Spiritual Food At Last

Sent: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 00:33

Hello Pastor Vitale,

Can i call you XXXX? is it ok with u? :)

So, i read ur article or transcript on MESSAGE #186 - Part 5 THE CHRIST
Wow! In a long time, I at last got to eat something nutritious, delicious spiritual food from you.

The message was certainly profound Pastor Vitale. Though i didn't understand it 100%. But, I got a general idea about the message.

Man, in a long time at last somebody got to feed me some satisfying spiritual food.

Pastor Vitale, though some of the material which you stated about creation or some of the specifics of the creation is not quite directly stated in the scriptures, (at least to the extent i can understand as i read the scriptures) but, I am willing to believe you.

I don't see any reason, why I should not call you my teacher. If you were meant to be ordained and brought up as a teacher, which u were in fact. Then you shall teach!

So, I thank you for your diligent hard work that you put towards in understanding the word and equally I thank the Lord for putting people like you to help and aid lost people like me.

I guess the first praise and exaltation goes to the Lord, Pastor Vitale. Its because of His will you are in this position. Well, let the Lord be praised from the stretch of this expanding universe, infinitely!

There is no doubt, that there is lot of wisdom in your teachings!

I guess, I am right. You are quite lucky. I mean, comon. You have attained knowledge and understanding of God, and I can see clearly in an abstract way that your knowledge is evergreen. It will shine forever. There is no expiry! like the knowledge and wisdom of this world. The knowledge and wisdom of this world will pass away like the dust. But, the knowledge you have attained is profound, more precious than rubies and diamonds.

So, I confirm and witness to you, that your time on this earth didn't go in vain.

Well, a hypocrite like me.. would want to thank the Lord for his grace and mercy upon us.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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