051 - Part 6
(Revelation 11)

Part 6 of 7 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Thank you, Jesus. Before we start today I just wanted to briefly talk to you about this concept of the two witnesses and the operation of their ministry to men. God gave me a little deeper understanding of it this week, and I'd like to try and impart it to you. First of all, we have discovered that the two witnesses, the purpose of it, does anyone know what the purposes of the two witnesses are? What are they witnessing to? Anybody want to take a crack at that? Anybody want to try?


The Christ's appearance of man.


Right, right, they are witnessing to the fact that God exists and that he is existing and then -- that he is appearing, and then -- that's correct. So, we have [?gathered that?] these two witnesses to the fact that God is, and that he is in men, is His word and His spirit and he is appearing in this hour in a many-numbered company but the two witnesses are spiritual. They are not two men, they are not Elijah, and they are not Moses; they are a many-numbered company in home. Christ is appearing. Glory to God.


And we have discussed their ministry and it sounded pretty harsh. As I recall, their ministry is something like this -- they are going to have the power to stop your communicating with God and they're going to have the power to deprive you of deliverance and they are going to have the power to forcibly, against your will, bring forth Christ in you. It sounds very harsh, brethren, but I just want to remind you that, to the carnal mind, the ministry of Christ frequently sounds harsh, because if it gets caught up in the spirit of the letter it can sound terrible. We have to keep in mind, continuously, that God is righteous and that God is good and that everything He does is towards our best interest. Now, this is what He showed me this week; that this whole concept of cutting off communication with God and breaking down deliverance relates back to other Scriptures that we talked about in earlier chapters. That is specifically directed towards the church. If you have not had communication with God before you encounter the two witnesses, how can they cut off communication from God? How can they cut you off from communication with God? That is specifically directed to the church, to people that have a relationship with God, because what is their communication? It's a relationship. So, if you have been communicating with God, you have a relationship with God. Why would God want to cut off that relationship?


Well, I didn't write down -- I didn't even know I was going to say this. Let me give you the Scriptures. It goes back to chapter 8 -- back to chapter 8 -- if you want to review those messages, in verse 11, where we talk about wormwood judgment.


So, we can break down the ministry of the two witnesses into two parts. They are going to cut off your communication with God and remove the opportunity for deliverance from you -- that's one group of people, that's the church -- and then the next thing they're going to do is bring forth Christ in you, and that's for the whole world. They're going to bring forth Christ in the church and in the people that never had a communication with God but those people that are in the church have a choice; they can look upon their own sin, which is horrible, see it for what it is and throw themselves in line with God to judge their own soul, and we have several messages on the slaughter of the soul.


Now, I have been living that for years and it is very painful. I cannot imagine going the hard way. I'm being perfectly honest with you because first thought shows that you sin and you have to admit that its there, then you have to repent of it, then you have to resist and the last step is that it becomes a demon -- it's separated out into a demon -- and it's cast out of you, and when we first come to the Lord we're not filled with demons, we're filled with an ungodly personality. It is made up of many demons that are woven together, just like the scales of Leviathan -- that's what Leviathan is typifying. It's the personality of the natural man and the way God separates those scales is by giving you another mind, another way of thinking, another way of looking at yourself, and that mind is Christ, and when you perceive the ungodliness in your own soul and repent and confess it, it weakens the ties that are tying the fibers of the Adamic personality together and separates them out, and this is the forming of the demons and at some point you become eligible for deliverance but the Scripture says that the scales of Leviathan, you can't even lift them up to get air under them. That's the Adamic personality.


So, the slaughter of the soul and this judging of your own soul work at your own salvation with fear and trembling, OK, these Scriptures are referring to judging yourself, working with Christ in this difficult situation of tearing down the Adamic soul. Why? So that Christ can appear in you. I just want to put this on the board for you. This is what our spiritual condition looks like. We are a soul. His name is Adam and he is ruled by Satan and, in the midst of this soul, there is a new soul appearing and His name is Christ and God has commissioned him.


Now, Christ, he starts out in the unconscious. This is our conscious mind over here and it's satanic, and God had said to him, pierce through this conscious mind and destroy it. Christ is utterly surrounded by every form of ungodliness and wickedness and the destruction of the soul in the Scripture is likened to the crushing of the grapes; they are the skin, they are the layer, they are the spiritual circumcision coming, they are something that has to be pierced through and broken so that Christ can pour out and overflow it. So, this is the condition of most believers -- well not most -- but a lot of believers, if they haven't birthed Christ they have the Holy Spirit, they have the word of God, they have a knowledge of what's right or wrong. So, Christ, in one form or another is inside this Adamic soul, and he is being pressed upon. You see, I drew these arrows that Christ is pressing upon Adam. Well, brethren, Adam is pressing upon Christ. Adam doesn't want him to get up. Adam is pressing upon Christ so even if you have birthed Christ you can be in a condition -- I am going to draw it in a very carnal way to help you to understand it better -- you can be a soul which is Adam, who is up here, and Christ has been birthed and he is underfoot.


Christ is there. He has been birthed in you but he is underfoot and Adam is raining down spiritual power on him, curses, wrong teaching, wrong thinking, whatever, and the father has given a command to the son. Anybody know what that command is? He said overcome. Did you ever wonder what he is supposed to overcome? He's supposed to overcome Adam and he is supposed to reverse this situation. Christ is supposed to be on top and Adam is supposed to be on the bottom and that is the destruction of Adam, not that he is going to disappear forever, he is going to come under the dominion and the authority of the mind of Christ.


So, we are involved in an incredible warfare. You have no problem if you haven't Christ -- you have no problems -- but the second you receive Christ you receive a second mind and the son has been given a command by His father, overcome, and there is a warfare going on and there is two ways you can go. In your conscious understanding you can join with the Christ that's within you and wage war against the sin that's in your mind and God will give you an opportunity to break these sins, to break down this Adamic personality, to break it into pieces and to lay whole of the piece and cast it out -- to lay all of the scale of the Leviathan at a time and cast it out. As you see the sin, concentrate on it, confess it, and hate it, you must hate it. You must hate it enough to resist it when it manifests in you. God will give you the grace to start breaking down the Adamic personality and cast it out a piece at a time. If you can't see your way clear to it, if you can't do it, if you really can't see the sin, if you can't repent, whatever your reason is brethren, Jesus is going to obey this law, this commandment, whether you agree with him or whether you don't, and if you can't agree with him for whatever your reason -- and I condemn you not -- I am just telling you he's going to do it anyway. He is going to pierce through this conscious mind, he is going to rise like the morning sun, and he's going to overflow like a flood, the Adamic mind, but I tell you that if you're not in agreement with him you are His enemy and I remind you that before you were saved you were the enemy of God. Why? You were alienated from God -- where? -- in your mind.


The Scripture says that before we were apprehended we were the enemies of God, OK? So if you are not in agreement with him to be the enemy of the sin in your mind he is your enemy. You are the enemy of God even though you have the Holy Spirit and even though you speak in tongues. Is there anyone that doesn't understand this? It's the truth -- I'm telling you the truth -- and he is not going to not obey His father because of you. He is going to pierce through and overflow your Adamic mind with you or without you. The easy way to go is with your help and this is the ministry of the two witnesses. Why would he cut off your relationship with God? Why would he cut off deliverance because you -- and I don't judge this -- because Jesus Christ has made a judgment that you are not throwing yourself in line with His program for your deliverance? Is he punishing you? No. Does he hate you? No. Does he want to get you? No. But he has made a judgment that this thing isn't happening.


You're in labor and the baby's not coming forth. In the world they prescribe a drug called Pitocin; speed up the labor. He's not against you, he's for you. He doesn't hate you, he loves you. He wants to appear in you so that all of your problems could go away but giving birth to a baby is not easy, it is painful. I wish it were different but it's not. Some women have more pain than others. Some women give birth very easily. My birth -- my pregnancy is very painful and there are others, I'm sure, whose pregnancy is more painful than mine, you know, but that's the -- I'm telling you the truth. That's why the two witnesses are going to be cutting off relationships with God and denying people deliverance because it's not working and he's going to do it another way. That's the size of it.


Then, the other part of their ministry is that they shall forcibly collide with the minds of men and fertilize it and bring forth Christ. So, if you're not working with God to bring forth your own salvation you are thrown into the category of the world and you know there's no condemnation in any of this either, you know, there's no condemnation in Christ Jesus. If you're not making it the easy way you're going the hard way but the thing to focus on is that Christ is going to appear in you. So, this is the ministry of the two witnesses. Now there is something here that is unsaid -- there is something here that's unsaid.


Where and how, if Christ is manifesting in man -- where and how is the judgment made that somebody has reached the place where this isn't working? They need a cesarean section, they need Pitocin, they need something, it's not working. Where and how is this judgment made? And I declare to you that the Lord Jesus Christ does not make such a judgment without -- not being before a judicial board of review. He does this in front of witnesses. He is manifesting in men and everything must be established in the mouth of two or more witnesses and what God has shown me this week is that the way this thing is going to work is that he is -- the person that he is dealing with in that moment -- he is going to bring you to someone in whom the two witnesses are manifesting and, Lord willing, they are going to speak His words to you.


They are going to give you input. They are going to give you thoughts of another way of thinking. They are going to tell you, that isn't really the way you think it is. Look at what's operating in here. They're going to speak it in language to you. Look at what's operating in him. Repent and read this -- try -- do it this way, do it that way. They are going to have all kinds of suggestions for you as to how to deal with the sin that's in your mind and one of two things is going to happen. Either that other mind is going to get inside of you, that other thinking, and the mind of Christ, by the way, is imparted to you a thought at a time and a particular area of thinking at a time. There isn't some big ball that's coming down and getting implanted in your brain. The mind of Christ is imparted to you as you speak to people who are manifesting Christ. Can you take His bible and stick it in your brain -- are you going to cut your mind open and stick it in your brain? No, you study it a chapter at a time, a verse at a time, and you get understanding. The mind of Christ is imparted to you a message at a time, a service at a time, a conversation at a time the mind of Christ is imparted to you.


So, when your number is up, when God says, "I'm going to appear in you," OK -- and here's your opportunity to go the easy way -- and he puts you in contact and, you know, it doesn't even have to be the son of God. I mean, it could be your employer, it could be your parents, it could be a heathen. You know that the -- what's the manifestation of Christ in the heathen? Anybody remember? We taught this for weeks. Anybody remember? It's the law of God. It's righteousness in His law.


If you run into someone that's never been in church in their life -- this happened to me, I experienced this, I was a waitress in [?Siasat?] and this man came up to me. I was efferently reprobated at the time. My life was miserable and I didn't know why. This man that came up to pay his bill at the cashier -- I don't know whether he was a Christian or not -- came to me in a great deal of kindness and said to me, you know, once you speak words you can't ever take them back, because one of my problems was I didn't know that I had a very harsh way about me and I didn't know that you could really wound people and destroy all hope of resurrecting the relationship -- I really didn't know. I thought that that's how you talked to people. Based on my upbringing, I thought that's how everybody related to each other, you just cut each other to ribbons -- that was what I believed. So, this total stranger came to me and said, you know, words, you can't ever take them back. They destroy. You should think before you speak. Never saw him before, never saw him again. I had women that I worked with talk to me and say, hey, your attitude's wrong -- your attitude's wrong, that's a poor working habit, you're antagonizing your fellow waitresses, heathens. But it was the mind of Christ.


So, God is going to -- when he started dealing with you in this area he is going to bring people to you to impart different kind of thinking to you and he is going to do it by the power of His spirit so that means, if it's God, the power has to be present for you to overcome. If it's not just happening as a fluke, if God is sending these people to you, he's speaking the words into your mind with power, the power to resist and the power to overcome, and somewhere along the line, Almighty God, not any natural man, but Almighty God, is going to say either there's going to be great deliverance that is going to come forth, because there is going to be a tremendous warfare, your -- a damaged soul -- is going to get broken down into demons and they are going to start flying out all over the place, or Almighty God will make a judgment that this gentle ministry is not strong enough for you -- not that you're bad, not that you're no good, not that somebody hates you, but the birth isn't coming forth. Do you hear what I'm saying? You've got to have this baby because if you don't you're going to die -- you have this baby you're going to die. So somewhere along the line Almighty God will make a judgment -- this stuff isn't working.


Cut off your communication with God, cut off the anointing, cut off the opportunity for deliverance, and what, go into judgment, however he manifests it in your life. You all know about my daughter. I begged her to repent and get deliverance. She couldn't, she wouldn't, she couldn't -- who cares? Well, she's doing okay now and unfortunately she's sick. I don't know. Don't tell me I'm threatening you -- I'm not threatening you. I'm telling you the truth. He is going to get you where your need is. Where you need to be broken, he is going to break you. He is going to weaken you -- he is going to weaken that Adamic mind through trials and tribulations that are going to be hard and harsh, to what end? Because he hates you? No, to break down the power and the strength of your Adamic personality, because he's coming forth, honey. And he is inside your mind waging war against your mind, and the way that it's manifesting is that hard times are coming down on you. That's how it works -- that's how it works. God loves you and the end of everything is Christ in you, the hope of Glory -- the end of everything is Christ in you, the hope of Glory. It's a question of which way you're going to go. So, that's the ministry of the two witnesses. It's not even -- I don't even believe at this point -- that it's going to be in a meeting like this. You're going to get teaching in a meeting like this and I know that a preacher in a situation like this can say things that will really quicken your spirit. I know it happened to me, ahh, that's what's wrong with me, but it's going to be much more than that.


I believe God is going to send individual people into your life and we're all going to have a ch- -- well, if we're in -- not all and not everybody is going to have a choice but those of us that do have a choice, that we're called to the choice, we have a choice. And no matter which way you go, Christ is still going to appear in you but, my goodness, you know, why would you want to go the hard way. Why would you want to do that? But, I just want to make this clear, the end of everything is Christ. It's for your good but some people have a harder birth and a harder labor than others and if you're one of the few people that's called to have the easy birth, although you might not believe it at the moment, I encourage you to just ask God to help you to not lose your opportunity. I encourage you to do that.


OK, I want to say one more thing before I get into the message. I've already mentioned this to you, that the way this thing manifests, and it just gets confirmed to me more and more every day, that when there is a confrontation between the minds of God manifesting in a man, especially a man that's not in full stature -- I don't know what's going to happen when we stand up in full stature -- but particularly in this hour when those of us that are hopeful sons of God and not manifesting in full stature, that people that God sends us again perceives us, or the spirit in us, as witchcraft. This is how they see it. Now, it's a real problem -- and the only thing that I can say to you with regard to that, because I fully understand how much witchcraft is in the church and I fully understand how many people have been hurt by preachers, me being one of them, and I don't deny the situation at all -- so this is my counsel to you if it's going to help you just pray every day. I grew up in a church. I got -- you all know I've been delivered from bible schizophrenia -- and the man that was in charge of that ministry had a lot of problems and he hurt me severely but I just want to tell you that I prayed constantly -- Father, let me not be idolizing the minister, let me be worshipping only you, let your mind prevail in me, if this is not you deliver me. What I'm trying to say to you is that, if you really want help, and this is true in the world, if you really want help from anybody you have to submit yourself to them.


If you go to a psychiatrist and you don't believe anything they tell you, you're wasting your money, so you have to get to a ministry where you believe God sent you and if you believe God puts you there you have to trust God that he is going to keep you from the carnality that exists in the person, and what I'm saying to you is once you're convinced that God sent you there, submit to the person. If it comes to a standoff and you think one thing and they're insisting that it's not true, at the very least back down and go into prayer. Don't get into an argument saying one says yes and the other says no and the other says yes. At least submit to the person to the extent that you back off from the argument and say well, maybe I'm wrong, and put it before God immediately. Can you hear what I'm saying?


Everyone is human. Mistakes can happen. But if you know that you need help and God sent you to a minister -- this is what I did, I'm telling you what I did -- I always assumed that it was possible that was I was wrong. This is how I live my life and I went before the Lord and the Lord gave me tremendous victory in this ministry. I got delivered from bible schizophrenia and I was the prophet that he sent to the minister that stood against him in his areas of ungodliness -- if you can hear this, submit to the ministry but pray every step of the way, but don't fight like your life depends on it because if it is the Spirit of God you are fighting the anointing and how is that going to help you. Do you hear what I'm saying? Either make the commitment or don't make the commitment. If you think God sent you there, if you think there is help for you there, submit and pray every day that God defend you from falling into idolatry for the minister and that God defend you from receiving a lie and that God defend you from false ministry and that God defend you from calling the anointing witchcraft.


Pray every day, submit yourself to the ministry, and pray every day that you get everything that God has for you out of this ministry and that you're not hurt by whatever carnality is in the ministry. It's really simple because, if you don't, what you're doing is that you're giving the demons or the ungodliness in your own mind -- you're strengthening them in the area of saying I'm not going to receive this ministry because that's carnality in that preacher and if you're going to do that, OK, you're really compromising your position and you could be losing what God has for you. You could be losing what God has for you. So it's not clear, it's a fine line. I wish I could tell you that this is how you can tell what's God and this is how you can't what's God but it's not that easy, it's not that easy, so I hope I implied that to you and I want to say one more thing about control.


A lot of people talk about controlling ministers, and we all know what's going on in the church world today. I came out of it, OK? But what people don't seem to realize is that God is a controlling force. God is a controlling force and we are going to find out as we do the two verses that we're doing in the Book of Revelation today that since the demise, if that's, well -- that's what the Scripture is -- and since the death of the Apostolic Church there's really nobody in the world today that's walking in the full stature of the Lord Jesus Christ. The large majority of the members of the living soul stand with impunity, they are not punished.


The whole world is out there fornicating, lying, stealing, cheating, hating their parents, and they're prospering, they're wealthy, they're healthy, OK? Why? Because we are in the hour that is comparable to the Book of Judges where each man did what was right in his own eyes and the judgment of the Lord is -- well now it's channeling into the earth but it's virtually unseen. There has been no judgment in the earth; men have done whatever they wanted and a lot of full stature has risen up in the church and in the world. God won't violate your will. God won't judge you, you're a son of God. God would never try to control you, he is a gentle man, you lying demon. God is a controlling force and what happens when we deal with people that have a lot of rebellion and a lot of ungodly spirits, people that have not been disciplined properly as children, or any one of a whole series of events that could have led them into this condition of rebellion in their mind, when they are confronted by any controlling force they perceive it as witchcraft and it never occurs to them that that controlling force could be God.


So, we have a problem here. If you feel that someone is trying to exercise control against you, you have to determine whether or not it's God or whether it's an ungodly, cultish spirit in that man. And you have a double problem. If you know that you are having a problem with rebellion and you know that there is a condition in your mind that God is dealing with, the chances are 99 out of 100 percent that what you're perceiving as control is the Spirit of God and all that I could say to you is what I just said before. If you believe God puts you in the ministry, submit to it and pray, pray, pray, pray, pray and by all means pray that if it is an ungodly control spirit in the minister that God talk to him and deal with him, by all means. Don't pray any psychic prayers, now, but by all means pray for the correction of ungodliness in the minister and leave it up to God to judge what is ungodly in the minister. Do you see the difference? You can pray that to me any time you want for the correction of ungodliness in me but let God judge what's ungodly in me, OK? Don't you judge what's ungodly in me. So, I think I made it very clear because, right, we're back to the same issue again.


If control comes against you, and I want to tell you something, brethren, God is a controlling force. I happen to be in a place right now where he is exercising so much control over me that sometimes I just hang my head and I may not weep tears but I weep in my heart because I'm a very independent person. I grew up with a mother that was a women's libber and my mother's 77 years old and she was a women's libber. She ran the family. I was raised up to be independent, I've taken care of myself, I've had jobs that require me exercising authority, I've raised my daughter without a husband, and for me to come to a place where I'm just supposed to say yes lord I'll do whatever you want -- and what I want doesn't matter but would you have mercy on me because this is how I feel? -- that's very hard for me and sometimes it hurts me so bad that I just hang my head because I know that I better submit to it or I'm in trouble, so I submit to it but it causes me pain.


God is exercising control over me, great control over me, and I may have told you this once before, he has shown me that not the way life is in the world today, but the way it was a couple of hundred years ago, is an excellent example. If you look at the relationship between men and women a couple hundred years ago, and in legalistic societies you have an excellent example to the living soul which is his wife. You can't do anything without your husband's permission, you have to stay away from other men, you have to be veiled, and he makes every decision in your life. You can't own property without your husband's permission. You have no rights. You don't have a right to vote. You have a right to nothing except to petition God for mercy. That's all that you have the right for.


Father, this is how I feel about it and if you're really calling me to another state I want you to know that my heart is breaking because I'm leaving my children behind but I know that you can see the future and I can't and if you want me to go I'm going to go. You can talk to him like that but you better not tell him what to do with your life because you're going to get a beating. And in these other societies men had the right to discipline their wives -- a lot of societies, they would take their wife and turn them over their knee and it was totally acceptable. And this is our relationship to Almighty God. He is controlling us. He is exercising a great deal of control over us. So what I'm saying to you, that all control is not witchcraft.


When God controls you it's legal. So, this is how I'm going to it one more time. If you think that you are having -- if that there is any chance whatsoever that there is control coming upon you, if you feel yourself backed up and closed in every second, before you make a judgment that it's not God, you better pray very carefully because you don't want to be calling the anointing witchcraft and there is nothing wrong with praying for the truth to be revealed, both to you and to the person that through whom the control is flowing. The control is a spirit, so if you want to be safe you say, Father, I feel control coming against me. It's frightening me, it's making me afraid. I don't like it, I don't want it, and I think it's an ungodly control but I don't want to risk calling the anointing control. Would you straighten this matter out, would you speak to me, and would you speak to the other party, and would you reveal in at least the mouth of two witnesses or more, whether this is an ungodly control spirit or whether this is you. You can't lose but if you raise your head up and you make a judgment that a minister of God is controlling you and you're wrong, God is going to have to deal with you. Not because he hates you, he's not going to throw you in Hell forever, he's not going to hang you by your thumbs, but he is going to show you that you were wrong, maybe in a pleasant way and maybe not in a pleasant way. So, that's the sides of that.


To recap Revelation 11:7-9. "And whenever the two witnesses that God is, even his spirit and his word, finish presenting the evidence that Christ is risen and appearing in men. Say to him, man's unconscious mind, who is continually piercing through into their consciousness, shall wage war against the Spirit of God and the word of God in the minds of men and tread them underfoot and shall utterly destroy them. And the Spirit of God and the word of God, although potentially present in the form of the root of Christ, shall not be birthed in the many members of the living soul which exists in the spiritual realm where that proud living soul wages war, both against her own members and the Spirit of God and the word of God when they are birthed."


Which place represents spiritual incest and adultery, indeed, even the mind of the Adamic soul, which is also the place where the spiritual where the spiritual son of God was nailed to Satan for the life of the ages. Glory to God. Glory to God.


Did you hear this? The Spirit of God shall not be birthed in the many members of the living soul, which exists in the spiritual soul, where that living soul, where that proud soul wages war, for it to go there's got to be some form of submission before the birth even takes place. And then once that birth takes place, the warfare begins.


Verse 9. "And the Spirit of God and the word of God in the many members of the living soul shall be visible to some of those who know God and some of every physical race and some of every way of thinking, and some of those who have never known God throughout more than three quarters of the time period between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the living soul but Satan, the ruling Adamic soul shall refuse to allow the soul of Christ to appear in the realm of appearance." This was a difficult message last week. I just don't have time to go over the whole thing. I listened to the message and it was difficult. All that I can recommend is that you review the message, make a list of questions, I will glad to answer any of the questions I can for you.


Going on with verse 10 -- well, basically, let me just say, basically what we were saying was that the two witnesses, the word of God and the Spirit of God, appeared in the Apostolic Church and then the last man in whom Christ was manifesting in full stature was removed from this earth realm, the Scripture says the two witnesses died. They went into remission but that had disappeared from the face of the earth and now they are going to appear again in this hour in a many-membered company but there is no time or space in the realm of the spirit, so as far as God is concerned his two witnesses have entered into the earth 2000 years ago and they have not left. They have died but they are still just floating there waiting to be resurrected from the dead. That's how the Scripture expresses it.


Verse 10. "And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. Now, the word dwelt means to house permanently, to reside, and [?Lord upon?]. It's Strong's 1909. It can also be translated over and what I'm going to suggest to you -- they only just pray. This is going to be another message where the revelation is difficult. You're going to really have to get it by the stereo guide [INAUDIBLE]. So what I'm suggesting to you here, the Scripture says, "And they that dwell on the earth shall rejoice over them." Over who? They that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over the two witnesses. Now, of course, [?Arkinomine?] said, "Well, you know, they're just dancing around the street rejoicing that they were dead," but I'm going to suggest to you that it means more than that. It means they that dwell upon the earth -- who? the manifestations of the living soul, which have the minds of Satan -- they shall be glad over them, they shall be pressed down over them, OK, and they shall be engraved -- the image of Satan is engraved upon the members of the living soul because the two witnesses have been tread underfoot. So I am suggesting that this word, over or upon, which is translated 'over,' really means those that dwell on the earth, those that are living and the members of the living soul, the manifestations of Satan shall rejoice, they shall be exceeding glad, their mind shall prevail over the minds of the two witnesses and they shall be engraved in the souls of men because we know that to be a whole human being the engraving of some spirit is upon our soul and if it's not the engraved image of the Lord Jesus Christ it's the engraved image of Satan. So that's what I'm suggesting to you, that they that dwell upon the earth, the manifestations of Satan, shall rejoice over the two witnesses, they shall tread them underfoot, and their image shall be engraved in the minds of men. And the world rejoices 5463 and it names, calmly happy, well-off, exceedingly glad, and I refer you to that word calm, calmly happy. I know a lot of people think they're happy, they're out there drinking and smoking and they're dancing to all kinds of agitative music, and they say they're happy but they're not calm at all and I know that the promise of the Scripture and the desire of my heart is the peace and contentment that will come when Jesus Christ rules in my mind so we're really seeking calm.


And this Scripture says that they were calmly happy when the two witnesses died. Why were they calmly happy? Because, brethren, when you're double-minded, when you have two souls, when Christ is present in your mind he is constantly showing you the error of your ways. It causes great stress, great agitation, great pain, great torment, first to look upon your soul and see what's there and then to see that it's there and how powerless you are to change. Constant anxiety. Well, this anxiety went away, I don't want to see it, I don't want to see it, I don't want to see it. The two witnesses died and the world is out there eating and drinking and making merry with no rebuke, they're worshipping God, they're involved in all kinds of sin without impunity. Nobody will make a value judgment. They were teaching this to the children in school, don't make a value judgment, you have no right to judge whether something is right or wrong. How dare you judge that person? They're turning that around, by the way, in the schools. They're starting to teach otherwise but they're still not coming to a place where they were before this horrible teaching came in. Either it's right or it's wrong, either you do it or you don't do it, confusing these poor kids' minds, 10-year-old kids have to make a judgment whether sexual intercourse is appropriate or not certain circumstances. That's right, you're not married, and you're only 10, it's not appropriate. But that's not what they're teaching them, you know, they're saying well this is a boy and you like him and you have to make a value judgment as to whether sexual intercourse is appropriate, outside of the fact of you not being married and you're only 10 years old. How ridiculous.


Well, the world is at peace in this area. We know that the world has great anxiety but in this area, this is the way the Scripture describes it, that they had peace because the minds of the conscience of God is not there pricking at them. They don't go to church anymore, they're not told that illegitimate pregnancy is sin, they're not told that homosexuality is a sin, so they are calmly, calmly rejoicing. And I just wanted to give you Webster's definition of the word 'calm.' It's a period or condition of freedom from storms, high winds, or rough activity, and we know that storms and high winds typify spiritual activity or rough activity of water, which is water typifies spirit in the realm of the soul. OK, complete absence of wind or presence of wind having no speed greater than 1 mile an hour. Calm means no wind, no spiritual activity, no spiritual activity of the Spirit of God. We know there is satanic activity. But they rejoiced. They were calmly happy because of the conscience of the mind of Christ which caused great winds and great rough activity of water in their souls when it confronted the evil in their hearts had been removed.


Calm also means 'a state of repose and freedom from turmoil or agitation, excitement, or disturbance.' The Spirit of God left the earth. They were no longer disturbed. They were no longer agitated or in a turmoil. Should I do it or shouldn't I do it? Should I do it or shouldn't I do it? I remember, years ago, when I was a young woman in the circles I used to go to these places where young men used to go to meet young women and I met this man. He was really disturbed in his mind and he just started raving on, literally raving about how desperately he wanted sexual activity and he resists, and he resists, and he resists but he can't resist anymore and, well, he breaks down and his mind was in a torment over it. He was trying to resist and he was failing and his mind was in a torment. Well, the young people today would laugh at this man, they'd say well, man, you know, go out and make it, what's the matter with you? These people don't have the torment that this young man had. They may have AIDS, they may have venereal disease, but they don't have torment in their mind, so that's basically the point.


And the word 'happy' means favored or fortunate. So, we're talking about being in a favored condition where there is no disturbance or agitation in our soul. We have all of our needs met, roofs over our head, food on our table, hopefully rewarding relationships, health, and there are all these people out there involved in all this sin and they're favored and they're calm. So what we're dealing with is the phrase "and they that dwell upon the earth, the manifestations of the living soul, shall rejoice, they shall be calm and happy because they're free from the ministry of the two witnesses upon the earth, shall rejoice over them.


The word 'over' is also Strong's 1909 and it can also be translated 'towards' or 'on behalf.' Glory to God. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them. And that word 'over' could mean on behalf of them or towards them, so they were rejoicing because of them. Their rejoicing was in the direction of the two witnesses and their rejoicing was directed to the fact that the two witnesses had been removed from them. And the word 'them' can be translated also themselves.


So this is the Alternate Translation that I have for you. For the first third of Revelation 11:10. "And those members of the living soul, which are engraved with the image of Satan, shall experience a peaceful period of time throughout which the righteousness of God will not confront the evil in their hearts. And those members of the living soul which are engraved with the image of Satan shall experience a peaceful period of time throughout which the righteousness of God will not confront the evil in their hearts." Continuing with, "And they shall make merry and shall send gifts one to another. The word merry is Strong's 2165. It means 'to be in a good frame of mind, to be delighted with the thing.' They are going to be very happy and I suggest to you that what they're delighted with is the fact that the two witnesses are dead. "And they shall send gifts once whenever -- this word 'send' is Strong's 3992, and in Thayer's lexicon I found a definition of this word that it said that it can be translated to 'thrust' or 'insert' one thing into another, to 'thrust' or 'insert' one thing into another. And this word is used in two verses I have for you here, translated that way.


Revelation 14:18. "And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire, and cried with a loud cry, to Him, that had the sharp sickle saying "thrust in thy sharp sickle." That's the same word translated 'send.' Thrust in thy sharp sickle. We're talking about a form of penetration here.


Mark 5:12 said. "And all the devils besought him, saying, send us into the swine that we may enter into them." That word 'send' is the same word 'send' used in Revelation 11:10, 3992. Send us into the swine, we're particularly talking about the penetration of the mind of man by evil spirits. Well, in this case it was the swine, by the penetration of animal life by evil spirits, to be sent into. And the Scripture says, "and they made merry and they shall send gifts one to another." Now, the word 'gift' is Strong's 1435 and it's much more than just a little gift. In every Scripture that I looked up in the Concordance, it's used as either an expression of honor or a gift offered to God. And the words 'one another' is Strong's 240 and that word can also be translated 'themselves.' So what I'm suggesting to you is that the gifts -- these men were giving gifts and doing honor to themselves. They were sending gifts and sending honor to themselves. We are going to pursue that a little further. I have some Scriptures for you talking about the fact that men honor themselves.


John 5 verses 41-44 says, Jesus speaking, "I receive not honor from men, but I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you." 43 "I am come in my father's name and ye received me not. If another shall come in His own name honoring himself, Him you will receive.


Verse 44. "How can you believe which receive honor one of another and seek not the honor that cometh from God." And I am suggesting to you that the implication of this giving of gifts is that they stopped honoring God and then started honoring themselves, and we see it allover the world today. I watched Morton Downey the other night. They had some members of the New Age movement on there and they told him, right out, "You're God," and Morton Downey said, "Uh-uh, he really blessed me." He said, "no way, not a chance." He said, "I can tell the difference between the creation and the creator." Glory to God. He said it; he said it. And they rebuked him and he said, "no way, you can't tell me I'm God, I'm not making that mistake, honey." That guy has a fear of God. Bless him Lord, bless him.


And I have a couple of Scriptures indicating to you that this word 'gifts' is used with relation to sacrifices to God under the old covenant when men would bring a sacrifice for the Lord. It was called a gift.


Matthew 5:23-34. "Therefore, if thou bring thy gift -- same word -- to the alter of God and there remembers that thou brother hath [?order?] against thee, leave there thy sacrifice or thy gift before the alter, don't give it, go your way, first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift." And I hope that we know we here we've been preaching it for a while that the new covenant sacrifice is our Lord Jesus Christ, OK, but the way that it works is that he entered into our mind, giving us another soul by which we can live, therefore freeing us to make our soul a living sacrifice unto the lord. Our soul can be slaughtered and our soul can be burnt once Christ is birthed in us because then we will not be destroyed, we will have the option of living out of his soul.


And for those of you that think that that sounds like blasphemy, I give you Romans 12:1-2. "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable to God." And I told you on a recent message that I'm coming to the conclusion if you review these old messages, that there were a few instances that I thought the translation should have been [?body?] but I'm finding out that the intent of the Scripture seems to be 'body' meaning 'a receptacle that holds something.' So, the body holds the soul and the Lord has been showing me that, frequently, when he refers to body he really means soul because it's the soul that's the body of the spirit. Can you hear that? The soul is the body of the spirit.


So, verse 2 of Romans 12 goes on to say, first he says "offer your body a living sacrifice," and then verse 2 says "and be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind." Well what does that have to do with your flesh body? It's pretty clear to me that receptacle that holds your spirit because he says "present your body, the living sacrifice, and be not" -- well what are you going to do with your body? Do you really think that because you don't fornicate that means you're not going to be conformed to this world? That's what they tell you in the church, "don't have sex outside of marriage and as a result of that you won't be conformed to this world, but your mind will be transformed." No, brethren, no, brethren, it says offer your soul as a living sacrifice, don't let it manifest, don't listen to it, don't to what it tells you, don't believe it, beat it down, get it under your feet, and a result of that is verse 2 and [UNINTELLIGIBLE] you shall not be conformed to this world but ye shall be transformed by the renewing of your mind and the renewing of your mind is the entering into the mind of Christ. So, yes, Jesus Christ is our sacrifice, one sent for all, but the way which Jesus Christ of Nazareth was a part must be consumed just like his soul was because we're all one. Did you hear that? There is one living soul, one member of it, the man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, he put his human soul underfoot and sacrificed it unto God and because he did that we are going to do the same thing because every cell of the body must confirm. Glory to God. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


You have a question? Let me get over there with the message. Can you just hold it a second so I can get it on the message? Thanks.


What did you say has to get into the mind right before that?


Christ has to get into our mind and once Christ gets into our mind we have a place to flee. The angels came unto the side of him and they said [UNINTELLIGIBLE], "flee to the mountains, we are going to burn the city, flee to the mountains." There is something in us that is our real life that when it enters into Christ, God is going to destroy everything that is ungodly in us, everything that brings death to us, everything that brings destruction to us, he is going to destroy because we shall be safely hid in the mountain that's known as Jesus Christ. Glory to God. That's why judgment does not fall on the world. I rebuke that false doctrine in the church today. Judgment begins at the house of the Lord and it does not fall on anybody that does not have Christ, although I have to put in here, because I don't want to confuse you, there is more than one kind of judgment and we shall reap what we sow, so I hope I didn't confuse you. There is a judgment in the earth known as reaping and sowing and we do see people that don't have Christ that are lying and sleeping in the streets, that's true, but when I say God doesn't judge you, that's a reaping and a sowing, OK, but the judgment of God that's going to result in Christ appearing in you, that doesn't happen to someone that has not yet birthed Christ. But there is more than one form of judgment and we touched on that and one of the messages on the 7 churches of Revelation. If you want to review that, let me know and I'll see if I can find it for you.


OK, what are we saying here? When Paul speaks about bodies, he's speaking about the vessel which holds the spirit, i.e., that is the soul. Those members of the living soul in Satan's image are honoring themselves and sacrificing their souls unto their God, which is themselves, which is Satan, and it's right out in the open today, these New Agers, they said it right on TV, "You are God." Lucifer said, "I shall be as God." It's been the desire of Satan from the beginning of time and it's only in this hour of modern technology when a man apparently, it appears, that he has overcome the problems of nature, the wild beast -- they kill in the forest, no animals anymore anyway -- that we have all authority over wild beasts, we build houses, we have authority over the storms -- well it's a lie -- but they believe they have authority over disease in a large measure. You stop anyone in the street and they'll say, "well, man is in full control." They believe it. And this is the manifestation of God's becoming man. You've done it through His science and through His technology and he's utterly convinced that he can defeat any problem on this earth. There are even men out there that are looking for eternal life. They think they're going to be dead sooner or later. They're freezing their bodies for the day when man discovers how to restore you. This would not have been possible before technology because man was so dependent, or was so vulnerable, against being defeated by the forces of nature, that everybody had a God. If Jehovah wasn't your God you worshipped another God because they were fully aware at how easily they could be destroyed, how their food crop could be wiped out, how they could be destroyed by forces of nature or wild beasts. Everybody worshipped, everybody sacrificed to some God. But now, in this hour, the pride of man is ruling. He has authority over everything and he is boldly standing up there and saying, "I am God."


OK, now I have one more comment on this word 'gift.' The Hebrew equivalent of the word 'gift' -- there's more than one Hebrew word translated, the Greek word 'gift' -- but one of them is Strong's 7810 and it's a negative translation of the word 'gifts.' It says, "a present, a gift, a bribe," -- the word bribe is translated 'gift' in Hebrew -- and it can especially be used as a device that is designed to free someone from punishment, it's an ungodly gift, or, to corrupt a judge. So, what I'm suggesting to you here is that I'm going to take this negative application of the word 'gift,' I'm going to attach it to the fact that there is a spiritual application to the word 'gift.' It's used for the sacrifice unto God and I'm going to say this is a sacrifice unto an illegal God and I'm going to say that what we're talking about here is a demon, that they were rejoicing over the death of the two witnesses and the result is that they gave gifts to one another, they gave demons to them -- well, the words 'one another' I said could be translated themselves -- and the result of their rejoicing of their ungodliness that God died was that they produced demons in their own mind. That was the gift that they gave themselves. They wanted to get off, they didn't want to pay the price for their sin, they didn't want the judgment, and they gave a bribe that resulted in demons in their own mind. They justified their own sin. They bribed their own mind. They said, "you're okay," and the result of the lying is that you get a demon. God will come to you, he'll say, "it's a lie, it's a lie, it's a lie," and the day that you utterly stamped out his mind in your life, he sears your conscience and you receive the delusion, you believe the lie. I am suggesting to you that that's what happened here.


Alternate Translation, the second third of Revelation 11:10, Glory to God, "And they shall be delighted with themselves or within themselves, they shall rejoice, they shall be delighted within themselves." Let me see that original Scripture here, just hang on a second. "And they shall make merry," and I'm translating that, "and they shall be delighted within themselves -- and they shall make merry and they shall be delighted within themselves, happy, and they shall thrust demons into themselves -- and they shall make merry, they shall be delighted within themselves, and shall send gifts one to another, and they shall thrust themselves through with demons, that they would rejoice at the death of righteousness and truth." You reject righteousness and truth, brethren, and you get the demon. There is no void in our mind. There is no such thing as an empty mind. Either you have the truth or you have the lie, and the truth is Christ and the lie is a demon, so if you hate the truth so much that you treaded underfoot, you've got a demon. Glory to God.


Continuing with, "because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth," and the word 'tormented,' we discussed this on many messages, it means to 'toss or to vex' and it's from the root 31, which means 'from the notion of going to the bottom or a touch stone.' It's a word that describes the torment of the human soul when it's crushed under the feet of Christ, when it goes to the bottom under the feet of Christ, and it's a word that also means 'touch stone,' and we've preached here that Jesus is the touch stone and when He manifests in a man and comes up against you speaking righteousness, and in this particular area you have a lie in your mind, that lie shall be revealed for what it is, and that's the job of the touch stone, it's the job of the ministry of the two witnesses. And if you are a son of God this is what you are going to be doing. God is going to send you to people once you get enough deliverance that righteousness is ruling in your mind, not necessarily in every area, but he will not send you to minister to somebody in an area where righteousness is not ruling in your mind. He will send you to somebody to speak the truth to them, to speak the wisdom of the Scriptures, to speak what's right, and he is going to try the spirit in their heart by seeing whether they agree with you or whether they disagree with you.


Now when a man does this to try to force someone to agree with you, in the spirit of man that's witchcraft, and this is not even a forcing, although we know that that's going to happen in the future. This is the testing. Christ will send a man who was speaking the righteousness or was aware of the righteousness of God in this area and when you disagree with him, if you will not change your way of thinking, first of all God will have proven that this is unrighteousness in your mind, and if you will not change your way of thinking and conform to the righteousness of Almighty God, judgment will fall on you in this area -- in this area -- in this area. God loves you. He's not against you. But he wants you to move into his mind. He's not out to get you, to destroy you, to steal from you -- that's what Satan does -- but he does want you to change and if you won't do it willingly he will chasten you and if he doesn't chasten you you're a bastard.


All for your translation, this is the third third of Revelation 11:10. "Because these two expressions of the life of God expose sin and force the souls of the many members of the living soul underfoot. They were rejoicing within themselves and they thrust themselves through with demons." Why? Because these two expressions of the life of God expose sin and force the souls of the many members of the living soul underfoot. They tormented them. That's how they tormented them; they exposed the sins in their mind, and they forced the lie under the dominion of the Christ, and they were tormented. Why? Because they loved their sin. They wanted to believe it. They wanted to continue in it and when Christ forced it into submission to him they were tormented and therefore they were rejoicing within themselves because this confrontation with the righteousness of God was no longer operating in the world and the result of their hatred of the truth was that they received the lie and they thrust themselves through with demons.


Alternate Translation, the whole of Revelation 11:10. "And these members of the living soul, which are engraved with the image of Satan, shall experience a peaceful period of time throughout which the righteousness of God will not confront the evil in their hearts and shall be delighted within themselves and shall thrust demons into themselves because these two expressions of the life of God exposed sin and forced the souls of the many members of the living soul underfoot." They're rejoicing because their sin is no longer being brought into submission to righteousness.


1 Timothy 6:10. "For the love of money is the root of all evil, which, while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." Now, these words are not exactly the same words used in Revelation 10 but I thought it was close enough to give you the Scripture and I remind you that there is such a thing. As a synonym, we have it in English. There are many words that mean the same thing so I am suggesting to you this word to pierce yourself through is a synonym to the word translated 'to thrust yourself through,' although in the [UNINTELLIGIBLE 1:07:09.3] isn't that exactly the same word? It means to pierce yourself through, and one Scripture says with sorrows and the other says with gifts, which is a spiritual sacrifice, which I hope I convinced you an ungodly one of which was a demon.


OK, for the love of money is the root of all evil, which, while some have coveted after, they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows, so sin results in being pierced through with sorrows and that word 'pierced through' is Strong's 4044. It means to penetrate entirely, whereas the word translated 'send' is 3992 and that means 'to insert one thing into another' and I am suggesting to you that it's close enough that we're talking about demons in both cases. And the word 'sorrows' is 3601 and it means 'grief.' It's from a root that means to 'go down or to sink,' and I'm suggesting to you that the piercing themselves through with many sorrows was to be penetrated by the result of that which causes them to fall. So, it's not exactly the same, pray about it, but it's close enough. I am suggesting to you that the gifts that the people sent to one another were sacrifices to their ungodly Gods, to their Gods that were not the Lord, and that what we're really talking about is demons; they pierce themselves through with many demons because they rejoiced over the death of righteousness. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


And I have an Alternate Translation for you here. "And those members of the living soul which are engraved with the image of Satan shall experience a peaceful period of time throughout which the righteousness of God will not confront the evil in their hearts and they shall be delighted within themselves that these two expressions of the life of God, which exposed sin and forced the souls of the many members of the living soul underfoot, were slain and they shall thrust themselves through with demons because they rejoiced at the death of truth and righteousness. Glory to God.


And I must have put it in the wrong place but I wanted to direct you again to that Scripture in Isaiah. I guess I didn't put it in here. I believe it is Isaiah 59 where it talks about truth and righteousness lying dead in the street -- truth and righteousness lying dead in the street. That's why they were rejoicing. Glory to God.


OK, going on with verse 11. "And after 3 days and a half, the spirit of life from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them which saw them." I want to remind you about the teaching on 3 and a half days. We have this on a previous date. God had told me you'll have to pray about this, whether or not you can receive it, this is what God has given me, that the number 4 typifies a form of fulfillment. We see it in the teaching on the squaring of the spirit. The fullness of the spirit is in four parts: the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and the Father, and the squaring of the soul described -- there are many Scriptures, I have it on another message -- is referring to the fullness of the reproductive ability into as many members as God has ordained of the living soul.


So, he told me that the number 4 is a number of completion with regard to the earth of mankind and he told me that 3 and a half is a number that symbolizes just short of completion and if we're dealing with God's ministry to the living soul, what is God's ministry to the living soul? What is his ultimate purpose for the living soul? Does anybody remember? Yes, God's ultimate purpose for the living soul. He wants to appear and that he's going to raise us from the dead. That's saying the same thing both ways. God's ultimate purpose of the living soul, including every single member of it, is that it shall be raised from the dead, so 4 is the number is the typifies that completion. Three and a half is the number that describes the living soul, I would say, right up to the point when God starts to resurrect us. And we said, when I first taught this originally, that we're going to say this describes the time period from Jesus' crucifixion, that the number 4 describes the time period from Jesus' crucifixion unto the resurrection of the living soul. The reason we're not measuring from the formation of the living soul is that we're talking about days, time periods in which the light appears, and the light did not appear and so Jesus Christ of Nazareth was crucified -- until he appeared in the earth at the end of the last age, OK? Does anybody have a question on that? Three and a half days brings us to the point that Jesus is getting ready to resurrect the living soul. If you're having a problem with this it's really not the most crucial issue.


OK, I want to comment to you that the interlinear translates this phrase, "And after 3 days and a half, the spirit of life from God entered into them." Interlinear says, a spirit of life out of God -- a spirit of life out of God entered into them -- and I'm suggesting to you that this is talking about incarnation. Isaiah 11:1 says. "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse," and that word 'stem' means 'the dead trunk or stump of a tree,' and the word 'rod' means 'a new twig with life,' -- a new twig with life. Hallelujah. Glory to God.


And I have something very interesting to share with you over here. So, you all know that we got some ministry from a brother Ed in Texas, and he said something on that video tape that really blessed me. He said he was teaching on genetics and I have told you that I believe that the living soul is like that plant. It starts with one seed and it just keeps unfolding. We studied this in Ezekiel with the unfolding of the living soul into many members or many leaves, each one being identical, and he found out in his studies of genetics that each baby girl born has fully -- well not fully developed -- but has every ovarian egg already in her ovaries when she is an infant at birth, and then he went on further to say that each ovarian egg in a woman -- now this is genetically speaking of course -- each ovarian egg in a woman is fully furnished with whatever potential eggs would be if that egg were fertilized and brought forth to be a person. All of the ovarian eggs of that woman is present in the ovarian egg of the mother. Can you hear this? And we've talked about this before.


We've said the Lord has said in the Scripture that Levi paid tithes in the loins of Abraham. God looks upon the sperm of every man and the ovarian eggs of every woman and calls them whole people and this man, brother Ed, suggested to me -- it blew my mind -- he suggested to me that God looks at the condition of the earth, for example, this is the example that God gave me, World War II -- World War II. You know, we came pretty close to losing that war, I don't know whether you know it or not, but we can pretty close to losing that war, and God raised up great generals. He raised up General Patton, and General Eisenhower, and great generals, and General Arthur, right? And there were also great generals, I don't know their names -- I'm not into all the stuff from England and from France -- across the Allies. Well, this brother Ed suggested that God looks upon the earth -- of course he knew that this was coming in the future --and he decided to bring forth General Patton and he literally scanned the ovaries of the women alive on the earth at that time. He knew what every ovarian egg would be if it was quickened of the, what is it, thousands or millions of ovarian eggs in every woman.


To me, I mean, well, it's just an ovarian egg. If it's not fertilized it goes out in menstruation but God Almighty can look at you, can look at me, can look at my ovaries, and look at every one of those thousand eggs and say, "if I fertilize this one it's going to be that man, and if I fertilize this one it's going to be that man," and God brought forth all of these mighty generals because he had purpose that we should win the war. Do you hear this? Is that incredible? Is that incredible? He just blessed me with that. God is in such total control that he determines which one of your ovarian eggs is going to come down in the fallopian tube. And if you're a man, he determines which sperm is going to fertilize that egg because he has already decided that this person named General Patton is going to appear on the face of the earth 30 years later. You hear this? Glory to God.


OK, so what I'm saying here is that this phrase and the spirit of life out of God entered into them. I am suggesting to you it means incarnation and somewhere along the line God viewed all of these women and he said, "I want that ovum to come forth because I have placed my root in that ovum." Now, do you remember when we discussed the root of Christ and we talked about the fact that there are people on this earth that don't have the root of Christ, and no matter how much of the word falls on them, they cannot get fertilized and we said, if you cry out to God he can bring forth Christ and future generations, and I said to you, but I don't know the technicality of how he does it. I'm going to tell you how he does it. I'm going to tell you that every ovum and every sperm is either with the root of Christ or without it and if he decides to bless your family and bring forth salvation in the next generation, he says, "that ovum, that one in there that has the root of Christ, come forth!" That's how he does it! That's how he does it. Ooh, I got all chills. We're pieces on a chessboard, brethren. Get your pride under your feet. We're nothing -- we're nothing -- and the only thing that we are is when he flows through us, otherwise we're nothing.


So, when the Scripture said, "And the spirit of life came out from God and entered into them," I'm suggesting to you God said, "that one, with the root of Christ, come forth," knowing all the time that in so many years this person would be exposed to Christ and would be fertilized and the two witnesses would appear in this member. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus.


OK, Alternate Translation, the first third of Revelation 11:11. "And after more than 3 quarters of the time period between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the living soul," -- where's the phrase that we're dealing with? I'm sorry, I lost my place -- "And after 3 days and a half."


Alternate Translation. "And after more than 3 quarters of the time period between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the living soul," -- I see that I didn't do this right. OK, let me try to ad lib, but I didn't do it right -- "the spirit of life from God entered into them -- the spirit of life from God entered into them." Glory to God. And continuing with, "And they stood upon their feet." I did that already, I expanded on that already. OK, I got ahead of myself.


The Alternate Translation, second third of Revelation 11:11. "And the Spirit of God incarnated in a many-membered company," hallelujah, "a spirit of life out of God entered into them and they stood on their feet and the Spirit of God incarnated in a many-membered company." Hallelujah. Glory to God.


At 3 days and a half, the spirit of life from God entered into them, a seed of with the root of Christ was called forth and they stood upon their feet, they appeared upon the earth, hallelujah, and the two witnesses, Almighty God, appeared in a many-membered company upon the earth and great fear fell upon them which saw them. This word, fear, there are two words for fear, at least two words translated fear in the Greek, and one can be translated to 'reverence,' and we're know we're supposed to fear God. Actually, that word could be translated either way, to be fearful or to reverence, but this word does not give you the choice, this word is clearly to be in great fear or alarm and has nothing to do with reverence whatsoever, it's an ungodly fear, and great fear fell upon them which saw them. The word 'saw' is Strong's 2334 and out of many entries there were only three times that this word, 2334, was translated 'saw' in the New Testament. It means to be a spectator of spiritual things. It really means to discern spiritual things and I really felt that this was important enough to pull out the three Scriptures that this word is used in. I want to show you that it's only used to describe seeing spiritual things.


The first one is Mark 3:11. "And unclean spirits, when they saw Him," -- when they saw who? When they saw Jesus -- "fell down before Him and cried, saying thou art the Son of God," and I declare to you that they did not draw this conclusion because of His human body. They saw this man and they looked into his heart, the unclean spirits looked into His heart and saw that he was Christ.


John 2:23. "And now when he was in Jerusalem, at the Passover Feast Day, many believed in His name or His spirit when they saw the miracles which He did. Now, brethren, I hope you all know that people with darkened minds could witness a healing, they could witness a demon cast out, and they will not admit that it's a miracle. They will say, you know, that someone else was responsible for that healing or someone else was responsible for that manifestation, and I am suggesting to you that John 2:23 says that they saw the miracles which Jesus did, that it was a spiritual discernment.


The last one is Mark 16 verses 3-5 and I have something really exciting for you here. OK, verses 1-2 says Mary Magdalene, we're talking about Mary Magdalene, the mother of James, came unto Jesus' sepulchre at the rising of the Son and they said among themselves, "who shall roll us away this stone from the door of the sepulchre?" And when they looked they saw that this stone was rolled away for it was very great, and entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in the long white garment, and they were affrighted. They saw a young man, which was obviously an angel, I don't think anyone would dispute that, and, again, I am suggesting to you it's a spiritual site but when I put these Scriptures down God gave me an interpretation that really excited me so I want to just go into it here -- it doesn't really have anything to do with the subject but I couldn't resist it. Mary Magdalene and Mary, the Mother of James, they came unto Jesus' sepulchre -- and just I think it was in the last message we discussed that a sepulchre is a grave above the ground, a sepulchre of these dead bodies and the dead souls that we live in -- and I suggest to you they came upon his dead body. This is a spiritual thing now, at the rising of the Son. The rising of the Son is the appearing of the soul of Christ, it's the beginning of light, and I'm saying that, within their own beings, they came upon Jesus' soul, the place where he was buried. Jesus Christ is buried, he is nailed to the living soul for the life of the ages. The living soul is his sepulchre. It's his place of death but by his power he is giving life to it. Can you hear this? Within their own beings, at the rising of the Son, when the light of Christ started to dawn in the minds of these two women, they came unto the soul of Christ.


Verse 3. "And they said among themselves, who shall roll away the stone from the door of the sepulchre?" The stone, typifying a spiritual power that's blocking entrance to Jesus Christ could be none other than the Adamic soul ruled by Satan and they said among themselves, or within themselves, "who shall roll away this obstacle of the spiritual power of Satan that is blocking us from entering into the life of Christ."


Verse 4. "And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away, for it was very great. Jesus had rolled it away from within." They were saying, "who's going to roll the stone away?" And they looked and it was rolled away. Jesus did it from within.


Verse 5. "And entering into the sepulchre, and entering into the soul of Christ within their own mind, they saw a young man sitting on the right side clothed in a long white garment and they were affrighted," and I suggest to you, brethren, that after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ these two women had received the soul of Christ -- I don't understand it completely. They had received the soul of Christ. It was manifesting in them. They entered in and they saw the manifestation of Christ in their own hearts, the young man, the Christ child, within their own mind, and they were frightened. They had a spiritual experience, brethren, after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They found out how to enter into him and the only way to enter into him is that he does the work. And they pierced through and they penetrated through into the soul of Christ and they saw the Christ child face to face and they were afraid. So, take it or leave it, it just got me real excited. Hallelujah. Spiritual application to that. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the third third of Revelation 11:11. "And those that discern the Spirit of God and the word of God were terrified and alarmed. Now, I want to make a suggestion to you that the word of God and the Spirit of God are going to be discerned from two different categories. I believe that there are men that are going to discern them and I also believe that the realm of the soul -- it is some people -- the realm of the soul will discern Christ without it being in the man's conscious mind, and I'm preaching this to you from personal experience. It happens to me every once in a while but it's been going on for a couple of years and the most recent occasion that I had was that I went to another church to witness the service and the Lord brought me in a one-on-one encounter with the pastor, who happens to be a very nice man, and we were in a group and he really didn't see me right away. He was talking to the whole group and at one point he turned around and looked directly at me and he looked terrified. Now, this man has absolutely no reason to be afraid of me. It was something in him that recognized Christ in me and I don't believe it was in his conscious mind -- he didn't know me -- but I saw terror, and it's happened to me on several other occasions. I don't want to -- I saw it in the eyes of a Mongoloid little girl that God sent me to pray for. I laid hands on her and she was terrified, and this is a little girl that grew up in the church with the laying on of hands. It was not her, it was something in her.


So, we have two groups of men. One group is going to consciously discern Christ and the other group will not, will consciously not discern him but on the soul realm their soul will discern him and they shall be terrified, and I declare to you again that it's only ungodliness in us that will be terrified when they see Christ. What do we have to be afraid of? What's going to be terrified are all the demons that are going to be exposed, all the sin, all the ungodliness, all the pride that doesn't want to know that we have all this sin. That's what's terrified. If you're afraid, if you come up against someone that's manifesting Christ and you're afraid, it's most likely pride, and the Scripture talks about the fear of pride. It is most likely pride that is afraid of being exposed. All of us, in our heart of hearts, in our natural heart of hearts, we want to be good and we want the world to believe that we're clean and we don't want to be exposed. But if you're afraid when you're around the people of God or around the authority of God, most likely it's pride. Glory to God.


OK, Alternate Translation, Revelation 11:11. "And after more than 3 quarters of the time period between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the living soul the spirit of God incarnated in a many-membered company and those that discerned the spirit of God and the word of God were terrified and alarmed." Whether it's in your conscious mind or your unconscious mind, why were they alarmed? Because, brethren, they are going to expose sin in your life and it's embarrassing.


Recap, Revelation 11:10-11. "And those members of the living soul which are engraved with the image of Satan shall experience a peaceful period of time throughout which the righteousness of God will not confront the evil in their hearts and they shall be delighted within themselves that they, that these two expressions of the life of God, which exposed sin and forced the souls of the many members of the living soul underfoot were slain, and they shall thrust themselves through with demons because they rejoiced at the death of truth and righteousness, and after more than 3 quarters of the time period between the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the living soul, the Spirit of God incarnated in a many-membered company, and those that discerned the Spirit of God and the word of God were terrified and alarmed." Why? Because their sin was about to be exposed and God is calling us to repentance and to the destruction of that sin. And I just want to take a couple of minutes to further talk about what I had mentioned earlier. It's not on the message. In this last hour, there is a doctrine that is in the earth that is very similar to all of the good parts of the gospel of God. It preaches reconciliation, it preaches the love of God, it preaches the salvation of all man. It has a lot of revelation about the origin of Satan, etcetera, etcetera, but it denies the need for repentance, it denies the slaughter of the soul, it denies the need for deliverance, it denies the reality that Adam and Satan, his ruling spirit, shall be pressed down under the feet of Christ through an experience that the Scripture describes as tribulation, or great vexation. Beware, the world is going to embrace this message. It's already happening because, first of all, there is a lot of truth in it so if there is anything to them witnessing to the truth, it's going to be responding to that, but they're also going to like the idea that they don't have to go through the slaughter of the soul -- which I'm not lying to any of you, it's very difficult, more difficult for some than for others, and it can be horrendous. Some natural childbirths can be horrendous. It's the truth but God's going to get us through, God's going to get us through. Throw yourself in line with Christ, work with him, get through, get through. God bless you. Any questions on this message today? Any questions?


OK, let me get over there.


The reconciliation, you said there is another message that doesn't tell about, you know, what has to happen to, you know, the unpleasant [UNINTELLIGIBLE] reconciliation to it before, it never told anything about the process and so the person who was teaching it didn't even know, but I don't know if they just, it wasn't that they were trying to conceal it, they just didn't know, you know? I asked them several questions because I wanted to know and they didn't know. All they knew was that everybody was going to be saved.


I agree with that but I think I know who you're talking about and this man preached repentance. He never ceased from preaching repentance, this man that taught you reconciliation. He never stopped from preaching "you must repent" and he also preached deliverance so, although he didn't put all three things together, if you experienced his whole ministry you knew that he believed in repentance and in deliverance, although he didn't put it together in the kind of manner that it's being put together here, but there is a ministry on the earth that's preaching reconciliation and is also mocking repentance, saying there's no need for it, yeah. They are mocking repentance, they're saying there's no need for it. They're saying that all things work for the good for those who love the Lord, therefore Satan is no real threat to you and he is just going to go away but that's the lie. So, did I answer your question?


[INAUDIBLE] confused that message what he was teaching and he was saying, I guess that's why they sought fellowship with him, because they thought he was preaching that, you know?


Well, this particular ministry, I personally heard the eldership in this particular ministry, in the ministry that's preaching no repentance, I specifically heard them mocking, and saw them laughing, the man that was preaching reconciliation and deliverance at the same time and they were saying, well, when you come up out of deliverance you're supposed to be too sophisticated to preach -- once you start preaching reconciliation you're supposed to be too sophisticated to still preach deliverance and they mocked him and they said that it was an inconsistency and that it was an error to preach both doctrines together, and that is the doctrine of reconciliation and salvation of all men and the doctrine of deliverance. But it is not an inconsistency because the way we're going to be saved, the way the living soul is going to be totally saved, is through deliverance and the slaughter of the soul. Did I answer your question?


So, there's a lot of soul tease in the earth today. Brethren, we're in the last days. We're living in a very exciting time. I really believe the lord has told us we are going to see this in our lifetime and all that I can tell you is pray without ceasing. Don't be afraid, love God, desire His will above all things, and pray without ceasing. You cannot fail and I declare to you, you can come up in a ministry where the pastor is the most ungodly person, you can come up in a ministry fraught with errors, you can come up in a ministry that's 99% carnal, and if Almighty God is determined to come forth in you, to appear in you, to deliver you, it's going to happen in that ministry that is 99% error. I'm telling you, we don't need techniques. If God wants to use a technique, it's OK, OK? Do you hear me? If he wants to use mass deliverance it's OK.


If he wants to have someone sit there saying come out in the name of Jesus right now, it's OK if it's God but you know he doesn't have to do that -- he doesn't have to do that. We have a lady right here in the service that gets delivered all the time in her sleep -- in her sleep -- powerful deliverance where she actually confronts the demon. Didn't you tell me that? You gave me that testimony, that deliverance from Easter with a [?family-line curse?] that was celebrating Easter. I've never delivered her. She's never been -- well she's been in a mass deliverance service. I don't think she ever responded to it. Her deliverance comes between her and God. Do I dare to say to her that's not valid? If God wants you to go in mass deliverances and you try to get it in your sleep you're not going to get it. The bottom line is you've got to get your deliverance the way God has ordained it for you. There is no technique in deliverance. If I stand with my hip to the right I'm going to get it or if I stand with my hip to the left I'm going to get it or if I wave my hand and go ooga booga booga that's witchcraft. Deliverance is in Christ and in none other.


Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered and write them not. Now, what does that mean? Seal up those things which the seven thunders -- which the Sons of God said. I'm going to give you an Alternate Translation and then we'll talk about it.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 10:4. "And when the Sons of God had preached the gospel of God in a language that men could comprehend, I, John, understood it, and was about to write it in this book when I heard a voice from the realm of the Spirit of God saying to me, "keep the gospel of God that you heard preached by the Sons of God hidden from men and don't write it in your book." Now, I remind you that in Revelation 1:11, Jesus said to John, "I am alpha and omega, the first and the last, and what thou seest write in the book and send it to the seven churches." Well now why is he told not to write this in a book? I just wanted to give you another witness that God has told his prophets to seal up a message.


Daniel 12:4. "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end." Now, what I'm suggesting to you, brethren, is that what the seven thunders, the Sons of God, preached was the gospel of God. It's the message that's being preached here. And the Lord said don't write it in the book. Men are not going to get this message out of what we call the bible, the book of the printed letter. That's what I'm suggesting to you. This gospel of the kingdom, it's in the bible in parable form, deeply shrouded and hidden, you can only get it if God really speaks to you through the Scriptures, and if you can't get it that way you're going to have to get it how? How? From the Sons of God, from the Sons of God, and, brethren, I have been preaching under this anointing for a while now and I am telling you I have come up against people that have looked me right in the eye and said, I don't need you, honey, it's me and God. Well, I got a flash for you, brethren, if God chooses to give it to you directly you are blessed but if he doesn't there's only one place you're going to get it and that's from the Sons of God. There's no such thing as, it's just me and God, and right now the manifestation of the Sons of God is in part but once they are fully manifested in the earth there is going to be no place else to go. There is only one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. The only place you're going to get it is from the Sons of God. You're not going to be able to read this book and get it for yourself. It's not in the book. It's in the mind of the spirit and it's in the mouth of the Sons. It's not in the book. Now, Daniel 12:4 says but, "O thou Daniel, seal up the book, even to the time of the end," but with the seven thunders he just said seal it up and write them not. Not until the time of the end, not until, he said seal it up and write them not. This gospel's not going to be written, brethren, it's going to be preached by the Sons of God. Well, maybe I'm not going to be writing books, I don't know. You're not going to get it from a book, or not from the bible, anyway. God help these people. God help these arrogant people in the church rule. God help them. Because they're going to receive the mind of Christ, they're going to get stung by the scorpions, and they're going to think with God's mind and if they don't yield it's going to be a very painful process.


Recap, Revelation chapter 10, verses 1-4. "And I perceived a different very strong angel come down from the realm of the spirit into the realm of appearance, having a glorified body, and an image was projected by his soul and his image glistened like the rays of the sun and his human form looked like a resting place of fire. And he was possessing of a very beloved, fertilized soul that had birthed Christ and the righteousness of Christ in the earth brought the unconscious mind of the living soul into submission to His Holiness and His judgment in the earth brought the conscious minds of men into obedience and the Spirit of Jesus Christ in the unconscious mind of the Sons of God disclosed a forceful authoritative message and when the mind of Christ spoke to the Sons of God, the Sons of God repeated the message to the men they were preaching to, in a language that the men could understand. And when the Sons of God had preached the gospel of God in a language that men could comprehend, I, John, understood it and was about to write it in this book when I heard a voice from the realm of the Spirit of God saying to me, "Keep the gospel of God that you heard preached by the Sons of God hidden from men and don't write it in your book." Well, at the very least, brethren, it means that it wasn't to be available to men before it was preached by the Sons of God. Maybe once the Sons of God are preaching it we'll be writing it in books but the first hearing of the gospel of God to the ears of the average man is not coming from a book, it's coming through the mouths of the Sons of God.


Are there any questions today? OK, let me get over there.


Could you explain the rainbow again in verse 1, what that is, exactly?


OK, the rainbow is the image and, if you recall, we had a teaching on the natural rainbow. We have an energy source which is the sun, it pierces through the water of the raindrops and we see a rainbow in our natural sky. And the way God is making an image, he wants to have a form and shape, he wants to appear in the realm of appearance, and the way that he's doing it is that he's taking the energy source, which is the Father, and he is piercing it through the living soul, which is water -- whole realm is 96 percent water -- and there is an image appearing and it's you and me. God is so great it's a 3-dimensional image that walks and talks and thinks. And for the satanic image, which we are now, the spirit of Satan appears through the conscious mind or the soul of man and formed an image in the realm of appearance, you and me. Did I answer you?






Because I looked up rainbows and saw [INAUDIBLE] looked up rainbow and it is very similar to when you talk about the seven thunders uttering, it's like uttering an utterance, like a message, it's a message.


Yes, amen.


We are that message so it really goes together, you know?


Absolutely. Absolutely. We are the message. We are whatever the Spirit of God wants to say in this realm of appearance. It's us, OK, and if you're a natural man, whatever Satan man wants to say in this realm of appearance.


If you are, what is Satan saying? He's saying death, lies, cheat, unfaithfulness, murder. And what's the message of Jesus Christ in the realm of appearance? Life, and righteousness, and blessings, and peace, and contentment and glory. And if you have two minds in you right now you're in transition. Your body is the image projected by Satan but if you're speaking -- if you have a body which is the image of Satan but the thoughts, words and deeds that are coming out of you are peace, and life, and grace and truth, you know that you're in transition and what's being changed first, obviously, is your soul. You're going to manifest Christ in your soul before you're going to manifest Him in your body. So, if you have two minds, it's possible for you to have a body that is the image of Satan but a mind that is the image of Christ. You're unstable in all your ways, brethren. You have two souls. Your body says one thing and your mind says something else. You're unstable in all your ways. The process has to be completed. You're in transition, you're in part, you're wavering back and forth. You're not consistent and there's no way you could do it yourself. The work is the work of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. We wait for it, brethren, we wait for it. We throw ourselves in line with Him, in agreement with Him, to the best of our ability and we wait for this great salvation. Anybody else? OK. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.


I had been asked to comment on 1 Peter 4 verse 20. "Spirits, which sometimes were disobedient, when once the long suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was preparing," and my answer, you know, my comment is that the spirits that were in the men in the days of Noah are the same spirits that are here today and are the same spirits that have been traveling through the earth since the beginning of the creation when Jesus Christ was propelled into the earth and all the Sons of God with him. And when you study this on the message 18 series it's the same spirits traveling through the earth. Their bodies wear out and their souls wear out and sometimes when they're so overtaken by the satanic mind God kills their bodies and their souls, which is what happened in the days of Noah, but it's the same spiritual life that's flowing through the earth just like a tree -- look at a tree outside of your window if you have one. The roots of the tree are buried deep in the earth. The trunk and the branches divide but the leaves come in cycles. They live, they die, they fall off. New leaves are birthed, brethren. They are not the leaves that died last season. They're brand-new leaves coming forth from the life of the roots, so the spiritual life that's in the earth appears with fresh bodies and fresh souls when those bodies and souls corrupt. And if this is the first message that you're hearing please don't shut off the message. I have many messages explaining this teaching. At least be open to it and ask God if it isn't true and what I'm suggesting to you is that the spiritual life of Jesus Christ entered into the life millennium ago and it's still in the earth, and it's appearing in many members, and those members, bodies and souls, wear out and die but that the life of Jesus Christ is still in the earth, his roots are still in the earth, and he produces new leaves, new bodies and new souls, until the last generation, when, because of his righteousness those bodies and those souls should be made incorruptible. It's the same spiritual life, brethren, that was disobedient in the days of Noah. It exists today and the jails that we're in and these bodies and these carnal minds and we're being set free by the preaching of Jesus Christ coming through the mind of His spirit and His soul life in the [?tower?]. Did I make that clear? Did I make it clear? OK. God bless you.


04/17/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

04/18/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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