162 - Part 2

This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



We lost about the first 20 minutes of this message, so we’re going to pick up, and I’m just going to give a brief review. And I’m going to continue on. This is a new meeting, but we’ll go -- I will start with the recap of Genesis 1 [sic], verses 1 through 5.


“And the serpent was revealed as a spiritual presence in the uncultivated earth, which the Lord had formed out of the elements which He created. And He said to the fertile woman, yea, the Lord hath said that ye shall not eat of the whole tree of the garden.


“And the woman said to the serpent, we may eat of the one who is the fruit of the tree of the garden.


“But God has said, you may not eat the fruit of the part of the tree, which is within the divided garden. And you should be especially careful not to have intercourse with him lest you die to your immortality and become a natural man.


“And the serpent said to the woman, you shall not surely die.


“Because God knows that in the day you eat of it, your reproductive force shall be opened, and you shall become as gods, who are acquainted with both Christ and Satan.”


Then we said in verse 7 that Adam developed the carnal mind or the carnal mind was birthed in him. He developed his own defense as opposed to being defended by God. And in verse 8, we find Adam and his wife within him hiding behind or amongst the trees of the garden.


He was now joined to the partial tree that was in the midst of the tree of life, which can be likened to the apple seeds that are within the apple. An apple seed, to the unschooled mind, is a totally foreign and alien object to the apple. It doesn’t look anything like the apple skin, the apple stem or the flesh of the apple. There’s this hard, brown object, and that is the tree in the midst of the apple. Hallelujah.


In verse 10, we see that Adam, and his wife within him, was afraid. So we find that the overriding characteristics of the fallen man is that he is afraid. He is self-defensed. He has lost his spiritual cover, and he is hiding from God.


We took this one step further, and we call this condition in fallen man self-idolatry as typified in the myth of Narcissus. After self-idolatry comes self-encapsulation or protecting yourself, which is the result of a divided self. In order to protect ourself [sic], our soul splits off from our human spirit and becomes the defender, builds a wall around the human spirit.


And we are a divided self, so instead of both our spirit and our soul reaching out towards God for completion in Christ, we find our soul or our ego or -- also known as our personality, making itself a god to our human spirit. And, brethren, this is the root of humanism. It is the personality or the ego or the self. Different schools of thought all have it’s -- each have their own name, but they’re all talking about the personality. Has ma- -- the personality of man has made itself a god and brought our human spirit into submission when it’s supposed to be the other way around.


Our human spirit, which is that which is left of Christ that was in the original creation, is -- should be the god to our personality, but she is too weak since Christ died. However, in the Lord, when the Holy Spirit joins with her and Christ begins to be formed in her, her strength is in Christ, and she is taking dominion over her human personality, which is temporal. Our human spirit is eternal. It is a part of the everlasting and the eternal God. Our personality is made of dust, and it’s temporal. And the soul that sins dies, and it passes away.


So we have in our lives today, those of us who are fallen, which is just about everybody except Jesus of Nazareth, a condition of reversal. Our spirit is supposed to be ruling our soul, but our soul is ruling our spirit. So we find another witness that we are involved in a mirror image. What is happening in our life is the exact reversal of what is supposed to be happening when the spirit rules. Hallelujah.


And we found out in the last message that the root of all the problems of man -- looking at it not from the fall but from man’s condition as it is now -- the root of man’s defending himself, the root of man’s binding himself and shutting himself in, as a defense mechanism, is that there exists in the heart of man a fear worse than death. And that fear is a fear of separation, a fear of never being loved, a fear of never loving oneself, a fear of worthlessness.


And we see that these qualities are a plague across our country today. And we have seen, in our country today, that when men feel this way, it leads to compulsive behavior and the breakdown of godliness in the human being and that the answer to this problem, we suggested to you at the last meeting, which is formulated by almost every religion of the world, is a reaching out of oneself, a reaching out to God. We found out that in the myth of Narcissus, the opposite -- a turning into oneself, a defending of oneself, a dividing of our soul from our spirit to defend ourselves -- will end in destruction. And just about every major religion of the world knows this with the exception of humanism. And that is the religion that is overtaking our nation today: humanism. And it will surely end in our destruction.


And we also discussed last week that spiritual is spiritual is spiritual, and that spiritual truth exists in some measure across the board in every religion. The major areas where religions differ is how we go about curing the condition that fallen man is in. So let me tell you this: that the condition of fallen man, which is almost universally agreed upon, is that man is separated from his source and that he’s isolated and that he’s fearful and that he has feelings of worthlessness and lovelessness and fear of being unloved and being attached and that these fears result in all of the unhappy circumstance that man finds himself in.


So we are going to touch on Hinduism and Buddhism tonight, and to the best of the ability that God gives me, I’m going to compare Christian teachings to the basic teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism. And then we will also talk about solutions to the problems and see where Christianity lines up with Hinduism and Buddhism and where it deviates from it. And you may be surprised, but we’re going to find some Hindu solutions in the church. And what it all comes down to, the common denominator is that just about every religion in the world today has some idea of what man’s problem is and some idea about how to get back. But their ideas of how to get back are incomplete, and in some instances, they’re in error.


And therefore it has never been accomplished except with the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And the reason He accomplished it was that with Him, it was not a method to get back to God, but it was the very life of God Himself imparted to Him to restore Him to unity with the creator of all mankind.


And we did mention last week that that is the major problem that I could see with the world religions, is that their answer to man’s problem -- they got his problem down. They know what it is. It’s selfishness. Turning inward on oneself, trying to solve one’s own problems, trying to be one’s own god is killing us, killing our nation and killing the world. And they think that the answer to man’s problem is some manner of works.


So when God sends us out to a Hindu or a Buddhist, I hope this teaching will help you to meet them on the ground of the common denominator, whatever common denominators we have in spiritual truth, and to use that opportunity to tell them that there is a way to solve the problem that they have already recognized. But that way is a spirit, not a work, but a particular spirit that will strengthen them to overcome the bondage of this world. Hallelujah.


So, Lord willing, we will now touch on some of the basic principles. Well, before we start on some of the basic principles of Hinduism, I’d like to go over the last few notes that I have on narcissism because we did lose 20 minutes, and I’m not really sure where we ended up. I know that I spoke about the double bind on the last message. So I’m just going to read some of my notes here, and we’ll see what God will give us.


The self must neither allow its life to pivot around a role given it by others nor confirm it negatively by demonic will. Now this is very important, and I don’t think we have this on the other message. Let me just review double bind for you. A double bind is the situation whereby a sane person can literally be driven insane usually a child or somebody very dependent. In this instance in the -- in this instance of a double bind, the authority figure gives one message to the child, a verbal message. They will tell them one thing. But their actions and their attitudes will say something else.


The example that we used was the lady that had called me once and told me that every friend she had, her parents criticized out of he- -- until the friend was out of her life. And then her mother would say to her, there must be something wrong with you. You have no friends. And when the little girl would say to her mother -- although she wasn’t that little anymore -- but you don’t like any of my friends, so I stopped being friends with them, the mother would say, you’re crazy. Where did you ever get such an idea from?


So we find in the double bind, one verbal communication, a contradictory spiritual communication and a third [?rule?]: We will never admit that this problem exists in this family. And if it happens to a child for long enough, that child or that dependent person can literally be driven insane. So we see the comment in the book that I’m working with -- and I remind you that the name of that book is “Sin and Madness: Studies in Narcissism,” by Shirley Sugerman. And the author says, “The self or the personality” -- in -- that’s being forced into a double bind -- “must neither allow its life to pivot around a role that has been given to it by others nor confirm it negatively by demonic will.” Now what does that mean?


For example in the situation that I was just speaking about with the child whose friends were always criticized and then she was criticized for not being able to keep any friends, the role that this child is forced into or has been forced into by the parents is the role of the child who cannot keep a friend. So if you’re trying to fight this double bind, the thing to do is not play the game. Don’t do what the ungodly forces are trying to pressure you to do. Neither resist it by demonic will.


You know, brethren, sometimes we see family situations where a person has temper tantrums. You know, you never know what’s going on in a family unless you’re actually in the midst of it and God gives you discernment. Even when you’re in the midst of it, you might not see it. Brethren, the person that screams all the time may not always be the culprit.


Sometimes the person that screams all the time is the person is the person that is being driven crazy. And they can’t cope with it. They can’t identify the problem. They don’t even know what’s wrong. They just know they’re upset and that that person is tormenting them. And then the person turns around and says, what’s wrong with you? What did I do? Because these communications are unconscious, and the victim doesn’t even understand what’s happening herself. And you may see expressions of demonic rage. Brethren, rage does not come for no reason.


When I was a little girl, it was very popular to say, if a child is mentally ill, it’s got to be the parent’s fault. Then they went through a stage where they said, no, it’s not. Nothing has to do with the parents at all. The child’s born that way. Well, brethren, it has to be a little bit of both. It has to be a little bit of both.


And if we want mental health for our family, if we want them to have everything that God has for them, we have to be brave enough to look at our family situations and see what’s happening there without condemnation, without guilt. Look at the family-line curses, and look at our contribution to what’s happening without condemnation and say, I’m not going to play this game.


I may not be the child anymore who’s being told -- who’s friends are being criticized. Maybe now I’m the mother, and I’m going to say, I’m not going to criticize her friends anymore. We’ve got to stop playing the game. And we’ll never break our family out of these curses by rages, exercising an ungodly will against what? Against the tyranny, against the witchcraft, against the mind control.


The answer is to be strengthened in Christ by the grace of God and not play. And I don’t see how anyone could really do it outside of Christ. Maybe it’s possible with years of psychotherapy. I don’t know. God gives miracles to people that are not walking in a deep walk with him.


And then last week, we did read the comment of the author that a child or a dependent person trying to break out of a family that has a corporate, group mental illness is running the risk of insanity or defeat. But I say to you that all things are possible in Christ. If you come out of a family that has a corporate mental illness, I declare to you if you’re willing to fight, Christ will give you the strength to overcome that corporate mental illness not only to save yourself, but to save your children and your grandchildren and all of the generations coming after you.


Count the cost. But if you decide to fight, know it’s not just for you. You are a savior to your family. If God has called you, if Jesus has called you and said, if you’re willing to fight, I’ll be with you until you have the victory, you are a savior to your whole family. Now you can’t do this in your own strength. The Lord has to agree to be with you in it. Hallelujah.


And again I would just like to mention that what precipitates mental illness is a split -- and not only what precipitates mental illness, but what we see in denial, which is a -- it’s a form of mental illness. The whole human race is mentally ill to different degrees -- is a split between experience and behavior. In other words you are severely wounded, and you go skipping down the street. Now it’s OK to keep a stiff upper lip, but there’s a point where that stiff upper lip becomes denial. And it’s OK to be brave, and it’s OK to keep that stiff upper lip.


But if you cross over that line where you are not really dealing with the problem, you have entered into a realm of mental illness, denial, whatever you want to call it, where your experience is not expressed in your behavior. Now that experience can be expressed through the -- through a godly emotion. I’ve talked about emotions on other messages. I hope nobody thinks I’m against expressing emotions. Emotions that are expressed by your carnal mind can be detrimental to you, but emotions that are under the control of the Lord Jesus Christ can be a cleansing and a deliverance. You’ve got to get these bad feelings out. Glory to God.


So the split between experience and behavior can be devastating. The -- you can express your emotions verbally. You can say, I am hurting. If what you need is to cry, you can cry. But again there’s a line where when you go over that line, the crying becomes ungodly. You’ve got to have discernment. Ask God to help you.


So the -- your experience can relate to your behavior either verbally or emotionally in a positive, godly way. In an ungodly way, your emotions can be expressed through your behavior either verbally by denying it, emotionally by forcing a strength on yourself that no human being could bear, which is denial, or through your behavior, you can become violent. You can redirect it. Some people become abusive. They will not admit that they’re hurt, but they’ll go and they’ll kick their dog or they’ll be unkind to their child or if they’re an employer or a husband, they will abuse the one underneath them and never admitting to themselves that they were hurt.


Brethren, people that are in denial, people that act out abusive or mental behavior are very hurt people that are not dealing with this human condition. Or I should say they’re not dealing adequately with it. They’re dealing with it in a way that’s destructive. And that way is denial. The way they’re dealing with it is that their personality is defending their human spirit instead of admitting their pain and reaching out to God to help you to forgive and to heal you.


Self-destruction will resu- -- I’m sorry. Self-defense will end in destruction every time. And just about every major religion and major philosophy knows it. Yet we find it to be the basis of humanism, which is rapidly turning into the religion of this nation. And what does that say, brethren? It says that our nation, as this happens, and [?in the area?] in which it’s happening is under a heavy spirit of ignorance.


And I remind you of Saul, brethren. He was the anointed of the Lord. And when the spirit of God was left- -- lifted off from him, he went to a witch and fell into witchcraft. There is no greater ignorance -- I suggest to you -- than the man who was enlightened and turned his back on the gift of enlightenment and truth. That man will fall into a deeper darkness than the man who has never known the truth. Why? Because our own Scripture says that God will [?sear?seal?] his conscience and let him believe his own delusion. God have mercy on our souls.


So I’m just going to run down these few notes here. In an attempt to deal with the anxieties and dangers that threaten it, the self -- or our personality -- constructs a false self -- well, let me start this over again. What this is saying here is that our self consists of two parts: our human spirit and our personality. And the two are one. So what this note is saying is that when anxieties and dangers threaten us and we don’t reach out to God or a higher source to help us to forgive and overcome, what happens is our human spirit separates from our soul.


And our soul, for all intents and purposes, becomes God and the guardian of our human spirit. And what has happened is that we erect a false self to protect our true self, and we end up with a divided mind or a divided self. When the self refuses to be its eternal self but chooses rather to be the self it wills to be, it thereby chooses nonbeing. Now what is this saying here? When the self refuses to be its eternal self -- and what is our eternal self? It is Christ. Our eternal self, our human spirit, brethren, is craving to return unto the Father. But sometimes our human spirit refuses to return unto Christ. Why? Because of that fear worse than death. We are afraid -- in our fallen condition, we are afraid of destruction.


And where does this come from? Somewhere in the back of our consciousness, we remember God saying to us, if you don’t do such-and-such, you shall surely die. But it’s become a perversion; we’ve already died. And we’re afraid to return unto God because we’re afraid to die to this fallen existence. The commandment of God is embedded in our mind and is perverted. It is perverted. We are afraid to do, to come out and reach for God because we’re afraid we’ll die, which is the exact opposite of God’s purpose in our life.


In defending itself against the pain of life, the self has entered the condition known as [?shut-upness?] or denial as a defense against pain. Now some people might say, well, I have a history of looking at everything and analyzing it. Well, maybe you’ve been looking and analyzing things selectively. But when it comes to things that hurt us, we’re frequently in denial. It’s just a survival mechanism, but it’s an ungodly survival mechanism.


We know what God’s survival mechanism is. It’s face the truth, forgive your crucifiers and serve God. That’s the survival mechanism that’s going to get us out of the bondage that we’re in. And I don’t know about you, brethren, but I would say eight to nine out of 10 people that I meet in the church are not practicing what I believe Jesus has taught us. They’re in denial. They’re denying their true feelings. They’re not transparent.


You may remember last week we said mental health is transp- -- and spiritual health is transparency. People should be able to see when we’re hurt. They should be able to see when we’re in pain. They should be able to see when we have a need. We’re supposed to be transparent, but we’re not. We’re all shut up, protecting our own self against destruction in direct contradiction to Jesus’ example for us: to go, to talk to your brother, to confront the issue, to talk and pray it through, to forgive and to go on. Very few Christians even trying to live this. And out of the Christians who are trying to live it, a large percentage are failing to forgive because, brethren, we cannot forgive without a miracle from Christ. And sometimes God doesn’t give us that miracle right away, so we have to do what’s right even though we’re not feeling what’s right. Glory to God.


This division of ourself [sic] where the personality shuts up the human spirit results from despair. And that despair is over the fact that there’s a condition that we simply cannot overcome. And at the root of everything is rejection, worthlessness, fear of not having love, et cetera, et cetera.


To get out of this kind of a bondage, if you are shut up -- we all are to some measure -- requires making a total change of mind. And to do this means to break down the shell of the old, false self. And who is our real self? Our real self is Christ in us, Christ Jesus, the second generation of Christ. So our false self, which for all intents and purposes, is our personality, it’s got to die.


Now the -- one of the major differences that I see in Hinduism and Buddhism and Christianity at this point is that Hinduism and Buddhism, from what I could read, doesn’t seem to see any problem or any difficulty in getting rid of the old self. I know that in Christ, it takes a warfare and that the old self has to literally not only die, but be crucified so that our true self, Christ in us, can come forth. I don’t see that being preached in Hinduism and Buddhism, which are pretty pacifist religions.


They don’t acknowledge sin, so there’s no punishment for sin. They do believe in -- that you reap what you sow, and they do believe in karma, which we’ll get into in a little bit. So they tend to be passive, not doing harm to others very much.


So one might say, why are Christians frequently so violent and so wicked? And I declare to you, brethren, that when the Spirit of God comes in, it wakes up junk in us that we never knew that we had. And even though Hinduism and Buddhism touches on the spiritual principles, all of their meditation and all of their yoga and all of their techniques are not going to bring them into full stature. And Satan is not worried about them. He’s not worried about them, and he lets many of them achieve a large measure of peace through these methods. And they don’t seem to have demons. They don’t seem to be flowing over with demons because Satan permits it. He’s still in control. It’s all by his spirit. Hallelujah.


We have to have the courage to drop the mask and totally lose ourself [sic]. Why? To gain our true self. For death is necessary for there to be a rebirth. So this false face or this wall that is wrapped around the person in denial must be broke down so that we can become transparent through Christ.


Now one more time, the myth of Narcissus reveals the apparent universal knowledge that man is in a state of separation and needs to be rejoined. The answer of Narcissus is to rejoin the divided self to the human spirit. And out of that comes death. The great religions of the world recognize that it is only the union with God that will deliver us from the bondage of this world.


OK, let’s try this. Hinduism -- basically speaking Hinduism seeks to release the true reality -- we would call that our human spirit -- from its bondage to the false self, which we would call the personality, and thus release it from endless birth. Hinduism believes in reincarnation where the personality continues to circle or cycle through this earth indefinitely until it works all the perfections out of it. And I declare to you that this is not Scriptural and that it’s not of God. My Bible says that the soul that sins, it will die. It doesn’t circle endlessly until it becomes perfect.


But the Lord has shown us that the human spirit, which is Christ in His defeated condition, is continuously cycling through the earth until Christ is raised from the dead by the power of His Father. And before you shut off the message, I remind you that Jesus said if you looked at John the Baptist -- if you could receive it -- that that was the spirit of Elijah appearing in the man John the Baptist, a new body and a new soul. It is the spiritual man that was Christ at the beginning.


Righteous Adam, he fell. Now he’s fallen Adam, and it is the one spiritual man that is cycling through the earth, taking on many souls and many bodies -- why? Because the souls and bodies die because of sin -- waiting, reserved until the judgment that will bring him back into perfection not by his works, but by the judgment of God upon the sin of his fallen condition.


So what do we see here? We see that this doctrine of reincarnation has some roots in the spiritual truth that we find in the Scripture. And I declare to you that every error is a perversion of a spiritual truth. And sometimes I’ll read something, and I cannot see that spiritual truth that it’s based upon. And my prayer will be, Father, what is the spiritual truth that this is based upon? Show it to me because I’m not aware of it. Brethren, we are spiritual beings. The creation is spiritual.


The church cannot hide its head in the floor anymore, under the sand anymore. And the chur- -- there is a fantasy in the church that when this body dies, we fly away to heaven and walk on streets of gold. And we’ll see these fantasies present in certain areas of Hinduism and Buddhism. That is one of the errors in the church.


We have great truth in the church. What is that truth? That life is in the Son, that the Father sent the Son, Jesus Christ, that we might have life and that we might have the life of the ages. We have the truth of His Spirit. We know that deliverance is in His Spirit. We know that God loves us. We have great truth, but every lie must be purged so that we can enter into all truth and be raised from the dead.


So let’s continue. So what did I say? Hinduism seeks the release of the true reality, which is our human spirit, from its bondage to the false self, which is our personality. Now what does that mean to us in view of what we’ve been teaching here? It means that those of us in whom Christ is being formed have, for all intents and purposes, two personalities. One is the one that you’ve known yourself as all your life, which is usually wicked. And the other is Christ. And your personality would like you to believe that that is the real you.


And our personalities have convinced us to such a degree that the personality is the real us that we find people in the church weeping over the thought of not seeing their relatives in heaven. We find believers in the church hysterical over the thought of this personality not rising again. Why is this? Because they cannot identify with themself as Christ.


And I tell you again that the Spirit of Christ that was upon the prophet Elijah appeared in the man John the Baptist with a new personality and a new body. But it was a manifestation of Christ that did the same thing that -- in the man John the Baptist that it did in the man Elijah. And what did it do? It served God. It was a prophet. It exposed and rebuked sin. It stood for righteousness.


And in most believers today, Christ is so buried in us that we think we are our personality. And once in a while, the Holy Spirit comes upon us, and we prophesy or have a word of knowledge. And the only way we’re going to find out who we really are is for our personality to die. We must sacrifice it. We must give it up. We must help to kill it so that we can find out what manifestation of Christ is dwelling in us.


Because everybody doesn’t have the same manifestation in Christ. Everybody [?had?has?] the same spirit but not necessarily the same administration of that spirit. But everywhere I look, I find people not willing to give up their false self or their temporal personality. They fight to the death to defend it and to keep it.


And I don’t see this condition spoken about in either Hinduism or Buddhist. As a matter of fact, I don’t know any Hindus or Buddhists, but the impression that I get when I read about Hinduism and Buddhism is that the average believer in these religions has no problem with giving up the things of this world and entering into their spiritual rituals, which really do raise their spiritual consciousness. But there’s no eternal life. So I don’t know whether that’s true or not. Maybe that’s just the way the writers write it.


But I think from what I’ve seen with Hindus, at a very young age, they’re indoctrinated or introduced into very severe disciplines: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] discipline of the mind and discipline of the body through exercise. And it sort of breaks the power of their will.


We have a strong spirit of rebellion over this nation today. It is not helping even those that are trying to walk in Christ. That spirit of rebellion over the nation and our having grown up in homes where we were not severely disciplined does not help us any. Discipline is a godsend, and lack of discipline is a curse whether you’re a Christian or whether you’re not a Christian.


So let me just say this one more time. Hinduism seeks to release our human spirit from bondage to the soul. Well, Christianity teaches that. But here we differ: Hinduism says the reason for this is -- for this release is that it will free up the soul from endless rebirth. And we don’t believe in endless rebirth of the soul, but we do believe that this world is eternal torment. And the one that’s in eternal torment is the spiritual man that God created at the beginning of time, which is now in a fallen condition. He’s the one, and he’s spirit. He’s the one that has to be delivered from the bondage of the false selves that he fell into when he split into a multiple personality at the beginning of time.


Remember: Righteous Adam was castrated, and he went into shock, and he split into multiple personalities, which are false personalities. And he must awake from his deep sleep, and all of these personalities will be fused, and righteous Christ -- and righteous Adam will appear again. And the creation will go on in accordance with God’s plan, where everybody is joined in one under the rulership of righteous Christ.


Hinduism pictures this world, which is the time-space dimension, as a wheel. Now the Lord has recently revealed to us here that geometrically speaking, this world is a loop. Well, why do we think that it’s pictured as a wheel? Most of us have heard the Scripture, world without end. And I know many Christians that speak about the circle of the earth and that this world system is a circle and a cycle.


Well, I suggest to you we have the same situation here that we found with the triangle. We found a lot of people in the church teaching that a triangle typified the kingdom of God and the relationship of the kingdom of God to the earth. And when we studied it, we found no, that the spiritual man is not a triangle in the form of a pyramid, but it’s a right triangle.


So we find all over the earth occult knowledge in every religion. I don’t know of any religion that says spiritual man is a right triangle. It’s like the occult doctrine is everywhere, including Christianity. And now we see that the symbol of world without end as a circle is present in Hinduism. Yet the Lord has shown us in the Scripture that this time-space continuum is a loop. And I don’t see that in any religion anywhere.


So we’ve see- -- what am I saying to you? I’m saying we now have two symbols present in the church that I believe have occultic origins: the first being the triangle, which should be a right triangle, and the second being a circle, which should be a loop. The first typifying the spiritual man or the church, and the second typifying this circle of the earth that we dwell in.


Hinduism also believes the physical and material world is secondary to the reality of mind and spirit. They believe that this physical, material world is not as important as the reality of mind and spirit. Now, brethren, you can disagree with me if you want to. I don’t have any statistics for you on this teaching. But when I look at whatever I do look at when it comes to Hindus, I see them a very disciplined people. And they develop their mind and their spirit. And they put lots of time and effort into it.


I look at the average Christian, brethren, and I have to tell you: I don’t see that. I don’t see that. I see them out there enjoying the things of this world. And I see that the things of this world are very important to them and that their prayer life and that their time with God is really a very small percentage of their time.


But when I look at people that claim to be practicing Hindus or I read about them, I see them spending hours in disciplines that are designed to bring them closer to God. So what am I saying? I’m saying in many areas, I see immaturity in the Christian church. And what is this immaturity rooted in? Brethren, I really believe that it’s rooted in the teaching that once you say, Jesus -- Lord Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior, that you’re going to heaven and that you don’t really have to worry about your problems on the earth too much because they’re all going to disappear when you get to heaven. And I suggest to you: This is an escapist teaching. It’s an escapist teaching. It’s a spiritual immaturity because we must work for everything that we desire.


And I hear all the people screaming, it’s not by works! It’s by grace. Yes, the power of God is delivered to you as a free gift, but if you don’t use it -- use it for what? If you don’t use the power of God to develop yourself spiritually, you will be the unprofitable servant that buried the talent underneath the earth. What earth? The earth of your fallen soul.


Brethren, you have to work. You have to study to show yourself approved. You have to judge yourself so that you’re not judged. You have to ask God where He wants you to study and what He wants you to learn. But what I see in the church today is that most believers think they have a choice. They think they have a choice, and they don’t have a choice. Well, what’s going to happen to them if they don’t study and judge themselves? They may not finish the race.


It’s not the message -- God’s got to change this message in the average church. It’s no- -- the people, many of them, are not looking inward. They’re looking outward to save the world --




-- but they’re not looking to change themselves. I want to tell you: There are people that get these messages that I perceive the same spirit on. Their whole life is concerned with ministering to others. Well, there’s nothing wrong with that if you’re working on yourself also. Take care that you don’t deceive yourself, and my heart breaks for the people that are receiving a false message.


Christianity, brethren, is a discipline, and it’s not being taught as such. It’s a program of self-improvement. It’s a lie to think that because you say a few words that now you’re going to heaven and you have eternal life, and the only thing for you to do is go out and get the message to others. This is a lie. May God have mercy on all of our souls because of this false Christianity that’s being preached. It’s killing people.


So we teach that here: that the physical and material world is secondary to the reality of the mind and spirit. I don’t know how many people here believe it, but at least we teach it here. And I guess they teach it in the church too, but the way they teach it is: Well, live fully in the world now because when your body dies, you’re going to another world. But that is a deception. Right here and now, the spirit world is more real than the physical world. And the more we put into the spiritual world, the more we will be living in it when we’re here on the earth.


In Hinduism the natural world is seen as an obstacle to gaining reality. I don’t know; maybe you will disagree with me. I don’t hear this being preached. I hear a little bit about prayer and fasting and a little bit about living holy, but I don’t really hear about this world being an obstacle to gaining spiritual reality. I just don’t hear it.


I see a lot of emphasis on this world. And I’m n- -- you know, I’m not against what people do, but I believe the truth isn’t being taught. I don’t see any Hindu holy man having a baseball team with his disciples. And I’m not against baseball teams. I know you have to do some things with your children. But the people should be told that this does not build spirituality. If you have to do something with your children, you’ll have to get your instructions from the Lord. When my daughter was small, He had me in a spiritual church. And she sat in the services with me, and she heard everything. And she sat under that anointing. There were no Royal Rangers or Girl Scouts or anything like that in the church. She had five solid years of very deep spiritual training.


So I d- -- I -- when I compare Hinduism and Buddhism to Christianity, I really see Christianity as a vacation world. And many times in my dreams, the Lord describes Christianity as a resort -- as a hotel resort. And all of this is rooted in this belief that when their body dies, they’re going to fly away, and everything is going to be wonderful. And if they feel like studying now, it’s fine. And if they feel like praying and fasting, it’s fine. If they have an immediate need, they’ll pray and fast, and it’s fine. But I don’t hear it taught that your praying, and fasting, and studying the word and judging yourself is going to result in a conversion from carnality to spirituality in the here and now. I don’t hear it being taught.


It’s taught that it’s a gift, and of course we have a gift, but it’s a misunderstanding of what the gift is. It’s a question of what do we do with the gift? And what large numbers of the church will unfortunately don’t know is that when the firstfruits of the sons of God stand up with an imparted anointing, the gifts are going to pass away. Does not the Scripture say the gifts are passing away?


Well, some people believe they already passed away. Like, I think Baptists believe that, so they don’t believe in the gifts of the Spirit right now. And we have others, possibly the Pentecostals, that say, well, they’re passing away when you go up in the rapture. But they don’t understand that a new order is coming. And if you haven’t studied and worked as hard as you could work to enter into that new order, you’re going to find yourself in the old order when the new order is instituted and that old order is being shut down.


So what am I saying? You’re going to find yourself without much spirituality. And I don’t hear this being taught, brethren. I think there’d be a lot more people in church a lot more often if they heard this preached. And a lot of people that just aren’t serious probably wouldn’t even be there, but at least the people that were there would be serious with God. Hallelujah.


Hinduism believes that this world that we live in is a vale of illusions and deception, and we teach that here: that this world is the illusion, that spirit is the reality, that there is great deception here. Deception what? Deception as to the motives of men’s heart, deception as to spiritual truth. Hinduism teaches that deliverance from this world is the goal of life. Well, again, I guess the church teaches that finding the way to heaven is the goal of life, but the way they teach it is that it’s coming no matter what you do, so live, laugh and be merry. And that is not true. Hinduism teaches you have to work at it, and the typical Christian would say, well, I’m not saved by works. I’m saved by grace. And it’s a sad -- to me very sad misunderstanding in the church. But I know that there’s nothing that I could do until God opens their heart to it.


Hinduism teaches that this present world is rejected, and the eternal and ultimate are sought. I don’t hear that in the church, brethren. It’s rejected when we’re raptured. No, it has to be rejected in the here and now.


So what am I saying? Hinduism and Christianity has many of the same teachings. It’s just a question of what point of view you’re looking at it from. And I suggest to you that the point of view, by and large, in the church is destructive. And the day is going to come that everyone that has not been adequately prepared is going to have to face that possibility or that probability or that reality in their life. And what is coming? I believe there is coming a great unleashing of demonic power not only in others, but in our own minds. And if we have not been trained to control -- first of all to distinguish our carnal mind and control it, we can be overcome. Anything can happen; I don’t have all the answers.


The people aren’t being prepared. They think when the demonic power is unleashed, they’re going to be raptured. Brethren, if we cannot recognize demonic power in our own mind and take authority over it now, what chance are we going to have when it’s literally unleashed?


And I want to tell you something: that spiritual happenings are infectious. If you’re in a room and someone manifests a powerful, ungodly outpouring, if you have that potential in you and you are not on top of your carnal mind, you will manifest the same thing. And in that area, you will be overtaken.


Has this not happened when the sp- -- what happened when the spies came back from the Promised Land? The fear spread through the whole congregation. What happened? There was a spirit of fear that manifested, and the people couldn’t discern it in themselves. And they were overtaken. And that can happen to you with witchcraft, Jezebel, pride, murder. The crowd murdered Stephen.


When these things rise u- -- they’re all present in our carnal mind. And when they rise up in us, we must recognize them and recognize them as sin and resist them or we shall be overtaken not by the demon walking down the street, but the demon in our own mind. I don’t hear this being taught, brethren. I don’t hear it being taught. God help us all. And we’ve been seeing it a lot here lately, demonic manifestations coming. People -- sometimes people are seduced. Sometimes they’re standing against it. So we’re having practice here to recognize it and stand against it. Thank God for it.


So Hinduism rejects this present world. Christians say this present world is great for as long as we have to be here. Hinduism rejects it while we’re here. Hinduism teaches that deliverance from this world is accomplished through ult- -- through -- excuse me -- union with the creator, Christ -- well, they don’t call Him Christ, but we know He’s Christ. They believe that the ultimate deliverance from the bondage of this world is through union with the creator. Well, we believe that all life is in the Son. We teach it here. You have to be joined to Him, you have to be married to Him to be fully saved. Glory to God.


But of course they are not really teaching that in all the churches. Some churches -- well, I don’t really know what they teach. Deliverance from this world is through the rapture. I guess that means to them a union with Christ. I’m not really sure. I guess it means union with the Christ. I’m not really sure what they teach. But we teach here that deliverance from this world is through an interweaving of our mind with the mind of the Christ. And we believe that that’s a scriptural teaching.


The Hindus believe the same thing, except of course they don’t know it’s Christ. We’re talking about the general principles here. They believe that deliverance from this world will occur when the individual is joined in mind with the ultimate reality. But they believe that the way you get there is through works. And we believe that the way you get there is through receiving the Spirit of Christ, which will gr- -- start to grow in you and deliver you from this world through absorption into His world.


So, so far we’ve reconciled everything we’ve heard about Hinduism. We’re either in agreement with it, or we showed the reality. The only major difference that I see so far is the reincarnation. And of course we have -- God has shown us the answer [?to that?today?]. They have a spiritual truth, but it’s a misunderstanding, a perversion, of the way that it’s working.


Hinduism believes that reality and truth are hidden or, at best, inadequately revealed in the visible world as shadows of the real. What did I just say? Hinduism believes that what we see in this world is a shadow of reality. Isn’t that what Paul told us? Types and shadows of spiritual things.


Do you have any surprise at all that the Hindu -- that Hinduism embraces Jesus? But to them He’s just another wise man. He taught a lot of what they teach. A lot of Christians are offended when they see that th- -- that Hinduism accepts Jesus or any of these Eastern religions accept Jesus as another wise man or as a prophet. They’re offended by it.


Don’t be offended by it, brethren. There’s no salvation for the Hindu in your offense. But they have recognized something in Jesus that you have not recognized. They see Him as a very spiritual man. I don’t know many Christians that would say that to me, that to them Jesus is a very spiritual man or that Jesus, when He walked the earth in the days of His flesh, was very spiritual.


They would be more likely to say to you, well, He met the people’s needs. Because -- especially we here in America, we’re just very into getting our needs met. We don’t like not having our needs met. Well, he fed the 5,000. He raised the dead. He met the widow’s need. He raised her son from the dead so she could pro- -- so he could provide for her. He healed the blind man. He made the man walk. He met people’s needs.


But I don’t really hear Christians preaching about Jesus’ spiritual teaching. Even when they preach about His rais- -- His rising from the dead, they don’t preach it as a spiritual happening. It’s just a whole different aspect or a whole aspect of the Christ and the message and the gospel of God that we don’t hear preached in this hour. But it is being preached, and it’s being preached here. And it may be prea- -- being preached elsewhere. So God is bringing His measure of spirituality into the church. But by and large, we don’t hear it preached in the church.


Now let me tell you this: Hinduism -- I should have -- I have [?that?it?] written down somewhere, but I don’t remember saying it to you. Hinduism is a general term for many religions that fall in that category. And I want to suggest to you that Christianity is a term for many religions that fall under that category. You know, an Orthodox rabbi said to me recently, what is it with this Christianity? There is such a diversity of doctrine. So I want to suggest to you that Christianity is a loose term that’s used for many religions.


Some of us preach things -- well, we don’t claim it. It’s religion; I shouldn’t even be using that word. The true, spiritual teaching is so far from the carnal teaching. What we do have in common is that we believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, that He was crucified, that the Father raised Him from the dead, and because He lives, we shall truly live. But even in the understanding of that, we differ of what it means to the individual. And what we see in the earth today, by and large, is that Christianity is the carnal teaching of the church even in the [?Sonship Camp?]. A lot of Christian teachers don’t even acknowledge them as Christians. They haven’t quite come out and called them occult yet, but they preach against it. They preach against the [?Sonship?] message.


Hinduism teaches that man’s predicament, the human condition, is the result of wrong thought or ignorance. Well, that’s what Christianity teaches: wrong thinking. Renew your mind. Don’t think like the old man; think like the new man. Except that a Christian is more likely to say to you: Man’s present predicament is a result of sin. But what is sin? Is not sin thinking with the carnal mind? Is not to be carnally minded death and thinking with the mind of Christ life?


So we’re really pretty much saying the same thing with this exception: Hinduism does not say that this wrong thinking comes through sin. There’s no mention of sin in Hinduism at all. They believe that misery -- they -- excuse me -- they do not believe that misery arises from sin but from a wrong understanding of reality and appearance. And I have to tell you this; I have to go back to this again. To me this is making it so simple. Well, it’s true that misery comes from misunderstanding. I have to say amen to that. We have to get our mind renewed. We have to see things with the mind of Christ and judge righteous judgment.


But when I read about Hinduism, I just cannot see in it that they’re suggesting any form of a warfare at all. I seem to hear them saying -- and of course all my information is from a book, so maybe this is not true -- well, just change your thinking. And then they discipline their mind, and they practice physical exercises. And they have all kinds of mental disciplines. And apparently they do change their thinking by these rituals.


I knew a woman once. She was a yoga teacher, very pleasant lady. She was very kind to me. And she would go for days without talking, and it was a discipline. She would not speak. She’d use sign language or whatever to commun- -- if necessary to communicate to you. So there is rigid mental and physical discipline that -- I would imagine they do succeed in their thinking. However they have to get a revelation of right thinking before they’re going to change their thinking. So where there wisdom comes from, I don’t really know. Where their wisdom comes from, I don’t know. But they think positive. I believe that they reject hatred and vengeance and bitterness. They have a revelation that this is destructive. And they use what is mind-control to change their mind.


We in Christ have our minds changed by the Spirit of Christ. Now we have an element in the church that will try to force you to use mind-control, and there are a lot of people in the church that are in bondage. Why are they in bondage? Because they don’t understand that much of what is required of us we cannot do without the Spirit of God and that unless the Lord pours out His Spirit, we cannot do it. So we do have an element in the church that have a religious spirit that will try to force Christians into bondage. Hallelujah.


I want to say one more time, because I hear the way this message is coming forth and it could be misunderstood -- I could even hear people thinking that I’m against the Christians. I’m not against the Christians. This is what I think; listen carefully. Where the Spirit of Christ is, the demons in our minds will be stirred up to cause all kinds of problems that people seeking discipline through Hinduism and Buddhism don’t have. Satan’s not hassling them. They don’t have the law of God. There’s no conviction of sin. They don’t even mention sin. So what happens? They don’t have anyone in Hinduism going to them and saying, you’re a wicked sinner if you don’t succeed in forgiving.


But in Christ, because the law has been imparted to us, because demons are stirred up because the Spirit of Christ is there, we find some people going astray and putting their brothers and sisters in bondage. We in Christ have problems that the Eastern religions don’t have. And the reason we have this problem is that the Spirit of Christ is present. What is that? The potential to realize what the Eastern religions are promising. It is resident in the church, and Satan is not sleeping. He’s doing everything he can to blow the church apart. And to the untrained mind, to the untrained eye and the untrained ear, it makes Christianity look like fools next to the Eastern religions. And we have Christians going over to the Eastern religions.


So I ask you to understand as you listen to me preach here that I am not against Christians. But I am pointing out the problems in the Christian church. And Lord willing we’re going to go through. And as I told you on the last message, when that door opens in heaven and the Lord makes a way for full stature and it becomes available, there are going to be many Hindus, many believers of the Eastern religions coming in because they have a lot of truth. They’re just missing the knowledge of how to enter in. And when God quickens that to them, that it’s by His Spirit, they’re just going to zoom in because they not only believe all this, but they are spiritually developed. From all of their disciplines, they’re spiritually developed. They’re just going to switch over to the Spirit of Christ, and they’re going to go charging into the kingdom ahead of a lot of Christians.


So I’m not against you, Christians, but I’m saying, heads up! Heads up! You don’t have a choice whether you go to church or not. Every time the door opens, you should be there unless, you know, you’ve got an obligation that cannot be denied. This is not a choice.


So it’s true, we agree, that miseries arise from a wrong understanding of reality and appearance, but to us in Christ, that is sin. Hinduism says that is not a sin. We perceive it to be sin. Why? Because these -- this misunderstanding is coming from living out of or adultery with our carnal mind, which we know is sin.


Hinduism teaches that the individual self -- well, we know it to be our human spirit -- is one with the creator, Christ. And they believe that the answer to the human problem is self-transcendence. That means to come out above the ignorance of our personality rather than self-absorption, and the Christian Scriptures teach that. If we think about ourselves, we’re going to fall into a state of ignorance. We have to arise above ourself [sic], but we can only do that in Christ. And there are people in the Christian church today that are trying to do it by their own spirit, and you could only go so far. There’s no eternal life in it.


And I wanted to speak a few minutes about karma for those of you that are interested. Karma is the teaching. It’s -- which is a part of Hinduism that is -- can be associated with the Scriptural teaching of sowing and reaping. It is a teaching of sowing and reaping that transcends this immediate lifetime. And it teaches that the good deeds that you do in this lifetime will be rewarded when your soul reincarnates, and the evil deeds that you do will be done to you when your soul appears in your next lifetime.


Now we in the Chr- -- in Christ do not believe in reincarnation. We believe the soul that sins, it will die. But I declare to you, brethren, that there is a truth in this. And listen carefully. It comes forth in the next generation. Does not the Scripture teach that the sins of the father shall be visited upon the children unto the third and fourth generation?


And I declare to you, brethren -- listen carefully. Don’t get mad at me. Open your heart. I’m telling you: There is a spiritual truth upon which karma is based. And evil and good deeds are rewarded in the next lifetime, but it’s not a reincarnation of your soul. The next lifetime is in your offspring: in your children and in your grandchildren. Just open up your eyes, brethren, and you will see it. It’s there. It’s there for all to see. Just ask God to quicken it to you.


Hinduism teaches that intellectual knowledge -- excuse me -- intellectual knowledge will not do it. We must have realized knowledge -- what they call realized knowledge. And I’m going to suggest to you that it’s what we’ve been teaching here. I’ve been telling you for a long time now: Intellectual knowledge is not going to get you into the kingdom. You must have a spiritual experience with Christ. Your mind must join with the mind of Christ.


The type for it is sexual intercourse. In our fallen condition, our bodies join. In our spiritual condition, our minds join. So you must have experiential knowledge for you to enter into the kingdom, for you to ascend to full stature, for you to be delivered from the bondage of this world. All of those expressions mean the same thing. Intellectual knowledge will not get you in. You must have an experience with the Savior. Hinduism, your works will not get you in. Hinduism, you have great knowledge. You have great discipline. And some of your holy men have achieved a high measure of spirituality. But I declare to you that the spirit by which you have attained it is the spirit of Satan, and there is no eternal life in it.


Hinduism teaches that separation from the creator is unreality, and we teach that here: that this world is an illusion. This is not the real world. A person with realized knowledge is transformed. And I declare to you, brethren, we call it spiritual growth. Have you been transformed by sitting in church and listening to all this preaching for 10 years? Or are you the same person with a lot of intellectual knowledge? Brethren, if you are a Christian and you have not been changed, something is wrong. If your life hasn’t changed, if your heart hasn’t softened, if what was a problem ha- -- isn’t some measure of healing in it, if you’re not a better person in several areas, your religion is in vain. And I declare to you: There are people like that in the Christian church.


Hinduism teaches that release from this bondage of our soul can only be effected -- it can only come to pass or can only be caused -- by knowledge that counteracts the personality. Why? Because the personality is telling us lies. Jesus said that He is the truth, and everything that doesn’t agree with Him is a lie. Our own carnal mind or personality is telling us things that will keep us bound to this world.


So release from the bondage of this world requires the truth, and that truth will destroy the fallen personality. I’ve preached on this, brethren. I’ve told you that if you exercise all of the strength you have in Christ to live out of His mind -- to identify every thought that’s not of Christ, every thought that’s of the carnal mind -- to identify it and to reject it -- that your carnal mind will shrivel up and die from lack of use. I know I’ve taught you that here. That’s how it’s going to be. That’s how it’s going to die. That’s how it’s going to be crucified: from lack of use.


Our false personal- -- our personality, which is our false personality, believes that we are him. We see that. We see that right in these meetings. It is an incredible battle. Even I still go through this battle, convincing myself that I am not the person that you see sitting here but that I am Christ. I am the Spirit of Christ is in me and is my reality just as the spirit of Elijah was the reality of the man known as John the Baptist. The man John the Baptist will never rise again, but that manifestation of Christ, that Spirit of Christ or that spirit of Elijah, will manifest again. And our personality, our carnal mind, fights against this reality. Why? Because to acknowledge who we are in Christ is the death of our personality. And I’m going through this right now, and it’s a fierce, fierce battle.


Hinduism teaches that the ignorance of the self or personality falls away when this knowledge is revealed in a person. And again I have to agree with it, but I see no indication of warfare in the literature. And again, to the best of my knowledge -- I’m doing this teaching with very, very light research, but from what I’ve seen, there’s no violence in Hinduism or Buddhism at all. So they believe that, as they discipline their mind and they start to believe who they really are, that the personality or the false self will fall away.


But, brethren, I declare to you: They’re accomplishing this by mind-control. In Christ we accomplish it through crucifixion, and in Christ we attain to eternal life. And in Hinduism there is no eternal life. They have literally modified their personality through mind-control. That’s what they do.


So what are we saying? We’re saying that the roots Hinduism evaluate the human problem, and they know what needs to be done, but because they don’t know about the Spirit of Christ, they’ve developed a method of mind-control and strong disciplines to bring it to pass in their life. And it’s only good for this immediate lifetime. It can bring benefits, but there’s no eternal life in it. It cannot be passed on to your children. Hallelujah.


Hinduism teaches that at the point that your personality dissolves and falls away, the soul dissolves when the body dies and is thus released from rebirth. So what are they saying? When you attain to this point of knowing that you are spirit, the soul will dissolve when the body dies. Well, we’re teaching the same thing, except we’re not saying it for the individual. When the spiritual man that’s cycling through the earth finds out who he is and fulfills all of the criteria of God, I believe that these fallen souls are going to disappear. They’re going to dissolve.


Have we not taught here that the carnal mind must be dissolved? That’s the melting of the elements that Peter prophesies about. It’s the dissolving of the carnal mind, except they believe that it happens for the individual. And of course, once again, they achieve it through mind-control, and it is not an experience that can be passed on to future generations. Hallelujah.


And once again they say that when the soul dissolves -- the body dies, and the soul dissolves -- that soul is released from rebirth. And what we’re saying here is that it’s really one soul, the living soul that God created at the beginning of time, which had a shock when he was castrated and has broken down into many personalities. And it’s going to happen to all of these personalities at once. They’re going to be fused and joined in Christ, reconciled in Christ. And the one living soul that is cycling through the earth in many members is going to cease from this endless rebirth.


Because we discovered, in our 78 series, that this world is eternal torment and that it will never self-destruct, that the mark that God put on Cain at the beginning of time was a mark that said that this world will never self-destruct. We are bound here. Chains -- we are joined to chains of darkness, which chains, we found out, are in our mind and that those chains are Satan and the carnal mind.


And we’re reserved here until the judgment. And what is that? The judgment that will deliver us from our sins and raise us back up to righteousness. So even though, if you’ve heard some of my earlier messages, I preached that this world is about to self-destruct, we found out that it will never self-destruct. This is eternal torment here.


It is really quite amazing what the carnal mind has done. It has many truths of the Bible, but it’s put it someplace else, total denial. The church is in denial. We found out the church is a dysfunctional family. Now we find out the church is in denial. The church is in denial. It’s got a lot of truth in the Scripture, but they’ve displaced it. They’ve made the judgment for the heathen and hell someplace else.


You know, my father was in the hospital until last Thursday. And when I visited him, there was a man there who has really suffered. He has diabetes. He’s legally blind. He -- they thought he had a heart attack. He has a lot of things wrong with him. And he made a passing comment that this was hell. It’s hell. It’s hell to be in continuous pain. It’s hell to not have control over your own life. It’s hell to be dependent and laid up in bed all the time, and he has been ill for quite a few years. So the world knows that it’s hell; yet they’re so indoctrinated that the real hell is someplace else. And it never occurs to them that, yeah, this is really it. That’s the whole point, fellows, we’re here. I can’t believe it. A great awakening is going to have to come upon the earth.


So Hinduism teaches that release from rebirth can only be achieved by proper knowledge. Now there’s two points here. Release from rebirth into this fallen world system -- and let me say it again: We are reborn continuously into this world system through our offspring, OK? Reincarnation is a perversion. Reincarnation says that your body dies and your soul gets a new body. And we just said earlier that we do not believe that that doctrine is Scriptural, but we do see a manifestation of it in rebirth in future generations.


We look at our offspring, we look at a grandchild or a great-grandchild. They frequently look just like the father. They frequently have the qualities of the father -- unfortunately his ungodly qualities as well as his godly qualities. I’ve heard stories of children that have been separated from their parents at birth, and they grow up just like them. They look like them. They act like them. They talk like them.


So I’m suggesting a radical teaching on this message. I don’t think I’ve ever told it to you before that in my opinion, a form of reincarnation is expressed through our offspring. They inherit our ideas, our thoughts, our feelings, our problems. It goes right down. And I want to tell you something as a mother that when you see -- when I see my daughter going through the heartache, the same heartache that I’ve gone through, because that curse is not completely broken yet, I want to tell you: It couldn’t hurt me any more than if I were in a new body in a new soul.


Do you hear what I’m saying? You just live it again. You keep living it again and that if you see it in your grandchildren, you live it in your grandchildren. And there’s only one thing that can turn it around: Somewhere along that family line, someone’s going to be called to a relationship with Christ and start praying. And that curse is going to start to break.


Now I don’t mean to discourage you, but I’m not going to lie to you: These curses don’t break overnight. Boom! I break the curse in the name of Jesus. I wish I could tell you it was true, but it’s not. It’s not true, and you got to work at it. Of course depending from case to case, but severe curses don’t usually break overnight. So the person that -- whom Christ draws, starts praying for the whole family. And it’s not at all unheard of for three or -- not four generations to exist at the same time: the father, the son, the grandchild and the great-grandchild. My parents have great-grandchildren.


My niece married a man that’s hard of hearing. He’s really -- he’s legally deaf. And his mother’s legally deaf. And his mo- -- and his brother is legally deaf. Now apparently -- well, I heard -- I don’t know whether the woman’s telling the truth or not -- she said she was the first generation to be legally deaf. At this point she seems to be in a lot of denial. We don’t know whether that’s true or not. But she swore to my niece that her son, the man my niece was marrying, did not inherit this affliction from her, that he had some disease, scarlet fever or something, in his childhood that produced this. And my niece believed it even though his brother had the same problem. And the whole family believed this lie until the brother’s child, at five years old, had to go for a hearing aid, at which point my niece said, I think my mother-in-law lied to me.


I want to tell you there is a reversal of the curse in Christ, but with much humbling and much tears, we must petition the Lord to break a curse like that. And I want to tell you: To be alive and see four generations of legally deaf people is a pain that not many could bear. Your body doesn’t have to die for you to experience this kind of pain. Nor does your body have to die for it to be reversed. You don’t have to go into the next lifetime for it to be reversed. You can see it reversed right in your own family.


And I want to tell you that my daughter is struggling valiantly, but I see the curse that’s on my whole family. The Lord has been showing it to me lately: how widespread it is even beyond what I thought it was, going back generations. I was talking to my parents about things that happened in their family. [?It’s?] even worse that I thought it was; it goes back further. And I see it being reversed in my daughter’s lifetime.


Does anybody not understand what I’m saying? Re- -- let me say it again for the message. Reincarnation teaches that you do an evil deed in your life, your body dies and your soul gets a new body. And you reap the wickedness in a new lifetime. And I’m saying, no, no. You reap the wickedness by watching it happen to your child. And if you do a good deed in this lifetime, Jesus clearly taught you’re going to reap what you sow. I’m preaching Christianity to you, brethren. You do a good deed in this lifetime, and you’ll see your child reap it.


And you want to know something? I’ve seen it. I’ve seen my daughter reap things that I have prayed for my entire life and gave up all hope of ever getting. And God gave it to my daughter. Reaping and sowing spans generations. And it is the spiritual truth upon which reincarnation or the reaping or the -- not reincarnation, but the karma associated with reincarnation is based upon. Does anyone not understand what I’m saying?


Brethren, we have got to grow up. The church has got to grow up. We’ve got to meet people wherever they are, and you’re not going to get conversions by panning their religion. We got to find the common roots. You got to get into fellowship with them. Paul said, I became all things to all men. Whether it’s a different denomination of Christianity, whether it’s an Eastern religion, whatever it is, find out what you have in common with them, and join in fellowship with them. And then in the love of God, give them your side of where you differ. Give them another thought. Give them something else to think about, and let God do the work. Sow the seed, and water it, but let God give the increase. Any conversion that’s made because of the fear of hell and damnation is not really a true conversion. We know that this can only be done by the power of Christ.


In Hinduism I believe that I have seen pictures in red books about deliverance ministry in Hinduism. There’s not a doubt in my mind that they have deliverance ministry. And the bottom line is this: Witchcraft power can be -- I was going to say, positive or negative. I don’t know that that is the best way to describe it. People that involve themselves in it will call it black witchcraft or white witchcraft. Witchcraft can be used for positive purposes -- OK, we’ll take that -- positive purposes as opposed to negative purposes. Religions that employ witchcraft power cast out demons. And they will use the spiritual authority of one person, who is not tormented by their demons, to cast out a demon from somebody who is being tormented by that demon.


So we find purification in religions that are using a spirit other than the Spirit of Christ: purifying themselves, casting out evil spirits. I read a big book once, a big -- with many pictures in it, of Hinduism. And I opened the book, and I -- my first reaction to this picture was, my goodness! It looks like a mass deliverance. That was before I read the caption. Then I read the caption, and it was a mass deliverance in India.


So they have witchcraft power operating that is benevolent, that doesn’t hurt anybody, that casts out demons from people that are being tormented. So that’s how purification is achieved in Hinduism. But once again it is only for that immediate lifetime, and it doesn’t last. They have to keep going back and get it cast out again because if you don’t have the power of Christ operating, your mind just continues to produce these demons unless the mind-control is so intense that you stop doing it. It’s only for this lifetime in that one person. You cannot pass this blessing on to your offspring. And you probably have to continuously purify yourself, cast the demon out over and over and over again.


Hindus seeking to be delivered from the tyranny of their personality will attach themselves to a teacher, who helps them to achieve their true self: ultimate unity with the creator. They have a teacher-disciple relationship in Hinduism, very common. Hinduism also teaches that reaching the ultimate salvation requires shutting out the distractions of the external world and turning one c- -- one’s concentration inward. And that’s another reason why they meditate.


But we know that in Christianity, we concentrate on the things of God. See, we meditate in Christ. We meditate on the word of God. What is meditation? It’s a filling of one’s mind or an emptying out of the carnal things of your mind and letting Christ in your mind. So you can take a Scripture and meditate on it and just think about it. And if you’re blessed, God will speak to you about that Scripture. If you just don’t do anything but just sit there thinking about that Scripture, God will talk to you. So there is meditation in Christianity, but it’s a meditation on the things of God. A meditation in Hinduism is an emptying out in an attempt to shut out the world and attain a state of ecstasy, which will be above and beyond their conscious and their unconscious mind. And once again people who practice this are trying to control their personal universe or their mind and the world around them.


Hinduism teaches that we are not simply isolated individuals like so many pebbles on a beach, but rather parts of a total reality that are essentially related to all other beings. Now we know that the Christian church teaches about the body of Christ, but I don’t believe that it teaches that those who are not in Christ are related. And I don’t even know the degree to which the body of Christ or the reality of the body of Christ that if one person hurts, the other person hurts. I don’t know the degree to which that is taught. And as we enter into Christ, some of us are finding out that as we become spiritually sensitive, we hear other people’s thoughts, we hea- -- feel other people’s feelings. And if we don’t learn how to deal with it in Christ, it could be devastating because other people’s pain can overtake you. So we really need instruction from the Lord as to how to deal with it.


I did want to make a few comments on pantheism. Hinduism teaches that we are essentially related to everything. I think they believe that we’re related to every aspect of the world and that we’re all one. Pantheism is a teaching that says God is in everything. God is in the tree. God is in the flower. God is in the grass.


And I declare to you that there is a truth in this. Now don’t shut off the message, OK. God made a creation. And we did a study in the 18 series where we read the Scripture -- I think it’s Genesis 1:5 if I’m not mistaken -- where it says that God breathed into the nostrils of the man. And we looked up all those words, and we found out that one of those words meant sac, and what it was really saying is that God breathed into the sac. And at the time that I taught that teaching, I said, well, the skin is a -- I know the skin breathes, so God must have breathed into the skin of the man. But we know now that that -- at that time that was the creation of the mind of man. Man was not in his skin yet. But of course that was my revelation at the time.


What God has shown me now is that -- let me just show you this on the board. Let me remind you of this. I know I’ve showed you this before that God is eternal, and He is everywhere. And in the middle of God -- well, I shouldn’t do that. In the middle of God, which is everywhere, there is a space-time continuum that is a loop. And it exists in the midst of God. God is out here. Now this loop or this creation that God made, it was clay that was formed out of the dust [?to?] the earth because the water of His Spirit, and it wasn’t alive. And the Spirit of God breathed into the sac.


Brethren, he breathed into this whole world system. The creation was this whole world system. He breathed life into the man. He breathed life into the trees. He breathed life into the flowers. He breathed life into the animal life. He breathed into the sac. We are in a sac. Remember the teaching? We’re in an amniotic sac, that we haven’t been born yet and that we’re really a fetus, that righteous Adam was in the amniotic sac known as Eden and that fallen Adam is in the amniotic sac known as the Land of Nod. We’re in a sac, brethren. That’s what they call it in English: the amniotic sac. And that was the word in Hebrew. God breathed into the whole sac, and everything that was in it received life. But it’s life on a female level -- if you still have the message on -- life on a female level.


God is coming in this hour in the manhood of His Spirit to reproduce His life in men. He’s not reproducing His life in the tigers or in the trees or in the flowers. But outside of God, there is no life. A flower cannot exist, it cannot breathe unless God has touched it. But it’s a different form of Him. It’s a different manifestation of Christ than the image of His life that’s coming forth in men. Glory to God.


Hinduism teaches that because every individual, whether -- because every individual is related to one another and attached to one another, it teaches that all men have self-worth and should be essentially assured that we’re not separated, but we are attached to a whole. Many mentally ill people suffer from isolation, OK. So Hinduism teaches that you’re not isolated, that it’s a lie, that every human being alive is attached. And this imparts self-worth and -- self-worth to the people.


Now in Christianity this teaching -- well, it’s true that we’re all sinners. I say that we’re all sinners, but we’re a- -- the whole earth is fallen. All of humanity is fallen. So to teach people that they’re only attached if they come into Christ, that’s not true. But we could be attached to God in the fallen part of the creation, or we could be attached to God in Christ, but we’re still all attached.


And I mentioned this at the last meeting: that we found Scriptures in the Book of Revelation and elsewhere that say there are two criteria that must be fulfilled before we could stand up in full stature. And that is, number one, we must recognize the value and the worth of the creation. Every human being alive has value and worth because we are made out of the very substance of God. And the second criteria is that we must do -- every word we say and everything we do must originate in Christ. And when those two criteria are fulfilled, we shall be in full stature.


So if you’ve been listening to the messages here and you have a revelation that every human being alive, including the babies that are aborted, including the retarded, including the crippled, including everybody, that we are valuable because we are made out of the very life of Christ, that He died that we could come in -- so that we could come into existence, if you have that revelation, you’re 50 percent there. And now you’re working on the ability to not speak any word or think any thought that’s not of Christ. And when the Lord gives you the strength to accomplish that, you’re going to be in full stature.


So we see this teaching in the true Christianity, which is here. It’s an error -- in churches that preach otherwise, it’s an error. No man would ever hate his own flesh, and if you don’t think that burning someone in hell forever is hating their flesh, brethren, I don’t know what hate is. And we are His flesh. Glory to God.


So we’re going to close out now just as -- I just have one comment to remind you about. Narcissism, which we started with -- when we started this message at the last meeting, we started with narcissism. And I want to remind you that narcissism is an attempt to defend against the loss of self. It’s a strate- -- what is narcissism? Self-protection, self-love -- a negative self-love, which is a self-protection that destroys. It’s a strategy for survival in dread of non-being, in dread of just non-existence because nobody loves us. It’s a dread of unworth, and it is inevitably self-defeating. Hinduism teaches that regaining awareness of the connection of the isolated self to the great creator is the answer. This is exactly what Christianity teaches. We merely differ in the way this is accomplished.


So I’m not going to go into Buddhism tonight. I spent a lot of time on this. But I remind you that our whole purpose of this teaching is to show how much we have in common with the religions of the world and to encourage you to pray about the possibility of ministering in a new way, ministering in a way where you meet people where they are, where you don’t rip their religion to pieces. But you can expose the error. I have been accused of ripping certain doctrines to pieces. Exposing the error by speaking the truth is not ripping someone’s doctrine to pieces.


And I -- well, it’s not likely that the man who did that is going to hear this message, but if anyone is agreeing with him, if you think that I’ve ripped people’s doctrines to pieces, you are mistaken. Why? Because I have told you where I agree with them, and I have told you where I disagree with them. I have not condemned them. And the whole message of this message is to encourage you to minister in the love and the wisdom of God and not in the condemnation that we unfortunately see all too often in the church today.


And if I’ve been hard on the church, it’s because they’re supposed to know better. Hinduism represents the heathen that we are supposed to be bringing the light to. So, yes, I have laid the emphasis on the error in the church because how can we bring the light to heathens that have more spiritual truth than we do? But I love you, brethren, and I love the church, and I pay that you be all that you could be in Christ and that God give you the ability to be a minister of reconciliation on His behalf. And I pray that, in the name of Jesus, amen.


Any questions tonight?


I don’t know if this is a question, but I’ve heard of two testimonies: one in a church and one on the radio. And both of them -- I mean, I’ve heard many, but what I’m going to talk about was both of them were Indian Hindus. And each of them tried to commit suicide. They said that they’re taught that they are not -- they can’t commit sin. Yet I’m sure it was God [?drawing?] them that implanted in them that they were sinners. But there was no room for that in their religion, so they tried to commit suicide. And both of them, in the act of committing suicide, God stopped them. [UNINTELLIGIBLE]


Well, why would they want to believe that they could commit sin? I really need [CROSSTALK]


            God must have planted that in them.




Because it says God puts that in every soul even though they were taught that inside. Because they knew that they were doing things that weren’t right and that they felt they weren’t worthy to live. So one had his neck in the noose, and God cut the rope on the top. And he fell down, and God ministered him the Bible, and he learned to come to Christ. The second one I heard on the radio, and he was weeping and crying. And God made minsters out of both of them. Now I don’t know many other testimonies, but these two, I know God had a calling on them. So He must have planted that seed that they were a sinner.


Well, I’m convinced -- I put this on the last message, which I -- which is really I’m running the two messages together. I’m convinced that the Hindus that have been converted as well as the Jews that have been converted today a- -- were people who were not deeply practicing their religion. That’s my opinion. I could be wrong. It’s not important to me whether I’m wrong or right. I don’t claim to be an expert on Hinduism, but that is my opinion from -- it’s just what’s in my heart, yeah.


If that’s the case, then it’s probably going to be a lot harder for the others to come in. If these come in with a profound revelation from Christ and they became great ministers of the Word, God has to do something then special to let the others come in to unite the two faiths.


Well, that’s what these -- this series of messages is about. Very soon we’re going to have an opportunity to minister to people that we could not reach before. And I’m convinced that people that are very strongly practicing their religion do not convert except by a special dispensation of God. I’ve heard testimonies of witch doctors in Africa being converted and called to the ministry. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] you just said that these two men were called to the ministry. God will move sovereignly to bring people out of other religions to call to the ministry. Why? Because he has need of them right now.


But I don’t see people actively practicing their religion that God doesn’t have a specific purpose for at this moment converting. I just don’t see it, and I don’t believe He’s doing that in this hour. So we -- I believe that we’re going to see, in the near future, a move of the Spirit upon the sons of God whereby He’s going to send us to them with the kind of wisdom that’s coming forth here, with a knowledge of their religion as Paul went to the Jews. Maybe He’s going to have to send Hindu preachers. I don’t know.


But the day is coming, I know, where we’re it’s -- we’re not going to get converts anymore by preaching hell and damnation. You see, the people -- people that are suicidal, people that are desperate, they respond to that message, but I -- there’s a whole world of people out there that aren’t desperate, and there’re going to have to hear a lot more than: You’re going to burn in hell forever. Why? Because they don’t believe it. They’re going to have to hear some truth. That’s my opinion. You don’t have to agree with me.


I know that when the Lord called me -- I believe it was the Lord -- I didn’t think -- I thought I had it all in the Catholic Church.




Even though I was having problems, I didn’t think that they were that bad as a reason to come. I didn’t even think I had a testimony until years after I came to the Lord. Then I realized I had a testimony. But I was a devout [UNINTELLIGIBLE] my faith was. And so I -- but I think -- I know for a fact: You can’t come to the Lord unless [?you’re?] drawn. So [UNINTELLIGIBLE] has to do it.


So, OK, let me put it another way for you then. In the past it was not unusual for God to go to someone who was devout and -- I don’t know what drew you out -- draw them out. You see, God will use whatever’s in the church at the hour, but when He brings in a deeper doctrine, He’s -- the other doctrine starts to fall away.


And all that I’m saying to you is that in my opinion -- and, you know, I could be wrong. You don’t have to agree with me. In my opinion in the days to come, God is going to be sending a people to minister from a whole different point of view than has happened in the past, OK? And He’s --




He’s going to be working in a different way, and He’s going to be working through Christians that can come to these people and say, look. This is what we have in common, but there’s a better way. What I’m suggesting to you is that this is the wave of the future.


If God did it a different way for you, you know, I’m not disc- -- yeah, I’m not discounting your -- you know, your experience at all. And I know that when God called me, He didn’t call me with knowledge, you know? But again what I’m suggesting to you is when the new move of God comes, when God says, now is the time that we’re going to start drawing people through this new way, OK, the people that will not or cannot or do not learn the new way may find less and less of an opportunity to minister. Do you see what I’m saying? OK.


And I’m not in any way putting down any form of ministry. Anything that works, as long as it’s Christ, is fine with me. And I just want to remind you that I just give you general opinions that I have. God’s certainly free to do anything that He wants, but I think if you’re honest that you would have to agree that God does move in general principles -- OK -- for each season has its general format that He uses, but it doesn’t -- it -- but there ha- -- there can be isolated situations where He’s not moving that way. But there -- if you look for it, there’s an overall pattern of how God is moving in a particular age.




[?What?] is that?


This new move, [?what?] it says in the Scripture is that in the end, He’s send the fishers out and the nets, and He’s going to have people going in [?to them?]. They’re going speak God’s word to whoever needs it, and they’re going to have ears to hear it. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] in the new way, they just won’t be coming running into the churches with this salvation call --




            -- that many [?of them are?] going through now.


Yeah, it’s going to be one-on-one, much more so. I believe that the teaching is going to be in smaller groups with even -- I don’t really know what God’s going to do, but the way I see it, even if He were to have a big church, He will break them down into smaller groups with God-appointed heads.


Again I could be wrong, but the few churches that I’ve seen, when they break down into cell groups, the people that are in charge of the cell groups, I don’t see the anointing that’s on the pastor on them. I haven’t seen it. Maybe it’s out there, but -- you agree; you haven’t seen it? OK. So I believe that we’re coming into a time where there’s going to be several disciples associated to one -- with one teacher. Whether or not the Lord will have a larger church with one man at the head and then cell groups with teachers, with he- -- with leaders that have the same anointing that’s on the head pastor, I don’t know.


But I believe that we’re coming into an age where disciples are going to be raised up under a personal relationship with the teacher and that they’re going to have intense, spiritual growth because of their interaction with that teacher. And again we see this rooted -- not rooted in, but it’s a knowledge that’s available in Hinduism that if you really want to grow spiritually, you got to get it -- you got to get a Jesus feed. And if Jesus is manifesting at this moment through someone who’s still imperfect, for maximum amount of spiritual growth, that’s still what you have to do. And you have to live with their imperfection, and get what -- get that, which is of Christ, and grow. That’s what you have to do.


            [?Do you believe?] His new move will be the same way like David’s group?


Well, I think it’s going to be very similar. I don’t think God ever repeats Himself. He is so creative. The Lord is so creative.


[UNINTELLIGIBLE] a continuation of what He’s doing now? Or do you think He’s just going to be, this group will then change its name to be the Joseph Group?


Are you talking about us here at Living Epistles?


            Right, [?of?or?] the same similar type.


Ask me again. I didn’t understand your question?


I asked: Do you think that this move that God will be using will be the same as the David’s men? [CROSSTALK]


Yeah, that’s what I heard you say, yeah.


Or will that David’s group then become the Joseph group to be the feeders of the people in the famine?


Oh, I don’t really -- I don’t have anything to say to you, Amy. God never does things exactly the same. We can look in the Scripture, and we can get a general idea of how He’s moving. But I know for a while, I was taught and I believed that the church was going back to the days of the apostles. And then I heard it taught otherwise, and the Lord quickened to me that that’s not true.


God does a new thing. God is continuously going forward. He doesn’t go backwards. What’s coming may be similar to the days of the apostles because there will be leaders in full stature, but it’s not going to be exactly the same. God keeps going forward, so I can’t really answer your question. I -- there’s so much that I don’t know, so much that I don’t know.


Let’s say there’s somebody who is practicing witchcraft the way the world sees it as witchcraft. For example let’s say they’re doing fortune-telling or somebody likes to -- like, the Psychic Hotline -- I don’t know if you ever heard of the Psychic Hotline. You call, and the psychics, they tell you your future or the fortune teller or tarot card. They want to -- they take cards. They read your future. They tell you what’s going to happen. And if somebody was to approach to me, saying, I want to read your future. I want to -- I have a word for you. And I say to them, well, I don’t believe in that because I believe my source comes from the Lord. And they say to me, oh, come on. And I say to them, well, I -- God -- I’m not interested, but God bless you anyway. Is that right for me to say? Or -- because I know -- in the Bible doesn’t it say we’re not to bless them?


            Well, it said those that come with a different doctrine, right?


No, I mean in that, you know, fortunetellers and witch- -- you know, the ones in the world that they -- the tarot card readers and all that. Are we allowed to say, God bless you or -- ?


I would bless them. Maybe God will save them. Yeah, and is there a Scripture that says not to bless them?


[CROSSTALK] I think it’s 1 John or 2 John. If someone comes to your house with a different doctrine, not to invite them in.


It says don’t bless them?


Not to invite them in, and you’ll be -- if you bless them, you’ll be [?immediately?] [CROSSTALK]


Yeah, look for the Scripture. What it probably means if you receive their do- -- blessing them will be if you receive their doctrine.




It doesn’t mean that if you resist them, you can’t bless them and pray for their salvation. I’m -- you hear the difference? Because I don’t even believe that you shouldn’t let them in unless you feel that you’re not strong enough in Christ to deal with them. But there’s a religious spirit in the church that tells Christians: No matter how capable you are of ministering to Jehovah’s Witnesses, for example, you’re not to let them in your house. No, your house is your mind. You’re not to be --


            Oh, I see.


-- influenced by their doctrine. Even the Scripture that says, don’t eat with them, eating has a spiritual connotation. Don’t join in their false doctrine, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t talk to them in the hope of saving them.


What does that mean [UNINTELLIGIBLE] neither bid him Godspeed. What does that mean?


Read me the whole --


All right. I’ll start at 2 John, verse 9 to 11. “Whosoever transgresses, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, has not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Chirst, he hath both the Father and the Son.


“If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:


“For he that biddeth him God speed is a partaker of his evil deeds.”


Yeah, what that means is if you say to them, your doctrine is good. And go in the Spirit of the Lord, and teach it to everybody. That’s what it’s saying. But that’s not talking about saying to them, look. I -- that’s a false doctrine, and I can’t receive it because the Lord is my protection. But I pray that the blessings of the Lord fall upon you. A prayer like that could result in their salvation. [?See?], these Scriptures, they’re so careful that we really understand the spirit of the Word. Do you understand what I said?


[?I know it now?]. When they were at the house about two weeks ago, [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. And when we were finished, I said to them, I think what you ought to do is really search the Scriptures and search for the truth. And God will guide you. And they left in a very pleasant state.


            [?Oh, Sheila?], [?I have?] a question for you.




I think a couple of months ago, I was listening to -- I think -- oh, no. I was here when you had the meeting. We were talking about the Trinity.




And I was receiving what you were saying about -- that we don’t believe in the Trinity, that the Father, the Holy Spirit and Chri- -- the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit are separate there. It’s just either the Father or Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit is just supposed to draw you to --


The Holy Spirit is another name for the Father. It’s another manifestation of the Father.


So in 1 John, what does it mean when it says, I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost?


OK, we have that on the message, “The Truth About Baptism” --




-- when I looked it up in the Greek, it was really speaking -- it wasn’t like you read it: In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, in the name of the Holy Ghost. And that’s what the Catholics say, but that’s not what it’s saying. It says, baptize in the name of the Father and the Son. And the Father and the Son is the Spirit of Christ. OK, and the baptism into Christ is the Father and the Son. So he says, go forth and baptize them in the name of the Father and in the name of the Son, baptism with Christ.


And also baptize them in the Holy Ghost, which means to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit. One is the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and the other is the baptism into Christ.




Yeah [UNINTELLIGIBLE] it’s really there. And I talk about it for about 10 minutes in that message. And it’s really [?new?]. We talked all the different kinds of baptisms, and there is a Scripture that talks about the baptism into Christ, OK. That’s the Father and the Son, the baptism into Christ. And there is a baptism with the Holy Ghost. So Jesus was saying this, go forth, and baptize them in --




-- those two baptisms. And the church goes out and says, they’re ta- -- Jesus is talking about the baptism with water. And they’re going -- they’re dunking your head under the water, saying, in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, in the name of the Holy Ghost. And Jesus wasn’t even talking about the baptism with water. He was talking about the baptism into Christ and the baptism with the Holy Spirit.


The Father instructed the apostles to go forth and baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and in the name of the Holy Ghost. They instructed them to baptize in the Spirit of Christ in the name of the Father and the Son -- that’s the baptism into Christ -- and to baptize with the Holy Ghost.


Now let me remind you that what we see in the church today, which is called the baptism with the Holy Ghost, is not the baptism with the Holy Ghost. It is a lesser degree, a minor degree, a lower degree of the baptism with the Holy Ghost. The Scripture calls it receiving the Holy Ghost.


We know that when the apostles were baptized with the Holy Ghost, they spoke in languages that were recognized by other men. And we don’t see that happening today as a matter of course when someone is, quote, baptized with the Holy Ghost. And the reality is that they have not been baptized with it; they have received it. They have received an experience with the Holy Ghost, but they have not been baptized in it. They have not been totally immersed in it.


The apostles were totally immersed in the Holy Ghost. They spoke in languages that were recognized by other men, and they went out preaching the gospel of God, which I don’t believe was the gospel of the cross. And the Lord confirmed what they were preaching with signs and wonders. They had mighty miracles of healing and deliverance.


Today we see some healings and some deliverances, and if there is a person somewhere who speaks in a recognizable language, it’s a gift. And it’s frequently just an isolated incident. It’s not an abiding gift. It’s not a gift that they can call up and use at will. When it’s the purpose of the Lord to manifest that kind of a gift through them, He does it for that one time, for that instant.


Now for those of us that have received the Holy Ghost, we know that we have a prayer language or an ability to speak in tongues. We can do it anytime we want. And I suggest to you: For those who are baptized with the Holy Ghost, they can speak in other human languages at will. That’s my opinion.


In any event I think any mature person in the church would have to confess that the degree of power, which was poured out upon the apostles, was much greater than the degree of power that we see poured out on disciples today who have received the Holy Ghost. So I’m telling you that they’re two different baptisms and that the receipt of the Holy Ghost is not in fact a baptism. It’s a taste of it, just like we have received the earnest of our inheritance, a taste of the age to come.


Do you know if you go into a cheese store where they sell gourmet cheeses, before you purchase the cheese, they’ll let you taste the cheese? And if you like the cheese, then you could buy a whole pound at five, six, or seven, or eight, nine dollars a pound. Brethren, the Lord has permitted us today to taste of the age to come.


So what am I saying? I’m saying that the ministers of the imputed anointing, which are typified by John the Baptist, have authority to baptize with water. A baptism is full immersion. They have the authority to fully immerse a man in water thereby helping him to enter into a covenant with God whereby the Lord says, you go down under the water of this natural world, and I will baptize you under the water of my Spirit. And between the time that they go down under the water and the time that they’re baptized in the Spirit of God, there is another experience called receiving the Holy Ghost or tasting the Holy Ghost or experiencing the Holy Ghost.


So ministers with the imputed anointing have the authority to baptize with water and to impart an experience known as receiving the Holy Ghost. Ministers of the imparted anointing have the authority to baptize into Christ, which only comes to pass after the jud- -- baptizing a believer into Christ involves conception of Christ, the formation of Christ in the believer and the suppression or the dunking of the carnal mind of man under the water of the life of Christ, which is in his very own mind.


And the third stage of the baptism into Christ, brethren, has a name of its own. It is called the baptism with the Holy Spirit. If you recall the teaching on the first and second death, we found out that the first resurrection can also be called the third death. Sometimes the Scripture gives two names to one experience. I said there’s a first and second death, and there is a third death, which the Scripture calls the first resurrection because it is the death of death and the beginning of resurrection.


So what am I saying to you? I am saying to you that there is a baptism into Christ, which is in three stages, and the third stage has a name of its own. Baptism into Christ, conception of the seed of Christ, formation of the Christ in the mind of the believer and third stage of the baptism into Christ, also known as the baptism with the Holy Spirit, is the dunking of the carnal mind under the water of the mind of Christ in the individual thereby bringing the carnal mind under the total control, totally baptizing it into Christ. And this, brethren, is the ministry of the Son.


So I am suggesting to you that Jesus never commanded the apostles to go out and baptize with water. That is a ministry of the imputed minister. It is a ministry of the temporary five-fold ministry that we see in the earth today.


The apostles, 2,000 years ago, and today, in the very near future, the sons of God will have the ministry, assigned by Christ, to go forth, baptize people in the name of the Father and the Son, which is the baptism into Christ, and then finish that experience off by baptizing them, totally immersing them in the water of the mind of Christ, which is within them. Brethren, baptism is total immersion. That experience that you see in the church today is not the baptism with the Holy Spirit. It’s a taste of that which is to come. I hope I’ve clarified this for you. Glory to God.


7/24/14 – Transcribed by VerbalFusion

8/6/14 – 1st Edit CAS/BP




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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