031 - Part 7

Part 7 of 8 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.

I think God wants me to put this on the board, just so you guys that are seeing everybody believe in deliverance, do not think that you are off of the hook, because everybody is not going to hate you anymore. The new revelation that God is bringing us into, they are going to have something else to hate us for. This is what God is bringing forth in this ministry, there is a creature that God is creating, he is a creature, an animal, his name is man, and he is coming forth in different stages of development, just like a fetus in the uterus, each month the fetus changes, just like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, he is coming forth in different stages of his development, and the stage that we are in now, God calls worm, He calls us a worm.

There is a glorious promise, and that is, that, that worm is going to be swallowed up by Christ and we are going to become one with Him, and we are going to become, we are going to transform from a worm to the glorious creation of God. There is really only one man in the earth. I know we have been teaching two men, but you know sometimes you teach things different ways depending on the level that you are on. When someone learns to type you know, you have to do it certain ways and then take shortcuts, everything, you take shortcuts once you learn it.

This is the way that God has been teaching it that there is Christ, that there is Adam and that there is Christ. It is really just one man, at the first the eternal one was made a living soul, and at the end after all of the processing and everything that He has gone through, He became a life giving spirit. There is really only one man in the earth, and His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, He gave up His riches in heaven, to become a natural man without spiritual power. He is going to through all of the hardship that you see on the face of the earth because we are Him, because mankind is Him, and I use to say, Lord, I know that you are great, and I am not contradicting you, but I do not understand Hitler's Germany, I cannot deal with it, and His answer to me was, I was those people went through that.

We are all cells in His body, this is happening to Him, and He is feeling the pain of the millions of people on the face of the earth, we are just one cell, can you imagine the pain that He is feeling. The creation is divided, the creation is divided, it is evil, we taught here that the definition of evil is the absence of good. The creation is evil because God is not, except after the cross, you know, now that Christ is filling vessels, but the absence of God is evil, the natural man is evil, and we will not be good until we are made one with Christ. This is all Him, He is a creature, whose name is Adam, man, worm, Babylon, He calls him all different names.

He started out as a spirit, the Lord Jesus Christ, He took on the flesh, He was fused together with the rubbish of the earth, it had an intelligence of its own, which intelligence was more powerful than He in His fallen state, and overtook Him, and He is struggling by the power of God to overcome the flesh, and be made into a glorious creature that will be a spirit man wrapped in flesh who is not ruled by the flesh, because right now, we are all ruled by the flesh. If you do not think you are ruled by the flesh, you better pray about it, because we are all ruled by the flesh, at least in some measure, most of us in a large measure. There is really just one man in the earth, the Spirit of God, He is being made in to a creature, okay, so now go tell all of the people that believe in deliverance now that they are one, and tell them that all of the judgments of God are falling upon them for the specific purpose, and I have it in today's message, I have some back up on this, for the specific purpose of pricking us in the flesh so that the spirit man will be strong and overcome. I was talking to Xxxx about this recently about people I know, and one of these people, that one of my problems was when I first came to the Lord, was that I had a lot of pride, and I was very immature, and the treatment, and we mentioned three or four people that fitted into that category, and apparently the treatment that God prescribes for that kind of spiritual problem is that He whips you, and the whip that He uses is other people, and in my case I have nine years of working for horrendous men that have humiliated me and hurt me and fired me and taken my job away from me, and done terrible things to me, I do not think I have a problem with pride anymore, because I have been beaten to a pulp, or at least it is a normal measure of pride, I am not saying I am without pride.

I was very proud, so when you have pride, and when you are immature, what God, the treatment is a whipping, and if you are beyond the age where you are a child and your parents whip you, God will use a man to whip you, it could be your husband, it could be your children, it could be your employer, it could be your parents, it could be all of them together. The sole purpose of the whole thing is to bring the flesh into submission to the spirit man. When we are all lifted up in pride, the flesh is too strong, the flesh has too much power, pride has power, pride is very powerful.

That is the new message, as the church world moves into believing that there is a devil out there that is capable of cursing him and hurting him and being his enemy, the message that God is bringing forth today to the more mature believers is that, who knows who our enemy is, does anyone know who our enemy is?

COMMENT: He is in us right?

PASTOR VITALE: He says, our enemy is our soul, our enemy is the soul man, we are over here, we are the spirit man, trying to stand up in power, and our biggest enemy is our own soul, where every time we try to stand up he knocks us down. The enemy is within, and all things work for the good for those who love the Lord, and every judgment that is upon us, God has sent, and I declare to you that no matter what your problem is in life, the day that you overcome that problem in a manner that God considers acceptable, I do not mean going out and murdering the guy to get him off your neck. You know, you have to solve the problem in a manner that God considers acceptable by the power of His Spirit, that is the end of the problem. I declare that to you to a truth of God, whether it be a curse, or an infirmity that you cannot get delivered of, whatever your problem is, God is permitting it in your life until He delivers you of it.

You do not sit down and say, This is wonderful, you seek God, you pray about it, you ask for understanding, you ask for deliverance, so you want to submit yourself to someone to cast the demon out and it comes out, praise the Lord, but if it does not come out, if you are having problems getting delivered, you have to ask God what He is using this whip for in your life, so that you know, I will say, Lord, I do not want to get whipped anymore, just tell me what you want, you know, I will do the best to do it, so I can get out of here as fast as possible. The sword of the Lord is the wicked, our enemy is our soul, and we are part of the body of the Lord Jesus Christ is being made into a creature, right now we are a soul man whose heart is desperately wicked.

We do not have to be upset about that, because we are being conformed to His image, and we are going to be made into a spirit man who is righteous. There is no reason to get hung up on the fact that the heart of man is desperately wicked and capable of every evil work. A lot of Christians, they cannot deal with this at this time, but if you are here, I think God thinks you can deal with it. If you are afraid, if you are experiencing this, you should seek God about getting deliverance, because there is nothing to be afraid of, we are being made into the glorious creature known as the creation of God, and we are in the process of it, and we are not complete, we are not complete.

Wickedness is immaturity, and it is hard for us to understand that because we look at each other and we are in adult bodies, and we say, How could we be immature? But spiritually we are immature children. So that is the size of it, you know, but if you are afraid, you should seek God about deliverance because there is nothing to be afraid of. It is wonderful, something wonderful is happening to us. I have been praying for over a year for God to work into my spirit that ability to be content no matter what trial is upon me, and I think this is the way He is doing it by giving me the revelation that everything is under His control, we are becoming spiritual men, we are going to have spiritual power, every problem is going to be under our feet.

Maybe it is not now, but it makes me fight harder because, when I feel that I am a victim, you know and this demon has got the best of me, or this curse has the best of me, and I just cannot get delivered, it is a very degrading feeling. When you get the revelation that you are going to make it, that we are all going to become spiritual beings because there is only one man, and we are all cells in His body so how could you make it and not me, so how could I make it and not you? There is just one body, how could my left arm make it and not my right arm? We are all going to make it, we are just all in different stages of development, some of us are in more rebellion than others, all different things going on in our lives, but be encouraged and rise up and fight, but fighting includes confessing and repenting your part in it when God shows it to you. \

You have to get out of the mentality that the enemy is out there, the enemy is out there, but he is going to go as soon as his work is done in your life. Does everybody understand that, does everybody understand that? He is out there, you see, and when the day comes that God says, Alright, there is enough of this trial for you, that is when the demons pour out. That is when you sit down and Xxxx starts praying over you, now is the hour to say, because I am telling you, if God is using those demons to deal with you, you cannot get delivered, you cannot get delivered, forget it. Did anyone ever submit to deliverance and not get delivered? Anybody? Yes, I experienced that, you know, if it is not your time, it is not your time.

I am going to go over this one more time, and I am going to try and do it this way. This is the eternal realm of God, this is God, the eternal realm of God is God, everybody understand that? He is spirit, He decided, God decided He wanted to appear, He wanted to be seen and He wanted to take shape, because spirit has no form or shape, and He broke a piece of Himself off, a small piece of Himself out here and He hung it, it was Him, and He added it to what He calls rubbish. God created the elements that wood is made of, that this is made of. God created the elements that can be seen and He called it rubbish, and He added it. We had the rubbish, it had no life in it, it was pale grey, and we had the son of God, and God called him a son because he came forth from God. When something comes forth from you it is your offspring. He broke a piece of Himself off, He called it the son of God and He added him to the rubbish. He exerted great pressure upon the two of them. This rubbish because God is so great that we cannot even comprehend it, this rubbish, the elements that God created has a mind of its own, He thinks, and God puts great pressure on the two of them, they became one being, and God called him Adam.

This element of God that we called the son of God, when he was fused together with the mind of the rubbish, he lost all of the spiritual authority that he had over here, he had no power and this mind, his name is Satan, was stronger than the son of God. The only natural type I can think of is, you take the greatest body builder, the most powerful man in the earth, and God forbid he should have an accident and become a paraplegic, he just lost all of his power. The body was still there, the muscles are still there, the man cannot even get up and walk, cannot move, cannot bathe himself, cannot feed himself, but the body is still there, that is what happened to the son of God, and God knew what was going to happen, but He also knew it was going to be for a season, that Adam would rule in the earth for a season, and God said to him, I want you to multiply, I want cells that look just like this all across the face of the earth, so this cell split, and then each of those cells split just like in the formation of an embryo that is going to become a human baby. That is the way, I do not know if you know that, that is the way human babies form, it is called cell division, this was a spiritual cell division.

God knew that His son was going to lose all of His power, and was going to be overcome by Satan who was absolutely lawless and not subject to the law of God. What we have in the earth today is this entity, it is called Adam. The plan of God calls forth, God breaking another piece of Himself off, see now there is nothing outside of God, God is the natural man and God is the spiritual man. There is no building blocks, there is no clay, there is no nothing outside of God, He is everything. He is going to break another piece of Himself off, let me just do this, we now have one entity, they are all mixed together, and their name is Adam, and the mind that is ruling in him is Satan. God breaks another piece of Himself off, and His name is Christ, and the purpose of God is that He should enter into the midst of this vessel called Adam and rule it. And Adam says, Not a chance.

Adam is the fallen son of God, but he was overtaken by the wickedness of the earth. Do you all understand that? The first man is Adam is God, and the second man is God, everything is God. What is happening is, God is coming in with a second piece of Himself and He is at war with Satan because Satan will not give up the vessels which we are. Does anyone know where the warfare is taking place? It is in the mind. The end of this whole thing glory to god, the end of this whole thing is that Christ will prevail, Satan will give up the vessels because he will be defeated, he will never give it up willingly, and God is going to have his creation, Christ, the powerful Spirit of God living in the flesh man who was made weak so that God could become a creature. Do you all understand that? God wanted to become a creature, He wanted to be live in an animal, He wanted to appear in this realm of appearance, and because there is nothing outside of God, He made the creature out of His very own substance. For all intents and purposes, the natural man is a fallen manifestation of God, and when a live manifestation, a powerful manifestation of God joins Himself to them, the fallen son of God is redeemed. Do you understand that, everybody got that?

It is very important. That is how I could say to you, there is really only one man in the earth, God is making a creature but He is making him in parts, He is making him in pieces, He is forming just like an embryo in a woman's womb, a piece at a time, he is layering him on, first the natural man, and then the spiritual man, first the mind, then the flesh, then the spiritual man.

We have in the earth today, how many souls are there present in the earth today? Anybody know? How many souls in the earth are available to men today? Two souls are available to men today. There is the soul of the natural man and there is the soul of the spiritual man. The soul of the natural man is called Babylon. The soul of the spiritual man is called Jerusalem. The spirit that rules over Babylon is Satan, the spirit that rules over Jerusalem is God, this is the mind that we are talking about, and when they appear in the realm of appearance, we have the daughter of Babylon, and when this one appears in the realm of appearance we have Christ.

If you are a human person in the earth, you are either a daughter of Babylon or you are a son of God, Christ or a son of God. You are only one or the other. We have people today in various stages of transition until this is you completely, you are at least part daughter of Babylon, so there is two souls available in the minds of men today, and we had a very interesting study last Wednesday, that when God comes looking for you, for those of you that partook of this study on the creation, when Adam named all of the animals, what he really did was put a mark, it was not animals like cats and dogs, we have messages on this if you are interested, it is #18, The Creation, when Adam names all of the animals, what he was doing was naming all of the people that would be on the face of the earth, in the future, and he was putting a mark on them, because they were going to be buried in the earth under the earth of this soul and this body, and the purpose was that when God came to get them back, He would be able to recognize which vessels were His, because the mark of God would be on them.

I cannot go into that anymore right now, but we do have in that #18 series. What we learned this last Wednesday was the way God recognizes you, if you, you see, if you are a human being, how is God going to know if His Spirit is you or not, and the way that He finds out if His Spirit is in you or not, is that He sends you into a place like this where someone is preaching under the anointing, and the seed of, Jesus said, My words are spirit and my words are life, when the seed of the Lord goes forth, if it touches that mark of God in you, to the point that you start manifesting Christ, that is how He knows that He sent you into the earth, and that you are not just an empty vessel that was manifested by Adam.

If you start, if you have the Holy Spirit, and if you are doing all of the things of the Holy Spirit, it is really not enough to say that you are okay, because when God comes looking for you, He wants His son to be living through you. We have to start manifesting Christ, that is the whole point of this, either you are a daughter of Babylon, and the reason you are a daughter is because the soul realm is female all of the time.

Only God and his son are male in the realm of the spirit. Does everybody understand this? Everybody got this? Okay. Glory to God, hallelujah. What is happening of course is that these two souls are merging, that is what is happening, God does not throw anything away, in the natural realm we throw the rubbish away, but in the realm of the spirit, God just swallows it up. What is going to happen after this process is complete is that the two of them are going to be joined, there is going to be one soul in all of mankind, there is going to be one creature, his name is going to be the creation of God, and there is going to be one soul and it is going to be ruled over by Christ, but everyone else is going to be in here, Satan, Adam, Eve, you are all going to be in there, but the one that is going to have dominion, the one that is going to be seen is Christ, this is His mind, so that when a man appears in the realm of appearance has this mind, his thoughts are going to be the thoughts of God, his words are going to be the words of God, and his deeds are going to be the deeds of God.

There is a lot of people going around today saying they are manifested sons of God. This has to be a hundred percent of the time brethren, if it is not a hundred percent of the time, you are like everybody else, you are in transition. That is the test, you are not a son of God because you tell me you are. You have to have, your Satanic mind has to have been totally swallowed up by Christ, and this is the promise, this is what is promised to us, and when this happens our body will not die, our body will be preserved, we will stop sinning and every problem that we have will disappear, because when Christ swallows up the Adamic mind, every problem that we have, every problem is in our mind, everything is in our mind. There is not going to be anything left, He is going to eat it for breakfast.

COMMENT: You have Satan, Adam, and then Eve on the bottom, is that meant it to be?

PASTOR VITALE: I really was not thinking when I put it down, but you will find out, I am not going to get to it today, Lord willing I am going to get to it Wednesday, but I do have a variation of the way I had it. Last week God showed me that it was wrong, He showed me that it is going to be something like this. Remember I told you Adam is going to go to the bottom and then Satan is going to go down here? That is what I told you, God said, No, He said, It does not work that way. He said what happens is that you have Satan up here, and you have Eve underneath him, and you have Adam down here, and what happens is the life of Jesus Christ comes right here in the middle and breaks Eve away from Satan, and the result is that Christ is formed.

The next step is that Christ comes up here on top and He treads Satan underfoot, He comes up here with Eve and He treads Satan underfoot, and he just gets pressed down. Do you understand what I am saying? He does not go underneath Adam, he just gets pressed down. Lord willing we will get to that Wednesday, I jumped the gun on that. Okay, we are going to finish out Isaiah 14 through verse 23 today, and then the Lord has sent us into Daniel for a second witness to this reality that there is only one man in the earth. Right now he is in two parts, everybody knows that when you assemble an automobile it is in many parts, and when it is finished, you have one automobile. There are many cells, there are two souls with a whole creature, is in many, many parts today, but at the end God is going to have one creation, one man in the earth and we are all going to be a part of it. Glory to God. We are going to finish up our study in Isaiah 14, I think it was verse 3 through verse 23. Hallelujah. I am going to read you the alternate translation from Wednesday on verse 18;

18. The whole of the spiritual man Adam and every mortal man within him rest in their souls, each one in that individual place where he has passed the long hours of spiritual darkness that exists in the night, because Christ has finally been birthed and ascended to a place of dominion and rule.

19. But you, the spirit who rules in mortal man are thrown out of their vessels like a hated son, the husband of those who have died to the life of God, pierced by His sword, that are fallen down and become the prison house of the dead, where the reproductive seed of God is buried deep beneath the earth like a corpse trodden under. ATB

Hallelujah, glory to God, that is really heavy things that God is saying there, He is saying that Adam is one whole spiritual man, and that every mortal on the face of the earth is within him, and that they are going to find rest in their souls. Those that have passed the long nights of spiritual darkness, and the reason they are going to have rest is because they are no longer going to be struggling to keep Satan from overcoming them. The reason they are not going to have to do that anymore is that Christ will have been birthed in them, and He is going to fight him off for you, fight him off and tread him down, it will not even be a fight, He is going to control him, utterly put him underfoot. Glory to God. We are all waiting for Christ to be birthed in us, hallelujah, and God said to Satan;

19. But you, the spirit who rules in mortal man are going to be cast out of the vessels, that is all of the mortal men on the face of the earth, like a hated son...ATB

Adam is the son, it says so, I believe it is in the book of Matthew if I am not mistaken, at the end of the genealogy, Adam is the son of God, but God is going to cast him out like a hated son, why? Because he has killed all of the vessels, he has not done well by them. Glory to God. God says He is going to cast him out.

...he who has been the husband of all of those who have died to the life of God, who have been pierced by His sword, who have fallen down and become the prison house of the dead. ATB

That is the realm of the soul.

...where the reproductive seed of God is buried deep beneath the earth. ATB

God is telling us that in the Adamic man, in the depths of his wickedness, buried in there is the reproductive seed of God, the female seed of God. Verse 19 tells us;

...trodden underneath like a corpse. ATB

For all intents and purposes it is dead, it could be likened to a woman's ovum, but for all intents and purposes, it is dead, and when God exposes it to preaching, to the foolishness of preaching, and it becomes activated, that is how He knows His son is in you. Did you ever meet anybody that has exposed themselves to everything? They have come to an anointed service, they submitted to prayer, they cannot get the Holy Spirit, they cannot get saved, they cannot get a feeling for God, they have been trying for years and they cannot get it, did you ever meet anybody like that? I have, they cannot get it. The chances are that there is nothing there within them to activate. That is a hard word, and a lot of people get upset about it.

I will try to answer your question but I cannot go into the whole teaching, we have messages on it, because it could take me an hour to do it. It means that every human being that is incarnated that exists on the face of the earth does not have the life of Christ. This Scripture is telling us that if this is a human person is something that he calls gold which is the seed of God, and when someone preaches and it touches them, it can activate it and the result will be that Christ is birthed.

There are people in this earth that do not have this, they do not have that seed, they do not have that life of Christ, they are born without it. When the preaching comes forth, they remain Satanic. There is no way, it is the parable of the soils, there is no way, there is nothing for it to catch on to. It says some fell on stony places, but when the sun came up, it withered because it had not root in it. The sun is Christ. What happened was the seed that came forth from the preaching got inside and sprouted, the seed sprouted but there was nothing for it to hold on to so it just withered and died. We have to have the root of Christ in us, and the seed of Christ has to fall upon us. Then when Christ comes forth, He has to root in the earth just like a fetus or an embryo roots in the mother's womb. That is how it is happening, and there are people that are on this earth that are born without the root of Christ, you can live out, you know, do not go worrying about it and go getting scared and getting hysterical about it, if that is your case, you can live out a perfectly good and happy life, but that is a spiritual reality of the Scripture, I cannot deny it because people are going to get upset, I hope you do not get upset, but you can ask God for it.

We have been teaching in these meetings, if you do not get it, your offspring will get it, God is merciful, that is what He is teaching us, if you do not get it, your offspring will get it. Hallelujah, so there is nothing to worry about because everything is going to turn out alright in the long run, God has got everything under control. Hallelujah, glory to God. He says that the seed of God is buried underneath the earth of the soul like a corpse under the earth. His seed is buried alive under the earth, that is what He is telling us, and He is coming to activate it. Glory to God. Verse 20;

ISAIAH 14:20

20. Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land and slain thy people, the seed of evil doers shall never be renowned. KJV

He is saying, Thou shalt not be joined with all of the cells, all of the vessels on the face of the earth. The word join means to become one or unite, and the word burial is a female past participle of to bury. He is saying you will not be joined with them in burial. Glory to God. The word destroyed means to lay waste and it is used to describe laying waste to a country, a region, or a field. The word seed is that which is scattered whether of plants, trees, or grains, semen, or offspring. Seed can be the seed of plants or it could be the seed of man. Hallelujah. This word evil doers is very interesting, what it means, it does not mean evil doers at all, it means to break or to crush. In Psalms 2:9 it says;


9. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron. KJV

That is the same word, it is Strong's #7489 that is translated evil doers. In Job 34:24 it says;

JOB 34:24

24. He shall break in pieces mighty men without number. KJV

That word break is the same word that is translated evil doers. The word renown means to call or give a name to, this one is not too accurate a translation either. The word renown, Strong's #7121, it means to call or to give a name to. Psalms 147:4 says;

PSALM 147:4

4. He telleth the number of the stars, He calls them all by names. KJV

That is what the word renown means, it means name, and we were just talking about that, when God names you, He named all of the sons of God before they went under the earth, before they took on the flesh. In due season, when they were processed enough, He could call them back, and that is what is happening in the earth today. If you are here, if you are receiving this message, if you are hearing this word, you are a son of God that was buried in the earth at the beginning of time, and God is calling you back, that is what is happening to you.

You were made into a natural man, and now you are being called up to be a spiritual man. Alternate translation, verse 20;

20. You will not be joined to them in their sepulchers or graves, or rule them anymore, because you have destroyed their bodies and their souls with sin. May the offspring of he who has been broken by God be unrecognized by the Lord forever. ATB

You cannot see this in the Scripture, but this dramatic construction where it says, May the offspring of he who has been broken, that is either a curse or a blessing. If you do not find it used very often in English, it is used in Spanish a lot, and in French a lot, it is a particular form of the verb, I cannot remember the name, and it does not appear in the English, but when I study it out in the Hebrew, that is what it is saying, God is pronouncing judgment upon Satan and He is saying. You will not be joined to them anymore or rule over them, because you have destroyed their bodies and their souls with sin, and now God curses them. He says, May the offspring of he who has been broken by God be unrecognized by the Lord forever. Adam is not being resurrected. Adam is not being resurrected, he is being swallowed up by the Christ. He is unrecognized. Glory to God. Verse 21;

21. Prepare slaughter for his children, for the iniquity of their fathers, that they do not rise nor possess the land nor fill the face of the world with cities. KJV

The word slaughter is used to describe the judgments of God, Ezekiel 21:15 says,


15. I have set this point of the sword against all of their gates that their heart might faint, wrapped up for the slaughter. KJV

The word slaughter is the judgment of God. The word rise means to exist, to go forth, to incarnate, and the word possess means, to occupy or to receive an inheritance. We have an alternate translation on verse 21;

21. Prepare to slaughter his children because of their father's iniquity. See to it that they do not receive souls or inhabit a body or multiply across the face of the earth. ATB

I hope you all know that the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children, so this is Scriptural, Prepare the slaughter of his children because of their father's iniquity. They are going to be wiped off of the face of the earth, and they will not incarnate again, they are not going to receive souls, they are not going to inhabit a body, and they are not going to multiply anymore. This is pretty strong stuff, you know a lot of people, they read the Old Testament, and they cannot deal with all of this blood and guts, and the reason they cannot deal with it is that they do not see the blessings, they very rarely see the blessings that come out of it, so God is going to show it to us today. Verse 22-23;

22. For I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the Lord.

23. I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water, and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the Lord of hosts. KJV

That is really the end of this section on the king of Babylon, and it sounds terrible, it sounds like some vengeful God has just wiped him off of the face of the earth without mercy. Let us see what verse 22 says. The word name again it is the same word used in Genesis three, where it says Adam marked everybody, the memory that God could recall, that is the word name, it is something that you are remembered by. Hallelujah. The word remnant means everything that is not the name. What is the name? The name is? The name is the spirit. We are all spirit, soul, and body, and that which God is going to recognize and call back is spirit. The remnant is the rest or the residue. Everything that is not spirit. That leaves the soul. The name is the spirit, and the remnant is the soul. This word son, it is Strong's #5209 and most of the time, I think it is only translated son two or three times. Most of the time if you look up the word son, you will find that it is a different number, this is very unusual, it is only used three times, almost every other time son is translated Strong's #1121 which means building block, but this is Strong's #5209 and it is translated son or progeny, it is from a root that means to resprout, to propagate by shoots, to be perpetual. That means when this son comes forth, he is going to constantly be in the earth. Remember the son of Adam was just wiped off of the face of the earth. God just said he will not have a soul and he will not have a body. That was the curse that God put upon him, there is not going to be anymore natural man, he is going to be totally wiped out. But God has a new man in the earth, it is a spiritual man, and he is going to resprout, to propagate by shoots, he is going to be perpetual.

You know what an annual plant is? The leaves might die but the root lives under the ground and when the season comes, it appears again. The fact that the leaves die does not mean that the plant has died. The old man, the carnal man, the Adamic man, the judgment upon him, and this whole series of messages is to discover the judgments upon the king of Babylon. The judgment is he is going to go down and he is never going to rise again, he is going to fall and he is never going to rise again, but God has got another man in his place, and he is going to be perpetual.

Webster definition of the word shoot means ascending out of new growth or of the growth itself that is sent out, and implies to an outgrowth from any plant, and stresses the actual growing of a young undeveloped member. We are going to have a new man in the earth, and he is going to be constantly putting out shoots of new undeveloped member. Webster says that the word progeny means outcome or product. If anybody is in business, all that they talk about is product, it is that which is produced, that which is seen, the final result of this whole big thing that God is doing that is taking thousands of years, there is going to be a product, His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God, the creation of God. Alternate translation, verse 22;

22. I will become their enemy, saith the Lord, and cut off the spirit, soul, and body of the existence of the natural man. ATB

Hallelujah, glory to God.

22. For I will rise up against them, saith the Lord of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the Lord. KJV

22. I will become their enemy, saith the Lord, and cut off the spirit, soul, and body of the existence of the natural man. ATB

Wow, the Lord is tough, the Lord is really tough, I could not deal with this myself until God gave me the vision that there is good coming out of all of this.

23. I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water, and I will sweep with the besom of destruction, saith the Lord of hosts. KJV

The word possession means to occupy especially by force and it refers to occupying a place where the previous occupant has been expelled or driven out. It also means to receive an inheritance. You cannot receive an inheritance until somebody dies, so somebody has to be driven out and then you receive their inheritance. The word bittern is a word of hedgehog, and Webster says that a hedgehog is any of the old world animals that are awake at night, they are insect eating mammals and they have both hair and spines, and they defend themselves by rolling themselves up like a porcupine, and if they see an enemy coming, they shrink in and they roll themselves up, and if you go near them, you get hurt, if you try to grab them you hit the spines. It also means a military and defensive obstacle or stronghold. These animals are strongholds, you cannot get near them with your hand, you have to get some kind of a machine or a vessel to get them up without getting hurt.

Pools of water mean marshland, murky muddy unclean water. This word the Scripture says he is going to sweep away, what does he say, he is going to sweep away, and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the Lord. This word sweep means not just to sweep, it is Strong's #2894 and it specifically means to sweep away clay, now we know we are made of clay amen? The word besom, means broom, and again it specifically means more than a broom, but to remove dust, and it is from a root which means mud or clay. God is talking about sweeping away the clay. Paul said that these bodies that we have are vile bodies and we are going to get a glorious body, there is going to be no more clay bodies brethren. Alternate translation verse 23;

23. I will cause Babylon to be occupied by militarily defensed souls, and unclean spirits and then after that, I will sweep away the frailty of the natural man with my instrument of destruction. ATB

Brethren, this is what is happening today, Babylon is occupied by militarily defensed souls and unclean spirits, we see it all over the earth today. You cannot tell these people anything, you cannot get them to repent, even if they are believers, most of the people will not subject themselves to the kind of cleansing that most of here have been subjected to, they will not admit there is anything wrong with them. They are going to go out and they are going to change the rest of the world, but they are okay. I am not being mean, I am sorry, this is the condition of the church today, go talk to any of them, there is nothing wrong with them, it is the other guy, right?

Jesus says, I will cause Babylon, that is the natural man, to be occupied by militarily defensed souls and unclean spirits. That word unclean, that means marshland, that is water that has sediment in it, and we have spoken recently that sediment refers to demon power, it has to be cleansed out and separated from the spirit. What is all of this about, God is being so hard on the natural man, a lot of people that do not understand the Scriptures would say, Oh, will you not have mercy? No, He will never have mercy on sin, but He will make a way out.

The last verse says, and then after that, after man comes to this condition of having a defensed soul and an unclean spirit, he is going to sweep away the frailty of the natural man, because the only reason man got into this condition of having a defensed soul and an unclean spirit was because of his frailty that led him to sin. He could not resist sinning, he did not have what it takes to not sin, the natural man must sin, he does not have the power to not sin. This is the condition of the natural man. God says, After they fall into that condition, I am going to sweep away their frailty with my instrument of destruction. What the average person does not understand is that the way God destroys the soul man, is that he is going to be swallowed up by Christ, he is going to become a prisoner of war that is going to be made equal, but he is going to come under the protection of the victor, he is not going to be thrown away, he is going to come into a place where he can be safe.

It is just like you have children that are running wild, if your house is a disaster, if your kids are rebellious and you do not have any peace in your house and there is constant harassment in your home, and one day you wake up and God has given you power over your children, and your whole household comes into order and there is peace, that is what is happening to the creation.

The natural man is a household of rebellious children that have been running every which way, getting into all kinds of trouble, committing all kinds of sins that have polluted their souls and their spirits. God says, I am going to be merciful to you, I am going to beat you, I am going to paddle you, I am going to restrain you, and you might be crying and moaning and groaning and weeping all of the way, but the end of it is, peace and righteousness and joy in the Holy Ghost, the peaceable fruit of righteousness, that is what Paul said. Judgment results in the peaceable fruit of righteousness.

This is not very clear in the Scripture. I do not really know if it is the translation or if it is just a parable, and God kept it hidden, you know maybe the natural man could not understand this, I do not know, but the Old Testament is almost all blood and guts, and a lot of people cannot deal with it but brethren, the end is good because the end is Christ, the end is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

God asked me to give you another witness to this, so He moved us over to Daniel 2, and I could not finish it, so I just have part of it for you, and we will continue Lord willing on Wednesday night. Daniel 2, starting with verse 31, talking about the natural man;


31. Thou O king sawest and beheld a great image, this great image whose brightness was excellent stood before thee and the form thereof was terrible.

32. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms as silver, his belly and his thighs of brass,

33. His legs of iron, his feet part iron and part clay.

34. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay and broke them to pieces.

35. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors, and the wind carried them away, and no place was found for them, the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. KJV

Then he goes on to give the interpretation but I am not going to start that today, I am just going to go over verses 31 - 33. Verse 31;

31. Thou O king sawest and beheld a great image, this great image whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee and the form thereof was terrible. KJV

The word image means idolatrous form and it is from a root that means to shade, illusion, resemblance, a representative figure, a vain show. For those of you that never heard me teach it, this is the true graven image that we are not to form. When God commanded us in the ten commandments to not make any graven images, the spiritual reality of what He was saying is, thou shalt form no demons in your mind, no partially formed man. Only Christ can bring forth a man. This was an image, and it was a shade, it was a shadow, it was an illusion, it was a resemblance, and every demon that comes forth in our minds is a shadow of what intends to produce, we cannot produce the glorious Christ, we can only be imitators and what we produce are evil spirits, when we make graven images. That is the spiritual aspect of that.

We are talking about an image that was great, it was a great image, and these two words great are two different Hebrew words, the first one is Strong's #7690 and it means large in size, and it is used to describe land and we know that our soul is the land. The second word great is Strong's #7229 and it means proud, and it is the same word used in Daniel 7:8;


8. I considered the horns and behold, there came up among them another little horn, and behold in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things.

Proud. We are dealing with the phrase, and behold a great image, this great image whose brightness was excellent stood before thee and the form thereof was terrible. The word brightness refers to light in the face. We know that those of us, that when the Lord Jesus Christ was fused to the rubbish of the earth, the rubbish of the earth was pale and grey, and the life of God was fused to it and the rubbish became red and that is where we get the name Adam from, it means red in the face, rosy, and you look at any human being, what is the sign of health, rosy cheeks.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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