Responses From Team To Pastor Vitale's Appreciation

Responses to Pastor Vitale's email of appreciation May 2006 


Rose's response

Thank you kindly for this email. I have been so blessed by being involved in LEM and the transcription, etc. It is an honor to intercede always for you and your ministry.

Love and blessings always,



June's response:

Thank you so much for that special place in your heart for us. It brings me to tears to realize how much you really care for us. For all the times you have continually with pain and sacrifice struggled to show us our greatest hidden sins of pride which prevented the relationship and growth of Christ in us, I am truly thankful. The way you do not give up on us no matter what we do to you or do not listen to you. When in our willingness to confess and repent, which you have instructed us to do, you have covered our sins, and dispelled the sowing and reaping judgment. That means so much especially to me of the mercy and peace of God.

The knowledge you taught us of the evil nature and thoughts of the carnal mind and how the Mind of Christ can overtake its place, to surely bring about us, the change from the old man to the new man with the nature of Christ, to lift us into new realms of glory.

Thank you for your many sacrifices and time over the period of years with you in which you have shown the unconditional love and nature of God.

Love June


Kerry's response

Thank you for this wonderful encouragement! I spent most of my life wondering where I belonged. I have found that belonging in the Lord Jesus Christ through the Truth and the Great Doctrine that is coming forth here at CCK and LEM. It is a immeasurable pleasure to be able to assist you and the ministry in any way that the Lord instructs. God Bless you for all you do for me and the Brethren, that too is immeasurable!!

The Ministry coming together like this is the proof that prayer is POWERFUL! The Lords will be done and I know office residence and guest space will follow!

I am always humbly at your service and the service of the Lord!

I am just besides myself at the movement and magnitude of this ministry~ just awesome!

Love peace and the Lords blessings

June very beautiful even what you have written brings me to tears. I feel so blessed to have all of you in my life!

Words cannot express my gratitude for what this ministry has done for me and the tree limb Sheila goes out on for all of us

I love you all now I really have to get the tissues!



Aurelia's response:

What a wonderful email that I opened!! And I thank you for all that you have done for me, too much to list in an email. I appreciate the constant care and counsel and prayers on my behalf. May LEM go forward and accomplish the Lord's purposes on this earth.

With all the problems we cause you sometimes, I suppose it is difficult for you to know that we love and appreciate you. I marvel at your insight into the Scriptures and your ability to teach it to us, and your insight into our carnal mind and tell us when we are not in Christ. While that truth hurts sometimes, and also sometimes we cannot see it as you see it, I am glad we have someone to do that for us. Jesus wants, according to #435 Left Hand, Right Hand, people that are prepared for His appearing in us. I pray that we can all meet the requirements to have that most wonderful experience. Love and thank you for all you have done for me all these years - Aurelia

June: What a blessed way you have of expressing your love and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ through the love and teaching of Pastor Sheila. I join you in your thoughts and loving commitment to our wonderful teacher who looks out for us all and tries to bring us into the higher realms of Christ Jesus.

Love ya - Aurelia


Mary's response:

Your e-mail to us all was a joy. The Lord is working all things out to His glory. God bless you.

Love, Mary


Lape's response

:-) Thank you for this appreciation. I am really glad to be a part of the ministry and I thank God for the opportunity to be a part of this visionary work. Thanks for everything!!! I look forward to my dream about the office space coming through!!

God bless you and everyone involved in LEM and CCK.

Luv, Lape


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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