048 - Part 1
(Revelation 9)

Part 1 of 3 Parts


This Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For

Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By

The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise to God, and we’re going to start with a recap of Revelation 9, verses 7 to 12. This is the end of the fifth trumpet. “And the true nature of the spiritual beings, which were devouring the souls of men, was that they were domesticated animals spiritually prepared to accompany God into battle. And their minds were woven together with the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ. And in the realm of appearance, they looked like men.” This is the locusts we’re talking about, I believe.


“And their spirits were in submission to Jesus Christ. And He was overlaying Satan in their unconscious mind and expressing Himself through their souls as an intensely aggressive moral strength capable of withstanding danger, fear or difficulty.” Wow, I can’t wait for that.


“And Jesus Christ was overlaying Satan in their unconscious mind. And He was” -- Jesus was -- “expressing Himself through their souls” -- your soul and my soul -- “as an intensely aggressive moral strength capable of withstanding danger, fear or difficulty.” Hallelujah.


“And they had spiritual strength deep within their souls, and the preaching of these spiritual men in the realm of appearance sounded like the souls of many spiritually prepared, domesticated animals running into battle. And they had souls that pierced men’s souls.” This is the sons of God. “They had souls that pierced natural men’s souls, like scorpions pierce men’s bodies. And there were sharp organs of offense in their souls, which could pierce through men’s souls and impart the righteousness of God to them. And they had authority to execute the ministry, which would bring men’s souls into submission to Christ for the time period during which the spirit of God was confronting the souls of men. And the sons of God had a king over them, the spirit that rules the living soul, whose name in the old covenant Hebrew writings is Abaddon the Destroyer but in the new covenant Greek writings is called Apollyon the Destroyer. He is the Destroyer to the Jew, and he is the Destroyer to the Greek. The Destroyer of their organic soul so that they might live in Christ for the life of the ages. One experience of grief and suffering is over, and look, there are two more experiences of grief and mourning coming after the first one.”


And I think before we start with verse 13, I’m going to put a testimony on this message. I gave it off the message last -- at the last meeting, and the Lord told me to put it on the message. And this is really important, people. All of these exotic scriptures in the Book of Revelation, scorpions and locusts and smoke, we have got to, by the power of God, get to a place where we can apply these symbols to our lives. They cannot stay exotic. They’ve got to become workable. We’ve got to understand them in a way that they’re going to function in our life. We’ve got to come down out of the clouds of romanticism and understand what these things are going to mean to us who are being called to be the sons of God and what they’re going to mean to natural men, who are going to be confronted with them.


Brethren, they’re not going to look like scorpions to them. This is a symbol describing a spiritual reality. And God showed me -- I had some company Saturday night, and He showed me that the scorpions and the stings of the scorpions are operating in me when he chooses to activate them. I have no authority whatsoever to activate them. But with this understanding of what he taught us over the last couple of messages, he showed me, Saturday night, that the work is done in me and that the -- it manifests about once a year -- at the most, twice a year depending on the total wisdom and will of the Father.


It’s very frustrating to me. I’m not sure whether it’s pride or rebellion, but when I got this revelation that the work is done in me and I had no power to make it manifest, I got very upset. And it was not a Godly spirit. I guess I -- I’m not sure what it is. It’s a control spirit. I guess it’s -- my soul wanted to, [?like?], hold it and use it for its own glory. I want to manifest. I want to walk in that power, so it must be my soul, you know, craving the gratification that comes from walking in that power. So, I want to put the testimony on this message of what the reality of the scorpions and their stings are.


Now, what did this say here? It says that “they had souls” -- the sons of God had souls -- “that pierced men’s souls like scorpions pierce men’s bodies.” That means when Christ in you, when the soul of Christ manifests, because we’re all two souls in this hour -- and I don’t know about you, but most of the time, I’m manifesting the [?Adamic?] soul. And every once in a while, the soul of Christ manifests in me. And when He manifests in me -- now, this happened Saturday night -- it was if -- and I’m sure this was just in the spirit -- it was if a bright light was emanating. I thought it was coming forth from my chest. Now, we know that in the [?Starr Scriptures?] that say when an angel appeared, they were surrounded by a bright light or there was a bright light. The Scripture talks about bright lights a lot.


And I was sitting at my kitchen table with a group of other people that had been manifesting some very rebellious spirits towards me, aggressive spirits towards me. They hurt me; they wounded me. I want you to know that they wounded me. They probably didn’t even know what they did. I would almost guarantee it that they didn’t know what they did. It wasn’t anything that they said. It was totally unsaid, but when you’re spiritual, the reality of the manifestation was so thick it might be expressed in the natural realm as you could cut it with a knife, the pregnant pause, the pregnant silence. And their manifestations wounded my soul because I am spiritually sensitive, and I was aware of what was happening.


And I threw myself before God, sitting at the table. Now, this light hadn’t manifested yet. I sort of backtracked. I’m sorry. This is the circumstances in which the Christ manifested. And I threw myself before the Lord, and I said, Lord, this shouldn’t be. I’m having, you know, these people over because I believed you wanted me to. I shouldn’t have to be hurt like this. I’ve been hurt a lot lately, and sometimes I deal with it, and sometimes I don’t. I said, why do I have to be sitting here in my own house, having coffee and cake, being cut to ribbons?


And the Lord spoke to me, and he said to me, you’re being hurt because you’re manifesting rejection and pride. Yes, they manifested against you, and you have manifested back with rejection and pride. And what’s hurting you is your rejection and your pride. And I said, OK, Lord. I confess rejection, and I confess pride. And I have to realize that I’m here to minister to these people. And whether they reject me or not has nothing to do with it.


And I don’t know about you, but I’ve really found that when I can get my mindset straight, you know, when I can really believe that I’m in a situation to minister, I’m not hurt as badly as when I don’t believe it. I don’t know if you can understand that or not, but when I really believe that I’m there to minister, I don’t get hurt. It’s a wall; it’s a defense. But when I think, well, we’re just equal, and we’re just fellowshipping and these spirits manifest, I get very hurt.


So, I confessed it, and I said, Lord, bring me deliverance. Because, I -- you know, first of all, it’s ungodly. I don’t want this sin, and who needs the grief? Well, I don’t think it was 60 seconds. It -- all of a sudden, there is bright light. It was there. It was coming from my chest. I had said something that was spiritual. It was a very carnal evening, so it was obvious that I said some- -- it was so -- the evening was so carnal that when I said something spiritual, it was, like, obvious. And I had just been attacked because I had said, probably, the first spiritual thing of the evening.


And then I repented, and then this light -- this bright light came out of me. And I sort of stopped because I didn’t want to get attacked again. And I realized that something was wrong. Now, I didn’t realize until after it happened what happened -- what was happening. I didn’t realize the light was there until God revealed it to me afterwards. I just know that I started to say something spiritual. And I hesitated because I didn’t want to be attacked again. And I looked around the table.


And I’m telling you, brethren, these people were sitting there like they were paralyzed. I -- there’s no other word that I could use in all honesty and all fairness and all decency to try to explain to you what happened. There is no word that I could use other than paralyzed. And it was like something you would see in a science-fiction movie. I looked again, and I looked around the table, and I looked at each one of them, and they were paralyzed. Their eyes were down. Their heads were down. They were not manifesting any ungodly spirit, and there was dead silence. And this light was all over the table.


And I started to preach. I started to preach. I didn’t -- I c- -- it wasn’t long. I think it was only about five minutes. And they just didn’t oppose me, and they were still paralyzed. And something in my mind said, well, it’s in us. You don’t want to push it too hard. And I stopped preaching, and the light receded, and everything became normal.


And it really wasn’t until the next day -- I don’t -- it may not have been until after the Sunday service that God revealed to me that the scorpion in me had manifested, that the soul that’s in me -- this is what we had in the ol- -- in the -- in this Alternate Translation. “They had souls had pierced men’s souls like scorpions pierce a men’s body -- a man’s body.” Well, there was a soul in me, you see. It was the soul of the Lord Jesus Christ, and He manifested. And He pierced their soul, brethren. He pierced their soul. But before He pierced their soul -- remember that I teach you a lot in the Scripture -- the Scripture puts the second thing that happens before the first thing? Because the first thing that happened was that they got paralyzed. The second thing was what -- was that I pierced their soul.


So, this verse that I read to you, “And they had souls that pierced men’s souls like scorpions pierce men’s bodies. And there were sharp organs of offense in their souls, which could pierce through men’s souls and impart the righteousness of God to them.” OK. “And they had authority to execute the ministry.” Now, this is what happened first. “And they had authority to execute the ministry, which would bring men’s souls into submission to Christ.” They had authority that would bring men’s souls into submission to Christ.


And I declare to you: The soul of Christ stood up in me, and it overlayed the souls of these men. And it put down all [?rule?] and rebellion. It paralyzed them, brother. Like a scorpion paralyzes your body, the soul of Christ paralyzed the souls of this men -- of these men and women. I always -- for those of you that haven’t heard me before, I use men to describe men and women.


And then after the soul of Christ paralyzed them, brethren, there was a sting operating in the soul of Christ. There was a sting. It manifested in preaching. I’m telling you, these people that would have rejected this Word if they weren’t paralyzed, received the sting of the son of God. And it imparted righteousness to them. It imparted the truth of the Word of God. My truth is right! My Word is righteousness! I think that’s the scripture; it’s something like that. Or, my truth is righteousness. It’s one or the other [?description?]. “And they have souls like scorpions. And there were sharp organs of offense in their souls, which could pierce through men’s souls and impart the righteousness” -- or the truth -- “of God to them.”


Do you hear this? I saw it happen. The scorpion in me paralyzed them. And then, he had a sting. It came out of my mouth, you see. And when the words came out of my mouth, while they were paralyzed, it entered right into their heart and ministered the truth to them, the seeds of the truth. These people are going to wake up one morning -- I don’t know how long it’s going to take -- and that truth is going to be growing in their hearts. And they’re not going to even know how it got there, brethren.


Glory to God. And I’m telling you the day is coming. The day is coming that we are going to be walking down the street, and this thing is going to manifest. I’m drawing you a science-fiction picture. That’s what you see in science fiction. We’re going to be walking down the street. We’re going to be in restaurants. We’re going to be at work. We’re going to be at church. We’re going to be talking to neighbors. We’re going to stop and talk to total strangers.


And they’re going to get paralyzed because this scorpion is going to manifest. And he’s going to sting them with the righteousness of almighty God. And Christ is going to appear in them. And they’ll never know how it happened. And you want to know something brethren? They’ve been raped. Man can’t rape; it’s a sin. God rapes. It’s for your good. Man can’t commit adultery; it’s a sin. God commits adultery. We’re still married to Satan, and He’s in there having sex with us. God can commit adultery. It’s for your good. Oh, God; help us, God. Help us! Everything God does is good. When man tries to do it, he destroys.


OK, verse 13, “And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar, which is before God.” Six is the number of man. “And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar.”


This word, from, the Greek text says that there’s another word in there before the word from. And that it says, “I heard a voice from” -- I’m sorry -- “I heard one voice from the four horns of the golden altar.” We talked about the incense being burned, and that was in Revelation -- let me give you the Scripture -- Revelation chapter 8 talks about many in- -- many -- much incenses. Now, we determined that that was the many souls of the individual members of the body of Christ. And I declare to you that there was one voice coming out from the horns of the altar, because all of the souls had been brought into submission to Christ. And they were working, and thinking and talking with one mind. And there was therefore one voice that came forth from the many souls of the altar. Glory to God. And this word, from, the Greek text says it really means, out of. And it indicates a point of origin. Remember, the incense being burned typifies the souls of the body of Christ, of the many members of the body of Christ.


Now, the Scripture says that the -- well, I remind you, in case you don’t remember, the word, sound -- “and the sixth angel sounded” -- and that means a spiritual disclosure. It doesn’t have to mean language. It means a command was imparted either by mind-to-mind contact or by language. It could be either one.


And John said, “And I heard” -- that means he not only heard a sound, but he understood a voice, which again means a disclosure. It didn’t necessarily have to be an English voice. [?I mean?], there are all kinds of people in the world. To start arguing over whether God is a man or a woman and over whether God is black, white or green -- and there are people that are going to be arguing over what kind of a voice came out of the altar of incense. Brethren, I declare to you it was a spiritual disclosure. And in case you don’t know if you’re listening to this message, God is not male/female or black, white or green. He is a spirit. He is a spirit. He is above any of your and all of your arguments. He is spirit. He is a higher life form than that which exists on this sole realm.


So, there was a voice. There was a spiritual disclosure. A communication, not necessarily in language, came forth from the four horns of the altar. And the word, horns, is Strong’s 2768. And Strong says, “Since animals defend themselves with horns, the horns with the Hebrews and other nations is a symbol of strength and courage. It also means a projecting extremity in the shape like a horn, a point or an apex.” And that’s what we’re talking about here. I’ll draw -- put it on the board for you in case you’re not familiar with it.


The altar of incense was a square box. It was a very simple, square box. I used to know how to draw a three dimensional box. I remember how. This is how you do it. When we were kids, we used to do this all the time. OK, there’s your square box. And at each corner of the box was a projecting -- they call it an apex, a projecting point. OK? That’s what it looked like. And if I’m not mistaken, there were rings on it. I’m not sure where the rings were. I could be wrong about that.


But I’ll remind you that all of these holy pieces of furniture from the tabernacle were not permitted to be touched. The way they carry them was that there were rings on them, and they put long pieces of wood, called staves, through the rings. And they held onto the staves. And not only could you not touch the box, but you could not even hold the stave unless you were a Levite priest. So, all of these piece of furniture were very, very holy and very sanctified.


And we’re told -- I think it’s in one of the book of Samuel -- that an unfortunate young man by the name of Uzzah -- I believe his name was Uzzah -- saw the -- not the altar of incense, but the ark of the Lord falling off of a cart and tried to save it and touched it, trying to save it. And God killed him. And that’s a very hard thing for carnal minds to deal with. David was very upset by it, but David had to find out -- he was angry at God.


But ultimately, if you continue along in the books of Samuel and Kings, we find out that David discovered that we must obey God, that it doesn’t matter if your intention is good. You simply have to do it the way God tells you to do it. You just must be obedient. Because why? There are things we just don’t understand just like our children don’t understand. We just have to do it His way, and it doesn’t matter if you can say, well, I -- my heart was right. I meant good. It doesn’t matter. The church is filled with rebellious children. You just have to do it the way He wants you to do it, brethren.


I don’t know why I’m ge- -- well, I know why I’m getting into this. I saw a movie the other night -- me with my movies. God really blesses me with these movies. And it took place in a fictional country called Sarkan [SP]. I guess they were talking about Saigon or Vietnam or something like that. And the leader of the people was worshipping in his temple. And there was this big statue of Buddha there and this little man, humbling himself, prostrating himself before Buddha. And I looked at that. It took the full screen of the TV.


And I said, would you look at that. I said, what is the difference between that and a crucifix, man? I’m telling you, there’s no difference between Buddha and a crucifix. And God just [?quickened?] it to me now. I’ve known this for years, but I just looked at that screen, and He just [?quickened?] it to me. He said, what is the difference between Buddha and the crucifix? And I said, no difference, Lord. And then He went and took it a step further. And He said, I got news for you. There’s no difference between Buddha and the cross without the Chr- -- without Christ hanging on it.


Because, you know, Christ is not in that condition anymore. He is no longer a natural man pierced and bleeding and dead. He’s been resurrected from the dead, and ascended on high. And He’s glorified. How dare they portray Him that way? And the Lord said, the cross without His broken body is no different from Buddha. We’re worshipping idols. If you’re involved in that in any manner, shape or form, you’re worshipping idols. I don’t know what’s going on here tonight, but God wanted me to say that.


OK, so the altar of incense has four horns. And it said that a voice came from the four horns. So, what in the world does that mean? It means the significance of the horns on the altar of incense is that of strength and courage. That’s what the horns mean. And strength and courage typify spirit, which projects from underneath the souls of men as typified by the incense. The incense in the altar typifies the souls of men. And the strength and courage that’s extending beyond the souls of men typified spirit. So, what I’m suggesting to you is that the voice came forth from the spirit that dwelt in the souls of the body of Christ. And I remind you there are many souls, and there are one s- -- there are -- there is one spirit dwelling and ruling in the many souls. His name, brethren, is the Lord Jesus Christ. One Lord, many souls. Hallelujah.


Remember that the altar itself typifies the body, which holds the souls from which the spirit projects. The altar of incense typifies the body of Christ, which is made up of many human beings. We’ve got to get this down to where it’s something that we can relate to. Hallelujah.


The fact that it’s gold -- it’s the golden altar of incense -- typifies that it has been overlayed, or taken over by, the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Glory to God. The four horns typify the spirit, which has been squared. There are four horns because it’s the spirit that has been squared -- and I remind you that a squared spirit typifies a completed spirit, a spirit in its fullness of maturity. And there are four elements to it. You start with the human spirit, which is fertilized by the Holy Spirit, which produces Christ. And wherever you have Christ, you have the Father. So, this altar of incense typified the mature fullness of the body of Christ, many souls speaking with one voice: the voice of almighty God.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:13, “Now the sixth angel sounded, the angel that was ministering to the natural man. And I heard the sound of Jesus Christ speaking forth from the body of Christ, which stands before the altar of God.” And I remind you what the -- that means, that the phrase that the body Christ was standing before God -- that standing before means to be standing in front of God. And what that means is that they are what is seen. God is not seen. God is a spirit. He’s invisible. But the body of Christ -- you and me -- we are what’s seen. And if Christ is manifesting through us, we are standing before almighty God.


Verse 13 is, “And the angel that was called to minister to the natural man announced his ministry to them. He told them to get ready. And I heard the voice of the spirit of Jesus Christ coming forth from the body of Christ, which was standing in front of the spirit of God. And the spirit of God was being expressed through them.”


Verse 14, “And what that voice was saying was this, saying to the sixth angel, which had the trumpet: Loose the four angels, which are bound in the great river Euphrates.” “Loose the four angels, which are bound in the great river Euphrates.” And as you know, the church world preaches this as some demons. They preach all of these things as some demons, but I declare to you brethren: This is Christ coming forth. The word, loose, is Strong’s 3089. And it means to break up, to dissolve, to melt off, to put off, to break into parts. It means to break into parts. Glory to God.


And I suggest, if you’re interested, in reviewing part 5 where we have an alternate translation from 1 Peter 3, where he says, “the elements shall melt.” This is the same word translated, loose, the same word translated, melt. “The elements shall melt.” It’s the same word translated loose. And I’m suggesting to you that there is -- there are things stuck together that are going to be melted apart. So, let’s find out what this means.


“Saying to the sixth angel, which had the trumpet” -- that’s the angel that was ministering to the natural man -- “which had the trumpet” -- which had the message, the gospel of God. This is the instruction to them: “Melt away the four angels, which are bound in the great river Euphrates.” And this word, bound, is Strong’s 1210. It means to knit, to tie, to wind, to be in bonds. And I suggest to you that we have used similar words when we’ve talked about our minds being knit together and wound together with the mind of Jesus Christ in the form of a crown.


And I’m going to tell you what I’m getting at so you don’t have to guess. I’m going to suggest to you that the four angels coming forth from Euphrates -- first of all, I remind you that Euphrates typifies the human spirit. If you want to review that, it’s part 3. And that the four angels coming forth is the completed spirit, the human spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Christ and the Father coming forth in the human spirit of Euphrates. And I remind you that the human spirit is married to Satan. And she’s produced the carnal mind. And the human spirit and Satan and the carnal mind are all joined together. And right in the middle of this demonic ungodly mess, Christ is appearing. The Lord has committed adultery. He has fertilized another man’s wife, and he has produced His son right in the middle of her ungodliness.


Christ is standing up in the middle of Satan, Eve and the carnal mind. And I remind you that to appear in the realm of appearance, Satan could not appear in the realm of appearance as a spirit. He needed to produce the offspring of the human spirit. It wasn’t until the carnal mind that -- was produced that he appeared. And for God almighty to appear in the realm of appearance, He needs an offspring. Christ is God almighty in the realm of appearance.


So, what do we have now? We have Christ and the carnal mind in the realm of appearance. Well, Christ is going to break away from the carnal mind. They’re going to be melting -- they’re going to be melted with great heat, and they’re going to be separated, and Christ is going to swallow up the Satan and the carnal mind. Glory to God. Hallelujah.


This word, great, the great river Euphrates, it really means mighty and powerful. It’s Strong’s 3173. And we know that the human spirit is great, because she has the ability to produce Christ. We know in her own power, she is weak. Her greatness is in her offspring. Hallelujah. Glory to God. OK, I have an Alternate Translation for you. “And the spiritual command to the angel ministering to the natural man, which was announcing the warfare against the living soul,” -- that’s the sixth angel. He was ministering to the natural man. And what he was doing was preaching about the warfare against the living soul. That’s the slaughter of the soul. We talked about that here. And he was warning the spiritual man dwelling within him in the same vessel and announcing that the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God was at hand. What he was told to do from the voice that was coming forth from the horns of the altar was to birth the Christ in the human spirits of these men against their will. That’s what the voice was saying. Glory to God.


“Loose the four angels.” And I declare to you that before the four angels could stand up in full stature in a man’s soul, his soul has to be fertilized. We talked about this at a prior meeting, that there are things that are unsaid in the Scripture. Brethren, if you see a woman with a big belly, you know she had sex with a man. Well, for these four angels to stand up with a completed spirit in a man, he had to have had sex with the Holy Spirit.


So, I’m putting that in the Alternate Translation. Now, this is what he was told to do [UNINTELLIGIBLE] this angel. He was told to cause the Christ to be birthed in the human spirits of these men against their will. That’s the first woe. That’s what happened with the stingers. And when Christ appeared, that’s the second woe. That’s what we’re up to now in verse 14. When Christ appeared is typified by the four angels. Loose them. Separate him from Satan and the carnal mind, which were joined to the human spirit before Christ appeared in [?her?]. Glory to God. Melt that structure down. Melt it down, and put the ungodly elements underfoot.


Verse 15, “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month and a year for to slay the third part of men.” Prepared, that’s Strong’s 2090. We had that in the last message. It’s in Revelation 9:7. And we found out that that word means to be internally prepared. It has nothing to do with the clothing that you’re wearing. It has nothing to do with social graces. It’s an internal and -- for all purposes, I suggest to you -- spiritual preparation. Glory to God.


An hour, we have studied here, is a spiritual time period. A day is a spiritual time period in which the light of Christ appears. A month is the spiritual time period in which the spirit of God confronts the souls of men. And the word year -- this is the first time we’ve had the word, year. It’s Strong’s 1763, but there was nothing there, so I looked up into Webster. And two of the d- -- well, we all know what a year is, but we’re looking for something that can fit in with what God’s teaching us here. And two of Webster’s definitions for the word year is a time period or era having a special significance. It could be an age or the final span of a normal lifetime.


And I’m suggesting to you, brethren, that this word, year, typifies the age of the natural man. It typifies the age of the natural man, the final span of the normal lifetime of the many generations of the natural man. He shall be seen no more because the angels have stood up. The completed spirit of Christ has stood up in the human spirit of the natural man. And He’s going to put an end to the reign and the rule and the existence of the natural man. The  hour, the era, the year of the spiritual man is about to appear. Glory to God.


Now, the word, kill, and “for to slay the third part of men,” it means to kill. It’s Strong’s 615. It means to kill outright. And I just want -- before I give you an Alternate Translation, I want to read you the King James 2 version of that phrase, because this is another very badly misinterpreted Scripture. “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour,” -- and aga- -- I don’t know about you, but I always thought that it meant a particular hour, and another day, and another month and another year. But it doesn’t mean that, and the King James 2, which I find to be much more accurate translation says, “And the four angels were released, those having been prepared for the hour,” -- not an hour; “the” a specific hour -- “and day, and month and year that they should kill the third part of men.” And what I’m suggesting to you is that it’s one particular time. It’s like saying, this day, this hour, this minute, this second, all a part of a whole moment that’s happening right now.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:15, “And Christ in full stature was separated from Satan and the carnal mind of natural men, having been spiritually prepared for the time period in which the light of almighty God would appear and confront the souls of men, even at the end of the natural lifetime of the [?Adamic?] man, for the purpose of utterly destroying Satan, the spirit, which rules the living soul.” Glory to God. Hallelujah.


Ephesians 2:2 says, “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.” In case you don’t know it, brethren, we are the children of disobedience. That’s why the judgments of God are on us. That’s why we’re sick. That’s why we have problems. That’s why we die. Don’t tell me you’ve never been sick a day in your life. Unless God intercedes, you’re going to die like everybody else. You are amongst the children of disobedience.


But I have good news for you. The spirit that rules in you is going to be swallowed up by Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. And you shall not die. And you want to bet you’re going to be brought into submission. You’re not going to be a disobedient child for the life of the ages. It’s not going to happen, brethren. You’re going to be chastened, and you’re going to be whipped until the black and blue marks show on your spiritual life. And you’re going to cry bitter tears, and you’re going to be purified. And you’re going to be glorified, because Christ is going to appear in you, and you’re going to receive the life of the ages. Hallelujah. God is not a child abuser. He is healing you of your spiritual corruption [?for?] beating you. Hallelujah.


John 12:31 says, “Now is the judgment of this world: Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” He is going to be cast out by being s- -- he is going to be cast out of this realm of appearance by being swallowed up by the soul of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. He’s being replaced by the spiritual man.


Verse 16, “And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.” The word, number -- Webster says that one of the definitions of the word number is the characteristic of an individual by which it is treated as a unit. The number is the identifying characteristic of each member of the living soul. Every member of the living soul that’s become a son of God, they’re going to have an identifying characteristic that they’re all going to share.


“And the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred thousand thousand.” The word, army, is Strong’s 4753. It means a body of troops. I suggest to you that’s the sons of God. The word, horsemen, is 2461. It means a cavalry force. Now, we’ve established in these teachings that the horse typifies the believer that is so brought into submission to Christ that he without exception does everything that God tells him just like a horse [?that has reins in it?] and a bit in his mouth. Glory to God. So, the body of troops that are riding on the horses would have to be the spiritual men that are dwelling in the bodies that have been reined in, they have a bit in their mouth.


Now, this [UNINTELLGIBLE] -- this number, “two hundred thousand thousand,” -- we’ve gotten pretty heavy into numerology in this ministry. I’m really not going to make a big deal out of this. It’s pretty simple anyway, but I’m not going to get into it very heavy. I’m just going to remind you that the number 100 means full stature. And we have the number 200, which is 2 times 100. And I’m going to suggest to you that the number 200 refers to full stature of the soul. Did I say that we know that the number 100 means full stature? Did I say that? OK. So, we have full stature of the soul and full stature of the spirit. 100 plus 100 equals 200. So, we have “two hundred thousand thousand.” Glory to God. OK. And 10, I remind you, is the number of the law. 10 times 100 would mean the total fulfillment of the law. 100 meaning full stature or total fulfillment. 10, the number of the law, times 100, full stature, ful- -- total fulfillment of the law. So, we have 1,000 1,000, ful- -- total fulfillment of the law in the realm of our soul, totally redeemed souls, one thousand. And the second thousand, the total fulfillment of the law in our spirits.


And I remind you that our spirit is our conscience and if you have bought the lie that the second you receive Jesus Christ, your sav- -- your spirit is saved, that’s exactly what’s happened to you. You’ve bought a lie. Your spirit is your conscience. If you have any problem with conscience in any level whatsoever, if you are not totally moral and ethical in every area of your thought, not just your behavior, your spirit is not saved, brethren. It’s not. It’s not. It’s a lie. Come on, give me a break; it’s a lie. All of this false doctrine in the church, it’s a lie! You will not be totally saved until Christ appears in you neither your spirit nor your soul nor your body. It’s happening simultaneously. It’s not first your spirit is getting saved, then your soul and then your body. The whole thing is happening simultaneously. And when Christ stands up in you, you shall be saved: spirit, soul and body. Glory to God.


So, this is what I’ve got. 200 equals full stature of the souls and human spirits of these men. And 1,000 1,000 equals -- means the fulfillment of the law in the realm of the soul and unde- -- and in the realm of the spirit.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:16, “And the identifying characteristics of the spiritual men that appeared in the realm of appearance” -- now, I’m not using the word, horse, because we know that when men see the sons of God, they are not going to see horses. They are going to see people that look like us, and we’re trying to get these Scriptures to a place in our mind where they can relate to our everyday life. So, I’m using the words that are most natural that I can.


And the identifying characteristics, that’s the number of the army. That’s the number of the army of the horsemen. And the identifying characteristics of the spiritual men -- that’s the horsemen -- that appeared in the realm of appearance -- that identifying characteristic, it was completion of their souls and spirits and the fulfillment of the law in their souls and in their spirits. And I remind you that the fulfillment of the law is total righteousness, total righteousness. And the fulfillment and the completion of your soul and spirit means that Christ has been totally joined to you. Yes, we are complete in Him.


I had peopl- -- I had a preacher tell me once, we’re complete in Him. I said to him, by faith. And He looked at me with a quizzical look on his face. I said, by faith, brother. I don’t you about you, but He -- I’m sure not complete in Him. This was five years ago. I was a mess. I was a mess, and someone’s going around telling me I’m complete in Christ; I have the mind of Christ. Oh, really? No, you don’t. That’s all part of the promise.


So, the identifying characteristic of the sons of God is that they are complete. Christ has been totally joined to them. And all of the emptiness of their souls has been filled up, and they are made whole. Brethren, if you don’t know it, you’re half a man. God is still creating the man. And we are half a man. There are negative aspects of it. We’re evil. We have to be joined to our righteousness and to our conscience and to our life, the Scripture says. And then we shall be complete in Him, the head of all power and principality, which we are. Glory to God. The church loves to separate itself from Satan. You’re it, honey. It’s us. He’s us. Satan is a spirit that rules in the living soul.


Verse 17, “And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.” “And thus I saw the horses” -- remember the horses are the sons of God that are in total submission -- “And thus I saw the horses in the vision” -- John is saying, and this is what they looked like to me. This is what these spiritual men looked like to me, and the ones that sat on them. They had “breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and of brimstone.”


Now, we studied [?breastplates?] in the last message. It’s in [?verse?] 9 of the same chapter. It’s on the last message. And it simply means armor. Fire typifies the spirit of God. And this word, jacinth, is very interesting. I looked it up in Strong’s. I looked it up in Thayer’s lexicon. It’s also an English word; I looked it up in Webster. And all three of them say something different. They all say that it refers to a color, in some instance a flower and in some instances a gem. But the primary meaning of the word is a color.


And I had chosen out of the three, the one color that I could draw spiritual significance from, because there was just no agreement. Jacinth, Strong’s says it means deep blue. Couldn’t really make -- couldn’t really apply that to this teaching. Thayer’s says that it’s the color of hyacinth, which is a red color bordering on black. That’s a very dark red. Webster says yet another color; I didn’t write it down.


I’ve chosen the red-black, because it’s the only color that had any Scriptural significance to me in this context. And what it says to me is that it’s typifying the soul -- you know that red is the color of Adam’s soul. He is ruddy. He has blood in his face. And the blackness typifies a lack of light. We’ve had this on other messages. And who is the one that is without light? Satan, and he is one with Adam. Satan and Adam, they’re one, the conscious and the unconscious mind. OK, so black typifies darkness or the absence of light or Satan. So, I’m suggesting to you that this jacinth, which is another word for hyacinth, is referring to the [?Adamic?] soul with its unconscious mind, Satan. And I remind you that this is now a part of the armor of the spiritual men.


The word, brimstone, is Strong’s 2303. And that means, sulfur. It’s -- the Greek word that means brimstone is from the root theos, which means God. And the reason it comes from that root is that the ancient Greeks believed that sulfur has divine properties. They called it divine incense because burning brimstone was regarded as having power to purify and ward off contagion. So, they called it the incense of God. Sulfur has substance and is therefore not to -- does not typify pure spirit but must typify spirit in the realm of the soul. And it’s burned with -- it’s burned as incense, which typifies the soul. And I’m suggesting to you that it typifies Christ. Now, we’re talking about the armor of the sons of God.


And I want to remind you what we studied on part 13. Put it up on the board here for you. I had to look it up myself to tell you the truth. It’s hard to remember this stuff. We were taught in part 13 that the spiritual diagram of the glorified soul was going to look like this. We’re showing it in circles. The Father is the basis of the whole creation.


Do you remember the teaching on the rainbow? OK. The spiritual life of the Father has covered Himself with a garment. He’s covered Himself with a garment. And that garment is the many members of the living soul. We drew it like this. You remember the lines going from left to right typify the natural man. And the lines going up and down typify Christ. This is the completed body of Christ now. And it’s a garment made up of the souls and bodies of us, OK. Are laying over the Father. He is within us; He is deep within our heart.


And when the spirit, when the fire of His spirit vibrates forth, it’s going to pierce through our souls, and it’s going to pierce through our bodies. And the Father, in the form of Christ, is going to appear in the realm of appearance. And when He vibrates forth and He pierces through, I said that the jacinth was the soul of Adam. OK. When he pierces through the brimstone -- we’re going to do it backwards.


The Scripture said, “And I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, jacinth and brimstone.” We’re going to start with the brimstone. When the spirit of God passes through the brimstone, which I’m suggesting to you is Christ -- that’s the lines going this way -- we’re going to get a circle. OK. Now, this is the basis of the creation. We’re going to get a circle, and that circle is going to be Christ. This is the spiritual armor. Remember, the creation is being built outward in layers.


The second layer that’s going to appear -- when the Father pierces through the garment that’s over Him, the second layer that’s going to appear is the jacinth, which I said is the soul of Adam and Satan. So, the next layer is going to be Adam. That is the redeemed soul, because the who- -- entire living soul has been saved. So, this layer is Adam, the redeemed soul.


The next level that the Father is going to pierce through is Satan, who -- which has been castrated and utterly pacified. And I remind you that Satan is the spiritual skeleton. This body that we look out now, this is the outer realms. This is outer darkness. This is as far as our spiritual being goes in this body. But there’s another layer that’s being added, and that layer is the brimstone, is the fire of God.


The very last layer that is going to appear is going to be the crystalline glorified body, which is the Father in the realm of appearance or the fire of God. Remember we said that this body is the spirit of Satan in the realm of appearance? Well, there’s another layer coming when the Father -- when we -- when our spirit becomes squared and the Father appears in Christ, He’s going to vibrate forth from under this garment, and He’s going to be the outmost, outer layer. He’s going to be the fire of God. It’s going to be a crystalline layer.


If you want to review that message -- and this is a spiritual diagram of the glorified body. So, this body that we see now, it’s no longer going to be the most outer realm. It’s going to become the spiritual skeleton. It will be totally pacified and totally under the control of this outer layer, which is the crystalline, clear hardness of the spirit of the Father in the realm of appearance. So, that’s the fire of God. Let me read the Scripture for you.


“And thus I saw the horses in the vision,” -- this is what the spiritual men look like. They had on armor, and the armor was made of fire, the crystalline hardness of the spirit of God. The armor was made also of jacinth, the spiritual skeleton, which is utterly pacified and not hurting anybody but serving the purpose of giving the form to what the glorified man is going to look like.


We’re going to look just like them, only the body is not going to corrupt, because it’s going to have the seal of the Father over it. That’s not going to let it corrupt. But we’re going to look just like this, brethren, OK? So, part of the armor is the spiritual skeleton. The other part of the armor is the [?Adamic?] soul that’s been totally redeemed and purified. And closest to the Father is the soul of Christ. And this is the spiritual diagram of what the glorified man is going to look like. All of this being the armor that’s going to emanate forth from our spiritual being.


I can’t go into it in any more detail. I suggest if you can’t receive it or if you’re having a problem with it that you review the 38 series.


So, that’s what this Scripture means in verse 17. It’s talking about the spiritual diagram of the glorified man. He’s going to have armor wrapped around him that’s going to be impenetrable. Glory to God.


Alternate Translation, the first half of Revelation 9:17, “And this is how I perceived the men in the vision, who are in submission to God, and the spiritual life that ruled them. They had armor, and that armor was made of the spirit of God, of the castrated Satan, of Adam and of Christ.” John looked into the spirit, and he saw the identifying mark, the spiritual makeup, the form of the sons of God. And this is the order that they were in, and they were incorruptible. Glory to God.


Now, I wanted to make a comment here, because back in verse 9 of chapter 9, we are told that the locusts had breastplates, as it were, breastplates of iron. Now, we’re talking about breastplates of fire. And I suggest to you that the locusts typify the birth of Christ in the realm of the soul, the birth of Christ. And I suggest to you that the armies on horseback typify the appearance of Christ in full stature.


The locusts -- we would -- in verse 1 of chapter 9, it says, “And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star” -- something heavenly -- “fall from the heaven unto the earth.” And I suggest to you that is the birth of Christ. He’s not standing in full stature, but he’s manifesting. And the sons of God in this condition have breastplates of iron. Now, we’re talking about verse 17, and we’re talking about breastplates of fire and jacinth.


“And the sixth angel” -- it says -- “And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the altar” -- straight from the realm of the spirit. The angel that brought forth the locusts manifested in the realm of appearance, the fifth ang- -- the fifth trumpet. For the sixth trumpet, the angel that brought forth the horse that [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.


The word, head, Webster says, is the upper or anterior division of the body that contains the brain, the chief sense organs and the mouth. It’s the seat of the intellect or the mind. And I suggest to you that the head typifies the soul. Our brain, everything that functions, is in the head. I’m suggesting the head typifies the soul. “And the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions.” And in last week’s tape we did a word study on the lions, and we found out how they’re being used in the Scriptures. And we found out that the two words that describe lions is fer- -- are ferocious and courageous. Ferocious and courageous. And when I read you this


Alternate Translation, I’m going to incorporate Webster’s definitions of those two words. And I suggest that you review last week’s message if you have any problem with that. The word, mouth, was -- “and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire, smoke and brimstone.” Now this word, mouth, it doesn’t have to mean mouth in the mouth of a human being. It can also mean an opening in the earth. It’s Strong’s 4750. It can mean an opening in the earth.


And I’m going to suggest to you that this Scripture is talking about an opening in the soul, an opening in the soul. “And out of their mouths, out of their souls, “issued the fire, smoke and brimstone of the spiritual life dwelling within them. The word, issue, is Strong’s 1607, and it means to discharge, project, proceed forth out of. And again, fire typifies the spirit of God.


Smoke, we’ve had several messages on that. It should be in the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] if you want to review it. Smoke typifies the spiritual result of the fire of God. If you remember, the fire of God interacted with the souls of men, and the smoke went up. And we said that the impurities remained in the soul, and the purified spiritual life that is dwelling within us ascended to the Father. The spirit of God burnt the soul like a soul was being burnt in a furnace. And the impurities remained in the soul, and the spiritual, like purified -- like pure gold -- ascended up to the Father. So, the smoke typified the spiritual results of this. And that’s the purified human spirit. Brimstone -- “and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.” And brimstone, we’ve just established, typifies the soul of Christ.


Alternate Translation, second half of Revelation 9:17, “And the souls of the men, who are in submission to God,” -- that’s the locusts now. I’m sorry that’s the horsemen. That’s the horsemen. “And the souls of the men, who are in submission to God, were intense and aggressive with the mental and moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.” That’s the definitions of lion now. And the souls of the men -- OK. That -- they -- that’s the head -- they had heads. The souls of the men, they were like lions. They were intense and aggressive with the mental and moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.


And the Father, their purified human spirit and Christ could be seen in their soul in the realm of appearance. “And out of their mouths issued the Father, their purified soul and Christ in the realm of appearance.” And the Father, their purified human spirit and Christ could be seen in their soul. It issued out of their mouth in the realm of appearance.


Now remember, for a spirit to appear in the realm of appearance, he must produce offspring. For Satan to appear, he had to marry Eve and produce the carnal mind. And what the above Scripture is saying is that the Father, a purified Eve and their offspring Christ have appeared in the sons of God. That’s what it’s saying. That’s what it’s saying. “And out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.” Out of the earth of their soul, the Father has married the human spirit, produced Christ, and they are appearing in the realm of appearance. That’s what it’s saying.


Alternate Translation, Revelation 9:17, “And this is how I perceived the men in the vision, who are in submission to God, and the spiritual life that ruled them. They had armor made of the spirit of God, of the castrated Satan, of Adam and of Christ. And the souls of the men who were in submission to God were intense and aggressive with the mental and moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty. And the Father, their purified human spirit and Christ could be seen in their soul in the realm of appearance.” Glory to God.


Recap, Revelation 9:13 - 17. “And the angel ministering to the natural man, which was announcing the warfare against the living soul and announcing that the time of his redemption and of his restoration to the spiritual realm of God was at hand, was commanded to fertilize their human spirits, causing them to birth Christ against their will. And when Christ appeared to them to separate Him from Satan and the carnal mind, which was joined to the human spirit before Christ appeared in her. And Christ, in full stature, was separated from Satan and the carnal mind of natural men, having been spiritually prepared for the time period in which the light of almighty God would appear and confront the souls of men, even at the end of the natural lifetime of the [?Adamic?] man, for the purpose of utterly destroying Satan, the spirit, which rules the living soul. And the identifying characteristics of the spiritual men, which appeared in the realm of appearance was completion of their souls and spirits and the fulfillment of the law in their souls and spirits. And this is how I perceived the men in the vision, who are in submission to God, and the spiritual life that ruled them. They had armor, made of the spirit of God, of the castrated Satan, of Adam and of Christ. And the souls of the men, who were in submission to God, were intense and aggressive with the mental and moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty. And the Father, their purified human spirit and Christ could be seen in their soul in the realm of appearance.”


And I don’t believe I said it, but what this Scripture is saying is that the glorified body is being called armor. And what is it defending? It’s defending the spiritual life. The glorified body is the armor. And John said, “And this is how I perceived the men that were in obedience to Christ and the spiritual life that ruled them.” This is a diagram of the spiritual entity with the Father at our core and all of these other layers arming the spirit of God. That’s what it is. Any questions on this message?


04/15/14 Transcribed by VerbalFusion

04/18/14 1st Edit BP

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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