458 - 1 Part




The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We were talking about the situation in the country off the message, the political situation. It seems to me that our government is dissolving, that is how it seems to me, that our government is literally dissolving from within. If I did not have hope in Jesus Christ and if I did not believe the Scripture that said, "When this happens, look up, because your redemption draweth nigh, I think I would be a lot more concerned than I am now. But, you know, what are you going to do? you cannot get hysterical. What are you going to do?


Personally, I do not think that the power of prayer of the typical believer would do any good in this situation. The only thing that is going to help is the supernatural intervention of Christ Jesus. And I believe that this supernatural intervention will take the form of the manifestation of the supernatural Sons of God, and exactly what they are going to do -- well, it is not true that I have no idea, I really do have a word in my heart as to what they are going to do. There is so much in my mind, I do not know what to say first. I guess I will show you what they are going to do. Please stop the message.


Praise the Lord. What I have drawn really simplifies what is happening and what is about to happen. This physical world is being influenced. and literally brought down by powers and principalities who abide in the astral plane. Now, some of them may be disembodied -- I am not really sure, God only knows, I do not have all of the answers -- but many of them are incarnated, many of them are embodied; human beings, who you never see on the news, whose face you would never recognize if you saw it, but they are mind and their mind power is ascended into the astral plane, which is the abode of Satan. And however they do it, I do not know whether they are praying over black candles, or whether they are just sitting there visualizing the fall of this nation, I do not know how they are doing it, but I believe that there is a company of spiritual people in the world today who are bringing down this nation with the power of witchcraft.


Now, the nation could not fall if we were in right standing with God, but the nation is not in right standing with God. The government is sold out. Initially, it was the government that sold out with very ungodly decisions in the Supreme Court, but at this point, it is the very populous, the majority of the populous of the country that has been utterly corrupted. Now, this is really very exciting. What is going to happen -- Jehovah's deliverance through the Lord Jesus Chris -- is that the Lord Jesus Christ is reproducing His nature in a company of men, personally I think it is going to be a very small company, it may not be any more than twelve, if it is twelve, and Christ Jesus will rise from the dead in this company and ascend into the mental plane, which is higher than the astral plane.


The temptation that we go through, the warfare that we go through as we ascend, is with Satan and all of her powers and principalities, and all of the powers and principalities that she has created, because we have to pass through the astral plane to ascend into the mental plane, and during this entire journey, our physical body remains the same. Nothing changes in our physical body, nothing changes in our physical family, you still have the same house, unless you move, you know. Under normal conditions, you are still living in a house, driving a car, doing whatever you are doing in this physical world. But Christ Jesus in you in maturing and pressing upward, and at some point -- now, this is already happening in a company of people -- and at some point, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is glorified and above, is to make contact with the ascending Sons, and pull them the rest of the way. That is the catching up. We are going to meet Him in the air, somewhere in some energy center beyond this physical world.


The average person in this world abides in their belly, in their navel energy center. So we have to make it at least to the aerial center, which is the heart center, and I do not have any more details than that. At some point, the Lord Jesus Christ will pull us up on the strength of His Spirit into the mental plane, and this company, known as the Sons of God, will become supernatural men. We will attain to supernatural power, and we will abide permanently in our spiritual being on the mental plane.


I really think that our appearance is not going to change down here. Nobody knows who we are now, and nobody will know who we are at that time. But when we become supernatural, I think that we will become very invisible, but we will do something that corresponds to what the powers and principalities are doing in the astral plane right now. But because the mental plane is higher than the astral plane, we will be able to reverse what the powers and principalities in the astral plane are doing, and what they are doing is manifesting in this world, in the people who do not know what is going on, the sheep of this world.


Now, what is really interesting, brethren, is this is exactly what the Lord's teaching us about in the current series, the Serpent's Triangle. Adam is being, and is probably just about, I do not know what the status report is, but Adam is being circumscribed. Adam is being cut off, the Serpent is raising up her household, and her triangle is being erected on top of Adam's spiritual parallelogram, which has blessed this country, covered over this country, and watched over this country, for however long, you know for a couple of hundred years. Adam is either being, or has been circumscribed, and as I was sitting here waiting for you to get ready, the Lord said something to me that really excited me, because I would be lying to you if I did not tell you that I am somewhat alarmed.


Now, I know that the victory is in Jesus, but I am just not foolish enough to be dancing around this room, telling you, singing victory in Jesus, that even that I know that the victory is assured, I know that there is going to be a warfare, I know that there is going to be a piercing through, I know that people will be hurt, I know that there is going to be painful confrontation, I know that there is going to be all kinds of stress and trouble and pain and torment before the victory. I know that, I know there will be a victory, but I know about the other side too, and I would be lying to you if I told you I did not have some anxiety, because in my perception, the government is dissolving before our very eyes. And what does this represent? I say the government is dissolving before our very eyes.


The government of this God given great nation is the physical expression of the resurrected Adam, he is being circumcised, and he is being brought down. But I have good news for you, the Lord reminded me as I was sitting here waiting for you, that he gave me an opportunity to go ahead into Chapter 7 of II Kings. You may recall, I commented on it briefly in the last message, that it looks like Israel is falling into the hands of Syria, and the very King of Israel himself has his mind circumscribed and overwritten. The mind of Christ was manifesting in King Jehoram. How do we know the mind of Christ was manifesting in him? Because of what he said. What did he say that identified the mind of Christ? He said, Let Elohim do whatever he wants to me, so long as the captive, as the same spiritual mind that covers Elisha, covers me, and that spiritual mind is King Adam. I will accept any judgment, just do not turn me over to the Serpent. That is Christ speaking.


And not too much further later, the Scripture does not make it clear, an hour later, a day later, a week later, the Scripture does not make it clear, because this is a supernatural principle that is manifesting here. This very same King of Israel, King Jehoram, is saying, Well, Jehovah brought this evil on me, anyway. Jehoram is condemning Jehovah for bringing the evil on him, saying, Well, he does not love me, anyway. He brought this evil on me, I might as well go help myself. This is the same man! But when the Lord let me follow through Chapter 7, I found out that this same man, whose mind was engraved so radically, in such a flip-flop situation; from the nature of the Serpent, to the nature of King Adam, to the nature of the Serpent, to the nature of King Adam. James calls it double-mindedness. This very same man, the end of him is that the people tread him under in the gate, and he died. But the Lord revealed to us, is that the spiritual truth of this, is that the people tread under the Fiery Serpent in themselves, and she died and Christ Jesus lived. But you have to have the mind of Christ to read between the lines, that says it is the Fiery Serpent that died and Christ Jesus lived.


It happens in this country today. The messages that are being preached here is happening, but the end of the whole matter, is that this backslidden Christian nation will tread the Fiery Serpent, each and every member here will tread the Fiery Serpent, and they will rise from the dead in Christ Jesus. Well, you say, this is not a Christian nation, we are filled with Hindus and Buddhists, and all kinds of Muslims, there are all kinds of people in this country today. Brethren, the deliverance that is coming down into this world from Christ Jesus transcends what the world perceives to be Christianity. The deliverance of the Lord Jesus Christ transcends religion. It is a spiritual deliverance, and the Lord Jesus Christ will work it out with the faithful of other religions.


Just as I showed you on the board that the mental plane is higher than the astral plane, the spiritual deliverance of the Lord Jesus Christ is higher than religion. There is no place for religion in His world. But for now, religion is a good thing in our world because of the level of consciousness that we exist on. We exist on a very low level of consciousness. Very few people ascend above their belly, very few. So religion is OK, it is a good thing, it directs you towards the moral way, it teaches you what is right. But when the world -- when the country and the world has their consciousness raised up the mental plane, there will be no more religion, there will be only Christ Jesus, or Leviathan, and then eventually, there will be no more Leviathan, and there will be only Christ Jesus, and God will be all in all.


So, we are living in a very exciting time! Nevertheless, I have anxiety, but that is just my Old Man, maybe it is my Old Man that has anxiety because Christ is rising in me. That is most likely it. There have been dreams and words of knowledge coming forth, just a continuous flow of dreams and words of knowledge that would indicate that a catchin up is coming. As I told you off the message, I am so aware that people have been preaching the rapture for 2,000 years, I am really not interested in making a fool out of myself, and I have enough wisdom to know that what is coming may not be the catching up, but there is a catching up. I believe that in my spirit, the Lord has told me that there is a catching up, there is a growth spurt, there is a promotion coming in the spirit, and that is coming very soon.


There is a promotion coming in the spirit very, very soon. If it turns out that this promotion is not the catching up to supernatural existence, I still believe that we will see that happen, at least for some people, in enough people to control the principalities and personalities, and deliver this world, who is, this country. Well, right now America is the heart of the world because this is where the gospel came from, this is where the technology is, this nation is the Lord Jesus Christ's nation, that is what I believe, anyway. And what is happening to us as a country is that we are being engraved with the Serpent's nature, and the minds of the people are being converted, and they are being converted by beings that are so far superior to the average human being, or to the most mature human being known as mortal man, that the greatest of our kind do not stand a chance against the immortals who are engraving the minds of the people who are not standing steadfastly in Christ Jesus. Our only hope of not being engraved is to cling to the Lord Jesus Christ, and fill our minds and our beings with His Word and His very Spirit. If the Lord Jesus is not fighting from within you, you will not stand, you will not stand. He has to be growing inside of you, fighting for you, fighting for your personality, for your person, or you will not stand, not many will stand.


I woke up dreaming. I have been dreaming every day now, some of the dreams I have remembered, some I have not. I woke up this morning, I did not remember much of it, you read about it, I gave you a little memo on it. It was very interesting, it was just a big to do, there was a big scandal, and some really severe sin had been exposed. It had to do with an illegitimate birth, and it was just, the situation, it was just at the point where everybody was going to find out that this illegitimate birth had taken place, and there was a lot of intrigue. At some point, the Lord had touched me, and I believe He told me that this illegitimate birth that is about to be exposed is the birth of the Serpent's nature in this country. And also, included in that, will be the exposure of the fact that Christ Jesus is not in the five-fold ministry, and that the so-called Christian religion is just that, a religion, and that some aspects of that religion have the written Word of God, and therefore, they have hope because they believe what they read.


And some denominations have the Holy Ghost, but Christ Jesus, the very person of the Living God, is not appearing, as a matter of course, in the Church. Any stranger coming from another nation could never find the spiritual men today through whom Christ Jesus is manifesting, because they are hidden. They are not advertised, they are not popular, and most likely, when someone looking for Christ Jesus would look at any of us, they would not believe that we were the sons of God, anyway. That is the testimony of Naaman of Syria. No one would believe that we are the sons of God, but we are, and when Christ Jesus manifests through us, we are great. When He manifests through us, we are great. We do the deeds of greatness when He is manifested through us.


Well, we are going to have our discussion on a message today, I do not know whether I will produce this message or not, it is going to be an informal evening. We have a dream to interpret, and then we have a situation in the Body of Christ to discuss. We will just see the way it goes.




I dreamed this dream last night (this is someone talking to Pastor Vitale). You owned a piece of property here in this state. It had a house on it in which you lived, it was on the ocean on one side, and beautiful forest on the other side, and I came there to see you. You had some items hanging on a wire, or a clothesline-looking rope. One was a light fixture, and the other items had to do with a baby. There was a bassinet, and I cannot identify the other things. You had them handmade for the up-and-coming birth. The items seemed to be made out of wire, or some kind of metal-looking material, very unique looking. It seems like it was (the person who had this dream means Pastor Vitale's daughter) having a baby. Another one of the brethren came for a visit and you two went in the house, and I remained in the yard, reading a book under the light fixture. At one point, I took the bulb out of the light fixture, I do not know why, no one seemed to notice. I think I put it back. I went into the house, where you and this other person were, and then we talked, and then I noticed something spilled on the floor, it looked some muddy water. I grabbed a cloth to clean it up, and you told me not to use that one, as it was a new one that you had just made. The cloth was blue and white. The scene changes, and we are at a restaurant. I turned (the person who had this dream is talking about a friend of hers), and her husband are there. There were only a few of us. The only ones I can identify is you me, and this other friend and her husband. There was a large table, and we were being seated. Then it is revealed that it is a church, and we remarked how few people were there, and what a privilege it was to have this church watching over us. It seemed that my friend and her husband was the head of it, but she was more prominent in the dream than her husband. Her husband was a minister (I guess that means in real life). There was a general feeling of thanksgiving, but we were amazed at so few people. The table where we were seated was a long banquet looking table with just a few of us sitting at it. That is all I remember.




I think the Lord wants me to put on this message the reason why I am having some anxiety. I know that He told me this before, but I was not thinking of it when I was talking about it earlier. Brethren, it is going to be a tremendous responsibility to be one of the few people who is ascended into the mental plane and struggling with the principalities and powers to save the sheep of the world. It is going to be an awesome, awesome responsibility, and that is what is causing my anxiety. But I have to realize that when we are caught up to a supernatural plane, we will be equipped to do everything that we have to do, but that is the root of my anxiety. I have a revelation of the responsibility that is going to be involved here.


Now, I have another dream, which I have not printed it out, and I have not interpreted it, but I do recall at the beginning. He said there were 7,000 dogs in the dream. Now, Satan is Leviathan's dog, and the dog, the Hebrew word that is translated dog can be translated homosexual prostitute. The significance of that is that the human spirit of mortal man is flowing with Satan. You cannot tell the difference between the human spirit and Satan, the human spirit is completely prostituted. When Satan is boiled, the human spirit will be separated from her. So he had this dream that there were 7,000 dogs.


Now, 7,000 is a very important number. And 7,000 is a multiple of 1,000. The number 1,000 refers to the 7th Energy Center. That is the supernatural life. The 7th Energy Center typifies life beyond the physical body. In Daniel, Chapter 7, it talks about the Ancient of Days, and if you look those words up in the Hebrew, it is talking about someone who is liberated from the body, someone who is having an existence experiencing the life of the ages, and He does not need a physical body to sustain this existence. That is what happens in the 7th Energy Center. That is where the Lord Jesus has ascended to. And the number 7 refers to completion, to filling up as far as you can be filled up.


So, the number 7,000 would signify the completion of the 7th energy center, or the completion of the person unto, or in connection to, the 7th energy center. Because the way our ascension works, the way our conversion into a supernatural being works, brethren, is that we, or through Christ Jesus in us, must ascend to the 6th energy center (and the Lord Jesus Christ is in the 7th energy center). We will still be in the physical bodies when we ascend into the 6th energy center. The Lord Jesus is in the 7th energy center, without a physical body. And there will be a union, or a communion between Christ Jesus, who will be attached to our personality in the 6th energy center and the glorified Jesus Christ in the 7th energy center. So, to have a dream that said there were 7,000  dogs, what that says to me is that it is a symbolic number talking about the Church, or the populace of the whole world, I am not sure, but talking about the body of people that are ascended to the highest energy center.


Now, the fact that they are dogs, the fact that the number 7,000 is talking about dogs, signifies that it is not talking about the True energy eenter, which is in Christ Jesus, it is talking about the counterfeit energy center, where the dogs are. And I told you that Satan is Leviathan's dog. So in the dream, this man said that there were 7,000 dogs, and a voice said to him, If you will adopt them, you can have them. And I do not know remember what the dream said, but there was something about it being a tremendous responsibility to take these dogs, and the voice said, If you are willing to take the responsibility, you could have them. And in the dream, this man said, I will take them. What I believe that to be is that Christ Jesus, manifesting through a man or through a company of men, is saying, I will take the responsibility for this mortal creation that is ascended, or at least the aspects of it that it ascended into the 7th Energy Center of the counterfeit timeline. I will take responsibility for them, and I will deal with them, and I will bring deliverance to the world.


The dreams are just coming left and right. There are a lot of babies in the dreams. I remember years ago, I had a friend who left the state, I do not really see her anymore, but she had a dream once about three babies, or something like that, and I did not understand it. I had a revelation of the manchild, but I did not understand why there would be three. I now know that the manchild has to be birthed out of each of our higher centers, the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth, the heart center, the throat center, and the brow center. The manchild has to be birthed into each of these energy centers, you just do not get on a ladder and climb up there. You have to be birthed into them, because each and every one of these energy centers represents an aspect of the ascended life.


Included in that description is degree of revelation of the Doctrine of Christ, it is a degree of revelation of a knowledge of how to cope with the spiritual world when you are in the body, and it is a degree of spiritual maturity. So, we literally have to be born again into a each one of these energy centers. We are changing, we are changing every day of our lives, we are growing, and we are maturing. So that is why three babies. We are born again into the heart center, and become a new creature on that level, we are born again into the throat center, and your whole life changes. I have been saying for years, that I have had numerous lifetimes while still in this body, under this name, under the same physical family. I have had so many lives that you would not even believe that it is the same person.


I have been born again so many times in this life. This is what this dream is talking about when it says three babies. We have to be born into each one of the energy centers. I believe I have been born again into the heart center, and possibly into the throat center, very possibly, very probably. This also lines up with what we have called the different levels of consciousness: where you abide most of the time, where your consciousness abides, how you think and what you think about, and what mind you think with.


So we see in this dream, that Christ Jesus has taken responsibility for the immortals that are ascended as high as you can be ascended in the counterfeit timeline. He has taken the responsibility because, brethren, if he does not, not only this country, but this whole world is coming crashing down to some horrible low state. I do not believe we are going to cease to exist, but to some horrible low state of existence. So we will interpret this dream, but first we are going to take a five minute break.


We were just discussing off the message, my opinion, that when the group of sons ascend, when the group who will defend the world against the evil powers and principalities who are changing their nature -- we are right now in the midst of changing the nature of the people of this nation, that they will not be dealing with prayer as the Church thinks of prayer, it will literally be a mind control, a legal mind control, it will be a battle of the minds.


Oh, I just had a very interesting memory. You know, up until this very minute, I use to think that the battle would be between the sons of God and the powers and principalities, but now I think not. The Lord just flashed a memory into my mind from years ago when I had Xxxx in the Church with me, and she was having some trouble believing. She was just a little girl, 8 or 9 years old, and one day, I had to take her to the doctor for some kind of a vaccination, and apparently the Lord decided to build her faith. She loved animals, and there was this dog that came limping along, and we said, Oh, look at that dog. We went into the doctor's office and we came out. The dog was right there like he was waiting for us, and one of his legs was lame, he could not walk on it. So I said, Come, let us pray for this dog, and in the middle of the street, the dog was just standing there receiving our prayer. We were praying for this dog, and all of sudden, I did not understand it at the time, but it was Christ in me, lifted up my head and turned me around. There was a man standing next to me, much closer than under closer circumstances, a stranger would stand to you, he was intimately close to me. He was wearing a long black coat, and a black hat, and he had spectacles on, he looked like a very timid man. And I looked at him, and he was gazing steadfastly at this dog that we were praying to heal, and I knew instantly that he was praying that the dog should not be healed. He was not praying against me, per say. My prayers were directed towards the dog, Be healed, and he was standing at my right hand praying towards the dog, Do not be healed. He was not praying against me, the two of us were praying towards the dog, and the contest was, what would happen to the dog. Can you hear what I am saying?


The Lord just gave me this brethren, I am flabbergasted myself, this is absolutely incredible. Brethren, mortal man is herd of animals, we are sheep, that is what we are. And the powers and principalities are focusing all of their spiritual energy and strength towards engraving the minds of the peoples of the world with the Serpent's nature, and then enslaving them. When we, the sons of God, ascend into the mental plane, we will not necessarily be battling with the powers and principalities in the astral plane, but we too will have our mind directed towards the peoples of the world, and, in particular, the peoples of this Christian nation.


Christendom is in the western nations. And the peoples of this world will be strengthened by the thoughts of the sons of God, and they will be strengthened to overcome the evil in the land. This nation will not be delivered as one grabs a baby in their arms and carries it away. The sons of God will strengthen the righteous side of the peoples of this nation. Do you understand what I am talking about? Do you know, I spoke to someone on the phone last night, who was having some serious problems, and the next time I spoke to them -- I spoke to them today, and they said to me, I just want to tell you that you strengthened me by what you said, to such a degree that you radically turned me around, or helped me (I may not have the exact words). What you said to me strengthened me. Satan was overrunning or trying to overrun that person, but the Lord Jesus sent Christ, in the flesh, to speak words contrary to the words that Satan was speaking to this person, and that side of her which was Christ gained strength from me, and rose up and took the victory. I do not know about you, but I am all excited. This is the first, as far as I know, this is the first revelation as to what to expect in the ascended warfare. I am very excited.


Well, let me finish that testimony. So, there is this man praying against this dog, well I was flabbergasted, I just stood there staring at him. And just as slowly as I had turned my head towards him, he became aware that I was looking at him, and he turned and looked at me, and I saw absolute terror in his eyes. I now believe that he was immortal on the astral plane, and that what frightened him most of all, was that I saw him, I saw him. I was not supposed to see him. He was there breaking my prayers, and I was not supposed to see him. Jesus wanted to produce faith in my child, and he was sent to steal her faith. The man, he looked like a man, looked absolutely terrified, and I just stared at him, you know, because it was really Christ Jesus in control. I did not know which end was up, I was really young spiritually at the time, and the man started walking away.


So I went back to praying, and after another minute, Christ Jesus rose up in me again, and turned me around a full 360 degrees. The man was standing behind me, several feet behind me, and he was trying to break my prayers. He obviously had an assignment to break my prayers, at which time, I do not know how I appeared to him, but I perceived within myself that I was getting very big. Now, I do not believe that I physically changed, but I felt very big, and as I felt this expansion of myself. The man, he was such a meek timid man, looked more terrified than the time before, and literally ran off.


You know, all of these years I had a revelation that he was an incarnated immortal, and that he tried to break my prayers, but do you know, I could never figure out his appearance, you see. In my mind, I guess, I would expect the powers and principalities to look something like the Greek gods, you know, powerful, strong. Years ago, and I am dating myself on this, there was a character on TV called Mr. Peepers. He was the classic timid man, nothing to be desired about at all. That is what this man looked like, Mr. Peepers. Today he would be called a square, not with it. For all of these years, and that happened close to twenty years ago, or twenty years ago. I could not figure out why this man looked so timid. Now today, at this momentm for the first timem I at least have a possible thought in my mind, the Lord will have to confirm it to me, but this is probably the truth.


You know brethren, Satan's a liar, and all of these images, the Greek gods, they are just that, images. The immortals on the astral plane are really very nothing, they are nothing. What they have is their ascended condition. It is just like the weakest man around having power over an animal. The weakest man, someone who is retarded, has power over an animal, to hurt or to help an animal, a house pet type animal. They are just phonies. They assert the authority, the power that they have because they are ascended to this place, but they, in and of themselves, are absolutely nothing. They are so nothing, that they have to conjure up these images of what the gods look like.


Can you hear what I am saying? They are nothing. They are only strong because we are down here. I even said it backwards, I said it backwards. They do not have the power that they have because they are ascended into the astral plane, they have the power that they have because we fell down underneath them. We fell down under their feet, they stayed where they are. We fell down under their feet. So therefore, when we ascend up over their heads, it will be like talking to a child.


Now brethren, I tell you this, I have an open testimony, I was a very weak person. The Lord Jesus has done an incredible work in me. It was very easy to manipulate me, it was very easy to take advantage of me, to fool me, to deceive me, to lie to me, and I would believe anything that you told me, but that is not true of me anymore. I see the change in me, and Lord is telling me right now, that it is that kind of change that will bring us to a place where we can dominate the wickedness, dominate these powers and principalities, and put an end to the wickedness that they are doing. Do you know that there are women today who cannot control their children, and the reason that they cannot control their children, is because the mothers themselves, in their consciousness, never ascended above the level that the children were at. They were physical mothers, but in their minds they do not have a positive godly authority over their children.


xxxx was one of those women. xxxx could not control their child. xxxx went to their neighbor, and said to her, Please help me, I do not know what to do. She said to xxxx, There has to be rules. When you ask the child to do something, they have to do it, and if they will not do it, you have to take them by the hand and help them to do it, but they have to know that they must do what you ask them to do. If you ask to go into the other room and they refuse to go, you take them by the hand and you walk them into the other room. She demonstrated this to xxxx, and when she demonstrated that authority, xxxx's child completely submitted and followed her into the other room.


That is the same kind of journey that I have taken, from being that weak and that immature, to being the head of a ministry in Christ Jesus, where I train up people in the ways of God. It is that same journey, from perhaps this point here to the next step up. The sons of God, who are presently being harassed and tormented and dominated by the powers and principalities in the astral plane, these very same sons of God will experience a spiritual growth that will mature them into the mental plane, where they have authority over the powers and principalities in the astral plane. And the experience that you will have, that journey that you will travel, from being weak enough to be dominated by the powers and principalities, to the place where you dominate them, can be likened to the experience that xxxx had as a young woman, who could not control her child, who is now wielding authority in Christ Jesus over the sons of God in training. Did I make that clear, do you know what I just said?


So when we get up there, when we get up there, it is going to be possible to do what we have to do. I just feel so good about this, brethren. Do you know the movie, the Wizard of Oz? Have you seen the movie, the Wizard of Oz? Do you remember, through the whole movie, the Wizard was the most frightening figure, and at the end of the movie, when the Wizard is unveiled, we find out that he was just a weak little man. Well, I have experienced that many times over in relationships in my life. People who were so threatening to me, as I matured, I saw the weakness behind those qualities that threatened me, and they ceased to be a threat. In this same manner, we shall ascend into the mental plane, beyond the spiritual strength of the powers and principalities, and they shall cease to be a threat to us, and we shall both be praying towards the herds of humanity, exercising the mind control of our master to a specific end, and that is to engrave the minds of the herds of humanity with the nature of the one who we serve. And the sons of God will prevail, because we shall be on a higher plane. But now do not be deceived into thinking that this will be a simple thing. As I said on the message earlier, I know the victory is in Christ Jesus, but I am not dancing yet, because I know people are going to be hurt, I know what is going to happen between now and the accomplishment of the victory.


What I said earlier is true, the sons of God will be on the mental plane, strengthening the people who have faith in Christ Jesus down here on the earth, to do what they need to do, but there will be a tremendous battle here on the earth, a tremendous, tremendous battle. People will be hurt, people will die, people will get sick, people will lose members of their family. It is going to be terrible, but the end of the whole thing, is that there will be a Body of Christ that will be strong and irreversible. They will have a mind of Christ that will be irreversible, and this great deliverance will go forth to the entire world, because it will be on a level that will have transcended religion. It will be a spiritual deliverance, a spiritual salvation, a spiritual ascension which transcends religion. Religion is something that exists on the lower planes. Religion exists in the belly, they are the people who dwell in their navel center.


Religion has a lot of good qualities to it, but the danger of it is that the people, who may simply be looking for some help or some comfort in this world, are very vulnerable to be abused by the leaders, who themselves are mortal men. But once you ascend into the heart center and you start moving on, your experience, the experience that transcends religion for you, is with the Savior in the midst of you, and when you have a relationship with the Savior in the midst of you, and especially when that Savior in the midst of you is joined to the glorified Lord Jesus Christ, no man will ever deceive you, or take advantage of you, or trick you. And we will fellowship together, each one of us under the control, the godly control of the Svior in the midst of us. And because of that, we will have godly communications with each other.


When I say, the Savior in the midst of us will control us, I do not mean control as mortal man thinks of control. When the Savior in the midst of us controls us, He is controlling our sin nature. He controls our sin nature so that we can have the liberty which is in Christ Jesus to follow after Him, to be creative, and to do whatever great things He has in store for us. Christ Jesus controls our sin nature. Our sin nature not only controls, but kills Christ Jesus. Our sin nature kills Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus does not kill our sin nature because our sin nature is necessary to keep the creation visible, therefore Christ Jesus controls her and will eventually translate her. Who is her? The earth, our sin nature is the earth, or more correctly, ground. He will burn her in the Lake of Fire, and convert her into a permanent harmless form, just as you fire a piece of pottery.


The herd of humanity are vessels of pottery, and the two great minds are seeking to form this clay. Christ Jesus and Leviathan both want to form this clay, and right now, Leviathan has the clay formed. But the end of the all things is that Christ Jesus will prevail, His nature will be engraved in the clay, and the clay will be baked in the fire so that she will never return to her old condition. And it is not only the baking in the fire that will cause that, but it is that the clay will abide in the fire for the life of the ages. We shall abide in the Lake of Fire for the life of the ages.


I use to believe, and I was taught this by someone who believed what he was teaching, that the Lake of Fire will burn until there is no more sin left, but there will never be an end of sin. So long as there is a visible creation, there will always be that potential for sin, therefore, the fires will burn for the life of the ages, assuring the purity of the creation. What an exciting word, what an exciting word!




We have not even looked at this dream yet. Let us take a look at this dream.


You owned a piece of property here in this state. I do not really know what that means, but the spiritual significance of owning a piece of property, is the personality. The personality is the piece of property.


...this property had a house on it in which you lived, it was on the ocean. And of course, the house of the personality is the physical body.


...it was on the ocean on one side, and a beautiful forest on the other side. I know from my deep studies in the Old Testament, that one of the translations of a word that means a thick forest is the honey that is so thick that it drips down, and that is talking about the wisdom that comes down from the 7th and the 6th energy centers. So this house, it was a spiritual house, and the honey, in the New Testament, we find it called fierce honey from above, is present, as well as the ocean, which is Satan. So, here was this household, and on one side they had Satan, the astral plane, and on the other side they had the beautiful forest, which is the fierce honey from above, which I will call the mental plane.


...and I came there to see you. So, this dream is talking about a location, a spiritual location where the great wisdom is present. You know, there is prophecy over this ministry, that people will come from all over the world for the wisdom that is being dispensed from this place. That prophecy was prophesied over this ministry, and I perceive this dream to be a second witness to that prophecy. That prophecy came forth eight years ago.


You had some items hanging on a wire, or a clothesline-looking rope. I am not really sure what that means, the only thing that comes to me is that Israel is the lifeline, that Judah is the lifeline of Israel, or the world. I may not have that exactly right, but either Judah or Israel is the lifeline. We found that in Zephaniah, in the Alternate Translation of Zephaniah


There were several things hanging on the rope. Well, you see, brethren, the sons of God are the lifeline, the sons of God are the lifeline that is sent to the world, and when we have things hanging on us, it stops us from doing the job that we are here to do. The things hanging on us are either the weight of sin, or the attachments to this world.


One of the things hanging on the rope was a light fixture, and the other items had to do with a baby. Here is a baby again. There was a bassinet, and I cannot identify the other things. I would say we are being held back, possibly being held back by our immaturity; either that, or there were babies attached to this very high ministry, and there was a light fixture, there was something capable of receiving a bulb that would shed light.


...you had made all of things, the bassinet and the things to do with the baby, you had made them for the upcoming birth. So here is another prophecy of the birth coming. I believe it is the birth into the 6th center.


The items seemed to be made out of wire, or some kind of metal-looking material, very unique looking. Now, that is very interesting, because what popped into my mind when I read that, was the material used in Star Trek in the infirmary. In the infirmary of Star Trek, the material of the cloths that they lay over the patients is a metallic-type material, and I always wondered about it, but I guess I always thought, Well, it was just a part of the scenery of the show. But when I read that in this dream, what it says to me is that there must be some significance of the material being of a shiny metallic material, that the writers of Star Trek had some information about. But I do not have any information about it. However, the symbol came up in a dream of someone who is a member in this ministry, and I believe that, in due season, the Lord will explain it to me, but right now, I do not know what that means, very interesting.


It says here that xxxx seemed to be having the baby. Well, I sure hope it is my spiritual kids that are being born into at least the heart center.


A friend came for a visit and the two went into the house. I, the person having the dream, remained in the yard, reading a book under the light fixture. It sounds to me like that one person came to visit me and came into the household. That is talking about the spiritual life. To enter into the household is talking about the spiritual life.


...to remain in the yard under the light fixture. The light fixture represents the Holy Spirit. This one person stayed out in the yard, or out in the outer court with their experience with the Holy Spirit, but yet another person went into the house to have a spiritual experience.


I remained in the yard reading a book under a light fixture. The book could be the Bible. You see, when you enter into the spiritual life, not that you stop reading the Bible, but the Bible becomes a spiritual reality to you.


At one time, I took the bulb out of the light fixture, I do not know why, no one seemed to notice. I think I put it back. I am not really sure what that means, except that people are not relating to the Holy Spirit correctly.


I went into the house where you and the other woman were... The other person entered into the spiritual life also.


...and we talked, and then I noticed something spilled on the floor. It looked like muddy water. The muddy water is talking about Satan. She is the ocean, and she is muddy and she is dirty. So, in this household, which exists on the astral and the mental plane, within the house was Satan, and is that not true of all of us? This is our condition, no matter where we are, Satan is our unconscious mind and she iss in there. We have got to locate her, identify her, and dry her up, go dry her up, it will dry up.


At that point, I noticed something spilled on the floor, it looked like muddy water. I grabbed a cloth to clean it up and you told me not to use that one, as it was a new cloth that you had just made. The cloth was blue and white. This is very interesting, because the Lord has revealed to me, and I mentioned it on a recent message, that the color royal blue signifies the blood of Jesus, and the blood of Jesus consists of the energy of the Fiery Serpent married to Christ Jesus. When the energy of the Fiery Serpent is married to herself, the blood is black, the spiritual blood is black. Our whole person, our physical body and our etheric body, we are all made of energy, and that energy is called spiritual blood. Royal blue is the color of the spiritual blood of Christ Jesus, and royal blue and white are the colors of Israel.


The cloth was blue and white. Apparently I was making a cloth. I believe that is talking about the new mind that is being formed.


The scene changes, and we are at a restaurant. My friend and her husband were there. There were only a few of us. The only ones I can identify is you and me and my friend and her husband. She said there were a few, but she could only identify four.


There was a large table and we were being seated. Then it is revealed that it is a church, and we remarked how few people were there, and what a privilege it was to have this church watching over us. See, first it looked like a restaurant, and then it was revealed to be a church. You know a lot of people just think that we have a Bible study here, but this is a full church, every aspect of a church, and if fact, we are the Church, the body of Christ is the Church.


It was revealed to be a church, and we remarked how few people were there. Well, that is true, how few people are here.


...and what a privilege it was to have this church watching over us. That is true too, it is a privilege to have this church watching over you.


It seemed that my friend and her husband were the head of the Church, but she was more prominent in the dream than her husband. This is the truth, we are the wife of Christ Jesus, and the physical person is more prominent than the Christ Jesus that is in the midst of us. We have to discern the spiritual man, but the physical man, which is the wife of the spiritual man, is more prominent.


Her husband is a ministerI do not know whether the man in real life is a minister, or in the dream he was a minister. There was a general feeling of thanksgiving, but we were amazed that so few people were present. The table where we were seated was a long banquet looking table, with just a few of us sitting at it. That is about the size of it, brethren. Many have been invited to the wedding, but very few have come. Every sign is coming our way that there is a catching up coming very quickly, but the most significant sign, as far as I can see, is that I can see the government of this nation being overwritten and engraved and dissolved. That is the sign. I do not believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to give up this nation, I do not believe it. So that is the sign, that the sons have to ascend, not to escape to save themselves, but to ascend to a higher plane to save Christendom and the world. First, Christendom is saved, because these are the people who are already prepared to receive the mind of Christ, so that they can go forth and help the others, the other nations of the world, other religions of the world.


I also would like to tell you brethren, and I said this several months ago, that, well let me say this first. I believe that the Scripture says there are many antichrists, I believe the Scripture is being fulfilled both on the spiritual plane and on the physical plane. For the people who cannot understand what is happening on the spiritual plane, there is a fulfillment of Scripture on the physical plane. And I believe that there is presently now a single man who fulfills the description of antichrist, even though the spiritual understanding is that anti-Christ, there are many antichrists, because every individual has the spirit of antichrist within them. But I believe that there will be one man that will personify antichrist, and I believe he is Bill Clinton. I believe Bill Clinton is the antichrist, I believe he has done more to bring down this nation in six years than has happened over the hundreds of years that this country has been in existence. I believe he is the beast, the personification of the beast. Each one of has the beast, an antichrist within us, but he is the personification of the man of sin. And he has completely seduced large numbers of the populace of this nation with his witchcraft, but I also believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will prevail.




And I bless this nation, you could agree with me if you want to. I thank God for the privilege of living in this country, I thank God for the privilege of being born here, of having the opportunity to have all of the electronic devices available to me that have enabled me to study the Word to the degree that I have. I thank God that I live in a country and in an age where it is acceptable for a woman to live alone, so that I can live the life that I am living. I thank God for the freedom to preach, I thank God for every freedom that I have that I still cleave unto. I thank God for the great roads that we have built in this nation, and for the transportation and all of the mechanical and material blessings that have poured out on me all of my life here. I thank God for the privilege for being in America, and I pray that the Lord should manifest his salvation and deliverance to this nation, that he should forgive our sins because of our ignorance, and deliver us, and I believe He fully intends to do that. And we thank you, Lord, for Your great sacrifice on our behalf, we pray that in the name of Jesus, Amen.




This is an addendum to what I said earlier, I wanted to clarify one point. When I spoke about the two minds, Christ Jesus and the mind of the Serpent's household, seeking to mold the clay, and not really being concerned with a war between each other, I may have given a wrong impression, which I now want to clarify. It is true that both Christ Jesus and Leviathan, on behalf of the Serpent's household, have one goal in mind, and that is to mold the clay, which we know as personality, into the image of the God that they serve. Christ Jesus serves the Lord Jehovah, and Leviathan serves the Primordial Serpent. There is a warfare between the Serpent's household and Christ Jesus. That warfare arises out of the fact that the Serpent's household will try in every way to break the concentration of Christ Jesus upon the clay that He is trying to mold.


You see, the warfare between the two spiritual households is not for the sake of warfare. The primary goal, of both the household of Christ Jesus, and the Serpent's household, is to mold the clay, which is the minds of personalities of humanity. But a warfare does exist and will continue to exist between Christ Jesus and the Serpent's household, because the Serpent's household does not play fair. In other words, if it were an honest contest, both minds would be concentrating on the clay, and may the best man win, but this is not an honest contest. So the members of the Serpent's household will rise up and attack the men through whom Christ Jesus is manifesting, to break their concentration, and then, the men in whom Christ Jesus is manifesting have to turn around and effectively deal with the mind that is manifesting through people. Therefore, we have the warfare between Michael and his angels, and the dragon and his angels. I hope that explains it. God bless you.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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