My Immense Gratitude

Email sent to Pastor Vitale 


I just want to take a moment to thank you, and the Lord, for bringing forth such a powerful ministry. I am blessed over and over again by the online transcripts of the messages (which I read every free moment I get, and even messages I have read once before are blessing me to give me that foundation again). I truly believe you are a present-day Apostle Paul. Your exhortations are so edifying and the message you have for today for the Church and the Jews are incredible. Words are so inadequate to express my thanks.


Last night the Lord brought me to message #421, The Spirit of Revelation & Our Spiritual Heritage (as I have been seeking reasons from the Lord as to why I cannot understand the message as deeply as I should be at this point in my spiritual development) and the message was just what I needed to help with my frustration. In prior messages you talk about not feeling particularly led to be a preacher to the Jews, but that has all changed, and you have such a powerful witness, that I believe it will happen in this lifetime, that at least one person in the Jewish world will have an experience that will start the spiritual ball rolling.


It is hard for me to explain in words my immense gratitude to you and your ministry, but I hope you can feel it in the spirit. There is such a wealth of information online, years of study and exhortations that can feed my spirit for years to come. I keep praying I can understand it more deeply to be able to at some point teach even the basics (when the time comes) to another, but believe me, I have absolutely NO lust to minister at this time, and partly because I do not understand on the level that you do.


I used to have idolatry for you, I do confess that, but today it is a deep reverence and respect for how hard a life it must be, for the sacrifices you make every day because of your love for God and the salvation of the world. So few words don't even begin to tell you how you and your ministry have saved my life. There are no coincidences with God, and I do believe I am right where I am supposed to be. To God be the Glory!!


Lastly, I read through the Alternate Translation for Romans 11. It is another incredible translation, and I am so thankful to God for all He is pouring out in revelation these days. I have a hard time focusing on anything carnal, my mind preferring to be with Him. I pray you are having a blessed weekend so far, and will see you tomorrow online. Please forgive my inability to comment like the rest of the seasoned group. One of these days I would like to call in and comment live, instead of behind the scenes in a chat room.


May God bless you greatly in spirit, mind and body :)


Love, R

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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