Prayer Request Answered

From: XXX
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:42 AM

Pastor Vitale, 

Thanks so very much for taking the time to answer my question. I write this time not with a question, but with a prayer request. We seem to be under a spiritual attack of some sort. We must not be at a spiritual enough level in this because we seem to be feeling the arrows of the enemy. A week ago my 4 year old developed what has been confirmed, hives, he was rolling in freshly cut grass and came in with little bumps that went into massive welts and now this has went to his head and he now squints because his eyes are so puffed.

I took him to the doctor five days into this and she said I could let this run its course or I could give him steroids...I am not excited about modern medicine and try to avoid it at all costs, but I have chosen to give him over the counter antihistamines to help with the tormentive itching.

Anyway, my husband and I have come under much attack over the years because of leaving the mainline churches. The deeper we go the more intense the attacks, and on our children!!! (we have 3) 

Several reasons exist as to why we would be more of a target at this of which is reading and looking into your deeper teachings. It seems this outbreak happened right around the time we found your site. Not surprising!! 

Also, we are scheduled to "go back to out Egypt" next week. This, after 8 years of being away, we will share as much as we can about what God is doing and teaching. I know we are coming into the cross-fire with that.

So many pastors and lay people from the churches in our area of ministry, here, are coming against us too...some of whom have been stricken with illness themselves shortly after coming against this work...I do not boast in that, it saddens us both.

Please, we have anointed our feet with oil, walked our land, laid hands on XXX, prayed over him night and day ---nothing seems to be letting up. I do know this is putting down our flesh as we know we have no control over this in the natural, so I thank God, when I am walking in is a battle just trying to walk in Him/let Him walk through me, during all this.

Please, as the Lord would lead you, hold us up.


Pastor Vitale's response:


I will pray, and send your request on to the LEM intercessors.

God bless you,

Sincerely in Christ,
Sheila R. Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
Living Epistles Ministries


From: XXX
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 7:55 PM

Pastor Vitale:

I just wanted to thank you and all who have been praying for our son XXX. He has fully recovered from this manifestation of hives.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] I am so happy to hear this

We thank the Lord for this as it has only served to force our carnal/ helpless mind out so that the mind of Christ can take root...oh that it would break through.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] amen

God Bless you and continue to rise up within you ...

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] thank you.

We are encouraged by the message He brings through you. Praise the Lord. This is not to puff you up, but we thank God for your obedience and discernment...what a privilege to have a teaching that draws us unto righteousness.

[Pastor Vitale's Response:]

Oh that we would get it!

[Pastor Vitale's Response:] I pray that you will.

Sheila R. Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
Living Epistles Ministries

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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