557 - Part 5

Atlah or Atlas 557 5 Cover

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Part 5 of 5 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


          We have two more verses - Verse 23 and 24 of Genesis 4 and we are going to wind up this series.  Before I start with those verses, I want to read something to you that was emailed to me by someone who is a part of this Ministry.  They are not in New York but they are a part of this Ministry.  They went on to the Internet looking for the word, Atlah, and they found these two passages.  The first one comes from a website called, pureheart.wordpress.com, and this is what it says.... it is a quotation from some Arabic spiritual lighting.  The word, Atlah appears in it, and this believer who sent this to me points out how close the word, Atlah is to Allah.

          This is the writing.  And Allah said, And if you are in doubt concerning that we have sent down on our servant then bring us Suralikeit, and call your witnesses apart from Atlah.  Maybe it is the Koran because there is a quote here.... 223 it is impermissible that Atlah would challenge them to bring forth a like to which they did not know or  comprehend.  It is just this small excerpt, I do not really know what the whole context is, but the word, Atlah, appears in this passage quoting the Koran.

          The second passage that he sent me was from a question and answer website on Yahoo, and is called, answers.yahoo.com.  This was sent in by someone who was just writing to the Newsgroup.  He does not quote his authority but this is what he says, Muslims worship the moon god, Atlah.

          I know that the Muslims worship the moon god, and I know that Allah is the name of their god. However, I never heard it, Atlah but this is what this person says, Muslims worship the moon god, Atlah.  They started calling the moon god, Allah after Mohammed was told that his god was the only god of the 360 gods in that pagan type religion.  This is not the same as the Christian worship.  The Muslims have no personal relationship with Allah.

          In the Koran, the only time the god, Allah, (Atlah) became intimate with humans was to rip out their juggler.  While the God of the Bible is a very intimate God, He knows the number of hairs on your head.

          The reason Mohammed was run out of Mecca (the city where he was born) is he said that all 359 other gods were false gods.  Since then the moon god, Allah, has been taking on more and more traits of the God of the Bible but is still a far cry off.

          This person says, that is what he says, that the name of the god of the Muslims was Atlah before Allah for whatever it is worth.

          We are doing an Alternate Translation of Genesis, Chapter 4, Verses 17 through 24.  I am going to read you the Alternate Translation of Verses 17 through 22, and then we will pick up with the last two verses.  The Alternate Translation starts on Page 5 if you would like to follow me.


Alternate Translation - Genesis 4:17-2


17.  And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bare a spiritual city for Cain to dwell in.  And Cain, who had been introduced to Jehovah’s spiritual mysteries, named the city that he built, Enoch.  And Enoch’s nature declared him to be the nature of Cain.


18.  And Irad was born unto Enoch, and Irad was the divided subconscious aspect of the mind that Cain formed, and Irad begat, Mehujael, who was a reincarnation of Abel, the mighty one who Cain erased or the one who Cain murdered, and Mehujael begat Methusael, a mighty/spiritually powerful man, and Methusael begat Lamech, a strong mentally powerful, young man who tasted or experienced death.


19.  And Lamech, the strong lad who tasted or experienced death, took a double-minded woman to belong to him, and the name of Lamech and the woman when they were unified, was Adah, [that is pretty close to Allah also] let us continue.  This Adah is Leviathan, the partial tree that produces existence on the other side of the Garden of Eden, called the Personality of Death, but when Lamech and the woman were double-minded, the woman’s name was Zillah, the Shadow of Death.


20.  And Adah, the unity which would cause Cain’s line to continue, bare Jabal, the reincarnation of Cain, the stream of semen who became, the father of those who marry their covering, and acquire animal bodies,


21.  And his brother’s name was Jubal, the reincarnation of Abel of the other side, the stream of semen which produced the mortal, physical men who breathe and speak, and who are manipulated by their father, the Devil,

22. And Zillah, the spirit of Leviathan, called the Shadow of Death, fabricated the whole judgment when she gathered together with Cain, and bare Tubal, who is Cain, the iron implement that hammers us with pain, and Naamah who is Satan, the mother of Cain, who hurts us with pleasure.

          You know, if you look at Verse 20, that word, Adah is so much like Allah, and who is Adah?  That is the unity that would cause Cain’s line to continue.  This household of Cain is unified or joined to Pastor Manning for the purpose of causing Cain’s line to continue.  Is anybody not following me on that?

          Adah is the unity which would cause Cain’s line to continue.  In order for Cain’s line to continue, the spiritual entity that represents Cain’s line has to be manifested through a human.  This is the unity.  The spirits that are incarnating him, and Pastor Manning is the unity that will cause Cain’s line to continue.... Adah, Allah, Atlah.... same thing.

          Let us go on with verse 23, and the KJV says,

          Genesis 4:23 - KJV  And Lamech said to his wives.  Did everybody understand that?  Did you need me to explain that again? Adah, Atlah.... same thing.... Pastor Manning is Adah.  He is the wife of.... how did we say that? And Lamech, the stronghold that tasted death took a double-minded woman to belong to him.  And the name of Lamech and the woman when they were unified was Adah, meaning let us continue.  And this is Leviathan, the partial tree, the personality of death, and Pastor Manning would be the woman married to Leviathan, the personality of death.  That is who he is.  Everybody okay with that?

Genesis 4:23 - KJV  And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.


          Let me remind you who Lamech is.  Lamech is the first descendant of Cain to die.  As Cain reproduced himself.... Cain is a spiritual entity, and as Cain reproduced himself, this spiritual entity which had no form, lived inside of the person, if that is the right word, of the next generation.

          Cain lived inside of the next generation, and then Cain living inside of that generation, lived inside of the next generation.  Lamech was the generation of the descendants of Cain that contained all of the previous generations were within him. 

          This is a spiritual principle that is in the Bible if you can hear it.  Paul, in the book of Hebrews, talks about... we call it the Hall of Fame.... all of the great men and women of God who did something to maintain the existence of the Word of God through all of the generations; how the Jews were persecuted, how they preserved the Bible, the Word of God.  Paul says, We cannot enter in without them.  They could not enter in without us, and we could not enter in without them.  Enter into what?  Enter into life.  Brethren, what we are all hoping for is eternal life.

          We are seeking immortality.  The immortality of righteousness.  The immortality without pain.  The immortality through union with God.  All of the great men and women of God who preached the gospel, who  manifested the Christ, could not enter into immortality without us and we cannot enter in without them.  Why? Because we are them.  Who are we?  Christ Jesus is now coming forth in us is the encapsulation.... is the completed generation of God that started to incarnate in men all the way back through Moses.  God started to incarnate in the human race all the way back with Moses, if not before Moses,  actually with Isaac.

          God put His seed in Isaac, and had been incarnating in humanity for generations ever since, and each successive generation contained within its spiritual being, all of the spiritual DNA, everything that has been accomplished by the previous men and women of God who manifested the Christ in their day.  Does anybody not understanding it?  I will say it as many times as necessary.  Everybody okay?

          Today, if you have Christ Jesus in you or whoever has Christ Jesus in you, you have the accumulated spiritual power, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, at least, the potential for all the accumulating wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and spiritual power that has been manifested in the earth since Isaac.  That is in you, in your spiritual man, called Christ Jesus.

          All of that knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and spiritual power has been transferred from your new man into your human consciousness for you to manifest it.  It is in you but it has to get to your humanity.  There is a marriage coming.  It has to be a marriage between Christ Jesus and the personality.  That is what happened to Jesus.  That is why Jesus was able to bring it out of His physical body, and continue to live.

          The personality of Jesus of Nazareth continued to live when He breathed out of His physical body because that personality was married to Jesus’ new man, which was Elijah.

          When our personality is fully joined to our new man, which is Christ Jesus, we will be able to breath out of His body, and continue to live.  We are at the end of a long process called the salvation of mankind which began, or at least, this is the final process.  I believe that Jehovah went to other people first.  I believe He went to the descendants of Ham first but, for whatever reason, Messiah never came forth from the race of Ham when they were manifesting as the Israel of God.

          I know that they fell into witchcraft, and idolatry.... I cannot tell you today, and this is a good question.... I tell you all of the time.... I get my revelation because I ask questions.  Here is a good question.  What was the difference in the people of the circumstances that, despite all of the problems that Israel fell into, that Messiah came forth?

          I guess the answer is that we found out that the Israel of Bible days, were the descendants of Ham, but nevertheless Messiah came forth from Judah.  I just got stumbled.... let me tell you where I am stumped.

          I have taught you that the Israel of Bible days was the descendants of Ham. I taught you that the modern Jews today or the Jews today, are not the descendants of the tribe of Judah that came out of Jacob, but they are the descendants of some hitherto unknown European nation that picked up the garments of Judaism when all of black Israel fell into idolatry.  Is everybody with me?  Remember that teaching? 

          Here is the question in my mind now.  Was Jesus born of the original tribe of Judah, which would have been a black tribe or was he born of this renewed tribe of Judah that is spiritual Judah but dwelling in human beings that came from some hitherto unknown European nation?  Do you understand the question?

          Now we have to find the answer.  Is not that interesting.... that is really very interesting.  I am going to rephrase the same question in another way.  Was the tribe of Judah that existed 2000 years (which was a vassal state of Rome) the Judah of the Bible days or were they the Judah, which I believe to be the spiritual Judah that had taken on a new physical form because the original physical form of Judah fell into idolatry and witchcraft?  Are you all following me?  That is a good question, right?  Well, I know He will answer me.... I just do not know when.

          My point for today’s study is that this principle of Cain, and all of his successive generations were appearing in a spiritual form inside of some being called Lamech, who I believe was in a humanoid form.  Why do I believe he was in a humanoid form? We read a verse talking about that generation that married their own skins.  I have to look for it. 

          It is in Verse 20.

 And Adab, the unity which would cause Cain’s line to continue bare Jabal, the reincarnation of Cain, the stream of semen who became the father of those who marry their covering, and acquire animal bodies, the spiritual incest.

          I believe that Lamech who comes forth in verse 23.... where do we find that about Lamech first?  We read about Lamech in verse 18.... he comes forth.  Lamech is one of those that acquired an animal body because the successive descendants of Cain intermarried within themselves, and they produced a physical body.

          Lamech was a physical man, a descendant of Cain, who had within him a spiritual man that was the accumulated incarnation of all of the spiritual life that began with Cain.  All of us that have Christ Jesus, we are a physical man that has within us a spiritual man.... we call him our new man, that has within him all the spiritual DNA, every incarnation of that promised seed, that first appeared in Isaac.   All of that spiritual DNA accumulated in the man, Jesus of Nazareth, who was glorified, and is now pouring His seed out upon all of humanity. It is that seed of Him that got in us that is resulting in our new man, Christ Jesus appearing in us.

          We have a pretty big responsibility....  those of us who have Christ Jesus formed in us or who are seeking to have Christ Jesus formed in us or who are in the process of having Christ Jesus formed in us.  Maybe Christ is formed in us.  Maybe some of us have the imputed Christ, maybe some of us have the imparted Christ, and maybe some of us have already.... Christ in us has ascended to the Heart Center but has not yet married the Lord Jesus.


          We are all in different stages of the process but we are all acquiring a spiritual heritage which is Royal.  We are told that we are a Royal Priesthood.  That is not just a word.  We are a Royal Priesthood, Royal Intercessors between men and God because of the spiritual DNA.  There is a accumulated spiritual life that has all of these experiences in the earth since Isaac is dwelling in us.  The responsibility to serve God in His attempt to reach out to, and to save all of humanity.  We cannot take this lightly.  If you have gone this far you should know that God expects you to be responsible, to understand how serious your position is, and to ask Him, “Lord what do you require of me.”


          Moving forward.  I did do the work-up of this, so you could look at it.  I am not going to read it onto the recording.  Once again the words in round parenthesis are the words from the King James, and the words in square brackets are added.... they are called amplifications to clarify what I am saying.  One thing I will comment on though.... at the beginning I include the word, widow, and in the round parenthesis, I say that I got that word, widow because it is a prefix to the Hebrew word translated, wives.

          We did a message a long time ago called, The Rudiments of Kabbalah, where the Lord taught us.... well, the Hebrew letters were very important, and there was a Hebrew letter that appeared as a prefix.  A single Hebrew letter that appeared before the Hebrew word, translated, wives.

          Each Hebrew letter has a meaning.  The Hebrew letters are very, very, important.  The King James translators tend to translate these prefixes as to.... they make them very simple.  When the Lord leads me, I usually check it out.  I would look up the meaning of that Hebrew letter, and if it is appropriate, I will use the meaning of the Hebrew letter rather than translating it, .... of, to, or it.

          Since this Hebrew prefix of the letter, lamed, appeared before the Hebrew word translated, wives, and the meaning of lamed, means widow, if you put widow together with wives, it makes sense.  Then I proceeded further, and I realize that the wives of Lamech were widowed because we are all widows, unless we are reinstated in our relationship to the Lord Jesus, we are all spiritual widows cut off from Jehovah.

          When you read in the Psalms or other parts of the Scripture, where we are commanded to have mercy on the widow and the orphan.... well, it is true, you should have mercy on a physical widow, but it goes way beyond that.  We are commanded to have mercy on everyone that is lacking their husband, the Lord Jesus Christ. The orphan is the person who may not be widowed but they do not have the Christ child formed in them.

          If they are an orphan, then they are the child, and they have no father.  We have people in the Church who have an imputed Christ but they are not married to the Lord Jesus.  They may have a relationship with the Holy Spirit but that marriage, that unity, is not there.  Those are the true widows and the orphans, in addition to the physical widows and orphans.

Alternate Translation Verse 23 Genesis 4


And Lamech said to his widowed wife, Adah, who is, Leviathan, the Personality of Death, and his widowed wife, Zilah, who is Satan, the Shadow of Death, listen to me and understand what I am saying: you are the wives of Lamech, the strong man who is experiencing death; I smote the mortal man Abel with deadly intent, which resulted in my separation from Jehovah, and you are the widowed fruit of my sin.


          We can read this paragraph to Pastor Manning.  Pastor Manning, we are saying to you, [You are the widowed wife of Lamech, and your spiritual name is not Atlah, it is Adah, and you represent Leviathan, the Personality of Death, who is married to you.  You are Adah because your spiritual husband is Leviathan, and you are also his widowed wife, Zillah, who is Satan, the Shadow of Death, listen to me and understand what I am saying;  You, Pastor Manning, you are the wives of Lamech, the strong man who is experiencing death, and Lamech is telling you, in his repentant stage, that he smote the mortal man, Abel, with deadly intent which resulted in his separation from Jehovah, and you are the widowed fruit of his sin.


          The times that you come together with Leviathan, your name is Adah or Atlah, and the times when you separate in your mind from Leviathan, you become Satan alone, so you are a manifestation of Satan who is your spirituality, and Leviathan who is your pride.


          When you are all together and, you are in agreement in what you are thinking and saying, your name is, Atlah, Adah, and when you are separate and you are not in all agreement.... when Satan, Leviathan, and your Personality are not in all agreement, your name is Zillah because your spirituality is Satan.  Your spirituality is not the spirituality of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Praise the Lord.  We look forward to your deliverance, Pastor Manning.]


Genesis 4:24 last verse. KJV - If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech, seventy and sevenfold.


           Once again I used the prefix here, nailed.  I did not write down which letter it is but it is a different Hebrew letter before the word lamed, and it means, nailed.  Lamech who is nailed to Cain.... how is Lamech nailed to Cain?  We are nailed or crucified to the spiritual man that dwells within us.  Did not Paul say, I am crucified to Christ, but yet I live.  That is a different crucifixion than the crucifixion that Jesus of Nazareth experienced.

          The crucifixion that Jesus of Nazareth experienced was a physical crucifixion that damaged His physical body.  I do not say that crucifixion killed Jesus’ physical body because it did not.  This is an easy one to prove.  The Greek clearly shows that Jesus breathed out of that body before it died.  The body did not die from crucifixion.  The body did die, but not from crucifixion.  It died because the spiritual man left it, and, like a sack with no spiritual man to give it life, it collapsed, and ceased to exist.

          There is another kind of crucifixion.  It is a spiritual crucifixion.  The physical crucifixion kills the body.  The spiritual crucifixion, if we are crucified by Christ, gives us life.  That is just another way of saying, The union of the personality and the spiritual man, the inner man.


          Now, if we are married, and we are crucified to Leviathan, we are dead.  We are dead before we are crucified to Leviathan, and we are twice over dead, if we are crucified to Leviathan who is the Personality of Death.

          This prefix that means, nailed to, it is the same principle as Paul saying, I am crucified to Christ but yet I live.  Paul’s personality was nailed to, or crucified to Christ or Christ Jesus within himself.  He also said, I have not attained.


          Paul did not.... the process was not completed in him to the extent that he could leave his physical body, and survive as Jesus did.  Paul was taken from the earth before the process was completed.  Why?  Does anybody know why?

          Paul was taken from the earth before the process of complete salvation or before perfection was completed in him.  What Paul said, was because he was born out of season.  He was eligible.... he had gone far enough in his spiritual development to have the process completed but he was born out of season.

          It was not time for anyone to start being perfected yet, but the season is today.  We are waiting for the first fruits of this generation to appear in great power.  In the same power that Jesus appeared in, and then from there the next step is to exit the body, and continue to live.


          Maybe Paul had the same power as in the flesh that Jesus did.  I do not know.  Now, some Bible scholar will jump down my throat and say, Clearly Paul was not perfect.  Clearly Paul talks all about his sin.  That is true but we do not know what condition he was in when he talked about being crucified to Christ.  This error of thinking that Paul could not possibly have attained to the same place that Jesus attained to in the flesh, arises out of the erroneous belief that Jesus was born perfect.

          Jesus was not born perfect.  Jesus had sin before he ascended into full statue.  It was very possible that when Paul said that, I am crucified to Christ, yet I live, that he just very well may had attained to the same place that Jesus attained to.  That is another question.  We have two questions for the Lord in this message.  I would like to know the answer to that?

          Here is our Alternate Translation of Genesis 4 Verse 24.  And this is why Cain and his descendants are experiencing the Sowing and Reaping Judgment.  Jehovah’s vengeance against sin on all seven levels of consciousness, but Lamech who is nailed to Leviathan, the Personality of Death, and Satan, the Shadow of Death, shall experience Jehovah’s Sowing and Reaping Judgment on all 70 levels of consciousness.


          We went over this in previous messages.  We explained that there are seven levels of consciousness that can be likened to the seven main Energy Centers in a mortal man, and that each of those Energy Centers has 10 Subjective Energy Centers or 10 Sub-Energy Centers, therefore 7 times 10 means 70 levels of consciousness.  That means that someone in this condition can lose even their intellectual acuity whenever they have accomplished to date, and become as the cave men.  I will just read you my comment here.

          COMMENT:  Cain descendantsdevolved into the various cavemen.  The giants of David’s day descended from Seth.  The end of the races of cavemen only ended Cain’s incarnation in the visible physical world.  Remember, Jehovah put a mark on Cain so that no one would kill him.


          Cain killed Abel again on the other side of the flood, and a third time in Noah, after the flood.  Ham manifested Abel for a season, but was overcome by Noah’s curse, and turned into Cain, as did his brothers before him.


          The resurrection of damnation is the resurrection of Cain in mortal men.  The power that Pastor Manning is waiting for is the ascension of Cain within him to the extent of all 70 levels of consciousness.


          In this meeting we are going to start to listen the message , Anti-christ In A Man, Part 3,.  It is on this message where Pastor Manning actually talks about coming into his power, so he fully expects to take on supernatural power.

          Just to finish out Verse 24.... just as Pastor Manning is expecting to ascend to the height of 70 levels of consciousness, it is possible for human beings to descend into a cavemen-like mentality again.

          The cavemen were at the bottom of the 70 levels of consciousness, and 10 of those 70 levels exist in this world.  I think we talked about this in the first part of this message.  The average person in this world.... I do not know where they are.... 5, 6, or 7, I do not know, but we do not see any cavemen today, but we do see artistic children being born.  Maybe that is the source of autism or retardation.  Maybe the source of it, is that they are being born in one of the lower of the 10 levels of consciousness that exist in this world.

          That is a very interesting thought because we could, at least, seek the Lord for deliverance from retardation if we can have an understanding of what it arises from.  That is a very interesting thought.  Lord, we ask you, if there is any information that you would be willing to give us about retardation from this point of view.... somebody being born from one of the lower levels of consciousness of this world, and is there any way that we can use this information to petition You for their deliverance, Lord?  Any information You give us we would appreciate.  I am going to read the whole Verse of 17 through 24 and that will wind up this series.

Alternate Translation, Genesis 4:17-24.


17.  And Cain knew his wife and she conceived and bare a spiritual city for Cain to dwell in, and Cain, who had been introduced to Jehovah’s spiritual mysteries, named the city that he built, Enoch and, Enoch’s nature declared him to be the nature of Cain.


18.  And Irad was born unto Enoch, and Irad was the divided subconscious aspect of the Mind that Cain formed, and Irad, begat Mehujael, who was a reincarnation of Abel, the mighty one who Cain erased or murdered, and Mehujael begat Methusael, a mighty, spiritually powerful man, and Methusael begat Lamech, a strong mentally, powerful, young man who tasted or experienced death,


19.  And Lamech, the strong lad who tasted or experienced death, took a double-minded woman to belong to him, and the name of Lamech and the woman when they were unified, was Adah, let us continue.  This is Leviathan, the partial tree that produces existence on the other side of the Garden of Eden, called the Personality of Death, but when Lamech and the woman were double-minded, the woman’s name was Zillah, the Shadow of Death,


20.  And Adah, the unity which would cause Cain’s line to continue, bare Jabal, the reincarnation of Cain, the stream of semen who became, the father of those who married their covering, and acquire animal bodies,


21.  And his brother’s name was Jubal, the reincarnation of Abel of the other side, the stream of seen which produced  the mortal, physical men who breathe and speak, and who are manipulated by their father, the Devil,


22.  And Zillah, the spirit of Leviathan, called the Shadow of Death, fabricated the whole judgment, when she gathered together with Cain, and bare Tubal, who is Cain, or is the reincarnation of Cain, the iron implement that hammers us with pain, and Naamah, who is Satan, the mother of Cain, who hurts us with pleasure,


23. And Lamech said to his widowed wife, Adah, who is, Leviathan, the Personality of Death, and his widowed wife, Zillah, who is Satan, the Shadow of Death, listen to me and understand what I am saying: You are the wives of Lamech, the strong man who is experiencing death; I smote the mortal man Abel with deadly intent, which resulted in my separation from Jehovah, and you are the widowed fruit of my sin.


24. And this is why Cain and his descendants are experiencing the Sowing and  Reaping Judgment, Jehovah’s vengeance against sin, on all seven levels of consciousness, but Lamech who is nailed to Leviathan, the Personality of Death, and Satan, the Shadow of Death, shall experience Jehovah’s Sowing and Reaping Judgment on all 70 levels of consciousness.


          What this is really saying is that anyone who is in a physical body, who is a manifestation of Cain, will experience this judgment on all 70 levels.  What that means is that if the Lord Jesus does not interfere, humanity as it exists today, will descend into a new generation of cavemen.  Is not that an interesting thought?

          The Holy Spirit came into the world, and mankind started to go forward.... well, Jehovah was in the world before that, seeking a man who can manifest Himself through, or who He can make a Covenant with, and that man was Abraham.... because Jehovah was still working with the descendants of Seth.   Jehovah stopped working with the descendants of Cain, and they became cavemen.  Interesting thought, is it not?

          You see, brethren, that is all we are, are animals.  Everything that we are that is above the level of animal, is an influence of Jehovah, when the Lord Jesus in our life.  That is the only thing that separates us from the animals.  There are people today who are trying to say.... and even pass laws that animals should have the same rights as humans, or animals should be considered equal to humans.

          The only difference between us and animals is that we are the hosts that remain in a way that we can host the Spirit of God.  The Spirit of God does not live in animals.  What about the donkey, you say, that spoke to Baalim?  I wonder if that was not a human donkey but in any event, it is a parable.  That is not today’s message.

          Are there any questions or comments before we go on?  Anybody?  Alright, that is the end of the Series.


2/28/07 je Transcriber and Editor  

09/24/08 Jo Reformatted

1/05/10 sla final edit   

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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