070 - Part 1
(Revelation 13)

Part 1 of 2 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


OK, we just had some sisters in the church say the kind of intense anger they’ve been experiencing. And I think I’ve spoken about this before, but if I haven’t, I’ll speak about it now. And if I have, I’ll remind you of it.


We’re involved in mature spiritual things here. And the Lord started teaching me several years ago that, as we mature spiritually, we are going to start feeling other people’s anger. And the way the Lord started teaching me about this is that I would find myself filled with anger, and when I stopped to think about it, I would think that I had no reason to be filled with anger.


And the Lord started to teach me that I could be manifesting somebody else’s anger. Now, we have to be careful not to fall into a place where we do not acknowledge that we’re angry, if it’s our anger and it’s sin, we have to confess it. But we have to learn by the power of God, to discern between our own anger and of someone else’s anger as being inflicted upon us.


Now if it’s somebody else’s anger being inflicted upon us, what’s happening is that their anger is coming to our soul and seducing it, or tempting it, to fornicate. If that person’s anger can break into our soul, and we yield to it, we will then be guilty of that anger.


And it will probably manifest toward someone in our household or someone on our job or whatever. And then the sin becomes ours.


I’ll say it again. If somebody else’s anger -- it’s usually someone that is either angry at you or somebody that is angry that you have a soul tie with, that you’re feeling it. You’re feeling their anger, and the effect that it’s having upon you is seduction. And if you yield to it and you too become angry, you have fornicated with that spirit of anger, and now the sin is your own.


So what do you have to do? You have to resist. You have to resist. When anger comes, you have to put it before the Lord, and say Lord is it my anger or is it somebody else’s anger? If it’s my anger-- and all anger is not sin. Jesus said be angry and sin not. There’s such a thing as a righteous anger. But if that anger is followed by attempts to force the people to change, if that anger is followed by retaliation, or revenge, or any ungodly spirit, then it’s an ungodly anger.


A righteous anger expresses the anger of God, expresses the righteousness of God. And blesses the person and walks away. We do not execute judgment unless the spirit of judgment is upon us.


God can anoint us to say that’s wrong. You know, you’ve hurt me. I feel bad. I don’t like what you’re doing. There are many godly ways to express anger. I wish you would stop because you are hurting me. It’s always safe to express it in terms of yourself. Because if you express it in terms of the person that you’re mad at, you’re flirting with accusation. And accusation is a sin.


Let’s put this on the message. Probably going to put this on the message.


            I wasn’t angry at any particular person. I was just angry at circumstances.


OK, OK. So I’m tal- -- I’m covering several things here now. And well, that’s exactly what I was talking about. You have to identify the anger. You have to go before God and say is it my anger or is it someone else’s anger that’s come to me to seduce me to enter into an ungodly anger.


Because you just said you weren’t angry at any particular person. That means that you had not yet fornicated with the anger that came to you. You were angry at circumstances.




OK, OK. So when this anger comes to you, it’s tempting you to fornicate. You can tell that you’ve fornicated with it when the anger becomes ungodly. And you become angry at people. Or angry at God. And you know in your heart that you’re not justified.


So when the anger comes to you, what do you have to do? You have to isolate. Don’t respond to it. Hold it off. Put it before God. And ask Him is it sin? If it’s sin, you have to repent. If it’s not sin, that you want to know whether-- you want it dealt with. You want Him to destroy it so that you’re not tempted to fornicate yourself. And that’s how you deal with it.


And I just want to tell you that it’s my opinion right now that there’s someone that we all know that is very angry. I’ve known it for a while. And it would not surprise me at all if it’s touching you. OK, I’m not going to tell you anymore. But you pray about it. If God tells you, he tells you. OK?


So, OK. You can shut that off.


Glory to God. Hallelujah. We’re starting the first beast tonight. Lord willing, I’m going to do that in two parts. Tonight we’ll be doing chapter 13, verse 11 through 14. And if the Lord permits me, I will be doing verses 15 through 18 on Friday.


All right, now I’m going to recap Revelation 13 verses 7 to 10. Before I do that, I have a comment for you though. In verse 10, that’s the verse that says, “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity. And he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”


If you recall that word patience was translated the cheerful endurance of the saints. And there was another word in Strong’s that could be translated from the word patience, and that was constant.


And I started thinking about this translation. And I don’t think it’s reasonable to say that the people that are in that place where Christ is appearing in them, that it’s required for them to be cheerful. I am having a lot of trouble being cheerful. I confess that it does not glorify God. But when the trials are very heavy upon you, I wouldn’t want anyone listening to my messages and thinking that, if you’re not cheerful, somehow you’re not in that place where you’re being transferred from Adam into Christ.


So I changed the translation of that word patience to consistent endurance. Not cheerful endurance, but consistent endurance. We must endure. If you have received enough of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to be cheerful through your trials, God bless you. I pray for that all the time. For the ability to be content and cheerful and grateful to God no matter what’s happening in my life. I have just not achieved it yet.


But that doesn’t mean that I’m not in the place where I’m passing from Adam to Christ. So I’ve changed the translation of the word patience from cheerful endurance to consistent endurance. And one thing that I can say is that I do consistently endure.


And I heard about someone the other night that was walking in a very deep walk with God, that at this time is not walking in a very deep walk with God. And the news came to me that they had gotten every one of their heart’s desires. That was seemed to be denied to them when they were in this deep walk with God. And I went before the Lord. And I said I really believe I’m not envious of this person. I just don’t understand. If they fall away from what you called them to, and all of-- a large portion of their heart’s desires are being answered to them. And the Lord said to me Sheila they got all of their carnal desires, but they’ve been spiritually bankrupted.


They’re in a church where the rapture is preached where there’s no deliverance. And they went from a ministry like this to a ministry where they’re listening to the rapture preached every Sunday.


So they got their carnal desires. But they lost the blessings, or the gifts, of this deep ministry. That’s not to say that God can’t call them back again. He said do you want your carnal desires? Or do you want this ministry? I’m telling you can’t have both.


And I said no Lord. I don’t want my carnal desires. I wouldn’t give up the call to this ministry for anything in the world. And I scream, and I yell, and you heard me tonight before we turned the message on. And sometimes I squeal like a pig. But God knows my heart. I would never give up this ministry for some of the carnal desires that are causing me pain. That I don’t have them.


So that’s why I’m here. Because God looks deep into our hearts. And he knows, even though you scream, and you yell, and you fail to take the victory. And you manifest, because the pressure is really hard on you. He has the ability to look deep into your soul. And he knows that you are consistently enduring and that your true heart’s desire is that you want to go through. And that you want to go through. Go through where? Go through-- pass through into the realm of the spirit even more than your desire for the things of this world that you’re being denied.


So we’re changing the translation of the word cheerfully enduring to consistently enduring. And if you can cheerfully consistently endure, God bless you. And I pray for the ability to cheerfully consistently endure. But right now, all that I’m doing is consistently enduring.


OK, recap. Revelation chapter 13 verses 7 to 10. And man was given permission to wage war with the spiritual sons of God that are developing within him. And to deprive them of their power to harm him. And subvert man’s influence. And man was given authority to govern every physical race, every way of thinking, and all the men who have never known God. And every natural man will submit to the mind of man. Except those whose human spirits have produced the image, or the engraving, of Christ. Even the spiritual son of God who died too, or was separated from, his spiritual authority. When he was joined to the Earth so that the material world could be conceived.


If there is any man who is capable of understanding spiritual things, then let him understand. The one who incarnates men, so that they can be his prisoners in the realm of appearance, even Satan, must himself become a prisoner of Christ. He that kills men by causing them to sin, even Adam, must be killed because he has sinned.


The men who are maturing from Adam into Christ must have a moral conviction that Christ shall appear in their human spirits, thus making the destruction of sin and the abolishment of death a personal reality for them. And they must also consistently endure the warfare between Christ and Adam which shall result in their new state of being. Those two conditions are necessary for you to pierce through to the realm of the spirit our Lord Jesus Christ.


OK, we’re going on. I have some comments for you on the two beasts. Before I teach about who the second beast is, I’d like to give you these comments. I mentioned on the last message that the lion is so fine. Because what we’re talking about here is the living soul. And I remind you that the living soul, we’ve taught for years, is in three parts. The darkness that is the intelligence that’s in the Earth, the human soul, and the human spirit.


And the Lord has taught us more recently that there is a fourth element to man that exists in the realm of appearance. And that is the carnal mind. That is the carnal mind. So there are really four parts to our spiritual being, and each part is necessary for us to take on the flesh and appear as you and I appear tonight. And this is the way that it seems to work.


This is for natural man now, OK? We have a ruling spirit, and his name is Satan. And he’s all the way in the back. He’s our unconscious mind. He gives authority, or deals directly with the human soul. Which is who? Anybody know? Which is Adam. Amen.


Adam is pure Earth. There’s no spirit in him. He’s formed of the Earth. No part of the living soul can do anything without some form of spirit in him. So Adam is useless. The human soul is useless without Satan. Satan generates spiritual authority to Adam. He is our conscious mind. He is also our conscience. And when he appears in the realm of appearance, he appears as -- does anybody know? How appears in the personality?


He appears as pride. OK? The human soul, also known as Adam, he gives a spiritual or-- he gives a spiritual authority, or he generates, or he gives existence to the human spirit. Now this is a descending order of authority. This is a descending order of spiritual authority. The human soul gives spiritual authority to the human spirit, who is Eve. Glory to God. And she generates, in the realm of appearance, the carnal mind. And the carnal mind, another name for it, is the human personality that appears in the individual member of the living soul. Glory to God.


And Eve, as you can see, she has no identifying characteristic. Satan is the unconscious. Adam is the conscious and conscience. He manifests as pride. And the human spirit, or Eve, she has no identifying quality, because she appears-- she is one with her offspring, the carnal mind. And she appears-- well that’s not exactly correct. Let me make a correction here. When Eve, the human spirit, appears -- OK, let me do it this way. She has no identifying quality. She is one with her offspring, the carnal mind, and when she appears, when the carnal mind appears, he can be manifesting either the human soul or the human spirit.


Now we’re getting into very fine lines. I’m going to do the best I can to explain it to you. Let me go over it again. Satan is the unconscious. He gives the spiritual authority to cause the human soul to function. Adam, he is our conscious mind, our conscience, and when he appears in the personality, he appears as pride. Adam gives spiritual authority to the human spirit. OK, I know what I’m going to put in here. Adam gives spiritual authority to the human spirit. And when she manifests in the personality, she manifest either as witchcraft of Christ.


Now remember that Eve, the human spirit, is that which comes directly from God. The human spirit is that part of the living soul which comes directly from God. She is spirit. She is spirit. And she must manifest in the realm of appearance spiritually.


So in an unbeliever, if you see witchcraft coming forth from that person, that is the human spirit, Eve, manifesting her spiritual life as witchcraft. If the human spirit is joined to Christ, he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. So if Eve is joined to Christ in the realm of appearance, she’s going to be manifesting Christ.


And the carnal mind is the name for the totality of the human personality. And the carnal mind, or the personality that dwells in you, or the personality that dwells in me, the offspring that appears in the realm of appearance is capable of manifesting either Adam, which is pride, or Eve, which is either witchcraft or Christ.


Eve is the only one out of the three of them that is going to appear-- that is going to be appearing in the creation of God. And she shall be appearing as Christ. Satan’s going underfoot. He’s going to be castrated. Adam’s going underfoot. Eve shall appear, because she shall be joined to the spirit of Almighty God. Eve is the one that’s being resurrected.


Now we got these fine lines here. The whole living soul’s being resurrected. Why? Because you can’t separate Eve from Adam and Satan. So we’re getting technical here. Have I confused anybody? Or did I make it clear?


All four of them are one. Satan, Adam, Eve, and the carnal mind. Satan, the human soul, the human spirit, and the carnal mind. They’re all one. And when you put them all together, a body appears. A human being appears in the realm of appearance. And the Lord has called us to study each one of them individually. Because that’s what he’s called us to do.


Science studies the mind of man. He studies the ego and the id and the superego. And we had an exhortation earlier this evening about the movie “Inherit The Wind,” and the fact that the mind of man went ahead in an attempt to satisfy its intellect without the spirit of God. And we’re into all of this trouble with all of this humanism now. And when the mind of man went to study these things, he discovered that the human mind is made up of the id, the ego, and the superego. And the whole thing together is called the personality.


And now that God has in this hour determined to join the spirit of God with intellectual teaching, which is what this ministry is called to. We’re finding out that we’re in four parts. Satan, Adam, Eve and the carnal mind. We found out the same thing that the intellect of man found out, except that his knowledge has caused great disaster in his life. And the knowledge that God is pouring out through his spirit is going to bring life.


The knowledge that comes through the carnal mind of man is bringing death to him. But this very same knowledge that’s being channeled through the word of God and the spirit of God is bringing life to us. It’s causing us to be resurrected. Hallelujah.


OK, did I explain that? Do you understand that? Is it clear? Anybody have a question on that? We are in four parts.




And when you take it altogether, all of this is a spiritual-- what’s happening here, this is a spiritual interaction. And when Satan touches the human soul, and the human soul touches the human spirit, and the human spirit forms the carnal mind, the next thing that happens is a baby is born. OK? Glory to God. This is our spiritual makeup.


OK. OK. Let me read you my comment. Sometimes I miss things here. The first beast typifies the human soul that is ruled by Satan. Now remember, this whole picture that I drew you up here, we could change it. We could say that Satan is no longer the ruling spirit, and we could make the ruling spirit the Father. And the Father gives spiritual authority to the human soul, and the human soul gives spiritual authority to the human spirit. And the human spirit generates what? Christ. When we start with the Father, she’s going to generate Christ.


So we’re talking about the first beast now. And we’re saying that the first beast is the human soul attached to Satan. We’re not talking about the human soul being attached to the Father. The first beast typifies the human soul ruled by Satan. And the mouth that it is given in verses 5 and 6. It says the beast had a mouth. That’s just another way of saying the carnal mind. Because the carnal mind is that part of man which has the ability to actually speak words in the realm of appearance.


So that part of God which has the ability to speak in the realm of appearance is Christ, the Father and the Son in a human body. So the first beast is the human spirit that is being stimulated by the spiritual authority of Satan. And he has a mouth. He can appear in the realm of appearance through the carnal mind. And when he appears, he appears in the form of pride.


The second beast-- and we’re going to go into that in detail shortly. Is, I’m suggesting to you, the human spirit that is married to Satan. The manifestation of both the human soul and the human spirit in the realm of appearance is the carnal mind, or otherwise known as the whole of the personality of an individual member of the living soul. Glory to God.


We are spirit. And for both the human soul and the human spirit to appear, there must be a spiritual element present. Now the reason that the human soul in verse 1 of chapter 13, we’re told that the human soul is rising up, that the beast is rising up out of the sea. And the reason I suggest to you that the beast is rising up out of the sea, the sea typifying Satan, is that the human soul has no spirit in it whatsoever.


So for it to have any kind existence-- first of all, let me remind you that that phrase rising up out of is referring to its point of origin. The place where it originates from. The very basic place. Like if you’re looking at a plant, it’s place of origin is underneath the Earth. You plant a seed underneath the Earth, and it rises up out from under the Earth. But Adam, having no spirit in him whatsoever, his basic source of having any form of existence comes from Satan, which is the unconscious mind.


And that’s verse 1 of chapter 13. The first beast, the human soul, rises up, or originates out of Satan. He has no existence whatsoever without a spiritual source, either Satan or the Father. In this case, it’s Satan.


Now the second beast in verse 11 it says, “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the Earth.” And I remind you, that phrase coming up out of means the place where it originates from. Where does it first get spiritual existence, a spiritual life from? And I remind you that the human spirit has a spiritual life of her own. She is out of Christ. The human spirit is that fragment of the spiritual son of God that was joined to the Earth.


So she does not rise up. She’s not generated out of the spirit of Satan. Her original generation comes up out of the Earth, which is the living soul. Now remember, she’s a human spirit, but she’s a part of the living soul, which is Earth. Which is Earth. I hope I explained that to you.


She is not generated by the Satanic mind. She can be. In this instance, she happens to be married to Satan. But she is spirit in her own right. And this is the Scripture’s way of saying that she’s a part of the living soul. That her original spiritual authority is in the living soul. She is Christ in the living soul. Only she’s been slain. She’s the lamb that’s been slain from before the foundation of the Earth.


But the human spirit in the living soul is Christ. So here spiritual authority is not coming from Satan. It’s not originating from Satan. She is married to Satan in her fallen condition. But her spiritual authority originates in the Earth of the living soul. She is that spiritual son of God that was propelled into the Earth.


And if you remember, we talked in a recent message about Jesus being the rock and John standing on the sand of the sea. This rock that was propelled into the Earth at the beginning of time has been crushed into many grains of sand. And each grain of sand is equal to the human spirit that’s in the soul. Each human spirit that is in each individual member of the living soul. Your human spirit is a grain of sand that is part of the rock that is Jesus Christ. And your spiritual origin-- the spiritual origin of your human spirit is not Satan, but it is Christ himself.


Glory to God. Let me just, OK. I told you that. I told you that. OK, we’re going to start with verse 11. Hallelujah.


The second beast, “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the Earth. And he had two horns like a lamb and he spake like a dragon.” I beheld. That word beheld implies spiritual sight. And I remind you that John is looking into the spirit. And he is in the process of seeing a vision that he has put down in this book, so that we be blessed by it.


“And I beheld another beast.” This word another. We studied this before in chapter 10 of the Book of Revelation, and it merely means a different beast. In chapter 10 it talks about another angel. And I saw in the spirit a different beast coming up out of the Earth.


And this word coming up is Strong’s 305. It’s the same word that’s translated rise up in Revelation 12:1. It really makes you wonder why the King James translators would do that. To me it just seems so confusing. But he saw the first beast rise up and beheld a second beast coming up. It’s the same Greek word. Rise up, or coming up. And it means to go up, arise, to ascend, to grow up, to spring up. And it’s from 303, which means severally, or apiece. And I suggest to you that what this is implying is that John saw the human spirit springing up in each individual member of the living soul. Glory to God.


And if you’d like to review it, we did a study in message 47 part 2 about how the Hebrew equivalent of this word is used to express the appearance of sin in man. How the satanic unconscious mind of man rose up out of his hidden place, or manifested in the personalities of men. If you want to review that, it’s on message 47 part 2. Glory to God.


Now I’ll remind you that the phrase out of, or the words out of, is Strong’s 1537. It means the point of origin, and the point from whence action proceeds. The point from whence action proceeds. So just to remind you, Adam, the human soul, did not start to take any kind of action, until Satan joined to him and stimulated him. Eve the human spirit, although she’s in bondage and married to Satan, the point of action for her is right within her own spirit, Christ. And the Lord God is going right in there. Right into the hu- --the spirit of the Father is going right into the human spirit and is going to bring forth his Christ in her. Glory to God.


She does not need the spiritual authority of Satan. She does not need it. She has been entrapped by it, but she does not need it to generate spiritual life. Hallelujah. You see, Adam needs either the authority of Satan or the authority of Christ. Eve, she is Christ in a fallen condition. Glory to God. The Earth, I suggest to you, is the living soul.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 13:11. “And in the spirit I saw a different small, wild, dangerous animal appearing in each of the members of the living soul.” “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the Earth. And in the spirit I saw a different small, wild, dangerous animal appearing in each of the members of the living soul.”


And I remind you that the word for beast is Strong’s 2342, meaning a little, dangerous wild animal.


OK, continuing with, “And he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake like a dragon.” First of all, when I give you the Alternate Translation, I’m not going to use the pronoun he. I’m going to use the pronoun she, because I believe that the human spirit not attached to God is female. So I’m going to be changing that pronoun to she. We know it’s Eve.


“And he had two horns like a lamb.” Glory to God. Two horns. We have discussed previously that horns typify power and authority. And I’m suggesting to you that the number two typifies the Father and the Son. That’s the number of the spiritual authority of God. Number two. The Father and the Son. Glory to God. And the lamb, I hope you know, is Jesus.


And both the lamb and Jesus, he is the Father in the realm of appearance. And how does the Father appear in the realm of appearance? Glory to God. How does the Father appear in the realm of appearance? He generates spiritual life. Well actually, I think the whole process is different with the Father. I’m not going to get into that now. But the Father generates spiritual life to the human soul and to the human spirit. And in the realm of appearance, we see Christ. We see Christ.


Actually it’s reversed. Isn’t that interesting. I didn’t realize that before. When Satan generates existence, Satan generates the human soul-- stimulates the human soul. The human soul stimulates the human spirit, and she generates the carnal mind. But when the Father does it, he goes right to his own. He goes right to the human spirit, which is Eve. And when Christ comes forth in her, Christ deals with the human soul in the realm of appearance, the personality that we see is Christ. It’s reversed. Did you hear what I said? It’s reversed. Glory to God. Everything the carnal mind does is the exact opposite of what the Father does.


So what do we have here? And he had two horns like a lamb. He had spiritual authority that looked like the spiritual authority of the Father and the Son. Now how could that be? Because Eve, she is the son. She is the Son of God that was propelled into the Earth, only she’s the Son of God that died. He’s not resurrected yet.


And when John looked at her in the spirit, he saw a grain of sand that was a part of the rock that was the Son. Wherever the Son is, the Father’s with him. So John said I saw a spiritual entity that looked like the Christ, only it was very strange. When he spoke he sounded just like the dragon. He looked like the Christ, but when he spoke, I heard the words of Satan.


What happened? The human spirit married to Satan and produced his offspring, the carnal mind. But she’s still Christ, or the potential for Christ. Shouldn’t say Christ. She’s still the Son of God that was propelled into the Earth. But she did not marry the Father and produce the Christ. She married Satan and produced the carnal mind.


But when John looked at her, he looked at her substance. He looked at her spiritual substance, and he said I saw a beast. He had two horns, and he looked like a lamb. I saw the Father and the Son in the human spirit. But when she opened up her mouth, she spoke the words of Satan. She had produced Satan’s offspring.


And in the spirit, I saw a different small, wild, dangerous animal. I’m sorry, that was the wrong word. And he had two horns like a lamb. And he spake like a dragon. This word spake is Strong’s 2980, and it means to utter words.


And whenever we speak about uttering words we know that we’re talking about a spiritual, or a spirit that’s manifesting in the realm of appearance. Because spirits don’t speak words. Does anybody remember what the language of the spirit is? Anybody? I see somebody thinking. I’ll give you a chance. Do you remember? OK, anybody remember. Somebody’s really struggling here. OK, I’ll tell you because I don’t want to leave a big empty spot on the message.


The language of the spirit is symbols. It’s mind communication. God has not really given me a name for it. The occultish name for it is telepathy. But there is a true mind communication in the spirit of God. And it’s not with words. I know some people think it’s a very great honor to hear and audible voice of the Lord. And sometimes he speaks to you in an audible voice. And he has spoken to me in an audible voice. But that’s only because we’re very, very young and very, very carnal. God speaks in symbols and in impressions.


The more mature you are, the less likely you are to hear an audible voice. Because if you’re mature, God knows, or at least he has reason to hope, that you can interpret his symbols and his impressions. But if you’re very young, he knows that you cannot interpret his symbols and his impressions, so he speaks in an audible voice.


Impressions. An impression from God. Just a sense of knowing and the ability to know that that knowledge is coming from Christ, and not from the satanic mind. Do you want to say something? Put it on the message.


My son expressed that. He [?hears from God?] and it’s [?like a knowing?]. He said I don’t hear a voice. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] that my son said this.


Glory to God. I heard a woman say once it was prophesied to me that I was going to hear the voice of God, and one year later I heard the voice of God. I hear the voice of God all the time. And she was so lifted up in pride. Well sister, I doubt that you’d be listening to my messages. But if this message ever gets into your hands, I declare to you that that is a manifestation of a baby in Christ. And that the mature believer hears from God in the form of symbols and impressions. Symbols and impressions.


I’ve been going through a crisis here for a few weeks of believing that the Lord would be-- there was a good possibility that he was sending me back to work, simply because my money had run out. That’s a good reason to think that is a possibility. And I’ve been telling everybody, God has not spoken to me. He has not spoken to me. He has not spoken to me. Well He did speak to me. I guess I’m not as mature as I’d like to be. He must think I’m mature because he didn’t speak to me in an audible voice. He spoke to  me in symbols and in impressions. And I didn’t get the understanding out of the symbols and the impressions. I think I got a job today. I’m not 100% sure, but I think I got it.


And he spoke the name of this firm to me two weeks ago. He spoke it right into my understanding. And I said to myself maybe I should call them up and look for a job. And then I said nah. I just-- I think it was my carnal mind. And I got a phone call the other day, and I went in on the interview today. And he spoke the name of this company to me two weeks ago. And he gave me a lot of other information that I realized today he gave me that-- I don’t want to put it on this message. That I didn’t understand.


And I’ve been screaming and yelling, squealing like a stuck-- like a stabbed pig, saying he hasn’t told me anything. He hasn’t told me anything. Well he did tell me. He spoke to me very clearly, but I didn’t get the understanding. But he still wouldn’t speak to me in an audible voice. He still would not speak to me in an audible voice.


Because when you have an 18 year old son, and you draw the conclusion that he’s too old for you to be saying coochie coo too, you don’t say coochie coo to him, even if he wants you to say coochie coo to him. If you have a 14 year old child that’s for some reason regressing and wants to play with dolls, that doesn’t always mean it’s the right thing to give her the dolls. You have to seek God. Of course I don’t know how good of an example that was.


But God would not speak to me in baby talk. He spoke to me in grown up talk. And it was my failure to not understand him, probably because I was so upset and so carnal over this trial that I’ve been through. But even though I was upset and carnal, he still didn’t talk to me in baby talk. And now I realize he spoke to me weeks ago and told me what he was going to do.


So I have to grow up a little more and pray for the ability to get the true understanding when he speaks to me in symbols and in impressions. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


“And he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” And this word as is Strong’s 5613, and it means in the manner of. He spoke in the manner that the serpent speaks. He spoke the words of Satan. He spoke the mind of Satan. He put it into human words. The thoughts, the impressions, the symbols of Satan himself. He spoke it out. He expressed it in human language.


And the word a dragon, and he spake as a dragon. This word a dragon. The word a is not in the original Greek. So therefore, I suggest to you that it’s translator’s license whether I saw a or the. The Greek just says and he spoke -- I don’t have my [UNINTELLIGIBLE] here. And he spake dragon. Now when the King James says a dragon, it makes it all difficult to think that the dragon is Satan. But if I say and he spake -- but he spake like the dragon, then it’s easier to believe that it’s Satan.


So what are we saying? He spake like a dragon. He expressed the thoughts of Satan. And of course the word dragon is from a root meaning to look. It implies the witchcraft power to see, spiritual sight. And it’s a fascinating kind of serpent. The implication is witchcraft. And if you want to study the message where I establish this, it’s on message number 60 part 4. We established Satan is the dragon.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Revelation 13:11, “And he possessed authority,” now this is the beast now, this is the second beast. I should have made that a she. I said I was going to make it a she. And I didn’t Let me mark it down in my notes here. “And she possessed authority that looked like the authority of the Father and the Son. But she expressed the thoughts of Satan.” What a tragedy. And she possessed authority that looked like the authority of the Father and the Son, but she expressed the thoughts of Satan.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 13:11, “And in the spirit, I saw a different small, wild, dangerous animal appearing in each of the members of the living soul. And she possessed authority that looked like the authority of the Father and the Son. But she expressed the thoughts and the words of Satan.” Glory to God. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


Verse 12, “And”-- I didn’t get my she’s here too well. “And she excerciseth all the power of the first beast before her. And causeth the Earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.”


“And she excerciseth all the power of the first beast before her. And causeth the Earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.” This word excerciseth, it’s Strong’s 4160. And it’s the only time it appears in Strong’s. And it means to possess, or to express. And she expressed the same power, all of the power, the same power that gave authority to the beast. The same power that gave authority to the beast. Glory to God.


And in verse 4 of chapter 13 it says, “And they worshipped the dragon, which gave power to the beast.” So what this is saying is that she possessed the same power that was the driving force of the beast, which is Satan. We established that in a prior message. She possessed and expressed the power of Satan, even though she was of the substance of Christ. Why? Because she had married Satan and was possessing his offspring, and was appearing in the realm of appearance in the image of her husband.


And that word power is the Greek word exousia, which means authority. The first beast is, of course, the human soul ruled by Satan. And that expression, “and she excerciseth all the power of the first beast before her.” This word before means in front of.



I’ve spoken to you about it before. We know that we are a garment for spiritual life. We have been a garment for spiritual life or what the Scripture calls the earthy, which comes form the Earth. And we shall be the garment, or we shall bear the image of the heavenly. But we are a garment for the basic spiritual life.


And I explained that the other night. That the spiritual life that causes incarnation, that is the first cause of incarnation, can be likened unto a metal or an iron pole. And that has to be either Satan or Christ. He stands up, and he wills to incarnate. And when he wills to incarnate, he gathers spiritual substance to him as if that iron ramrod was a magnet. And many pieces of metal in the atmosphere would come clinging to it. And that spiritual ramrod stands there and wills to incarnate and gathers spiritual particles around himself.


And the result of it, the end result of it is that a baby is born. So this expression in front of, it merely means the spiritual particles that are in front of that ramrod. You can’t see the spiritual power, unless you discern it in the personality.


But you see, what do you see? In this hour, what do we see? We see the body. That’s what we see. There’s no obvious awareness that there’s a spiritual power base deep within us to the carnal mind. All they see is a body. They don’t even realize the personality is separate from the body.


OK, Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 13:12, “And she appears in the realm of appearance,” this is the second beast now, the human spirit. “And she appears in the realm of appearance and possesses all of the authority to incarnate and rule in the minds of men that the human soul, ruled by Satan, has.”


And the human spirit, she’s the second beast. She appears in the realm of appearance and possesses all of the authority, that’s the authority of Satan, to incarnate and rule in the minds of men. That same authority that the human soul has that is ruled by Satan, which is the first beast.


Continuing with, “And she,” the second beast, she “causeth the Earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed.” The word causeth is Strong’s 4160. It means to make or to do. The Earth is the living soul. And them which dwell therein, I suggest to you, are the carnal members, the individual members of the living soul.


The word worship is Strong’s 4352. We had this recently. It means to crouch down, to kiss the hand of, to fawn, to utterly submit or prostrate yourself before. The first beast, I remind you, is the human soul ruled by Satan.


The deadly wound, I remind you, is the calamity that struck the living soul which caused it to be separated from God. And that calamity was, anybody? That calamity that caused the living soul to be separated from God.




Right. It was the appearance of sin. It was the appearance of sin in the living soul. And the fact that that soul-- that sin was not put down by the guardian of the garden who was-- who was the guardian? Who was Adam.


It was his job when that sin appeared to say no, you stay down under our feet. And the guardian of the garden, or the guardian of the living soul, Adam, the conscience of the living soul did not say Satan your sins get down. Adam says oh that sounds like a good idea. And Satan seduced Eve.


That is the calamity that struck the living soul. And the deadly wound that separated the living soul from the life of God. And the phrase is “whose deadly wound was healed.” The word healed really means a restoration of that calamity.


And, I remind you, from a previous message that when the living soul was separated from the spirit of God, it lost its ability to appear in the realm of appearance. Why? Because that iron ramrod, that ruling spirit that wills incarnation and causes spiritual substance to gather around him, so that a soul in a human body is formed, was no longer there.


Yet we’re told that that deadly wound, that loss of that ability to incarnate, was healed. And I remind you that what happened was that the living soul raised up a part of itself, Satan, into the role of male spirit. And he became that counterfeit iron ramrod that stood there, that willed incarnation, that fornicated-- incestuously fornicated with his own human spirit. And incarnated in the realm of appearance in the form, not of Christ, but of the carnal mind.


Alternate Translation, second half of Revelation 13:12, “And the second beast, the human spirit, she makes the soul and all of its carnal members to submit to the pride and raging passions.”


Now remember, the first beast is the human soul. His characteristic is pride and raging passions. Now we’re told here that the human spirit, she makes the living soul and all of its carnal members submit to the pride and raging passions of the living soul ruled by Satan. Even the one who cured himself from the death of his separation from the life of God by manifesting the carnal mind. Glory to God.


We’re on verse 12. And the living-- and the human soul married to causeth the Earth and them which dwell therein. And the second beast, the human soul married to Satan, she makes the living soul and all of its many members submit to the pride and raging passions of their very own human soul.


With the whole world out there filled with pride and raging passions. Killing each other. Beating each other over the head. Why? Because they have pride and raging passions. Fighting to the death. Murdering. Robbing. Hating their brother. Why? Because they have pride and raging passions.


And we’re told here that the human spirit that is married to Satan causes every member of the living soul to submit to the pride and raging passions of that human soul, which is that part of Adam which is within them. Even the one who cured himself from the death of his separation from the life of God by manifesting the carnal mind. He’s in you. He’s in each and every one of us by our human spirit. I’m sorry, by our human soul. He’s in each and every one of us by our human soul.


And we’re told that the human spirit that is married to Satan causes us to submit to the pride and raging passions of our own human soul. Glory to God. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation Revelation 13:12, “And she appears in the realm of appearance and possesses all of the authority to incarnate and rule in the minds of men that the human soul, ruled by Satan, has. And makes the living soul and all of its carnal members submit to the pride and raging passions of the human soul ruled by Satan. Even the one who cured himself from the death of his separation from the life of God by manifesting the carnal mind.


Now why does the human spirit cause us to submit to our pride and passion? Because she’s busy fornicating, or committing adultery, with Satan. And by causing us to submit to this pride and passions-- and what is that saying? That she’s causing us to sin. That therefore the carnal mind continues in the realm of appearance.


For us to pass from Adam to Christ, we have got to stop yielding to our pride and our passions. And she’s telling us to do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. So that this existence can continue. She’s thinking the thoughts of her husband, Satan. She’s not thinking the thoughts of Christ. Glory to God.


Now the human soul is typified by pride and passion. The human spirit is typified by spirituality. I’ve told you this before, but I’m going to read you my note. In any given member of the living soul that does not know Christ, the human spirit manifests itself as witchcraft power. In a member of the living soul whose spirit is joined to the Holy Spirit or the Father, they’re one in the same, the human spirit is manifesting as the spiritual authority of Christ.


When you see somebody manifesting spiritual manifestations, it is the human spirit either joined to Satan or joined to Christ. Depending on whether she’s manifesting witchcraft or Christ. But that is always the activity of the human spirit. Spirituality is the activity of the human spirit. Pride and passion is the activity of the human soul. Glory to God.


Verse 13, “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire to come down,” I guess that should be she again. “And she doeth great wonders, so that she maketh fire come down from heaven on the Earth in the sight of men.


“And she doeth great wonders.” The word doeth is Strong’s 4160. And it’s the same word that’s translated excerciseth above. And it really means to make or do by the use of Satan’s authority.


The word great is mighty. And the word wonders is Strong’s 4592. Now this word wonders means miracle or a sign. And it’s the same Greek word that’s used to describe the signs that Jesus and the apostles did. There’s no difference in the Greek word describing the signs and miracles that are done.


We cannot tell who’s doing them, whether it’s the spirit of Christ or the spirit of Satan by the Greek word that is used. Now it means-- this word wonders, it means miracle sign, the signs by which one is approved to be an apostle. And it also means an unusual occurrence transcending the common cause of nature. An unusual occurrence transcending the common cause of nature.


Which is what? You’re dying and you’re not dead. You have an evil spirit and that evil spirit is [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. It’s healing and deliverance, brethren. That’s what it is. It also can be translated miracles and wonders by which God authenticates the man sent by him.


Now listen to this. These wonders are miracles by which God authenticates the men sent by him. If God wants to witness to you that he sent this man, he will anoint this man to do a wonder.


And here we are fining out in chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation that the human spirit joined to Satan, which manifests witchcraft, can do the same signs and wonders. The Scripture say if it were possible the very elect would be deceived and almost every Christian that I know of translates that to mean it’s not possible.


My lexicon also says that this word translated wonders, the Greek word translated wonders, means that is a sign by which men prove that the cause they are pleading is God’s. I’m suggesting to you that these signs and wonders are healing in deliverance. And when someone comes to you and says I am Christ. Believe that I am Christ because I can do healing and deliverance. This chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation says that men can do these same signs and wonders by witchcraft power coming forth from the human spirit being married to Satan.


Now if you didn’t know that, brethren, it’s the truth. Witches do spiritual healing all the time. I personally saw on TV a mass deliverance run by some spiritualist in Greece. And I’ve seen pictures in India of groups of Hindus exhibiting what really appears to mass deliverance to me. People rolling on the floor, screaming, moaning, and groaning, and getting relief.


Now the problem that we’re running into, brethren, is that I think most people in the church world that have had some experience in deliverance know that there are spiritual people that are not in Christ that can do healing and deliverance. But they cannot-- it’s been my experience that the most sophisticated people that have been through years of deliverance, have a problem discerning someone that calls himself a minister of Christ, healing and casting out demons, by his human spirit joined to Satan. Yes, by the spirit of witchcraft.


If someone sets up a church, they call themselves a Christian, they call themselves a man of God, and maybe even at one time they were doing healing and casting out evil spirits by the spirit of Almighty God. But now they no longer are. I find that most Christians-- or that it’s a very rare Christian that will receive the witness of the Lord, that that person, even though they still call themselves a Christian, they still preach what would be called the word of God. That that anointing that’s falling down in there service. That that healing and that deliverance is not coming forth from Christ, but that it’s coming forth from Satan.


This is a very touchy word. I know a few months ago, God told me of a particular preacher to whom this applies. And I said Lord you’ve got to give me another witness. That is a very heavy word. To tell me that that man, in whose services the glory of God fell consistently, that you’re telling me now that that’s not your spirit? That that’s not your anointing? That that healing and that deliverance is not coming forth from you? That’s a very heavy word. You’ve got to give me another witness.


And the Lord gave me another witness. And I know that a lot of the people here couldn’t receive it. But I know that God has consistently reinforced it in my own spirit. And here it is in the Scripture. And I went before the Lord last night, and I said Lord what do I tell these people. How can they discern if it’s a false anointing? If the man calls himself a Christian? If he preaches the word of God? If he’s had this church for years? What do I tell these people? How can they determine what spirit it is?


People that I have respect for in the spirit of God have gone into this church and told me that, in their opinion, it’s the spirit of God. And you’re telling me that it’s not. What do I tell these people? How can they tell the difference?


And I went through a whole big thing. I thought well maybe it’s two witnesses. Maybe it has to be the truth of the gospel plus the spirit falling down. Then I said, well, there has to be righteousness present. And I said, no, Lord. This man from the beginning had a problem with righteousness. But the spirit was there. And the word was there. But at the beginning, the word wasn’t there. At the beginning, he was preaching the rapture and all of the other immature foolishness of the church world.


So there were two. If the three witnesses are righteousness, the true word, and the spirit, at the very beginning, he did not have two witnesses. He did not have the righteousness. And he did not have the word. But that anointing was there. And I believed it was you at that time.


What do I tell these people? I don’t know what the answer is. And the Lord spoke to me last night, and he said to me if it were possible, the very elect would be deceived. There’s only one way that you are going to be able to tell that this man that calls-- and I don’t mean this particular man, I mean any man or woman. I hope you all know that I include--I just use the generic term of man. That calls themselves Christian, that puts up a sign that they’re having a Christian meetings there. That lifts up and exalts the name of Jesus. A preacher that looks like a Christian preacher.


Including the anointing, following the healing and the deliverance, there’s only one way you’re going to know that it’s not by the spirit of Christ. And that is by you being in a place that is so close to Christ that you’re going to discern the counterfeit.


Did you ever see twins? Did you ever see identical twins? Nobody could tell them apart. Their mother could tell them apart. She is so intimate with them that she could tell them apart. And this is what the Lord said to me. In the last day-- and I have personal experience with one by the word of the Lord to me. There are going to be preachers that are going to look so much like the real thing that it will be impossible for you to tell that it’s not the spirit of God, unless you are so close with Christ yourself, that he imparts the ability to you to say that’s not my twin sister. That is not my twin brother. It’s another spirit.


Brethren, that’s very scary. But this is what he told me. I believe it to be the truth. And I pass it on to you. And I’m standing by my guns. The Lord has told me that that anointing in that church in this hour is not Christ. And I don’t deny for a second that it looks like him, that it sounds like him, that it feels like him, and that it’s doing the same things that the anointing of Christ does. But it’s not him.


It’s the second beast that look like a lamb, but spake like a dragon. And as we go on down these Scriptures, you’re going to find out what’s going to happen to you if you cannot tell the difference.


Now I’m not trying to scare you, but I suggest that if you’re listening to this message, fear is not of God. But I suggest you start praying for this ability to tell the difference, brethren, because if you can’t tell the difference, you are in trouble.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 13:13, “And she,” the second beast, which is the human spirit joined to Satan, “performs great signs and miracles.” And the human spirit joined to Satan, brethren, she performs great signs and miracles, and she’s not wearing a black pointed hat, so that you could have no trouble picking her out.


I’ve been saying this for a couple of years now. The witch’s covens are no threat to us. I was at a deliverance church for a long time. There was a lot of talk about the witch’s covens. Brethren, the witch’s covens are no threat to you. It’s the witchcraft in the church that’s a threat to you. And the witchcraft in your own mind even more so.


Continuing with, “so that she maketh fire--“ “so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the Earth in the sight of men. This word fire is Strong’s 4442. Glory to God. I forgot to put my stopwatch back on. And it means lightning. If you’d like to review our study on lightning, it’s on message 38 part 6 and 40. I’m sorry, it’s on message 38 part 6 and message 40 part 1. We did a deep study on lightning.


But just to refresh your memory, I will remind you that lightning is electricity that passes from one cloud-- either from one cloud to another, or from a cloud to the Earth. It’s electricity. I’m suggesting to you it’s a form of spiritual authority that passes from one cloud to another. The cloud typifying the soul. I didn’t write down the message numbers for that, but I’m sure we have some teaching on the cloud typifying the soul.


So lightning typifies spiritual authority passing from one soul to another, or from a cloud to the Earth, or spiritual authority passing from the soul in man to the body in another. If you’re praying for somebody that needs a healing in their body, and God permits the healing to take forth, lightning goes from your soul to their body, and the healing takes place.


So that “he maketh fire to come down from heaven on the Earth in the sight of men.” The Earth of course is soul and bodies of men. And this expression in the sight of men. That word sight, it’s Strong’s 1799. And it means in the presence of. In the presence of men. In a place where men can see it.


He causes spiritual power to manifest either from soul to soul or from soul to body in place where men can see it. And what is the place where men can see it. It is the realm of appearance. And I suggest to you the signs, and wonders, and miracles that can be seen by men are healing and deliverance.


Alternate Translation, the second half of Revelation 13:13. And he does this by using spiritual power to heal and cast evil spirits out of men. The signs and wonders are done by using spiritual power to heal and cast evil spirits out of men.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 13:13. “And she, the second beast, even the human spirit married to Satan performs great signs and miracles by using spiritual power to heal and cast evil spirits out of men in a place where it could be seen.”


Right on the floor of the church, brethren. Not on some mountainside in Greece. And not in some backyard in India. But right here in America. In the church. Under all the slogans, and under all the crosses, and under all the doves, and under the all whatever else. It’s already happening today. Ungodly spiritual power looking like the lamb, but they’re speaking the words of the dragon if you have spiritual ears to hear.


Listen to them, what they’re saying. Listen to him in the pulpit, and, if you can, listen to him in his private life. Is he a lamb doing healing and deliverance that’s speaking like a dragon? Does he speak hate? Does he speak unforgiveness? Does he speak bitterness without repentance?


Brethren, you better get this revelation. I don’t know what to say. God sends me the people all time. They don’t want to believe it. Hallelujah.


Verse 14, “And deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth by means of those miracles, which he has power to do in the sight of the beast. Saying to them that dwell on the Earth that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live.” And this second beast, this human spirit joined to Satan, she deceives all them that dwell on the Earth. Glory to God. 


The word deceiveth is Strong’s 4105. And it means to roam, to go astray, to lead aside from the right way. To deceive. To lead aside from the right way. What we’re talking about here, brethren, is the second beast, this human spirit joined to Satan, she has the power to interfere with your discerning Christ. She’s right up there saying I’m Christ.


And she’s so much like Christ that, unless you are walking hand in hand, neck and neck with Jesus, you’re going to believe her. She deceiveth them that dwell on the Earth. She deceiveth them that are not dwelling in the heavenly soul of the Lord Jesus Christ.


You have to be dwelling in heaven. You to be one with the mind of Christ in this area for you to not be deceived. Glory to God.


And deceiveth them that are carnal by means of these miracles. Do you hear this? What she had power to do in the sight of the beast. Glory to God.


I just wanted to point out that them that dwell on the Earth are carnal men. And the word on is Strong’s 1909. It means on top of, on the surface of, and I’m suggesting to you that we’re not talking about the personalities of men here, but we’re talking about those that are on the surface of the Earth, the actual physical members of the living soul.


Human beings, you and me, we’re no longer breaking this down into the four parts of the personality, or whatever. This is the whole man. You and me and the members of the church world. The saints of God.


She has the power to deceive you if you’re not dwelling in heaven with Christ. Glory to God. And deceiveth them that dwell in the Earth by means of these miracles. And the word means of are not in the original Greek. And once again we have the word in the sight of in the verse before this we talked about in the sight of men. And we determined that that meant in the realm of appearance in a place where men could see it.


And now we’re talking about in the sight of the beast, I believe it is. I’ve lost my place. In the sight of the beast. In the sight of the first beast.


Alternate Translation, the first third of Revelation 13:14, “And the second beast, the human spirit joined to Satan, she causes the members of the living soul to stray away from the spiritual truth of Christ, even that this is not his spirit.” What’s the spiritual truth of Christ? It’s in his spirit. It’s in his life. If you know the truth, you’ll know his spirit.


But this human spirit that’s joined to Satan, the harlot. She causes the members of the living soul. And what does that mean? Your human spirit is joined to Satan in you. She’s going to cause you to go way from the spiritual truth, even the knowledge that this is not the spirit of God doing these miracles.


Because the human spirit has spiritual authority to do healing and deliverance and in the realm of appearance. Do you hear this? She has authority, and that authority is permitted by God. It would not be here if it was not permitted by God.


And we went over this in a prior message. The beast is being permitted to manifest and do everything that he’s doing for a season. He has authority from God. And the human spirit joined to Satan causes the members of the living soul to stray away from the spiritual truth of Christ, even that this is not his spirit.


And the reason that she has authority to do that is because-- and the reason she could do that to you is because the human spirit has spiritual authority to do healing and deliverance in the realm of appearance.


You think it’s going to be so easy as to think the witch is going to be wearing a black pointed hat, brother? You are mistaken, and naïve, and childish. Antichrist is going to look just like Christ. He’s going to be Christian. He’s going to be a preacher. He’s going to preach the word of God. He’s going to do healing and deliverance. But it’s not going to be the spirit of Christ. And the only way you’re going to know is if you are dwelling in the spirit of Christ, you’ll know that you’re not of the same spirit.


Continuing with, “the second beast, the human spirit joined to Satan, saying to them that dwell on the Earth that they should make an image unto the beast.” She’s going to cause you to believe that this is the spirit of God, and it’s not. And when she gets you to believe, she’s going to say to you that you should make an image to the beast.


The word saying is Strong’s 3004. And it means to speak in words or to preach. To preach. Them that dwell on the Earth, the individual members of the living soul.


And to make is 4160. It means to make or do, but it also means-- or it also can be translated to band together, to produce, to construct, to form, or to fashion. She’s preaching to the members of the living soul to fashion an image.


Now we know what the carnal church preaches. That they’re going to be making an idol made out of wood. But, brethren, I declare to you what this is saying is that your own human spirit joined to Satan is going to be whispering in your ear. Believe the lie and manifest the carnal mind, which is the very image of Satan.


Because if you believe the truth, you will be manifesting Christ. That will be the end of this world’s system as we know it. And your own human spirit, the lackey of Satan, his wife, his illegal wife, is whispering to you. Do you see that wonder over there? It’s Christ. And if she can convince you of it, the next thing that she’s going to say to you is form the image of my husband.


Because if you believe the lie, you have fornicated with your own human spirit, and you are producing the carnal mind. I don’t care if you talk in tongues. I don’t care if you dance in the spirit. I don’t care if you have a dove pin. I don’t care if you cast out demons. I don’t care if you preach the gospel of the kingdom.


If you believe the lie, you are producing the image of the beast in your own mind. The carnal mind is appearing in you. Glory to God. This is a tough word. No wonder half the congregation isn’t here tonight. Glory to God.


So make an image, banded together, constructed, form it. Form the carnal mind. Form an image. The word image is 1504. It means likeness, representation, resemblance. If you’re going to believe the lie, fashion the likeness of Satan on your own soul, producing the carnal mind. That’s what she’s saying. Believe the lie, produce the carnal mind.


This is a parable. This is a way of telling you by parable that if you can be deceived in discerning the anointing, you are manifesting the carnal mind. We’re getting down to rock bottom, brethren. There’s only one thing that matters. And that is that you are one with Christ. It has nothing to do with demons, or healing, or signs, or wonders, or knowledge in the Scripture, or anything.


This thing is spiritual. Either you’re one with him, or you’re not. And if you’re one with him, you are one with him in your mind. Either you think with his thoughts, or you don’t. And it’s capable for you to manifest every sign of Christianity and not be one with him in your mind. That’s what this is saying, brethren. Glory to God.


I just want to give you some references that this word image, Strong’s 1504, is the same Greek word that is used to express the image of Christ.


Second Corinthians 4:4, “In whom the God of this world hath blinded minds of them which believe not. Lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, “ Christ is the image of God, “should shine unto them.”


That’s the same Greek word that’s used in the expression the image of the beast. And I suggest to you that the image of the beast is the carnal mind. And it is the image-- it is actually the image of Satan. Christ is the image of the Father mind. And the carnal mind in the realm of appearance is the image of Satan. Glory to God.


Natural man bears the image of Adam ruled by Satan. But the promise of Almighty God is that we shall bear the image of Christ right now. Even me in many areas of my life, I am manifesting the image of Satan. Right now, I hope, in this message I’m manifesting Christ to you. I hope that I manifest Christ frequently. But I’m not foolish enough to believe that I never manifest Adam.


We are in the process of being converted from manifesting the carnal mind to manifesting Christ. We are an in between realm. And those of us that are in Christ are manifesting both minds from second to second, minute to minute, day to day, and week to week. And if you can’t believe that you are really in trouble.


First Corinthians 15:49, “And as we have born the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.” As we have manifested the carnal mind, we shall manifest Christ. What a glorious promise. Hallelujah.


OK, what are we up to? I lost my place here.


Saying to them that dwell in the Earth that they should make an image to the beast. And this word to is Strong’s 1519, and it can also be translated into. And I’m suggesting to you that this phrase, that they should make an image to the beast should be translated that they should make an image into the beast.


Image means engraving. That they should make an engraving into the beast. And what is the beast but the human soul. And the human soul is that part of the living soul which is being engraved with the image of Christ. Remember Christ is coming forth in the human spirit. And then that image of Christ is going to be impressed upon the Earth of the human soul.


And what this is saying here is that they should make an engraving into the human soul. And that engraving is of Satan. She’s telling them believe the lie. Produce the carnal mind.


Alternate Translation second third of Revelation 13:14, “And she preaches to the members of the living soul that they should believe the lie, which will permit the resemblance of Satan to be impressed into their own human souls, thus causing the carnal mind to be reproduced in them also.”


And she preaches to the members of the living soul that they should believe the lie. What lie? That that preacher that’s doing all of those glorious things, talking in tongues, prophesying, healing the sick, casting out the demons, doing everything, that that’s not the spirit of Christ.


And she preaches to the members of the living soul that they should believe the lie-- I’m sorry, the lie that it is the spirit of Christ, which will permit the resemblance of Satan to be impressed into their own human souls, thus causing the carnal mind to be reproduced in them also. Brethren, you believe a spiritual lie, and there’s no way that Christ is being forced through your soul.


Continuing with, “which had the wound by the sword,” we’re talking about the beast now, the first beast. “Which had the wound by the sword and did live.” I remind you that that word wound is the calamity that caused the death of the separation of the living soul from God. And the word sword, if you remember, it means the butchering sword. And did live.


Now I was surprised to see that this word live is Strong’s 2198 meaning zoe life, because I’ve been teaching you here that the living soul has in existence, that all life is in the sun. And this is what the Father told me to tell you in answer to that apparent problem. Is that when the living soul was first separated from Almighty God, she had been so charged with the spiritual power of his life as it flowed through her continuously, like our own blood is pumped through our body by our natural heart, that after the initial separation, she did live what would have to be described as life for a season. She lived life until that power of Almighty God waned and grew cold. And then she fell into a form of existence. And I point out to you that this word did live in the Greek is in a past tense, which expresses an action that was completed in the past. So she did live, but she died, and now she exists.


Alternate Translation, third third or Revelation 13:14. “Even the soul--“ well I’ll read you the verse here. “Which had the wound by the sword and did live,” speaking about he first beast. Even the soul of the one who died when he was separated from God, nevertheless lived for a season, and now exists in this world’s system.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 13:14, “And the second beast, the human spirit joined to Satan, causes the members of the living soul to stray away from the spiritual truth of Christ, even that this is not his spirit, because the human spirit has spiritual authority to do healing and deliverance in the realm of appearance. And she preaches to the members of the living soul that they should believe the lie which will permit the resemblance of Satan to be impressed into their own human souls, thus causing the carnal mind to be reproduced in them also. Even the soul of the one who died when he was separated from God, but nevertheless lived for a season, and now exists in this world system.”


Recap Revelation 13 verses 11 to 14. And in this spirit, I saw a different small, wild, dangerous animal appearing in each of the members of the living soul. And she possessed authority that looked like the authority of the Father and the Son, but she expressed the thoughts of Satan.


And she appears in the realm of appearance and possesses all of the authority to incarnate and rule in the minds of men that the human soul ruled by Satan has. And makes the living soul and all of its carnal members submit to pride and raging passions of the living soul ruled by Satan. Even the one who cured himself from the death of his separation from the life of God by manifesting the carnal mind.


And she performs great signs and miracles by using spiritual power to heal and cast evil spirits out of men. And causes the members of the living soul to stray away from the spiritual truth of Christ. Even that this is not his spirit. Because the human spirit has a spiritual authority to do healing and deliverance in the realm of appearance.


And she preaches to the members of the living soul that they should believe the life which will permit the resemblance of Satan to be impressed into their own human souls, thus causing the carnal mind to be reproduced in them also. Even the soul of the one who died when he was separated from God, but nevertheless lived for a season, and now exists in the world system.


And she preaches to the world, to the members of the living soul, that they should believe the lie. And who is she preaching it through. She’s preaching it through the preachers that are saying that’s a mighty man of God.


I have a testimony on one of my messages. I think it’s message 12. How a very well meaning preacher brought this preacher into the church. Introduced us. Said that she was a wonderful woman of God. She spent hours on her knees praying in tongues. And she got up there to minister, and man, brethren, I’m telling you that was the spirit of witchcraft.


And more than half that church let her lay hands on them. Because their pastor endorsed them. And I suggest to you that the human spirit of that pastor was joined to Satan. And it was his carnal mind that called her Christ. But she looked like Christ. But she spake like a dragon. And everyone that believed it, as a result of it, manifested the carnal mind.


And I just wanted to make one more comment as I read this here. I realized that I didn’t comment on this phrase in verse 1. “And I saw a different small, wild, dangerous animal.” I taught that in the first message with regard to the first beast. The reason this wild, dangerous animal was small –


4/29/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

5/01/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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