591 - Part 4

Part 4 of 8 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Praise the Lord everybody, this is part 4 of The Virgin Birth. There is an issue that I want to clarify here, and that is the attitude of this ministry towards the deity of Jesus Christ. We preach that the glorified Jesus Christ is God. We preach that Jesus of Nazareth in the days of His flesh was not God, but that God was within Him, inside of Him, shining out through Him. This is a very touchy subject, of all of the shocking things that we have preached in this ministry in twenty years, I think this is the most likely to drive people away from us, that they leave us it would just be for lack of understanding.

We definitely believe that Jesus Christ glorified is God. Jesus Christ in the days of His flesh was the son of God, and He never claimed to be anything but the son of God. As we are studying in this message, The Virgin Birth, directly from the Scripture, says He was declared to be the son of God, the son of almighty God. We have to find what son is, what does this mean, father, son, we are talking about relationship, and we are talking about the relationship of almighty God who is infinite, we are inside of Him. He has no limits.

Infinite means no limits, and man has limits. Our physical body has a limit, how can you put a limitless one inside of a limited one. This is a serious error that has been perpetrated upon God’s people, we have a job in this ministry and our job is to bring forth the word of truth, because basically the doctrine in the church, in the entire church is perverted. You might find one ministry here or one ministry there, that has one element of the truth.

One ministry that I am thinking of right now that preaches that this world is hell, but in the rest of his doctrine he goes along either with the church world or with the kingdom church, which has its own degree of error. Brethren, humanity, we are the descendants of a superior being called Adam, the creation of God. The name of the creation of God that is formed in the book of Genesis is called Adam, and that creation is a powerful awesome spiritual being, who fell, and when he fell, at least an aspect of himself fell, the female side of him fell. I cannot do the whole message here, but I really have to clarify this, because I think some people are stumbling or at least questioning. This superior human being shattered, broke into hundreds of thousands of pieces, and all of those pieces fell down into a lower world, fell down under the earth, that is why we are covered with earthen bodies, because this body is not our true reality.

Our true reality is who we are in thought, spirit is thought. We are what we think, we can look like a woman and we can think like a man. We can look like a man or a male, and think like a woman, we are what we think. We can sound like a Christian because of the language that we speak, but the speech of our heart could be a pagan, because the speech of the heart and attitude. We are not this body. Mankind however, is so fallen that the majority of the people live on a level, exist on a level that deals 99% of the time with this body.

How could this have happened to us? We became needy. Brethren, if your toe hurts, you are going to forget all about other parts of your body and do something to make your toe feel better. We were beings who lived from our innermost point, which is spirit, and something happened to us, we became encased in a body that cries continuously for satisfaction. The Sod, the mystery of the Scripture understanding of the Scripture calls it, the emotional animal, because it is not just this body, there is an emotional, there is an inner part, there is, our hand has an inner part and an outer part, every aspect of ourselves has an inner part and an outer part, inner part and outer part. There is an inner part to this body and we call it the personality.

We are what the Scripture calls the emotional animal, which can be likened to a horse of the rider which is supposed to be Christ Jesus, but we see in the book of Revelation that the rider of the horse is not Christ Jesus. Who is the rider of the horse in the book of Revelation, anybody. You are close, but it tells us clearly, death rode on the horse, and hell followed after him, hell his environment. The rider of the horse of the human being that does not, or is not in the process of having Christ regenerated in him, is a horse and his rider is death, that is why we die.

That is why this body dies, because death is riding on the horse, and death cannot keep us alive. Brethren, that is the condition of fallen man, we worry continuously, about this body. I am not saying that we should not do so, I am not saying it is a bad thing, but for those of us who have the privilege of being received, or having been received by Christ Jesus, we are called to a higher lifestyle, we are called to faith in Christ, that He will take care of us, so even though our toe hurts, I served God very, very, as a very, very sick woman for 13 years on the point of death, and I served Him with all of my strength, it took that long. My illness was severe.

The average person that does not serve Christ Jesus, we worry about this body, we worry about getting shelter for it in the cold. We are the only mammal that does not have a fur coat. We are the only mammal that dies from the elements. We worry about feeding ourselves and today things, the situation of providing food for ourselves, is much more severe than it was 50 years ago, when the average person had their own garden and a cow and you know, livestock and vegetables, and means of providing for themselves. Brethren if the food supply was cut off to you or to me today, where would we go for food, outside of Christ. Does anybody, well maybe some of you, we are in the suburbs and maybe some of you have a garden, but are you canning your food, do you have a whole store?

Even if you grow some tomatoes, in the summer time, are you canning your food, do you have a smoke house with slabs of bacon hanging there? No. We would starve to death. We are needy, helpless. The fact that we are strong and provided for is an illusion. The only reason that we are in the condition that we are in is some of us are a little too chubby here, except me of course, right, okay? The only reason that we are in the condition that we are in is because the Lord Jesus Christ has had mercy on us, but very few people understand that. We are in danger of every second of every minute of every hour of our lives, we are in danger of death, if we were not cared for by our Father in heaven.

This lack of knowledge causes pride to rise up. You think you did it yourself because you spent 10 years educating yourself and now you make $200,000 a year, well God bless you, but what if there was no corporation? You are in the same position as I am, if the food supply was cut off tomorrow, and all of the restaurants closed down, and transportation was cut off so the farmers could not get their produce here, and the meat packers could not get their meats here, I do not care if you are a multi-billionaire, you are in the same desperate condition that I am in. You read about manna in the wilderness, I get my manna everyday, only I go to meat farms to pick it up. Maybe I go every other day, I go to gather my manna, I do not provide my own food, my own shelter, my own heat. We see that fallen humanity is obsessed with the spiritual house that we live in, this body, which needs physical ministry and the emotional needs of the inner side of this physical body, which is my personality.

I need shelter, I need clothing, I need food, my emotional needs need to be met, isolation is deadly, we need other people, our emotional animal does. That is why we go into a level of crisis when Christ Jesus begins to be formed in us because the resurrected Adam does not need, human companionship, he only needs God. That emotional animal in someone who is spiritually ascended is cared for by Christ Jesus. He sends us back into the masses, why? Because it is the will of God to minister to the emotional animal. Anybody who is ascended, you cannot stay up there in never, never land, or your ivory tower, all by yourself, because the reason that you are ascended is that the Lord raised you up to send you back to His people because He wants to deliver everybody from hell and death.

Ultimately brethren, every one of us will be so tight with Christ Jesus, that we will not need anything but Him, what our existence will be like at that time, I do not know, because I believe the Lord made a creation that He intended to multiply, that was the command, was it not? Go forth and multiply, bear fruit, multiply, fill the earth.

He had a purpose for us and for each individual one of us, even after we are fully provided for by Him, I just do not know what it is, I do not feel to bad about that because Paul did not know what it was either.

He said, We do not know, but we see Jesus. We do not know because right now we are too busy worrying about our horse, because if our horse does not get fed, physically and emotionally, our horse will die, and the real us, the person who we really are, which is a soul, we are a soul, cannot exist in this plane of consciousness without a house, or without a horse, our horse is our house, depending on the context that you are referring to, we are either a horse, which carries the spiritual life, the soul, wherever it wants to go, or a house that the soul lives in, so if the house dies, the soul has to depart from this world.

We are in such desperate condition, I think Jesus said something like this in the book of Revelation, did He not? When He was talking to the churches, to the disciples, I think the seven churches. He said to one of the churches, you are desperate and naked and needy and you do not even know it. That is us, we are desperate. We are doing all kinds of things to make ourselves feel good. Sometimes we eat, sometimes we smoke, we do all kinds of things to make our bodies feel good, to make our emotions feel good and everybody is running here and there, everybody is running, doing things, doing things, doing things, to make ourselves feel good because we are cut off at least to some degree from the living God, who has promised to meet every one of our needs.

In order for the Lord to meet every one of our needs, He has to prepare us and form us and configure us in a way that we can receive Him. He wants to meet our needs, right now He is not meeting, I do not know that He is meeting anyone’s needs 100%, obviously including me. Is it because the Lord is not capable? No, it is because I am not capable, it is because my soulish existence is still so strong, craving the things of this world, craving a nice house to live in, craving food for my body, craving emotional satisfaction, whatever I crave, I am just like the rest of you, I really am, whatever your problems are that I do not know about, I am just like you, really.

I know that He is not meeting my needs 100%, and He is not lacking, I am not yet reconfigured in my mind. My emotions have not yet been brought to a place where He can satisfy me, because I am still craving the things of this world. My mind is still programmed to desire the good things of this world. When the Lord first called me to this ministry, I had a big problem with my family, most of all, who loved me very much. She did not want me in a house, in a little room working all by myself, she wanted me to get a job in a big corporation where I would meet a man and get married, and be happy and live happily ever after, and I struggled with her mind for years, because she was convinced that is what was best for me.

I believed it myself for years, then I came to a place where the Lord is satisfying me so much that it would be a real, real challenge, it is a real challenge to balance my natural life and my spiritual life, because which way will I go? At this point, I am capable of locking myself in this house for a week with the Lord, and not coming out for a week and having a wonderful glorious time with Him. Which way do I go, I am pulled in two directions. I have a daughter, I have grandchildren who need me, and who I want, I love them, but I am definitely pulled in two directions, because I am in transition, I am in transition, Christ Jesus in me is matured to the point that I have a real conflict, but most people in the church do not have a real conflict, they come to church or, and I am not knocking anybody, I am not, if you are not there you are not there, I am giving you a vision.

If you listen to one message a day for an hour and then you go about, and you have no conflict, you understand, I am not in any way criticizing you, I am identifying your condition. You listen to your one message a day if you do, if you do that much, and then you have no problem, you go and you minister to your family, and you watch tv and you do whatever you do, you cook, you shop, you clean, and you are happy, you know, because you are satisfied, there is no conflict, you have satisfied your spiritual need with that one message a day, or that one hour a day. I am not like that anymore, I am insatiable, I am spiritually insatiable. I have a problem, the real me, the soul that I am is attached to an emotional animal, this physical body that sometimes gets tired, or burnt out or just frustrated, and on the other side, on the inside, there is a personality that has emotional needs, that pull me in another direction.

When I go to have my emotional needs satisfied, my spiritual side is crying for God. Woe is me, who shall deliver me from this body of death? The purpose of this whole exhortation is to tell you that the living God intends, fully intends to deliver us from this body of death, both the outer part which is the physical body and the inner part which is the emotional man, or I should say the emotional woman, because the emotions are female.

Jesus had emotions, there are emotions in spiritual manhood, but they are different than human emotions. His plan, the plan of the living God to deliver us from the bondage, we are enslaved to our physical body who will be fed and comforted or scream and cry. Brethren, I have never experienced hunger, but I have spoken to people who have told me that they lived for weeks on mayonnaise sandwiches, and ketchup sandwiches, I have never known hunger, I am a very blessed person. There are people in this country and other parts of the world that do not even have that, they are going through garbage pails.

Let me tell you something, when your body is hungry you cannot think about anything else. You do not think about listening to a Living Epistles message when your body is hungry, all you can think about is going out and getting food. If you do not have shelter, you are not thinking about listening to a Living Epistles message, and in the same manner if your emotionally needy, or if your emotions are, let me change that, if your emotions are clamoring to be fed or satisfied, it is sort of hard to listen to a Living Epistles message and go about your life. This bondage, it is slavery. Anything that draws out attention away from the living God is idolatry, and slavery. It is sin, why is it sin? Are we bad because we sin? It is sin because it keeps us away from the living God, the only one who can truly satisfy us.

It is sin because it is bad for us. The Lord is not out there whipping us saying, You bad person you, He is identifying sin because it is bad for us, and He loves us, and He knows what we need more than we know what we need, because what we think we need is going to prolong our bondage to what we need, or what we think we need. We think we need the things of this world, and our physical body and our emotional body thinks so too, and they scream and clamor like and infant, they scream and clamor when they do not have it. They think these things will make them happy. The happiness of this world does not last, and it carries with it the potential for great unhappiness, the happiness of this world carries with it the potential or the seed of great unhappiness. The happier you are, the greater the potential for unhappiness when you lose it.

When Christ Jesus is the focus of our life, and He gives us some of the happiness of this world, we say, Thank you Lord, we appreciate it as long as we can have it, but you are my prime source, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, and when I lose it, because nothing lasts forever except Jesus Christ, when I lose it, I am going to be okay because you are my foundation, I am rooted and grounded in you, I can never ever lose God. I can never ever lose the word that He has put in my heart. That is what He wants to do for us, and humanity is fighting against Him tooth and nail because all we want is that which satisfies our physical and emotional person, which is really a woman.

It is the intention of the living God to deliver us by putting His life inside of us, and by putting His life inside of us, He calls that life His son, His life, a potential, a seed inside of us to desire the things of God, and that seed, and those desires war against the desires of the flesh, and the desires that prevail in us establish the environment that we live in, the condition of the health of our body, the condition of the health of our emotions and mind, and ultimate, and the conditions of our life, if you are in poverty, the development of Christ Jesus in you, can change your immediate environment, and ultimately it is designed to deliver us from this corrupt world.

Brethren, this world is corrupt, the Scripture clearly says this world is corrupt. Why do you crave it, why do I crave it? Because my emotional animal is not yet being satisfied by the Christ in me. He has not yet penetrated in to all layers of my being. He is satisfying the spiritual me, but the carnal me still craves things that are not good for me. Eventually He will get into all of the layers of my being, all of the aspects of my soul, and satisfy me so completely that I will be invulnerable to the lusts of this world, because that which corrupts us Paul tells us are the lusts of this world. They corrupt us. We think we are okay because what is corrupting us is not heroin, or what is corrupting us is not alcohol which the whole world knows that, that is bad, you should not do that, that is going to corrupt your body, and your health right?

What we do not understand is that the desires for the things of this world corrupt our ability to mature in to Christ Jesus, God’s plan for our ultimate deliverance from hell and death. Does anybody not understand what I just said? There are certain things that are acceptable in this world, and they are not only acceptable but we teach our children to seek them, but once Christ Jesus calls us, it becomes a problem, we are living in two worlds, and desires of those two worlds conflict.

Anyway, the plan to deliver us is to put the nature of God inside of us, the emotions of God, the thought process of God, the desires of God, and that is what He calls His son. There are two seeds in us, two kinds of existence in us, two minds in us, two cities in us, however you want to say it, one craves God and cannot get enough, and the other craves the things of this world, the acceptable things of this world, marriage, home, children, friends, respectability, love of this world, if the Lord has not called you, they are good things and you should seek them. During the period of transition, you should desire them too, it is only when the seed of the world of Christ in you swallows up the seed of the world that you give it up, you should not be giving up anything under your own power. That is just a religious work.

The word is that the life that Christ has put in you as an assignment, and that assignment is to utterly corrode and swallow up the desires of the things for this world in you. You should know it is coming, and hopefully you will not fight it. Is everybody with me? That holy, that thing inside of us, it is holy, the life of God inside of us, it is a holy thing, the King James calls a holy thing, but it is really more than a holy thing, it is the holy one. Who is the Holy One? The son of God, a seed, a drop, a sperm, if you will of the life of God inside of you, and inside of me, capable, a seed capable of reproducing the nature, the character, and the power of the whole tree, but you are not the whole tree, and I am not the whole tree.

The Father is the whole tree, the son in me and the son in you, we are the fruit of the tree, but we are not the tree. How could a human being born of a woman with a visible border, a visible physical border, and I said this on part 3, I do not mean to be irreverent brethren, but I have got to make my point, a man who urinates and defecates and has bacteria, do you know that our bodies are filled with deadly existence, bacteria, viruses, everything is in the blood.

He had all of those things, He had blood, He bled on the cross, did he not? Listen brethren, the church has made a serious error, the church has made a serious, serious error, Jesus of Nazareth in the days of His flesh, was the son of God. He said, I go to my Father, meaning that He was returning to the spiritual level or the spiritual grade called Father.

Down here in this world in the flesh, He existed on the spiritual level called son, He departed from this world and returned to a higher spiritual world called Father. What is the difference between Father and son? The Father can reproduce, is that not what He is doing today, is He not sprinkling on us? Is His seed not falling on all of humanity seeking to root? He said, I am the vine, you are the branches. Is He not a vine in the earth seeking to reach out and put a branch in each of us that we should bear much fruit. What I am telling you is exciting, it is not bad.

The only thing that is bad about it or frightening about it is that, well I do not know about the people here but wherever this is going and I am preaching it into the spirit, people are scared, Sheila is saying Jesus is not God. I am not saying that, the glorified Jesus Christ who is today one with His Father, is God, but in the days of His flesh, He was the son of God and the Scripture says nothing other than that. There is not one claim in the Scripture that Jesus was God in the days of His flesh. He was a man who attained to a spiritual condition that we call full stature, actually that term is not even in the Scripture. We are exhorted to attain to the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ.

You know brethren, you cannot throw one Scripture away. The Scripture says that we should attain to the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ in the days of His flesh, and we knock the Mormons because they think that they are going to become gods, is that not what the Scripture says, Seek to the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ. If He was God in the days of His flesh, that means we should all be seeking to be gods. Brethren, the doctrine of the church is unsound, it is unsound, it is simply unsound, all of the advanced doctrine, the glorified Jesus Christ is God, the truth of the Holy Spirit is there, He can come and dwell in you. Christ can be formed in you, faith in God produces deliverance, beyond that, their doctrine is unsound, and wrong, completely wrong, proven wrong by the Scripture itself, not by me.

Jesus was a man who was born with an incarnating aspect of God, I believe that was Elijah, I am not going to fight with anybody over that now. He was born with the incarnating life that came from God, and as this whole message is revealing, Gabriel after he spoke to Mary got inside of her, and was born as the man Jesus, as the baby Jesus, and we have discovered that Gabriel is the name of the glorified Elijah.

That part, if anybody hearing this, if you do not want to receive that, you just pray about that, but I am telling you that there is not one Scripture that would support the fact that the man Jesus of Nazareth or the baby born of Mary was God Himself, it was an aspect of God that was born in this child, and the child was His house. Jesus of Nazareth was the house of the aspect of God called the angel Gabriel, a messenger of God sent to bring deliverance to humanity, how? By showing us what we have to do to get out of here, and by giving us the ability to do it by imparting His seed to us.

We see that the fruit of the life of God can be growing in a human being, and when that fruit becomes mature and fully joins with the seed that we receive to help us do it, the seed of Christ, can depart from this physical animal body which is a manifestation or an expression or an impression of the carnal mind, it is an animal body, it is a reflection of an animal mind. One of the things that we received from the life of God in us, is an ability to understand that we should desire to depart from this flesh that clamors continuously to be fed with the things of this world, until we are delivered from it, we need to deal with the clamoring of the animal that we live in, thus we have the formation of society.

We have marriage, we have families, we have godly pursuits in life, all arranged to satisfy and quiet the clamoring of the flesh, until we depart from this world which is hell. Jesus was the son of God, everybody that has Christ Jesus formed in them is the son of God. We could be sons of God in full stature for lack of a better term or not in full stature, I am in Christ a large part of the time, but not a hundred percent of the time. Anything that you do, think, or say that is generated by the Christ within you, at that time you are the son of God, you are so and so the Christ, if it is coming from the Christ within you. That is who Jesus of Nazareth was.

As Christ matured in Him and became Christ Jesus and continued to mature, He eventually departed from this body, and the Scripture says He died. Jesus of Nazareth died because Christ Jesus His inner man departed from this house, this horse, and the horse cannot live without the rider, and it died, but the inner man did not die, the inner man ascended to a high world where He arose to a level called Father from which He could impregnate all of humanity so that we might hopefully have the same experience that He had, which experience is deliverance from hell and death, and from the bondage of the clamoring of the flesh, that clamors and cries like an infant to be satisfied day and night, and it is not just the physical flesh and it is not just the emotional flesh, it is the flesh of the carnal mind, that thinks that it needs all of these things to be satisfied, and cries like a baby.

We are told in the book of Revelation, I believe it is chapter 17, and they watched that city burning, I watched my carnal life burning, I said, Woe is me Lord, what is going to happen to me, because my carnal mind could not see or understand or believe that there is a whole other world, there was a whole other world waiting for me, did I dare to go in and look and spy out the land, I did, and saw that the fruit there was so great, that one man could not carry it. It wonderful and prosperous and filled with promised but Anak was there, there were giants there, so there is no way you could stay in this new place without a continuous warfare.

Jesus of Nazareth brethren, was a human being, He ate, He defecated, He washed Himself, He had emotional needs, and physical needs, and inside of Him was the Holy One. The name of that Holy One was Gabriel before he got inside of Him and once he was inside of Him, His name changed to Christ, and then when that Christ completely intertwined itself with the personality, the inner part of the horse, the personality, when the inner man, Christ, so completely entwined itself with the personality, the name changed to Christ Jesus, and that is how Jesus was saved, His life, His soul was not his body now, His soul was so completely integrated with the soul of Gabriel which is now called Christ, that when Gabriel now called Christ departed from the house, the soul of Jesus of Nazareth went with Him, and the body, the house died, just like a cocoon falls away when the butterfly leaves the house.

The whole man Jesus of Nazareth was not God, how can you put an infinite God inside of single animal, because that is what we are, we are animals, but the glorified Jesus Christ is God, He is in me, He is in His church, His Holy Spirit is in the earth, His son Christ is in my earth, and to some measure has become Christ Jesus, there is different degrees of everything. He is God, Christ Jesus is the son, the mature son and the glorified Jesus Christ is the Father God. Do I dare to say to you that if you have seen me you have seen the Father? I do. These messages that I preach, this revelation that I bring forth, I am not saying if you look at my human side, you see the Father, I have faults, I have many faults, that is not the Father, but this anointing on me, these messages, the wisdom that is on me, yes if you have seen me you have seen the Father, yes you have, you have seen as much of Him as your mind could bear at this time.

Even Moses could not see all of the Father, he was only able to see his hind part. Remember that? When Moses ascended into the mount, Jehovah said, you cannot see all of me, you would die. What man can see God and live, but you could see my back side. Brethren, we are in a very exciting place in this ministry, whoever will depart from us depart from us, I am telling you the truth, I believe that we are going to see an appearance of Christ Jesus in full stature in our lifetime, I believe it is coming soon, and exactly what form it will take, I do not know, but I know that it is His plan to appear in the earth of humanity and it has to happen, I believe this is the season. I also believe that the Lord has taught me that every, how do I say this, let me start another way. Let me give you a testimony.

When the Lord first started teaching me about masonry and other spiritual organizations that identify themselves with words such as the 33rd degree mason. Do you know, I asked many people what does that mean, 33rd degree, 22nd degree, what does this mean? Nobody could answer me, but today I know the answer. Brethren, there are different degrees of spiritual power. The church is very naive, there was a pastor here on Long Island, that was going around telling his people and telling everybody there is only one Holy Spirit, you are all the same, and even that is not true, some people are more anointed in the Holy Spirit, that is just not true.

Brethren, there are multiple degrees of spiritual power. This message is not popular in the church because anyone who believes it would then have to ask, what question would they have to ask? If you believe there are multiple degrees of spiritual power, what question would you ask? Where am I? At what level of spiritual power am I? The church does not want to hear that, especially the pastors, they do not want to hear that! Years and years ago, I had a dream, I have mentioned this dream on multiple messages because it never left me, it was such a mystery to me. In that dream, it was a big, it looked to me to be a big water tank, it would hold the water for a town, a big, big water tank, and next to it was a building, it looked like a high rise building, and I could not even see the top of it, and I looked at that building, and on multiple floors, not every floor, but there were people looking out the window.

There were people on some of those higher levels. I said, Lord, what in the world does that mean? He was telling me there are multiple levels of spiritual consciousness, and every level of spiritual consciousness has associated with it a level of spiritual power. We see that our spiritual consciousness is directly related to the level of power that we have. The Lord has taught me that, I have to back up to explain what I want to say. There was a time when someone challenged me openly in the church that I was raised up in, What good is all of this revelation?, you know because she was jealous. What do you need that for? At the time I did not have the answer, I just knew it was wonderful understanding the things of God, was wonderful. Anyway, today, I understand that this is how we climb Jacob’s ladder. I knew that Jacob’s ladder connected this world to the heavenlies, but I never understood that each rung on Jacob’s ladder because when you ascend a ladder, you take a step, a rung at a time, that each rung was a level of spiritual power or authority in itself.

I never even thought of ascending to heaven as attaining spiritual power because the church teaches you when you ascend to heaven, you get into some spiritual socialist state where God does everything for you and you just eat Italian dinners, and walk on streets of gold.

Brethren, ascending into heaven takes with it tremendous responsibility, you become responsible for the people on the rungs below you, and because they do not know what they are doing, their carnal mind is trying to knock you down out of that high place continuously, the ones you are trying to help, are trying to bring you down, because they are fallen.

Today, I know that spiritual ascension means spiritual power. If for no other reason, power to not be destroyed by the carnal minds of the people you are trying to rescue, and on a higher note, power to overcome the carnal minds of the people you are trying to rescue, because you are trying to rescue them from their carnal minds, it is their carnal mind that is craving and clamoring like a baby for the things of this world, the things of the body, the things of the emotions and the things of the mind of this world, screaming like an infant in the middle of the night.

Now I know that each rung of that, now I know what Jacob’s ladder means, it is the way we ascend into not just heaven, what is heaven? A place of spiritual power whereby we have all power over all of the power of the enemy, where all our needs are met, where our needs are completely met, that we have the power to help other who have not arrived yet, which is the will of God for us when we ascend, to help those who have not yet ascended. That is clear in the King James, when you have been strengthened brethren, what? Strengthen your brethren.

I heard somebody say to me once, When I ascend, I am going to be traveling in the spirit to EuropeNo you are not, someone really said that to me. You will never ascend in Christ with that attitude, maybe by the other guy. Brethren, there are multiple levels of spiritual power, and to get heaven, I do not even like to use that term because it is not, the understanding associated with it is not accurate. You have to ascend into various levels of spiritual power. That is what 33rd degree masonry is. Somebody that is a 33rd degree mason has gone through 33 steps each one ascending higher and higher in spiritual power.

That means there are 33 levels of spiritual power, and what is really interesting about that number 33, which is really arrogant, is that, I recently found out that masonry is really based on Kabbalah, it is an ungodly form of Kabbalah called practical Kabbalah, it is magic, it is separating the power of God from the holiness and submission to God. They are taking, and Kabbalah teaches there are 32 levels of power, that is what Kabbalah says, 32 levels of power, but the masons have 33 levels of power, they are claiming to be higher than the God of Israel, that is my understanding, certainly higher than what the Kabbalists teach.

Brethren, we are not going to fly away, we are exhorted to ascend into the fullness of the stature of the Lord Jesus Christ, how? By stepping up that ladder, a ring at a time, and each ring on that ladder has associated with it a level or a revelation of the doctrine of God. Each level, each rung on that ladder has associated with it, has nailed to it, a spiritual understanding of the message of God, because the whole Scripture is a message of God to us. The whole word of God, because the Scripture is written, but the whole spiritual word of God is a message from God to fallen mankind, and the way we ascend out of hell is by embracing the truth and letting go of the lie.

Each new revelation that comes through that is truly of God, and you have to pray this through. You have to, although I think everybody here is okay, whoever is hearing this message, you have got to put your thoughts away, your clamoring mind that is screaming, No, away, and tell God that if it is true, you want to believe it, why? Because when you believe it, it will nail you, or bring you up or raise you up to a particular rung on the ladder that ultimately ascends into the heavenlies which is full provision, like God, to your every possible need.

When you get up there where your every possible need is met, you have to go help the others. This revelation, it must be very high. We have been bringing forth revelations here that have been undermining the doctrine for a godly reason, undermining the doctrine in the church for a couple of years now, but this just takes the cake, this just really takes the cake.

How did all of this false doctrine get into the church? It was seeped into the church by spiritual forces that want to prevent God’s people from ascending up the ladder, and we have not arrived yet, how do I know we have not arrived yet? Because of this was the ultimate truth, my nose would not have been running this morning, I fully believe that, I fully absolutely believe that, I would not have had to take a vitamin C pill because my nose was running this morning.

The ultimate, a possession of the ultimate level of truth, which aside from that, I do not think we are capable of embracing the entire truth so long as we are in the flesh, so I should not say the ultimate truth, but to embrace the level of truth that Jesus had attained to, let us just leave it at that, to embrace the level of truth that Jesus had attained to, which equipped Him to depart from this world, and this body is a part of this world, that is why He left this body behind, in case I did not make that clear, He left everything of this world behind Him, including the body and the animal emotions and the animal mind that clamors day and night like an infant in a crib screaming for its mother. He left all of that behind because it is only a part of this world. He did not take that with Him to the next world.

I know I have not attained to that yet, so there has to be more, can you imagine, what could more than this? With every revelation we are saying, what is coming next? You and everybody listening to this message, you need to understand that first of all you cannot just believe me because now you are going to believe me because you want to ascend up to the next rung of the ladder. You have to believe this, you have to get before God and you have to be convinced that this is the truth of His word, it has to be yours, you cannot ascend on my beliefs. It has got to be something alive in you, the word is alive. The word, the spiritual word that I am now preaching in human language, so you can hear it, it is a living thing, it has got to get inside of you and become a part of you, become a part of the Christ in you, become a part of the new world that is growing in you, and then it is actually the new world that is growing in you that matures up the next rung of the ladder.

We are dealing with multiple revelations right now, I mean I think it is shocking to the church that there are multiple levels of power. The church does not even talk about power, although maybe a deliverance church will. Behold I have given you power over all of the power of the enemy. You hear that in the deliverance church or you hear that in a prosperity church, I have given you power over all of the power of the enemy, go out and get that job. Is there anything wrong with getting a job? No, but that is not what it is about.

Does the Lord want you to have a good job? Yes, He does, why? So that you can be freed up to pursue Him. He wants you to have a good job so that your needs could be met, so that you could have enough peace to pursue the kingdom of God. Does He want you to have food? Of course He does, He does not want you to die, if you die, His son in you dies. Does that sound heartless? It is the truth. We have absolutely no value until His son is in us. Human beings that are not manifestations of Christ are dispensable. Sheila, that is a terrible thing to say! No, it is not, because why? Because they are going to die anyway, they are going to die anyway, so what is the difference if they die at forty or they die at ninety, they are not people, people who are not manifesting the Christ or the purposes of Christ, because some people who do not have Christ still work for the kingdom, you are going to die anyway, so if your removal is necessary so that someone who is manifesting the Christ can go on, what difference does ten years make? To the Lord it is nothing. That is the truth.

Everybody who is shocked by that, you do not even know who you are serving, you do not even know who God is. You think He is some babysitter that is your copilot or something, that is here to make you happy and feel good, that is Satan, that is not the God of the Bible. I have been hearing in my head for a while now, when Jesus said to His followers, You must eat my flesh and drink my blood. I think it was 500 people left Him, or was it more than that, but people left Him, maybe there were only 500 left, I am sorry I do not have the number right. The people departed from Him, because they thought that He meant that they really had to physically cannibalize Him, or whatever they thought.

When this message really spreads into the church, a lot of Christians will depart because they are false Christians, they are Christians in name only. They will not be able to bear the truth. A lot of people can be Christians because they think they are going to get the loaves and the fishes, they are there to get the blessings, it make them feel good. Do I have anything against those people? Absolutely not. My goal is to reach the people who have the potential to rise in Christ, that is what my job is, and to touch them with this message and to awaken Abel in them, and let them start on their spiritual journey upwards. That is what my job is. Would I willingly hurt anybody? Of course not.

Would I have mercy on someone who was not in Christ? Of course I would. If they knocked on my door, I would help them in any godly way that I could, but I would not sacrifice people that I have a responsibility to, towards someone who other people out there could help. If someone knocked on this door and had a need that there were fifty other people out there that could help them, if they had a human need, that there were government that would take them in or do things for them, I would not do it for them, because it would interfere with what I am doing for you all. I would not leave someone laying on the street, I would find someone to help them, but I would not take them on as a responsibility.

This exhortation has gone on a lot longer than I expected it to. My message for those who still are listening to this message and do not get what I am saying. I am saying that I do believe and we do preach that the glorified Jesus Christ is God, but the man, Jesus of Nazareth who was born from a woman’s body, came out of a woman’s body, covered with blood, urinated and defecated, was not God, and that it is really an abomination to say so, if you can see it in the terms that I am describing it, it is an absolute abomination to even suggest that, and you wonder why the Jews reject Christianity.

I closed part 3 with a profound statement that I will repeat here. Brethren, the reason that Israel under Solomon broke down into the northern and southern kingdoms were because the living God would not permit, well let me say it another way, the unified Israel and Judah, are an awesome force, they were in Bible days, an awesome force, an awesome military force, an awesome spiritual force, they were so powerful under Solomon, and under David towards the end, but basically under Solomon, they were so powerful that all of their neighbors were at peace with them.

Brethren, read the Scripture, it is very clear, nations that are at peace with you, as soon as you get weak, start to rise up against you to test you. Nations, people that you have relationships with, you think they are your friends, you will find out who your friends are when you get weak. The unified Israel was an awesome force, and when Solomon departed from the Lord and started to worship other gods, the kingdom was taken from them, and his son Rehoboam did not have the moral authority that Solomon had, the king that ascended to the throne, Solomon’s son Rehoboam, was just a continuation into a much lesser degree of the Solomon in the days of his demise. He had no wisdom, there was no wisdom in Rehoboam, so Jehovah broke up the kingdom. He was not going to put a nation, and the unified Israel and all of that power under the control of a reprobate man.

What was Rehoboam’s worst crime? Was it that he had no wisdom, was it that he had no compassion? No, the real reason that the kingdom broke up, that Jehovah broke up the kingdom, was that Rehoboam did not seek the living God for counsel, he sought the counsel of his peers, of his friends, of his contemporaries, of those who were equal to him. He sought the counsel of man, no way brethren, no way. If you continue to seek the counsel of man, you will go into destruction or at least you will not prosper, and if you cannot understand that it is possible for the wisdom and the counsel of God to come out of another man, then you are missing a lot. If you think the only way that you can get the counsel and the wisdom of God is by His speaking to you directly, and you do not acknowledge the son of God in a man, you do not acknowledge the wisdom of Christ Jesus that is in me and in this ministry, you will be depriving yourself of the wisdom of God, and maybe some wisdom that He does not intend to tell you directly. You have not because you ask not.

Whatever it is that you want that you do not have, you have to ask for, if you do not ask, you do not get. You can be in your prayer closet praying daily for God to ask somebody, or ask me to tell you something or offer you something, and it is not going to happen, you have to ask me. You have to humble yourself and ask me, and your pride has to take the risk of me saying no. Hopefully you would believe I would only say no if it was the Lord saying no. There is no risk in staying in your prayer closet and praying that the Lord tells me to do something. If you humble yourself and you ask me, there is the risk there I might say no. As I said, hopefully you would have some faith in me that I am a person of God and I would only tell you the Lord’s answer, yes or no.

That is my position and the position of this ministry, the doctrine in the church that Jesus of Nazareth in the days of His flesh was God is an abomination, but it is such an abomination that you cannot even be mad at the people because they are just overtaken, and I am thirty years in the church, I believed it, I believed it, until a short time ago, I am in the church for thirty years, I am a teacher of the doctrine of Christ and the ministry is twenty years old, and I have believed it all of this time.

We see that we believed error until we are enlightened, we believe all kinds of things until we are enlightened. You see, to say, Well I have been believing that for fifty years, does not mean that it is right. When you hear it the right way, the Lord requires you to change. Did I make my point, does anybody not understand what I am saying here, this is really important, because you must understand, there are people who will hear this and say, Sheila is preaching that she is against the deity of Jesus Christ, that He is not God. If you get into a conversation with somebody over this, you will find, and I would like to hear it, if you find otherwise, but I can almost assure you the person that you are talking to will never in a million years have thought of distinguishing between Jesus in the days of His flesh, and the glorified Jesus. In their mind, the mind of the person that is offended at what I am teaching here, they never ever considered that not that they were different people, but they were a manifestation of God in other conditions.

I think I gave this example on part 3. I am sitting here, you see me, this is a powerful message coming forth, you should be seeing me as a powerful preacher anyway, I hope you are. Then I go down to Florida to my grandchildren, and I am just grandma, and they are dragging on me and pulling on me and screaming and jumping on me, and dragging me in the pool and whatever else they are doing, they do not have a clue. Jesus of Nazareth in the days of His flesh is a completely different manifestation of God then the glorified Jesus Christ. They were in two different places, they had two different functions, they had two different goals. What were the two different goals? Jesus of Nazareth, His goal was to complete the process and ascend out of His body, and the goal of the glorified Jesus was to impregnate humanity with His life, two completely different goals, two completely different stages of life.

Think of yourself at five years old, at ten years old, what were your goals, and now think of yourself as mature people, making your mark in the world, you have careers, you have families, are you the same? What do you have in common? Those of you that are adults with established family lives, what do you have in common with the five year old who you once were? The only thing that you have in common is that most likely you can see that you came from the same body but you stretched out, and matured, and that your name is the same and that your family is the same, and maybe you have some of the same goals, but from a completely different perspective. What would you have in common with yourself at five years old today? If your five year old self could appear before you, and want to be your pal, what would you have in common with that person? Nothing, absolutely nothing. I am comparing Jesus of Nazareth to the glorified Jesus Christ. I just received an email last week, asking a very naive question and it was obvious from that question that, that person’s mind saw the two of them as exactly the same, in the same place, in the same condition, with the same motives, with the same goals, with the same powers.

Brethren, Jesus of Nazareth did not have the same powers that the glorified Jesus had. For all intents and purposes, they were not the same person. Compare yourself to the five year old, are you the same person? For all intents and purposes, Jesus of Nazareth in the days of His flesh, and the glorified Jesus are not even the same person, that is why they have different names. Jesus of Nazareth, and the Lord Jesus Christ, they are not the same person, wake up everybody, wake up! Are there are questions or comments before we stop for a break?

COMMENT: When Jesus rose from the dead, was He glorified when He was on the earth still, when He was with the disciples. I do not know if I am getting confused just on the words, is He only glorified when He is with the Father in heaven, as spirit, or when He was physically, not physically, I know He took on any form He wanted, is that considered glorified at that point?

PASTOR VITALE: I do not know, that is a really good question, and I do not know what the answer is, to compare His condition, after His resurrection in the earth, to His condition, to His ascended condition, I just do not have the, there has to be a difference in my opinion, I just do not know what it is.

COMMENT: I gather she is talking about the transfiguration.

PASTOR VITALE: No, not the transfiguration, the resurrection, she is talking about the resurrected Jesus who appeared on the road to Emmaus and who appeared to the disciples.

COMMENT: I thought she was questioning when Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration and the glory was shown from Him.

PASTOR VITALE: Do you want to make another question out of that because that is not what she meant.

COMMENT: I do not have the words to express it.

PASTOR VITALE: Are you comparing the transfiguration to His ascended state? Is that what you are saying?

COMMENT: Yes, I do not believe it is the same, far from it, but is there some kind of connection, I guess that is my question?

PASTOR VITALE: There is always a connection, but in the transfiguration, I think all that was, was that what was inside of Him, the glory that was inside of Him was revealed to those who were watching, but He was still in the flesh, so that was definitely not the same spiritual place after the resurrection, after he departed permanently from the body. There are different levels of ascension and I do not know how to distinguish them.

COMMENT: The Scripture says, Know no man by the flesh, and that includes Jesus.

PASTOR VITALE: That is true, so He revealed who He truly was, but most people do know people after by the flesh, although most people know me by the flesh and have a lot of trouble, they have a lot of trouble seeing the Christ in me. It is easy to see the Christ in me when I preach, but most people just really stumble over me, but that is what the Scripture says, I am a stumbling block. That is why you should really pray about everything that I say, because most of what I say, unless I am manifesting which I do once in a while, you know, almost everything I say, if I am even in a normal conversation, you really need to pray about it, because the Lord could be answering one of your questions, through my everyday speech. Is there anybody else. We will take a break.

I do not think that I completed my point before we took the break concerning the unified Israel, I know I made this point on part 3, but I wanted to reiterate it today, there is a reunification coming, of all of Israel, the Israel, Israel is the spiritual aspect of the church, the body of Christ, and the spiritual aspect of the Jews, those who are circumcised in their heart. There is a unification coming, the church is Israel, and the Jews today are the Jews today, there is a unification coming, the Israel of God must come into existence and this unified Israel will be a very powerful force representing and manifesting the glory of God, and there is no way that the observing Jews that know the Scripture basically, the Kabbalah seeking Jews, will ever accept Jesus of Nazareth as having been God, they simply will never accept it, because they know that an infinite God cannot appear in a finite man, and that to worship a finite man is the same spiritual principle as worshiping an idol, the only difference is that the man walks and talks, and the idol does not walk and talk.

Almighty God, and we are told in the book of Acts, that in Him we live and move and breathe, so we are cells in His body, and He revealed Himself to us, He spoke to us, His ministered to us through one of the cells of the body, but to say that all of God was in that one man, it is simply something that a practicing Jew who knows the Scripture will never ever accept. We have to get our doctrine right, in order for the Israel of God to come into existence. The Israel of God has to come into existence because the Scripture says that the living God, He is the creator, the God of the universe, and He will rule over the whole earth. First He has to rule over His own people, the Israel of God must come into existence, the Christian and the Jew must come to a meeting of the mind concerning doctrine.

We are going to have a hard enough time, convincing observing Jews that they no longer have to keep the law, that is going to be a war in itself, but that is not even something to be touched before we come into agreement as to doctrine. Therefore, we must get our doctrine straight. That is the job of this ministry, to do our part, in this age, whatever that might be. I told you earlier, I do not think anyone could have the whole truth so long as we are in this flesh, but we certainly can do a lot better than the church has been doing.

Again, I am not knocking the church, the church has been seduced, the church has been seduced when it comes to doctrine which is just the proof that the church is spiritually female, men do not get seduced, men get tricked, the male Adam got tricked, but the church has been wholly seduced, which is the proof that she is the female church. We have a big warfare ahead of us brethren, and a lot of changes coming. Change begins with the Lord raising up the leadership of the new move of God, which is the spiritually male move of God in the earth, that is what you all are, you are in the schoolhouse which is the training up of the spiritual males.

I remind you in the spiritual male eldership of the unified Israel of God, but I remind you that can have all of the knowledge, you can have this doctrine down pat from A to Z, but if it does not result in the diminishing of your carnal mind, and you living out of the newly formed Christ mind in you, you will not be a member of the male eldership. It is not a knowledge of doctrine, it is something that has to happen to you, you have to become a person who has Christ grafted to them, who has Christ Jesus formed in them, who has a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, and not only teaches out of the doctrine of Christ, because it is possible to know the doctrine enough to teach out of it, but you are still not thinking out of that new world that has come into existence with you.

We are told in the book of Ecclesiastes that the worlds are in the heart of man, the worlds. Why worlds plural? There are two worlds, the carnal mind is a world, and the Christ mind is a world, there are two worlds, we are pregnant, we are spiritually pregnant with twin worlds, the carnal mind and the world that it produces, and the mind of Christ which is Christ Jesus and the world that it produces.

Which child will we give birth to first, and which child dominate the previous child or the other child. That is what we are up to, so sitting here means you have been given the opportunity to be a leader, and remember those who were greatest amongst us will be the teachers and the most humble amongst all, so I am not exalting you all, it is a tremendous responsibility to be a teacher. The Scripture clearly says that, that those of us who are teachers who teach incorrectly, we have a much greater judgment that will fall upon us, than those of you who believe me in any area, that I might be wrong, or that a teacher might be wrong, we have a tremendous responsibility.

If you are in this school, you are in training to be a teacher of the male doctrine, but you cannot teach it if you do not live it, you have to live it and it has to, we have to experience the change to become a legitimate teacher of the doctrine of Christ, that is what you tell them.

I really want to at least do the notes that I have for today, I just felt to read the account that we are dealing with out of the King James, onto the message, just so people can see where we are coming from, because the alternate translation does sound so different, we are dealing with Luke 1:26-39;

LUKE 1:26-39

26. And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee named Nazareth,

27. To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary.

28. And the angel came unto her and said, Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women.

29. And when she saw Him she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this might be.

30. And the angel said unto her, Fear not Mary, for thou has found favor with God.

31. And behold thou shalt conceive in they womb and bring forth a son, and shall call His name JESUS.

32. He shall be great, He shall be called the son of the highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David.

33. And He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of His kingdom there shall be no end.

34. Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?

35. And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of God. (not God, the son of God)

36. And, behold, thy cousin Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month of her, who was called barren.

37. For with God nothing shall be impossible.

38. And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

39. And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah, KJV

I would like to point out a couple of things to you, just to give you something to think about before we start expounding on the verses just read. Previously at the beginning of the chapter of Luke, it is clear that Zacharias, the husband of Elizabeth is a Levite. I could be wrong about this but this is what is on my heart. I believe in those days that Levites married Levites and Judians married Judians, that is my understanding, but I could be wrong, this is what is on my heart. What I am referring to is the issue of whether or not Mary was a Judian, or was she a Levite. Was she of the tribe of Judah or was she of the tribe of Levi.

We are told that genealogy of Jesus is that He must be of the house of David, which is the tribe of Judah, and that Messiah will be from the tribe of Judah. What I am suggesting to you is that Elizabeth and Mary were cousins, so if Elizabeth was married to Zacharias the Levite, the chances are excellent that Elizabeth was a Levite. If Mary and Elizabeth were cousins, most likely Mary was a Levite. I wonder if the unusual aspect of the marriage between Mary and Joseph was not only the conception, the conditions concerning the conception, but I wonder if another reason for them not to get together was because Mary was a Levite, and Joseph was the Judian. In any event, if Mary was a Levite. The only genealogy that could have made Jesus fulfill a fulfillment of the prophecy that Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah, had to come from Joseph.

We have already established that there is no genealogy showing that Jesus’ genealogy came from Mary, the two genealogies point to Joseph, this was another shocking revelation that Joseph actually did father the physical baby Jesus. Here is another tidbit to think about that might witness to that. We have every reason to believe that Mary was a Levite. There could have been intermarriage between the tribes but it something to think about. The second thing I would like to point out to you, is in the earlier verses of Luke chapter 1, where Gabriel is describing John to Zacharias, he says in verse 17:

LUKE 1:15. For he shall be great (talking about John now), in the sight of the Lord, and he shall drink neither wine nor strong drink, and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost even from his mother’s womb.

16. And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God.

17. And he shall go before him (meaning Messiah), in spirit and power of Elias to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just. To make ready a people prepared for the Lord. KJV

We see that John is filled with the Holy Ghost from the womb, but in verse 32, we see that Jesus shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest. Jesus was had something more than the Holy Ghost, and what Jesus had again I suggest to you was a reincarnation or an incarnation of the angel Gabriel, he had the whole son. If you have been following the teaching here over the years, you would know that there was a unification between John and Jesus whereby the power of the Holy Ghost was transferred from John to Jesus so that Jesus had the whole thing. The messages that we preach we called the energy or the Holy Spirit, the branch of the tree, and Jesus had the root of the tree, and when the two came together, Jesus received the whole tree. John continued to have just the Holy Ghost, and Jesus had the whole tree.

Then if you follow the teaching that has come down, because this is an unfolding revelation here, Jesus then ministered to John, and impregnated him with the, it was probably an imputed Christ, so I do not know if pregnant is the right word, but transferred, the anointing, the male anointing, the anointing of the seed, to John, so that John received the imputed, at least the imputed Christ, I am not sure about that. The teaching here is that the Saint John of the Scripture, the John who had his head on Jesus’ breast, and the John who wrote the book of Revelation was the resurrected John the Baptist who was murdered by Herod. That is what we are teaching here. We have messages supporting all of this, if you were not here or if you have forgotten, you can request the messages and we will get them to you.

We see that John and Jesus had an incredibly powerful soul tie, not only through friendship, but a spiritual soul tie, whereby the spiritual being, the inner man of both of them were intimately joined to each other. They had a relationship that was beyond the love of women. We see this relationship described initially in the Scripture between David and Jonathon, and the Scripture says that they had a love that was greater than the love of women.

We are told in the Scripture and we see two examples of it, that there is a love that is higher, spiritually higher than the best love that a man and a woman can have for each other, and that love is a love that is rooted and grounded in a similar, in an inner man, a love that is grounded and rooted in the relationship between the inner men of the two people. Did I say that, I think I got that. Christ being developed in two people and having a relationship based upon the Christ in the two of you, is more powerful than the best relationship than a human woman can have. That is what the Scripture teaches it, we see it between David and Jonathon and we see it again between Jesus and John, they were intimately related and they had an intimacy that was founded upon the spiritual relationship that they had.

On with our notes for today. We have three more verses, I expounded on verses 26-35, in parts 1, 2, and 3, and we have the last three verses, 36-39, verse 39 is a big surprise. I will just read the alternate translation. I see I do not have any page numbers here, but it is the second page from the last, I will read the alternate translation to you.

LUKE 1:26-39 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of the heathen circular world named Nazareth, to an unmarried woman and to Joseph who was of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And Gabriel said to Mary, You are endowed with the good mental faculty of spiritual women, wherefore the Lord shall enter into the midst of you, and you shall experience the calm happiness promised in the Scripture. Mary’s carnal mind was alarmed because she had received a word from above, but Mary was wondering what such a greeting might mean. So Christ, the angel within Mary said to her, Do not be afraid Mary, the divine influence that comes from God has found you. Look and I will show you what will soon come to pass. Your womb shall conceive and a son shall be produced from the seed that Gabriel planted in you, and the name that you shall call Him by is Jesus. And He shall be called the son of the Supreme God... AT

Brethren, this is so obvious to anyone who is not blinded that we all need to repent including me, that we have not seen this before this, He shall be called the son of the Supreme God.

...and He shall be great and the Lord God shall give Him the throne of David His father, and He shall rule over the house of Jacob in the age to come, and His kingdom shall never end. Then said Mary to Christ, the angel within herself, How can this happen to me, since I do not have an intimate relationship with a man. And Christ, the angel within Mary said to her, The Spirit of the Holy One has visited you from above, and the supernal power of the Supreme God has enveloped you, and the result of these events is that the Holy One shall come into existence and He shall be called the son of God. And Look, your cousin Elizabeth who everyone thought was barren, has also conceived a son in her old age and is in her sixth month of pregnancy, because nothing is impossible with God. And Mary said to Christ, the angel within herself, Look at me, I am voluntary slave of the Lord, so I will do whatever you say. Mary was eager to stand up in those days, so she died to Leviathan, the mountain of pride in the midst of the spiritual cities, according to existence by the patri of Judah the son of Jacob. AT

The translation of one of these verses has really been bothering me and the Lord just told me what was bothering me. In verse 29, it should read, not Mary’s carnal mind, but Cain, Now Cain within Mary was alarmed because she had received a word from above, but Abel within Mary was wondering what such a greeting might be, so the two sides of her, Cain and Abel. We might even say in verse 30, I will have to pray about this again, the following that the Lord just told me in verse 30, we will say, So Abel, because Abel is an angel inside of us. Abel, the angel within Mary, said to her, do not be afraid Mary, the divine influence that comes from God has found you. We see Abel within Mary, and of course Abel who is awake and conscious, and reflecting the word of the Lord really is called by a new name, Christ. Since we are comparing Cain and Abel, in verse 29, I will have to pray about whether or not I will leave Christ in, in verse 30.

That is the principle brethren, we are a two sided person, and Cain is the foundation, the mortal foundation of our carnal mind and Abel is either the foundation of our immortal mind, or the potential to be that, depending on whether or not he dead or awakened to life.

Let us take a look at these last three verses and that last verse, was really exciting for me. We will start on the page, at the top of the page it says verses 36-39. I do have the work up here for you. The first two verses are simple. Luke 1:36-39, And Look your cousin Elizabeth who everyone thought was barren has also conceived a son in her old age, and is in her sixth month of pregnancy, because nothing is impossible for God. In verse 38, the part that indented, is the work up, and verse 38 out to the margin is final alternate translation.

The issue in verse 38 is the word in the King James departed, I looked that word up in Strong’s and also in Thayer’s Greek concordance, and it is very clear that, that Greek word translated follow can be translated departed and I see that I did not make a note of it but there is a Scripture, I believe in Mark where it is translateddeparted where it is talking about Jesus and the disciples, and this very same Greek word is translated ...and He departed from them. What I am suggesting to you here is that this angel, this Christ, this resurrected Abel, that was in Mary, the angel within us that talks to us, talks to us from behind us, meaning in the back of our mind, meaning from the unconscious part of our mind. The spiritual worlds are in the unconscious part of our mind. When Jesus said that we are out here in outer darkness, He meant that we are thinking and experiencing this existence with the consciousness of this world system, but also within us, if we are willing to turn and tap into it, it is the consciousness of the world to come.

We are trained to not do that in the western world, because if it is not Christ in the unconscious part of our mind, it is Satan in the unconscious part of the mind. The whole world before Jesus appeared, was steeped in the practice of witchcraft. All of pagan religion is steeped in the practice of witchcraft. What is the foundation of the practice of witchcraft? It is a communication, let me say it to you this way, the exercise of a spiritual authority, whether it is witchcraft or whether it is the service of the Lord, is the communication and the intimacy, a spiritual intimacy between the conscious and the unconscious part of the mind. Do you know what the word nephilim means? The nephilim I believe Goliath was a nephilim, if you look up that word in the Scripture, it talks about mighty men of old or giants, it is translated giants. What does that mean? I investigated that word, investigated that word in the Hebrew and looked up its roots, and do you know what it means? It means a man whose conscious mind and unconscious mind are joined together. Those exact words are not there but it is talking about the part of him that is behind to the part that is in front are joined together. That is what a giant is.

I have asked the Lord, were these giants physical giants as well as spiritual giants? I have not received and answer yet. I want to tell you the way to get revelation from God is not to assume the most what appears to be the most obvious. Maybe they were physical giants, and maybe they were not, but I asked if they were physical giants, let the Lord tell me.

That is the foundational meaning of giant, the foundational meaning is to be a spiritual giant, to be spiritually powerful. If that degree of spiritual power is manifested in a great, a large physical form, well so be it, but the physical form is just an expression of who we are in the spirit. The nephilim had their unconscious, the part that was behind, and their conscious mind integrated completely, what does that mean? It means the one that dwells in the unconscious part of the mind was fully manifested through the conscious man. That is Jesus’ testimony. I had asked the Lord who the nephilim were a couple of weeks ago, and He really surprised me by saying to me, you are the nephilim.

We are the nephilim. I said, What? And then I embarked on this study. Look brethren, everything that occurs, occurs on the side of righteousness or the side of unrighteousness. There were giants in the land in those days, and the context of the Scripture that talks about the giants in the land, indicates that those giants were very spiritually powerful on the unrighteous side. Who is the unrighteous one, the name of the man, who is the man? Cain, Cain is the unrighteous one.

They were giants in Cain, they Cainites, they were manifestations, human, I will not say homosapiens but they were beings, they were mankind, who were manifesting the power of Cain appearing through their conscious life, not just the words that they spoke, but the mind of Cain which we call the carnal mind, manifested fully through that human being and they were powerful. On the side of righteousness we have Jesus of Nazareth, was a nephilim.

That is what it means, and this is what the Lord is offering us, this is what happened when the Scripture says, when Jesus hung on the cross that the temple, the veil of the temple was rent from the top to the bottom. This I have been preaching for years. We are the temple, the temple of God. There are three parts to the temple of God, the outer court, the inner court the holy place, and the most holy place, representing the three parts of the mind, conscious, subconscious, and unconscious. The most holy place, unconscious part of the mind, only the high priest can go in there.

Only Christ Jesus in you can take you into the most holy place, and Christ Jesus is in the middle compartment, Christ Jesus is in the inner court, your subconscious and if you try to get into the unconscious part of your mind, and you do not go through Christ Jesus who is going to be behind the veil? At that point it would be Satan. Satan, I guess, and I do not even have it all down pat myself, Cain, Satan, and Leviathan, Satan and Leviathan. This is the way I understand it right now, Cain is the conscious part of your unrighteousness, Leviathan is the subconscious of your unrighteousness, and Satan is in the unconscious part of the unrighteous side. That is my understanding of it right now.

If Christ Jesus is not in your middle court, if Leviathan is the one who is in your middle court, and you pass through the middle court to enter into the innermost place, you are going to find Satan there, and not the Spirit of Christ. That is why Christ Jesus is called the mediator. If Christ Jesus is in your middle court, if He is in your subconscious mind as you journey inward to find, to get to know yourself, brethren, we have to know who we are, we have to meet our inner man, that is the journey, to meet our inner man and to marry him. That will be our salvation.

As we journey inward, which is typified by the spies entering into Canaan to check it out, as we journey inward, if we find Christ Jesus in the midst of us, we know that as we keep on going, when we get to the unconscious part of our mind to the inner court, we are going to find the Spirit of Christ, and holiness. When we start looking inward, if we do not see Christ Jesus, if the one that we see is Leviathan, and we keep on going, when we get to the most holy place, when we become spiritual, we are going to be spiritual in Satan.

If when we start, how do we go inward? We start doing spiritual studies. The whole church is called to go inward, the whole charismatic church is called to go inward, speaking in tongues and prophesying, that is the beginning, but even if you are not in the charismatic church, just pursuing God is a spiritual pursuit, and it is the beginning of your journey inward. What happens to the people that get to the middle court, and they think and they encounter Leviathan but they are convinced that Leviathan is Christ Jesus, what happens to these people? If they keep on going, they will enter into the spirituality of Satan. This is why we need to be in groups and we need to have elders, whoever is judging their sins by themselves and is convinced that they are dealing with Christ Jesus in their inner court, without any other witnesses, especially if some people are telling it is true, that is Leviathan that you are meeting in your inner court, that is Leviathan talking to you, that is the wisdom of Leviathan. If you keep on going and pursuing your spiritual walk, you are going to wind up in Satan’s unholy place, that is why this doctrine of Christ is forbidden to be taught to people who are not simultaneously dealing with their sin nature.

If you are not dealing with your sin nature, it is Leviathan in your middle court, and you will surely eventually, well not even that you will make contact with Satan, Satan will make contact with you. Satan will see you there, as you are feeling around, now remember, we are told in the book of Acts, we will surely find Him if we feel after Him. What does that mean? It means that these physical eyes cannot help us in spiritual pursuits, we have to spiritually feel our way through. If we are in that middle court, we are in the place of our subconscious mind and we are feeling around trying to find Christ Jesus if we are convinced that Leviathan is our godly subconscious part, Satan is going to reach out from the most unholy place, and reach her hand into that central place which is the subconscious mind, and drag you into the inner court of the other side. Has everybody got this, I love you, has everybody got this?

What makes us a nephilim either on the good side, either on the righteous side or the unrighteous side is that we are people who are pursuing the spiritual life, and we have penetrated into our own subconscious, and whoever it is that is in the most holy place, reaches out in to the mediator and grabs us and joins with us, and pulls us into the most holy place. If Satan grabs us, whether we know that we are fooling with Leviathan, or whether we are deceived and we think it is Christ Jesus, you could be deceived from today until tomorrow, if Satan has got you by the hand, Satan has got you by the hand, and you have become a nephilim, you have become a powerful spiritual person, and that inner man that is being revealed through your consciousness, through your thoughts, through your motives, through your desires, through your intentions, through your words and through your behavior last but not least, your word and your behavior, last but not least, will be whoever you have unified yourself with in that center court, where you are feeling to find your way.

If you have felt incorrectly, and you have been joined by Satan, if you just repent, there is deliverance, and how are you safe? What do you have to do, I mean we are blind, we are blind, continuously pray and ask the Lord and tell Him, that you truly want only Him, and He should do whatever He has to do to deliver you if you are deceived, Whatever you have to do to deliver me, if I am deceived Lord, do it, break me, chop me, burn me, anything, do not let me be joined to Satan. When you pray that prayer and you really mean it, you may go through some trials, but you will be okay.

There are righteous nephilim.

Nephilim merely means that your conscious mind is bound to your unconscious mind. Brethren the average person in our world today is completely separated in consciousness from their innermost being. I told this to you at the beginning of the message before the break, that most of the people in our world today are living in this outer court in the consciousness of this world, of the desires of the flesh of the physical body, of the emotions, and of the lusts of the carnal mind because the mind lusts also.

The mind lusts for wealth, the mind lusts for power, lusts on all three levels. That is the carnal mind, that is where the average person is living. What does that mean? It means that they are really bound, it means that the average person is really nephilim of the other side. If we have the lusts of the physical body, the lusts of the emotions, and the lusts of the mind, if we are a person like that, because everybody in this world is not lusting for great wealth and money, and possession and power over people, and whatever people lusts for, some people lead a decent life, but to the fullest degree that we are manifesting the lusts of the innermost person on the unrighteous side, human beings of our acquaintance can be nephilim.

There are people in the earth today that they get mad a person and the person dies, we have talked about that here a lot. I guess there are different degrees of being, nephilim is a plural word, I do not know what the singular word is, but there are different degrees, there are different degrees of manifesting this different level of unified power. That is the key word, unified power, then once the unification takes place, whether it is on the righteous side or the unrighteous side, if the person continues to live in that, it grows, the power grows, especially if the person starts to pursue it, whether it be the pursuit of the doctrine of Christ or the pursuit of witchcraft.

I know I purchased for the ministry a series of dvds on man who went so far as to become a vampire. I listened to the first dvd and I did not, I do not know, it was a very powerful spirit of witchcraft on it, although he claimed to be converted, I just never went back to it, I am asking the Lord about why I never went back to it. His testimony on the first dvd was awesome, the degree to which he was involved with demons and witchcraft and different degrees of that type of existence. He was an nephilim.

That is what nephilim is, we are nephilim, we are growing, to whatever degree Christ is formed in us, and to whatever degree that union has progressed. The Scripture clearly talks about a marriage with the Lord Jesus Christ, this is the marriage, I am sorry church, He is not coming down out of the sky, there is not a New Jerusalem, physical building coming down, or city coming down out of the sky, by His Spirit, He is in the unconscious part of the mind of the new world the seed of which He has planted in you, Lord willing, the seed of which He has planted in you.

The carnal mind, Satan, Leviathan, and Cain, each with their own set of lusts, and they are a world inside of you, and if you are blessed, you have another world now planted inside of you, and that world is Abel, Christ Jesus, and the Spirit of Christ which is the glorified Jesus Christ in you, it is called the Spirit of Christ, two worlds are in the midst of you, in your mind, and there are also emotions that come from that new world, and there is a spiritual flesh, I really have not even thought about it that much, but we know that the lusts of the flesh of the world of our old man are destructive, they have to be dealt with and restrained and restricted all of the time.

That is what the world of Christ Jesus is, it is a world in which there is power to restrict the ungodly forces of what we call the carnal mind but it is of the world of the other side, it is a whole world, it is more than a mind, it is a whole world manifesting on multiple levels. We have to get married, it is not, to think of it as Jesus coming down and marrying us to just fly us away, that is not right thinking, we must get married, we must marry the Lord Jesus, or the nephilim of the other side will swallow us up, and we will become, what does that mean, they will swallow us up, how does that manifest in this life? We become their slaves.

Brethren, let us just be honest with each other, this is a very evil world, there are people who are enslaved in this world right now. Some nations still have physical slavery, and then we have white slavery, people being held against their will, being sold and used as sexual objects, and then we have people who are enslaved by their own weaknesses, married to people who are beating them and they do not have the strength to leave, or being abused or taken advantage of in a multitude of ways. Slavery is real, it exists on every level, and I want to tell you if you, and I am including myself in this, if you are not happy with your weight and you cannot stop and you are still eating in a manner that produces excess weight on you, you are enslaved. If you are smoking and you cannot stop smoking, you are enslaved. Certainly if you are on drugs, and you cannot stop drugging, you are a slave. We must get married brethren to the Spirit of Christ which is the innermost part and the most holy place of the new world that has been planted in us.

Our soul will have an opportunity to run from existing in the city or the world of other side, which is much more than the carnal mind, it is a whole world, we need to run and escape from that spiritual city that we were born in, into the city of Christ Jesus, that is being formed in us, of course He has to be there before we can run in. That is the escape, why? Because Sodom is about to be burnt to a crisp, and the world that we have been talking about is the carnal mind is going to be torched, and the angel is here as he came to Lot and said, Flee to the mountains, flee from that city that you were born into, that you are familiar with that you love, and all of the lusts of this world that you love, and I include myself, flee, flee into the world of Christ Jesus or you will be destroyed when that city is destroyed. What will be destroyed, does it mean you will die? Not necessarily, but anything of Christ that is in you may be destroyed. You may die, I do not know, I am not threatening you with death. We are talking about the loss of everything that belongs to Christ in that alien city.

We must get married, and it is this marriage that not only will result in our escape from destruction, but will make us a giant.

Then we have to go back and help the others. That is the plan, and that is where the marriage takes place, in the subconscious part of our mind, the marriage takes place in the inner court, and it is a marriage between Abel in us who is in the outer court, Abel, and the Spirit of Christ who is in the most holy place, and we have to go into the middle court, and the Lord Jesus through His Spirit is going to meet us in the inner court, and marry us. Then He is going to tie up all three elements of this spiritual city, conscious, subconscious, and unconscious. They can no longer be separate, they can no longer do different things because that weakens the whole man. In the New Testament Paul at one point talks about remaining simple, I think the word is simplicity, if you look it up in the Greek, it really means single. Brethren, we must be single, our conscious, subconscious, unconscious, they must be the same, and the subconscious, and the consciousness must be a reflection of the righteousness of the inner man in the most holy place of the new city that has been planted in us.

When all three are lined up and this three fold cord is not easily broken brethren, we must be bound together, all saying the same thing at the same time, we will be giants. We see that this simple word departed, in the English, it is really talking about going behind. Let me read the verse to you again, so I can bring you back to where I was.

And whatever you say I will follow you. The King James says, And Mary said, Look at me I am a voluntary slave, that is a translation of handmaid, of the Lord, to be me, whatever you say, and follow, and depart... well the King James says, And the angel departed from her, but I am telling you the angel did not depart from her, what had happened was the angel that was in her subconscious mind had come to the forefront and was communicating with the consciousness of Mary on the righteous side called Abel.

Abel was communicating with the personality of Mary, he had come forth in to her consciousness, and then when he finished communicating with her, he withdrew back to the middle court. He did not go away, he withdrew. Our goal brethren, is that at least for now that the middle court, which is Christ Jesus will be permanently manifested in our unconsciousness which is Abel, that would be great if we could do that, but the ultimate brethren, is that the most holy place, the Spirit of Christ, will come into the front court, into the outer court where he could be seen by the whole world. Will our body change? Not initially. Our thoughts will change, and our motives will change, our words will change, our behavior will change, but if your behavior will change and your heart has not changed, you have not changed, spiritually speaking, that is a lie, if the things you say and do, do not line up with the motives and the intents of your heart, spiritually speaking, you are lying, you are a phony.

Brethren this is the goal of marriage that the bridegroom who is in the innermost court is going to enter into the outer court, his wife, that is our humanity, and reveal His holiness and His righteousness to the world, through judgment and through justice. Each one of us is called to a marriage that will result in the revelation of the Spirit of Christ through us, and judgment follows you wherever you go, and hopefully that judgment results in justice and in deliverance, so judgment follows you wherever you go but righteousness follows you wherever you go when your spiritual husband dwells in your outer court.

Back to our study for today. The angel did not leave her, he just withdrew back into the, wherever he came from, I get so technical sometimes, I make myself crazy, but anyway, Christ was the outer court, Christ Jesus the inner court, the Spirit of Christ, the innermost court, and then there is the personality that is not even in the outer court. Christ, the consciousness of God, was speaking to the personality, known as Mary, and He did not depart from her. Gabriel came, Gabriel spoke to Abel in Mary, Abel, and then Mary became afraid, and Abel explained what Gabriel had said to Mary, and the angel withdrew, we are the outer most place, they are inside of us.

Our alternate translation for verse 38 is:

And Mary said to Christ or to Abel the angel within herself, her personal angel, the angel that was already a part of her, Look at me, I already am a voluntary slave of the Lord, I will surely do whatever you say.

Who am I to do my own thing, I do not do my own thing. Remember what I just said? In a lot of people the conscious part of the mind, the subconscious part, and the unconscious part of the mind, all do different things. Do you know, when the Lord first comes to us, and Paul tells us in the book of Romans, Act as though you are already divorced, resist that husband of yours, do not do what he tells you. What is Paul talking about? Paul is saying, I know who you are, I know the world that you live in, and I know that you are married to Satan, and I know that Satan in the unconscious part of your mind has penetrated into your subconscious mind and very possibly into your conscious mind.

Remember Satan is good and evil, and your motives and the intents of your heart are controlled by your husband, Satan in the inner most part of the inner court, of the most unholy place of your carnal mind, do not do what he tells you, do not do what Satan tells you, I know that you are married, I know that Satan has penetrated all of the way to the outer court in you and it is touching your personality and is giving you motives and lusts and desires of unholy things, do not do it.

That is Cain, okay, Satan and Leviathan and Cain in you are giving you all of these lusts and ungodly thoughts, but I am here, and I have awakened Abel from the dead in you, and I am joined to Abel, and I am another whole world in you, do not listen to Cain, Leviathan, and Satan anymore, you do not have to, you have power with God to resist. Do you know what the biggest problem for the believer is? To recognize Christ in them, to recognize that another world has taken up residence in them, and that they have a place of safety to run away from their ungodly thoughts and temptations. That is the hardest thing to convince people, that another whole world is now available to them, but you do not see it, because they are looking at the world of the unholy side, and they are expecting God almighty to satisfy them in the ways of the world of the unholy side. They cannot even recognize His blessings sometimes when they come, I mean we know if we are hungry and God gives us food, we know that, I am not talking about that. I am talking about the lusts of the things that we are desiring that just do not seem to come, well if they do not come, maybe it is because the Lord has given you something in its place, but you cannot see that, because you are not even looking over there.

You need to know that there are two worlds inside of you and that the Lord is in the process of migrating you from the world of the other side into the world of holiness and righteousness, so some things of this world He lets you keep, but some things He has taken away, because He is migrating you, so He asks you to give up things or He takes things away as you can bear it, but if things are missing from your life and you are praying and praying, and they never seem to come, maybe you are looking in the wrong place. Maybe He has taken it and in that particular area He has moved you into the world to come.

It is not going to be a sudden change, rapture, boom, out of here, it is just not true, it is just not true. Our alternate translation of verse 38, Luke chapter 1 is;

LUKE 1:38 And Mary said to Christ, the angel within herself, Look at me, I am a voluntary slave of the Lord, I will surely do whatever you say. AT

No problem, I will do it. Verse 39, now this is really interesting. Let me read it to you from the King James, because this is so common, I find in translations that so many verses are so simple to understand, maybe a word here or a word there, and then that final verse just knocks your socks off of you, and makes all of the difference in the world, and that is the verse that is really going to either give you a clue as to the spiritual meaning or confirms the spiritual meaning. Luke chapter 1, and verse 39;

LUKE 1:39 And Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste into a city of Judah. KJV

I almost did not even look at the alternate translation of that verse. The most significant there to me, is the word Judah, brethren that is the name of a man, it is not Judea, it is Judah, the tribe of Judah, that is the name of a man, and this is so significant that I printed the entries from a Bible dictionary for you. Judah means praise, #1 possibility, the son of Joseph in the genealogy of Christ, #2 possibility, the son of Joanna or Hananiah, #3 possibility, one of the Lord’s brethren, #4 possibility, the patri of Judah, it is not a city, everybody, Judah is not a geographical city! It is a man, it is a name of a man. This is our definition of the word Judea, from Judah, which is the tribe. Judea, a territorial division which succeeded to the overthrow of the ancient landmarks of the tribes of Israel, you can the rest yourself if you want. Judah, a man, Judea, geographical city.

Mary did not depart to a geographical city, so what is this verse talking about? Let us look at it closer. The Greek word translated arose can be easily translated tostand up, and surprisingly enough the Greek word translated went can be translated to die, you can look it up yourself, I am not sure if it is in Strong’s, but it is definitely in Thayer’s, which is a commonly used Greek dictionary, that is tied to Strong’s numbers. The Greek translated went can be translated to die.

The Greek word translated hill country really means mountain, so the King James translators translated it hill country because they are already convinced that she is going to visit Elizabeth, and she is going to a city, a geographical city, but it really means mountain, and the Greek word translated with can be translated midst or in the midst of. The Greek word translated haste, well that is not so bad, can be translated to do something eagerly, and this is the alternate translation of this harmless little verse, harmless sounding little verse 39; I just want to remind you that the square brackets are my amplifications so that you can understand what is being said here.

LUKE 1:39 Now Mary was eager to stand up in those days, so she died to Leviathan, the mountain of pride in the midst of the spiritual cities brought into existence by the patri of Juda, the son of Jacob. AT

Brethren, we are all cities for spiritual life. I am going to read it again. LUKE 1:39 Now Mary was eager to stand up in those days, Mary knew the doctrine of Christ, she had the word of the Lord in her heart, she knew about spiritual ascension, and she was eager for it. Does this not line up with what we have been saying all along, that she was not baking cookies when the angel Gabriel approached her? She was fasting and praying, saying, Lord, when are these things coming to pass, when is the deliverance of my people? What about me inheriting the promises?

She was eager to stand up in those days, stand up in spiritual power, stand up in spiritual ascension. Was she power hungry? I doubt it. Israel was a state of Rome. When will Israel be restored to the glory that we once were? The Scripture promises restoration, my people have sinned, that is what Daniel said, my people have sinned, they have gone into captivity, we have been overrun by a tyrant, a dictator of another empire, it is impossible for us to be defeated brethren, unless we are in sin, you have got to hear this, if you are defeated physically, if you are defeated in your job, if you are defeated health wise, if you are sick and you cannot get better, you are a defeated foe, and that is because of sin. If you were five years old when you got sick or something terrible happened to you as a child, it is a judgment on your family line or it is a judgment that is following you from incarnation to incarnation.

Do I tell you this to condemn you? Absolutely not, your only hope of deliverance is recognizing that according to the law of the sowing and reaping judgment, which is Jehovah’s righteous law, you deserved everything you have got, because if you cannot get that far, you really should not be asking God for healing because it is not likely that you are going to get it.

You might get it in the Pentecostal church, but depending on the depths of the sin in you, you could be healed of one thing and get something else, or it will come back, if you need systemic healing, like I needed, I was dying as a young child, something very, very, very wrong in my life, that kind of trouble, I am not talking about having a cold, I am talking about a life threatening condition or even if you are not going to die now, if you have a disease that is wearing you down, and you do not have a healthy life, quality of life, the only way you can expect to get healed by God is by admitting that you had to do something, if not in this life in a previous life or sin on the family line, you are in this condition because of something that violated the spiritual law of Jehovah, of God, that rules over this world.

We deserve everything that we get, we deserve every bad thing that happens to us, and then the good things that we get a blessing, you cannot work to get your blessings, but that is a subtle word, we do not get things from God because of the things that we do, but when we seek Him with all of our heart with right motives, He blesses us, so from that point of view, we deserve what we get, if you can hear what I am saying.

If you follow the Scripture and seek ye first the kingdom of God, and doing everything that you know how to do, we should expect blessings, we should expect blessings. The Lord just gave me the answer, not because we deserve them, but because the Lord has said, if you do that I will bless you. It is His faithfulness, it is His faithfulness that blesses us when we do what He tells us to do. From that point of view, we deserve it because He made a covenant with us, and said, If you do this, I will do that.

From that point of view we made the effort and we deserve it. Does everybody got that, but technically all we deserve is death, the whole creation, that is why we die, because that is what we deserve.

Do I tell you this to condemn you? Absolutely not, if you are condemned you have got to get that out of your mind right now. The truth will set your free, not the truth about me, the truth about you. The truth about me will set me free, the truth about why you are having the problems that you have, that truth will set you free. The truth about why you are in the condition that you are praying for deliverance from, that truth will set you free, when you can line your mind up with the mind of God.

When your consciousness agrees with what your inner man, the Lord Jesus, the Spirit of Christ in the most holy place, in your spiritual city, when that conscious mind lines up with the subconscious and the unconscious mind, you will be healed. When you believe everything He is telling you, you will be healed. Maybe you cannot hear everything that He is telling you, do not assume it. You have to say, Lord, I want to believe everything you are telling me, help me to hear it. If you think that you believe everything that He is telling you, that is a spirit of pride, how do you know that you can hear everything that He is telling you? You do not know that, I do not know that.

Mary was eager to stand up in those days, and what did she do? She died to Leviathan, you cannot stand up without dying to Leviathan. How do you die to Leviathan? You look at your motives and the intents of your heart, and as they are revealed, as sin is revealed in the very, the way you think brethren, if sin was so simple as to know, Well I fornicated or I stole or, if it was, not that, that is okay, but if sin was as simple as that, we would not have any problems.

Sin is not as simple as that. The sins that believers have to worry about, those of us who are seeking God, the sins we have to worry about, are the sins that we not only do not know that we are doing, because they are embedded in the way that we think, and they are embedded in our reactions, so not only do we not know that we are doing it, but when someone tells us that what we are doing is sin, it makes no sense to our carnal mind at all. It sounds crazy to our carnal mind that, that thinking or that way of relating or that kind of reaction is sin. It makes no sense to Cain at all. That is the problem that we have, believing what God believes is sin, that is our problem, getting our conscious mind to agree with the unconscious and the subconscious mind of the holy side of God.

Our problem is Cain, Cain is a dumb animal and he thinks the thoughts of Leviathan and Satan, and when Abel or Christ comes to him and says, What you just said, I know in your heart you did not mean anything wrong, but I am telling you that was the thought of Cain and it was sin. Cain says, I just do not understand that, I just do not get it, I have been thinking that way for fifty years, I just do not get it.

Well meaning people say like you said to me the other day, She just does not understand, but because I love you I am telling you the truth, that, that not understanding, that deafness is a spirit of pride. So to say, She just does not understand, and let it go at that, is not helping anybody, but to say, I understand that you do not understand, but you need to understand that not understanding is sin, if that makes any sense.

You must have the mind of Christ, if that makes any sense to you. If it does not make sense to you, you can still choose to believe it even if it does not, if it sounds absolutely crazy to you, you can make a choice to believe it, and go before the Lord Jesus, and say, Lord I have heard it from a pastor in a ministry that you placed me in, so I believe it, and I am trusting you to help me make it real to me, because I am believing it by faith. Cain will never believe it. Leviathan will never believe it, you have got to reject that husband, you have got to reject the mind set of Satan and Leviathan who Cain is married to in you, and start receiving the truth of the other world that has been joined to you and that is what Mary did.

She died to Leviathan, she treated Cain, Leviathan, and Satan as if she was no longer married to them, she said, I will not listen to you, I do not care what I am feeling in here, I will not listen to you. I may feel anger, but I will not act it out, go away, your wrong, the mind of Christ in me says, I should not be angry at that, you die, that I might live. That is how she died to Leviathan, a thought at a time, Christ in her saying, That thought you just had, that emotion that you just had, that is from the enemy, that is from the world you want to escape from.

Act as if you are not married to them anymore at all, do not do what they tell you, because the Lord Jesus wants you to respond differently, not only in your behavior, although that is important. When you are migrating from the world of the other side, and I am trying not to say carnal mind anymore, because it is really more than the carnal mind, it is a whole world, but when you are migrating from the carnal mind to the Christ mind, or from the world of the other side to the world of righteousness, the way it works is that first you feel the feelings and you have the ungodly thoughts and the ungodly feelings and you refuse to act on them.

That is the first step, you do not do it because the Lord says it is wrong, but you cannot stop there, you have to hate it, you have to hate it because God says it is yours. You have to want to not do it so badly that you rebuke it and curse it and talk bad to it, and tell it to die, and then eventually it dies in you, and the corresponding quality or the corresponding reaction that comes out of Christ becomes the norm for you.

There are believers, they go so far as to not act out the behavior, but they never kill the source of the wrong thought, or the wrong behavior, and you know who you are? Again, I am on your side, all of you, and I do not even know if it is anybody here, do you know who you are? You are Lot, you went as far as Zoar, and you did not go the rest of the way. You escaped from Sodom, but you only went so far because your wife, your personality, Cain in you, turned and looked back towards Sodom which was burning. You said, I really do not want the pain of this walk with Christ, I really do not want it. We are told in the Scripture that Lot’s wife looked back, and she turned into a pillar of salt, and that is another message.

Anyway, he did not get past Zoar. Then again we have the half tribe Manasseh, they came out of Egypt, they made it all of the way to Jordan, and half of the tribe of Manasseh camped on near side of the river, and they did not go over. I am not pronouncing anything on anybody, I am telling you all of this, so you can all say to the Lord, I do not want to be stuck in Zoar, and I do not want to be stuck on the near side of the river, I do not care how weak you are, you can always say to the Lord, I do not want to be here, please help me!

That is why I tell you these things, so that you can pray that way if you want to, I am never condemning you. Mary was eager to stand up in those days, so she wanted to stand up, so she died to Leviathan, she refused to obey that male aspect of her, of her carnal mind, she did what Paul tells us to do, that we do not act like we are married to that husband anymore. We are still bound to him, but do not do what he tells you, rebel.

Mary died to Leviathan, the mountain of pride in the midst of the spiritual cities, or in the midst of the spiritual city, you know I always go over these Scriptures in these translations, you can say she died to Leviathan in the midst of the spiritual city which she was, which was brought into existence by the patriarch, Judah, the son of Jacob. I think I am going to leave it in the plural because this is exciting, this is an opportunity for all of us, this is for everybody, brethren, you cannot do it if you do not know what to do, you cannot do it if you do not know what to do.

The first time I read in the Scripture that the disciples said to Jesus, Teach us how to pray. In my ignorance, I said, Well is that not stupid, what do you mean teach us how to pray? Brethren, I want to tell you something, that we have to be taught how to pray because you can have a very serious need, and if you are praying in the wrong way, He is not going to answer you, you have to do it His way, I have to do it His way and if you do not know how to pray, If you have not been instructed on how to pray, you will not get your answer.

Being instructed on how to pray most often involves on giving up your idea of how He is going to meet your need. I was just talking to someone about this the other day, brethren, we all get into power plays with God, as crazy as that sounds, it is just the pride of our ignorance that we have fallen down into this incredible ignorance, so we get into power plays with God. We decide how He is going to deliver us, we decide how He is going to minister to that person over there, we decide whether or not He wants to minister to that person over there, we make all kinds of decisions about people and who they are and what they need to do, and go around give people advice that can really hurt them.

Someone said to me, Get rid of those vitamins, with no comprehension of my physical condition, I could have died, and I almost did, I got rid of them, and I became so weak I fell to sleep at the wheel, I felt it was a miracle of God that I did not crack up the car die. We go around and give people all kinds of advice, and we think it is God but it is not, it is Leviathan in us, it is the pride of our ignorance.

My job is to teach you all how to pray, but I do not always cover everything in these meetings. If you have a need that is not being met, I am here for you, but you need to know that when I hear your need, part of me telling you how to pray will very possibly be telling you or advising you to give up the way you are doing it now. You have to give up Cain’s idea of how to get your needs met from God. Surprisingly enough, that is the hardest thing to do.

The reason it is so hard is the same reason that we are sick and dying or have whatever problems that we have, is that the truth of the matter brethren is that we are Cain, we are not Abel, except for those of us that are in the process of change, but we are Cain, and Leviathan is our subconscious and Satan is our unconscious, and we are stubborn, and we are deaf, and we are blind, and the things of God, well we love His doctrine, but what we have to do to prevail in this world, we do not like that, we do not like giving up our pet things, whatever they may be, everybody has their own thing, we are Cain, that is who we are.

Christ may be in us, I believe Christ Jesus is in me, but I have got my stubbornness, and all, I am just like you, I am no different than you, and we are Cain, that is who we are, and the Lord likens us to a donkey, we are a stubborn mule, that is what the Scripture likens us to brethren, a stubborn mule. The Lord was glorified 2,000 years ago, and look at us! Nothing has changed, we are still dying, but, our help is here, the help that Jehovah promised Adam as he was dying to higher worlds, as he was descending into this world, Jehovah said to Adam, Do not worry Adam, I will provide a help that is meet for you, and that help is the new world that I have been talking about in this whole message, Christ Jesus the new world, the world of the righteous side.

Now that it is inside of you, is warring against the world of the unrighteous side, and maybe you are uncomfortable, and maybe you are in pain, because there is a war going on inside of you, but there will be an end, there is an appointed time, if you do not faint, if you do not faint, you cannot give up.

You or I do not call an end to the war, the war ends, when does the war end? When the enemy is vanquished. That is the only time that the war is over. What we have is the power of God in our hand, and of course our hand is our mind, our spiritual hand is our mind. We have the power of God to defeat the other world in us, not your husband, not your wife, not your boss, whatever your problem is, you have got to get on your face before God and ask Him what you are doing wrong if anything, or what you are not doing that you should be doing, and you have to ask Him for a battle plan of how you defeat this enemy if the Lord wants Him defeated, maybe the Lord wants you to go someplace else.

Whatever your problem is, you have to say, Lord, what is your will in this and what is my part in it, what am I to do, and if you do that with a right heart, nothing can defeat you. Now you may not be victorious over night, it depends on how serious your problem is, but the whole church is going after their own mind, which is the carnal mind. I was talking about this to someone the other day, I am not trying to hurt your feelings, I am using our conversation to help others, this person had a thought in their mind that they have to be healed because the Bible says that they have to be healed, so they went without medical treatment, and the Lord never healed them, and they were devastated and hurt.

Did you ask the Lord if He intended to heal you supernaturally? I was devastated when the Lord told me I had to go into the hospital in 1990, I had received so much supernatural healing, when the Lord turned me over to the doctors and I still use that term, He turned me over and He broke my heart that He turned me over to the medical society, but He did, and I almost died, He would have let me die. He sent a prophet to me to tell me, This time I am not healing you, you have to go a doctor. I said, Oh, no, that is not God talking through you, I do not receive that. Two weeks before I was, I would have died in two weeks, I was laying on the couch, I could not move, could not eat, if I did not go into the hospital, do you hear this? He would have let me die, it is His way or it is the highway. It is His way, and the deeper you are in your relationship with Him, the tougher He becomes, because you are always tougher with your older children than you are with your younger children. That is it brethren, and I am going to read it one more time because it is late.

LUKE 1:39 Now Mary was eager to stand up in those days, so she died to Leviathan, the mountain of pride in the midst of her spiritual city and in the midst of the spiritual cities brought into existence by the patri of Juda, the son of Jacob. AT

If you can give me another couple of minutes, I would like to read the whole alternate translation because Lord willing, next week we will start with Matthew and we will not come back to this again.

LUKE 1:26-39 And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of the heathen circular world named Nazareth, to an unmarried woman and to Joseph who was of the house of David, an the Virgin’s name was Mary. And Gabriel said to Mary, you are endowed with the good mental faculty of spiritual woman, wherefore the Lord shall enter into the midst of you and you shall experience the calm happiness promised in the Scripture. Now Cain within Mary was alarmed because she had received a word from above, but Abel within Mary was wondering what such a greeting might mean. So, Christ, the resurrected Abel, the angel within Mary, said to her, Do not be afraid Mary, the divine influence that comes from God has found you. Now Look and I will show you your future. Your womb shall conceive and a son shall be produced from the seed that Gabriel planted within you, and the name that you shall call Him by is Jesus, and He shall be called the son of the Supreme God, and He shall be great, and the Lord God shall give Him the throne of David, His father, and He shall rule over the house of David in the age to come, and His kingdom shall never end. Then Mary said to Christ, the angel within herself, How can this happen to me since I do not have an intimate relationship with a man? And Christ the angel within Mary said to her, The Spirit of the Holy One has visited you from above, and the supernatural power of the Supreme God has enveloped you, and the result of the events is that the Holy One shall come into existence, and He shall be called the son of God. And Look, your cousin Elizabeth, who everyone thought was barren has also conceived a son in her old age, and is in her sixth month of pregnancy, because nothing is impossible with God. And Mary said to Christ, the angel within herself, Look at me, I am a voluntary slave of the Lord, I will surely do whatever you say. Now Mary was eager to stand up in those days, so she died to Leviathan, the mountain of pride in the midst of the spiritual cities brought into existence by the patri of Juda, the son of Jacob. AT

God bless you all.

PASTOR VITALE: Someone just asked me what the sixth month of the Hebrew calendar is, I do not know. I mean I know the name of it, I think it is Tishri, but I am not sure what it means. I am sure that it means something, but I do not have that revelation yet. I am limited by my humanity.


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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