170 - Part 2

Part 2 of 2 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



We are back with Part 2 of Jesus in the Jordan. There will be, Lord willing, it looks like there will be a 3rd part to this. Hallelujah.


As I told you at the end of the last message, I would review Note #3 when we started this message. I will just remind you that there are two Greek words translated, "opened." We worked on this Note #3 for a large part of Part 1 of the last message. I am just going to give you a few comments to finish it off.


We are dealing with the word translated, "opened" in the phrase, "the heavens were opened to Jesus" during His baptism. In Matthew 3:16, and Luke 3:21, the Greek word which appears as Strong's #455 is used, and this word means "to restore sight," "to restore sight." When we studied it in the last message, we found out that one of the ways it is expressed in the Greek is that a closed eyelid is rolled back, and I found that very exciting.


I think a lot of us found that exciting because it tied right in with the teaching here that the earth of the carnal mind was going to split and be rolled back, and that Eden will be underneath. We found that when Jesus was water baptized by John in the Jordan, He also had...I have not established it yet, but we will find out that He had a series of spiritual experiences which included having His carnal mind, the carnal mind which was lying over Eden, the eye of Eden, rolled back like an eyelid rolled back, and His spiritual sight was restored to Him.


We are not going to get to it today, but I believe that He was not only water baptized, but He received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and that He was also caught up to full stature, all in that brief experience when He went down under the water at the hands of John the Baptist.


In Luke, the word "heaven" is singular indicating that Jesus is asking the Father to restore His spiritual sight. Let me just remind you of this, that the account of the baptism in the book of Luke indicates that when Jesus went down under the water, He was praying for the Father to open His spiritual sight and to baptize Him with the Holy Spirit.


Then the account in Matthew and Mark tells us or is an account of what actually happened. The account in John is John saying, "Well, I witnessed this, and this is what I saw happen." The actual happening is described in Matthew and Mark. The event of water baptism is described in Luke. We are told in Luke that when Jesus went down under the water, He asked for the spiritual experience which occurred in Matthew and Mark. In the book of John, we get the second witness to what happened in Matthew and Mark. Glory to God.


In Luke, the word "heaven" is singular, indicating that Jesus is asking the Father to restore His spiritual sight, to restore the sight, to open the "heaven," singular. Jesus, the man, already had carnal sight, so that is why He asked the Father to open the "heaven," singular, to restore the sight of the spiritual heaven of God.


In Matthew, the word "heavens" is plural indicating that the Lord answered Jesus' prayer, and that both His spiritual and natural sight were opened and were operating.


In Luke, Jesus asked the Father to open His spiritual sight, "heaven," singular. In Matthew, we are told that the heavens were opened, meaning that when Jesus saw the Holy Spirit coming down, He saw it both with His natural sight and with His spiritual sight, and that is why the word is plural.


Mark 1:10 uses Strong's #4977 to translate the word "opened," but this word means "to divide." It means something completely different than the other Greek word translated "opened."


We found out that the Scripture uses this same word, Strong's #4977, which really means "to divide" which is translated "opened" in Mark 1:10. We found out that this same word is used in Matthew 27:51. To better understand what happened at the time of Jesus' water baptism, we worked up an Alternate Translation on Matthew 27:51-53.


Before I read you the recap of those 3 verses, I would like to give you a brief comment on Verse 50.


Verse 50 says that Jesus yielded up the ghost. The Greek word translated "yielded" is Strong's #863, and it can be translated "to send forth," "to send away," or "to leave destitute of God's help." I am suggesting to you that Jesus' loud or, rather, authoritative words, I do not believe they were vocally loud. I believe that if you look up that word loud, you will see that they were strong words, and they were spiritually strong words. Jesus may even have whispered, but when He cried out He spoke with the authority that came from God's spirit. Glory to God.


His words were a command to His human spirit to abandon Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, to leave them destitute of the female measure of God's life force which is present in the human spirit. Do you remember the teaching, that the reason the carnal mind could defeat the Christ at the beginning of time was that the carnal mind had been brought forth from seed. The carnal mind had the double portion.


Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, had laid hold of the spiritual authority in the female seed, Eve, and had woven together with her.


What we are saying here is that Jesus' loud command was to His human spirit to abandon Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, leaving them destitute of the power of God that had been stolen. I feel like I am hitting a blank wall. Do you not know what I am talking about?


That which gives life to this world system, that which gives existence to this fallen creation is Eve. The life of God is in the female seed of Eve and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, stole it. Without Eve, this creation could not exist because there is no existence, there is no life at all in the dust of the earth.


When Jesus gave the command and Eve separated from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, she left Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, destitute of any strength to continue this existence. Is everybody with me? It is important to know this because we found out in our Alternate Translation of Verse 51 that Jesus' carnal mind broke up. In Verse 53, the human spirits of the body of Christ entered into Christ.


What does this mean? It means, brethren, that the Scripture reveals the first step of our resurrection in the man Jesus, and the second step of our resurrection in the body of Christ. Those 3 verses in Matthew 27:50 - 53, starts out talking about Jesus, and it ends up talking about the body of Christ. We talked about this last week.


The man Jesus was the first cell of the many-membered body of Christ to be raised from the dead. He is the head that has already been born, but the body has not yet been born.


This is expressed in Matthew 27:51-53, by starting out saying that Jesus' carnal mind was reaped apart, but that the end of the story is that the spirits of the men that make up the body of Christ entered into Christ. Does anybody not know what I am talking about?


When Jesus cried out with a loud voice, He gave the command to His human spirit to come out. His carnal mind broke up. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Eve fled out at Jesus' command. The same thing is going to be happening to whoever is called to the Body of Christ or the first fruits company in this hour.


It is going to be happening very soon. That is why we must be prepared because the hour is coming that Jesus is going to give the command, and our carnal mind is going to break out and Eve is going to come out. When she comes out, she is going to enter into Christ and forever she shall be with the Lord. This is the spiritual rapture of your human spirit.


We are finding out that this is what Jesus experienced when He went down under the water of the Jordan. He was spiritually raptured. His human spirit went up, the Holy Spirit came down and met His human spirit in the air and forever He was with the Lord and still is with the Lord.


That is what is about to happen to us. Only when it happened to the man, Jesus of Nazareth, as incredible as it sounds, it all happened in the short period of time. He went down under the water, He got water baptized, He got raptured, He stood up in full stature, and it all happened in five minutes. For us, it is taking a whole lifetime, but that is the way it is going.


I would like to read you the recap of Matthew 27:50-53. "Jesus spoke again and commanded His human spirit to leave Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and there it was, Jesus' fallen adamic soul shook and trembled and was separated into two parts, spirit and the carnal mind. Then His human spirit was separated from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and joined to the Christ within Him.


The Holy One who went to sleep at the beginning of time arose from the dead in the many members of the Body of Christ, and their human spirits entered into Christ. Their souls arose from the sleep of death, and Christ appeared in the Sons of God. The many members of fallen Adam saw them and remembered that they too were Christ and willingly abandoned their adulterous union with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind."


Do you hear this brethren? What happened to Jesus is going to happen to a many-membered first fruits company. When we stand up in full stature, the rest of humanity will see Christ in us and they will see us. They will not need spiritual eyes to see us, but we will be as obvious as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. When they see us, they will remember, they will remember back to the beginning of time that they too were Christ. They will willingly abandon Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind.


That is not happening today. Not only the heathen, but the Christians are clinging to their carnal mind. They are defending their carnal mind. It is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, they do not want to let go of.


We have some very exciting things about to be happening in the very near future. The Lord has permitted us to be a part of it. It is incredible but it is true. We see that Verses 50 and 51 have already come to pass. The verses with regard to Jesus have already come to pass, but Verses 52 and 53 are still in the process of coming to pass. Verses 52 and 53 are referring to the Body of Christ. Two events, 2000 years apart.


Please note that the above Alternate Translation is another witness to what the Lord has been teaching us about fallen Adam, having fallen asleep at the beginning of time and becoming a multiple personality which is being fused with the appearance of Christ. This is another witness to that. They even use the same word if you look at it in the King James that the Holy One who went to sleep at the beginning of time is being raised from the dead.


He went to sleep at the beginning of time. He broke down into multiple personalities which is the many members of the living soul that died. When this is all over, all the human spirits are coming out of the carnal mind, they are entering into Christ. Christ is not divided, we will not be a multiple personality anymore. We are all fragments of Christ. That is hard to believe, but it is only hard to believe because of where our mind is, our mind is fallen.


We are fragments of a superior mind. Each one of us is one of Christ's thoughts. Can you imagine that? We are a thought in the mind of Christ. Is that not incredible? It is awesome to think of how great He must be. Is there a question about this?


COMMENTS: Does that mean that we have to wait for everybody to come in? You know what I am saying? If we are all fragments, do we have to wait till we all come together to have that one mind?


PASTOR VITALE: I believe we have to wait for all to come together for the glorification but not for full stature.


I believe that as we have received the Holy Ghost individually, I believe we would come into full stature individually, but we would have to abide in full stature which should be pretty good. It is not such a bad place to be, in full stature. We would have to abide that way until the Lord is ready to bring up the whole creation at once into glorification. Hallelujah.


We see that the Greek word translated "opened" in Mark 1:10 is telling us that Jesus was not only water baptized in Jordan, but that He also had a spiritual experience. I hope to convince you further on and partially in the next message that this spiritual experience included the baptism with the Holy Ghost and full stature.


Continuing on with Note #4. We are comparing the Spirit of God. In one account, we have just the word "Spirit." In another account, it says "Holy Ghost," and in another place, it says "Spirit from heaven." We are going to find out what the difference is. You might want to be writing this down if you have pencils and paper.


Matthew 3:16 speaks of the Spirit of God. Matthew 3:18 and Mark 1:10 and 12, speak of just the spirit, not modified at all. Luke 3:22 speaks of the Holy Ghost. John 1:32 speaks of the Spirit from Heaven. The Spirit of God, brethren, is the manifestation of the Father which exists outside of a man such as we see in Genesis 1:1. The Holy Ghost is the manifestation of the Father which exists inside of a carnal man as in those who have received the Holy Spirit. I guess I should put it on the board for you.


(Writing on the board) Spirit of God is outside of man as in Genesis 1. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of the Father. This is all the Father. The Spirit of God is the Father, the Holy Ghost is also the Father inside of a man, inside of a carnal man. The Spirit of God always appears outside of man. The Holy Ghost is that manifestation of the Father which appears inside of a carnal man and I hope everybody here knows that some of the most carnal men that you could ever hope to meet have the Holy Ghost. They speak in tongues, and they do all kinds of wickedness and sin.


The Holy Ghost is the manifestation of the Father which is, in fact, the resurrected Christ which has returned unto spirit form, joined with the Father and is now pouring out of His Spirit upon all flesh. The Holy Ghost appears inside of a carnal man. Repentance is not required to have a relationship, well a general repentance. The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance.


Brethren, when we say "I repent, Lord come into my heart," God accepts it because it is an attestation of faith, but that is not really repentance.


Repentance is when God comes to us and shows us, "Look this is what you are doing, this is what you are thinking, this is sin." When you can repent of that, that is repentance. Hallelujah.


Next we have the Spirit from Heaven. Again, this is all the Father. One Spirit, many administrations. The Spirit of Heaven is the Spirit of the Father which appears in the mind of Christ which is in a man, of course, that has not been woven together with that man's carnal mind.


I will say it again. We know that our ultimate goal is to have the Mind of Christ born in us, our human spirit should enter into it, and that the Lord Jesus Christ should join the two minds weaving them together. That is called glorification.


The Spirit from Heaven is the manifestation of the Father that appears in the man who has the Mind of Christ that is not yet woven to his carnal mind. This manifestation existed in natural Israel. Natural Israel had the Mind of Christ. Actually, there will be a lot of Pharisees that are going to be mad at me, because actually natural Israel has a greater anointing than we see in the Church today. They had a full manifestation of the Spirit of Heaven. They had a full manifestation of the Mind of Christ.


Brethren, they had to have something we did not have. They went into battle, no one was killed, no one was hurt, no one was sick, and they got supernatural healing. They had to have something we did not have, brethren.


I watched a deacon in the church that I was raised up in, try to say that Israel was not saved. Brethren, they had more than we have now. We are just catching up to them. We are going to catch up to what they had, not now but what they had when they were keeping the covenant with God, and then we are going to go past them. We do not yet have what they had.


They had prophets that prophesied, brethren, so accurately that the Lord said, "If you have a prophet that says something that does not come to pass, kill him." I really would not want that law being on me, brethren. I have a pretty high record of accuracy, but something like that would make me very nervous. I tell you the truth.


We have a bunch of little spiritual kids prophesying in the Church. If they make a false prophecy, the pastor calls you in and rebukes you. How about stoning you to death? God help us. God help us.


The Spirit of Heaven is the manifestation of the Father that is present in the imputed Mind of Christ. It is present in the Mind of Christ that is not woven together with a man's carnal mind. This is the experience that Daniel had. He experienced the Spirit from Heaven when Gabriel came in and totally covered over, pressed down his carnal mind, and gave him the prophecy or the series of prophecies that is appearing now in the Bible known as the Book of Daniel.


His carnal mind was completely covered by the Mind of Christ. It had no room to move, no chance of getting even a word in. Because if it got so much as one word in, Israel would have had to kill Daniel.


Last, but certainly not least, we have the Spirit of Christ, which is the manifestation of the Father that appears in the Mind of Christ which is woven together with that man's carnal mind.


If that Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, that Spirit of Christ that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you shall also quicken your mortal body, which is your mortal soul, as it did in the man, Jesus of Nazareth. God raised Him from the dead. If that Spirit of Christ dwells in you, your soul too shall be raised from the dead.


Brethren, how come your soul is not being raised from the dead? There has to be a difference between the Holy Ghost and the Spirit of Christ. God does not change names because He is frivolous. Every variation in the Scripture means something. God is not frivolous.


Here again, we really see another witness to the error of the trinity. We see right here, four expressions of the Spirit of the Father. I remind you that if the trinity were valid, if it were proper to say the Father, the Son, and the Father which is the Holy Ghost, we would have to say the Father and the Son, and the Spirit of God and the Holy Ghost, and the Spirit of Heaven and the Spirit of Christ. Amen.


There is just the Father and the Son. All four of these manifestations are different administrations of the one Spirit of the Father.


Any questions on this area?


COMMENTS: How do we get the Spirit of Christ?


PASTOR VITALE: The Spirit of Christ is a manifestation of the Father that appears in the man who has the Mind of Christ which is woven together with his carnal mind. The Spirit of Heaven is the Spirit that appears in the Mind of Christ that is not woven together as we had in natural Israel. When the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead comes to dwell in you, it is bringing forth Christ from seed, and Christ coming forth from seed is being woven together with your carnal mind. Did I make that clear? Do you want me to say it again?


The Holy Ghost comes inside a carnal man. When He joins with your human spirit, and Christ Jesus starts coming forth in you, He is coming forth from seed. Remember the teaching? You can say the Spirit of Christ is the spirit that is in Christ Jesus that is brought forth from seed.


The Spirit of Heaven is the Spirit of the Father which appears in the Mind of Christ which is formed in a man that does not come from seed, such as we find in natural Israel, such as we studied about in the Book of Daniel. The mind of Christ was formed in the prophet Daniel, His name was Christ Jesus, but it was a Christ Jesus that was brought forth in full maturity, just as the ram was formed in full maturity at the beginning of time. It was not brought forth from seed, and when its purpose was completed, it dissolved and Daniel was a natural man again.


The Spirit of Heaven is the Spirit of the Father in that manifestation of the mind of Christ that is temporary.


The Spirit of Christ is the manifestation of the Father which appears in the mind of Christ that is brought forth from seed such as is happening today. When the Holy Spirit enters your heart and joins to the human spirit, Lord willing, Christ Jesus is conceived as a seed in your heart and starts to grow up from seed. The manifestation of the Father in that mind of Christ, in that manifestation of Christ Jesus, which is coming forth from seed is called the Spirit of Christ.


COMMENTS: How do we know the difference when we have the Holy Spirit or when we have the Spirit of Christ?


PASTOR VITALE: Everybody that has the Holy Ghost does not produce the Christ.


COMMENTS: The Christ there is the Spirit of Christ which is His seed?


PASTOR VITALE: When the Holy Ghost first pours upon you, He is the Holy Ghost. At the point that Christ Jesus is conceived, He is no longer the Holy Ghost, but He becomes the Spirit of Christ. His function changes, and His name changes, and that is a Scriptural principle. When your function changes, your name changes. Do you know that, that is a Scriptural principle?




PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that happens all throughout the Scripture.


COMMENTS: He is not only, it is not just the Holy Spirit, it is Christ Himself?


PASTOR VITALE: Once the Holy Spirit causes a conception in your human spirit, once there is a joining, once the Holy Spirit joins with your human spirit, He is no longer the Holy Spirit. His name changes, He becomes the Spirit of Christ.


COMMENTS: So the Spirit of Christ has to be there first before it can start the weaving? The mind of Christ is a result of the Spirit of Christ being in you.


PASTOR VITALE: The mind of Christ comes, and is a result of the Holy Ghost causing you to conceive, and the offspring is Christ Jesus. The offspring is Christ Jesus, and the spirit that is present with Christ Jesus is the Spirit of Christ. You cannot have the weaving until you have the Spirit of Christ in Christ Jesus. Then the Spirit of Christ will weave Christ Jesus to your carnal mind. Is everybody okay?


COMMENTS: Is this stage of the Spirit of Christ called the imparted?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes. The Spirit of Christ is associated with the imparted anointing. There are two stages. Please note here that there are two stages of the imputed anointing. One of which we do not see today very often. If it is there at all, I do not know.


The first stage of the imputed anointing is the Holy Ghost which is given without repentance, and we see gifts of the Spirit. I have talked to you about this before, let me refresh you again. I know I have it on a couple of tapes. The manifestation of the Holy Ghost, I am sorry all you Pharisees, just grit your teeth and bite the bullet, the manifestation of the Holy Ghost can be likened to what the occult call "channeling." You just sit there, and the Holy Ghost speaks through you. Very common to prophesy and not know what you are saying.


You have no conscious contribution to the gifts of the Spirit that come with the Holy Ghost. That is what it is like. Nothing is required of you. The Holy Spirit falls upon you because God wants to use you to do something. Not because you are righteous, not because you are good, not because you are smart. It is just that God wanted to talk to a man, and He talked through you.


In the Spirit from Heaven, this is the second possible manifestation of the imputed anointing. Your spirit is completely repressed. Your whole personality is completely repressed, and that is the anointing that was on natural Israel which I have never seen it today. We do not see it today. It is possible that we will never see it today, because today the Lord is bringing forth the imparted anointing which is the Son or Christ Jesus.


COMMENTS: This is what Jesus meant when He was preaching, and He said that He would do more than was ever done before, even because of the imputed, I mean the imparted?


PASTOR VITALE: You mean the greater works? You are talking about the greater works. The greater works is the imparted anointing. The greater works that we are going to do that Jesus did not do is that we are going to impress the nature of the Father on men. Jesus' purpose in coming was to be the first man, by the grace of God, to join the two minds and then to give up His life, so that the Lord could be doing this in so many of us.


We are going to go out and finish the job of the greater works of which is...man, right now, is in the likeness of God. You hear everybody telling you that they are in the image of God. It is a lie. We are not in the image of God. We are in the image of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The greater works is to go out and impress the nature of the Father on the minds of men.


The lesser work is what? The lesser work was the formation of the creation as it exists today. The greater work is to put the finishing touches on it. Sometimes the Scripture expresses it as saying that it is going to put the jewels on it, going to put the glory on it.


That is the nature of the Father in the creation. We are empty. The Lord looks at us as nothing. We found Scriptures in Isaiah and other prophets where the Lord refers to fallen man as nothing. We are empty. We are waiting, we are empty, and we are void. We are waiting to be filled with the fruit of Christ. The whole creation is waiting to be filled with the fullness of God, that we might be complete. Hallelujah.


We dealt with the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost, and the Spirit from Heaven, and the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ does not appear in the account of Jesus' baptism. I just added it in to complete that little study. We just have one more situation where we find the word "spirit" unmodified. It appears unmodified in Mark 1:10 and Mark 1:12. I know that it appears unmodified in other places, I just did not write it down. Oh, here it is.


The word "spirit" appears unmodified in Matthew 3:18, Mark 1:10 and Mark 1:12. That got into a pretty detailed study so I am going to put that off for the next message. We will speak more about it in the next message.


Going on with Note #5, we are dealing with the phrase "descending like a dove." This is the phrase that got me started on this whole study. It never set right with me that the Holy Spirit looked like a dove. It always bothered me just like the rapture bothered me so I have some interesting information for you. Hope it blesses you like it blessed me.


Get ready all you Pharisees. God is really ripping up the Pharisee's turf here. (Laughter) He is just ripping all that Pharisitical doctrine to pieces, it is amazing. If you have any pride at all you are really going to feel foolish. If you feel foolish, you have to rebuke it. The truth is going to set us free.


We know that the Scripture is a parable, and that many things in it are symbols. Of course, the history is realistic, but most of it is parabolic and symbolic. It is really ridiculous to think that the Holy Spirit would look like a dove, brethren. It is much more likely that it is a parable or a symbol. Any uninvolved person whose pride is not on the line would really have to confess to that.


I went into the Scripture to find out what the dove stands for in the Scripture. Dove is Strong's #4058 and it merely says that it is a pigeon, a feeble and a gentle bird. Brethren, the type of Christ, the type of the Son of God in the New Testament, is the eagle. The eagle is a fierce, powerful, predatory bird. It is not meek or feeble at all. It is aggressive, powerful, flies above the storm, and has keen vision.


The pigeon would be the exact opposite of the eagle. I am going to suggest to you that the dove typifies the fallen living soul. I have a couple of witnesses for you on that. We will take a few minutes on that. Psalm 68:13 says, "Though yea have lien among the pots, yet shall yea be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold."


The word "lien" means to lie with. Strong's #7901, it can mean to lie down, it also can mean to engage in sexual intercourse. The word "among" is Strong's #996, and it can be translated "within." The word translated "pots" is Strong's #8240, and that means stalls or sheep folds. Webster's says that a stall is a compartment for a domestic animal in a stable or a barn, and a fold is an enclosure for sheep.


Brethren, the Lord is talking about animals here. He is saying to the living soul that died,"You have chosen to lie down with the beast." Who is the beast? The carnal mind is the beast. The Scripture is saying to Israel which is now... the whole world is Israel.


The covenant has been offered to the whole world. He is saying to her that because you have chosen to lie down with the beast instead of the Father God or, I am sorry, not because of, but even though you have chosen to lie down with the animal or with the beast, even though you did that, despite that, your wings of the dove are going to be covered with silver and your feathers with yellow gold.


The word "wings" is #3671, and we have studied this in other messages. It means "the edge or the extremity," and I suggest to you that the edge or the extremity of the human spirit is the soul. The spirit and the soul are really one, like the grape and the grape skin. The farthest edge or the ends of the earth of the spirit is the soul or the mind.


The Scripture is saying here, "The wings of a dove shall be covered with silver." The soul of the dove or the soul of the living soul shall be covered with silver, and what does silver typify? Salvation. Amen.


The word "cover" is the Hebrew word Strong's #2645 which means to overlay. Paul said there is another garment that is being added to us. We are lacking something. We are lacking something. Christ must be added to us. Our salvation is being added to our soul. Christ is salvation. That is one of His names, it is salvation. What is salvation? It is His mind, the helmet of salvation. It is His mind that is going on over the carnal mind.


Silver means salvation. We have said that. Feathers is Strong's # 84 in the Hebrew. It says it can mean either a wing or a feather, but Gesenius says that the language clearly distinguishes between the feather and the wing. The wing typifies the extreme edge of the spiritual being which is the soul. That is the wing, the extreme edge of the soul.


The feathers, I am going to suggest to you, is an external manifestation of God's spirit as it is expressed in the form of Peter's shadow, for example, in Acts 5:15. Insomuch that they brought the sick unto the streets and lay them on beds and couches so that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them. Webster's says the feather is an external covering on the bodies of birds. What am I saying?


I am saying there is a spirit, and it is surrounded by flesh which is typified by the bird. The feathers on the bird is typifying the external expression of the spirit that is deep within. I just read you a Scripture from the Book of Acts where we saw that a man who was spiritually mature was walking around with a manifested expression of Christ fully, permanently manifested so that wherever he walked he could touch somebody.


The fallen man has a counterpart of that. The world knows about it, the occult knows about it. Does anybody know what it is called? It is called an aura, an aura. There are people in the occult that read your aura, and they look at it, and they read it, and they will give you information from your aura. If they have spiritual authority in Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, they can do this.


We see that there is an external expression of the spirit that dwells in fallen man which is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. It is called an aura. In some people who are developed spiritually, that aura can heal. We have people out there that are healing by Satan's spirit. They are deeply spiritually developed, and that spirit brings all kinds of manifestation. Sometimes they use it for good, but it is still ungodly.


Webster's says that a feather is an external covering of the body of birds. External covering of the body of birds, birds referring to the spiritual man. The natural man has an external covering, it is this physical body, it is this physical human body. The Scripture is talking about a bird, it is the fallen living soul. The fallen living soul has an external manifestation of the spirit that is within it. It is typified by feathers.


Our spiritual body or the soul, our spiritual body is called the soul, and it is also called the mind of Christ in a believer, is typified by a bird whose outer covering is a physical manifestation of the indwelling glory of God. Brethren, that is our shield. That is going to be our shield, but you cannot get your shield outside of you until Christ gets built inside of you. That is your shield of righteousness.


First, Christ comes up inside of you, and then when you get to a place where He is manifesting and your carnal mind is suppressed all or most of the time. The physical expression of His mind being your mind becomes your shield. Nothing can touch you.


For a season, believers who have conceived Christ and are in the process of transferring into Him, will have a vile physical body, a carnal mind, and an aura as well as the mind of Christ. We all have auras, we cannot see it. As I said, someone with spiritual authority in Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, can see it. Everybody has an aura.


The feathers of God only begin to appear as the believer learns to put his carnal mind underfoot and live out of Christ. The mind of Christ which is buried underneath the earth of your fallen adamic soul will not be expressed externally.


Brethren, if you have the mind, even if you have conceived Christ and you are not living out of Him, you may just as well not had Him. You are the unprofitable servant that has buried a talent under the earth of your soul. Even if you are just starting to live out of Christ, for you to start to grow feathers, for your feathers to start to appear on your spiritual man, you have to be living out of Christ a large enough part of the time for Him to start to penetrate your carnal mind and your physical body.


I do not have any percentage for you, but I think that you have to be pretty much living out of Christ for you to grow feathers, because feathers indicate a permanent manifestation or reasonably permanent manifestation. Peter had it, and I do not think Peter was in full stature. The reason I do not think that Peter was in full stature was that, further on, He started making compromises because he was afraid of the Jews. We know that Paul had a big altercation with him over it. I do not believe that could have happened if he was in full stature, but I think that he was up much higher than we are today. He was up pretty high.


Going on with "yellow gold," the King James says, "and her feathers will be covered with yellow gold." The word "yellow" is Strong's #3422, and it is used of the color of leprosy seen in garments. It is not a good word in this case. This word is used to describe the color of leprosy when it appears in a man's garment. We know that the garment of our spirit is our soul, and the garment of the soul is the physical human body.


In the fallen man, our fallen spirit which is Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is covered by our fallen adamic soul which is covered by our fallen physical body. When Christ begins to be formed in us, and we begin to become one spirit with Him, that spirit begins to develop a new covering which is called the soul of Christ or the body and the mind of Christ. We see that a new layer is being added from the inside. We have the spirit, the mind of Christ, and then we have the fallen adamic body, and then we have the vile physical body.


On the occasion that Christ begins to be formed in us, a second addition is added. I just told you that a new soul was added, the mind of Christ. Also, that spirit is so powerful that it can penetrate beyond the mind of Christ, beyond the body of Christ which is the carnal mind.


We see that after Christ begins to be added to us and our spirit becomes God, that spirit is so powerful that it penetrates beyond the mind of Christ, beyond the carnal mind, and beyond the physical body and appears in an external expression of that glorious spirit which is beyond or outside of the vile physical body.


The Scripture calls it Peter's shadow. There is another name for it, and it is called our armor in Christ. It is called the breastplate of righteousness. It is that which surrounds us so completely that eventually in it's maturity we will be impenetrable against any spiritual or physical offensive or attack. The Scripture tells us that it is not only defensive, but that it is offensive, that when Peter walked down the street, anyone that walked in his path was healed by that shadow.


The fallen man also has a shadow, the fallen spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, also has a shadow that penetrates out beyond the physical body. It is called an aura, but to the best of my knowledge it is weak and beggarly. It has no strength to do anything.


We see people that practice the occult "reading" the aura and receiving information about a person's health, mental health, or physical health. I do not perceive it...to the best of my knowledge, it does not have any strength to defend or to heal.


There is more than one Hebrew word that is translated "gold." This is Strong's #2742, and it can also be translated "judgment." There are several Hebrew words translated "gold," I just told you that. The Hebrew word translated "gold" in Psalm 68:13 can also be translated "judgment." This translation is not inconsistent when one realizes that gold typifies the spirit of God, and that judgment is always the result of sin-filled man coming into contact with the Spirit of God.


When we come into contact with the spiritual gold which is Christ, judgment always results. I am going to suggest to you then that the word "yellow" is modifying the word "feathers" and not the word "gold."


Let me give you this again. The King James translators say that the word "yellow" is modifying the word "gold." They say "Her feathers are covered with yellow gold." I am going to suggest to you that it should read, that her yellow feathers are covered with gold. Her yellow feathers are covered with gold. What would that mean?


The phrase should read then, "The wings of the dove shall be covered with silver, and her yellow or leprous feathers shall be covered with gold." Her weak feeble mind shall be covered with salvation, and the leprous external expression of her fallen spirit shall be covered with judgment. What does it mean to be covered with judgment?


Let me remind you that our study of the word "judgment" in the Greek, revealed that this word means "to force down under." That was one of the first things I threw at you XXX when you came here a year ago, when you were all concerned about hell and judgment, remember? I told you that the Greek word translated "judgment" means "to be forced down under by means of vexation." The external expression of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in our lives shall be forced down under the authority of Christ when Christ vexes or pressures him into submission.


The vile expression of Satan's spirit in our life is going to be forced down under Christ. Our soul will be covered with salvation, and our personality shall be covered with judgment. Alternate Translation, Psalm 68:13, "Even though the living soul has engaged in an animalistic sexual union with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, her weak, feeble carnal mind shall nevertheless be overlaid with the mind of Christ, and her leprous external expression of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, shall be forced underneath Christ through judgment."


A second witness that dove typifies the living soul is found in the Song of Solomon where we see the Lord affectionately referring to His love as a dove. Is not the Church the Bride of Christ? We know that the Church is His love, and He calls her in the Song of Solomon, His dove.


Song of Solomon 6:9,13 says, "My dove, my undefiled is but one. She is the only one of her mother, she is the choice of her that bear her, the daughters saw her and blessed her. Yea, the queens and the concubines and they praised her. Return, return, oh Shulamite, return, return, that we may look upon thee." Who is we? The Father and the Son.


Verse 13 reveals that the Lord in Verse 9 is expressing His love for the fallen living soul by addressing her as if she were already restored to righteousness. His dove, His undefiled one, is the only legitimate offspring of her mother, Eve. She is the choice one or the pure offspring of the one who bear her, Eve.


Eve has an illegitimate offspring also, what is her name? Anybody? The carnal mind is the bastard offspring of Eve and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. That is all of us, brethren. That is why we need to be adopted, because we have come into existence as the bastard offspring of Eve and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. That is why the Father who loves His wife, His harlot wife so much, has come to adopt us, because we are of her spirit which is out of His spirit. He will never abandon His own spirit. Glory to God.


The Greek word translated "descend" is the same word used in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. She is descending like a dove. It is the same Greek word in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It means to go from a higher place to a lower one.


The form of the verb in Matthew and Mark is in the present participle, it is happening now, she is descending like a dove. They saw the spirit coming down, but in Luke... Luke is the gospel in which it is not happening. Jesus is praying and asking the Father to send down the Holy Ghost. In that gospel, the verb is in the infinitive form because, as I just told you, Jesus was praying to the Father to send the Holy Spirit down. The action had not started yet.


We are dealing with phrase, "and descended like a dove." The word "like" is Strong's #5616, and it can also be translated, Thayer says, "about" or "nearly." I could not fit any of these definitions into the understanding that the Lord was giving me, so I looked these words up in Webster's where I found something very interesting. I found out that the word "about" which is an Alternate Translation of the word translated "like," "about," can also mean to go in the opposite direction.


Does that sound familiar to anybody? To go in the opposite direction?


COMMENTS: (Inaudible)


PASTOR VITALE: I am not sure what you mean, so I will just have to tell you what it means. The weaving, amen, the weaving. God is weaving a garment. He is weaving a garment to cover His spirit. The garment is opposite, the warp and the woof is opposite. We have the...I always get my warp and my woof mixed up. We have the living soul who is running horizontally. She is running horizontally, and the Spirit of Christ is coming down vertically.


When the Spirit of God comes down from heaven, and it falls upon the heart of a man, it is not going to be lying in the same direction as his carnal mind. It is going to be intersecting his carnal mind. I remind you that the carnal mind exists on the line of the earth, and when Christ comes down, He is the spiritual man, He comes down vertically, and the carnal man lies horizontally.


If you remember correctly, Jesus is the head of the corner, He is the God of the spiritual and the carnal man. He is the head of the corner. Everybody understand that?


We found out the Greek word translated "like" can mean "to go in the opposite direction." I am going to suggest to you that in Luke, Jesus was praying that the Holy Ghost descend. He was saying "Father, cast down the Holy Ghost from the heaven here unto the earth like a dove," or let it be cast down to the earth of Jesus' adamic soul. The dove is talking about the living soul. It is talking about the soul realm.


Jesus is praying to the Father, He says, "Father, let the Holy Ghost be cast down," in the opposite direction to the Holy Ghost, "like" - in the opposite direction, "a dove" - the Holy Ghost, I am sorry, "a dove" - the living soul. Jesus was praying that the Holy Spirit descend or be cast down, "like" - in the opposite direction, "a dove" - the living soul. Let the Holy Ghost be cast down and enter into my mind, Jesus was saying, in the opposite direction than my carnal mind or the living soul, His carnal mind.


The Spirit of God is the manifestation of the Father outside of a man. In Matthew, Jesus saw the Spirit of the Father being cast down from outside of Him or from a place other than His humanity. In Mark, Jesus saw the spirit coming down.


This is a tough one everybody, listen carefully. In Matthew, He saw the Spirit of God being cast down to the earth of the man Jesus' mind, but in Mark Jesus just saw the spirit coming down.


The word "spirit" is not modified. We do not know for sure what spirit it is. I am suggesting to you something very radical that this account is not speaking about the Holy Spirit, but it is speaking about Jesus' human spirit which had separated from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, when Jesus went up straight away out of the water. If you remember the teaching from last week, Jesus went up straight away out of the water, and we are told the heavens were opened to Him.


What that meant was that His carnal mind was rent, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Eve separated. Eve went, ascended, Eve ascended. What are we talking about? We are talking about Eve, coming out, ascending and then coming down into the same place where the Holy Spirit was waiting to catch her. She formed a union with the Holy Spirit. Everybody with me? She separated from the carnal mind. She ascended, and she came down into the mind of Christ, where the Holy Spirit was waiting for her to bring forth Christ.


Remember, Jesus' only true reality was His human spirit. We have already established that when Jesus came up out of the water that it was a spiritual ascension. Jesus' human spirit went up straight away out of the water or ascended out of hell through separation from Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in Mark 1:10. She was then cast back down to the earth of the man Jesus, where the Holy Spirit was waiting to join with her. The Scripture says, "and the spirit was descending upon Him."


What are we saying? We are saying in Matthew, the Holy Spirit came down and in Mark, Jesus' human spirit came down. In Luke, the Lord was asking that the Holy Spirit be cast down. In Matthew, the Holy Spirit was cast down, and in Mark His human spirit joined with the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah. I have a lot more detail for you on that, but we are going to do it next week when we do the Alternate Translations. It is very interesting.


"And the spirit was descending upon Him." The word "upon" is Strong's #1909, and this word can be translated to speak about that which falls upon a foundation or a superstructure. I am going to suggest to you that the Holy Spirit was that superstructure that His human spirit fell upon. Remember, His human spirit was female, which makes her a partial spirit. She cannot exist alone. The human spirit cannot exist alone. She must be joined to a man. To her, the Holy Spirit was a superstructure, the Holy Spirit can exist by Himself.


"And she descended upon Him." The word "Him" is Strong's #846, but the Greek word translated "Him" has a different spelling than the Greek word in the Interlinear. I looked at the word in the interlinear, and the letter of the word is different than the Greek word which means "him." I looked through Thayer and I found it. I found the word exactly as it appeared in the Interlinear, and it says that this word can be translated not "him" but "in the same place" or "together." His human spirit ascended and came down in the same place where the Holy Spirit had just come down, and that was the joining with Him.


Jesus' human spirit was cast down upon or into the superstructure of the Holy Spirit where she would join to Him, give birth to Christ, and abide together with Him for the life of the ages. Hallelujah.


Note #6. Brethren, if there is any doubt in your mind that Jesus was not perfect before the baptism, this should knock it out, it really should knock it out. All this is happening to Him at the moment of His baptism. He was just a natural man.


COMMENTS: (Inaudible).


Note #6, Jesus water baptizedYWhat? (Comment made) Do you have a microphone? Please help me.


COMMENTS: I cannot believe this water baptism that He had was anything like what we have experienced today. It must have been something incredible. I cannot believe it is like anything we have experienced today, just going and being dunked by the minister.


PASTOR VITALE: (Laughter) I have heard accounts although I have never witnessed it, of people going down under the water of baptism and coming up speaking in tongues. I have heard about it, but I have never seen it, and it did not happen to me. I was speaking in tongues before I was water baptized.


That was what happened to Jesus. He went down under the water and He came up. I do not know whether He came up speaking in tongues or not, but He came up baptized with the Holy Ghost and coming into full stature. It must have been an incredible anointing over the whole thing. Of course, He was the only one that it happened to, it did not happen anyone else that was getting baptized.


COMMENTS: I thought you said He came into full stature in the Garden of Gethsemane.


PASTOR VITALE: No, He circumcised His soul in the Garden of Gethsemane. That is the second stage. Full stature is the first stage of resurrection, and what it means is that He took full dominion over His carnal mind permanently.


COMMENTS: While underneath?


PASTOR VITALE: You mean underneath the water?


COMMENTS: While still underneath theY


PASTOR VITALE: Oh yes, He was underneath His carnal mind. Yes, He was still underneath His carnal mind but totally controlled it from underneath, and it became impossible for Him to sin. In the Garden, He circumcised that soul, He pierced through it.


COMMENTS: Then, He was really prepared to minister because He could not even sin.


PASTOR VITALE: From the moment of the baptism, He could not sin, no.


COMMENTS: Wow, this is so incredible. Why has that not happened with ministers and us today? I mean we do not experience this large measure.


PASTOR VITALE: It is happening. We are waiting for it, it is happening. We are ascending, but it is happening very slowly. There is going to be a group in full stature very soon. Then things will go much more quickly. Hallelujah.


COMMENTS: By this year it can happen?


PASTOR VITALE:, I think it is a real possibility. I really would not want to prophecy it and be wrong, but I think it is a real possibility.


COMMENTS: How would we know? What are the signs?


PASTOR VITALE:, I am not really sure except that the Scripture says it will be as obvious as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. The only example that I have is that when Peter, we just read it, when Peter went walking down the street, there was such an anointing on him, people just got healed and fell down and repented when he just passed them by.


COMMENTS: Is it possible that they would see, what the occult would say, the aura or whatever you would say? Would it be possible that they will see that on each other? Christians? Or the ones that are the Sons of God?


PASTOR VITALE: I guess it is possible, I honestly do not know. We do not see anything in the Scripture that says the shadow was seen. All it says is that Peter's shadow overshadowed them, and they were healed. Offhand, I am just guessing, I would not expect to see it. I would expect to see the results of it, the fruit of it.


COMMENTS: The reason why I said that, it says we would know one another, and I was wondering if that was one of the signs?


PASTOR VITALE: I do not think so. We are supposed to be able to recognize the spirit on the person, not a visible manifestation. You see the occult is a counterfeit. We are not supposed to be able to see a visible spirit. We are supposed to recognize them by their fruit. We are supposed to perceive the spirit by the fruit. Hallelujah.


We are talking about Note #6, Jesus water baptized. Jesus is clearly water baptized in Mark and Luke. Matthew suggests Jesus' water baptism with the words "then he, John, suffered him." The word "baptism" in Matthew 3:16, I suggest to you is speaking about the baptism with the Holy Spirit. We will discuss this more, further on, not on this message, but it will be in the next message. John, in the gospel of John, he speaks only of the baptism with the Holy Spirit.


In the next message we are going to talk about the gospel of John where I hope to convince you that it is really not a very accurate translation. It is not really saying that he is the one that baptizes with the Holy Ghost. What it is saying is that He is the one who is baptized permanently in the Holy Ghost. He is the One, Jesus is the One, who is baptized in the Holy Ghost, and it does not lift off of Him. The anointing is continuously up front on Him.


Note #7, Jesus praying. Luke is the only gospel that tells us that Jesus was praying while He was being water baptized by John. The concordant Greek text shows clearly that Jesus was asking the Father to open up the Heaven (singular) or to open up the spiritual realm of God to Him. How do we know that Jesus was asking for spiritual sight to be opened? He already had carnal sight, brethren. He was asking Father to roll back the eyelid of His carnal mind so that spiritual sight could be restored to Him.


In the spirit, the two eyes of Jesus were lying one on top of the other. We have two eyes in our forehead, but they are separated. Spiritually, the two eyes are lying one on top of the other. The spiritual eye, and the carnal eye is lying on top of it. It has to roll like an eyelid or a scroll to let the spiritual eye come forth. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


The concordant Greek text also reveals that Jesus was also asking the Father to send down the Holy Spirit in a bodily form like a dove or as we found out above, in the opposite direction than his carnal mind. Jesus was asking the Father to send the Holy Spirit to interweave himself with His carnal mind. That is what He was praying for.


Note #8, "bodily shape." "And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove," that is Luke 3:22. The word "bodily" is Strong's #4984, and it means "having a bodily form or pertaining to the body." This is the same Greek word which appears in the phrase, "the fullness of the God head bodily," where it is speaking about the fullness of God appearing in the man Jesus and in 1 Timothy 4:8, "for bodily exercise profiteth little."


In Luke 3:22, this word is speaking about the Holy Spirit appearing in the form of a man. It is not talking about the Holy Spirit appearing in the bodily form of a dove. That word "bodily," alone, indicates that the Holy Spirit was taking form in a man, the man was the form that the Holy Spirit was taking.


The word "shape," Strong's #1491, is referring to external appearance, form, figure, visible appearance. Remember that we discovered above that the dove typifies the living soul. The Holy Ghost came down from a higher place and took on the bodily appearance of the living soul.


Brethren, the Scripture is saying that when the Holy Ghost is cast down into a man and remains there as He did in Jesus, He has taken on the bodily form and visible appearance of the living soul or of a man.


The Holy Ghost did not take the form of a dove, He took the form of the man Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth became the very personification of the Holy Ghost. Remember that our translation for the words "like a" is "in the opposite direction of" and our translation for the words "upon Him" is "in the same place."


Jesus was praying that the Holy Ghost be cast down into His visible human form, in the same place, but in the opposite direction of the dove. Jesus was praying that the Holy Ghost be cast down into His visible human form, in the same place, but in the opposite direction of the living soul. Or Jesus was praying that the Holy Ghost be cast down into His visible human form, in the same place, but in the opposite direction of His carnal mind.


What have I said? I have said that the dove in this Scripture typifies the living soul. Then I have taken it a step further, and I have said the man Jesus is a member of the living soul. He is a human personification, a member, a visible member, a man of the living soul. More specifically, when the Holy Spirit came down, it did not just join with the whole of the man. It did not join with his eye, with his ear, or with his arm. He specifically joined with the mind of that man. Spirit joins with the mind of a man.


When the Holy Spirit came down to join with the dove, the Holy Spirit joined with the man, because the dove typifies the living soul or humanity, so the Holy Spirit joined with the man. The specific area of the man that the Holy Spirit joined with is the mind of that man, is the human mind of that man, or we can say is the carnal mind of that man.


When the Holy Spirit came down, He joined with the dove. He joined with the dove in the same place where the spirit was. He joined with the dove, He joined with the living soul, He joined with the man in the same place where that man's mind was, only He joined in the opposite direction. He was the spiritual dimension being added to the carnal man.


The carnal man spiritually lying on the plane of the earth horizontally, and the spiritual man descending from the heavens down to and intersecting with the earth of the carnal man at a right angle making Jesus the head of the corner, making Jesus the head of both the spiritual and the carnal mind of that man.


"And Jesus was praying that the Holy Ghost be cast down into His visible human form, in the same place, but in the opposite direction of the His carnal mind." "And Jesus was praying that the Holy Ghost be cast down into His visible human form, in the same place, but in the opposite direction of the His carnal mind."


Note #9, we are going to compare the words "abode" and "remaining." On your list of notes, I just have note #9, "abode" and "remaining," but I am adding in the word "lighting" as it appears in Matthew 3:16, "descending like a dove and lighting upon Him." The word "abode" which is found in John 1:32, "and the spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him."


"Abode," Strong's #3306, it means "not to depart, to maintain unbroken fellowship." That is the whole difference between what we have today in receiving the Holy Ghost and Jesus being baptized with the Holy Ghost. Brethren, the anointing came down on Him, and it stayed, and it does not stay on us. It comes up and it goes down, it comes up and it goes down, and in the average Christian it is down most of the time. Amen? Amen. On Jesus, it abode. It remained in unbroken fellowship.


The word "remaining" appears in Mark 1:11, for some reason it is not translated, but it is in the Greek concordant text, and that is the same word translated "abode" in John 1:32. The word "lighting down" which is found in Matthew 3:16 is Strong's #2064, and that means "to show one's self, to find a place of influence."


In Matthew, we see that the Holy Spirit revealed Himself in the man Jesus and began to influence Him. We will go into this more in the next message, but what happened, what that really means we are going to find out, is that He became Jesus' mind. He influenced Jesus to stop living out of His carnal mind and to start responding to the Holy Ghost.


In John and in Mark, we are told that the Holy Ghost came down and entered into an unbroken fellowship with Him. In Matthew, we will see next week that what happened was the Holy Spirit influenced Him, and He stepped away from His carnal mind. In Matthew, it enabled and influenced Him to step away from His carnal mind.


That is the condition most of us are in now. We have received the Holy Ghost, and it has given us access to the Spirit of God and, Lord willing, we are stepping away, we are rejecting our carnal mind, and we are living more and more out of our Christ mind.


Next week, we will find out that in Matthew, Jesus when He made contact with the Holy Ghost, stepped away from His carnal mind, and we will find out that in Mark, He ascended out of His carnal mind, two stages. First, He stepped away from His carnal mind, and then in Mark, His human spirit ascended, glory to God.


The Spirit of God was cast down in the same place but in the opposite direction of Jesus' carnal mind, and it influenced Him to step away from His carnal mind. Brethren, we are going to leave note #10 for the next message, and in the next message we will also speak about the Greek word translated "spirit" in its unmodified state.


We will speak about the different Greek words translated "saw." In Matthew and Mark it is one Greek word, and in John it is another Greek word.


We will also work up some Alternate Translations, intersperse some of them and try to weave the four accounts of Jesus' water baptism together to formulate a more complete understanding of what happened to the man Jesus on that fateful day in which He approached John while he was water baptizing in Jordan.


The man Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen to Him. Hoe do I know that? Because He was praying for it in the gospel of Luke. He was asking the Lord to do it. He came to Jordan with a full understanding of the promises of God. He was completely prepared in His mind before He had the experience.


"Yea saith the Lord, I am coming, saith God. And thou shalt see me shortly, saith the Lord. For indeed I come quickly, and the whole creation waits on tip toe for the manifestation of the Sons of God. Yea, saith the Lord, the hour is indeed at hand, I shall appear unto my people, and I shall appear a Savior unto the creation, saith God. The world shall see, and the world shall know, and every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.


And my spirit shall be over the earth, and it shall press down the oppressor, saith God. And it shall be forced underneath the feet of my Christ, saith the Lord. And peace shall reign on my earth, saith God. And the wicked shall be judged, saith the Lord. And all rule and power and principality shall be brought into the submission to my Christ, saith God. And the evil man shall disappear from the face of the earth. And he who was a murderer, he shall be a servant of God. He who was a blasphemer, he shall sing praises unto the Lord.


And my church shall be in order, saith God. They shall be in submission to authority. No man shall do as he sees well in his own sight, saith God. But all shall be prompted and motivated by my Spirit. The lion shall lie down with the lamb, saith the Lord. But first the judgment, and the battle shall be fierce. The spiritual weapons of the carnal mind shall rage. But I shall defense you, saith the Lord. My Spirit shall be a shield round about you.


No arrow shall pierce you, and no thought shall kill you. For I shall sustain you from within, saith the Lord. My word shall go forth, and your stingers shall penetrate the minds of men. The pain shall be great, but the victory shall be glorious. And the many shall be raised from the dead. Fear not the fierceness of the battle, saith God, for indeed I am with you. By no means shall anything harm you. There is no situation that I cannot deliver you out of, saith God. Fear nothing. But fear me, saith the Lord.


For I shall keep you in the most desperate hour of need, I shall provide shelter, and I shall provide food, and I shall provide clothing. I shall meet thy every need. Look not at the circumstance but turn inward to me for the hour of my appearing is at hand and I am in, saith the Lord, the kingdom of God is within you. Turn in. For if you cleave unto the outer realms you shall miss me, saith God. For my appearing shall be spiritual at the onset. The door that is opening is spiritual. Turn inwards, saith the Lord."






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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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