078 - Part 3
(Revelation 14)

Part 3 of 11 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


We’re continuing on with our series, The Harvest. This is message number 3. There’ll probably be four messages. And we are, today, in Revelation Chapter 14, Verses 16, 17, and 18. However, I have some comments first on the two-witness company from our last message and I’d like to remind you, most importantly, that the immature son of God, who is not yet in full stature, is judging his own soul by the power imparted to him by the indwelling Christ. I have listened to the previous messages and I know that I really haven’t made this clear, mostly because I didn’t yet have it straight in my own mind, but as I’ve explained to you before the Lord has not given me the privilege of studying this Book of Revelation all the way through before I teach it. So from time to time, I find out that my understanding was a little off and I have to make a correction, like now, so let me repeat.


The locusts of Revelation 9 describe the immature sons of God being sketched out in the realm of the soul. They are those men in whom Christ has been conceived, who are judging their own souls, and who are also being sent to others in specific instances which are completely controlled by the Father to execute judgement. The Sons of God in their immature condition do not have the authority to destroy the Adamic soul of other believers. Their authority is to impart the mind or thinking of Christ which brings forth an awareness of sin and then confession of that sin and then repentance and then deliverance from that sin, while at the very same time Christ is being conceived in them.


His conception is a process and then He grows in you and it could take a whole lifetime until He is born in you and Christ can be conceived in you and you could pass from this earth without Him being born in you. If you have not yet entered into the season for His being born, or standing up in full stature, that season has not started yet. Paul said he was born out of season. Paul stood up in full stature but only as an example to the church and to write the Scriptures that he wrote for us. It was not yet the season for mankind, for the church, for the firstfruits company, to stand up in the full authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s now 2,000 years later and those of us that have spiritual vision are waiting anxiously for that door in heaven to open so that we can enter into the new age, into the season, whereby if we meet the Lord’s qualification we will be entitled or permitted to stand up in full stature. Glory to God.


Christ appears as the unconscious mind of the first fruits of the second generation of sons in Revelation 9. They now have two unconscious minds, Christ and Satan. Christ begins to pierce through Satan and swallow her up at the very same time that He is judging the conscious mind and bringing her into the image of the Father. Adam is being brought into the righteous image of the Father. Satan is being slain and swallowed up or overshadowed by Christ and more specifically the Spirit of the Father that dwells in Christ. Spirit goes to spirit and soul goes to soul. The Spirit of the Father is joining to the spirit of Satan and the Father shall not be polluted. He shall not be weakened. Neither shall He be diminished in any way. And the glorified soul of Jesus Christ shall be joined to the vile soul of Adam and neither shall He be diminished or weakened in any way. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


OK, so we were saying, as Christ appears in the unconscious mind of the first fruits of the second generation of sons in Revelation 9, these men now have two unconscious minds, Christ and Satan.


Now, I’m going to recap the ministry of the two witnesses for you and one of the aspects of their ministry is to judge and destroy their own Adamic souls. Another one is to cause Christ to be conceived in those who don’t have him. And thirdly, to join with the existing Christ in another believer, to strengthen that believer, to judge their own soul. The two-witness company will execute judgement which will result in the conception of Christ and the putting of Satan under the feet of that Christ but, each individual man must destroy his own Adamic soul by the strength of the Christ within him. The personality which does not overcome his own Adamic soul shall be destroyed. But we know, as the Lord has been showing us, that if our personality is destroyed, our spiritual substance shall nevertheless be saved. This is the shame that is spoken about in the Scripture, to be found naked or without a house or without a covering. It is to have Christ conceived in you and still fail to overcome your Adamic soul. That is the shame of the Scripture.


Now remember, the whole human race is under judgement for sin, reaping what they’ve sown. This is not the judgment which brings forth Christ but the judgment known as the wrath of God. The judgment which brings forth Christ is rained down when the wicked, natural man kills the innocent, the Christ, and the Christ prays that the Father have mercy on him. Remember Jesus on the cross. The Christ being crucified can either be in yourself or in another man. This judgment is called the tribulation. How can Christ within you be crucified? If you haven’t fought the battle or if you’ve been overtaken or, for whatever reason, your Adamic soul, in a specific instance, is stronger than Christ in you He is crucified. You must repent, confess your sin, repent, and stand back up again and get that wild beast known as your Adamic soul under your control and if you can’t do it yourself, if the Christ in you is not strong enough, then you’ve got to get help from another believer.


But when another man wounds you, when another man accuses you falsely, or does harm for you, and you stand for it and pray for that person’s deliverance and salvation then you are being crucified for righteousness’ sake. Hallelujah. And that will result in the increase of Christ in you. That will result in the increase of Christ in you. Why? Because you are denying your Adamic inclinations to strike back, to run away, to harm, to hurt, to fail to forgive, but you are doing what Christ would do in that circumstance despite your pain and that will result in the death of your Adamic soul and the increase of Christ in you, the crucifixion. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


When Jesus was crucified on the cross He was already in full stature. He became a fully-spiritual man. He ascended into glory. So when we are crucified and we do not respond with our Adamic emotions we increase in Christ, we increase in Christ, whether it’s the Christ within us destroying our own Adamic soul or whether it’s someone else doing it to us. When we resist our Adamic responses, when we resists our Adamic emotions, when we refuse to do what a normal human being would do and do what Christ would do, that’s the crucifixion that’s going to catapult us into full stature. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Now, it’s the Father’s privilege to choose the people who will crucify His sons, so we see the Father hand picking the people He is drawing into His kingdom. How? By sending His sons to them, knowing that His sons will be crucified by these people. Why does he do that? So that His crucified sons can pray to the Father to forgive these carnal men for what they’re doing and the Lord goes right in and saves them. And if they’re already believers He will fertilize them. Wherever they are in Christ, wherever you are in Christ, if you crucify a son of God who refuses to respond the way any natural man would respond you both go up higher. You both increase. You both ascend. If you are a son of God in the making, if you have Christ and Adam, and you happen to think you’re very spiritual and someone drives a nail in you and you think that you’re justified in being angry or you’re thinking that you’re justified and unforgiving, or you have any response that comes out of your Adamic soul, you cannot say that you’re being crucified for righteousness’ sake. To be crucified for righteousness’ sake you must deny your Adamic inclinations and manifest the agape love of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you fail to do it, it’s fine, you try again the next time, but the increase comes when you succeed.


The Book of John, Chapter 20, Verses 21 and 23. “Then said Jesus to the disciples, peace be unto you, as the Father has sent me, even so I send you. Whosoever sins, ye remit, they are remitted unto them, and whosoever sins, you retain, they are retained.” If you have Christ, brethren, and you refuse or fail on any level to forgive them when they have sinned against you, they are condemned, they are condemned. But if you choose to forgive when they have crucified you, when they have sinned against you, when they have wronged you, their sins are forgiven and they shall ascend in Christ and you shall ascend in Christ because you have overcome the wicked in your own mind. So when you come to a place in Christ where you are a son of God and the Lord starts giving you your own disciples, remember this word. They are there to crucify you, number one, that is their job.


They are there to crucify you and when they crucify you, when they wound you, when they hurt you, if you refuse to forgive them, the person that’s doing it stays where they are and you decrease. When you take the victory in Christ and you forgive them and you respond out of Christ by denying and hating your own Adamic reactions you shall increase in Christ and you shall take them up with you. Wherever they are in Christ, they’ll come up that much higher. So what are we saying? We’re saying that when you’re a son of God, if you are a member of the two-witness company, the Lord is sending people to you and He’s binding them to you and He’s saying to you, drag them up. That’s what He’s saying to you. Now we can be bound to somebody at one end and bound to somebody else at the other end.


We could be bound to somebody that we’re dragging up by the instruction of Christ and on the other side of our spiritual being we can be bound to somebody that’s dragging us up. That’s how God’s doing it. We’ve all got to get each other out. This is hell and we’re all victims and we’re all inmates and we’re all in bondage and the way God’s getting us out is by linking us one to the other in love and wherever you’re weak he’s going to send you somebody who’s strong to drag you up and wherever you’re strong he’s going to bind somebody to you where they’re weak and you’ve got to get them up. Hallelujah. Be careful, brethren, that you don’t permit yourself to be raised up by someone who’s stronger than you and refuse to lift up the person that’s weaker than you. Be careful. Hallelujah. It will not please the Lord.


So, what am I saying? If a son of God is sent to you, you are blessed, even if the encounter causes you pain, and don’t be deceived, brethren, it shall cause you pain. And also the prayer of the son of God that your sins be forgiven has the greatest power when it is prayed after He has been crucified. When a son of God that you have crucified prays for your forgiveness it has great power to increase Christ in you and to cause you to take another step up, to ascend one step higher, into the heavenlies and Christ. The sins of every individual existing at the beginning and throughout the ministry of the two witnesses shall not be remitted. The sins of every individual personality which is a part of that last generation which shall abide forever, those shall be remitted. In the hour that the two-witness company begins to manifest, not every man on the earth will be called to full salvation in that hour. What happens to those who are living in the same time period that the two-witness company lives in but who are not touched by that ministry? Boy, we’ve been hearing this in the church for years. What about the people in Africa? What about the pigmies in the back woods that never heard of Christ? You mean to tell me they’re going to go to hell forever? If that’s true, what a terrible God this is. This is what’s going to happen to them, brethren.


Romans Chapter 9, Verses 1 through 24. “Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?” What if God, willing to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much long suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction? That’s everybody that’s not going to stand up in full stature. If you don’t stand up in full stature you’re destroyed.


Verse 23. “And that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy.” Those are the ones that stand up in full stature, they receive His mercy. “Which He had afore prepared unto glory, even us, whom He hath called, not of the Jews only but also of the gentiles.” Brethren, the Lord Jesus Christ retains unto Himself the privilege of forming many vessels out of the lump of clay which is the original creation. Some of them He forms knowing they’ll never be saved. Some of them He forms not only knowing they’ll never be saved but knowing that they’ll be a Hitler, that’s a hard word. Glory to God. Sometimes the Lord forms vessels of wrath, and what does that mean? Vessels of judgment.


But, brethren, after they have lived their lifetime their bodies dissolve into the elements of the earth and their souls dissolve right back into that lump of spiritual clay out of which they were formed and in that last generation where everybody stops dying God will use up that entire lump of clay and reform it into the vessels that will live for the life of the ages, all of them being vessels of mercy. The personality of the vessel of wrath will not be resurrected. The clay out of which that vessel was made is going to be marred in the hand of the potter, smashed, destroyed, and reformed into a vessel of mercy. There is no resurrection of the personality, only of the substance of which that personality was made. It’s as if someone would take a lump of clay and make a set of chess pieces and before he baked the pieces in the oven he decided he didn’t like them and he smashed the clay and formed them into totally different figurines and baked them in the oven.


Brethren, there’s no sign anymore of the chess pieces and it’s only those figurines baked in the oven that will abide for the life of the ages. Hallelujah. These vessels of dishonor can live a pleasant life by man’s standards and then they die. They don’t go to hell but they’re tormented forever because hell is the spiritual condition of having Satan as our unconscious mind and the image was staged where hell, or Satan’s mind, is appearing, is this world system. The torment is in the flesh. The judgment is in the flesh. When we die it’s all over. God doesn’t burn you in hell forever. He gives you life and blessings forever. Hallelujah.


This is a temporary, I can’t think of the word that I want to use. There is a word and I can’t think of it. This world is not a permanent world. We are clay that’s being formed by the potter but we have not been put in the oven yet. And the Lord Jesus Christ is not going to put us in the oven until we are perfect. He will not let us abide for the life of the ages in this imperfect condition. He will not put us in the oven until He has brought us into the image of the Father, righteous, without sin, and then we shall be baked in the oven.


And what is the oven? It’s the fire of the Father’s life and from that moment forward we shall never change because we shall be as God in his righteousness. The torments of hell, which Jesus in the Book of Revelations speaks about, is what Satan experiences as he is being forced down under the authority or feet of Christ. Should we die before the Lord raises us up to full stature? Our spirit returns to the Lord and our bodies deteriorate into the natural elements of this world system. Well, this is my note. I said all this already but I’m going to read it. Our souls or personalities lose their individuality and the spiritual clay of which they are made is returned back into the original lump, which is God’s original creation. The Lord then reforms the original lump of clay into the souls or personalities of that last generation which shall never pass away.


Jeremiah 18:4. “And the vessel that He made of clay was marred,” that word means destroyed. It was destroyed in the hand of the potter, destroyed, brethren, destroyed, never to rise again. The personality shall never rise again. So he made it again, another vessel, that lump of spiritual clay. He reformed it into another vessel as it seemed good to the potter to make it. And the reason that the last generation shall never pass away is that the tree of their Adamic spiritual substance shall have been joined to Christ, or the tree of life.


Psalms 1:3 says, “And he, meaning the righteous, shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season. His leaf shall not wither. The leaf of the tree shall not die. Brethren, we have trees that are thousands of years old in this country but the leaves die, the leaves die. Glory to God. Remember, Christ is the tree of life and He shall swallow up the living soul which is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and they shall become one tree whose leaf, or most outer and fragile manifestations, the many members of the living soul, that which is seen out here in outer darkness, that which we see walking down the street, the many members of the living soul shall not die at the end of an Adamic lifetime but they shall abide for the life of the ages. We are the leaves on the tree. Our individual personalities are the leaves on the tree and they’ve been dying, the leaves on this tree have been dying for thousands of years, but in that day, when the tree of life swallows up the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the leaf on the one tree that shall result from the joining shall no longer die. That’s our personalities, brethren, our souls. Hallelujah.


Now, as we go into today’s message, that was just my introduction, it wasn’t even an introduction, it was just comments on past messages. Now, as we go into today’s message I’d like to give you a rundown of what’s happening at the end of Revelation 13 and throughout Revelation 14.


Revelation 13:13 shows the Sons of God putting Satan under their feet and ascending to the righteousness that Jesus Christ had before the crucifixion.


Revelation 14, Verses 15 to 20, explain how natural man will be converted into mighty spiritual beings, the Sons of God.


Recap, Revelation, Chapter 14, Verse 14. “And I continue to understand what I was seeing and behold a righteous soul, even the first fruits of those raised out from among the dead ones, and sitting on top of the righteous soul was one that had the same authority that Jesus Christ of Nazareth had, having his Adamic soul woven together with his new soul, which was born of the Father, and he was the mind of the second generation of the Sons of God, the instrument through which God is judging the living soul and curing her of sin.


Revelation 11:15-19 sketches the first fruits of the Sons of God standing up in full stature in the realm of the soul.


Revelation 14:14 is a prophetic vision of the full manifestation of the body of Christ with Jesus’ glorified soul as their mind. Now, the Lord taught us, on message 71, part 7, that He repeats a vision three times. When you find a vision from God in the Scripture He repeats it three times. The first time it’s in the realm of the spirit and the second time it’s in the realm of the soul and the third time He repeats it in the realm of appearance. Well, He tells it in a different way. It appears one way in each of those three categories. It was not time for this vision, which Daniel had in Chapter 7, to be played out in the realm of appearance so Daniel prophesized its fulfillment instead. The same principle is working here in Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation. Verse 14 is the third telling of Revelation 11:15-19 and it is prophesized instead of being played out in the realm of appearance because the time for the first fruits of the second generation of sons to stand up in full stature had not yet come when John wrote the Book of Revelation. Glory to God, Glory to God.


So, what did I say? I said Verse 14 of Chapter 14, which is a vision of a man sitting on a white cloud, is a vision, a prophetic vision of the body of Christ, with Jesus Christ as their mind, and it’s being presented this way because mankind has not yet experienced this so we see it in a vision form but visions need to be interpreted and that’s what God is doing in this hour. He is interpreting the visions and the symbols of the Book of Revelation so that we can understand them. Why? Because, brethren, if you’re hearing this message there’s a real good chance that it’s about to happen to you. If you haven’t shut the message off by now I would say there’s a real good chance it’s about to happen to you. We’re going to also recap Verse 15 of Revelation 14. We did that on the last message.


“And another authoritative spiritual communication proceeded forth from the place where the Father dwells, even the glorified soul of His son, Jesus Christ, and this is what it was saying. And to enter the minds of the first fruits of the second generation of sons, who are still natural men, so that your soul can cut down and destroy their Adamic minds.” Why would God want to cut down and destroy their Adamic minds? Because the soul of Christ, when it enters into a man’s life, into his heart, into his mind, it dries up the carnal mind’s ability to keep men alive through scientific knowledge, mind control, and practical experience. Thus, saith the Lord, therefore, destroy Adam. Hallelujah. Does anybody know how we’re supposed to live if we’re no longer living through scientific knowledge, mind control, and practical experiences, how do we live? How do we survive? By faith, brethren, by faith, by the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. We don’t survive by faith in Him, we don’t survive because we believe that He did it, we survive by the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ dwelling in our very own heart. He has got to get inside of you, brethren. The Holy Spirit’s not enough, as we’re going to find out in this message.


Now, I just want to put on this message so that nobody gets confused that I changed the alternate translation of Revelation 14:15 just a little bit. I changed it from the alternate translation that appears on the previous message so as to clarify that it is just the very presence of the glorified soul of Jesus Christ which destroys Adam. If anyone says he is coming to you in the name of the Lord and he wants to do an operation on your brain, that’s not God. The very presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in your mind destroys Adam. He is covering over the son of the Adamic soul. And the moon shall turn to blood, your soul shall turn into the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and your stars shall lose their shining, because the light and the brightness and that which is glowing from the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ is the only thing you’ll be able to see. Hallelujah.


One more thing, as we go on, I’m trying, I’m hoping that I can give you some knowledge of how I bring these alternate translations forth, so I’m asking you to understand that sometimes I use the word soul and other times I use the word mind. Now, the soul is the mind, will, and emotions but depending upon the context of the Scripture, sometimes it clarifies what God is trying to say by using the word mind instead of the word soul. You know, there are a lot of believers out there and they’ll have no problem if you tell them Jesus Christ is their new soul and they’ll have no problem if you tell them Jesus Christ is destroying their Adamic soul, but when you tell them He is going to destroy your Adamic mind they get all upset. It’s your mind, it’s the way you think that must be destroyed. It’s killing you. It’s your emotions that must be destroyed because they’re killing you and it’s your will that’s making you do what God is not telling you to do that must be destroyed. It is killing you. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Revelation 14:15 tells about the impartation of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ to natural men who are called to be the first fruits of the second generation of sons. This is the First Sealing of Israel and you can study more about it, if you like, on message 42, part 14. The Lord’s telling me to take a few minutes here to clarify these terms. The second generation of sons. Brethren, Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the first generation of Christ in the earth. The father God has given Him children. We’re told about them in Isaiah 53. There is a second generation of Christ about to appear on the earth. We are in utero right now and we’re about to be born shortly, the offspring of the Lord Jesus Christ, the second generation of Christ, and sometimes we’re known as the 42nd generation from Adam. Glory to God.


Everybody that’s a part of the second generation of Christ is not being born at once. When you have a tomato plant you’ll go out one morning and maybe you’ll see a couple little tomatoes in the plant and as the season goes on you see more and more tomatoes in increasing numbers cropping up in the plant. Well, the life of His son is the fruit of His spirit and we are appearing in one human being at a time, a few here and a few there, and the first few human beings in whom Christ is about to appear, and that means stand up in full stature, that means to overcome sin, that means to stand up and be righteous and be perfect and be holy as our Father in heaven is holy, it’s going to happen to a few of us first.


And from that moment forward it’s going to be happening to more and more and more and more human beings. But the Scripture teaches that there’s a group of believers that are going to ascend into holiness pretty much at the same time. I honestly don’t know if it’ll be the same second or a few days apart or a few weeks apart or a few months apart. I don’t know, but there’s a group coming and they’re going to ascend in a relatively close period of time and then they’re going to go forward in the full authority of the Lord Jesus Christ to bring the rest of the church up to where they are and this first group is called the firstfruits company or the first fruits of the second generation of Christ. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Now, what am I saying here? That Verse 15 of Revelation 14 tells us that the way we’re being born is that we start out by being born as natural men. That’s being born of water. The Scripture says we must be born of water and we must be born of blood. When your mother gave birth to you, you were born of water and your new birth is close, your birth of blood, of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. So once we have our natural bodies, brethren, the Lord comes to us and we experience what we read about in Verse 15 of Revelation, Chapter 14. He approaches us as natural men and enters into our mind in the form of the Holy Spirit and from that day forward, His presence, which is a new mind, which is a new way of thinking, which is a new set of emotions or a new way of reacting to stress and problems, and a new will, starts to destroy our Adamic mind, will, and emotions. Glory to God. The Holy Spirit is the glorified soul of Jesus Christ and His job is to reproduce the Son, which is the life of Christ in the sin-filled Adamic souls of men. This is the Second Sealing or the double portion which we read about in Revelation 14:18. You can study more about the Second Sealing on message 42, part 5.


So, what did I just say? The First Sealing is when you get the Holy Spirit. It’s a seal, it’s a mark of God that comes upon you but there is a double portion, brethren. There is a Second Sealing. We’ve got to get the Second Sealing, which is the nature of Christ, the First Sealing is the promise of salvation. It’s the promise and the promise has spiritual authority with it. He comes in the form of the Holy Spirit and His spiritual authority is to change you and He changes you by destroying your Adamic mind, will, and emotions, and giving you His. The Second Sealing is the accomplishment of that exchange. You are sealed the second time when your Adamic soul dies completely and you completely exist and survive and live in the mind, will, and emotions of Christ and this is a process, brethren, that can take many years. I think it’s going to speed up a lot once the Sons of God manifest. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


In Verse 15, the Father commands the glorified Jesus Christ, which is the new mind of the second generation of sons, to destroy the Adamic minds of natural men who are called to be the first fruits of the second generation of sons, or the Father is saying, Jesus, by your Holy Spirit, destroy the power and authority of their Adamic minds which do what? Tempt them to sin. And what is the name of that power and authority? It is Satan and he is your unconscious mind who is killing you. The amputation of Jesus glorified, or Holy Spirit, to them is only the beginning of the process which ultimately brings Satan into submission to Christ. You start out by having the Holy Spirit imputed to you and He starts to destroy and cut down your Adamic mind and this can go on for a long time, brethren. Work with them, don’t push against the pricks, brethren, and let’s get this thing done and over with as fast as we can. Somebody came to me once and they said, is it true that there’s nothing you can do to speed up this painful process?


There is something you can do, brethren. You can deny yourself and work with God. There is still a minimum amount of time that it’s going to take but there’s a minimum amount of time and a maximum amount of time and the choice is yours. If you push against the pricks, if you rebel against God, if you deceive yourself in your own mind, if you join with Adam and fight against Christ instead of joining Christ to fight against Adam, it’s going to take you the maximum amount of time and it’s going to be a lot more painful. You do have a choice. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


The imputation of Jesus glorified, or Holy Spirit, to them, to who, the natural men that have been called, is only the beginning of the process which ultimately brings Satan, where, in their own mind, into submission to Christ.


OK, we’re still trying to get started. We’re starting today with Verse 16, Chapter 14 of the Book of Revelation. “And He that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth and the earth was reaped.” Glory to God. The word sat is Strong’s 2521 and this is the same Greek word which is used in the previous Verses and once again the correct tense is sitting, to remain, to reside, to dwell permanently. The word cloud we established in other messages typifies the soul and we know from Verse 14 that the cloud is the white or righteous soul and that the sharp sickle in Jesus’ hand indicates that this is a vision or a prophecy of the many-membered glorified soul or body of Christ Jesus. And in case you never heard it before, the first generation of Christ is called Jesus Christ and the second generation of Christ, or the 42nd generation from Adam, or the Sons of God, have a name. They have a family name and their name is Christ Jesus. Hallelujah. Hold on, let’s get that on the message.


What did you say? The cloud is the glorified soul?


Cloud in the Scripture typifies soul. In this case, because the cloud is white, we know it’s the glorified soul. “And He that sat on the cloud is the glorified spirit of Jesus Christ. The word thrust is Strong’s 306. It means to throw, to put back, or to put off of oneself, and it comes from a root that means to cast off or put down. Note that this is a different Greek word than that used in Verse 15 where the command is to thrust in thy sickle. So, in other words, we have one Greek word that’s used to say thrust in your sickle, do it, and that words means, it’s Strong’s 3992, and it means to send or to thrust one thing into another and it includes a reference to equipment and suggests official or authoritative sending.


But the one Verse says thrust your sickle in and then when the next Verse says and He thrust it in, that’s a different word. It’s Strong’s 306 and it means to put off or put yourself off. Now, the first Greek word used is to give the command for the mind or soul of Jesus Christ to enter into the Adamic minds of the men and the second Greek word describes the action resulting from that command. The soul of Jesus Christ, the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, casts Himself off or puts Himself or goes down from the realm of the spirit and appears as the mind of the natural men who are called to be the first fruits of the second generation of sons. And as a result of His manifesting as their mind, as a result of His coming down from the heavenlies and manifesting as their new mind, the earth of their Adamic soul is reaped, or destroyed.


The word sickle, we’ve talked about this before, is merely a gathering hook or a tool or an implement and the word earth refers to soul and, in this case, the Adamic soul. The soul is made out of earth.


Alternate translation, first half, Revelation 14:16. “And the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ appeared in the Adamic minds of the natural men who were called to be the first fruits of the second generation of sons.” “And the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ appeared in the Adamic minds of the natural men who were called to be the first fruits of the second generation of sons.” Now, remember, the glorified soul of Jesus Christ appears in the Adamic mind as the Holy Spirit. Jesus and the Father are one, so the Holy Spirit is the Father to those natural men, and His purpose is to form or birth His Son in their Adamic souls, however long it takes Him to do it, and it could take a whole lifetime.


We’re continuing with, in Verse 16, the second half, “And the earth was reaped.” “And the earth was reaped.” And again, the word earth is the Adamic soul ruled by Satan and the word reap means to cut off or destroy. Now, remember, when the Scripture speaks about destroying it does not mean total annihilation but the destruction of a thing as it presently exists. When the Scripture says destroy it’s talking about a conversion into another form. God doesn’t waste anything in this universe. He just burns it up and reforms it. He converts it. When it’s unprofitable He makes it profitable. Glory to God. Would you put that mic on so I can hear you? Thanks.


Did you say that His purpose is to birth Christ in the Adamic soul?


To burn Christ?


To birth Christ into the Adamic soul, that’s the Holy Spirit’s purpose?


Yes. Yes, He is birthing Christ within the Adamic soul. The Adamic soul is our womb, it’s our incubator, and that’s what the Father is doing. He’s reproducing the image of Christ in your Adamic soul. You’re having a spiritual pregnancy. OK?




Thanks, I think we get a feedback when that mic’s on. Thank you. Hallelujah. The Adamic soul is not to be done away with but it’s to be utterly changed from its present state so that she can live in another form, even as the castrated servant or eunuch, spiritual eunuch, of Christ. The Scripture calls it bruising Satan under your feet and you can check that out in Genesis 3:15 and in Romans 16:20 if you like.


Alternate Translation, second half of Revelation 14:16. “And He cut down,” who, the Lord Jesus Christ, “He cut down and destroyed their Adamic souls and the first fruits of the second generation of sons became spiritual men under the complete and total authority of the glorified mind of Jesus Christ. You see, they were natural men when He entered into their minds. Their Adamic minds were ruling and they were natural men. Brethren, this may come as a shock to you but you can have the Holy Spirit and be a natural man. You can have Christ conceived in you and be a natural man. If you are the servant of your Adamic mind and obeying Him and living out of Him, you are a natural man. This Scripture says the glorified Spirit of Jesus Christ entered in and brought them these men under the control of His mind and they became spiritual men.


You can be a spiritual man before you stand up in full stature, brethren, but if you’re desiring, consciously or unconsciously, to live out of your Adamic mind you’ve got a war on your hands because the Lord Jesus Christ intends to fully and totally bring you under His authority. “And He cut down and destroyed their Adamic souls and the first fruits of the second generation of sons became spiritual men under the complete and total authority of the glorified soul of Jesus Christ.” Now, please note that there can be a whole lifetime between the first half of Verse 16 and the second half of Verse 16. What am I talking about? The first half of Verse 16 says, “And the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ appeared in the Adamic minds of the natural men who were called to be the first fruits of the second generation of sons.” He appeared there. That doesn’t mean that He had brought them into submission at this time.


And then God only knows how many years later we hear he cut down and destroyed their Adamic souls and they came under His total authority. It could take a whole lifetime, brethren. We have got to work with Christ. We have got to want this thing. Do you know, that some people that He calls run away from Him? Do you know that some of them run in the direct opposite direction of him? You’ve got to run toward Him, brethren. No matter how much it hurts you’ve got to run toward Him because you may not believe it and it may not look that way at the moment but running away from Him is going to wind you up in the pig pen. And when you find yourself there, you’re going to be in torment, and it’s going to be much worse than the pain of resisting your Adamic mind and throwing your will in line with Christ.


The Scripture is speaking here about the events of a 3,500-year generation. This is happening, Jesus Christ entering into the minds of natural men and making them into spiritual men under His authority. This is happening over a spiritual generation which is lasting 3,500 years. Now, the Scripture tells us that a generation is 40 years. That’s a natural generation. Well, I’m suggesting to you that a spiritual generation is 4,000 years. But we’re told in another place that that last 1,000 years shall be cut short in righteousness and what does that mean? It means that we’re going to be caught up in full stature and we’re not going to continue out the last 500 years of the 4,000 years’ spiritual generation as natural men. So what’s happening here, in the Book of Revelation, is a 3,500-year generation.


It’s called the generation of Jesus Christ, or the 42nd generation from Adam, and it began with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And the events of this 3,500-year generation are described by the short phrase, “And the earth was reaped.” “And the earth was reaped.” It’s going to be going on in many men for a period of 3,500 years and we’re already 2,000 years into the process. Hallelujah. And there are many Christians on the earth, but none of us that have had our earth fully reaped. We’re in the process of being reaped. And that first fruits, those first members of the body of Christ, are about to enter into the second half of Revelation 14:16. It’s going to become a spiritual reality in our life, that we shall be under the complete and total authority of the glorified mind of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


We know that one day with the Lord is 1,000 years to man, the Scripture says that clearly. So why should we have any problem believing that one moment with God can be as short or as long as a lifetime? If one day with God is 1,000 years with us, one moment with God could be our whole lifetime. Yes, you shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, in a moment, in a spiritual moment that is your whole lifetime, brethren. Glory to God.


1 Corinthians 15:51-52 say, “Behold, I shall show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump.”




51 and 52. Now, remember from previous studies that the destruction of the Adamic soul is in three stages. First the Spirit of Jesus Christ brings the Adamic mind into submission. This means the Adamic thoughts are rejected and replaced by the thoughts of Jesus Christ. Secondly, the Spirit of Jesus Christ pierces through Satan, slays her as we are told in Ephisians 2, Verses 15 and 16, and swallows up their unconscious mind. And third, and lastly, He brings the Adamic conscious mind into the righteous image of the Father. How, brethren? Through painful experiences known as the judgment or the tribulation. So, if you think that the tribulation is only for the bad guys, you’re right. Every person that is not righteous and holy is a bad guy and shall go through the tribulation which shall purify him and make him as pure as gold and that includes every member of the church that I know of, including me. In fact, it’s my understanding that the Lord’s not judging the world, He is judging His church. Get real, brethren. Get real or this thing’s going to come on you as a thief in the night. It’s much easier when you’re understanding and you’re working with Him. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation. Revelation, Chapter 14, Verse 16. “And the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ appeared in the Adamic minds of the natural men who are called to be the first fruits of the second generation of sons and He cut down and destroyed their Adamic souls and the first fruits of the second generation of sons became spiritual men under the complete and total authority of the glorified mind of Jesus Christ.”


I have two Scriptures for you which speak about the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ in us. 1 Peter 7, Verse 13. I didn’t put down the chapter number, I have down 1 Peter Verses 7 and 13. That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. He is appearing, brethren, and He is appearing in your mind, in your will, and in your emotions.


Verse 13. “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” The King James version says revelation, at the revelation of Jesus Christ, but this word revelation comes from the same Greek word which is translated appear in Verse 7. It’s the same Greek word. He is appearing, brethren, and He is appearing as our life, as our new life, as our new mind. Hallelujah.


Going on, Verse 17. “And another angel came out of the temple, which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.” The word another is Strong’s 243 and it means different and it’s used to distinguish individuals, the Scripture saying it’s not the same angel that I was talking about before, it’s a different angel. And of course we know that the angel is a messenger or a message. So we’re dealing with, “And another angel came out of the temple, which is heaven.” The word came out is Strong’s 1831. It means issued forth, came out, arose, manifested. We can use this word to say that an angel manifested, appeared, revealed himself to somebody else. A temple is the place where deity dwells and heaven is the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hell is the soul of Adam. The ruling Spirit in heaven is the Father and the ruling spirit in hell is Satan. So the temple in heaven is the Father’s house, even the glorified soul or body of the Lord Jesus Christ.


I don’t know about you, brethren, but up until now I always thought that when the Scripture speaks about another angel it means an angel which is different from all the previous angels but the Lord has shown me the phrase another angel, according to the above definition, can mean the other side or the other person of any one angel. Now, we are sons in the making. We have two sides to us, or two souls. We’re Adam and Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ has two sides also.


They are the Father and the Son. The glorified soul of Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the type of the Old Testament Tabernacle, which was made of wood overlaid with gold. He is connected to the Father on His gold or God side and to the Adamic mind of humanity on His wood or human side. Jesus Christ is the only connection between God and man. I am suggesting to you that when the Scripture speaks about an angel it is either speaking about the Father side or the Son side of the glorified spirit of Jesus Christ and when the following Verse speaks about another angel it is speaking about the reverse, or the other side, or the other person of the glorified soul of Jesus Christ.


In Verse 15, the Father speaks out of the gold or God side of the soul of Jesus Christ so when Verse 17 speaks about another angel it is speaking about the other angel, or the other side of the angel, or the human or wood side of the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Alternate Translation, first half Revelation Chapter 14:17. “And the Lord Jesus Christ appeared in His glorified soul.” “And the Lord Jesus Christ,” not the Father side, now, not the Father, but the Son, “appeared in His glorified soul.” In the body of Christ either the Father can appear or the Son can appear and the Lord Jesus Christ appeared in His glorified soul, He also having a sharp sickle, He also having a sharp sickle. The word also is not in the original Greek and the word having means possessing. Now, I went into Webster on that and there were quite a few definitions in Webster but I chose one that’s pertinent here and Webster says that to possess means to enter into and to control firmly.


I hear a lot about control and a lot of people are worried and afraid about control and that’s very understandable but I declare to you, brethren, that there is a control of God and God is controlling and when He wants you to do something, He will control you. And when you’re close enough to Him, if you don’t want to do what He wants you to do, you’re going to have one spiritual battle, so you better ask God for a lot of discernment because every spiritual battle you’re in is not the devil. You could be fighting against God and if you’re denying this or deceiving yourself, you’re not hurting anyone but yourself. So, get before God with an open heart and ask Him to give you the ability to discern what’s going on in your own heart.


Now, the word sharp sickle. I just said that the word sickle is the Lord Jesus Christ in the hands of the Father and the sharp sickle, we established this on the last message, the sharp sickle is the second generation of sons. They are the Sons of God because the fierce or awesome warrior spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is their new mind. That’s what makes you a son, brethren. He who follows after the Spirit of God is a Son of God. What that means is, brethren, that the only mind that you acknowledge is the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ and that every thought being generated and attempting to influence you outside of the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ is your enemy, your hated enemy, and you do everything you can to resist him. That’s what makes you a Son of God. It’s not because you speak in tongues and it’s not because you dance in the spirit. I don’t mean to be cruel but these things do not make you a Son of God. They’re nice and they’re gifts from the Father and God blessed you but you’ve got to go on with God. His mind must appear in you. You must think His thoughts and speak His words and do His works.


Alternate Translation. The second half of Revelation 14:17. “And His righteous mind was firmly controlling, protecting, and preserving the first fruits of the second generation of sons. So we see here, brethren, that when we are controlled by the Lord we are preserved and protected and when we are controlled by Satan we are destroyed. Be not deceived, we are controlled by one or the other, that which some of us think is our own thoughts, our own will, our own protection. If it’s not God, it’s Satan, one or the other. So what do we have here?


Remember, the glorified soul or body of Jesus Christ is the one new soul which was formed when the righteous soul which Jesus Christ of Nazareth inherited from His Father God and the Adamic soul which He inherited from His mother were nailed together in crucifixion. That’s right, Jesus nailed Himself, or his righteous soul, to His Adamic soul, which was fallen at birth but justified when He brought it into submission to the righteousness of the Father which was within Him, making of the twain one new man, the creation of God. Again, I apologize if I’m shocking you, brethren, but Jesus Christ of Nazareth was a man who was born with two souls. For us to get two souls we have to come in contact with the Holy Spirit somewhere. We start out as a natural man and sometime during our lifetime the Lord touches us and we get a new soul, Lord willing.


Jesus Christ of Nazareth was born with two souls and His righteous soul which He inherited from His Father took dominion over the fallen soul that He inherited from His mother and the only thing that I could tell you as to a time sequence is that at the time of His baptism in the Jordan by John, His righteous soul had totally justified His fallen Adamic soul because He had utterly brought it into submission by the power and the authority of the Father who was dwelling within Him. This is impossible for any natural man to do. The Lord Jesus Christ overcame His fallen Adamic soul because the life of the Father was within Him. Hallelujah. No natural man can overcome. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was not just a man, the first one of the whole human race who evolved up to a higher level. We are stuck down here, brethren, on the circle of the earth until the Lord God comes to dwell in our mind and bends us upward into the heavenlies. Glory to God.


In Verse 17, the glorified spirit of Jesus Christ has nailed Himself to the Adamic souls of the first fruits of the second generation of [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. The word altar, Jesus is the altar. You can study that on message 41 if you like. He is the one who has overcome His Adamic mind by nailing Himself to it and has become the high priest of the living soul who is continuously offering up His own Adamic soul as a burnt offering to the Father. The second generation of sons have become one with Jesus and are appearing with Him in the altar of his righteous soul and they too are offering up their own Adamic souls as burnt offerings to the Father on the altar of or through being joined to the Lord Jesus Christ. Brethren, you don’t have the strength to offer up your Adamic soul to the Father. You need the Lord Jesus Christ to give you that strength. We cannot do it without Him. Jesus Christ is the altar and the fire from heaven that’s coming down to burn up the offering is the fire of the Spirit of Almighty God and that Spirit of Almighty God is upon the altar is our soul and it is burning, and it is burning, but our Adamic soul is not consumed. Behold, the bush that burneth but is not consumed by the fire. Life, the life of the Father, is imparted to our Adamic soul but not in the criminal way that we’re living today. We must become a eunuch and a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and we shall live for the life of the ages. Glory to God. That’s for the Adamic man. Hallelujah.


In Galatians 2, Verse 30, Paul says that he is crucified with Christ. This means that he is crucified along with, or as well as, Christ. Not instead of Christ. It doesn’t say it anywhere in the Scripture that Jesus was crucified instead of us. Paul clearly states he was crucified along with, or as well as, Christ. Now, many believers think that Paul is referring to his ultimate death by crucifixion in Rome but he clarifies in Galatians 6:14 that he is speaking about the crucifixion of his Adamic soul, not the crucifixion of his physical body. And Galatians 6:14 says, “But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” The Greek word translated world is kosmos, Strong’s 2889. This word means an orderly arrangement and I am suggesting to you that Paul is saying that the Christ in him was crucified to, or nailed to, the orderly arrangement of this world system that is within each of us.


That is his Adamic soul. Now, brethren, don’t misunderstand me. No one has to have their body crucified. We’re talking about the soul here. Everyone that cometh to the Father must have his soul crucified. Your old man must be crucified. He must be nailed to the Christ within so that his form can be changed, so that he can become a eunuch and live for the life of the ages in the moral order that the Lord has ordained for him to be in. Our Adamic soul is female, brethren, and she must come into submission to the man who is the Lord Jesus Christ. She has had a free run of Jezebelic activity for thousands of years and this age is over. She must come into the age or the time or the season when she shall submit to and honor her husband, even the Lord Jesus Christ, and she shall have more peace than she has ever had since the fall. Glory to God.


So we’re still talking about the altar of the temple. The altar of the temple, as we said earlier, Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament Tabernacle which was made of wood overlaid with gold. He is connected to the Father on His gold, or God, side and to the Adamic mind of humanity on His wood, or human, side. Jesus Christ is the only connection between God and man but now we see that the glorified soul of Jesus Christ and the first fruits of the second generation of sons are one. The spiritual life which was in Jesus Christ of Nazareth has now not only a new soul and a new body but many new souls and many new bodies. This is what Jesus is speaking about in Matthew 11:14, which says, “And if ye will receive it,” this is Jesus speaking about John the Baptist, “this,” John the Baptist, “is Elijah, which was fore to come.” John the Baptist was the manifestation of the life of Christ which appeared on the earth in the personality known as Elijah.


The personality known as Elijah has been destroyed. It was marred in the hand of the potter. It shall never rise again. The only thing that has survived is the Christ that was in him and that manifestation of Christ is appearing again in the new personality, the newly reformed personality, of the man known as John the Baptist. Brethren, the only thing that has any significance in your life is the measure of Christ that is within you. He is all that matters. He is all that there is, and as the end of the ages come upon us the whole lump of clay, which is made out of spiritual garbage, the Scripture tells us, shall be formed into many vessels upon whom He shall pour out his mercy and we shall be baked in the oven of the fire of His life and we shall be preserved for the life of the ages. You can’t lose what you don’t have, brethren. Your Adamic life is just a shadow, it’s an illusion. The only reality is Christ. Hallelujah. Glory to God.




So we see that the other side of the angel of Revelation 14:17 is the glorified soul of Jesus Christ but He is appearing as the mind of the first fruits of the second generation of sons and, because He rose from the dead and has become their righteous mind, the first fruits of the second generation of sons have risen from the dead with Him. Where? In their minds, or spiritually ascended up into heaven, or, if you will, have been raptured. I don’t care what word you use, this is what it means. “And they are appearing in the heavenlies with Jesus as the many-membered Son of God and their body is still upon the earth.”


Romans 6:6 says, “Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin,” your Adamic soul is the body of sin, it is not your physical body, the body of sin is your Adamic soul, “that it might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” And how is your Adamic soul, your body of sin, destroyed? It is nailed by the nail, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is pierced through. It is slain by the nail known as the Lord Jesus Christ and of the twain He is making one new man. He did it in Himself and He’s doing it in you.


Galatians 2:20 says, “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet, not I, but Christ, liveth in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” “I am crucified with Christ.” He is crucified to Christ, brethren. His Adamic soul is crucified to the Christ within him. He says, “Nevertheless, I live,” even though his Adamic soul died, he still lives. “Yet, not I,” says Paul, “but Christ liveth in me.” So, what is he saying? Adam and Christ were nailed together and Christ did not die, Adam died, and Paul now has a new mind, a new soul, a new will, and new emotions so his body is still alive and he lives but yet it’s not him, it’s the Son of God living in him and he goes on to say, “And the life which I now live in the flesh, in the soul, I live by the faith of the Son of God.” Brethren, that means the faith of the Son of God is the very life of Christ. He is not saying, Paul is not saying, that he lives because he believes.


He’s saying that he believes by the very presence of the indwelling Christ. It keeps him alive. Adam, ruled by Satan, is no longer his life source, brethren. Adam, ruled by Satan, has been slain. If Adam and Satan were to be slain in me right now I would die because the Lord Jesus Christ is not yet mature enough to sustain this body. Paul lived by the faith of the Son of God, who loved him and gave Himself for him. What do you mean He gave Himself for him? Oh, He died on the cross, I know. Brethren, I’ve got a flash for you. The Lord Jesus Christ, in submission to His Father, has agreed to be nailed to the ungodly, wicked, evil living soul for the life of the ages. He’s locked up with her, brethren. He’s bound to her and her evil has not brought Him down but His righteousness and His love has raised her up. Run not from evil, brethren, resist not evil but convert it. And I tell you, brethren, you cannot overcome evil with the love that comes from the Adamic mind. You can only overcome evil by loving to the point of being willing to give up your own life. Hallelujah.


Alternate Translation. The first phrase of Revelation 14:18, “And the first fruits of the second generation of sons appeared in and became one with the glorified soul of Jesus Christ which had power over fire.” Continuing with, “Which had power over fire.” This word power is Strong’s 1849 and it means privilege, force, authority, or liberty. The word over is Strong’s 1909 and it means superimposition, which means to rest upon or directly on top of, and the word fire is Strong’s 4442 and it means lightning. We discussed this word on message 40, part 1, where we established that lightning typifies spiritual power. In this case it typifies the spiritual power of Satan which flows through the Adamic soul and this angel, He had power over fire. The spirit of Jesus Christ has dominion over the satanic spiritual power of the Adamic mind, which He is nailed to. Jesus Christ, by the spiritual power and authority of the Father, is neutralizing or swallowing up the satanic spiritual power, or lightning, of the Adamic unconscious mind. Did you ever get hit by a lightning bolt, brethren?


Did you ever get hit by a spiritual lightning bolt? It can pierce you through, brethren, but it cannot pierce the soul of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Have you ever been hurt by something someone said to you, brethren? Have you ever been wounded? Has your soul ever been ripped or torn? That’s when you’re in your vile body, brethren, even the Adamic soul. The soul of Jesus Christ cannot be pierced, penetrated, ripped, torn, cooked, or cut to pieces by any lightning bolt. Glory to God. And that lightning bolt is Satan and he is the Adamic unconscious mind. One witness to this spiritual fact, that when the two spiritual powers, Jesus, who is the reality, and Satan, who is the lie, when they come together, the light and the darkness, that the light shall indeed prevail.


There are two Scriptures that speak about that that I have for you, telling us that when the Spirit of God encounters the spirit of Satan God shall not be hurt or changed in any way.


1 John, the Book of John, Chapter 1, Verse 5. “And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended or overcame it not.” “And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended or overcame it not.” “And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended or overcame it not.” Brethren, the darkness of the spirit of Satan, of this world system, it shall not overcome the light of Almighty God, but on the contrary, when the light shines out in the darkness the darkness of this world system, or the illusion which is this world system, or the shadow which is this world system, shall flee away and it shall never be seen again. Only the light shall be revealed. Brethren, Satan is an illusion. He is likened to water in the spirit and the Spirit of Almighty God is likened unto the oil. We know the Holy Spirit is oil. When you mix water and oil in a glass, brethren, what happens?


The water remains intact and the oil breaks up into little beads. But I declare to you that in the realm of the spirit the water shall not remain intact, it shall not break up the Holy Spirit, it shall not dilute Him, it shall not change Him, it shall not overcome Him. But when the water of Satan is mixed with the Holy Spirit that’s in your vessel and your spiritual being, after they’re mixed together, when you look in that glass all that you’re going to see is the oil of the Holy Spirit. The water will have been swallowed up. It will be in the depths, in the back part, of the Spirit of Almighty God that you’re going to have to look real hard to see it and when you look at it it’s just going to be a shape, an image, a form that is giving shape to the Spirit of Almighty God. So, what are we talking about? We’re talking about a confrontation between light and darkness, a confrontation between oil and water, a confrontation between the darkness of this world system and the light and the reality of Almighty God. And the Scripture teaches, brethren, that when this confrontation occurs the light shall be the only thing that remains. The light shall be the only thing that remains. Hallelujah.


Well, I went a little bit ahead of myself. The second Scripture is Revelation 14:10 and this speaks about the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture and the phrase without mixture means that the Spirit of God will not be diluted when it is mixed with or nailed to Satan. And you can study that, if you like, on message 75, part 2.


OK, Alternate Translation. This is the first and second phrases of Revelation 14, Verse 18. “And the first fruits of the second generation of sons appeared in and became one with the glorified soul of Jesus Christ which had authority over Satan. Glory to God. Let me give that to you with the original and the Greek if you’ll just bear with me a second. I’d like to put this on the message. OK, we’re in the first phrase of Verse 18 of Revelation Chapter 14 which reads, in the King James, “And another angel came out from the altar which had power over fire.” Glory to God. That is the first and second phrase of Revelation 14:18.


And we’re continuing with, “And they,” who, the first fruits of the second generation of sons, “And they cried with a loud cry.” Now, I’d like to, first of all, call your attention to the fact that the two words in that phrase, cried and cry, are rendered from two different Greek words. The Greek word translated cried is Strong’s 2896 and it means to flow, to bring forth, or to lead, and as you can see it has very little to do with speaking and once again we seem to have a situation where the King James translators were having a problem comprehending what the Lord was trying to say so they chose the translation that made sense to them but it doesn’t make sense to us in light of this gospel of perfection that the Lord is bringing forth in this hour.


So we are going to choose the translations for the word cried, which means to flow or bring forth or to lead out of. And the Greek word translated cry is Strong’s 2906 and that means clamor and tumult. It means a lot of noise associated with a big to-do. And of course the word loud is Strong’s 3173 which means big or strong. Now, I went into Webster to get some additional definitions for the words clamor and tumult because we really want to understand what the Lord is saying here. Webster says the word clamor means insistent, public expression of protest or support. It means to influence by means of proclaiming insistently and noisily.


Tumult means violent agitation of mind or feelings and violent means marked by extreme force or sudden, intense activity, furious or vehement to the point of being improper, unjust, or illegal, and it’s something that is produced or effected by force. The word violent, in a nutshell, brethren, means force. The word agitate means to excite the mind or feelings, to discuss excitedly and earnestly, to stir up public discussion of, to shake. Now, we hear a lot about shaking in the church and we know that it means spiritual shakings and that there are earthquakes continually going on in the church. But, brethren, I declare to you that spiritual earthquakes usually are the result of the words that people speak. They are indeed the result of the words that people speak.


They are the result of the spoken word. When the earthquake comes forth from the spirit of Almighty God, the word is spoken through the Lord’s prophet, in this hour through His sons. Judgment is pronounced and there is an earthquake, a shaking, in the heavenlies and it is felt in that person’s spiritual being. In the natural or in the carnal realm when people speak evil or when they practice witchcraft. And if you’re listening to this message I hope that you know that there are a lot of people that practice witchcraft that don’t know it. They’re not putting pins in dolls, they’re not casting spells, but they’re yielding to the evil in their mind. And they’re speaking evil about people and hating them and wishing ill upon them and the Lord, brethren, calls that witchcraft and it results in a big shaking in the heavenlies which produces tumult and clamor and agitation in a person’s life.


But here, in Verse 18 of Revelation Chapter 14, we see the first fruits of the Sons of God producing a tumult or a clamor. The Scripture says they are crying out and I declare to you that they are violently and actively and insistently and excitedly discussing this gospel of perfection. They’re talking about Satan’s devices and they’re denying him in their own minds. They’re refusing to agree with him and they’re waging the warfare that will result in their separation from their own souls. How can you separate from your own souls, brethren? We are not our souls. We are spirit. We are spirit and we are Christ and we are married to an evil soul that has overtaken us and captivated us and the Lord God is in the process right now, and already has, erected a city of refuge. That city of refuge, it is the Lord Jesus Christ.


He is already erected but He must be erected in your heart and when He is fully erected in your heart and fully capable of receiving you He will strengthen you to break away from your evil soul that you are joined to and bound together with and we shall flee into the city of refuge which is the Lord Jesus Christ. And that is what this Scripture is talking about. And it’s telling us that to get away from Satan, the one who is oppressing and killing us, it is done with our minds. It is done with an attitude of the mind and that attitude is one which rejects him. Of course, rejecting him does us no good if Christ is not also within us waiting to receive us. So we see this to be a double-pronged process. Christ must be formed in us and then we must rise up in great strength of mind and emotions and intense activity of resisting sin and it says that the definition of violent is to be furious and vehement to the point of being improper, unjust, or illegal, but I declare to you that when it comes to the things of God there is no resistance that is illegal. Satan is to be rejected and refused and resisted with the fullest strength that we can muster.


Alternate Translation. This is the third phrase of Revelation 14:18. “And they,” who, the first fruits of the second generation of sons, “And they flowed out of their Adamic souls,” that’s the word cried, “They flowed out of the Adamic souls into the glorified soul of Jesus Christ by means of a violent and verbal public rejection of their Adamic emotions and Satan’s spiritual authority over them and a furious determination to live by the righteousness of Jesus Christ and the spiritual authority of the Father.” Let’s take it again. “And they cried,” and they flowed, “out of their Adamic souls into the glorified soul of Jesus Christ with a loud cry,” and they flowed out of their Adamic souls by means of a loud cry which was saying that it was violent and verbal and it was a public rejection of their Adamic emotions and Satan’s spiritual authority over them and they were also declaring a furious determination to live by the righteousness of Jesus Christ and the spiritual authority of the Father.


Continuing with, “And He cried with a loud cry, to Him, that had the sharp sickle, saying thrust in thy sickle.” Glory to God. The one that had the sharp sickle, that’s the glorified Spirit of Jesus Christ manifesting in the mind of the second generation of sons. The word thrust in, we’ve had all this before, it means to sin, to thrust one thing into another, and it includes a reference to equipment and suggests official or authoritative action. And the sharp sickle of course is the firstfruits company of the second generation of sons.


Alternate Translation. This is the fourth phrase of Revelation 14:18. “To him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle.”


Alternate Translation. “And they were saying, to the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, enter into the minds of the spiritual men who are the first fruits of the second generation of sons.” “And they were saying, to the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, enter into the minds of the spiritual men who are the first fruits of the second generation of sons.” In Verse 15 we see the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, the Father’s sickle, entering into the minds of the natural men who are called to be the first fruits of the second generation of sons and they’re destroying their Adamic souls. Glory to God. And He is destroying their Adamic souls. So, the first fruits of the second generation of sons have become spiritual men. Why? Because Jesus has destroyed their Adamic souls or is in the process of destroying their Adamic souls and in Christ Jesus we are spirit but they are not yet in full stature. In Verse 18 we see the glorified soul of Jesus Christ fully possessing the minds of the first fruits of the second generation of sons who became spiritual men when the Holy Spirit began to work in their lives. And they’re asking Jesus for the Second Sealing, or the double portion, which is the impression of the Father’s righteous nature upon their Adamic soul. You can review this further if you like on message 42, part 5. Hallelujah.


Continuing with, “And gather the clusters of the vine of the earth. Thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth.” And the word gather is 5166. It means the gathering or collecting of the fruit of the plant at harvest time. Now, please note, that the Greek word translated reap means to cut off or destroy the plant which has born the fruit. We’re talking about the plant or the cornstalk that’s left in the ground after the corn is plucked. It has no more productive function so the farmer cuts it down and rips it out of the field. But the Greek word translated gather refers to the gathering of the actual fruit or the plucking of the corn off of the stalk. However, Webster has a few more definitions of the word gather.


So we’re going to take a look at what Webster has to say. Gather can also be translated as, to hold fast, to bring together, to accumulate, and place in order of readiness, to assemble, to serve as a center of attraction for, to prepare oneself by mustering strength, to bring together the parts of, to come together in a body, to cluster around a focus of attraction. For this Verse we’re going to use the definition of, to prepare oneself by mustering strength. But what are the first fruits of the second generation of sons being prepared for? They’re being prepared to stand up in full stature which means that their true spiritual life, their human spirit, is transferring from Adam to Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ brings this transfer or exchange of souls to pass by afflicting us with many trials. I’m sorry, brethren, there is no easy way to go.


Now there’s a ministry in the church today and it’s strong and it’s overseas and it’s evangelizing and it’s telling people about the wonderful promises of God to restore creation. Brethren, this is a true word but we must discover how God is going to do this thing and I declare to you that He is going to do it through the hand of the Sons of God. He is going to do it through the hands of a company of men that will have been restored to righteousness and, brethren, the procedure that restores us to righteousness is a whole different spirit than that which is on this movement which is declaring the restoration of the creation, the spirit which is raising up the Sons of God is a spirit of fire. It is a baptism with fire. It is tribulation and this is the word to you if you are called to be a Son. Fiery trials shall convert you or exchange your soul or stand you up in full stature. There is no other way to go, brethren. Don’t get confused when you hear the two messages. We don’t speak to our 2-year-olds the same way that we speak to a 25-year-old that’s been inducted into the army or an 18-year-old that’s being drafted into the army and that’s just the size of it. Stand up like a man, gird up your loins, and endure hardship like a good soldier saith the Lord.


We’re dealing with, “And gather the clusters of the vine.” The word vine is Strong’s 288. Webster says that it’s a plant whose stem requires support and which climbs by tendrils or creeps along the ground and I’m suggesting to you that a spiritual vine is a soul and we have in this world today two souls. We have the Adamic soul which is supported. Our definition says it needs a support and the support which supports the Adamic soul is Satan and there’s a new soul in the earth today and His name is the Lord Jesus Christ and the spirit which supports Him is the Father. Hallelujah. Adam is the vine of the earth and Christ is the vine from heaven.


Remember that the Scripture describes spiritual life as plant life and Jesus referred to Himself as the vine in John 15:1. “I am the true vine and My Father is the husband men.” Jesus is the true, or legitimate, spiritual plant, or vine, or soul, which the Father planted in the earth of the Adamic soul. We have a soul within a soul. Have you heard about a wheel within a wheel, brethren? That’s what it is. It’s a soul within a soul. The soul of Christ is growing within the soul of Adam and the way Christ is getting out is that He’s circumcising Adam. He’s cutting through from His position within. He’s cutting Adam away and Jesus Christ is coming into the outer realms where He shall abide and rule in full power and authority for the life of the ages. The false vine must be crushed or cut away so that the true soul, or life of God, can flow out.


Matthew 15:13 says, “Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up.” That’s the Adamic soul, brethren. It shall be rooted up and the soul of Christ, ruled by the Father, shall be the only soul, or the only vine, growing in the earth of this world system.


Continuing with, “And gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, Thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth.” The word clusters is Strong’s 1009 and it means bunches of grapes. This is the only time the word clusters appears in the Greek. The Hebrew equivalent appears in the Old Testament twice, however, in Genesis 40:10 and in numbers 13:24. Both times the meaning indicates the supernatural abundance of Almighty God. The vine of the earth, we just explained, that refers to the Adamic soul, and I already told you that Jesus is the vine from heaven. The clusters of the vine of the earth are Jesus’ glorified many-membered soul life, even the second generation of Christ, the 42nd generation from Adam. Please note that the fruit of the cluster, which is the mind of Christ, is within many grape skins. The grape skins are the carnal minds of the many individual sons. The life, or fruit of Christ, is within our innermost being so we must be, and some of us are already being, crushed to let what is inside of us flow out. The grape skins, or our carnal mind, must be crushed as well as the Adamic vine must be rooted up, as we will see when we study Verse 19 where that vine is rooted up.


Alternate Translation. This is the next-to-last phrase of Revelation 14:18. “And gather the clusters of the vine of the earth.” Alternate Translation. “And prepare and strengthen us for the fiery trials which will separate us from our Adamic minds.” Glory to God. Continuing with the last phrase of Revelation 14:18, “For her grapes are fully ripe.” The word grapes is 4718 and it’s a cluster of grapes as if intertwined. Grapes, there are many grapes hanging on a cluster and they’re all intertwined and I’m suggesting to you that this typifies both the body of Adam and the body of Christ. We are a many-membered living soul. In Adam we are clusters of grapes, every human being, every man is a grape which is a part of the cluster which is growing on the vine of the Adamic soul. We group together, we group together in families, we group together in different categories. Each grape typifies a man. And in the body of Christ each grape typifies a man which is joined in Christ. But in the Scripture we see here the many members of humanity clustering together in groups, hanging on the Adamic vine of the earth, which is the Adamic soul, and the life of Christ is within the many members of the body of Adam. We’re the family of man. This is the first Adam, the living soul. And the life of Christ is within each human being, within each individual member.


We are still an Adamic creation, brethren, but the hour is coming, and already is, that this Adamic creation is going to be ripped up at its root. The vine’s going to be ripped out of the earth and it’s going to be cast into the wine press of the wrath of Almighty God with the grapes on it, which are the individual human beings, and we shall be crushed through fiery trials, and under the judgment of Almighty God, and the result of this crushing, brethren, is that the life of God shall come pouring out into this realm of appearance and shall cover it over like the waters cover the sea. And this system shall be utterly the Lord Jesus Christ’s. It is His, in the realm of the spirit. Yes, He has defeated Satan, but now He must come in and take the land and that’s what He’s doing now. He’s taking your land and He’s taking my land. He must be absolute Lord over our lives, which means that every thought, word, and deed that comes forth from us must be generated by the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. And, brethren, the only one that I know of that that happened to is the man Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


But it’s about to happen to a firstfruits company and those first fruits of the second generation of sons shall stand up in full spiritual authority and strength and they shall go forth to bring forth the life of Christ in the remaining members of the church. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. We are an Adamic creation. We are the living soul but Christ is within us and He’s crushing us, brethren, so He can get out. Don’t push against the pricks. There’s no way that you can avoid it. When the Lord tells you that your time has come for the crushing there is nothing that you can do to get away from it. It can go easier for you or it can go harder for you. It can go faster or it can go slower, depending fully upon the degree to which you throw yourself in agreement with God’s processings. Don’t fight Him, brethren, join Him, and He’ll comfort you every step of the way. Glory to God.


I’d like to read you my note because I forgot where I left off. I don’t think I told you this. Each grape represents a spiritual man who was within the placenta of his carnal mind. The clusters of grapes, well, what’s a placenta? The placenta is the sac within a woman’s womb that the baby is growing in. We have a human body, a woman, then we have an internal organ, a womb, and within that we have a sac called a placenta, and inside of that is the baby. In the realm of the spirit we have a soul, which is Adam, and our human personality, which is the carnal mind, Adam is the womb and the carnal mind is the placenta and Christ is within that. Hallelujah. So each human being, each grape, represents a spiritual man who was within the placenta of his carnal mind. The clusters of grapes are the many Adamic souls of the first fruits of the second generation of sons, which are growing on the Adamic vine of the earth and the vine of the earth of course is the spiritual life which is produced by Satan. Webster says that the word cluster and bunch are interchangeable so I’m considering the words grapes and clusters interchangeable. There are bunches or families of grapes, or human beings, growing out of the soul of Adam, which is generated by the spirit of Satan. And within us is the life of Christ.


We’re dealing with the phrase, let’s get back to where we were, “for her grapes are fully ripe.” And the words fully ripe is Strong’s 187 and it means to come to the point of maturity. Remember, until we are totally transferred into Christ our Adamic soul, which is ruled by Satan, is the power base which keeps us appearing in this realm of appearance. Brethren, we are generated by a spiritual authority to have existence in this world system. There has to be a spirit within us that’s generating our existence. Every human being on the face of the earth today that I know of is generated by the power base known as Satan. That’s a shock but it’s the truth. Jesus Christ is being built in us in preparation to take our true substance away from Satan and permit us to continue living because we shall be joined to Him. We cannot live without a soul and a ruling spirit, also known as a husband, a spiritual husband. Glory to God.


I want to read you this note again. Remember, until we are totally transferred into Christ our Adamic soul, which is ruled by Satan, is the power base which keeps us appearing in this realm of appearance. If our life substance were to flow out from our Adamic soul before Christ is mature enough to fully join with our human spirit, thereby sustaining us in this realm of appearance, we would surely die.


Alternate Translation. “For her grapes are fully ripe.” Because Christ is mature enough to keep us alive in this world system. Her grapes, the soul which contains Christ, referring to the fruit, is mature enough. Christ is mature enough to join with our human spirit and keep us alive in this world system when we are ripped free from Satan and our Adamic souls. The mature life of Christ fully prepares us to survive in the realm of time without our Adamic soul. It shall be our new soul, the life of Christ and the Spirit of the Father shall be our life.


Alternate Translation. Revelation 14:18. “And the first fruits of the second generation of sons appeared in and became one with the glorified soul of Jesus Christ which had authority over Satan, and they flowed out of their Adamic souls into the glorified soul of Jesus Christ by means of a violent and verbal public rejection of their Adamic emotions and Satan’s spiritual authority over them, and also because of a furious determination to live by the righteousness of Jesus Christ and the spiritual authority of the Father.” And they were saying to Jesus, enter into the minds of the spiritual men who are the first fruits of the second generation of sons and prepare and strengthen us for the fiery trials which will separate us from our Adamic minds because Christ is mature enough to keep us alive in this world system. We have found several instances in the Scripture where a series of Verses or several phrases within one Verse appear in reverse sequence. The Lord has explained to us that some Scriptures are written as seen from the realm of the spirit and others as seen from the realm of the soul. The Scriptures which are seen from the realm of the soul are in a sequence which makes sense to our carnal mind but the Scriptures which are seen from the realm of the spirit are in a sequence which is the opposite of what our carnal mind would expect or call rational. Revelation 14:18 is one of those Verses.


I’m suggesting to you that the King James translation should begin with the last phrase and end with the first phrase of Verse 18. Now, Verses 17 and Verse 18 in reverse sequence would sound like this in the language of the King James. “And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, He also having a sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe. And He cried with a loud cry to Him that had the sharp sickle and another angel came out from the altar which had power over fire.” I’m going to read that again. “And another angel,” that’s one angel, “came out of the temple which is in heaven, He also having a sharp sickle,” and He was saying, “Thrust in thy sharp sickle,” well He had to be saying it to somebody else, “and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, because her grapes are fully ripe.


And He cried with a loud cry to Him that had the sharp sickle, and another,” or a third, “angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire.” The other angel, I’m suggesting to you, the Father, or another angel as it says in Verse 17, the Father cried to the one with the sharp sickle, the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, and another, it sounds like a third angel, came out of the altar. But I’m suggesting to you that this is not a third angel, it is Jesus in another form. As we have said earlier, there is just the Father and the Son, so let’s try and understand this. This other angel is Jesus appearing as the mind of the second generation of sons who have ascended into the heavenlies and the two are one. So when I say Jesus in another form, what am I talking about? Jesus in one form is the glorified soul of the Lord Jesus Christ and He is in the heavenlies with the Father. Jesus in another form is the glorified soul of Jesus Christ appearing in the minds of the second generation of sons. He is now, the spiritual life that dwells in Jesus Christ of Nazareth is now dwelling as the mind of the second generation of sons. He is living in the next generation with many new souls and many new bodies. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


This is what our Alternate Translation -- so what am I saying? I’m saying the Father gave the command to Jesus, Jesus reaped or destroyed the Adamic soul, and what happened? The second generation of sons or the first fruits of the second generation of sons ascended into the heavenlies and we now have what could look like three groups of people up there in heaven but I declare to you that that’s not true because the Father and the Son are one and they are the Father of the God head and the Son and the second generation of sons are one and there’s only two members of the God head, even the Father and the Son.


This is what our Alternate Translation of Verses 17 and 18 in reverse sequence sound like. “And the Lord Jesus Christ appeared in His glorified soul and his righteous mind was firmly controlling, protecting, and preserving the first fruits of the second generation of sons and they,” who, the second generation of sons, “they were violently and verbally rejecting their Adamic emotions and Satan’s spiritual authority over them and were furiously determined to live by the righteousness of Jesus Christ and the spiritual authority of the Father and they were saying to Jesus, enter into the minds of those of us who are spiritual men and the first fruits of the second generation of sons and prepare us and strengthen us for the fiery trials which will separate us from our Adamic minds, because Christ is mature enough to keep us alive in this world system. And they flowed out of their Adamic souls into the glorified soul of Jesus Christ and the first fruits of the second generation of sons appeared in, and became one with, the glorified soul of Jesus Christ which had authority over Satan.” Hallelujah.


Please note, once again, that even though -- now I’m going to start talking about the two witnesses again and I’ve mentioned this earlier on the message, I’m sorry if I’m putting confusion on you, but the Lord will change the name of somebody for various reasons, one of which is that their function is changing and a second possibility is that He’s just speaking about a different aspect of their ministry or their personality. The Sons of God are those who follow after the Spirit of God. They are the ones who think, say, and do only what the Father tells them to do. Now, in this hour we have Sons of God in part, some of us that are doing what the Father thinks, says, and does some of the time but not all of the time.


There is a Scripture, we’ve studied it earlier, about the two witnesses and that is the son- --those two witnesses represent the Sons of God that are approaching full stature, who are going out under the explicit direction of the Lord Jesus Christ to judge their own souls and in certain instances help others to become fertilized with Christ and to help them under the strict admonition of the Father, to strengthen them to judge their own souls and we talked about that earlier. So, when I switch back to the two-witness company now, I’m still talking about the first fruits of the second generation of sons in their function of judging their own souls. Now, please note, once again, that even though part of the two-witness ministry is to encounter men in whom Christ has not been conceived, which encounter shall result in His conception. The other part of their ministry, to destroy the Adamic mind, is only with regard to their own Adamic minds because each son must cry out to God for himself. In any event, the destruction of the Adamic soul does not begin until the proper season, which is the maturing of Christ in the individual. Hallelujah.


So what am I saying? I’m saying that Verse 18 speaks about the second generation of sons who are refusing to obey Satan and sin in their own minds. They’re refusing to obey Satan and they’re refusing to sin in their own minds. This is the fulfillment by prophecy of Revelation, Chapter 6, Verses 10 and 11, and I’m going to read you, I’d like to read you, the Alternate Translation of those two Verses, Revelation 6:10-11. “And they made the sound of spiritual beings functioning in the realm of the spirit, even a communication that was so obvious it could not be ignored,” meaning how much time -- this is what they were saying -- how much time must we wait, O Lord, before You who are without sin, even the genuine Christ, which has been revealed in us, how long do we have to wait until you defend our souls by separating them away from Satan, the one who inhabits the earth of mankind. So, this Scripture reveals that Jesus’ defense of us is to not wage war against Satan for the rest of eternity but to get us away from him, to get us out from under his influence. Now, we just heard in Revelation 14:18 the first fruits of the Sons of God were crying out the same thing, “Get us out of here!”


Revelation 6:11. “And the souls of every one of them, of the first fruits of the second generation of sons, they were redeemed, and every one of them was commanded that they should cease from their labor, their spiritual labor, of keeping Satan under foot and recover and collect their strength for an additional period of time until the other slaves of the same master, even Satan, who are also birthed out of the same spiritual womb, which is Eve, and who are about to be destroyed as they were -- whose Adamic souls were about to be destroyed in the same way so that Christ could appear, should be filled with Christ also. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Note that Revelation 6 simply tells us that the first fruits of the second generation of sons cried out to Jesus and stood up in full stature but Revelation 14:18 prophesized how it’s going to happen.


Now, in the event that you’re wondering how this Scripture can be referring, and we’re talking again about Revelation 14:18, in the event that you’re wondering how this Scripture can be referring only to the first fruits of the second generation of sons, when the whole vine of the earth is ripped up in Verse 19 and the phrase clusters of the vine of the earth indicates the whole body of Christ, I’d like to bring you back to the man-child of Revelation 12. We have the same spiritual principle working in Revelation 12 and in Revelation 14. In Revelation 12, Glory to God, we see the man-child born and then we see the woman fleeing into the wilderness. The man-child typifies the first fruits of the second generation of sons and the woman typifies the rest of the church. In the case of the clusters of the vine we’re told -- and I know I’m getting a little bit ahead of you but bear with me please -- we’re told in Revelation 15:1 that the first fruits of the second generation of sons are now filled up with the wrath of God. You can check this out in our series, “The Seven Last Plagues,” it’s part 1. Those seven angels are the first fruits of the second generation of sons which are now in full stature and filled up with the wrath or the lust or the passion of God. Hallelujah. So what are we saying?


We’re saying that in Revelation 14:18, even though the Scripture says the whole vine and all the clusters are ripped up the prophetic meaning of that kind of a statement is that, as far as God is concerned, once the first fruits ascend -- actually, ever since Jesus Christ of Nazareth ascended, rose from the dead and ascended -- in God’s mind it’s as good as done. But the Scripture tells us that it acknowledges that there is going to be a firstfruits company. When we see in Chapter 15 the first fruits of the second generation of sons standing there ready to bring upon the rest of the church and the rest of humanity the same experience that they have just survived and which has resulted in their resurrection from the dead. Hallelujah. Remember that the whole time that God is judging the church through His first fruits -- and I’m going to give the first fruits another name again here, I’m going to call them the bride-groom company because we have in the church the bride company and the bride-groom company. We have two categories of believers in the church. One category is male and the other category is female and what makes you a male, brethren, is strength, whether it’s in the natural or whether it’s in the spiritual, the strong one is the male.


Now, we have a society that’s pretty messed up today so we can’t really look at this society as an example but in bible days and, traditionally, for thousands of years, the physically strong member was the male and the emotionally and spiritually strong member was the male. That was the way God set it up. Everything’s out of its place right now because we’re seeing things happen first in the natural and then in the spiritual and the living soul which is female is ascending to a position of spiritual manhood, so when we look in the earth we see a society where the many of the men are women and many of the women are men. Hallelujah. But when I speak about a spiritual male I speak about spiritual strength, spiritual strength to do what? Spiritual strength to stand up in full stature.


What does that mean? To stand up in full stature, you must overcome the dragon in the sea of your own mind. Standing up in full stature, brethren, means that you have overcome the wicked one, that you have slain the enmity in your flesh and that you have a direct communication and relationship with Almighty God without any need of a human teacher. Now I know that everybody in the church here is from God and gets words of knowledge and reads the Scriptures but most people need someone else to go to. They cannot -- they are not yet in a condition of spiritual development where they can get all their needs met directly from the spirit of God. They are not strong enough. They need someone in the ministry between them and Christ to help them to understand what God is saying to them and we’ve got a church that’s in rebellion today. They want to hear everything from God directly and they’re not spiritually prepared to hear from Him in every area directly and they won’t take the counsel of the ministry that God has raised up. It’s a very fine line. I’m not saying that you cannot hear from God for yourself, of course you hear from God for yourself.


It’s a very fine line. It’s a very fine line. God has a ministry. God has a ministry and everybody needs an authority and God is the only One that can determine whether you are spiritually strong enough to not be under a minister but to be directly under Him, and I declare to you, brethren, that if you’re directly under God, if you are truly a spiritual man and directly under God, you are in the ministry and you have people underneath you. If you’re just out there, just staying home, just doing your own thing, and you’re not submitted to anybody, neither are you ministering, I would tend to doubt very much that you are a spiritual man and you are denying yourself and depriving yourself of the blessings of being under a spiritual authority.


So, getting back to what I was saying, remember that while God is judging the church through His first fruits, the bride-groom company, everybody that’s not a member of the first fruits, everybody that’s not a spiritual man -- and what is the spiritual man doing? Maybe I didn’t make that clear with what I just said. I said, if you are a spiritual man you will have people under you. Yes, people under you in what context? Brethren, spiritual men are destroying their Adamic souls and if you are a spiritual man you have people under you that you are strengthening and counseling and helping to destroy their own Adamic souls. I’m not talking about having a ministry to women, I’m not talking about having a food ministry, I’m not talking about having a prison ministry. These are all wonderful things. I’m not even talking about having a teaching or a prophetic ministry. To be a spiritual man you must be destroying your own soul and strong enough to be joining with other believers to help them to destroy their own soul. Ministry alone does not mean that you don’t need anyone over you, that you can get everything that you need, or most everything that you need, directly from God. It’s the type of ministry that counts and to be a spiritual man the ministry that you’re involved in must be the destruction of your own soul and the strengthening and the counseling of others to help them do the same thing.


So, while we have a firstfruits company that are involved in the man’s work, the hard work, the spiritually strenuous and difficult work of destroying the enemy, we have the bride-groom company, the balance of the church, which is continuing to reach out to the heathen and bring them into the bride company. They’re reaching out to the heathen and touching them so that they can be absorbed into the elements of the church that is female, that is not yet destroying their own soul.


And as the judgment of the first fruits brings believers out of the bride company because, as the first fruits, as the Lord brings people from the bride company to the Sons of God, to the first fruits of the Sons of God, and they help them to destroy their own soul we will see believers being transferred out of the bride company and becoming members of the bride-groom company. And as that continues the bride church will continue to reach out to touch the heathen until every living person in a physical body is either a member of the bride or the bride-groom company and everyone else on the earth has died off. Either you’re going to be in the church or you’re a vessel of wrath that the Lord is sending back to be reformed. God at this time shall have marred or destroyed all of the personalities which are the vessels of wrath and reformed them into vessels of mercy, and so the all, or the whole creation that was here from the beginning, which does not include these physical bodies or the personalities that are here for a season, shall be saved.


Recap, Revelation 14:15-18. “And another authoritative spiritual communication proceeded forth from the place where the Father dwells, even the glorified soul of His Son, Jesus Christ,” and it was saying, “Enter into the minds of the first fruits of the second generation of sons, who are still natural men, so that your soul can cut down and destroy their Adamic minds, because the soul of Christ dries up the carnal mind’s ability to keep men alive through a scientific knowledge, mind control, and practical experiences. Therefore, destroy Adam. And the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ appeared in the Adamic minds of the natural men who were called to be the first fruits of the second generation of sons and He cut down and destroyed their Adamic souls and the first fruits of the second generation of sons became spiritual men under the complete and total authority of the glorified mind of Jesus Christ, and the Lord Jesus Christ appeared in His glorified soul and his righteous mind was firmly controlling, protecting, and preserving the first fruits of the second generation of sons, and they were violently and verbally rejecting their Adamic emotions and Satan’s spiritual authority over them, and were furiously determined to live by the righteousness of Jesus Christ and the spiritual authority of the Father, and they were saying to Jesus, enter into the minds of those of us who are spiritual men and the first fruits of the second generation of sons and prepare and strengthen us for the fiery trials which will separate us from our Adamic minds, now that Christ is mature enough to keep us alive in this world system. And they flowed out of their Adamic souls into the glorified soul of Jesus Christ and the first fruits of the second generation of sons appeared in, and became one with, the glorified soul of Jesus Christ, which had authority over Satan.” God bless you.


05/28/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

05/30/14 1st Edit CAS

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  •   631-536-2089

Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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