508 - 1 Part
(A Spiritual Perception)




The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
 Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Looking at Drawing #1, which was a part of this morning's message, we see what really is the Tower of Babel, this is what the people of the earth were building, it was a spiritual tower and it was a tower within themselves. They were trying to climb up to this high mountain, which we have identified as the crown energy center and the Lord revealed to us this morning that there are energy centers which do not project the image of a world. We see that this area down here, this is an image of the world before, I would have to, I do not know whether it is before Jesus or before the Jews because the Spirit of Life did enter into the earth with - who did the Spirit of Life enter into the earth with? Does anybody remember? Why do not you put it on the messagee.

COMMENT: I was going to say Isaac.

PASTOR VITALE: Yes, physically, it entered in with Isaac. The spirit of Jehovah entered in through covenant with Abraham and manifested physically as a seed, as a genetic seed in Isaac, and was manifested as a man in Jacob, and ultimately, the anointing overshadowed the man in Jacob's descendant. Who?


PASTOR VITALE: No, no... the Spirit of Jehovah entered into this physical world through covenant with Abraham, manifested as a physical seed in Isaac, the seed manifested as a physical man in Jacob, we had a man, Jacob with an anointing but in one of Jacob's descendants, the anointing overtook the man. Yes?

COMMENT: Say Judah?

PASTOR VITALE: No, further on.

COMMENT: Joseph?


COMMENT: I will say David.

PASTOR VITALE: David, yes. The anointing overtook the man in David and then in David's descendant, the anointing overtook the man Jesus on a higher level than it existed in David. And then the anointing that was on Jesus went underground, okay, the seed was buried in the ground of the earth of humanity, and we are waiting for a great harvest. The harvest that the church talks about is not the truth of the Scripture. The harvest is not a bunch of, and I am not putting down these people but, the harvest is not a collection of mortal men coming to some experience, which we call reconciliation with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. No, the harvest is a crop of fruit. There is no fruit when you first come in from the cold. The harvest is the seed of Jesus Christ that was buried in the ground of humanity coming forth in many men, the anointing overtaking many men. Okay? The harvest is Christ Jesus, the fruit. See, the church teaches that Jesus is the first fruits, who is the second fruit? See? You want to say something?

COMMENT: The Sons.

PASTOR VITALE: Right, right. The rest of the fruit is the Sons. It is Christ Jesus coming forth in many men. It is not unsaved men receiving some knowledge.. I cannot even say receiving a knowledge of the Lord because what knowledge do you receive? I mean, it is such a miniscule knowledge that you receive when you are totally out in the world and you answer an alter call. What kind of a knowledge do you, you really do not receive any knowledge at all because it is all a lie. They tell you if you want to go to heaven when you die, come answer the altar call. There is really no knowledge at all, what you receive is a touch of the Holy Spirit, you receive a drop of the Holy Spirit. And maybe you hear the Gospel of the Cross and you hear about Jesus and you hear that there is such a thing as salvation, that is true, that there is such a thing as salvation, but they do not really understand what salvation is, see?

There is a great harvest coming forth. Before the harvest, before you can harvest the fruit, the fruit has to appear. We are waiting for the fruit of Christ Jesus to appear in many men, and then the harvest is the circumcising of the carnal mind, the cutting away of the carnal mind so that Christ Jesus in the individual can overshadow the individual. That is what the harvest is, harvesting means cutting away, cropping off. It is the cropping off of the carnal mind, it is the separation of the wheat, which is Christ, from the chaff, which is the carnal mind. It is a cutting, as you found out this morning, it is a cutting, it hurts! You do not receive much truth when you answer an altar call in the church today, other than, which is no small thing. If there is such a thing as salvation, there is a savior, Jesus is the Savior of the world, and we do have hope in Him, and you receive a drop of the Holy Spirit.

Back to this diagram here, I am not sure, okay... I am going to say that this is the world, honestly I cannot hear right now from the Lord whether it is... okay, this is the world even before the Jews because the Jews pretty much were a nation unto themselves. The Jews produced Messiah, the Savior of the world. When the Jews existed, they really were not out there, they were not there stretching out towards the other peoples of the world to impart salvation to them. This is my understanding that they were not doing that. The Jews pretty much stayed to themselves, they did not have many converts. They really did not evangelize, but they did produce Messiah, see?

This is the world, and the Jews are a part of what happened with Jesus. This world up here, this world up here, this is the world since Jesus appeared and the Jews are a part of that. Down here, starting from this line, we have the world before the Spirit of Life entered into it, and all spirituality in those days was under the ground from Satan, from here down. The only spirituality available to human beings was under the ground, Satan's spirituality. Then Jesus Christ entered into the world and the Jews, being a part of Him for the purposes of this study, and this little area in here that I did not know what it was this morning, that is all that is left of these five layers of the underworld. Because what is happening, and according to any spiritual philosophy, according to Hinduism, Buddhism, man is working his way out from under the negative influences of the earth. That is what Hinduism and Buddhism teach you. That we are here in this earth, we are spirit and we are flesh and that our job here is to ascend spiritually and overcome the impulses of the flesh. That is what Hinduism and Buddhism teach.

You have to work your way up this tower until you ascend into liberty, and depending on what philosophy you are studying with, they have a variety of names for this liberation from the boundaries of the physical world. And that also is the truth of Christianity, except you do not hear it preached in traditional Christian circles, but that is the truth. What is the difference between what Hinduism and Buddhism teach, if this is the truth about Christianity, what is the difference between what Hindu and Buddhism teaches and what Christianity teaches? Christianity teaches that there is two towers like this, see? And if you ascend in the Tower of Babel, which to ascend in the Tower of Babel your energy comes from Satan, that you may think that you are liberated, you may think that you are up here at the top, but the truth is at the end of the day, you are down at the bottom.

That is what Christianity teaches. And then there is another tower, which is called Christ Jesus, our strong tower, which is the true channel of ascension. And that this channel of ascension, because we got this drawing out of a Hindu book, is a lie. That this liberty depicted at the top of the tower, is really still under the ground. That is the difference between Hinduism and Buddhism and the other associated philosophies, and Christianity. This little section in here is all that is left of the negativity of these five layers of the underworld. And to be honest with you, I am not sure if I have this right or not. I frequently get things like this backwards. We copied this from a Hindu book and it only shows five layers of the underworld and I have labeled them 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, the most bottom layer being 7, but I may not have that right. Assuming for this message that I do have it right, by the time we get up here to the visible world that is projected by Jesus Christ, we see that four of these five layers have been overcome.

Christianity changed the whole world. Have you ever stopped to think of the awesomeness of the affect of Christianity on the whole world? Do you know that the whole world, at least for purposes of communication with other people, goes by the Christian calendar. There is a Jewish calendar and there is a Chinese calendar, but that is like their private little business in their homes and in their places of worship. When they come out to go to work, when they come out to do business, when they come out to do trade or make money, they are in the year 2000 AD, after Christ. That is the extent to which this plane of consciousness has influenced the entire world. You can go to any country in the world, and maybe once in a while they wear the dress, their local dress, but men wear business suits. The women wear Western dresses, if they are in business, I am not talking about nations where the women are not allowed out of the house. We have influenced the entire world. Strongly influenced the entire world. We have changed, I mean Christ, the Lord Jesus, has changed the whole world. And it was not even the whole thing, He was just one man. He was just the beginning. He is the beginning of the creation of God! One man! Do you believe this? If you stop to think about it, it is awesome!

In Christianity, human beings supposedly, and it is true to some degree, we have become civilized. There are always throwbacks and people who are sick and do things that are wrong, but as a nation, we are against torturing people, it is my understanding that when our Army goes into a foreign land, it is illegal for soldiers to rape the women of the indigent nations. They could be court martialed for doing it. We do not enslave our enemies, we rebuild their lands. Look at what happened to Germany and Japan after the war. The height of civilization has come out of Christianity.

Bad things have come out of Christianity, you are hearing a lot today about the bad things that have come out of Christianity, how the white man has come to this world and utterly brutalized all of the natives. I cannot answer you for that, I do not have the answer for you, other than to say, yes, it is a mixture. Because the Christianity that is in the world today is the Holy Spirit influencing the carnal mind. And the fact that someone was dragged to church every Sunday by their parents does not make them Christ. As a nation, yes we had slavery, but we freed the slaves. It is now illegal in this nation. Do you know they still have slaves in the Middle East and in certain parts of Africa, they still have slaves.

This nation is great. The whole Western world is great because of the Holy Spirit. Great, but not perfect. And there are many people who are not walking in Christ who have done evil. And I want to tell you there is a big propaganda play going on today, especially from the native Americans, from the American Indians. How they were these innocent, harmless people, and all of these wicked Europeans came and just wiped them out. It cannot be, brethren, it has to be a little bit of everything. When I was a little girl all you saw were these Indian movies and all the Indians were terrible and now they have reversed it, they are making all the Europeans terrible. You cannot tell me there were no criminal Indians, because I do not believe it. Bad things did happen in Christendom, and I will not make any excuses for it, I will tell you that it is the truth, but I will not make any excuses for it.

The whole world has greatly prospered because of Christianity, and I will not make excuses for the Christianity that we know today being imperfect. It is not imperfect, it is in part. It is not completed yet. What little I know about American Indian history, there were certain tribes that attacked other Indian tribes all the time, and took slaves. And that happened in Africa also. They fought amongst themselves and took slaves. Does that mean that it is right that in this country we had people holding slaves? No, but we stopped it. And a large, if not the whole foundation of liberation from slavery, were all Bible believing Christians.

This area over here in the tower; that is the visible world that came into existence after Christ manifested in the earth, and we see that four of the five underworld layers have been swallowed up and purified. These are five layers of spiritual consciousness that were darkened, they were in Satan. And, you may recall from this morning, that there is no heaven in this world that says "earth only" on the board. In the next world..., this first world before Christ, this is the world that was projected by the belly center, which is identified largely by lust, that was the world before Jesus. This is the world after the Lord Jesus, which was and is still being projected from the right side of the heart center. Why? Because Satan's still in the world. This row down here, the only one of the five lower levels that is left, this is where Satan is, she is still the Lord of the underworld.

This is the visible world, and now there is a heaven. The Holy Spirit is the only true heaven that is in the earth today. And this world exists because it is being projected from the right side of the heart center, which means, that both Satan and the Spirit of Christ are projecting simultaneously. That is why the world is so confused. It is really the image, the image of this world, it is really Satan's world but the Holy Spirit is present, influencing us for good. Did you ever stop to think about how brutal this world was before Christ? People going into battle, hand to hand, cutting people's hearts out, chopping arms off, gouging eyes out. I saw a movie not too long ago about Great Britain. I do not know whether it was the 1600's or 1700's... just before the Magna Carta and just before the great liberty that came into Britain. A man was punished by a nobleman, he cut his ears off and then cut his tongue out, and that was acceptable punishment for whatever the man was accused of doing.

Cutting people's ears off and tongue out. This is what they did in those days. I just said two things. The world has been greatly influenced for the better since Christ entered into the world, and also, that this change did not come over night. Because the date of this movie that I saw, it was not the date of the movie, but the time of history that this took place was at least 1600 years after Christ was born. And these atrocities were still being committed and accepted by the state in a Christian nation, headed up by a Christian monarch. The new visible world that comes forth, comes forth very slowly. It is already 2000 years and what is happening? 2000 years AD, what is happening? Christianity appears to be deteriorating. There is a tremendous uprising of Hinduism and Buddhism, philosophy coming forth under many names, theosophy, New Age, human secularism is all basically at his foundational roots, Hinduism. At the very least, if you are hearing this message and you disagree with me, maybe I am wrong, but it is Satan's philosophy. Seems to be overtaking the Christianity that exists today, which is not the real thing. The Christianity that exists today is not the real thing! It is a game that people play. They go to church in fancy buildings, and they have big orchestras and everybody jumps up and down, and they go home and they do their carnal life. I am not against big buildings, I am not against big orchestras, if it is a part of what the Spirit of Christ is doing. And neither am I condemning the people who go to these churches or the pastors who run these churches. What I am saying is, that Christianity is still in part. And the Christianity that we see today is not the real thing. It is spiritual infantilism in Christ. That is not the grown man.

We see that there is a time period for the projected spiritual world to appear. It takes time. And it appears to the untrained eye that the Christianity that we know as Christianity, or that the world perceives as Christianity, appears to be deteriorating. The Christians are starting to have the same problems that the Jews have. For years, Jewish leaders have been concerned about young men and women marrying out of the faith, usually marrying Christians. There is a big increase in Christians marrying Muslims. All kind of mixture going on. It appears that Christianity is deteriorating, but it is a lie. What is deteriorating is what the Lord Jesus said would deteriorate. The gifts are passing away. For the gifts to pass away, the giver of gifts must pass away.

The giver of gifts is the Holy Spirit. He is passing away. To the uneducated, to the ignorant, and to the arrogant... they stand there and they say, aha, aha, I knew it would never last. And I have a personal word from the Lord that the account in the Book of Revelation, with the Two Witness Company being laughed at to the point that people would gifts and make merry over their death, is this year of the Millennium. I remind you of the Scripture, "That in the midst of the year, the Spirit of Life entered into the Two Witness company, and they rose from the dead, and everyone was afraid." Christ Jesus is the Two Witness company, the Spirit of Christ in the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, and He is in the process of rising from the dead. He is rising, but He is not, see.. when He rises from the dead, when He fully rises from the dead, He will be born again into His Kingdom, into a spiritual kingdom, up here in the brow energy center, and when He appears in the brow energy center, we shall appear with Him. Are you familiar with that Scripture, "When He appears, we will appear with Him." What does that mean?

When He appears in the brow energy center, our consciousness shall appear with Him. Is He not appearing now? Does the Holy Spirit do miracles, is there not a church on every corner, is there not a Bible in every hotel room, is He not appearing now? He is not appearing as a full grown man, there are just little streams of Him appearing, but there is so much pollution in the people that He is appearing in, that the image that the world sees is not accurate! It is just not accurate. Do you think your one year old son could accurately portray you? I mean, just imagine this... you sent your one year old son as an ambassador to a hostile nation. Do you think that hostile nation is going to have the slightest idea of who you are or what you are like or what your nature is by looking at your one year old son? And what would your one year old son be saying to them? Feed me, lift me up, change my diaper, give me, give me, give me, give me... I do not mean to mock anyone. Is that not what the church is doing... give me a word, give me a blessing, give me a healing, give me money, give me a husband, give me a wife? This is not the spiritual man, Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus give, the adults give, the grown man gives. They give the blessings, but before you can give the blessings you have to be filled up, you have to be filled up with the life of God.

Back to the drawing. This drawing is from a Hindu book, and we see that four of the five levels of satanic spirituality under the ground have been ameliorated, they have been cleansed by the Holy Spirit and raised up above the ground here, we now have a heaven and an earth with one level of wickedness. You know, there are people in this world that eat other human beings? We have been raised up above this. There are societies in which incest is acceptable and honorable. What is wrong with incest, Sheila, do you not know it is the latest thing? Look at your daytime soap operas, look at the movies, incest is the up and coming thing. Brethren, you may not see it now, but the fruit of incest is destruction. All of the laws that the Lord has given us are designed to give us the best possible life, us and our descendants, the best possible life, as long as we are in this flesh. And you may think that it is really cool right now... I saw a young lady do this, I saw her?  I saw her look up to heaven, waiting for that lightning bolt to fall, and it did not fall, and she thought she had it made. And, two weeks later she went under heavy judgment. Do not be ignorant, brethren. You may be having a ball making it with your sister right now, but the fruit of your wickedness will be felt by your descendants. The world has become spiritually civilized in Christ Jesus.

We have three levels of consciousness, between the consciousness that has produced this world, which has both Satan and the Holy Spirit in it, and the world that is projected by the brow energy center. Three levels of consciousness that have been described as the desert or the wilderness. And what that means is that the person who is consciousness has ascended beyond the acceptable or the prescribed consciousness of people who live in this visible world, if your consciousness is going up, if you are hearing this message, your consciousness is being raised up above this world. Whether you are in the first, second or third level, the fact that your consciousness has been raised to that degree, does not produce a visible world, it has not changed the world. Brethren, look at what we are doing here. It is awesome, what Christ Jesus is doing here through us.

We have not affected the world. The world has not changed because of us. And I cannot even say that the few people who may have heard this word through the internet, there is really very few of us right now, or through meeting one of us, we do have representatives all over the world, even the people that hear the message, they do not know what we are talking about, they do not have the slightest idea what we are talking about. They cannot understand it! We have not changed this world yet. This message has not changed this world. The Spirit of Christ that is flowing here has not changed the world. We are somewhere in these three levels. We are ascended above this visible world down here, but we have not yet produced a new world. Jesus Christ produced a new world. We are headed, we are crossing the desert. This is Egypt, this whole world is Egypt. Why is this world Egypt? Aside from the fact that we are in bondage, and we are enslaved - we cannot give up eating, we cannot give up sleeping, we cannot give up our need for shelter, or any other comfort that we have in this world. We are enslaved. What is the overriding characteristic of a slave? Dependency, dependency.

Everyone in this world is dependent. If all the cattle died and the earth did not give forth a crop, we would starve to death. In a drought, we would die from lack of thirst. Everyone born of a woman is dependent. And this may shock you, but the Lord Jesus was dependent when He was born. He was a physical infant. A full grown, and fully born spiritual man needs nothing from anybody. He is sustained physically from within, he may be able to eat, I do not have any reason to believe that he could not eat, but he does not need the food of this world. Why does he not need the food of this world, does anybody know? Why would he not need the food of this world? Brethren, the food of this world sustains this physical body. The glorified Jesus Christ does not have a physical body. He has the ability to appear in a physical body, but it is not a physical body the likes of which we have. This kind of physical body needs physical food. It needs animal flesh, and grains and fruits and vegetables grown from the earth, or it will die. Someone who has been liberated from this world does not need the food of this world because even if they appeared in a body that looks like ours, it is not like ours. It may look like ours, but it is not a physical body of this world, does anyone not understand that?

Physical food sustains the life of this animal body. That is how we are going to be delivered from labor, or at least one of the ways that we will be delivered from labor. One of the promises of the Scripture is that we shall be delivered from physical labor. We will not have to grow or prepare food anymore or take care of this body anymore because we will be delivered from this physical body. Yet, we have preachers and people in the church just preaching up a storm on how this body is going to be preserved, no, it is not going to be preserved. Because this physical body is of this world. It is of this world that is coming out of the right side of the heart center.

As we ascend, we have to leave this body behind us and we take on the body of the world that we enter into. That is the truth. For the time being our physical body is down here in the world, projected by the right side of the heart center, but our mind, our mind, our spirit, is stretching upwards, and eventually our spirit is going to enter into this world, the visible world of the brown energy center and then at some point, we are going to be stretched between the world that is projected by the right side of the heart center and the world that is projected by the sixth energy center, and at some point, Lord willing, as we overcome this part of us that is down here in this present visible world, is going to dissolve. As our spirit just moves up into the brow energy center, the part of us that is down here in this visible world will simply disappear. It will be a process that would be likened, not the exact same thing, but likened, to the deterioration of the physical body upon death. Upon death the bones remain.

The physical body of the ascended man, including the bones, will completely disappear, because if you can hear it, this body is made up of trillions of cells which are held together by a superior mind. And it is Satan and Leviathan that hold together the shape of this world, and they do not hold it together from outside of us, but they hold it together through their union with our human spirit and with the carnal mind which is within us. And when our human spirit ascends completely into Christ Jesus, this body is just going to disappear. Because all of the trillions of cells will just be turned back to the matter stream. It is literally being emptied out from inside, there will be nothing left. There will not be any remaining carcass that we can see, it will be as if we never existed. It would be the same thing as if you picked up here and moved to China. The memory of you in the United States would remain. There are people who will remember you, but you will be gone, there will be no sign of you, because you will have migrated to the other side of the world.

There will not be a carcass, there will not be any bones, there will not be a grave; you just will not be there anymore. The spirit and the mind migrates first. Everybody listening to this message with any understanding at all is somewhere in this three-tiered wilderness. And every time you hear a message like this, it is pulling you up higher, it is pulling you up higher. And the idea is to get up there into the brow energy center and stay there. You see, I know that I touch the brow energy center from time to time, and perhaps you do also, I do not know, I do not know, yes I know, but I know that I have and that I do.  I do not stay there, it is like a tide rolling in. Sometimes I am very high and I touch the brow energy center, stay there and flow out... also remember that we are not a particle, we are a wave, we are, our mind is made up of many particles of energy. It is even possible that part of my mind is in the brow energy center, but not the majority of me, you see? How do I know that? I am just too carnal to even suggest that at least a part of me is all the way up there. I do not know, maybe this part of me that preaches this glorious doctrine is up there, but the fight is not getting my mind up there because my mind is Christ. Christ Jesus in the individual ascends into the brow energy center, that is where He defaults to, He automatically reaches for the high things of the spirit.

That is no challenge, getting Christ Jesus up there. The challenge is getting our flesh up there, getting our emotions up there, and our lusts for this world, and the lusts for the things of the body, that is the challenge. It is possible for our mind to be in the sixth energy center, but our emotions are still down with the lusts of this world. Eventually, as we overcome, Jesus says, "To the one who overcometh, he will inherit all things." He will inherit the life of the higher centers. The one who overcomes the lusts of the body, the lusts of the carnal mind, the lusts of the emotions, the one who climbs over them and ascends through the wilderness into the promised land... when enough of him is accumulated in the brow energy center... remember, we are a multiplicity of particles of energy. When enough of us accumulates in the brow energy center, the part of us that is appearing down here in the visible world as we know it will begin to deteriorate, will begin to fade away, because the majority of us will be up here. And that, what I just told you, is an exchange of priorities. When your priorities become the things of the Mind of Christ, as opposed to the things of this world, I do not know how to measure this, but what is happening to you is that your mind is an ascended condition.

You cannot do this yourself. You cannot give up the things of the flesh. You cannot give it up yourself, it is a religious work. The only way up there; that I know of, maybe there is another way but I do not know about it, this is what God is given the church today as far as I know, is to pursue the Doctrine of Christ, and His righteousness, and a moral lifestyle. And when you do this, when you desire His righteousness through a moral lifestyle, and you are willing to study the Doctrine of Christ, your mind begins to ascend into the higher places. Your physical body and your emotions are still down here in this world. I am doing better than I have ever done, I have been preaching this message for twelve years. I am lusting for the things of the world less than I ever have before, but believe me, I am still in this world. I would like to believe that I would willingly give up anything the Lord asked me to give up, but as long as He is not asking me to give it up, I like getting my nails done every two weeks. I like wearing a nice outfit, I like clothes and I like looking nice. I am not going to tell you that it means nothing to me, because that is a lie. I believe if I had to choose, I would choose Jesus. I like living in a nice house, having a nice car, having the money to take a plane trip somewhere. I like that. I do not desire poverty. I was in poverty for years and I did it because I would not give up Jesus for anything, but I do not desire it, it is not my choice.

We see that the left side of the heart center, the first level above the visible world, I have marked for the left side of the heart center. It does not produce a visible world, it does not change this world. The fact that I am in the left side of my heart center, and I would expect you are too, has not changed the world.  And then the next level is the throat center, we receive spiritual power in the throat center. I know that my prayers are very powerful. There is a really good chance that a large part of me is up there in the throat center.

I honestly do not know what this next level is, I wrote on the board that there are two levels of the throat center, but I know that is not true. There has to be another level there, I just do not know what it is. Something that I cannot see right now, or maybe I do not know about it. I find this tower very interesting, and I think what is really hard for a lot of Christians to accept is that the spiritual philosophy of this world is the same for Christians and for non-Christians alike. The problem is the same. What is the problem? That humanity is involved in an unending series of births and deaths. We do not continue, except in our offspring. Humanity is being recycled.

Brethren, your offspring, especially if you are a woman, your offspring is made from the flesh and blood of your body. I hope you all know that. A seed gets inside of you and the flesh and blood from your body wraps around that seed, and when it is mature enough, it departs from you taking your flesh with it. This is the way that mortal humanity ceases from annihilation, but individuals do not go on. That is the problem. And Christians and non-Christians alike have this same problem. The solution is different. The solution that comes to us through the Spirit of Christ is different than the solution that comes to us by the spirit of this world. You know, it is really that simple, although most people cannot believe it. Either it is Christ, or it is Satan.

There are only two spirits in this whole world generating thought, generating philosophy, generating ideas, generating inventions, generating solutions. There are only two spirits, the Spirit of Christ or the spirit of Satan. And the philosophy of the spirit of this world is so close to the philosophy of the Spirit of Christ that if you do not have the Mind of Christ you cannot even tell the difference. It sounds the same. There is one outstanding characteristic of the ascension in Christ Jesus that you will not find in the ascension in the spirit of this world, and that is, you should know, what is the answer? You do not know. IT IS THE EXPOSURE AND THE ANNIHILATION OF YOUR SIN NATURE, WITH GREAT PAIN. You do not find this in the spiritual disciplines of the world. Frequently, the spiritual disciplines of the world preach poverty, they deny the pleasures of this world, move into groups, live collectively. They are trying to withdraw from this world physically, but the separation from this world is spiritual. And at least up until now, from what I have seen as to what the Lord is doing with me, is that He is not opposed to His people having, within reason, the pleasures of this world, as long as He is really first. It all depends on what your definition of "the pleasures of this world" are. I do not believe you can drink.

Why can you not drink Sheila?  The Scripture said that Paul said to Timothy that he should have a glass of wine for his belly because he had stomach troubles. First of all, let me tell you this; I believe that it is up to the individual whether they take a glass of wine or not. I do not drink. The high priest, or the priests in the Scripture do not drink, and it is not a religious commandment. The reason I do not drink is that I know that when I have a glass of wine, it dulls my sensibilities, it represses Christ in me. See, it affects the physical body which represses Christ in me, and if the Lord Jesus wants to rise up in me and move, His servant is not in the best condition. It is the same thing when you get sick, you cannot be the best manifestation of Christ possible when you are sick, your goal is health. You need a healthy body to do the best you can in Christ Jesus, you need a healthy body.

To take a drink, it dulls your sensibilities, and hinders the manifestation of the Spirit of Christ, and for that reason I do not drink, but it is my choice. The Lord has not put me under the law. A few years ago, I was at a Jewish Seder and I decided, I am not under the law, everyone is drinking wine, I am drinking grape juice with the children, I am going to have some wine tonight, and I just took a sip, I have not had a drink in so long that it made me very heady.

That night, an opportunity to minister arose at the Seder table and I was tipsy. You see, the Lord taught me, and here, once again, I tell you of the nature of our Lord. The nature of our Lord does not put us under the law. He tells us the truth, He explains it to us, and He lets us choose. I believe I could go out and drink a glass of wine tomorrow. He would not punish me, I do not believe He would punish me, but I choose to not do it because it is my choice, to be at every waking moment, ready to minister, and to serve my Lord in any way that He wants me to. That is my choice, I give that up for Him. And as far as Paul telling Timothy to drink a glass of wine for his stomach, I am sorry to disillusion you, but I prayed about that Scripture for years, why that would even be in the Scripture, let us say it was true, which it is not, that Paul was telling Timothy how to care for his weak stomach... why would that be in the Scripture, because that is not what Paul is saying. What does the word belly mean? What does the word belly mean, what is the belly? Yes.

COMMENT: The lust center?

PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it is the third energy center. Paul was telling Timothy, if you are having a problem with lust, what you need is a glass of wine. What is the wine, what is wine in the Scripture?

COMMENT: Life of Christ?

PASTOR VITALE: The Spirit of Christ. And the cup is the physical body. Paul said, Timothy, I hear you are having a problem with lust. What you need is to have some wine into your cup. If the Spirit of Christ is flowing through you with power, it will deal with the lust of your flesh, I do not know what problem Timothy was having, maybe it was a sexual lust, maybe it was a lust for money, I do not know. Paul said, fill yourself up with the Spirit of Christ, and it will deal with that problem which is arising out of your belly, out of the third energy center. I have not really looked at this in the Greek, I got this by revelation, but I believe the Scripture says something about a glass of wine before you go to sleep. If the word sleep really is in the Greek, and again, I have not looked, if it really is in the Greek, we know, that, Scripturally speaking, to sleep means that you are in your carnal mind. If your carnal mind is stirring up the lust of your belly, your third energy center, fill your vessel up with the Spirit of Christ, that is the solution to your problem.

There are some things of this world, of course we cannot have, we cannot fornicate, we cannot engage in adultery. And of course, we cannot steal or bear false witness. Insofar as I mentioned earlier, doing my nails, or doing my hair, or having a new dress, or going on a vacation, or having a nice home to live in, my personal understanding at this time is that the Lord has no problem with this. See, many spiritual philosophies would require you to give up nice clothes, makeup, nice hair, nails if you are a woman, a nice house, nice car... many spiritual philosophies would reject these things of the world. It is my understanding, at where I am today, that so long, and this is by God's judgment, not by my judgment, not by your judgment, not by the judgment of the carnal mind, but if the Lord makes a judgment, if the Lord makes a judgment that giving us a nice home and some nice things in our life, some nice physical things that we can certainly live without in our life, if that is not going to turn us away from our walk with Him, He has no problem with us having it. It does not glorify the Lord for us to live in poverty. See, the crushing of the world is in the spirit. It is the world of the carnal mind that must be crushed. There is no reason to starve your body, or starve your emotions, or sleep on a floor with a thin little mat, because regeneration is not in the physical body, it is in the renewing of the mind. And how is your mind renewed?

The spirit of your mind has to shed, the spirit of our mind is dwelling in the carnal mind right now. We have to shed that carnal mind and enter into the Mind of Christ. That is how we are renewed, in the spirit of our mind, it is the spirit that migrates from the carnal mind to the Christ mind. We deprive the carnal mind, we starve the carnal mind, we do not have to starve our body, or that part of us that is still so human that it can enjoy something nice. I believe the Lord wants us all to be comfortable. He told me this. If our life is dedicated to the pursuit of the Doctrine of Christ and the things of God, it does not glorify Him for us to have problems with our health, or problems with our finances, or problems in the necessities of life. Just like so many religions provide a retreat or a place where you can go to have peace of mind to seek the Lord in prayer, those of us who have given our whole life over to the pursuit of the Kingdom of God, would be only hindered by having financial or physical problems, or lacking the material things that we still need to be comfortable because we are so human. And it is not His desire at all to deprive us of these things, it is His desire to deprive us of our carnal mind. And, if we are willfully following that path of rejecting our carnal mind and following Him, there is no reason for us to be uncomfortable in the areas where we are still very human. He told me this.

I will alter that drawing for you. We will make it a drawing number 2. I am just very excited at what the Lord has told us here today. I would just like to know what that third level is between the two visible worlds. And do you understand that when at least someone, or a group of people, completely ascend into the brow center, that means they do not come out of the brow center anymore. I have touched the brow center several times but I come down. When somebody ascends into the brow center and stays there, it will change the whole world to an even greater degree than Jesus Christ changed this world. Even greater, because the church that you see today is in part. This time, 2000 years later, the ascension into the brow center by one man, followed by many others thereafter, is going to produce a whole world of people engraved with the nature of Jesus Christ. It is not going to happen in one day. It is going to take a very long time.

I am so curious to find out how this is going to manifest! Listen, when Jesus appeared, He just had a few disciples. I think the Scripture says, 500 left Him, you can correct me somebody if you know that I am wrong, because I could be wrong about this, when He said, "You must eat my flesh and eat my blood." Maybe that 500 was all that there were, maybe there were 502. I do not believe there were thousands of people following Him. Those numbers in the Scripture about the people sitting on the grass; that is all spiritual symbolism. There were no cars, they traveled by foot. People lived in small towns and small villages in those days. I do not think 5,000 people accumulated anywhere ever in those days. At the time that Jesus was crucified, there were very few people that were following His teachings. It took years. Where does that leave us? Let us say, there is a group of people, hopefully we are going to be a part of it, a part of that group, that ascend into that brow energy center because Christ Jesus in us is born again into the world or the Kingdom of His Father, but the world does not know about us, they do not know who we are, if we try to tell them, they cannot even understand this doctrine, they do not understand the first word. You know, I have tried to tell several people some simple little nugget, I tried to make it simple, do you know that as soon as I opened my mouth, their face, several people, their face goes into a grimace, pain, I see pain on their face.

They cannot comprehend what I am talking about, or, the spirit that stirs up in me when I start talking about the things of Christ, is causing them pain. I stop talking immediately. I look at their face and I stop talking immediately. I am causing them pain, I am hurting them! How are we going to interact with the world? Let is just say hypothetically we stand, and our job is to seed the world, a man at a time, with the virile seed of the Lord Jesus Christ. The people, they do not have any idea what we are about. They freak out if we try to manifest near them. What is our world going to be like? Do you think it could be anything at all like the story in the Highlander? I wonder, what is the story in the Highlander? Of course it is science fiction. It is a story about a group of immortals, of course they are not in Christ. They just have genetically evolved to a place where even if they are shot, they just regenerate within about 120 seconds, they just pop up again, and they never die. They live in this world. And they do not tell the average person who they are because the average person would freak out. Will it be something like that? I wonder. What is the matter with you, Sheila, you teach this high doctrine and you are talking about science fiction? Brethren, there is a lot of science fiction that is true. And the Lord has not told me what it is going to be like, so I am just saying, what do you think?

Maybe I am in my carnal mind, but I think it is a possibility that we are going to be invisible. Going to recruit one person at a time, whoever is standing. You are sent to one person, now listen, you have to remember, this cannot be like the revival of the Holy Ghost. It cannot. This ministry requires personal discipleship. A personal relationship, a personal exposure of sin, a personal instruction The people need someone to be able to ask questions of. This is not going to be like the Holy Ghost revival, where you pack a thousand people, look on the TV today, a thousand, two thousand people in these stadiums, and the preacher comes in, and what do the people go home with? Does he really teach them anything? They get touched by the Spirit, which in many instances, not all, but many instances is not even the true Spirit, it is not even the true Holy Spirit. Even if they did learn something from the short preaching, who do they go to if they have a question?

Who do they go to if they have a problem? Who do they go to if they need the Spirit of Counsel? Who do they go to if they need the Wisdom of God? The evangelist was in the stadium with two thousand people, and now he is gone. And you were touched by the Spirit and you watch him on TV every morning, or a couple of days a week, and what happens if you have a personal need? Or, you could call up and the one who answers the telephone will pray for you. And I believe in that, I believe that when someone on the switchboard prays for you that they have the power of that whole ministry behind them. Brethren, it is not the same thing as Christ Jesus praying for you with a full knowledge of your problem is. Christ Jesus is into personal involvement, and I am talking out of personal experience. The way it works is that I hear of a situation, and I have a very cool reaction, I am very sorry to hear that, I prayed that the Lord helps them. And then a day later, or two days later, or a week later, Christ Jesus rises up in me, in a full knowledge, and in these few days, the Word of Knowledge is working in me, giving me understanding from the Spirit of Christ of what is really happening there, a depth of spiritual understanding. And then He rises up and prays the prayer that breaks the yoke.

That happened with your friend, where the young lady was seduced out of the home. You must have told me two or three times that she was gone. I said, oh, I am really sorry to hear that, you know, and I prayed the Lord helps them. That is how I pray, I do not pray long prayers on my knees; that is how I pray. And then I went back to work, and then, maybe it was as much as two weeks later, you came to me again, and that time Christ Jesus rose up and hit the sky, and one or two weeks the girl was back, right? How do you do that when all of your ministry is from an evangelist that would not recognize you if he saw you on the street? Does not know your name, would not recognize your face, does not know anything about your life, and I am not putting that down, as long as it is the true Spirit. There is a place for it, there is a place for everything that the Lord is doing in any form.

If it is God, it is good, and there is a place for it. To go on in Christ Jesus, to have your nature changed into Christ Jesus, to become a whole new man and enter into eternal life, it requires personal discipleship. You have to be in a relationship with the teacher so that all of your failures and character flaws will be exposed as you live your life in a relationship with this teacher. Oh, you thought that this great man of God was going to come and x-ray you spiritually and have a Word of Knowledge about all of your character flaws. It does not work like that! Even if it was possible for this man of God to give you a whole list, you know, we had that with someone in this ministry who is not in this geographical location. She came to visit here and she is going to hear this message. She came to visit here a couple of years in a row and before she left, she would come to me with a pencil and paper and say, tell me what demons I have, I want deliverance. The day came that a character flaw manifested in her in her relationship with me and I corrected her and she was in the flow of the manifestation, and it almost bounced her out of the ministry, I thought I had lost her.

You cannot just give people a list of what character flaws they have because it does not mean anything to them. You have to say to them, look, that thought that you just thought, that word that you just said, that motive that you do not even recognize, that is Satan in you! That is what we had here this morning. That means every Son of God can only have a few disciples around him. How many people can you do this for? Jesus was the Son of God, and He only had 12. Is it possible? There is no doubt in my mind that it could take a couple of thousand years to really spread through the world. I mean, even if it is twice as fast as this initial manifestation of Christianity. This one took two thousand years; that one will take a thousand years, this present one coming will take a thousand years? It is not going to happen in a day or in a week. And I do not think it is going to be as publicized as the Holy Ghost revival. It is going to be private. Do you hear all about the Hindu ashrams where the Hindus, some of them are Americans; that are going to disciple under some guru? I mean, maybe once in a while it will make the newspaper, but is it something that everybody talks about every day? Like you hear about Billy Graham or some popular evangelist is in time and that stadium held 5,000 people, and he is on the news at night?

You do not hear about it, it is private. It is quiet, it is life changing, it is personal. From that point of view, and, if I am in my carnal mind, the Lord will have to correct me. From that point of view, I think that it is a possibility that the people who ascend into immortality while still in their flesh, which is the condition that Jesus was in, may very well walk through this world watching people die all around them. We may walk through generations, having to keep our true calling quiet because the average person cannot bear it.

I told you all a while back that I was introduced to a man through somebody, it was a business relationship, and he was all excited when he heard. Whatever he thought I did, nobody knows what I do for my life's calling unless you are a part of it, no one can even comprehend it, and the average person thinks that I am like the evangelists that they see on TV. And the man was really being very aggressive towards me but I just chalked it up to ignorance, I did not take anything that he said seriously, he was trying to teach me... I thank God I am at the place where I can laugh at it, it used to upset me, but I guess I am maturing, people are just ignorant, and they do not really mean any harm, they are just ignorant, you know? He was telling me, oh, we have to get together, I majored in religion in college, and we are going to have these big discussions, and we are going to get together, and, has he called you? He has not called me. I sent him the books, he agreed to take some of my books, and I sent him... he is a Jewish man, I sent him the Old Testament, and a few of our online meeting transcripts where I talk about the Jews.

He has not called me, and if my Word of Knowledge is correct, he is absolutely mortified. He could not understand one word of what he read. He could not understand one word of it and he is absolutely flustered. This is the world we live in, and the more we ascend, the more we have to keep our calling a secret. Sheila, are you saying this is a secret society? No, no! You reveal yourself to the people who can bear it. It is not a secret society, we are here for the world, right now we are here for the church, or anyone that the Lord reaches to in the world. We are not restricted at all, except by people's immaturity and carnality.

Maybe it is true, we will live from generation to generation. We will find out if this is my carnal mind or not. I know that lots of times when I cannot imagine how something will be accomplished, the Lord comes up, when I finally see it is manifested it is accomplished in a way that I could have never imagined. Let us say I have an idea, maybe it can happen, maybe this idea will manifest in one of these five ways that I can think of, and then the Lord comes along and manifests it in a sixth way that I never even thought of. Maybe this is not the truth, but there is nothing wrong with thinking about these things. I think that we need to know that the visible world that is going to be projected from the brow energy center is not going to be the same as the world that was projected by the man Jesus. It is going to be a world of discipleship, personal growth and spiritual change. It is going to be the exact opposite in many ways of the manifestation of the Holy Ghost which ministers to great crowds and makes you feel good. Is there not a song that the Holy Ghost makes my feet a dancing?

The Holy Ghost makes you feel wonderful!! He touches your emotions and you feel great, even though you have just worked witchcraft down the street without even knowing it, try to force them to do something they did not want to do. You come into church and the Holy Ghost makes you feel wonderful!! Christ Jesus makes you feel terrible until your carnal mind dies, and the joy comes when Christ Jesus in you breaks through that carnal mind and starts prevailing. That is where the joy is, but there is misery, the Scripture calls it birth pangs, until your carnal mind is broken enough for Christ to arise in you. Your mind has to be broken!

Your carnal mind must be broken to shivers. The Holy Ghost sets your feet a dancing and jumping and screaming and yelling Hallelujah, and the Spirit of Christ makes you cry. When I first came to the Lord I read in the Book of Revelation, "There will be no more tears", and I said, what do you mean? I never cry; then I started crying. I cried for a couple of years, quite a few years, but you come up on the other side. This is some long labor, brethren. It is not even 24 hours, it is years, it is some long labor, but it helps to know that you do come up on the other side. When you bear that manchild, you will enter into glory. When He is born, when He appears, the woman, the spiritual woman who bore Him, that is the personality, will appear with Him. And because He lives, we too shall live. You see, we heard all these Scriptures in Pentecost, but nobody really knows what they mean. See, He is still under your carnal mind, He has life in Him, but He is not alive in that He has not been born into liberty yet. Christ in you is life, but that life has to be manifested.

It has to get out, and in order for Him to get out, we have to die. We have to die to this lifestyle, we have to die to this mind, which is diametrically opposite the mind of Christ Jesus. What we think is right, He thinks is wrong. What He thinks is right, we think that is crazy. It is going to happen, brethren. I sure hope it is going to be us because everybody here is sure paying that price. I cannot promise you anything, I cannot promise myself anything, but it sure looks like it is going to be us. Does that mean we are going to rule the world? No, we may be amongst the first of the second generation of Christ Jesus to ascend. No, you do not rule the world, you have a tremendous responsibility to give to others what has been given to you. You are not going to rule the world. You are going to be humble, you are going to receive all kinds of abuse from the people you are sent to minister to.

They are going to lie about you, they are going to hate you, they are going to curse you with their minds, you are going to be hearing all kinds of evil coming out of their subconscious mind that when you tell them about it, they are going to look at you like you are nuts. The whole time that you are being abused for righteousness sake, the Lord Jesus Christ will be ministering to you in the Spirit. You are only going to be abused in your emotions, and who knows? Maybe it will not even hurt when we get into the brow center. I do not know, I know what happens down here, I know what happens down here, when Christ Jesus in me confronts someone's carnal mind, I know what I go through. To what degree it will change, it has to change somewhat, but I do not know what it will be like when we get up there in that other world. I am hoping, and I have had small words of knowledge which give me reason to believe, that when we get up there in that brow energy center we will be aware of everything that the carnal mind is saying, all that the carnal mind curses, it says really wicked things from the subconscious plane. You see, if you cannot hear it, you think you are okay, but one of these days you are going to tune in and you are going to be hearing what the subconscious, it is the same in everybody, you are going to be hearing what this wicked Fiery Serpent says when Christ Jesus comes to tell that personality the truth. What it looks like to me right now is we will be able to perceive it with our consciousness when we are in the brow energy center, but we will not feel the pain in the emotions or in the heart center. We will perceive it, but we will not experience it.

What? The cursing of the Fiery Serpent in the person that we are trying to help; we will hear and we will know of the blasphemy that comes forth, but we will not experience it in our emotions. That is that blaspheming spirit, you see? That whole account in the King James Translation that says there is an unforgivable sin, and the one who blasphemes the Holy Ghost can never be forgiven? No, brethren, no, no, no, no, no, all human beings are forgiven! Every personality is forgiven! When Jesus rose from the dead, you are all forgiven by faith! And this forgiveness by faith gives you the opportunity and the power to do what needs to be done to be forgiven in reality because the only true forgiveness is the cutting away of the sin nature, which is your potential to do that sin again. There is no unforgiveness for any human being, anywhere in the world.

The one that will never be forgiven is not the one who blasphemes the Holy Ghost, but that blaspheming spirit!! I want to tell you, I have heard that blaspheming spirit, she is wicked, and she is in me, and she is in you, every one of you. And when Christ Jesus comes in a Spirit of Righteousness with a righteous correction, she is vicious, and wicked! She is not forgiven. Satan is not forgiven. Satan must die, and she will die. Sheila, I thought you just said that it is the Fiery Serpent that is blaspheming. How did Satan get in this? Brethren, the Fiery Serpent is our subconscious mind. The Fiery Serpent will be converted. You may recall from other messages, I do not feel to do the whole thing again tonight, the Fiery Serpent is Jehovah's spiritual sperm that was trapped in the ocean bed and coated over with mud to the degree that he became an earthworm, and is engraved with the Serpent's nature. And it is the Fiery Serpent that is being apprehended by Christ Jesus who will cleanse this…, the Fiery Serpent, which is Jehovah's spiritual sperm, cleanse him of all of the mud, and re-engrave that sperm with the nature of Jesus Christ. The Fiery Serpent is being redeemed, being bought back, but Satan, that blaspheming spirit, there is no forgiveness of sins for her.

She is the present day manifestation of the Primordial Serpent. No forgiveness, never!! I want to tell you, I have heard blasphemy in the Spirit. Wait, you will hear it, you will hear it someday. It is shocking! The first time I ever heard it was when someone laid hands on me to rebuke a demon. I did not think I had a demon in those days, I believed the jargon of the church, the denomination I was going to at the time that a Christian cannot have a demon. I was loaded!! I was dying! My legs were swollen up with phlebitis, you could die from that, I was dying from several different things. And a friend of mine said, Sheila, let me lay hands on you, if you do not have a demon, nothing is going to happen. I said, ok, rebuke it. She laid hands on me, I never expected what she said... In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke you!! She scared me half to death! I felt this bolt of lightning shoot from my feet up to my head and back down again, and this voice cursed me, cursed me with the "f" word twice. That was the first time I ever heard it. The first time I heard it, it was in me. Then I heard it in all of you. And many others. It is a hard word, brethren, but the truth will set you free. We are possessed, we are occupied. What does that mean, you are a serial killer? No! We are occupied by spiritual entities, they think through us, they lust through us, they live through us. You have got to look at it so that you can get delivered! Jesus.

These entities are you until you reject them. When you reject them, they are no longer you. That is what Paul said. I want to do one thing, but I do something else. I now know that it is sin that dwelleth in me. When you are in agreement with their thoughts, it is you. These entities are you. When you choose the thoughts of Christ Jesus and divide in your thoughts from them, it is not you anymore, itis sin that dwelleth in you. Denial means that this evil is you. Facing it means it is not you, see? This is the message we bring to the world. Jesus said, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. What did He mean? You need the Mind of Christ to bear it. If I told this message to people that just have their carnal mind, they could not bear it, there is no hope, if you do not have Christ, thereis no hope. Christ is our only hope!! This message is just for people that have the virile seed grafted. This message is for the people that have hope.

COMMENT: Sheila, I was wondering if that little section between where it says "earth only" and "earth" would also be called the firmament?

PASTOR VITALE: No, because the definition of firmament is visible world. The firmament is the expanse between the heavens and the earth, and that is where the visible world appears.

COMMENT: I always thought of the Sons of God being the firstfruits, and the people who came in were the full crop. That is not true?

PASTOR VITALE: That might be true, I am not really sure I know Bill Britton taught that... I have no problem with that, but the truth of the matter is that we are the offspring of Jesus Christ. If it is true that the first crop that comes in are one with Jesus, and we are all the firstfruits, I have no problem with that, but I have never really studied it out, but I do not disagree with it.

I have redone this drawing for you and it  is basically the same drawing that we dealt with on Part 1 of this message. Let us start at the bottom... the five levels of Satan's spirituality under the earth, then we have the visible world before Christ, there is no heaven... there is no Holy Spirit, then we have the remainder of Satan's five levels of evil underground spirituality in the world that appeared after Jesus, that is today's world... this is what this is here, then we have the world that appeared after the manifestation of Jesus Christ, that is here, and the Holy Spirit is the heaven of this world. This is the false heaven... when I say the remainder of Satan's five levels, that is the lying heaven, the false heaven of this world. Then we have three levels of consciousness where the individual grows, ascension into these three levels, it affects the individual, but it does not change the world. And then we have the world that is projected by the men who dwell permanently in the brow energy center, and the Spirit of Christ is that heaven, not the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit of Christ. And the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ is that the Spirit of Christ includes the virile seed which can graft to somebody and ultimately impart eternal life. There is no eternal life in the Holy Spirit... there is power, there is healing, there are miracles, there are all the gifts of the Spirit, but there is no eternal life. Eternal life is in the Spirit of Christ, which is in Christ Jesus.

If you want eternal life you have to have the whole spiritual man. The Holy Spirit is power, is energy, it is miracles, it is gifts, but there is no virile seed that can impart eternal life to you. The world that is projected by the men who abide permanently in the brow energy center has the Spirit of Christ for its heaven, and it is the world projected by the Sons of God, but the earthen part of the world still exists, that is the physical body, it still exists... I do not know if you can see it, those dashes are not very strong, but there is an earthen part, and the heavenly part of this world projected by the brow energy center is about twice as great as the earthen part.

And of course, up here, at the very top of the Tower of Babel, we see that we have liberation from the physical body... it is deliverance from the physical world, okay? It means the physical world no longer has any power over you, and it is also liberation from the physical body. You could take on a physical body or not take on a physical body. Jesus Christ today is glorified, He can manifest a physical body for Himself at will, if He wanted to. To the best of my knowledge, He is choosing not to do that today. Why? Because His plan, which is the plan of His Father, Jehovah, is to appear in men who have been born of a woman, to impart His greatness to these men. If He wanted to, He could manifest in a physical body, He did it after the resurrection when He appeared to the disciples, He appeared twice. He appeared to the disciples, Thomas was missing, and then He appeared again to Thomas. I think He appeared several other times also. He can do that, but He is choosing not to do it today. In times past, the Father spoke through the Prophets, but today He speaks through the Son, the Son in men. He who believeth not that Christ has come in the flesh is an antichrist. Jesus can manifest a material body, but this is not Jehovah's plan. He comes to you through other men, imperfect as they may be. Praise the Lord.

These three areas that do not produce a change in the world; that is the desert, or the wilderness, sometimes the Scripture talks about the wilderness. Today's world is spiritual Egypt, spiritual Egypt. I think I mentioned this earlier, but I must have been distracted, I do not recall explaining to you why this world is a spiritual Israel. Does anybody know why Christendom today, the infantile manifestation of Christendom that we see today, why it would be Egypt? It is Egypt, brethren, because Pharaoh is in many of the Christians. Can anybody review the definition of spiritual Pharaoh for us? Anybody remember who Pharaoh is, spiritually speaking?

COMMENT: Ascended up to the seventh energy center of the... Satan's timeline.

PASTOR VITALE: You have got the general idea. I will fill in for you. Pharaoh is Leviathan... Leviathan takes the name Pharaoh when she is joined to the Fiery Serpent in an individual who is ascended into the seventh energy center. That is some spiritually powerful person. A person whose Fiery Serpent is ascended is spiritually powerful, but when that Fiery Serpent ascends up high enough to join with Leviathan, you have got a spiritual atom bomb working through you, and the Scripture gives the name of the person who is in that spiritual condition Pharaoh. The Lord has just given me another witness right now to my belief, which would not be too popular in the church; that the Hebrew children were never in the kind of bondage, in the real physical Egypt, that is preached both by the Jew and the Christian. It was a spiritual bondage. Pharaoh was never named. This is my own, this is the revelation that God is given me, it is what I have been preaching for years.

If someone's wife is mentioned without a name, in the Scripture if a man's name is mentioned and it just says his wife, but his wife's personal name is not mentioned, that is the sign that the Scripture is talking about his spiritual wife... the Fiery Serpent within him. Pharaoh was never named concerning the Jews' escape from Egypt. Pharaoh is never named. He is a spiritual Pharaoh. I believe, at the point that Jacob's descendants went to live in Egypt. At some point this has to become physical because there is a physical Jewish people, and one of the walls of the temples still exists, there was a Jewish society in the Middle East, so at some point this has to be real. Until the Lord shows me otherwise, I am believing that Joseph did go to Egypt.

I believe that his brothers did, out of envy, sell him, or put him in a deep pit, which that could be spiritual too, that Joseph went into a deep pit, but for now, until the Lord shows me otherwise, I am believing that Joseph did wind up in physical Egypt and that there was a physical famine, and that his physical brothers did move to Egypt where he had the power to give them food. And that they took up residence in physical Israel, and they dwelt there. And at that point, the history becomes spiritual, in my opinion. That they were enslaved by the mystery religion of Egypt, and that when Moses killed that Egyptian, he killed the carnal mind in a Hebrew, and the midwives, the midwives were all of the Jews who were pregnant with Christ. Some agreed to kill their babies, the Christ within them, but others refused to kill the Christ within them.

And the Exodus is the account of Moses leading the Hebrew children who were overcome by the Egyptian mystery religion out of that world into the timeline of Christ. We have a great mystery here, I mentioned it to you, I think at dinner I mentioned it to you. I am waiting for the Lord to supply this answer for me. As far as Hinduism goes, and as far as I know all of the other philosophies based upon Hinduism, are pursuing the awakening of the Fiery Serpent. Their disciplines, their yoga, their exercises, are all designed to arouse the Fiery Serpent, who they believe to be sleeping in the root energy center. I believe that, that is true in non-Christians and non-Jews.

In the Christian and in the Jew, it appears that this relationship with the Lord Jesus in whatever form He is taking, if you are Jewish or if you are Christian, it does not have to be every individual, but it is available to Christians and Jews, a relationship with the Lord Jesus, however you know Him, and wherever you are, whether it is the Holy Spirit, or whoever the Jews pray to. I know that there is activity of the Spirit of God in Judaism because that is how, the first time I met the Lord was in a Jewish synagogue, and when we have a relationship with the Lord Jesus or any of His manifestations, energy is added to us.  That energy just zaps that Fiery Serpent and she just goes shooting right up. We read about the righteous Pharisee who had the Fiery Serpent ascended in him and cried out to Jesus for help because as much as he loved the Lord, he could not stop engaging in social witchcraft. I believe that righteous Pharisee was Peter. Why? Because when we did the Alternate Translation on the righteous Pharisee one of the things that he said was one of the same things that Peter had said to Jesus. Really, to be honest with you, I am half asleep, I am doing this, I do not know whether I am out in the Spirit, or what my problem is, but I am doing this out of obedience to the Lord, so please bear with me.

I really do not remember what the phrase was, but I recognized it when we did the Alternate Translation. People who are sold out to Jesus still practicing social witchcraft, dominating other people, sometimes lying, all kinds of sins that they do not recognize to be sins. Crying out to Jesus to set them free and give them a righteous nature. And the only reason that we engage in any kind of witchcraft is because the Fiery Serpent is ascended in us. Here we see the non-Christians writing all kinds of books and treatises on how to arouse the Fiery Serpent, and when you read the Bible, the message is how to cast the Fiery Serpent down! Is that not funny? That really strikes me as very humorous. If you do not know what I am talking about, it is because you have not read, or you have not listened to any of our other messages, but the account in the King James Translation that talks about the pigs falling off the cliff... we have a whole study on it, if you want it, contact the ministry. It has to do with Jesus casting the Fiery Serpent, who is ascended into the brow energy center and causing this man who desires righteousness to sin continuously, casting that Fiery Serpent down.

And the code name for the Fiery Serpent in the seventh energy center is swine, she is a pig. She is an absolute glutton, feeding on unhealthy energy. We see a total contradiction, which is no surprise, because the Spirit of Christ is always exactly opposite of the spirit of this world. The non-Christians and Jews are trying to wake up the Fiery Serpent, we are trying to put her to sleep. Get back down there to the second energy center, you wicked thing you!! The question that I do not understand is this: That it appears to me, from where I am sitting right now, it appears to me that a lot of people come to the Lord filled with social witchcraft. They are that way when they come to the Lord. There is a piece of information that I am lacking, if I am lacking it, the thought just came into my mind that came into my mind at dinner when we discussed this, and it very well might be the Lord telling me that the European people, by and large, are Israel. They are the ten tribes of Israel that are no longer identified as Israel. That is who the European peoples are, the descendants of the ten tribes of Israel. You have still got that, I am Jewish, you know. but those of you who are not Jewish, but who are European, you have still got that residue of that energy that was imparted to Israel when they made their covenant with Jehovah on Mount Sinai. That is the answer that is come to me twice. European's who have come to the filled with social witchcraft because of the ascended Fiery Serpent, somehow, I do not have the details, it is because that energy is still circulating within you on some level through your ancestors, that your ancestors received about 7,000 years ago. I still do not have all the answers, I just recognize this contradiction, which is usually the first step in the Lord teaching me. First I recognize the contradiction, and then He teaches me.

We see according to the Scriptural teaching, we see that an unnamed Pharaoh, and I do not believe one Pharaoh is named in the Scripture, an unnamed Pharaoh is talking about a mind, a mind that is resident in a Jew, or today in a Christian, whose Fiery Serpent is ascended all the way up the brow energy center and married to Leviathan. And Leviathan plus the Fiery Serpent is stronger than the sum of the strength of the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan. When these two join together, their strength is more than one plus one. Their strength is multiplied. That is a very strong mind that does not want to let Christ free. See, if you are a Christian today, or if you are a Jew, I do not know that many Jews are getting my messages at this time, but who knows... if you are a Christian or a Jew, and Christ is grafted to you, and your mind is of the strength or the quality known as Pharaoh, Christ is desperately trying to get out of Egypt, and He wants to take you, the personality, with Him.

He is up against a monster.  I cannot tell you for sure, but it would not surprise you if all of you are Pharaoh, you are all so strong, I have told you many times that when you take this victory and you crush Christ under your feet, all of you, you are going to be a fearsome force in the Kingdom of God. You are a fearsome force right now, praying out the Holy Ghost, but everybody here is very strong. The average person could not handle this ministry, they could not take it. They could not take what you are taking, they could not take what I have taken... that is why the first group that goes through is going to be very small. When we ascend, we will get the strength to help the others that are not this strong.

Pharaoh is within you, and Christ is within you, and you, the personality, are the slave in Egypt. If you have Christ within you, that is the blood that is on your door posts. And the Angel of Death is coming, He is going to cover your carnal mind. If Christ is not in you, you are going to die. Christ Jesus is coming to kill the firstborn which is the carnal mind, you better get that blood on your door post, which is the engrafted Word, and He better be a little more grown up than a sucking baby when the day of your calamity comes. What is the day of your calamity? When the Angel of Death covers the land. Oh, how could that be Christ, Sheila, an Angel of Death? Christ is the Angel of Death to the carnal mind. Christ is the Destroyer to the carnal mind. You better believe it, because it is the truth! He is coming with a fiery recompense to all unrighteousness. You better get the blood on the door, the Lord does not want you to die. The Lord does not want you to go into crisis, the Lord wants to save your soul, which is your personality. He is a going to kill that carnal mind, and if you are in the same bed with that carnal mind the time the fireball hits, you are going to die. You better get out of that wicked man's bed, and go flee to your true husband, which is Christ Jesus. This is time for Passover.

Every Christian or Jew who has Christ grafted to them, is challenged to escape from Pharaoh. They are unusually strong carnal minds. And the Lord Jesus is saying, Arise, ascend into the wilderness, I will guide you through it, and you will enter into the brow center, which is high enough above this world to deliver you from the trials and tribulations and problems of this world, this world will be under your feet. There were some Jews who heard the Lord through Moses and Aaron and they began the Exodus. We know that the timeline of Christ Jesus is linear, it is a straight line and a straight path from this world, which is in your heart center, the visible world is in your heart center, it is a straight line, a straight path up into the brow energy center.

The Scripture says that they wandered in the wilderness. I looked up the Hebrew word that means wander and it could not support the word in my heart, but I will tell you the word in my heart because for years now I have been doing this, and the Lord has been doing this through me, He gives me a word in my heart, and the Scripture may not come for six months or until a year later, but I know what the Lord told me, that the reason they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years was that they were in the, they could not tell the difference between their Christ mind and their carnal mind, and they were in their carnal mind, and their carnal mind is spiraling, they walked in circles, you see? Instead of going on a straight line right up to the brow center, they walked in circles. And maybe they did not even get up into these three levels of consciousness that are the wilderness. Maybe the circle that they walked in was that Satan bowed them over and they came right back down somehow to these lower energy centers. Maybe that is the circle that they walked in, Satan bowed them over.

They thought they were going up but they were really circling all the way down. They could not distinguish between their Christ mind and their carnal mind. I just went inside looking for a Scripture that would support this, and I could not find it, but I did look briefly at those Scriptures in Numbers where supposedly, Jehovah is speaking to the Hebrew children, punishing, in this punishing tone, saying, You will not enter in, you will wander in the wilderness for 40 years, but your little ones, they will enter in! I am getting to the point, brethren, where I can get at least a glimpse of the revelation without looking up the Interlinear Text. And I will tell you right now that the little ones are Christ. That their carnal mind will not enter in, but Christ will enter in. And they will die in the wilderness, they will die to their carnal mind in the wilderness. I can tell you openly Jehovah never spoke in that tone to His people.

He never relegated them, I mean, do you know how torturous, do you know what torture that would be to wander in the wilderness for 40 years?? No, brethren, Jehovah does not do that to His people. They died to their carnal mind, and the little one, the Christ in them, He entered in. I know, because I teach this message, that Christ cannot enter in when the personality dies, because when the personality dies, the physical body dies. And Christ, in utero in that man, dies too. If the physical body of a man that is pregnant with Christ dies, that manifestation of Christ dies also. Just like a pregnant woman, if she is in a car accident, and four or five months pregnant, or even six, seven months the baby might live... the baby cannot live without its mother, it dies. For the Scripture to say, Your little ones will enter in, that means the personality has to live. We see they did not die in the wilderness, but they died to their carnal mind as they walked in the wilderness.

This world is Egypt, and the world in our heart center is the Promised Land. Praise the Lord. And this is the Tower of Babel, I should really write that, before you take the picture, let me write that... this is the Tower of Babel. All of this knowledge, and the Bible says, and they were building a tower. Brethren, that big fat book that you carry around with you all the time is an absolute abbreviation of the spiritual truth. That book called the Bible is not designed to educate you in spiritual principles. That book is designed to expose your sin nature by a revelation of righteousness.

And when you look at it and compare yourself to it, you should see your sin nature. And in that book also is the promise of regeneration of life in Christ Jesus. That is what the book is all about, it does not teach spiritual principles, it does not teach spiritual principles. The book says, they were building a tower. This is what the book is talking about, and I tell you the truth, this kind of study that is here tonight, with this drawing on the board, this is only for people that have Christ formed in them, and are willing to have their sins exposed so that the carnal mind could be weakened. This kind of teaching is strengthening the Christ in you, so that when your carnal mind is weakened, Christ can stand up. This kind of teaching to a man that does not have Christ formed in him, will bring him down. It will be destructive to him, it will lead him to Satan's teachings.

He will perceive this with his carnal mind, and Satan will be strengthened in him. This is not for the world, this is not for everybody. I think I told you, once, probably several times, one of the biggest witches around loves my translations, told me it was one of the best translations he had ever read, he was all excited about it. This is good stuff, except for the part about exposing your sins. People initiated into spiritual philosophy of all kinds would just love this stuff, and they would just pooh-pooh the part about confessing your sins, you know, they would just go over that, take the good stuff and throw out the bones. I fully believe, that anyone whose spirit is developed enough to read these books and understand it on any level, or listen to these messages, that if they do listen, they will catch this seed, it will graft to them and they will get a return that they did not expect.

Are there any questions about the Tower of Babel? It is going to be a glorious day, there is a song like that... glorious day when we get to heaven, it is going to be a glorious day when we get up there. I have experienced it a couple of times, it is a wonderful. I am assuming I was in the brow energy center, I was certainly a lot higher than I am now. It never lasted, I was caught up for a specific reason on several different occasions. You feel good, it is complete healing to your emotions, and you are very strong, very strong in your mind, very powerful, very benevolent, it is just wonderful. I look forward to the day that the Lord lets me experience that again in Him, and certainly to the day that I could stay up there. Praise the Lord. Are there any questions or comments?

COMMENT: That remainder of Satan's levels of evil underground, could you call that the conscious mind?

PASTOR VITALE: No, that is talking about levels of spirituality in Satan, and you could be very high, spiritually high, in Satan. They are just indicating that Satan's spirituality is underground, it is a false heaven, you see, really under your feet. Anybody else?

This message was actually a continuation of a message that we preached this morning, it is called Message #507, A Study in Rebellion. We dealt with the same diagram, but for some reason I felt to give this message another name.  


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Looking at Drawing #1, which was a part of this morning's message, we see what really is the Tower of Babel, this is what the people of the earth were building, it was a spiritual tower and it was a tower within themselves. They were trying to climb up to this high mountain, which we have identified as the crown energy center and the Lord revealed to us this morning that there are energy centers which do not project the image of a world. We see that this area down here, this is an image of the world before, I would have to, I do not know whether it is before Jesus or before the Jews because the Spirit of Life did enter into the earth with - who did the Spirit of Life enter into the earth with? Does anybody remember? Why do not you put it on the messagee.

COMMENT: I was going to say Isaac.

PASTOR VITALE: Yes, physically, it entered in with Isaac. The spirit of Jehovah entered in through covenant with Abraham and manifested physically as a seed, as a genetic seed in Isaac, and was manifested as a man in Jacob, and ultimately, the anointing overshadowed the man in Jacob's descendant. Who?


PASTOR VITALE: No, no... the Spirit of Jehovah entered into this physical world through covenant with Abraham, manifested as a physical seed in Isaac, the seed manifested as a physical man in Jacob, we had a man, Jacob with an anointing but in one of Jacob's descendants, the anointing overtook the man. Yes?

COMMENT: Say Judah?

PASTOR VITALE: No, further on.

COMMENT: Joseph?


COMMENT: I will say David.

PASTOR VITALE: David, yes. The anointing overtook the man in David and then in David's descendant, the anointing overtook the man Jesus on a higher level than it existed in David. And then the anointing that was on Jesus went underground, okay, the seed was buried in the ground of the earth of humanity, and we are waiting for a great harvest. The harvest that the church talks about is not the truth of the Scripture. The harvest is not a bunch of, and I am not putting down these people but, the harvest is not a collection of mortal men coming to some experience, which we call reconciliation with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. No, the harvest is a crop of fruit. There is no fruit when you first come in from the cold. The harvest is the seed of Jesus Christ that was buried in the ground of humanity coming forth in many men, the anointing overtaking many men. Okay? The harvest is Christ Jesus, the fruit. See, the church teaches that Jesus is the first fruits, who is the second fruit? See? You want to say something?

COMMENT: The Sons.

PASTOR VITALE: Right, right. The rest of the fruit is the Sons. It is Christ Jesus coming forth in many men. It is not unsaved men receiving some knowledge.. I cannot even say receiving a knowledge of the Lord because what knowledge do you receive? I mean, it is such a miniscule knowledge that you receive when you are totally out in the world and you answer an alter call. What kind of a knowledge do you, you really do not receive any knowledge at all because it is all a lie. They tell you if you want to go to heaven when you die, come answer the altar call. There is really no knowledge at all, what you receive is a touch of the Holy Spirit, you receive a drop of the Holy Spirit. And maybe you hear the Gospel of the Cross and you hear about Jesus and you hear that there is such a thing as salvation, that is true, that there is such a thing as salvation, but they do not really understand what salvation is, see?

There is a great harvest coming forth. Before the harvest, before you can harvest the fruit, the fruit has to appear. We are waiting for the fruit of Christ Jesus to appear in many men, and then the harvest is the circumcising of the carnal mind, the cutting away of the carnal mind so that Christ Jesus in the individual can overshadow the individual. That is what the harvest is, harvesting means cutting away, cropping off. It is the cropping off of the carnal mind, it is the separation of the wheat, which is Christ, from the chaff, which is the carnal mind. It is a cutting, as you found out this morning, it is a cutting, it hurts! You do not receive much truth when you answer an altar call in the church today, other than, which is no small thing. If there is such a thing as salvation, there is a savior, Jesus is the Savior of the world, and we do have hope in Him, and you receive a drop of the Holy Spirit.

Back to this diagram here, I am not sure, okay... I am going to say that this is the world, honestly I cannot hear right now from the Lord whether it is... okay, this is the world even before the Jews because the Jews pretty much were a nation unto themselves. The Jews produced Messiah, the Savior of the world. When the Jews existed, they really were not out there, they were not there stretching out towards the other peoples of the world to impart salvation to them. This is my understanding that they were not doing that. The Jews pretty much stayed to themselves, they did not have many converts. They really did not evangelize, but they did produce Messiah, see?

This is the world, and the Jews are a part of what happened with Jesus. This world up here, this world up here, this is the world since Jesus appeared and the Jews are a part of that. Down here, starting from this line, we have the world before the Spirit of Life entered into it, and all spirituality in those days was under the ground from Satan, from here down. The only spirituality available to human beings was under the ground, Satan's spirituality. Then Jesus Christ entered into the world and the Jews, being a part of Him for the purposes of this study, and this little area in here that I did not know what it was this morning, that is all that is left of these five layers of the underworld. Because what is happening, and according to any spiritual philosophy, according to Hinduism, Buddhism, man is working his way out from under the negative influences of the earth. That is what Hinduism and Buddhism teach you. That we are here in this earth, we are spirit and we are flesh and that our job here is to ascend spiritually and overcome the impulses of the flesh. That is what Hinduism and Buddhism teach.

You have to work your way up this tower until you ascend into liberty, and depending on what philosophy you are studying with, they have a variety of names for this liberation from the boundaries of the physical world. And that also is the truth of Christianity, except you do not hear it preached in traditional Christian circles, but that is the truth. What is the difference between what Hinduism and Buddhism teach, if this is the truth about Christianity, what is the difference between what Hindu and Buddhism teaches and what Christianity teaches? Christianity teaches that there is two towers like this, see? And if you ascend in the Tower of Babel, which to ascend in the Tower of Babel your energy comes from Satan, that you may think that you are liberated, you may think that you are up here at the top, but the truth is at the end of the day, you are down at the bottom.

That is what Christianity teaches. And then there is another tower, which is called Christ Jesus, our strong tower, which is the true channel of ascension. And that this channel of ascension, because we got this drawing out of a Hindu book, is a lie. That this liberty depicted at the top of the tower, is really still under the ground. That is the difference between Hinduism and Buddhism and the other associated philosophies, and Christianity. This little section in here is all that is left of the negativity of these five layers of the underworld. And to be honest with you, I am not sure if I have this right or not. I frequently get things like this backwards. We copied this from a Hindu book and it only shows five layers of the underworld and I have labeled them 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, the most bottom layer being 7, but I may not have that right. Assuming for this message that I do have it right, by the time we get up here to the visible world that is projected by Jesus Christ, we see that four of these five layers have been overcome.

Christianity changed the whole world. Have you ever stopped to think of the awesomeness of the affect of Christianity on the whole world? Do you know that the whole world, at least for purposes of communication with other people, goes by the Christian calendar. There is a Jewish calendar and there is a Chinese calendar, but that is like their private little business in their homes and in their places of worship. When they come out to go to work, when they come out to do business, when they come out to do trade or make money, they are in the year 2000 AD, after Christ. That is the extent to which this plane of consciousness has influenced the entire world. You can go to any country in the world, and maybe once in a while they wear the dress, their local dress, but men wear business suits. The women wear Western dresses, if they are in business, I am not talking about nations where the women are not allowed out of the house. We have influenced the entire world. Strongly influenced the entire world. We have changed, I mean Christ, the Lord Jesus, has changed the whole world. And it was not even the whole thing, He was just one man. He was just the beginning. He is the beginning of the creation of God! One man! Do you believe this? If you stop to think about it, it is awesome!

In Christianity, human beings supposedly, and it is true to some degree, we have become civilized. There are always throwbacks and people who are sick and do things that are wrong, but as a nation, we are against torturing people, it is my understanding that when our Army goes into a foreign land, it is illegal for soldiers to rape the women of the indigent nations. They could be court martialed for doing it. We do not enslave our enemies, we rebuild their lands. Look at what happened to Germany and Japan after the war. The height of civilization has come out of Christianity.

Bad things have come out of Christianity, you are hearing a lot today about the bad things that have come out of Christianity, how the white man has come to this world and utterly brutalized all of the natives. I cannot answer you for that, I do not have the answer for you, other than to say, yes, it is a mixture. Because the Christianity that is in the world today is the Holy Spirit influencing the carnal mind. And the fact that someone was dragged to church every Sunday by their parents does not make them Christ. As a nation, yes we had slavery, but we freed the slaves. It is now illegal in this nation. Do you know they still have slaves in the Middle East and in certain parts of Africa, they still have slaves.

This nation is great. The whole Western world is great because of the Holy Spirit. Great, but not perfect. And there are many people who are not walking in Christ who have done evil. And I want to tell you there is a big propaganda play going on today, especially from the native Americans, from the American Indians. How they were these innocent, harmless people, and all of these wicked Europeans came and just wiped them out. It cannot be, brethren, it has to be a little bit of everything. When I was a little girl all you saw were these Indian movies and all the Indians were terrible and now they have reversed it, they are making all the Europeans terrible. You cannot tell me there were no criminal Indians, because I do not believe it. Bad things did happen in Christendom, and I will not make any excuses for it, I will tell you that it is the truth, but I will not make any excuses for it.

The whole world has greatly prospered because of Christianity, and I will not make excuses for the Christianity that we know today being imperfect. It is not imperfect, it is in part. It is not completed yet. What little I know about American Indian history, there were certain tribes that attacked other Indian tribes all the time, and took slaves. And that happened in Africa also. They fought amongst themselves and took slaves. Does that mean that it is right that in this country we had people holding slaves? No, but we stopped it. And a large, if not the whole foundation of liberation from slavery, were all Bible believing Christians.

This area over here in the tower; that is the visible world that came into existence after Christ manifested in the earth, and we see that four of the five underworld layers have been swallowed up and purified. These are five layers of spiritual consciousness that were darkened, they were in Satan. And, you may recall from this morning, that there is no heaven in this world that says "earth only" on the board. In the next world..., this first world before Christ, this is the world that was projected by the belly center, which is identified largely by lust, that was the world before Jesus. This is the world after the Lord Jesus, which was and is still being projected from the right side of the heart center. Why? Because Satan's still in the world. This row down here, the only one of the five lower levels that is left, this is where Satan is, she is still the Lord of the underworld.

This is the visible world, and now there is a heaven. The Holy Spirit is the only true heaven that is in the earth today. And this world exists because it is being projected from the right side of the heart center, which means, that both Satan and the Spirit of Christ are projecting simultaneously. That is why the world is so confused. It is really the image, the image of this world, it is really Satan's world but the Holy Spirit is present, influencing us for good. Did you ever stop to think about how brutal this world was before Christ? People going into battle, hand to hand, cutting people's hearts out, chopping arms off, gouging eyes out. I saw a movie not too long ago about Great Britain. I do not know whether it was the 1600's or 1700's... just before the Magna Carta and just before the great liberty that came into Britain. A man was punished by a nobleman, he cut his ears off and then cut his tongue out, and that was acceptable punishment for whatever the man was accused of doing.

Cutting people's ears off and tongue out. This is what they did in those days. I just said two things. The world has been greatly influenced for the better since Christ entered into the world, and also, that this change did not come over night. Because the date of this movie that I saw, it was not the date of the movie, but the time of history that this took place was at least 1600 years after Christ was born. And these atrocities were still being committed and accepted by the state in a Christian nation, headed up by a Christian monarch. The new visible world that comes forth, comes forth very slowly. It is already 2000 years and what is happening? 2000 years AD, what is happening? Christianity appears to be deteriorating. There is a tremendous uprising of Hinduism and Buddhism, philosophy coming forth under many names, theosophy, New Age, human secularism is all basically at his foundational roots, Hinduism. At the very least, if you are hearing this message and you disagree with me, maybe I am wrong, but it is Satan's philosophy. Seems to be overtaking the Christianity that exists today, which is not the real thing. The Christianity that exists today is not the real thing! It is a game that people play. They go to church in fancy buildings, and they have big orchestras and everybody jumps up and down, and they go home and they do their carnal life. I am not against big buildings, I am not against big orchestras, if it is a part of what the Spirit of Christ is doing. And neither am I condemning the people who go to these churches or the pastors who run these churches. What I am saying is, that Christianity is still in part. And the Christianity that we see today is not the real thing. It is spiritual infantilism in Christ. That is not the grown man.

We see that there is a time period for the projected spiritual world to appear. It takes time. And it appears to the untrained eye that the Christianity that we know as Christianity, or that the world perceives as Christianity, appears to be deteriorating. The Christians are starting to have the same problems that the Jews have. For years, Jewish leaders have been concerned about young men and women marrying out of the faith, usually marrying Christians. There is a big increase in Christians marrying Muslims. All kind of mixture going on. It appears that Christianity is deteriorating, but it is a lie. What is deteriorating is what the Lord Jesus said would deteriorate. The gifts are passing away. For the gifts to pass away, the giver of gifts must pass away.

The giver of gifts is the Holy Spirit. He is passing away. To the uneducated, to the ignorant, and to the arrogant... they stand there and they say, aha, aha, I knew it would never last. And I have a personal word from the Lord that the account in the Book of Revelation, with the Two Witness Company being laughed at to the point that people would gifts and make merry over their death, is this year of the Millennium. I remind you of the Scripture, "That in the midst of the year, the Spirit of Life entered into the Two Witness company, and they rose from the dead, and everyone was afraid." Christ Jesus is the Two Witness company, the Spirit of Christ in the spiritual man, Christ Jesus, and He is in the process of rising from the dead. He is rising, but He is not, see.. when He rises from the dead, when He fully rises from the dead, He will be born again into His Kingdom, into a spiritual kingdom, up here in the brow energy center, and when He appears in the brow energy center, we shall appear with Him. Are you familiar with that Scripture, "When He appears, we will appear with Him." What does that mean?

When He appears in the brow energy center, our consciousness shall appear with Him. Is He not appearing now? Does the Holy Spirit do miracles, is there not a church on every corner, is there not a Bible in every hotel room, is He not appearing now? He is not appearing as a full grown man, there are just little streams of Him appearing, but there is so much pollution in the people that He is appearing in, that the image that the world sees is not accurate! It is just not accurate. Do you think your one year old son could accurately portray you? I mean, just imagine this... you sent your one year old son as an ambassador to a hostile nation. Do you think that hostile nation is going to have the slightest idea of who you are or what you are like or what your nature is by looking at your one year old son? And what would your one year old son be saying to them? Feed me, lift me up, change my diaper, give me, give me, give me, give me... I do not mean to mock anyone. Is that not what the church is doing... give me a word, give me a blessing, give me a healing, give me money, give me a husband, give me a wife? This is not the spiritual man, Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus give, the adults give, the grown man gives. They give the blessings, but before you can give the blessings you have to be filled up, you have to be filled up with the life of God.

Back to the drawing. This drawing is from a Hindu book, and we see that four of the five levels of satanic spirituality under the ground have been ameliorated, they have been cleansed by the Holy Spirit and raised up above the ground here, we now have a heaven and an earth with one level of wickedness. You know, there are people in this world that eat other human beings? We have been raised up above this. There are societies in which incest is acceptable and honorable. What is wrong with incest, Sheila, do you not know it is the latest thing? Look at your daytime soap operas, look at the movies, incest is the up and coming thing. Brethren, you may not see it now, but the fruit of incest is destruction. All of the laws that the Lord has given us are designed to give us the best possible life, us and our descendants, the best possible life, as long as we are in this flesh. And you may think that it is really cool right now... I saw a young lady do this, I saw her?  I saw her look up to heaven, waiting for that lightning bolt to fall, and it did not fall, and she thought she had it made. And, two weeks later she went under heavy judgment. Do not be ignorant, brethren. You may be having a ball making it with your sister right now, but the fruit of your wickedness will be felt by your descendants. The world has become spiritually civilized in Christ Jesus.

We have three levels of consciousness, between the consciousness that has produced this world, which has both Satan and the Holy Spirit in it, and the world that is projected by the brow energy center. Three levels of consciousness that have been described as the desert or the wilderness. And what that means is that the person who is consciousness has ascended beyond the acceptable or the prescribed consciousness of people who live in this visible world, if your consciousness is going up, if you are hearing this message, your consciousness is being raised up above this world. Whether you are in the first, second or third level, the fact that your consciousness has been raised to that degree, does not produce a visible world, it has not changed the world. Brethren, look at what we are doing here. It is awesome, what Christ Jesus is doing here through us.

We have not affected the world. The world has not changed because of us. And I cannot even say that the few people who may have heard this word through the internet, there is really very few of us right now, or through meeting one of us, we do have representatives all over the world, even the people that hear the message, they do not know what we are talking about, they do not have the slightest idea what we are talking about. They cannot understand it! We have not changed this world yet. This message has not changed this world. The Spirit of Christ that is flowing here has not changed the world. We are somewhere in these three levels. We are ascended above this visible world down here, but we have not yet produced a new world. Jesus Christ produced a new world. We are headed, we are crossing the desert. This is Egypt, this whole world is Egypt. Why is this world Egypt? Aside from the fact that we are in bondage, and we are enslaved - we cannot give up eating, we cannot give up sleeping, we cannot give up our need for shelter, or any other comfort that we have in this world. We are enslaved. What is the overriding characteristic of a slave? Dependency, dependency.

Everyone in this world is dependent. If all the cattle died and the earth did not give forth a crop, we would starve to death. In a drought, we would die from lack of thirst. Everyone born of a woman is dependent. And this may shock you, but the Lord Jesus was dependent when He was born. He was a physical infant. A full grown, and fully born spiritual man needs nothing from anybody. He is sustained physically from within, he may be able to eat, I do not have any reason to believe that he could not eat, but he does not need the food of this world. Why does he not need the food of this world, does anybody know? Why would he not need the food of this world? Brethren, the food of this world sustains this physical body. The glorified Jesus Christ does not have a physical body. He has the ability to appear in a physical body, but it is not a physical body the likes of which we have. This kind of physical body needs physical food. It needs animal flesh, and grains and fruits and vegetables grown from the earth, or it will die. Someone who has been liberated from this world does not need the food of this world because even if they appeared in a body that looks like ours, it is not like ours. It may look like ours, but it is not a physical body of this world, does anyone not understand that?

Physical food sustains the life of this animal body. That is how we are going to be delivered from labor, or at least one of the ways that we will be delivered from labor. One of the promises of the Scripture is that we shall be delivered from physical labor. We will not have to grow or prepare food anymore or take care of this body anymore because we will be delivered from this physical body. Yet, we have preachers and people in the church just preaching up a storm on how this body is going to be preserved, no, it is not going to be preserved. Because this physical body is of this world. It is of this world that is coming out of the right side of the heart center.

As we ascend, we have to leave this body behind us and we take on the body of the world that we enter into. That is the truth. For the time being our physical body is down here in the world, projected by the right side of the heart center, but our mind, our mind, our spirit, is stretching upwards, and eventually our spirit is going to enter into this world, the visible world of the brown energy center and then at some point, we are going to be stretched between the world that is projected by the right side of the heart center and the world that is projected by the sixth energy center, and at some point, Lord willing, as we overcome this part of us that is down here in this present visible world, is going to dissolve. As our spirit just moves up into the brow energy center, the part of us that is down here in this visible world will simply disappear. It will be a process that would be likened, not the exact same thing, but likened, to the deterioration of the physical body upon death. Upon death the bones remain.

The physical body of the ascended man, including the bones, will completely disappear, because if you can hear it, this body is made up of trillions of cells which are held together by a superior mind. And it is Satan and Leviathan that hold together the shape of this world, and they do not hold it together from outside of us, but they hold it together through their union with our human spirit and with the carnal mind which is within us. And when our human spirit ascends completely into Christ Jesus, this body is just going to disappear. Because all of the trillions of cells will just be turned back to the matter stream. It is literally being emptied out from inside, there will be nothing left. There will not be any remaining carcass that we can see, it will be as if we never existed. It would be the same thing as if you picked up here and moved to China. The memory of you in the United States would remain. There are people who will remember you, but you will be gone, there will be no sign of you, because you will have migrated to the other side of the world.

There will not be a carcass, there will not be any bones, there will not be a grave; you just will not be there anymore. The spirit and the mind migrates first. Everybody listening to this message with any understanding at all is somewhere in this three-tiered wilderness. And every time you hear a message like this, it is pulling you up higher, it is pulling you up higher. And the idea is to get up there into the brow energy center and stay there. You see, I know that I touch the brow energy center from time to time, and perhaps you do also, I do not know, I do not know, yes I know, but I know that I have and that I do.  I do not stay there, it is like a tide rolling in. Sometimes I am very high and I touch the brow energy center, stay there and flow out... also remember that we are not a particle, we are a wave, we are, our mind is made up of many particles of energy. It is even possible that part of my mind is in the brow energy center, but not the majority of me, you see? How do I know that? I am just too carnal to even suggest that at least a part of me is all the way up there. I do not know, maybe this part of me that preaches this glorious doctrine is up there, but the fight is not getting my mind up there because my mind is Christ. Christ Jesus in the individual ascends into the brow energy center, that is where He defaults to, He automatically reaches for the high things of the spirit.

That is no challenge, getting Christ Jesus up there. The challenge is getting our flesh up there, getting our emotions up there, and our lusts for this world, and the lusts for the things of the body, that is the challenge. It is possible for our mind to be in the sixth energy center, but our emotions are still down with the lusts of this world. Eventually, as we overcome, Jesus says, "To the one who overcometh, he will inherit all things." He will inherit the life of the higher centers. The one who overcomes the lusts of the body, the lusts of the carnal mind, the lusts of the emotions, the one who climbs over them and ascends through the wilderness into the promised land... when enough of him is accumulated in the brow energy center... remember, we are a multiplicity of particles of energy. When enough of us accumulates in the brow energy center, the part of us that is appearing down here in the visible world as we know it will begin to deteriorate, will begin to fade away, because the majority of us will be up here. And that, what I just told you, is an exchange of priorities. When your priorities become the things of the Mind of Christ, as opposed to the things of this world, I do not know how to measure this, but what is happening to you is that your mind is an ascended condition.

You cannot do this yourself. You cannot give up the things of the flesh. You cannot give it up yourself, it is a religious work. The only way up there; that I know of, maybe there is another way but I do not know about it, this is what God is given the church today as far as I know, is to pursue the Doctrine of Christ, and His righteousness, and a moral lifestyle. And when you do this, when you desire His righteousness through a moral lifestyle, and you are willing to study the Doctrine of Christ, your mind begins to ascend into the higher places. Your physical body and your emotions are still down here in this world. I am doing better than I have ever done, I have been preaching this message for twelve years. I am lusting for the things of the world less than I ever have before, but believe me, I am still in this world. I would like to believe that I would willingly give up anything the Lord asked me to give up, but as long as He is not asking me to give it up, I like getting my nails done every two weeks. I like wearing a nice outfit, I like clothes and I like looking nice. I am not going to tell you that it means nothing to me, because that is a lie. I believe if I had to choose, I would choose Jesus. I like living in a nice house, having a nice car, having the money to take a plane trip somewhere. I like that. I do not desire poverty. I was in poverty for years and I did it because I would not give up Jesus for anything, but I do not desire it, it is not my choice.

We see that the left side of the heart center, the first level above the visible world, I have marked for the left side of the heart center. It does not produce a visible world, it does not change this world. The fact that I am in the left side of my heart center, and I would expect you are too, has not changed the world.  And then the next level is the throat center, we receive spiritual power in the throat center. I know that my prayers are very powerful. There is a really good chance that a large part of me is up there in the throat center.

I honestly do not know what this next level is, I wrote on the board that there are two levels of the throat center, but I know that is not true. There has to be another level there, I just do not know what it is. Something that I cannot see right now, or maybe I do not know about it. I find this tower very interesting, and I think what is really hard for a lot of Christians to accept is that the spiritual philosophy of this world is the same for Christians and for non-Christians alike. The problem is the same. What is the problem? That humanity is involved in an unending series of births and deaths. We do not continue, except in our offspring. Humanity is being recycled.

Brethren, your offspring, especially if you are a woman, your offspring is made from the flesh and blood of your body. I hope you all know that. A seed gets inside of you and the flesh and blood from your body wraps around that seed, and when it is mature enough, it departs from you taking your flesh with it. This is the way that mortal humanity ceases from annihilation, but individuals do not go on. That is the problem. And Christians and non-Christians alike have this same problem. The solution is different. The solution that comes to us through the Spirit of Christ is different than the solution that comes to us by the spirit of this world. You know, it is really that simple, although most people cannot believe it. Either it is Christ, or it is Satan.

There are only two spirits in this whole world generating thought, generating philosophy, generating ideas, generating inventions, generating solutions. There are only two spirits, the Spirit of Christ or the spirit of Satan. And the philosophy of the spirit of this world is so close to the philosophy of the Spirit of Christ that if you do not have the Mind of Christ you cannot even tell the difference. It sounds the same. There is one outstanding characteristic of the ascension in Christ Jesus that you will not find in the ascension in the spirit of this world, and that is, you should know, what is the answer? You do not know. IT IS THE EXPOSURE AND THE ANNIHILATION OF YOUR SIN NATURE, WITH GREAT PAIN. You do not find this in the spiritual disciplines of the world. Frequently, the spiritual disciplines of the world preach poverty, they deny the pleasures of this world, move into groups, live collectively. They are trying to withdraw from this world physically, but the separation from this world is spiritual. And at least up until now, from what I have seen as to what the Lord is doing with me, is that He is not opposed to His people having, within reason, the pleasures of this world, as long as He is really first. It all depends on what your definition of "the pleasures of this world" are. I do not believe you can drink.

Why can you not drink Sheila?  The Scripture said that Paul said to Timothy that he should have a glass of wine for his belly because he had stomach troubles. First of all, let me tell you this; I believe that it is up to the individual whether they take a glass of wine or not. I do not drink. The high priest, or the priests in the Scripture do not drink, and it is not a religious commandment. The reason I do not drink is that I know that when I have a glass of wine, it dulls my sensibilities, it represses Christ in me. See, it affects the physical body which represses Christ in me, and if the Lord Jesus wants to rise up in me and move, His servant is not in the best condition. It is the same thing when you get sick, you cannot be the best manifestation of Christ possible when you are sick, your goal is health. You need a healthy body to do the best you can in Christ Jesus, you need a healthy body.

To take a drink, it dulls your sensibilities, and hinders the manifestation of the Spirit of Christ, and for that reason I do not drink, but it is my choice. The Lord has not put me under the law. A few years ago, I was at a Jewish Seder and I decided, I am not under the law, everyone is drinking wine, I am drinking grape juice with the children, I am going to have some wine tonight, and I just took a sip, I have not had a drink in so long that it made me very heady.

That night, an opportunity to minister arose at the Seder table and I was tipsy. You see, the Lord taught me, and here, once again, I tell you of the nature of our Lord. The nature of our Lord does not put us under the law. He tells us the truth, He explains it to us, and He lets us choose. I believe I could go out and drink a glass of wine tomorrow. He would not punish me, I do not believe He would punish me, but I choose to not do it because it is my choice, to be at every waking moment, ready to minister, and to serve my Lord in any way that He wants me to. That is my choice, I give that up for Him. And as far as Paul telling Timothy to drink a glass of wine for his stomach, I am sorry to disillusion you, but I prayed about that Scripture for years, why that would even be in the Scripture, let us say it was true, which it is not, that Paul was telling Timothy how to care for his weak stomach... why would that be in the Scripture, because that is not what Paul is saying. What does the word belly mean? What does the word belly mean, what is the belly? Yes.

COMMENT: The lust center?

PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it is the third energy center. Paul was telling Timothy, if you are having a problem with lust, what you need is a glass of wine. What is the wine, what is wine in the Scripture?

COMMENT: Life of Christ?

PASTOR VITALE: The Spirit of Christ. And the cup is the physical body. Paul said, Timothy, I hear you are having a problem with lust. What you need is to have some wine into your cup. If the Spirit of Christ is flowing through you with power, it will deal with the lust of your flesh, I do not know what problem Timothy was having, maybe it was a sexual lust, maybe it was a lust for money, I do not know. Paul said, fill yourself up with the Spirit of Christ, and it will deal with that problem which is arising out of your belly, out of the third energy center. I have not really looked at this in the Greek, I got this by revelation, but I believe the Scripture says something about a glass of wine before you go to sleep. If the word sleep really is in the Greek, and again, I have not looked, if it really is in the Greek, we know, that, Scripturally speaking, to sleep means that you are in your carnal mind. If your carnal mind is stirring up the lust of your belly, your third energy center, fill your vessel up with the Spirit of Christ, that is the solution to your problem.

There are some things of this world, of course we cannot have, we cannot fornicate, we cannot engage in adultery. And of course, we cannot steal or bear false witness. Insofar as I mentioned earlier, doing my nails, or doing my hair, or having a new dress, or going on a vacation, or having a nice home to live in, my personal understanding at this time is that the Lord has no problem with this. See, many spiritual philosophies would require you to give up nice clothes, makeup, nice hair, nails if you are a woman, a nice house, nice car... many spiritual philosophies would reject these things of the world. It is my understanding, at where I am today, that so long, and this is by God's judgment, not by my judgment, not by your judgment, not by the judgment of the carnal mind, but if the Lord makes a judgment, if the Lord makes a judgment that giving us a nice home and some nice things in our life, some nice physical things that we can certainly live without in our life, if that is not going to turn us away from our walk with Him, He has no problem with us having it. It does not glorify the Lord for us to live in poverty. See, the crushing of the world is in the spirit. It is the world of the carnal mind that must be crushed. There is no reason to starve your body, or starve your emotions, or sleep on a floor with a thin little mat, because regeneration is not in the physical body, it is in the renewing of the mind. And how is your mind renewed?

The spirit of your mind has to shed, the spirit of our mind is dwelling in the carnal mind right now. We have to shed that carnal mind and enter into the Mind of Christ. That is how we are renewed, in the spirit of our mind, it is the spirit that migrates from the carnal mind to the Christ mind. We deprive the carnal mind, we starve the carnal mind, we do not have to starve our body, or that part of us that is still so human that it can enjoy something nice. I believe the Lord wants us all to be comfortable. He told me this. If our life is dedicated to the pursuit of the Doctrine of Christ and the things of God, it does not glorify Him for us to have problems with our health, or problems with our finances, or problems in the necessities of life. Just like so many religions provide a retreat or a place where you can go to have peace of mind to seek the Lord in prayer, those of us who have given our whole life over to the pursuit of the Kingdom of God, would be only hindered by having financial or physical problems, or lacking the material things that we still need to be comfortable because we are so human. And it is not His desire at all to deprive us of these things, it is His desire to deprive us of our carnal mind. And, if we are willfully following that path of rejecting our carnal mind and following Him, there is no reason for us to be uncomfortable in the areas where we are still very human. He told me this.

I will alter that drawing for you. We will make it a drawing number 2. I am just very excited at what the Lord has told us here today. I would just like to know what that third level is between the two visible worlds. And do you understand that when at least someone, or a group of people, completely ascend into the brow center, that means they do not come out of the brow center anymore. I have touched the brow center several times but I come down. When somebody ascends into the brow center and stays there, it will change the whole world to an even greater degree than Jesus Christ changed this world. Even greater, because the church that you see today is in part. This time, 2000 years later, the ascension into the brow center by one man, followed by many others thereafter, is going to produce a whole world of people engraved with the nature of Jesus Christ. It is not going to happen in one day. It is going to take a very long time.

I am so curious to find out how this is going to manifest! Listen, when Jesus appeared, He just had a few disciples. I think the Scripture says, 500 left Him, you can correct me somebody if you know that I am wrong, because I could be wrong about this, when He said, "You must eat my flesh and eat my blood." Maybe that 500 was all that there were, maybe there were 502. I do not believe there were thousands of people following Him. Those numbers in the Scripture about the people sitting on the grass; that is all spiritual symbolism. There were no cars, they traveled by foot. People lived in small towns and small villages in those days. I do not think 5,000 people accumulated anywhere ever in those days. At the time that Jesus was crucified, there were very few people that were following His teachings. It took years. Where does that leave us? Let us say, there is a group of people, hopefully we are going to be a part of it, a part of that group, that ascend into that brow energy center because Christ Jesus in us is born again into the world or the Kingdom of His Father, but the world does not know about us, they do not know who we are, if we try to tell them, they cannot even understand this doctrine, they do not understand the first word. You know, I have tried to tell several people some simple little nugget, I tried to make it simple, do you know that as soon as I opened my mouth, their face, several people, their face goes into a grimace, pain, I see pain on their face.

They cannot comprehend what I am talking about, or, the spirit that stirs up in me when I start talking about the things of Christ, is causing them pain. I stop talking immediately. I look at their face and I stop talking immediately. I am causing them pain, I am hurting them! How are we going to interact with the world? Let is just say hypothetically we stand, and our job is to seed the world, a man at a time, with the virile seed of the Lord Jesus Christ. The people, they do not have any idea what we are about. They freak out if we try to manifest near them. What is our world going to be like? Do you think it could be anything at all like the story in the Highlander? I wonder, what is the story in the Highlander? Of course it is science fiction. It is a story about a group of immortals, of course they are not in Christ. They just have genetically evolved to a place where even if they are shot, they just regenerate within about 120 seconds, they just pop up again, and they never die. They live in this world. And they do not tell the average person who they are because the average person would freak out. Will it be something like that? I wonder. What is the matter with you, Sheila, you teach this high doctrine and you are talking about science fiction? Brethren, there is a lot of science fiction that is true. And the Lord has not told me what it is going to be like, so I am just saying, what do you think?

Maybe I am in my carnal mind, but I think it is a possibility that we are going to be invisible. Going to recruit one person at a time, whoever is standing. You are sent to one person, now listen, you have to remember, this cannot be like the revival of the Holy Ghost. It cannot. This ministry requires personal discipleship. A personal relationship, a personal exposure of sin, a personal instruction The people need someone to be able to ask questions of. This is not going to be like the Holy Ghost revival, where you pack a thousand people, look on the TV today, a thousand, two thousand people in these stadiums, and the preacher comes in, and what do the people go home with? Does he really teach them anything? They get touched by the Spirit, which in many instances, not all, but many instances is not even the true Spirit, it is not even the true Holy Spirit. Even if they did learn something from the short preaching, who do they go to if they have a question?

Who do they go to if they have a problem? Who do they go to if they need the Spirit of Counsel? Who do they go to if they need the Wisdom of God? The evangelist was in the stadium with two thousand people, and now he is gone. And you were touched by the Spirit and you watch him on TV every morning, or a couple of days a week, and what happens if you have a personal need? Or, you could call up and the one who answers the telephone will pray for you. And I believe in that, I believe that when someone on the switchboard prays for you that they have the power of that whole ministry behind them. Brethren, it is not the same thing as Christ Jesus praying for you with a full knowledge of your problem is. Christ Jesus is into personal involvement, and I am talking out of personal experience. The way it works is that I hear of a situation, and I have a very cool reaction, I am very sorry to hear that, I prayed that the Lord helps them. And then a day later, or two days later, or a week later, Christ Jesus rises up in me, in a full knowledge, and in these few days, the Word of Knowledge is working in me, giving me understanding from the Spirit of Christ of what is really happening there, a depth of spiritual understanding. And then He rises up and prays the prayer that breaks the yoke.

That happened with your friend, where the young lady was seduced out of the home. You must have told me two or three times that she was gone. I said, oh, I am really sorry to hear that, you know, and I prayed the Lord helps them. That is how I pray, I do not pray long prayers on my knees; that is how I pray. And then I went back to work, and then, maybe it was as much as two weeks later, you came to me again, and that time Christ Jesus rose up and hit the sky, and one or two weeks the girl was back, right? How do you do that when all of your ministry is from an evangelist that would not recognize you if he saw you on the street? Does not know your name, would not recognize your face, does not know anything about your life, and I am not putting that down, as long as it is the true Spirit. There is a place for it, there is a place for everything that the Lord is doing in any form.

If it is God, it is good, and there is a place for it. To go on in Christ Jesus, to have your nature changed into Christ Jesus, to become a whole new man and enter into eternal life, it requires personal discipleship. You have to be in a relationship with the teacher so that all of your failures and character flaws will be exposed as you live your life in a relationship with this teacher. Oh, you thought that this great man of God was going to come and x-ray you spiritually and have a Word of Knowledge about all of your character flaws. It does not work like that! Even if it was possible for this man of God to give you a whole list, you know, we had that with someone in this ministry who is not in this geographical location. She came to visit here and she is going to hear this message. She came to visit here a couple of years in a row and before she left, she would come to me with a pencil and paper and say, tell me what demons I have, I want deliverance. The day came that a character flaw manifested in her in her relationship with me and I corrected her and she was in the flow of the manifestation, and it almost bounced her out of the ministry, I thought I had lost her.

You cannot just give people a list of what character flaws they have because it does not mean anything to them. You have to say to them, look, that thought that you just thought, that word that you just said, that motive that you do not even recognize, that is Satan in you! That is what we had here this morning. That means every Son of God can only have a few disciples around him. How many people can you do this for? Jesus was the Son of God, and He only had 12. Is it possible? There is no doubt in my mind that it could take a couple of thousand years to really spread through the world. I mean, even if it is twice as fast as this initial manifestation of Christianity. This one took two thousand years; that one will take a thousand years, this present one coming will take a thousand years? It is not going to happen in a day or in a week. And I do not think it is going to be as publicized as the Holy Ghost revival. It is going to be private. Do you hear all about the Hindu ashrams where the Hindus, some of them are Americans; that are going to disciple under some guru? I mean, maybe once in a while it will make the newspaper, but is it something that everybody talks about every day? Like you hear about Billy Graham or some popular evangelist is in time and that stadium held 5,000 people, and he is on the news at night?

You do not hear about it, it is private. It is quiet, it is life changing, it is personal. From that point of view, and, if I am in my carnal mind, the Lord will have to correct me. From that point of view, I think that it is a possibility that the people who ascend into immortality while still in their flesh, which is the condition that Jesus was in, may very well walk through this world watching people die all around them. We may walk through generations, having to keep our true calling quiet because the average person cannot bear it.

I told you all a while back that I was introduced to a man through somebody, it was a business relationship, and he was all excited when he heard. Whatever he thought I did, nobody knows what I do for my life's calling unless you are a part of it, no one can even comprehend it, and the average person thinks that I am like the evangelists that they see on TV. And the man was really being very aggressive towards me but I just chalked it up to ignorance, I did not take anything that he said seriously, he was trying to teach me... I thank God I am at the place where I can laugh at it, it used to upset me, but I guess I am maturing, people are just ignorant, and they do not really mean any harm, they are just ignorant, you know? He was telling me, oh, we have to get together, I majored in religion in college, and we are going to have these big discussions, and we are going to get together, and, has he called you? He has not called me. I sent him the books, he agreed to take some of my books, and I sent him... he is a Jewish man, I sent him the Old Testament, and a few of our online meeting transcripts where I talk about the Jews.

He has not called me, and if my Word of Knowledge is correct, he is absolutely mortified. He could not understand one word of what he read. He could not understand one word of it and he is absolutely flustered. This is the world we live in, and the more we ascend, the more we have to keep our calling a secret. Sheila, are you saying this is a secret society? No, no! You reveal yourself to the people who can bear it. It is not a secret society, we are here for the world, right now we are here for the church, or anyone that the Lord reaches to in the world. We are not restricted at all, except by people's immaturity and carnality.

Maybe it is true, we will live from generation to generation. We will find out if this is my carnal mind or not. I know that lots of times when I cannot imagine how something will be accomplished, the Lord comes up, when I finally see it is manifested it is accomplished in a way that I could have never imagined. Let us say I have an idea, maybe it can happen, maybe this idea will manifest in one of these five ways that I can think of, and then the Lord comes along and manifests it in a sixth way that I never even thought of. Maybe this is not the truth, but there is nothing wrong with thinking about these things. I think that we need to know that the visible world that is going to be projected from the brow energy center is not going to be the same as the world that was projected by the man Jesus. It is going to be a world of discipleship, personal growth and spiritual change. It is going to be the exact opposite in many ways of the manifestation of the Holy Ghost which ministers to great crowds and makes you feel good. Is there not a song that the Holy Ghost makes my feet a dancing?

The Holy Ghost makes you feel wonderful!! He touches your emotions and you feel great, even though you have just worked witchcraft down the street without even knowing it, try to force them to do something they did not want to do. You come into church and the Holy Ghost makes you feel wonderful!! Christ Jesus makes you feel terrible until your carnal mind dies, and the joy comes when Christ Jesus in you breaks through that carnal mind and starts prevailing. That is where the joy is, but there is misery, the Scripture calls it birth pangs, until your carnal mind is broken enough for Christ to arise in you. Your mind has to be broken!

Your carnal mind must be broken to shivers. The Holy Ghost sets your feet a dancing and jumping and screaming and yelling Hallelujah, and the Spirit of Christ makes you cry. When I first came to the Lord I read in the Book of Revelation, "There will be no more tears", and I said, what do you mean? I never cry; then I started crying. I cried for a couple of years, quite a few years, but you come up on the other side. This is some long labor, brethren. It is not even 24 hours, it is years, it is some long labor, but it helps to know that you do come up on the other side. When you bear that manchild, you will enter into glory. When He is born, when He appears, the woman, the spiritual woman who bore Him, that is the personality, will appear with Him. And because He lives, we too shall live. You see, we heard all these Scriptures in Pentecost, but nobody really knows what they mean. See, He is still under your carnal mind, He has life in Him, but He is not alive in that He has not been born into liberty yet. Christ in you is life, but that life has to be manifested.

It has to get out, and in order for Him to get out, we have to die. We have to die to this lifestyle, we have to die to this mind, which is diametrically opposite the mind of Christ Jesus. What we think is right, He thinks is wrong. What He thinks is right, we think that is crazy. It is going to happen, brethren. I sure hope it is going to be us because everybody here is sure paying that price. I cannot promise you anything, I cannot promise myself anything, but it sure looks like it is going to be us. Does that mean we are going to rule the world? No, we may be amongst the first of the second generation of Christ Jesus to ascend. No, you do not rule the world, you have a tremendous responsibility to give to others what has been given to you. You are not going to rule the world. You are going to be humble, you are going to receive all kinds of abuse from the people you are sent to minister to.

They are going to lie about you, they are going to hate you, they are going to curse you with their minds, you are going to be hearing all kinds of evil coming out of their subconscious mind that when you tell them about it, they are going to look at you like you are nuts. The whole time that you are being abused for righteousness sake, the Lord Jesus Christ will be ministering to you in the Spirit. You are only going to be abused in your emotions, and who knows? Maybe it will not even hurt when we get into the brow center. I do not know, I know what happens down here, I know what happens down here, when Christ Jesus in me confronts someone's carnal mind, I know what I go through. To what degree it will change, it has to change somewhat, but I do not know what it will be like when we get up there in that other world. I am hoping, and I have had small words of knowledge which give me reason to believe, that when we get up there in that brow energy center we will be aware of everything that the carnal mind is saying, all that the carnal mind curses, it says really wicked things from the subconscious plane. You see, if you cannot hear it, you think you are okay, but one of these days you are going to tune in and you are going to be hearing what the subconscious, it is the same in everybody, you are going to be hearing what this wicked Fiery Serpent says when Christ Jesus comes to tell that personality the truth. What it looks like to me right now is we will be able to perceive it with our consciousness when we are in the brow energy center, but we will not feel the pain in the emotions or in the heart center. We will perceive it, but we will not experience it.

What? The cursing of the Fiery Serpent in the person that we are trying to help; we will hear and we will know of the blasphemy that comes forth, but we will not experience it in our emotions. That is that blaspheming spirit, you see? That whole account in the King James Translation that says there is an unforgivable sin, and the one who blasphemes the Holy Ghost can never be forgiven? No, brethren, no, no, no, no, no, all human beings are forgiven! Every personality is forgiven! When Jesus rose from the dead, you are all forgiven by faith! And this forgiveness by faith gives you the opportunity and the power to do what needs to be done to be forgiven in reality because the only true forgiveness is the cutting away of the sin nature, which is your potential to do that sin again. There is no unforgiveness for any human being, anywhere in the world.

The one that will never be forgiven is not the one who blasphemes the Holy Ghost, but that blaspheming spirit!! I want to tell you, I have heard that blaspheming spirit, she is wicked, and she is in me, and she is in you, every one of you. And when Christ Jesus comes in a Spirit of Righteousness with a righteous correction, she is vicious, and wicked! She is not forgiven. Satan is not forgiven. Satan must die, and she will die. Sheila, I thought you just said that it is the Fiery Serpent that is blaspheming. How did Satan get in this? Brethren, the Fiery Serpent is our subconscious mind. The Fiery Serpent will be converted. You may recall from other messages, I do not feel to do the whole thing again tonight, the Fiery Serpent is Jehovah's spiritual sperm that was trapped in the ocean bed and coated over with mud to the degree that he became an earthworm, and is engraved with the Serpent's nature. And it is the Fiery Serpent that is being apprehended by Christ Jesus who will cleanse this…, the Fiery Serpent, which is Jehovah's spiritual sperm, cleanse him of all of the mud, and re-engrave that sperm with the nature of Jesus Christ. The Fiery Serpent is being redeemed, being bought back, but Satan, that blaspheming spirit, there is no forgiveness of sins for her.

She is the present day manifestation of the Primordial Serpent. No forgiveness, never!! I want to tell you, I have heard blasphemy in the Spirit. Wait, you will hear it, you will hear it someday. It is shocking! The first time I ever heard it was when someone laid hands on me to rebuke a demon. I did not think I had a demon in those days, I believed the jargon of the church, the denomination I was going to at the time that a Christian cannot have a demon. I was loaded!! I was dying! My legs were swollen up with phlebitis, you could die from that, I was dying from several different things. And a friend of mine said, Sheila, let me lay hands on you, if you do not have a demon, nothing is going to happen. I said, ok, rebuke it. She laid hands on me, I never expected what she said... In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke you!! She scared me half to death! I felt this bolt of lightning shoot from my feet up to my head and back down again, and this voice cursed me, cursed me with the "f" word twice. That was the first time I ever heard it. The first time I heard it, it was in me. Then I heard it in all of you. And many others. It is a hard word, brethren, but the truth will set you free. We are possessed, we are occupied. What does that mean, you are a serial killer? No! We are occupied by spiritual entities, they think through us, they lust through us, they live through us. You have got to look at it so that you can get delivered! Jesus.

These entities are you until you reject them. When you reject them, they are no longer you. That is what Paul said. I want to do one thing, but I do something else. I now know that it is sin that dwelleth in me. When you are in agreement with their thoughts, it is you. These entities are you. When you choose the thoughts of Christ Jesus and divide in your thoughts from them, it is not you anymore, itis sin that dwelleth in you. Denial means that this evil is you. Facing it means it is not you, see? This is the message we bring to the world. Jesus said, I have much to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. What did He mean? You need the Mind of Christ to bear it. If I told this message to people that just have their carnal mind, they could not bear it, there is no hope, if you do not have Christ, thereis no hope. Christ is our only hope!! This message is just for people that have the virile seed grafted. This message is for the people that have hope.

COMMENT: Sheila, I was wondering if that little section between where it says "earth only" and "earth" would also be called the firmament?

PASTOR VITALE: No, because the definition of firmament is visible world. The firmament is the expanse between the heavens and the earth, and that is where the visible world appears.

COMMENT: I always thought of the Sons of God being the firstfruits, and the people who came in were the full crop. That is not true?

PASTOR VITALE: That might be true, I am not really sure I know Bill Britton taught that... I have no problem with that, but the truth of the matter is that we are the offspring of Jesus Christ. If it is true that the first crop that comes in are one with Jesus, and we are all the firstfruits, I have no problem with that, but I have never really studied it out, but I do not disagree with it.

I have redone this drawing for you and it  is basically the same drawing that we dealt with on Part 1 of this message. Let us start at the bottom... the five levels of Satan's spirituality under the earth, then we have the visible world before Christ, there is no heaven... there is no Holy Spirit, then we have the remainder of Satan's five levels of evil underground spirituality in the world that appeared after Jesus, that is today's world... this is what this is here, then we have the world that appeared after the manifestation of Jesus Christ, that is here, and the Holy Spirit is the heaven of this world. This is the false heaven... when I say the remainder of Satan's five levels, that is the lying heaven, the false heaven of this world. Then we have three levels of consciousness where the individual grows, ascension into these three levels, it affects the individual, but it does not change the world. And then we have the world that is projected by the men who dwell permanently in the brow energy center, and the Spirit of Christ is that heaven, not the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit of Christ. And the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ is that the Spirit of Christ includes the virile seed which can graft to somebody and ultimately impart eternal life. There is no eternal life in the Holy Spirit... there is power, there is healing, there are miracles, there are all the gifts of the Spirit, but there is no eternal life. Eternal life is in the Spirit of Christ, which is in Christ Jesus.

If you want eternal life you have to have the whole spiritual man. The Holy Spirit is power, is energy, it is miracles, it is gifts, but there is no virile seed that can impart eternal life to you. The world that is projected by the men who abide permanently in the brow energy center has the Spirit of Christ for its heaven, and it is the world projected by the Sons of God, but the earthen part of the world still exists, that is the physical body, it still exists... I do not know if you can see it, those dashes are not very strong, but there is an earthen part, and the heavenly part of this world projected by the brow energy center is about twice as great as the earthen part.

And of course, up here, at the very top of the Tower of Babel, we see that we have liberation from the physical body... it is deliverance from the physical world, okay? It means the physical world no longer has any power over you, and it is also liberation from the physical body. You could take on a physical body or not take on a physical body. Jesus Christ today is glorified, He can manifest a physical body for Himself at will, if He wanted to. To the best of my knowledge, He is choosing not to do that today. Why? Because His plan, which is the plan of His Father, Jehovah, is to appear in men who have been born of a woman, to impart His greatness to these men. If He wanted to, He could manifest in a physical body, He did it after the resurrection when He appeared to the disciples, He appeared twice. He appeared to the disciples, Thomas was missing, and then He appeared again to Thomas. I think He appeared several other times also. He can do that, but He is choosing not to do it today. In times past, the Father spoke through the Prophets, but today He speaks through the Son, the Son in men. He who believeth not that Christ has come in the flesh is an antichrist. Jesus can manifest a material body, but this is not Jehovah's plan. He comes to you through other men, imperfect as they may be. Praise the Lord.

These three areas that do not produce a change in the world; that is the desert, or the wilderness, sometimes the Scripture talks about the wilderness. Today's world is spiritual Egypt, spiritual Egypt. I think I mentioned this earlier, but I must have been distracted, I do not recall explaining to you why this world is a spiritual Israel. Does anybody know why Christendom today, the infantile manifestation of Christendom that we see today, why it would be Egypt? It is Egypt, brethren, because Pharaoh is in many of the Christians. Can anybody review the definition of spiritual Pharaoh for us? Anybody remember who Pharaoh is, spiritually speaking?

COMMENT: Ascended up to the seventh energy center of the... Satan's timeline.

PASTOR VITALE: You have got the general idea. I will fill in for you. Pharaoh is Leviathan... Leviathan takes the name Pharaoh when she is joined to the Fiery Serpent in an individual who is ascended into the seventh energy center. That is some spiritually powerful person. A person whose Fiery Serpent is ascended is spiritually powerful, but when that Fiery Serpent ascends up high enough to join with Leviathan, you have got a spiritual atom bomb working through you, and the Scripture gives the name of the person who is in that spiritual condition Pharaoh. The Lord has just given me another witness right now to my belief, which would not be too popular in the church; that the Hebrew children were never in the kind of bondage, in the real physical Egypt, that is preached both by the Jew and the Christian. It was a spiritual bondage. Pharaoh was never named. This is my own, this is the revelation that God is given me, it is what I have been preaching for years.

If someone's wife is mentioned without a name, in the Scripture if a man's name is mentioned and it just says his wife, but his wife's personal name is not mentioned, that is the sign that the Scripture is talking about his spiritual wife... the Fiery Serpent within him. Pharaoh was never named concerning the Jews' escape from Egypt. Pharaoh is never named. He is a spiritual Pharaoh. I believe, at the point that Jacob's descendants went to live in Egypt. At some point this has to become physical because there is a physical Jewish people, and one of the walls of the temples still exists, there was a Jewish society in the Middle East, so at some point this has to be real. Until the Lord shows me otherwise, I am believing that Joseph did go to Egypt.

I believe that his brothers did, out of envy, sell him, or put him in a deep pit, which that could be spiritual too, that Joseph went into a deep pit, but for now, until the Lord shows me otherwise, I am believing that Joseph did wind up in physical Egypt and that there was a physical famine, and that his physical brothers did move to Egypt where he had the power to give them food. And that they took up residence in physical Israel, and they dwelt there. And at that point, the history becomes spiritual, in my opinion. That they were enslaved by the mystery religion of Egypt, and that when Moses killed that Egyptian, he killed the carnal mind in a Hebrew, and the midwives, the midwives were all of the Jews who were pregnant with Christ. Some agreed to kill their babies, the Christ within them, but others refused to kill the Christ within them.

And the Exodus is the account of Moses leading the Hebrew children who were overcome by the Egyptian mystery religion out of that world into the timeline of Christ. We have a great mystery here, I mentioned it to you, I think at dinner I mentioned it to you. I am waiting for the Lord to supply this answer for me. As far as Hinduism goes, and as far as I know all of the other philosophies based upon Hinduism, are pursuing the awakening of the Fiery Serpent. Their disciplines, their yoga, their exercises, are all designed to arouse the Fiery Serpent, who they believe to be sleeping in the root energy center. I believe that, that is true in non-Christians and non-Jews.

In the Christian and in the Jew, it appears that this relationship with the Lord Jesus in whatever form He is taking, if you are Jewish or if you are Christian, it does not have to be every individual, but it is available to Christians and Jews, a relationship with the Lord Jesus, however you know Him, and wherever you are, whether it is the Holy Spirit, or whoever the Jews pray to. I know that there is activity of the Spirit of God in Judaism because that is how, the first time I met the Lord was in a Jewish synagogue, and when we have a relationship with the Lord Jesus or any of His manifestations, energy is added to us.  That energy just zaps that Fiery Serpent and she just goes shooting right up. We read about the righteous Pharisee who had the Fiery Serpent ascended in him and cried out to Jesus for help because as much as he loved the Lord, he could not stop engaging in social witchcraft. I believe that righteous Pharisee was Peter. Why? Because when we did the Alternate Translation on the righteous Pharisee one of the things that he said was one of the same things that Peter had said to Jesus. Really, to be honest with you, I am half asleep, I am doing this, I do not know whether I am out in the Spirit, or what my problem is, but I am doing this out of obedience to the Lord, so please bear with me.

I really do not remember what the phrase was, but I recognized it when we did the Alternate Translation. People who are sold out to Jesus still practicing social witchcraft, dominating other people, sometimes lying, all kinds of sins that they do not recognize to be sins. Crying out to Jesus to set them free and give them a righteous nature. And the only reason that we engage in any kind of witchcraft is because the Fiery Serpent is ascended in us. Here we see the non-Christians writing all kinds of books and treatises on how to arouse the Fiery Serpent, and when you read the Bible, the message is how to cast the Fiery Serpent down! Is that not funny? That really strikes me as very humorous. If you do not know what I am talking about, it is because you have not read, or you have not listened to any of our other messages, but the account in the King James Translation that talks about the pigs falling off the cliff... we have a whole study on it, if you want it, contact the ministry. It has to do with Jesus casting the Fiery Serpent, who is ascended into the brow energy center and causing this man who desires righteousness to sin continuously, casting that Fiery Serpent down.

And the code name for the Fiery Serpent in the seventh energy center is swine, she is a pig. She is an absolute glutton, feeding on unhealthy energy. We see a total contradiction, which is no surprise, because the Spirit of Christ is always exactly opposite of the spirit of this world. The non-Christians and Jews are trying to wake up the Fiery Serpent, we are trying to put her to sleep. Get back down there to the second energy center, you wicked thing you!! The question that I do not understand is this: That it appears to me, from where I am sitting right now, it appears to me that a lot of people come to the Lord filled with social witchcraft. They are that way when they come to the Lord. There is a piece of information that I am lacking, if I am lacking it, the thought just came into my mind that came into my mind at dinner when we discussed this, and it very well might be the Lord telling me that the European people, by and large, are Israel. They are the ten tribes of Israel that are no longer identified as Israel. That is who the European peoples are, the descendants of the ten tribes of Israel. You have still got that, I am Jewish, you know. but those of you who are not Jewish, but who are European, you have still got that residue of that energy that was imparted to Israel when they made their covenant with Jehovah on Mount Sinai. That is the answer that is come to me twice. European's who have come to the filled with social witchcraft because of the ascended Fiery Serpent, somehow, I do not have the details, it is because that energy is still circulating within you on some level through your ancestors, that your ancestors received about 7,000 years ago. I still do not have all the answers, I just recognize this contradiction, which is usually the first step in the Lord teaching me. First I recognize the contradiction, and then He teaches me.

We see according to the Scriptural teaching, we see that an unnamed Pharaoh, and I do not believe one Pharaoh is named in the Scripture, an unnamed Pharaoh is talking about a mind, a mind that is resident in a Jew, or today in a Christian, whose Fiery Serpent is ascended all the way up the brow energy center and married to Leviathan. And Leviathan plus the Fiery Serpent is stronger than the sum of the strength of the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan. When these two join together, their strength is more than one plus one. Their strength is multiplied. That is a very strong mind that does not want to let Christ free. See, if you are a Christian today, or if you are a Jew, I do not know that many Jews are getting my messages at this time, but who knows... if you are a Christian or a Jew, and Christ is grafted to you, and your mind is of the strength or the quality known as Pharaoh, Christ is desperately trying to get out of Egypt, and He wants to take you, the personality, with Him.

He is up against a monster.  I cannot tell you for sure, but it would not surprise you if all of you are Pharaoh, you are all so strong, I have told you many times that when you take this victory and you crush Christ under your feet, all of you, you are going to be a fearsome force in the Kingdom of God. You are a fearsome force right now, praying out the Holy Ghost, but everybody here is very strong. The average person could not handle this ministry, they could not take it. They could not take what you are taking, they could not take what I have taken... that is why the first group that goes through is going to be very small. When we ascend, we will get the strength to help the others that are not this strong.

Pharaoh is within you, and Christ is within you, and you, the personality, are the slave in Egypt. If you have Christ within you, that is the blood that is on your door posts. And the Angel of Death is coming, He is going to cover your carnal mind. If Christ is not in you, you are going to die. Christ Jesus is coming to kill the firstborn which is the carnal mind, you better get that blood on your door post, which is the engrafted Word, and He better be a little more grown up than a sucking baby when the day of your calamity comes. What is the day of your calamity? When the Angel of Death covers the land. Oh, how could that be Christ, Sheila, an Angel of Death? Christ is the Angel of Death to the carnal mind. Christ is the Destroyer to the carnal mind. You better believe it, because it is the truth! He is coming with a fiery recompense to all unrighteousness. You better get the blood on the door, the Lord does not want you to die. The Lord does not want you to go into crisis, the Lord wants to save your soul, which is your personality. He is a going to kill that carnal mind, and if you are in the same bed with that carnal mind the time the fireball hits, you are going to die. You better get out of that wicked man's bed, and go flee to your true husband, which is Christ Jesus. This is time for Passover.

Every Christian or Jew who has Christ grafted to them, is challenged to escape from Pharaoh. They are unusually strong carnal minds. And the Lord Jesus is saying, Arise, ascend into the wilderness, I will guide you through it, and you will enter into the brow center, which is high enough above this world to deliver you from the trials and tribulations and problems of this world, this world will be under your feet. There were some Jews who heard the Lord through Moses and Aaron and they began the Exodus. We know that the timeline of Christ Jesus is linear, it is a straight line and a straight path from this world, which is in your heart center, the visible world is in your heart center, it is a straight line, a straight path up into the brow energy center.

The Scripture says that they wandered in the wilderness. I looked up the Hebrew word that means wander and it could not support the word in my heart, but I will tell you the word in my heart because for years now I have been doing this, and the Lord has been doing this through me, He gives me a word in my heart, and the Scripture may not come for six months or until a year later, but I know what the Lord told me, that the reason they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years was that they were in the, they could not tell the difference between their Christ mind and their carnal mind, and they were in their carnal mind, and their carnal mind is spiraling, they walked in circles, you see? Instead of going on a straight line right up to the brow center, they walked in circles. And maybe they did not even get up into these three levels of consciousness that are the wilderness. Maybe the circle that they walked in was that Satan bowed them over and they came right back down somehow to these lower energy centers. Maybe that is the circle that they walked in, Satan bowed them over.

They thought they were going up but they were really circling all the way down. They could not distinguish between their Christ mind and their carnal mind. I just went inside looking for a Scripture that would support this, and I could not find it, but I did look briefly at those Scriptures in Numbers where supposedly, Jehovah is speaking to the Hebrew children, punishing, in this punishing tone, saying, You will not enter in, you will wander in the wilderness for 40 years, but your little ones, they will enter in! I am getting to the point, brethren, where I can get at least a glimpse of the revelation without looking up the Interlinear Text. And I will tell you right now that the little ones are Christ. That their carnal mind will not enter in, but Christ will enter in. And they will die in the wilderness, they will die to their carnal mind in the wilderness. I can tell you openly Jehovah never spoke in that tone to His people.

He never relegated them, I mean, do you know how torturous, do you know what torture that would be to wander in the wilderness for 40 years?? No, brethren, Jehovah does not do that to His people. They died to their carnal mind, and the little one, the Christ in them, He entered in. I know, because I teach this message, that Christ cannot enter in when the personality dies, because when the personality dies, the physical body dies. And Christ, in utero in that man, dies too. If the physical body of a man that is pregnant with Christ dies, that manifestation of Christ dies also. Just like a pregnant woman, if she is in a car accident, and four or five months pregnant, or even six, seven months the baby might live... the baby cannot live without its mother, it dies. For the Scripture to say, Your little ones will enter in, that means the personality has to live. We see they did not die in the wilderness, but they died to their carnal mind as they walked in the wilderness.

This world is Egypt, and the world in our heart center is the Promised Land. Praise the Lord. And this is the Tower of Babel, I should really write that, before you take the picture, let me write that... this is the Tower of Babel. All of this knowledge, and the Bible says, and they were building a tower. Brethren, that big fat book that you carry around with you all the time is an absolute abbreviation of the spiritual truth. That book called the Bible is not designed to educate you in spiritual principles. That book is designed to expose your sin nature by a revelation of righteousness.

And when you look at it and compare yourself to it, you should see your sin nature. And in that book also is the promise of regeneration of life in Christ Jesus. That is what the book is all about, it does not teach spiritual principles, it does not teach spiritual principles. The book says, they were building a tower. This is what the book is talking about, and I tell you the truth, this kind of study that is here tonight, with this drawing on the board, this is only for people that have Christ formed in them, and are willing to have their sins exposed so that the carnal mind could be weakened. This kind of teaching is strengthening the Christ in you, so that when your carnal mind is weakened, Christ can stand up. This kind of teaching to a man that does not have Christ formed in him, will bring him down. It will be destructive to him, it will lead him to Satan's teachings.

He will perceive this with his carnal mind, and Satan will be strengthened in him. This is not for the world, this is not for everybody. I think I told you, once, probably several times, one of the biggest witches around loves my translations, told me it was one of the best translations he had ever read, he was all excited about it. This is good stuff, except for the part about exposing your sins. People initiated into spiritual philosophy of all kinds would just love this stuff, and they would just pooh-pooh the part about confessing your sins, you know, they would just go over that, take the good stuff and throw out the bones. I fully believe, that anyone whose spirit is developed enough to read these books and understand it on any level, or listen to these messages, that if they do listen, they will catch this seed, it will graft to them and they will get a return that they did not expect.

Are there any questions about the Tower of Babel? It is going to be a glorious day, there is a song like that... glorious day when we get to heaven, it is going to be a glorious day when we get up there. I have experienced it a couple of times, it is a wonderful. I am assuming I was in the brow energy center, I was certainly a lot higher than I am now. It never lasted, I was caught up for a specific reason on several different occasions. You feel good, it is complete healing to your emotions, and you are very strong, very strong in your mind, very powerful, very benevolent, it is just wonderful. I look forward to the day that the Lord lets me experience that again in Him, and certainly to the day that I could stay up there. Praise the Lord. Are there any questions or comments?

COMMENT: That remainder of Satan's levels of evil underground, could you call that the conscious mind?

PASTOR VITALE: No, that is talking about levels of spirituality in Satan, and you could be very high, spiritually high, in Satan. They are just indicating that Satan's spirituality is underground, it is a false heaven, you see, really under your feet. Anybody else?

This message was actually a continuation of a message that we preached this morning, it is called Message #507, A Study in Rebellion. We dealt with the same diagram, but for some reason I felt to give this message another name.  

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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