574 - 1 Part




The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



           Is there any body here that wants to ask a question about what has been going on, the warfare that has been going on in the ministry?  If you have any questions or comments, the floor is open.


          COMMENT: I will just like to say that I am having problem sleeping. I cannot sleep; I toss and turn. I cannot concentrate on my work. I feel depression and sadness and sometimes I am on the verge of tears. I know I am feeling somebody else’s feelings. I am also feeling guilty about everything that is going on because we were exchanging personal emails for a few months and I had to share the personal emails with the ministry, which is what I feel guilty about. But I know it was the right thing to do. 


            I know there is more but I do not remember everything. I am definitely feeling somebody else’s feeling and it is very hard to separate them from my own, and it is like my whole torso is…. and I am feeling a little bit weak. The sadness and depression are the hardest part for me, and trying to understand that they are not my own feelings, that they are somebody else’s feelings. 


COMMENT:  I too. Yesterday was a hard day. I could hardly walk; the arthritis was so bad. Then I ended up with guilt and condemnation and I just felt that my whole body was stretched out of shape, and I knew where it was coming from.


COMMENT:  This morning I too felt a very deep depression, and of course, at first I thought that it was me. However, it was on my mind that it might have been someone else, because immediately after I felt the depression, I felt a feeling of fight and in my mind I knew who it was and I knew it was not my depression, but I never did come against it in Christ. I never fought that battle. I am supposed to fight but I did not, and I am depressed over that part.  However, the correction came and I feel that I have to realize these things and just go ahead and fight the battle.


COMMENT: One more thing I would like to say is that I am at the verge of tears all the time too but they would not come out.


PASTOR VITALE: A lot of us are experiencing what you have all said. However, I have not been experiencing tears or depression or condemnation. I think the reason I have not is that I am a little more ascended than the rest of you.  What I have been experiencing is a very great pressure and there were two nights of tossing and turning in my bed. I was just whipping back and forth from one side to the other. The second night I woke up at 3.30 in the morning and could not go back to sleep so I worked from 3.30 in the morning until about 7, and then I did manage to fall into a fitful sleep because I was tired but wide awake. 


            Spiritual battles will affect us. When you are a spiritual person, what makes you a spiritual person is that the spiritual aspect of your being is ascended into a higher spiritual world. There are several spiritual worlds that manifest in ascending levels and this kind of spiritual warfare is warfare of mind, and it goes on in a higher spiritual world. If you are a spiritual person and you are ascended up to that level you are being affected by the vibrations of the warfare that is going on, because everything is vibration.


            If you are a carnal person and not spiritually ascended at all, you may not experience anything. In my case, for years I would experience condemnation, tears, depression, everything that has been mentioned here.  Apparently, I must have ascended because I must be above that level. I have not been depressed at all but the pressure has been intense.


I will try to show it to you on the board.  The pressure on me…. It is really hard to explain. I guess what the pressure is (as  the Lord helps me to preach this message), is to overthrow Christ because it is His righteous judgment in me (that I spoke about earlier) that is standing against the lies of the other party, because it has been outright lies of the other party.


The other party is XXXX  XXXX, I have no problem saying their name, this is the truth.  They have openly declared that they want to be believed but they are lying, and what I am feeling is a witchcraft pressure on me to believe what they are saying.


The conflict has been righteousness in me saying, you have to tell the truth, I will be willing to restore you if you tell the truth, and Leviathan in the other party saying, I have told you the truth and you will restore me based on my truth.  That is the pressure.


I have said, you cannot be restored on that basis so you have to leave, but she is not happy leaving. She wants to be here on her terms. Of course I am really abbreviating the whole conflict that happened. The pressure that is on me is to give in and agree with her way of thinking. That is the pressure on me.


The battle is between Christ in me and everyone who is standing in Christ, (not standing with me, but standing in Christ), and Leviathan. She has got a couple of people agreeing with her, and it is a battle of will and a battle of mind as to which truth will prevail. The pressure that is on me is designed to knock me out of Christ.


I have praised the Lord several times during this whole conflict that the anchor is holding. I really wish XXXX was here to play that song for me, Will your anchor hold in the storms of life? I never really understood it all of the times that she would sing it. I am sure that it must be a song that is common in the Church but she is the only one that I have heard play it. That the anchor held is similar to what I have now found out is meant in our national anthem, which says that in the morning our flag was still there.


And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,


Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there.


O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave


O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?


  Our flag prevailed. Christ has prevailed in me.    


            Praise the Lord, we are looking at drawing #1 and I am showing you five spiritual levels or five spiritual worlds. The lowest one is this physical world, then comes the emotional world, then the mental world (the world of our mind), then the world that Jesus was talking about when He said, Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.


If you look up that word in the Greek, heaven is plural every time it is used.  The kingdom of the two heavens is at hand. Did you ever wonder what Jesus meant by the Kingdom of Heaven? What is the difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?


The Kingdom of God is the mind of Christ, the mind of God in you. Each human being is a kingdom. We talked about this in a previous message.  Each one of us is a kingdom and Christ in us is the King that rules this personality.  I am saying the same thing that I was saying earlier, that when Christ is appearing in a personality we become the kingdom that he rules over. 


            When Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, Satan said, I will give you permission to possess all of the peoples of the world in an unrighteous way.  You can use them for your own pleasure and gratification. But Jesus resisted Satan and aligned himself with the Father who offered the same thing but for a different motive. I will give you all of the kingdoms of the world but you will not use them for your gratification and your own pleasure.  You will die for them and you will love them and you will nurture them and you will give them eternal life.


            Satan said, you can live off of those people and take their energy from them so that they die, but the Father said, no you will not live off of them and take their energy. You will give them your energy so that they will live. Both Satan and the Father offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world but for a different motive. 


            The Lord wants me to explain this further. Satan said, I will give you all the kingdoms of the world IF YOU SERVE ME.  That means, I will give you power over all the human beings of the world, if you accomplish my purposes through them. In addition, you will have all your pleasures, but I will need you to accomplish my purposes through them. 


What are Satan’s purposes that are to be accomplished through us? Satan needs energy to survive. Satan wants to feed off of us. Therefore, everyone that would have been possessed by a Jesus who was submitting to Satan would have continued on in the eternal torment of an unending cycle of births and deaths called reincarnation


            However, a Jesus inhabiting the peoples of the world and serving the Father God who does not need our energy to survive, would be a source of mediatorship for the channeling of the energy of God into the kingdoms of the world, that we might receive eternal life. 


Every human being born of a woman is born with a carnal mind, but not everybody is born with a Christ mind. The Christ mind is something that is given to us as we mature in God. The mind is a heaven; it is the ascended part of the kingdom.  The whole human being is the kingdom and the mind is the heaven of the kingdom, the higher part of the kingdom. The lower part is our animal nature.


            Anyone in the world that has this knowledge will tell you that activities of mind are higher than activities of the flesh. I am not putting down either one but the activities of the mind are higher and more enduring than the activities of the flesh.  A well balanced person has both in the right proportion. 


            The carnal mind is a heaven and the mind of Christ is a heaven. The carnal mind is good and evil and the Christ mind is righteous.  The carnal mind is not being knocked out completely because we need the carnal mind to function in this world. It is being brought under the authority of righteousness. We need the carnal mind to function in this world; we need to know how to raise our children, how to work, how to get food, but we want to get our food and meet our needs according to righteousness. 


The carnal mind that is not under the authority of the Christ mind may succeed in obtaining the things of this world from a good position, such as going to work and saving money or the carnal mind may find a way to meet the needs of the kingdom that it is a part of by stealing, or abusing people. 


Both the good side of the carnal mind and the evil side of the carnal mind will prosper when it is bound under the righteousness of the authority of the Christ mind. When you put the two minds together and bind the carnal mind which is called the sacrifice, (the Scripture says, bind the sacrifice to the horns of the altarand Jesus is our altar), we would prosper in this world.


Psalm 118:27  God is the LORD, which hath shewed us


light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns


of the altar. KJV


            When the carnal mind is bound under Christ, we would prosper in this world. We would go forth and engage in all of the activities that the carnal mind legitimately engages in in this world, under the auspices of righteousness, which means we cannot fail. It is impossible to fail.


We read in the Book of Revelation that there are souls under the altar crying, How long God, how long oh God?


Revelation 6:9-10


9.  And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:


10.  And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?  KJV


 Those are all of the Christians, the peoples of the world who have subjected their carnal mind to the mind of Christ, and these are the Christians who are manifesting the kingdom of the two heavens.


When the Lord Jesus Christ who is up here in this most high world (Jesus is higher than any other name right now, He is in the highest place), rains down His Spirit and joins it to the Christ mind who is dominating the carnal mind in this kingdom, that Christ in that person who is in that spiritual condition, (the spiritual condition that their Christ mind has climbed on top of their carnal mind and bound down that sacrifice down under it, so that the carnal mind is underneath the Christ mind), that Christ is being strengthening by the glorified Jesus, and when that criterion is met we can say that Christ Jesus, not Christ, is now appearing in that person. 


When the Lord Jesus Christ who is up here in this most high world rains down His Spirit and joins it to the Christ mind who is dominating the carnal mind in this kingdom, the glorified Jesus is strengthening the Christ in this kingdom in this person, we can say that Christ Jesus, is now appearing in that person. 


  So who is Christ Jesus? Christ Jesus is the union of the glorified Jesus Christ with the ascended Christ in a person, and the two of them are completely controlling the carnal mind more than fifty percent of the time, or at least at that moment. That is our goal. When you get to that condition you cannot fail, you have to go forward. This is because all of your spiritual enemies have been neutralized, if you can keep your carnal mind and Christ mind in that condition.   


This message is talking about the different manifestation that people experience when there is a spiritual war going on and I was telling you that the anchor is holding in me this time, which is very exciting for me. Jesus is the anchor. 


In the drawing, the person in black down in the physical world is unaware and not experiencing the warfare at all.  They can walk into your house and you say, Did you feel that warfare?And they sayNo, it is a wonderful day, is it not? The warfare has gone right over their head. They are not experiencing it at all because they are not manifesting the level of spirituality that is experiencing the war, and because it is a spiritual war and not a physical war, they are not being physically shot. So they are not aware of what is going on. They are happy.


Then we have the person signified by the red person here. This person is physically hurt but they do not know why.  What happened to you this morning? They pulled a muscle, they fell through the ceiling, they tripped when they were walking to their car but because they have very little knowledge of what is going on, they do not relate it to anything.


For instance, because you do not have a computer you do not really know what is going on, or you just know little bits of what is going on.  If you do not have some knowledge of the war to relate it to what has happened to you, you are inclined to say, Well, so I pulled a muscle this morning, who knows where it came from.  They have their experience in the warfare because their spirit is plugged into the ministry but they do not really have any information to make any sense out of it. 


            Then we see the person in blue and we see that this person has some spirituality, they are ascended somewhat into the emotional world. Some people call that world the astral plane. The emotions of this person are now experiencing the vibration. The warfare is spiritual and all spirit vibrates. Everything in this world is vibrating.


When our spiritual being is ascended somewhat the first world that we enter into is the emotional world. This is where the brunt of the warfare is because this is Satan's world, the emotional world.  If you can think of this world as a body of water, a sea, and there is a tornado whipping up the waves, that is the condition of the emotional world during the war.


(I have some trouble breathing here this morning. If you can all say a prayer for me please, I would appreciate it. I just rebuke this inability to talk.)


For the person that is spiritually ascended, it is like jumping into the ocean when a tornado is whipping up the waters of the ocean. You feel the warfare in your emotions. You can experience agitation or depression. Those are usually the two experiences that you have if you are ascending into the emotional world. 


            We see the person in purple. They are a little more spiritually ascended; they are ascended into the mental world. You can be in all four worlds.  This person has their emotions in the emotional world. They may be depressed and or agitated, but their mind is also spiritually ascended. That means that there is some manifestation of the Christ mind here.   


In the mental world, evil thoughts, condemnation and guilt enter in.  Yesterday as I came home, I had a suicidal thought.  I am not suicidal. I am not about to be suicidal when all the promises are just hanging there, waiting to manifest. I am so grateful for this glorious ministry that the Lord has given me. I suffer a lot in my flesh but I would not give it up for anything in the world. I am grateful for the glory of this message and everything that He is making out of me and He is doing in me.


Where did this thought of suicide come from? It was an evil thought. Either somebody else was suicidal and I was perceiving their thought or it was Satan telling me, Why don’t you just kill yourself and get it over with because it has been very painful this last couple of weeks and this last few days, with the tossing and turning in my sleep, it has been very, very stressful.  To be honest with you, I do not know which it is, maybe both. Maybe the person who is waging this warfare is suicidal. That will not surprise me at all.   


            Every manifestation of warfare that comes out of us that is not of Christ is of Satan.  Therefore it could be Satan in that person saying, Why don’t you just give up this war? I am determined to win this war. Why don’t you just kill yourself and forget it?  Maybe the suggestion was to kill myself spiritually. Why don’t you just give it up? 


Leviathan thinks that she is Christ, and that is what Christ is saying in this conflict, Why don’t you give up this war.  What is wrong with you that it is so important to you that you have to be right, that you are shooting yourself in the foot, that you are having yourself put out of the ministry that you have been in for ten and a half years, that you know how important it is to you. What is your problem that you are insisting that I should be the one that says that I am wrong and you are right? That is suicide. 


            It could have been the Lord telling that person they were committing suicide. It could have been the person (who, in my opinion, cannot be mentally stable), that was thinking of committing suicide. They cannot be mentally stable to be doing what they are doing. They may very well be suicidal which I think they may be.


On the other hand, Satan could have been telling me, Are you not tired of all this trouble? To tell you the truth, I have been praying to the Lord lately, asking Him if I would ever have a semblance of a normal life.  In my life it is warfare all the time but this has been extreme.  So maybe Satan took that occasion of me saying, Lord I am grateful for everything you have done for me, I do not mean to be complaining, but will I ever have a semblance of a normal life?  Maybe saying that was sin (and I repent), and Satan came at me and said, Well why don’t you just kill yourself and get out of my way. 


It could have been anyone or all of these things, and for whatever the reason, evil thoughts of suicide came into my mind. In the past when I was not any higher than the mental world, I will be plagued by evil thoughts of condemnation and guilt and hatred.


I was attacked with hatred two days ago, hatred or anger? I am sorry it was not hatred. I have been attacked with hatred in this world but thoughts of anger, strong anger, came into me two days ago, and a spirit of division.  If this was me even 6 months ago, I would have been in a big fight with the person but I have been praying about that. I have been praying about being overtaken by other people’s anger. 


It is bad enough if it is my anger (because I know anger is sin, it is the sin of pride). It is bad enough if it is my anger, but to get into a fight with someone because I have been overtaken by someone else’s anger, that is a very grave humiliation that I am not willing to tolerate, so I have been praying very heavily about it.


When anger and the spirit of division came in, I did what the Lord taught me to do; I rebuked it, and I confessed pride in myself because anger is a manifestation of pride.  No matter what has been done to you, anger is a manifestation of pride. Christ does not deal with problems in anger. You say, Well Pastor, what about Jesus whipping up on the money changers?


John 2:15  And when he had made a scourge of small


cords, he drove them all out  of the temple, and the


sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers'


money, and overthrew the tables; KJV


 I have to tell you I have a doubt that that is an accurate translation of the Scripture.  That is not an accurate translation, in my opinion. Why? It is because anger gets you nothing, anger gets you nothing except the wrath of the person you are trying to correct. You do not have a long lasting effect on people that you are angry at.


            You have a long lasting effect by reasoning with people. That is what Jesus does, that is what Christ does. He reasons with people and he teaches them and he talks to them.  Anger gets you nothing; anger is a manifestation of Satan. It is a manifestation of the sowing and reaping judgment. 


Did you know that if you get angry at somebody…. well if the circumstances are such…. I do not want to say that every time you get angry at somebody it is justified but let me put it to you this way. 


Anger coming out of you makes you an expression of the sowing and reaping judgment. Whether that person deserves that kind of anger at that moment or not, there has to be some kind of a curse on that person’s life that opens them up to your anger, because anger is Satan in you punishing them. Anger is punishment upon the other person; anger is punishment upon the other person. 


            If you are in a relationship with someone who is very angry all the time and you want to get out from under that, you should be seeking the Lord as to how you might go about breaking this curse in your life, a curse that has you linked to somebody who is an angry person that is lashing out at you continuously.  Whether you do something to provoke them or not, to be in that position has to be a curse on your life. 


Anger makes you a soldier of Satan. That is what we found in the Alternate Translation. Anger makes you a soldier of Satan, somebody who is acting out the sowing and reaping judgment. That is not how the Lord brings His corrections. He does not bring His correction in anger.


            Anger and the spirit of division rose up in me, and the anchor held. If I yielded to that anger, I would have released my carnal mind from the bands put on it by the Christ mind.  As soon as we fall in line and agree with the thoughts of our carnal mind, we overthrow this union, this three part union, and Christ Jesus is dissolved and the carnal mind rises to the surface and we become a manifestation of the devil. The devil is the personality that agrees with its carnal mind.


            For this couple of months on several occasions I have been tested, this was obviously the ultimate test for me. That this anchor held is very exciting for me because it means I have had a promotion. I have ascended in Christ Jesus. The anger failed because my Christ mind said, No!


I was angry in my emotions and divisive in my mind. My mind justified my anger. I was angry in my emotions, my carnal mind justified the anger but my Christ mind said. No! And the Lord Jesus honored my saying, No, and He delivered me from the anger and the division.  I really praise Him and give Him all the glory for that, that I have been promoted. I have become stronger. 


            When Satan attacks, she comes to your carnal mind. She does not attack your Christ mind directly. The Christ mind could be appearing in all of these worlds, the emotional world and the mental world, but the Christ mind is not strong enough to overcome the evil thoughts of condemnation, to throw away the depression. 


I used to suffer every day of my life by being overshadowed by other people’s negative feelings.   Then I heard from the Lord years ago that you cannot make them go away. There is only one way to make them go away and that is to be translated into the Christ mind.


The only thing that I have ever found that would make depression, agitation or evil thoughts go away is to get into a study, a fully focused concentrated study which translates me into Christ. Then all of this fades away, but as soon as I come out of the study, it comes back. I have known for years that the only way to get away from this tormenting aspect of my life is to ascend above it.


            We are all hopefully continuously ascending, and today, concerning my emotions and evil thoughts (except for that brief departure which failed the other day), I have remained up here in the kingdom of the two heavens.


That anger came in and was designed to strengthen my carnal mind to overthrow Christ, and I would have come crashing down here, and I would have felt the depression, I would have had the evil thoughts and I would have been defeated in this righteous war. 


When the witchcraft comes in it is not attacking Christ, it is attacking the carnal mind on whatever level you are on.  It is attacking your carnality. It is joining itself to your carnality in the hope of strengthening your carnality, either emotionally or mentally, that you should rise up and join in the battle against Christ.


            For the longest time I have told a few people that are close to me, that have heard me talk about it, that when Satan comes in to try to overthrow Christ in me, I feel it as a pressure in my heart centre, and my mind tells me that what will give me relief is to lash out at somebody, at least this is how it has been manifesting in my life. For some reason I get a relief.  


My Christ mind is trying to say, No you are not going to express yourself through me but I feel better, I get a release. I use to call it a spiritual orgasm and it is called scapegoating people. If you are not happy and you have an ungodly response to something that somebody does, it is called scapegoating them.


I have been praying about this for years and it is getting less and less and less, and it really has not happened lately. I got a little testing this morning but I got a grip on myself right away. The anchor is holding. 


            This pressure is an energy floating around in your heart and it needs a release, just like a physical orgasm, it needs a release but you do not have to release it by abusing or attacking other people. You fight it, resist it, and give it to God. What happened to me when that anger was on me and I was resisting it (it was very strong), was that the Lord moved upon the woman who is the point of contact for all of this trouble, and she sent me an email by mistake.  


I had prophesied in this email that was going back and forth. I said at one point, If there is anybody else in this ministry that is not on God’s side you should leave now, because the Lord will expose you, I promise you.  At the time that I wrote down the email I knew that somebody will send me an email that was not intended for me. 


So XXXX sent me an email that was not intended for me, she sent it to the wrong person. I could tell by what she wrote that she sent it to the wrong person. It gave me information that I needed concerning another person whose heart is not right towards this ministry and when that happened the pressure in my heart broke. 


            What am I trying to tell you? XXXX was very angry over this particular issue and her anger was astral projecting through me and trying to manifest as a spirit of division towards someone who has been in agreement with the righteousness here.  It was her anger and when she sent off that email, her anger was released and I was released.  Does anyone not understand what I said? 


That is the war, people astral project. When the Lord first started showing me this I could not believe it and I use to pray all the time, Lord if this is not you I am crazy. They are going to lock me up if they find out what I believe. But it is true.  People do astral project. People that are spiritually ascended can astral project through other people that are spiritually ascended. 


How does that happen? Look, this is you here in the emotional world, you are ascended up here. There is a person in this ministry, her name is XXXX (she has gathered up at least two other people), and she is enraged at me. The witchcraft comes in; the person’s rage comes into the emotional world. They are determined to overthrow my position which is that I believe XXXX has done something wrong, and she is demanding that I believe her that she did not do something wrong, but I know she did something wrong.   


            I have been teaching here for years that if you think I am wrong about you, your recourse is to go to the Lord. You do not wage a war against me.  You go to the Lord and you have to be willing to say, Lord, if the Pastor is right and I am wrong I am willing to accept that but I cannot see it.  That has to be your attitude, not, Show her, Lord! He will never respond to you that way. You must honestly want the truth even if it means you are wrong. 


            XXXX  is very angry at me because she has been exposed to be a liar.  I am sorry I am just telling you the truth. I have known her for ten and a half years and she has deceived me for ten and a half years.  I have proof of her lies and her manipulation and her evil intentions in this ministry and I am not going to forget about them. 


What she wants to be able to do is to say, I am sorry and sweep all that under the rug without admitting what she did, with the proof in black and white, emails that she has written. You cannot do that in the house of the Lord. 


            Her anger is coming at me and the anger is intended to change my mind to come down out of my position so that she can continue to believe that she is righteous. I should say that I made a mistake so that she can continue to be righteous, which is totally unacceptable in God’s household.


Her rage is on the level of the emotional world and it is coming in here.  This is her rage over here and the person who is emotionally ascended…. Look at what is happening; the energy from Satan's rage and the energy from the emotionally ascended person are mixing. They are mixing together. 


The rage is energy, and the person's spiritual being is energy and they are all mixing together. Is there any surprise that the energy that is rage is going to filter down into the person and they are going to start experiencing that rage or that depression or that anxiety? 


            Our own spiritual being can be vibrating at a peaceful decibel and then the tornado comes in, a tornado of rage just comes in and whips our emotions around.  When I look around myself, I would say, There is nothing wrong in my life. Everything is okay, all my needs are met, and everybody is healthy.  Why am I all agitated? 


It is this woman’s rage, which is raging on this level called the emotional world and because I am spiritually ascended, her molecules, you might say her spiritual molecules, have grabbed hold of my spiritual molecules, just like in a tornado.  If you have seen pictures of a tornado, cars and people and houses are caught up in tornado, and that is what has happened to aspects of my soul. This rage has grabbed hold of the spiritual aspects of my soul and is whipping them around in a tornado. 


            What happens down here depends on who you are. In my case, my potential to be angry has been sealed off. I have been praying about it for years, so it has been sealed off. It is an ungodly potential and it has been sealed off. It is a potential to be angry or react to pressure with anger. It is been sealed off, as I prayed about it for years. 


This person down here now gets angry. Some little thing that under other circumstances they will completely ignore, happens and all of a sudden they are angry. Anger is an energy ball inside of their heart. 


            What is this energy ball?  It is whatever you want to call this element of the rage. When you talk about light you talk about photons, if you talk about matter, you talk about atoms. You can call it whatever the correct spiritual term is for the element of rage, the spiritual element of rage. It is now down in the person’s heart. It is an energy ball in the person’s heart.


We should really show it going right down into the person’s heart.  All of these rage…. The Bible talks about bees. That is what the Scripture is talking about when it talks about the judgment of bees or the spiritual attack of bees. That is what it is talking about. 


These little particles that will be likened to the photons of light have entered into our spiritual being and mixed together with our soul and they are raging like an energy ball in our heart centre. 


As a result, one person will go out and drink, another will go out and drug, another person will go out and buy compulsively. Another person will gamble, another person will look for illicit sex. If they are married they get their discharge by cheating on their wife. 


Someone else will get angry. We would do whatever our weakness is, whatever our human potential is. These bees buzzing around, this energy ball in our heart centre drives us to do something self destructive, anything to just get rid of the pressure. 


            Our weapon against this is the knowledge and understanding that I am giving you today.  You could eat compulsively. That is what I did this time. I went off my diet and I ate things that I should not have eaten and I ate too much. That was the extent of my ungodly response to this pressure. 


It could not touch my mind; it could not touch Christ Jesus. It did not touch me in aspects of righteousness.  The thought of suicide came, I just rebuked it and it went away. I had a wherewithal to rebuke it.


When you all get an evil thought, are you rebuking it? This whole message is an instruction for you.  When you get an evil thought, if you are feeling guilty or condemnation, are you rebuking it?  Are you saying out of the righteousness of Christ, I know I have done nothing wrong therefore you must depart from me. That is the warfare. 


            If you are depressed and you start repenting for being depressed, that is the wrong tactic. When you know you are in the middle of a war like this and you are depressed why are you repenting? What are you repenting for? You have to rebuke it and command it to depart from you. 


Maybe it will go, and maybe it would not because as I told you, the only thing I ever found that will make it go away is to translate my mind into another world through spiritual studies or something that you are focusing on.  If you have the mental power to focus on any kind of work or craft, you can chase it.  But as soon as you come back into the active world it will be back again. So you have to ascend above it.


            There is an energy ball in your heart. Do you know that it is that kind of an energy ball that drives people to suicide? I just told you, suicide, drink, drug, and the whole world is under this pressure to some level and they do not know what is driving them.  They do not even know why they are doing it.


All they know is that they feel pain, they feel pain and they are desperate.  Whether the pain is in their conscious mind or not, whether they actually sit down and say, I feel pain, what am I going to do to get rid of the pain? (very few people do that), they just go for the drink, or the drug or the phone number or the credit card. It is like an automatic reaction to the pain. 


            The whole world is under this to different degrees and in Christ Jesus we have the privilege of understanding this and in His name to rebuke it, but this is what is going on. There is an open door here, and part of the answer is to ascend higher but we can only ascend as fast as we can ascend. Of course we can cry out to Jesus, we can go to other Christians, we can strengthen each other, talk about it, pray for each other. 


            I suspect the day will come when I (or whoever else it is) ascend all the way up here to the most high world where we will be above it completely.  I preach that Jesus did not feel pain when his physical body was crucified and as my proof I talked about the gurus of this world that swallow fire and walk on nails and sleep on nails. There are other cults that stab themselves.   Why would Jesus feel pain when He is on His way to being the most high God?  It does not make any sense to me at all.


            There is a place that we can ascend to even in the flesh where we are above all of this.  Just by way of an example, I will tell you that the pressure on me was tremendous and I am grateful that all I did was over-eat a little, but I was quite uncomfortable for a while.


             This is what I want you to understand, the pressure is coming from the witchcraft. It is in the emotional world but of course as it spreads downwards it spreads upwards too.  It is in the evil thoughts. You are hearing her evil thoughts and the evil thoughts of everyone that agrees with her. 


The influence is in the mental world, in the emotional world and the intention of the pressure is to break your carnal mind free and overturn Christ so that you fall down out of righteousness.  It is called coming down to that person’s level. As I told you earlier righteousness is above politics. Anyone that is truly in righteousness is above politics.


             I have had people look at me right in the eye and tell me that they hate me and I have no problem forgiving them, absolutely no problem because I know I did not do anything to give them reason to hate me and it is just a manifestation.  There is no politics here; nothing that I have done is because you have hurt my feelings.


            When I see you go after the disciples in this ministry you better watch out because I become very dangerous.  You have found yourself completely out of the door with no recourse of coming back which is the situation right now. This is not because of anything that she said about me. There was not one thing that she could have said about me that would have sent her out of the door with no hope of return.  


However, to find out that she was going behind my back to young disciples that do not know the difference and teaching contrary to what I am teaching in a manner that will separate them from me, she does not stand a chance of coming back.  You are out permanently and for ever. Are there any questions about this? 


            These are the children of the Kingdom. I have been given the job of raising up the children of the Kingdom. I am like a mother with her kids; you can do anything you want to me but do not come after my kids. Are there any questions on this? 


What we are going to talk about now is forgiveness, because the carnal mind at this point will be accusing me of unforgiveness.  Do you have a question?


COMMENT: My cats seem to have taken the hit in this warfare. How does that work out? Is it because she knows about my cats?


PASTOR VITALE: In all of this warfare, the person that is manifesting the witchcraft does not have to know whether you have cats or not.  It does not work like that because this energy stream, this putrid energy stream that is called witchcraft that is spewing out of the person's mind and mouth goes into the spiritual atmosphere.  She does not have to know anything about you. If you have a presence in the emotional plane  and you have any kind of a connection with her at all, this mixes together. 


            You especially have a very strong soul tie with your cats. There are degrees of relationships with animals but you are very close to your animals and animals exist in the emotional world. Animals are soul. Cats have a soul but they do not have a spirit, but they have a soul. 


Your cats are up here in the emotional world also, especially since you humanize them so much. It is just the truth. I am not saying that is good or bad. I am just saying that that is a fact. Everybody does not deal or relate to their animals the way you do.  They are very important to you and they are very close to you.  A lot of people do relate to their animals that way but not everybody does.   


            Your soul ties with your animals by your devotion to them and the way you relate to them, has elevated their soul, just like Christ or Jesus is drawing us up to where He is.  You who are a god to your animals because you are a higher species, you have elevated your animals. In your own words, you say that they are your family, so you have elevated your cats to a higher species.  They are up here with you and all of their emotions are here in particles also and this putrid energy stream is mixing with them. It is not on a conscious level.


I myself will like to know the answer to what I am going to say now. How is it determined that your animals take the hit?  Is it that the Lord Jesus intervenes and deflects it?  Is it that you are connected to me and I am a protection to all of you here (it would be an unconscious thing), or is it the decision of the cat itself?


I do not know. Maybe the Lord will tell me. As I tell you all many times, if you want to grow in Christ you need to ask questions, no matter how way-out the questions appear to be. There are many things He will not tell you unless you ask.  So I am asking Him right now. Whose decision was it for your cats to take the hit for you?  Of course it will have been on an unconscious level. It is very interesting.


  COMMENT:  XXXX just asked you about her cats taking the hit. If somebody had directed this rage at you, the person that is the Christian, will that not filter down through your family?


PASTOR VITALE:  Yes it does filter down to your family but the way I am seeing it right now, is that everybody’s soul is all mixed up here in this emotional world.  XXXX’s soul and the souls of the cats and this spiritual filth coming forth is coming out of the soul, so it is all mixing together. Now, why will it be that the particles of the soul of the animals took it and not XXXX.   


She did fall through the ceiling, but one of her cats died, she did not die and the other cat needed surgery, she has not needed surgery. How was it determined that it was not XXXX that needed the surgery but the cat that needed the surgery? Right now, I do not know the answer to that. Would it not be interesting if it turned out that it was your cat herself who made that decision. I do not know.


            We have heard stories for years about animals saving lives, about dogs rescuing children that they grow up with. Animals are much more sensitive spiritually than we are.  It will be interesting to find out if that was true or not or whatever the truth is in that circumstance. 


            I believe that the Lord answers every question that we ask. He does not always answer it right away. Sometimes it could take years to get an answer because we need to be more mature to understand the answer or we need to learn other things before we can understand the answer, or some other reasons that I do not even know about. But I know that he has answered questions that I have asked him years later.  Sometimes I get it right away but sometimes it has been years later. 


            I did not put an announcement on this message yet because I was not sure what it will be but I think the name of it will be Forgiveness.


I think it was yesterday or two days ago, I sent out an email to a couple of people. I did not send it to everyone involved and I remind you all that I was trying to contain this.  This has been a crisis in the Ministry. In the Church world we call it a shaking. It happens all the time in Ministries but usually the congregation does not know the details. 


Usually what happens is somebody rises up in the congregation and talks to a whole bunch of people and they all leave and start a new Church. The people that remain do not know what really happened or the details of it. I tried to contain it and keep it to the few people that were involved but XXXX herself extended it to people who really should not have been involved. 


Her whole purpose was to gain strength and to either pressure me to see her way or to take more people out of the fellowship. That was her whole intention and that is why we are talking about it at the meetings because she spread it out. It is just as well, because even if she did not spread it out, people are feeling it in their emotions and in their bodies, so they need to know what is going on.   


            This kind of Ministry, as I told you earlier, is very different, and sometimes I do not make right decisions but thank God I am not the head of this Ministry. Jesus is the head of this Ministry, and if I make a mistake He corrects me and if I did not make the correction that He told me to make I will not be holding this office.  He is the top guy. The buck stops with Him.


            I sent out this email a day or two ago and it was not to everybody involved. It was basically to the people who had spoken up and were, as far as I knew, being hurt in their emotions and in their minds, because I had not heard from other people that they were being hurt.  For whatever reason I restricted it to just a few people.


            It all started with a dream that the Lord gave me.  It was more than a dream, it was more like a vision. I had fallen asleep. I never sleep in the afternoon. It is very rare for me to sleep in the afternoon, even on the occasions that I had worked all night. I usually go right through the next day and go to sleep at night, but this afternoon it was very oppressive and the pressure was incredible and I fell into a fitful sleep.


I had this dream and the Lord gave me an interpretation of the dream.  As I started to interpret the dream, I got more and more information (which happens to me a lot), and it turned into a mini-study on Forgiveness and I hope to get to that today.   


            I have trouble breathing and I am a little long winded but I am going to try. I just rebuke this condition in my lungs, I command them to open and that I should breathe freely in Jesus name. 


It happens so often that I am taught as I minister, and now I have an understanding of forgiveness that I never had before. I went to the Lord, last night in particular, although this teaching came forth first after I found out that she had been talking to a disciple here in a manner that was definitely designed to seriously harm them if they were to receive what she was telling them.   


I had already forgiven her. I had completely forgiven her for everything that happened. I am telling you, not that I am encouraging you to talk bad about me, but I find it very easy to forgive people that talk bad about me. I just get over it right away. XXX was telling me for years that she could not believe how forgiving I was to one person here. No matter what they did to me I just kept forgiving them. I am very forgiving.


I had completely forgiven XXXX, and the other two people with her and this whole email that I wrote was exhorting people to forgive her. Then I found out something that I did not know before, that (to me), she had even done a greater evil than I had known about.


As I tried to fall asleep last night I said to the Lord, I do not know what to do, because I just got another email from her asking to be forgiven again.  I have never seen anything like it. She goes from calling me a cult leader and saying all kinds of serious things and then the next day or two days later she sends me an email saying, Please forgive me, but she will not admit that she did anything wrong.   It is just not rational. Anyway, this last email said, Please forgive me for my part in this


I said to the Lord last night, Lord what do I do?  There is no forgiveness in my heart, and I know that you command us to forgive. I just wrote this whole beautiful email on forgiveness, but I cannot see letting her back in to do this kind of damage again.  So if I have unforgiveness please help me, because in my heart there is no forgiveness, although your Scriptures says we have to forgive. 


            His answer to me came last night when I could not sleep, and it is fortified in me this morning. It is a new understanding of forgiveness; at least it is new for me.  I would like to read briefly the dream that the Lord gave me. Maybe I will just read you the email. I understand what I wrote about forgiveness in this email even more today. 


            This is the dream that I had. It was more like a vision. The difference between a night vision and a dream is that in a night vision or in a vision, you are actually having a spiritual experience on this ascended plane up here.


If you do not know the difference, it appears to be a dream because your eyes are closed and you are sleeping. It is called a sleeping trance. You think it is a dream, but it is not a dream because it is actually happening at that moment and you are actually perceiving something that is going on in the spiritual plane.




I believe it was a vision and I was on line, like you would stand on line at the airport to go through security. The security guard stopped me and took me off the line at the point where you put all your stuff on the conveyor belt.  He took me off the line and pointed to a chair in a corner and asked me to elevate my feet.  I was very distressed that he had stopped me. Then the next scene is that I was sitting behind a desk. I never saw myself elevate my feet but in the next scene I was sitting behind a desk, the kind of desk you will find in an office, a grey metal desk that you may find in some offices (I do not know if any of you have done office work or not).


I would never have expected myself to be sitting behind that desk because I had just been taken off the security line. A second security guard approached me.  I do not remember exactly what he said to me but I was still waiting to be interrogated by the first security guard, so I was surprised that I was sitting behind a desk as if I was working there.  The second security guard questioned me, and then departed from me and went to the first security guard and reported, saying, she is scared silly, or scared sick or she is really scared.


            I just reported that briefly to a couple of people by email, and then the Lord sent me back to the computer to interpret the dream.  As I started to type, the revelation started flooding in (which happens to me all the time), and this is what I wrote.  I wrote it to the people that the Lord directed me to, so if you did not receive this email, take it up with the Lord. 


            The Lord told me to write again with the interpretation of it, and basically it was to the people who were writing me back and forth with their feelings.  It was the people that were communicating and were wholly involved with what was going on. These were the people the Lord told me to write to. The Lord told me to write again with the interpretation of the dream.


Interpretation of the dream


 I and Christ Jesus within me are the security guard who intervened with XXXX’s journey (momentum forward in Christ).


I am the security guard who, within my authority, required her to raise up her carnal mind, but she did not, so now her labor for the Lord has been detained.


XXXX is now waiting for the judge/security guard (Christ Jesus within me and those who are able to judge righteous judgment within the Ministry), to declare whether or not she can continue on her journey into Christ Jesus. In my opinion, a negative decision, in view of her age and poor health, might result in her death.


XXXX was told by me to elevate her feet (carnal mind). I did not see her doing that in the dream and, as we all know, she has not done that as of yesterday.


The second guard is Christ within her. I think He finally got through to her last night, and whatever He said to her “scared her silly.” I think He told her that if she did not repent, He/Christ within her would die, and then her physical death would follow.


The second guard (Christ within her) reported her reaction to His Truth to Christ Jesus within me by this dream, and I am reporting it to the spiritual elders (those who can judge righteous judgment) within the Ministry by this interpretation.


All concerned are now waiting for the LEGAL DECISION. This is the true meaning of “judgment,” legal decision. 


I, and Christ Jesus within me, are the security guard who intervened with XXXX's journey. I typify XXXX in the dream and even as I talk to you now I understand things that I did not even write here. 


            Why will it be an airplane journey? She was on the line going through security, getting ready to board the plane for ascension. She was not just taking a trip, she was eligible, she was on the path for ascension but as she passed through security she was stopped.  


She fooled me but she did not fool the Lord.  You cannot ascend in Christ Jesus because you want to. These few weeks were crazy. She would rip me to pieces and the next day email me saying she wants to be restored.  In one of the emails in which she did that she said, Oh I just listened to your message End Of The World,  and I want to go on with Christ Jesus but she will not admit that she did anything wrong.


            She wants to ascend, and as she tried to approach the plane for ascension…. and who is the plane? Christ Jesus is the plane.  This is the vehicle; this Ministry today is the vehicle for ascension. I do not care who is hearing this message. I know someone will say, Who do you think you are?!  That is the word of the Lord, it is not me.   


It is His work and it is in this place. If you do not want to believe it, you do not have to try and come, but this Ministry today is a vehicle for ascension. However, you have to pass through security and XXXX could not make it through security.


            This is one more witness that this Ministry is about to go up, which is what I have been saying all along. I have been saying, Why this crisis now? It is because we are about to ascend. All these signs, with the radio broadcast, show that we are about to ascend and burst forth more publicly, and XXXX did not make it through security.  Does anybody not know what I am saying?


This security is real. It is so hard to see because here we are sitting in my own home, comfortably sitting on couches and nobody is dressed up and we are all casual but I am telling you this Ministry is a vehicle for ascension.  Do not believe what your eyes see, it is what the Lord says.  This Ministry is going up and XXXX did not make it through security.  She was pulled off the line. 


She was sitting behind this metal desk because in her mind apparently she is still employed by the Ministry. She has worked for this Ministry without taking a penny for ten and a half years. To her carnal mind she has been abused. She has worked a full time job for more than ten years. She has bought her own supplies, and she has not taken a penny and has tithe faithfully, and in her carnal mind, after all that, I have thrown her out.


But she did not make it through security, and it is the Lord who has thrown her out. I will not be doing it if He was not in agreement with it. She was sitting behind this metal desk because in her mind apparently she is still employed by the Ministry. She is under the gun. She has labored all these years and she is under the gun and she thinks it is unfair.    


            The Lord has surely confirmed to me what He had already told me in this incident. You can be faithful for five years, ten years, fifty years, a hundred years, when you start doing evil and making trouble in the here and now, all of your faithfulness of the past years does not stop the judgment from falling on you. 


I did everything that I could to restore her but there is no repentance. I do not care if she has given a million dollars here. She cannot stay in this Ministry doing what she has done and is continuing to do it, not admitting that she has done anything wrong. It is absolutely impossible and that is the spirit of righteousness as opposed to the carnal mind.


            I believe the Lord told me that the second security guard who approached her where she was working is Christ in her.  She must have some manifestation of Christ. My guess is it is an imputed Christ because she has pursued after the Holy Spirit for years. I do not think that it can be the imparted Christ because the imparted Christ is righteousness.  It is possible that she has the imparted Christ that is dying because her carnal mind is so strong and she would not live out of Christ. That is possible too. 


            After transcribing for ten and a half years, she may have the seed grafted to her but He is definitely going to die if repentance does not come forth in her.  She has to fall out of agreement with her carnal mind.  She is fully married to her carnal mind and Leviathan and Satan will not tolerate a grafted Christ in a person that is in their kingdom.  She does not understand that what she is doing is suicide, spiritual suicide. 


            That is my initial understanding of the dream, that the second guard is Christ in her talking to her and maybe He finally got through to her after I cut her off and said I will not read or respond to anymore of her emails.  Things got quiet within a day or so. Maybe the Christ within her rose up and spoke to her. I do not know what He said to her but  her reaction was that she was very frightened. 


            I had told her that Christ in her was going to die. Maybe that is what He told her, I do not know.  The second security guard reported that information to the first security guard and I believe that it was Christ in XXXX giving me that information in that sleeping trance. I was the first security guard that Christ in XXXX was reporting to  and I had a word of knowledge in that night vision that she was very frightened. 


            The last thing I had heard from her before I had that dream was a very arrogant and aggressive email saying bad things about me and that very same day that I had this dream, I got an email from her asking to be forgiven.  Maybe she got very frightened at the thought of being on the outside, but she has given this false repentance on at least three or four occasions. 


She does not want to deal with what she did; she wants her lies to be believed. She will not even put them before the Lord for confirmation.  She wants to sweep everything under the rug and say I am sorry and be restored, which is not possible, and then I am accused of not accepting her forgiveness.


This is the interpretation of the dream. I and Christ Jesus within me are the security guard who intervened with XXXX’s journey, we are meant to move forward in Christ.  I am the security guard who within my authority required her to raise up her carnal mind but she did not.  She insisted that she was right and that I was wrong and whatever else she said about me. 


            Now her labor for the Lord has been detained, but not only her labor, her ascension has been detained, and also her labor, because she did want to continue editing.  XXXX is now waiting for the judge and I am saying that the first security guard is the judge. 


            We talked about being a judge and judgment in the first segment of this message.  When Christ Jesus appears, we are the court of Jehovah. We are Jehovah's justice when our consciousness is manifesting the righteousness of Christ Jesus.  Christ may be grafted to us but if our consciousness, if our decisions and our evaluations are out of our carnal mind, I do not care if Christ is grafted to you, you are not Jehovah's righteousness. 


            It is when your conscious mind thinks like Christ and seeks to think like Christ, saying, Lord, let me think like you think, let me have your thoughts (that is how I pray), how do you see this, let me see how you see, let me think how you think and the person whose desire is to manifest Christ becomes Jehovah's justice. 


It has nothing to do with how much knowledge you have of the Doctrine of Christ or whether you speak in tongues or heal the sick or cast out demons or how many people follow you. It has nothing to do with that.  It has to do with whether or not the mind of Christ, the rationale of Christ, the righteousness of Christ, is manifesting through your conscious mind in the day to day aspects of life.   


            We teach here, and you all listen to me teach sometimes high spiritual doctrine, high spiritual philosophy. This is very exciting but that high spiritual philosophy is designed to build Christ in you, and you the personality, has to give up and sacrifice your own carnal thoughts in favor of the rationale and the logic and the righteousness of Christ, or listening to this high doctrine has not done its work in you. 


            Just like the Holy Spirit in the Church is designed to result in the formation of the fruit of the Spirit in you and the fruit of the Spirit is the imputed Christ, it is the female side of Christ, love, joy, peace, etc


Galatians 5:22-23


22. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,


23. Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. KJV


That is the end of the Holy Spirit, the imputed Christ in you.  The end of the high spiritual doctrine that you hear in this Ministry is the formation and the grafting of the male side of Christ to you. 


If you have the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit is not formed in you, it has not done its work.  If you submit yourself to the high spiritual doctrine here and it does not result in righteousness being formed in you, it has failed.  It has failed to do its job and you are a spiritual egg that has not been penetrated by the sperma of the Lord Jesus Christ and the knowledge of the high spiritual doctrine has puffed you up and made you think that you are more important than you are.  It has not done the work in you. Righteousness is not appearing in your thoughts or your rationale, the way you think and reason. 


            The measurement is not a knowledge of doctrine. It is who you spiritually are and that is what the angels are measuring in the Book of Revelation. 


Revelation  21:15 


And he that talked with me had a golden reed to


measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the


wall thereof. KJV 


The angel that goes out with a golden reed is measuring the righteousness of God in you because that is the end of receiving the Holy Spirit and receiving Christ and receiving all the exciting teaching that we give here.   


            If it does not produce righteousness in you it has failed, and that is the only test that God is looking for.  He is not impressed with your tongues. He is not impressed with any of your Holy Ghost experiences.  I want to tell you that He is not even impressed with your obedience, although he appreciates obedience. He is looking for the fruit, and the fruit is righteousness in the everyday nitty gritty details of your life. 


            I do not know about now but, there was a time this woman that is making all of this trouble would drive back five miles to a store to return a nickel if someone gave her an extra nickel of change. Is that a bad thing? No, but that is not the righteousness of Christ. 


            The righteousness of Christ has to do with a value judgment of the problems and conflicts in the nitty gritty everyday behavior of God’s people. The value judgment of the motives of God’s people is all that counts; everything else is a step along the way. 


            Israel had a whole series of steps along the way but what was the final judgment pronounced on Israel? You have brought forth wind. You did not produce the man child.  You just produced the spiritual aspect which is the raw power of God. You never brought forth the male child.   


Wind is the Holy Spirit, but it was a very high manifestation of the Holy Spirit in Israel, higher than the Holy Spirit we see here. It was likened to the Spirit of Christ. 


            You brought forth the energy. You brought forth the Spirit of Christ but you did not bring forth the male child and now you menstruated and you died because the power of God will not produce immortality in you.  They shall be saved in child bearing. 


1Timothy 2:15 


Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if


they continue in faith and charity and holiness with


sobriety. KJV 


When you bear the male child, you shall enter into immortality which is the ultimate proof of salvation, and you cease from dying. 


            I am the security guard who within my authority required her to raise up her carnal mind, her feet. The feet is a type of symbol of the carnal mind. She did not raise it up but she continued to believe that she is right. I do not even know if she believes that she is right. I honestly do not know what she believes but some people will fight to the death to be right even if they know they are wrong.  Did you know that?


            We have all seen movies about prosecutors that prosecute somebody and put them in jail, and the proof is there that they are innocent and the prosecutor will not re-open the case. That is what we have here.  To what degree she knows she is lying and manipulating and twisting, I do not know. If she does not know it at all, she is really ill.  If she knows it she has this manifestation of pride that simple will not admit that she has made a mistake or has done something wrong. 


            XXXX is now waiting for the judge who is the security guard, which is Christ Jesus within me and those who are able to judge righteous judgment within the Ministry.  We are all one man. Every one in this ministry that is judging righteous judgment is a part of the local body of Christ Jesus, but you have to be involved.  It is not enough to say I agree with this person or I agree with that person. Those of you who were privy to the emails going back and forth, what came out of you? Where was the righteous position that came out of you?


            Everybody who was a part of the judgment…. To be a part of Christ Jesus in this situation…. and that does not mean that you cannot be in the next situation….  to be a part of Christ in this situation the judgment had to come forth from you, guilty! Why? Because of righteousness in you. It had to be your reaction, not an agreement to someone else’s reaction. 


            XXXX is now waiting for the judge to declare whether or not she can continue on her journey into Christ Jesus.  Is this not amazing? Brethren, I am telling you that this is not a dream. This has really happened on a higher spiritual realm that I saw in a trance. This woman is killing herself and she does not even know that a higher authority is getting ready to pass judgment on her whether or not she can go on.  She continues to lie and wheel and deal and manipulate.


Do you know that my heart at one point was breaking, not just for her, but for everyone in the Church that does not understand that our God is as involved in the simplest little aspects of our everyday life as He is with the worlds of humanity.  He is looking for righteousness in us and depending on how mature you are…. Well I do not want to say how mature you are. For someone who has been subject to the instruction and the spirit that flows here for ten and a half years, certain things are expected from you.


            For her to be doing this, doing what she is doing, is totally unacceptable for someone who has been here for ten years, and  judgment is about to fall on her and she does not even know it.  That is what hurts me, not her in particular, but I see this happening all over the Church world. 


The Church is absolutely ignorant, and in darkness (of course, there are always exceptions when I talk like this) and all that they think about is getting to the people that do not know Jesus and they think they are going to be raptured and be fine.


            It is a false message here in the Church. God is here today, this minute, this second, are you doing what is right? You cannot go on if you are not doing what is right in the here and now. The only rapture is the promotion that you get when the Lord determines that you are doing what is right in the here and now.  


The message in the Church is so messed up! How did this ever happen, that it should be that messed up? That is what bothers me. That is what bothers me.


All that I can do is do my little part in this. That is all I can do.  All of us here together, we are the Joseph company and we are preparing these messages and this spiritual food, and now it is up to the Lord to bring the people who are truly seeking Him to these messages and to tell them, That is my word and that is what you need to do to get your problems solved.   


            My job, and our job (you with me) is to prepare the spiritual food and put it in a form that believers can access it.  It is not our job to personally minister to every human being that the body of Christ is comprised of. We cannot possibly do it.  It has to be a supernatural work of the Lord bringing in the people to the food and saying, Eat! Whoever eats lives and whoever does not eat is going to die. 


            We have to focus…. Your job is to be present at these meetings that the Lord has called you to, so that your spirit is active here. If you are listening to me, your spirit is active here, and you are a part of preparing this food. You are part of what is coming forth here. That is our part.


Out part is not to go out there and try to push this message on everybody or to teach this message to everybody. Our part is to be here and to work the work here and to deal with our own heart here and ask the Lord what he wants to change in us now and today.   


            If He brings us teaching or if He brings us ministry with other people, that is fine but that is not our primary function. Teaching others is not our primary function today.  Our primary function is dealing with our sin nature so that we can ascend, so that from a high place we can help larger numbers of people, not just one person here or one person there because it makes us feel good that we are teaching them. This is not about us. 


            She is waiting for the judge to determine whether or not she can continue on her journey into Christ Jesus. In my opinion (this is what I wrote), a negative decision, in view of her age and poor health, might result in her death.  I am sorry I am not prophesying over her but that is just a practical conclusion.     XXXX was told by me to elevate her feet, which are her carnal mind. I did not see her doing that in the dream and as we all know she has not done that as at yesterday.  


            The second guard is Christ within XXXX. I think He finally got through to her last night and whatever He said to her scared her silly.  I think He told her that if she did not repent, He, Christ within her will die and then her physical death will follow, because we all die.  She is in her seventies already, we all die. 


The second guard, which is Christ within XXXX, reported XXXX's reaction to His truth, to the truth of the Lord, that if she continues like this, Christ in her will die. Why will Christ in her die? He will die because she is so in agreement with Leviathan that by that strength of the union, Christ can be killed.  Just like you see on this board that Jesus is supporting the Christ mind in me, Satan supports the carnal mind in her, and just like everyone who is in this position on this board, we are trying to kill Leviathan and Leviathan and Satan are trying to kill Christ. Only one can survive.  


The second guard (Christ within XXXX) reported XXXX’s reaction to His truth to Christ Jesus within me by this dream, and I am reporting it to the spiritual elders…. Who are the spiritual elders?  They are the people who can and have judged righteous judgment.  You are a spiritual elder if you can judge righteous judgment but you have to judge righteous judgment.


I am sorry I do not mean to hurt anybody’s feelings here but if you did not get this email you were not involved in the judgment. That is what the Lord told me.  You were not actively involved in the judgment.


The second guard (Christ within XXXX) reported XXXX’s reaction to His truth to Christ Jesus within me by this dream, and I am reporting it to the spiritual elders within the ministry, by this interpretation. All concerned are now waiting for the LEGAL DECISION. 


This decision is going to be a legal decision. Jehovah’s court is real.  A legal decision is coming down as to whether or not she can continue on into Christ Jesus, and this is the true meaning of judgment, a legal decision. 


The court of Jehovah is real and we are all witnessing and experiencing it now. According to the Jewish rabbis, the court is the Lord Jesus and Christ Jesus within the individual.  The court is the Lord Jesus and Christ Jesus within me and all of you who are attached to Christ within me in this conflict. 


Maybe those of you who do not have a computer did not have enough information, so you were not a part of this court, in this situation. That does not mean forever, it just means this situation.   


            Jehovah’s court in this situation comprised of the people who were actively involved. Maybe Christ in you did not cause you to be actively involved, maybe you are not ready to be actively involved.  Do not feel bad about something like this. If you were not actively involved, if you did not get this email, resist feeling bad. 


Tell the Lord if it happens again you want to be involved or ask him why you were not involved.  Maybe Christ in you was not mature enough. Maybe you did not have access to a computer. Maybe you were remiss, maybe you were not. If you were remiss, you just repent and say you want to be involved next time. Do not let Satan condemn you with this, please. Do not let Satan condemn you.


I start exhorting everybody after this dream.  The court of Jehovah is real and we are all witnessing and experiencing it now.  I urge you all to put all personal grievances awaybecause this email went to the people who were being viciously attacked, as well as me, people who were in the fray. I urge you to put all personal grievances away so that Christ might rise in you and plead for XXXX's life. 


            I ask you all to agree with my prayer but it must be an honest decision to agree on your own part. Do not do it because I ask you to. Try the spirit in your own heart. If it is not Christ saying I agree but you mind agrees with me, but it is not in your heart, ask the Lord to give you a heart and mind that manifest his nature.


And this is my prayer. 




Father in the Jesus we most humbly ask you to spare XXXX life, knowing that anyone of us can be in the same trouble that she is in now. We know that it is only by your mercy that she is there and that we are here, standing. 


Please help us to forgive her and everyone who sided with her, the ones we know about and the ones we do not know about. 


We know about XXXX who has openly spouted the same filth, and most likely XXXX who did not say anything but XXXX and XXXX claim she was with them, and she has not said otherwise. 


There is one person in this ministry, who I am not going to name (but I suspected it all along and the Lord did confirm it to me as I was writing this email) that although they did not get involved, in their heart they were not judging righteous judgment. They were on XXXX’s side feeling sorry for her.  I do not know if they agreed with what she was doing but they were feeling sorry for her and felt that she was being attacked unrighteously. They could not see the righteousness of my position and those who are with me.   


Help us all Lord to do your will and manifest your nature.  Give me Wisdom Lord as how to deal with any and all of them (XXXX, XXXX, XXXX and this other person) from now on. 


My prayer Lord is that they should all live and not die. Change their hearts and teach them righteousness Lord so that they should not endanger their own lives again.  We say restore and again we say restore, oh merciful God, who has given us all so much. Dare we deny the same mercy to anyone else? 


That was my prayer, yesterday. Then I went forward with this teaching under the instruction of the Lord. 


I know this is hard for you to believe, brethren, but the lives of the transgressors depend on our having mercy on them.  If we fail to forgive them, destruction will come upon them and eventually upon the ones who will not forgive. If you do not forgive, eventually someone will not forgive you.  We shall all reap what we sow. Those who sow mercy will reap mercy but those who sow hardness of heart shall not find mercy in the day of their testing.   


            For we shall all be tested, brethren, and I quote the following Scriptures. 


Isaiah 26:9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early:  for when thy judgments (the nature of Christ)are in the earth (of the personality), the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. KJV 


The reason I included the nature of Christ is because Jesus said, Judge not and you shall not be judged. 


Matthew 7:1-2 


1. Judge not, that ye be not judged.


2.  For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. KJV


            But there is a difference between the judgment that comes out of your carnal mind and the righteous judgment of Christ. 


            Jesus said, I judge no man but when I judge I judge by the righteousness of God.  Did He not know what he was talking about, I judge no man but when I judge….? 


John 8:15-16


15. Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man.


16. And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me. KJV 


He was saying, I am not judging out of my manhood. Jesus was the son of man and the son of God.   He says, I do not judge anybody out of my humanity, but you should know that when I judge, it is the judgment of God. 


            The Lord says through the Prophet Isaiah, When your judgments, which are the nature of Christ, are in the earth or in the personality, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.  The way the Lord teaches us righteousness is by grafting the male aspect of His son to us. The spiritual woman does not have the wherewithal to judge righteousness. 


            It is possible for the spiritual female to manifest the love of God but if the male side of Christ is not in her, any judgment coming forth is coming out of that person’s carnal mind. 


If you have the Holy Spirit, if you have the fruit of the Spirit, if you have the knowledge of the Doctrine of Christ, and you think that because you have those things the judgment that comes out of your mind must automatically be Christ, you are greatly deceived. 


Everything is accomplished in the mouth of two or three witnesses. You have to submit what you perceive to be your righteousness to the eldership here, to me and to the other people that are manifesting the spirit of righteousness. If you are not doing that, and in your own mind you have decided that you have the authority to judge righteous judgment, you are just deceiving yourself.  There is someone here that does that, and I pray for them all the time.


I am going back to the email now. I quote this scripture. 


John 5:26-27


26. For as the father has life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; 


27. And (the father) hath given him (the son) authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.  KJV


I have not looked at that in the Greek, but what I just said sounds like a contradiction.  Jesus said, I never judge out of my humanity, but only judge out of the righteousness of Christ.  If I were to look at this in the Greek it is probably saying the same thing.  It says here ….because he is the Son of man.


I am not going to guess. The Scripture does not contradict itself. That is a word of knowledge of the spirit of revelation that has come forth today about what Jesus was saying, that we only judge, not because we are the son of man, but because we are the son of God. Christ within us is what makes us the son of God. 


            If I should go to a part two of this (which I doubt) I will look up that Scripture in the interlinear and get the correct translation for you.


            Now, back to what I wrote in the email. I remind you, brethren, that Jesus is no longer the Son. He is now one with His Father and He is God. Christ in us is now the Son, and when we agree with Christ within us, we are the Son of God. Jesus is no longer the Son; Christ in us is now the Son. We are the Son.  Jesus in the days of His flesh was the Son of God and He did not do anything or say anything that His Father did not tell Him to do.  Now, Jesus is our Father. He is ascended. He is one with God and we are the Son. 


            Christ in us is now the Son and when we, the personality, agree with Christ within us, we are the Son of God, in that moment that we are in agreement with Christ. Jesus was in agreement with Christ a hundred percent of the time. In any area where we agree with the Christ within us, in judging righteous judgment, or in any thought, we are the Son of God. 


The Lord knows whether you are the Son of God or not; you are not to make your own judgment.  Of course in a ministry like this, when several of us gather together, we know, we witness to each other, who is the Son of God, where Christ is appearing and what Christ is saying.


In the email, I go on to quote Luke 6 verses 33 to 37. 


Luke 6:33-37 


33. And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? For sinners also do even the same.


34.  And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.


35. But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.


36.  Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.


37. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: KJV 


 Jesus is saying that the fact that you do good to people does not mean that you are Christ because people in their carnal mind are nice to each other also. He said, This is the proof that you are Christ, love you enemies and do good and lend hoping for nothing again and your reward shall be great and you will be children of the highest.  For he, Christ, is kind to the unthankful and to the evil.  Be ye therefore merciful as your father also is merciful.


            Judge not out of your carnal mind and you shall not be judged out of people’s carnal minds which will be unfair judgment.  Condemn not out of your carnal mind and you shall not be condemned, forgive out of your Christ mind and you shall be forgiven. 


            Here is the teachingTrue forgiveness out of the Christ mind (or out of the heart) can only come forth after the truth has been vindicated.  True forgiveness can only come after the person recognizes that they did something that needs to be forgiven. 


Now there are two sides to forgiveness. I can forgive you, I can forgive XXXX, but if she continues to believe that she did not do anything that needs to be forgiven, she is still under the sowing and reaping judgment.  My forgiveness is not going to remove her from the sowing and reaping judgment, if she continues to hold her head up against me and insist that she is right.   


            Therefore, the above Scripture (Luke6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven), when read by the disciple should read, Do not judge with your carnal mind because when you judge with your carnal mind you condemn the person, which will ultimately result in condemnation upon yourself.  But contrariwise (on the other hand), judge them guilty out of your Christ mind. 


Forgiveness proceeds forth from a righteous mind saying, You did that, you are guilty. Telling people the truth will result in the true forgiveness of sin, as long as we are doing it out of righteousness of Christ, not out of your carnal mind.  If you tell someone the truth out of your carnal mind, even if you are right, you condemn them.   


            If you are a spiritual elder, and you are in your Christ mind, and you can judge righteous judgment, you must tell the person the truth because their only hope of true forgiveness, their only hope of there not being a negative consequence for what they have done, is to admit that they have done something wrong. 


Do not judge with your carnal mind because when you judge with your carnal mind you condemn the person but contrariwise, judge them guilty out of your Christ mind.


That is the Lord telling Jeremiah, Go and show the people their sins and do not be afraid of their faces. You have got to tell them, if you are a person who can rise in Christ and do it in Christ.  Judge them guilty out of your Christ mind and tell them the truth about their sin because sin that is not understood and acknowledged cannot be truly forgiven.  Also the truth is the transgressor’s only hope of receiving understanding and true repentance cannot come forth without understanding of what one is repenting of. 


            This is what XXXX has tried to do several times. She says the words I repent and wants everything to go away but she has no understanding or recognition or acknowledgement of what she has done wrong. Therefore her repentance is a false repentance that wants to sweep everything under the rug.  She will do it again because she has not repented and has not even acknowledged that what she has done is wrong.


            God forgives the sinner who understands what he or she has done and genuinely repents, whether the wounded party forgives the sinner or not. This is very important. Let me say it again. God forgives the sinner who understands what he or she has done and genuinely repents even though the wounded party refuses to forgive them, but God does not forgive the sinner who does not repent. 


            So the only hope of the sinner whose heart is so hard that he or she cannot find repentance even when confronted with the truth (which is what is happening here) is the forgiveness of the wounded party. This is why Jesus has made such an issue of us forgiving. The persons who repent because of their relationship with God or because the Law of God is in their heart (as Paul talks about), they are forgiven. 


God forgives everybody that repents, whether the wounded party forgives them or not.  But the person that is so bound by pride that they cannot repent, their only hope is the wounded party forgiving them.  Therefore Jesus commands his disciples to forgive their enemies for both their sake and ours. 


James 4:6 Wherefore he saith, God resisted the proud but giveth grace unto the humble.  KJV


            We are the saviors of the people bound by pride, people shooting themselves in the foot, people who are committing spiritual crimes because of ignorance. 


            That was the email that I wrote yesterday or the day before, and then I found out something else about her, that she was doing, that she was systematically doing.


Let me say this. This whole incident started because it was revealed to me that XXXX was teaching a young disciple here who was very new at this and she was teaching her by sending her a new age statement once a day or once a week and they were discussing that statement (it had nothing to do with the Bible, Mother Theresa was one of them), and I protested when I heard that.   


Then a big row started because XXXX insisted that she was not teaching this young disciple.  The degree of teaching was so subtle that for some people it was hard to see. It was hard to see that when someone who has been editing and transcribing transcripts of the Doctrine of Christ for ten and a half years starts exchanging opinions with someone who is brand new, that is not a level playing field. 


            She describes it as an exchange of opinions, but whatever her opinion might be, her opinion will have to be teaching that young person.  But it was so subtle that she put up this big stink and insisted that she was not teaching her. That was what kicked of this whole thing that just got worse, and worse, and worse, because XXXX would just not deal with what she was doing. 


What I just found out recently was that XXXX had told this young disciple, had counseled her that she does not believe everything that the Pastor teaches and instead gets taught by the Christ within her.  That is a dangerous thing to tell a young disciple, and that is what I spoke about in the first segment of this message.


            That is a complete lie; the kingdom does not work like that.  Christ does not teach you one thing and teach me something else.  If I am wrong and you are right He is going to correct me.  You do not have two people teaching completely opposite things and both in Christ.  One is in Christ and one is in Leviathan or they are both in Leviathan, and that is the first step to getting that young person out of the door. 


That is a very dangerous thing to do. It is very wrong to be going behind a Pastor’s back and teaching that to someone that does not even realize that you are trying to destroy them.   


            I came home last night and I was very angry. I had a delayed reaction, because I had heard about that in the afternoon. I must say I am slow to anger except in certain personal issues. But in ministerial issues I am slow to anger, sometimes, and it was several hours later that it just hit me. 


This is the woman that was denying that she was teaching her, and with these little ditties that she is sending every day, she is going and telling her that she does not believe everything that I teach and that the Christ in her teaches her the opposite.  Does anyone here not understand how serious that is? Do you understand how serious that is?  


            If nothing else it is diverting from me completely. To teach that Christ will teach one person one thing and Christ in you will teach you something else is a complete foundational lie. It is serious, serious error.  She was not only teaching her, she was teaching her error and when I got home last night it just hit me. It was like a five hours or more delay, but it just hit me and I got very angry. 


            Like I told you in the first segment you can say anything you want about me; I do not usually get angry. A lot of people say things about me and I know that when anyone is in public life that people will be talking about them and one cannot be getting angry over what people say about them if they want to be in public life.  But this got me very angry because this was a spirit of murder, a spirit of anti-Christ and a spirit of destruction going towards someone that has a lot of promise.  Even if she did not have a lot of promise, that is not the point.


I got home last night and I could not even sleep and I said, Lord what do I do because when I got home last night there was another email saying, please forgive me for about the fifth time. Meanwhile, just the day before she had ripped me apart again.  Now, here is another email saying that she loves me and would I please forgive her.  I was in a quandary. I am commanded to forgive but look at all of what is going on here.   


            What I am going to tell you now is what the Lord has told me, and it relates to…. I have to back up a little to the Scripture that is misunderstood by the Church about blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  The Church believes in accordance with the king James translation that you can say anything you want about Christ and it is okay but if you blaspheme the Holy Spirit you will never be forgiven in this age or the next.


That is an unfortunate translation; the Scripture does not say Holy Spirit. If you look at it in the Greek, it talks about that blaspheming spirit.  The King James said if you blaspheme against the Holy Spirit but the word holy is not in the Greek at all and it really says that blaspheming spirit.  The correct translation is that blaspheming spirit which is Satan.


Every sin committed by man, by a human being will be forgiven but that blaspheming spirit, Satan, will never be forgiven, not in this age or the next, because, when Satan blasphemes it is pure evil. There is no forgiveness for pure evil.


There is forgiveness for human beings who make mistakes. There is forgiveness for human beings that are caught in the grips of their emotions. There is forgiveness for human beings who are overtaken in their mind. There is forgiveness for all of the sheep, because sheep are just dump animals. But there is no forgiveness for the spirit, that evil spirit who is pure evil, that blasphemes against God.


There are multiple Greek words that are translated evil but the word imputed to Satan is poneros (Strong’s 4190), evil, inherently evil, not redeemable.  Any of us could do evil because we were overtaken by our own passions, our own lust, our own ignorance, or by other people, and we could be forgiven.  But Satan who is inherently evil, unredeemable, will not be forgiven.


It is not even the way it sounds in the King James, that God says I would not forgive you no matter what you do; that is not even it.  Satan is inherently evil. How could you forgive someone who is inherently evil and will continue to do evil.  What is the point of forgiving them if they are going to go out and do it again. They are incapable of righteousness. 


            I have to tell you I preached that message years ago, but I never dealt with the reality at that moment. I never related that message to what I even knew at that time, that Satan manifests through people, and that there are people who are inherently evil.


            Don’t you all go getting religious on me. You all know about Son of Sam, Bundy, Buffalo Bill, Charles Manson and all the others. You all know that there are people, human beings, who are unredeemable. There are people who are unredeemable and the Lord had told me that they are unredeemable because Satan is so powerful in them. 


            The Lord explained to me years ago that the reason he gave Israel the authority to wipe out the Philistines and the Canaanites and take their land was because they were so spiritually ascended on the other side that they were spiritually powerful evil people and there was no redemption for them.   


            When somebody has manifested poneros, a degree of spiritual evil, that there is no sign of repentance, they do not have any intention of changing from that direction, not that they were overtaken or they had a bad moment or they were wrong and they were mistaken, there is no forgiveness in this age or in the next. In this case there is something in them that is inherently evil at its root, and there is no chance of redemption, as demonstrated by their behavior, there is no forgiveness in this age or in the next. 


            If you call me a cult leader, or anything that you want to call me, you had a bad moment, you were mistaken about me, my reaction to somebody doing stuff like that is, Lord please help them to see the truth about me as you see me.  If there is anything decent in the person at all, eventually they will come around and even if they do not, it is okay.


            But for XXXX  to deliberately go out and seek to destroy somebody that has been called by God to be a son of God, to deliberately seek to derail and teach them ungodly things and then deny that she is doing it and to fly in the face of every attempt to restore her….


I remind you that my last attempt to restore her was to say, You do not even have to repent, you can listen to the messages, but just do not make any trouble. She would not even take that, but even that I would have gotten past.  She could have come back next month, six months later; I would have restored her and let her listen to the messages. 


She did evil, and if you are hearing this message and can not see the evil in this, you better pray to the Lord before you pronounce me wrong, because the Lord has told me this is inherently evil, evil intentions, overtaken by Satan in that area, there is no forgiveness. She will never get back in this ministry unless she has an outright miracle and the Lord convinces me that he has delivered her, then….


There is forgiveness and there is forgiveness, but there comes a point where you do not forgive. In our natural world, if somebody murders somebody, even if they are repentant, they are still either in jail for life or they are executed.  That is what the Lord told me and I no longer have a conflict in my heart. 


If you disagree with me you really should ask the Lord to help you to understand. Try not to criticize me.  You need to understand that if you initially disagree with me, that it cannot be Christ in you disagreeing with Christ in me; one of us is not hearing from Christ. 


            Take it very slow, and put it before the Lord, and ask Him to help you, and hold back your casting your judgment, because this is Jehovah’s court and this is Jehovah's justice, and His righteousness has to prevail here.  If it does not, He is going to take me down.  If I am still standing, you had better think that His justice is being manifested here. That is the size of it. 


            She is out, and it was that last piece of information that I needed. If I did not hear that last piece of information I would have taken her back at anytime. If she had just met me a fraction of the way, I would have taken her back, thinking that she is just some poor person that does not know their left hand from their right. 


            We see that there are degrees of evil and that is why there are three or more different words that mean evil.  One word means you are evil but redeemable, you are evil but you are changeable, you are evil but you can be changed.  Everybody that comes to the Lord, a lot of us, not everybody, a lot of people here including me, came to the Lord evil. I came to the Lord evil and then I became good in Him.  Now I am moving towards righteousness. You do not go from evil to righteousness. 


            She came to this ministry with the opportunity to change from being evil to good.  After ten and a half years she has not become good but she thinks she is a candidate for righteousness and she is deceived.


Years ago, fifteen or twenty years ago, a bunch of us used to sit around my kitchen table and for a whole month in a row, every time we sat there, a prophesy would come forth granting amnesty to the witches in Port Jefferson.  We went into this whole big thing. We thought there was a coven down by the water, but the Lord was talking to us.


He was talking to the people that were with me at that time at the beginning of my ministry. He was calling us witches and was offering us amnesty if we would go from being evil to good.  We were all evil in our own way, and I had a very evil mouth, other people were evil in more subtle ways. There was a lot of envy in the ministry, backbiting in the ministry, and the Lord was calling us the witches and we were thinking it was everybody out there.   


            Whenever we come to him, the Scripture says, he beats us. 


2 Samuel 7:14  I will be his father, and he shall be my son.


If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of


men, and with the stripes of the children of men: KJV 




Revelation 3:19  As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten:


be zealous therefore, and repent. KJV 


The Lord scourges everyone that comes to Him. He beats everybody that comes; he spiritually beats us.  What does that mean? He exposes whatever is evil in us, according to His definition of evil.  You do not have to be a mass murderer to be evil before God.  If we are being unfair, or unrighteous in any way, in God’s eyes we are evil. 


            When we first come to him and we do not know that we are evil, he shows us. I know one woman that said for the first year, all she did was read the Book of Proverbs. The Lord had her read the Book of Proverbs for the whole first year. That was all she did because her mind was so messed up that she did not know what was right and what was wrong.  


            Whatever condition we are in when we come to Him, He starts straightening out our thinking, if we will let Him do it, and we migrate from evil to good and then hopefully we become candidates for righteousness.  But there is no way you are skipping over being good and doing this kind of stuff that happened here and going up in the ministry or going up individually. There is just not a chance and only a high manifestation of pride will think that that is possible.


            The last thing I am going to say is I want you to all understand that I wish this woman no personal harm. I have no personal animosity against her.  I told you at the beginning of this message that righteousness is above politics, it is above personal injury. Paul says, suffer the loss.  If someone hurts your feelings, you suffer the loss.


I have nothing against her personally, but righteousness will not allow her to have anything to do with this ministry.  And if I have a prayer for her, my prayer is that the Lord will somehow break this wickedness in her so that she can truly repent and go on.  But as of this moment she is poneros and she cannot come into this house. Amen. Praise the Lord and God bless you all. 






Dream: Going through security check 


----- Original Message -----


From: PastorSheilaVitale 
 Wednesday, April 18, 2007 
 Re: can't sleep




I slept fitfully from 7:00a to 10:00a. During this restless sleep I dreamt that I was going through security check. It was like the security check you go through at an airport. The security officer asked me to step aside and pointed to a chair in a corner. I think he asked me to put my feet on the chair. The feet signify the carnal mind. So, if this dream is about XXXX, the Lord is asking her to raise up her carnal mind. I was very anxious and unhappy that I was singled out.


In the next scene, I was sitting at an office type desk. We do not have desks like that here. It was a grey, metal desk like I have worked at when I had secular jobs. At the moment I cannot remember what XXXX’s desk looks like.


I was very unhappy that the security officer had singled me out and I was sitting at the desk expectantly. The second officer approached me (I was behind the desk where the person working at the desk would be. I think this is XXXX, as a volunteer worker for LEM), asked me to wait there, and then went to report to the first security guard. The two guards were not anywhere near me, or the desk, but I heard the second guard say to the first guard, either, “she is scared stiff” or she is ”scared silly” – something like that.


Love, Pastor Vitale




----- Original Message -----


From: PastorSheilaVitale 
 Wednesday, April 18, 2007 
 Re: can't sleep




Hello all


The Lord told me to write again with the interpretation of the dream:


I and Christ Jesus within me are the security guard who intervened with XXXX’s journey (momentum forward in Christ).


I am the security guard who, within my authority, required her to raise up her carnal mind, but she did not, so now her labor for the Lord has been detained.


XXXX is now waiting for the judge/security guard (Christ Jesus within me and those who are able to judge righteous judgment within the Ministry), to declare whether or not she can continue on her journey into Christ Jesus. In my opinion, a negative decision, in view of her age and poor health, might result in her death.


XXXX was told by me to elevate her feet (carnal mind). I did not see her doing that in the dream and, as we all know, she has not done that as of yesterday.


The second guard is Christ within her. I think He finally got through to her last night, and whatever He said to her “scared her silly.” I think He told her that if she did not repent, He/ Christ within her would die, and then her physical death would follow.


The second guard (Christ within her) reported her reaction to His Truth to Christ Jesus within me by this dream, and I am reporting it to the spiritual elders (those who can judge righteous judgment) within the Ministry by this interpretation. All concerned are now waiting for the LEGAL DECISION. This is the true meaning of “judgment,” legal decision.


The Court of Jehovah is real, and we are all witnessing and experiencing it now. According to Kabbalah, the “Court” is the Lord Jesus and Christ Jesus within me, and you all who are attached to Christ within me.


I urge you all to put all personal grievances away, so that Christ might rise in you and plead for XXXX’s life.


I ask you all to agree with my prayer, but it must be an honest decision to agree on your own part. Do not do it because I ask you to. Try the spirit in your own heart. If it is not Christ, but your mind agrees with me, ask the Lord to give you a heart and mind that manifest His nature.


Father, in the Name of Jesus, we most humbly ask you to spare XXXX’s life, knowing that any one of us could be in the same trouble she is in now – that it is only by your mercy that she is there and we are here, standing.


Please help us all to forgive her and everyone who sided with her, the ones we know about and the ones we don’t know about, that is, XXX and most likely XXXXX (known) and most likely XXXXXX (unknown).


Help us all Lord to do your Will and manifest Your nature. Give me Wisdom Lord as to how to deal with any and all of them from now on.


My prayer, Lord, is that they should all live and not die. Change their hearts and teach them righteousness, so that they should not endanger their own lives again. We say RESTORE and again we say RESTORE, oh merciful God who has given us all so much. Dare we deny the same mercy to anyone else?


Your humble servant,


Pastor Vitale 




I know this is hard for you to believe, but the lives of the transgressors depend on our having mercy on them. If we fail to forgive them, destruction will come upon them – and eventually upon the one(s) who would not forgive – for we shall all reap what we sow. Those who sow mercy, will reap mercy, but those who sow hardness of heart, shall not find mercy in the day of their testing.  


Isaiah 26:9


9 With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments [the nature of Christ] are in the earth [of the personality], the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. KJV 


John 5:26-27


26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;


27 And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. KJV 


I remind you, brethren, that Jesus is no longer the Son. He is now one with His Father and God.


Christ in us is now the Son, and when we agree with Christ within us, we are the Son of God. 


Luke 6:33-37 


33 And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.


35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.


36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.


37 Judge not[Pastor@LEM] [out of your carnal mind], and ye shall not be judged: condemn not[Pastor@LEM] [out of your carnal mind], and ye shall not be condemned: forgive[Pastor@LEM] [out of your Christ Mind, and ye shall be forgiven: KJV 


[Pastor@LEM] True forgiveness out of the Christ mind/heart, can only come forth after the Truth has been vindicated. Therefore, the above Scripture, when read by the Disciples, should read,  


Don’t judge with your Carnal Mind, because when you judge with your Carnal Mind you condemn the person, which will ultimately result in condemnation upon yourself, but, contrariwise, judge them guilty out of your Christ Mind and tell them the Truth about their sin, because sin that is not understood and acknowledged cannot be truly forgiven.  Also, the Truth is the transgressor’s only hope of receiving understanding, and true repentance cannot come forth without understanding what one is repenting of.


God forgives the sinner who understands what he/she has done and genuinely repents, whether the wounded party forgives the sinner or not.


But God does not forgive the sinner who does not repent, so the only hope of the sinner whose heart is so hard that he/she cannot find repentance even when confronted with The Truth, is the forgiveness of the wounded party. Therefore, Jesus commands His Disciples to forgive our enemies for both their sake and ours 


James 4:6


6 …. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. KJV 


Love in Christ, Pastor Vitale




----- Original Message -----


From: xxx 
 Wednesday, April 18, 2007 
 Re: can't sleep




Pastor Vitale,


The only thing I don’t understand is why she has to raise up her carnal mind.  Shouldn’t she want to raise her Christ Mind?  Her carnal mind is what got her into all this trouble in the first place.


Since your Christ Mind is supposed to be on top of your carnal mind, why wouldn’t she want to raise her Christ Mind instead so she can understand what she did and repent of all her sins?


Please explain to me.


[Pastor@LEM] our Christ Mind and our Carnal Mind together are called the “Kingdom of the two Heavens (Minds)”. They are supposed to be bound together and operate as one Mind under the authority of the Christ Mind.


XXXX’s Carnal Mind escaped from the authority of the Christ Mind, remarried Leviathan, and descended into hell, where she is now existing under the authority of Leviathan, the husband of her present choice.


The collective Christ Mind in LEM has failed to rescue XXXX’s Carnal Mind from Leviathan and Hell, and restore the Kingdom of the Two Heavens within her by telling her the Truth, because she is in full agreement with Leviathan.


Therefore, Christ Jesus has commanded her to fall out of agreement with Leviathan (get her legs up off of the floor).


If, after the warning from Christ Jesus within me and the elders of LEM, AND the Christ within herself (three witnesses), XXXX continues to prefer Leviathan over Christ Jesus, she will die to the Kingdom of God and become a natural man, who is subject to the Sowing & Reaping Judgment enforced by Satan (which is unto destruction), or, if the Sons of God forgive her sins, she will go under the Sowing & Reaping Judgment enforced by Satan, but Satan will be forbidden to kill her: 


Job 1:12 


12 And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD. KJV 


It is the most awesome thing to me to not only experience the reality of Jehovah’s Justice, but to be a part of it. This knowledge produces a true “fear of the Lord,” which “saves” us from destruction in this World, but the Church World lacks this knowledge today, and would probably call me a cult leader if they read this email.


But Jehovah’s Court is a reality for the spiritual Christian who seeks the Lord with all his heart and desires righteousness more than anything else.


It is not only sad, but frightening to me, that at least two and possibly four Christians who attend a Ministry like LEM are so lacking in knowledge, fear of the Lord and an understanding of the Office that I hold. To not forgive them would be unforgivable, if for no other reason, because of their complete and pitiful ignorance.


I think we have to consider that all three or four of them will be subjected to the Sowing & Reaping Judgment.


It is my hope and prayer that they all experience Job’s victory in Christ Jesus.


Remember, however, that Job was delivered when he FINALLY received the Truth. This means that after a season of suffering, if the correction produces fruit, they will be taught again and given another chance to receive and believe the Truth of the Lord.


Love, Pastor Vitale 


I totally agree with your prayers and will pray along with you.  I don’t want anything to happen to XXXX, or anybody else, except to have her Christ Mind restored.




Love, xxx






The following Decision of the Lord concerning your request to resume your studies and editing privileges with Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah was delivered in the presence of the Brethren attending the Living Epistles Meeting held on April 26, 2007: 


The LORD has determined that you do not understand that HE rules over His Household and through His Servants and the Sons that He gives authority to:  


Rom 13:1-5


             1          Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.


            2          Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.


            3          For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:


            4          For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.


            5          Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. KJV


The LORD has further determined that:


            1.         You have not recognized the motives of your own heart during the recent conflict, or the seriousness of your attitudes and behavior.


            2.         You do not believe that you are guilty of the sins that Pastor Vitale, xxxxxx and xxx have pointed out to you, more specifically, that:


                        a.         You sought to teach xxx, a young, vulnerable disciple, without Pastor Vitale’s knowledge or permission;


                        b.         You deny that you were teaching or even discussing spiritual subjects with xxx, even after the Lord exposed your activities to Pastor Vitale;


                        c.         You insist that Pastor Vitale told you not to ask the LEM Webmaster, business questions, even after Pastor Vitale told you that this was not true;


                        d.         You refuse to consider or put before the Lord for confirmation, Pastor’ Vitale’s suggestion that you were believing a lie, rather than face the truth that Pastor Vitale had reprimanded you for taking inappropriate authority over the Webmaster;


                        e.         You refuse to seek the Spirit of Truth (along with Pastor Vitale and xxxxxx), to resolve the issue of the subject of the telephone conversation that you initiated withxxxxxx, but, rather, chose to forget about the whole conversation;


                        f.          You deny any knowledge of Pastor Vitale instructing you and xxxxxx during that three-way telephone conversation, about how there can be no unresolved issues in the Household of God;


                        g.         You deny that Pastor Vitale and xxxxxx explained your specific sins to you many times, in multiple emails, and that xxx did the same after you specifically asked her to do so;


                        h.         You continue to blame and scapegoat xxxxxx for this recent conflict, even after Pastor Vitale told you that:


                                    (i)         She read your email to xxxxxx in which you asked xxxxxx a question that you should have asked the Webmaster; 


                                    (ii)         She authorized xxxxxx to explain your ungodly motives for asking xxxxxx that question;


                         i.          You did not appreciate Pastor Vitale’s efforts to contain this conflict and minimize your embarrassment;


                         j.          You involved the whole Transcribing & Editing Team in this conflict in an attempt to draw them into your rebellion against Pastor Vitale and to pressure her to see things your way;


                        k.         You have consistently refused to take responsibility for your own actions;


                         l.          You continued to argue, even after Pastor Vitale made every attempt to restore you;


                        m.        You insisted on having the last word, even after Pastor Vitale made every attempt to restore you; 


                        n.         You have consistently disrespected Pastor Vitale in front of the whole Transcribing and Editing Team throughout this whole conflict.


                        The above issues are some of the manifestations of your Carnal Mind that you have refused to deal with, or at least seek the Lord for confirmation and deliverance. The specific names of these ungodly manifestations of the Carnal Mind that have been revealed in you are: 


            1. Pride


                        a.         Sowing the seeds of discord;


                        b.         Self-defence at the expense of the truth;


                         c.         Making yourself equal to or higher than Pastor Vitale, the God-ordained authority;


                         d.         Lying;


                         e.         Denial of obvious truth so that you could continue to proclaim your innocence.


            2. Manipulation


                         a.         Confusing issues;


                         b.         Speaking in half truths;


                         c.         Forwarding only portions of emails;


                        d.         Not including the names of all concerned parties in the CC field of emails;


                         e.         Refusing to answer questions;


                         f.          Refusing to answer emails;


                         g.         Changing the subject.


             3. Rebellion


                         a. Refusal to follow the suggestions and honor the requests of Pastor Vitale, the God-ordained authority.


             4. Witchcraft


                         a.         Seeking to override the decisions of Pastor Vitale, the God-ordained authority.


                         b.         Seeking to influence other Disciples and Members of the Ministry to take your side in your ungodly conflict with Pastor Vitale, the God-ordained authority.


                         c.         Scapegoating xxxxxx by blaming her for your sins.


             5. Jezebel


                         a. Witchcraft that tries to take authority over Pastor Vitale, the God-ordained authority;


                         b. Insisting on believing your recollection of Pastor Vitale’s corrections, even after Pastor Vitale re-affirms what she told you.


             6. Antichrist


                         a. Failure to recognize, and denial of, the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of Righteousness upon Pastor Vitale, xxxxxx and xxx when they tried to help you by explaining the operation of your Carnal Mind to you.


The LORD notes:


            That you have been instructed by Pastor Vitale’s teachings and by Pastor Vitale, personally, for more than 10 years, that General Repentance is acceptable in Pentecost, where the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the calling, or invitation, of God to serve in the Ministry of Reconciliation, are given without repentance of specific sin:


2 Cor 5:18-21 


            18         And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;


             19         To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.


             20         Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.


            21         For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. KJV 


The LORD notes further:


            That you have been instructed by Pastor Vitale’s teachings and by Pastor Vitale, personally, for more than 10 years that not imputing their trespasses unto them, means that: 


            1.         The White Throne Judgment of Christ Jesus is the exposure of the sin nature so that each sin exposed can be repented of and replaced by the nature of Christ;


            2.         The White Throne Judgment of Christ Jesus replaces the Sowing & Reaping Judgment which is enforced by Satan unto destruction and ultimate death;


            3.         The While Throne Judgment of Christ Jesus reveals, deals with and roots out specific sin;


            4.         The While Throne Judgment of Christ Jesus results in Satan losing her authority to enforce the Sowing & Reaping Judgment, because where sin has been rooted out, the Sowing & Reaping Judgment cannot be enforced:


1 Tim 1:9-10 


            9          Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,


             10         For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; KJV


The LORD notes further:


            That you have been instructed by Pastor Vitale’s teachings and by Pastor Vitale, personally, for more than 10 years that:


            1.         The anointing that covers Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah is The Ministry of CHRIST, not the Ministry of the Holy Spirit;


            3.         The Ministry of CHRIST trains up the called-out ones, who have responded to the calling, or invitation of the Holy Spirit that is offered in Pentecost;


            4.         Recognition and confession of specific sin must precede repentance in a CHRIST-DRIVEN MINISTRY;


            5.  General Repentance is not acceptable in a CHRIST-DRIVEN MINISTRY  because General, Non-Specific Repentance does not result in the formation of CHRIST, which is the sole purpose of a CHRIST-DRIVEN MINISTRY


The LORD notes further:


             That you have consistently and persistently attempted to change the Rules and Purposes of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah by:


            1.         Refusing to seriously deal with the motives of the Carnal Mind that Pastor Vitale, xxxxxx and xxx have revealed within you;


            2.         Insisting that Pastor Vitale and the Disciples of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah should accept your General Repentance (which you have offered at least four times);


            3          Maintaining that Pastor Vitale and the Disciples of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah are sinning against you by not accepting your General Repentance;


            4.         Calling the Spirit of Righteousness that Pastor Vitale and the Disciples of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah are manifesting towards you, a REFUSAL TO FORGIVE you;


            5.         Declaring that Pastor Vitale and the Disciples of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah are sinning against you because they refuse to yield to the pressure that you, x and xxxxx are generating by your negative words, thoughts and prayers, that they are wrong and in sin:


                        a.         By insisting that you comply with the Rules of the Ministry and deal with the ungodly motives of your heart and the ungodly behavior that has flowed out of those motives; and 


                        b.         By refusing to accept your General Repentance. 


The LORD notes further:


             That your GENERAL REPENTANCE arises out of your desire to avoid the consequences of your error (removal from the Ministry), rather than a recognition or conviction of the true condition of your heart which, by all that has transpired, appears to be under the control of your Carnal Mind. 


Accordingly, it is the LORD’s Decision, in accordance with Numbers 12:1-15 and Daniel 4:32 (reproduced below), that:


            1.         You should remain outside of the camp for a minimum of one (1) year, during which time, hopefully, your pride and rebellion will be broken and you will find true repentance;


            2.         If, after one (1) year, the LORD determines that you have found true repentance, you will be permitted to return to the Ministry;


            3.         If, after one (1) year, the LORD determines that you have NOT found true repentance, you will not be permitted to return to the Ministry, and your request to return to Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah will be reviewed after one more year, and yearly thereafter, until such time as the LORD determines that you have found true repentance. 


Num 12:1-15


             1          And XXXX, X, XXXXX (Miriam and Aaron) spake against Pastor Vitale (Moses) because she judged righteously on behalf of [XXXX’s] conflict with XXXXXX, who Pastor Vitale authorized to reveal [XXXX’s] true motives (the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman),


.            2          And XXXX, X, XXXXX (they) said, Hath the LORD indeed spoken only by Pastor Vitale (Moses)? hath he not spoken also by XXXX, X, XXXXX (us)? And the LORD heard it.


            3          (Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)


            4          And the LORD spake suddenly unto Pastor Vitale (Moses), and unto X, and XXXXX (Aaron), and unto XXXX (Miriam), Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the congregation. And they three came out.


            5          And the LORD came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called X and XXXXX (Aaron) and XXXX (Miriam): and they both came forth.


            6          And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream. 


            7          My servant Pastor Vitale (Moses) is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.


            8          With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Pastor Vitale(Moses)?


             9          And the anger of the LORD was kindled against XXXX, X, and XXXXX; and he departed.


            10         And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, XXXX (Miriam) sins were exposed (became leprous, white as snow): and X and XXXXX (Aaron) looked upon XXXX (Miriam), and, behold, her sins were exposed (she was leprous).


            11         And X and XXXXX (Aaron) said unto Pastor Vitale (Moses), Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned.


            12         Please don’t let [Christ], the male organ of the Lord Jesus (flesh), be consumed [by the Dragon] when he is half way out of his mother's womb (Alternate Translation Bible) (See, Rev. 12:24). 


            12         Let her not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed when he cometh out of his mother's womb (KJV).


            13         And Pastor Vitale (Moses) cried unto the LORD, saying, Heal XXXX (her) now, O God, I beseech thee.


             14         And the LORD said unto Pastor Vitale (Moses), Since (if) XXXX  has spit in her Father [God]’s face, don’t [you think it is right that] she should be ashamed an indefinite number (seven) of days [however long it takes her to truly repent]? [Therefore], let XXXX (her) be shut out from the camp for an indefinite number (seven) of days [until she repents], and after that, [if she repents] let her be received in again.


             15         And XXXX (Miriam) was shut out from the camp for an indefinite number (seven) of days [until she repents]: and the people [who continue to agree with XXXX] will not progress in God (journeyed not) until (till) XXXX (Miriam) [repents and] is brought in again. KJV 


Daniel 4:32


[This is happening to you, XXXX, X, and XXXXX, so that] you [should] know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. KJV                                                                                                           


Sheila R. Vitale, Pastor,
Teacher & Founder
Living Epistles Ministries
Christ-Centered Kabbalah 


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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