060 - Part 2
(Revelation 12)


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Part 2 of 8 Parts


The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


          Glory to God. At the last meeting, we studied about the angels that sinned (2 Pet 4). As I reviewed that message, the Lord asked me to clarify and reinforce the point that the angels that sinned were the descendants of Seth, and that Noah was the only one in those days that was manifesting righteousness.

            I will read my note, and continue to comment from there. “I listened to the tape of the last meeting, and I noticed that I did not make it clear that all of the descendants of Seth were manifesting Cain, except for Noah and his sons. The descendants of Seth that lived before the flood were destroyed.

            If you believe that the bodies and souls that were destroyed by the flood were cast down to Hell, then you have no problem. But we have been teaching that Heaven and Hell are conditions that arise out of the fallen mind of mortal man, which only exists for those that are in the physical body. You cannot believe that Heaven and Hell are a condition of mind that manifests in the physical body, and also believe that the men who were destroyed in the flood, were cast down into Hell.”

            We have a problem here. I remind you that a problem in the Scripture does not mean that God does not know what He is talking about. Most non-Christians will tell you immediately "Contradiction in the Scripture! It is just a fairy story!"

            Brethren, you do not have automatically access the mind of Christ, and neither do I. When I find two Scriptures that appear to contradict each other, I go before the Lord, saying "Lord, I perceive a contradiction here, may I have your mind on this subject?" Then Lord reconciles the two Scriptures for me, He gives me His mind.

            This is our problem, we are saying that the angels that sinned and were cast down to Hell were destroyed in the flood. We are teaching in this ministry that Hell and Heaven is a condition of the mind while you are in the body, that you do not die and go to Hell. Heaven or Hell is here in the flesh.

            The descendants of Seth that lived before the flood were destroyed. That means that the angels that sinned are the spiritual line of Seth. There are good angels, and there are bad angels. We determined last week that angels typify the spiritual man. If you are a good angel that means you are manifesting the righteousness of God. If you are an evil angel, you are manifesting the unrighteousness, or the evil of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind that the Old Testament calls it Cain in the book of Genesis.

            As a human being, a lot of people know by name. They know you as a daughter, as a son, as a husband, as a wife, as a mother, as a father. As a human being, your mind either manifests the righteousness of God, or the evil of Cain. This is the message that God brought forth last week.

            A lot of people that hear this word get very upset. "What do you mean, there was a man who was called righteous by God, and the evil of Cain appeared in his mind, what are you talking about?"

            Brethren, Jesus is doing the exact opposite today. He is laying hold of and entering into some wicked sinners that are manifesting the mind of Cain. He is rising up from what we would call the unconscious part of the mind, and putting the mind of Cain underfoot. That person who was a murderer, that was a thief, that was a blasphemer, a witch, a worker of witchcraft, that person is now saying, praises, glory and honor to Almighty God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

            The Book of Genesis is saying that there were men in the earth that were saying, praises, glory and honor to Almighty God one day, but the day came that they opened their mouth, and said, "God, who is He?" Do you hear what I am saying? The spiritual life manifesting in you can switch over while you are in the same body. You are still married to the same person, you have the same parents, you still have the same children, you are the same evil person that you have always been, but one day you find yourself manifesting the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ.

            One day, if you lived before the flood, you had the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, and the next day it was revealed in you that your mind was no longer the righteousness of God, but the evil of Cain. This is the story of mankind. Do you know how many people are out there saying, "What are we all about? What are we doing here?" I asked that question before the Lord called me.

            What am I doing in the earth? Where is mankind going? What is it all about? This is what it is all about, brethren: God formed a creation, and called it the living soul. He joined His spiritual life to the earth, so that His spirit could be revealed through a form, but there is an evil intelligence in the earth. Christ Jesus, your new mind, is locked together with the evil intelligence of your earthen carnal mind, and they are battling over who will generate your thoughts, cause you to speak their words and do their deeds.

            I will show you something strange. If you study this Book of Genesis, you will see that men start out with the mind of God. Seth had the mind of God, Noah had the mind of God, Enoch had the mind of God, but there seems to be a steady drain downward. There seems to be a pattern here: The evil in the earth rises up and seduces the man that is manifesting the righteousness of God, and puts the righteousness of God underfoot. Cain, the evil one, when he succeeds in manifesting through a man, seems to take over the mind of that man. I have never see it reversed in the Scripture. God always has to kill the person.

            When people become reprobate beyond the point of repentance, the only thing left to do, is to kill them, because there is no reversal back to righteousness for the fallen, natural man. That is what the flood was all about. The provision that God Almighty has made to reverse our moral fall back to righteousness is in Christ Jesus, who must be added to us.

            The righteousness of God cannot prevail in the form that the fallen creation is in, which is the temporary form, the paper-mache form, the model. It is impossible. The evil in the earth has consistently (as we are told in this Bible) risen up to overtake the men that the righteousness of God is appearing in, and cast them down to Hell.

            There is only one way that humanity will return to their first estate, and stay there, and that is to have the mind of God birthed in their souls. The Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, is powerful enough to overtake the intelligence in the earth, put it underfoot, slay him and cause him to serve the spiritual man.

            Adam, the spiritual Son of God that was joined to the earth in the beginning, in antiquity, died, and mortal humanity, his spiritual remains, is appearing in the earth today, without spiritual power. Our fallen condition is the reason why the evil so frequently overtakes the good in mortal man. But the plan of God is that He shall appear in His sons at the end of the age, to put away all sin.

            Something has been added to fallen creation. The missing element, the spiritually male element, the power of Almighty God, has been, is being, and shall be restored to the living soul that died. The power that was lost when Adam, the Son of God, was propelled into the earth and became a mortal man is being restored. The power of Almighty God is being restored to the fallen creation through the Lord Jesus Christ. It has already happened in the Heavenlies, and now it has to be appropriated by each and every human being.

            What do we have here? The descendants of Seth that lived before the flood were destroyed. That means the angels who sinned, which is the spiritual line of Seth, must have been cast down into Hell through the descendants of Noah. Everybody on the face of the earth today is a descendant of Noah. Does anybody have a problem with that? Noah is a descendant of Seth. Every human being on the face of the earth today is a descendant of Seth.

            The offspring of Noah are the descendants of Seth. I remind you that Adam, the Son of God, the spiritual man in this creation, fornicated with the intelligence in the earth. This was also the sins of the angels. Therefore, the angels who sinned, or the spiritual line of Seth which continued through Noah, were cast down to Hell through the descendants of Noah.

            All of the descendants of Seth that were manifesting wickedness were wiped out. God only kept four men, Noah and his sons, and their wives. Out of the whole population of the earth, they were the only ones that God imputed righteousness to. God wiped everyone out, and he said "Noah, we are going to go on with you."

            I declare to you that God knew all the time that Noah and His sons would fall also. Why? Because it is impossible for the Adam, the Son of God, in his slain condition, to overcome Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. God knew it.

            Why is God permitting all of this? Why is God not wiping out all of the earth? We touched on it Sunday, brethren. God knows that He has a plan to bring forth the sons of God. I really do not know why it has taken so many thousands of years to manifest the Lord Jesus Christ, but the Lord knew that it would take this long. God killed off the evil manifestation of the living soul that died, but kept whoever was at least, touching on righteousness, and imputed righteousness to them.

            He killed off the really evil ones, to perpetuate the race until the manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the resurrection of the dead living soul. He is keeping us alive until we can be resurrected. He destroyed the truly evil ones, and keeps alive those that show some flicker of the righteousness of God.

            I have a question for you. How could the angels that were cast down into Hell be the descendants of Noah when God judged Noah righteous?

            I read in Genesis 9:1 that God judged Noah righteous. "And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation." God pronounced Noah righteous. What happened? What went wrong? Where did the descendants of Noah slip back? Look around the earth today, brethren. Except for the men that are being resurrected from the dead by the Lord Jesus Christ in this hour, where is there righteousness in the earth today? All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. When did it happen? We are going to find out.

            Keep in mind that God sees all of the descendants of Seth as one spiritual man manifesting in many members. God could look across the earth today and call us Seth, but He calls us Adam, because our original ancestor was Adam. We are all out of Seth. This is how God looks at us. If you cannot receive it, I ask that you pray about it. When God looks at us, He sees Adam and Seth as a spiritual plant that started out as a seed.

            Take a look at that plant over there, He says, it has just unfolded, into many, many leaves across the face of the earth. The genetic material that is in us is all out of Adam and Seth. I watched a program on genetics given by a Christian preacher, teaching on genetics. He said that when a baby girl is conceived in the womb, all of the ovum in her ovaries, all of the potential human beings that could come forth from her womb, already have the genetic material in them. That genetic material was delivered unto her from her original ancestor, which is Adam.

            The way it works it is that people have more than one child, then God takes the spiritual seed of the many offspring, and goes forward with him. Seth is the spiritual seed of Adam that God is working with in this hour, because there is no spiritual seed that came from Noah.

            They all fell. Noah and his three sons all fell, so there was no spiritual seed of Noah in the hour right after the flood. The spiritual seed that came forth from Noah is Abraham, who did not come forth until several generations later. There was no immediate offspring of Noah that was a righteous seed.

            God went to Abraham several generations down the line, and He made a covenant with him. He called forth the nation of Israel out of Abraham and imputed righteousness to them. Did you ever hear the Scripture "that the law of ordinance was added, because of the transgression." Did you ever hear that Scripture?

            I never knew what that meant until I prepared this message. The whole human race was under the spiritual law of God. I declare to you that Adam, Seth, Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth all knew the spiritual law of God. They knew the covenant He made with them. They understood what is being preached in this ministry. They understood that there was evil in the unconscious part of their carnal mind, and that they needed to keep it underfoot.

            I declare to you that the men of antiquity knew all of this. They had it. They were partakers of an everlasting covenant with Almighty God that existed not only between Him and the members of the living soul that died, but the entire earth. We are inter-related to the animals concerning Elohim’s covenant with mankind. This whole creation is out of God, and His covenant is with the whole creation. These men of antiquity knew it, but because of the darkness of sin covering over the minds of men after the flood, God had to give the Hebrew children the Law of Ordinances in the wilderness.

            I do not believe that they had any recollection whatsoever of the spiritual law of God, or of the covenant that God had made back in antiquity with Adam, Seth, and Noah. Probably they did not have any knowledge of the covenant He made with Abraham. Their minds were getting dark, and the living soul was being spread thin and stretched out like dough under a rolling pin.

            Now remember this is the clay. God took a lump. The Scripture talks about a lump of clay. He took a lump of material out of which humans can be made. He is just stretching it thinner, and thinner, and thinner. He is making more and more members of the living soul, but there was just one lump, brethren. I declare to that the more members of the living soul that died, that He cut out of the lump, the less spiritual we that remain have become.

            He had to add the Law of Ordinances to the Hebrew children because there was no way that they had a strong enough revelation of the spiritual law of God. The covenant God had with the human race, with Noah and his descendants, they had no way of being strong enough spiritually to function by a knowledge of that covenant. The Law of Ordinances has to be added to them to keep them under Jehovah’s imputed righteousness, because they did not have the spiritual strength to live righteously without it.

            In this hour, that strength is being restored to those of us that have received the Holy Spirit. Whether Christ has been conceived in us or not, if we have received the Holy Spirit, we have received a measure of strength by which righteousness can be imputed to us under a covenant with God. Hopefully, if you have received the Holy Spirit, you have started to receive some teaching that is restoring to you an understanding of God's purposes for, and His covenant with, the descendants of Adam, Seth, Noah, and Abraham.

            Although you do not hear this being preached very often, it is being preached now, and God is going to get it out to His church, because this is the truth. Let us go on. I have a very exciting word for you tonight. We must keep in mind that God sees all of the descendants of Seth as one spiritual man manifesting in many members.

            Even though God imputed righteousness to Noah, He knew that Seth and all of Seth's descendants were manifestations of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He   knew that individual members of that Tree could manifest either the evil of Cain or the righteousness of Abel. We saw it in the earth then, and we see it in the earth today. One mother or father could have several children. One can be a bad seed, and one can be righteous. We see it all the time. One goes in one direction, and another goes in a different direction.

            Then, on the other hand, we see spiritual situations where (in the days of antiquity) righteousness appeared in the minds of men, and was over taken by Cain appearing in that same person. But in this hour we see the unrighteousness of Cain in a particular person, and the righteousness of Christ Jesus entering right into that same person, into that soul, taking it over, and turning him right around.

            The righteousness of God or the evil of Cain can appear in one of two ways: It can appear as a bad seed and a good seed, in the form of two children from one set of parents; or there can be one individual who manifests a spiritual conversion, from evil to good. Does anybody not understand that? Glory to God.

            God also knew that a particular member of that Tree who was manifesting the righteousness of God all of his life, could without any outward warning, be overcome by the evil in the unconscious part of his carnal mind. Thus, even though his name and appearance remained the same, he could start to manifest Cain’s evil mind.

            Throughout the Scripture, God causes a future generation to reap the results of the sin of a past generation. I have some Scriptures for you demonstrating that it is a Scriptural principle that God will render judgment upon future generations. Unschooled believers say, "How could God do that? How could He judge the offspring, the children, the grandchildren of someone who committed the sin?" Brethren, God can do it, because God knows that despite the new body and new personality, it is the same spiritual root living in a future generation.

            God know that. You may not know that, but God knows it. That is how He renders judgment in future generations and remains righteous. If you cannot understand this, you may accuse God of being unrighteous, but, brethren, even if you do not believe this spiritual principle, you better believe that God is righteous. You better not accuse God of unrighteousness. If you desire to understand His ways consider the following explanation. I have three witnesses for you:

            2 Samuel 12:14."Howbeit, because of this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme." This is God speaking to David because of what he did with Bathsheba. "The child also that is born unto thee shall surely die." I could just hear the heathens screaming, "God kills innocent babies." Brethren, when God does something like that, it is His mercy. That child would have been cursed severely, because of its parent’s sin. But, it was still a judgment. The death of the child was a judgment for the sin of the parents, but it was also the mercy of God, because the child would have been heavily cursed, a child born out of murder and adultery.

            Isaiah 39, Verses 6 and 7. This is speaking about a judgment on Hezekiah, who was one of the better kings of Israel. He did deeds for God. He got rid of the idols in high places, and God blessed him He was one of the better kings.

            "Behold, the days come, that all that is in thine house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in store until this day, shall be carried to Babylon." God is talking about the temple. "Nothing shall be left, saith the Lord."

            Verse 7. "And of thy sons which thou shalt issue from thee, which thou shalt beget, shall they take away; and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon." Eunuchs are deprived of a normal life with a woman and the ability to reproduce. Maybe if you are a natural man, what strikes you as most severe, is that they will be deprived of a normal life with a woman. But what strikes God most severe, brethren, is that they will not be able to reproduce the seed royal.

            You see, God does not really care about your sexual pleasure. He lets you have it under certain circumstances. It is legal when you are married, but it is not the top priority in His mind. The top priority in the mind of God is perpetuating the seed royal out of which Christ is destined to come forth. Glory to God.

            He permits us our toys and our games in this soul realm, brethren. A lot of people would have no problem with me saying that prophesy is passing away, tongues are passing away, all that which is in part is passing away. They would have no problem with that. But you tell them that sexual relationships between men and women are passing away, and they freak out. Well, it is the truth. Sex is not important to God, but He lets you have it while you are down here. Glory to God.

            I am not against sexual activity within the legal parameters of marriage. I am just telling you the truth. Do not get all hung up on it. Sex is one of the least important things in your life. I know you do not believe that right now, but believe me, it is one of the least important things in your life. If you let sex rule you, if you lust for it, desire it and permit your desire for sex to rule you, if you permit it to influence your decisions, you can be hurt really badly. You can yield to it in marriage, but do not let it influence your decisions, brethren. Make your decisions based on righteousness. Glory to God.

            I want to point out to you that what Hezekiah did was so terrible, that God prophesied to Hezekiah that his sons would be eunuchs for the king of Babylon. What a terrible thing to be told that your sons would go into captivity. This prophesy was prophesied in 701 B.C., and came to pass in the year 605 B.C., 96 years later. They say it is 40 years to a generation. I have never studied that out myself, but that is what I have heard.

            Two generations later, Hezekiah's grandchildren or perhaps his great grandchildren, not even his sons, either his grandchildren or great grandchildren went in to captivity.

            Daniel 1, Verses 2 and 3. Then I went to 6 and 7. "And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand," of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. "With part of the vessels of the house of God." God turned the king, and the vessels of the temple over to the king of Babylon. Brethren, if you go into captivity while you are serving God, you better believe that God turned you over. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is not stronger than your God.

            Verses 3, 6, and 7. "And the king spake unto Ashpenaz, the master of his eunuchs...," this is the king of Babylon "...that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and the king's seed, and the princes."

            "Now among these were of the children of Judah. Daniel, Hannaniah, Mishael, and Azariah."

            Daniel and the three Hebrew children. That is the three Hebrew children. "Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave 'new' names." The seed royal of Judah went into captivity in Babylon, they were turned over to the chief eunuch, who castrated them, and changed their names. They experienced humiliation either because of their grandfather or their great grandfather, who they may not have even known. You do not like it? I am sorry, this is how God does things.

            What are we saying? We are saying that Seth is a manifestation of the man that Adam, the Son of God, was made into when He was slain. Adam lost His power. Remember, there is a female aspect of Adam that is capable of being joined to God in his mind. That is the imputed righteousness, but apparently incapable of keeping the intelligence in the earth of the soul that he is joined to from rising up from the pit of his unconscious mind and seducing him to fornicate.

            The natural man has a weakness, he falls, time and time, and time again. The result of this fornication is the incarnation of the spiritual life of Cain, who then treads the righteousness of God underfoot, then lives through the souls and the bodies that have been created to express the image and nature of God. It is God's intention to preserve members of the human race despite their inability to sustain righteousness in their minds until such time that Almighty God Himself incarnates, and is born in the minds of the many as their very own righteousness.

            This has already begun. The first member in which it has been accomplished begin in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I just wanted to give you some insight into what the name Cain means. The name Cain is Strong's #7413. It means a spear. It is from the root #7013, which means a creature or a possession acquired. Cain typifies the soul that was acquired by the spiritual man. When Cain is appearing in your mind, the soul man rather than the Son of God is appearing. Eve reproduced both the spiritual man, Adam, which typifies the substance of God, and a creature, the possession that the spiritual man was to live in and rule. God joined them together.

            The spiritual man, I did not mean Adam here, I should have put down Abel. Eve produced Abel and Cain. She produced a manifestation of the life of God typified by Abel, and a manifestation of the soul that the son of God was joined to through Cain, and Cain killed Abel. Cain has been killing Abel. The evil has been killing the righteousness of God from the beginning of antiquity. In this hour that you have been graced to live in, you are about to see this abomination turned around. The Lord Jesus Christ is vibrating forth, in this hour, into bodies of men, into souls of men that are known by names and particular situations in life, and He is turning around the spiritual life that has ruled in them for years.

            The reversal of the abomination is underway. That is why we have to try the spirit in everybody, particularly preachers, but everybody from moment-to-moment to see who is manifesting in them. We cannot be deceived by the fact that they had an anointing last year. Cain may have appeared in their minds. The battle is fierce, it is furious, it is without mercy. We know that the winner is the Lord Jesus Christ.

            We also know that He has won the battle, but the individual members of the living soul can lose. They can be wiped out, their spiritual substance shall be saved, but the personality and this lifetime can be lost if the victory is not taken in the Lord Jesus Christ.

            What are we saying? He is a creature or a possession acquired. Eve produced both Cain and Abel, typifying the substance of the son of God, and a creature, the possession that the spiritual man was to live in and rule. That is the soul. Cain, typified by Cain, the intelligence in the earth of the soul that the son of God was joined to. The two of them are in there together.

            In your mind and my mind, I dare say, the intelligence of the earth has not been slain. He was slain in the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now the Lord Jesus Christ is appearing in each and every human being to slay the iniquity in the earth. The warfare is raging in the minds of the people where this is happening. God knew that a warfare would ensue between the life of the Son of God and the existence of the intelligence in the earth until God Almighty Himself would join Himself to the creation and bring forth Christ, the Savior, with the spiritual strength to keep the Garden, or to subdue the land. Or to cause the possession to serve the possessor by being his form and shape.

            The Garden, the land, the wilderness, is the living soul, the soul that was given to the Son of God as a possession. There is a monster in the earth. You have heard about the monster in the sea? Well, he is the monster of the seas of the living soul that died. There is a monster in the possession that He gave to His Son. That monster wants to rule the Son of God instead of performing the function that he was created for. Glory to God.

            Is this really so way out? This is the exact opposite of what is happening in the earth today. Cain is appearing in the many members of the living soul that died, but the Holy Spirit is rising up from the place in their hearts where they are rooted. He is copulating with their souls, and Christ is treading Cain underfoot, and retaking for Himself the souls and the bodies that have been created to express the image and nature of God. Apparently, Cain can, has, and is still overtaking righteousness in the descendants of Seth. Without Christ man has no power to overturn Cain.

            God kills off the members manifesting the most wickedness, knowing all the time that even those members manifesting righteousness as in the case of Noah, Ham, Shem and Japheth can produce wicked offspring, or can even lose their imputed righteousness if Cain rises up and overtakes them within their own mind. The whole time, He is keeping all of the human race, which are descendants of Seth, in existence until Christ appears in them, slays Cain, and raises each and every one of them up again from a state of moral death.

            Brethren, this is the situation in the world today. It is the situation in the church, there is no rapture, there is no flying away to heaven. As I have just been preaching to you for the last forty minutes, this is the condition of the human race. Christ is not coming from another planet, He is not dropping from the sky. He is rising up from the depths of your soul. When He rises up, Armageddon is going to take place in your mind. I am telling you, brethren, either Christ is going to put Cain underfoot in your mind, or you are not going to survive. Your spiritual substance shall survive, but you, the personality, who you are right now, shall not survive.

            Either Christ will appear in you, or you will die. Your spiritual substance shall be saved. Am I scaring you? If I am scaring you, maybe you should be scared. I am telling you the truth, God is no "namby pamby." It is the truth.

            If the angels that were cast down to Hell typify the spiritual life of Seth, when did Noah and/ or his decedents fall? Genesis 9:1. "And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth." This is the covenant God made... well, He blessed them after He made a covenant with them. The word "replenish" is Strong's #4390. It means "to refill." I have an Alternate Translation for you of Genesis 9:1.

            "And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to the keep the intelligence in the earth, even Cain, under your feet and bring forth the fruit of Christ in your minds, and multiply into many members, and may each member be filled with the fruit of Christ."

            It is possible to have Christ in your mind under an imputed anointing. When the spirit ruling in your mind is the spirit of Almighty God, and you copulate with it, when your soul copulates with it, Christ appears in your mind and generates your thoughts, words, and deeds, but it is imputed. You can lose it. Why? Because the intelligence in the earth has not been slain.

            Christ has to be birthed in you for Him to slay the intelligence in the earth. Pointing out to you that the promise of righteousness was to all four men, Noah, Ham, Shem, and Japheth. "God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Keep the intelligence in the earth even under your feet, and bring forth the fruit of Christ in your minds and multiply into many members, and may each member be filled with the fruit of Christ.”

            He said be fruitful, produce Christ, multiply into many members, replenish, fill the earth. With what? The fruit of Christ. Genesis 9, Verse 18-19, "And the sons of Noah that went forth of the ark were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth." These are the three sons of Noah, and of them was the whole earth overspread. Now I did not finish this study. I am going to have to finish it, Lord willing, on Sunday. The reason I put this verse in there is to not just leave it hanging there, that Ham was the middle son.

            There are several Scriptures that say the sons of Ham, this is one of them. They are all the same. The sons of Ham...I am sorry. The sons of Noah were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. If you look at Verse 24 of Chapter 9 it says "And Noah woke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him." Ham was not his younger son, he was his middle son. I am sorry to leave you hanging about that. I just did not want to leave this verse empty. We will be finishing this Sunday. I am going to be going on from here.

            Genesis 9:19, "These are the three sons of Noah, and out of them the whole earth was overspread." This word "overspread" is Strong's #5310. It is the only time it is translated "overspread." This Hebrew word means, "to dash to pieces, or to scatter, or to disburse, or to cast down." To cast down from where to where? To cast down from a mind that is moving in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, Heaven, to cast down to Hell, to a mind that is ruled by the evil that dwells in the earth.

            These are the three sons of Noah, out of them was the whole earth dashed to pieces, scattered, disbursed, cast down to Hell. I have a witness for you that this Hebrew word translated "overspread," is used in another place to talk about the destruction of the altar of God. Isaiah 27, Verse 9, "By this therefore shall the iniquity in Jacob be purged." He is talking about the alter."And this is all the fruit to take away his sin..." this is God speaking to Israel "...when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder."

            It is not very clear, but if you want to study it on your own what this is saying is that the chalkstones, the stones of the altar, which typifies Jesus Christ, which is typified by the righteousness of God in the minds of Noah, Ham, Seth and Japheth, they were torn down and beaten in sunder. The altar of God was torn down, and each of the stones were ripped apart, separated, and there was no more altar. This is the same word that is translated "overspread."

            I declare to you that these are the three sons of Noah, and of them was the whole torn down and cast down to Hell. They lost the righteousness of God in their mind. Cain appeared and they were cast down to Hell. The descendants of Seth that were living before the flood were visited upon the offspring of Noah, the one righteous man that lived in that day.

            Is God unrighteous? God is not unrighteous. Man is unrighteous, none is righteous, no not one. It is the same spiritual life that sinned before the flood that was living in the offspring of Noah. Glory to God.

            These are the three sons of Noah, and of them was the world overspread. That word "of" can be translated "because of." Because of them, the whole world was cast down to Hell. The earth typifying the living soul that died. Alternate Translation Genesis 9:19. "These are Noah's three sons, and because of them the altar of the living soul...what was the altar of the living soul? It was the righteousness of God manifesting through the living soul. Even the righteousness of God was torn down, and Cain appeared, and the earth of the living soul was broken in pieces. One member was set against the one in their minds. They were cast down to Hell, and they were disbursed.

            The whole living soul that died is under a curse of disbursing. That is why we have such trouble, disagreeing with each other. These are Noah's three sons, and because of them, the altar of the living soul that died, eventually the righteousness of God was torn down and Cain appeared. Where? In their minds, and the earth of the living soul that died was broken in pieces, was cast down to Hell, broken into pieces and one member was set against the other in their minds.

            Going on with Genesis 9:20, "And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard." Now these words "to be an husbandman," are not in the original Hebrew. The original Hebrew says, "And Noah began." What did he began? I looked it up in two interlinear texts. "And Noah began." He was a man of the earth, and he planted a vineyard.

            King James too says, "And began Noah a man of the ground." The concordant version of the Old Testament says, "And starting as Noah, a man who serves the ground." I am suggesting to you that Noah, even though God imputed righteousness to him, was a man of the ground. He was a carnal mind. He was not a spiritual man, he was just a man. A natural man is no match for the intelligence in the earth. Our only hope is the Lord Jesus Christ.

            "And Noah began." This word "began," is Strong's #2490. Strong's says it is from the idea of "opening." It means, "to give access to, pierced through, or wounded." We have been studying this for two years. Brethren, Noah was pierced through, he was wounded. Who pierced him through? Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, rose up from his unconscious mind in this man to whom God imputed righteousness. He wounded him. The intelligence in the earth, Satan in his unconscious mind rose up, and wounded him. He pierced through. Glory to God. "And Noah began," Noah was cast down to Hell.

            "He planted a vineyard." The word "planted" is Strong's #5193. It means "to stricken, to fix in place." A vineyard is a place where fruit grows. I am suggesting to you that the Scripture is not clear as to who planted this vineyard. Now if we are not saying "Noah began," if we are saying the Noah was pierced through by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, then the question is, who planted the vineyard? Noah or Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind?

            I am suggesting to you that Satan rose up from his unconscious mind, he wounded Noah, he pierced through, and that Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, planted a vineyard in the mind of Noah. Well, what does that mean? It means that Satan created a situation whereby he could bring forth fruit. Is that not what you do in a vineyard? You plant seeds and you bring forth fruit. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, pierced through and did what he had to do to bring forth the fruit of his spirit in the mind of Noah. Glory to God.

            I want to give you some Scriptures on the spiritual significance of a vineyard to help you to understand this. Deuteronomy 22:9 says, "Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seed: lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown..." That is one kind of seed. "...And the fruit of thy vineyard..." that is a second kind of seed... "be defiled." The Scripture is clearly showing two kinds of seed. This Scripture has been used by bigots for centuries to say that God forbids marriages between the races.

            I tell you that there is one man that I have respect for that preaches this, and he says in his messages and in his writings, if you cannot receive it put it on the shelf. I put it on the shelf several years ago, I have been praying about it for years. "God are you against the inter-marriage of the races?" If God tells me I am wrong, I will tell you about it. I have had this on the shelf for two or three years. I have to tell you at this point that, that interpretation of that Scripture, in my opinion, shows nothing but bigotry.

            It is not just gross misunderstanding of the Scripture on the part of the preacher. This Scripture clearly states "Thou shalt now sow the seed of the mind of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, with the seed of the mind of God in the vineyard of your mind." Why? Because if you have the fruit of righteousness, and you have the fruit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, which is evil, under the old covenant the seed of righteousness will not stand. Do not sow the seeds of evil, do not do it, do not think it, do not look at it, do not entertain it, and do not let it grow in your mind.

            The righteousness of the Law of God which was imputed to Adam when God withdrew from him so Adam could multiply is not powerful enough to overcome the fruit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, when it appears in the mind of man. That fruit is either called Cain or the carnal mind. Another witness of the spiritual significance of the vineyard, 1 Kings 20, Verses 2 and 3, "And Ahab spake unto Naboth, saying, Give me thy vineyard,"

            Verse 3. "And Naboth said to Ahab, the Lord forbid it me that I may give my inheritance on to thee." The vineyard typifies the inheritance of the fathers. We spoke about it at the beginning of the message. What is the inheritance of the spiritual man? It is the soul.

            The spiritual inheritance of the spiritual man is the soul and the body. One more.

            Isaiah 3:14 "The Lord will enter into judgment with the ancients of His people and the princes thereof, for thee have eaten up the vineyard: the spoil of the poor is in your houses." You have eaten up the poor people. It is a rebuke to men that are manifesting ungodliness. For ye have eaten of the vineyard, the spoil of the poor is in your houses. There is a spiritual significance to the word vineyard very clearly throughout the Scriptures. The most significant implication of a spiritual meaning to the word "vineyard" is in Isaiah, Chapter 5. I want to read this to you I am going to do it very quickly, but I just could not go past this. It is Isaiah Chapter 5, Verse 1 to 7. Glory to God. "Come out all of you." Glory to God.

            Isaiah Chapter 5, Verse 1 to 7. This is a parable. "Now I will sing to my wellbeloved a song of my beloved touching His vineyard." This is the vineyard of the Lord Jesus Christ. "My wellbeloved hath a vineyard in a very fruitful hill..." It is a vineyard that is filled with the fruit of Christ. "...and he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof..." that is all the demon power."...and planted it with the choicest vine..." he planted it with the seed of the righteous of Almighty God... "...and built a tower in the midst of it..." That is also another way of talking about the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ... "...and also made a winepress therein: and he looked that is should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes."

            He did everything that he could do to bring forth the righteousness of God in the minds of men, but the Scripture says it brought forth wild grapes. Cain appeared time and time again. Something that sprang up from the ground of its own will and accord. It did not spring forth from a seed that was planted by the owner of the vineyard.

            Verse 3. "And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, judge, I pray you..." This is God speaking now "...betwixt me and my vineyard." God says judge between me and the living soul that died. Verse 4. "What could have been done more to my vineyard that I have not done in it?..." Was there anything else I could have done to give them righteousness, and still they brought forth wild grapes, the life of Cain. God speaking, "...wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?"

            I will read that whole Verse 4 again. "What could have been done more to my vineyard that I have not done in it? Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?" What more could I have done. "Now go to; I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard." These Scriptures are to Israel. God imputed righteousness to Israel. When God imputes righteousness to you, what that means is that He wants His mind to start appearing in you.

            This is happening in the church today. If you are listening to this message, the chances are God has imputed righteousness to you. That means that all of the wild grapes in your mind, all of the stones, all of the briars, and all of the thorns have to come out. God wants to see the fruit of His spirit appearing in the vineyard of your mind. When that does not happen, this is the judgment.

            Verse 5. "And now go to; I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge thereof..." He is going to take away His protection. "...and it shall be eaten up; and I will break down the wall thereof..." Another form of His protection. "...and it shall be trodden down." Verse 6. "And I will lay it to waste: it shall not be pruned, nor digged; but there shall come up briers and thorns: I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it." No outpouring of the spirit.

            Verse 7. "For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel..." In case you did not believe me, the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel, that is the church today. "...and the men of Judah his pleasant plant." The vineyard is the house of Israel, "...and the men of Judah, He looked for judgment, but behold oppression." He looked for righteousness in the minds of the people that say that they are Christians, but all He found was oppression... "...for righteousness, but behold a cry."

            Brethren, if you do not judge yourself, the judgment of God is already upon you. The vineyard is Israel. It is the mind of the believers, and He will have the fruit of Christ in that mind, one way or another. Glory to God.

            Alternate Translation Genesis Chapter 9, Verse 20. I will read you the King James first. Genesis Chapter 9, Verse 20. "And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard." Alternate Translation "And Noah who was just a natural man, yielded to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, pierced through and rooted in Noah's conscious mind."

            Noah who was just a natural man yielded to Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, pierced through and rooted in Noah's unconscious mind.

            If this sounds "way out" to you brethren, I remind you that the Scripture teaches us that the Holy Spirit is entering into our heart and taking root there. From His position in our heart what is He doing? Does anybody remember the Scripture? He is renewing our mind. What is happening in this hour through Christ is the exact reversal of what happened to the spiritual men. Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The exact reversal. God's creation was torn down, Cain rose up and overtook it, and in this hour Christ is coming forth. This time the deliverance shall be permanent. The righteousness shall be made permanent. Glory to God. Hallelujah.

            Verse 21. "And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent." The word "wine" in the Scripture typifies spirit, I do not think anyone has a problem with that. If he drank of the wine or the spirit of the vineyard, the vineyard being the soul, the wine is the spirit that is manifesting in the soul. Well Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, wounded him, Satan pierced through, Satan planted the vineyard and seeded it with the thoughts of his mind. Wild grapes appeared, and Noah drank the wine. He fornicated with the spirit that was appearing now in his conscious mind. He was now fornicating with spirit that has pierced through his conscious mind.

            Noah fornicated with the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, the spiritual life of Cain appeared in his conscious mind, even the vineyard where the fruit of Christ was supposed to appear, and he drank of the wine. Glory to God. "And he drank of the wine..." The word "drank" is different than the word "drunken." It says he drank of the wine, in Verse 21, and he was drunken, two different Hebrew words. "...and he drank of the wine, and was drunken." The word "drank" is #8354. It simply means to drink an alcoholic beverage. The word "drunken" is Strong's #7943. That means to become intoxicated.

            A lot of people think that they can drink without becoming drunk, and maybe you can, but you are in danger, brethren. We had a whole exhortation on this a few services ago. Anything intoxicating that you take into your body weakens your ability to discern between good and evil. Therefore, Levitical priests and men that have taken the Nazerite vow, cannot drink, because any form of alcoholic beverage weakens your discernment between good and evil.

            Noah took of the spirit that had pierced into his conscious mind, and he lost his ability, or his ability to discern good from evil was weakened. I just want to give you a reminder in Revelation 17:2 "With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication with the great whore that sits upon the many waters. And the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication." A spiritual application of what the whole world has taken carnally in Genesis 9.

            The kings of the earth have committed fornication with the great whore that sitteth upon many waters, and the inhabitants of the earth..." That is you and me, "...have been made drunk." We have lost our ability to discern between good and evil, with the wine of her fornication because of the spirit that dwells in the living soul that died.

            Those of us that do not have Christ appearing in us, brethren listen to the TV, read the newspapers, the things they are telling you are bizarre. It is alright to murder your baby, it is okay to kill people if they are old, they have lost their ability to discern between good and evil, because the spirit that is appearing in their mind has made them drunk as a result of their fornication with it.

            Webster's says that the word "drunk" means "having ones faculties impaired by alcohol." To "intoxicate" means "to excite, or stupify by alcohol or a narcotic, especially to the point where physical and mental control is remarkably diminished." Now I want to ask you a question if you are not thinking it in your mind right now. What is it about this spirit that cause men to lose their ability? Now we are talking about spiritual things. What is it that would cause a man to lose his ability to discern between good and evil?

            Brethren, I am suggesting to you that it is the pride of man, that when Satan rises up from your unconscious mind, and he whispers to you, he says to you what he said to Eve. He says, "Ye too shall be as gods." Do you not know that God does not know what He has? You shall be as gods in the condition that you are in now, without repentance, without conversion, you shall rule in the place of God? Noah heard it and he became drunk, he lost his ability, it tickled his fancy, he loved the idea so much that he lost his ability to discern between the good, righteousness of God, and the evil, the lying word of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, who is now in his conscious mind and rooted in it.

            I want to give you some Scriptures supporting what I just said. Drinking is associated with deception. Proverbs 20:1. "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby..." by the wine and strong drink, "...is not wise." If you are deceived by the strong drink you are not wise, and you are not manifesting the righteousness of Christ. Deception is associated with pride.

            We see drinking associated with deception, and now I am going to give you a Scripture showing that deception is associated with pride. Obadiah 3. God gave me this Scripture Sunday, He is still hitting it home. "The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock..." If you are manifesting the righteousness of God. "...whose habitation is high..." in the realms of the Heavenly, "...who shall bring me down to the ground?"

            "The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, you who saith in your heart, who shall bring me down to the ground?" Your pride has deceived you, you have fornicated with the spirit that dwells in the earth. If you believe the lie, you have been come drunken, you have lost your ability to discern between good and evil, because you have drunken, partaken of, or fornicated with the spirit that rules in the earth. He has lied to you, you have loved the lie, and as soon as you believe the lie that says "who can bring me down?" The second you believe it, brethren, you are as good as fallen.

            The second you believe it, you are fallen. Exalt the Lord Jesus Christ, give yourself some guidelines, brethren. Save your life, exalt the Lord Jesus Christ, and worship God. Hallelujah.

            Alternate Translation, the first half of Genesis 9:21. "And pride sprang froth in Noah, and he drank of the wine..." And pride sprang forth in Noah, "...and he was drunken." He agreed with Satan's whispers in his mind. He lost control over the intelligence in the earth of his mind.

            The minute he agreed with Satan's whisper, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and was lifted up in pride, the righteousness of God no longer had Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, underfoot. He fell the second he believed it. The intelligence in the earth in the form of Cain rose up and tread the righteousness of God underfoot, pride sprang forth in Noah, and he agreed with Satan's whispers, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, in his mind, and Noah lost control over the intelligence in the earth of his mind.

            Continuing with "...and he was uncovered in his tent." The word "uncovered" is Strong's #1540. The King James translated this one way, but it is amazing the way that this Scripture is preached. It is as clear as a bell. Strong's #1540, "uncovered, to unveil in a disgraceful sense, to uncover the nakedness of a woman, to have intercourse with her, to be taken captive."

            "And he was uncovered in his tent." This word "tent" Strong's #168, it is the same word that is used to describe the tabernacle in the wilderness, and the Greek equivalent of this word "tent," is used by Paul in the New Testament to describe his soul. The soul is the tent or the tabernacle of the spirit. The body is the tent of the soul. A tent is something that is made out of dry animal skin, but our skin is not dry. Even for the members of the living soul that died that do not have Christ, the Scripture still calls these bodies tents.

            The natural type of it, you have to kill an animal and dry out his flesh. We are walking around, we have an existence, but these bodies that we live in are a tent for the spiritual life and the soul that dwells in us. We are spirit, brethren. We are not this body, neither are we this soul, this personality that appears for a life time. We are spirit, we are made of the substance of the Lord Jesus Christ.

            "He was uncovered in his tent." Glory to God. Alternate Translation, second half of Genesis 9:21. "And his defensive veil of righteousness was stripped away from him, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, took him captive and had intercourse with him within his mind." Within his tent, within his mind, the tent of the spirit within his soul. "And his defensive veil of righteousness was stripped away and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, took him captive, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has intercourse with him, within his mind."

            Alternate Translation the whole of Genesis 9:21. "And pride sprang forth in Noah, and he agreed with Satan's whispers, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Noah lost control over the intelligence in the earth of his mind, and his defensive veil of righteousness was stripped away from him." Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, took him captive, and had intercourse with him, within his mind.

            Well, what was Noah proud about, brethren? Brethren, he and his sons were the only human beings left alive. Their wives were within them. God said, "I am going to make a whole nation out of you." God made a covenant with him. What did Noah get proud of? I do not know what man could survive that. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, rose up in his unconscious mind and said, "You do not need a covenant with God. The earth is going to be replenished through you, Noah." Noah said "Yes," and he fell. The only man with his three sons saved out of the whole world in that day, and his pride destroyed him

            Verse 22. "And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without." Brethren, wait until you hear this. The whole church world says that Ham sinned against Noah, but I have got a flash for you. Ham, out of the four of them, was the righteous one. I am going to show it to you then I have a few comments to make. "And Ham the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without."

            Ham's name, the word "Ham," is Strong's #2526. It means "hot, tropical." I am suggesting to you that it means "the fire of God." Ham was on fire for God. The righteousness of God was filling his mind and growing in the vineyard of his soul.

            "And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father." The word "see" is Strong's #7200. If you look it up in the Lexicon, it clearly included the definition of spiritual sight that we might call discernment. "And Ham, the father of Canaan, discerned the nakedness of his father." Glory to God.

            He discerned the nakedness of his father. "And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father." For some reason I did not write down the definitions of nakedness, but it is pretty obvious that he was uncovered spiritual, and that he had been made vulnerable. We have many Scriptures throughout the prophets saying "And her skirts were discovered, and she was made naked." It typifies a spiritual vulnerability. It is used to describe women that are taken captive in war zones. When they are taken captive they are made concubines of the captor, and they are almost always sexually ravished. That is to the best of my memory the significance of the word "nakedness."

            "And Ham, the father of Canaan, discerned the seduction of his father and told his two brethren without." This word "told" is Strong's #5046. It means...no listen to this. You can look it up yourself. It is both in Strong's and Gesenius Lexicon, #5046. "He told his brethren, to tell, to stand boldly opposite, to be in front of, or insight to clearly manifest, to bring to the light to reveal." His father had been seduced by Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. All four men were fully aware of the covenant of Almighty God.

            Ham saw that his father had broken the covenant. He stood boldly opposed of him, and said "Father, you have fallen." He sounded the alarm, he exposed it. Why? Because the whole future of the human race was in jeopardy. To the best of his knowledge, there were still three out of the four of them that were manifesting the righteousness of God. Ham was a hero, he sounded the alarm, they had been invaded. The father had fallen.

            "And Ham, the father of Canaan, had discerned the seduction of his father, he was taken captive. And he stood boldly opposite of him, he would not agree with that seduction. He manifested Christ, and he revealed what had happened to his brethren who were without.

"           The word "without" is Strong's #2351. It means "separated by a wall." Ham revealed the spiritual truth of the condition of his father's mind to his brethren, from whom he was separated by a wall. I declare to you, brethren, that could only mean one thing, that if Ham was manifesting the righteousness of Christ, and he was separated from his brethren by a wall, they had fallen also.

            Ham alone, who has been blasphemed through the church world for centuries, was the hero. Alternate Translations Genesis 9:22. "And Ham, the father of Canaan, discerned that his father was being seduced, and that their covenant with God was being broken, and Ham boldly manifested the righteousness of God, opposing Noah, and revealing what had happened to his brothers, which brothers did not support him but opposed him because Cain was appearing in their minds also."

            "And Ham, the father of Canaan, discerned that his father was being seduced, and that their covenant with God was being broken, Ham boldly manifested the righteousness of God opposing what was happening in Noah, and revealing what had happen to his brothers, which brothers did not support him but opposed him." Why? Because Cain was appearing in their mind also.

            Brethren, did you ever see the Mystery of the Body Snatchers? Did you ever see that move? The same body, the same person, the same mother, the same father. The uncle and this one woman were running around the town, saying, "It is not them! It is an alien living inside their bodies! That is not my brother!" They were locking her in a mental institution. Nobody believed her.

            The spiritual life of these people of this town was been converted from human to alien. Four men left to inhabit the earth and to renew it, three out of the four where corrupted almost immediately. I want to tell you something, brethren, is this not just like the spirit of the living soul to lie about the hero. Have you ever discerned something in somebody's mind, then went and told another believer and had them say to you "Well, they are really a nice person." Was I saying they were not a nice person? I was saying there is unrighteousness in their mind in this area. Ninety-nine out of a 100 Christians would say, "Do not judge your brother. He means well."

            Let me tell you something, if you are going to serve God, you better start discerning this stuff, and stop hiding when you see it. Just last night a woman called me and told me something about a man that I have known for nine years in the church. Nine years he has been in the church, he is a professional man, he is a lawyer, if you guess who he is there is nothing I could do about it. God showed me nine years ago that this man is not sincere, that he is fleecing the people. He tells them he is a Christian lawyer, and he is for them, and that his whole purpose in representing Christians is that he need clients.

            In nine years not one person agreed with me. When God first showed it to me I was too timid to go to the pastor of the church I was going to. I went to the deacon, he humored me very nicely, he did not condemn me, he listened. Three months later, I found out that he was going to that lawyer to have his income tax done. He was not very convinced to what I told him. I gave him specific examples of a person that was being fleeced. The man was incompetent. He was going to people that were not particularly sophisticated, they had very little knowledge on how to choose a lawyer, and telling them that he could help them, and he was not qualified. nothing came down from the eldership of the church.

            When the anointing lifted off of that church, he came back. I know all kind of people that used him as their lawyer. I spoke to one of these people a couple of weeks ago. Someone who is a woman of God, who has discernment, who should know better, all I said to her was "I do not think he is competent." I never said that I do not like the man, I never said I hate the man, I never said anything ungodly against him. I have said that he is not competent, in my opinion, and that the motives that he is displaying to the people of God are false.

            I have not sinned against that man. This woman's response to me, a woman of God. "I am sorry you feel that way," and she is a dear friend of mine. I did not respond to it because I was really not sure what she was thinking. She called me back last night, brethren, God showed her that the man is a crook. She said to me "Pastor Vitale, when you told me what you said about him, that he is not competent, and that his motive towards soliciting legal work from the church, is not to help them, but because he needs clients. I thought you did not like him. I thought everybody is entitled not to like somebody."

            I said to her "I never told you I did not like him." She said, "I realize that now." God had given you a spiritual discernment, and it took nine years for God to manifest to me another believer who saw it." I am telling you, every time I was rebuked, and I have been rebuked. I have gone to people and told them that he was not competent, his heart is not right. I was rebuked by one man, and he said to me, "What have you got against him?" He rebuked me, I said to him, "I have nothing against him, the man is not competent. If you want to use him, use him."

            For nine years I have been ignored, and I have been rebuked. I did not say very much lately, and finally God. I want you to know that every time I was rebuked I went on my face before the God, and said "God if I am wrong show it to me. If I have hurt him, if I have sinned against him I repent." God never spoke to me, He did not correct me, He did not reaffirm it. I stayed with my discernment. Nine years later, this woman who was a woman of God, a prophet of God, she came to me and said, "Pastor Vitale, he is a crook. God sent me a stumbling block to him."

            This woman used him as an attorney, her mother used him as an attorney. She raved about him, and thought that I did not like him because I spoke the truth about him. She called me last night and said, "Pastor Vitale he is a crook. God sent me a stumbling block to him."

            This man had better do what is right, or the judgment is about to fall on him. She said a whole bunch more that I will not put on this message. Glory to God.

            Do you know that the carnal mind of man will attribute their mind to you. The carnal mind of man cannot believe that when righteousness appears in you, they think that you do not like the person, the think that you are against them, they think that you are persecuting them. They think that you are like they are, in the same low spiritual ground that they are in. They cannot conceive, they cannot understand in the slightest way where you are dwelling. Glory to God.

            Alternate Translation Genesis 9:22. "And Ham, the father of Canaan, discerned that his father was being seduced, and that their covenant with God was being broken. Ham boldly manifested the righteousness of God opposing Noah, and revealing what had happen to his brothers, who did not support, but opposed him, because Cain was appearing in their minds also."

            Verse 23. "And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father." Is that not a wonderful thing that they did for their dad? Ham, that rotten old guy, said he was naked. Shem and Japheth covered his nakedness. Love covers a multitude of sin, brethren. What a lying interpretation of that Scripture. When the hour and the moment of judgment is at hand, you cover up that sin, you partake of that sin.

            If it is not the moment of judgment, if Jesus has not manifested and said, "This is the moment of judgment," I have not judged this man in nine years. I made a judgment of his motives, I have not executed any judgments against him. "You better not judge him, you better love him." When God shows you that sin, brother, if you cover it over, you call that evil good and you call that sin righteousness, it is your sin, brethren, you better believe it.

            Verse 23. "And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward..." How nice, "...and covered the nakedness of their father, and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness."

            The word "Shem" is Strong's #8035. It means "a mark of definite and conspicuous position." This is the same word that we talked about in the last message that said a mark was put upon Cain, that nobody would slay him. I am suggesting to you that the name Shem typifies that element in the living soul that died, that was someone who was out of the grace of God. The word "Japheth" is #3315. That means "to enlarge in a mental or a moral sense." God intended to enlarge Japheth. I do not really have much revelation on that so I am going to skip over that. Maybe God will give it to me for the next message.

            "Shem and Japheth took a garment," The word "took," simply means "to take it." The word "garment" is Strong's #8071, and it is a feminine word. It is through the idea of a cover which assumes the shape that is underneath. Remember our example of the invisible man. God wants to appear so He is wrapping himself with a garment. The garment of the living soul and the intention of that garment is to reveal the spiritual life that is within it.

            I suggest to you that Shem and Japheth took a garment. I am suggesting to you what this means is that the true nature of the spiritual life that was manifesting in their mind was revealed. "Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders." This word "laid" means "to lay down that which was standing up." There is a significance in that. They had been standing in the righteousness of God, and they took on a garment that revealed that they were really lying down.

            Cain had appeared in their minds, nobody knew it until what? Until the crisis. That is why you need trials and tribulations, brethren. That is why you are going through the fire, because only the crisis is going to reveal the nature of your spiritual life. Hallelujah.

            "They laid it upon both their shoulders." This word "shoulders" is a very interesting word, it is Strong's #7926. It really means "the neck, the place between the shoulders, as the place of burden." It is used only in the singular. I am suggesting to you that the plural use of this word indicates that there was one shoulder from each of Shem and Japheth. This word "shoulders" means "the neck, the place between the shoulders where the burden is borne." It is only used in the singular because it is really your neck.

            The fact that the word shoulders is plural means that it was the neck of Shem and the neck of Japheth, the place where they bore the burden. They equally bore the burden of covering their father's sin. They were joined together in their mind, in the mind of Cain. It means they were in agreement or jointly took responsibility for what they did.

            Isaiah 9:5 says, using this word shoulders. "The government shall be upon his shoulders," speaking about Jesus, speaking about burden or responsibility.

            Isaiah 22:22 says, "And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder," speaking about Jesus also, again speaking about responsibility.

            Zephaniah 3:9, says "To serve God with one back or one mind." That word is used to express serving God with one back. I am suggesting to you that in Genesis 9:23 this word is used in a negative sense, that Shem and Japheth turned their back on God with one mind. With one mind as it is used in Zephaniah 3:9. This word #7926 translated shoulder, Gesenius says "to turn back." It is use of going away.

            Psalms 21:12. "Thou causes them to turn their back." I am suggesting to you that Shem and Japheth of one mind, turned their back on the righteousness of God. Glory to God. "They went backward, They went backward." The word "went" means "walked." It is #3212, it means "walked." The word "backward" is Strong's #322. It merely means "backwards." They backslide, brethren. They backslide, there was evil in their mind. Paul tells us that men will shun the light. Why? Because their deeds are evil. Their father was exposed, and they covered their father's sins. Why? Because their mind was in the same condition. When they concealed their father's condition, they went backward, they backslide.

            Alternate Translation, the first half of Genesis 9:23. "And Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon their shoulders and the condition of Shem and Japheth's mind was revealed. It became obvious that they turned back from their covenant with God, that Cain was appearing in their minds also."

            "And Shem and Japheth took a garment, something happened to them that revealed the condition of their mind. They laid it upon the shoulders, they jointly took the burden of covering up their father and they went backward. The condition of Shem and Japheth's mind was revealed, and it became obvious that they turned back from their covenant with God, and that Cain was appearing in their minds also."

            Brethren, when someone comes to you, or when God comes to you and shows you unrighteousness in a man, it is going to be revealed who is manifesting in your mind. If you say, "Oh, he is a nice guy, he did not mean it," I declare to you that Cain is manifesting in your mind. If you want to be a Son of God, you better get this revelation straight because you are not glorifying God making excuses for the truth.

            Now if someone is cutting someone to ribbons with the spirit of gossip, and you want to do that, well that is alright, but you have to be able to tell the difference between righteous judgment, someone who is manifesting righteous judgement and somebody who is manifesting a spirit of gossip. Glory to God.

            Continuing with Verse 23, the second half. "And covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness." "And covered the nakedness of their father..." This word "covered, is Strong's #3680, and it means "to fill up hollows." It means if you had a glass, and it started to rain, the water would fill this glass. It does not necessarily mean to fill over with a light sheet. If I threw a sheet over this glass, it would not fill up the glass. This covering means "to fill in, to conceal, to hide." It means "to change the appearance of." Glory to God. Hallelujah. Let me show it to you on the board.

            If you have an object, and it looks like this. Give that object a name, and its name is "A." If you fill up the hollows, if you start adding to it, and you fill up the hollow, you have now changed the shape of the garment. Now the garment looks like this. You have hidden or concealed the true shape of the garment. By filling in this low place, or adding to it, you have changed the nature of the garment. Does anyone not understand that? We have had teachings on that about valleys and mountains.

            When Jesus comes by His spirit, He is going to fill up all the valleys with His righteousness, and He is going to bring down all the mountains of pride into submission to Him. He is going to change the shape of the living soul that died. The living soul that died looks like this, mountains and valleys, looks something like a light wave. Jesus is going to fill this in and bring this down, and He is changing it into a square. He is changing the shape of the living soul that died by adding to the empty places. That is what this word means, "they covered their father's nakedness."

            They filled in the empty spaces, and they changed the nature of the situation. It was evil and they called it good. "And covered the nakedness of their father, and their faces where backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness." The word "faces" is Strong's #6440, and it means "the part that turns or changes." The part of them that was seen. I suggest to you that it was not their physical face. It was their personality. Their personality had been manifesting the righteousness of God, and it was now manifesting Cain.

            Alternate Translation, the second half of Genesis 9:23. "And as one man they concealed their father's seduction, and Cain was appearing in their personalities, and they did not discern their father's seduction." Now listen to this, "And as one man they concealed their father's seduction, and Cain was appearing in their personalities." How do we know that Cain was appearing in their personalities? Why? Because they concealed their father's seduction. If Christ was appearing in their personalities, they would have done what Ham did, and they would have boldly opposed it, and revealed it, and exposed it for what it was.

            "And they covered the nakedness of their father." They concealed it, they hid it, as one man they were in agreement. Cain was appearing in their personalities, and they did not discern their father's seduction. Now watch this play of words. Please note that at first they hid their father's sin, which implies that they could see it, and after they hid it, that last phrase says "and they did not discern their father's nakedness." They manifested the unrighteousness of Cain, they lied about the true nature of what was manifesting in their father's mind. The next thing that happened to them is that they lost their ability to discern between good and evil. They did not even see that anything was wrong with their father.

            Alternate Translation, the whole of Genesis 9:23 "And the condition of Shem and Japheth's mind was revealed, and it became obvious that they turned back from their covenant with God, that Cain was appearing in their minds also. As one man they concealed their father's seduction, and Cain was appearing in their personalities, and they could no longer discern their father's seduction. They fell, they lost their ability to discern between good and evil.”

            1Timothy 4 Verse 1-2. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron."

            2 Thessalonians 2:11-12. "And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." They did not believe the truth because they had pleasure in unrighteousness, and for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie.

            When you are in a spiritual condition that you can discern good from evil, and because your heart is evil and you do not identify it and stand for righteousness, you will lose your ability to discern between the two. The Lord just gave me an impression of something to add to this message, and it just went right out of my mind. "Father if you want me to tell it to them, please remind me of it."

            I am going to end with few verses in Numbers, Chapter 14 Verses 28-33. This is talking about the generation that received the Law of God on Mount Sinai in the desert. Verse 28, "Say unto them..." Glory to God. Let me back up to Verse 26. "And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron saying, How long shall I bear with this evil congregation, which murmur against me? I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against me. As truly as I live, saith the Lord, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you. Your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness; and all that were numbered of you, according to your whole number, from twenty years old and upward, which have murmured against me." You are going to die in the wilderness of your soul, which is your mind.

            I declare to you that if the ability to discern between good and evil has been imparted to you, and you cover up the evil, either because it makes you feel good, which is pride, maybe you feel that you are being a really nice person, or because you share that deed, I suggest to you that you are murmuring against God. You shall die in the wilderness of your own soul.

            Verse 30. "Doubtless ye shall not come into the land..." What land? The land of the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ. "...concerning which I swear to make you dwell therein." No one entered in except Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua, the son of Nun.

            "But you made your little ones, which ye said should be a prey..." Your little ones which ye said should be prey, you made your own little ones vulnerable, because of the wickedness of your own heart. "...them will I bring in, and they shall know the land which ye have despised. As for you, your carcasses, they shall fall in this wilderness. And your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years, and bear your whoredoms, until your carcasses be wasted in the wilderness."

            Brethren, the game is over, judgment is already falling upon the church. You have see it fall on XXX XXXXX, you have seen it fall on XXXXX XXXXXX. Well maybe God picked them because they had so much influence. I declare to you that judgment starts at the house of the Lord, and at the elders thereof. That means it starts at those ministries that are preaching reconciliation, and sonship, and, at the least if not including, deliverance. Neither do you have to be a preacher, it depends on where God... God looks at you and determines your spiritual condition, your spiritual office, your spiritual authority.

            Brethren, if He has imparted the righteousness of His spirit to you, and you are not calling evil what it is, judgment is about to fall on you. It is already falling, He will not have Cain manifesting in His church. He is coming, He is already upon us. The warfare for your mind and your body is well under way. If you lose the house that you built, your spiritual substance shall be saved, but you can lose the personality in this lifetime. The hour of reckoning is at hand. Believe it, the judgments are already upon you.

            I hate to leave you with such a somber note. This is the message that the Lord gave me for tonight. It is really glorious. Let me just leave you with this word, when this woman called last night, and there was much more to the word than I shared with you, I got a full witness that the judgments are falling upon this man. If he does not do what it right, between you and me, I do not expect him to do what it right, if he does, praise God, I do not expect him to do what is right.

            The Lord told me last night, "Think with my mind, do not think with your carnal mind." What upset me was it would be one thing if the whole church world had a revelation that the altar had been restored, that the righteousness of God was manifested in the church, and that judgments were being executed, Ananais and Sapphira, if they really knew it, well maybe then they would not do this stuff that they are doing. That is what my carnal mind said. Then the Lord said, "No. Rejoice, for righteousness is appearing in the earth." For the righteousness of Almighty God is returning and has indeed returned to His church. He said, "Do not worry about them, because if they knew they still would manifest." Well, these two people, they would still manifest the wickedness in the heart.

            The rich man said, "Could you not send Lazarus, if one rose from the dead surely they would repent. If you sent Lazarus, surely they would repent." Jesus said, "No. If they did not believe Moses and the prophets, even if one rose from the dead they would not repent." God is righteous, every judgment that is falling would fall. The greed of these men's hearts is so great that they would manifest it, no matter what chance they were given.

            The Lord said, "It is an hour to rejoice." He said, "Let those who are righteous be righteous still, and let those that are evil, be evil still." Let the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified in His creation. I am sorry to leave you on such a somber note, I just cannot seem to get anything else up. This is the word of the Lord to you tonight. If you are afraid, if you are manifesting fear as a result of this message, you need prayer, come for deliverance. If you are manifesting fear, you are not afraid of me you are afraid of Almighty God which can be a very healthy thing.

            I do not know what else to say, but that I love you and I bless you, if I can help you in any way, I am here. If God is speaking this to you, there is help available to you. We have a question over here.

            COMMENT: You said the youngest son was Japheth?

            PASTOR VITALE: The Scripture says the youngest son was Ham.

            COMMENT: It said Shem, Ham, and Japheth. It is not the order that they were born? Usually it is, is it not?

            PASTOR VITALE: It is usually the order that they were born. There is at least three Scriptures that name the names of the sons of Noah, and they are read Shem, Ham, and Japheth. As we get into the next message, we are going to find out that when Noah saw what his younger son had done, that word "younger" what it really means is the son that was in the least, not the younger years, but the least in his sight. Why was Ham least in the sight of his father? Because Noah's heart was evil, and Ham was manifesting the righteousness of Jesus Christ. He looked down at him, and he actually cursed him for manifesting the righteousness of Jesus Christ to him. Did I answer your question?

            COMMENT: I always heard that, that was the Lords judgments spoken through Noah cursing Ham, the father of Canaan.

            PASTOR VITALE: Is that not just like the unrighteous to turn the whole thing around, and they call the righteous evil and the evil righteous? It is just like man, it is just like the mind of man. No, that was Noah who when his son Ham stood boldly opposite and said, "There is corruption in your mind, you are fallen that is not Christ." Instead of saying "Oh God, if it is true I repent, please help me." What did Noah do to him? He cursed Ham, I declare to you, brethren, his curse had power, because when he cursed Ham, Ham fell. His father and his two brothers were manifesting Cain, he could not stand alone. He was not strong enough to stand alone, and look at the descendants of Ham. They are amongst the most cursed people in the world.

            Not because he did evil. The descendants of Ham, I declare to you are being persecuted and have been cursed for righteousness sake. Glory to God. I thought I expected you to be jumping up and down tonight!

            COMMENT: Do you believe the black race is the descendants of Ham?

            PASTOR VITALE: That is my understanding. It is my understanding that as a result of this curse the black races of this world fell into the depths of witchcraft. I preached this on other messages. I believe that parents have such power over their children. When parents curse their children, they curse them down to hell, or they raise them up to Heaven.

            Noah had an evil heart, he destroyed billions of his own son's descendants. I declare to you, I have been preaching this for months, they are going to be amongst the first to be raised up.

            COMMENT: That is what I was telling you. I guess she was a prophet, she said that God sent her to South Africa to tell them that they would be the first. The only thing that I do not understand, it says that Canaan would be cursed, which would be his son. He did not say Ham.

            PASTOR VITALE: We touched on that at the beginning of the message. If you want to review it, for whatever God's purposes the curses always come down a few generations later. We see that Ham had several children, I do not remember how many. With each person, God is taking a people out of the people. We know that Adam had three sons, and God is dealing with Seth.

            Noah... Abraham had several children. The seed, the spiritual seed of Abraham, is Christ. When it came to Noah, it was a negative thing. Noah had three children, but the seed of Noah that is cursed was Canaan, and it came forth from him.

            COMMENT: I do not want to get picky, when I looked it up, Canaan was the country that Israel went into and conquered, and they were the black race right?

            PASTOR VITALE: I do not know. As far as I know, they were the black race. I have not studied it personally, but this is what I have been taught. I am glad that you asked that question because I want to put this on the message. Listen to this, Ham was cursed worse than his two brothers if the descendants of Ham really are the black race, which I am told they are. You know why I believe they are? Because God, one day, put me in a deep study of this whole thing of all these curses. I went to church that night, and He sent me to a black woman, and He had me breaking all those curses on her. I would be inclined to believe it was true.

            COMMENT: I was looking it up in the history, he had more than one son. When I was looking it up, Ethiopia they were the descendants of Cush. Yet it only mentions that Canaan was cursed. It only talks about Canaan. None of the other brothers were cursed.

            PASTOR VITALE: No, Canaan was the one that the curse fell on. We see families that have five children and the one child is severely cursed, and the others are not. It just goes from generation to generation and curses do not necessarily fall on every member of the offspring, they just do not.

            COMMENT: I see that it is Cush.

            PASTOR VITALE: I see what you are saying, that the black race are descendants of Cush. I really do not want to say anymore because I do not know.

            COMMENT: More cursed than the average, the Ethiopians.

            PASTOR VITALE: I cannot answer that question, but I do know that the one, the descendant that the curse fell on with power. I was a person like that, I hope my mother never hears this message. Whatever curses came down on my family line, I was the one that was cursed with power. Whatever curses came down on the family line, it dumped on me and my daughter. I had two sisters. One died a premature death, but she was not nearly as messed up as I was.

            She had three sons that seem to be doing fine. My second sister had infirmity, but she has two children. Neither one of them went through what I went through. It is on my daughter, except that God is reversing it. I see the deliverance on my daughter, and I thank God for it.

            This curse that came down on my family line, it dumped on me. I do not know how many generations back it was pronounced, but out of the three offspring of my parents it dumped on me. That is just the way it works. What I want to point out to you is that Canaan was the one that was cursed and he was the father of the Canaanites, all of these fierce barbarous tribes that lived in the land of Canaan.

            What happened when God raised the Hebrew children up out of Egypt and took them back, He said, "The land that I am going to give you is the land of Canaan." He rejoined the spiritual seed of God with the Canaanites. Do you hear this? The land of Canaan that was cursed so severely, He sent the spiritual seed of God, typifying Christ, He told them to wipe out the inhabitants of the land, all of the fruit that had come forth from the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, that was living in the land of Canaan, and the spiritual seed of God was joined with the land or the soul of Canaan.

            I believe that, that is a promise to all these people who were severely cursed for righteousness sake, that the seed of Jesus Christ is going to appear in them again. God showed me that. I think that is very exciting.

            I see what you are saying that the Africans are descendants of Cush.

            COMMENTS: The Ethiopians.

            PASTOR VITALE: All of these tribes that were in Canaan land, the people that are living there now are all Arabs. I really do not know. Maybe it is not the black races, they could be related. I have not done the studies. I do know that God had me break all those curses on that black woman. I had no idea why I was in that study. She came in that night, He sent me to her, and I was breaking all those curses. It was XXXXX. I was breaking all those curses on her.

            COMMENT: When XXX prayed for me, he was breaking the curse of Ham on me. South Africans, the South Afrikaner, the white Africans. They certainly going to be shocked, they consider the blacks infidels. That is what they call them, they have a name for them which is like "nigger" over here, which means infidel. Not even human.

            PASTOR VITALE: I am telling you that Noah cursed his own son, and whether the descendants of Canaan be the black African races, or the Arab tribes, they were in the land of Canaan. They were Arab tribe. We know, according to the Scripture, God called them the inhabitants of Canaan, barbarians. He said, "Wipe them out, kill them. Man, woman, child and cattle." He said, "Kill them destroy them. They are utterly perverse."

            When Noah cursed his own son, he had the power to literally cast him down to hell and with him the whole human race, all of the descendants of Seth. The angels that sinned were the men, the descendants of Seth, that lived before the flood, but the generation that was cast down to Hell is all of us. It happened through Noah and Canaan, and all of the descendants of the human race were cast down to Hell to be bound with chains of darkness.

            We were joined to the spirit of Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, to be reserved unto judgment, glory to God. Reserved unto the day that the seed of Christ would break free from bondage in Egypt and march into the land of Canaan, destroying all of the inhabitants. All of the offspring of the Satanic mind, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and the seed of Christ would be joined to the soul of Canaan again. Glory to God.

            Hallelujah. Anybody else? Glory to God. Thank you Jesus.


Alternate Translation

Genesis 9:18-27

            9.18     And it came to pass that Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, went out from the ark, and Ham was the forefather of [Canaan, whose spiritually powerful] offspring [Satan] brought to their knees,


            9.19     [And they] Spread over the whole earth, because Leviathan appeared in Noah’s mind, and set one member [of the Living Beast ] against the other, which broke the Living Beast into pieces.

                                    And this is how the altar1 of the Living Beast  was torn downR:


            9.20     Noah yielded to Satan’s suggestions and lost control over [the fiery serpent], his lower nature, and Satan pierc­ed through Adam,2 Noah’s righteous mind and Leviathan, [Adam’s unrighteous mind, appeared, and] supplanted [Adam],

                                    And [this is how] Noah, the mortal man [that survived Jehovah’s judgment], was [thereafter] defiled by [Satan] in the ground-floor window [of creation]:

            9.21     Noah agreed with Satan’s whispers, which [strengthened Cain] to have intercourse with [Abel, the subconscious part of] Noah's priestly mind,R and [Adam], Noah’s, defensive veil of righteo­usness,3 was stripped away, so Cain captured Abel­, and the fiery serpent sprang forth [within Noah],


            9.22     And Noah's son Ham, the father of Canaan, [whose spiritually powerful offspring Satan brought to their knees], discerned that Satan had seduced his father, Noah, and that Noah was breaking their covenant with Elohim, so Ham stood up boldly in Adam’s right­eousness, and exposed what had happened [in the unconscious part of Noah’s mind], and opposed Noah['s agreement with Satan’s thoughts], but Ham's brothers [Shem and Japheth] opposed [Ham], instead of supporting him, because Satan was appearing in the mind [of Shem & Japheth] also,

            9.23     So, [when] Shem and Japheth [agreed], as one man, to conceal their father’s seduction, [Shem and Japheth] lost their ability to perceive the truth, and believed their own lie, [that Noah was still righteous], but it was obvious [to Ham] that Satan was appearing in the conscious part of the mind [of Noah, Shem and Japheth], because they had turned back from their covenant with Elohim,

            9.24     And [then] Noah recovered from the narcotic effect of fornicating with Satan, and could discern between good and evil again,4 and [Noah] knew that, his son, [Ham], had exposed the fallen condition of his mind, [and Noah did not appreciate that Ham tried to help him, but] thought very little [of Ham, who had seen Satan’s thoughts in the subconscious part of Noah’s mind] (see, ¶¶ 4 & 5 of Note 5),

            9.25     So Noah said [to Ham], may Canaan [whose spiritually powerful offspring Satan brought to their knees], be detested and the most reviled amongst men, and may they worship [Leviathan], the servant, [and not Adam, the Son],R-1 and be the pot (outer, mortal container) and not the fire (inner, spiritual man), [because Ham revealed that Satan was appearing in the thoughts of Noah, Shem and Japheth.5 R-2

R-1Gen. 4:1; R-1Zeph. 3:10b

            9.26     But Ham responded to Noah, saying, [because] I am submitted to Elohim, the one who appears on behalf of Jehovah [in the midst of me], the [mortal man] that [Noah] shamed, Canaan shall be Jehovah’s servant [the inner, spiritual man, and not the outer, mortal container](see, Note 5),

            9.27     And Elohim shall turn Shem and Japheth over to Satan, and [Satan] shall join them to Leviathan and Cain [the subconscious and conscious parts of the flesh mind], and Shem and Japheth [not Canaan], shall become mortal men who dwell in vile, shame­ful, human bodies, without spirit­ual power, and Canaan shall be Elohim's servant.

1Elohim, who is joined to Jehovah, joined to Abel within Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth, to form a spiritual altar, and the mind produced by that union, became  the continuous sacrifice that was offered up to the Spirit that begat him (Ps. 118:27).  (See, Message # 224, Part 5, Elijah, The Man, and Message # 310, Altars, Spiritual Sacrifices & Sin, for a study on spiritual altars.)

      Adam , Elohim’s mind, is not consumed (Ex. 3:2), but Leviathan, the Serpent’s mind, is consumed (Jn. 8:34-35).

      Noah was a mortal man that Elohim imputed righteous­ness to. This means that Elohim crucified Cain within Noah, rescued Abel,  regenerated Adam, and restored Adam’s priestly authority, so that Noah could prevail over his carnal mind.

      Righteousness is not imparted [made permanent] until the individual uses all the gifts at hand to slay the dragon in the sea [his own carnal mind].

2The second witness to Genesis 9:20-21 is Rom. 7:8-11.  (See, Message # 195, Romans, Chapter 7 - Exhortation.

3The Primordial Serpent pierced through Abel, the woman [Serpent’s]veil of righteousness, and murdered Adam,  the Tree of Life, so that she could form Atlantis, the visible, physical world at the bottom of the sea.  (See, Message # 385, Quantum Mechanics In Creation.)

4Noah recovered because Ham opposed Satan.

5Noah's curse denied Elohim's promise of immortality to Ham's descendants, by declaring that all of Ham's descendants - up to and including Canaan - would be the pot [outer, mortal vessel] and not the inner fire [immortal Son of God].

      Noah knew all about Adam 's fall, and mortal man's potential to be either the immortal Son of God [fire] or a mortal man who would serve Jehovah for a season, and then pass out of this world [Job 7:8-10; Job 10:21-22; Job 16:22; 2 Samuel 14:14; Job 14:7-12 (not man, just the tree, i.e., mind)].

      Either Noah did not recognize, or refused to admit, that his spiritual fornication with Satan had stripped him of his righteous covering, and that Ham's righteous covering was still intact.  Noah's curse pre­supposes that he was righteous and Ham unrighteous, thus, the pronouncement of mortality [death] upon Ham's descendants, and the further, albeit silent, disclosure of unrighteous Shem and Japheth, as the heirs of immortality.

      Please note that Noah pronounced his curse AFTER he came out from under Satan's influence. This means that either Noah's transgression caused him so much pain that he completely repressed the knowledge of it, or, fully aware of his transgression, he [consciously or unconsciously -- it makes no difference] decided to destroy his son, Ham, and Canaan's entire progeny, in order to cover his crime.

      In any event, either possibility reveals the sin of pride in Noah, which resulted in his failure to confess his seduction, and cry out to Elohim to cover his sin, and enable him to go on with the covenant Elohim had made with Noah and his sons.

      Despite his transgression, however, Noah was still in a very high spiritual place because of his covenant with Elohim. Jehovah honored Noah's words (that Shem and Japheth would inherit immortality), despite their unrighteousness, by making a covenant with Shem's descendant, Abraham. 

      Wherefore, should the one [Jehovah] who would not break His covenant, but honored Noah's unrighteous words because His own self [Elohim], said,

      And the fear of you [Noah] . . . . shall be upon . . . . all that moveth upon the earth, and . . . . [in] the sea; INTO YOUR HAND ARE THEY DELIVERED (Gen 9:2), but did He not honor the words of Ham even more, whose righteousness is of faith, saying,

[BECAUSE] I AM KNEELING BEFORE JEHOVAH . . . . [Canaan] shall serve [Jehovah and not the Serpent] [DESPITE NOAH’S CURSE].

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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