042 - Part 5
(Revelation 6-7 & Genesis 49)

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord. This is the sixth seal of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John, part 5. I have a couple of comments for you, based on last week’s message, the -- and I just wanted to point out to you that the 12 tribes of Israel listed in Genesis 49 are in the order of their birth, the -- starting with the oldest. Reuben was the firstborn to Jacob. And the tribes listed in Revelation 7 are not listed in their order of birth. I haven’t drawn a conclusion yet as to what order they’re listed in. If God gives me that information at the end of this study on the 12 tribes, I’ll share it with you, but I’d rather not say anything at this point.


OK, the second thing with regard to last week’s message that I’d like to point out is that there are two sealings, and the first one is the sealing with the Holy Spirit of promise. 2nd Corinthians 1:22 says, “Who has also sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.” Ephesians 1:13 says, “In whom also, after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.” Ephesians 4:30 says, “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” This first sealing is only a protective mark -- is a mark of ownership that says that you belong to the Lord. In 2nd Corinthians 1:32, it says we’re given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts, and that earnest, if you look up that word in the Greek, what it means is a down payment. It’s a taste. It’s just a touch of the life of God that enters into our carnal hearts.


In Ephesians 1:13, we’re told that the Holy Spirit and the seal of the Holy Spirit is the promise, and in Ephesians 4:30, we’re told that we’re sealed unto the day of redemption. It’s a promise of protection, a mark of ownership. This sealing is not referring to having the image of God impressed upon our souls, and the second sealing is the actual impressing of the nature of God upon the souls of men, and that relates to the seal that was used in prior ages or pri- -- not prior ages, but in prior centuries, where a monarch would have the seal, and he would melt some wax and put it on an envelope and press the seal on the wax. It would be his -- it would be the sign that he wrote the letter, and our souls are becoming like melted wax. Indeed, Peter has told us that, in the last day, the elements shall melt because of the great heat, and I declare to you that the great heat is the appearing of Jesus Christ in our minds and in our beings and in our spiritual substance, and that heat shall cause our souls to melt, and the nature and the image of God shall be impressed upon our souls. This is the second sealing.


John 8:27 says, “Labor not for the meat which perishes, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of Man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.” Now, men and women of God that have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise cannot give you eternal life, brethren. They cannot give you eternal life. Only a Son of God, someone whom [sic] is impressed with the image of the Father, who speaks what -- the words of life, words that are spirit and words that are life, unto the imparted anointing, can fertilize your soul and impart eternal life to you. So we -- I just wanted to clear that up, that there are two different sealings.


Recap Revelation 7:4 and the first third of Revelation 5, and then we’re going to recap -- and what we’re doing, for the people that haven’t heard a prior tape, is that we’re studying the 12 tribes of Israel and trying to determine what their characteristics are, so that we can identify those characteristics in the spiritual sons of God, because in this new covenant, in this spiritual age, we cannot tell who we are because of who we were born to. Under the Hebraic covenant, the covenant between Israel and Almighty God, Israel -- members of Israel knew who they were because their parents were born to a tribe of Israel, but in this hour, in spiritual Israel, it has nothing to do with our natural parents. And sometimes we have a lot of trouble discerning who we are in God, and especially the more mature we are in God and the more we have been called by God and the higher calling that we’re called to, the more doubt and disbelief is in- -- afflicted and inflicted upon our mind, glory to God.


And people will tell us, hallelujah, that we’re not what we are told that we are, and they will tell us not to believe the Holy Spirit in our own hearts, and they will tell us not to believe the promises of God, that we’re nothing and that we have no power and that we’re servants and that we’re not sons, but we have to know that high calling that we are called to, glory to God, and we have to believe God, and we have to go for it, despite all opposition. We have to be everything that he has called us to be, hallelujah, despite the influence of our carnal mind and despite every person that the Satanic realm will send to us to tell us that we are not what we are. God requires us to rise up -- requires us to rise up by the power of his Spirit and be everything that we could be in Christ, glory to God.

So we’re recapping last week, and we’re dealing in Revelation, chapter 7, verses 4 and 5, and we’re doing a study on the 12 tribes of Israel. We’re cross-referencing to Genesis 49 to try and understand the characteristics of natural Israel, hoping that that information will identify where we are or who we are in Christ, because it’s much harder in this dispensation to determine who we are in Christ, and we have all kinds of spiritual powers coming to us, denying what we are, glory to God. And I understood that thousands of the descendants of Israel’s sons were completed in their spirits as Christ stood up in full stature in them, and the number which describes their mature spiritual condition is 144. Thousands of the tribe of Judah, already sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, whose spiritual condition is described by the number 12, were completed in their spirits.


OK, now, we’re going on to Genesis 49:8-12, and we’re going to do -- understand the scriptures that describe the tribe of Judah, and anybody listening to this tape, try and see if you can relate this to your walk with the Lord. Judah, your brothers shall repent before you, present their needs to you with moanings, and give thanks for you. You shall have power to destroy your enemies. Your father’s children shall acknowledge your authority.


And I want you to note, I’m going to read verse 9 now. These are the alternate translations. I made a correction in verse 9. When I read it to you last week, I read it to you with a question mark, and it -- I -- the Lord told me, it’s not a question. The Son of God was lowered into the realm of appearance, so that he could multiply. He became a full and natural man, and now that he has brought forth many young, the one whom [sic] shall fulfill the promise and cause him to rise in spiritual power again. And now that he has brought forth many young, he is the one who shall fulfill the promise and cause him to rise in spiritual power again.


So, what the scripture is telling us, that those who are in the tribe of spiritual Israel were the original sons of God that followed the Son of God into the earth at the beginning of the creation. And they are now being resurrected from the dead. Jesus, the Son of God, was resurrected from the dead 2,000 years ago, and now the sons that propelled him into the earth, back at the foundation of the earth, are being resurrected from the dead. And, if you are one of those entities, these things will be manifesting in your life. You’re going to have power to overcome your enemies. Your brethren shall recognize that you have spiritual authority to bless them, pray healing and deliverance for them, and to help them. And they’re going to acknowledge your authority.


Now, this to -- in a large degree, has not happened yet. We’re waiting for the appearance of the sons of God. Judah -- and, just to finish the thought of what I was saying, they shall appear. These spiritual sons shall appear in the human vessels that they’re indwelling, and they shall cause them to rise in spiritual power. They’re going to cause the natural man, the members of the living soul, to be raised back up to the realm of the Spirit.


And, for those listening to this tape that might not know this, the living soul, before he fell, lived in the high realms of the spirit with God and enjoyed all of the mercies and the benefits of being without sin in the will of God. But sin was found in him, iniquity was found in him, and he fell, glory to God, and now, by the appearance of the spiritual entities that followed Jesus Christ into the earth -- and what that really means is that within Christ, when he was pelled -- propelled into the earth, were many spiritual members that -- we’ve even likened it -- we’ve even likened it to sperm. When Almighty God decided to reproduce himself, he propelled his Son into the earth with the potential of being many spiritual members, and now the ver- -- many spiritual members are appearing in the natural man, and one of the things they’re going to do is raise the natural man back up to the high realm of the Spirit, where he will again benefit from all of the blessings of being in a right standing with Almighty God. And, of course, the major blessing is that he shall not die anymore. Excuse me.


Judah, I think, this is verse 10 -- Judah, a young spirit, you have been elevated back into the realm of the Spirit of God, my son, after having been plucked out of it like a leaf falls off a tree, glory to God. Hallelujah. The spiritual root of Christ shall not be removed from the descendants of Judah, nor shall a man with his mark cease to be born until Messiah come. And Messiah shall have authority over the people, joining the broken, and this is what he’s going to do when he appears and he has authority over the people. He’s going to join the broken and domesticated living soul that he was formed into when he descended into the earth to his glorified soul, and the spirit of the living souls and his spirit, which is the spirit of the Father.


The many members of his soul shall be saturated with the life of the Father and his Satanic realm righteous -- shall be made righteous because of the rich milk of his soul life. Glory to God, Satan is going to be castrated and held underfoot because of the life-giving force of the milk of Jesus Christ. Halle- -- hallelujah. When life is flowing, when milk and honey is flowing, death can do nothing but lay [sic] down and bow his knee, glory to God.


So these are the characteristics of spiritual Judah. I’ve summarized it for you. You shall have the power to defeat your enemies. Your brothers shall repent before you and acknowledge your authority, and you shall minister to them because, brethren, you cannot minister to someone if they won’t repent and acknowledge your authority. And what they will repent of is denying your authority, because there’s no -- there’s nothing that you can give to somebody if they won’t acknowledge your authority, and the same thing is true in the natural with natural children. The same thing is true in relationship with Almighty God. If you’re not acknowledging His authority, your relationship is one of rebellion, and he is the chastiser. You are in rebellion, and he is the chastiser. If your child is in rebellion, you must chastise him. There are no blessings, there are no mercies, there are no privileges, until you come into submission and receive the Godly things that the one in authority has for you.


So, we’re back to point two. Your brothers shall repent before you that they denied your authority. They shall acknowledge your authority, and you shall minister to them. There is no ministry until that authority is acknowledged.


Point three. The spiritual root of Christ shall not be removed from you. The spiritual root of Christ shall not be removed from you. That means, no matter what measure in which it’s manifesting, the life of Christ shall always be present in you, whether it be in the form of his law, whether you -- well, in this dispensation -- excuse me -- the manifestation of Christ is in the sons of God, but we’ve had many teachings that God is in his law, and if you have not had an opportunity -- if God has not brought you to a son of God and witnessed to you and not given you instruction in the scriptures and said that this man or this -- I always use the word man because one -- once God raises you up, it doesn’t matter what sex your body is, you’re a spiritual man -- that this man has spiritual authority, and this is where you can go for ministry and teaching and healing and deliverance.


If you don’t know that -- if you’re living on the other side of the world somewhere, and the word of the Lord -- of the law -- comes to you, God will bless you if you can read that Bible and say this is a truth of God’s word, acknowledge that it’s righteousness, and I desire it. He will bless you for it. And, in an even more extreme example, and I believe this from the bottom of my heart, and you don’t have to be living over in the middle of a jungle somewhere. Brethren, there are people right here in this country that have never seen a Bible. I know, when God called me, I was desperate, and I was living right here on Long Island, and I didn’t know where to go to get a Bible, with all these Christian bookstores around. I didn’t know where to go to buy a Bible.


So there are people right in this country that don’t know that there’s a meeting like this, that don’t know that there is that -- there’s life in the Bible. But if, somehow, a thought of righteousness comes to them, and they say, I’m not going to kill that person, or I’m not going to -- I’m not going to commit incest with my daughter. I’m not going to -- I’m not going to yield to this ungodly thought that has come into my mind. That is a manifestation of the righteousness of God that has filtered into their mind that is manifesting, because Satan would never restrain them. He would say, go for it.


Now, we don’t have to understand it -- it’s a minor detail -- except to say that the whole creation is out of God. Outside of God, there is nothing. We are made out of the substance of God, every last one of us, even Hitler. We wouldn’t exist if the Lord Jesus Christ wasn’t propelled into the earth and gave life to the earth. So he is in everyone and everything. In some people, he’s barely manifesting at all. But, if that thought comes into your mind and says, I’m not going to do it -- I’m not going to abuse that child, it’s wrong -- that is a manifestation of God in your life. Hallelujah. And what I’m talking -- when I say the spiritual root of Christ shall not be removed from you, that’s what I’m talking about. That’s what I’m talking about. There are some people that can’t even -- can’t even raise that up, glory to God.


OK, number -- the fourth point is, Messiah -- or, now, in this dispensation, the sons of God shall be born of you, and he shall have authority over the people. So, when this first [?roots?] [0:16:51.9] company that we’re awaiting for, the sons of God that are going to stand up in full spiritual power -- when they are born, we’re going to know that they’re spiritual Judah. We’re going to know that they’re spiritual Judah, glory to God, and the sign is that they’re going to have authority over the people, and they’re not going to have authority over the people by beating them into submission. That’s not how they’re going to have authority over them.


And we talked about this last week, that the people will come into obedience by an assertion of authority. We know that we don’t have to beat our children. We just have to stand up and look down on them and say, now, son, I told you not to do that. And if you speak it with authority, and if you manifest -- you might have to paddle them once or twice to show them that you mean what you’re saying, but you shouldn’t have to be beating your kids all day long. You’re supposed to manifest the authority that will bring them into obedience. OK? And that’s what’s going to happen with the sons of God. They are going to manifest the authority, and the rod of the sons of God is the Spirit of God. If there is a -- if -- how can I explain this, Lord?


OK, the authority of the son of God, or even a son of God in the making -- if he comes to you, and he gives you a word, and you are in rebellion against the word of the Lord, there’s nothing that I could do, or any minister can do. It comes between you and the Lord in your life. He does the chastening. He executes the judgment. He determines what he’s going to do to you that is going to make you realize that you made a mistake. I don’t do any of that unless he puts the word in my mouth. Can you see what I’m saying?


So, Messiah or the sons of God shall be born of you, and he shall have authority over the people. So, what we’re saying here is that the Holy Spirit, or however you want to describe God at this point, is going to bring the people into submission. What happened with Ananias and Sis- --and Sapphira? Did Peter kill them? Did Peter kill Ananias and Sapphira? The Lord killed them.  He didn’t execute the judgment. He didn’t discipline the people. He didn’t discipline the people. He spoke it, but it was right from the mind of God within him, speaking through him. And I declare to you that the natural man, Peter, did not make a judgment that these two people would die.


So, what we’re saying here is that if you are spiritual Judah, and God brings you to people who will not acknowledge your authority, he is going to chastise them so that they acknowledge your authority. I hope I made that clear. It’s not the person. It’s not the minister. It’s not me, and if you find yourself in this position, it’s not going to be you. But, if the Lord God Almighty has determined that you are spiritual Judah, and he sends you with ministry to a believer, and that believer refuses to acknowledge your authority, the Holy Spirit or the life of God will discipline and chastise that person, and the result of that chastisement is that they will acknowledge your authority.


Now, let’s stay spiritual, brethren. This has nothing to do with vengeance. This has nothing to do with pride. You didn’t acknowledge my authority, quack, quack, quack. It has nothing to do with that at all. All things work for the good for those who love the Lord, and if God has sent a minister to you, and you have rejected their authority, and the Lord chastises you, it’s for your good, so that you can come and receive the ministry that He has for you. It’s not because you hurt my pride. It’s not -- the Lord is not going to chastise you because you have hurt my pride, and the Lord is not going to chastise you because you have rejected me. He’s not going to do it. If you’re talking about me, or if you’re wishing me evil, he’s going to chastise you, but not because you’ve hurt me -- because you’ve hurt His anointed, because he’s in me, and you blasphemed His anointed. It has nothing to do with me. He let his own Son hang on the cross. Can you hear what I’m saying? He let his own Son hang on the cross. If he chastises you because you’re talking about me, he’s chastising you because there’s something in your heart that’s wrong, because why would you be talking about me when I minister the Word of God to you? Can you hear that?


OK. So, one of the signs of spiritual Judah is that your brethren are going to acknowledge your authority, sometimes by processes that aren’t too pleasant, but the day’s going to come that they’re going to acknowledge your authority, and it has nothing to do with the carnality of pride. Praise the Lord. I hope I made that clear.


OK, the fifth point that I have is that he shall join the son -- now, this is spiritual Judah -- he shall join the soul of Christ to the natural man, His Spirit to the human spirit in man, and the Satanic realm shall be neutralized by the life he will impart to it. And what that means is, that if you’re spiritual Judah, you’re going to have the authority to speak [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [0:22:04.7] -- words that are life and words that are spirit, and they’re going to fall upon the hearts of natural men, and Christ is going to be reproduced in the natural man. And the result of Christ being reproduced in you is that Christ will be joined to your natural soul, and Christ will be joined to your natural spirit, and you’re going to be raised from the dead. And it’s going to start with this, a member of spiritual Judah or a son of God speaking a word of life that has the ability to fertilize your soul. That’s where it’s going to start. Hallelujah.


And point six, those members of spiritual Judah -- I’m sorry. That was the last point. There were five points, and I had to type a note for you here that Judah typifies those who were lowered into the realm of appearance with the Son of God -- I told you this earlier -- at the beginning of time for the purposes of multiplication. And who shall fulfill the promise of God, which is -- what’s the promise of God? It’s the impressing of the image of God upon the soul of man, causing him to rise to spiritual power again.


So, if you want to identify spiritual Judah in a nutshell, it’s somebody that has the Christ manifesting in them to such a measure that they can speak words of -- that are spirit and that are life that can fertilize men’s souls. And, brethren, you don’t have to be standing up here. You don’t have to be standing up here.


Now, this is a very dangerous thing to say because, brethren, you know, pride is in immaturity, and it’s just laced through the charts to such a degree that it’s just a real problem. And a lot of people, they hear a message like this, and they go around and they get all lifted up in pride, but I have to tell you the truth. I can’t not tell you the truth because I’m afra- -- afraid that you’re going to get lifted up in pride, because if you get lifted up in pride, the Lord’s going to chasten you. You’re going to find out that you’re not what you thought you were. So, I’m just begging you to be rational about this and put it before the Lord. I know people that don’t have a public ministry that have such an anointing that God does send them to people, and the person’s soul does get fertilized. I’ve known of it, OK, but if you think that you have that ministry, even if in reality you have it, OK, and pride is present also, you’re in great danger.


You’re in great danger of being hurt, so I -- all I could do to you is ask you to walk circumspectly. Put everything before the Lord. Ask Him if it’s true. Ask Him if Christ has matured in you to that point and if it’s true or if it’s not true. Ask him to deal with your pride because we all have pride. Hallelujah. We all have [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [0:24:50.9] -- a bunch just manifested. I went to that -- and never did that before. Isn’t that strange?


Pride is the enemy of the spiritual man. He will destroy you. It doesn’t matter how gifted you are, how blessed you are, how mature the Christ is in you. If pride is strong enough to get up from -- out from under the foot of Christ in you, the spiritual gift doesn’t even matter. The Lord’s going to come right at you and go to war with that pride. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you can do or what you have done for the glory of God. He’s not going to tolerate a manifesting spirit of pride.


So, I’m treating you like a grownup, who’s ever listening to this tape. I’m telling you the truth, and I’m warning you about the dangers. So, just see God in everything that you do. Glory to God. I know lots of people; growing up is very hard. God will deal with you out of love, but sometimes it’s really painful, and the easiest way to go is, ask God to show it to you, and work with God to overcome whatever your problem is. It’s the easiest way to go because he’s going to grow us up, whether we like it or not. Hallelujah, glory to God.


OK, we’re going on now. All right, I didn’t put this on the tape last week, Genesis 49:1. I wanted to read you the scripture that showed that it’s Jacob that’s blessing all the tribes or prophesying over all the tribes. “And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.”


So, what we’re studying here are prophesies by the forefather, Jacob, over all the tribes, and we know that when a prophesy comes forth under the anointing, it must come to pass. There’s no question about it. It must come to pass. And it says right here, these are the things which shall befall you in the last days. So they had a revelation back -- all the way back in Bible days that there was going to be something called the last days.


OK, we’re doing the tribe of Reuben now, Genesis 49, verses 3 to 4. “Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power: Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch.”

Glory to God, and what the scripture’s talking about is the fact that Reuben committed incest with his father’s concubine. You can find that account in Genesis 35:22. “And it came to pass, when Israel dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father's concubine.”


Hallelujah. He lay with Bilhah, his father’s concubine, and this is interesting here for those of you that don’t know. Even though he had no blood relation with Bilhah, and it was not his natural mother, the scripture still considers it incest, and there’s been an invasion in this country, primarily through the TV, even more so than the movies, and they’re encouraging subliminally putting thoughts in people’s minds to commit every act, ungodly act, that’s prohibited in the Bible. And, every once in a while, I’m home during the day, and I turn on the soaps, and there’s someone sleeping with his son’s wife or his father’s wife or -- it’s incest, brethren. Call it what it is. You want to put it on the TV, put it on, but call it what it is. It’s incest. It’s incest. You can’t sleep with your mother-in-law or your father-in-law or your brother-in-law or your sister-in-law. It’s incest. Glory to God, hallelujah.


OK, glory to God, we’re going to start taking this apart, Genesis 49, verses 3 and 4. First of all, the word Reuben means “see ye a son.” It’s Strong’s #7205, and it means “see ye a son.” It’s from the root word, #7200, which means to see and to see the -- in particular, to see the face of God, and I suggest to you that the word means the appearance of God in the flesh, because we can’t see God when he’s a spirit. The only way we’re going to see him is when he appears in the flesh.


So, Reuben, being the firstborn, it was the intention that Christ should appear in him, but he has been rejected because of the sin of incest, and the scripture considers this a very serious error and sin. OK, “Reuben, thou art my firstborn.” The firstborn is Strong’s #1060. It’s the firstborn, whether of men or animals. It’s the first of its kind, and it is used of anything that is chief or the beginning or the first of its kind. And let me tell you what I’m getting at, so you don’t have to guess. I’m going to suggest to you that Reuben typifies the living soul as the creation first came forth, and we’re going to find out that each of the 12 tribes is going to have one characteri- -- one or more characteristics of the condition of the living soul in its final condition, after it’s been glorified. OK, it shall have gone through all of these stages, and each of the 12 tribes is typifying one or more of the stages what -- that the living soul will go through or one of the elements that it’s present in. And I’m suggesting that Reuben, who was the firstborn of Jacob, is typifying the living soul as it first appeared.


OK, “Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might.” And this word, might, is Strong’s #3581. It means “force, capacity, produce, substance, wealth,” and this is the same word that’s translated strength in Job 40:16, and we did a series in this, ministry series #18, which included a study on Job, which we felt was the corporate living soul. If you’d like to review that, because there’s a very strong similarity here -- if you’d like to review that, the verse where this appears in Job 40:16, it’s on tape #18, part 4. Glory to God.


Genesis 4:12, “When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength.” So, this word, might, is talking about reproductive ability. Glory to God. “Thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength.” The word, beginning, is Strong #7225, and again, it means -- it means the beginning, the first, the first, the chief. OK, and strength here, the word is #202, and it’s used in virile genital power. This is the word that’s translated force in Job 40:16, and it’s talking about genital virile power. Now, the word might is talking about the ability to reproduce, and the word strength here is talking about genital power, is talking about the strength that is required to bring forth the increase. Did I make that clear? I mean, the virile and genital power is the strength of a male that is required to lie with a woman, that is necessary to impregnate her, and the word might indicates the strength of his bodily substances to impregnate the woman, the power within his bodily substance over the sperm. Glory to God.


OK, alternate translation, the first third of Genesis 49:3. Reuben, you are the first of my reproductive ability to appear and have received the primary outpouring of my genetic and spiritual substance. And when we did the study on Behemoth in the #18 series, you may recall that there was a teaching that the scripture teaches -- and this was followed for centuries in the human race. It doesn’t seem to be being acknowledged now, but what the man’s -- a man’s firstborn received all of his -- all of his, all of the good things in him, all of the power in him. And we see for centuries that the firstborn received all of the wealth of the family, that if the father died, the firstborn became the head of the family, and you would say to yourself, why, because children -- in those days, people had children every year. So, what was wrong with the second son, who was only one year younger than the first son? But it was the demonstration of the spiritual principle that the firstborn received the best or the cream of the crop, genetically and spiritually, of what the father had to offer. Glory to God.


Reuben, you are the first of my reproductive ability to appear and have received the primary outpouring of my genetic and spiritual substance. And we know that, in the natural world, this has been proven to not be true. We know that Winston Churchill was not the first son, and he was really a great man. So, this whole practice of putting everything on the oldest son has been discontinued in these modern days, but even though it may not be true in the natural, we know that’s it’s a spiritual princ- -- it’s demonstrating a spiritual principle that appears to be the truth because this living soul that was seen on the earth today is the first to appear of God’s spiritual substance, and he’s given us everything that he had. Hallelujah.


OK, continuing with the excellency of dignity, this word excellency is Strong’s #3499, and it means “an excess to jut over or exceed.” It can mean cords, and it’s -- this word is used to describe the cords which, when you pitch a tent and fasten it to the stakes in the ground, that’s -- this word that’s translated excellency is used and translated cords, referring of tying a tent to the ground. And I’m going to give you some scriptures that I hope will establish for you that this is -- this concept of cords is referring to appearing.


OK, let’s see what we got here. Isaiah 38:12, “Mine age is departed, and is removed from me as a shepherd's tent.” So, what I’m trying to show you with that scripture is that, in the scripture, we shou- -- death is described as a tent that is taken away. OK? Now, if you have the makings of a tent, and it’s lying flat on the ground, you can’t see it. When it’s raised up and it’s put on its poles and it’s tied down, you have something that’s elevated above the ground, and the metaphor -- the expression is metaphor -- that’s used in the scripture is, a man appears. It was flat on the ground, you couldn’t see anything, and when a man appears, a tent is raised up. And we know that, in the New Testament, Paul calls these bodies tabernacles. Our bodies are tabernacles or tents that our spiritual life lives in, and this is what Isaiah 38:12 is talking about. When the tent is raised up, a life appears on the earth, and when the cords are broken and the tent fall -- and the skin, that is the tent, falls to ground, the spiritual life has left the earth.


So, Job 4:21 says, “Doth not their excellency which is in them go away? They die, even without wisdom.” This word, excellen- -- excellency is the same word in the scripture about Reuben, and it’s referring to spiritual life. Doth not their excellency -- doth not the life in them, which is in them, go away? They die, even without wisdom. And this word, excellency, is also translated the cords of the tent. That’s why I read you the scripture in Isaiah 38, to show you that the cords of a tent and a tent in the Bible is talking about, symbolically, life and death. OK, did anyone have a problem with that? OK, good.


OK, the excellency of dignity. So, we found out that excellency -- it means an excess to jut over, and we know that the spi- -- when the spiritual life is poured out, poured over, it appeared in the realm of appearance. We know that spiritual life existed before it appeared in the realm of appearance, and we know that Satan pierced through, and we just found out in recent meetings, although we’ve taught it here, that he passed through. We really didn’t know what he pierced through, and the Lord just revealed to us that what he pierced through was the soul. What he pierced through was the soul, and the Lord had shown that to us, that Satan’s position was in the pit. He was in the low -- he was in the spirit -- not the spirit, I’m sorry. He was in the lowest realms. He was in the unseen realm of the living soul. That’s where he was. He was the unconscious mind, and he was surrounded by the soul, which was Adam, which is the conscious mind. And what happened -- we found out that how we got our bodies was, this life -- his name was Satan that dwelled in the unconscious mind -- he pierced through. He didn’t want to remain the unconscious mind. He wanted his evil to enter into the conscious mind of the living soul, and he pierced out of his place, which was underfoot, and he pierced right through into the conscious mind, and after he pierced into the conscious mind, he passed through the conscious mind, and the result of it was that we got our bodies, and he appeared hard in the realm of appearance.


And, if you want to study that more, I didn’t put down the tapes for you, but I believe it’s the #38 series, if I’m not mistaken. It’s the #38 series, and we also found out that it’s still going on today, that when Satan wants to appear in the realm of appearance, what he does is, he rises up from the depths of our unconscious mind, and he pierces into our conscious mind by impulsing a thought into -- it’s OK. I saw it on TV, and my favorite actor slept with his father’s wife, and it’s OK, and when your mind -- when your conscience accepts that thought, at some point -- not everybody, but there are people who will receive it and go out and do it. And when they perform the behavior, Satan is once again appearing in the realm of appearance. He has become hard, he has entered into the natural realm, and he is seen. He appears in your behavior and in your thoughts. And that -- it’s towards the end of the #38 series, the last few tapes. Glory to God.


OK, so we’re talking about excellency being a jutting out, something that exceeds, and what is it exceeding? It’s exceeding the spiritual life. So we’re talking about that which is seen. We’re talking about appearance, and the word dignity is Strong #7613. It means an elevation or a rising, a place rising up on the skin, a tent rising up upon the earth, or a human vessel appearing on the earth, glory to God. And Webster says that the word rise means to come into being. To be born is to rise. You arise from where? You arise from an unseen state, and one day there’s a baby. There’s a mountain there, a new mountain on the earth. A baby has appeared. So Webster says the word rise means to come into being, to increase in quantity or number, to appear above the horizon, to become seen before the sun. Before you appear on the horizon, you’re unseen. Amen? You’re unseen before you appear on the horizon. To ascend, to appear above other objects, glory to God.


Alternate translation, this is the second third of Genesis 49:3. The -- and what we’re talking about is the excellency of dignity, the part of the creation which appears or is seen. The part of the creation which appears or is seen, that’s what it means, the excellency of dignity. And we’re continuing with the excellency of power. Excellency is the same word, but the word power is Strong’s #5794, and it means “strong, vehement, fortified,” and it’s from the root #5810, which means “to harden,” and we just touched on that. We just touched on that, to harden, applying this -- the expression to harden to our spiritual studies, and we’re finding out that it means to appear in the realm of appearance and to take on solid form. Spirit is gaseous, the realm of the soul is in a liquid form, and ice, or to harden, means to appear. Glory to God.


Spiritually speaking, OK, it means to harden. It’s spoken of a wind or a wave, and it refers to harsh, cruel and hard winds or waves, as in a storm, and it’s also used of a king that has been unkind to his people. Glory to God. So this is not a godly power. This is not a magnanimous authority. This is a harsh authority, glory to God. Hallelujah, and it re- -- what it brings to my memory is our studies on the living soul, setting up a power base in [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [0:42:46.3], and opposing the living God. Hallelujah, and it also reminds me of the strength that’s in the spiritual soul, which -- that’s in the living soul, excuse me, the strength that’s in the living soul. The spiritual strength in the living soul is Satan, and he is a spiritual authority. We know that the -- that the living soul was sold unto him, and now, as of 2,000 years ago, all power in heaven and earth has been given unto the Lord Jesus Christ. He is in the process of buying us back from Satan, but Satan was a legal authority over mankind up until 2,000 years ago, and this description of power reminds me of him: harsh, hard, cruel taskmaster, and is he not our taskmaster? He surely is, until we move into Christ.


Alternate translation, this is the third section of Genesis 49:3, and the part of the creation which is its spiritual strength. I’ll give you the whole thing. Alternate translation, Genesis 49:3. Reuben, you are the first of my reproductive ability to appear and have received the primary outpouring of my genetic and spiritual substance, the part of the creation which appears or is seen and the part of the creation which is its spiritual strength.


So, what we’re saying here, what’s being said here is, the primary outpouring of one’s spiritual substance is that which is seen and the spiritual strength behind that which is seen. And I remind you that it’s not just the body which is seen. It is the soul which is seen in our thoughts, in our words and in our deeds. This body is just a slave. This body is just a slave. It just does what the soul tells it, and the soul does what the spirit tells it.


And a lot of information has been coming to me about multiple personalities recently, for whatever reason, and I’m told that there have been studies done by medical science, and these people that have multiple personality, their bodies change accordingly. Their shoe size can change, and they can’t treat them with drugs, because if they -- one personality -- when one personality’s manifesting, the body will test for diabetes, for example, and when the other personality manifests, they’ll test -- do the medical test, and there’s no sign of diabetes. I just saw a show -- I know I spoke about it a few weeks ago -- on TV. It was a traditional cop-and-robber show, detective show, but the hero detective got up there and found out that the woman on trial really was not innocent because she had killed the person while another personality was manifesting, and this woman was up there saying she had to be innocent because she had been injected with heavy sedatives. And he quoted from a medical journal, saying that the heavy sedatives would not work on the body when another personality was manifesting, and that was how she got up and committed the murder even though she had been heavily sedated, and the doctor testified that it would have been impossible for her to get up and perform the murder. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


So, our -- what really appears -- my point is that what really appears is our soul. This body is just a slave. It’s just a slave. It’s like a horse. It’s like a broken horse that a rider rules. That’s all that it is. It’s just a body, glory to God. We are our soul and the spirit that’s ruling our soul, and as Christ appears in us, hopefully, we are Christ. But, as far as being members of the living soul, we’re just a soul that’s ruled by an illegal spirit. That’s what we are. The body is just that which appears. That’s all that it is.


OK, Genesis -- well, let me read it for you one more time. Genesis 49:3. Reuben, you are the first of my reproductive ability to appear and have received the primary outpouring of my genetic and spiritual substance, the part of the creation which appears or is seen and the part of the creation which is its spiritual power. Glory to God.


OK, moving on, verse 49 -- Genesis 49, verse 4, this is still Reuben. “You are unstable as water. Thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed; thou defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch.”


The word unstable, glory to God, is Strong #6349, and it means to bubble up or froth as boiling water, and it’s used to describe lust, and it’s describing passion, the boiling up of passion. I’ve experienced that a lot. I used to experience it a lot more, and you have to resist it, because when that bubbling up comes forth, it’s not God. God is rational. He is solid. He doesn’t -- he does not operate in hysteria. He does not operate in compulsion. When you’re feeling forced to do something, the chances are 99 and 99/100 percent that it is not the Lord.


So, if -- we’re being told that Reuben is as unstable as water. Webster says that unstable means to fluctuate, to be irregular, and it’s characterized by an inability to control your emotions. Even the world knows that if you cannot control your emotions, you are unstable. You are unstable. You cannot listen to your emotions. You have to do what’s right, whether you’re a person of God or you’re just trying to be a responsible human being. I saw a John Wayne movie last night. He was a general in the Navy. You just have to do what you have to do. His son was killed in a U-boat. He did what he had to do. He had to leave the woman that he loved. He had to go out and engage the enemy, even though there was almost no chance of success. You don’t do what your emotions tell you. When you’re afraid, you don’t run. When you’re angry, if you can take the victory, you don’t attack. You respond in the manner of Christ, and if you don’t know how Christ would respond in a particular situation, you have to seek God and hold yourself back until you find out what the proper response is. And there are people in this world that are natural men that know this. They’re usually highly trained executives. Watch these executives operate. Watch these politicians. They never lose their cool. And if they do lose their cool, their fellow politicians and executives view it as a spiritual weakness. They know it’s a weakness. You’re never supposed to lose your cool, because the chances are you’re going to damage yourself if you let your immediate emotions take the rein. Glory to God.


OK, so he’s unstable as water, he’s fluctuating, he’s irregular, and he can’t control his emotions. The word water is Strong’s #4325, and it means water, and I just remind you that water is unstable because it changes its form very easily, depending on whether it’s in contact with cold or with heat. You take water, and you put it in the freezer, and you get ice. You take water, you put it on -- by a flame, and it turns into steam. It changes, and water typifies the life of the spirit -- the steam form to define the spiritual realm, the water form to define the soul realm, and the ice form typifying the realm of appearance or the body. It’s unstable. It goes back and forth without any problem. Glory unto God.


If you take -- if you take my ring and you put it in the refrigerator, it doesn’t change. If you take my clothing and you put it in the refrigerator, it doesn’t -- if you cut a lock of my hair off and put it in the freezer, it doesn’t change. It’s the same -- it’s the same substance. It may be frozen, but you’ll see that it’s hair. If I had -- if you haven’t been instructed by your growing-up experience that an ice cube is the same thing as the steam coming up out of the boiling water, would you know that? You’d never be able to recognize it. That’s how easily it changes. Glory to God.


OK, unstable as water, thou shalt not excel. And the word excel is Strong’s #3498. It’s -- comes from a root. It’s the same root from which the word excellent is derived. We just talked about the word excellent, and it means to jut over or to exceed bounds, and we’re talking -- we’ve spoken that that means the realm of appearance. Alternate translation, the first third of Genesis 49:4, you fluctuate continuously between the carnal mind and the anointing and shall not come out of the borders of your Adamic soul and enter into the soul of Christ.


Now, I like to remind you that the 12 sons of Jacob did have the spirit of God. They were born into the Abrahamic covenant. They were born into the Abrahamic covenant. They were circumcised, and they were therefore in right standing with God, and they had an imputed anointing. And I remind you, we’ve done recent studies on the exchange of souls, and the Lord has been teaching us that if you have received Christ, you ha- -- now have two souls, and as we study in the book of Revelation, we found that the earthquakes and the shaking that we’re going through is the conflict between the thought processes of Christ and the thought processes of our natural mind. And as we refuse the thought processes of our natural mind, our soul is shaking, and we’re going back and forth between the thoughts of the Adamic soul and the thoughts of Christ, and Lord willing, I hope if you -- if you’re listening to this tape, you’re engaged in a battle as to whose thoughts will prevail in your mind. And we go back and forth from day to day, from minute to minute, from second to second, depending on where you are in Christ and what you’re going through at the moment, and that is the shaking. And the day is coming that we’re going to reject our carnal mind, and we’re going to enter because we enter from soul to soul.


It -- the only -- how can I explain this one? In the book of -- I believe it’s the book of Ezekiel, he says the Spirit -- a spirit appeared to me, and when he wanted to speak to me, he entered into me. So, to think with the thoughts of Christ for that moment, if you’re taking the victory, if someone’s attacking you and you’re blessing them and you’re forgiving them and you’re loving them, for that moment you have entered into the soul of Christ. And then the next challenge comes your way, and someone steals your Mercedes, and you’re out there running down the street after them, ready to beat them to a pulp. You have returned to the Adamic soul in your mind. We’re literally going back and forth from soul to soul, but the day is going to come that we’re going to reject our carnal mind, and we’re going to reject these carnal thoughts with such strength that we’re going to go propelling into the soul of Christ, and we’re not going to come out. We’re not going to come out. We’re going to stay in the soul of Christ permanently. No more double-mindedness, no more vacillation, no more going back and forth. We shall abide for the life of the ages in the soul of Christ.


And what’s happening to the Adamic soul? Anybody remember? It’s burning. It’s burning, brethren. It’s burning by the power and the flame of Almighty God that is present in the Christ, and our soul has been taken out to a place of safety, and it is hid in Christ, and the remainder of our soul is going to enter into the lake of fire for the life of the ages under the submission and the authority of the Christ within the vessel. It’s not going away. Our soul in our Satanic realm is not going away. The destruction that the scripture talks about is that that sha- -- is that it shall become under the foot of the Christ in us, the place in whom all life substance is now hidden, the place to which we have been transferred, OK, and the balance of the Adamic soul shall come under the submission of the Christ, and our God is a consuming flame. He’s a consuming fire. Paul said it. That’s the lake of fire, brethren. That’s just a little extra. Glory to God.


OK, hallelujah. We’re dealing with “because thou wentest” -- OK, let me read this to you again, alternate translation, first third of Genesis 49:4. You fluctuate continuously between your carnal mind and the mind of Christ, which you have by the imputed anointing because of the Abrahamic covenant, and you shall not come out of the borders of your Adamic soul and enter into the soul of Christ. Why? Because you’re as unstable as water. You bounce back and forth every time your Adamic soul talks to you; every time your carnal mind talks to you, you bounce back. There’s no resistance. You’re not fighting. You seem to be without strength.


Whichever mind talks to you, you say amen. Whoever’s talking to you in your head, you say amen. If Christ talks to you, you say amen. If your carnal mind talks to you, you say amen. You bounce back and forth. Brethren, that spiritual substance of yours that’s shooting into the soul of Christ, that one day, Lord willing, is going to stay there permanently and not come back, that substance which is you has to agree with Christ. You have to be at war with your carnal mind. And if you’re not, if you just obey whichever spirit talks to you, you’re as unstable as water. You’re a spirit that can’t make up its mind who or what it is or where it wants to be. You can’t even get your allegiance straightened out. Glory to God.


OK, going on with, “because thou wentest up to thy father's bed, thou defiledst it; then defiledst thou it.” This word, went up, is Strong’s #5927, and it means to ascend or to arise or to break the day. And I declare to you that when Satan came out of this unseen realm, he ascended, and he entered into the place where the life of God was because there’s no life of God in the Satanic realm. Remember, he’s white, but the life of God is in the Adamic realm. He’s red, and when Satan ascended up out of the pit, he broke the day. He came into the place where the life of God existed.


OK, “because thou wentest up to thy father's bed,” and in case you haven’t picked it up yet, I’m suggesting that Reuben typifies Satan. He typifies the Satanic realm of the original creation, which rose up and stole the creation of God. You may that God told Adam, this creation is made to be fertilized by me. I’m going to first of all fertilize it and bring forth the Christ. He says, keep the garden. Don’t let your unconscious mind fertilize it. Keep it a chaste virgin for me until I’m prepared, until it’s time. One of the scriptures -- it’s either Jeremiah or Isaiah -- he says, you came; you matured to the time of love. I want you to keep and watch this creation until she’s old enough to marry me, and I’m going to bring forth the Christ. And Adam fell. Satan came up out of the pit, and he fertilized the creation, and we have what we see on the earth today. And I’m suggesting to you that Reuben typifies this account of what happened to the living soul.


OK, “because thou wentest up to thy father's bed” -- bed is merely a place of rest. It’s Strong’s #4904, and this word defiledst, it’s Strong’s #2490. It means to perforate or pierce through. It means to wound, and it comes from the idea of opening. And we know that Satan pierced through, and what he pierced through was the soul, and we know that piercing through implies -- can imply sexual penetration, and the idea of opening comes, as used in the scripture, to express the opening of the womb or to open up a woman or make her open or available to you as a man. And Numbers 8:16 says, “For they are wholly given unto me from among the children of Israel; instead of such as open every womb, even instead of the firstborn of all the children of Israel.”


So the scriptural express- -- expression, to have a child, is to open the womb, and obviously, before you can have a child, you must have intercourse with a man. So I’m suggesting to you that this word defiledst describes being pen- -- a female, and in this case, the living soul, being penetrated by the male, which was Satan, and he opened her. He opened her, and she birthed the carnal mind, glory to God. And I also point out to you that the word can mean wound, and there’s a great controversy over the beast whose one head was wounded unto death, yet lives. And I know I’ve mentioned this before on other tapes, that in my opinion, that that wound is the wound that was inflicted when the living soul was penetrated by an un- -- by an illegal male. She died. The living soul died. Yet she lives. Here we are, here we are. Hallelujah, glory to God.


OK, alternate translation of the second third of Genesis 49:4. Because you ascended up to your father’s bed, where his wife lay, and pierced through her, opening her womb -- because you ascended up to your father’s bed where his wife lay and pierced through her, opening her womb -- the living soul was a virgin. Satan ascended out of the pit of the unconscious mind and penetrated her. And the last phrase is, he -- and we also know that that happened in the natural, that Reuben did indeed go up to his father’s bed because his father had spiritual authority over him and lay with his -- with his concubine.


And the last phrase is, he went up to my couch. This word couch is Strong’s #3326. It means to spread out an extension, a lean-to, and it’s likened unto a place where you’re lying. Isaiah 14:11, it says, “Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover over thee.” So, and we did that whole verse, if you want to study it, in tape #31, part 3. And it’s -- what the implication is, is that -- is that he went up to his father’s couch. He went to a place where his father was stretched out. That’s what it means. He went to a place where his father was stretched out, where reproduction takes place. And if you study that tape #31, part 3, you’ll see that that verse is talking about that reproduction. OK, he went to the place where his father reproduced.


Alternate translation, this is the third part of Genesis 49:4. He ascended up from the unseen realm of Hades into the realm of appearance to fornicate with my wife, or he ascended up from the unseen realm of his unconscious mind, and he -- and he became hard. He did it. The thought of incest came into Reuben’s mind. It ascended. It pierced through into his conscious mind, and he agreed with it, and he did it, and it became hard. He appeared. The incest, the act of incest, appeared on the face of the earth in Jacob’s house. He ascended up from the unseen realm of his unconscious mind into the realm of appearance, and he fornicated with my wife. Glory to God.


Alternate translation, Genesis 49:4. You fluctuate continuously between the carnal mind and the anointing and shall not come out of the borders of your Adamic soul and enter into the soul of Christ because you ascended up to your father’s bed where his wife lay and pierced through her, opening her womb. He ascended up from the unseen realm of Hades or the unconscious mind into the realm of appearance to fornicate with my wife. Glory to God.


Glory to God. So, what we’re saying here, what the scripture seems to be saying here is, when you’re unstable as water, when you merely obey any spirit that prompts you, you’re never going to enter into the soul of Christ. He had the anointing. They were under the Abrahamic covenant. He knew incest was illegal. He knew the law, but his unconscious mind said do it, and instead of resisting, he said yeah, and he went and he did it. And the judgment upon him for that -- and I don’t even know what it is. I don’t know whether it’s a lack of commitment, a lack of self-control. I honestly at this point don’t know what it is, but I do know this, that it was a failure to throw his own spiritual substance in line with what was right and cry out to God and say, I don’t want to do it. There’s nothing in the scripture that said he even resisted. The thought came, and he did it, and the judgment for that is that he shall not be propelled out of his Adamic soul into the soul of Christ and receive all of the blessing associated with it.


Now, this is the summary, the characteristics of spiritual Reuben. They shall be involved in continuous spiritual fornication. Now, brethren, I hope everybody here knows, and if you’re listening to these tapes, you should be fairly mature, that you just can’t continue doing whatever you want and then coming up on the line for deliverance. You have to stop sinning, and if you can’t, you’re supposed to be crying out to God to strengthen you, so that you can stop. You’re, at the very least, supposed to be acknowledging that what you’re doing is wrong. Repentance is supposed to be coming forth in your soul.


Now I know there are people in the church world that believe otherwise, but I hope -- well, I know nobody here believes that. It’s not true. You can’t do whatever you want because all your sins are forgiven. You can’t. You have to acknowledge the law of God, and it has to become impressed in your heart, and you have to desire righteousness. And if there’s something in you that isn’t righteous, you have to put yourself under the law and say that I know that it’s wrong, but I still desire it.


I just told the people before the message started today, I’m going through that now. I must have -- I have a compulsion for coffee. It’s not good for my health. It makes me sick, and I want it so badly that I drink it anyway. And I just had -- recently had a problem with my kidneys. And I went before the Lord just last night, and I told the Lord, I can’t even repent because I want that coffee. I want it, but I understand -- see, so, at that point, the law of God’s not functioning in my mind. It’s not functioning in my mind. It’s not operating, it’s not working. So, if the law of God is not working in your mind, you’re subject to the law of ordinances. You’re subject to the written law. And I went before the Lord, and I said, I know I’m in error. I should be hating this stuff. It’s hurting my body, and I want it. It’s an ungodly compulsion. I acknowledge that it’s wrong, and I’m asking you to help me because I can’t stop wanting it. I woke up this morning, and my kidneys are in the best condition they’ve been in, in a couple of weeks.


You’ve got to resist. You can’t just say all right when the thought comes into your mind and just go do it or justify it or whatever you do, because God will deal with you. We’re supposed to be growing up. You can’t do it. You can’t do it, and if you do it, you’re going to have a confrontation with your God, not with me, brethren. You’ll have a confrontation with your God.


OK, so the sign of spiritual Reuben is that there will be continuous spiritual fornication and an inability to steadfastly set one’s sights on the things of God and unwaveringly work towards it. You’re going to just bounce back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. I don’t know how anyone could stand it. Brethren, if you fall into this category, if you’re listening to this tape and you fall into this category, be not condemned. I am not condemning you. Cry out to God to strengthen you in your spirit. He’s for you, he’s not against you. He doesn’t hate you. He’s not out to humiliate you. He’s not out to condemn you, and neither am I. But if I don’t tell you the truth, if I don’t preach it as God tells me, you’ll never even stand a chance of saying, gee, maybe that’s me.


And then, what you’re supposed to do next, because it has to be God that puts the thought in your head -- hey, you feel someone tapping you on your -- on the shoulder? Maybe that’s you. If God’s put that thought in your head, the next thing to do is to say, Lord, I don’t know how to take the victory, but I hear you. It’s me. That’s what this is all about. Glory to God.


So, if you are continuously involved in spiritual fornication, if you cannot set your sight on the things of God and unwaveringly work towards it, if you keep falling down, and someone -- God sends someone to pick you up, and you fall, and God sends someone to pick you up, and you keep falling down, brethren, you have to seek God to strengthen you in your spirit and deal with whatever’s wrong with you. I don’t even know for sure what it is. I have some ideas, but I don’t even feel I want to preach it because I’m not sure. But you definitely have a problem. There’s no question about that. You definitely have a problem.


I know the scripture says, strengthen the weak, OK, but when you strengthen the weak, they’re supposed to stay strong. You can’t be going back and strengthening them and let -- and then falling and then expect God to send someone to strengthen you for 20 years. The day has to come that you have to stand up and walk. Glory to God.


OK, glory to God. What am I up to? Alternate translation, I read that already. Genesis 49:3-4. I’ll read it to you one more time. Oh, I’m not up to that. We’re doing the summary and the characteristics. OK, and I suggest to you that Reuben typifies Satan’s seduction of Eve, OK, which resulted in his appearing in the realm of appearance, and it’s still happening today. The unconscious mind in man keeps rising up, putting thoughts into our mind, piercing through into our conscious mind, and we’re -- in some cases, with some believers, if not all ca- -- if not all believers at one time or another, when we agree with that thought that comes from our unconscious mind, it typifies Satan’s seduction of Eve because he will then appear in the realm of appearance. By demonstrating that ungodly thought, it will -- you will act it out. If you are yielded to this, if you fall prey to this, OK, you will wind up committing that sin, if you don’t reject it when it’s in your conscious mind. We really have no authority over our unconscious mind unless you -- if -- unless you’re entering into a very deep walk with the Lord that we’ve discussed recently in this ministry, we really don’t have that much authority over our unconscious mind. But when it gets into your conscious mind, you have to resist it there. And if you can’t resist it there, you will act it out. Glory to God. And you need to be dealt with. You have a spiritual problem. You have a spiritual problem.


Now I just wanted to make this comment here. For those of you that know me, I believe that all men will be saved. So you might be saying to yourself, well, how can Sheila be saying that there are going to be men that will never enter into the soul of Christ, if all men are going to be saved? And I addressed that issue on tape #21, for those of you that haven’t listened to that tape yet, and I’ll just put it to you very basically. I don’t want to take any time on this tape, but I believe that God created one living soul. It’s in many members, and the entire living soul is being saved. So, if there is a man on the face of the earth that utterly fails to take the victory by the time that he dies, his spirit’s going to the Father’s, and the dust that his soul and body is made of is being returned unto the lump. The whole living soul is being saved. I just can’t go into the whole thing. It’s one tape #21, if you want to hear the explanation. Glory to God.


We’re going to do Gad now. Gad, God, Gad -- I guess it’s Gad. Genesis 49:19, “Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last.” A troop shall overcome Gad, but he shall overcome at the last. Gad is Strong’s#1410, and it -- it’s from a root, #1413. It means to crowd upon, to attack or to invade. Glory to God. What did I write here? It means to attack or to invade. I must have put that in the wrong place.


OK, the word troop is #1416, and that means a crowd, especially of soldiers, a company of robbers. And it also means to cut yourself. Gad, a troop shall overcome him. So, Gad itself means to attack, invade. The word troop means a crowd, especially of soldiers or robbers or to cut yourself. And the word overcome is #1464, and that also means to attack or invade, and it’s akin to #1416, which is the crowd, especially of soldiers. So, all of these words seem to mean the same thing. It’s almost confusing here.


Gad, a troop shall overcome him, and he shall overcome at the last. What have we got here? The words “at the” are not in the Hebrew, and the word last is #6119. It’s the only time it’s translated last in the scripture, and it means the heel of men, the hoof of horses, the extreme rear of an army, or prints of the heel or a footprint. And Genesis 3:15 says, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Now, that’s a very famous scripture. I’ve heard all kinds of interpretations, but what God told me that it meant a while back is that I will put enmity between the serpent and the woman and between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman. And, of course, the seed of the serpent is the carnal mind, and the seed of the woman is Christ. Hallelujah. And it, Christ, shall bruise the head of the serpent. What that means is, he’s going to put the serpent underfoot. He’s going to put the seed of the serpent, the carnal mind, under the feet of Christ, and that’s what we’ve been studying here, and it’s, Lord willing, what we’re hoping to do in this hour.


“And thou shalt bruise his heel.” Christ shall bruise the serpent’s head, and the serpent shall bruise his heel, Christ’s heel, Christ’s footprint, Christ’s image. That’s us, brethren. That’s us. We are the -- coming into the image of Christ, and we are being bruised by the serpent, indeed, because God has given him permission to do so. He is bruising us with all the trials and the tribulations. He’s the servant of the Lord that’s bringing us into the image of Christ. So, my whole point is that this word last means the image of God or the sons of God. That’s what we’re going to be when all of this processing is finished. Glory to God.


Let me read you my alternate translation, and if I feel it’s necessary, we’ll talk about it some more. Genesis 49:19. Gad shall be attacked and invaded by a troop of robbers, but he shall attack and press down the invading army when he comes into the image of Christ. So Gad typifies a group of men and/or believers that are totally overcome by the carnal mind and the demons that comprise the carnal mind, totally overcome. You see them on the streets, brethren, sleeping on the streets: derelicts, drug addicts, prostitutes, people that just can’t get up spiritual -- on your spiritual feet. They are utterly overcome. But the scripture says that at the end, when Christ appears in them, glory to God, they are going to press down the invading army. When Christ appears in them, when they come into the image of Christ, all of these people that are lying on the streets, that can’t get off the drugs, that can’t get off the alcohol, that can’t stop fornicating, that can’t stop lying, that can’t stand up and be righteous -- when Christ appears in them, he’s going to press down all of this ungodliness which lives in their natural soul, glory to God, and he’s going to take the victory.


So, don’t despise the weak in the church, brethren. It’s a big problem. I’ve preached -- I’ve preached about this a lot in my early messages. Don’t despise the weak in the church, because if you’re in an -- if God’s blessed you, and you are prosperous, and you’re healthy, and your children are well, and you have everything that people would want in this natural world, if you have your own home with four cars in the garage and a good job and a dog and three cats and healthy kids going to college, and you happen to be born again, don’t despise the guy that can’t stop doing whatever he’s doing, because it could come to pass, brethren, that Christ could be formed in him before Christ is formed in you, and he’s going to stand up, and he’s going to take the victory. He’s going to become a spiritual man, moving in spiritual power over all of the ungodly power of the soul, and you might be one of those banging on the door, saying, Lord, Lord, I cast out demons in your name. Why have I not entered in? Be careful, brethren. Be careful. God is not a man. God is not a man, and he doesn’t do things the way you do it, and he doesn’t think like you think. Be careful. You’re your own worst enemy. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Gad shall be attacked and invaded by a troop of robbers, the demons of the carnal mind, but he shall attack and press down the invading army when he comes into the image of Christ. And I have one more comment on this group of people that fall into this category. Brethren, there are men in this world that are natural men that are victorious. They’re victorious. They have money, they have power, they have people that love them -- they have everything that they want in this world, and they didn’t get it through Christ. They didn’t get it. They survived in this world system, however they did it, most likely with witchcraft and mind control. We talked about that a message or two ago. However they got it, they’re standing up in this world. They’re happy. They travel to Europe. They go to Puerto Rico. They go on vacation with their wives. Everything’s good in their life, and they didn’t get it by the power of God. Those people are the hardest people for the Lord to rein in. They don’t need anything. You have a -- you can’t convince them that they need Christ. What do they need Christ for?


But there’s a group of people in this world that just can’t make it in this world. We studied it a few messages ago. The Lord breaks this world system, the people in this world system, down into two categories: the victims and the oppressed. There are people in this world system that are in the second category. They’re the oppressed. There’s no way they’re ever going to stand up on their feet and lead a Godly, satisfying, rewarding life in this world system until Christ is formed in them and gives them the power to do so, and I was one of those people. I was one of those people. I was dying. I was dying physically when the Lord called me, and I was being destroyed emotionally. I would not be alive today because the witchcraft of this world system was killing me. And he did it for me, brethren, and he’ll did it -- do it -- he’ll did it -- he’ll do it for you. And I’m just cautioning you, and I’m warning you. Don’t despise the weak, because you could lose sight, and they’ll come back two years later, brethren, and they can have authority over you.


And I want to tell you something. There are people that despise me, and they can’t believe what God has done for me. And they’re still denying me, and they’re still rejecting me, but I declare to you, and I declare to them, they’re not rejecting me. They’re rejecting my master, and if he has something for them through me, and they’re rejecting me, they’re rejecting my master, and he will deal with them in due season. Don’t despise the weak, brethren. You don’t know what that little caterpillar is going to turn out to be. Hallelujah, glory to God.


OK, the character -- the spiritual characteristics of Gad are that they shall experience being totally overcome by Satan and his demons, but they shall find the strength to overcome them when Christ is birthed in them. They’re not going to be destroyed off the face of the earth. All natural signs would indicate that they’re about to be destroyed off the face of the earth, either physically -- either they’ll lose their mind and get institutionalized, or they’ll be physically killed. Every -- the most brilliant man, OK, by the power of this world -- doctors, whatever, can look at them and say, you’re finished. The doctors told my parents when I was 12, prepare yourself. She’s not going to live. Well, they were wrong. They were wrong.


So, the people that are in this category and survive, they are spiritual Gad. And if you haven’t realized it by now, I think we would really have to say that many of us, if not all of us, can apply ourselves to more than one tribe. We’re going to be applied to more than one tribe. Hallelujah.


OK, glory to God -- OK, Gad typifies the human spirit who has been totally overcome by her husband, Satan, and her offspring, the carnal mind, but who is delivered and saved when her savior, Christ, divorces her from Satan and marries her.


Recap, Genesis 49:3-4 and verses 19 and 20. Reuben, you are the first of my reproductive ability to appear and have received the primary outpouring of my genetic and spiritual substance, the part of the creation which appears or is seen and the part of the creation which is its spiritual strength. You fluctuate continuously between the carnal mind and the anointing -- hallelujah, glory to God, I’m losing my place -- and shall not come out of the borders of your Adamic soul and enter into the soul of Christ because you ascended up to your father’s bed where his wife lay and pierced through her, op- -- he ascended up from the unseen realm of Hades or his unconscious mind into the realm of appearance to fornicate with my wife.


There will be a group of men on the face of the earth whose spiritual substance, whose state of being will be an ability to feed the nations. They’re not going to have to get the food from outside of them. It’s going to be within them to manifest food. Brethren, I’ve put this on other tapes, and I declare to you, get deeper into Christ, because if you see tribulation coming down on the world, if you see all the food is poisoned, if you hear all the things that are striking terror in the hearts of many men, don’t think that there’s no hope. Don’t be a carnal Christian. Get spiritual. If you don’t know how, ask God to give it to you, because if an atom bomb fell tomorrow, brethren, your only hope is that the Christ within you is going to manifest your needs.


You’re not going to need me. Maybe you need me now. Maybe I can pray for you now, maybe I can heal you, maybe I can cast out a demon, maybe I could teach you, but you can’t stay this way forever. You got to get to be your own spiritual man. Do you hear me? We’ve all got to grow up. I’m only here until you grow up. It’s not supposed to be this way forever. Christ in you has to become mature enough, that if you’re on an isolated island because there was an atomic attack, and you’re starving to death, that you’re going to say, Lord, I need food, and it’s going to appear in front of you. We’ve got to grow up.


I heard a terrible story a week ago, that there was a woman -- and I’m going to say the name of the church right on the tape, because I’m not saying anything bad. It was Christ for the Nations, right here. A woman came out of the service. She had her baby in the back of a van -- did you hear this -- the back of a van. Somehow -- they can’t figure out how -- the door opened, and the baby fell out. And, somehow -- they can’t figure out how -- the truck which had -- the motor was not on. The gears disengaged and rolled back over the baby and killed it.


And I’m telling you, brethren, that was voodoo. I’m telling you, that was voodoo. I know it because God told me it was voodoo. I said, Lord, that can’t -- something’s really wrong. What was it? He said to me, it was voodoo. And you know what he told me? You know what else he told me? Not one person walked out of that church and said, should we raise that baby from the dead? Should we petition Almighty God, if he would raise that baby from the dead? They didn’t even think about it. They didn’t even -- the thought did not ascend up from the unconscious mind of the Christ in them and pierce through into their conscious mind. Why? Because he’s not there. They didn’t think of it, because if you have the Holy Spirit, it doesn’t mean that you have Christ. At least, petition the Lord. Maybe he wouldn’t have raised the baby from the dead, but pray. Lord, will you raise this baby from the dead? Voodoo, brethren, voodoo.


And the person that told me the story -- I didn’t read the article -- from the day she told me about it, I knew something was wrong. I knew that these things don’t happen. Give me a break. First, the baby falls out -- then the gears disengage? And I knew it sounded like some kind of witchcraft. And I asked -- I investigated further about the woman who this happened to, and I really believe that the Lord witnessed to me that there were people in her life that would work voodoo against her. I don’t really know who it was. I don’t really know whether it was a member of the -- her immediate family or whether it was some -- a religion that she had rejected. I don’t really know, but, brethren, I’m telling you. It was voodoo. And no one even said, Lord, will you have mercy on this baby? They just carted her away.


If we don’t get spiritual, brethren, we’re not going to make it. This is not a game where you dress up and go dancing to church and show how well you’re doing in business and your new car. That’s not it. This thing is going to either save your life or not. This world is coming to an end. We’re in the last days. It’s being cast down. And we studied -- we’re doing this study in the book of Revelation. What was the scripture? Who shall be able to stand when the wrath of the Lamb comes upon the earth? Only those in whom Christ is appearing. And I’m not kidding you, brethren. And the whole church world is out there dancing and showing how much money they have in their pockets and how many people they have in their congregations. I don’t care. I don’t care. I want to pierce through into the realm of the spirit. I want Christ to stand up in me, and I don’t care if there’s one person in this congregation. I’m doing what God tells me to do, so that when the day comes, I’m going through.


If you want to go through with me, if you want to partake of it, fine. If you want to be out there and dancing things, celebrating Easter, dancing around with your Easter bonnet on, it’s between you and God, brethren, but true Christians don’t do that. It’s a pagan holiday. It’s the festival of Ishtar. And I’ll tell you one thing. You are not entering into the deep realms of the spirit celebrating the pagan festival of Ishtar. You’re not entering in, and it’s the word of the Lord. It’s not me. You can get mad at me all you want. You can’t play your games, saying, I’m not going to give the rubber ducky anymore, but I’m going to do this. Either you’re celebrating it, or you’re not. Either you’re pregnant, or you’re not. Are you gathering together in an atmosphere of festivity on Easter? You’re celebrating Easter. I’m telling you the truth. Don’t tell me you’re not doing it when your whole family is gathered around your dinner table, and you’ve gotten rid of the bunnies. If you’re gathering in an atmosphere of festivity, doing something that you don’t typically do on that day, you’re celebrating Easter.


And I’m sorry if I’ve offended you. I’m telling you the truth. If you learn from what I’m telling you, it’s going to save your life, and your hating me isn’t going to do you -- you or me. It’s not going to do you any good or me any harm. I have no intention of getting into this right now. I was going to ask for questions. The 12 tribes -- if all the 12 tribes were going to be a part of our soul?


Yeah, the answer to that question, brethren, is that we are many members of one living soul, and the qualities of all -- of all of the 12 tribes will appear in and throughout the members of the living soul, but each individual member, I don’t believe, will manifest all 12 qualities. I don’t think it’s possible because the qualities are contradicting, but if the Lord tells me -- no, I have to stick with that. I have to stick with that. I don’t see how any one person can manifest all 12 qualities, but the 12 qualities will be exhibited throughout the entire living soul and throughout the history of the entire living soul, throughout the history of the entire living soul, glory to God, because we know that the end is that all men shall be saved. So, at the very, very end, when the whole living soul is glorified, obviously, the negative qualities can’t be appearing.


Did I make that clear? OK, glory to God.


02/28/14 Transcribed by Verbalfusion

03/07/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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