Live By His Spirit

Pastor Vitale shows how to live by His spirit in this inspiring story


Out of a clear blue sky the Lord told me to buy a new car.  I intended to sell my 15-year-old car to the dealer for $100.


After I made that commitment, the thought occurred to me that J. might want my car but I did not do anything about it.


At J’s goodbye luncheon, the issue of my car came up and J. expressed interest in purchasing my old car. After I said I was willing to sell it to him, before we could even discuss price, he changed his mind saying he really did not need it and should not be taking on that extra expense. It was on my heart to give him the car; but when I tried to broach the subject, he would not even listen having already decided he should not spend the money, so I dropped it.


When I retrieved the title to my old car, I found I had never satisfied the lien from the bank loan so I could not sell the old car to the dealer for $100. S. retrieve the title for me. J. was working for me at the time so he was nearby. Without thinking, it just popped out of my mouth, "I will give the car to J." J. said, "I cannot take it. I will have to buy it from you" and I, once again without even thinking, said to him, "okay, one dollar." I sold my fifteen year old car to J. for one dollar. Actually, the resale value if I could have sold it myself, was anywhere from $1000-$1500.


G. walks into the Selden center a couple of weeks ago without a job and not enough money to eat, asking for help. I pray for him and he got a job, but you cannot do anything without a car around here. He asked for a loan to buy a car. I was told to tell him I know a man who has two cars. To make the story short, J. sold him his old car for one dollar.


I actually believe the Lord told me to buy a new car because he intended my old car to go to J. and J’s old car to go to G.


PS the house G. was living in burned down, that is how he came to be in our neighborhood. Perhaps there was no emergency housing in his area.


Glory to God! What a wonderful way to live – by his spirit.


Pastor Sheila R. Vitale

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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