The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation
By The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.
Praise the Lord. This message started out as being part 3 of Indignation, which is a series of messages where I'm going into each of the seven Scriptures where the word "indignation" or displeasure appears, and our goal and our purpose is to demonstrate that indignation is not a good thing. Indignation is a manifestation of pride, and every time it appears in the Scripture, which is seven times, okay, it is always, the people that are manifesting this offense, are always offended, usually because of envy, they're offended, and it's almost always the disciples that are offended, because Jesus is blessing people who are not one of their group.
So indignation, and I know this for years, that indignation is the sin of pride, because I use to be bound by indignation, and actually it took years for the Lord to deliver me. It just went away slowly. Most manifestations of pride, you cannot get delivered by having a demon cast out of you, pride is a character flaw, pride is a character flaw.
And we are delivered from character flaws by acknowledging that they are character flaws, because usually when we are bound with pride, we think that our attitudes are healthy. So first you have to be convinced that whatever manifestation of pride that we are dealing with, that it's not a good thing, that it is sin.
And then we have to want to be delivered from it, and bang on the Lord's door, and that includes acknowledging every time we manifest indignation, every time we manifest indignation or any manifestation of pride, or any character flaw that we desire to be delivered from, we need to be really, well I don't, I'm going to be misunderstood, but the Scripture says there's a sorrow that leads unto repentance. And the word that is in my heart is that we need to be grief stricken over it. But it needs to be a grief that leads to repentance, not a grief that leads to condemnation. We have to be so convicted that we really do not want to do this anymore, that we're convinced that it is wrong, and that it is hurtful. You see, sin is hurtful. It hurts us, and it hurts the people that we're manifesting it towards.
So when we really get this revelation, and this is all part of the doctrine of Christ, recognizing how what we at one time thought to be just a little nothing knit picking thing, is really a destructive force operating in us. And when we really believe that and we see it operating in us, we are moved to grief, we are grief stricken over it. But neither do we condemn ourselves, but we cry out to God and we say, "When will you cover me Lord, when will you cover this sin?" That's the point we have to come to, and eventually you get delivered. I don't get indignant very much anymore, on the rare occasion that I do, indignation is weak enough for me to swat it, and I put it down under.
Well anyway, this is a very exciting message for me, and the most interesting part of the whole thing is, I looked at the series of verses surrounding the, there's one verse here, let me see, I'll tell you which one it is right now, which was a part of our series on indignation, it was Matt.26:8. So I looked at the verses before and I looked at the verses after to see, to get the general idea, the general drift of what was happening here, and what kind of a translation it would be, should I really translate all of the verses before, and all of the verses afterwards, or should I just deal with a couple of verses? And I looked at these verses, and I didn't think that I had much here, then I went over it, what I do is I usually scan the Interlinear Text just to try to get the basic revelation before I start to work it up. And I went through these verses, it's twelve verses, I went through them several times, and I started to hear from the Lord, just to get a general idea of what this was all about, and I said, Lord, I don't know, you know, I know what I hear you telling me, but I'm really going to have a hard time, you know making a case for this in the Greek, because the Greek really doesn't show it, and even applying the Hebrew symbols, it's really going to be, I know that I've heard from you, I believe I've heard from you, but it's going to really be hard to make the case to people who are trying to honestly, you know witness to what I teach here. But I just went with it, and it just built and built and built and at this point I think it's a very exciting translation. And it's exciting for many reasons, it's exciting just because the doctrine of Christ is exciting, but it's also exciting because this series of verses is talking about Jesus going to the spiritual people of Israel who are physically dying, and setting them free, see.
And the significance here is that it takes some form of spiritual ascension to understand the doctrine of Christ. And there a lot of people in Judah is Jesus' day who were spiritually ascended in Satan, the same thing that's in the church today. Very few people if any are ascended in Christ, when the Lord enters in, we're all ascended in Satan. Why are we all ascended in Satan? Because from the day we receive the Holy Spirit, probably from the day we pick up that Bible, well, there is a measure of faith that you receive, you don't have to have the, well what the church world calls being baptized with the Holy Spirit, just reading the Bible with any measure of faith, kisses the Fiery Serpent who is the Sleeping Beauty, and it wakes her up.
Christ wakes her up, the Holy Spirit wakes her up, and she starts vibrating forward and ascending, and the only hope that anybody has of directing their Fiery Serpent into the time line of Christ Jesus, as she approaches the heart center, is to have a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, which teaches you first of all, that she needs to be directed into the right channel, which teaches you that there are two channels of ascension. You show me the average Christian that knows that. There are two channels of ascension, and if you do not guide your Fiery Serpent she will default to Leviathan's channel of ascension.
So the church is filled with people who love Jesus, who are filled with faith, which faith and which spirit has stirred up their Fiery Serpent, which Fiery Serpent has ascended, and these wonderful Christians have just stood by, utterly blind and powerless, as she has ascended into Leviathan's time line. So the church is filled with Christians whose Fiery Serpent is ascended into the counterfeit time line, and who are walking around manifesting Satan's power. It was true of Judah in Jesus' day, in the days of his flesh, and it is true of the church today. And if you shut off this tape right now, or if you put down this transcript right now, you are the loser. You should hear me out and pray about this, because I am telling you the truth.
So we see there were a lot of sinners in Judah in Jesus' day. And there are a lot of sinners in the church today. And how do you know a sinner when you see one? Are they packing a gun, are they snorting cocaine, are they robbing banks, are they stealing pens from the office, are they sticking needles in their arm, how do you spot a sinner when you see one? What is the spiritual sign of a sinner? Does anybody know? Do you have an X on your forehead? Do you look mean? No, you're usually sick and sometimes you're dying.
You could be physically sick, you could be mentally sick, but in both of those instances you're spiritually sick, because you're ascended in the wrong time line. The church is filled with sick people, both physically and mentally sick people. That means there is sin in the church. Now what's interesting in this account is that Jesus acknowledges, the Scripture acknowledges that the only hope of helping the sinners in the church, well I've said that and someone is going to flip out, the way I just said that, let me change that again, Jesus will help you, Jesus loves you, Jesus, the Holy Spirit will heal your diseases, you have every reason to hope, that although he doesn't heal everybody, you have every reason to hope that he will heal you, that he will answer your prayers, that he will have mercy on you, but your only hope of entering into eternal life and defeating death, is through a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ.
So you see, if you don't have a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, and you don't fight the war that you have to fight to direct the Fiery Serpent into the correct channel, and why would that be a warfare? Because Satan and Leviathan and Cain are all fighting you to keep you away, and then when you get Satan, Leviathan, and Cain out of the way, the Fiery Serpent herself is a wild venomous beast that doesn't want to go with you, she likes Leviathan.
You think it's not true of you? You better humble yourself and ask the Lord, because every man born of a woman prefers Leviathan. And the people who prefer, the people in whom Abel has been revived, the people in whom Christ has grafted to Abel, and has revitalized him, and they are preferring Christ, they're divided. Because so long as we are attached to Satan and Leviathan, there will always be an element within us that prefers Satan and Leviathan.
But when Christ is in us, and we agree in our mind, that we prefer Christ, we will sacrifice the self life, we will sacrifice the desires of this world, and follow Christ, but that is an act of will, that could only be accomplished if we understand what we are suppose to do. Because everything that we are suppose to do is contrary to what comes naturally to human beings.
So this account tells us that there were spiritual people in Judah, and they were leprous. I was surprised when I looked up the Greek word translated "leper", it's talking about being scaly, and I don't think that's any big revelation. Most people should be able to understand that scales are talking about Leviathan. Brethren, every problem that we have is founded in pride. Every problem of every man born of a woman is founded in pride. I don't care what that other person did to you, Jesus is looking at how you respond to them, and how you respond to them, and if you have the wisdom and the knowledge of how to get a hold of God and do what you have to do, do your part, you will defeat every problem in your life.
There is nothing that can overtake you if you're just know what you're suppose to do. Well is Jesus going to really let me get hurt, well just because I don't know what to do? Yes, yes. Are you on your face confessing that you don't know what to do, and begging for his help, or are you blaming God for not meeting your need? Well if you're blaming God for not meeting your need, you better it, you better bet your bet, that he's going to let you go. You have to be admitting, you have to be saying, "Lord, what is my part in this, what must I do, what must I change, no matter what happened to me, here I am in this mess, what must I do, what must I confess, what must I change, what must I do to get this help that I need? That person who prays that way, gets their prayers answered.
So we see that Jesus is going to help the spiritual people in Judah who are physically sick and dying. I think that the translation clearly shows he's talking about physical illness in this account, and he's going to help the people that understand the doctrine of Christ, because if you don't have this knowledge, you can't do your part, and Jesus is not breaking his universal law to help you, he is not. You must line up with him, he will not line up with you. And if you don't know how to get help, you cry out and you pray everyday until he directs you to someone who can teach you what you need to know. So as I told you, this study arose out of our study on indignation, and we find out that the disciples of Jesus are indignant that the Spirit of Christ poured out of Jesus and healed these leprous Jews.
Now, there are many accounts of the Scripture that I tell you this, there's no problem with my believing that this account is reflecting both the physical or natural and a spiritual reality. But brethren, in this account of the Alabaster Box, I do not believe this happened in the natural, and I'll show you how I feel as we go through the Scripture, of each verse, I do not believe this happened in the natural, this was a spiritual happening, the Alabaster Box, alabaster means plaster, and it lines right up with Paul calling the Pharisees whited walls, it's talking about a white plaster, and it's talking about the Jews who were defensed, who had a hard heart, they had a hardness. Plaster is something you put on, and it hardens on you. You have to pick it off with a hammer or a chisel if you want to get it off.
So once again, we see that the King James translation has it all backwards. Brethren, I'll have to say this every time I preach, I am not against the King James translation, it has done marvelous wonders, but not because of the translation.
The reason the King James translation has done so much good in the world, is because of the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit uses our best, because we're all so fallen, and I thank God that the Scriptures were translated into English, and the Holy Spirit appreciated and prospered that word, for however long we have a translation in the Scripture, Jesus is, it's 2000 years since Jesus, I'm not sure how long we have an English translation of the Scripture. I really don't think it's much more than 500 years, but I could be mistaken, I think it's only about 400 or 500 years.
The Holy Spirit prospers the effort of the King James translators, but in this hour that we are being called to ascend in Christ Jesus, we are called to unity with God. You see, brethren, when the Lord first comes to us, we have a unity with Satan and Leviathan. When the Lord first pulls us out of the drink, we are a unity, there is no division whatsoever, we are one happy or unhappy family, we the personality, Satan and Leviathan. And we are called to depart from that unity, or that marriage as the Scripture calls it, and enter into a unity with Christ Jesus, the son of God, and the glorified Jesus Christ, who is above. And this is a dangerous journey, dangerous, long, difficult, and very trying.
So back to this account, Jesus is telling his disciples, this is what we've come here for, this is what our job is, to get out everyone that we can, who is capable of understanding the doctrine of Christ. Well what about the people who cannot understand the doctrine of Christ? We will go back for them later. Do you remember reading in I'm not sure which book of the Scripture it was, it may be the book of Joshua, the tribes were going to cross over the Jordan, and there were a couple of tribes that weren't willing to go on. They wanted to stay on the near side of the Jordan, they were content to stay there. And Joshua said, "Okay, but you have to come and you have to fight and you have to help the others go across, and then if you want to stay on the near side you can. Everybody didn't go, everybody is not up to the fight. So the Lord is taking the people who are up to the fight. Now that may sound strange to you, because a lot of people that are called to the spiritual battle are physically dying, or physically impaired in some way.
Jesus is concerned with the people who are spiritually equipped, and this message says, that he's coming to heal their bodies so that they could fight the spiritual war. And the more people that we have who are ascended in Christ Jesus, the more powerful the spiritual body of Christ, the more power will be available to help the next layer or the next level of Christians and Jews, that will be coming into the kingdom.
So this is a paradox, it's an oxymoron, I like that word, that means the same thing, it's a contradiction. These people who are laying there dying, physically dying, or hobbling around doing the best that they can, because they have faith in Jesus, these are the spiritually strong ones.
And the carnal church is looking at all of the physically strong people who are making it in this world because of inherited qualities such as intelligence and physical strength, and they don't think very much of the drug addicts and the prostitutes and the physically sick people who have come into the kingdom who are still weak.
But these are the people who are spiritual. The alcoholics, the drug addicts, the prostitutes, and then some people who have been socially acceptable, but who have practiced social witchcraft, and are filled with pride, the spiritually ascended people.
Jesus is going to set them free, so that they can ascend into the right channel. First they have descend out of Leviathan's channel, and ascend into the channel of Christ Jesus and become a unity with Christ Jesus and the glorified Jesus Christ, and create a power base in the earth which will support the rest of the church and the rest of the Jews, with enough strength to ascend. And Jesus' disciples were offended. They said, "Don't you know Jesus", well they didn't say this like this, I'm exaggerating, "Don't you understand spiritual things?"
You see, the Jews knew that when somebody was dying prematurely, I was dying when the Lord called me. I started dying when I was eleven years old, I was near to death when I was eleven years old. The disciples were thinking, we know that people who are, people who have leprosy, people who are dying before their time, people who are sick, because you're not even suppose to be sick before you die, if you live a right life, if you live a nice long life, and then you die, you're not suppose to be sick for two years, you're not suppose to be in pain, you're suppose to go to sleep and die. So the disciples knew that people who had leprosy, people who had terminal diseases, chronic diseases that Elohim had turned them over.
Oh boy, a lot of people don't like that one. Brethren, it is sin that is destroying your body at any age, but especially if you're too young to die. You are dying because of sin. Now this sin may have come down from family line curses, but it's in you and you better believe that if it's in you, you have acted it out also. And the most lethal sin is pride, and it is pride that leads to every socially unacceptable act, that speeds up your death. So the disciples were saying, Elohim turned these people over, they're a mess. So they understand the doctrine of Christ, big deal, look at them! Elohim has thrown them away, turned them over to Satan. And then Elohim comes and pours out of you to heal them, that can't be.
Now I don't know what the disciples were thinking. I don't know if the thought would have occurred to them that it might have been another spirit pouring out of Jesus, I really don't know if they would have thought that. Maybe it was just their pride saying, How could you do this, Elohim. I know that sometimes people get very offended when it seems that I'm contradicting myself with this doctrine, and I'm really not, they just need another piece of information to understand both sides. Maybe they were just offended, I know I've experienced that myself, and people have experienced that with me, "But Sheila you said, you said it this way, and now you're saying it another way." And I have to tell you, well, I said it this way concerning that group of people, but now I'm saying it this way concerning that group of people. Jesus Christ is no respecter of persons, but his righteousness affects the obedient one way, and affects the disobedient another way, just by way of example.
So I don't think the disciples thought it was another spirit but they were offended because Jesus appeared to be violating his own spiritual principles. So we see that these disciples really had not learned much of the doctrine of Christ yet. We found this out in part 2 of Indignation also, the translation that we did in part 2 of Indignation, I showed you how much more equipped with the knowledge of Christ Elisha was in his relationship with Elijah, then the disciples were with Jesus. Now I'm not too sure why this was the case, I don't know how many years Elisha was with Elijah, but this is, I'm just seeing it more and more, that Jesus' disciples did not understand what spirit they were of, they did not understand what their commission was. They did not, they were watching all of Jesus' miracles and they did not understand the forgiveness of sins. They did not understand Elohim's purpose in the midst of his people to restore.
And you have to have something to work with, so Jesus is going first to the people who can understand the doctrine of Christ and most, many, many of those people are spiritually impaired, physically impaired or mentally impaired, but they are spiritually ascended, which means they have the basic equipment to understand the doctrine of Christ, which will teach them what to do. Does that sound crazy to you that we have to guide the Fiery Serpent, it's not. You know every Hebrew letter has a meaning, and one of the Hebrew, it has every Hebrew letter signifies a spiritual principle in the Scripture, and there is one letter that stands for a goad, like an ox goad. And for years, I could not understand what the principle or the doctrine of the ox goad was. I think I have an understanding of every, of the spiritual principles associated with the Hebrew letter except for the one that signifies the ox goad, and I just got that understanding right now, it's the power to goad or to prod the Fiery Serpent into Christ Jesus' time line, because she does not want to go there. She likes Leviathan.
And if it helps you any, this principle is very evident in Hinduism, in Buddhism, where there have been generations of people practicing these religions who are involved with guiding the Fiery Serpent within them, and they know that she has to be guided. Praise the Lord, I'm going to read this alternate translation for you, before we go over the details. I didn't start with verse one, because verse one really was the end of the previous chapter. So we're starting with verse two. "You know that Christ Jesus, (now this is Jesus talking to his disciples), you know that Christ Jesus, the Passover Lamb, is Cain's second opportunity to be impregnated with Christ, who preserved her life." So we see that Jesus is concerned with preserving Cain's life. And who is Cain? Cain is the generic name for all of the personalities of mortal humanity, that is who we are, we are all manifestations of Cain. Every individual human being, the personality that we know each other by, are individual manifestations of Cain.
So we see that it is Jehovah's purpose, it is Elohim's purpose and it is Jesus' purpose to preserve the life of Cain, that is you and that is me, he wants to save our soul. But our soul is not going to be saved when we follow after our own fantasies of salvation. We must come into a knowledge of Jehovah's plan, which is being executed today by the Lord Jesus Christ, and his son in the midst of us. This is Cain's second opportunity to be impregnated with Christ. When was the first opportunity? Before the fall. So Abel, the son of Adam or the son of Christ Jesus in the midst of Jews, who understand the doctrine of Christ, must be given over to be crucified. Well does that mean spiritual crucifixion Sheila? No, it doesn't mean spiritual crucifixion.
Remember this Scripture is not written to be understood by the man in the street. Crucifixion is just another word for penetration. I have preached this in the Samson tapes. Christ Jesus in Samson, or King Adam in the Old Testament, King Adam in Samson, first he loved the Fiery Serpent, and then he marries her. Loving the Fiery Serpent is covering her over, because the true expression of love is protection, and when Christ Jesus covers the Fiery Serpent, he puts her under his feet, that is protection.
But the marriage is penetration, then Christ Jesus penetrates the Fiery Serpent. So Oh you thought it was Jesus' crucifixion. Well it doesn't say that. You just assumed that. But we found out years ago, the Lord put us years ago, maybe six years ago, when he anointed me to translate some of the material in Zach., I believe, we found out that crucifixion had a second meaning in the Scripture, that crucifixion meant penetration and that there was a positive and a negative definition of that word concerning the Scripture.
And we also know, I hope that you know, I know the Lord has taught me that every principle that comes forth in the Scripture can be interpreted either on the right side or on the left side, you can interpret it for the good or for the evil, you can interpret it for the carnal mind or for the Christ mind. And for a long time my whole is to interpret for the right hand, my whole ministry if for the sons, my whole ministry is for the spiritual understanding of the Scripture. For years, I asked the Lord, what about all of this revelation coming out in the church, is it true? He never answered me, but I found out that's it's true, because it's already coming to pass.
So where do you live, where do you dwell? On the left hand or on the right hand? Which interpretation of the Scripture is true for you? And if you don't know it, the King James translation is an interpretation, it is an interpretation. That is what it is. The Alternate Translation is an interpretation and the King James translation is an interpretation of a spiritual word which is a message from Jehovah.
So everything you read in the Scripture, you could take it for the left hand or for the right hand. You could take it for the carnal mind or for the Christ mind. You could take it for the natural or you could take it for the spiritual event. How does that help me?
Well I want to tell you something brethren, if the day ever comes that I see destruction headed my way, and I perceive it to be a manifestation of the left hand interpretation of the Scripture, Lord willing I will throw myself on my face, and say, "Lord God, I am a teacher of the right hand and I ask you to manifest this judgment as the right hand in my life, that it should be for my good and not for evil or destruction." And you can't do that if you don't know the message of the right hand. If the only message you know is the message of the left hand, you can't do that.
So Jesus said, I'm trying to save the lives of these Jews, and today the Christians, I want to save their lives, and their only hope, is that Abel in the midst of them must be crucified, but look he has to be given over to be crucified, but who has to give him over. Who has to give Abel over to be crucified, does anybody know, who owns Abel? Who's Abel's controller? Cain, brethren, Cain has to give Abel over to be crucified, and who is Cain? You and me.
Well Sheila what are you talking about, why in the world would I not give Abel over if this crucifixion is what you say, if it means that he's going to be nailed to Christ Jesus, and eventually that will means eternal life for me, now why wouldn't I give him over?
Because you like Leviathan, and you're not willing to leave her, and you're not even willing to believe that you're so joined to her that it's interfering with your relationship with the Lord. You have to give Abel over to the one who crucifies him. Christ Jesus wants Abel, and you are Cain, and you have to stop defending Abel as a service to Leviathan and Satan, and give him over to the Lord. That's just another way of saying, lay down your life.
Brethren, the message is the same. Anyone who is truly preaching the word of God, or whatever level he's preaching it, the message is the same. We just get it in a little more detail over here. There are lots of good preachers that are preaching that for years, lay down your life, turn it over! Oh but I don't like to do that, it scares me giving up my power, I want to solve my own problem, I know how to do it.
So Jesus is telling his disciples, our assignment, our commission is to preserve the life of the people. Brethren, it does not glorify God when somebody, especially in the case of these Jews, who were in, the males especially, were in spiritual studies at three years old, it does not glorify God for someone like that or for someone like you and me, who are deep into the Scripture, it does not glorify God for us to die. He spent a whole life time training us and teaching us what we know. He does not want us to die, we are valuable. Those of us that have this knowledge and are obedient to him, are very valuable.
Now you'll hear me in this alternate translation, I talk a lot about the Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, this is a translation of the word "Simeon". It's in verse 6, "Now Jesus was in the household of the Jews who understood the doctrine of Christ...", that's a translation of "Simeon". I looked at that in the Greek, and I said, "What is this Simeon, or this Simon, it's in Hebrew that it's Simeon, what is this Simon?" I looked it up, and it's talking about the tribe of Simeon. I looked up the meaning of the word "Simeon", and it means those who are obedient, and those who have intelligent understanding. It's talking about those people who have the mind of Christ, because you cannot understand, and you cannot hear if your carnal mind is crushing Christ in you. You cannot understand, and you cannot be obedient, if your carnal mind is on top of Christ, because only Christ can understand this message and only Christ can obey.
So we see that Jesus is in the midst of the household and I don't think it was physical, he ascended spiritually, somehow he entered into all of the people, who had the ability to understand him, and a willingness to obey him. They may have been physically ill, but their mind was alive with understanding. And you think, well you just woke up one morning and you understood something that you didn't understand the night before. Jesus in is your mind. So Jesus knew and instructed his disciples that their commission was to preserve the life of the people who had an understanding of the doctrine of Christ, because there is a whole world out there that needs to be educated, and this kind of knowledge that we're coming into here, takes years to acquire. I've been studying for 22 years and I have a supernatural growth rate, simply because the Lord is raising me up for this job, it's not even human what I've learned in 22 years.
"Then Caiaphas, the chief priest and the spiritual elders of the people assembled in the brow energy center of Satan's palace, the speech of Leviathan, Satan's high priest, or it should be the palace of Satan, the speech of Leviathan, Satan's high priest." Well what does verse 3 have to do with verse 2? Well the priest and the elders knew what Jesus was up to. Brethren, these were highly spiritual people, and I found out something today that I didn't know, that this term elders in Judah, it says, "Elders of the people", it's talking about the prophet in Judah. The spiritual men of Judah, not the physical elders, not the great grandfather, but the ancient one, that word "elder", it signifies the ancient ones, signifying the human beings that have the wisdom of the ancient ones. These were the prophets, the spiritual men that heard from God. And I think the chief priests in this verse it shouldn't be plural, its says, "chief priests", it's talking about Caiaphas, the chief priest.
So we see that the spiritual people in Israel who heard from God, and the term Caiaphas, it has a left hand and a right hand translation, it means the rock, Caiaphas the rock, the high priest. That was the expression of Christ to Israel, or to Judah in that day. But the word also means "depression". It means the vessel, not mental depression, but something that goes down, something that's concave, it's talking about the shell.
We the physical part of us and even the personality of us, we're just a shell that houses the real man. We are not a real man. We are not a real man, we the personality at this time, are an expression of the spiritual ox that Adam is married to. If that offends you, rebuke your pride and do whatever you have to do to get married to the Lord Jesus and then you'll be a son of God. You don't have to stay an ox forever, but the son of God is not stubborn, see. Have you ever heard about a stubborn ox? Christ is not stubborn, that's your animal nature. These were highly spiritual people brethren, they knew what Jesus was all about, they knew he was Messiah, they knew what he came to do, they knew that he came to set the people free, and they did not want to give up their position of power. Now brethren, when you seek the Lord, with an ungodly motive, you do not ascend into the palace of the Lord Jesus. You can do everything that you have been doing for years, take out the same Bible, kneel in the same place, go to the same church, say the same words, sing the same song, but if your heart is against the man that the Lord Jesus has raised up, which man is doing the work that he's called to do, if your prayer is to bring that man down, you are ascended in Satan's time line and the counsel that you seek, you are seeking of Satan, whether you know it or not.
So we see that Jesus is highly ascended, teaching his disciples the doctrine of Christ. Our job is to preserve the life of the people. This is their second opportunity to be impregnated with Christ, and this is our job, and we're zeroing in on the Jews that understand the doctrine of Christ, because you cannot ascend without the knowledge of the doctrine of Christ. There's no prayer line, there's no laying on of hands, there's no prayer, there's nothing anybody can do for you except teach you the doctrine of Christ, to prepare you to ascend, verse 2. Verse 3, the chief priests, and the prophets of Israel, they also ascended, but they ascended into Satan's palace, with the speech of Leviathan the high priest, Satan's high priest.
Verse 4, and they did this because Caiaphas, the chief priest and the spiritual elders of Judah, saw Satan's counsel concerning how they might seize Jesus and kill the savior of Israel, and of the whole world. Brethren, that's really pitiful. I have to tell you that is really pitiful. And I'll tell you I've seen how Leviathan has overshadowed my mind in little things, little things. I just thank God that the Lord showed it to me, and gives me an opportunity to repent and make things right. And the more you have the more you have to lose.
These were powerful men in Judah, they had a lot to lose, see. The power was very frightening, and when Leviathan comes in, you cannot even see it happening to you, this is why, if someone that you have a relationship with, is falling under the influence of Satan and Leviathan, you would at the very least have an obligation to go before the Lord, and put it before God, and he may send you to tell them, you have to do it, you have to do it, you have to tell them.
Verse 5, "And Satan said, he said to the prophets to the high priest, don't seize Jesus on the feast day, the Passover was coming, because the people might riot if they see you breaking the law." See this was a very religious group of people, and they were under a strict Pharisitical law. And if they saw their own leaders breaking the law, it could have caused a lot of damage to Satan's kingdom, to that religious bondage that they were in.
Does that sound strange to you? Did the people panic when they saw that preacher fall, because he got involved with that prostitute? Because he ran away with that woman, don't the people get enraged?
There was a big turmoil in the church when that international preacher had that scandal. A lot of people were hurt. Well I know if you can understand what it's like, the church today is not that religious, but Judah in these days, keeping the law of the, and this wasn't even Sabbath, it was a holy day, Passover is the highest holiday in Israel. People would have been very, very, very upset if they saw their leaders breaking the law. And what does that say about the people? They may not have been all upset that they were killing Jesus, but they would have been upset that their leaders were breaking the law. You think that sounds strange, brethren there are people like that, there are Pharisees like that.
Verse 6, "Now Jesus was in the household of the Jews, who understood the doctrine of Christ..." Well how did he get there? How did he get there? I don't think that this means that the physical man Jesus, was in their house. As a matter of fact, I have to look that up. Verse 6, I have it right here, let's see if it says Jesus or not. I would be surprised if it does. Verse 3, the King James does say Jesus, so for now I'll assume it's there in the Interlinear Text. "Now Jesus was in the household of the Jews..." That word "household", that has a Scriptural, that has spiritual significance to it. It could mean physical household, but we all have a spiritual household, and that is talking about, the household is talking about the family of God. Either you're in the family, it's a spiritual family, either you're in the family of God, or you're in Satan's family. The household of the Jews, that's Jehovah and Elohim, and Elijah. So Jesus was in the household of the Jews. He was in their hearts, he was in their hearts.
And actually I'm surprised to see that the word Jesus is used because to my way of thinking, I would say that Elohim or it's the Spirit of Elijah at this point, but the Scripture says Elohim, the Scripture doesn't get into these refinements of Elohim, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Elijah, it just says Elohim. But at this point it was the Spirit of Elijah, was in the household of the Jews that were studying the Scriptures.
How do I know they were studying the Scriptures? Well how would they understand the doctrine of Christ, if they were not studying the Scriptures? So this is what it says to me, I do not have an answer for you right now as to why this verse says Jesus, I would expect it to say Elohim, but it says Jesus, but I'm just going to go with what I have right now, that Jesus was in their household, he was in the mind of God, that was in the Jews, who understood the doctrine of Christ, because you cannot understand the doctrine of Christ with your carnal mind, and the Christ mind is the household of God.
So Jesus was In there, not physically in there, but spiritually in there. And everybody that has the knowledge of the doctrine of Christ that pursues on a regular basis, daily, unless something unusual interferes, everybody that is truly pursuing the doctrine of Christ, walking around with that doctrine in their heart and in their mind, the Lord Jesus is in you. Well I don't know if the Lord Jesus is there, but his Spirit is there, Christ is in you, Christ Jesus is there, and the Spirit of Christ is there. The Lord Jesus may be there, but I don't know.
So Jesus was in the household of the Jews who understood the doctrine of Christ, but they were bound by Leviathan and they were miserable. They were bound by Leviathan, and they were miserable. Now they could have been miserable because they were physically in pain, they could have been miserable because they were emotionally in pain, or they could have been miserable because they were mentally in pain, giving up the things of this world brings mental pain.
See there's two of us in here, there's an old man, and there's a new man, and we the personality, which is really Cain, we have to decide what we are going to do with our twenty four hours a day. So now someone like me, I choose to spend the majority of my time pursuing the word of God. I'm very happy when I'm pursuing the word of God, I'm just exhilarated from this study this afternoon. But when I cannot be in a study like this, and I'm away from it, I'm miserable. Why am I miserable? Because I'm not being satisfied by the things of this world. I've given up so much of this world, to put my whole life in the Scripture, that if I were living by my old man alone, I would be filled with grief. I don't have the comforts of this world. Well I have some of them, I have a beautiful house, I have a nice house that I live in, I mean I'm certainly not poor, but I don't have the emotional comforts of the world.
So I'm very comfortable and comforted when I'm this word, but if I'm away from this word, I'm in my old man, and my old man is Delilah, pining away in grief, because she doesn't have the comforts of this world. This is what the Scripture is talking about, when it says that the people who understand the doctrine of Christ were bound by Leviathan and miserable. That's just another way of saying that their old man was still alive and well and kicking. If you have pain in your body, that is your old man. Brethren if Christ Jesus was fully filling us, if the unity of Christ Jesus, that means the Lord Jesus above also, was fully filling us, it would heal every infirmity that we have.
So we're not fully filled. Now if you think, if you are really into the doctrine of Christ and you think that you have no misery in your life at all, I would have to say you're believing a lie, because I know what this walk is like. Now are you suppose to walk around in misery? Are you suppose to yield to it? No, but you should know that it is there and that you're overcoming it, you should know that it's there, and saying, "I won't yield to you, I'm going to put my mind in the Scripture. That is living in reality. And on the other hand, if you're hearing this message, and you have been condemning yourself, because there is some measure of misery and grief in your life, you should understand that your problem is that you are bound by Leviathan. And you need to be unbound from Leviathan. And your prayer is, or your prayer should be, "Lord Jesus cut me away from Leviathan." Which part of us is joined to Leviathan? Does anybody know? Cain, Cain is one with Leviathan.
See, from the minute that Christ comes in, and he grafts to Abel, to the dead Abel in us, and Christ starts functioning on behalf of Abel, but Cain is still all interwoven, just like a tapestry, just like something, just like a piece of fabric, Cain is strongly interwoven with Leviathan, and this is the circumcision without hands, that those of us who are in the Scripture day and night, or living for Jesus day and night, or however you're doing it, with your music or your transcribing, whatever, those of us who have this hope, the hope is to be unraveled from Leviathan. But you see we can't even be unraveled, we have to be cut away.
Did you ever see someone whose hair is all knotted up? Sometimes you just have to cut it away, you can't untangle it. You have to just take it and cut it off. If you get burrs in your hair, or sometimes a bat gets caught in your hair, you just have to cut it out. So if you're doing everything that you know how to do, and you're in this doctrine, like me anyway, day and night, in my heart, I'm in this doctrine day and night, and I still have problems in my life, what is the problem? I need to be cut away from Leviathan.
Because you see, Christ in me has apprehended Abel, and we are pursuing Jesus, but Cain in me is still fornicating with Leviathan and completely bound up, and pining and moaning and grieving for this things of God, that's the translation of Delilah, or the interpretation of Delilah. Brethren, everything is in your mind. Every problem you have is in your mind. That doesn't mean your problem doesn't exist. Your problem exists, but it's only a problem because you don't have what it takes to deal with it, and money is not the answer. And the power of this world is not the answer.
There is a spiritual solution to every problem that you have. So when Christ Jesus gives you the wisdom of how to deal with your problems, you will be set free from that problem. Verse 7, "Because Leviathan defended the Jews who understood the doctrine of Christ.." Well what do you mean Leviathan defended the Jews? Well brethren that's an Old Testament principle. Leviathan defends Abel, or if Christ is in there. What that means is Leviathan is wall that's standing in front of Abel, and Christ is grafted to Abel. Leviathan is a wall, that doesn't want them to get into the heart center, and then go higher. You can go into the heart center, but it has to be in Leviathan's channel. And he's standing there, roaring at you, you who are trying to ascend, is that not what we're told in Revelation chapter 12? "And the Dragon stood in front of the woman, who was about to give birth ready to devour her child as soon as he was born." "Because Leviathan defended the Jews who understood the doctrine of Christ, and the spiritual women, were lying down." Now who were the spiritual women? The Jews who were defended by Leviathan, a spiritual woman. Brethren, when you're defended by Christ Jesus, you're a spiritual man, when you're defended by Leviathan, you're a spiritual woman.
Your spiritual sex is determined by the spiritual man that you, by the spiritual being that you are in relationship with, Leviathan is female. "And they were miserable because Leviathan defended the Jews who understood the doctrine of Christ. And the spiritual women, were lying down near to death, and Jesus drew near to the Jews, who could understand the doctrine of Christ, and Elohim, Jesus' head, who was a very highly valuable spiritual antiseptic poured out of Jesus."
Now I already told you that the alabaster box is talking about plaster and a hard wall, it's talking about the stony heart, and the anointment, the very valuable anointment that was in the box, was Elohim, or in our case the Spirit of Christ. He's in there, you've got a hard heart, you've got all kinds of character flaws, you're all messed up with physical ailments, whatever your problem is, but the Spirit of Christ is in there. If you understand the doctrine of Christ, you have Christ and the Spirit of Christ is in Christ, and he's in there, and he's in you, and he's capable of pouring himself out and healing you of everything. But that hardness on our heart must be broken, and that bondage to Leviathan must be broken so that he can get out.
Now Jesus was in the household of the Jews who understood the doctrine of Christ but they were bound by Leviathan and miserable, because Leviathan defended the Jews who understood the doctrine of Christ, and the spiritual women, were lying down near to death, and Jesus drew near to the Jews who could understand the doctrine of Christ, drew near to the Jews, I thought they were inside of them, I thought Elohim was inside of them? Uh, oh, Sheila you goofed. No, I didn't. Does anybody know what the Old Testament significance of the term to draw near means? What does that mean in the Old Testament "to draw near"? Jehovah says, "Come unto me, draw near to me, come on, come closer to me." Why doesn't anyone want to come closer to God?
Because our God is a consuming fire, and when you get close you burn. Are you destroyed by the flames? No, but your sin nature is destroyed by the flames and all of the sins that you love to do are burnt up. And they're burnt up as a result of judgment. It's painful to draw near to God. The end result is good, the end result is life, because he just burns away the death that's in you, but fun it is not.
So here we see Jesus talking to the Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, saying, "draw near." And Jesus drew near to them. So, we see that there are Jews and today Christians, of course this is the Christians too, who understand the doctrine of Christ, who are not yet having their sins judged. Brethren, lots and lots of people have received our materials through the Internet, and they're probably enjoying the doctrine of Christ, but I don't think many of them are having their sins judged. So we see that it's possible to have a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, and not yet be under the white throne judgment.
Christ Jesus in you is called to burn up your own sin nature, and if you cannot do it yourself, it has to be Christ Jesus in another man helping you. But the doctrine of Christ without the judgment of your sin nature is worthless. I mean it makes you feel good, here and now it's a blessing, I mean I'm under a very high anointing after working on this all afternoon, I thank God for that, you know it's nice and it's good and it may heal a couple of aches here or there. But as far as eternal, and I don't mean to put it down, my point is that as far as eternal life is concerned, as far as beating death is concerned, the doctrine of Christ without the judgment of your sin nature, is worthless. And that is the purpose that the doctrine of Christ is given, to preserve your personality, to save your soul. Now everything else or anything else that it does, well praise the Lord, but it's given, the doctrine of Christ is given to preserve your life.
So if you know the doctrine of Christ, if you have a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, and your sin nature is not being judged, you should know that you are not receiving the full benefits of this message, and you are not receiving it for the purpose that it was given, don't be deceived. Life is not in a message alone, life is not in doctrine alone, life is only through union with the son, and to be joined to the son, to become a unity with the son, you must draw close to the son. And when you draw close to the son, your sin nature will be exposed, you will come under the light, all of the darkness will be revealed, and if you're brave and you stand up and join with Christ Jesus and turn against your own sin nature, this is the hour of spiritual estrus, this is the second time that Cain has the opportunity to be impregnated with Christ, and when that Christ in us is rejoined, is married to his father in heaven, we live forever. You have to take the opportunity, when it's available. The door is open. Well what is this with Jesus, he opens the door, and he closes the door, that's not fair. Brethren, it doesn't work like that.
I don't understand it completely, it's interesting because I just asked the Lord that question today. This thought came to me today, as I was taking a walk, that well about a year ago, well I don't want to get into a whole testimony now, but this thought came to me concerning astrologers, that they will tell you that such and such a planet lines up with such and such a planet, and this is an opportune time, take advantage of the time because the planets are aligned. Well I don't go in for astrology brethren, but I do know that it is a spiritual principle, that there are certain times, and the Scripture says the door is open for certain opportunities, and if you don't take the opportunity when the door is open, the door closes. And I just today asked the Lord to explain this to me, especially in light of how the heathen, and the pagans use the stars to predict these things.
I don't need the stars to tell me that it's an opportune time, the Lord Jesus tells me it's an opportune time. And I know that the Lord gives me opportunities and if I don't take advantage of them, I lose the power. I know that. And opportunity is an impartation of power to do something. You have to seize that moment. When he answers me, I'll let you know. My question is, What is it, what is happening in the spirit world that creates these open doors, that the doors open and the doors close? The astrologers tell you, "Well it's just the planets lining up." What is the answer to the question? We know that the planets are just physical manifestations of what is happening in the spiritual plane.
So what is happening in the spiritual plane, what kind of movement in the spiritual plane is there, that doors open and doors close? I would like that information very much, you know. When the Lord tells me I will be very happy to share it with you. Brethren, I hope you realize that we don't know anything, that those of us who are spiritual, those of us who have begun to understand the doctrine of Christ, and we've just begun to understand it, we are still in grade school, maybe even in kindergarten. What we're learning now can be likened to reading and writing, there is so much that we don't know. We don't even know enough to ask the questions.
"Because Leviathan defended the Jews who understood the doctrine of Christ, and the spiritual women were lying down near to death, and Jesus drew near to the Jews who could understand the doctrine of Christ, and Elohim, Jesus' head, who was a very highly valuable spiritual antiseptic poured out of Jesus." And that is a translation of the anointment, it means myrrh. Myrrh is a spiritual antiseptic. But when Jesus' disciples saw that Elohim poured out of Jesus towards the Jews who could understand the doctrine of Christ, they were offended. They were saying Elohim, you shouldn't be doing that. You see brethren, every time you see someone who is under the anointing doing something, and you think they shouldn't be doing it, even if you're right, even if they shouldn't be doing it, you need to know that your offense is a manifestation of pride, and you better deal with your own pride before you worry about the authority or anybody, not only your spiritual authority, your husband, your daughter, your sister. Of course your daughter you have authority over, someone that you don't have authority over.
If you're offended, you better take care of your own pride first. And the disciples said, "Well Elohim has given these Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ over to Satan, who is able to sell these leprous spiritual Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, into slavery." Brethren, I hope you all know that we were sold into slavery when we were put out of the garden of Eden, and down here in hell, there are different degrees of slavery, those of us who serve the Lord Jesus, we have a large measure of liberty in this world.
Christendom has a large measure of liberty, the people, there are many people in this nation and in the Christian world making a very big mistake, bringing paganism back into this country, and doing everything they can to stamp out Christianity because they want to pursue their sinful life style. These people are ignorant of the knowledge that the western world has all the comforts that we have because of Christ.
Do you know they're dying in Africa like flies? Between Aids and famine, they're dying like flies. There are more orphans than adults to take care of them. We don't have this here, because we're still under Christ. There will be gnashing of teeth, there will be many, many tears for the foolishness that is going on in this country today.
So the disciples said, "Well Elohim turned these men over. What is this confusion? You turn them over to Satan and then you turn around and you heal them? That doesn't make any sense to my carnal mind. Elohim has ruined these Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, and they have become beggars. Now this word "beggar" is a translation of the English word "poor" in this account, which is the same Greek word translated "beggar" in the account of Lazarus and the rich man. And I remember when I did my research on Lazarus and the rich man, that this word, when I took it all the way back to its roots, this word that the man was physically ill, that his body was deteriorating, because of sin.
So the disciples said, "I'm all confused! I understand the law, I was raised in the Hebrew law, I understand for someone to be dying like of leprosy, that Elohim has turned you over to Satan who has sold you into slavery." What does that mean, sold into slavery? We were all sold into slavery when we were put out of the garden of Eden, we're down here in this fallen world, how are some people sold into slavery, and others not? Brethren, when you're sold into slavery, your master has the use of your energy. You work for your master. They were sold to Satan, who kept them as slaves, and drained and fed on their energy at will, and they were dying. It is a lack of energy that produces disease. All diseases are in our blood stream, but everybody doesn't get sick. And energy drain will expose you to turning on those genes of disease. Elohim has ruined these Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, and they have become beggars, spiritual beggars, I should put that word in, they have become spiritual beggars. What are they begging for? Energy. They have become spiritual beggars, lacking enough to energy to be healthy, and physically strong.
They are spiritually bankrupt. Well that's hard to believe that they have an understanding of the doctrine of Christ and they're spiritually bankrupt. How could that be? Well, I think they must have been spiritually bankrupt before they had an understanding of the doctrine of Christ. See, the Jews in these days were raised under the law. They don't teach the doctrine of Christ. I don't believe they taught the doctrine of Christ. They teach the law, they teach the letter of the word. Even if the doctrine of Christ was taught in the Hebrew schools, you can't understand it without the mind of Christ.
So these are the people who were sinners and who repented, who turned to Jesus, or who turned to Elohim, you know, I don't know how they really prayed in those days, to Jehovah or to Elohim, I'm not sure how the Jews prayed, who turned to God, and said, "I have a revelation that you must have turned me over to Satan Lord, for me to be in the physical condition that I'm in, for me to be spiritually bankrupt as I am, that my body is breaking down because of sin, you must have turned me over to Satan. And I seek to make amends with you, I seek to come home, I seek to be forgiven. And Elohim poured out the doctrine of Christ on these people as an act of mercy.
So they were both turned over to Satan and spiritually strong because of the doctrine of Christ, but they would have died, if the spirit within them didn't rise up and have the doctrine of Christ that was in their mind touch their physical body. And this is exactly what happened. And when Jesus understood why the disciples were offended, he taught them. You see, he taught them the doctrine of Christ. This is very interesting because the sinners understood the doctrine of Christ better than the disciples. Jesus taught them and he said, Elohim has done a good deed for me, by cutting the Fiery Serpent away from Leviathan, within the Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, and relieving the spiritual women of grief and pain.
So we see that mercy is a higher law. Mercy is a higher law. Now that does not say that Paul's emotional compassion is a higher law, I said mercy is a higher law. And to have mercy you have to have power to deliver. So once again we see, that Jesus was sent to deliver us from the bondage of the law. Why you would ask, did Elohim turn these Jews over to Satan? Isn't he a cruel god? God is love, I didn't think God would do anything like that.
Brethren, all of the universes are under the universal law of Jehovah, it is a righteous law. It says you shall reap what you sow. You sow death, you receive death. You sin in your mind, the judgment is death. So to say, the Scripture says Elohim turned them over, it's not really a personal decision. God did not sit up in heaven and throw a lightning bolt to give someone cerebral palsy, it does not work like that. What this really means is, I guess I should put this in here, is that Elohim's law, it's really Jehovah's law, Elohim has ruined these. Well the Scripture says Elohim. Somehow I'm going to have to fit this in there. I'll have to pray about that. "Elohim in accordance with Jehovah's law, has ruined these Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, and they have become beggars. And when Jesus understood why the disciples were offended, he said to them, Elohim has done a good deed through me, by cutting the Fiery Serpent away from Leviathan within the Jews, who understand the doctrine of Christ, and relieving the spiritual women, of grief and pain." Elohim who faithfully carries out Jehovah's righteous law, also delivers from that law.
"You have me with you always, but these Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, are spiritual women, who are separated from Elohim, and they do not have me with them always." I have to back to that Elohim. Where I got the Elohim from, it was a Greek word that means "what". That's how I got the Elohim there, but it really can't be Elohim. As I told you many times, the Greek is not as accurate as the Hebrew. I'm going to really have to change it to Jehovah, because that's not really accurate. That Jehovah has, unless it's saying Elohim as Jehovah's, the one who executes Jehovah's, well Satan executes Jehovah's law. So it really has to be Jehovah.
Okay, I'll have to pray about that, but I'm probably going to change it to Jehovah. You have me with you always, but these Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, are spiritual women, who are separated from Elohim.
I think I have to make a change in this translation here, that Jesus is drawing near to the Jews who have the ability to understand the doctrine of Christ, but did not yet understand it. So well I preached a good message, but it looks like I didn't have a correct understanding here. Because in verse 11, Jesus says, "You have me with you always, but these Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, are spiritual women, who are separated from Elohim and they do not have me with them always."
So I had to be incorrect saying, that the Jews had a knowledge, see, the Scripture doesn't say they have a knowledge of the doctrine of Christ, it says they were capable of understanding the doctrine of Christ. Does anybody not understand what I just said? I have to make a correction about what I was preaching. Jesus went to the Jews who were dying, who had an ability to understand the doctrine of Christ, but had not yet heard it. And Jesus healed them, so that they could be instructed in the doctrine of Christ. Is everybody okay with that?
Verse 11 says, "You have me with you always, but these Jews who understand", I'm going to have to change that, "who are capable of understanding the doctrine of Christ, are spiritual women, who are separated from Elohim, that's why they're dying, because they are separated from Elohim, and they do not have me with them always."
so I guess it wasn't a spirit of Jesus, it really was Jesus going to these people. Verse 12, "So Elohim has brought out of me, to preserve the physical bodies of these obedient Jews, who understand the doctrine of Christ." Well you know, that's just another way of saying, people who are healed by the Holy Spirit, if you've been healed by the Holy Spirit, you've been given another chance, you've been given a chance to live, so that you can pursue God, and make your healing permanent. That's just another way of saying this, you know.
So Elohim poured out of me to preserve the physical bodies of these obedient Jews, who understand or who are capable of understanding the doctrine of Christ, and obeying, okay, were capable of understanding and obeying the doctrine of Christ. "So I say to you, the spiritual women who preach the good news of what was done to the Jews who have the ability to understand and obey the doctrine of Christ, the spiritual women who preach it, in all of the planes of their consciousness, will have this same testimony also."
"So I say to you the spiritual women who preach the good news of what was done to the Jews who had the ability to understand and obey the doctrine of Christ, in all planes of consciousness, (that's a translation of "in all the world"), will have this same testimony also." Will have what same testimony? "And whoever preaches the good news of what was done to the Jews who have the ability to understand and obey the doctrine of Christ on all planes of spiritual consciousness, will have spiritual women to give this same testimony to also." I think that that translation that is down here is wrong, and what it should be is that, he's talking to his disciples and he's saying, "When you get the ability to preach on all planes of consciousness, you will have the same testimony that I have had, that I've just shown you, with these spiritual women." And that's interesting because we have had some teaching here about preaching to the Fiery Serpent, and the Lord gave us a demonstration here of how he let, one Sunday he let me speak to the Fiery Serpent of one of the brethren here, went right past her in to the subconscious mind. But this Scripture says, "On all planes of consciousness", that means talking to Satan who is on the unconscious plane, talking to Leviathan, who is in the collective subconscious plane, and talking to the Fiery Serpent who is on the individual subconscious plane.
Now we just did a study of Joshua, where King Abel within Joshua, went into Joshua's inner world, and sent a message to Leviathan, not to the Fiery Serpent, but to Leviathan, to the collective, to the collective consciousness of all of the Fiery Serpents. So I don't really know how that is going to manifest, I know that we pray against Satan and rebuke her, and we execute all the judgments against her, but I suspect it has to be more than that. I suspect that there are experiences coming which will be likened to the experience where there was a personal one on one communication between me, who is Christ, at the time Christ was up in me, and I was literally speaking to the Fiery Serpent in one of the disciples. And I imagine that that experience, well what my experience is are for all of you, I'm just the first one in, and that it will be a similar experience, a face to face confrontation with Leviathan and face to face confrontation with Satan.
And Jesus is saying in this final verse 13, "Those of you who have the ability to preach the doctrine of Christ on all planes of consciousness to the Fiery Serpent, to Leviathan, and to Satan, you will have the same testimony that I have with spiritual women, you will be able to do the same thing for spiritual women. Is anyone aware that the anointing has just tripled in the last two minutes, I can't even keep my eyes open here. So I'm thinking that this last verse should be saying, "So that all of you who preach the good news of what was done to this spiritual, to the Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, so I say to you, whoever preaches the good news of what was done to these spiritual women, in all of the planes.." "So I say to you, whoever can preach the good news of what was done to the Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, in all of the planes of consciousness of other spiritual women, will have this same testimony." In other words, you will do what I have done. When you achieve the ability to preach the doctrine of Christ on all planes of consciousness, you will have the same experience that I have had.
So in other words, what this says to me, I'm going to draw a conclusion here, what this says to me, is that Jesus is saying, In order for Elohim or in our case, it would be the Spirit of Christ, to pour out of our spirit, and heal dying people, we have to be able to preach the doctrine of Christ on all planes of consciousness. Now that's an interesting message, because I have to find out from the Lord what that means. And it may mean what I just said, a face to... (End Of Tape 1)
Tape 2
The Fiery Serpent that the Lord let me speak to was no at all hostile, actually she was frightened, she was frightened. Maybe Leviathan will be frightened too. I'm thinking about the Alternate Translation, that we recently did, where King Adam went into the land of Joshua's personality, and that Alternate Translation says, that King Adam sent a message to Leviathan saying, "Let Cain go, let Cain go, and Leviathan, let Cain go, but Satan pursued after them." So perhaps Leviathan will be frightened also, but Satan is wild ravenous beast. So that should be an interesting experience.
Well we've all been wondering when the power to heal is going to pour out, of those of us who have been laboring in the doctrine of Christ, and now we have some guideline here, we have to be able to preach the doctrine of Christ on all planes of consciousness. Well Lord I make this a prayer right now, I would like to know what that means, you know. Praise the Lord. I will just go over our notes briefly because the Lord had me go right into the Alternate Translation, so we'll just flip through the notes, to put some of these, this documentation on the tape, to tell you how I got some of these translations.
In verse 2, "You know that after two days, is the feast of the Passover, and the son of man is betrayed to be crucified." Well when I saw that, I immediately thought of Hosea 6:2, which says, "After two days", the same exact phrase, "After two days will he revive us, and the third day, he will raise us up and we shall live in his sight."
I have the definition of the word "day" for you here, it's the definition of the Hebrew word "yowm" means "day", and it's from an unused root meaning "to be hot". I remember when this ministry first started and we did the series Teeming With Life, I came across, we did a lot of studies in Genesis, and I saw that, that that word meant "heat", "in the heat", and I couldn't understand what it meant in those days, the age of heat.
Sometimes I'll come up with an Alternate Translation, well it use to happen more than it's happening now, and I knew that the Lord was telling me this is the right Alternate Translation, the age of heat, but I didn't know what it meant, but it meant the age of estrus, the age that Adam had the ability, well I shouldn't even say Adam, the age that all of the seeds that were in Adam, were capable, or receptive, responsive to an act of spiritual sexual intercourse that would fertilize them, and make them into sons of God. And I took out a definition on heat for you, a form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules, and capable of being transmitted through solid and fluid media. It's a transmission of atoms and molecules, through solid and fluid, that means water, media.
It also means the intensity of passion, intensity as of passion, emotion, color, appearance, or effect, the most intense or active stage. And it also means "estrus". The meaning of estrus, is the periodic state of sexual excitement in the female of most mammals, it says excluding human beings, and it's a state that immediately precedes ovulation. Basically what it is, is the female is receptive sexually, and the reason it says, excluding human beings, is that human women, well let me say it this way, in the animal world, the female is only receptive during estrus. The male has to get her when she's receptive, but human women are receptive all of the time. But a lot of women are more receptive before their menstrual cycle. But of course this truth is applying to the spiritual aspect of the creation.
I suggest to you that the phrase "the second day" is speaking about the second menstrual cycle of Adam's ox, that is the second time that Adam's ox who received the personal name Cain after the fall, is receptive to fertilization or not even fertilization, but that should really be spiritual sexual intercourse, by Adam, Jehovah's male seed. Well I don't know if it's Adam, I don't think it should be Adam, it should be Elohim. See this gets very confusing because incest is legal in the kingdom of God, in the spiritual world incest is legal, and I'm not really sure at the moment who is going to fertilize the seeds, I think it may have been Jehovah, but I'm not really sure, you know it just said Elohim, but you get the general idea, Adam is the collective consciousness of all of the living seeds, of Elohim's spiritual seminal fluid, and I think Jehovah was suppose to, although I'm not sure about that, well we'll just let it go for now, it is either Jehovah or Elohim, was to impregnate the seed.
In other words, the second day signifies the second time in which Adam will attempt, well it's not Adam, it's going to say, Jehovah, will attempt spiritual sexual intercourse with the animal nature that he is married to, to impregnate her with his son, who will reflect Jehovah's righteous nature. I guess it's Jehovah. Verse 2, King James, "You know that after two days is the feast of the Passover, and the son of man is betrayed to be crucified." There is no Greek foundation for the words "the feast of", the Greek text says only "Passover", the King James interpreted the Passover to be the feast of Passover, but the doctrine of Christ interprets the word Passover to be Christ, the Passover lamb. And our witness is I Cor. 5:7, "Purge out therefore the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, as you are unleavened, for even Christ our Passover is a sacrificed for us." Praise the Lord.
Alternate Translation, Matt.26:2, "You know that Christ Jesus, the Passover Lamb, is Cain's second opportunity to be impregnate with Christ, who preserved her life, so Abel, the son of Adam in the midst of the Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ must be given over to be crucified."
The son of Adam in the midst of the Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ, and I have a reference for that. Eccl. 3:11, "He has made everything beautiful in his time, also he hath set eternity, (that's a translation of the world), in their heart." The king James says, "he has set the world in their heart, but we're saying he has set eternity in their heart. "Eternity" is a legitimate translation of the Hebrew word translated world. "...the son of Adam in the midst of the Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ." Brethren, if you have Christ Jesus in the midst of you, you have eternity in the midst of you. You have a drop of eternity in the midst of you, but you are not eternal. For you and for me, the personality to be eternal, that drop of eternity in the midst of us, must flow back into the ocean of life, which is the kingdom of God above, the glorified Jesus Christ.
This verse is not talking about Jesus' crucifixion, it is talking about the crucifixion or the penetration of the Fiery Serpent in the midst of the disciples, by King Adam in the midst of Jesus. Please note that once King Adam or Christ Jesus begins to deal with the Abel side of the Fiery Serpent, and the Fiery Serpent is Cain and Abel engraved with the dragons nature, once King Adam or Christ Jesus begins to deal with the Abel side of the Fiery Serpent, Abel is no longer in a comatose submission to Cain, and Cain and Abel are no longer addressed as a unity, and the name of the unity in Cain and Abel, when Cain is dominating Abel, the name of the unity is the Fiery Serpent.
When Abel is dominating Cain, the name of the unity is Christ Jesus. Verse 3, King James, "Then assembled together the chief priests and the Scribes and the elders of the people unto the palace of the high priest who is called Caiaphas, and as I already told you, I suggest that they assembled in the brow energy center, the words "and the Scribes" are not in the Greek, and the word "called" can be legitimately translated "speech", and we have translated that "Satan, the speech of Leviathan. The Greek word translated "palace" can also be translated "mansion, hall, or court". Now this is not the same word that is translated "many mansions", but it does, the word can be translated "mansion, hall, or court, as an outer court of the temple" and "fold" as in the phrase "sheep of another fold".
So we see that the Greek word translated "palace" can easily have a spiritual meaning. I suggest to you that Caiaphas knew that Jesus was Messiah, and that Messiah had come to rule over Israel, and Caiaphas also had spiritual knowledge of how Jesus would bring this to pass. So Caiaphas ascended into the brow energy center to oppose Jesus and fight for dominance over the people of Israel. And as I told you earlier, this would have to be an ascension into Satan's time line, because Elohim would never entertain such a motive, he would never respond to such a motive. The word "elder" Strong's #4245 means specifically an Israelite Sanhedrist, also a member of the celestial counsel. Now this word, this phrase "celestial counsel", I couldn't find it anywhere in the Scripture, but it does appear in the Zohar, which is a commentary, a spiritual commentary on the Hebrew Old Testament.
And the suggestion of "celestial counsel" what it means is, is an expression of the principle that says, everything that you see here on the earth is a reflection of something that is in the spiritual planes. If you exist here in the earth, you exist in the spiritual planes. So everybody that is a prophet, everybody that has spiritual wisdom or knowledge in the earth, the source of that spiritual knowledge wisdom and power exists in the invisible planes. And the celestial counsel is the counsel of spiritual beings that are reflected in the prophets in the earth, that's the teaching.
I suggest to you that the elders spoken about in this verse were spiritual, but secular elders who were the prophet in Judah, in Jesus' day, the celestial counsel is the spiritual counsel that rules through physical prophets. The name Caiaphas means a stone or rock, but it also means depression. These diverse interpretations mean that if the man by this name serves the Lord, he has the potential to be rock, an expression of the power of God, but the name also indicates that this is just a mortal man, a shell or hollow or concave depression that the Lord fills up. The same Greek word is translated chief priest and high priest, the same word. And it tells you Strong's definition of chief priest, Strong's #749, it says that it typically means Christ. So we see that the chief or the high priest was suppose to be an expression of Christ.
I find that so interesting because I know that the Pope claims to be the expression of Christ on the earth, but I was not aware that Judah, that the high priest of Judah claimed to be the expression of Christ to the people. I had never heard anything to that effect. Alternate Translation verse 3, "Then Caiaphas, the chief priest and the spiritual elders of the people assembled in the brow energy center of the palace of Satan, the speech of Leviathan, Satan's high priest." Verse 5, King James, "But they said, Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar among the people." Verse 4, King James, "And consulted that they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill him." I have several witness for you here, Ps.2:2, "The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, and against his anointed." Ps.71:10, "For mine enemies speak against me, and they lay wait for my soul take counsel together."
So we see that it's a known fact that the evil ones will plot and take counsel against the Lord and against the people who represent him, but this is the Scripture that led us to understand what this taking counsel meant. Eze.21:21, "For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way as the head of the two ways..." that's the two channels, at the head of the two channels, the two channels to spiritual ascension, and he stood there at the head of the two ways, that means before the fork in the road, he stood in the place, the king of Babylon signifying Leviathan stood in the place where the Fiery Serpent was ascending to divert her from going into the righteous channel. And again that's depicted in Revelation 12. "For the king of Babylon stood the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, "to use witchcraft", to use divination. He made arrows bright, he consulted with images, he looked in the liver."
So we see that witchcraft is used to prevent Christians and Jews from ascending in the righteous channel, and going on with God. Alternate Translation, verse 4, "Because Caiaphas, the chief priest and the spiritual elders of Judah, sought Satan's counsel concerning how they might seize Jesus and kill him." Verse 5, King James, "But they said, Not on the feast day, lest there be an uproar among the people." And I did mention this earlier, I believe the Lord told me that the priests and the prophets were willing to break the law and seize Jesus on the Passover, but they were afraid that the people would riot if their leaders dared to break the law.
Alternate Translation, verse 5, "And Satan said to chief priests and the prophets, "Do not seize Jesus on the feast day, because the people might riot if they see you breaking the law." Verse 6, King James, "Now when Jesus was in Bethany, the house of Simon the leper...", Bethany means misery or depression, leper means scaly, which typifies Leviathan, and Simon means to hear intelligently and the obedient one. See there's no way that you can obey unless you first hear intelligently. You have to understand what you're suppose to do before you can obey the person telling you what to do. So you have to listen, and hear what you're being told.
You have to understand and then you have the option to do. Alternate Translation, verse 6, "Now Jesus was in the household of the Jews who had the ability to understand the doctrine of Christ, but they were bound by Leviathan, and they were miserable." Verse 7, King James, "There came unto him a woman, having an alabaster box of very precious anointment and poured it on his head as he sat at meet." You know I have to tell you brethren, that this verse never sat right with me, and as I've told you many times, any verse that doesn't sit right with you, especially if you look it up in the Interlinear Text, you should know that the chances that it has a spiritual meaning are very great. That just does not make sense to me at all, that someone came in and poured a box of oil that was kept in a box over Jesus' head. If for no other reason, to anoint someone with oil, doesn't say over his head? And she poured it on his head, the elder anoints the younger brethren, for Jesus to sit there and say it's okay for someone to anoint his head with oil, that's a very spiritual thing to do, to anoint someone with oil. When do you anoint people with oil? When you send them off on ministry, when you're healing them, the authority anoints the person under them with oil.
I was sitting in church once, I was in a this very spiritual church, where I was trained up, and a stranger was there, sitting behind me, a woman, she looked harmless enough, and at the end of the service she stood up, took out a little vile of oil and poured over the head of a man that was sitting next to her who was a little retarded, I couldn't believe my eyes, she did it right in front of my eyes, and she fled. She obviously was a witch of some kind.
So the thought of a woman anointing Jesus' head with oil, and him saying that's a good thing, doesn't make any sense at all. And then, the thought of his disciples being outraged because of the waste of money rather than some woman came in and anointed the Messiah with oil, there was no outrage over the spiritual implications at all, it doesn't make any sense at all, it makes no sense brethren, and I do not believe that it happened in the natural in any way. Now it's saying here, remember the woman without a personal name signifies the Fiery Serpent, but in this case, well it's not wrong to say the Fiery Serpent, it's talking about the spiritual woman, and the spiritual woman is Cain. Alabaster, a dense translucent white or tinted fine grained gypsum. A variety of hard calcite, gypsum, a wide spread colorless white or yellowish mineral, its used in the manufacture of plaster of Paris and also various plaster products and fertilizers.
As I mentioned earlier, this box is talking about a human being who is spiritual life is plastered over. Brethren, every human being, we are all covered with plaster. We're all spiritual beings, and we're plastered. We're not suppose to be in this solid body that we can't get out of, we're locked behind this solid wall. Anointment means myrrh, and myrrh is an herb that is an antiseptic. The King James once again, "Now there came unto him a woman having an alabaster box, (and we are the alabaster boxes, human beings are the alabaster boxes, we're spiritual beings that are plastered over), a very precious anointment, (and the precious anointment is Elohim), and poured it on his head, (and Elohim is Jesus' head, and we now know that Elohim poured out of Jesus, Jesus' head, Elohim poured out of Jesus), as he sat at meet." The words "at meet" are not in the Greek. The Greek word translated "sat" is also translated "lying" in Mark 5:40, the same Greek word is translated "lying". "And they laughed them to scorn, but when he had put them all out, (this is talking about Jesus now), Jesus taketh the father and mother of the damsel and them that were with them, and entereth in where the damsel was lying, and supposedly the King James says that Jesus raised her from the dead.
So we see this same Greek word translated "sat" in Matthew 26:7, it's translated "lying" as of dead in Mark 5:40. Alternate Translation verse 7, "Because Leviathan defended the Jews who understood the doctrine of Christ, and the spiritual women were lying down near to death, and Jesus drew near to the Jews who could understand the doctrine of Christ, and Elohim, Jesus' head who was a very highly valuable spiritual antiseptic, poured out of Jesus."
Verse 8, King James, "But when his disciples saw it, they were offended...", and that's the word that got us into this study, that's a translation of "had indignation", "...saying, "To what purpose is this waste?" Brethren, I have to tell you that you know, that this would be such a petty thing coming from the disciples of the son of God, you know, and obviously as I've already preached to you, the issue over which they were indignant was much more serious than the thought of wasting some anointment, they were offended because they couldn't understand that Elohim was breaking his own law. Elohim was breaking his own law, actually it was Jehovah's law, and they were all upset. And didn't I do the same thing tonight, I gave you a whole understanding of the Alternate Translation, and then at the very end I realized that I had to shift it.
I had to say, "Well what I just told you, I didn't have it exactly right, and this is the way I'm saying it now. Some people get offended, there were people right here that use to get offended over that, but you're all flowing with the word these days, and you understand what Jesus is doing here. But some people who still are not at that place, or they don't have enough confidence in themselves and in the word, and in what God is doing here, they get very upset if I say one thing and then I change my mind. So the disciples were offended that Elohim changed him mind. First you turn the people over to destruction and then he healed them. Well, you know, they might have been upset. You know, when I first started doing this translation I thought they were upset because of some kind of envy there, but now I see that it was not envy that upset them, they just got upset because they couldn't flow with it. They were completely given over to the law of God, and now they see Jehovah changing his own law. That's sort of like saying, you're in the army and you're gungho to defend your country, and you're all beefed up, this kind of people, this nation, they're bad, they're evil, they're wicked, and we're going to go and fight for the salvation of humanity, this nation has to be destroyed, and this is what the army does, they have to beat young men up to be killers, and then the war is over, and the government says, Well we're going to have a trade agreement with them now, be friends. Do you know a lot of soldiers can't make the shift.
For years there were a lot of people, a lot of men, in particular, who were in the service during world war II, that to this day, they would be pretty senior by now, but there are men alive today, they will not buy a German product. And this country has been friends with Germany for years now. They won't buy a Japanese product either. They were in the war killing those soldiers, and they could not make the shift to be friends with them. They saw their friends die. I'm not passing judgment, I'm not saying whether it's right or wrong, I'm trying to help you understand what the disciples were going through, they were gung ho sold out to Jehovah's law, and then all of a sudden it's not a law anymore, and they were upset. It had nothing to do with envy.
"When the disciple saw it, they had indignation saying, "Elohim, to what purpose...", the English is "to what purpose", but the Greek word really means "what", and what is the symbol for Elohim. "...saying, Elohim has ruined or destroyed...", and that is a translation of waste, to ruin or destroy.
Translation, verse 8, "But when Jesus disciples saw that Elohim poured out of Jesus towards the Jews who could understand the doctrine of Christ, they were offended, saying, Elohim has ruined these Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ." What do you mean he's changing his law, I can't make the shift, my gears are just jammed.
Verse 9, King James, "For this anointment might have been sold for much and given to the poor." The word "for" we're translating "because", the word anointment is not in the Greek. You see, when the King James translators added words in situations like this. It really confuses the issue. You know, if you have any chance at all of seeing the truth in English, it's confusing when words are added in, and I do not understand why sometimes when the King James translators add in words, they put them in italics, so you know that the words are amplified, but they don't do it every time, and this word anointment is not anywhere in the Greek. And the word, the Greek word translated "might have been", it means "to be able", the word "sold" means "to be sold into slavery", and the word, the Greek word translated "for much", now I couldn't make any sense out of this verse, something was wrong with this verse, so I went digging in my Thayer's lexicon for this Greek word, and I found out that it means multitudes. And the esoteric meaning of multitude is a spiritual person, and that understanding made the verse make sense for me.
And the word "poor" we're translating "beggar", as I told you, it's the same Greek word translated "beggar" in the account of Lazarus and the rich man. Luke 16:20, "And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate, full of sores, it's the same Greek word translated "poor". Alternate Translation, Matt. 26:9, "Because Elohim has given these Jews who are capable of understanding the doctrine of Christ over to Satan, who was able to sell these leprous spiritual Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ...", actually it's should be women, "...who are able to sell these leprous spiritual women into slavery, and they have become beggars." The meaning of the word "beggar" is to be cringing with fear, the meaning of the Greek word that's translated "beggar" or "poor" is to be cringing with fear, which signifies being in this fallen world without the protection of God.
If you're fearful, see the Scripture says the wicked are fearful all the day long. The significance here, is that if you don't have God in your life, you're afraid all the day long, unless you're too ignorant to be afraid, that's being bound by pride. The meaning of the word "beggar" is to be cringing with fear, which signifies being in this fallen world without the protection of God. Also, according to the Alternate Translation of Lazarus and the rich man, Lazarus was near to physical death.
Verse 10, King James, "When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, "Why trouble ye the woman, if she has wrought a good work, pouring oil over my head." I absolutely do not believe that. And you know, I never thought about it to extent that I'm thinking about it now, I'm thinking it's the high priest that anoints with oil, if I'm not mistaken, certainly not, this is old, still in Old Testament days, certainly they wouldn't Let a woman be anointing him with oil.
Okay, the word "why" really means "what", and we're translating that Elohim, the word "trouble" means "cut", and the word "ye", the Greek word translated "ye", that simple little word, really means grief and pain. And "she" we're translating Elohim, well that's really an interpretation there, it just says "she", and the word "wrought" means "deed", the word "work" means "a good act", the word "upon" we're translating "through". "To cut", that's a translation of the word "trouble", signifies cutting the fiery Serpent away from Leviathan. Alternate Translation verse 10, "And when Jesus understood why the disciples were offended, he said to them, Elohim has done a good deed through me by cutting the Fiery Serpent away from Leviathan within the Jews who are capable of understanding the doctrine of Christ, and relieving the spiritual women of grief and pain."
See, this is a little confusing because to me, cutting away the Fiery Serpent from the doctrine of Christ, that's an advanced experience, so there seems to be a contradiction here, if these men who were capable of understanding the doctrine of Christ, but in this verse it says, that they were cut away, which is an advanced experience, and then down there in verse 11, Jesus says, they're not with me always. So the Lord is going to have to reconcile this for me. I don't know what the answer is right now.
Our translation is, "Because you have me with you always, but these Jews who understand the doctrine of Christ are spiritual women, who are separated from Elohim, and they do not have me with them always." Verse 12, "ointment" means "Elohim", "and she did", that word "did" can be translated "to do or to make", and this word "burial", it means "linen cloth and spices", it's talking about the preparation for burial, and apparently the Jews did a form of embalming in those days, they wrapped the body with linen cloth and preservative spices. And we will, this is the translation the Lord gave me, "So Elohim has poured out of me to preserve the physical bodies which are already dead." He's saying that the physical bodies of these people, they are dead because they're separated from Elohim anyway, so Elohim has brought out of me to preserve the physical bodies of these obedient Jews, or these Jews who are capable of understanding and obeying the doctrine of Christ.
So this word burial is suggesting that these people are as good as dead, they're lepers, it's just a matter of time until they die, but the preservative has poured out to give them an opportunity to learn the doctrine of Christ. These are the people that have the potential to learn it and to obey it's instructions.
Verse 13, "verily" means "true", "wheresoever" can also be translated "whoever", and the "gospel" is the "good news", "the whole world", the Greek word translated "world" is "cosmos" and that Greek verse, to the individual, each one of us is an individual cosmos. We each have a son and a moon, and a whole spiritual solar system inside of us. And this is the interpretation that the Lord gave me, the whole world of one person is all of the planes of consciousness in that world. And "to be told" can be translated "to utter words", and "memorial" is "a remembrance or a testimony". And this is the Alternate Translation that the Lord gave us, which is, "So I say to you, who preach the good news of what Jesus has done to the spiritual women in all of the planes of their consciousness, will have this same testimony also." You the disciples, Jesus is addressing his disciples, "You who preach this message, the truth of this message to other spiritual women in all planes of consciousness, if you deal with their subconscious and their unconscious mind, as well as their conscious mind, you will have the same testimony that you will raise the dead." These people were as good as dead, and to heal them and give them another chance is the raising of the dead. Praise God. Any questions or comments, anybody still conscious under this anointing? Praise God.