511 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed And Edited For
 Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


I know, over the years, you have all heard me talk about the movie Shaka Zulu. It is a movie that was produced in South Africa about the Zulu chieftain, and his name was Shaka. History recalls him as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, military genius in African history. At least, of modern African history. He goes back to the 1600s. Shaka marathon was on yesterday, and I was in bed with this cold so I watched about six or eight hours of Shaka Zulu yesterday. I never seem to tire of the movie. It is just fascinating, and there is an aspect of witchcraft in it. This man, Shaka, his birth was prophesied by a benevolent witch. Now, I hope everybody listening to this message knows that the definition of witchcraft is the exercise of spiritual power by a spirit other than the Lord Jesus Christ or, in the Old Testament, by a spirit other than Elohim. Witchcraft can be good or evil, but good witchcraft is still in opposition to the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

So, this woman was a witch. She seemed to be the spiritual advisor of the rulers of the Zulu tribe. I did not see anything in this mini-series that would show her exercising spiritual power other than her calling forth the birth of this chieftain, Shaka. I have been watching this movie for years, and I have seen it several times over the last seven years. And I always ask the Lord, why did she do it? I could not understand why this spiritual counselor to the headship of the Zulu tribe went out into the woods and invoked the powers of her god to bring forth this chieftain by prophesy. And the prophesy was that he would change life as the Zulu tribe knew it, for all time, and that the new Zulu, so to speak, would be characterized by blood stained spears. In other words, the Africans and the Zulu territory is in what we presently know as South Africa, and back in the 16oos the Zulus existed close to the British colony called Cape Town. I saw the movie several times, and there was no indication that I could find in the movie as to why this woman would bring forth such a prophesy that all life as the Zulu nation had ever know it would be transferred from a peace loving people...they were not a war-like people. They would fight if they had to, but they were not a war-like people. And that they would be transferred into a nation of blood stained spears, meaning an aggressive nation focused on warfare.

Finally, I got my answer from the Lord. Obviously Satan, the spirit that this witch serves, gave her the prophesy. Now please note that she goes out into the forest to invoke the power of her god which means that she is dealing with the god of nature. Now one of the biggest lies foisted on the spiritual communities of the world today comes out of the Wiccans who call themselves a religion or the Wiccan practice of spiritual power which is witchcraft. Some people call it white witchcraft.

It is from this name Wiccan that the word witch arises, and the Wiccan philosophy teaches that they do not serve Satan, they serve the goddess, and that Satan is an aberration of Christianity, the exact opposite of the righteousness of God as laid out in the Bible. But Wiccan has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity, say the Wiccans. Wiccan has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity and, therefore, Wiccan has nothing whatsoever to do with Satan, that they are peace loving people who do wield the spiritual power of nature, and they worship the goddess, and they believe that they are all goddesses. And the few males which join them, which are very few, are gods. This is the biggest lie foisted on the spiritual community because the spirit of nature or the spirit that rules nature is Satan. Satan takes many names. She has appeared in many religions, over the centuries, all over the world, and she is Mother Nature. Satan is Mother Nature.

So, we see that the witch goes into the forest to invoke the power of Satan and to bring forth this prophesy in the power of Satan. Why? Well, the Lord finally told me. It was Satan using this servant to raise up a formidable general and army which was millions of warriors strong to defeat Great Britain's armies in Cape Town because Great Britain was a very, very powerful evangelical tool to the spreading of Christianity, and Satan has been fighting the spreading of Christianity since Jehovah's plan to bring forth a Savior in the earth, and to restore the whole earth to its proper owner which is Jehovah. The greatest general and military genius in the African subcontinent could not take out Great Britain, and what is really interesting here is that, well, I do not know any military genius and I do not even have enough facts, but maybe someone else can make a prediction, I cannot, but I do not know what would have happened if Shaka had continued on in his prime. I do not know if he would have been able to really take on Great Britain or not. I know Great Britain had cannons and guns and all that, but we have found out recently that guerilla type warfare can defeat any kind of mechanical weapon.

Shaka did not remain in his prime. Shaka lost his mind, Shaka went over the edge. So, he was defeated from within himself which is one of the results of dabbling with witchcraft. Shaka did not dabble with witchcraft, but he was the produce of witchcraft, and the witchcraft that produced him produced a man that was filled with hate and desire for vengeance. Obviously, I am not going into the whole story on this message, and I do not even know if we will produce it. Shaka was an illegitimate child that was born of a Zulu prince and a young woman who he promised to do right by her. I do not know if he promised to marry her or not. And he never did. He was a young man, a young prince who was foolish and philandering and manipulative, but, of course, the mother, her name is Nandy, she was a virgin I believe, but she was no innocent. She was looking for a position. She bargained when she saw that the prince was attracted to her. She bargained with him, and she took him at his word that it would not be just a one-night stand, but that he would....she did not really spell out what she wanted him to do, but there was an understanding between the two of them. I guess she expected marriage, but to him she was just a "play thing."

So, Shaka was an illegitimate child. Am I against all unwed mothers? No. Curses fall on illegitimate births. If you are presently in Christ, and you know that your child was conceived out of wedlock or anyone on your family line was conceived out of wedlock, even if the two young people marry, you have to confess that as sin and repent and ask the Lord to break those curses. So, Shaka was born out of wedlock, he was born of a father that was really playing with his mother, and there was a power play and hostility between his father and his mother for his entire life. His father was unstable and mistreated his mother. There is always a way out. He was a young man, he made a mistake. He had an affair with this young woman, and in those days premarital sex was not accepted in these African tribes, so he made his mistakes, but the elders of the tribe advised him how to do the best with a bad situation. And he continued to make one mistake after the other because he would not face up to the responsibilities of the fact that he did have an affair with this woman, and that it was his child, that Shaka was his child. So things just went from bad to worse, and Shaka grew up to be a child filled with bitterness and hatred, and more than a desire, but a lust for revenge. That is the product of witchcraft. Cruelty, Shaka was cruelty. He was sadistic. This is the product of witchcraft.

So, we see witchcraft called forth the birth, and this is what the birth came forth of. Illegitimacy, dishonesty, manipulation, lies, immaturity, instability, rebellion, unforgiveness. So Satan called forth a warrior to stop Great Britain from moving into that area of Africa, and I will be honest with you (I do not know enough about African history or African territory to tell you at this moment, I have not researched this, I did not even know I was going to be preaching this until now), I do not know to what degree any evangelical European nations were ensconced in Africa at that time, but I know that Shaka was raised up to stop the British right there in Cape Town. Is that not interesting? You see, brethren, one of the things that we try to do here is to expand your consciousness. The average person, the average everyday person has tunnel vision. All they can see if their own life, and that is not a condemnation. Life is hard. All they can see is they get to work, that they have a decent job, that they support their family. Woman are worried about their children, getting clean clothes for them to wear, cooking the meals so that they can eat, helping them with their homework so that they can have a decent life by graduating school.

That is what the average person thinks about, but when you come to Jesus Christ He is challenging you to come up higher and start to think with an expanded mind. Does that mean you should ignore your children and you should ignore the daily things of life? No. But if you are in a place where you do have some free time, and your mind starts to expand on these issues, as you grow in Christ the everyday, nitty-gritty things of life somehow seem to get taken care of. If you are just willing to trust Jesus and let your mind open up, the everyday things, somehow, seem to work out if you will just let go. Give up your control. What does that mean? That you do not do it? No, you do what you have to do, but stop worrying about it. Give up your control. Let your whole mind, aside from the chores that you must do, let your whole mind be focused on Jesus Christ and the things of His spirit. Jesus Christ is thinking about problems that transcend your everyday life. He is concerned with situations that transcend this generation. He is concerned with problems that transcend this millennium and this whole age.

So, if you want to be a Son of God, you need to know that one of the changes you must make is that your consciousness must expand. We have a lot of people saying they want to be a Son of God, but they do not even know what that means. That means that you take your focus off of the little things, and you place it on the big things as He leads you, and, when you do this, it trains your mind to automatically focus on the bigger picture. And remember, where your mind is, your life follows. Your life becomes an expression of your mind and what you are doing with your mind. So your mind has to change first, and everything else will follow. This is a discipleship ministry. When I preach to you, when I tell you the things that the Lord has shown me, this is all designed to expand your mind and increase your ability to think in greater proportions. To be a Son of God, you cannot be concerned with yourself alone. You have to be concerned with the weighty problems of the world, and then the Lord deals with your everyday problems.

Once again, we are becoming spiritual men. The Sons of God, the human being who is a Son of God, as compared to someone who is just an everyday person, especially if you are a physical female, is in the same relationship as the husband is to the wife in the family. Traditionally, and it is not that way in this country so much any more, but traditionally the woman stays home with the children, and the male, the husband and the father, has a life beyond the home. Now that is changing in this country today because woman are moving into the male role, but the traditional female/male role is that the woman stays home with the children and makes the household and the home life every positive thing that it can be, but the man has a life beyond the household. Does anybody not understand that? So, if you want to be a spiritual male and a Son of God, you must know that the Lord is calling you to a life beyond your personal household, and even beyond the church world today. You are called to think upon and receive His mind on the weighty problems of the world, the salvation of the world.

So, what is this information going to do for you? That Shaka Zulu was raised up to defeat the British colony which would eventually bring Christianity into Africa, at least into South Africa, what good is that going to do you? Listening to this and considering it is expanding your mind. It is stimulating your mind to think creatively, to think in channels that you have never thought of before. So, we see that becoming a Son of God is much more than learning doctrine. It is much more than submitting to authority. All of these things are important. It has to do with an expansion of mind. Well, you know that it has to do with getting a new mind, the Mind of Christ, but, brethren, we are in such darkness we do not even know what these words mean. The first time we hear that we need the Mind of Christ, well everybody says "well, amen, I will take the Mind of Christ." But how do you get the Mind of Christ? What does it mean? The Mind of Christ must be built in you. You must receive the grafted Word, and then it must be built in you. You must think with Him.

So, you see, you receive the Doctrine of Christ which gives some strength, but then He must start exercising His muscles, and a mind exercises his muscles by thinking. So it is very nice that I share with you what the Lord tells me, but I challenge you by asking you this question. Are you asking the Lord questions like that? Are you noticing where a question should be asked? If not, you need to confess it as sin. Why? Because if you are not asking questions, or if you are not noticing questions that can be asked it means, most likely, that you are in your carnal mind, and as long as we are in our carnal mind it is sin. Every minute that we are not using our Christ mind is sin. Is that to condemn you? No. But I am pounding you, I am pounding you, I am pounding you to start recognizing that you are not in Christ, you are not in your Christ mind; you are not in your Christ mind. Maybe you cannot get out of your carnal mind, but what you can do is recognize that you are not in your Christ mind and confessing it as sin and asking the Lord to bring up your Christ mind. That is what this whole exhortation is about. May the Christ mind arise in you, and may He prevail over your carnal mind, and may you live out of Him that He might do great things through you. Are there any questions about this exhortation?

For Christ to be thinking through you, Christ must have the carnal mind under His feet. And for the carnal mind to be thinking through you, Christ must be under her feet. So to solve your problems with your carnal mind means you are killing Christ. You have got to hear it. It is the truth. The only way to keep Christ on top all of the time is to abide in the Spirit of Truth. That means that you see things realistically. You see what is in your own heart and your own mind realistically. That means that you see your own sin, and you have to curse it when you see it. That means that you see your own pain, and you may have to feel it for a season until Christ Jesus delivers you. That means that you have to really forgive, not just say words, "I forgive you." You cannot forgive somebody until you acknowledge how much they have hurt you. So you have to feel the pain before you can really forgive them.

To repress the pain and say, "I forgive the person" is just an intellectual exercise. You have not forgiven them because if you are not dealing with the hurt, that rage or that anger or that pain or whatever your reaction is to what they have done, is going underground in the spiritual plane trying to hurt them. It is called retaliation. If you do not take that pain and say, Jesus, deal with this pain, help me to deal with this pain in Christ because I know if I do not deal with it in Christ, it is going underground to retaliate against the person that hurt me. So, to keep Christ on top you have to abide in the truth. First you have to abide in the truth about yourself, and then, eventually, you have to abide in the truth about other people. That means that you have to know that somebody does not like you, you have to know that someone cannot stand you, and you have to forgive them, knowing it. You have to forgive them, feeling it, and you have to forgive them feeling the rejection, forgiving them. That is the truth forgiveness. But to crush the feeling and say the words, "I forgive them," no, no. that is not a true forgiveness. You are believing a lie.

COMMENT: You talk often about the hidden sins of our hearts....and it really shocked me, and at one particular time, I had verbally spoken out my resentments, but I had no idea how deep rooted and angry I was at not being heard, or my opinion being respected, that it really shocked me when that eruption and that actual, painful scream just came out of me. I had no idea it was hidden from me. I thought I had dealt with it, but that pain came up, and it shocked me. I was not prepared for it.

PASTOR VITALE: Well, not many people are.

COMMENT: It made me think of what you said about it going undercover, about a submarine and a torpedo just goes right underneath because I know I was very sarcastic, and I would make remarks about various things.

PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is the typical reaction of someone who represses their emotions. People who have this MO, it is a category of people, it is very common that a week or a month or a year later they just make a nasty comment to somebody, and the person will turn around, if they are an aware person, you are not aware most of the time, I rebuke your blindness, and the person will turn around and say, "Now why did you make that nasty comment to me?" And the person in denial would say, "I did not make any nasty comment. You have a devil." But if they are aware on that level, they might say, "I do not know why I said that. Because a year ago you were angry at me, you see, and you repressed it, and you even forgot what you were angry at, but here, a year later, you are putting a knife in my ribs because you never dealt with your feelings, and you never truly forgave me. And if you think that you forgave me, you believed a lie because you just got me back a year later."

Once again, the whole purpose of this message is that if you want to keep Christ on top of your carnal mind which is life, you have to live out of the Spirit of Truth, and you have to face the truth about yourself, the truth about every evil thought that arises in your mind because Satan is the unconscious mind of all of us. You have to face the truth about your anger, you have to face the truth about your anger, you have to face the truth about your rage, you have to face the truth about your hurts, you have to face the truth about your disappointment in life, all of your disappointments in life, you have to face the truth about your disappointment in God which is all pride because God never disappoints us. He just does not do things the way we expect Him to do. So, if you are not living like this, then you are not living out of Christ. Christ is truth. As I said earlier, once you start living out of Christ with regard to your own inner man then you start seeing the truth of other people. You know that person lied to you, you know that person tried to manipulate you, you know that person had an evil heart towards you, you know that person was envious of you, and now you have the opportunity to truly forgive them. If it is Christ in you, if you are living out of Christ, and Christ is on top, and you really see that sin in that other person, and you genuinely forgive them, then it is Christ in you forgiving them, and you are imparting life to that other person.

True forgiveness only comes out of Christ, and if it is Christ in you forgiving somebody, that is your evangelism. When the Son of God forgives somebody, He gives His spirit to them. When you forgive somebody, you give your spirit to that person. It is the same principle that we read about in some other societies, for example, I believe with the American Indian. I know there are many tribes under that category, but at least some of the tribes have a belief that if you save someone's life, that you are responsible for them for the rest of their life. And relationships are established. If someone is drowning, and a man jumps into the water and saves him, you now have a relationship with that man. And in societies that believe this kind of thing, the two parties pursue the relationship. Well, in the spirit, if you truly forgive someone after fully facing the evil that their heart had towards you, and perhaps they acted it out even, you give your spirit to that man, and now the Spirit of Christ is hovering all around them. You give him your life, but if you are forgiving out of your carnal mind which is not true forgiveness at all, you have denied them what you could have given them if Christ is in you, and that is an offense unto the Lord because He wanted that man to have His life, but your carnal mind got up there and covered over Christ and stopped the impartation of the seed. Yet, the next night you go out to a party, and you are out there witnessing to people out of your carnal mind because you cannot shut your mouth.

So, you are doing what you are not supposed to do, and what you are supposed to do, you are not doing. And you have not ministered life, but you have ministered death, and if you think you are this great Christian you are walking around believing a lie, and that is the truth. There is no life in the way the church evangelizes. The church at large, there may be some people that have a genuine ministry. There is no life in forcing yourself on people or getting that word in which exalts you above the other person. You have the knowledge, and they do not. That is not Christ. So, Christ wants to live through you. He wants to be on top of your carnal mind all of the time. He wants to ascend, and He wants to take you with Him. He wants to do great things through you, but you have to die to your carnal mind if you want to go with Him. If you want to be a virgin with oil in your lamp, you have to bring the oil above the ground. You have to bring the oil above the ground of your carnal mind to have oil in your lamp. That is the story. He is going to make His public appearance very soon. Praise the Lord.

COMMENT: I used to listen to you speak about speech and the difference between speech and language, and I am seeing that the words of Jesus how He said that they have ears, but they do not hear. What He was really talking about, He could actually see into the hearts and minds of man, He could hear their speech, whatever they were talking about.

PASTOR VITALE: Whatever they were thinking. Speech is thought. Yes, He heard people's thoughts. Yes He did.

COMMENT: I used to hear people in the world saying, "what are you really saying?" Because they knew at some kind of level or a superficial level or something, but you really have to examine every thought, every vain imagination. I can see where it is a full-time job.

PASTOR VITALE: It is a full-time job, discerning what is in people's hearts. Very few people are honest, and dealing with it in Christ is a full-time job.

I did not anticipate this message. I was going to preach Samson and Delilah. I did not do this. I am just as surprised as everyone else at what came forth here tonight. But He is doing spiritual surgery on you. That is what He just told me. He is going to break you. He wants you, and you too, but you are next. You are the next one up. He is going to cut at you until Christ breaks through.

Xxxxx just said off the message that she was thinking of Christ coming forth as a birthing forth, and she did not think it applied, but it did apply. And when I thought about what you said, I realized or I saw a vision of an oil geyser, if I am not mistaken, when they drill for oil, when they do hit oil it comes forth with great power, and it starts pouring out of the ground, and it goes up very high in the sky. And that was a second witness to me as to what the Lord has been telling me, that the Spirit of Christ is about to burst forth with great power, and now we know that oil signifies Christ Jesus. That is just another witness that the oil will pierce through, and when the oil pierces through the ground, when Christ Jesus pierces through the cover, or at least a part of Himself that is being covered by the carnal mind, He comes forth with a great force of an oil geyser. Have you ever seen a picture of oil being hit. It goes up really high, and it just like rains oil, and that is what is going to happen when the Spirit of Christ bursts forth.

COMMENT: I am thinking that they have to drill, pierce right through, and down to great depths, in order to get that oil to come up.

PASTOR VITALE: Yes, that is what you are going through now.

We know that Christ Jesus penetrates into the ground which is the Fiery Serpent, which is attached to the personality to get at that oil. Christ Jesus is growing in the womb of their carnal mind, and if He is not strong enough to break out, the glorified Jesus Christ, the Father of Christ Jesus in you, is going to send Christ Jesus in another man to beat on your carnal mind so that Christ Jesus underneath is hitting underneath and Christ Jesus in another man is hitting on top until Christ can get out. The Lord Jesus wants His Son.

The carnal mind that will not let Christ out is just Satan saying what she said at the beginning -"You cannot have your Son, I want Him, He is mine."

COMMENT: I was thinking about the 10 virgins, and I believe that five of them had the imputed anointing, and five had the imparted anointing. And in reference to the oil coming out of the ground it had to be within them, it had to be a spring of, like living waters, but it had to be that living oil within them coming out.

PASTOR VITALE: That is true. That is what I said to xxxxx earlier. I do not know whether it was on the message or not where xxxxx was saying that Christ is going to penetrate us, and I told you that He has already penetrated you. In the case of everybody here, He is trying to get out. He is a pool of oil deep within us. He is an oil well. He is not the oil well, He is the oil, but we have to dig the well to get Him out. When He breaks through, He is going to break through with great, great power. I remember the Holy Spirit as signified by water. When the Holy Spirit breaks through, it is water that can roll over you and dry up and disappear, dissipate into the air, but when the oil falls on you, that oil sticks, and this condition is what the word "anointed" signifies. If you read my message on baptism, you see that Jesus of Nazareth was not baptized with the Holy Spirit. He was anointed, He had Christ Jesus. When you are anointed, when you have Christ Jesus, the anointing does not depart from you. The Holy Spirit can depart from you, and does depart from you because the Holy Spirit comes with gifts and the gifts are passing away. But the oil is forever, and oil is the product of fossils. Guess you do not know that.

Oil is called a fossil fuel, and it is deep under the ground, and it is formed from the dead carcasses of insects, crawling animals. That is why they call it a fossil fuel. It is formed from skeletons that have been in the earth for centuries, for thousands and thousands of years. So, when Christ Jesus comes forth from you, it is the wisdom of the ages that is coming forth from you. So you are penetrated with the seed, and that seed is all of the wisdom that existed and still exists before time began. It is all inside of you like a pool of oil, but if it does not come out you are going to die like men. It says in the Psalms, Jehovah speaking to the Hebrews, Ye are gods, but you will die like men. What does that mean? It means that Adam was raised in them, and Adam is a god. Adam is a manifestation of Elohim, who was a manifestation of Jehovah. Adam and Elohim were within them, but they preferred to live out of their carnal mind, and they felt that they were justified by keeping the law.

So, Jehovah said to them, Ye are gods because God is in you, but you will die like men because you are killing the God within you, and that same thing is happening here today. Every time Christ has an opportunity to speak, and your carnal mind answers, you are guilty of murder. You are guilty of killing Christ. You have to hear this. I do not tell you this to condemn you. I am trying to get Him out of you. I am a mid-wife, I am a spiritual mid-wife. I am trying to get Him out of you. You have to understand that this is not just, oh I am sorry, I answered with my carnal mind , oh I am sorry. No. You killed Christ. Thank God, the glorified Lord Jesus keeps raising Him from the dead or He would not stand a chance. Listen, brethren, every time you prefer your carnal mind over Christ you have sacrificed Christ to Dagon. You have got to hear this. Every time you think, you are either sacrificing Christ or sacrificing Leviathan because you have two minds, and in order for one mind to think or speak the other mind must be sacrificed.

The way you go on with Christ, and the way you are going to ascend is to prefer the thoughts of Christ in the nitty-gritty, in everyday thought patterns, in your everyday conversation. That is the way you prefer Christ, not when it comes to answering an altar call or any of the works of the flesh which include giving money, giving service. All of these things are necessary, and they are good, and you will reap what you sow in this world, but if you want eternal life, if you want to reap eternal life, you have to sow the Mind of Christ. This is the problem that the Hebrews made. You cannot receive eternal life from the works of the law, and you cannot prefer the thoughts of Christ if you cannot tell the difference between Christ and your carnal mind. And if you are repressing the thoughts of your carnal mind because they hurt you, you will never recognize Christ. So, to recognize Christ you have to feel your pain. That is it in a nutshell.

7/11/00 ab

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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