Email message sent to Pastor Vitale:
Hello Pastor,
This is a testimony and confirmation of our tithing.
This goes way back to June, when we received a letter from Colorado stating we owed over $18,000 in taxes. We have to file state income tax in Colorado and file and pay a gas severance tax as well. We had our taxes prepared by an accountant and were under the impression we were getting a refund back.
We contacted them and found out our accountant needed to file an amended return and include some info that was missing. We did this and received another letter stating we needed to file more paperwork, which was done.
Just last Wednesday, D. and I were talking about our tithe and realized we had not been tithing on the gross gas amounts. We didn't stop and think about the tax the company took out before we got our checks. We figured it up and decided we would pay $200 extra each month until we got it paid off. Then we listened to your message on Thursday about tithing, which added confirmation to our decision. We made out our check then got the mail. In the mail was our refund from Colorado, both income and severance tax. What a blessing!
We then were able to pay the amount we owed in full. We made out another check for the balance we owed.
Praise God! To God be the glory!
D. and M.