036 - Part 6

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

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Philadelphia. We are up to Part 6 of the 7 Churches of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. This church is Philadelphia and I am going to change the format that we have been following these last few weeks. I am not going to recap the alternate translations of the verses from last week. The reason why I am changing the format is that when you get into the first of the several chapters describing the church of Philadelphia one of the descriptions that Jesus describes Himself as led me into a study in Isaiah 22 that I felt we had to do to really understand why He is describing Himself this way. It is going to take up all night, so we are going to zero in Isaiah 22. I will give you the exact verses in a minute. On Sunday we are going to incorporate the basic principles of what we learn tonight into our teaching on the church of Philadelphia.


Just so we are not too removed from it, I am going to read you the few chapters in the few verses in Revelation, chapter 3 verses 7 to 13 that will put our minds in touch with the church of Philadelphia. I will read you from Unger's Bible Dictionary commentary on Philadelphia. Then we are going to go on to the study in Isaiah. Revelation, chapter 3 verse 7: And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write these things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth and no man shutteth and no man openeth. I know thy works, behold I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it, for thou hast a little strength and hast kept my word and has not denied my name.


Behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie. Behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which will come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold I come quickly. Hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy crown. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God and I will write upon him my new name. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches.


Philadelphia is Strong's #5359 and it means fond of or love of and we are talking about the love of the brethren, fraternal love. Fraternal love precedes the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ. A lot of people in the church have moved into an ability to love with a brotherly love, which is beautiful, but they confuse it with the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have had prior teachings on this. Basically the difference in a nutshell is this. Brotherly love will produce sympathy for somebody's predicament.


Sympathy is nice because people need to be sympathized with, but the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ produces compassion. Inherent in compassion is the spiritual authority to do something, to heal, to bring deliverance. Simply by feeling compassion, not by your human spirit, but by the Spirit of the Christ within you, healing and deliverance proceeds forth. So that is the difference, the result of what you are feeling. Brotherly love is beautiful and it is Godly, and you can comfort your brother and sister in their travail, but there is not included in that emotion an ability to heal and deliver. Glory to God.


Unger's Bible Dictionary, talking about Philadelphia, is a city in Lydia of Asia Minor, containing one of the seven churches of Asia. It was built by Attalus Philadelphus, whose name it bore. It was situated on the lower slopes of Tomolus on the southern side of the valley of Ain-e-ghiul, a river which is probably the Cogamis of antiquity and falls into the Hermus. These are all rivers. It is in the neighborhood of Sardis, about twenty-eight miles southwest of the site of Philadelphia. Its elevation is 952 feet above the sea, a Roman town until 1392 A.D. It fell after persistent resistance into the hands of the Turk. It has been several times almost destroyed by earthquakes. Its name is now Ala-sheher, city of God.


Verse 7, Chapter 3 of the Book of Revelation: And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write these things saith he that is holy, that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth. What we are going to zero in tonight is the end of that verse. He that hath the key of David, he that openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth. We have almost word for word scripture in the book of Isaiah, chapter 22, verse 22. I believe that the Lord has told me to study tonight the book of Isaiah, chapter 15 thru 25 so that we can get the full understanding of what God is saying surrounding this verse, including the phrase the key of David, he that openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth.


The Greek word for key is Strong's #2807 and I found this very interesting. In the Greek Lexicon, its definition is to close a lock. In the Hebrew the definition of the work key is to open; negative, positive. Webster comes from both ends. Webster says a key is a means of gaining or preventing entrance, possession or control. Gaining or preventing entrance, it could go either way. Something that provides a solution, a wedge for holding parts together, something that provides a solution. If you have something and there is a problem, it is not complete. Something is missing and you have the key. That means that you have the missing part that is going to fix it. It is also a wedge for holding parts together. We know that the creation is in parts, that it is not complete, and that when we are complete and fully joined to Christ we will not have the problem that we have today.


Let us try and find out what the Lord is telling us here. We are going to Isaiah, chapter 22. I will read those few verses for you and then we will start doing a verse by verse study. Isaiah 22, verse 15 thru 25: Thus saith the Lord God of hosts, Go, get thee unto this treasurer, even unto Shebna, which is over the house, and say, What hast thou here? and whom hast thou here, that thou hast hewed thee out a sepulcher here, as he that heweth him out a sepulcher on high, and that graveth an habitation for himself in a rock? Behold, the Lord will carry thee away with a mighty captivity: and will surely cover thee. He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country. There thou shalt die, and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of the Lord's house.


Verse 19: And I will drive thee from thy station, and from thy state shall he pull thee down. And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah; And I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government into his hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah. And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open. And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father's house. And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house, the offspring and the issue, all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups, even to all the vessels of flagons. In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off: for the Lord hath spoken it. Glory to God.


We are starting on verse 15 thru Chapter 22 in the Book of Isaiah. The verses 15 to 16 are spelling out Shebna's crimes. Unger's Bible Dictionary tells us about Shebna. He says he is a person occupying a high position in King Hezekiah's court, officially described as over the house. The office he held was that of minister of the household and included the superintendents of all the domestic affairs of the sovereign about 719 B.C. He subsequently held the subordinate position of secretary, his former post having been given to Elliott King. In his post of eminent, Shebna had helped to support a spirit of self security and forgetfulness of God, and Isaiah was sent to pronounce against him the prophesy of his fall. Now that is Unger's comment. I looked up the word Shebna in Strong's and I have drawn a little different conclusion. I put it on the tapes so you can all draw your own conclusion. Basically, what he said was that his sins are a spirit of self security and forget-fullness of God.


Verses 15 to 16, Chapter 22 of Isaiah: Thus saith the Lord God of hosts, get thee unto to this treasurer, even unto Shebna, which is over the house and say. Now the Hebrew word translated treasurer is 5532 and it means to inhabit, to dwell, those who live with anyone in the same house, become familiar with him, thus an associate, a friend, and it also means to be poor, needy or endangered, brought to what. Now Gesengius has a comment in his lexicon. He says that no Hebrew scholar today has been able to reconcile the difference in these definitions of the word treasurer, to inhabit, to dwell, to be poor, to be needy, to be endangered. But I believe we have the answer here.


He says many have despaired of reconciling the signification with the two different definitions, and the attempts that have been made to do this have been very unsatisfactory. I suggest to you that when you inhabit and when you indwell the house of the Lord, when you are His friend, you must be His friend and inhabit His house in a position of submission to Him. There is no way you can indwell the house of the Lord being His equal and definitely no way you can indwell the house of the Lord being His better. So when any of us receive the privilege of indwelling and inhabiting the house of Almighty God, we thus become poor, needy, endangered and brought to what. But on the other hand, He is our every need and our every supply. There is no relationship between man and God when man is self sufficient. Glory to God.


Verse 16: What hast thou here? And whom hast thou here, that thou hast hewed thee out a sepulcher here, as he that heweth him out a sepulcher on high, and that graveth an habitation for himself in a rock? Now the word, herewith, is Strong's #2672 and it means to engrave on stones. It means to cut out stones or a sepulcher. I hope you all know that a sepulcher means a tomb. We have the word herewith and graveth. Graveth means to cut out the stones and herewith is Strong's #2710 and it means to strike violently and engrave letters on the stone that you cut out. It means to write or inscribe laws, to appoint, to describe. So to hew means to cut the stone out and graveth means to write on the stone, to engrave the stone. That is what it means.


The word habitation as a dwelling place, especially a tent, a tabernacle, and it is especially used in the Scriptures to describe the holy tabernacle of the Israelites. Some of you here might know, but in case you do not know, we are vessels that are covered in skin. These vessels that we live in, that are covered in skin, are the tabernacles for our spiritual man. We are tents and tabernacles. We are habitations for the presence of Almighty God. There are people in the earth today in whose vessel He is not yet dwelling, but that is the purpose of our creation, and it is the purpose of our existence. We are a house that is being built for Almighty God. The word rock is Strong's #5553 and it is used mostly in the Scripture to describe the Lord. God is called anyone's rock, a refuge, where one is safe from harm.


Alternate translation of verses 15 and 16. The Lord God of battle. For those of you that do not know the word host means armies. He is the Lord of the armies. He is the Lord of battle. I hope that you know that Jehovah has many names in the Old Testament. One of His names is the Lord of battle. So when He is speaking to Shebna, who apparently is out of order, He comes to him as the God of battle.


I think we were speaking about this recently. If you are not in submission to God, you are His enemy. Either you are for Him or you are against Him. If you are for Him, you are in submission to Him. If you are not in submission to Him, He comes to you with judgment. He comes to you with mercy after you repent.


Verse 12: The Lord God of battle is coming against Shebna. He says to His prophet, Isaiah, go to my familiar friend, the one that indwells in the same place with me, who is poor, needy, and in endangered, but does not know it. It is impossible to dwell with God if you are not poor and needy and endangered. There are a lot of poor, needy, and endangered people that I know of, that do not know their condition. Amen. As a matter of fact, I believe that is the Lord's admonition to the church of Laodicea, if I am not mistaken. He says you are naked. You do not even know you are naked and you are desperate, and you do not even know it. Amen.


He says, Go to my familiar friend who is poor, needy and endangered, but does not know it, even unto my creation, natural man, who is still in his youth. Natural man is evolving. The creation is not fully formed yet. He is still being formed, and God says that natural man is still in his youth, and who in his present stage of development, is ruling over my dwelling place. Natural man is ruling over the house of God. God is not yet totally indwelling the creation and in full control. Natural man is ruling the creation. Amen.


Say to him, what do you think you have done here, and who do you think you are? Do you think that you are the one who formed the body that you live in? Do you think that you are the one who can form a body from a high position of authority in the realm of the Spirit of God? Do you think that you are the one who engraves His own substance in a place of rest for Himself? That is the purpose of Almighty God when man has multiplied to the allotted number of vessels, Almighty God intends to engrave the substance of His spiritual life on the soul of natural man.


But there are men around, God is saying, typified by Shebna, the treasurer, that are denying God the glory. Job did the same thing. They are denying God the glory. There was a shade of difference with Job that I will not go into tonight, but Job was denying that God did all these things. When God went to Job, He said did you set the bounds of the sea and He starts naming all these wonderful things that He did, and He says to Job, did you do these things? Who do you think you are to say that the judgments that are falling upon you are not righteous?


Because when you say that you make me unrighteous. Who are you? So it is the same thing. Man is lifting himself up in pride, and in the case of Shebna, God is saying who do you think you are? You think that you are alive because of your own will? You think that you formed this body yourself? You think that you have the power to form bodies because you give birth to babies? You think that it is coming from your own ability? Do you really think that ultimately you are the one that will be engraving your spiritual substance on the souls of men? I would say you have gotten carried away, my friend. I am going to read that for you again.


The Lord God of battle says to His prophet Isaiah, go to my familiar friend, who is poor, needy, and endangered, but does not know it. Even unto my creation, natural man, who is still in his youth, and who in his present stage of development, is ruling over my dwelling place. Say to him, what do you think you have done and who do you think you are? Do you really think that you are the one who formed the body you live in just because you could make babies? Do you think that you are the one who can form a body from a high position of authority in the realm of the Spirit of God? You think you have rulership over birth? Do you think that you are the one who engraves his own spiritual substance in a place of rest for himself?


Almighty God shall engrave His spiritual life on the souls of mankind and He will rest in us.


What we have in the church world today is a lot of people with an imputed anointing that think that man has been given the power of wielding Almighty God. In one of the messages coming forth in this ministry is that Almighty God shall wield the members of natural man. He shall speak through your mouth. He shall use your hands and He shall use your feet, and He shall indwell you, and walk in you, and talk in you, and live in you, and natural man shall serve Almighty God. Alleluia!


Isaiah is spelling out the judgment that God is pouring out on Shebna. Verses 17 to 19: Behold the Lord will carry thee away with a mighty captivity. Why? Because of your pride. We just described it. And will surely cover thee. He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country and there shall thou die and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of thy Lord's house. And I will drive thee from thy station and from thy state shall He pull thee down. Verse 17: Behold the Lord will carry thee away with a mighty captivity and will surely cover thee. The word cover is Strong's #5844 and it does mean to cover, but it also means to wrap up or to roll up. There are a couple of scriptures that I think we are all familiar with, at least the one in the book of Revelation.


Revelation, Chapter 6, Verse 14: And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. That is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word that is translated to cover in verse 17. We also have that account in Isaiah 34:4 and all the host of heaven shall be dissolved and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll and all their host shall fall down as the leaf falleth off from the vine as a falling fig. The King James says fig, but it is not in the original Hebrew. As a falling from the fig tree. Glory to God.


Let us see what that means. The word carry is Strong's #2904 and it means to pitch over, to reel, to cast down. It does not mean carry as we think of it. It means to cast down, to overturn, and to bring down to a lower position. If you are standing up and you overturn, you wind up on a lower position. Let me tell you something, brethren, there is a defensed city in the world today, if they call themselves the church of the Lord Jesus Christ and they have His Spirit. For those men that are not educated, they are deceived because it truly is the Spirit of the living God in the Church.


But do not look for anything beyond His Spirit, and His Spirit is kindergarten, brethren. We want Him. I hope you want Him. We want Him. We want His life because we are saved by His life. We want His righteousness because you cannot be saved without righteousness. We want Him. We do not want the kindergarten stuff. We thank God for it when we get it, but Lord willing, let us go on to perfection. There is a defensed city in the church world today and they have set their mind to make war against the Living God and they will not let His Spirit into their church.


He is going to tear down their defensed military position. That is how I got that in verse 20 and at the appointed time, after the imputed anointing has been torn down, I will reveal my servant, the one sent of God, who will raise my sons back up into the heavenlies. In case you do not know it, we are a fallen creation. We originated in the heavenlies in pure spirit form with God and we are fallen. We are in a low spiritual realm and we are living in solid dense bodies which are a prison house because we are morally corrupt.


I do not care if you go to church every Sunday, and I do not care how much money you donate. I do not care if you go to the prison houses. I do not care if you have mercy on the prostitutes and you feed the poor. Your soul is filled with sin that you have inherited from your family line. So do not give me your good works. We are all in the same boat, brethren. The only one that has gotten out so far is the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not show me your dove wings and do not show me your pins, and do not show me that you are a deliverance worker. Show me your heart, brethren. Show me a cleansed and purified heart. Hallelujah!!!


So at the appointed time after the imputed anointing has been torn down, I will reveal my servant, the one sent of God, who will raise my sons back up into the heavenlies, whose name is Jehovah's portion of land, the Son of God, even the Lord Jesus Christ, the man in whom Almighty God dwells, the Son of God. Glory to God.


Verse 21: And I will clothe him with thy robe and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will permit thy government into his hand and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah. I will clothe him. That word clothe, Strong's #3847, means to put on a garment. But in Gesengius Hebrew Chaldean Lexicon, he has an alternate translation that I would like to read to you. This is Gesengius alternate translation of Job 29:14 using the same word, to clothe, Strong's #3847 and this is what.


I guess I should read you the actual scripture. Job 29:14; I have put on righteousness and it clothe me. Gesengius translates it this way. I have put on righteousness and it has put me on. His comment is, that is I am covered with righteousness as a garment, and within it wholly fills me. So this word clothe is not a light garment like we are wearing. It is something that when you put it on, it covers you from without and it fills you from within. There is a scripture in the Book of Isaiah that says the whole world was covered with darkness and the people with gross darkness.


If you study that scripture out it means that we are living in a world covered with darkness and the darkness is also within us. If you do not have the Lord Jesus Christ, the gross darkness is within you because you are without the Spirit of God. Well it is being reversed. When you are covered with the righteousness of Jesus Christ, it is going to cover you from without, and it is going to fill you up from within. It is something that is going to change your whole spiritual life. So this is the word clothe that is used in verse 21, and I will clothe him with thy robe. I am going to put it outside of him and inside of him. It is not just a natural robe.


The word robe is Strong's #3301 and it means JAH, which is the abbreviation for Jehovah. JAH will liberate, and it is from a root that means ransom, release, preservation. It is the sacred name of the Lord. It is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is our ransom. So He is going to clothe him with the Lord Jesus Christ. He is going to clothe Shebna, the pride filled, either house of Israel of the time of Isaiah, or the church today.


I once heard a preacher preach. He did not read the old testament because it was for a people from years ago. Brethren, these prophets are to the church today. The same things are happening in the Church today. The indictment of the house of Israel is upon the Church today. This is spiritual. So the word robe means the Lord Jesus Christ. He is going to clothe him with the Lord Jesus Christ. He is going to put him on the outside, the imputed anointing, and He is going to fill him up with Him, the imparted anointing, and He is going to be our everything. Glory to God.


I am on the word strengthen. And I will strengthen him with my girdle. Now the word strengthen means to bind strongly. It means to stick fast and it is used in the sense of adhesion. Webster says that adhesion is a form of the word adhere. It means to hold fast, to stick by, or as of glueing, grasping or fusing. We have been speaking a lot in this ministry about the fact that we are really not one solid being, just as our physical body is really in many parts. We have a heart. We have lungs. We have many different organs, many different blood cells, and we appear to be one. Our spiritual makeup is in many parts, and we are fused together in this hour in an incorrect moral order.


You can liken it to the fact of a baby that is born sometimes with its heart in the wrong place. What happens to the baby? The baby dies if his stomach is in the wrong place. It is called a deformed baby. The food cannot get to the person. He has got to die. Well, we are fused together in a wrong moral order. What is the result of it? We are dying. We are dying. So we are fused together in the wrong moral order. The Lord Jesus Christ is breaking apart that moral order, breaking it down to our component parts. He is going to place us in the right order and He is going to fuse us again, this time in the right order.


Now to the word girdle. We have a man wearing a robe and he has a girdle wrapped around him. The word girdle is a girdle that the priests wore. Unger's Bible Dictionary says that their tunic was a garment that when it is not girded with a girdle, impeded the person from walking. It impeded the person from walking. So we have a man clothed with Jesus Christ, and there is something else that wraps him around that causes Jesus Christ to adhere to the man, to be fused to the man. Girdle is Strong's # 73 and it simply means the girdle that the priests wore, but it is that factor that is going to fuse you to Jesus Christ. That factor is the power of Almighty God. That is what it is.


We are talking about verse 21. And I will commit thy government into His hand and I will clothe him with thy robe and strengthen him with thy girdle and I will commit thy government into his hands. The word commit is Strong's # 5414 and it means to cause to receive, to give to the victor, to set or put in place. The word government is Strong's # 4475 and it means dominion or jurisdiction. Webster says that jurisdiction means the power, the right, or authority to interpret and apply the law. The authority of a sovereign power to govern or legislate. This is the right of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has the power to govern and legislate in the realm of the Spirit.


I am going to give you an alternate translation on the first half of Isaiah 22:21: And I will clothe him with thy robe and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government into His hand. Alternate translation: And I will cover him with the salvation of God within and without, and fuse him together with it in the correct moral order. Glory to God. And I will set in motion his spiritual authority to interpret and apply the law and govern my creation. And I will cover him with the salvation of God within and without and fuse him together with it in the correct moral order, and I will set in motion his spiritual authority to interpret and apply the law and govern my creation. Glory to God.


The second half of verse 21. And he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah. Now father is Strong's # 1. It means founder, first ancestor, bringer up, nourisher, master, teacher. It is the base. The word inhabitants is Strong's #3427 and it means to cause a woman to dwell with one. It also means inhabitants to dwell. Another definition is to cause a woman to dwell with one, to take in marriage, to cause a land to be inhabited. We know that our soul is a piece of land that is made to be inhabited by a spirit.


Now we are dealing with the scripture, and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the house of Judah. So we see that the word inhabitants is female. It refers to females. The word Jerusalem is Strong's #3389. It is a royal city of the Canaanites. I did not know that Jerusalem originally was a pagan city. A royal city of the Canaanites, and from the time of David and onward the metropolis of the Hebrews and the royal city of the house of David, situated on the borders of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. The name of Jerusalem means the possession of peace, men or people of peace, house or habitation of peace, or city of God. City of God, house of peace, or habitation of peace. That is what Jerusalem means. So he is going to be a father to the inhabitants of the city of peace, which we are told is female, and he is going to be a father to the house of Judah.


The word house is Strong's #1004 and it means family, to build, or to obtain children. Judah is Strong's #3063, the fourth son of Jacob after the division of the kingdom. The name of this tribe was applied to one of the kingdoms which included the tribes of Judah and Benjamin with a portion of Simeon and Dan, and had Jerusalem for its metropolis. The other kingdom was called Israel after the carrying away of the ten tribes and after the Babylonian exile. The name Judah is applied both to the whole land of Israel and where it signifies the land, it is female. It is also applied to the tribe. When it is applied to the people or the tribe, it is masculine. So this is what we have got.


Verse 21 of Isaiah, second half and Isaiah 22: And he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah. And he shall be a nourisher and teacher to the souls he marries. He is marrying the living soul. The Lord Jesus Christ is marrying the living soul, and when He marries her, He shall be a nourisher and a teacher. In one of the more recent messages, we found out that the soul shall be taught. God has ordained that the soul which is in great darkness and ignorance in this hour, is as brute beasts, as the scripture tells us. They come against the spiritual men. They do not recognize that they are dignitaries and they do not know what they are doing. Their minds are darkened. The people in this condition shall be taught.


The soul realm is going to be taught. He shall be a nourisher and a teacher to the many membered soul He marries, and a foundation of power to the family of spirits who shall possess His peace. There is a family of spirits. Ephesians 3:14 and 15: For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven of earth is named. There is a family in heaven. There is a family of spirits and they are being given a soul to possess and a body to inhabit.


Alternate translation of Isaiah 22:21; And I will cover him with the salvation of God within and without and fuse him together with it in the correct moral order. I will set. You see He is going to be fused with the living soul. And I will cover him with the salvation of God within and without and fuse him together with it in the correct moral order and I will set in motion his spiritual authority to interpret and apply the spiritual law of God by which He will govern my creation. And He shall be a nourisher and teacher of the many membered soul He marries and a foundation of power to the family of spirits which shall possess His peace.


A lot of people run around wanting peace. I have done it myself, saying I want peace, I want peace. The only peace, brethren, is between you and God. If you are not in rebellion against God in any area of your mind, you will have peace. If you do not have peace, it means that there are areas in your life, which we all have in this hour, in which you are not thinking with the thoughts of God. If you are not thinking with the thoughts of God, you are thinking rebellious thoughts, and you are not at peace with God. The only peace is with God. To have peace is to have peace with God, and to have peace with God, you have to think the thoughts of God. Because if you think ungodly thoughts, which are sin, He is going to make war against you. Glory to God.


But there is still that spark of life that is hid in Him. He is going to make war with your soul that is thinking ungodly thoughts, but He is still going to save you and your life is going to be hidden in Him, and He is going to give you everything that you need to stop thinking these ungodly thoughts. He is going to give you power. He is going to give you strength. He is going to give you life. He is going to give you righteousness. He is going to give you wisdom. He is going to give you the truth. Eventually, your ungodly thoughts shall be defeated.


Unfortunately, it is taking a long time. Some of us would like to see it go faster, but brethren, I tell you, I had such ungodly thoughts in my mind. I was tormented. I had so much demonic activity in my mind when I first came to the Lord, I could not even think straight. God has done a work in me, brethren. If you are struggling with it now, take my word for it, He will do it. He will do it. You have to work with Him. You have to expose yourself to the word of God, and you have to expose yourself to anointed teaching as much as possible.


If you cannot actually study, if there is so much demonic activity in your life and you really cannot study, play the tapes in the background. Get scripture tapes. Take the tapes of anybody that you feel has an anointing on you. Play them while you sleep. I had tapes going twenty four hours a day. God will do it. He will clear that demonic activity out of your mind. Sometimes the natural man expects it to happen overnight. It does not happen overnight. Do not give up. Hang in there because His word is sure and His word is true. If He said it, He will do it. Amen.


Alternate translation of Isaiah 22:21; And I will cover him with the salvation of God within and without and fuse him together with it in the correct moral order and I will set in motion his spiritual authority to interpret and apply the spiritual law of God by which he will govern my creation. And he shall be a nourisher and teacher of the many membered soul He marries and a foundation of power to the family of spirits which shall possess His peace.


Verse 22:22 of Isaiah. And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder so he shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut and none shall open. Now this is the verse we have in the Book of Revelation. We are trying to understand what it means so that we can find out what God is saying to the Church of Philadelphia. Verse 22. And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder so he shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut and none shall open. The word key in the Hebrew is Strong's #4668. It is an opener. The Greek says it is a closer. The Hebrew says it is an opener. It is from a root that means to open wide, to loosen, to begin, to plow, to carve, to appear.


I got very excited when I read all these words because all these words are the work that the Lord Jesus Christ is doing in us. He is going to open our souls wide. For what? So that His life can appear in us. Amen. He is going to loosen. What is He going to loose? He is going to loosen us from the bondage of sin and death. Amen. He is going to begin. He is going to begin His life in us. Amen. He is going to plow. He is going to plow our soul and turn it over and dig up all the stones and the weeds. All the demons and all the curses are coming out. He is going to carve. What is He going to carve on our soul? Anybody? Yes, His name. Amen. His image, His life, His personality, His nature. Amen. He is going to appear where? Yes, in us. Glory to God.


He is going to break forth as the morning sun upon the darkness of our soul. He is going to draw us out from the pit that we have been in for centuries and thousands of years. He is going to let us go free. He is going to engrave us. He is going to unstop us. We are stopped up in the ether with a lead cover. He is going to unstop us and He is going to ungird us. He is going to deliver us from these thick bodies that bind us to the earth, and we shall free to soar in the heavenlies. Alleluia.


That is what the word key means in the Hebrew. Glory to God. He is the key. He is going to do all of these things for us. He is the key to our captivity. Glory to God. Hallelujah. We just rebuke that outburst in the name of Jesus. We utterly condemn you, and we ask you Father, that the power be applied to cast it down. (Tongues) Hallelujah.


We are dealing with verse 22 of Isaiah, Chapter 22. And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder, so He shall open and none shall shut, and he shall shut and none shall open. What is He opening? He is opening our graves, brethren. That is what He is opening. The word house means family or to obtain children. The word David, He says He is the key of David. The word David denotes Messiah because Messiah is indeed the son of David. The key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder. The word shoulder is Strong's #7926 and it merely is the place of burden. If you are carrying anything heavy, the safest way to carry it with regard to your physical health is on your shoulder. If you carry it in your arms, you could hurt your back. You are suppose to put it on your shoulder. So it is the place of burden.


We have an alternate translation of the first half of verse 22 of chapter 22 of Isaiah; And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder. Alternate translation: And I will give him the job of delivering, engraving his name upon, appearing in, and freeing his children from the vile body of sin in which they dwell. That is us, brethren. Glory to God. Almighty God says to Jesus, and I will give him the job of delivering us, engraving His image upon us, appearing in us, and freeing us from the vile body of sin in which we dwell. That is the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God.




I want to give you just as a reference to follow this up Isaiah 53:10. This is a scripture that indicates that Jesus Christ has been promised spiritual children. A lot of people that do not understand the scriptures say that He died, the man never married, and He never had any children, but the Lord God has promised Jesus Christ, spiritual offspring. The whole chapter of Isaiah 53:10 is talking about Jesus the Messiah. When thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin. That has already happened, amen. He shall see seed. He shall see seed. He shall see offspring. He shall prolong his days. How do you prolong your days? You have children. That is how you prolong your days. That is a basic scriptural principle. And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his land.


Now the Mormons have taken this scripture and they say that Jesus Christ had natural children, but we know that the children promised to the Lord Jesus Christ are the 42nd generation. They are the sons of God that are coming forth in this hour, two thousand years after Jesus Christ's crucifixion. We are told in the type of this, when the Hebrew children crossed over Jordan, first went the priests with the ark, and then I believe it is twenty meters or two thousand meters behind came the rest of the people. So we are coming two thousand years behind Jesus Christ, our High Priest, but we are coming. Glory to God. The world is about to see the manifestation of the sons of God. Glory to God.


Isaiah 22 verse 22, second half. So he shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut and none shall open. Glory to God. I want to refer you to a reference in the book of Luke with regard to this phrase. We are dealing with Luke 13:24-29; So he shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut and none shall open. That is Luke 13: 24-29 and we are trying to find out what He is shutting and not opening. Verse 24: Strive to enter in at the straight gate, for many I say unto you will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house is risen up and has shut the door and ye begin to stand without and to knock at the door, saying Lord, Lord, open unto us, and He shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are. Then shall ye begin to say, we have eaten and drunken in thy presence and thou hast taught in our streets. But He shall say I tell you, I know you not whence ye are. Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when ye shall see Abraham and Isaiah and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you, yourselves, thrust out. They shall come from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south and shall sit down in the kingdom of God.


So when Jesus talks about shutting and opening, He is talking about deliverance from the bondage of the soul realm and entrance into the kingdom of God. He is not talking about a place up in heaven with streets paved with gold. He is talking about a spiritual condition. He is talking about deliverance from existence or death on the soul realm and life in the spiritual realm of God. Our life is hid in Jesus Christ. There is only one way we can get there, and that is to have Jesus Christ appearing in us. We are not talking about the Holy Spirit. We are talking about the person of the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ appearing in us. When that happens we have life.


The Holy Spirit does not give you life. I am sorry if I am shocking you, but I am telling you the truth. How many people do you know that have the Holy Spirit that have died? How many people do you know that have the Holy Spirit that are sick? How many people do you know that have the Holy Spirit that have gone to mental institutions and been committed? I know people that have been committed into mental institutions that have the Holy Spirit. Brethren, the Holy Spirit is the earnest of your inheritance. He is the down payment. He is the promise of what is to come. What is to come is the appearance of the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ in you, at which time, your total personality shall be totally destroyed. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot stay the way you are and wield His power like a soothsayer. That is not it, brethren. That is not it. Glory to God.


Alternate translation of Isaiah 22 verse 22, second half. And He shall thus open the door into the spiritual realm of all provision known as the kingdom of God for them. That is the many members of the living soul. And for those to whom He makes it available, no man will be able to keep them out, but for those whom He will not let into the kingdom of God, no man will be able to get them in. Who is the man that will try to keep them out? There is only one man that will try to keep them out, brethren. His name is Adam. He is the living soul and he is going to try to keep you out, but I declare unto you, that if the Lord Jesus Christ has opened the door unto you, there may be a few trials and there may be some fluster and there may be some bluster, but he cannot keep you out if the Lord God has opened unto you. Hallelujah.


I am going to read the alternate translation of the totality of verse 22 in Isaiah chapter 22. This is the verse that we are going to insert tomorrow night into the book of Revelation with regard to the church of Philadelphia. And I shall give him the job of delivering, engraving his image upon, appearing in, and freeing his children from the vile body of sin in which they dwell, and he shall thus open the door into the spiritual realm of all provision known as the kingdom of God for them. For who? For the many members of the living soul. And for those to whom He makes the kingdom of God available, no man will be able to keep them out, but for those whom He will not let into the kingdom of God, no man will be able to get them in.


You cannot go in under the fence or over the fence. You cannot sneak around and you cannot dig your way through. There is only one way into the spiritual realm of God and that is through the door. Anybody know who the door is? The door is the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other way in. It is not through demon power. It is not through psychic power, and it is not through any other spirit that talks to you or gives you information or even heals you. There are many spirits in the world today and I do not deny that they can do these things. They can heal you. They can give you tips in the stock market. They can talk to you. They can give you warnings. They can get you a husband, but brethren, they cannot give you eternal life. What they give you is limited to this lifetime. Of course the judgments of God fall upon you for associating with them. They are illegal spiritual power. Hallelujah.


Going on to verse 23 of Isaiah chapter 22. And I will fasten him. Who? Jesus. I will fasten him a nail in a sure place and he shall be for a glorious throne to his Father's house. And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place and he shall be for a glorious throne in his Father's house. The word fasten is Strong's #8628 and it means to fix by smiting. To fix by smiting, to drive in as a nail, and it also means to become surety. To fix by smiting; in the scripture it says those who God loves He chastens, and if He chastens you not, you are a bastard.


Have you been smitten lately? Do you feel like you are being smitten? Perhaps the Lord Jesus Christ is the nail that is trying to penetrate you in this hour. And with much tribulation shall they enter into the kingdom of God. It is not easy. Jesus is not coming down with a big fish net and sweeping you up into the sky. It is difficult and it is hard and it is arduous. Paul says we are to endure as good soldiers. What a lie is being perpetrated in the Church today, but in Christ we can do all things. We can do all things in Christ which strengthens us. Amen, but it is not easy, brethren. I am not going to lie to you. It is tough and it is painful, but it is glorious. Alleluia!


I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place and he shall be for a glorious throne to his Father's house. Verse 23. Fasten to fix by smiting. Judges 4 verse 21: Then Jael, Heber's wife took a nail of the tent, and took a hammer in her hand, and went softly into Sisera. Sisera was the dictator that was tormenting Israel in those days. And she smote the nail into his temples, and fastened it to the ground: for he was fast asleep and weary. So he died. This is a parable type of what is happening to our souls. The woman took a nail from the tent, the tent representing the tabernacle, and I believe the woman typifies the human spirit, which is female. She took the nail, which is Jesus Christ, and she put it through the temples of the dictator, which is Adam and Satan in our own minds. She put it through his temples. She put it through his mind. Glory to God.


Our human spirit has to let go of allegiance with the living soul and form an allegiance with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ with our human spirit is going to utterly defeat Adam and Satan in our own minds. Glory to God. And he was fast asleep when this happened to him, and we know that God put Adam to sleep, and there is nothing in the scriptures that indicates he has ever woken up. So the living soul is sleeping. What is he asleep to? He is asleep to spiritual things. So when the spiritual things start happening, when the Lord Jesus Christ comes and woos our spirit and she joins with Him, he is really not going to know what is happening. He is going to be lying there sleeping and the human spirit will join with the living God, with Jesus Christ, and together they will put a nail through the head of the oppressor, through the temples, through the mind, through the brain of the satanic mind. It is the thing that is in us that is destroying us and that is causing us to die. Glory to God.


The word fasten also means to become surety. That means if you want to buy a car and you do not have enough money, you will sign a note and say if I cannot pay for the car, someone will pay for it. It is called co-signing a note in modern English. The Scripture tells us not to do that. The Scripture says in Proverbs 17:18, A man void of understanding striketh hands, shakes hands, and becomes surety, or co-signs for a time, in the presence of his friend. God says that if you are a man and you do it, you do not have understanding. It is a spiritual principle that is going to bring destruction in your life. Man cannot do it, but God can do it. He is going to be surety for us. He is going to be the nail that is driven into us. He is going to put His name on the line, that if we cannot pay, He is going to pay, and He is going to pay because we cannot pay.


He can do it without being destroyed, but for a man to be surety, he is without understanding and destruction is upon him. We know a man cannot lie, but we know that God sent a lying spirit, and we know that God does evil perfectly. God does evil, but it always turns out good. When man does evil it turns out unto destruction. So there are things that man cannot do that God can do. One of the things that God can do that man cannot do is be surety for a friend. Indeed, He shall be and is, in those of us who already He is operating in, our surety. He is our surety, our connection, with all provision. Alleluia. If we cannot pay, He is going to pay. Hallelujah.


We are dealing with the scripture, And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place, and he shall be for a glorious throne to his Father's house. Glory to God. A sure place. The word sure is Strong's #539 and it means to support, to be firm, to be unshakable. Brethren, the only unshakable thing in the universe is the Lord Jesus Christ. The word place is Strong's #4725 and it means the station or the place from where you exist. Where are you out from? Where are you out from? If you are a natural man, you are out of the living soul. If you are a spiritual man, you are out of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are one of His offspring. So the word place means what is your basic root. Where are you from?


Alternate translation of the first half of Isaiah 22:23. And I will save the living soul from death by fastening the Lord Jesus Christ to her, thus securing her to a firm unshakable foundation from which she can prosper and live. 1 Corinthians 3:11; For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:19-20; Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God. And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.


Alternate translation of the first half of Isaiah 22:23; And I will save the living soul from death by fastening the Lord Jesus Christ to her, thus securing her to a firm unshakable foundation, which is Himself, from which she can prosper and live and stop dying. Continuing on with the second half of verse 23; And he, Jesus, shall be for a glorious throne to his Father's house. The word glorious means abundance, riches, and it is figuratively applied to the soul. The soul, which is poor and needy without God, shall be made rich when Jesus Christ is joined to her.


The word throne, I hope you remember from prior teachings, means soul. The throne is what the king sits in and the king is the Lord Jesus Christ. The king typifies spirit, and spirit sits in the soul which is the throne or the chariot, and it is pulled by the horse, which is the body. So a glorious throne is a soul that has been made glorious and there is only one way to have our soul made glorious, and that is to be joined to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Alternate translation of the second half of Isaiah 22:23; And the addition of his life to the living soul shall make her an abundantly rich and glorified soul, lacking nothing, and a member of God's family. Alternate translation of Isaiah 22:23; And I will save the living soul from death by fastening the Lord Jesus Christ to her, thus securing her to a firm unshakable foundation from which she can prosper and live and the addition of his life to the living soul shall make it an abundantly rich and glorified soul, lacking nothing, and a member of God's family. She is going to be adopted into God's family.


Verse 24. And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his Father's house, the offspring and the issue, all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups, even to all the vessels of flagons. And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his Father's house. The word hang means to suspend, to hang up, to suspend in a balance. The word offspring is Strong's #6631 and it refers to things that spring up from the earth. What God is planting in the earth of our soul is spiritual life. The things that spring up from the earth of our soul is spiritual life, the offspring of the Lord Jesus Christ. The word issue is Strong's #6849 and that is less distinguished offspring. The word is feminine and I suggest to you that it is the offspring of the soul.


We know that we are all reproducing on the soul realm. If you have had a child, you have reproduced a cell in the body of the soul that Adam, from the beginning when he started to reproduce, has been reproducing in his own likeness and in his own image. It is the likeness and image of Adam. The only human being in this hour in whom the image of Jesus Christ has been engraved upon is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only one that I know of. We are all in the likeness and image of Adam. When we bear children, those children are in the likeness and image of Adam. Glory to God.


We did an earlier tape, tape 20, which is called Innocence, Death and Life, where we talked about the three different kinds of reproduction. There is reproduction on the soul realm. There is reproduction on the human body realm, and there is reproduction on the spiritual realm. We were taught in that tape that right now we are reproducing dead young. When our children are born, they are born in sin and shaped in iniquity. According to the scriptural definition of death, they are born dead. They are born into the realm of death. This is the realm of death and hell, but the day is coming when the Lord Jesus Christ shall be nailed to the fullness of the living soul.


We shall not yet be fully saved, but we will be in a stage of the development of the creation of God where the Lord Jesus Christ will be nailed to the fullness of the living soul. That means every cell. When that happens, when you have a baby, that baby will not be born dead. It will be born with the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, because if the mother is joined to the Lord Jesus Christ, and the father is joined to the Lord Jesus Christ, the baby will be joined to the Lord Jesus Christ. Now I am not talking about the Holy Spirit, because we have people today in the Church world where the mother and father have the Holy Spirit, and the baby is not born with the Holy Spirit.


I am not talking about the promise. I am talking about Jesus Christ being joined fully to the living soul. When the living soul comes to that place in its evolution, the children produced in this natural realm will have the life of Christ. Can you hear that? We are on a long journey. The end of that journey is that we are going to be spirits like the Lord Jesus Christ is a Spirit today, but there are many stages in between. I just described to you one of the stages. I believe life will be in this flesh, and I believe men and women will still be marrying and bearing children. They will be in the process of having their soul purified because when the Lord Jesus Christ joins Himself to our soul, the result of that is that our soul will be purified. But brethren, I suggest to you, it could take many generations. It has taken many generations for sin on the family line to bring us where we are today.


Do you recall that even after God pronounced the curse upon Adam and Eve, that they lived over 900 years. I think Methuselah lived 999 years. Adam lived 900 and some odd years. The people before the flood lived 900, 800, 700 years. The reason for that was, even though they had been put out of the garden and they had sinned, the sin was new. With each generation the sin gains momentum because the judgment for sin is death. It is taking thousands of generations to kill the living soul. We are still alive and the scripture tells us that the life of the living soul is going to be cut short. Destruction is on the living soul. It has taken thousands of generations for us to die. We have died spiritually. It is taking thousands of generations for us to cease today. In the very generation where the judgments and the curses of God shall be upon us with such destruction that the civilization cannot survive, in that generation Jesus Christ will appear in the living soul to save her life. Can you hear that?


The generations of mankind have been descending spiritually for thousands of years. What I am suggesting to you is that the process, that the Lord Jesus Christ has already started by imparting His Holy Spirit to you, and into everyone else that has it, is that He is starting to reverse the process. It could take many generations for the living soul to come to the place where she is so cleansed, where the souls of the living soul are so cleansed, that she is producing live humans. I suggest to you that while this is happening, people will start living longer. They will start living 90 years or 100 years, 110 years, 200 years, as the soul is cleansed. As the judgments of God are visited on the third and fourth generation, the blessings of God are visited, I believe the scripture says unto two thousand generations.


So as we start to live for Christ, and as we get delivered, and as He appears in us by His life, each generation is going to start living longer. The process is being reversed. We have not descended to this low realm that we are in, and someone is going to snap their fingers and we are going to be glorified. It is not going to work that way. It is going to reverse. I believe at this point that it could be thousands of years until the end of this whole process takes place. I believe that we are simultaneously hitting bottom and reverse is coming in this hour. That is what I believe is happening. For the point of this message, what I am saying to you is that the offspring, that this word issue is less distinguished than spiritual offspring. It is feminine and I am suggesting to you that it means soulish offspring. That could very well be wrong. Did I make that point clear? It is a controversial point. Glory to God.


Verse 24, Chapter 22 of Isaiah. And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his Father's house. The offspring is spiritual offspring. The issue is the reproduction on the soul realm. All vessels of small quantity from the vessels of cups, even to the vessels of flagons. Glory to God. The word vessels merely means a utensil, a tool, an implement, and it can mean arms or weapons. I am suggesting to you that we are the vessels. We are the ones in which the Lord Jesus Christ inhabits. He uses us to go to war. How does He use us to go to war? Anybody know? He uses our mouth. We speak out the warfare. Glory to God. We are His tools. We are His implements.


The word small is Strong's #6996 and it means a little younger of lesser importance. The word cup is Strong's #101 and it means a trough for washing, a bowl, a basin, a laver, a cup, something that you use for washing. The word flagons is Strong's #5035 means a skin bottle. Did you ever see the skin bottles in Europe? Especially the people that live on the desert fill them with water. The make them out of the skin of an animal. There are many scriptures in the Bible talking about skin bottles and bottles from heaven. I suggest to you that we are the skin bottles, that we are skins, and we are filled with the spiritual life of God, and the spiritual life of the soul, which is typified as liquid. Glory to God.


Alternate translation of Isaiah 22:24; And the many members of the living soul shall attribute all of the honor of his Father's family unto him. And the many members of the living soul shall attribute all of the honor of Father God's family to Jesus Christ. Both his spiritual offspring children, both his spiritual descendants, and the souls that shall be birth alive during the time of his dominion. They shall honor him. And also the vessels of lesser importance shall honor him, even the bodies which are used for purifying the soul, and the skins of the bodies which keep human life from pouring out. We are told in that day when Jesus Christ is joined to the living soul, that every aspect of life shall pay honor to him.


What does that mean? How do you pay honor to the Lord Jesus Christ? You worship Him. How do you worship Him? You submit to Him. You do what He tells you. So he is saying that the spiritual man is going to submit to Him, the soul man is going to submit to Him, and our bodies are going to submit to Him. Our inner bodies that house the soul, and I am not even sure what that means. And the skins that house our soul and everything else that is within us is going to submit to Him. That means if you are sick and Jesus says heal, you are going to heal. It is not going to be a man standing up there wielding the power of God, praying for you, and sometimes you get healed and sometimes you do not. It means that all is going to honor Him. All is going to do what He says. Let me read it again.


And the many members of the living soul shall attribute all of the honor of his Father's family to Him. Everybody is going to honor Him. Both his spiritual descendants, the 42nd generation, the sons of God, and the souls that shall be birth alive during the time of His dominion and also the vessels of lesser importance shall honor Him, even the bodies which are used for purifying the soul. The souls are locked in a body. Our body is the earthen oven. We have this in a recent message. The soul is being purified through the trials and tribulations that she goes through while she is locked in this body. So everyone is going to honor Him, even the bodies which are used for purifying the soul, and the skins of the body which keep human natural life from pouring out, our blood and our organs. Everything is going to honor Him, the spiritual man, the soul man, the skins that hold us together, and I guess the body in the form of the body of the flesh underneath the skin. Glory to God.


1 Corinthians 15: 20-23 and verse 25: But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruits of them that slept, for since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam, all die, even so in Christ, shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order, Christ the firstfruits afterwards they that are Christ's at his coming. For He, Christ, must reign till He hath put all enemies under his feet. That is what we are talking about in Isaiah chapter 22 verse 24. All shall honor him for He must reign until He has put all enemies under His feet. But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the firstfruits of them that slept, for since by man came death, by Adam came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For in Adam all have died, but even so in Christ, when He is joined to us, we shall be made alive. Glory to God.


But every man in his own order, Christ the firstfruits, and afterward they that are Christ's at His coming. They that are Christ's at His coming. As He appears in you, you are Christ at His coming. Every man is not coming at the same time. Let everyone hear.


Verse 25: In that day saith the Lord of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed. What? I just heard this glorious word and now the Lord is saying in that day when all this wonderful stuff happens, the nail that is fastened to the sure place, the living soul, shall be removed. And he is going to be cut down and he is going to fall, and the burden that was upon him shall be cut off, for the Lord has spoken it. What in the world is this? In that day saith the Lord of hosts, the nail shall be removed. The word removed is Strong's #4185 and it means to cease, to depart, to go back. The word cut down, it shall be removed and cut down, is Strong's #1438. It means to fell a tree, to destroy anything. Christ is going to be destroyed? And he shall be removed and cut down and fall. The word fall is Strong's #5307 and it is used of members of the body which fall away, become emaciated. It is used of kingdoms or states which are overthrown. The kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, which we are told shall be an everlasting kingdom, is going to be destroyed. Now how could that be?


Well, if you study the old testament, there are many scriptures that say under the law of Moses, and this shall be a statute forever, forever, everlasting, the same word. This shall be an everlasting statute, until, you shall celebrate the Passover feast. So what we are saying is, that it is forever until there is no more use for it. It is forever until God taketh away the first that He might establish the second. So what we have just described here is a condition of Jesus Christ being joined to every single cell of the living soul, human beings giving birth to live young, and our spirit, soul, body and skins being in submission and giving honor to the Lord Jesus Christ. That is going to be taken away because God has something even greater for us. What I am going to suggest to you that He has for is that He is going to make us spirits, ultimately. I personally believe it is thousands of years away. Man, the whole living soul, shall be made a spirit, just like Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is a Spirit today. Can you hear this? Okay, let us go on. Glory to God.


Alternate translation of Isaiah 22:25; Then the God of battle says. Now He is still at war with mankind. He is still the God of battle. He is still at war with Shebna, the guy that was proud in the early days of his youth. All this He is going to do to him. All this He is going to do to him, with great pain and suffering, but the end result of it is, he is going to be glorified. Then the God of battle says, when all of the foregoing has been accomplished, the Lord Jesus Christ who has been nailed to the living soul, making Himself a firm unshakable foundation for her, and giving her life, shall be pulled back and stripped of his power, and become useless as a withered arm, the job of mediator between God and man will no longer exist.


Does anyone know why it will no longer exist? The living soul will have become so purified from being joined to the Lord Jesus Christ that she will no longer need a mediator. Man needs a mediator because God is holy, and if we came face to face with God, we would be burnt up. We would be destroyed. We are unclean. We are the lepers of the Levitical law. That is what we are. But after being in contact with the Lord Jesus Christ, for what I believe will probably be thousands of years, and many many many, if not thousands of generations, the living soul will have become so purified that she will be able to meet God face to face and will no longer need a mediator. I remind you that Adam and Eve in the garden saw God face to face without a mediator. Amen.


An unshakable foundation for her, and giving her life, shall be pulled back. The Lord Jesus Christ shall be pulled back and stripped of his power and become useless as a withered arm. The job of mediator between God and man will no longer exist because the living soul will have become so purified from being joined to the Lord Jesus Christ that the Father, Himself, will walk in the midst of her, for the Lord has said it. Yes Shebna, you are filthy in your pride, and this is what I am going to do to you. Thank God, God is not a man. Thank God, God is not a man. This is the hell fire that they are going to burn in forever. Glory to God.


1 Corinthians 15:24 says; Then cometh the end when he, Jesus, shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and all power, and the rule and the authority and the power is us.


10-15-11 mjs

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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