218 - Part 2

Part 2 of 2 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team


The carnal mind’s house and separate him from his wife and seize her if that one does not first bind the carnal mind to himself, and then he will separate the carnal mind from his many membered wife and seize them.  That is what it is saying here.  Before this creation is set free from the carnal mind, Christ must force that carnal mind under his feet.  This is called the judgment.  It is called Armageddon.  It is the war of the two minds.  Brethren, you shall not ascend until Christ is victorious in this war.  You shall not ascend without a warfare.  Do not tell me the warfare is accomplished.  It is a poor translation.  We worked up that translation on a recent tape called Subject To Vanity.  It does not mean that.  Your warfare is not accomplished.  That verse in the Book of Isaiah is sounding the trumpet, saying the war is on.  It is not over until you fight it.  It is not over until the last enemy, even death, is under your feet.

Verse 30.  He that is not with me is against me.  And he that gathereth not with me scattered abroad.  What Jesus is saying here is that if you are not joined to him, you are joined to the carnal mind.  If you are joined to the carnal mind, you are thus opposed to him.  He that is not with me, he that is not united with me in mind, must be thinking with the carnal mind.  The carnal mind is against Christ.  He is saying, if you are not thinking with the mind of Christ, you are thinking with the carnal mind.  There is no two ways about it.  In each situation, in each thought, in each crisis, in each second, either you are thinking with Christ or you are thinking with the carnal mind.  In any given moment it must be one or the other.  Jesus said, if it is not me in your mind, it is the other guy.  He that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. 

The word gathereth is Strong’s #4863 and it means to assemble together.  I want to suggest to you that Jesus is talking about the members of the church who are reconciled to him.  You see, if you do not have the mind of Christ, then all you can do is assemble with him.  If you have the mind of Christ, you can be thinking with it.  To those who have the mind of Christ, Jesus says, either you are thinking with my mind or you are thinking with the carnal mind.  But to those who do not have Christ being formed in them, he is saying unto them, at least come near unto me.  Assemble together with me.  Then he is saying, to those who do not have the mind of Christ, who are not willing to assemble with me, they shall scatter abroad. 

The word scatter abroad is Strong’s #4650 and it means to lay waste, through the idea of penetrating.  What Jesus is saying is that if you do not have the mind of Christ, and neither are you assembling together with me, you are completely penetrated by Satan.  That is what he is saying.  We do not even have a choice.  When you have the mind of Christ, you have a choice, but when you do not have the mind of Christ, if you are not even assembling with me, if you have nothing to do with the Bible or the Spirit of God, or God’s people at all, you are completely penetrated by whom?  By Satan and his carnal mind. You are in complete possession by Satan in your carnal mind.  That is what he is saying. 

Alternate translation of Matthew 12:30.  He who is not joined in his mind with me is opposed to me.  And he that is not even reconciled with me is so completely penetrated by Satan that he does not even have a choice.  Better yet, we could say, he who is not thinking with the mind of Christ is opposed to me, or he who is not thinking with the mind of Christ must be  thinking with the carnal mind.  He that is not even reconciled with me is so completely penetrated by Satan that he does not even have a choice. 

Recap Matthew 12:25 thru 30.  Before I start reading I would just like to let you know that I moved the last phrase of verse 27, which says this is how you will discern the Spirit of God, to the end of verse 28.  Recap.  And Jesus was aware of what they were thinking, and said to them, the mind whose personalities and passions are not in subjection to the unifying authority of the conscience, is stripped of its spiritual power.  And the soul or the individual, which is not united with the conscience, shall not remain intact.  That means they will die.  Let me tell me, this fallen living soul is stripped of its power.  The fallen living soul is stripped of its power.  Jesus is telling the pharisees the reason for it is that you are separated from your mind.  That is what he is saying to them.  Let me read it again. 

Jesus was aware of what they were thinking, and said to them, the mind whose personalities and passions are not in subjection to the unifying authority of the conscience, is stripped of its spiritual power.  That is us, the fallen living soul.  The soul or the individual, which is not united with the conscience, shall not remain intact.  You will die.  The soul that sins, it dies.  If you have no conscience, you sin.  You pharisees, who are expressions of Satan, even thee Satan, who drives away Christ, her head, if you separate yourselves from me, how shall the kingdom of God appear in you?

If you think I am casting out demons by Beelzebub, you should try the spirit on your own sons, who are casting out devils.  But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come unto you, and this is how you will discern the Spirit of God.  How can anyone enter into the carnal mind’s house and separate him from his wife and seize her if he does not bind the carnal mind first?  This is how you are going to know it is the Spirit of God.  It is going to have the power to bind the carnal mind to himself.  He is going to have the power to bring the lesser one, the fallen living soul, into submission to Christ, which is righteousness. 

Then after he does that, he will separate the carnal mind from his many membered wife and seize those many members.  He who is not manifesting the mind of Christ must surely be manifesting the carnal mind.  He that is not even reconciled with me is so completely penetrated by Satan that he does not even have a choice.  Praise God.

Any questions? 

Congregation: Do you think that the pharisees were envious because they did not have the power to do the healing like Jesus had.  They had to realize they could not do the things that he did.

Pastor Vitale: I think that they could not do the things that he did, but I think the root of everything was much more than that.  Their entire lifestyle was threatened.  Everything that was making them righteous was threatened, and they would have had to admit that they were not what they thought they were.  They were faced with losing their position in society, their prestige, their power, and probably their finances too.  Although I am not sure about that, I would think so.  Life as they knew it was being threatened.  Of course, it was being threatened because they did not have this power, but I think that their envy went way beyond just wishing that they had the power too.  Did I answer your question?

We see this happening all the time in the Church, every time God brings in the new move.  I have to tell you, I am human, and these thoughts go through my mind too, but they have to be cast down.  There is no crime in having these thoughts appear in your mind.  The question is what you do with them.  We all have a sin nature.  Satan spoke to Jesus after he ascended to full stature.  The crime is not in having the thought.  The crime is in agreeing with the thought, or letting the thought go unrestrained.  You are suppose to be at war with your carnal mind.  Jesus.

Congregation: I suppose after so many years of study and hard work, and having the upper hand, the pride gets stronger and stronger. 

Pastor Vitale: The pride gets stronger and stronger, but the bottom line still is their whole lifestyle was being threatened.  We see it in the Church today from denomination to denomination, from move of God to move of God.  Some people are threatened because they are going to lose the people and the money that they bring.  Other people are threatened because they have always done it this way, and they are not flexible people.  They have trouble making changes.  Change is very hard, and then the pride does come in there.  You have to admit, not necessarily that the way that you did it was wrong, but that God is calling us up higher. 

Until we are perfect, there will always be changes to be made.  There will always be corrective understanding.  While that is the latest revelation that we have, and it is truth, but when He takes you up higher then everything beneath that becomes error for you.  Also, we have to be so careful not to judge other believers, because what is error to us may be truth for them.  They may not be capable of seeing what we see, so for them it is truth.  I believe there are Christians today that bind and loose, and that God is honoring it.  He honored it for me for years.  Everybody is not in the same place.  That is a very important revelation that much of the Church does not have.  Everybody knows that a two year old cannot do what a five year old can do, but not many believers know that one believer may not be capable of what another believer is capable of.  It has nothing to do with how many years you have been in the church.  We just have different strengths. 




Now Part 2 of The Unforgivable Sin.  Matthew 12.  I am going to read you an alternate translation of verses 25 thru 30.  As you know our alternate translations sound nothing at all like the King James.  In the alternate translation of verse 27 which we did in Part 1, we found out that that phrase, therefore they shall be your judges, when we looked up all the words in the Greek, we found out that Jesus was saying, not that your children shall be your judges, but this is how you will discern the Spirit of God.  I moved that phrase from our alternate translation in verse 27 to the beginning of verse 29, where I believe it flows more intelligently.  In verse 29 which begins in the King James with, or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house.  I moved the alternate translation of that clause to the end of verse 29 and I amplified the whole verse.  I just remind you that what we are doing here is looking up every Greek word and surveying the alternate translations of it in the legitimate lexicons, and praying about it for what the Holy Spirit truly intended to impart to us in the spirit of the word. 

This is the Alternate Translation that we worked up in Part 1, Matthew 12 verses 25 thru 30.  And Jesus was aware of what they were thinking, and said to them, the minds whose personalities and passions are not in subjection to the unifying authority of the mind of Christ, is stripped of its spiritual power.  The whole living soul or any individual member of it, which is not united with the mind of Christ, shall die.  You pharisees, sons of Satan, even the Satan who drives away her head, which is Christ, if you separate yourselves from me, how shall the mind of Christ appear in you?  If you think I am casting out demons by Satan’s spirit, by what spirit do you think your sons are casting him out?  But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the mind of Christ has come unto you, and you shall recognize that the Spirit of God has come unto you when he binds the carnal mind to the mind of Christ.  How else can Christ enter into the carnal mind’s house and seize his wife unless he first subjects the carnal mind to his authority.  Then Christ shall separate the many members of the living soul from the carnal mind and take them for his own wife.  He who is not thinking with the mind of Christ is opposed to me.  He that is not even reconciled with me is so completely penetrated by Satan that he has no choice but to think with the carnal mind. 

Matthew 12:31.  Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men, but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.  The word blasphemy is Strong’s #988 and it means slander or speech which is injurious to another person; hurtful speech.  Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of sin.  Let me remind you that sin is the act that is less than perfect.  Sin originates in the mind.  So we can say sin is the thought that is not perfect.  Sin is the thoughts of the carnal mind.  The thoughts of the mind of Christ are perfect.  Everything that is not of faith is sin.  The only way we will cease from sin is to begin to reject the thoughts of our carnal mind and begin to think with the thoughts of Christ.  We must die to our self and take up life in Christ.  He is the sinless place.  We must hide in him. 

Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of wrong thinking, sin, wrong thinking, and blasphemy, hurtful speech which results from wrong thinking, shall be forgiven unto men, but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.  Now I call your attention to the King James Translation, if you have one, you will see that the words against and holy are in italics.  That means that the King James translators are openly admitting that those words are not in the Greek.  For your information, sometimes, and I cannot tell you why there are words in the King James Translation which have been added, which are not in the Greek, and neither are in italics.  But the majority of times, the King James translators have identified the words that they added with italics.

The second phrase of verse 31, according to the Greek reads, but the blasphemy, the ghost, shall not be forgiven unto men.  Now as I have told you many times, frequently the Greek and the Hebrew even more so, is very abbreviated.  When you translate each of the Greek words, it is not enough to give you the full understanding.  You must have some idea in your head of what the writer is trying to say for you to understand those  abbreviated words.  Does anyone not understand what abbreviated means?  Abbreviated means a way of writing something in as few words as possible.  For you to understand the intention of the writer through such abbreviated words, you must have some idea in your head of what he is talking about.  The King James translators were scholars.  They were not thinking spiritually.

Lord willing, tonight I am going to give you another thought, the thought that I am convinced the Holy Spirit has given me.  Let us go on.  The interlinear text says the spirit of blasphemy.  Let me go over this with you a word at a time.  But the blasphemy, the ghost.  Now the word translated ghost is simply spirit, but the blasphemy, the spirit.  But the blaspheming spirit.  It is not talking about the Holy Ghost at all.  Can you hear this?  But the blasphemy, the spirit.  But the spirit of blasphemy.  The King James translators added in Holy.  I am convinced that they took a scripture that is talking about the blaspheming spirit and they have said the scripture is speaking about the Holy Spirit.  It does not say holy anywhere.  It says spirit, and if you are looking around for a modifying word which will identify which spirit, because we know that all spirits are not of God, brethren.  Amen.  

If you are looking for a modifying word, a word that is modifying the word spirit, which will identify which or what kind of spirit it is, if you look in the Greek text, the only modifying word is blasphemy.  It is the spirit of blasphemy, brethren.  But the blasphemy, the spirit, but the spirit of blasphemy shall not be forgiven unto men.  Now also let me call to your attention that the definite article, the, is in there.  It is not a blaspheming spirit.  It is not just any blaspheming spirit.  It is the blaspheming spirit.  It is the spirit of blasphemy, which is whom?  Satan, himself.  Satan, himself, manifesting in men.

So what are we saying?  The Lord is saying, the men who are overcome and the slaves of Satan shall be forgiven and raised from the dead, but that blaspheming spirit, who has stolen God’s creation, shall not be forgiven.  Why should he not be forgiven?  Because forgiveness would imply that he would be corrected.  Please let me remind you of the teaching on the forgiveness of sins.  This is a very important teaching, brethren.  Jesus has forgiven our sins.  Forgiveness is a process.  It begins with the Lord convicting us of our sin, our confession and repentance, and then the Lord rips our sin out of us.  God does not forgive us so that we can either continue to sin or walk around with the potential for that sin still in us.  Why?  Because as far as God is concerned, to merely to have the potential for the sin is sin itself.  To have the potential for sin is a sin nature.  The nature of God has no potential for sin. 

Therefore, for the forgiveness of sin to be fully accomplished in us, we must be purged of the potential to do that sin.  Because when God forgives you, He forgets your sin completely.  He cannot forget your sin if He knows that the potential to do it again is still there.  He would be a halfway God.  I want to tell you, brethren, that is what they do in the Roman Catholic Church.  I am sorry.  Say five Hail Mary’s, come back next time, and you do it again.  That is not what Jesus does.  Jesus does for us what he did for the adulterous woman.  He said to her, go and sin no more.  He was not saying to her, go and sin no more, hoping she would not sin anymore.  Brethren, when Jesus says to you, go and sin no more, he has delivered you of your potential for that sin.  He was not asking her.  He was telling her you are free and now you will not do it anymore.

This is the God, the Creator of the universe, that we are dealing with, brethren.  He is greater than all of humanity put together.  He is so great.  The fallen minds of men cannot even fathom Him.  Do not tell me my sins are forgiven when you are out there doing everything that the world does.  Your sins are forgiven potentially, but the forgiveness is not complete until they are forgiven experientially, which means no more potential.  You want to go around saying you are saved, I do not think that is an accurate term.  To me or to my thinking, the accurate term is that you are reconciled unto God.

If you want to say you are saved, say it, but you should know that you are only potentially saved.  Why?  Because everyone, to date, for two thousand years, that are saying they are saved is dying.  So you are potentially saved.  You have received the promise of salvation, but if you were experientially saved you would not die.  Brethren, this church has got to get its act together.  No lie ever got you into the kingdom of heaven.  Let us get it together.  Glory to God.

The reason Satan cannot be forgiven is because the true meaning of the forgiveness of sins is change.  Satan is inherently evil.  He is incapable of changing.  He is incapable of becoming good.  He is incapable of conversion.  That is why he shall never be forgiven.  Man is capable of conversion.  Man in his fallen condition is evil.  There are at least three, perhaps four Greek words, translated evil.  The Greek word that is used to describe fallen man is a Greek word that means someone who fell from grace, which means we were good and became evil.  The implication, therefore, is that if we were good and we became evil, we can become good again. 

Satan never fell from grace.  Satan is the moral impurity in the creation.  She always was.  The difference between her condition at the beginning of time and her condition after the fall is that at the beginning of time righteous Adam had her under his authority.  It is like if you see an elephant in Africa or Asia.  An elephant can trample someone to death, but in many areas of India they have captured elephants and made them serve man.  Even wild lions are captured and they put them in circus rings and make them do tricks, if you want to call that serving man.  Man has dominated them.  They cannot do any harm.  It is just like a wild bull.  Many farmers will castrate their bulls.  A castrated bull is called an ox, and then it pulls the plow.  It serves humanity.

Satan, when under the correct authority had her energies directed in a way that was serving the creation, but then she got out.  She broke her bands.  We read about that in verses in Psalm 2 that says why do the heathen rage?  Let us break our bands.  But she is the same.  Satan has not changed from the beginning of time until now.  What has changed is man.  Man at the beginning of time was exercising his God given authority.  At the time of the fall, to date, man is not exercising his God given authority.  He has fallen down and become a spiritual woman.  Satan has not changed.  Man has changed.  So man shall be forgiven, meaning man shall be restored from being evil back up to being good, but Satan, that blaspheming spirit shall not be forgiven because she never fell.  She always was evil.  From the day God created her she was evil, morally unclean.  That is why she is not going to be forgiven. 

It is not a vindictive act of the Father.  We have blasphemed our God’s name and His reputation so maliciously.  It is amazing that He still loves us.  God is not maliciously saying that anyone or any spirit will not be forgiven because they have done this terrible unforgivable sin.  Satan cannot be forgiven.  She cannot do anything but sin.  She is morally unclean and she can be nothing else.  Is there not a scripture that says she is not even subject to the law, and neither can she be?  That is what the scripture says about Satan.  Glory to God.

Alternate Translation of Matthew 12:31.  Therefore, every sin and hurtful word coming from man shall be forgiven, but the blaspheming spirit which is in man shall not be forgiven.  Neither can she be.  Let me just put this on the tape.  Getting back to verse 30.  The word against.  But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.  That is not in the Greek.  I guess I told you that.  Going on to verse 31 in the alternate translation.  Therefore every sin and hurtful word coming from man shall be forgiven, but the blaspheming spirit in man shall not be forgiven, neither can she be.  Verse 32 in the King James Translation.  And whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man, it shall be forgiven him, but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.  So God forbid, brethren, in a reprobate time of your life, you cursed the Holy Ghost, you will burn in hell forever.  I say not so.

Let us see what the scripture says.  And whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man.  Let me point out to you at this point in verse 32 that the first phrase says whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man.  But in the second phrase whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost.  There is nothing about a word.  Whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, but whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man.  So we see an obvious difference right there.  Starting with the first verse, whosoever speaketh a word against the son of man.

There are, I believe, three Greek words that are translated word in the English language.  This Greek word is Strong’s #3056 and it means logos.  Now the Greek word logos expresses that which is created when someone who has spiritual authority speaks.  It is not language.  I get my language and my speech mixed up.  It is not speech.  Speech is speaking about words.  It is language that comes forth from someone with spiritual authority.  The Father spoke this creation into existence.  It is a thought that comes from a living mind which takes form.  Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the logos.  He existed because the Father thought and spoke the Christ, and the Christ took form.  It would be as if I had that kind of authority to say chair, and a chair would materialize. 

Brethren, this is what we are moving into.  We are now living in an age where we must labor for everything that we have.  In the age to come, we will think and it will be.  That which materializes, after we think, will be the living expression of our thought.  Do you understand what I am saying?  It will be the living expression of our thought.  Actually, if you want to take an example of it down here in hell, you have a measure of it.  Sometimes a husband and his wife decide to have a child.  They think that they would like to have a child, and soon thereafter a child materializes.  Sometimes we think we would like to make a major purchase.  We would like a TV set in this house, and we go out and we purchase a TV set, and the next time you come in the house there is a TV set there. 

So the same thing is really happening today, but on a much lower level.  We have to fashion it.  We have to go out and buy it, but if you can hear what I am saying, we are still doing it on a much lesser level.  It is not likely you are going to find a TV set in your living room if you first do not have a thought that I think I would like a TV set.  But when God thinks something, He does not have to go out and buy it.  It appears.  That is how this whole earth came into being.  God thought it and it came into existence.  So the Greek word logos is speaking about a living word, a word that has materialized and become a reality. 

Whosoever speaks a living word against the son of man.  Well, what does that mean?  Let me suggest to you that there is spiritual authority in this world outside of God.  Well, it is not outside of God.  That is not true.  There is only one spiritual authority in this world, but for the time that the creation is separated, there is a criminal spiritual element manifesting.  That criminal spiritual element has authority or some authority to speak living words.  We call it a curse.  We call it a curse.

I just gave you a testimony earlier tonight about a young woman in the Philippians.  She was actually a twelve year old child who had enough satanic spiritual authority to tell someone to die and they drop dead.  That is a logos.  She said you are a dead person, and a dead person appeared.  Everybody was alive around her, and she said you are a dead person, and there was a dead person.  That is logos and it can be positive coming from God or negative coming from someone who has that kind of satanic power.  So we see the scripture saying, and whosoever speaketh a living word against the son of man.  Now if is against the son of man, it is not likely it is going to be a word coming from Christ.  We are talking about a witchcraft word here.  Whosoever speaketh a word designed to kill the son of man, it shall be forgiven him. 

I want to spend a few more minutes on speaking against the son of man.  This Greek word translated against is a preposition, brethren.  Now these small words, these prepositions, they can have twenty or thirty translations.  Another translation for this Greek word translated against is down.  I am suggesting to you that the Greek is saying, whosoever speaketh a word down to the son of man.  My understanding of that is, whosoever tries to take authority over the son of man, not so much that he curses him like we hear heathens saying, Oh J C.  They go around saying all these words.  That is not what the scripture is talking about.  You should not go around using the name of the Lord in vain, but this scripture is much deeper than that.

The spiritual understanding of cursing the son of God is to do evil to him.  You cannot do evil to the son of God by calling his name in vain, but he who tries to take authority over him, he who tries to tread him under the feet of the carnal mind, he who tries to do violence to the son of man.  That is what it is saying, not someone that goes around not really meaning what they are saying by saying, Oh J C.  No, that is not what it is talking about.  He who tries to take authority over the son of man.  Let me remind you that everyone in whom Christ is being formed is the son of man.  You see, it was not so serious for the people who tried to take authority over Jesus.  He was in full stature.  He was pretty much holding his own.  But the one who tries to take authority over the son of man, goes after the one in whom Christ is just coming up in.

I want to tell you when Christ starts to be formed in you, he is going to act like a magnet.  Every Jezebel spirit within twenty miles of you is going to head right for you to try and put Christ in you, and you, under their authority.  I tell you the truth.  They do not know what they are doing most of the time.  I admit that, but that is no excuse for you to let it happen to you.  Those of us in whom Christ is being formed must learn to deal with these people in the righteousness and the love of God, but you do not let them put you under their authority, when it is Jezebel in them and Christ in you.  Nevertheless, the scripture says, whosoever tries to put the son of man down under them, which is a form of a curse, they shall be forgiven.  Every Jezebel, every spirit of pride, the most wicked person in the church, brethren, they are going to be forgiven. 

Whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven; against the Holy Ghost.  That Greek word translated against, which we are translating as down in the first phrase, we are going to take another translation in the second phrase.  Another legitimate translation of that Greek word is by.  I am going to suggest to you that if you look in the Interlinear, that phrase should be read this way.  We are dealing with the phrase, but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost.  The Greek word translated against, we are going to translate by.  

Let me give you the whole phrase in the Interlinear.  But whosoever speaks by the spirit.  I am giving you this right out of the Interlinear now.  Now remember the word that is translated ghost, it really means spirit.  But whosoever speaks by the spirit, the holy one, not, it shall be forgiven.  That is what the Interlinear says.  But whosoever speaks against or by the spirit, the holy one.  The King James translators translated that phrase the spirit, the holy one.  They translated it the Holy Ghost, but I want to suggest to you that the definite article appears before the word holy, and what the phrase is really saying is, whosoever speaks by the spirit, the holy one, not, it shall be forgiven him.  Do you hear what I am saying?  I will give it to you again.

The Interlinear reads, but whosoever speaks by the spirit, the holy.  The fact that the article is in there, the word the before the word holy, changes the whole meaning of the sentence.  If the sentence said, if whosoever speaks by the spirit holy, then the word holy would be modifying the word spirit, and it would indeed mean Holy Spirit.  But the word the is in there.  When you put the article the before a word holy, it can be or should be translated the holy or the holy one; the holy, not a holy one, not any holy one, not a Holy Spirit, but the holy, the holy one.  Are you following me?

This is how the Interlinear reads.  But whosoever speaks.  The Interlinear says against, but I am changing that same Greek word to by.  But whosoever speaks by the spirit.  By what spirit?  By the spirit, that blaspheming spirit that we are talking about at the beginning of the verse.  Therefore, every sin and hurtful word coming from man shall be forgiven, but the blaspheming spirit in man shall not be forgiven.  Whosoever speaks a word against the son of man shall be forgiven, but whosoever speaks by that blaspheming spirit shall not be forgiven.  Are you following me?

Now the question is, who speaks by that blaspheming spirit?  Now if man is going to be forgiven, who is the one that is speaking by the blaspheming spirit?  Let me take you to the Book of Revelation, Chapter 13 verse 11, brethren.  And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.  I want to suggest to you that this verse is speaking about the human spirit joined to Satan.  It looked like a lamb because the human spirit is made out of the substance of God, but spake like a dragon because our human spirit is married to Satan.  Verse 12.  And he exercises all of the power of the first beast, which is Satan himself, before him, and causes the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, which is man.

Let me clarify what I just said.  The first beast is man, which is the expression of Satan.  The second beast causes all the earth and them that dwell therein to worship fallen man.  We are saying that the second beast is Eve, who is joined to Satan.  Does anybody remember who else is in there?  Eve is joined to Satan, and the carnal mind is in there.  I want to suggest to you that the scripture here is saying that fallen man is the first beast and the mind in fallen man is the second beast.  There is a verse a little further down where it says it causes him to speak.  Let me just find that for you.  Verse 15.  And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.  So the one that speaks by that blaspheming spirit is the carnal mind.  Is everybody with me?  Is everybody okay?  Anybody not okay? 

I am suggesting to you that Matthew 12 verse 31 is speaking about Satan, himself, and verse 32 is speaking about Satan’s mouth, which is the carnal mind.  Alternate translation.  This is the first third of Matthew 12:32.  Therefore whosoever tries to take authority over the son of man shall be forgiven.  But whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost; but whosoever speaks by the hurtful spirit; therefore whosoever tries to take authority over the son of man shall be forgiven; but the one who speaks by the hurtful spirit; but the carnal mind; and I am going to jump ahead and just tell you you will not be forgiven.  But let us go on and find out exactly what the scripture says. 

But whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost.  That Greek word translated against, we are translating it by.  This word shall not be forgiven.  The word forgiven is Strong’s #863 and one of the translations which appears in both Strong’s and Thayer’s is to leave behind.  To forgive somebody is to leave behind.  It is one of the translations.  It is in there.  You can look it up yourselves, Strong’s #863.  Now this is not the same Greek word used by Jesus when he said to Peter, get thee behind me, Satan.  But I want to suggest to you that this scripture is being used in the same way.  To forgive somebody is to leave their sins behind or to put their sins behind.  To put their sins behind what?  To put their sins behind Christ. 

The agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ covers a multitude of sins.  When Christ covers over our sin nature, which is the carnal mind, that is the forgiveness of sins.  The crucifixion of the carnal mind, Christ covering over the carnal mind and crucifying it, slaying the enmity in your flesh, that is the forgiveness of sins.  This word forgiven can be translated to put behind, when our sins are put behind Christ.  We have got to stop doing it.  You are not truly forgiven until you stop doing it.  Then eventually, the potential to do it has to be ripped out of you.  Otherwise, there is no forgiveness of sins.  It is a lie.  It is a lie because the evidence that Jesus has given you is that he has enabled you to stop doing it.  That is the evidence.  That is the proof. 

You go out to someone on the street and say, brother, Jesus forgives your sins, and they are going to look at you and say, what are you talking about?

You have to be able to say to them I am forgiven because I have been given the ability to not do it anymore.  I have been delivered from it.  I have been delivered from drug addition.  I do not do it anymore, and I have not done it for twenty years.  That is how I know my sin in that area is forgiven.  It does not mean that you go out and commit adultery tonight and your sin is forgiven the next day, and then months later you do it again.  If you do it a month later, your sin is not forgiven.  The potential for it will always be there until we enter into perfection.  In this condition that we are in, there are degrees.  There are degrees.  Jesus forgives us first by an act of faith.

Then he helps us to stop doing it.  Then he will deliver us with enough of a measure that we can live out the rest of our lives without doing it if we choose to exercise the authority he has given us.  Then the end of the process is the crucifixion of our soul to Christ, which kills the potential.  Three stages of resurrection and all many degrees in between.  To say that you are forgiven when you are going out and committing adultery once a month or once a year, you are not even on the path of forgiveness.  Do you understand what I am saying?  It is a process.  It is a process.  Somewhere along the line you have got to stop doing it or you are not forgiven.  You are in the process of being forgiven.

I know someone is going to twist my words.  The opportunity for forgiveness is present in Christ, but you have got to lay hold of that power of God.  You have got to cry out to God until that power works in your life and gives you enough dominion over that sin that you stop doing it.  Then you know that the mechanism to forgive your sins has begun to work in your life.  It is wonderful to know that somewhere out there is forgiveness of sins, but it has to begin to work in your life.  Then once it begins to work in your life, it is a process that is not completed until you are raised from the dead.  But it is possible to be given dominion over that sin while we are waiting for Jesus to raise us from the dead.  Is everybody okay?

Congregation: There is no way you can be forgiven of your sins if you do not cry out to the Lord to help you to stop sinning.  Is that right?

Pastor Vitale:  As far as I know, God can do anything.  He is sovereign.  According to the whole experience that God has given me, this great salvation is available in heaven for whosoever will, but it is not doing anyone any good until they can lay hold of it.  To lay hold of it, to the best of my knowledge, you have to cry out to God and ask Him to help you.  That is how you lay hold of it.  That is how you internalize it.  That is how you get it.  It is there.  It is available for all men, but in this hour, He is not forcing it on anyone, except a very small group of people that He has ordained will be in His first fruits company.  It is very rare that He is forcing it on anyone in this hour.  I believe the day is coming that He is going to be forcing it on the whole human race. 

How will He force them to do it?  He will permit trials and severe judgment to come upon them unto the point that they cry out for help.  That is how God forces you.  Although I have not studied it, the King James says, and he pleaded with them with blood and pestilence.  The first time I read that scripture, I said what in the world does that mean?  God pleaded with them with blood and pestilence?  What it means is that they would not cry out to Him.  They would not repent.  They would not take advantage of his glorious salvation, so He permitted judgments to fall upon them because of their sins.  God’s judgment is His pleading with us to turn away from our sin and turn back towards Him.  He pleads with us with blood and pestilence. 

I could not understand that scripture for anything when I looked at it with my carnal mind, but it sure makes sense to me now.  I remember years ago when I was a young teenager in this clique, one girl thought it was so funny that her mother was chasing her around the house with a broom, and beating her over her head with it.  All the while her mother was crying hysterically while she was doing it.  This teenage girl said, my mother is some kind of nut.  Can you imagine that, beating me with a broom and crying the whole time?  Pleading with blood and pestilence.  Does anyone not understand what I am talking about?  You have to be a parent to understand that one.  Glory to God.

The phrase is but whosoever speaketh against, we are saying by, the Holy Ghost.  The Interlinear says, but whosoever speaks by the spirit, the holy one will not forgive him.  So whosoever speaks by that hurtful spirit, the one whose carnal mind is speaking out of him is going to be put behind the holy one.  I translated it, will be stripped of his authority.  The holy one is stripping the carnal mind of his authority, but whosoever speaks by the hurtful spirit will be stripped of his authority by the holy one.  But whosoever speaks, but whosoever lets their carnal mind speak through them, or is overcome by their carnal mind, that carnal mind is going to be stripped of his authority when the holy one puts him behind him, or when Christ crucifies himself to that carnal mind, or when Christ covers over that carnal mind.  Is everybody okay?

I just want to make it very clear that that hurtful one is not any individual man, but the carnal mind in that man.  These scriptures are clearly stating that men will be forgiven, but Satan and the carnal mind will not be forgiven.  Satan is impossible to forgive.  She is inherently evil, unredeemable, and the carnal mind is a bastard child, which is going to be destroyed.  The carnal mind, Eve, and Satan are joined together.  They are the elements that Peter talks about, melting and coming down, and crashing down in the fervent heat.  Those elements are Eve, Satan and the carnal mind, who are currently all stuck together.  The fire that is burning them is the Christ who is crucifying them. 

As Christ joins to the carnal mind, the fire of his life is going to break apart and separate Eve, the carnal mind, and Satan.  Eve is going to be freed up   and marry Christ.  Satan is going down under the feet of Christ.  It is expressed in the King James Translation as Satan is going into eternal torment or the correction and the authority of Christ for the life of the ages.  The carnal mind is dissolving.  The carnal mind is a bastard child.  That part of the carnal mind which is spirit is going with Eve.  That part of the carnal mind which is soul is going with Satan because Satan is really soul.  He is acting in a spirit role right now, but he is really soul.  Did I confuse anybody?  I am stumbling a little tonight.  Let me say that again.

The carnal mind is the bastard offspring of Satan and Eve.  Satan, in this hour, has taken on a male role which is spirit.  Male is spirit, soul is female.  Satan is functioning in a male role.  While he is functioning in a male role, we call him he, but the truth is that he is really soul, that came up out of his place and stole a role that he had no authority to.  So when the carnal mind breaks down, that part of Satan which was in that carnal mind is going back to Satan, which is soul.  Eve is the only true spirit.  That part of the carnal mind which is spirit, is going with Eve to marry Christ.  There will be no more carnal mind.  She is dissolving.  The carnal mind is that which is coming down with a crash.  She will be no more.  The mighty Babylon, the carnal mind, she will be no more.  Eve is joining with Christ, and in the place of the mighty Babylon, we see the new Jerusalem.  Babylon is falling and the new Jerusalem is being erected.  The true offspring of the Father is Christ.

Whosoever speaks by the hurtful spirit, the mouthpiece of Satan, the carnal mind, shall be stripped of their authority by the holy one.  The King James says that the third phrase of verse 32, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.  So we are saying that men will be forgiven, but Satan will not be forgiven and the carnal mind will not be forgiven, neither in this world or in the world to come.  The Greek word translated world is Strong’s #165.  That word is aion.  It means age.  There are at least three Greek words translated world in the King James.  This is the word that means age or time period. The time period that we are in right now is the church age. There are different ways to look at it.  We could say we are in the church age or we could say that we are in the age after the flood.  It all depends on how you are looking at it, but this age, this present time where we are existing right now, we are told that Satan and the carnal mind will not be forgiven in this age or in the age to come. However if you are looking at the King James Translation at verse 32 you will see that the second time the word world appears, it is in italics, which means it is not in the Greek.  The Greek word merely says to come.  It is Strong’s #3195 and it is speaking about the future, both in this age and in the future; both in this age and in the future.  I do not see any significant error in that translation.  It is just that as God showed it to me, it is not correct to say in the age to come.  I am giving you the correct translation as I see it, both in this age and in the future.

Alternate Translation of Matthew 12:32; Therefore whosoever tries to take authority over the son of man shall be forgiven, but whosoever speaks by the hurtful spirit will be stripped of his authority by the holy one, both in this age and in the future.  Now let me point something else out to you.  This is not saying the Holy Ghost.  This is saying the holy one.  What is the difference between the holy one and the Holy Ghost?  Who is the holy one?  Christ is the holy one.  The Holy Ghost is a Spirit, but the holy one, the person of holiness is the Christ, the only mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.  He is the holy one.  Do you understand the difference?  The Holy Ghost is just a Spirit.  The holy one is a person.  Someone is going to get me on that.  Yes, the Holy Spirit is the person of the Father. Yes, the Holy Spirit is the person of the Father, but Christ is the presence, the fullness of the presence of God in the earth.  He is a more complete manifestation of God in the soul realm.

Christ is a mind.  Christ is the mind in God’s creation.  The Holy Spirit is not a mind.  Yes, the Holy Spirit is the Father.  He is an administration of the Father.  He is the Word of God.  He is the seed that brings forth the Christ.  It is like saying he is a seed in Abraham’s loins, and then Isaac came forth.  It is the difference between the seed of Abraham’s loin and the fully grown man, Isaac.  That is the difference between the Holy Ghost and Christ.  They are both God.  All of you pharisees that are already jumping up and down because I just said something that you might misconstrue.  They are both God in different forms, one seed and one fully grown man.  Is everybody okay?  God help us, and God help me.  I am sorry.  I am stumbling a bit tonight, but I am getting through to you, am I not?  Okay.

Therefore whosoever tries to take authority over the son of man shall be forgiven, but whosoever speaks  by that hurtful spirit, Satan.  The one that speaks by him is the carnal mind.  Let us say, but the carnal mind, it speaks by Satan,  shall be stripped of his authority by the holy one or by Christ, both in this age and in the future.  Glory to God.  Let it come to pass. 

Verse 33.  Here Jesus is challenging the pharisees.  Either make the tree good and his fruit good, or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit dropped, for the tree is known by his fruit.  This is pretty understandable.  I am just going to go over it quickly, and try and put it in modern day English for us.  The Greek word translated good is Strong’s #2570 and it means excellent characteristics or to be valuable.  We know that the valuable tree is the tree of life.  Amen.  The corrupt tree; the Greek word translated corrupt is Strong’s #4550.  It means no longer fit for use or worn out.  Now I just want to make a comment on that.  Someone not too long ago got a little offended when I said something to the effect of as the present truth comes forth, every truth that comes before it becomes false doctrine.  The person got very offended with me, and felt it necessary to defend all these other doctrines going around the church. 

I would just like to clarify this for you.  Until we are in perfection, we will not have the complete truth, but for you, wherever you are, the most recent truth that God has brought to you, for you is present truth.  For you to be in a condition of mind where you do not want to come to what God is calling you to, but you stay with your mind abiding in the truth that God brought you to five years ago, for you that becomes false doctrine.  Can anyone understand what I am saying?  We go through this a lot with old order deliverance.  There are deliverance churches in the earth today.  For the people that God is calling to old order deliverance, for them it is true doctrine.  I was in it for five years.  It was true doctrine for me, but when God calls you up to the next level of truth, and you refuse to come because you have an idolatry for old order deliverance, for you it becomes false doctrine.  When God calls you to go forward, you leave it behind.  You leave it behind. 

For you it is old and it is worn out.  For me, old order deliverance, unless God specifically calls it forth, is no longer for me.  It is not applied to my life.  He has brought me into new order deliverance, but for the people who He has called to old order deliverance, it is not false doctrine for them.  Is everybody okay?  God is an individualist.  This is wonderful that He deals with each and every one of us as an individual.  Every Christian that tries to put other Christians in a box, you are putting them under the law.  We have a whole church full of people that arrive at a certain place in their maturity, and decide that the whole church world should be where they are.  It is not true.  Everybody should be where God puts you.  That is why we have a variety of ministries in the world today.  Old order deliverance, New order deliverance, kingdom, ultimate reconciliation, faith churches, churches where you go to get baptized with the Holy Ghost.  They are all valid so long as God’s mark is upon them.

What is His mark?  His Spirit.  So long as His Spirit is present there, they are all valid.  Even if His Spirit is not present, if He is letting them stand, there is a reason why He is letting them stand.  Mind your own business.  Do not judge God’s servants.  Just find out where He wants you, and make a commitment, and dig in, and get what He has for you.  His plan is greater than our mind can even comprehend.  Leave everybody alone, and just do what He is telling you to do.  You do not know what He is doing with that other person.  You do not know that He is calling her here now.  Do you know what I am talking about?  Honestly, He may not be calling her here.  It could be doing her more harm than good by trying to do whatever you are doing in your own power to bring her in.  Leave everybody alone, unless you have a specific clear instruction from the Lord to go to somebody.  Even in that instance, the chances are that He will just have you say one word here or there.  I am not in any way trying to pressure anybody to come in.  Do not do it.  Concentrate on yourself.  How did I get on that?  I do not even know how I got to that.  I guess I was suppose to say it.  Glory to God.

We are talking about the corrupt tree.  That is what we were talking about.  Glory to God.  Alternate Translation of Matthew 12:33;  If you are the offspring of the tree of life.  See, Jesus gave them a parable when he is talking about the tree.  Really what he is saying to them is, let your fruit line up with the tree that is in you.  Let me get ahead of myself and tell you what he is saying here.  He is saying to them, if it is the tree of life in you, let us see your words and your behavior express the tree of life.  But if it is tree of the knowledge of good and evil in you, if it is really Satan in you, and Jesus is always calling these poor pharisees Satan.  He is calling them the devil.  He is always upbraiding them.  He is saying if the tree in you is really Satan, well then, let us hear you speak the words and do the deeds of Satan.  He is saying something is wrong here.  I perceive that the tree in you is Satan, and you are speaking good words.  He is saying, oh you sons of Satan, you lying deceiving people, whitewashing yourself,  making yourself look holy, you are a phony.  If you are manifestations of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, well let it be seen what you are. 

I remind you that we are told in these last days nothing shall be hidden.  We have a whole church world full of people who are desperately wicked, and you would never guess in a million years.  Their words are as sweet as butter.  They know all the right things to say.  They know all the right things to do, and you think they are wonderful people until you get into a conflict with them.  Then you find out what they are all about when you try to pull the knife out of your back.  That is what Jesus is saying to them.  You phonies, you do not fool me.  You are the sons of those who kill the prophets.  How do I know?  Because I know you are trying to kill me.  All of your fancy clothes, all your prayers in the marketplace, and all of your tithes, and all of your fasting, and all of your supposed good works have not fooled me.  He is saying to them, you are worst than the sinner who admits he is a sinner.  You are a hypocrite.

That is what he is saying to them. Either make the tree good and his fruit good, or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt.  Let your behavior and your speech line up with your nature because the tree is known by its fruit.      

Alternate Translation.  If you are the offspring of the tree of life.  Now remember, Jesus was the offspring of the tree of life and they were denying him.  He is saying to them, if you think you are the offspring of the tree of life, let the good nature of God be seen in you.  Let the good nature of God be seen in your attitudes, and in your behavior, but if you are the offspring of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, let the evil nature of Satan be seen in your attitude s and in your behavior, because your attitudes and your behavior reveal whether you are the offspring of Jehovah, or the offspring of Satan.  Let us see some honesty here.  That is what he is saying to them.  This is emphasizing verse 34, where he says, O generation of vipers, how can ye being evil speak good things if the tree that is in you is evil?  How could you be speaking good things?  He is saying you are a perversion.  Your fruit does not match the kind of tree that you are.  Something is wrong with this picture.  That is what he is saying to them

For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.  Jesus calls them the sons of Satan.  He says  their father is the devil.  Now he is calling them serpents.  My goodness, gracious!  It really loses its impact in the King James somehow.  He was just telling these people off continuously.  Let me point out to you that in verse 34, the Greek word translated good, O generation of serpents, how can ye being evil speak good things?  This is a different Greek word than the Greek word translated good in verse 33.  It is a different word.  This is Strong’s #18 and this means good nature.  Now remember, in verse  33 the word good meant excellent characteristics.  I want to suggest to you that the difference between excellent characteristics and good nature is this.  Good nature would indicate the very nature of Christ in perfection.  That was what Jesus had.  Those of us here that are doing the best we can to serve Christ, we are not in perfection, but I think all of us, at least some of the time, show the nature of Christ.  It shows in us.  We perceive the Spirit on each other in certain attitudes, and certain things that we say,  not a hundred percent of the time, but we could be considered good with that word.

Under these circumstances, on the times that we are manifesting Christ in some measure, we could be called good, Strong’s #2570 for doing good.  In verse 34 Jesus is talking about a man who is in perfection, and that number is Strong’s #18.  It means good nature.  It means having the fullness of the tree of life in you.  Is everybody okay?  It means good attitude.  It means to have a good root.  The word things is not in the Greek.  Now here is the situation where a word is not in the Greek, and it is not in italics.  It is not in the Greek.  Good things; how can you speak good things?  The word in the Greek just says good.  How can you speak good, meaning how can you speak out of Christ?  He is saying to them, O you generation of serpents, how can you having a heart, which is carnal, speak out of Christ?  But you see, they are acting like they are speaking out of Christ.  They are acting like they are the spokespersons of God, and they do not have Christ.  That is what he is saying to them.

Alternate Translation of first half of Matthew 12:34.  O you offspring of serpents, how can hurtful men  like you speak out of the nature of God?  Continuing with the second half of Matthew 12:34.  For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.  Abundance is Strong’s #4051 and it means that which overflows.  What Jesus is saying is that which is truly in your heart rises up and will flow out of your mouth.  It is what we have been teaching here, that spirit goes out beyond the body.  That is what he is saying.  What is truly in your heart, which is your mind by the way, what is truly in your heart will be expressed.  It will rise up out of your heart, and express itself beyond that internal organ.  That is what he is saying.  He is saying how could you be speaking things that are supposedly coming forth of the nature of Christ, when I know that the heart in you is carnal?  He calls them serpents.  It was not just an insult.  Jesus was not just insulting them by calling them serpents.  The carnal mind is a serpent.  Satan is the serpent and the carnal mind is the offspring of the Serpent.  Is that not what he said?  O you offspring of Satan.  He is calling them sons of Satan.  It is amazing.  I guess they surely would have killed them if they could. 

Alternate Translation of second half of Matthew 12:34.  When the true attitudes and emotions of your heart naturally overflow into your mouth.  Let me give you the whole verse.  You offspring of serpents, how can hurtful men like you speak out of the nature of God, when the true attitudes and emotions of your heart naturally overflow?  Now he is saying there is something wrong here.  There is something wrong here.  How can these good sounding things be coming out of your mouth when your nature is evil? 

Verse 35.  A good man, out of the treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.  The word good here is Strong’s #18 meaning good nature, and the word man, by the way, is speaking about the man adam.  He is talking about the corporate man.  The word treasure is Strong’s#2344 and it means precious things or spiritual riches.  I suggest to you that Jesus is saying to them, it is not Christ in you.  How could you be bringing forth the things of God’s Spirit, which is spiritual riches?  The word evil is Strong’s #4190 and it means evil.  For some reason I did not write down which Greek word that is.  I will just have to leave you with that because I did not write it down. 

Alternate Translation of Matthew 12:35.  A man with a good nature expresses helpful and healing attitudes and emotions.  A man with an evil nature expresses hurtful and destructive attitudes and emotions.  He is just exposing them completely.

Verse 36.  But I say unto you, every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.  The word idle is Strong’s #692 and this is the same word that Jesus uses in Matthew 20 verses 3 to 6, where he tells us that he finds men standing idle in the marketplace and he invites them into the vineyard.  The word means to be barren.  It means to be barren.  It means to be inactive and unemployed, but it also means to be barren.  I want to suggest to you that a barren word is a word that cannot produce a living image.  We talked about this at the beginning of the message, that the word logos is that which takes form when a word is spoken with spiritual authority.  A barren word would be a word that is powerless to produce the image that the word stands for.  Is everybody okay? 

We see it in the church today.  An idle message is being preached today.  The message is good.  The message that is coming forth from the ultimate reconciliation camp has announced God’s message to the world, but I declare to you that it is a barren word.  The message is not completely true, but the message  of reconciliation of the all, the major principles of ultimate reconciliation are true, but I declare to you that it is a barren word because it does not include within it the power to bring it to pass in the lives of  the people that are hearing it.  Does everybody know what I am talking about?  It is a barren word.  There is a lot of truth in it.  I believe that at the time it came forth, God was winking at the error  in it, because it was a proclamation at the time that it came forth.  It was a proclamation of God’s next move, that the whole world is going to be reconciled unto God.  God anointed it, and He blessed it, and He poured out His Spirt upon it because that was what He was doing in that hour.  He was making an announcement to the world, this is the next move, but He never told them to preach how it was going to be done.  How do I know that?  Because the way that they are preaching it is going to be done is not true.   Therefore it is a barren word.  Is everybody following me?

It was an announcement, a proclamation to the world.  God ordained the word to be proclaimed, but at the time that He ordained it to be proclaimed, He did not also give the information about how it would come to pass.  As I taught you many times, the carnal minds of the men that were preaching it, and that are preaching it, preached what God gave them to preach.  Then because there was no answer as to how it was going to come to pass, their carnal mind moved right in and came up with an answer as to how  it was going to come to pass.  I declare to you that what they are preaching about how it is going to come to pass is not true.  The message of how it is going to come to pass is coming forth in this hour, years after He originally sent forth the proclamation.  A barren word is a word that is spoken without spiritual authority to create that which is spoken.  Is everybody okay?

Do you know that the whole world is mocking Christianity today, saying it is a barren word.  It is two thousand years since Christ was crucified, and look at the Christian Church.  It is a barren word.  It is a glorious message, but there was no power in it to bring it to pass.  That is what the world says about us.  They are not using those words, but that is what they are saying about us.  Many are turning to Eastern religions because they are hungry and thirsting for spiritual truth, and a lot of people cannot find it because the word is barren.  No power!  There is a scripture that says; Proclaiming Godliness, but denying the power thereof.  Proclaiming Godliness, but denying the power that will make it logos in their life.  What is the power that will make it logos in their life?  Christ must be formed in them, and he must crucify their carnal mind.  Well they are not denying that Christ is being formed in them, but they are denying the necessity for the judgment and the crucifixion.  Yet they are proclaiming that they have Godliness.  I bless every one of these preachers.  May every human being on the face of the earth that believes this message, be blessed.  I bless them, but I will speak the truth as God has given it to me.  You are preaching a barren word.  I pray that the living word go forth unto you, and that it cuts you, and that the word that you preach should come alive in the glory of Christ.

But I say unto you, that every barren word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.  Now this Greek word translated word is not logos.  It is a Greek word that means doctrine. It is Strong’s #4487.  Every barren doctrine that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.  Now this is very interesting.  If you check this out in the Interlinear text, the word translated account is logos.  It is logos.  Anybody reading this transcript, if you think I am off the wall choosing different translations for the same Greek word, check out the King James translators.  This word translated account is logos, the same word that was translated word in this very same chapter.  Let us see what they are saying here.  Rather let us see what the Holy Ghost is saying here.  Every barren doctrine that men shall speak, they shall give logos thereof in the day of judgment.


Brethren, when judgment comes their barren doctrines will receive life.  When judgment comes their barren powerless doctrines will take form because the day of judgment cannot come without Christ.  When Christ arises in their hearts, and begins to judge their carnal minds, their barren doctrines will take form in the truth of Christ.  There will be a conversion.  Let me say it again.  In the day that Christ begins to be formed in these men who are preaching barren doctrines, when Christ begins to be formed in them, it is the day of judgment for them.  Christ will judge their carnal minds and their barren doctrines will be replaced by the lively life giving doctrines of Christ called logos.  Is everybody with me?  There is a word in the Greek that is not translated.  It means concerning it.  It is Strong’s #4012.  In the day of judgment they shall give logos, or they shall give form to their dead doctrines, concerning their dead doctrines. 

Alternate Translation of Matthew 12 verse 36.  But I say unto you that in the day that the carnal mind is judged by the sons of God.  When the day that the carnal mind is judged, first by the sons of God, and then hopefully by themselves, the truth shall be revealed concerning every dead doctrine preached by men.  But I say unto you that in the day that the carnal mind is judged by the sons of God, the truth  shall be revealed concerning every dead doctrine preached by men.  I just told you the word concerning is in the Greek, but it is not translated in the English.  Is everybody okay?  That was a difficult verse.

Verse 37.  For by thy words thou shall be justified, and by thy words thou shall be condemned.  The Greek word translated words is logos.  By your logos you shall be justified or by your words you shall be condemned.  I am sorry, but I do not have any note on what the Greek is on that second appearance of the word words.  I did not put it down.  What the verse is saying here is by the words that you speak, you are either going to be justified or condemned.  If the words that you speak have the power to produce what you are saying, you will be revealed as Christ.  What does that mean?  If you are preaching a doctrine and it is producing the life of Christ in the people that you are preaching to, if Christ is coming forth, if they are going forward, if they are taking victory, if their mind is being healed, if they are being delivered, if life is coming out of this word, it is going to be revealed that you are Christ.  You are going to be justified by that word because your word will take form in the minds and the lives of the people that you are preaching it to.  Amen.

If your words are barren, the people in your congregation are going to be drying up and withering on the vine, and you shall be condemned, because for all those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear, it will be obvious that your word does not have the power to produce life, but is in fact producing death.  That is what he is saying.  What is the word your preaching is producing?  What effect is it having on the people who are listening to you?  Are they prospering?  Are they growing?  Is their life improving?  Is the fruit of Christ coming forth by the words that you preach and the effects thereof?  It shall be proven that you are justified, or in relationship with Christ, or that you are condemned, and separated from Christ.  What is condemnation?  To be separated from Christ.  That is what condemnation is, separation from God.  Is everybody okay? 

Alternate Translation of Matthew 12:37.  Because in the day of judgment, the truly justified ones shall speak miracle working words, but the condemned ones shall be without power.  Glory to God.  Let me say it again.  I remind you, if you are condemned, what it means is that you are separated from Christ.  If you look around you, and your words have no power, that does not mean you are condemned forever.  Repent and ask God for the real thing.  All men shall be forgiven.  No one is being cast down to hell forever.  All men shall be forgiven.  Every sin.  Do you hear that?  But the spirit that is sinning, that blaspheming spirit, he shall not be forgiven.  Neither shall his mouthpiece, the carnal mind, be forgiven.  The carnal mind is going to die.  It is going to be melted by fire, but all men shall be forgiven.  But your mind has got to go.  Men, you are forgiven,.  In this hour God is winking because He is putting His plan  together, and lots of people are nurturing and nourishing and taking very good care of their carnal minds, loving it.  God is winking at it, but as soon as His plan is in its position, what will happen?  What is the name of His plan, sons of God?  Manifested sons of God.  As soon as they are fully ready to go, watch out, because you cannot keep that carnal mind.  You cannot keep it.  Either you are going to lose your life and live, or you are going to save your life and die.  It is going to be a group of people on this earth who are going to die.  They are not going to hell forever, but they will live out their lives and pass out of this world.  Eventually, every human being on the face of the earth will have the mind of Christ, or they will not be able to stay here.  Glory to God. 

Recap of Matthew 12:31 thru 37.  Therefore every sin and hurtful word coming from man shall be forgiven, but that blaspheming spirit in man shall not be forgiven, nor can he be. Therefore whosoever tries to take authority over the Son of man shall be forgiven, but whosoever speaks by the hurtful spirit will not be forgiven by the holy one, neither in this age nor in the future.  Let me make that a little clearer.  Therefore whosoever tries to take authority over the Son of man shall be forgiven, but Satan will not be forgiven by the holy one, and neither will the carnal mind be forgiven in this age or in the next.  Glory to God.

If you are really the offspring of the tree of life, let the good nature of God be seen in your attitudes, and in your behavior, but if you are the offspring of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then let the evil nature of Satan be seen in your attitudes and in your behavior, because your attitudes and your behavior reveal whether you are the offspring of Jehovah or the offspring of Satan.  You offspring of  serpents, how can hurtful men like you speak good things when the true attitudes and emotions of your heart naturally overflow into your mouth.  A man with a good nature expresses helpful and healing attitudes and emotions, and a man with an evil nature expresses hurtful and destructive attitudes and emotions.  But I say unto you that in the day that the carnal mind is judged by the sons of God, the truth shall be revealed concerning every dead doctrine preached by men. Because in the day of judgment, the truly justified ones shall speak miracle working words, but the condemned ones shall be without power. 

I am going to read you Matthew 12 verses 25 thru 37.  Let us put it together.  And Jesus was aware of what they were thinking and said to them, the mind whose personality and passions are not in subjection to the unifying authority of the conscience, is stripped of its spiritual power, and the soul or the individual which is not united with the conscience shall not remain alive, shall not remain intact, shall not remain alive.  And you pharisees, who are expressions of Satan, even the Satan who drives away Christ, her head, if you separate yourselves from me, how shall the kingdom of God appear in you?  And if you think I am casting out demons by Beelzebub, you should try the spirit on your own sons who are casting out devils.  But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.  This is how you will discern the Spirit of God.  How can anyone enter into the carnal mind’s house and separate him from his wife and seize her, if he does not bind the carnal mind first.  Then he will separate the carnal mind from his many membered wife and seize them.  He, who is not thinking with the mind of Christ is opposed to me, and he that is not even reconciled with me is so completely penetrated by Satan that he does not even have a choice.  Therefore every sin and hurtful word coming from man shall be forgiven, but the blaspheming spirit in man, Satan, shall not be forgiven.  Therefore whosoever tries to take authority over the Son of man shall be forgiven, but whosoever speaks by the carnal mind shall not be forgiven by the holy one neither in this age nor in the future.  If you are really the offspring of the tree of life, let the good nature of God be seen in your attitudes and in your behavior.  And if you are the offspring of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then let the evil nature of Satan be seen in your attitudes and in your behavior.  Because your attitudes and your behavior reveal whether you are the offspring of Jehovah or the offspring of Satan.  You offspring of serpents, how can hurtful men like you speak good things when the true attitudes and emotions of your heart naturally overflow into your mouth.  A man with a good nature expresses helpful and healing attitudes and emotions, and a man with an evil nature expresses hurtful and destructive attitudes, and emotions.  But I say unto you that in the day that the carnal mind is judged by the sons of God, the truth shall be revealed concerning every dead doctrine preached by men.  Because in the day of judgment the truly justified ones shall speak miracle working words, but the condemned ones shall be without power.  Glory to God.

Let me just make it clear to you that the carnal mind’s wife, that Christ is taking back, is the living soul, the many members of the living soul.  Satan has stolen God’s wife.  That is us.  We are forgiven, but the mind that is in us is not forgiven.  We are being saved.  That wicked mind is not being saved.  Do you have a question?

Congregation: When the sons of God are manifested, will they have any personality?

Pastor Vitale?  Yes, they will have a personality.  It will be us with a new mind.  It is hard for me to explain it to you, but I am already experiencing it.  I know a lot of people go around saying I am a new creature in Christ, but I am really a new creature in Christ.  My personality is totally opposite of what  I was when I came to the Lord, but it is still me.  I still have the same body.  Maybe this is how God wants me to explain it to you.  My qualities, my strengths, are now under the control of the Holy Ghost.  I am an aggressive person.  You have to be an aggressive person to preach.  I am a very aggressive person, but my aggression is now being channeled into the things of God.  It is being channeled under the control of the Holy Spirit to help people, to frequently confront people in Christ, that need to be confronted.  When most of the church world is running away from the problem, God might send me to confront the issue, and the result of it is that the person is set free.  Do you understand what I am saying?

Before I came to the Lord, I was still a very aggressive person, but my aggression was destructive.  Can you understand the difference?  We will still have a personality and you will still have a lot, if not all of the personality qualities that you have now, but they will be redirected.  They will be redirected.  It will be as though the Spirit of God will harness them like He is going to harness that ox, and make him plow the earth to serve man.  He is going to take all of your qualities and use them to help other people, because that is what the kingdom of God is all about.  It is people.  It is helping people.  We most certainly will have personalities.  Even this message that is being preached, even though it is the same message, I believe that as it comes out of each individual preacher, it will be unique, because if the Spirit of God passes through us, each expression of Christ through an individual is an unique expression of God. 

He could be doing the same thing through you, as He is doing through me, but because we are different from one another, we are unique in our individuality, the expression of the Spirit of God that comes forth through us, will be different.  There will be certain people that will respond to the way that you express it better, and there will be another group of people that will benefit more from the way I express it.  God is going to use everything to get everything done.  Am I making any sense to you at all?  The way it is described in the Book of Revelation is that we shall be as an orchestra.  Everyone that is in Christ shall be a member or an instrument, a monumental orchestra that is totally harmonized.  What that means is that everybody is not the same, but when you put all of their expressions together, it makes one beautiful sound.  We most certainly will have a personality. 

Congregation:  In this personality, is it the Father drawing some good out of the carnal mind?   It is my understanding that the personality comes from the carnal mind.

Pastor Vitale:  No, personality is the soul.  Now the carnal mind is the mind that is in a soul.  You are a mind, that is in a soul, that is in a body.  You will be keeping the same body, and you are keeping the same soul.  It is the mind that is changing. 

The soul is pretty much plastic.  This is the way I like to express it.  I know I had a recent message where I expressed this.  The mind is expressed through the soul.  It is as if you would take plastic and  put it over your features, and that plastic would reveal what is underneath it, which would be the features of your face.  Our soul is mud lying over the mind that we are.  The condition of our soul depends upon the mind that is in it.  The mind is being expressed through the soul.  Can you understand what I am saying?  Let me think of another example.  The soul is just clay.  It reveals what it is lying over.  If the two of us were to stand here together, and someone was to cover both of us in mud, and then someone else here would look at us, there is a good chance they would be able to recognize which mud covered person was you, and which mud covered person was me.  Even though it was the same mud that was on both of us, the mud is merely outlining what is underneath.  That is what the soul is.  It is mud, and it merely outlines the mind that is underneath it.  You have basic personality characteristics in your soul, which are directed either positively or negatively, depending upon the mind that is shining through the soul.   

Congregation: Then what does it mean to know no man by the flesh?  I thought we were not going to recognize one another, just like Jesus was not recognized by the believers on the road to Emmaus?

Pastor Vitale: It does not mean that.  To know no man by the flesh means that you know or discern  him by the spirit, by the mind that is in the man.  You know whether he is of the carnal mind or if he is of Christ. 

Congregation: She is speaking of something different when she asked if they would be recognized.  That was after Jesus was glorified.  That is a different situation. 

Congregation: I did not mean anything about the glorification.

Pastor Vitale: We have to be careful not to  cross over.  After the glorification we will not have any rigid unchanging physical identity.  Jesus could take any form that he wanted, but the manifestation of the sons of God is the first resurrection.  In the first resurrection we will have rigid unchanging physical bodies and personalities. 

Congregation: Can I ask a question about reconciliation?  The scripture says all things will be reconciled.  I cannot think of the scripture I had in mind.

Pastor Vitale: While you are thinking, let me say that the scripture does not say all things.  The King James translators added in the word things.  The Greek says, the all or the whole, will be reconciled.  It means the whole creation, which is now separated from God, is going to be joined to God again.  Somehow when you say all things, it changes the intention.  It says all the cats, and all the dogs, and all the grass, and all the trees, although that is included in all this, because reunion with Christ is going to change everything.  Still, that is not what the Greek says.  The Greek says the whole creation, which is a spiritual creation, is going to be rejoined to Christ.  When that spiritual creation, which is a living soul, is rejoined to Christ, all the external appearances will change, but it is not all the dogs, and the cats, and the trees, that are being reconciled unto Christ. 

The living soul, the whole, the all, the whole living soul is being reconciled unto God, and as a result of that reconciliation, the visible physical world will change.  It is just like I said at the beginning of the meeting, I know that God is pleased with this ministry, and therefore the circumstances of our life must reflect that attitude of God towards us.  When the living soul is reconciled unto God, the physical visible world, and our visible physical bodies, must reflect God’s pleasure with us.  There will be a change, but that which is being reconciled is spiritual.  Do you understand what I am saying?  It is not the trees, and the cats, and the dogs being reconciled unto God.  The living soul is being reconciled unto God.  That change will produce a change in the external world; cause and effect.  I will say it again.  The word things is not in the Greek.  The all is being reconciled.

I was speaking to a reconciliation preacher not too long ago.  He said to me, oh you do not believe all men will be saved?  The scripture does not say all men will be saved.  The scripture says the all will be saved.  It does not say every individual human being that has ever appeared on the face of the earth will be saved.  That is not what it says, brethren.  It says the all, the whole living soul, which is spiritual, shall be saved.  Is everybody okay?  Praise God.

Congregation:  When Jesus walked the earth he had a carnal mind, therefore Satan was in Jesus.  Now when he was glorified, I do not know exactly what happened to him?

Pastor Vitale:  Let me clarify that for the people reading this.  Jesus Christ of Nazareth was a human being.  He was formed in the fashion of a man.  We have many scriptures stating he was a human being.  He was born of a woman.  His physical being and his humanity was made after the seed of David.  He  therefore had everything that a human being has.  He inherited his body from his mother.  He inherited his soul and his carnal mind.  He came down from the seed of David.  What made him different was that he had something in addition to what all men have.  He had the seed of the Father, which grew into the mind of Christ.  That mind of Christ brought the carnal mind into submission, and refused to let it sin so completely, that Jesus of Nazareth experienced the first resurrection.  The glorification is the third stage of the resurrection, in which the mind of Christ killed the carnal mind that he inherited from his mother.  The mind that he got from his heavenly Father killed the corrupted mind that he inherited from his mother, and the procedure by which he killed his carnal mind was crucifixion.

While Jesus was in the first stage of resurrection, the carnal mind was incapable of expressing sin through that man, Jesus of Nazareth, but the carnal mind was very much alive as is indicated by the temptation.  In the third stage of the resurrection, which is the resurrection after the man Jesus was crucified, while Jesus’ body was hung on the cross and crucified by wicked men, in the realm of the spirit, the mind of Christ crucified the carnal mind, slaying the enmity in his flesh, and shutting up even the voice forever. 

Congregation:  I still do not understand where it went.  The pestilence will always be in the earth.

Pastor Vitale:  Oh, you do not understand where it went.  Just give me a second to think how I am going to explain this to you.  When God made the creation originally, the pestilence was there, but was under the authority of the mind of Christ.  I just want to show you this by showing you these two different colored pens in my hand.  This was the creation at the beginning of time.  I have two pens here, and they were bound together, and the blue pen was higher and ruling, and the creation was alive, but there was a separation.  The white pen went its own way.  In that separation the creation died.  So the raising of the creation from the dead is the rejoining of these two pens under the authority of Christ.  That is what the crucifixion is, crucified together, joined together immovably under the authority of Christ.  Satan, so under the authority of Christ, that even though he is pestilence, he can do no damage, so he did not go anywhere.  He is still there, but he is so joined to Christ that for all intents and purposes they are one under one mind, under the mind of Christ.

Congregation: When the sons of God are manifested, Satan will still be there, kept in check under complete control.

Pastor Vitale: Yes, when we are in full stature, I assume.  We know that the sons of God are appearing without  being in full stature.  They have a different name.  At that time they are called the two witness  company.  To be called the sons of God, they have attained to full stature.  From that point forward, Satan will be so bound that he will be incapable of causing us to sin, but we will hear his voice, just as Jesus did.  He will be yakking away.  We will be hearing his voice, but we will have power to resist him.  Right now we hear his voice, and sometimes we have power to resist him, and sometimes we do not.  Sometimes we are outright seduced and do not realize it is him.

Once we enter into the first resurrection, we will have full authority over him as righteous Adam did at the beginning of time.  Remember we have not sinned after the similitude of Adam.  Adam sinned when he had authority over Satan.  We sin now, but Satan has authority over us.  That is why God has mercy on us.  Are you following me?  We are going to be restored to the condition that righteous Adam was in at the beginning of time.  We are going to have authority over Satan.  Once we get up there, it will not be hard to keep him down.  Those of us who are overcoming our carnal minds now, and those of us who are overcoming sin in our lives now, it is one battle, because he has authority over us.  We are going against gravity.  By the power of God, we are going against gravity to overtake Satan.  Once we stand up in the first resurrection, it should not take that much of an effort to keep him down.  Once you are on top, it is much easier to keep the guy down. 

Congregation: In the glorification, will his voice even be heard?

Pastor Vitale: No, he will be dead.  He is going to be slain.  He is going to lose his power.  Another way the Scripture expresses it is that he is going to be castrated.  He is going to become an ox.  He is going to become mild and passive, and he is going to be bound to the plow.  We might say the plow is Christ, and he is going to do whatever Christ tells him to do, in whatever his role will be in the creation.  Basically, for the people reading this transcript, who may not have read any of my other messages, his role is that he is a part of the darkness that is revealing the light of Christ.  He is giving form to the creation.  What an exciting message.  Glory to God.

Congregation: You said something about the soul and the carnal mind.  Eve would be married to Christ.  The carnal mind would go to Satan.  Is any part of the soul going to Christ?

Pastor Vitale: I did not say the carnal mind would go to Satan.  The whole soul is going to Christ.  Let me say it again because the way you repeated it is not accurate.  Let me remind you that the mind dwells or rests within the soul.  The living soul is God’s wife.  The living soul has been stolen by Satan.  The whole living soul is going to Christ.  I will put it on the chalkboard for you.  What I said before was that the carnal mind was being dismantled.  The carnal mind is being broken up.  The carnal mind is the offspring of her father, Satan, and she is female.  Her father, Satan, who married God’s wife, or more specifically the fertile parts of God’s wife.  God’s wife is the living soul.  Let me start from the beginning here and do this orderly. 

God’s wife is the living soul.  God made a soul.  He breathed the breath of life into it, and it became a  a living soul.  The living soul, also known as Adam, had fertile parts, which were capable of being fertilized by the Father, and God gave those fertile parts a name.  Now women today have a name for their fertile parts.  It is called womb or ovaries, whatever the corporate name would be called.  Well, God called Adam’s fertile parts Eve.  Remember, the Bible is a parable.  He called Adam’s fertile parts Eve.  Satan was the moral impurity in the earth that came alive when God breathed the breath of life into the living soul.  The living soul was made out of clay.  It was dead.  When God breathed the breath of life into the living soul, it gave life to the whole man.  It also gave life to that moral uncleanness that was in the clay, that the living soul was made out of, and Satan came alive, but was under the authority  of righteous Adam. 

This is the creation at the beginning of time.  Adam controlled Satan and the Father said the creation was good, but we had an accident.  Satan got out from underneath Adam’s authority, rose up and made a sexual union with Eve, took on the role of man, had spiritual sexual intercourse with Eve, and Eve got pregnant.  Eve got pregnant.  We know that she got pregnant because she had a baby.  It was an illegitimate baby, and that is us.  The name of the baby was the carnal mind.  The name of the baby was the carnal mind.  Eve had spiritual sexual intercourse with Satan, and a mind was born into the creation that was a bastard mind.  When that mind, the carnal mind, was born into the living soul, it changed our appearance, and it changed our nature.  Maybe I should say it changed the nature of the living soul, and it changed the appearance of the living soul.  The mind that is in the living soul determines the nature and the appearance of that soul.  Is everybody okay?  Is everybody with me?

This carnal mind in this hour is made up of Satan, Eve, and their bastard offspring, the carnal mind.  Now in our world here, when a man and a woman have a child, all three are separate ,eventually, for a season.  Actually, if you want to be technical about it, now remember everything down here is a copy, a weakened copy of what goes on in the realm of the Spirit.  For a woman to be impregnated, at some point she and her husband are one.  Then at another point, the woman and the baby are one, but eventually they all separate out.  The reason they all separate out is that down here in hell, the living soul is corrupted, and the meaning of the word corruption is to break down into many parts.  In the realm of the spirit, the spiritual male and the spiritual female, and the offspring are all one.  They never come apart.  Our condition down here of being separate is a perversion.  God never intended it this way.  It is a perversion. 

In the realm of the spirit, Satan, Eve, and the carnal mind are one.  Now the crucifixion is coming.  Christ is coming, putting the carnal mind, Eve, and Satan; all three attached together.  It is all three of them, but the name that they go by is the carnal mind.  Now Christ comes on the scene, and he is a consuming fire, and he is crucifying himself to Satan, Eve, and the carnal mind.  The fire is burning, and the result of that burning is that Eve is going to get free.  See, she is stuck in there, between the carnal mind and Satan.  Eve is going to be freed up.  She is joining with Christ.  She is going to her true husband.  The carnal mind is half Satan and half Eve.  Are not your children half you and half of your husband.  The true nature of Satan is soul.  He has stolen the role of spirit.  He made himself a man to Eve, so that means he stole the role of spirit, but he is really soul.  Satan is being returned to his role as soul, under the authority of Christ, and the carnal mind is breaking down into that which was  of Satan’s  soul, and that which was of Eve’s spirit.  That part of the carnal mind, which was spirit, is joining Eve in Christ, and that part of the carnal mind, which was soul, is going back to that part of the creation which is soul.  You look confused.  Did I answer your question?  Should I do it again?

The carnal mind is a combination of spirit and soul.  The soul that is in the carnal mind comes from Satan, and the spirit that is in the carnal mind comes from Eve.  Can you get that?  Christ is coming, and he is going to boil this carnal mind.  He is going to boil us as an offering, and the result of the boiling is that this is going to break down into two, spirit and soul.  If you know anything about chemistry at all, if you have two elements that are joined together, and you want to separate them, you heat them, and they break down.  The carnal mind, which is a combination of spirit and soul, is breaking down into spirit and soul.  Are you with me?  That part which is spirit is returning to Eve, and that part which is soul, is returning to the living soul, which is Adam.  We found out in Daniel, Chapter 8, that Adam is a two horned creation.  He has another side to him.  The Scripture calls it his wife.  Are you with me?

That part of the carnal mind, which is soul, is returning to the living soul, and that part of the carnal mind, which is spirit, is returning to Eve, who is now joined to Christ.  That part of the carnal mind, which was spirit, is going to be the new mind, the mind of Christ.  That part of the carnal mind, which  is soul, is going back to the living soul, so we have a soul that has a mind in it.  It is a soul that has a mind in it.  The carnal mind is being totally dissolved.  The Scripture calls it Babylon.  It is going down.  It is never going to rise again, but the elements that it was made of, are not going to be destroyed.  They are going to be used in the new city, but you will never recognize them.  They are going to be in a totally  different form.  God is not throwing the building blocks of the carnal mind away.  He is using them.  They are going to be a part of the new city, but the new city is going to be in a totally different form.  The soul that was in the carnal mind is going to flow back into the carnal mind, just like a river flows back into the ocean.  It is going to be a part of the soul again.  It is going to flow back into the living soul.  Eve is spirit.  The true personality is in the soul.  The true personality is in the soul.

Please use the microphone.  People need to hear your questions. 

Congregation:  Is the soul going back to Satan?

Pastor Vitale:  No, let me try again in another way.  We have a living soul.  I will draw it as a circle on the chalkboard.  We have a soul.  In the midst of the soul is a mind.  The soul has a mind.  The personality has a reasoning mind.  When the carnal mind breaks up, that part of the carnal mind which is spirit, which is Eve, is going over here.  That part of the carnal mind which is soul, which is Satan, is going over here.  It is like saying I have a cup of water, and I am going to pour it into the bathtub water.  Once the water gets into the bathtub, you will not be able to tell any difference between the water that I took out of the sink and the water that I took out of the bathtub.  The elements of the carnal mind are just going to be incorporated in the renewed soul, and the soul is renewed by the receiving of a new mind.  Does that help you any?  It will come.  I think you are doing fantastic.  You are not here barely a year, and I think you are doing great.  Do not be too hard on yourself.  God is going to do it.

Let me say it again.  The carnal mind is made up of two parts.  It is made up of spirit and soul, and it is going to be burnt, and in the burning, the spirit and soul are going to separate.  That part which is soul is going to flow into the living soul, and that part which is spirit, is going to flow into the new mind in the living soul, which is Christ.  That which was a part of the carnal mind is now going to be a part of the mind of Christ.  That which was a part of the fallen living soul is now going to be a part of the renewed living soul.  Do not worry about understanding this.  You have got to pierce through.  I think you are both doing well.  I think everybody here is doing very well.  You should not be comparing yourself  to one another.  People learn differently at different paces.  You all have different strengths.  I would not worry about it.  Just stay with it, and pray about it.  Ask God to help you, and one morning you are going to wake up and say, I understand.  Rita has been here for almost four years.  There was a time when she was just like you all.  Look at her as an example, better than me.  Take her for an example.  

Congregation: I just dread a person asking me something and me giving them the wrong information.

Pastor Vitale: You have to believe God, Mary.  He is the one that brought you here, right?  He told you to come here.  He put you here.  All any of us could do is the best we can do, and He must compensate for our deficiencies.  We cannot do anymore than we could do.  The only thing that I could recommend to you is to try, when someone asks you a question, to be able to say I do not know.  I am not saying that this is not true of you because I do not know.  If we can say I do not know, we are really in good shape.  I would pray a quick prayer before I opened up my mouth, if someone asks me a question.  Father, do not let any error come out of my mouth.  Help me to either be quiet or speak the truth. 

Congregation:  My children have asked me if they will recognize other people on the earth.

Pastor Vitale: Yes, they will recognize us.  Jesus was recognizable as Jesus of Nazareth when he was in full stature.  His mother and his brothers came to him, and they told him that he was working too hard.  They knew who he was.  When he hung on the cross, his mother came to see him, and Jesus said to John, this is your mother, take care of her.  He was recognizable the whole time he was in the first stage of resurrection.  At the point that we obtain to the first stage of resurrection, we will receive much more understanding about the third stage of resurrection.

The first and second stages of resurrection, we will look just like we look now, but our nature will change.  We will look just like we look now.  We will be known by everybody who knows us now.  I have limited information about the third stage of the resurrection.  I do not believe that is coming for a very long time, so as the time approaches for the third stage of the resurrection, our minds will be expanded because we will be in the first stage of the resurrection, and we will have a much better understanding of that.  I think it will be at least 1500 years.  I think it would be wise to wait until we are in full stature, when we will be able to comprehend it better.  I have a peace about that third stage of the resurrection.  For those of you who do not have a peace about it, that is all I could say to you.  There is no reason to be concerned about something that is 1500 years in the future.  Let us concentrate on what we are expecting at any moment, which is the first stage.  You will be their mother, and everybody will know you and recognize you.  You will still be your husband’s wife.  It will be exactly the same. 

Congregation: I had given all that up.  In my understanding, my personality and everything was completely washed away.  I had peace.  I had given it to the Lord.  I was thinking in reference to my children when they asked me questions, would they know their husbands and their children.

Pastor Vitale: Yes.  If you have children who are not saved, or who have a very basic salvation, I would not be talking about the loss of the  personality, unless they really ask you a pointed question.  If they ask you, then you have to answer them.  I try very hard not to upset people.  I had a couple of people in Nigeria that I spoke to.  A young woman with a little baby, who is in the prime of her marriage, and she looked very distress at the thought of a cessation of sexual activity or anything like that.  I always give people as much peace as I could give them.  I said, do not even think about it now.  Be happy with your husband, and take it a step at a time.  Everybody is not growing at the same rate.  If God calls you to that, He will make it happen naturally.  To worry about these things and not recognizing one another is just pointless.  I do everything that I can to give people peace, because God has called us to peace.  He has called us to peace.  He is doing a good thing for us.  Our problem is that our minds are fallen, and we cannot fully comprehend it, so some of us have anxiety.  I do everything that I can to only answer their questions.  I do not go beyond their questions, and I try to comfort them in every way I can. 

Congregation: When I first came into this ministry, I thought it was outrageous.  I was hoping everybody could get this information.  Then when you spoke to us, and you said it was not for everybody, and we should just leave it alone.  A particular sister in the Lord, every once in awhile she asks me some questions.  I think she thought we were in error, and I just let it go.  I saw her the other day, and I am telling you without even being aware of it, God opens a door, and it was so peaceful, and I know it was not me.  The eyes of her understanding were opened.  Her friend was there, and there was no hostility.  God did it.  I do not know how much more they want to know, but the thing was there was not anything you had to think about.  It just came to me.  It is going in us, and at the right time, God will answer.

Pastor Vitale: If it is God answering the question, the answer is going to be in your mouth.  Do not worry too much, because when you worry, you hinder the move of the Spirit.  We are the channels for the Spirit of God.  We do not have to do this in our own strength.  I find that all I have to do is say, Jesus, help.  The answer comes.  People ask me questions that I never even considered, and most of the time the answer is in my mouth, so just relax.  It is not your responsibility.  It is God’s responsibility.

God is not wasting you.  I believe that everybody is going to be used to the fullest extent that they can be used.  He is not going to waste anybody. 

Congregation: You say crucified to Christ, and not Christ crucified to you.  Why is it crucified to Christ?

Pastor Vitale: I do not think it is crucified to Christ.  I think Paul said I am crucified with Christ.  I have not studied that.  I really do not know what it says in the Greek.  I honestly do not know what it says.  It is not accurate, and I do not know whether the King James translators turned it around or not.  I have not looked at it.  It is very possible that the King James translators turned it around confusing the mind of Christ with the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Knowing that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was crucified, they may have turned it around, but I do not know because I have not studied it.  I cannot answer that right now.  The carnal mind is being crucified to the mind of Christ.  The two minds are being joined.  Can you understand that?  The crucifixion to Christ is the joining of the two minds.  Of the twain he made one new man.  Does that help you?  Anybody else?  Going, going, gone.

4/8/13 mjs



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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