Part 3 of 3 Parts
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Praise the Lord, this part 3 is really an addendum to the previous 2 parts. While I was preaching earlier on the other parts, I recognized that the name of the wife of the Merovingian was Persephone and that Persephone is a character in Greek mythology. At that time, I did some brief research trying to get some information on Persephone and could not find her through the search engine that I used online. I just never commented on her relationship to the Matrix on the previous part, but subsequent to that, somebody sent me a link to Greek mythology page with information about Persephone, and that is why we are having this addendum which is really part 3.
This is the information that came down about Persephone. Persephone in Greek mythology is the wife, or in the Matrix, she is the wife of the Merovingian, in which I am told is another name for Hades. Now according to, well let me say this with Persephone, now the analogous character of Persephone in the Scripture is Dinah, and we read about Dinah in the Scripture in Genesis 34, verses 1-5, which I think I will read on to this tape. "Dinah the daughter of Leah, which she bear unto Jacob went out to see the daughters in the land, and when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the country saw her, he took her and lay with her and defiled her. His soul clave unto Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, and he loved the damsel and spake kindly unto the damsel. Shechem spake unto his father, Hamor saying, Get me this damsel to wife."
You know, what we do not read in the Scripture, and I could not find it in the Scripture, is that Dinah fell in love with her abductor. I do not see anything in the Scripture about Dinah's feelings towards Shechem, all I know is that her brother, I know that her father Jacob would not do anything to rescue her, but her brothers did rise up to rescue her and did take her away from Shechem. I read nothing in the Scripture about whether or not she loved him. Now according to Greek mythology, Persephone was abducted by Hades, and eventually fell in love with him. We see in the Matrix, that Persephone, apparently she must love him because she is very jealous of him, so apparently she accepted her fate, that she was married to Hades, that she was with him as the queen of the underworld, and she definitely had an attachment to him.
We also, according to the both Greek mythology, I could not find anything that would indicate that Persephone was rescued and delivered from the clutches of Hades. However it is interesting to know, although it is not an exact analogy that according to Greek mythology, I think I did read it somewhere that, yes, according to Greek mythology, it is Persephone's mother, the Greek name Demetor was enraged that her daughter was taken, and eventually there was a truce negotiated, concerning Persephone. The result of this negotiation was that Persephone would spend part of the year with her mother and part of the year with her husband Hades. The myth goes that this is what resulted in the change of seasons, that one season is the bitter winter when Persephone is with her husband, and it is spring time when she is with her mother.
What I see very interesting is that, let me take a picture of this and I can put the analysis of Persephone alone on the board. This is drawing #2 dealing specifically with Persephone. Now in Greek mythology, what I am doing now is I am drawing the analogies between what happened in Greek mythology and what happened in the Matrix. I consider this just a fun thing. In Greek mythology, we see that emissaries were sent to negotiate the release of Persephone. In the Matrix emissaries were sent to negotiate Neo's release. We now see that at least for this segment of the movie that Neo is experiencing what Persephone experienced according to Greek mythology.
Remember Neo was trapped in the train station and the Oracle called his friend, called Morpheus and Trinity, and whoever the other one, I think there was a third one there, to go the Merovingian and Negotiate Neo's release. According to Greek mythology, Zeus who I understand was the main god of the Greek gods, he sent his emissaries to negotiate the release of Persephone. We see the motive for negotiating the release of Persephone and Neo are different, but we see the same principle in the Matrix and in Greek mythology that someone is held captive and someone dispatches emissaries to negotiate that captive release. In Greek mythology it is Persephone that is held captive and Zeus, the main god sends emissaries to negotiate her release because the destruction of the world is threatened, and Persephone's mother is so angry and distressed that her daughter was stolen, that without going into all of the details of the story, the very existence of the earth is in danger.
Now that is interesting too because Scripturally speaking, Jacob had no recorded reaction to Dinah's kidnapping, no reaction at all, his sons had to rise up and do something about it, but in Greek mythology, the name of Persephone's mother is Demetor, which is the same god as the Greek Isis. The mother was in a rage to the point that she was punishing the world to the point that the world could have been destroyed, so Zeus the head of all of the gods, rose up to assist Demetor in her attempt to release her daughter, because Zeus would stop short of seeing the whole world destroyed.
In the Scripture Jacob had no reaction at all. You know for years I struggled with that in the Scripture. Why did Jacob have no reaction at all? Was he afraid? Was he a coward? Did he not rise up because the Christ in him did not rise up? I think I still do not know the answer to that question. What is coming to me right now, because I have gone through situations like this, where I am in a situation and the Christ in me does not rise up to do anything, and I am trained that you do not move if the Lord does not move you. The Lord has shown me that in certain circumstances that you know to be right, you are supposed to move. In other words, if I saw somebody come in here, and attack somebody, I do not need Christ to rise up in me to assist the person that is being attacked.
I do not know why Jacob had no reaction, I would tend to think that it was not, well I guess it could be fear if he was afraid that he would lose his sons, I do not know, I do not know why Jacob had no reaction. We see that in Greek mythology, the mother has this violent reaction, and in the Scripture the father had no reaction. In the Matrix, we see the Oracle in the role of the mother, and the Oracle was calm, but she simply called for Neo's friends and told them, and gave them information that they needed, and then Neo's friends because of their commitment to him, rose up and negotiated with the Merovingian.
Of course, well I will say that later, so I do not even have all of these, it would just take me too long to put everything on the board, I do not even have everything on the board. It is so interesting. Zeus the father god, sends emissaries to release Persephone, only when it comes to the point of the earth being destroyed, he was like forced to do it, he does not want to do it, that lines up more with Jacob, not even saying anything when his sons wanted to go get Dinah free, Jacob, he still did not say anything. Zeus lines up more with Jacob, you know.
In the Matrix, the Oracle certainly she is not filled with wrath, but she is dispatching Neo's friends to help him, very interesting. I wondered why they showed the Oracle baking cookies all of the time, I could not understand that. Apparently the writers of the Matrix had a very strong foundation in Greek mythology that they have integrated into this series, which I was not aware of. The Oracle represents the mother, but she is not a vengeful wrathful mother, she is a kind loving protective mother. It seems to me that the writers of the Matrix have taken a Greek god and mixed and matched them.
The second number on drawing #2 is Zeus, I think I told you this already, the main god of the Greeks, sends emissaries with no personal agenda. Zeus just picked two people as they go to the Merovingian and tell him you know, you have got to go tell Hades, you have got to let Persephone go, because if you do not, her mother Demetor is going to destroy the earth. Hades, or the Merovingian, yielded, played a dirty trick in the bottom, and the result of that dirty trick was that, and I said this earlier, I said it wrong, I said it half and half, but two-thirds of Persephone's time were to be spent with her mother, and one-third were to be spent with her husband.
Now also, we see that Zeus sent the emissaries to save, to release Persephone to save the world from the wrath of her mother, Demetor. In the Matrix, Neo was released to save the world, because he is the savior, but because of his friends determination and because of love, not because they were just told to do it. Down at the bottom of drawing #2, I am just showing you that Persephone equals Neo in the Matrix, and that Persephone is female, weak, and vain, but Neo is male and the savior. This is just interesting observations, the writers have taken characters in Greek mythology, and mixed and matched them and changed them, switched them around, but we see that basically the Matrix is not such an original story, it has been taken from another story. Are there any questions about Persephone?
Then the next person that I had on the drawing #1, was the Merovingian, who in Greek mythology is Hades. Hades in the Scripture lines up with the Serpent, the Serpent and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and in the doctrine of Christ also with the Serpent and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. I think I did not tell you that Persephone in the doctrine of Christ lines up with the female Adam who was seduced in the garden by the Serpent, and became the wife of the Serpent. We are the descendants, humanity is the descendants of the female Adam that was seduced by the Serpent, and we are still down in hell with the Merovingian, we are still owned by the Merovingian, and Christ is come to negotiate our release.
Now, let me point out to you, in Greek mythology negotiation is acceptable, and Hades yields to Zeus, you know, he does not yield 100% because he winds up getting a third of Persephone's time, but he yields up Persephone to Zeus, the head of the gods. In the Matrix, the Merovingian does not yield at all, Neo's friends have to rise up and use violence against the Merovingian. That is the difference there, and now, what we know to be in the doctrine of Christ, we see that Christ has been sent, and there is no negotiation with Christ. You see, Neo's friends, when they first came in, they attempted to negotiate, and when they saw that, that was useless, then they took Neo back by force. The Lord Jesus Christ knows that there is no negotiation with Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, and Leviathan and that he has to take back mankind by force, and that is the way it is going to be done, and is being done by force. Praise the Lord.
What else do we have, I told you that the Merovingian is Hades, that he is the abductor and husband of Persephone, the ruler of the underworld, and Hades is also the enforcer of justice in the underworld. In the Scripture Hades is the Serpent and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. In the doctrine of Christ also, this role of abductor and husband is the Serpent and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. The Serpent is the abductor, well actually Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the Serpent in this world system.
The Serpent or Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the abductor but the husband and also Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the enforcer of justice in the underworld, but the husband of fallen mankind, do you know who the husband is of fallen mankind? Leviathan. Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the one who seems to be in control. I know that in one of our Alternate Translations concerning Samson, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is threatening to sell humanity, or to sell Samson, Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, threatens to marry Samson to Leviathan.
Apparently Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, has the power to sell us to our own pride, Leviathan symbolizes the pride of man. The abductor, and the enforcer of justice in the underworld, is the Serpent or Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, but the husband of Persephone is really Leviathan. I do not see any room for a Leviathan here, I see Leviathan as an unrevealed aspect of the Serpent and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind. Then the third thing that I have down here is that Persephone displays the characteristics of Harra, the sister of Zeus, the leader of the immortals. Harra was eternally beautiful.
Did I make this clear, that when I just told you about Persephone, it is just generalities that she was abducted, she was married to Hades, but right now they are talking about her personality qualities, and I find the personality qualities that I saw in Persephone in the Matrix I see in the Greek god Harra. These are Harra's qualities, eternally beautiful, jealous of her husband's affections for other women, vengeful towards her husbands lovers, worried continuously about her husband's indiscretions, and that Harra caused divine wrath to be visited upon her husband's mortal lovers.
Let us compare that to Persephone of the Matrix. Was Persephone eternally beautiful? Well she was a beautiful woman in the movie. Was Persephone in the Matrix jealous of her husband's affections for other women? Well, I do not know what to say to that, because well apparently he was a big cheat, Persephone's husband in the Matrix was a big cheat, but there was no sign that he had any affection for these women, he was just plain hard cold sex. I do not know enough about the goddess Harra to know whether her husband loved the women that he had affairs with, or whether they were just toys to him. We know that Persephone of the Matrix was jealous of her husband's indiscretions, she was very jealous of that. So Harra was vengeful towards her husband's lovers. Now here we see a deviation, I do not see Persephone in the Matrix being vengeful towards her husband's lovers, I did not see her do anything to hurt the women, in the Matrix we just saw one indiscretion, I did not see Persephone do, in any way attempt to harm that woman, on the contrary she attempted to harm her husband, so we see a deviation here. In the Matrix, Persephone is vengeful towards her husband, not towards her husband's lovers as in Greek mythology.
Number 3, Harra was worried continuously about her husband's indiscretions. I think that was true, I think Persephone in the Matrix was worried continuously about her husband's indiscretions, and number 4, we see that Harra caused divine wrath to be visited upon her husband's mortal lovers. Again, I do not see, well according to Greek mythology, Hades had both mortal lovers and immortal lovers. I would say that the vengeance would be towards the immortal lovers and the divine wrath would be towards the mortal lovers, but we do not see anything like that in the Matrix, we just see Persephone seeking vengeance against her own husband, and no one else. Any questions so far?
I am going back to our description of Persephone, the beautiful daughter of Demetor and Zeus, Persephone is the focus of the story resulting in the division of the seasons, giving the sweetness of spring and the bitterness of winter. As I told you earlier, Persephone spent two-thirds of her time with her mother, and that is the spring time, and one-third of the time with her husband, because she was tricked into that aspect of visitation you might say, that she had to spend one-third of the time with her husband, and I am not going to go into that story right now, but she was tricked into it. Now we are told Hades did not woo the beautiful Persephone, he abducted her, and took her to his underground kingdom. Now that, that goes beyond the account of Dinah, because Dinah was abducted but she was not taken to an underground kingdom, on the other hand however, the female Adam from before time began, was abducted by the Serpent and taken to the Serpent's underground kingdom, this whole creation, mankind is all underground.
We are not this flesh, we are spiritual beings, and our spirits are trapped under the ground of these bodies that we are buried under. We were taken, we are the descendants of the female Adam who fell, and we were taken from the underground kingdom of the Serpent and we are still here, and short of a miracle for the Lord Jesus Christ, we are going to be here for eternity. Thank God the Lord has promised to deliver us, we wait for our deliverance. After much protest, Persephone came to love the cold-blooded king of the underworld. Well is that not true? Does not mankind love our husband Leviathan, the king of the underworld?
Well, I do not want to get all confusing here but we have found out in our deep Kabbalistic studies that Leviathan is the king, and Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind, is the queen of the underground, and we are married Leviathan and we are very happy. We may not know that we are happy, but the truth of the matter is, that when the Lord comes to someone and tells them what they must do to depart from this world, and to cleave unto Him, the average person does not want to do it. We do not want to do it, we do not want to do it, we do not want to give up the comforts of this world, we do not want to give up our relationships, we do not want to give up sex, we do not want to give up all of the things of this world that satisfy us. We want to stay right where we are, it is very hard to leave where we are and return to our true husband the Lord. It is hard, difficult, and a painful process, because we are so in the image of the Serpent who kidnapped us, we are more like her than we are like God, very painful and very breaking process to restore us to our true owners or to our true husbands.
I am just thinking right now that a thought in my mind about a movie that I saw, I think I just caught the end of it, where a man found out that he thought his son was dead or missing, I do not remember because I did not see the whole movie. I turned on the movie at the time that they were in a court action, because apparently this child who was now thirteen years old, thirteen or fourteen years old, had been raised by this other family, and at the time that his father found out that this was his son, he wanted him back, and the adopted parents did not want to release him, so it turned into a court case, and the natural father won.
The boy who knew no parents other than his adopted parents was required to get up and move to the house of this man who was a total stranger to him, it was a very traumatic and difficult thing and it was a moral issue. Should the father have left the son with the adopted parents, should he really have done that to a boy that did not understand anything that was happening? The movie ended on a positive note however, that the movie ended on a positive note, the father insisted on his rights as the father of the boy, and the boy had to move in with him, he was aggressive and rebellious at first, but then everything just, he seemed to just break, the father really loved him and wanted his son, and the boy distress broke, and everything seemed to work out. That is what is going to happen with humanity, we are going to have to be forced back to our natural husband by legal action, by the legal action of Jehovah's courts of justice, because we do not want to go home.
This is the only world that we have ever known, and Leviathan is the only husband we have ever known, and unless life with God is going to be in the image of this world, we do not want to go, and is that not what the church teaches? That we die and go to heaven and it is in the image of this world, right? We are going to have our family and all of our friends, and our dogs and our cats, is that not what the church is teaching us? It is not going to be that way. After much protest, Persephone came to love the cold blooded king of the underworld, we all love Leviathan except those of us who have been enlightened, but her mother Demetor, was consumed with rage and sorrow. Now I find that very interesting because Demetor, although she is coming up as a mother and a female, she typifies the male Adam who lost his female side. On the other hand, we can say, she typifies Binah the female aspect of the Sefirot, that brought forth all of the lower worlds. Demetor, she is described as being consumed with rage and sorrow.
Now I could see the male Adam or Binah, I will give you your choice if you are listening to this message, and you do not know anything about Kabbalah and you may feel more comfortable with the male aspect of Adam, I could see that he is enraged, that his female side was taken. I am sorry, I could see that he is filled with sorrow, but rage, I guess it could be godly rage, but I get the feeling when I read this, that these are not godly qualities, Demetor was consumed with rage and sorrow. Well rage is never a godly quality, sorrow is okay if it is unto repentance, but I see the male Adam, or Binah filled with the righteous indignation, that the child was taken, not rage or sorrow, not sinful emotions but righteous indignation that the child was taken.
She demonstrated her anger by punishing the earth's inhabitants, you see. Now I do not believe that the male Adam is punishing the inhabitants of the earth. Let me read that to you again, she demonstrated her anger at losing her daughter by punishing the earth's inhabitants. No, the curse that came down on mankind was just a natural, an action to the breaking of the law, it was a consequence, the curse is a consequence of the breaking of a natural or the breaking of a spiritual law, this is not God's vengeance punishing us, it is righteous justice, it is righteous, the punishment is righteous.
We see that, the Greek myths are coming out of the carnal mind, how do I know that the Greek myths are coming out of the carnal mind? They are imputing human motives to God. Of course they perceive, the god that they recognize is not the true god, not the true creator of the universe, but from their point of view, he is the creator of the universe, or he is the leading god and they are imputing human motives to him. They are talking about what happened to mankind, so even if they are saying that Zeus is responsible and that Zeus is the god that they know, what we are really talking about is the god that had the power to reap destruction on humanity. They may not know it, but they are talking about the creator of the universe, and imputing human sinful emotions to him.
You see one more time, let me just remind you this one more time, that there are many philosophies around today that have a lot of truth about the beginnings of the human race, but the one thing that they are lacking is the doctrine of Christ. The one thing that they are lacking is the true motives of God, is the understanding of what happens from God's point of view, and God's promise of what the end of it will be, that is what they are lacking. As I look over all of these notes on the Greek gods, and the Greek immortals, I see such an analogy to the doctrine of Christ.
If the Lord lets me, I am going to preach a series on this, I do not know if that is what He wants me to do yet, I have not heard from Him yet if that is what He wants me to do, but if He lets me, I will show you the doctrine of Christ in Greek mythology. In Greek mythology and every other spiritual philosophy lacks a knowledge of the motives of God, and the nature of God and the righteousness of God, and the end of the whole matter according to God's plan. They lack everything that comes out of the mind of God, they have a lot of truth, but they do not have the whole truth. Demetor demonstrated her anger by punishing the earth's inhabitants.
See, we are not, we the inhabitants of the earth, we are not punished because of the anger of a vengeful God, we are punished because we have sinned, there is a righteous punishment. Gentle and fierce with bitter cold and blustering winds. I guess this means we vacillate between gentleness and fierceness with bitter cold and blustering winds. Unless Persephone was returned to her mother's side, the earth would perish. I want to declare to you that we perish, that we perish, that human beings cannot tolerate vacillation between gentleness and fierceness with bitter cold, which is really witchcraft coming from even the people that we love, it is destructive and we die. We perish.
Unless Persephone was returned to her mother's side, the earth would perish. Unless mankind is returned to Adam, and that is interesting that it says here "to her mother's side" because mankind came out of Adam's side. We will perish, and that is true, unless we are returned to Adam, we will perish, but we will not cease to exist, you see. I do not know what this word perish means by this writer, but I know that according to the doctrine of Christ, we will not cease to exist, but we will remain in hell where we will be exposed to alternate doses of gentleness and fierceness and bitter cold and blustering winds, which torture us, and cause us much pain for eternity, until the Lord Jesus gets us out. Praise the Lord, He came 2,000 years ago and He did the works, now He just has to implement it or cause His salvation to be played out in our world.
When Persephone is with Hades, the earth is wracked by the sorrow of her mother, but when Persephone returns from the underworld to walk the earth again, Demetor pours forth the blessings of spring, to welcome her daughter home. Well, what this says to me, this is like the message of the prodigal son, when Persephone returns not to the earth, but returns to the heavenly realm again, Adam or the regenerated Adam which is Christ Jesus, pours out the blessings of spring to welcome her beloved daughter home. Kabbalah tells us that when we return to Christ Jesus and we join with Christ Jesus, it is called the spiritual Sabbath, and blessings are poured out, and new souls, souls created in the image of Christ come forth. That is the run down on Persephone in the Matrix. Praise the Lord, are there any questions on anything that I have said? No. I think this is the end of the Matrix, the final end of the Matrix, God bless you all.
10/11/04 1st Edit LM-L