505 - 1 Part

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
 Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


Praise the Lord, I'd like to talk to you about a movie that I saw the other day, it's an old movie and this must be the third or fourth time that I've watched it, it's called lost horizon, and maybe have you seen it? It's a classic, and every time that I have watched it, I have really been impressed by the movie, I thought it was a very spiritual movie, and I guess I should give you a background of the movie, for the people who are not familiar with it. Did you ever see it? You didn't see it, okay. It's a story about a group of people who are on an airplane which is escaping from China, all of these, they're all European people, they've been in China, one man is a very well known person in politics, and it must have been during the days that Britain had a presence in China, and they was an uprising among the Chinese, and Europeans were in danger.

So this group of Europeans are escaping from this area of China where they could murdered by the rebelling Chinese peoples, and they think that the plane is flying to Shanghai where it's suppose to be safe, but you see that somebody knocks out the pilot of the plane, and takes over. And somewhere along the line during the flight, of course we have all of the characters that are in the plane. We have the famous politician who is very strong, his weak brother, a woman who is dying from some, a beautiful young woman who is dying from an incurable disease, a criminal who is wanted by the police in Europe, from embezzlement, and possibly that's all the characters, there may be another character or so. And eventually, they realize that the plane is flying in the wrong direction.

They knock on the cabin of the pilot, he doesn't answer them, they look through the window, and they see that it's not their pilot, it's not a European man, it's a Chinese man, and they are going in the wrong direction. And of course there is interaction between all the characters on the plane, and eventually the plane crashes in the Himalayan mountains, in the wilderness of Tibet, it's just a snow covered wilderness. Everybody thinks that surely they are goners, they will never spy. When suddenly, men appear, all dressed in, it's very cold there's ice everywhere, it's snowing out, and they're all covered up in skins that are keeping them warm. They're Tibetan people, and they bring clothing with them, and they guide the occupants of the plane to a hidden city called Shangri-La. And in the midst of this frigid atmosphere, there is a city where there are trees and flowers, and people, it's a valley, the city is built in the valley. People walk around with shorts on and no shirts. I don't know if that's physically possible or not, but this is the story.

So the occupants of the plane are brought to Shangri-La and they're brought to a building that is really a palace. They're given food, they're given rooms, all of their needs are met, but it's obvious that they have been kidnapped, and that they are now captives. Although when the are within the city, they have the free run of the city, there is no way out. They begin to question their host, I think his name is Chang, and Chang is a very philosophical man. I didn't hear anything mentioned about Buddhism or any formal religion, but the philosophy of Chang is Buddhist. It's very nonresistant attitude. Eastern religion teaches nonresistance, and I'm not saying that that's a bad thing, except that it can be carried to a fault.

For example, our hero, the hero of the movie is this politician. I don't know if he's a politician, but he's a big political figure, and he's questioning Chang, and Chang who is telling him that there is no conflict in Shangri-La. And our hero asks Chang, Well what happens if two men like the same woman? And Chang says, Well it would be considered good manners for the one man to back away and let the other man have the woman. And our hero who is amazed at the response says, Well what if he refuses to back away? Then Chang says, Well then the other man would consider it good manners to back away. There should be no conflict, you see.

Now the other, the first few times that I've seen this movie, I've never really thought of it as Buddhism or religion, I don't know how long ago, I saw it the last time, but to me it was just a nice movie, where everything is suppose to be wonderful in Shangri-La. people do not age. Apparently they do die, I don't really understand that. We had, the general teaching is that you stay the age you are when you arrive in Shangri-La, the chronically ill woman began to heal, and there was a w 200 year old woman who looked like a thirty year old woman, but when she left Shangri-La, turned into a 200, someone who looked like they were 200 years old, and she died. Yet, the man who founded the place, they called him the Lama, not the Dalai Lama, but the Lama, who supposedly was a Catholic priest, who had founded the city. He was 200 years old, and he died. So I don't understand that discrepancy, because my understanding of the book is that you don't die when you get to Shangri-La.

I guess I would have actually go read the book to dig that out, which I don't have time to do right now. But basically speaking, Shangri-La is the city that we might call Nirvana, except Nirvana is a state in Hinduism, which is beyond the body. This is a very physical, the movie was very physical, the city was physical, the people were physical, the men of city were farmers and sheep shearers, and there were children there, and a school teacher, and horseback riding.

So it was a very physical city, with physical people, engaged in physical pursuits. The majority of the people were engaged in physical pursuits, and they all were one of two people, they who are engaged in intellectual pursuits, music and art, and literature. So there is a seduction coming forth from the whole city, and from the leaders, not so much from the whole city, but from the leaders, from the palace, our hero, and the occupants of the plane, were residing in the palace, okay.

Our hero's younger brother was emotionally unstable, he was desperate to leave, he was aware that he was, that they had been kidnapped and that he was being held against his will, and very discontent. Everyone else seemed to be willing to stay, and stay there forever, with an ideal place to stay. Our hero was called before the Lama, and he actually he was glad to go see the Lama, he was hoping to find a way out, a way back to civilization, through his interview with the Lama. But the Lama spoke to our hero and told him that he was going to inherit the headship and the leadership of Shangri-La, and he spoke a very spiritual speech to him, the Lama spoke a very spiritual speech to our hero, telling him about the wickedness in the hearts of men, and that the world would continue to spiral downward until men stop being selfish, and it just sounded like wonderful speech, and our hero was completely convinced of the goodness of Shangri-La and of his call to be the new leader.

I don't know if he would have called himself the Lama or not, I don't know. Now that I look at it, it doesn't make any sense at all. I guess I've really become enlightened since I watched the movie the last time, because I would have to ask myself why would the Lama, who was a 200 year old, supposedly very wise man, a Catholic priest, okay, of course it would be a Catholic priest, right? Why would he turn the headship of this perfect city over to a European man who had no spiritual background. The man was a writer, and a public figure. He was more than just a writer, I don't know what he was doing, he was a negotiator, he was a very talented man. Why would this Lama turn the headship of this spiritual city over to someone who was not at all spiritual?

And the movie, actually the story is very racist also. We have a whole city of Tibetan people, and their leader is a European Catholic priest, and he turns the headship over to another European, well what about the Tibetans? So I see a lot of holes in the story this time, that I didn't see last time. Well just to continue with the overview of the story, our hero decides to stay and receive the commission, but his weak brother is determined to leave, and meets a young lady in the city who was as desperate to get out as he is. She claimed that she was kidnapped, that the leaders, it's not true that the leaders were so good, that they were really very cruel, and she was willing to bribe these so called porters to take them back to civilization.

Now the Lama had told our hero that this particular woman, she was a Russian woman, that she was really 200 years old, she looked like she was thirty. So we find a confrontation between our hero, his weak brother, and this Russian woman, who completely denies the story that she's 200 years old, she's desperate to get out of there, and she's saying that the whole city is evil, the leaders are evil. Well to make the story short, her testimony changes the mind of our hero, and he decides to leave with them.

The woman turns out to be very weak, she cannot keep up with the arduous trip of walking through snow and the cold. They're walking for two or three days, they're trip is on foot, and she dies, and her face turns it looks like almost a mummy, you could see that she really was 200 years old, and when she left Shangri-La, I guess she was getting weaker and weaker because she was, her age was catching up to her, and our hero realizes that he made a mistake and that he left this wonderful place, where also by the way, there was a woman that he fell in love with. It was a perfect place.

Well he makes it back to civilization, miraculously makes it back to civilization, because he was in a snow covered wilderness. And he lost his memory, he had amnesia for a while, but as soon as he recovered his memory, like a mad man, he was determined to get back to Shangri-La. All I could think about was a salmon, swimming up stream, determined to get back to their place of origin. And he was so determined to get back, that he became a legend. He went back from great Britain, he went back to China, and he was, he stayed in some communities close to this area, and he was renowned, because he had to go over this great chasm, he had to jump over this great or some how get over this great chasm to get back to the area where Shangri-La was. Six times he failed, six times he was turned back, but the seventh time he made it, and the Chinese tribesmen in that area, said that he wasn't even human, that what he accomplished, no human being could accomplish, and he makes it back to Shangri-La. And the music is wonderful, and the acting is very seductive, and it just seems like such a wonderful movie, well someone found the perfect place, in the midst of this war ridden world, where everybody is killing each other.

But when I watched the movie this time, with my present background, I realized that it was very, that the teaching was very Eastern, and that it's not true, because Chang, the host in the palace, was telling our hero, and there is one mind in the movie, where he says, why are people evil? They're evil because they lack. And here nobody lacks anything, therefore there is no evil. Does anybody see the fallacy in that statement? Would anybody like to tell us what the fallacy in that statement is?

COMMENT: Are you saying that if you have every physical need met, that you're going to be happy.

PASTOR VITALE: Right, and why is that not true? Not only will you be happy, you will not be violent, you will not steal, you will not sin, that's what he's saying. Why is that not true?

COMMENT: We all lack the Lord Jesus Christ, that's what we lack.

PASTOR VITALE: Well that's true, we lack righteousness, okay. And no matter how many of our material desires are met, whether even if our physical needs are met, we all have genuine needs of food, clothing, shelter, human relationships, these are real needs. If our every need is met, if our every material need is met, there will still be evil in the heart of man, and actually the Lord just revealed to me, I didn't even see it myself, that the Russian woman, who was desperate to leave, and caused her own destruction because of her desperation to leave, the absence of lack in Shangri-La didn't help the evil in her.

I would really have to read the book from this point of view to find out what the author was saying, but the movie seemed to indicate that the author was saying that there was this wonderful place where there was no sin, where everybody was happy, yet the author shows that there is one person who could not benefit from this wonderful place.

So I'm not really sure what the author's message is here, but I see that the teaching and the philosophy is Eastern, and that Eastern philosophy is false, because it is not true that if you meet man's every need, he will not be a criminal, physical need. But of course, if you meet his every need in Christ Jesus, as this sister said, at that point, he will not be criminal. But that wasn't what the movie was saying, that is not what the story is saying, the story is saying that they have this wonderful city, no crime, no police, no trouble, everybody was very polite and would give up their wife, or their job or whatever, because there is always another one, and therefore, everyone could live in peace together. But there is evil in the heart of man. This Eastern philosophy, we see it permeating the whole nation today. The school system today, the penal code today, this false belief, that if you give man another chance, that the evil will go away. But this is Eastern philosophy, it's a lie. Man is evil at his root, he's good and evil, but he's evil in his motives, even if we don't act out criminal behavior, mortal man is evil in his motives, at his unconscious root, because the spirit that incarnated this whole world is evil.

And the bottom line is, that every thought that deviates from the thought of God is evil. You have to get your definitions of evil straight. Every thought that deviates from the thoughts of God in any given situation, or at any given moment is evil, that's God's definition of evil. And since the whole world has a carnal mind, and we, our thoughts deviate from the thoughts of God continuously, probably 99 and 99-100th percent of the time, until we come into the place where we start thinking with his mind. The whole world is evil, even the good is evil. The goodness of this world is evil in comparison to the Lord. This false message is permeating the whole country. It's the message of Maitreya, it's the message of humanism, it's the message of all the bleeding heart liberals in the country today, that man is good at his root. And it's this belief that is rendering this country more and more every day in an undefended condition.

I saw a program on TV last night. It had to do with the penal system, and the death penalty. The case that was cited was a woman who was recently executed in Texas. I remember seeing the case on TV. She claimed that she had, well she has murdered several people. When I saw the, when they were making a plea for her life several months ago, I saw that program and they showed her in the days that she was arrested, she was a brutal woman, and she murdered people without any conscious whatsoever, she just mowed them down, she was like a Bonnie, from Bonnie and Clyde. They arrested her, put her in jail, and over a period of years she claims to have had a spiritual renewal in Jesus Christ, and they were all kinds of witnesses how her behavior had changed, how her attitude had changed. And I saw her interview, she certainly had changed compared to the videos of the early years that I saw her.

But Governor Bush refused to intervene, the parole board, or I don't know if it was the parole board, but the board that had the authority to alleviate her from the death penalty, failed to do so, refused to do so. And they interviewed the husband of one of the women that this lady had killed, that this convict had killed, and he witnessed her death, he was present at her execution, and he said, It's not pleasant witnessing an execution, but it's something, an execution is not pleasant, but it is something that we have to do, he said, because there were so many, I don't remember exactly how many, but there were so many people murdered, and it is right that she should die. That the families of the murdered victims are still experiencing lack, the children have lost their parents, the wives or the husbands have lost their mate, and it is not right for the person to not receive punishment because she has had a spiritual renewal. That's not a reason for justice to be removed in this country.

That is the opinion of the conservatives. The liberal front would say, You should let her go, you should let everybody go when they say that they are sorry, and that they're not going to do it again. And this position, this liberal position arises out of a belief that man is good at his root, and if you just give him some treatment, some psychotherapy, a little love, he will turn around and become a solid citizen. I wish it were true, but it seems to me that Christianity is the only, well I don't know about Islam, I don't really know what Islam teaches, but possibly this is true of Islam, that man is evil at his root, that he has to be socialized, he has to be taught to be a good person, if left to his own devices, he will be an evil person and do evil.

You see, the whole world is evil by God's definition of evil, in that, the thoughts of the world deviate from the Lord. But then we have the definition of evil in this world, the whole world is not evil as this world perceives evil, the whole world is not murdering people, the whole world is not stealing. Most of the people in the world are living socially acceptable lives. But for those people, for those members of society that Satan has found a strong hold in, that Satan has risen up in, and made them murderers and serial killers, and child molesters, they're evil because Satan has found a house to dwell in, in these people.

Brethren, everyone that's abused does not become a murderer, they may be messed up in their mind, but everyone that's abused does not become a murderer. There is an evil root in the foundation of mortal man, and that evil root arises wherever it can. Christianity has held down the evil for centuries, and as Christianity or as Adam is dissolved, we've talked about this in other messages, what's happening in this country, and in western Europe is that the imputed Christ Jesus, the regenerated Adam is being dissolved, and the evil is arising more and more in every generation. And we see that one of the biggest obstacles to the deliverance that the people desperately need is this false philosophy that's circulating throughout the country, and throughout the western world, wrong thinking, the female opinion, the opinion of a reprobate mind.

In the on line meeting the other day, we had some exciting revelation as to the spiritual truth of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a hand for a hand. And the spiritual truth is that God has promised us that for every evil aspect of our being, the corresponding righteous aspect within him, will cover us. There's a spiritual significance for every word mentioned. The word "hand" in the Scripture for example means subconscious mind. The subconscious mind of Jehovah who is Christ Jesus, will cover the subconscious mind of mortal man, which is the fiery serpent. But brethren, that promise is in the regeneration, that promise will come to pass, Jehovah cannot lie. And for every evil aspect of man, that evil aspect shall be covered by the corresponding righteous aspect of Jehovah. But until that time, we must have law and order, and the solid citizen that it trying to live peaceably should be protected, not the criminal who is given over to evil.

So we see that Satan has entered in through Eastern philosophy. And what is very interesting, is that in the countries where Eastern philosophy prevails, in India, and in China, well China today, the government is against religion, but in Tibet and in the Eastern nations, they don't have much crime. They don't have much crime. So it's confusing to people who are trying to understand how this could be the serpent arising in people in this nation, because in India, they openly worship the serpent. China openly worships the dragon, for those who still are engaged in that. China has largely put down religion.

The Buddhists, the Tibetans, they largely worship evil entities. The Dalai Lama knows that. Recently it was on TV, that a group of Tibetans were protesting the Dalai Lama, because he had forbidden the worship of a particular entity that this group worshiped, saying that the entity was evil. They worship immortals, evil immortals. And their societies are in order. How could this be? Brethren, it has to do with the anointing that Christians receive from the Holy Spirit, from the acknowledgment and the worship of the Lord Jesus Christ. As I've explained to you many times, this world exists on the energy or the spirit that was breathed into it at the beginning. At the beginning Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the man, and the man, Adam, he had an open circulating relationship with the godhead that energy was unending. It says Jehovah breathed the breath of life into the man, but that breath kept being breathed into it. That word in Genesis, Jehovah breathed makes us think that Jehovah went whoo, and the breath went into the man, no. Jehovah is a sun, a source of unending energy, which continued to pour into the man until the day that the man was seduced by the woman, and his sins stood between himself and Jehovah.

So the energy in the man before the fall could not be used up, because there was a face to face relationship with Jehovah through Elohim. But ever since the fall, when the creation fell into this black hole and became sealed off from the power of God, whatever energy was in the creation at that time began to be recycled and is still being recycled to this day. Jehovah through his covenant with Abraham, which eventually resulted in the Holy Spirit being imparted to the world through Christianity, is the source of additional energy that is filtering into this black hole. And the principalities and powers that rule this world from the invisible plane, from the astral plane in particular, want that energy!

So as Christendom begins to fall, these entities are arising in the Christian world, and as they drain their, and as the powers and principalities drain the energy from Christians, the result of it is that they become evil. I think that I'm lacking some information, but basically what I have told you is the truth. The reason that Jesus called his people sheep is because we have something that can be sheared. The anointing can be sheared from us. And the powers and principalities or the immortals in the astral plane are seeking to enter into Christians wherever they can. And then they take the fleece of the Holy Spirit plus whatever energy is in that person and drain them to the point of insanity, to the point where evil manifest through them.

I saw another movie on TV recently, and it was a horror movie, but it really does apply here. You know a lot of what is called science fiction really has its roots, its basic roots are in spiritual truth. Now this movie was about reincarnation. There is a truth, not the way it's portrayed, but there is a truth to reincarnation. And in this horror film, there was a little girl who was supposedly the reincarnation of a police officer who had been betrayed by his own fellow police officers, and brutally murdered. And the personality of this murdered police officer, was overshadowing this little girl, giving her psychic ability, and awesome psychic power, the power to kill. And when the, I'm not going to go into that whole show right now, but when the situation was exposed for what it really was, and the reincarnating entity was satisfied with his vengeance, he was supposedly lifted off of the little girl, she had no memory of it, and continued on with her life as a little girl. Well this is the horror concept of what is happening, but the truth is that spiritual entities do overshadow human beings. Now don't shut off the tape, does not the Holy Spirit overshadow you? Who in the church would deny that the Holy Spirit overshadows you?

Most people in the church desire the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, they are all excited when he overshadows them, and maybe they will speak in a language that they don't even understand, or a healing anointing will come down upon them, or wisdom to help somebody will come down upon them. Well brethren, there is the same kind of overshadowing in Satan's kingdom. She is doing the same thing that the Holy Spirit does. She's overshadowing, she has an anointing, she wants to influence, and she wants to live through.

Now remember, the purpose of the Holy Spirit is to prepare the, the ultimate purpose of the Holy Spirit, is to prepare the individual to receive the seed, the holy seed, the virile seed which contains the nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. And there is now a false Holy Spirit in the land, and in the church, which has the same commission from Satan, to be a foundation for the seed of Satan's nature to be grafted to, to move these people on from human beings under the influence of the false Holy Spirit, to become human beings, who are bearing the offspring of Satan.

We who are in Christ, are bearing the manchild, and Lord willing, our personalities shall be saved when we bear that child, when he is fully born again, into the world above, and there is a false revival in the church brethren, and that Holy Spirit is the foundation for the seed of Satan's nature, which will cause Satan's female offspring to begin to grow in these people, and when she is fully born again, the people, the human beings that she is indwelling, will experience what John calls the resurrection of damnation. Brethren the truth will come out. It is out now, but it is considered science fiction and rejected, not only by the world, but by the church.

What really amazes me, is how people flock to science fiction movies, like The Matrix, they made millions of dollars on that movie, yet nobody believes that it could possibly be true, that it's just a science fiction movie. What is the interest in it, what is drawing them to it, there is a truth in it, of course it's Hollywoodized, but there is a truth in it, they're being drawn to the truth. But the bottom line is that the people of this world do not want to know the truth about themselves. They don't want to see the sin in them, they want to believe the truth without it touching them. They don't want to change. They're in the serpent's nature, the false Holy Spirit is already moving in the earth, it is time, the Scripture says, for love. It is time for mortal humanity to experience penetration by a spirit, and the birth of a spiritual child, which birth will cause the individual that this spiritual child is born in, to experience spiritual maturity, sometimes called ascension or resurrection.

The new age and other occult philosophies have been preaching for a long time now, that we are entering into a new age, that humanity is entering into a new age, and that man has evolved as far as he will evolve physically, and that it is time for his spiritual evolution to proceed forth. This is true, but it's happening in two different time lines. Two different time lines are penetrating the earth right now, Christ Jesus, who contains the Spirit of Christ, and Leviathan and Satan. So we see Satan and the Spirit of Christ, going forth to apprehend and to impregnate the members of humanity, and to draw the members of humanity into their respective time lines, so that each spirit can manifest himself fully through the human beings that he has birthed his child in. The days of spiritual childhood are over. It's time for mortal humanity to become the married wife of a spiritual husband and bear his spiritual child. And it is our job to get this message out, to preach it, to store it up, to post it on the web page, for whosoever will believe, and when the time comes that what is really happening in the earth is obvious, the information will be available.

There will many people that it will too late to help, but there will be many who will be helped. But this humanity, we are really one entity, we are a many-membered entity, humanity is a many membered entity, we are all one. It is the truth, we are all woven together. We're a woven tapestry that Satan has created, or that she has formed out of the primordial substance, but Jesus Christ is not bound, he is liberated from the foundation and the threads that have woven this world.

You have read the Scripture, in Christ Jesus there is liberty, well what does that mean? Liberty from what? Liberty from the gravity and the bands of this world. And the liberty begins in your mind. The liberty which is in Christ Jesus is that his thoughts can stand apart from Satan's thoughts, and when you begin to think with his thoughts, the liberty proceeds into other areas of your life, and eventually you will find the strength to not be controlled by other people, then you will find the strength to not be controlled and not be threatened by people's attempt at control, you will have kindness towards the people who are trying to control you, because you will no longer be afraid, and eventually, that liberty will touch your physical body. You will be liberated from disease, and ultimately from death. When we come into the season for that experience. Right now it is the season to be liberated from the thoughts of the carnal mind. And as I've told you many times, we are not alone, we are a many membered spiritual woman, humanity is a many-membered spiritual woman. Therefore, we have not only our own mind to overcome, we have the group mind to overcome. Whoever you are closest to, most likely it's your physical family. You have to overcome the whole group mind, not just your own carnal mind.

You must take that victory, then you have to overcome the mind of the church. How many people are brave enough to say that the church is wrong, what they're preaching is wrong, what they are teaching is wrong, and stand alone on what God has shown you is right. How many people are even willing to try to face the persecution that comes down upon them, when they try to stand apart from the whole? It's time for love brethren. The many-membered female, the spiritual female has a already begun the process which will result in her marriage. I saw a Star Trek episode once, it was about a woman, they called her a metamorph, and she was suppose to be a woman who was incredibly sexually oriented, so that she had to be guarded and chaperoned the whole time, because she would seduce any man that she came in contact with. But when she was mated, she would stop this behavior when she was mated, and she would become what her husband desired. She would become the perfect woman in the mind of her husband, and forever she would be with that husband and never stray again. And that is the truth about humanity brethren. You've heard about the harlot of Revelation, well that's us. We're all harlots, we're all spiritual harlots, running after Satan and Leviathan's thoughts and rejecting the thoughts of our true husband, the Lord Jesus.

But when we marry him, we shall forever be with the Lord, when we marry him, we shall receive his nature, and we shall forever be with the Lord, we shall become the faithful wife. This is so confusing brethren, because when we become the faithful wife, of course that's physical men and physical women, we'll become the faithful spiritual wife of the Lord Jesus Christ, but wifehood, spiritual wifehood, or spiritual marriage is nothing at all like the marriage of this world. The marriage of this world, a woman gets married and she frequently stays weak, stays under her husband's domination, and in some cases stays as a child for her whole life. But not so in spiritual marriage brethren. Marriage to Jesus Christ makes you strong.

And actually, whether you be a physical male or a physical female, marriage to Jesus Christ imparts a male mind to you, because your spiritual husband comes to you in the form of a mind. Christ Jesus is your new mind, and you and me, the personality, when we marry the mind of Christ Jesus, we become male in our thinking. This is so confusing. Yes, we the personality, we become male in our thinking is so far as this world is concerned, and we are spiritually female in relationship to the mind of Christ Jesus, because we the personality submits the mind of our flesh to his glorious mind, but we become a personality with this glorious mind, and in this world we become spiritually male, powerful, undefeatable, and supernaturally exalted in every area, we will become supernatural men, with supernatural powers, but brethren, none of this will come to pass if we believe the lie that man is good at his root, and that if you just meet all of his needs, all violence and criminal behavior will disappear, because the path that leads to the glory that I have just described to you, passes through a period of facing the truth about our spiritual roots, and our spiritual potential, which is criminal, spiritually criminal, facing that truth, looking at it, and crushing it's power over us, and covering it with the mind of Christ. Then we come up on the other side, as powerful spiritual men, because our mind is Christ Jesus.

The men who are experiencing the false Holy Spirit today, who are or who have been, who are presently being impregnated by her, they will bear a female child, and she is an evil spiritual child. Her works will appear to be good on the surface, but when Christ Jesus manifests in his army of personalities that he has married, when the human beings that are carrying the female child of the serpent are confronted by the sons of God, they're evil will be revealed. Brethren you must know that already, if you carry Christ Jesus, if he's in you now, so now you seem to bring out the worst in people. People manifest wherever you go.

Envy manifests, pride manifests, hatred manifests, competition manifests, anti-Christ manifests, witchcraft manifests, they want to stop you brethren, who is they? The people that come into your life, they don't understand it, but they want to control you, why? Because they see that liberty in you, they see that strength in you, they see that you're not bound to this world, but that you're bound to someone who's strengthening you, you're bound to the righteous one, and the carnal mind just wants to bring you down, they just want to break you! They just want to break you, that's their natural inclination.

And to stay in the anointing that I have described to you, we must deal with these people without sinning against them, we must be harmless as doves and wise as serpents, wise as the serpent. The serpent is very wise, the serpent is very subtle. The serpent knows how to deal with people who are out of order. More Christians lose their temper than people who worship the serpent. We have to have the wisdom of how to deal with people, we have to have our own emotions under control, we have to have our own pride under control so that Christ Jesus can deal with these people and save their lives, not kill them.

The false philosophy in the world today, and it's even in the church today, that man is not evil, is the biggest enemy to the program of the Lord Jesus to save the world. Spiritual marriage is at hand brethren, the two spirits are going forth in the earth today, the true Holy Spirit and the false Holy Spirit, which is Satan, they're going forth to marry humanity, a mortal man at a time. And I'll pray as we conclude this message that when it's posted to the web page, the Lord Jesus will bring every one to read this word that have truly called upon his name, that need to hear this, that they will be blessed by it, that they will be set free by it, and that this knowledge that there is a false Holy Spirit in the land, will cause them to turn even closer to the Lord, and that this knowledge will be a protection to them. Because the Scripture says, yes, ask for wisdom, but even more than wisdom, ask for understanding.

What does that mean? Wisdom is the doctrine of Christ. The doctrine of Christ is the wisdom of God, but it does you no good if you don't understand it, and if you have not been instructed as to how to implement these practical aspects in your everyday life. So we receive wisdom, but in addition to that, receive understanding, and I will end this message with a prayer for the church, and for the whole world, I pray that Christ Jesus should be exalted in his church, and throughout the whole world, I pray that he should be glorified, I pray that his truth should be accepted and honored everywhere. I pray that his word should enter into the hearts of men everywhere, and destroy the powers and principalities that have been manipulating the world since time began. I pray that the word of the Lord should come to pass speedily, that Leviathan's time line should be swallowed up, that the moon of that time line should turn to the blood of Christ Jesus, and that the sun of that time line, should be covered with sackcloth. Sackcloth is a symbol for the regenerated Adam or Christ Jesus. It signifies a filter covering over, not of the physical sun in the sky, but of the spiritual sun of Leviathan's time line. Let it be filtered, let every ungodly aspect be filtered out. The sun signifies the spirit, brethren, the spiritual sun of the individual signifies the spirit of the individual, and Satan is the spirit of mortal man.

What is being filtered out of Satan? Can anyone tell us? The earth that is polluting the waters or the energy of the creation must be filtered out of Satan, and if you recall the teaching not too long ago about Moses and camels and water in the desert, we talked about the fabric of creation being a series of threads, of warp threads and woof threads, threads perpendicular to one another, the whole man cannot get through the fabric, we cannot pass out of this world, only our spirit can pass out of this world, or the sackcloth that's going to be placed over the sun, or that the sackcloth that's going to be placed over Satan, it's the new man, it's the fabric of Christ Jesus covering the old man, and only the spirit will get through. That fabric is a filter that will hold all of the earth down, only the spirit will pass through.

And the moon, the spiritual moon of the individual is Leviathan, and Leviathan is being covered, well actually, I have to change that. The spiritual moon of the individual is the fiery serpent, which is an extension of Leviathan, the fiery serpent is Leviathan's larvae in the individual, she is being covered with the blood of Jesus. That's just another way of saying that Christ Jesus has to cover the fiery serpent, and penetrate her. So we see every individual has a spiritual moon and a spiritual sun. The spiritual sun is the spirit in the mortal man, that's Satan, and the spiritual moon which is a reflection of the spiritual sun, is Leviathan. Satan's being filtered and we know that this filtering is taking place by boiling, and the fiery serpent, Leviathan's larvae in the individual is being covered by Christ Jesus and being penetrated by him.

May this time line roll up like a scroll and come to an end quickly. May all of the people of humanity Lord, experience liberty and deliverance at your hands, we pray for a speedy ending Lord.

We pray the angels should sound the whole of this message Lord, and that the sons of God should arise Lord, and go forth to do the work of Ez. 9, beginning with the church Lord, and with the elders thereof. May your nature be engraved upon all of humanity Father, because you are the rightful owner. In the name of Jesus we pray for your swift return, amen and amen.

COMMENT: One day last week I put on a program and it was talking about the matrix, and they said they are making some more.

PASTOR VITALE: Yes, I heard that, it should be interesting.

COMMENT: I feel like we are in Goshen, and that we are sitting in the light, and all the darkness is out there.

PASTOR VITALE: Yeah, there is so much light here it's almost blinding, and all that darkness out there. Right now we don't seem to be penetrating, at least locally we're not penetrating, but we're penetrating quite a bit through our web pages, and it's going to spread, it's going to multiply, and all of the sudden it's going to be a tremendous avalanche of people wanting this word. 

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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