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Thus saith the Lord, even in this hour, the ends of the earth are upon you, saith God. Yea, My Spirit is at the door, saith the Lord. He is knocking, saith God; and if indeed thou submit to My Spirit and open unto me, I shall enter in, saith God, and I shall sup with thee.
I shall appear in thee, saith the Lord, and My character, and My righteousness, and My person shall be revealed in your thoughts and your words and your deeds, saith God, and yea, in that hour I shall send thee to the world, saith God; first to the church world, and then to the rest, saith the Lord, and for all of those who will discern My Spirit upon you, saith God, they shall indeed be delivered. Yea, saith God, even those that look upon the serpent that has been raised up, saith God, in the wilderness of the soul realm, I shall deliver them, saith the Lord. But for those with rebellious hearts who are standing tall in their pride, saith the Lord, who refuse to look upon you, saith God, and see the image of almighty God, I shall reject them, saith the Lord in this hour, I shall reject them. We shall move forward, saith the Lord with the program of almighty God. Indeed I shall continue until all have been reconciled unto me, and in that hour, saith the Lord, Christ shall rule and reign, Yea, even until all enemies have been placed under His feet, even the last enemy which is death, saith the Lord. Then cometh the end, saith God, when Christ shall offer up the kingdom unto the Father, and indeed the Father shall be all in all. And in that hour, saith God, eye hath not seen and ear hath not heard of the wondrous glorious that I have in store for thee, saith God, thy carnal minds cannot even conceive of what is waiting for thee. Give up thy evil ways, saith the Lord, repent of thy sins, reject the things of this world, throw yourself into the things of My Spirit, saith God. For indeed, he who loveth this world shall not cleave unto me, either you be for me or ye be against me, saith the Lord. For indeed, if ye are not for me, ye are against me, and if thou be lukewarm, saith the Lord, indeed I shall spue thee out of my mouth. Yea, saith God, give up carnal works, saith the Lord, give up the desires of your own hearts, give up desires and plans for glory, saith the Lord, your own glory, and I shall indeed let thee participate with me in my glory. And there is no comparison, saith the Lord, give it up, lay it down, turn it away, hate it, saith God, and thou shalt indeed enter into my life.
This is AROUND THE THRONE, Part 7, glory to God. We are doing a study in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 1. Recap Ezekiel, chapter 1:13-14;
EZEKIEL 1:13-14
13. As for the structure and composition of the glorified men, they appeared as living garbage which had been illuminated by the life of God, and they also appeared as highly esteemed men who shined with the authority and glory of God. (This is Adam, this is the glorified Adam); and the fire and the brightness circulated, (and that is the fire and brightness that is mentioned in verse 4), circulated in and out of the 4th dimensional men and the fire was brilliant, shining, and very hot, and there sprang forth out of this fusion, the Father, the Son, and the living soul, enormous amounts of energy and the atoms of the body of Christ were joined.
14. And the manner in which the creation of God appeared in the earth, is that there spiritual components rose and came into being and then subsided on a regular rhythmic cycle, and at an incredible rate of speed causing outbursts of light to become visible suddenly and briefly, and like the rapidly moving frames of movie films, and the creation appeared in the earth.
Obviously verse 15 is next but we are not going to do verse 15 next, and it has occurred many times in our studies. We found that the Lord often speaks in accomplished facts first or a fact that results from a preceding fact. He states it first, so that we can understand this better, we are going to start with verse 15, we are going to skip verse 15, we are going to do the first half of verse 16, and then we are going to do verse 15, and then we are going to finish verse 16. What we are doing is taking verse 15 and sticking it in the middle of verse 16. The first half of verse 16;
16. The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of beryl, and they four had one likeness.
The word appearance, we have dealt with it before, it is #4758 and it refers to the act of seeing or the appearance of the things seen. What it is talking about is what it would like to us if we could see it. This word wheel, it is very interesting, we had a little study on the word wheel here. It is Strong’s #214, and Strong’s says it means a wheel, we all know what a wheel is; it is from an unused root meaning to evolve. Webster’s says that a wheel is curving or circular movement, and it means to turn on or as if on an axis. It means to revolve or to rotate. Webster says the word revolve means to cause to return, to recur, to cause to go into orbit.
Before I go any further, I am going to suggest to you what the Holy Spirit has put in my heart. What He has put in my heart is the circuit that the human spirit makes through the earth. We have talked about this. The human spirit, he starts up in the realm of the Spirit of God, and He entered into the realm of earth or the realm of time, and he passes through it on a cycle or a circuit or a revolution and he passes out of it and he returns to the realm of the Father. The Scripture calls it a spiritual journey or a spiritual day. He goes around the sun of almighty God once. He enters into the earth, he goes around to the other side into darkness, because we know in the night we cannot see the sun, he enters into the realm of darkness, he comes up on the other side, he completes his circle and returns to the new day which is the fullness of almighty God in the realm of the Spirit. That is what I am getting at, I am suggesting to you that the wheel, we also know that Paul said that the life of the ages is world without end; it goes round and round and round. We also know that the Scripture talks about the circle of the earth. We also know that the earth is a circle and it goes round and round and it goes this way. It is a horizontal circle of weakness, of spiritual weakness.
This is the circle of the earth, the circle of the earth. It is a never ending cycle of spiritual weakness, but the journey of the spirit is not horizontal, it is vertical, it goes form high, the height of the realm of the Spirit of God and it descends into the depth of the shadow of the valley of death which is the realm of the soul or the realm of time, it passes through it and returns to the heights of the spirit, because indeed our spirit is of the Father.
In ancient times, I found this very interesting, the people believed that the sun evolved around the earth, and somewhere along the line they got scientific and they found out that it is not true, that the earth evolved around the sun, and man thinks he is so very smart, but I suggest to you that the way he got this revelation, this revelation was in the times of Columbus, it was in the Christian era, it was after Christ and there was no sign, so where did they get their knowledge from? It was from reading the Bible. I am suggesting to you that the spiritual son of our spirit does indeed move around the earth of the soul realm.
They had a spiritual truth. Everything in the natural is the opposite of what is in the spiritual. In the natural world, the earth revolves around the sun, but in the realm of the spirit, the spirit revolves around the circle or the earth. The sun does move around the earth in the realm of the spirit and all of those people, they thought they were ignorant back in those days of Columbus, they had it right; they had a spiritual revelation of the spirit revolving in a circle around the earth of the soul.
Do you remember in the book of Joshua, the Scripture says that God made the sun stand still, and all of these sophisticated scientists and heathens and agnostics and some people do not have any ungodly motive, but some people are very obnoxious and they discredit the Scripture, saying, Look at your God, He is so ignorant, he does not even know that the sun does not stop, that if you want time to stop, you have to stop the earth from moving. I declare to you that when the Lord God lost a day, and our science says that right about the time that this was supposed to have happened to Joshua, our own scientific records declare that there is a lost day, they cannot explain it, it really happened.
Our scientists say; well for this to happen, the earth would have to stop moving around the sun. To lose a day, the earth would have to move around the sun; because one year is the 365 days that it takes the earth to circle around the sun. I declare to you that when almighty God gave Joshua more time, what He did, now hear this, Father I pray you quicken this to them, what He did, was that He stopped our spiritual beings on their journey through the earth. He did not stop the physical planet from moving around the earth, He stopped the journey of our own spirit as it passed through the circle of the earth. Joshua and everybody else that this miracle affected gained one day. God did it from within. Can you hear this? Do you understand what I said?
The wheel I am suggesting to you refers to the human spirit which circles in orbit we have been teaching through the realm of the earth, glory to God, hallelujah. It comes from a word, the word wheel is Strong’s #212 and it comes from #211 which means ophir, and this is the name of a gold region in the east. The east traditionally represents the realm of the eternal where the Lord God comes from, and gold we know typifies the spirit, not just the human spirit, it refers deity, spiritual deity.
Unger’s Bible Dictionary has a comment for us about ophir – the famous gold producing region prominent in the Old Testament, it is located in southwest Arabia in what is now known as Yemen, it may have included a part of the adjacent African seaboard. Yemen was famous for its gold mines which are known to have still existed in the 9th century b.c. Ophir is the word from which wheel it taken; and it was visited by the trading fleet of Solomon and the Phoenicians. Solomon’s navy was fitted out at a place called Ezion – Geber. The modern name for it is Tell El Keleifeh.
Solomon used the copper of the Arabah, smelted at Ezion-Geber, as a stock-in-trade. What we are saying is Solomon was dealing in copper. What Unger is talking about is Ophir which is the word from which wheel is taken. We are talking about Solomon. His tarshish or "refinery" fleet; Solomon had a fleet of ships that were smeltering, that were smeltering refineries, I may have the word wrong, but on the ships, they were smelteries, I do not know if that is the correct word, they were smelteries, and Solomon would go and pick up copper and smelt them on the ships and then he would go to Ophir and he would exchange the copper for gold, silver, baboons, and peacocks.
I am going to read on, Solomon’s tarshish or refinery fleet sailed down the Red Sea and spent part of three years to make the trip, he making circles, explainable by long hauls in excessively hot weather. He exchanged his copper for what I just told you, the gold of ophir, and also silver, apes, ivory, and peacocks. If you want to check that out it is in 1 Kings 10:22. The gold of Ophir, garnished Solomon’s armor, his thrones, his temple, and the house of the forest of Lebanon.
The word that is translated wheel is associated very closely with gold that Solomon used to overlay all of his natural things. We know that the deity of God is overlaying our natural man; glory to God. I want to comment on the fact that there are four wheels, if the wheel means spirit, how can there be four spirits in the living creature? What I am going to suggest to you is that the four spirits are the human spirit; remember we started with the human spirit, it was fertilized by the Holy Spirit, it brought forth Christ and in Christ is the Father. What I am suggesting to you is the four elements of the spirit. The glorified man is human spirit, the Holy Spirit which fertilizes her, Christ which has come forth, and the Father which dwells in Christ. They all equal the spirit of the glorified man; they are one.
The Lord God said, Hear O Israel, the Lord God He is one God, but there are many pieces of him, but He is one God; hallelujah. This is the spirit of the glorified man. That is what he has in him, a human spirit, a Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Father. What I am saying to you, I want to go over it, because I do not know if I made it clear. The word wheel means a revolution it means circuit, and I am suggesting to you it typifies our spirit that makes journeys through the earth, and it is likened unto gold, which is another witness that is the spirit because the spirit is gold, and we are told in the book of 1 Kings, that Solomon purchased all of this gold and the price that he paid for it was copper that he got from mines and smelted and made into a usable metal, they were bartered, they did not have money, he did not use money for this instance, he gave them copper and they got gold.
We are going to go into that further in a few minutes. We are moving on and the Scripture we are dealing with is the first half of Ezekiel 16, the appearance of the wheels and their work, the appearance of the spirit and their work was like unto the color of beryl. The word work means function. It is Strong’s #4639, and it means the work which anyone produces. That which is produced by labor and it is especially used of fruits, corn, etc. and sometimes of cattle. We know that the fruit of Christ is coming forth in us, we are producing fruit. The word color is Strong’s #5869, it means eye, fountain, it means to flow out like water. I do not know how they got the word color out of that, but that is what it means, eye or fountain or to flow out like water.
It is going to look like the color of beryl, the word beryl is #8658 and a beryl is a stone which comes from the region of tarshish, it is a topaz stone, that brownish stone, you may be familiar with it.
The word beryl is a stone which comes from the region of tarshish. We just heard, it may not have stuck with you because you might not have known what I was getting to, but Solomon’s ships that carried the copper that smelted it, and when the copper was exchanged for the gold, these ships were called tarshish ships, they were called tarshish ships. We will go back over this again, let me just get the facts out to you. Unger says about tarshish, this is a Phoenician word meaning smelting plant or refinery. We are being melted. We have been talking about it in this ministry for a few weeks, that spiritually we are being melted down into our component parts, and as we melt we are being fused to almighty God in a correct moral order. We had in the message last week that this is atomically called fusion.
The apostle Peter says that we are going to be melted and they are going to be great cataclysms and a lot of people think the world is coming to an end, but we have been preaching here that the great melting and the great cataclysm is the tearing down of our existing moral order, we are being melted and separated so that we can be placed in the right moral order and joined to God and live.
The word beryl and we are dealing with the phrase that said the appearance of the spirits and the function that they perform, the work that they did, it looked like unto the color of beryl, it looked like a fountain of melted copper. Let me read this, this is a Phoenician word tarshish, meaning smelting plant or refinery. The term tarshish is employed quite a few times in the Old Testament, in connection with ships. We know with regard to our spiritual life, God has called us ships and we are sailing through this realm of time. It is used in reference to merchants and trade, and the navy or fleet of tarshish which Solomon’s ally Hiram built for the Hebrews has been illuminated from oriental sources.
That means that they have researched history, oriental history and they have done archeological dates and modern science now has more information about Solomon’s Navy then we have in the Scripture because there is very little information in the Scriptures. A better rendering of Solomon’s merchant marines in the light of increased knowledge of early Phoenician trading activities; that means archeologists went into what use to be ancient Phoenicians, and they have dug up all kinds of objects and they have studied ancient Phoenicians, and they have come forth with information, and as a result of this information, they have found out that, let me go back to this, a better rendering of Solomon’s merchant marines the light of increased knowledge of early Phoenician trading activities in the Mediterranean would refining fleet. The Scripture says Solomon had a navy, but according to the archeological research that has been done by modern scientists, and they studied Phoenicia and they have drawn the conclusion that a more accurate word describing Solomon’s ships would not be Navy, it would smeltery or refinery.
He went to the island where he got the copper ore and he smelted or melted the copper ore on his ships while he was sailing to Ophir, while he was sailing to the place where it was possible to buy gold, he was smelting the copper on his ships. I declare to you brethren that we are ships in the sea of the soul. We are made of copper. We know that copper is the color of the serpent and that we shall be redeemed serpents, and as we sail through this realm of time, we are being smelted by the power of almighty God and when we get to the right place, our smelted copper shall be exchanged for the gold of deity of almighty God. Let us go on.
We are saying that Solomon’s ships brought smelted metal home from the colonial mines and a Phoenician inscription from Nora in Sardinia from the 9th century refers to a tarshish or smelting site in this island. Smeltery fleets or tarshish ships hauled material from this and other mining stations in the western Mediterranean. Solomon’s fleet on the other hand transported the raw copper mined in the Arabah and smelted at Ezion-Geber to distant ports in southern Arabia and North Africa, and he exchanged it for gold, silver, ivory, apes, and baboons.
If we are spiritualizing this, we are saying that the copper of the natural man was exchanged for gold, silver, ivory, apes, and baboons. We are going to find out what that means in a few minutes. Solomon’s “Little Pittsburg”, Solomon had an industrial city on his ships was excavated at the site of modern tell el Kheleifeh. This important copper smeltery seems evidently the work of Phoenician craftsmen who were widely experienced in the art of setting up copper furnaces and refineries. This is what is happening to us, we are being refined, we are being smelted, so at smelting settlements in Sardinia, and in Spain which were called tarshish after which the ships could particularly fitted for carrying such ore, that is us, were called tarshish ships. Tarshish ships developed for the original idea of material carrying boats. What are we saying here? We are saying the appearance of the spirits and the function that they perform was like a fountain of melted copper. That is what we are saying.
Here is Unger’s Bible Dictionary comment on copper: this metal though abundantly familiar to the Hebrews is but seldom named in the Old Testament, the word being generally translated brass, or bronze, but most of the time brass, except is Ezra 8:27 it is translated copper. This metal was very early known and worked in the orient and for the most part alloyed with tin to form bronze and probably later to some extent with zinc to form brass, the favorite modern alloy. It is impossible Unger says to determine the exact meaning of the Hebrew word translated brass and copper. The word was applied to copper and its alloys bronze and brass.
The word copper is related, well first of all there was a lot of copper in ancient Israel. There was a lot of the natural man in ancient Israel, and we do have a Scriptural witness that copper was related to Satan in the Hebrew language. Unger’s goes on to say, this word, the word that is translated copper and brass, is translated filthiness in Ezra 16:36 as referring to the preceding verses 33 and 34, for disgraceful pay or hire. This word that is translated copper in Ezra 16:36, it is used to refer to disgraceful pay or hire. It is somewhat like the more general idea of the Greek word translated filthy lucre in; 1 Timothy 3:8. Copper is a metal but it has a spiritual significance of filthy lucre in the Old Testament, that is just another witness that it is referring to the natural man. The word copper is Strong’s #5178 and it is translated copper and brass or brass and it is something that is made of this metal. Strong’s #5178 is something that is made of the metal copper.
It comes from #5153 which is the metal itself, and it called so, it gets its name because of its reddish color and the reason they call it brass is that it comes from the red color of a serpent’s throat when hissing. When you see a serpent hissing, you can look down its throat and it is red, it is a similar color to the metal that we know as brass, and that is how it got this name, it is a Hebrew word that comes from the root that means serpent. What we are being witnessed to here is that, and we have had this many times before is that the serpent or the natural man, the natural man is the serpent.
Solomon exchanged the copper for what? 1 Kings 10:22;
1 KINGS 10:22
22. So the king had at sea a navy of tharshish with the navy of Hiram. Once in three years, (there is your serpent right there), came the navy of tharshish bringing gold and silver and ivory and apes and peacocks.
Do you remember the study we did in Mystery Babylon where we talked about spices and ivory, and all kinds of substances, and we said that what these typified were the spiritual elements that when put together formed a man. We have something similar here. We know that gold refers to the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ or to the spirit that is moving in the realm of His spirit. The silver refers to a soul that has been redeemed. Then we have ivory, apes, and peacocks. We know from our study in Mystery Babylon that the ivory is white, it is without color, and it refers to the spiritual skeleton, so we now have the soul, the spirit and the spiritual skeleton, this what he has changed the copper for, a spirit that is moving in the realm of God, a soul that is moving in the realm of God, it has been redeemed, and a spiritual skeleton, and we also have apes and peacocks. I suggest to you that the apes; it is an animal body and we know that we are living in an animal body, and refers to the natural man.
The copper was also exchanged for peacocks. The word for peacock is Strong’s #8500, and this is what Webster has to say about peacocks: it is male peafowl distinguished by a crest of upright plumules, that is feathers on his head, and by greatly elongated loosely webbed upper tail, I am not going to bother with that. The tail feathers were mostly tipped with spots and stood erect and spread at will in a fan which shimmers with iridescent color.
For those of you who have never seen a peacock, when I was a little girl, my parents use to take me to the Bronx Zoo, and I have seen many peacocks, and they are beautiful. Their feathers stand up and they have the most beautiful array of colors. We know that color, that when you put bright light through a prism, it breaks it down through the colors of the spectrum.
Bright colors, especially if they are shimmering typifies the spirit, it is referring to the Spirit of God. Nevertheless, peacocks are known for being very proud, and it is a very common expression to be as proud as a peacock, and they strut and they show off their beauty. How can we reconcile what appears to be relating to the Spirit of God with pride? I declare to you that the way we reconcile it is that we realize that we are talking about the imputed anointing, that there are men in the earth today, we have been talking about it for weeks and months, that have the Spirit of God, they operate in high realms of the spirit, the work miracles, they live in a realm of His power, and they are still natural men and natural man is proud. He is pride. There is no way to be a natural man and not be proud.
Some people have it a little more severely than others, but there is no way to be a natural man and not be proud. That is the peacock; it is man with the imputed anointing. I declare to you that the ancient Hebrews had the imputed anointing. If they had the imparted anointing, they would have gone on to be glorified. The imparted anointing was not available to Israel in that hour. The very best that they could do was to get the life of God joined to their proud nature. We know throughout the Scriptures the Lord is rebuking Israel for pride; pride, rebellion, and idolatry, the major sins of Israel and of the natural man.
When you join the Spirit of God to natural man without converting him, he becomes a peacock, he is a peacock, he is still proud, he is still natural man but he is manifesting the Spirit of God and I declare to you this was the condition of natural Israel. What is this Scripture saying to us in 1 King 10:22? We are going to start with peacocks and we are going to say the last word first. When Solomon exchanged his copper, when he exchanged his natural man that had been melted, what did he get? He got a peacock. He got a spiritual man who was still a natural man.
What did that spiritual man consist of? He consisted of an animal body, typified by an ape and he consisted of a spiritual skeleton, Satan, and a redeemed soul, and a deified spirit, but it was not permanent. It was not permanent. His spirit, his soul, his Satanic realm and his natural body came into the submission of the Spirit of God and the Scripture describes it as a peacock. What he exchanged, what he possessed that he exchanged to get this, was the copper of the natural man and before that exchange could take place, he had to be melted. He had to disengage the moral order that he was in, because that moral order submits to Satan. He had to disengage and he had to bend his knee to almighty God.
What are we talking about here? We are still in the first half of verse 16 and the appearance of the spirit, the wheels or the spirits, and their work, the labor or the fruit which the spirits produced, looked like the pouring out of melted copper. They four had one likeness, what four? The four spirits had one likeness. The word likeness is the word that we have been talking about that means model, shape, constructions.
Alternate translation, the first half of Ezekiel 1:16;
16. The spirits of the glorified men were formed by a fountain of liquefied copper.
What are we talking about? The spirits of the glorified men were formed by a fountain of liquefied copper. We have mentioned in these meetings, I do not know if you recall it, there is a Scripture where the Lord says, I formed the light and I create darkness. We talked about this in the series on the creation. Spirits have no form or shape. When God wants to give them form, He wraps something around them. What did He wrap around them? He wrapped around them the liquefied copper. He wrapped around them the broken down, the submitted, the controlled glorified man. He wrapped around the spirit and God appeared. Can you hear that? Let me go on.
The spirits of the glorified man, which were really one spirit, were formed by a fountain of liquefied copper, redeemed man.
16 …redeemed man, even the melted natural man, the fruit of their spiritual labor. AT
What is the labor that God gives to us? It is to put the soul realm underfoot, and the fruit of that labor when it produces fruit is that the soul realm comes into submission, and bends its knee to the spiritual realm and becomes a domesticated animal. The spirits which is really one spirit of the glorified man were formed by a fountain of liquefied copper even the melted natural man which is the fruit of the spiritual labor which bruised the soul realm underfoot; which realm was now joined to them. The soul realm is bruised underfoot and then in its proper moral order it is joined to the realm of the spirit.
16. The four spirits, even the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Father were formed as one Spirit by the glorified natural man that covered them. The four spirits which were one spirit took form and shape in the earth because the subdued and glorified or spiritual life natural man surrounded them and they appeared. AT
Just like the invisible man, he wrapped the bandages around his head and you could see the shape of the head of the invisible man. The redeemed natural man shall wrap around the Spirit of God and give Him form in the realm of appearance. I am going to read it again.
16. The spirits of the glorified men were formed by a fountain of liquefied copper, even the melted natural man, who is the fruit of their spiritual labor, which bruised the soul realm underfoot, which soul realm was now joined to the spirit in the correct moral order. The four spirits, even the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Father were formed as one Spirit by the glorified natural man that covered them. AT
We are going to verse 15;
15. And now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one of the four wheels upon the earth by the living creatures with his four faces. KJV
The word behold, I am going to go through this quickly because we have dealt with these words in this study, the word beheld means to see, and the word behold merely means look, and it is used for pointing out various persons or things, the word one in the phrase one wheel, is Strong’s #259 and it can also be translated joined or united because when you are joined or you are united you become one. We are looking at Alternate Translation Ezekiel 1:15;
15. Now as I looked at the glorified men, I saw a marvelous sight, the spirit united with the squared personality of the glorified men and they appeared together in the earth of the soul realm. AT
15. Now as I beheld the living creatures, the glorified men, behold one wheel, one spirit was upon the earth which is the soul realm, next to the living creatures with his four faces. AT & KJV
The four faces are the personality of the glorified man that appeared in the earth. Here is the Alternate Translation again;
15. Now as I looked at the glorified men, I saw a marvelous sight, the spirit united with the squared personality of the glorified men and they appeared together in the earth of the soul realm. AT
There was one element of the spirit that joined with that part of the earth, it is Christ brethren; I declare to you it is Christ. All four spirits were one and they are name Christ, and He joined with the natural man and they appeared together, the spirit of almighty God appeared in the earth with the glorified man. They appeared in the earth together.
15. Now as I looked at the glorified men, I saw a marvelous sight, the spirit united with the squared personality of the glorified men and they appeared together in the earth of the soul. AT
When He appears, we shall appear with Him. This is the second half of verse 16;
16. And their appearance and their work was at it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. KJV
A lot of people have spoken about this; it is a phrase that has been the subject of much speculation, a wheel in the middle of a wheel. I have heard a song about it, I have never heard an explanation as to what it mean; I believe the Lord has given us some insight today. The word middle is Strong’s #8432 and it can be translated or interpreted interior court, it is in the midst. Their appearance, what they looked like and their word, the fruit that they have produced, appeared as a wheel or a spirit in the middle of spirit, it appeared as a spirit in the middle of a spirit. Here is Alternate Translation second half of Ezekiel 1:16;
16. And the appearance of the spirit and the appearance of the fruit of their labor, of the spirit’s labor, even the bridled and domesticated living soul, looked like a spirit dwelling in the innermost part of another spirit, because the living soul which surrounded the Spirit of God had become spirit also. AT
We have been drawing in this ministry, the living soul in the form of a circle with the human spirit within, and when that human spirit is fertilized it becomes Christ, and we have a spirit in the middle of a soul. What we have been told is that Christ is going to grow like the mustard seed, He is going to get larger and larger, He is going to put pressure on the soul that surrounds it, He is going to break the skin of the soul like the crushing of a grape from within, and His spiritual life is going to extend out to the soul realm.
What we are going to have is that the soul is going to be made spirit. That is what being glorified mean. The soul is going to be raised up to the next level, and we are now going to have a spirit, Christ in the middle of a spirit, glorified man, which is spirit. It is a spirit in the middle of a spirit.
16. The appearance of the spirit and the appearance of the fruit of their labor, even the bridled and domesticated living soul looked like a spirit dwelling in the innermost part of another spirit, because the living soul which surrounded the Spirit of God had become spirit also. AT
At the first the eternal one was a living soul, and at the end He was a life giving spirit. The soul realm is being elevated to the realm of spirit. Here is the Alternate Translation and I am reading this backwards as I explained it to you earlier; the first half of 16 first, then 15, and then the second half of 16.
16. The spirits of the glorified men were formed by a fountain of liquefied copper, even the melted natural man, the fruit of their spiritual labor which bruised the soul realm underfoot, which realm was now joined to them in the correct moral order. And the four spirits, eve the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Father were formed as one spirit by the glorified natural man that covered them.
15. Now as I looked at the glorified men, I saw a marvelous sight, the spirit united with the squared personality of the glorified men, and they appeared together in the realm of time.
16. And the appearance of the spirit and the appearance of the fruit of their labor, even the bridled domesticated living soul, looked like a spirit dwelling in the innermost part of another spirit, because the living soul which surrounded the Spirit of God had become spirit also. AT
One more witness, Isaiah 6:1-3;
ISAIAH 6:1-3
1. In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and His train filled the temple.
2. Above it stood the Seraphim, each one had six wings, with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.
3. And one cried unto another and said, holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory. KJV
The word, the name Uzziah is Strong’s #5818 and what it means is, and who knows that every name that Jehovah gives you has significance, names in the Bible have significance. This name means, whom Jehovah has appointed or the strength of Jehovah. Webster says that the word strength means solidity, and we know that solidity is something that exists on the soul realm, we are solid, we are not gaseous, we are not spirit; we are solid in the soul realm. It also means force as measured in numbers. I believe I have mentioned it in prior teaching that the church or that Israel are the armies of the Lord.
What I am suggesting to you is that Uzziah typifies the natural man, we are the armies of the Lord and we are solid. Glory to God, and I also will remind you that we have discussed in other teachings that there are Scriptures that express the first of somebody’s strength meaning the first of their offspring. I suggest to you that the first of Jehovah’s reproductive strength formed the female element of the creation. The first of his reproductive strength formed the natural man. Jesus was the only begotten son, He was the only begotten son, and I do not want anyone twisting my words on this, so I am going to do everything I can to make it very clear.
First of all, let me tell you that Luke 3:38 says, this is a genealogy, which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God. Adam was the son of God. I suggest to you that he was the first of almighty God’s reproductive strength. The first thing God brought forth was the female element of the creation. As we have been teaching here for weeks, the next thing that he sent forth was His Holy Spirit which was male, and when the female joined with the male, when a husband joins with his wife, a child is begotten, and the begotten, the first and the only begotten son of God is now Jesus, is Christ Jesus. He is the begotten of the marriage between the female which is his human spirit in the natural male, and the male element which is the Holy Spirit, so I am not saying, I do not know how to make it any clear, I am not saying the natural man is the first begotten of God, the only begotten of God is Christ Jesus.
The first of Jehovah’s reproductive strength when He got ready to reproduce, He brought forth a female egg. That was the first of His reproductive strength, the female element of the creation. Hallelujah. Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God. I attended a ministry for a while where they were preaching that because the Scripture says that we are sons of God, and that Jesus has many brethren, they were teaching that we are all begotten sons of God. That is an error brethren, we are not all begotten sons of God, we are all and each of us cells in the body of the only begotten son of God whose name is Christ Jesus. We are not entities unto ourselves.
The word Uzziah, it means the natural man. The Scripture is saying, in the year that king Uzziah died, in the year that the natural man died, I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and His train filled the temple. Brethren, God almighty will not be glorified in you until your natural man dies. There is no other way to go, you have got to die. Your natural man has got to die. Verse 2;
2. And above it stood the Seraphim…KJV
Above the throne of God stood the Seraphim, and the Seraphim is Strong’s #8314, it means a burning, poisonous fiery serpent. What Isaiah 6:1-3 is saying, is that the natural man died, God was exalted and the Seraphim or glorified redeemed man surrounded the Spirit of God which had now taken over the vessels of natural man.
When they went, they went upon their four sides and they turned not when they went. KJV
The word went is Strong’s #3212, and it means walked. Webster’s says, the very first definition is Webster, is this, I found it very interesting, the word walk in Webster when used of a spirit, it means to move about in visible form. It means to appear. When we are told in verse 17 of chapter 1 of Ezekiel, when they went, what we are saying is when the spirit appeared in the earth. When it moved about in visible form on the earth, they walked upon their four sides. What I am suggesting to you that means is that they walked and they lived with all four sides showing and we have discussed in this ministry is that when you have four sides you become square, you become stable, you become solid. What it is saying is that there was nothing missing of them. We are told in the Scripture is that we are complete in Christ Jesus, which means that if we do not have Him we are not complete. That does not mean the Holy Spirit; that means the fully mature Christ dwelling in you. We then become a full person. Brethren, we are not a whole person, we are a creation in the process of being formed, and we have all of the problems that we have in this world because we are the negative realm and we are waiting for the positive realm to be added to us which will make us a completely functioning whole and we will not have these problems.
The fact that the glorified man walked on all four sides means that when they appeared in the earth, they were complete, and they did not have wars and they did not have starvation, and they did not have all of the problems that we have in this hour as a negative realm.
They turned not when they went, they have discussed that before that the word turning refers to turning your back on the Christ within you and manifesting another spirit, which other spirit is the natural man. Let us see what we have got. Alternate translation Ezekiel 1:17;
17. When they appeared in the realm of time, they appeared as complete, solid, well balanced fully formed men, and Adam was not able to manifest in them when they appeared in the earth. AT
Adam you are a part of the creation, and your function is to bend your knee to the Christ which is coming forth, which you indeed are bringing forth as the female realm. You must submit and you shall submit whether you choose or whether you refuse. Alternate translation Ezekiel 1:17;
17. When they appeared in the realm of time, they appeared as complete, solid, well balanced fully formed men, and Adam was not able to manifest in them when they appeared in the earth. AT
Recap EZEKIEL 1:15-17
The spirits of the glorified men were formed by a fountain of liquefied copper, even the melted natural man, the fruit of their spiritual labor which bruised the soul realm underfoot, which realm was now joined to them in the correct moral order, and the four spirits, even the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Father, were formed as one spirit by the glorified natural man which covered them. Now as I looked at the glorified man, I saw a marvelous sight, the spirit united with the square personality of the glorified men, and they appeared together in the realm of time. And the appearance of the spirit and the appearance of the fruit of their labor, even the bridled and domesticated living soul looked like a spirit dwelling in the innermost part of another spirit, because the living soul which surrounded the Spirit of God had become spirit also. And when they appeared in the realm of time, they appeared as complete solid well balanced fully formed men, and Adam was not able to manifest in them when they appeared in the earth. AT
Are there any questions today?
COMMENT: You said Adam was the female?
PASTOR VITALE: Adam the natural man is the female element of the creation. We are wombs that have been formed to bring forth the Christ, but just like the natural woman, you do not bear forth a baby through your ear, there is womb that brings forth your baby. The spiritual womb is the human spirit. The natural man is female.