218 - Part 1

Part 1 of 2 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



(Guitar and song words of Babylon Is Going To Fall before the message begins)


In one hour Babylon is going to fall. In one hour Babylon is going to fall. Well, I am waiting for that hour. There must be a lot of power because in one hour Babylon is going to fall. In one hour the carnal mind is going to fall. In one hour the carnal mind is going to fall. I am waiting for that hour. There must be a lot of power because in one hour the carnal mind is going to fall. I said that carnal mind is going to fall. I am waiting for that hour. There must be a lot of power because in one hour the carnal mind is going to fall.


I am in the Book of Matthew, Chapter 12. I would expect this message to be in two parts. I do not think it will be any longer than that. I am going to expound briefly on verses 1 through 24. If the Lord lets me, I do have verses 25 through 30 prepared in depth for you this evening, then 31 through 37 on a second part to this message. Glory to God.


Matthew 12 (KJV)

1. At that time Jesus went on the Sabbath day through the cornfields; and his disciples were an hungered, and they began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat. 


Let me point out to you, this was on the Sabbath day. It was forbidden according to the law of the Jews in that day to pluck corn on the Sabbath. It was not against the law to eat, but your food had to be prepared in advance.


2. But when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the Sabbath day.

3. But he (Jesus) said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungered, and they that were with him;

4. How he entered into the house of God and did eat the shewbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests?

5. Or have ye not read in the law, how on the Sabbath days the priests in the temple profane (or break) the Sabbath, and are blameless?

6. But I say unto you, that in this place is one greater than the temple.


Let me expound there. It is possible to break the written law for purposes of need. It makes no sense at all, brethren, if someone appears wounded and starving on the Sabbath day, to say that you cannot minister to them. It is what they call in the business world, counterproductive. It is a pharisaical religious spirit that kills people. Adherence to the letter of the law, without room to respond to genuine human need, destroys. This is what Jesus is tearing down here. This is what He is saying to the Pharisees.


6. But I say unto you, That in this place is one greater than the temple.


Now that really sounds like pride, does it not? Who is Jesus talking about? I always thought He was talking about Himself, but I want to tell you that I believe He was speaking about the mind of Christ which was within Him. I believe that Jesus had a revelation that there was one in Him who was a great one. If you remember the teachings on The Christ, Jesus was a human being who had a mind, which was Christ. His mind was God. Jesus told them there is present, there is resident in my mind, there is living within me, one who is greater than your temple which is made out of stone.


7. But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice, you would not have condemned the guiltless.


I will have mercy and not sacrifice, I will meet your need. I will meet your human need and that means more to God than sacrificing an animal. Anybody could sacrifice an animal, brethren. The only sacrifice that you are making when you sacrifice an animal is that it cost you money. You know we have a whole Church world today that think that all they have to do is give money. It is nice to give money. You should give. We should all give, but in this hour God is requiring much more than that, brethren.


You cannot get into heaven (if there is such a thing), you cannot get into a condition of heaven, you cannot improve your life by giving money out of a motive that is seeking increase. That is a spirit that goes to off-track betting. It is the same spirit that gambles, that puts their money into the Church and expects their life to improve. Your life might improve somewhat, because there is a reaping and a sowing, but do not think you are going to reap spiritual things when you give money for carnal reasons. The motive that you sow will cause you to reap according to that motive. Alleluia.


7.But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.

8.For the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day.


Jesus is saying that they condemned the one that was without guilt, the Son of man, even Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Himself. Whenever Jesus talks about Himself as the Son of man, He is speaking about His human condition. If you do a study on Jesus’ comments about going to the cross, He is always telling you it is the Son of man who goes to the cross. The Son of God was not crucified unto death. Christ, the Son of the Living God was crucified to whom? Yes, to the carnal mind, and who died? The carnal mind died. Alright! What a group here! I want to tell you, we are good.


9. And when he was departed thence, he went into their synagogue.


When Jesus was departed from there, from His conversation with the Pharisees, He went into their synagogue. Boy, He is a glutton for punishment.


10. And, behold, there was a man (in the synagogue) which had his hand withered. (That means it was useless). And they (the Pharisees) asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day? That they might accuse Him.


We are told here that the motive of the Pharisees for asking Him this question was not that they wanted the answer, but they were looking for an opportunity to accuse Him. They were trying to seduce Him to say something that they could use against Him. This is God’s people, brethren, and it is going on today. Alleluia.


11. And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the Sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out?


Jesus is saying you have more mercy on your animals than on the people. Brethren, is not this what is going on today? Is this not a big crisis in the country? All the environmentalists are trying to preserve land, and in order to preserve the land and the animals, they are taking jobs away from human beings. It is existing in this country today.


I also would like to give you some insight into that phrase, and if it fall into a pit, if the sheep fall into a pit on the Sabbath day. We found out that this whole creation is symbolized by a sheep. We found that it Daniel 7. I want to remind you about the pit that the sheep or the creation fell into. Does anybody remember what the pit is? Yes, the black hole. The pit that the sheep fell into is the black hole that we have been studying in our series called Creation.


I will just take a minute to review this for you. In the beginning, the son separated from the Father in what can be likened unto an atomic blast. The separation occurred with great force and the result of it was that a black hole, which we find in space, was formed. When the son separated from the Father, there was a spiritual fall out, which we call matter, that which you can touch and feel and see.


This was the creation of the matter of which this whole world is made. The matter lined up and it formed a pit. Inside of the pit was the water of the what? Anybody remember? Yes, the soul realm. Soul was inside of the pit and outside of the pit was still spirit because God has no limits. He is everywhere. Spirit was out here.


I am not going to review this whole thing right now. I have tapes on it and we are in the process of getting some exhibits ready for this, but this was the creation of the soul realm. We can see its type in the world today. In space it is called the black hole and the water in the oceans is called a blue hole. I believe that it exists in land too. I just forgot what it is called for the moment, where a cavern just opens up in the earth and there is a big pit.


We have the creation, which is pretty much outside of this internal core of the soul. What happened was the water that was in here got what? Does anybody remember? The water got muddy, because the creation which was made of earth, which was on the outside of the core of spiritual life, fell into the pit. The water is dirty. The water of our soul and this whole world system in this hour is dirty, because of the earth, which was outside.


Remember spirit was at our center and the earth of the soul was outside of us, but that earth fell into the core of our center and the water became dirty. We have the soul realm typified by muddy water, and the soul realm, which is in Christ, which is typified by what? Does anybody know what kind of water? Enlightened water. Enlightened water. Water infused with light. Water infused with light. I bet you never heard that before. That is the sheep that fell into the pit.


I remember asking the Lord years ago, What kind of a pit is this. What kind of things do you put in this Bible? What kind of a pit did they fall into? They fell into a black hole, brethren. The creation fell into the black hole. We turned inside out. That which was outside is now inside, and that which was inside has been forced outside. We are backwards. Glory to God.


God is telling us in verse 11 that He is going to break every law to get us out of this pit. What kind of a law might God be breaking to get us out of this pit? Does anybody know off-hand? Yes, He is breaking the law of sin and death, which means He is abolishing it, but what I had in mind is, what natural law is God breaking? For example, God is breaking the law that says thou shall not commit adultery. Brethren, this living soul is married to whom? Yes, to Satan. The Lord is coming right in here, and the way He is saving us is to impregnate us with His son when we are already married to another man.


He is breaking every law, and it is legal for Him because His motive is righteous. He is doing things that men cannot do, because when men do things that are declared illegal by God, they do it because of an unrighteous motive. They do it because of a selfish motive, self interest, self preservation, but everything that God does is selfless. It is for our very good. We have people in this world that tell us all kinds of things for our good. If you have any insight at all, if you are honest at all, you will know that the reason they are telling you to do it, is because it is for their own good. That is just life. That is humanity. That is the condition of mankind. Glory to God.


12. How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the Sabbath days.

13. Then saith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other.


Jesus said to the man with the withered hand, stretch forth your hand. As the man with the withered hand stretched it forth, it was restored whole like as the other good hand.


14. Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.


Now what kind of a reaction is that to a miracle? Does anybody know what spirit that is? Yes, it is the spirit of envy. I guess it could be the others too, but the root of it was envy. For envy they offered Him up, the Scripture says.


15. But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all;

16. And charged them that they should not make him known:


Jesus knew they were holding a council to try to destroy Him. What did He do? He withdrew Himself from thence. He did not fight with them. He did not rebuke them. He did not argue with them. He did not try to correct them. He resisted not evil. He resisted not evil. Why? It was not the time. His Father in heaven told Him to withdraw. It was not time. The spiritual door for an encounter with this evil was not opened.


If you engage in an encounter of warfare when the door is not open, you must fail, and you can possibly do more damage than good. We are not to go up to war unless the Lord sends us. If the Lord has not sent us, we are to withdraw. Now you can withdraw your body. You can withdraw physically, by physically removing yourself or you can withdraw mentally by changing the subject.


Do not engage in any manner of warfare, physical or spiritual, unless the Lord has ordained it at that specific moment or you shall fail. Without a question of a doubt, with no exception, you shall fail. On the contrary, when the Lord opens the door for warfare, you cannot fail. Hopefully it is not physical, however, whether physical or spiritual, if the Lord has opened the door, you cannot fail. He never promised you would not take a few lumps, but you cannot fail. Glory to God.


15. When Jesus knew their plans, He withdrew Himself from thence and great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all,

16. And He charged them that they should not make Him known.


He was hiding Himself. You know, sometimes I really feel like that is me, that I am hiding myself. I have no problem, at this point in my training of the Lord, to be perfectly still with regard to whatever it is He is doing in my life. If I do not know specifically that He is opening the door, I do not move. I have a revelation of the fact that it is dangerous to engage in warfare with minds when God has not sent you. You could be hurt. I know. By the grace of God, I have learned when not to resist evil.


16. He charged them that they should not make Him known.

17. That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,

18. Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon Him, and He shall shew judgment to the gentiles.

19. He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear His voice in the streets.

20. A bruised reed shall He not break, and smoking flax shall He not quench, till He send forth judgment unto victory.

21. And in His name shall the gentiles trust.


I am not going to comment on that because it has nothing to do with our message tonight.


22. Then was brought unto him (Jesus) one possessed with a devil, blind and dumb: and he (Jesus) healed him, insomuch as the blind and dumb both spake and saw.


He was blind and dumb and Jesus healed him. That means he could see through his blind eyes, and though he could not speak before, he began to speak. Jesus healed him insomuch that the blind and the dumb both spake and saw. Please note that this blindness and dumbness was directly related to the fact that the man had a devil.


I do not want to diverge too much off my topic tonight, but I will say this at this point. Those of us in new order deliverance were starting to get a revelation of what demons are. They are not free floating spirits that come and attack us. They are manifestations of the carnal mind. I want to tell you if you have severe problems in your life, if you are blind, if you are dumb, if you have any kind of ongoing problem in your life, it is at some point related to the way you think. It is at some point related to the way that you think.


We had a whole discussion on this before we put the tape on tonight. I do not believe in condemning God’s people. I do not believe in condemning anybody, but you must know this because the truth will set you free. If you can take responsibility, either on behalf of your ancestors, on behalf of yourself, that somewhere along the line, wrong thinking, which probably led to wrong behavior, has produced this perversion in your life.


If you could admit that, you can repent and ask God to help you. We must repent if we want the power of God to set us free. Just briefly on the tape, demons are manifestations of wrong thinking that have received power. How do they receive power? They receive power because you keep thinking that way. You keep thinking that way. Your mother thought that way. Your grandmother thought that way. Your great grandmother thought that way. By the time it got to you, a malignancy, a cancer, has appeared on your soul.


Now when a physical body becomes cancerous, usually you have a sore or a lump or some manifestation on an organ that is not suppose to be there. A demon is a thought pattern that has most likely been passed down for generations, and that has, just like a stone picks up moss as it rolls down the mountain, just been forged together into a malignancy in your soul.


A demon is a malignancy in your soul. There is something in your soul that should not be there and you need an operation. The operation that Jesus says is appropriate for a demon is to cast it out. Now there are two ways of doing this. There is old order deliverance and there is new order deliverance. I believe that old order deliverance where Jesus said to the demon, come out of the man, was the mercy of God to the man in whom the mind of Christ was not being formed.


When the mind of Christ is not being formed in you, the power must come from another person. Jesus of Nazareth said to the cancer, come out of the man. When the mind of Christ is being formed in you, God, in many instances, seems to use a different technique. He seems to prefer the rebuke to come from the Christ which is being formed within you, although God could do anything He wants. I just deal in general principles here.


The rebuke, in the man in whom Christ is being formed, in my opinion, the majority of the time, seems to come by that mind of Christ impressing or imposing His will upon that wrong thinking. By the mind of Christ in the man saying to that cancerous malignant thought, I refuse you, I reject you, you will not be revealed through me but that corresponding thought of Christ will be my thought. That is how it comes out from a man in whom Christ is being formed.


Both procedures can be expressed in your life. One, the power comes from another person outside of you, and the other comes from the mind of Christ being formed within you. God can do it either way or a combination of ways. He could do anything He wants. Do not tell Him how to do it. Just ask Him for help.


23. And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David?


The response of the people to this amazing feat was amazement, and they said, Is this not the son of David? Is this not Messiah who does these great works? He healed the blind. He healed the dumb, and He has authority over devils.


24. Now when the pharisees heard it they said, This fellow does not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils.


The people in the street said He was Messiah, but the Pharisees in verse 24 said, This fellow does not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils. They could not deny that He was casting out the demons because the man was healed, but they denied that the Spirit that He did it by was God.


They were seething with envy, and all they could think about was stopping Him, keeping Him out of their synagogue, keeping them out of their lives and keeping Him out of their society. Brethren, religious people do not like the power of God. Does anybody remember why? Because the power of God reveals their sins.


You would say, That is a good thing so that they could get deliverance. No brethren, pharisees do not like deliverance. Pharisees wear a coat of whitewash, and they say that they are good, and they say all kinds of good things about themselves, but inside they are dead men’s bones. Dead men’s bones, meaning what? Who is the dead man’s bones that is inside of you? Christ is dead in them. In a pharisee, Christ is dead. He is not in the process of being raised up.


Your righteousness is on the inside, which is that dead bone, in the process of being raised from the dead. That is the only righteousness that there is. Now if you do not have it, you have two choices. You could confess that you do not have it and throw yourself on the mercy of God or you could put a coat of whitewash on yourself. Pharisees choose the coat of whitewash, so when the true Son of God confronts them, they have a lot to lose by confessing their sin. What do they have to lose? Their standing in the community. Praise God.


25. And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.


We are going to go into a little depth now starting with verse 25. Glory to God. This is the Pharisees that we are speaking about. Now I do not know what you ever thought about these next few verses coming up, but the Lord has given me a very exciting word here as to what Jesus was really saying to these Pharisees.


Jesus knew their thoughts. That Greek word translated knew means He was aware of what they were thinking. I will never forget when that kind of a gift started operating in me very early. One day I heard the preacher of the church I went to, the pastor, say something (and I do not know who he was referring to, it could not have been me, because I was pretty quiet at the beginning). He leaned over the pulpit and he said, Oh, so you know what people are thinking, do you? I very frequently did know what people were thinking, and he mocked it. It got me all shook up and confused because I was not strong in my mind in those days.


I say unto all of you here and all of you listening to this tape, there is such a gift of knowing what people are thinking, but try the spirit. You would not want to think that you know what somebody is thinking and be wrong. Run it past the Lord. Is it true, Father? I pray this way all the time. Do not let me think wrong things about people. Are my thoughts true? Give me your thoughts with regard to this situation. He is so faithful. He will honor you.


He will honor you if you pray these prayers, but you have to be willing to admit that you could have been wrong. If you pray this prayer and you are not willing to admit that you were wrong, you have defeated yourself. Let us see what Jesus was saying to these pharisees now.


He knew their thoughts and this is what He said to them. Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. What is a kingdom? We have been speaking about kingdoms for a long time. It is Strong’s #932 and it means royal power, kingship, dominion, or rule. We all knew that, but I want to suggest to you that a kingdom is the word in the Scripture used to describe a mind.


If you heard our recent tape on The Kingdom Of The Two Heavens where we compare the kingdom of heaven to the kingdom of God, that tape might be a backup to help you to understand this. Behold the kingdom of God is within you. What is the kingdom of God? It is the mind of Christ. The kingdom of God is the mind of Christ, so therefore a kingdom must be a mind.


This is amazing. It never occurred to me in a million years to think of a kingdom as the mind. It is there as plain as the nose on your face if you just think about it. Of course, God has to direct you to it or you will never think about it. Why? Because it is the mind of Christ that thought about it. (Laughter) The carnal mind would not think about something like that.


At least for the purposes of this study, we are going to say that a kingdom is a mind. Every kingdom, which is every mind, which is divided against itself, is brought to desolation. Divided is a word that means either separated or not united. In our Message #2, The Seduction Of Eve, we talked a little bit about the parts of the mind.


I am going to show you something on the board tonight. I have not had time to review message #2. If it does contradict message #2, all I have to say to you is what I have been saying to you all along, I am teaching here by revelation. As the Lord shows it to me, I make changes. If there is a change or somewhat of a contradiction on what I taught five years ago, you always have to take the later revelation.


It was true at the time. Did you ever hear the expression, present truth? Since none of us are perfect, since none of us have the full truth of the word of God, the latest thing that God is teaching is present truth. If you are called to this present truth, everything else for you is error. If you are called now to be studying what was taught five years ago, for you it is truth. Is everybody okay?


I would just like to take a few minutes to show you something that the Lord showed me about the mind of man. It is quite amazing that the psychologists and the psychiatrists are so close to what the Lord teaches, but they probably do not know it and neither does the Church know it. It is quite amazing. What are the three parts of the mind? The mind that is divided against itself will not stand.


There are parts to a mind. Who remembers what the parts are to this fallen mind that we are living in right now? We call it Satan, and the carnal mind, and who is in the middle here? Yes, Eve. The world talks about the id, the super ego and the ego. This is on message #2. Now the id is the raging passion, usually defined as the sex drive or the libido, and they are to be controlled. Everyone has a libido. You cannot yield unrestrainedly to your libido. You will be out doing it like the animals do it. You cannot do it every time you get an urge. Your conscience must control your libido. We have a problem. We cannot do it. Well, it is true. I am glad I gave you a laugh for today.


The super ego is the conscience and the ego is the whole personality. I have recently read a very interesting book by a psychologist who has found deliverance to be a reality. He described the demons from his high psychological educational standpoint as energy. He calls demons energy. We know that spirit is energy. I do not have any problem with that. Spirit is energy. Is the Father not the life force? Spirit is energy.


We are in such agreement with so many things in the world. If the Church would just come out of her religious spirit, we would have much less to fight about. Basically, this is what the world is saying. The word id is referring to one of the parts of the mind. It is that part that is wild and raging. It has to be controlled by the conscience and it is passion, passion and emotion. It is not just sexual, but murderous desires and lust. It must be controlled by the conscience or it will be destroyed. I think this is how I taught it on message #2, that Satan is the id, eve is the conscience and the carnal mind is the whole personality.


Now the Lord is showing it to me in another way. Do you remember a teaching on a recent series (I really cannot remember which one), where I was teaching on the incorruptible seed, and we said Eve has strength in her part of the seed? That is why Satan had to possess her to appear in this realm of appearance.


There is one digit of electric power in Eve and one digit of electric power in Satan. When you put them together they produce the carnal mind, that is equal to three digits of electric power. That is why the carnal mind, which was brought forth from seed, was stronger than the Christ who was not brought forth from seed. The Christ who was not brought forth from seed was the result of what we might call a friendship between the Father, one digit of electric power, and Eve, two digits of electric power.


The Christ that was formed was not the result of a penetration and a birth, therefore that third cord or that third digit of electric power was not there. The Scripture says that a three fold cord is not easily broken. The carnal mind in a negative way was more mature than the Christ at the beginning of time. That is how the carnal mind could kill the Christ. The carnal mind, which was a three fold cord, could kill the Christ, which was a two fold cord. In this hour, Christ is coming forth as a three fold cord. Are you following me?


The Lord has shown me that the id, the unconscious mind, is whoever Eve is joined to. Eve is spirit. She is energy, but she is female, and she has to be one with her husband. The id is not Satan alone. It is the spirit who is joined to Eve. According to the way the world teaches it, we have Satan joined with Eve, as the id. (I cannot fit all this on the board. Let me erase it and be right).


We have Satan and Eve. They are the energy of the personality. Now that energy can be destructive or it can be creative. Have you ever heard of creative energy? It comes out of that which is in you, which is spirit. According to psychology, next comes the conscience. I told you on message #2 that Eve was the conscience. I now believe that is wrong. I believe the carnal mind is the conscience. God help us. That is why we are in trouble. The carnal mind is the conscience.


Now this here is the invisible realm. We are working our way forward into the realm of appearance. Conscience is the carnal mind. After the carnal mind, we have the personality. After the personality we have what the psychiatrists call external reality. That is this life as we know it. Psychiatrists call it external reality. The psychiatrists will tell you that the personality interacts with the external reality.


There is a continuous interaction between the whole personality and external reality, which is this world as we know it. We might say it is relationships with other people. That is the job of the personality. Mental illness results when the personality fails to interact or to cope with external reality. If external reality is so bad, as in the case of a child who is being abused by their own parents, for example, parents who are suppose to be protecting them, and the child cannot cope with it, the result is mental illness. I believe that is schizophrenia.


Schizophrenia is a broad category of mental illness, which describes the condition whereby the personality cannot cope with external reality, so they withdraw and refuse to interact with external reality. Why? Because they have been so defeated all their life, they have given up and withdrawn to an inward condition.


Psychology tells us that the whole personality deals with the external reality on the one hand and on the other hand deals with the conscience. The inward part deals with the conscience, and the conscience deals with those raging passions. Is everybody following me? It goes from the depths of the unconscious mind, deep in the spirit. There is a relationship between the depths of the spirit and the conscious mind.


The psychologists will tell you the conscience is half in the unconscious realm and half in the conscious realm. External reality, of course, is in the conscious realm. The whole personality is in the conscious realm. The conscience is half in the conscious realm and half in the unconscious realm. Now we know that the carnal mind interacts with Satan and Eve. The carnal mind also reacts with the whole personality. What is the name of the personality? The man, Adam. We have been learning that here. It is everything that we have been learning here. It is just different words.


This is the unconscious realm over here on this side of the board. I may be spelling this wrong. This is the conscious realm on the side of this line here. Psychology tells us what the controlling factor of the mind is. We are talking about minds here. Tell me if you are not with me. We are talking about the mind of man. Psychology tells us that the controller of all of the parts of the mind is the personality. That is what Freud tells us. I tell you that on message #2.


I believe that I told you that Eve was the conscience. I found out that is not correct. Eve is passion. When she is joined to Satan, the passion is destructive. When she is joined to the Father, the passion is constructive. The conscience, also known as the super ego, is the carnal mind. Freud and psychology teaches us that the personality is the controller. She interacts with external reality and she interacts with the conscience, which is the carnal mind, which interacts with the unconscious realm, which is the raging passion.


Psychology tells you that it is the job of the personality to satisfy these raging passions over here as well as the conscience. They use the word satisfy. The whole of the personality has to keep everybody happy. You have to have enough of an expression of your rage and passion so that you do not blow up because then you get repressed and you go into neurosis. Right? Then you have to have enough of a healthy contact with the external reality where you go into psychosis.


That is what Freud teaches you, that the controlling factor of the mind is the personality. Another name for personality is man or Adam. Psychology teaches us that Adam is the controlling factor. Psychosis is a breakdown of the interaction between the personality and external reality. I may be wrong with these, so I really do not want to talk about it anymore. I think schizophrenia is a form of psychosis. It is a breakdown of one’s ability to deal with life. The neurotic person functions in life, but they have emotional problems down in this area with their conscience and with their passion. I am no expert. That is all I can give you tonight in answer to your question. Can that hold you?


I said all that to tell you this primary point. Human psychology says that the controller of the mind, which we see in three parts here on the board, is man. That is not what God says. What does God say? God says that over here, the Father is joined with Eve, and the energy has become constructive. Of course, it is still unconscious. The unconscious part of the mind is relating to the conscience, and his name is Christ. He is half in the unconscious realm and half in the conscious realm.


The conscience is relating to the personality of the man, whose name is Adam. God says the controller is not the man. God says the controller is Christ, the conscience which is produced by the mind which is born of the Father. Internalized conscience rules the mind that is in God’s correct order. The mind that is out of God’s correct order is ruled by the man.


Let me just take a look at this note in case I forgot to tell you anything. I think that is the whole thing. That is pretty much what I wanted to tell you. Conscience is God’s controller, internalized conscience. Man must die. Man must submit. Man must bend his knee to the conscience of Christ. The carnal mind is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In this hour we are being told by psychology that conscience, even the conscience of the carnal mind, must submit to the need of the man and the desires and the wants of the man. Let me also point out to you that, the way things are in this world today, there is an unconscious mind that is hidden.


Most people know very little about their unconscious feelings. A lot of people repress their feelings almost all of their life, maybe not so much today, but the way it used to be. People used to really repress their emotions, but in Christ everything is visible. In Christ, everything is visible. Through Christ, there will be light in the personality and external reality and the depth of the unconscious realm will be illuminated by the light of Christ. Nothing shall be hidden.


Do you know that scripture? Nothing shall be hidden. The carnal mind hides, but Christ illuminates. You will be able to see from one end of our being all the way through to the other end. One way that the Scripture expresses that is a crystal sea. A crystal sea, a soulish world that is completely clear with nothing hidden, nothing hidden and nothing to be ashamed of. There will be only righteousness.


We are dealing with Verse 25 in Matthew 12. Jesus is rebuking the Pharisees, who are plotting to destroy Him. This is what He says to them, every mind that is not united in all of its parts shall be brought to desolation. The only way you can be united is when every part is in its proper place and in submission to the controller. You have to be in submission to the controller to be united.


You see, the mind of fallen man is not united. The passions are raging. The carnal mind has its own selfish desires. The personality has its own selfish desires and the job of the man is to keep everybody happy so that the person does not die. Its job is to meet enough of the need of the unconscious mind and enough of the conscious need through external reality so that the person does not die. In Christ, we are suppose to die so that Christ from an internal position can be our everything.


Jesus is saying to the Pharisees, if your mind is not united under the authority of Christ, what is going to happen to you? You shall be brought to desolation. This phrase, brought to desolation or brought to ruin, as it says in the interlinear, Strong’s #2049, means to lay waste or to strip of her treasures. Traditionally in the Scripture, treasure symbolizes spiritual riches, spiritual riches.


Jesus is saying, Oh you Pharisees, your mind is not united unto the authority of Christ.... Actually, He is not even saying that. He is saying, Any mind not united under the control of Christ is going to lose its spiritual power. Any mind, when its parts are warring against one another, shall lose its spiritual power. That is what is happening to the carnal mind in this hour. It is at war. The id, the raging passions, are fighting to express themselves. The carnal mind is fighting to express itself. The outer personality is fighting to get its needs met.


Everything that you see in this world today, all these special interest groups fighting for themselves, and everybody taking from the economy and not putting into it, is what is happening in the carnal minds of men. Jesus said, That mind will lose its spiritual power.


Also, every city and every house, which is divided against itself shall not stand. The word, every, we frequently translate as the whole. It is a legitimate translation for that word, every, Strong’s #3956 and it means the whole. City is Strong’s #4172 and Jesus said each of us is a city, as well as Jerusalem, which is the corporate body of Christ. Of course, Babylon is the corporate body of the carnal mind. This word, household, is Strong’s #3614. It means a dwelling place.


What is Jesus saying here? Every mind that is divided against itself will lose its spiritual power and every city, meaning the carnal mind or the body of Christ or any household, each individual one of us, which is divided against itself, shall not stand. This word, stand, is Strong’s #2476. It means to be kept intact. That means, if we are speaking about the body of Christ, for example, to be intact, every member of the body of Christ would have to be in its place.


If we are speaking about an individual dwelling place, which is one of us, for us to be intact, we would have to be of sound mind. We see Jesus speaking on three levels. He is speaking about the corporate mind of the whole creation. He is speaking about that sub-mind, which we could say is the body of Christ or the carnal mind. He is speaking about the individual on three levels. This is what He is saying.


Alternate Translation, Matthew 12:25.

And Jesus was aware of what they were thinking and said to them, the mind whose personality (carnal mind) and passions (Satan) are not in subjection to the unifying authority of the conscience is stripped of its spiritual power.


Now listen to this. Jesus is talking about the fallen creation now. The mind whose personality, that is Adam, and whose passions, that is Satan in you, is not in subjection to the unifying authority of the conscience is stripped of its spiritual power.


The carnal mind, no matter how weak it might be, which is the conscience, is not the ruling factor in this world system for those people who are not Christian. That is what Jesus is saying. He is saying the personality, Adam, plus your unconscious mind, must be in subjection to the ruling factor of Christ or it is going to lose its power. Even now we have Satan and Eve as our unconscious mind back there, a raging passion, and we have Adam the man.


He is saying, as I understand it, we would be better off if we were subject to even the conscience of the carnal mind. In this hour we see the whole creation coming out from underneath the conscience of the carnal mind, but if you have the mind of Christ, there is really safety in that. The mind of Christ will keep your whole personality together.


Let me read you this again. And Jesus was aware of what they were thinking and said to them, the mind whose personality (the corporate mind of the whole creation) and passions (their unconscious raging passions) that are not in subjection to the unifying authority of the conscience is stripped of its spiritual power, and the soul or the individual which is not united with the conscience, shall not remain intact.


Let me give you that again. The corporate mind of this whole creation, whose personalities and passions are not in subjection to the conscience of Christ, preferably, is stripped of its spiritual power, and the soul in which that conscience is ruling or the individual which is not united with that conscience, shall not remain intact.


What Jesus is saying, first of all, is the conscience must be ruling over your raging passions and the man. He must be reigning over the soul and he must be reigning over the individual. That mind of Christ must be set in this living soul, ruling over the three parts of the mind, ruling over the living soul, and ruling over the man, the human being. Are you following me? Praise God.


I am going to read it one more time and then we will go on. And Jesus was aware of what they were thinking and said to them, the mind and the personalities and passions are not in subjection to the unifying authority of the conscience, and are stripped of its spiritual power. Also the soul, which is not united with the conscience, will not remain intact.


What happens when the soul does not remain intact? It means you die. When the soul separates, you die. Also, the individual, which is not united with the conscience, will not remain intact. That means you die. Is that not what happened to righteous Adam? Did not the soul of the living soul, not remain intact with the mind of Christ? There was a separation and the living soul died. That was what Jesus was telling the Pharisees. I suggest to you they knew what He was saying to them.


26; And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself. How shall then the kingdom stand? KJV


Now brethren, this verse is an extremely difficult verse. I prayed about it for several hours. I am convinced the translation I had was correct. I am going to present it to you as best as I can. It is not easy, but I ask God to help you if it is, in fact, His revelation. I believe it is. And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself. How shall then his kingdom stand? Now if I am losing you, just wave at me. We are going to do this very slow. First of all, the word, and, can be translated but. We are going to translate it but. These words, and if, we are going to say, but if.


In the interlinear, we are told that the number for the word translated, if, is Strong’s #1487. This is one of those instances where Strong’s #1488, the very next word, is spelled exactly the same with a totally different meaning. It was up to the King James translators to decide which translation they would take because both words are spelled exactly the same. We are going to take the second translation. The first translation means if. The second translation under #1488 is the second person singular tense of the word to be, and it is translated you are or in the King James, thou art.


We go from if to you are. That is a big difference. Then following that in the interlinear, there is an untranslated word, which is Strong’s #3739, which can be translated who. I am suggesting to you that Jesus is once again calling the Pharisees Satan. We know He told them that their father was the devil. We know that He called them vipers. I want to suggest to you here that He is calling the Pharisees Satan.


Now you see that the word Satan appears twice in the King James translation. The King James translators said, if Satan cast out Satan. That is what they did with it. Satan appears twice. This is what I am going to give you, so far, for the two words, but if. I am going to say, and if Satan, should be translated, but you who are Satan, you who belong to Satan, or you who are expressions of Satan. He is talking directly to the Pharisees saying, you sons of Satan. Now He just told them the mind that is divided against itself is going to lose its spiritual power. Then He said, now you are sons of Satan. Let us go on.


But if Satan cast out Satan. The next word is cast out. That merely means to expel or to drive out Satan. Here is the second word, Satan, again. The second time the word Satan appears, it is preceded by the definite article, which is the Satan. Every time the definite article appears, He is talking about the one, the Satan. Jesus is saying, you sons of Satan, you are doing the same thing that the Satan did.


Remember He said, Do you not know that you are just like your father, the devil? He was a murderer from the beginning. That is what He is saying to them. You sons of Satan, you are just like the Satan because you are expressions of him. Let me give it to you in a little more detail.


We are translating the phrase and if Satan cast out the Satan as and you who are Satan, or the sons of Satan, or you who belong to Satan, the Satan who drives out, you who are sons of Satan, even the Satan who drives out. Everybody with me? It will make more sense as we go on. Of course, we are dealing with the phrase, and if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself.


This word translated, against, is Strong’s #1909 and it is much more likely to be translated as over, upon, or on top of, than it is to be translated against. I want to suggest to you that Jesus is saying, Oh you sons of Satan, sons of the Satan, who cast out the one on top of him. Who is on top of Satan? Christ!!! That is what He is saying to them. Oh you vipers, oh you sons of the Satan, who cast out the one who has authority over him.


We are going to translate the word, against, Strong’s #1909, as on top of or the head of or the one who has authority over someone else. Our alternate translation for the first phrase of verse 26, which the King James translate, And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself, is as follows.


And you who are Satan, even the Satan who drives out, or drives away the one on top of him, or the one who has authority over him. Let me give it to again. And you, who are Satan, the Satan who drives away the one who has authority over him.


We go on with he is divided against himself. The word, divided, is Strong’s #3307 and it means disjoined. I want to suggest to you that Jesus is saying to the Pharisees, you are the sons of the Satan who drove Christ away and caused the creation to be divided at the time of the Fall. That is what He said to them. It is just like He said to them, I know that you are the sons of those who killed the prophets because you are doing the same thing. You are trying to kill me. That is what He is saying to them.


I know that you are the sons of Satan because you are doing the same thing that Satan did at the time of the Fall. You are causing the creation to be divided. What was He saying? Here I am with the mind of Christ. I am coming to my own people, Israel. I want to put the mind of Christ in you, and you by your rejection of me, are causing the creation to be divided. That is what He is saying to them.


Then He goes on to say, If you are doing this, how shall then his kingdom stand? How shall this kingdom stand if you continue to cause it to be divided, if you continue to pursue a life style, apart from the mind of Christ, how can this kingdom stand? Because this kingdom, which is divided, will lose its spiritual strength. I just told you that.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Matthew 12 Verse 26;

And you who are Satan, the Satan who drives away Christ, how shall then his kingdom stand? All those words how then shall his kingdom stand? pretty much mean what they mean. We are going to translate it and change it a little. We are going to say, how shall then the kingdom of God appear? If you drive Christ away from you, how shall the kingdom of God appear?


Alternate Translation, the whole of Matthew 12 Verse 26; And you who are Satan, the Satan who drives away Christ, how shall the kingdom of God appear unto you if you continue to do your unrighteous works? How can the kingdom of God appear unto you? I amplified that. I made it a little more understandable in modern English as follows. And you Pharisees, who are expressions of Satan, even the Satan who drives away Christ, her head, if you separate yourselves from me, how shall the kingdom of God appear in you?


Let me give it to you again. And you Pharisees, who are the expressions of Satan, even the Satan, who drives away Christ.... Please notice that present tense. Satan drove away Christ and is still driving away Christ who is her head, at every opportunity. If you separate yourselves from me, if you reject my headship, how shall the kingdom of God appear unto you or in you? Jesus is saying, I have come that the mind of Christ, which is in me, should be imparted unto you. If you will not receive me or my ministry, how can the kingdom of God appear in you?


27. If I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. KJV


The word cast out, can be translated expel devils or demons. Beelzebub is one of Satan’s names. It means the lord of the flies. It is speaking about the concept of Satan being present in the many members of this human race. That is a real easy one. We are going to finish this up real quick. I am just going to give you an alternate translation on it.


Jesus is saying here, If you have tried the spirit on me and found it to be Satan, are you trying the spirit on your children also?


I want to tell you that this is a classic case in the Scripture of someone manifesting the carnal mind who is convinced that they are in the righteousness of Christ. When they perceive a spirit which is different from them in another human being, because they are so convinced that they are in the righteousness of Christ, they automatically assume that the spirit that is different than them is Satan.


That is the number one problem that the sons of God are up against. We are up against the Pharisees who are so convinced that they are righteous that when you look different to them, they automatically assume you are Satan and they never run it past the Lord. We must be continually running ourselves past the Lord because if it were possible the very elect (that is us) would be deceived.


In everything we think, everything we do, we have to be praying, dear God have mercy on us and keep us whole. I pray that He should keep me from sin, keep me holy, let His mind be my mind, show me my faults. Because if you are so convinced that you are right, and in fact you are wrong, you will condemn the innocent one. The one who is different than you, you will call Satan, and that is what the Pharisees did.


Alternate Translation on first half of Matthew 12 Verse 27, Jesus speaking;

And if you think I am casting out demons by Beelzebub, you should try the spirit on your own sons who are casting out devils. It is Jesus saying, before you look at the moat in the other guy’s eyes, take a look at the beam in your own eye. Before you are so convinced that the spirit on me is not God, have you checked out the spirit on yourself? That is what He is saying to them.


Continuing with the second half of Matthew 12 Verse 27. Therefore they shall be your judges. Therefore can be translated by this thing. This word they makes it sound like your children shall be your judges, but in the Greek, that is not what it is saying. It is saying, therefore, and there is a word that is not translated. It is saying, by this thing, those who are of you shall be your judges. He is saying, your own people, therefore your own people, shall judge you. It is not necessarily your children, but your own people shall be your judges.


This word, judges, is a noun that is derived from the root which means to distinguish. We have done a lot of teaching about that here in these last six months. We have had to distinguish between good and evil. There He is saying, by this thing then.... By what thing? By trying the spirit, those who are amongst you will be able to tell which spirit is which. That is what He is saying to them.


The Alternate Translation of that is; This is how you will discern the Spirit of God.


Alternate Translation of Matthew 12 Verse 27;

If you think I am casting out demons by Beelzebub, you should try the spirit on your own sons who are casting out devils and this is how you will be able to discern the Spirit of God.


Jesus is instructing them on how to discern the Spirit of God. In Verses 28 and 29, Jesus is stating His intention to take Satan’s possessions away. Now this is the two verses coming up. In Verse 27 Jesus is saying, if you are trying the spirit on me, you should be trying it on your own sons also, and that does not necessarily mean their natural sons. It means your own people.


Do not just try the spirit on me. Try it on yourself too. Now I am going to tell you how to try the spirit. In the very next verse, Verse 28, Jesus is stating His intention to take Satan’s possessions away. As we go on, you will see that He is giving them instructions. He is saying to them, the way you try the spirit is by asking, is it casting out demons, is it healing the sick, is it making the blind see, is it doing miracles, is it renewing the minds of men? That is how you try the spirit. That is what He is saying to them.


28. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. KJV


That is what He is saying. If you think I am casting out demons by Beelzebub, you should try the spirit on your own sons who are casting out devils and this is how you will discern the Spirit of God. Now He is going to give them instructions. This is how you discern it, but before I tell you how, let me tell you this. If I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.


That is what He is saying in verse 28. Let me give you those two verses together, 27 and 28. And if you think I am casting out demons by Beelzebub, you should try the spirit on your own sons who are casting out devils and this is how you will discern the Spirit of God. If I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then you know the kingdom of God is come unto you. He does not just say if I cast out devils because there are people that cast out devils and it is not by the Spirit of God. He said, if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, you will know that the mind of Christ has come unto you. That is what He is saying.


29. Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house. KJV


Now we are looking for instructions here on how to know that this is the Spirit of God or the kingdom of God. Strong man means a mighty one. This word, strong man, is preceded by the definite article. It should be translated the strong man. We know in deliverance ministry there is a lot of talk about binding the strong man. Brethren, this strong man is the carnal mind.


He is the one that possesses all the vessels of humanity. He is the one who is the resident mind of all of the vessels of humanity. Jesus is saying that if you want to get the living soul free, you have to bind that carnal mind and He is not talking about an individual.


I repeat myself. If you were in a deliverance church where you were taught to bind the strong man, God honored it for the season that you were in that grade of learning. We are finding out in the Scripture right now, Jesus was not talking about some little strong man in one person’s mind. He was talking about the corporate carnal mind of this whole creation. Jesus is coming to take this whole creation back, and the only way He is going to get us back is by binding the strong man. Let us find out what binding the strong man means.


Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? After he has bound the strong man, he will spoil his house. The strong man is the carnal mind. The word, house, means household or dwelling place. This entire human race is his household. The individual ones of us is his dwelling place.


The word spoil is Strong’s #1283 and it means to seize asunder. That means to seize by ripping apart. I want to suggest to you that Jesus Christ is going into the house of the carnal mind, which is the human race, and He is going to rip Eve from his midst and seize her unto Himself. Christ is entering into the carnal mind’s house, which is the whole human race. He is going to rip Eve from the carnal mind’s captive grasp and seize her unto Himself. That is what spoil means.


How can one enter into the carnal mind’s house and get Eve back? He wants to get Eve back. He has to first bind the strong man and spoil his goods. The word goods in the interlinear is translated vessels. It is talking about the individual members of this humanity. It is Strong’s #4632.


Strong’s Concordance says that this word goods, not only can be translated wife, but is especially used that way. Goods can be translated wife. I want to suggest to you that Christ, the mind of Christ, is entering into this human race with the specific intention of ripping Eve away from the carnal mind, Eve being the carnal mind’s wife.


How can He do this unless He first binds the strong man? Now this word bind is Strong’s #1210 and it means knit, tie or wind. The carnal Church or the carnal man reads this and they have a vision of someone coming with cord or twine and binding up the strong man. If you will try to recall the teaching on the message entitled The Kingdom of The Two Heavens, I would like to suggest to you that the binding that is being spoken about here is the binding of the kingdom of God unto the carnal mind, therefore changing the name of the kingdom of God unto the kingdom of the two heavens. Let me review it for you.


The kingdom of God is the mind of Christ alone. You read in the King James about the kingdom of heaven. The more accurate translation is the kingdom of the heavens. It is plural in the Greek. I suggest to you that the kingdom of the heavens is the kingdom of God which is the mind of Christ, tied to, joined to, united with, bound to, knit together, with the carnal mind. That is the kingdom of the two heavens. When Christ comes to bind the strong man, brethren, He is binding that carnal mind unto Himself. Glory to God.


We are talking about binding the strong man. There is a teaching in the Church that I do not believe to be accurate, the binding and loosing of the strong man. I do not find it to be accurate, but God knows your heart. If you just happen to be using a few wrong words, He is going to honor it anyway, but when the time comes for you to grow up and start using the right words, you have to start using the right words.


The true binding and loosing is not as it is being used in the Church today. It is talking about binding souls to heaven and loosing them in the earth or binding them in the earth and loosing them in heaven. It is not talking about binding up demons so that they cannot manifest. It is talking about binding the kingdom of darkness unto the kingdom of light, that the kingdom of darkness should come under the dominion of the kingdom of light. Do you see the difference?


Alternate Translation of Matthew 12:29.

How can anyone enter into the carnal mind’s house and separate him from his wife and seize her if he does not bind the carnal mind first? Then he will separate the carnal mind from his many membered wife and seize them.


I did not put that word in my alternate translation.


How can anyone enter into the carnal mind’s house and separate him from his wife and seize her if that one does not first bind the carnal mind to himself? Then he will separate the carnal mind from his many membered wife and seize them.



05/28/07mml-Final edit

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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