042 - Part 3
(Revelation 6-7 & Genesis 49)

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord.  This is Part 3 of The Sixth Seal of the Book of the revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John.


Recap of Revelation 6:15-17;  And the remaining members of the living soul, which appear on the face of the earth, and the spirit sown in the earth by the Lord, and the spirit sown in the earth which fornicated with the harlot, and become spiritually strong with mind control, and witchcraft, and the men with spiritual power, both of the Lord and of Satan, and the men who had birth Christ, and the whole of the victims of this world system, and the whole of the privileged of this world system, were hidden within their own selves.  That is to say that their true spiritual nature was covered over and made secret by their facial expressions and bodily movements, and by the gifts of healing, deliverance, and prophesy, which they received without repentance, when their souls were strengthened by the Holy Spirit, and also by the mind control, and witchcraft power of the living soul.  And they bid Satan, the spirit that ruled in their souls, and their souls that had been strengthened without repentance by the Holy Spirit, to be their state of mind, and hide them from the Christ within them, and from the desire of the Father, which was reaching out for them.  For the mighty age of His reaching out for us has appeared, even Christ in us, and who shall have the strength to separate himself from Satan, and stand up in spiritual power by entering into the soul life of Christ.   (AT)


Revelation 7:1; And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the  sea, nor on any tree.   (KJV)


            I would like to comment to you at this point that this is the first time in the Book of Revelation that angels are doing something.  They are mentioned in verse 11 of Revelation, Chapter 5, where they are speaking the salvation of the Lamb into existence, but in Chapter 7:1 this is the first time that we see the angels starting to do the work that is going to bring forth salvation in the many members of the living soul.  Glory to God.


            Now the phrase, after these things, really means afterwards.  The word, standing, is Strong’s #2476 and it means to stand up in full strength after a lying down position.  This word, on; and after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth.  It can also be translated over or upon.  It is Strong’s #1909.  I want to speak for a few minutes about the significance of the four angels.  You may recall that we have had teachings on being squared in our spirit.  The Lord gave this to me in a deeper dimension last night.  What it means is to have the four elements of a fully matured spirit; which are our human spirit; the Holy Spirit; Christ; and the Father.  We have studied this before.  We start out as a member of the living soul with just a human spirit.  The Holy Spirit enters in, and we now have two of the four squares.  The Holy Spirit fertilizers our human spirit, Christ is birth, and we now have three of the four squares.  The Father, which is the fourth square, cannot appear until Christ stands up in full spiritual power, in full stature, because the Father cannot come face to face with sin. 


            If the Father entered into our vessels while we were still filled with sin, we would be destroyed.  The Father would not be hurt, but we would be destroyed.  That is why He has sent His Christ unto us, and the Father is in in Christ.  We know Jesus said, I and the Father are one.  But He does not appear in His Christ, in you, or in me, until Christ has done his job of dealing with all of the sin in our souls, for the specific purpose of what I just said, that we would be destroyed if there was any sin left in our souls.  We are talking about the four angels, and I am suggesting to you that these are spiritual men that have birth Christ, and that Christ has stood up in full spiritual power, meaning that the Father is now apparent in this vessel.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


I have some witnesses for you.  Starting with KJV of 1 Corinthians 15:22; For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.  But every man in his own order:  First Christ; that is Jesus the Christ.  He was already made alive.  The first fruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming; even the many members of the living soul.  Then cometh the end.  The end of what?  The end of the redemptive procedure.  If I have not made it clear, I am talking about what is happening in each individual vessel now.  Then cometh the end of the redemptive procedure in a member of the living soul, when he (who)?  When Christ shall have delivered up the kingdom.  What is the kingdom?  Each one of us is a kingdom.  Each member of the living soul is a kingdom.  Our king is either Satan or Christ.  We are saying here in verse 24; When he, Christ, shall have delivered up the kingdom, my vessel, my member of the living soul, when he has offered it up to God, what does that mean?  When he has purged out every last sin in me, he shall have delivered up the kingdom unto the Father, because when there is no sin left in me, then the Father is free to appear.  Hallelujah.


            Even then, when he, Christ, shall have put all rule and authority under.  Under what?  Under the authority of the soul of Christ, when he has put our adamic soul under, in us, in youin me.  When Christ has stood up to full stature, and placed all the authority of Satan, in my mind, under his feet, what is going to happen?  Let me read verse 24 again.  I was trying to explain it, and I think I lost my train of thought.  Then cometh the end, of the redemptive procedure, when the Christ shall have delivered up the kingdom; each individual member of the living soul, to God, even the Father; when he, Christ, shall have put under the authority of his soul, under the soul of Christ, all rule and all authority and power of the adamic soul ruled by Satan.  When that happens, and it is going to happen, because in verse 25, Christ must reign.  For he, Christ, must reign, till he has put all enemies.  Who are his enemies?  We are his enemies, those of us that are alienated against the Lord in our mind.  Every member of the living soul, that is alienated against the Lord in our mind is his enemy.  So when Christ has put every member of the living soul under his feet.  Under the feet of who?  Under the feet of the soul of Christ in that individual member.  Then the last enemy shall be destroyed, and that is death.  When Christ appears in you, when he raises up to full stature, when the Father appears, and he puts your adamic soul under the feet of his soul, death is going to be destroyed.  You are going to stop dying. 


            Verse 27 of 1 Corinthians 15; For Christ has put all things, every member of the living soul, under his feet.  What do you mean under his feet?  Under his soul, under the soul of Christ.  But when he, Christ, saith all things are put under the feet of his soul, it is manifest that he, the Father, is excepted.  The Father is not under Christ; which did put all things under him, Christ.  When everything is under Christ’s feet, there is an exception.  The Father is not under Christ’s feet.  The Father is over Christ.  Verse 28; And when all things shall be subdued unto him, unto Christ, then shall the Son also be subject unto him that put all things under him, even the Father.  When all things are subdued under Christ, then the Son shall have subjected unto him all things that God may be all, the only ruling power in all, in each and every member of the living soul.  When all things, all demonic manifestations of the adamic soul, shall be subdued unto Christ, then shall the Son, himself, be subject unto him, the Father, that put all things under Christ, for the specific purpose that God may be the only ruling power in each and every member of the living soul. 


            I call your attention to the fact that in verse 28, that is the first time that the Scripture uses the term Son.  In all those previous verses the Scripture is just saying he, he, he.  We are not a full son of God until Christ has stood up in full stature, and the Father appears in us.  We have to have a father.  Jesus said, I and the Father are one, so I cannot say to you that I am a son of God until the Father appears in me.  The Father is not appearing in me until Christ has dealt with every sin in me.  We are sons of God in the making.  We are not completely saved, and we are not completely sons.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


            What we are dealing with is; and after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth.  My whole point in giving you all that teaching is that I am trying to impart to you the understanding that the four angels typify members of the living soul that have stood up in spiritual power, that have become sons, in whom the Father has appeared.  Hallelujah.  And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth.  Let us find out what the four corners of the earth are.  The word corners is Strong’s #1137.  If you want to review the teaching on squared in the soul, it is on message #40, Part 2.  Basically, what we said was to be squared in the soul is the fullness of the reproductive ability of the living soul.  Because when we become squared in our spirit, the Father is in us, and we now have the ability to reproduce.  One of the characteristics of being squared in the spirit is that we have the ability to reproduce.  How do we reproduce?  We preach the word of God, and our words are spirit, and our word are life, and it falls upon the hearts of other believers, and fertilizes them, and Christ comes forth in them.  Paul said that he was a father to many of his students.  That was what he was talking about.  He was representing the Father, and brought forth Christ in these many members.   


            To be squared in the soul means to have the ability to reproduce in the realm of the soul.  Glory to God.  I remind you that to reproduce in the realm of the soul, you need a human spirit, you need the spirit of Satan, and they produce the carnal mind.  They produce the carnal mind.  When the carnal mind has subdued everything of God in the member of the living soul, Satan appears in that member as the full embodiment of evil.  I am suggesting that the four angels typify  the 42nd generation or the Lamb company as it is brought into existence in Revelation, Chapters 5,6,and 7.  The four corners of the earth are typifying the living soul.  What I am trying to say to you, and I am having trouble getting this out, is that the spiritual men have risen up in these members of the living soul.  The spiritual men in us that have stood up in full stature, in whom the Father has appeared, have placed the reproductive ability of the living soul under their feet.  That is what I am trying to tell you.  We are talking about four angels, and we are talking about four corners of the earth.  What I am suggesting to you that it means is that the four angels are your spiritual man that has stood up in full power, and the four corners of the earth typify the reproductive ability of your own soul.  The four angels are standing on top of the four corners of the earth.  Christ in you has risen up and placed your soul under his feet.  We know that this is going to continue until the last enemy, which is death, is destroyed. 


            This is the Alternate translation of the first third of Revelation 7:1.  And after everything, I, John, previously saw in the spirit.  I saw the spiritual offspring of Jesus Christ, who had reached spiritual maturity, even those possessing the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Father, in their spirits.  I saw them standing up in full spiritual authority over Satan, even that part of their own souls, which has the ability to reproduce itself.  What is the spiritual reproduction of the living soul?  It produces demons.  Demons are sin, and we die, because we sin.  When we sin, we reproduce demons.  What is happening here in verse 1 of Chapter 7 of the Book of Revelation, is that our human spirit has been joined by the Holy Spirit.  Christ has come forth, and stood up in full stature, purifying us from sin.  The Father has appeared, and we have obtained the ability to step on that part of our soul that would cause us to fornicate with the carnal mind, and sin, and produce demons, and death in our lives.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


            What were they doing?  They were standing on their soul, and they were also holding the four winds of the earth.  They were holding on to the four winds of the earth.  The word, holding, is Strong’s #2902 and it means to be master of, to rule, to have authority over.  This word, wind, is very interesting.  It is Strong’s #417 and it means an inanimate breeze.  By implication it means something like a breeze that has been caused by a reduction in temperature.  Now this same word is used in the expression to wax cold.  Jesus talks about waxing cold.  We have this in another message.  We studied it and we found out what it meant is that man’s love had waxed cold.  It had been hot.  It had been on fire.  It had been the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and man slid down into a cooler realm.  He stopped loving with the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he started loving with the phileo love, which is fine, but the phileo love cannot bring deliverance in people’s lives.  Jesus said, in the end, in the last days, the love of many will wax cold.  That means that there are many people in the church that have the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it is going to cool down.  They are going to come back into the soul realm.  That is what he is talking about. 


            Let us find out what these winds are.  I want to remind you that on message #40 Part 2, we were talking about the four spirits of heaven.  That is in Zechariah 6:5; The angel answered and said unto me, these four horses symbolize the four spirits of the heavens, even God’s spiritual seed, before they unfolded, and germinated forth as a plant from he, who is the ruler of the earth, as well as the heavens.  So in the Old Testament, we had the spiritual seed of God going forth.  It was in the realm of the heavenlies with him.  Now this word, spirit, the four spirits, this word spirit in the Hebrew, is the equivalent of the Greek word, wind.  It is the equivalent of the Greek word wind.  The four spirits of the heavens have been lowered from the fires of the realm of God’s Spirit into the cooler realms of the living soul.  The four spirits of the heavens, which had life with the Father, are now the four inanimate breezes or winds of the earth.  When God first formed the living soul, he was without sin, and he walked in the heavenlies with the Lord.  Glory to God.


            He was the anointed cherub.  God described the original living soul before it fell into sin as four spirits in the Book of Zechariah.  When the living soul fell, the fullness of the living soul in the realm of the spirit with the Father, before it fell, the Lord described it as the four spirits.  But when the living soul sinned, and was lowered into the realm of the soul, those four spirits became four winds, an inanimate breeze.  They lost their power.  They lost their power.  This is the alternate translation for the second third of Revelation 7:1; having authority over its lifeless spiritual existence, and restraining its spiritual power.  This is what happened to the four spirits of the heavens, which was the original creation, which had the potential to bring forth what?  To bring forth the life of Christ, but it did not bring forth the life of Christ.  It sinned, and it was lowered into the realm of the soul, and now these four spirits have become four winds.  We know that the word, spirit, typifies a gale, a mighty wind, a powerful wind in the spirit.  They have been lowered into the realm of the soul, and they have become four inanimate breezes.  They no longer have the power or the authority to bring forth the life of Christ.  They are polluted.  They are polluted, and It is only by a miracle of God that we are being saved, because we are not qualified to bring forth the life of Christ.  But we are told in the Book of Revelation that we are going to be like virgins again.  We are going to be made white as snow.  Hallelujah.


            We are dealing with this verse.  Let me read you the whole thing.  And after these things, I saw four angels.  I saw beings that were squared in their spirit.  They were standing on top of the reproductive ability of their souls, holding it at bay, and they were holding the four winds of the earth.  They were holding the four winds of the earth.  They had authority over this lifeless existence of the soul, and they were restraining it with spiritual power.  Glory to God.  These men, their spirits had stood up in the strength of Christ, and were holding at bay the reproductive ability of the living soul, saying you cannot sin any more, and we are going to stamp out sin, and therefore we are going to save our souls from death by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The next phrase is that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.  I just want to point out to you that the four winds have now become wind, singular, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor the sea, nor any tree.  I declare to you that the many members of the entire living soul are one.  We are one living soul.  We are one wind.  We are one wind.


            In the prior phrase, when it talks about the four winds, it is talking about the reproductive ability.  The reason that four is there it is speaking about its reproductive ability.  Here we are saying that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.  We are not talking about a reproductive ability.  We are talking about destruction.  We are talking about the destruction of the living soul.  Hallelujah.  This word, blow, is Strong’s #4154 and it means to breathe hard, force able respiration.  Although it is not the typical translation, it is used to show judgment as in Matthew 7:25 and 27; And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock.  The winds blew.  That is the same word; blew.  Verse 27; And the rains descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it, because it was built upon sand.  We see the word winds and blowing used together.  The winds of the living soul let great destruction upon this house, and if you study it out, it typifies a human person, a member of the living soul.  Glory to God.


            We are dealing with the phrase; that the wind, that the living soul should not blow on the earth, that it should not rain destruction upon the earth.  The earth typifies the human soul, that portion of the creation, known as adam.  I remind you that there is a human soul, which is a part of the living soul.  The living soul is the whole creation.  It is in three parts.  There is a human spirit, a human soul, and the satanic realm.  The earth typifies the human soul.  The sea typifies the whole of the creation, or the corporate living soul.  I have some scriptures for you establishing that.  James 1:6; But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, for he that wavereth, is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.  If you waver, waver between what?


If you waver between the mind of Christ and the mind of the living soul, you are like a wave of the sea.  You are like a member of the living soul that does not have Christ, that is driven with the wind and tossed.  When the word of God comes to you, you have to lay hold of it, and cling to it by the power of God.  If you cannot do it, you have to ask God to help you.  Because if you go back and forth, between the counsel of your carnal mind, and the counsel of the living soul, you are going to not be a son of God, but you will be categorized as a member of the living soul of the sea, that is driven with the wind, and tossed by the intentions of the living soul, whose intention it is to destroy you.


            The living soul does not want to give you up.  It wants to destroy you.  What this is saying is that if you waver back and forth between the mind of Christ and the carnal mind, it is not that there is nothing of God in you.  That is not a good way to put it.  What is in you, that is of God, is not manifesting.  It is just like you say, two negatives make a positive.  You are a positive and a negative.  If you have the Spirit of God, and the carnal mind, and you are yielding to that carnal mind in any kind of a regular basis, if you are going back and forth, the Spirit of God in you is not even manifesting.  Does that make any sense to you at all?  You cannot be both.  Even if you have an element of Christ in you, you have to cling to him, and follow after him.  When you waver back and forth, the way the Scripture looks at it, is not that you are a son of God, but that you are a member of the living soul if you have both elements in you.  Did I make that clear?  You have to be one or the other.  Only one can be predominate.  Jesus said, either you serve God or you serve mammon.  There could be a desire to serve God in you, but if you are wavering back and forth, the positive attitude, which is Christ, is not attributed to you.  You are categorized with the members of the living soul. 


            Jude 8 and 13.  Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.  They are raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame.  So the sea typifies the corporal living soul.  The wave of the sea being any one individual member of us.  We are saying that the earth is the human soul, and the sea is the entire living soul of which we are members.  The phrase that we are dealing with is that the wind should not blow on the earth nor  on the sea, nor on any tree.  Trees in the Scripture typify man in the realm of appearance.  I do not have any scriptures for you for that today.  We have been over it many times, but a tree typifies men in the realm of appearance.  Jesus said, that he is the tree of life.  He called himself a green tree.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


            Alternate Translation of the third third of Revelation 7:1.  So that it should not rain destruction.  What?  The living soul.  So that the living soul should not rain destruction on the souls of men, the corporal living soul, nor the bodies of men.  Let me put the whole thing together for you. 


Alternate Translation of Revelation 7:1; And after everything, I, John, previously saw in the spirit, I saw the spiritual offspring of Jesus Christ, who had reached spiritual maturity, even possessing the human spirit; the Holy Spirit; Christ; and the Father, in their spirit, standing up in full spiritual  authority over Satan, even that part of their own souls, which had the ability to reproduce itself, having authority over its lifeless spiritual existence, and restraining its spiritual power, that is the  living soul that we are talking about, so that it should not rain destruction on the human soul, the corporate living soul, nor the bodies of men.  Glory to God.  (AT)


            We are self destructive, brethren.  The human soul, the corporate living soul, and the bodies of men are self destructive.  Here these men have stood up in spiritual power, and taken authority over their own souls, and their own bodies, so that they should not be destroyed.


            Verse 2; And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God, and  he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea.  This word, another, is Strong’s #243.  It really means a different angel.  I am going to tell you right now what I am getting at.  I am suggesting to you that the different angel typifies Jesus, who is now the Father.  Jesus was crucified, resurrected, and he ascended to the right hand of the Father.  He said, I and the Father are one.  He is a Spirit.  He has come back in the form of the Holy Spirit, and when he brings forth Christ in us, and the Father appears in Christ, it is Jesus, who is one with the Father, and at that point we become the son.  Can you hear that?  Right now, Christ is in us.  He is in embryo form.  He is maturing.  When he stands up in full strength, the Father will appear in him, and we will have become the son because Christ is coming forth from our own human spirit.  We will now be the son, and Jesus is now the Father.  He has taken the same place that the Father had when Jesus was a man.  Jesus, when in the days of his flesh, was a man, and he said, I and the Father are one, and the Father is in my mind, and I speak nothing that the Father does not tell me to say. 


            We are now Jesus’ offspring, and we are his children.  He is in the role of Father.  He is pure  Spirit, reigning in our minds, and we are the manifestations of the son on the earth.  So we have four angels, spiritually mature men, standing up in spiritual power, at which time the Father appeared in them, the Father being Jesus, typified by another angel.  I just want to give you some scriptures here.  John 17, verses 11, 21, 23, and 26.  This is Jesus speaking.  And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee, Holy Father, keep through thy own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.  Jesus is one with the Father.  That they may all be one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.  We are all going to be one; Jesus, the Father, and the next generation.  Hallelujah.  I, in them, and thou in me.  He is in us, and the Father is in him, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the whole world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.  I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it; that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.  Did I make this clear?  Glory to God.


            When we stand up in full spiritual strength, Jesus is now our Father.  Jesus is one with the Father, and we are the next generation.  We are in the role that Jesus was in when he walked the earth in the days of his flesh.  We shall be the son, and Jesus shall be the Father.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.  Continuing with that; I saw another angel ascending from the east.  The word, ascending, is Strong’s #305 and it means to spring up.  It is used of plants springing up from the ground.  This angel just appeared, and he appeared out from the east.  The word, east, is Strong’s #395.  It is a  rising of light, the dawn.  The sun rises in the east and it typifies a new day, a new beginning.  The  word, from, indicates the place of origin.  So there is something new starting from a place of origin.  I see that I put some more scriptures in here for you.  I am just trying to establish that Jesus and  the Father are one.  My whole point is to indicate to you that this different angel is Jesus, ascending into the role of Father, and the new generation of sons that are coming forth.

            John 10:30; I and my Father are one.  Hebrews 1: 1-3; God, who at sundry times and in divers manners, spake in times past, unto the fathers by the prophets.   He has in these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom he hast appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; who being the brightness, now this is Jesushe is the brightness of the Lord’s glory, and the express image of his person.  Jesus is the Father, and holding up all things by the word of his power; when he had, by himself, purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.  Jesus is now the Father.  He is one with the Father.  There is no difference.  We are the new generation of sons.  John 14:10; Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you, I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.  Jesus is one with the Father.  We are the next generation of the sons of God.  Hallelujah.  Jesus, at the time that he walked the face of the earth, he was the Son of God, but his seed shall prolong his days, we are told in Isaiah 53.  We are his seed, and he shall appear in us, and we shall be the express image of the Father.  Glory to God.  I cannot wait !!!


            This angel that ascended had the seal of the living God.  Well, what does that mean?  We talked about seals in an earlier chapter.  I remind you that it is a protection, and it is a mark of authenticity.  We know that the seal or the mark of the beast is the carnal mind.  It is the way you think, the words you speak, and the deeds that you do.  The mark of the beast is not a computer, and it is not a tattoo on your forehead.  You are marked by your thought processes.  Either you have the mark of the beast or the seal of the Father.  Well, this angel had a seal in his hand, and John 6:27 says; Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you; for him hath God the Father sealed.  For him hath God the Father sealed.  The seal of God is his mind.  It is His thoughts.  It is His words.  It is His deeds.  It is His righteousness, and it is His nature.  So this angel ascended with the seal of the living God.  He ascended.  He appeared.  Where?  In the minds of men.  With what?  With the ability to seal them or bring them into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Glory to God.  Hallelujah.


            I want to remind you that in Revelation 4:6, the living soul is given authority to take peace from the earth, and cause men to be killed, both within their own mind, and by setting one man against another.  The sealing of these members of the living soul is likened to the appearance of  the white horse.  It is likened to the opening of the first seal.  Because if Christ had not been birth before the slaughter of the soul takes place, or as it is expressed in Revelation, Chapter 7, the hurting of the earth, the sea, and the trees, the man will not survive.  The man will not survive.  The judgments of God upon the living soul, or the hurting of the earth, the sea, and the trees, will destroy mankind, if Christ has not entered into him, at least, in some measure; the Holy Spirit.  God  does not want to destroy the human race.  He wants to destroy sin in us.  He is not going to do it until there is enough of Christ, in us, so that when He destroys the sin, we will not die, because our life is hid in Christ.  Hallelujah.


            Alternate Translation of the first half of Revelation 17:2;  And I saw Jesus spring up from  the new day that was dawning in the souls of men, even the kingdom of God.  He came from the east.  There is a new day dawning.  There is a new age coming.  You hear a lot of talk about the New Age, but most of what you hear is inaccurate.  The new age, brethren, is Jesus Christ in you.  He is the new age.  He is the age of the kingdom.  He is the age abiding life.  And I saw Jesus spring up from the new day that was dawning.  Where?  In the souls of men.  It is not out there, brethren.  It is in your mind, even the kingdom of God.  He was the express image of the Father, showing forth the Father’s mind in nature.  Jesus is ascending in your mind, and in mine, and he is the image of the Father, and he shows forth his mind in nature.  When he appears in your mind, and  in my mind, we shall show forth the express image and the mind, and the nature of Almighty God, and Jesus shall be the Father, and we shall be the sons of the next generation.


            And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels.  That is the different angel now.  He is crying with a loud voice to the four angels.  Jesus is crying to the men that are standing up in spiritual stature.  The Father is crying to his sons.  Hallelujah.  And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea.  Jesus appearing in your mind, and my mind, is crying to us from within our own minds.  We have been given the power to judge our own soul, and our own bodies, and the entire living soul, and deliver it from sin so that it can  be delivered from death, and Jesus, the Father in our mind was crying to us.  The word cried we had in the last couple of messages.  It is Strong’s #2896.  It means to croak as a raven; particularly an in articular cry.  We decided that was a spiritual communication, not necessarily language, but a spiritual communication, and it was loud.  It could not be ignored.  To whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea.  The word given is Strong’s #1325, and it means to give over, to deliver.  The word, hurt, is Strong’s #91.  Basically speaking, when you study this word in the Greek, it means to be unjust, or to do wrong.   But there is another translation of the word, hurt, which we really have to apply to this scripture. 


            In Revelation 2:11 we are told; He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit sayeth unto the churches.  He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.  I am suggesting to you that this word, hurt, does not necessarily have to mean unjust or damaged.  Webster says that the word hurt means to inflict with physical pain or anguish; to wound; to do substantial harm to; to cause to be in need or want; to cause damage or distress.  I remind you that Strong went through the Greek, and was very selective as to the definitions of each Greek word.  Strong, because of his own decision, has decided to put all translations of this word, hurt, indicating an unjust hurt. That was the editors and the publishers decision to do that, but I am suggesting to you that, that word hurt, can have a connotation of hurting somebody justly.  When we paddle our children, we hurt them justly.  When you hurt somebody justly, what comes out of it is good.  What comes out of it is good.  To hurt somebody unjustly, something negative comes out of it.  To hurt somebody justly, Lord willing, they are going to be converted and helped as a result of it.  I am suggesting to you that, that is the connotation of the word, hurt.  


            Alternate Translation of the second half of Revelation 7:2; And Jesus disclosed an obvious spiritual communication, which could not be ignored, to his spiritual beings, the ones to whom the human soul, and the corporate living soul was given, for the purpose of wounding it, and causing it as much damage, distress, and substantial harm.  Why?  As is necessary to bring it into the image of Christ.  Now this is not clear in the Greek, but next week, Lord willing, we are going to do the study in Ezekiel, Chapters 8 and 9.  It is not going to be the whole of both chapters.  I have not picked out the verses yet, but if you want to, you could read those chapters.  It goes into this very same concept, but with much more detail as to why the earth, and the trees, and the sea, are going to be hurt.  I am suggesting to you today, although it is not clear in the Greek, that the reason for this hurting is a positive hurting, and it is going to bring them into the image of Christ.  This is the judgment of God upon the entire living soul, in each of its members, the judgment of sin that will deliver each member of the living soul from the sins in its heart.  The result of it will be the peaceable fruit of righteousness and eternal life.  Glory to God.


            I will read that for you again.  And Jesus disclosed an obvious spiritual communication, which could not be ignored to his spiritual beings, and the ones to whom the human soul, and the corporate living soul was given for the purpose of wounding it, and the trees also.  I left that out  apparently; the trees typifying the body.  For the purposes of wounding it, and causing it as much damage, distress, and substantial harm, as is necessary to bring it into the image of Christ.  Hallelujah.


            Alternate Translation of the whole Revelation 7:2; And I saw Jesus springing up from the new day,  that was dawning in the souls of men, even the kingdom of God, and he was the express image of the Father, showing forth the Father’s mind and nature.  And Jesus disclosed an obvious spiritual communication, which could not be ignored, to his spiritual offspring.  We are going to hear him.  He is going to tell us when it is time to reign down the judgments, and we are going to hear him.  The ones to whom the human soul, and the corporate living soul, and the bodies they live in, were given for the purpose of wounding it, and causing it as much damage, distress, and substantial harm as is necessary to bring it into the image of Christ.  I do not know about you, brethren, but these judgments sure do hurt.  These trials and tribulations are very painful to me.


            I literally feel the pain in my soul, but I know that they are yielding the peaceable fruit of righteousness in my life.  We know that when people curse me, and hate me, and despitefully use me, and when I take the victory, which is not 100% of the time, and Christ rises up in me, and I bless them, and I pray for their salvation, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart, brethren, there is victory, and the peaceable fruit of righteousness.  The Lord has brought me to the point that when I do not take the victory, when I am fighting back on people’s own level, when I am hating them back, when I am wishing them harm, it causes me great grief, because God has brought me to a place where I am aware of what is happening, but I cannot get the victory in my own soul.  My own soul is doing the wrong thing.  It is not manifesting the righteousness of Christ.  It is manifesting the normal retaliation of the living soul.


            If someone stabs you, the average man is not going to tell you that they love you.  But the Lord told me something very interesting this week, that this is the separation of the soul from the spirit.  When I could be bleeding, when someone could have attacked me, and blasphemed me, and lied about me, and tried to harm me, and in a tangible way tried to take my job away from me, tried to destroy my character, and whatever else, tried to separate me from someone that is dear to me, for very ungodly reasons, and I can stand back and say, I have a terrible pain in my soul, but I understand the spiritual reality of what is happening,  and I bless that person.  The Lord told me this is the separation of the soul from the spirit, because when your spirit and your soul are one, the spirit recognizes what is happening.  When your spirit is joined to your soul, your soul is going to want to retaliate, but to be able to acknowledge that pain in your soul, and not do anything about it, except live out of the soul of Christ, which prays for these people’s salvation, the Lord told me that my spirit has begun to separate from my soul.  I got very excited when He told me that.


            I was really attacked very badly last Thursday and Friday on my job.  It was vicious, absolutely vicious, with no explanation for it, except that Jesus said they hated me before they hated you.  There is no other rational explanation for it.  Almost the whole office rose up against me, for things that was not any of their business.  It was just utterly irrational, unless you could understand that they hated Jesus, and he said that they were going to hate us too.  I prayed for all of them.  For a while I had fallen down, but I prayed, and he raised me up, and I thank God for it.  I do not know about you, but I am really excited.  My spirit is separating from my soul.  So if that is what happens to you, if you are attacked, and you have the ability to do this in any measure, your spirit is starting to separate from your soul.  Glory to God.  Hallelujah. 


            The trees, and the earth, and the sea of my being is being hurt.  It is being hurt, but God did not permit it to be hurt until the soul of His Christ was birth in me.  You have to have an alternative.  Can you hear that?  If Christ was not in me, I could not be praying for them, and blessing them, and if I could not do that, and I was retaliating on their own level, I would be falling into sin.  I would be wishing them death, and I would be bringing death upon my own head.  So what would be the purpose of the Lord letting this trial come upon me, if the ability to move in His  Spirit had not been imparted to me?  I would just be bringing death upon myself continuously.  Hallelujah.


            Verse 3 of Revelation 7.  Jesus continued to say to his offspring, hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, until we have sealed the servants of our God in their forehead.  I point out to you the phrase, until we, have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.   Jesus is one with the Father.  Hallelujah.  Today Jesus is in the earth in the form of his Holy Spirit.  2 Corinthians 1:21 and 22 says; Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God, who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the spirit in our hearts.  Jesus and the Father are one, and they are out there in the earth today sealing the many members of the living soul, holding back the sons of God.  Do you want to know why the sons of God have not stood up yet?  Everybody is saying we are waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.  The whole creature stands on tiptoe waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God.  Do you want to know what the delay is, brethren?  The delay is that the mission that the ministry of the sons of God have is the judgment of the earth.  If they are manifested before the Holy Spirit does his job of imparting the Holy Spirit to them, our judgment would destroy them, instead of imparting life to them.  That is what we are waiting for.  Glory to God.  Hallelujah.


            Saying, hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.  The word forehead is Strong’s #3359 and it means the space between the eyes.  The Hebrew equivalent is Strong’s #4696 and it means an open and prominent place.  That word saying is Strong’s #3004.  It is not just casual conversation.  It is a systematic discourse.  It is an instruction, a preplanned instruction.  The word servants is Strong’s #1401 and it means slaves or bondmen.  I declare to you that it typifies the bodies and the souls that the spiritual life of Almighty God and His offspring shall live in.  Our souls and bodies are slaves to the spiritual life.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


            I have a comment for you here.  I think I have repeated it twice, but I will just read it to you.  The mature spiritual men, squared in their spirits, are the emerging sons of God in each individual.  The other mature spiritual being is Jesus, himself, who is one now with the Father, even the image on the throne of Revelation5:1, and Jesus, by his Spirit, has become the Father in each one of his offsprings.  Alternate Translation of Revelation 7:3; And Jesus was saying to his spiritual offspring, with authority, do not wound or damage the human soul, the corporate living soul, nor their forms  on the earth, even their bodies, until the slaves of our God, even the remaining members of the living soul, have received the protected seal of the Holy Spirit.


            I declare to you, brethren, the Lord is moving mightily.  The Lord is moving mightily.  He is ushering people into the beginning parts of the kingdom by imparting his Spirit to them.  It is all over.  People are reading Bibles on the trains wherever you go.  There really is a revival.  Those of us that are in this kind of a walk, this kind of a deep walk, sometimes we get very frustrated, and we say, well, it is true they have the Holy Spirit, and they are dancing, and they are singing, but they do not want to receive this deep revelation.  Well brethren, this deep revelation is not for them.  They are not called to it.  They are not called to it.  Right now, what is happening, simultaneously, is that God is raising up these sons of God, we, who shall be the sons of God, when the Christ in us appears in full stature.  At the same time, he is still moving in the old order of imparting his Spirit to people that have a very carnal walk with Christ.  He is not finished with the first job.  He is doing both jobs simultaneously.  It is very hard for those of us that are ready to go.  We want to go out and save the world.  We want to give them the gospel of the kingdom.  We want to see their bodies healed.  We want to see them healed from additions, and from compulsive problems.  We want to see conversion  of the souls, and deliverance from sin and death.  Well, it is not time yet.  We have to wait until the rest of the people get sealed with the Holy Spirit.  Hallelujah. 


Alternate Translation recap of Revelation 7:1-3; And after everything, I, John, previously saw in the spirit, I saw the spiritual offspring of Jesus Christ, who had reached spiritual maturity, even possessing the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Father, in their spirits, standing up in full spiritual authority over Satan, even that part of their own souls, which has the ability to reproduce itself, having authority over its lifeless spiritual existence, and restraining its spiritual power so that it should not  reign destruction on the human soul, the corporate living soul, nor the bodies of men.  And I saw  Jesus spring up from the new day that was dawning in the souls of men, even the kingdom of God,  and he was the express image of the Father, showing forth the Father’s mind and nature, and Jesus disclosed an obvious spiritual communication, which could not be ignored, to his spiritual offspring, the ones to whom the human soul, and the corporate living soul was given for the purpose of wounding it, and causing it as much damage, distress, and substantial harm, as is necessary to bring it into the image of Christ.  And Jesus was saying to his spiritual offspring, with authority, do not wound or damage the human soul, the corporate living soul, nor their forms on the earth, even their bodies, until the slaves of our God, even the remaining members of the living soul, have received the protective seal of the Holy Spirit.  (AT)


            I find it very interesting that it is really not clear in this Book of Revelation why all of this damage is going on.  I do not know why the Lord did it that way, but it is just not clear.  That is why so many people in the world today think God is just out to destroy the world, with no redemptive  purpose in it.  Let us just take a quick look at Ezekiel, Chapter 8.  I am not going to comment on it.  I will just show you basically what it is saying here.  What is happening here is that the Lord is speaking to Ezekiel, and He is saying, Ezekiel, I am going to show you the sins of my people.  In verse 8, He says; Then He said to me, Son of man, dig now in the wall, and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door, and He, the Lord, said unto me, Ezekiel, go in and behold the wicked abomination that they, that is my people, do here.  So I went in, and I remind you that this is the temple of the Lord.  They are doing it right in the temple of the Lord.  In the Old Testament, that  temple of the Lord was a building.  In the New Testament we know the temple of the Lord is our own minds in our own bodies. 


            This is what they were doing in verses 10 and 11.  So I went in and saw; and behold every form of  creeping things, demons, and abominable beasts, creeping things and demons, and abominable beasts, demons, and all of the idols of the house of Israel portrayed upon the wall round about.  They were breaking all the laws of God.  And there stood before them, seventy men, of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah, the son of Shaphan, with every man his sensor in his hand, and a thick cloud of incense.  Do you know what that means?  It means they were praising God.  They were dancing in the spirit, and singing, and raising their hands, saying praise God, praise God, praise God.  While they were doing that, every form of creeping thing, and abominable beast, was within their mind.  That is what it means.  I will go  into more depth at the next meeting, Lord willing. 


            Verse 12; Then said he unto me, son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark?  The ancients are the elders.  What do they do in the dark?  Every man in the chambers of his imaginary.  What are they doing in the depths of their minds, both in their unconscious mind, and in their conscious mind that they will not tell you about.  What are they thinking about?  For they say, the Lord see us not.  The Lord has forsaken the earth, and where is the promise of His coming since the fathers fell asleep.  Where is the rapture?  Where is my Cadillac?  Why are things not going better for me? 


            Verse 13; And he said also unto me, turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see the greater abominations they do.  There is even worse than that.  Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord’s house, that is the gates of our mind, which was toward the north, and behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.  Does anybody know what that means?  Does anybody here know who Tammuz is?  Tammuz is the pagan god whose birthday we celebrate on December 25th.  That is who he is.  And I saw women, spiritual women.  It does not matter whether your body is male or female, believers on the soul realm, and they were weeping and celebrating Tammuz’s birthday on December 25th.  Then said he unto me, hath thou seen this, oh son of man.  Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.  And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord’s house.  Perhaps that is the unconscious mind.  I have not worked this through yet.  And behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men with their backs towards the temple of the Lord, and their faces towards the east, and they worshipped the sun towards the east.  That is pagan religion, brethren. They are worshiping the sun god.  That is the worship of the sun god right in the temple of the Holy Ghost.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God. 


            I am sorry.  I almost went right past that.  Tammuz is Christmas, and the worshiping of the east is Easter.  Have you ever heard of a sunrise service on Easter, when they see the coming up in the east and they worship it.  God is saying that it is an abomination to Him to worship Christmas and Easter.  I know you like it.  I know your family has done it for generations.  I know  that your kids expect the presents, but I am reading you the word of God to you.  If you are doing it, the judgments are coming upon you.  Judge yourself, and go the easy way.  Glory to God.  If it is not coming today, it is coming next year.  If it is not coming next year, it is coming.  The church cannot do these things.  I do not care if it hurts your mother’s feelings.  I am not telling you not to do it.  I am telling you what the Bible says.  I do not care how deep a walk you have with the Lord,  if you are celebrating Christmas, if you are celebrating Easter, the day shall come in your life that the judgments of God are going to fall on you in that area for the specific purpose of straightening out your mind, getting it to think straight, and bringing you into an even deeper walk of righteousness with Him.  God loves you.  Every judgment is to correct what is in your mind that is not right.  Hallelujah.


            Verse 17; Then he said unto me, hath thou seen this oh son of man?  Is it a light thing to the house of Judah, that they commit the abominations, which they commit here?  For they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger, and lo, they put the branch to their nose.  They are arrogant, and they are going to do whatever they want.  The Lord  says they are filled with violence.  That is rebellion, brethren.  Therefore, will I also deal in fury.  My eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, and though they cry in my ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them.  Yet will I not hear them.  Glory to God.  What harm can it do?  Well brethren, you are going to have to meet your God over the issue. 


            Chapter 9; He cried, also, in mine ears, with a loud voice, saying, cause them that have charge over the city to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand.  Who has charge over the city?  These men that have been raised up in spiritual power.  They have charge over men’s souls by virtue of their spiritual authority.  Verse 2; And behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth towards the north, and every man, a slaughter weapon in his hand, and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer’s inkhorn by his side, and they went in, and they stood beside the brazen altar.  I suggest to you, brethren, that these are the sons of God that are going to be executing the judgments.  We did it here today.  People that do not understand would be very upset over what we did today.  But in the form of a prophesy, if that helps you to understand it, Almighty God executed the judgments against believers who would not repent.  This is going to become an every day thing.  Glory to God. 


            So there were six men.  That is the number of man, and everyone had a slaughter weapon in their hand.  We studied in Chapter 6, I believe, in the Book of Revelation, that everyone’s soul  is going to be slaughtered.  Why?  Because our souls are filled with sin, and that is why we have to have Christ before the slaughter starts, or we will not survive.  Everyone is going to be slaughtered.  All of these believers in the church world that think the tribulation is for the people outside, they are in for a big shock.  We are going to see right in this chapter, I believe, that God  is coming to the house of Israel first.  He is coming to the church first.  The church is going to get their souls slaughtered first. 


            Verse 3 of Chapter 9 in the Book of Ezekiel.  And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, the cherubim, the spiritually mature man, whereupon he was to the threshold  of the house, and he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer’s inkhorn by his side.  Now linen typifies the righteousness of the saints, and the inkhorn, I suggest to you, is the  instrument by which the sealing is going to take place.  Therefore, I am suggesting to you that this man is different from the six men.  He has the white linen on, and he has a writer’s inkhorn, and that this typifies Jesus.  He is going to be doing the sealing.  Now I remind you, the sons of God are going to be doing the judgement, but Jesus is doing the sealing.  Amen.  Jesus, in the form of the Holy Spirit, is doing the sealing, but the sons of God are executing the judgments. 


            Verse 4 of Chapter 9; And the Lord said unto him, go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh, and that cry, for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.  Now the Lord said to who?  The Father said to Jesus, but they are one, go through the city.  Look for all of the believers in the church that are moaning and groaning, and saying how could they do that?  How could they do that?  How could they do that?  They speak in tongues.  They dance in the spirit, and they go and they hate their brother.  All of those that see the sins of Israel, and are moaning and groaning for deliverance to come to God’s people, the Lord says, go and seal them.  Hallelujah.  Go and seal them.  Glory to God.  That is interesting.


            To the others he said in my hearing, go ye after him through the city and smite.  Let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity.  Now that is very interesting because that does not sound like the Holy Spirit to me.  That sounds more like Christ being birth.  If this is God’s people, it could go of one or two ways.  It could be there are a lot of main denominations where people spend their whole life being trained up in the word of God, and they do not have the Holy Spirit.  It could be that or it could be believers in the church that have the Holy Spirit, and the Lord is giving them Christ.  I really do not think we will go over this again.  This is it, what we are doing today.  What the Lord is saying here, that there is going to be some degree of preservation given to those who call themselves Christian, who are doing the best they can to serve God, and who see the sins of others, and are praying for them on a daily basis.  Hallelujah.


            Verse 5; And to the others he said in mine hearing, go ye after him through the city, and smite.  Let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity.  Hallelujah.  Through what city?  Through the city of Jerusalem, that is spiritually known as Sodom and Egypt; Egypt being the flesh.  All of these Christians living out of their flesh, they have the Holy Spirit, but they are living out of their flesh, and Sodom being all the perversions in their mind, desiring the lust of the flesh, and desiring the perversions.  Hallelujah.  Glory to God.


            Verse 6; And this is what their instructions are to do.  Now remember we just read in Revelation, Chapter 7, that the other angel is communicating a loud, undeniable communication to his sons, and this is what he is telling them to do.  Well, first he said hold back until they are sealed.  We just read that they are sealed.  Now this is what is going to happen.  Slay utterly old and young.  Now we are told in the Book of Revelation, to hurt the trees, and the earth, and the sea, but it is much stronger in the Book of Ezekiel.  Slay utterly old and young, both maids and little children, and women, but come not near any man upon whom is the mark, and begin at my sanctuary.  Begin in the house of the Lord.  Hear this, church world.  Then they began at the ancient men.  They began with the elders, which were before the house.   Brethren, that has already started in this country. 


            And he said unto them, defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain.  Go ye forth, and they went forth and slew in the city.  This is the instruction to God’s servants against His own church, brethren.  And it came to pass, while they were slaying men, and I was left, that I fell upon my face, and cried and said, oh Lord God, wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in thy pouring out of thy fury upon Jerusalem?  Then said he unto me, the inequity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness.  That is the church today, brethren.  For they say, the Lord has forsaken the earth, and the Lord seeth not.  Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow never cometh. 


            Verse 10; And as for me, also, mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, that I will recompense their way upon their head, and behold, the man clothed with linen, that is Jesus, which have the inkhorn by his side, reported the matter saying, I have done as thou commanded me.  Now what I find very interesting here, brethren, is that in the Old Testament, the reality of Christ is absolutely omitted.  It is absolutely omitted.  We are told that the people are going to be sealed, but there is absolutely no explanation as to what the seal means, to the point that the prophet Ezekiel says, Lord God, wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in thy pouring out of the fury upon Jerusalem?  Apparently, Ezekiel had no revelation of what this sealing was, at all.  Glory to God.  That is interesting.


            When we go into the Book of Revelation, it is really pretty similar.  There is not much of an explanation.  You can only get it by revelation of the living God, that the sealing is Christ, and that the wickedness in our souls are going to be butchered and slaughtered, but our life is hid in Christ.  As our souls are butchered and slaughtered, and the earth quakes, and the moon is covered with blood, we are going to find the power within ourselves to shoot out of our souls, and enter into our new life in Christ.  We are going to stand by, and we are going to watch our own soul burning, and being destroyed as we stand safely with our Father in His kingdom.  Glory to God.  


CONGREGATION:  What is the difference between being butchered and slaughtered?


PASTOR VITALE:  I do not think there is any difference at all.  The word that is used in the New Testament is slain.  When we looked up that word in the Greek, we found out that it means slaughtered or butchered.  Webster says basically the same thing.  For whatever reason, in the Old Testament, they say slaughter, but it is the same word.


CONGREGATION: You were saying our souls have to be butchered, and slaughtered, and consumed.  I thought that was why the sacrifice was butchered and slaughtered, and then they ate it.  That was the reason they had to do that. 


PASTOR VITALE:   Amen, we are going to be swallowed up by Christ.  We are being slaughtered and butchered.  At a previous message we looked that up in Webster’s Dictionary.


            The scripture said, slain and prepared for market.  Slain means to be butchered and prepared for market.  Included in being prepared for market, it is cut in pieces.  If you take a cow or a lamb, and you slay it, and prepare it for market, you cut it into pieces.  Our soul is being cut into pieces.  The sin is being destroyed in it.  Christ is going to swallow it up, and we shall be one with the soul of Christ, and we shall be his flesh, because when we eat a cow, it loses its entire identity as a cow.  One day it is in the meadow, and it is mooing, and it is a nice little cow, and it is producing milk, and the next day it is slaughtered, and it is butchered and prepared for market, and it is consumed, and it puts fat on our body.  We are the cattle, we are the sheep of Almighty God, and He is going to butcher us.  He is going to boil us, and burn us, and get all of the sin out of us, and He is going to consume us, and we are going to be His flesh.  He is a Spirit.  He has no flesh.  We are it, brethren.  He is going to swallow us up totally, and our every thought, our every word, and our every deed, shall manifest or reveal His spiritual life in us.


            The difference between that existence and our present existence is that right now our every thought, every word, and every deed, is manifesting the life of the flesh, the life of the cattle, if you will.  I am sorry.  It is very humbling; the life of the cow or the life of the sheep.  We are thinking our own thoughts, and doing our own deeds, and speaking our own words, and we are going to be consumed.  We are going to be flesh in the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, but it is not going to be like that poor sheep or cow out in the pasture.  It is going to be glorious.  It is going to be the best thing that ever happened to us, but we have to give up our own ways, even if our whole family is against it.  I do not know why I am talking about Christmas and Easter today.  Well, I guess Easter is next week.  Oh well, I am sorry, brethren.  I want you to know, if anybody can relate to this in this service, I am sorry, I had no intention of doing this today.  I really thought that the Lord was telling me to do this at our next meeting, so I guess He is speaking to a couple of people.  You have to make your peace with your God.  I am just His mouthpiece.  I love you all.  God bless you.





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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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