Appreciation From Pastor Vitale To Team


DATE: 18 May 2006


I am absolutely amazed at how the LEM staff is shaping up AFTER YEARS OF PRAYING, CRYING AND BEGGING for help. I just feel I have so much to thank God for; he has indeed blessed me with ALL of you, and I just want to seize this opportunity to acknowledge each and everyone of you, for your immense contributions to LEM.

[In alphabetical order]

Aurelia – Thank you for all of your personal assistance to me, and your desire and willingness to assist me in any way possible.

Ceily, June and Rosie: You are the first LEM volunteers and, as such, will always hold a special place in my heart I will never forget how you work yourselves to the bone for the Ministry and for me!

Ceily – from operating the tape duplicator to empty the trash, and beyond......

June – from Office Manager in Charge of Shipping to holding the bag, and beyond........

Rosie – from shredding to doing my laundry, and beyond.......

Transcribers and editors, and especially Aurelia: you have been doing a great job for a long time. Now your work will be reflected in published books that are put together properly. Thank you.

Joanne: I am spending a lot of time training you. You are doing very well and are already a big help publishing the books, and assisting me with other details of the Ministry. I expect to be able to turn the publishing ministry, as well as other responsibilities over to you completely within a few months. Welcome aboard.

Lape: you are a great blessing. When I first asked you to be webmaster, I was happy that you were uploading the transcripts. I never dreamed you would be able to do all you are doing, and it looks like I will be able to turn that whole ministry over to you eventually, praise the Lord. Not only are you bright and talented, but your attitude is excellent!

Kerry: you have been a big help as a remote admin. Thank you for relieving me from dealing with the span, as well as your other technical services to the Ministry.

Margaret: Your willingness to assist me in any and every way I have asked for help is sincerely noted.

Mary - Your willingness over the years to drive me anywhere, to enlist the assistance of your family members on behalf of the Ministry and to assist me in any way I asked you to is greatly appreciated,

Rita – Your assistance over the years from webmaster, to remote email filer, and beyond...... and currently as labels coordinator is greatly appreciated

Rose (and everyone who prays): Your work as intercessor is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Susan: you are a fantastic admin! I am so glad the Lord raised you up to assist me in the many ways that you help me.

The ministry is really coming together. The office space, my residence and the guest quarters MUST follow. It is ridiculous, almost blasphemous to think otherwise.

I thank you all sincerely, with all of my heart.

God bless you,

Sincerely in Christ,

Sheila R. Vitale,
Pastor, Teacher & Founder
Living Epistles Ministries
Christ-Centered Kabbalah

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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