Nighttime Sexual Harassment

Email sent to Pastor Vitale 


Praise the Lord. I give all the glory, honor, and praise to him for helping me through your message and instructions. It helped me to be spiritually prepared to fight back.


After reading and studying the Nighttime Sexual Harassment message (LEM  #307 Dealing With Nighttime Sexual Harassment), I followed your prayers and instructions. I asked the Lord to wake me up when I am about to experience sexual harassment. Well, he did. I woke up from a deep sleep approximately at 2:30 am, as I slowly woke, I said, this is not a dream it is sin.


I remembered before I woke, I was aware I was lying in bed, with my eyes closed, briefly a female image appears in my mind (Succubus), right away I perceived sexual thoughts. This is not a dream. I do not agree with this behavior, go away, I curse you, I command you to stop and leave.


The harassment stopped without reaching to any form of sexual engagement. I experienced the thoughts that would have led to it; however, from what I had learned from you, your messages, and instructions helped me.


Prior to getting out of bed, I was sleepy, felt a pulling to go to sleep. I prayed again, finally the thoughts stopped.


Before I would go to sleep. I would play some quiet relaxing music in the background from my computer. Then I heard a weather report.


A weather report, I am experiencing a spiritual weather of harassment. I thought.


Then the Lord reminded me of something you had told me, that I was a spiritual black belt. I was told to fight spiritually as a physical black belt. I got out of bed and wrote down what had happened at 3:30 am.


I was led to the You-Tube channel. I intended to click on one of your video's messages to play in the background as I try to fall asleep.


As I scrolled, I saw the following, wake, pray, slay on a tee shirt a black female was wearing. She was promoting her tee shirt business.


Wow! That is what happened, the Lord woke me, I prayed, and slayed the harassment. Your message and instructions talked about the Lord waking us up, to pray and slay (confess sin, break the curse, and so on).


I am going to bed now, try to get some sleep. I selected one of your messages, CCK #911.The Destruction Of The Sin Nature In Two Stages to play in the background.


This thought entered my mind as I laid on the bed. You are preaching from the New Testament. Jesus and his disciples preached in the New Testament. Healing and miracles followed their preaching.


Likewise, healing and miracles would follow your preaching.


In Christ,


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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