, and the disciples cried out.”
Listen, the spiritual people in town went out to meet Jesus because the Holy Spirit in them told them to go. It was not the Holy Spirit as we know the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit as we know Him is the Spirit of the glorified Jesus Christ, but it was the Spirit of Elijah in them.
I am not going to get into that in this message. They went out and they saw Him, and when they recognized that He was Christ, the Christ in them was set free and broke His silence. Christ in the people that acknowledged that it was Christ in Jesus, spoke.
This is what He said, “He cried out, This is the Son of David, the mystery of God revealed in a man. May Jesus, the one who comes in the nature of Adam, our Lord, prosper.”
That is the resurrected Adam, righteous Adam. “And may the mystery of the highest regions, or the highest energy centers, be revealed in us also.”
You heard about that silence in heaven for half an hour. Do you know what they are waiting for? Do you know what the silence is all about? Waiting for Christ to speak. The spirit of Christ plants the seed of Christ in you, and He has to get up, He has to overcome that earth that is covering Him and get up!
The earth that is covering Him is your carnal mind. The faster you deal with your carnal mind, which is your sin nature, the faster He will get up, the faster He will speak, and the faster you will be raised from the dead, because when He is raised, you will be raised with him. You are not going to be raised from the dead unless Christ in you is raised from the dead.
You will be raised into the resurrection of damnation, which is spiritual ascension by the spirit of Satan. Am I pronouncing evil on you? Pastor Vitale, are you doing what you accused so and so of doing earlier on this message? Are you promising retribution and hell to those who do not believe your message?
No. I am telling you what the Scripture says, there is going to be two resurrections. One of the just, and one of the damned. There is a Fiery Serpent in everyone born of a woman. We have a spiritual force within us, and she is going to ascend into spiritual power.
If she ascends married to Christ Jesus, you are going to live again. That is the resurrection of the just. Christ Jesus will ascend in you and you will go with him. If that Fiery Serpent ascends without Christ Jesus, that is the resurrection of the damned. I am not threatening you, I am telling you the truth. That is what is going to happen. It is already happening.
Such a message is designed for you to go on your face before the Lord and ask Him if this is the truth.
The promise of retribution to everyone who does not believe, that is not God! God does not punish you for not believing! God teaches you. He is a teacher. You have an open heart to be taught, He will labor with you until the teacher that He is laboring through was pulling his hair out of his head.
He will not give up on you if you really, seriously want to learn. He is not going to take retribution on you because you do not understand enough to believe. It is the condition of your heart!
The world is covered with ignorance. He who is ignorant will receive few stripes, but he who has knowledge and still does what the Scripture says is wrong, according to the way Jesus perceives it, you will receive many stripes.
You are responsible for what you hear. You are responsible for going before the Lord with this message. You are responsible to say, "Lord, I just may be wrong. If I am, please correct me." You are responsible to do that.
Jesus is here to deliver us from the ascension of damnation. He is working with all of His strength to deliver His people from the ascension of damnation. He is not here to punish those who have not been convinced. He comes to convince you with instruction to save your life!
If you ascend in damnation, He mourns for you. You are the personality. He comes with retribution against Satan and Leviathan who would turn you away from Him.
“And when they came to the point of killing their carnal mind, which is Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, their whole spiritual city... when they came to the point of killing their carnal mind, Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent, which is their whole spiritual city, quaked with fear, saying, Who is this Christ?”
Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent is a spiritual city, and Satan inhabits it. The mind is a city, the mind is a city for spirits, and the carnal mind is Satan’s city, and the Christ mind is the city of the Spirit of Christ and the glorified Jesus Christ, which when they marry, they will be one, one spirit.
A lot of people, when they come up against Christ, they are filled with fear. Uneducated people.
I had a woman in Nigeria tell me, it was on my second trip, she came back the second time. She says, "Pastor Vitale, God told me not to listen to your messages." I said, "How do you know God told you not to listen to my messages?" She said, “When I turn them on, I am so filled with fear, I cannot even bear it, and God does not do that. God does not make you afraid.”
No, God does not make you afraid, but Leviathan makes you afraid. This message and the spirit on this message is determined and designed and intended to destroy Satan’s city within you, which is your carnal mind. There is great fear.
“And the spiritual disciples answered (the spiritual disciples answered), This is Jesus (now this is in response to the question, Who is this Christ? Because there were disciples there, there were people there who loved God to the best of their ability at the time, saying, I love God, why am I filled with fear?)
“And the spiritual disciples, the one who had understanding, said to the carnal disciples, who were faithful as could be but without understanding, this is Jesus, the prophet, who the Spirit of Elijah and Adam guard in the Serpent’s timeline.”
It is not just this prophet, Jesus, but He carries the Spirit of Elijah and the regenerated Adam. There is great spiritual power here, and that is why your negative principles are afraid. Their death is imminent, and they know it.
“Indeed, all this was done so that which was spoken by the prophet might be explained in human language and fulfilled.”
All what was done? Adam was regenerated in the man Jesus. “And the whole work that was done in Jesus so that this great work, and this great plan of God of the salvation of humanity might be explained in human language and be fulfilled in every one who prefers Christ Jesus over their carnal mind. Therefore, tell Abel (now, all of these carnal disciples are now being instructed, Go tell Abel), the female descendant of the mind, no, that has to be a mistake."
The word Abel, I amplified that in, "No, that cannot be Abel." I am going to have to redo this.
“Go tell the female descendant of the mind generated (that is the Fiery Serpent), go tell the Fiery Serpent, the female descendant of the mind generated ones who dwell in the parched brow energy center, Look, Christ Jesus, your king, king of the Fiery Serpent, your king and your husband, the male offspring of your personality, is arising in you because you are in submission to him, or because the personality is in submission to him (I have to redo this verse).”
“Go tell the Fiery Serpent, the female descendant of the mind generated ones who dwell in the parched brow energy center (it is parched because there is no water there.) Why is there no water in the brow energy center of the righteous timeline? Does anybody know the answer to that question? Why is there no water, why is it parched, why is it desert in the brow energy center of the righteous timeline?
COMMENT: Because Satan was boiled and therefore distilled, the water was distilled into the spirit?
PASTOR VITALE: You have the general idea, but your carnal mind got it backwards, okay? The reason there is no water in the 6th energy center of the righteous timeline is because Satan stole all the water and she is in the parallel timeline.
Satan is in the 6th energy center of the parallel timeline, the timeline of this fallen world, with all of the water, and Satan has to be boiled for the water to be returned to the parched energy center of the counterfeit timeline.
"Go tell the Fiery Serpent, the female descendant of the mind generated ones who dwell in the parched brow energy center, Look, Christ Jesus, your king, the male offspring of your personality is arising in you, because the personality is in submission to him, even though Abel within the personality is married to Cain, that dumb animal." Even though we are married to our carnal mind, Christ is still rising in us.
"Go tell the Fiery Serpent, make your peace with your husband, because you are about to be divorced from Leviathan. Do not push against the pricks, because Christ Jesus, your king, is coming to get you, because the personality that you are a part of has received Him and is pursuing Him."
“And after Jesus acquired the disciples for Himself, He put them in order, and they crossed over to the other side.”
Do you think that He lined them up according to how tall they were? Do you think He put them in order alphabetically according to their names? Who did He put in order? He put the Fiery Serpent in order. He put her under Christ Jesus, He put her under Christ in the disciples.
The Fiery Serpent is female, she is supposed to be underneath Christ. “And He put them in order, and the disciples crossed over to the other side.” To what other side? To the left side of the heart center.
“And Christ and the Fiery Serpent ascended into the higher centers, and married the Spirit of Elijah.” Actually, that should be in Christ, and the whole personality, the Fiery Serpent is the personality.
“Speak to the female descendant of Israel, who used to occupy the high energy centers which are now parched and barren (that is the Fiery Serpent), Speak to the Fiery Serpent, the female descendant of Israel who used to occupy the high energy centers which are now parched and barren.”
She was cast down. The Fiery Serpent was cast down when Satan stole the energy or the waters of the creation from the true timeline, and apprehended them and used them to build up the counterfeit timeline. The Fiery Serpent was cast down and then ascended again in the false timeline.
The Fiery Serpent goes both ways. She can ascend in the true timeline or she can ascend in the false timeline. She is our spiritual virginity, she is the virgin that Paul was talking about. He was not talking about a human virgin, "and these are the virgins that follow Jesus everywhere."
The Fiery Serpent is our virginity, and if she follows Jesus instead of Leviathan, that personality is a virgin that follows Jesus everywhere.
“Speak to the Fiery Serpent, the female descendant of Israel, who used to occupy the high energy centers of the righteous timeline, but which timeline is now parched and barren. Look, Christ Jesus, your prince, who was not concerned with self is covering Cain, that stupid animal who was domesticated by the Egyptian tyrant.”
Who is the Egyptian tyrant? Anybody? Who is the Egyptian tyrant? Pharaoh. Who is Pharaoh? Does anybody remember who Pharaoh is? Spiritually speaking, who was Pharaoh? You had that answer last week, you forgot it? (chuckle)
PASTOR VITALE: Pharaoh is the Scriptural name of Leviathan when he is joined to the Fiery Serpent who has ascended into the 7th energy center. Pharaoh is a very powerful manifestation of ungodly spiritual power.
What this verse is saying is, "Judah, Israel, you used to be supernatural giants through ascension in the righteous timeline, but your personality agreed with Satan’s ungodly thoughts, and the Fiery Serpent who was up there with you, she is your spiritual potential. She was up in the 6th energy center of the righteous timeline, but because your thoughts agreed with Satan," and why would you agree with Satan?
Why would anybody in the high realms of the spirit with God agree with Satan? Why? Does anybody know why? They could not tell that it was Satan, they thought it was God!
We see the Hebrews that were ascended to a high spiritual place could not distinguish between the thoughts of Christ and the thoughts of their carnal mind, which are generated by Satan and, therefore, the whole man fell, and the same thing is happening in the church today. They cannot tell the difference between the thoughts of Satan and the thoughts of the Holy Spirit.
"And after the Fiery Serpent fell out of that high place in Jehovah, she ascended again in Leviathan’s timeline. And she ascended all the way up to the crownlets energy center, where she joined with Leviathan to make him, Pharaoh, a high powerful energy source of unrighteousness."
That is what is happening to the church today. That is what is happening to the church today, and whatever you have in Christ will be lost if you cannot distinguish between the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ and the voice of the angel of light. You agree with the voice of the angel of light, whatever you have in Christ will be lost, and you will ascend in Satan’s spirit, and you will not know what is happening to you until you are pretty far gone.
“Speak to the female descendant of Israel who used to occupy the high energy centers, which are now parched and barren. Look, Christ Jesus, your prince (now this is the personality the Lord’s talking to, the Fiery Serpent is a part of the personality), Look, Christ Jesus, your prince, who is not concerned with self (He is not preaching this message because He wants to get something from you, this message is coming forth to save your life!)...
Christ Jesus, your prince, who is not concerned with self, is covering Cain, the stupid animal within you, who was domesticated by the Egyptian tyrant, and marrying Abel, the youthful male horse (that is a translation of colt, and Cain is a translation of ass, going to marry Abel), which will bring forth Christ Jesus, the man child (that is a translation of foal), and Cain (that is a translation of ass) shall be yoked between Christ Jesus and the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall live.”
What is this? This is a prophecy. The Lord says, "I know everything that you have done. You have been deceived, you followed the wrong spirit, you are ascended in the wrong spirit, but do you not believe it? I am going to bring down that Fiery Serpent, and Christ Jesus in you is going to marry her, for all of you who really love the Lord Jesus and are genuinely deceived. " Do not think it will be without pain, brethren, because it will not.
“And Christ Jesus shall appear in the one who joins with the Lord Jesus Christ, and agrees to destroy Leviathan.” Christ Jesus will appear in the personality that joins with the Lord Jesus Christ, and in their thoughts of agreement to destroy Leviathan."
When you agree in your thoughts to destroy Leviathan, you are in agreement with the thoughts of Christ Jesus. When you say, "There is no sin nature, or there is no need to overcome or destroy my sin nature," you are out of agreement with Christ Jesus, and in agreement with the thoughts of Satan.
Christ Jesus is appearing only in the ones who join with the Lord Jesus Christ in their agreement to destroy their own carnal minds. If you do not have that agreement, if you do not know, and you are not determined to destroy your carnal mind, you are not ascending in Christ Jesus, because you are in agreement with thoughts that are not His.
Thoughts that say you ascend just by looking up are not the thoughts of the Lord Jesus Christ. “And Christ Jesus shall appear in the one who joins with the Lord Jesus Christ, and agrees to destroy Leviathan, his own mortal mind, so that our supernatural mind can dominate us. But the Lord Jesus Christ will separate the undesirable element out from unrepentant man by his spirit through the painful process known as tribulation.”
That is judgment, tribulation is judgment. I have been preaching this for a long time. There are people, many, many people in the church who are crying, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, day and night for years and years and years. Yet, they are deceived, and they are following after the wrong spirit.
The Lord Jesus will respond to the cry of your heart. If you have got false doctrine, if you are in sin because you do not know that it is sin, or if you are in sin because you are really overcome, you are really trying all you can but you cannot get out – He is coming to help you by revealing your sins through tribulation.
The word tribulation means "the driving downward." He is coming to drive your carnal mind downward into the bottomless pit. He is coming by His spirit despite your error in doctrine, despite your error in discernment, despite every error in your carnal mind.
If your true heart has been crying, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, He is coming with judgment to separate your carnal mind from Christ so that Satan can go into tribulation and be driven down into the bottomless pit, and sealed over by Christ Jesus, that you might receive His mind and His Life.
Even when Jesus does come, if you want, if you choose to express it this way – that Jesus is coming with retribution, because retribution is towards your carnal mind, and the powers and principalities within you, which are preventing you from arising into your Christ mind, and His motive towards you is to liberate you from the evils of this world, that you might live with Him.
Even when He does come with judgement, His motive is to liberate you that you might live. Not to punish you for not believing in Him.
I got into that whole exhortation to comment on the moneychangers, and what I will do from here is just read the couple of paragraphs. If you have a copy of my book, A Colt, the Foal of an Ass, I am on page 92. I think it is just two paragraphs. I will read it to you.
I told you at the beginning of this message that Verse 11 is really not the end of this account, but I did not have time to work up Verses 12 and 13. I will tell you, however...let me read you Verse 12, “And Jesus went into the temple of God (this is the King James now) and cast out all of them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the table of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold doves.”
I looked at this in the Interlinear Text, brethren, and I am convinced that this verse, that the temple that Jesus went into was not the physical temple. There are two Greek words translated “temple” in the Scripture. I will tell you this, and you are free to have your own opinion here.
The Greek Interlinear Text, both versions of it that I have, indicate that the temple is the physical building, the temple, but I believe that the Lord has told me otherwise, and it is very possible that a scribe somewhere said, in other words, in the Scripture that says your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, it is a different Greek word. Let me get back on that, I ran two sentences together.
I believe that the Lord has told me otherwise, and that it is very possible that a scribe somewhere changed the word. There are two Greek words that are translated “temple,” and the Scripture that says, "Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost," it is a different Greek word than the Greek word that says "temple," referring to the "spiritual temple."
It is possible that some scribe said somewhere that this has to be wrong, in other words, what I was suggesting when I preached this message, and I am still suggesting it, is that if the correct Greek word that meant the spiritual temple was in the Scripture at this point, some Greek scribe said, "This cannot be true, this had to be the physical temple," and they just changed the word to the Greek word that means "physical temple."
Or, even more so, remember, this New Testament was written in Aramaic, and then it was translated into Latin, then it was translated into Greek, and then it was translated into English. Somewhere in the translation, it may not have even been a scribe who made a judgment that this is the wrong word, They may have read it in Latin.
When the translator looked at the Latin, or even when the translator looked at the original Aramaic and saw the word temple when it was translated into Latin, they legitimately translated it into the word that meant physical temple.
Or when the Greek translator looked at the Latin, they legitimately translated it into the Greek word that means physical temple. Maybe in Latin there is only one word that means temple. Maybe in Latin there is only one word that means temple, so when the Greek scholar looked at the Scripture to translate this word that means temple, into Greek, he says, "In Greek, there are two different word that means temple. I think this Scripture must be talking about the physical temple, and that translator took the word that means physical temple. Something as simple as that.
If you do not want to go along with this, it is fine, but this is what is in my spirit. I am looking at the Interlinear Text here, but I do not have access to the lexicons while I am preaching. I believe that Verse 12, Jesus went into the temple of God, and we know that we are...the Scripture says that we are the temple of the Holy Ghost. Jesus went into the temple of God, and we are the temple of the Holy Ghost.
Of course, the temple of God is the Mind of Christ. The Scripture says that we are the temple of the Holy Ghost. Yes, the carnal mind is the temple of the Holy Ghost, but the temple of God is the Mind of Christ. I am not going to go into the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ right now.
There is a difference between the temple of the Holy Ghost and the temple of God. Of course, in the Greek it says the temple of God, theos. We do not know which God it is. It could be the temple of the God of this world. It could be that Jesus went into the carnal minds of the disciples, and He threw out all of those that were selling and buying.
You may recall that, that expression, selling and buying, that is in the Book of Revelation with regard to the beast. “And no one will be able to buy or sell.” Brethren, this Scripture is not talking about going to the local supermarket and buying and selling. The phrase "buying and selling," this is a verbatim translation of my message, so I am having a little trouble reading it.
The phrase "buying and selling" is not referring to carnal buying and selling. Did Jesus not say, "Come and buy gold of me?" He is talking about His spirit, and the expression of buying and selling is talking about the buying and selling of the mind within you.
Sell that carnal mind, get rid of it, buy the Mind of Christ. What does "buy" mean? Buy means that you have to actively solicit it. If you are sitting on your lees waiting for God to treat you like an infant, and give you all of his grace and all of the gifts, and calling, and everything that is within Christ Jesus, while you just sit there and wait? No, you are not going to get it, you have to buy it.
You have to find out where it is, you have to go looking for the store, you have to understand it to some degree, and want it! You buy something that you want! You sell something that you do not want anymore. To buy and sell, you must actively reject your carnal mind and the whole lifestyle that goes with it, and you must honestly desire to possess and live in the lifestyle that comes from the Mind of Christ. You have to want it!
Brethren, every time we prefer our carnal mind over Christ, we sell Christ. This is not a new principle. I have been teaching you this for a while, but I have never used these words to explain it to you. I have usually said, we sacrifice Christ every time we prefer our carnal mind, we sacrifice Christ. This is just another way of saying it.
When we prefer our carnal mind, we sell Christ, and when we choose Christ, we buy gold of Jesus. You do not have to believe it, but can you hear it? Do you know what I am talking about?
This is the Interlinear Text, "And went in Jesus into the temple of God" – we do not really know which God it is. It could be the God of this world, and Jesus went into the temple of the God of this world, the carnal mind, and threw out all those that were out selling and buying in the temple, the table of the moneychangers He overthrew.
I do not recall what those words mean, but we know that there was a turning over. We know that the Book of Acts says, These are the men who turned the world upside down. It is talking about overthrowing the carnal mind so that the Christ mind can come up on top. Based on what we have heard so far, my guess would be that Jesus went into the temple of the God of this world, and He overthrew it.
He overthrew the carnal mind, He overthrew the carnal mind in His disciples, and He also overthrew the seats of the ones selling the doves. I told you, I have not studied this in depth, but we know that the Scripture says that the dove was the symbol of the Holy Spirit coming down on Jesus, and when I did do a deep study on that, I found that the way the Scripture expresses the dove that descended in a bodily form, it was John the Baptist.
John the Baptist had an imputed manifestation of the resurrected Adam in him. John the Baptist was not born of seed like Jesus was born of seed. What I am saying here is that the dove that descended in a bodily form was the imputed Christ Jesus that was in John. It transferred from John to Jesus. That symbol, the bodily form of the dove, was Christ Jesus transferred from John the Baptist to Jesus.
“But there were many men and women in Judah in that day because of the covenant with Jehovah that came through the law that did have Christ formed in them.” He was an imputed Christ, just like a lot of people in the church today, they are very faithful to God, they have an imputed Christ. They have not really overcome their carnal mind yet, but they do have a Mind of Christ in them that is a temporary mind of Christ. That is the answer.
The only time you are going to hold on to the mind of Christ, brethren, is when you overcome your carnal mind, when the mind of Christ exists in you because you have defeated Satan and overcome your carnal mind.
If the Lord gives you the mind of Christ, and it is given to you as a gift, usually for a specific purpose to do a specific ministry, and the Lord wants you to keep what He has given you, He is coming to you with judgment because, and when I say that, that He is coming to you with judgment, I mean that He is coming to you to expose the sins of your carnal mind, so that you can keep that mind of Christ.
Otherwise, it is just a matter of countdown time until Satan strengthens that carnal mind to rise up and kill the Christ in you that has been raised up in you without you overcoming it.
After this whole account of Verses 1 through 11, I am convinced that Jesus entered into the temple of the God of this world, the carnal mind, He entered into the minds of the disciples and He overthrew their carnal minds, He overthrew the ones that bought and sold Christ all the day long. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers, He overturned them, He put Christ on top and the carnal mind on the bottom.
It says that He also overturned the seats of the ones selling doves. I was telling you about the dove, when I did that deep study on John the Baptist, I found out that the dove descending in a bodily form was the resurrected Adam joined to the spirit, that should be Elijah, I may not have this right. I am reading this from our book.
I am really getting slain in the spirit, but it was the spirit of God, and whatever form it was in, the dove, it was the spirit of God, whatever form it was in, in John the Baptist, and I think it was the resurrected Adam joined to the personality, which is what I would say today. It went from John the Baptist to Jesus when John baptized Jesus.
Jesus had the spirit of Elijah. It was the spirit of Elijah that had incarnated Jesus, but John had the resurrected Adam within him. John was a holy man. Adam was raised from the dead in him. Jesus, who already had the spirit of Elijah, the one who was born with the spirit of Elijah, Jesus, now received the resurrected Adam in John, who touched Jesus and raised Adam from the dead in Jesus too.
Jesus had the resurrected Adam and the spirit of Elijah. The way the Scripture expresses that is that the dove descends in a bodily form. A dove is an animal, it is saying that this was not a pure spirit, this was not a pure spirit. I am having a lot of trouble explaining this, and this probably is not accurate, but this interaction between John and Jesus brought forth the spirit of God in a man, and that is the significance of the dove.
You do not have to believe it, but do you understand what I just said? We knew for a long time that it was not a physical dove, but the reason the Scripture says "dove" is that it is talking about the spirit of God formed by a man. The spirit of God in John mixed with his personality, that is why the Scripture says the dove, it calls it an animal.
He overturned those who were selling the doves. They were selling the Christ. He says to them, "It has been written, my house is a house of prayer." Prayer is communication with God, and you can only communicate with God through the Mind of Christ. He says, "My house is supposed to be a house of prayer, or shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers because you are living out of your carnal mind."
It is not really clear to me whether Jesus did this to the disciples, or after He raised up the disciples He went to the rest of Israel He did this, I am not really sure. "You have made it a den of robbers," that is the end of Verse 13.
The next phrase, I think it goes on to Verse 14. The next thing it says, "And came near to him, the blind and the lame in the temple, and He healed him." Do you know who the blind and the lame were? They were the people whose mind He entered into and overturned the moneychangers in them. You have to be blind and lame to be selling Christ.
My opinion of these last few Verses, 12, 13, and 14, is that after Jesus had this great victory with His disciples, He went to the rest of Israel, and I believe He went in the spirit, and He touched all of them. Is that not what I have just been preaching tonight?
That the Word of the Lord to me is that His deliverance is the ascending of the minds of the church, of the seeding of the minds of the church. If we are high enough in the spirit, we will not even have to be face-to-face with them, those who are seeding will not even have to be face-to-face with the people who are receiving the seed.
We will do it from our prayer closet. I believe that is what happened. Jesus had this tremendous victory with his disciples, and then He went to the temple, He went to the collective Israel by His spirit, entered into their minds, attacked their carnal minds, and overturned them just as it happened with Elijah and the sons of Israel who were worshiping Baal.
When Jesus overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the minds of the rest of Israel, actually that should be Judah, those who were blind and lame, and came to him for help (who was blind and lame?). It was their spirit, or if they had Abel, if he was in them, that aspect in them, maybe it was the imputed Christ in them. Maybe it was the imputed Christ in them who could not even function because the carnal mind was so strong.)
That is pretty much it. I did say one thing that I would like to comment on. I said that only the Christ mind can communicate with God. The Holy Spirit communicates with the carnal mind. The Holy Spirit is just the spirit, the Holy Spirit is not the whole man of the glorified Jesus Christ. If you want to communicate with the whole man, the glorified Jesus Christ, or Jehovah through him, you have to go through Christ Jesus.
If you have a carnal mind, and you are seeking God and you are just at the beginning of your journey, you can have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. If you can hear it.
I am not going to go into that whole thing now.
Praise the Lord! Are there any questions or comments here on this issue of the moneychangers?
The moneychangers, they are the ones that exchange the carnal mind for the mind of Christ. Money, usually the money, the Greek or Hebrew word "money" means silver, and silver means salvation, so the ones who take your salvation, the one who would take the Christ mind from you and exchange it for the carnal mind and tell you that you are saved, it is talking about the false ascension, Satan and Leviathan, the ones that give you spiritual gifts, that curve you around and bring you back down to hell. That is who they are.
Anyone who is a mouthpiece for Satan and Leviathan, and tries to curve you back down into your carnal mind.
This is a very exciting message, and I believe the Lord is prophesying through this message, and He is going to deliver every Christian who has truly sought Him with all their heart, but have received a false message, and have been deceived by an angel.
The Lord Jesus has promised to deliver them, and that is a very exciting end to this message, I think it is a very positive message. Any questions or comments?