500 - Part 3
(2 Cor. 13:14)



AndCommunion 500 3 Cover

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Part 3 of 3 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



          Praise the Lord!  This is Part 3 of our study on communion.  The Lord has instructed us to start this meeting and message with a drawing of the space-time continuum which is Leviathan’s timeline. (Illustration on back cover)

            We know that Christ Jesus intends to eventually swallow up Leviathan’s whole timeline but, in this hour, Christ Jesus is not yet swallowing up Leviathan.

            He is making a way for some personalities to escape from this timeline, so that He can train them, and equip them with Christ Jesus and all of the heavenly defenses, and armor, and weapons that we need, so that we can be the Saviors that come forth from Mount Zion and be that open door to the rest of the Church and then to the world. Mount Zion is the brow energy center, the energy center between the eye brows, the sixth energy center.

            We see in Revelation 3:8 that there is a door that will never close, and that door is Christ Jesus.


Rev. 3:8: I know thy works.  Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.  For thou hast a little strength and hast kept my Word and hast not denied my name.  (KJV)

            The open door that no man can shut is Christ Jesus, but that open door is yet to open into this world. In this hour, that door is opening only in a company of people in whom Christ Jesus is being formed.

            Once this group of people are caught up into the brow (6th) energy center, and their personality is perfected or saved, and they are so covered by Christ Jesus that their sin nature is completely paralyzed such that they are sinless, and utterly strengthened and sustained by the glorified Jesus Christ and Jehovah and the whole household of God, then the open door is established.  That is the open door that no man can shut.

            However, until that time that the permanent door is established, there is a door that is opening temporarily, and the people who are called to this company of Saviors that will come forth to save the rest of the Church and the rest of the world, are challenged to escape through it.

            Right now, to the best of my knowledge, there is no one in this physical visible world that is a perfect manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Everybody’s sin nature is still active as far as I know.  That is my information from the Lord. 

            As I have shown on this board, there is a temporary door opening in the very near future, and that door is Christ in you. This is all happening within you. The door that is opening within you is Christ in you, and the Mind of Christ in you, or Christ Jesus in you, is interfering with your carnal mind, Leviathan’s timeline, as each individual one of you follow this path. 

            If you can see the arrows, this is just the path that humanity follows.  It just goes round and round and round.  If Christ is in you, this is the place where you are in your path.  You, the personality, are coming to a place within yourself where Christ Jesus is interfering with your carnal mind. 

            You may recall that your Christ mind is being formed within the carnal mind.  Your Christ mind is being formed within the womb of the carnal mind, if you are fighting this war, if you are doing everything that you can to distinguish between the two minds within you. 

            They are symbiotic, they are Siamese twins, they are bound together.  It is very, very hard to tell the difference between the two minds. How do you recognize a mind?  Can anybody tell us that? 

            COMMENT: By the words spoken.

            PASTOR VITALE: Yes, we recognize a mind by the words that are spoken.  However, words are just the final manifestation or expression of our thoughts. If we are going to distinguish between the two minds, we have to recognize the difference in our thoughts before we speak.  That is our ultimate goal. 

            We start by recognizing or by telling the difference between our verbal words but, ultimately, to fight this war and separate from the carnal mind, we have to recognize these words when they are still thoughts. 

            If Christ is in you, you, the personality, are still walking along and treading this path that every other man born of a woman is treading.  The only difference between you and the rest of the world is that Christ is in you. 

            If you never come to a place where you meet Christ within you, you are going to pass out of this world, and the chances are you will not have made any mark on the world at all or you may have made some little mark on the world. 

            For you to be powerful in Christ, for you to experience the promises of the Scripture concerning spiritual ascension, you, the personality, must have a confrontation, a meeting, with the Christ that is inside of you. 

            Brethren, I am telling you the truth.  The Church is filled with thousands, if not millions of Christians that Christ is formed in, and the personality never meets Him.  They are still living out of their carnal mind and, in most instances they think it is Christ because they cannot tell the difference. 

            The word of the Lord this morning is, there is an opportunity approaching for each of us that is treading this carnal path over here, to have a confrontation with the Christ that is inside of us.

            We are getting very close to the place where we are going to meet Christ and if we meet Him and recognize the meeting, we are going to be able to run through the door. 

            What does that mean?  It means your personality will begin to live out of Christ.  As soon as you start to think with that Christ mind, you have the ability to distinguish between your carnal mind and your Christ mind. You cannot do it without Christ.

            Satan will never say to you, That is Christ over there.  What will Satan tell you every time you try to distinguish between the two minds?  She will say, I am Christ. Therefore, that person over there that has a different mind must be Satan.  There are two  different minds and if one is Christ, then the other must be Satan. 

            You will never distinguish between the two minds correctly unless you are thinking with the Mind of Christ.

            I gave a little exhortation off the message this morning because I was not sure what the Lord was doing or what He was saying to me.  I now believe that what He is saying to me is that this word is for this group here and whoever is associated with this group that gets the messages on a regular basis. 

            You are approaching the point where this opportunity is open for you.  There is a confrontation coming between the carnal mind within you, between Leviathan, and Christ Jesus, and if you, the personality, can recognize it when it happens, you are going to walk through the door. It is going to be in your thoughts.  If you can recognize it when it happens, you are going to walk through the door and forever you shall be with the Lord. 

            What does that mean?  You are going to start living out of the Christ mind, thinking out of the Christ mind.  When that happens, your whole life will change.

            As devoted and as intense as you think that your life is right now (and you are all committed people), once you walk through that door and you start living out of Christ, you are on your way. By living out of Christ I do not mean just listening to messages and talking about the Doctrine of Christ, which is fine, but when your every decision, even up to what you should make for dinner, starts to come out of Christ, you are on your way. 

            This opportunity, this door, is opening.  This is the Word of the Lord to this group this morning.  The door is opening.  You are approaching the point.  What does that mean?  

            You have been sitting under this message for almost nine years.  I have been beating up your carnal mind for at least two or three years.  You have been under heavy judgment for a couple of years.  What does that mean?  Does that mean I am picking on you? 

            Someone once said I was picking on them and was too hard on them. No, I am trying to kill your carnal mind so that Christ can stand a chance.  That is what I am trying to do, believe it or not.  That is what I am trying to do.

            You are approaching the point, you are here this morning.  You are going to be able to walk through that door if you are willing to tell the difference.  What would stop you from distinguishing between the two minds?  What would stop you from walking through that door?  What is the only thing that would stop you?

            Yes, your pride.  How come you are at this point?  You are at this point because you have been sitting under this instruction, eight years for you, almost nine years for you.  You have been faithful, and the Lord wants to give you this experience, and He wants to give it to you so badly, to the extent that He has me teaching you this, this morning. 

            In the final analysis, you must lay hold of Christ yourself.  The only way you can do it is to lay down your carnal mind.  Step on it, tread on it, kill it, admit every fault that you have, admit every mistake that you make and make it right, no matter how small. 

            If you close the door wrong, and you know that there is a rule here that says you should close the door another way, admit it, do it right, and say you will do it right the next time.  Kill that pride and walk through that door. 

            Today is the day of deliverance.  Today is the day of salvation.  This is a personal word to this ministry and to the brethren in this ministry. 

            Let us go over this drawing here.   Science has revealed that the space-time continuum is a loop.  That is why I have drawn it this way.  Man just goes round and round and round.

            In the individuals where Christ is being formed, He is in the form of a parallelogram.  We know that from other studies.  Christ, originally, is being formed within the womb of the carnal mind.  As He separates from the carnal mind, He tears the carnal mind, and Leviathan’s timeline is just another way of saying carnal mind for the purposes of this exhortation. 

            As Christ Jesus begins to move, He begins to separate.  There will be a tear.  There will be a tear.  The Lord gave me a word of knowledge this morning that humanity is in Leviathan’s intestines.  You do not have to believe that if you do not want to, but that is what the Lord told me. 

            The Lord said, If you are neither hot nor cold, I will spew you out of my mouth.  The Lord wants to consume us, and this message is on communion, brethren.

            Believe it or not, the communion that Paul talks about, and that Jesus spoke about, is what I am talking about now.  It is not about crackers and grape juice.  It is what I am talking about now.  It is talking about eating and drinking the personality and the human spirit.  That is what the communion is talking about.

            The glorified Jesus Christ wants us to be in His intestines.  Look, somebody is going to eat you.  This whole world is consuming itself.  The stronger animal consumes the weaker animal.  Man consumes the farm animal.  Insects consume smaller insects.  The whole world is a jungle. 

            Are you really spiritually naive enough to think that this whole world that is consuming itself excludes mankind, and that nobody is consuming mankind? 

            Of course, we know about cannibals, but cannibalism is being wiped out in the so-called civilized world.  Brethren, human beings are being consumed spiritually. There are two entities who want to consume us.  We become the flesh of the one who consumes us.  Do you hear me? 

            I have become the flesh of Christ Jesus because He has consumed so much of me that a large part of me is Him.  Obviously, I am not completely Him, because I know that my sin nature is alive and well.  I hear her every day.  She does not leave me alone, but I do not agree with her. 

            I have become the flesh of Christ Jesus and His mouthpiece, because He is consuming my spirit and my personality to a large degree.   I have become His flesh.

            We become the flesh and the behavioral and verbal expression of the spirit that consumes us or of the mind that consumes us.  Of course, the mind has a spirit in it. 

            This is very, very hard.  You can be a very, very nice person and do all kinds of good deeds and good works, and bake cookies, and help people, and give people your money, and put people ahead of you, and do all kinds of good things, but it could all be out of the good side of the mind of this world, which is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

            That is why, even though you have done all these good works (and I do not disdain them), you still get sick, you still suffer in your body, you still have problems in your life, and if the Lord Jesus does not intervene, you will die. 

            If you think you are going to some fairy land heaven after the death of this body, you have bought a lie.  It is not true.  Life is in the flesh.  Judgment is in the flesh so that you should learn to live after the Spirit.  Jesus Christ is glorified in the visible world, not after we die. 

            He is glorified when His nature manifests through us in this world, despite all the temptations and pressures of Satan and Leviathan. When we live through Him, He is glorified. He wants such a person that is living for Him, that Christ is formed in them, to recognize this message so that they can run through the door. 

            There have been many faithful that have not heard this word or understood this word and have walked right past the door.  They have just continued along this path, walked right past the door, and never opened it. 

            Most likely, they walked past the door because they thought they were already in Christ, which they were not. 

            Very, very few in this hour are actually living out of Christ.  He said, I stand at the door and I knock (Rev 3:20). Very few are opening because they think they are already in, but they are not. 

            Their good works are providing good things in this world, because the Bible says, You shall reap what you sow.  They give their money away, and they are safe from financial disaster.  You are kind to other people, people are kind to you.  You do good works in the Church, and pursue Jesus Christ with all your strength, He will put you in a fellowship where you can grow spiritually. 

            Eternal life, immortality, deliverance from physical death is only for those who go through the door. 

            Leviathan’s timeline produces the physical body.  Even though you are still in this physical body, if your whole personality, which is your soul, can get through this door into Christ Jesus’ timeline (not just a part of you, but your whole personality has to get through the door) you will not die. 

            The Lord told me this morning that this is a hernia. He is causing a hernia, He is causing a breach. He is causing a tear in Leviathan’s intestines.  Jesus is consuming us.  This is not a new message here.  I am just saying it in a different way. 

            I have been preaching for a couple of years now that Satan and Leviathan and all of the hosts of creatures (you can say the hosts of hell), that exist in the other planes of consciousness feed off of our spiritual energy.  There are all kinds of spiritual insects feeding off of our etheric body.  That is why we die.  There are beings that are feeding off of us. 

            Humanity is in Leviathan’s intestines, and the Lord Jesus wants us to enter into His intestines, because when He consumes us, we live forever.  When Leviathan consumes us, we die after a season, and our life could be good or evil depending upon other factors. 

            We see that the timeline of Christ Jesus is a parallelogram, and that the open door is the point of contact between the two timelines.  We see that the timeline of Christ Jesus is the holy or heavenly Jerusalem.  We have several Scriptures on that. 

Heb. 12:22; But ye are come unto Mt. Zion and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels.  (KJV)

Rev. 3:12; Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall no more go out and I will write upon him the name of my God, the name of the city of my God, which is the new Jerusalem, which cometh down from heaven from God.  And I will write upon him my new name. (KJV)

Rev. 21:2; And I John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  (KJV)

Rev. 21:10; And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. (KJV)

            For a long time I could not understand why the new Jerusalem was coming down from heaven because the Lord had told me that this visible physical world is covering over the visible spiritual world. Hell is actually covering over heaven, Cain has buried Abel, and so I could not understand why the heavenly Jerusalem was coming down from above.

            Although I have not checked it out in the Interlinear, I believe the Lord has told me that what the Scripture is really saying is, the holy Jerusalem is covering over the carnal mind, and I have no problem with this.

            I told you earlier in this message that the heavenly Jerusalem is the Mind of Christ.  It is Christ Jesus.  Christ is being formed in the womb of the earth, and He must penetrate the earth.  We have had a lot of teaching about this.

            We did Ezekiel’s bones.  We found out that it was talking about Abel crying out from under the ground, Father, Father, deliver me, and there was a great earthquake.  It is Abel under the ground saying, Get me out of here, out of this coffin. 

            Christ pierces through the ground and ascends, and as Christ ascends and apprehends the waters or the energies of the individual, He matures into Christ Jesus.

            He goes all the way up to the brow (6th) energy center and then comes down. He comes down from the brow (6th) energy center and covers over the carnal mind. He permanently covers her over, until she is paralyzed and we become sinless.

            It is our carnal mind, mostly Satan, thinking through us.  Leviathan lusts through us.  Satan thinks through us.  She is the fallen nature that causes us to die.  Her vibration must be stopped.

            The Lord has likened her to me as a rattlesnake rattling her tail causing a vibration of evil thoughts, of thoughts that are declared to be sin by Almighty God, which sin is punishable by death.

              The man who is born with this sin nature is identified by the name Satan.  When that spiritual entity vibrates in that new born infant, that new born infant is already marked for death, in accordance with the universal righteous law of God Almighty, Jehovah.

            Scientists will tell you, we start to die immediately after our birth.  Our cells begin to die. Is this an unrighteous God? No! Every sin shall have its just recompense. Glory be to God who has made a way of escape from the righteous judgment.

            The confession of sin and repentance, qualifies you for a new righteous mind which is incapable of sin, which when you live out of Him, will cause your personality to cease from dying and to live forever. 

            Jehovah will never remove His righteous law. The condemnation of death is upon the mind that thinks good and evil.  Your deliverance is through an escape into the new mind which has graciously been provided for by our Creator. 

            I want to tell you that an attitude of gratitude is absolutely essential to enter into His salvation.  As we have already seen in the first two parts of this message (we did some translations in Matthew 26), I believe the disciples were grateful.

            They were grateful that the Doctrine of Christ was being given to them.  When they were grateful, the Spirit of Christ flowed over them into their spirit, because the doctrine without the Spirit of Christ is still death. 

            Yes, the Doctrine of Christ, as glorious as it might be to you, without the Spirit of Christ is still death unto you.  Why is this so?  It is so because if you do not have the Spirit of Christ, Satan is still the spiritual blood of your being.  What! 

            You were given a measure of energy when you were born into this world.  Either Satan possesses that energy with her polluted earth or the Spirit of Christ possesses that energy.       You could have the doctrine, Paul is saying, but if you do not have the Spirit of Christ, your foundation is still mortal, and your spirit is still Satan. 

            What good is this glorious doctrine, if you could preach it out of your carnal mind? It would not give you eternal life.

In any case, I have not yet met anyone who could preach it out of their carnal mind.  Every time they try it, it comes out backwards.  It comes out with major reverses.  It puts Christ Jesus in Satan’s role and Satan in Christ Jesus’ role.  Even if you could preach it, it still would not give you eternal life. 

            From time to time, somebody comes in here and they want to learn this doctrine so that they can go out and preach it, so that they can exalt themselves and have a ministry. 

            This has been going on for a long time.  The ministry is twelve years old.  There is always somebody coming around that wants to grab this doctrine and preach it.  No one has ever succeeded yet.  I have never denied it to anybody.  I have never denied the messages and the books to anybody, but nobody has ever been able to go out and preach it.

            Brethren, you have to follow the rules that are laid down by Christ Jesus to preach this doctrine, if that is your desire.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to preach it, if that is your desire, but you have to submit to the course of study and discipleship that Christ Jesus has laid out. 

            You are not going to listen to a few messages and preach this message.  If you try to do that, as we will find out when we translate I Corinthians 11 today, you will come under Satan’s judgment. Do not even try. It is a blessing of God that you cannot give it out.

            Why? It is because when you preach this message, if you could preach it right, Satan is out to kill you, and if the Spirit of Christ is not defending you, you will not stand for five minutes.

            She will go after you with viciousness and a vengeance that will dig up every legal ground, that is, every aspect of sin in your life, known to you or not known to you. 

            She will do as much damage to you and your family as she possibly can, based on those legal grounds, based on those sins that she has found in you. 

            When someone comes to me, and they tell me I did not do that deliberately, I want to tell you that Satan does not care that you did not do that deliberately.  If you do not take my correction, even though you did not do it deliberately, Satan is there.  She is waiting without mercy to correct you. 

            Everybody is challenged to grow up here, to kill your own sin, and to take seriously everything I say to you. I am rarely wrong, and I cannot remember any time that I have been wrong that the Lord has not sent me to the person to tell them I was wrong, when He corrected me. 

            I cannot remember one instance of that ever happening in twelve years of ministry.  If I am wrong, He will correct me, and I will tell you. 

            Christ Jesus interferes with the space-time continuum and tears the fabric of this world system, that is, the world system within us.  Each one of us is a cosmos. 

            The Fiery Serpent, who is nailed to Christ Jesus, is divided from Leviathan.  The Fiery Serpent in every one of us is joined to Leviathan in some measure.  There are different forms of union.

            First, our personality joins with Christ, then with Christ Jesus, then our personality joins with the glorified Jesus Christ.  There are different degrees of union between the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan.

            The Fiery Serpent has union with Leviathan from the day we are born, but that is a different union than when I talk about the Fiery Serpent ascending into the belly (3rd)  energy center and then joining to Leviathan and, eventually, becoming the swine in the crown (7th)  energy center.  That is a different form of union. 

            The Fiery Serpent is joined to Leviathan because they are made out of the same substance.  The Fiery Serpent is the seed of Leviathan that Leviathan has planted in the individual.  There is a connection; there is a union, they are one.  They are of the same substance.  They are both of the earth. 

            Of course, Christ Jesus, let me remind you, is joining Himself to the Fiery Serpent for the specific purpose of dividing the Fiery Serpent from Leviathan. 

            Does anybody remember who the Fiery Serpent is and why Jesus would want that Fiery Serpent? 

            COMMENT:  She is our spiritual virginity.

            PASTOR VITALE: That is a true answer, but we need a better explanation than that.

            COMMENT: She is the sperm of Jehovah.

            PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Fiery Serpent is the sperm of Jehovah.  It is His seed.  It is His son.  Our potential to be a son of God is in the Fiery Serpent within us. 

            All of these eggs or all of these sperms, all these seeds (they are not eggs, I guess, they are sperm), all of these seeds of Jehovah were stolen by the Primordial Serpent and covered with earth and engraved with the nature of the Serpent and are now functioning as a full fledged member of the Primordial Serpent’s household. 

            Christ Jesus has come to save that which was lost.  What was lost?  Jehovah’s semen was lost.  The seed part, or the sperm part of the spiritual semen was apprehended by the Primordial Serpent, and the waters of the semen were polluted by the Primordial Serpent, and she is appearing to us today as Satan. 

            The Serpent stole the whole spiritual substance that Jehovah poured into this creation.  Jesus came to get it back.  He also came to get back the earth because the earth is necessary to project the image of the visible world.

            Adam rose from the dead in the man, Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ is the incarnation of Adam, Jehovah’s glorious thought form.  He is married to the earth.  Adam is married to the earth. 

            Adam is Elohim, Jehovah’s spiritual seminal fluid, mixed together with the dust, the surface of the earth.  I asked the Lord for years, Why the surface of the earth?  The significance is that Adam is mixed with a small proportion of earth, just the surface of the earth.  He is more spirit than he is earth.  It is the earth that makes him visible. 

            We are more earth than spirit.  We are buried under the earth.  Adam abides in the world above, in the upper window, but he has just enough earth mixed with him to make him visible. 

            Jesus Christ came looking for Jehovah’s spiritual seminal fluid, the energy, the waters of creation, the Fiery Serpents who are reincarnating and reincarnating and reincarnating because they are under the influence of the Primordial Serpent, who is trying to perfect them through experience because that is what she believes. 

            That is what the Primordial Serpent’s doctrine teaches, that you will be perfected through experience, which is a lie.  You will never be perfected through experience. 

            The spiritual sperm of Jehovah’s seminal fluid is reincarnating over and over again.  Not the personality, not what is your present consciousness here, but that spiritual seed inside of you is in hell. All those spiritual seeds are in hell, whatever memory or consciousness they have. 

            Someone hypnotizes you, and you think you are remembering past lives.  You are not remembering your past life.  You are contacting Satan who has all memories back to the beginning of this age or even before this age, from the time of the fall.

            I am not going to get into that now, because I will preach all day on this Doctrine of Christ and I really want to get on to the communion.

            Christ Jesus interferes with the space-time continuum and tears the fabric of this world system that is within you.  Each one of us is a cosmos.  Each one of us is a world.  This spiritual fabric that is within us, which is really Leviathan’s timeline, is divided from Leviathan. 

            We see that Christ Jesus is nailing Himself to the Fiery Serpent in every particle of our spiritual being and separating the Fiery Serpent from every particle of our spiritual being.  Ordinarily, this is impossible but Jesus is doing the impossible.

            As the Fiery Serpent slips away, this tear, this door that the whole personality escapes through, will remain open until Satan and Leviathan repair the breach.  You have to run through when that door opens. 

            This is not a one-time running through.  For every level of deliverance that you get, every time that door opens, you have to walk through.  Every door of opportunity that opens, you have to walk through. 

            What is going to happen to you if you miss it?  You are not going to get punished for it, but the fact is, you did not take that advance.  You had an opportunity to do something for Christ, and you did not do it, so you are that much back in time.

            It all depends upon how much time you have.  Do not think that you have much time because age is on your side.  If you are twenty years old or thirty years old, you do not know what is coming tomorrow. There are earthquakes, and tornadoes, and floods and everything going on in this world today. 

            You do not know what is coming tomorrow.  People go into the hospital to have a toenail removed and they die.  They do not come out.  You do not know what is coming tomorrow.  You have to walk through every door that opens.

            How can you walk through the door if you cannot recognize the door?   The whole message this morning is Open your eyes.  Ask the Lord to open your eyes, because you cannot even open your own eyes.  Walk through every spiritual door that opens. 

            That means when someone calls and mentions they would like the literature from this ministry, you do not let your pride say, You write and ask for it yourself. You take the opportunity.  You have got to deal with your pride. Right there on the spot, you say, Jesus, what is the right thing to do? 

            That is how you take the opportunity, by entering into a continuous communication with the Lord.  You have to ask Him about everything. 

            What do you think, Lord?  What do you think about this decision that I am making?  What do you think?  What have you got for me? What do you want from me today?  How can you use me today?  You do not just do this when you come here. You communicate with the Lord continuously.

            The door will remain open until Satan and Leviathan repair the breach.  We have many opportunities to walk in Christ, but I believe the Lord is saying today that there is a major opportunity coming up ahead. 

            I have an example for you, just to try and help you to understand this.  A couple of months ago I had a word that a door of opportunity was about to be opened to me and that it would be something to really take advantage of.  I wondered what it could possibly be. 

            Do you know what it turned out to be for me?  It was the opportunity to take this weight off me.  I have been praying to the Lord for years to help me with this problem.  I have to say it is an emotional problem.  When you over-eat, it is an emotional problem.  I am talking about myself.  I am not putting anybody down.

            If you over-eat and are overweight, it is because you are having stress in your life, and the way you are dealing with the stress is by eating.  Of course, that is better than committing adultery, or robbing, or shoplifting, but it is a sign that Christ Jesus is not controlling this aspect of your life, and He wants to be controlling every aspect of our life.

            I have been crying out for years saying, Lord, I am powerless in this area of my life.  I am so strong in other areas, but powerless to take this weight off and powerless to exercise.  Every time I would try to exercise, I would get sick or get hurt in some way. 

            About two months ago, at tops, a spiritual door opened for me.  I cannot describe it to you anymore than this, that something inside of me, Christ inside of me said, The anointing to give you the power you have been praying for, for years is now available for you. 

            I cut my calories in half with no pain, no pain, and I am exercising almost every day, at least five to six days a week.  No pain.  I am not in any kind of pain. 

            Something happened in the spirit that enabled me to do it.   If I was not willing to cut my calories back and I was not willing to go work out six days a week, I would not get the blessing.  I would not lose the weight. 

            That is what a door of opportunity means.  The power for you to do it is here, or it is coming.  This is for you today.  The power to get your healing is coming.  It is going to present itself to you. 

            I do not know what form it is going to take, but I pray that your eyes should see it, because I know you will walk through the door if you see it.  I rebuke your blindness in the name of Jesus, and I curse your pride. I curse it. 

            I cannot even tell you how it happened.  The Lord is going to help me explain it to you.  Somehow I got an  inkling.  Something in my subconscious mind started to recognize that maybe I could try. 

            In the past, I would not even try.  I just knew that I had tried several times before and failed miserably. 

            A thought from Christ started rising up in my mind, a very subtle thought.  Maybe it is time to try.  As I started to try, I saw that I was doing it.  I saw that I was cutting back on my calories.  I saw that I was doing the exercises, and I was prevailing.

            As I succeeded, I did more.  I asked the Lord to be with me every step of the way and see that I did not overdo it, that I would not do anything that would result in physical harm to my body, which has happened in the past.  I overdo it, and then I lose everything. 

            I am still at it, and I lost quite a bit of weight. There is not a doubt in my mind that I am going all the way because Christ Jesus is with me and because He helped me to recognize that the power was present to do this. 

            Going back to my old days in deliverance, my Pastor at that time used this Scripture a lot, And the power of the Holy Ghost was present to heal. 

            There are spiritual doors that open and close.  I spent five years casting out demons.  The power to cast out demons was present, and I did it for five years. 

            I try to cast out a demon today and nothing happens.  I turn it over to one of you.  The power within me to do that spiritual activity is not there.  The Lord is doing something else through me. 

            Does that mean I will never cast a demon out again?  No!  The power to cast out demons is not present with me today and has not been for a long time.

            You all heard my testimony when I went to Africa.  Everybody was casting out demons, and I was powerless.  After five years of glorious ministry in casting out demons, I was powerless.  I was totally mortified. 

            So much for my pride.  We cannot do anything unless Christ Jesus is doing it in us and through us. 

            A door of opportunity is about to open for you.  I have no idea what form it will take, but you walk through it and you will be healed, says the Lord.  Lord, open her eyes.

            This whole message, so far, has been an introduction to Part 3 of our study on the communion. 

            Brethren, the communion is about spiritual eating and drinking. The word cup signifies the Mind of Christ which holds the Spirit of Christ.  Cup merely means vessel.  When Jesus says Wine, He is obviously talking about His spiritual blood, which is the Spirit of Christ.  It is no secret that He is talking about His spiritual blood. If the blood is spiritual, why should the cup not be spiritual?  Let us be consistent. 

            The bread is the Doctrine of Christ.  The Doctrine of Christ is spiritual.  The Doctrine of Christ is the Word of God, the Word of God in you.  Jesus said, I am the living bread that came down from heaven (Jn. 6:51).  The Word of God is Christ Jesus in you. 

            When you, the personality, are living out of Christ Jesus, you will not only be nourished by the bread within you, but you will be a source of nourishment to others.

             Jesus was telling His disciples in that whole account of the communion, which, unfortunately, has been reduced to grape juice and crackers today, that they must get the Mind of Christ, and they must also have the Spirit because the Word without the Spirit is dead. 

            That is what this whole issue of the communion is.  Jesus said, I am going to be taken from this world.  The days of my flesh are over.  While I have been in this world, I was covering you.  I gave you power over sicknesses and diseases.  I have covered your sins, but the days of my presence in the flesh are going.  I am leaving, and now you must internalize the same mind that is in me.  The same mind that is in me must shoot forth in you.  That is what the communion is all about. 

            Brethren, the more I translate these Scriptures, and the more the Lord educates me, the more I have to cry out to God to help me stay calm when I see the condition of the Church.

            When I see what has been done to the glorious Word of God and how it has been brought down into the flesh, I have to pray to stay calm.  Even worse than that, the people are very reluctant, if not outright rebellious, and resistant, and antagonistic towards the truth. 

            The average person in the Church is not even receiving this word gladly.  They are still out there celebrating Christmas and putting up trees.  They do not want the truth.  They want to stay in the flesh.  They do not want the Spirit.  It feels good to stay in the flesh. 

            Who is going to pay the price of this persecution for not celebrating Christmas and not taking the communion and having everybody look at you like you are some kind of a freak?   Who is willing to pay that kind of a price?  Not many. 

            I have heard it preached so many times that the Corinthian Christians were carnal, that the Church at Corinth was a carnal Church.  The King James Translators have made it appear that Corinth was a carnal Church. 

            Again, I have nothing against the King James Translators; they did the best that they could.  They did the best they could at the time, but, brethren, I have news for you. I want to tell you that those Corinthians were hearing the Doctrine of Christ.   We will, Lord  willing, translate I Corinthians 11 today.

            I do not know whether they had an imputed Christ or an imparted Christ, I am not sure.  They probably had an imputed Christ.  They probably had Christ formed in them by the gathering together of the Holy Spirit within them through faithfulness and devotion to the Lord. 

            For Paul to be talking to them about what the Lord Jesus taught on the communion, they had to be spiritual.  Obviously, some of them did not have the imparted Mind of Christ rooted within them, both water and seed, the whole Tree of Life, but they had to be spiritual for him to come and give them this message, which is pretty much everything that I have been preaching here. 

            Paul was preaching the Doctrine of Christ to the Church at Corinth.  They were not carnal.  They were spiritual enough to understand this message. 

            Paul was not talking to them about how they kept their hair.  Paul, the great Apostle of God, did not come to Corinth to correct how they wore their hair. 

            Brethren, the New Testament is a translation of a translation of a translation.  It was written in Aramaic, it was translated into Latin when the Catholic Church got a hold of it, then it was translated into Greek, and then it was translated into English. 

            I want to tell you that the message is so damaged; the message is so damaged, that I could have never ever understood it without first being educated in the Hebrew Scripture.  This is what the Lord did. 

            For years I hardly ever touched the New Testament. Everything was the Old Testament, I did not understand why. I know it was a frustration to you, among others, but I just followed where the Lord led me.

            Now I see the Hebrew Interlinear Text is still untouched enough, I am sure it has been touched, but untouched enough for the Lord to have been able to bring forth the Doctrine of Christ to someone with my level of understanding, which is very small.

            Now that I have this understanding of the Doctrine of Christ, looking at the New Testament in the Interlinear Text with this knowledge of the Doctrine of Christ, I am making sense out of the New Testament. 

            I got the Doctrine of Christ by looking at the Interlinear Hebrew with no knowledge at all, because the Interlinear Hebrew is still vital.  It is still alive. 

            Brethren, there is death in this translation of the New Testament. Do not shut off this message. Listen to what I said.  There is death in this translation of the New Testament.  I did not say there is death in the New Testament.  There is death in this translation.

            If the Church does not come out of this carnality, they are dead. They are already dead, but they are going to stay dead. 

You do not live after your physical body dies. You are supposed to be a spiritual giant here in the flesh today, in the earth.  You will never be a spiritual giant in Christ Jesus by following carnal physical rituals and celebrating pagan holidays.  That is just the truth.

            Do I condemn you if you do this?  Not at all, but I do tell you the truth.  I do not have to condemn you. Who is the one that condemns you?  The law condemns you. 

            Why?  It is because if you are not spiritual, you are under the law. Did Paul not say something like that?  He said, Do I condemn you?  No, he said, Moses condemns you.  How does Moses condemn you?  If you are not spiritual, you are under the law.

            The whole Church thinks they are in the New Covenant.  You are not in the New Covenant. 

            There are two manifestations, two measures, two expressions of the Old Covenant, one to the Jew and one to the Greek, but it is still the Old Covenant.  The Holy Spirit is still the Old Covenant. 

            The New Covenant is Christ in you, the righteous mind in you, and you living out of Him.  That is the New Covenant. Everything that I am teaching you here is in the Mind of Christ, for you to become spiritual. 

            If you choose to stay in your carnal mind and follow pagan festivals and pagan rituals, if you choose to do that, I am not condemning you.  If you choose to do that, if you choose to be carnal, you are under the law.  The spiritual man is under the correction of Christ. 

            If you cannot hear this, if you think I do not know what I am talking about, if you choose to reject everything I am saying, that is your privilege and your choice, but the truth of the matter is, you have put yourself under the law, which means your correction will come from Satan in the world.

            That is the truth.  I condemn you not.  It is my job to tell you the truth, and that is the end of my job unless the Lord sends me back to tell you the truth again.  I am a teacher.  I do not try to enforce these laws.  I teach. 

            Any questions before we go to our notes?

Matt. 26:26-29:  26.26: And as Jesus, the bread from heaven spoke, the disciples received the Doctrine of Christ gladly, and Adam within Jesus said, lay hold of the Doctrine of Christ and let your mind consume it, because the Doctrine of Christ is my spiritual body [the real me], And the Spirit of Elijah broke forth from within Jesus and seized Abel within the disciples, and Abel/Christ revived. (ATB)

            These were Jews, and they had the dead root of the Tree of Life that was raised up in David and his descendants.  That is who Abel is.  In this generation, Christ is available to all men, not just to Jews, because of the Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us. 

Matt. 26.27: The Spirit of Elijah said to Abel/Christ in the disciples, Drink in my Spirit because the Doctrine of Christ alone will not produce immortality. Abel/Christ, the cup within the disciples that holds the Spirit of Christ, seized upon the Spirit of Elijah within Jesus and Abel/Christ revived fully, and the disciples were grateful. (ATB)

            I want to go over that a little bit at a time.  First of all, for anyone hearing this message or reading this transcript that does not know it, the Spirit of Elijah was in Jesus, and Jesus was speaking about Himself when He said, The Spirit of Elias has come, and you cannot recognize Him.      

Matt. 26.27: The Spirit of Elijah said to Abel [but in this generation it is Christ], within the disciples, Drink in my Spirit because the bread alone, the Doctrine of Christ alone, will not produce immortality and Abel (or Christ in this generation), the cup within the disciple that holds the Spirit of Christ…. (ATB) 

            You cannot have the Spirit of Christ if you do not have the Mind of Christ, because the Spirit of Christ is a liquid.  It is likened unto wine in the Scriptures that must be contained in a cup, and the carnal mind does not hold the Spirit of Christ. 

            What does the carnal mind hold?  What part of the household of God does the carnal mind hold?

            COMMENT: The Holy Spirit.

            PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Holy Spirit. Can anyone tell us the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ?      

            COMMENT: The Holy Spirit ministers to the carnal mind.

            PASTOR VITALE: Actually, substance wise, what is the difference, not functionally, between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ? 

            COMMENT: The Holy Spirit is the water and the energy, and the Spirit of Christ is the root.

            PASTOR VITALE: You have got a 95% on that.  The Holy Spirit is the waters or the energy of the glorified Jesus Christ.  We are talking about Jehovah’s spiritual seminal fluid here, which is both water and seed. 

            In the parable, the Scripture calls it the root and the branch of the Tree of Life, the branch being the water or the energy, and the root being the seed.  The root is the part of the seminal fluid that carries the nature. 

            The Spirit of Christ is the whole virile spiritual seminal fluid of the glorified Jesus Christ.

            The Spirit of Christ has the purified energy plus the seed that carries the nature of Jehovah.  The Holy Spirit is the purified energy of the glorified Jesus Christ, but it does not have the virile seed with the nature of Christ. 

            That is why so many people who have the Holy Spirit still have major character flaws.  Jesus said, If I have cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the Holy Ghost has come upon you, or some such thing.  The Holy Ghost can cast out demons.  The Holy Ghost can heal the sick.  The Holy Ghost is power. 

            The Holy Spirit is the power of the glorified Jesus Christ, but the Spirit of Christ is the power of the glorified Jesus Christ plus the nature of the glorified Jesus Christ.

            You should know that if you meet someone who is very anointed, they could be very anointed and have all the gifts, casting out demons, healing, prophesying, words of knowledge, but if their character is the same as the character of the unregenerate man, you know that you are dealing with the Holy Ghost.       

            That is not a bad thing, but we want the truth, and we do not want to be confusing the Holy Ghost with the Spirit of Christ.  Why?  Because if you know that a man has the Holy Ghost, then you know that when you deal with him in business, or if you are dealing with commitments or anything that has to do with ethical or moral behavior, you know that you can expect that man to be like the people of the world.

            If you are dealing with someone that has the Spirit of Christ, you can expect moral, ethical behavior from them in addition to the gifts. 

            What is the test of moral, ethical behavior which can come out of the good side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as well as out of Christ?  How do you tell whether the moral, ethical behavior is coming out of Christ or coming out of the good side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? 

            The test, brethren, is when pride influences the moral behavior.  That is the test. 

            You could be a person that would never kill somebody.  When we talk about the nature of Jesus Christ, we are not talking about murder and outright shoplifting. Hopefully, if you have the Holy Spirit, you are not going to be doing that. 

            We are talking about the nitty gritty morality of your day-to-day relationships with other people. If pride rises up and stops you from doing what is right in the subtleties, then you know that in that area, you are not moving in the Spirit of Christ.

            Of course, most of us are in transition.  I am in transition, too.  There are areas that I am not Christ.  When it comes to everyday nitty gritty aspects of life, there are times that I am not Christ.  I am not perfected yet. 

            You have to look at the person’s overall life and their overall way of dealing with things, and with attitudes, and dealing with moral issues in business, and in their family, and in their Church fellowship, in these small areas.

            Then you see if the person is primarily in Christ, and they lapse once in a while, or if they are primarily in their carnal mind, and they are in Christ some of the time.  You look at how people deal with problems, but you cannot see it unless you have the Mind of Christ. This is very hard to see. 

            I have seen people with the Holy Ghost in fornication.  I have seen people with the Holy Ghost that take money that does not belong to them.  

            Brethren, does it not hit the newspapers every once in awhile that some preacher with the Holy Ghost ran off with his secretary or robbed the congregation?  We have had someone go to jail in this country.  The man had an anointed ministry, and he went to jail.  He went to jail. 

            We see that the nature of Christ is our conscience.  If we are living out of the nature of Christ, even when we do something wrong (this happens to me a lot), we are corrected.

            In some areas, I have really been trained, and it is my natural inclination to do the right thing.  In other areas it is not yet my natural inclination, but Christ speaks to me.

            I am so grateful when He speaks to me, and He tells me that what I was doing was really wrong, because this is the opportunity to do the right thing, when it was not my nature to do the right thing.  As we follow His prompting, eventually it will become our nature in that area.

            There are three stages; either you do the right thing by instinct, you do the right thing because you would never have known to do it, but Christ had mercy on you and told you to do it, or you do the right thing because even though it is not your natural instinct, you know that it is the right thing to do. 

            Eventually, we hope that in all things we will do the right thing so that there is no sin in us.  This is how we are killing sin in our nature.  This is how we are killing it. 

            When I did not know enough to do the right thing, and Christ told me and I did it, I still sinned because my original instinctual reaction was not out of Christ.  Therefore, I sinned, but Christ covered me by telling me the truth.

            When I did the right thing, because of my relationship with Jesus Christ and because of His sacrifice and the blood, I will not reap what I sowed, because He corrected me, and I did what He told me. 

            I still sinned. I am not going to reap what I sowed because I did what He told me, but I am still dying. Then, from there I learned because He told me to do the right thing.  Now I have learned. 

            The next time the same situation arises, and my automatic reaction is to do the wrong thing, now I remember that Christ Jesus told me the last time, No, that is wrong.  I better not do that. 

            That is me, the one who has learned from Christ saying that I better not do that.  I am still covered by His correction, but I still sinned because my original reaction was to do the wrong thing. 

            I did not reap any bad thing, because I did not do the wrong thing that came up into my mind.  There were no evil consequences, but I am still dying.

            As we go through this process, we transfer into Christ, and our automatic instinctual reaction becomes His automatic instinctual reaction, because to take a correction, or to recognize that something is wrong and to make a choice to do the right thing is confession of sin and repentance. 

            You do not have to say, I repent, I confess.  However, if that is what you are up to, if that is what you need to do, that is okay.

            To recognize that something that was in your mind is wrong and to make an active choice to not do it, but to do what you know Christ Jesus taught you another occasion is right on, that is confession and repentance.  That is the real thing. 

            A lot of people say they repent, and it is not even true.  The truth is we are not even capable of repenting without the help of the Lord.  Try confession first.  Then see if you can repent. 

            A lot of people cannot even confess, especially when it comes to pride.  You have to break that.  Then eventually, our instinctual reaction in Christ Jesus, in that area, will be living out of Christ Jesus. 

            We keep doing this until our carnal mind just withers and dies.  Then we stop dying.  That is what it is all about.  That is not easy. 

            The Scripture says, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye (1 Cor 15:52, KJV), but this is a spiritual moment, brethren.  It is your whole lifetime, in one lifetime, in the twinkling of a spiritual eye, in one lifetime. 

            Your eye opens, you are born, your eye closes, and you go to sleep.  You die ninety or a hundred years later.

Matt. 26.27: And the Spirit of Elijah said to Abel/Christ in the disciples, drink in my Spirit because the Doctrine of Christ alone will not produce immortality. And Abel/Christ, the cup within the disciples that holds the Spirit of Christ, seized upon the Spirit of Elijah within Jesus and revived fully.  (ATB)

            We see in Verse 26, that the Spirit of Elijah first seizes Abel within the disciples and wakes Him up, revives him enough so that He can at least hear and understand the teaching, and then in Verse 27, the Spirit of Elijah in Jesus teaches Abel in the disciples that He has just revived. 

            He says, You better get a hold of my Spirit, because that doctrine that you were enjoying so much is not enough to give you eternal life.  It is only the Mind of Christ, it is only Abel in you that holds the spirit.  Only when the spirit is in that mind are you going to receive eternal life.

            Abel, or the Mind of Christ in the disciples understood the teaching and, of course, this is the Spirit of Elijah speaking through Jesus. 

            The resurrected Abel or, in this generation, the Mind of Christ in the disciples, understood what the Spirit of Elijah said through Jesus, and they reached out, and they seized the Spirit in Jesus and Abel or, in this generation, the Mind of Christ, was fully revived when he laid hold of, with all of his strength, the Spirit that was coming out of Jesus. 

            Please note that there is no subject in Verse 27.  Actually, in Verse 26 it is Adam speaking through Jesus.  In Verse 27, there is no subject.  Verse 26 does say Jesus, but I know and I hope that you know it was Adam speaking through Jesus, but the verse says Jesus

            Verse 27 has no subject.  I want to suggest to you that the reason there is no subject is that the word of the spirit today, for whoever has the ears to hear it, is this:

            Lay hold of the spirit of whoever is the teacher that is manifesting Christ Jesus to you.  Lay hold of my spirit and any other teacher that the Lord will raise up where it is truly Christ Jesus teaching through them.

            Lay hold of the spirit of that man. You have to reach out and grab it.  You come and sit here for a few years, and I am seeding you. As I preach this doctrine to you, I believe Christ is revived in you.  How do I know that?  Because you are all showing signs that you understand the Doctrine of Christ.  That is how I know that Christ is in you. 

            Now that Christ is in you, Christ has to rise up and lay hold of this spirit.  How do you lay hold of it?  I do not know. You have to ask the Lord. You have to ask the Lord for it. You have to talk to me. You have to have spiritual questions for me.  Ask the Lord for a question to ask me.  I do not really get that too much.

            Ask the Lord, Why do I not have any questions about the Doctrine of Christ, about my decisions in my personal life?  There is not enough coming out of you.  You are not reaching for me enough.  

            Some of you reach out a lot with the doctrine, but when it comes to the decisions of your personal life, which is an expression of the Mind of Christ, I do not hear very much from you, just a little bit every once in awhile.

            You should want to hear the opinion of Christ Jesus in your situation. It makes no difference to me even if you go out and make your own decision, but this is the Scripture that is coming forth.  If you want to do this, you should be interested in hearing the opinion of Christ Jesus in your personal situation.  I am not like the Church world.  You come to the Church world, and you ask their opinion, and they want to tell you what to do, and they want to latch on to you and start to control you.  You will not have that here. 

            If the Lord has a word for you, I will tell you what the word is.  I will never try to enforce anything on you.  If all you want is my opinion, that is all I will give you, unless the Lord rises up and has something to say to you. 

            You have to reach out and get this Spirit that is on me, because in the Spirit is counsel.  The doctrine alone will not do it.  You have to work this Spirit into your personal life, into the nitty gritty of your personal life. 

            In the whole decision making process, you should at least be interested to hear if someone that you know that has the Mind of Christ would have thought the same thing in such and such a circumstance. 

            Try the spirit. Try the spirit on yourself, because the doctrine alone will not cause you to enter in.  You have got to be thinking the thoughts of Christ in every nitty gritty situation of life.          I will read it one more time.

Matt. 26.27: And the Spirit of Elijah [in whatever teacher he is manifesting through] said to Abel/Christ, in the disciples [wherever they are], Drink in my Spirit because the Doctrine of Christ alone will not produce immortality.  And Abel/Christ [in you], the cup within the disciples [you] that holds the Spirit of Christ, seized upon the Spirit of Elijah within Jesus and Abel/Christ revived fully, and the disciples were grateful.  (ATB)

           That word fully is a translation of the word all.  We see that Christ is in you.  I know He is in you because you have some understanding of this doctrine, but He may be only partially awakened. He may only be slightly awakened.  We see that the awakening is a process. 

            Paul said, Awake to righteousness (1 Cor. 15:34). What that means is, Start living out of Christ and let His eyes open. Let Him be your eyes and start thinking with His mind.  Start waking up into Christ.  Start waking up into how Christ thinks. 

            The Doctrine of Christ being preached under the anointing has imparted Christ to you. Now He has to wake up, and you have to wake up in Him.  You want to be joined to Him and think like He thinks, apart from the Doctrine of Christ. 

            We do practice this here from time to time, when we judge issues of righteousness.  We are working on that here.             It is always Christ Jesus through me reaching out to you.  It is not a common thing here for you to be reaching out for the Spirit.  The Spirit is the thought process.  The Spirit of Christ is the character of Christ, His opinion in your everyday situation.  See if it lines up with your opinion.  

Matt. 26.28: Because my spiritual blood is shed to activate the contract that remits the sins of humanity. (ATB)

            How is the contract activated? My spiritual blood is shed to activate the contract that remits the sins of humanity. This is not talking about the physical body of Jesus Christ going to the cross and his physical blood being shed. His spiritual blood is sprinkling on humanity in this hour. 

            I meant to use a word there that would be more explanatory than shed.  I have to look that up. 

            My memory is, when I did that verse, it was meaning that His spiritual blood is being poured out, or you could say, Jesus’ physical blood is being shed so that He could be glorified, so that His spiritual blood can sprinkle on humanity.           I am going to have to review that verse.  I am not sure how I will leave it, but it is not the shedding of the physical blood. You are not saved by the shedding of the physical blood. 

            We see that Adam, in the Spirit of Elijah, is speaking through Jesus to the disciples, saying that it is really good that you appreciate the Doctrine of Christ, but you have to lay hold of the Spirit that imparts eternal Life. The Spirit of Christ is the nature of Christ, and it controls the way you think in every simple little situation of your life. The Doctrine does not impart eternal Life. 

            Adam, in the Spirit of Elijah, is really saying through Jesus, Get the Mind of Christ, because the Spirit of Christ is in the Mind of Christ. The reason that I am telling you this is that this spiritual blood of mine, which is the Spirit of Christ, is what is going to enable you to partake of the New Covenant, Christ in you, the hope of glory.

            Christ in you is the New Covenant. The Holy Spirit is not the New Covenant.  I am sorry if that offends you, but I hope you are willing to ask the Lord if this is possibly true. 

            I hope you are just willing to have an open, honest heart and ask the questions, Why are Christians still dying?  Why do they have cancer?  Why do they have nervous breakdowns?  Why are they getting divorced?  Why do they have deformed children being born to them? 

            You have to wake up out of your sleep and start asking these questions.  The answer is, the Church is not yet in the New Covenant.  The New Covenant is available and has been available for two thousand years, but we must lay hold of it.  We must lay hold of Him. 

            There must be a synthesis, a joining of our personality, of our consciousness, with the Christ within us, and in order to do that, in order to synthesize, to become one with the Christ within us, we must reject the thoughts of our carnal mind, our present husband. 

            You cannot reject the thoughts of your carnal mind until you can distinguish between the carnal mind and the Christ mind.  You cannot distinguish between the carnal mind and the Christ mind until you are willing to confess the hidden sins of your heart, and confess that they are your carnal mind and reject them. 

            We see that we have a lot of work to do, all of us, but at least, some of us have gotten started.  Praise the Lord!

Matt. 26.29: Indeed the Spirit of Elijah within Jesus said, from now on I will no longer water the carnal mind, the fruit of this present false vine, but my Spirit will flow together with the new Christ mind that is joined to my Father’s Kingdom when the spiritual day of Christ dawns in the midst of you. (ATB)

….I will no longer water…. That is my translation of the word drink. When I looked up that word in the Greek, it could either mean to drink in, or to pour out

…. the carnal mind, .the fruit of this present false vine. Remember, Jesus said that He was the true vine.  If there is a true vine, there has to be a false vine. The false vine is the carnal mind.

…. but my Spirit will flow together, and that is a translation of drink also. The word drink is referring to synthesis of spirit.  Spirit is likened unto water, and the word drink is talking about drinking in someone who has the Spirit of Christ so that, that Spirit of Christ can join with your spirit.  That is what the word drink means. 

            Eat is talking about consuming the body of Christ, or the Doctrine of Christ, which is the Word of God, which builds the Mind of Christ in us.

            Drinking signifies joining with the Spirit of Christ, so that the Spirit of Christ in us is fortified. 

            Indeed, the Spirit of Elijah within Jesus said, From now on, I will no longer water, I will no longer pour out the Spirit of Christ upon the carnal mind. 

            Does anybody know that the difference between the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of Elijah? The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Elijah with the personality of the man Jesus added to it. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Elijah given to the world. 

            The Spirit of Elijah is given to Israel.  The Spirit of Elijah is Elohim in a form that is given to Israel.  The Spirit of Elijah incarnated in the man Jesus, and now the Spirit of Christ is Elohim plus all of His experiences as Elijah and Jesus, appearing to the whole world, not just Israel, as the Spirit of Christ. 

            The Spirit of Elijah is the Savior of Israel, and Jesus is the Savior of the world.  They both operate by their respective Spirits, and that is why on the Mount of Transfiguration when Jesus was transfigured, we saw Moses and Elijah. 

            Moses and Elijah were two experiences that Elohim had that He brought to the man Jesus.  Christ Jesus that was operating in the man Jesus, or the Spirit of Elijah, and the resurrected Adam (that is what they called Him in the Old Testament) were incarnated in the man Jesus.  They brought to that man all of the experiences that they had had in the flesh as Elijah and Moses.

            Brethren, do you think that I could be bringing forth this doctrine from what I know in one lifetime? 

            As the Spirit of Elijah appeared in the man Jesus, the Spirit of Christ is appearing in me.  The Spirit of Christ has all the knowledge and all of the experiences that Moses and Elijah and Jesus had. 

            As I do my part by laying hold of all of the opportunities opened to me, I am learning very quickly.  I am not making myself Moses, Elijah or Jesus, but I have the potential to draw upon all of their experiences and knowledge because the Spirit that was in Moses, Elijah and Jesus is in me. 

            Why do I have it and you do not?  It is because my personality has penetrated into the Mind of Christ.

            Why has my personality penetrated into the Mind of Christ and yours has not?   This is a very hard word, brethren, but I am going to tell you the truth.  The time that you put into the Lord really counts. 

            First, you have to have the drive to do it.  All of you here have a tremendous drive.  Then that drive has to be directed, but you are all pretty directed right now.  Then you have to have the time to put in. 

            I am telling you the truth.  If you have a whole house full of kids, you did not put in the time that I put in.  I did not have a whole house full of kids. 

            All of these are factors, and time is very important.  The time you put in is very important.  Again, I do not mean to condemn you, but I am telling you the truth.  That does not mean God cannot give you a miracle if He believes that you are really doing all you could do, but what you best do is get before Him and ask Him what He requires of you.

            That is what you really have to do because our carnal mind tells us all kinds of things, that other things are more important to us.  Although this is not the case here, what a lot of people get stuck on is money, money, or time, or effort, or whatever. 

            The first thing they are ready to give up is their commitment to God.  It is the first thing they are ready to give up.  If they do not have enough money, they give up their commitment to God, and they go get another job.  If they are tired, and they are stressed out, the first thing they are ready to give up is their commitment to God. 

            I do not believe that is true here, but they see their commitment to God with the eyes of their carnal mind. They do not understand that, that is their commitment to God, and if He has given them that commitment, it is the most important commitment in their life. 

            That kind of obedience covers them and their family in all areas, but the average Christian is carnal, and they cannot see it.  The first thing they give up is their commitment to God.

            Indeed, the Spirit of Elijah that was in Jesus said, From now on I will no longer water the carnal mind.  I will no longer pour out my Spirit.

            The Spirit of Elijah who was the whole Tree of Life, root and branch, said, I will no longer water the carnal mind.  I did it for Jesus, and I did it in your disciples, but I am not going to do it anymore. 

            Can anyone tell us why He is not going to do it anymore?  It is because the Mind of Christ is about to become available through the glorification of Jesus Christ.

            In this hour, the Spirit of Christ only talks to Christ.  That is the truth.  The glorified Spirit of Jesus Christ only talks to Christ. 

            A lot of people in the Church do not like this, but it is the truth.  I did not make this up.  The Holy Spirit is for the Christian that is still in their carnal mind.  As Christ Jesus matures in men in the earth, there are changes to be made.

            If you are a Christian that has the Holy Spirit, and Christ is not formed in you, or you are not living out of Christ, once the Lord brings you into contact with a Christian who is living out of Christ Jesus, in many, many instances, the Lord Jesus will speak to you through that spiritual elder, and Christians do not like this.   This is the conflict. 

            Christ Jesus is the only mediator between God and man and who is God?  The glorified Jesus Christ.

            Christ Jesus is the mediator between the glorified Jesus Christ and mortal man.   If you have the Holy Spirit, and the Lord has brought you in contact with someone that Christ Jesus is functioning in at any vital level, the truth is that when you pray to the glorified Jesus Christ, He is going to answer you through the vitally functioning Christ Jesus in that other man. 

            You do not want to hear it because you hear from the Holy Ghost.  The Church has a big problem today.  They are filled with pride, and they are filled with fear.  I tell everybody, your faith has to be in Jesus Christ. 

            If He has brought you to someone who is living out of Christ Jesus, to the point that they are functioning as a mediator, you have to trust Jesus Christ that if that mortal man makes a mistake, that Jesus Christ will correct it. 

            The Church does not like this.  They do not like hearing from God through a mediator.  They do not like it at all, but this is the way it is.  I did not set it up that way.  Jesus did.  Actually, Jehovah did.

Matt. 26.29: Indeed, the Spirit of Elijah within Jesus said, From now on I will no longer water your carnal mind [or I will no longer pour out upon your carnal mind] the fruit of this present false vine, but my Spirit will flow together with the new Christ mind that is joined to my Father’s Kingdom when the spiritual day of Christ dawns in the midst of you. (ATB)

            Brethren, this is why people fast and pray.  They fast and pray to get answers from God.  If you are living out of Christ, He is there all the time.  His face is turned towards you all the time.  Am I against fasting and praying if you have the Holy Ghost?  No! 

            If you are living out of Christ, there is no reason for that. Your fasting is your fasting from the carnal mind or your rejection of the carnal mind, and your prayer is your continuous communication with the Lord.

            He prays through you continuously. He prays through you without ceasing. Your prayers can be very short because the source of all power is right here with you. 

            I interspersed these four verses as follows: 

Matt.26.26a And Jesus, the bread from heaven said, to the disciples, lay hold of the Doctrine of Christ and let your mind consume it because the Doctrine of Christ is my spiritual body, the real me….(ATB)

            Jesus said, I am not this flesh and blood.  It is the inner man that is the real me, and the inner man is expressed to you through the Doctrine of Christ.  So lay hold of my spiritual body.

            Let me start again. 

Matt.26.26a: Jesus, the bread from heaven said to the disciples, lay hold of the Doctrine of Christ and let your mind consume it because the Doctrine of Christ is my spiritual body, the real me, (ATB)

Matt.26.28: And also because my spiritual blood is shed to activate the contract that remits the sins of humanity. (ATB)

            You cannot lay hold of my spiritual blood until you get a hold of the Doctrine of Christ because my Spirit is in the Doctrine of Christ. 

            You lay hold of the Doctrine of Christ first.  Then you get my Spirit from Christ Jesus in the person that is preaching the Doctrine of Christ by the right spirit.


Matt.26.26b:  When the disciples received the Doctrine of Christ gladly, the Spirit of Elijah broke forth from within Jesus and seized Abel within the disciples [who is Christ in this generation] and watered Abel/Christ, (ATB)

Matt.26.27: And the Spirit of Christ said to Abel/Christ within the disciples, Drink in my Spirit because the Doctrine of Christ alone will not produce immortality. And Abel/Christ, the spiritual cup within the disciples that holds the Spirit of Christ, seized upon the Spirit of Elijah within Jesus and Abel/Christ within the disciples revived fully, and the disciples were grateful. 


Matt.26.29: Indeed the Spirit of Elijah within Jesus said, from now on I will no longer water the carnal mind, the fruit of this present false vine, but my Spirit will flow together with the new Christ mind that is joined to my Father’s Kingdom when the spiritual day of Christ dawns in the midst of you. (ATB)


            Why would the Spirit of Elijah be saying, I will no longer flow upon the carnal mind?  Because this is what He did with Israel.  Israel was under the Spirit of Elijah. 

            If you are talking about the time in history before Elijah incarnated, Israel was under Elohim.  It is Elohim that incarnated as Moses and Elijah, and then as Jesus, and now in all of us.  It is the Spirit of Elohim incarnating in us.

            The Spirit of Elohim was with Israel for thousands of years, and they kept falling away.  The Spirit of Elohim would raise them up, and they would be the glory of God for a season, and they would fall down.  Does anyone know why they would fall down continuously? 

            It is the same reason the people in the Church fall down, and it is because the Holy Spirit cannot overcome the carnal mind in the Church. 

            Back in Israel, it was Elohim who was the whole tree, the root and the branch.  It was the whole seminal fluid of Jehovah, root and branch.  Even that could not keep the Hebrews from backsliding.

            A judgment was made. Actually, a judgment was made all the way back when Jehovah said to Adam, I will make a help that is meet for you (Gen. 2:18).  Adam fell for the same reason that Israel fell, for the same reason that many in the Church are falling away today. 

            The Spirit of Christ alone is not enough to overcome our carnal mind.  We have to have another mind that will stand across from our carnal mind.

            In our studies of Samson and Delilah, we see the spiritual expression and Adam stood across from Leviathan, coming up many times.  We also saw that principle on the occult side when we viewed the movie, Merlin.  We saw Merlin and Queen Mab standing on high pinnacles apart from each other with the sea in between. 

            The Spirit alone is not enough.  You have to have the Mind of Christ.  A spirit has to have a mind to express itself through because we are so fallen. 

            Israel had an imputed Christ.  They had an intense outpouring of the spirit that was gathered up within them. At one point they were undefeatable, but the nature of God never rooted down into the depths of their being. 

            It never rooted down because they did not have the imparted anointing, which is the very nature of Christ actually growing out of their spiritual being.  They needed a Savior in the midst of them. 

            Why did Israel not have Christ growing out of the very roots of their spiritual being?  Was Jehovah incapable of giving Israel that grace of Christ literally growing out of the individual Hebrew? 

            I believe Jehovah was very capable of, and willing to give Israel the experience that He is giving the Church today. He is giving it to the Church and to Israel today.  It is open to Israel, too. 

            The pride of the carnal mind in Israel got all caught up in the law.  They thought they were saved by the Law of Moses and, therefore, they cleaved unto their carnal mind instead of to the Christ mind. 

            Deliverance from death is in spirituality in Christ Jesus.  Deliverance from death and eternal life is in the spirituality which arises out of synthesis or union with Christ Jesus, but the Hebrews kept falling into their carnal mind thinking they were saved by the law. 

            You synthesize with whatever mind you agree with. When you agree with the thoughts of the carnal mind, eventually you become a Christ killer, and you kill Christ, because one mind must increase and the other must decrease.  The Hebrews, as a people, could not distinguish between the two minds.  Why could the Hebrews not distinguish between the two minds? Because they had nobody to show them their sins.  They could not face the pride. 

            Pride is the bottom line. You are not losing your salvation over murder.  The average person is not murdering anybody.  It is pride that is denying you the promises of God.

            Pride that says, I do not want to believe this message.  I do not want to believe that Satan is my unconscious mind.  I do not want to believe that all of this evil is in me.  This is all pride. I do not want to believe I should have done it that way.  Why can I not do it this way?  It is all pride.

            The Hebrews could not face the hidden sins of their heart, and Christ in them died.  Jehovah sent Messiah to them.  He sent Jesus to show them their sins, and they killed Him. 

            They were still agreeing with their carnal mind, except for a few.  There were many Jews, I understand, that went with Jesus, but the nation, as a whole, followed the Rabbis. 

            For years, I could not understand where this word Rabbi came from.  It is not in the Scripture. Today we see Rabbinical Judaism.  It is not in the Scripture. 

            The Rabbis came forth in the sect called The Pharisees, and this is what they did.  They took a highly spiritual people who were called to be spiritual giants through a relationship with Elohim and Jehovah, they became doctors of the law, they interpreted the law with their carnal mind, and they brought this great people down to a lump of protoplasm, their carnal mind.

            They just killed their spirituality.  The same thing has happened in the Church today.  What happened to the Apostles?  Were there no highly spiritual people in the time of the Apostles?  Did they die? 

            I do not know what happened to the Apostles.  I do not personally believe Fox’s Book Of Martyrs. I do not know what happened to the Apostles, but I know that there had to be some highly spiritual people when Jesus was around and in the days after His death and resurrection when the Apostles were there.

            What happened to all of these highly spiritual people?  They could not face the sins of their heart. 

            It is the same thing that happened to Noah.  Satan rose up and re-grew her own vineyard, and the fruit of that vineyard was the carnal mind, but it was too late.  The Holy Spirit had already been poured out on the earth.

            Now, two thousand years later, it is time again for the Mind of Christ to come forward and stand opposite the carnal mind of a few faithful people who are willing to pay the price.

            This time when Christ Jesus makes His public appearance, when He breaks through, He is not going down again.  Jesus knew this would happen.  He said, If a corn of wheat falls into the ground, it will bring forth a great harvest.

            It would have been nice if that great harvest came forth at the original time of His resurrection. He was resurrected in a few in those days (the Apostles), but, apparently, the time for Christ Jesus to be resurrected in the Church and the world at large was two thousand years later.

            I do not know why, but it seems to have something to do with this world and timelines and ages.  We read in one of the Gospels that Jesus said, I know the final conflict is coming in the Age of Aquarius.  We found that in the Greek Interlinear. Apparently there is a certain time.  I do not understand it fully, but that is what happened. 

            We were talking about the Hebrews. Yes, I believe that they had the potential in what they had received from Jehovah, to go on to eternal life.  In fact, we have reason to believe that some of them did.

            We know that Elijah was glorified.  We know that Jonah was glorified.   I personally do not know how many men of Israel went on under Elijah.  I do not know. 

            Jesus is the Savior of the world. Elijah was the Savior of Israel.  Apparently, there were several men, including Elisha, who walked in the high realms of the Spirit under Elijah, but that was all to Israel. 

            Elijah has incarnated as Jesus Christ, who is now glorified, and this whole program of Jehovah that was directed toward the Hebrews is now made available to the whole world.         We will see what is coming in the days to come.  We are living in very exciting times.  Praise the Lord!

            This is our study on the communion, and we have gone over Scriptures in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, where Jesus addresses what the Church calls, traditionally, the communion.            We see that Paul has some comments on the communion in I Corinthians 11, Verses 25, 26 and 27. Then he makes some further comments in the next few verses.  I feel that we have to do the whole chapter.  We have to comment and do an Alternate Translation on the whole chapter to really see what Paul is saying. 

            I have done an Alternate Translation of I Corinthians 11. It is a very exciting translation.  As I mentioned to you earlier, Paul was not at all talking about carnal things to the Corinthians.       The reason that I went back to the beginning of the chapter was that I was trying to translate Verses 26 and 27, the two verses that concern the communion, and I felt that I could not really do it without going back to see what Paul was talking about before he started speaking about the communion.

            You may recall from Parts 1 and 2, we did the same thing.  We went into the Scriptures in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, before Jesus started talking about the bread and the cup to see what He was talking about and what was going on there.   You have to translate in the context of the whole atmosphere of what is going on at the time.  It is for that reason that I did go back into the earlier verses in 1 Corinthians 11.

            I see that I started with Verse 3.  I do not know why. Probably, there was nothing significant about Verses 1and 2, but I will comment on them.

            I will read you Chapter 11 of I Corinthians in the King James Translation.  Then I will read our Alternate Translation onto the message, and then we will go over both the King James and the Alternate Translation, verse by verse, and I will comment. 

            I will tell you up front that this entire chapter is translated as a parable.  I do not know if that was the Lord’s intention or if it is a fault in the translation.  As I told you earlier on this message, the King James Translation is a translation of a translation of a translation. 

            With the exception of Luke, but certainly this is true of Paul, the original New Testament was written in Aramaic by men who had a Jewish mind.  What is a Jewish mind?

            It is a spiritual mind that has been trained through study in the Hebrew Scripture.  Everything that was written in the New Testament was coming out of knowledge of the basic principles of the Hebrew Scripture including their expressions and their understanding of particular words and the phraseology. 

            Some of that, I believe, was meant to be hidden in a parable form because Jesus clearly said that was true.

            When Jesus talked in parables, He made it clear that it was a parable.  He made it clear that it was a parable.  He talked about some husbandmen planting a farm and the son coming and them not wanting to give it up. 

            I do not see Paul talking in any manner in I Corinthians 11 that would indicate he intended this to be a parable. 

            I honestly do not know whether it was Paul’s intention, or the problem is that the translation literally covered the spirit with earth, as Cain buries Abel. 

            I do not know, but I am telling you up front that this is a highly spiritual chapter, and Paul is talking about deep aspects of the Doctrine of Christ to the spiritual people, spiritual men and spiritual women in Corinth. 

            The King James Translation in this account of I Corinthians 11 is totally emasculated, completely castrated.  The power of it is completely destroyed.  Not only is the power of it completely destroyed, but the translation comes forth in certain verses in such a way that would keep some members of the body of Christ, in particular women, in deep bondage. 

            This is the King James Translation of I Corinthians Chapter 11:

I Cor.11.1: Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.(KJV) 

11.2 Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you. 

11.3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God.

11.4 Every man praying or prophesying having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. 

11.5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.(KJV)

              It is pretty obvious that you have to find out what shaven means according to the Jewish mind, but there are other aspects of this Scripture that are not at all obvious.

1 Cor 11.6:  For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.(KJV)

11.7:  For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, for as much as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

11.8 For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man.

11.9 Neither was the man created.... (KJV)

            At this point, Paul is getting spiritual.  I could even tell that from the King James.

            In case you do not recall me telling you this, it is Paul’s literary style to start in the natural and move into the Doctrine of Christ, deep spiritual teaching.  If you cannot pick it up, you will never know that he switched over.

11.9: Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.(KJV)         

11.12: For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. 

11.11: Nevertheless, neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.                    

11.12: For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.

11.13: Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?

11.14: Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? (KJV) 

            How does nature teach me that? For centuries western civilization produced men with long hair, very masculine men that were not at all shamed.

11.15: But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. (KJV)

            Therefore says some aspects of the Church, Ladies, it is prohibited for you to cut your hair. Bondage! 

11.16: But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the Churches of God.

            What custom? That the women have to let their hair grow? 

11.17: Now in this that I declare to you, I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse. (KJV)

            The word praise is used several times in this chapter.  Does anybody remember the spiritual significance of the word praise that has been brought forth in our recent studies over the last couple of years?  How would you explain the praise of His glory?  What does praise mean?

            The spiritual significance of the word praise, is thought form. I did a deep study, which I am not going to go into right now, but if you follow the word all the way back, it is talking about the thought form

            It is talking about Adam, Jehovah’s thought form, the perfect expression of Jehovah.  Jehovah’s nature, Jehovah’s mental process in the form of a mind; Adam in the Old Testament, and Christ Jesus in the New Testament.

            Therefore, we can use the expression, Praise of His glory, to mean the thought form that expresses Jehovah’s glorious nature. 

1 Cor 11.17: Now in this that I declare unto you I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse. 

11.18: For first of all, when ye come together in the Church, I hear that there be divisions among you: and I partly believe it. 

11.19: For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. 

11.20: When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord’s supper.

            11.21: For in eating every one taketh before other his own supper: and one is hungry, and another is drunken.  

11.22: What? Have ye not houses to eat and to drink in?  Or despise ye the Church of God, and shame them that have not?  What shall I say to you?  Shall I praise you in this?  I praise you not. 

11.23: For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you.  That the Lord Jesus the same night in which He was betrayed took bread,

            11.24: And when He had given thanks, He brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. (KJV)

            Encouraging a ritual here.  

11.25: After the same manner also He took the cup, when He had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. 

11.26: For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till He come.  (KJV)


What does that mean? I thought He was resurrected.  Why would I want to show His death until He comes? 

11.27: Wherefore, whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord.

11.28: But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

11.29: For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.

11.30: For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.(KJV)

            A lot of the people in the Church know that when the King James says many sleep that Paul is saying many are dead.  The teaching in the Church is that they are dead in Christ; that they have left the physical body, but they are just sleeping, and they will be resurrected. 

            Anyone that is somewhat familiar with the Scriptures should be able to concede that there are certainly some spiritual principles, some hidden meanings, within Paul’s dissertation, but the depth of what he is saying is completely lost here. 

            There’s no way you can interpret the symbols of the words if you do not know what they mean.  Most of the Church knows what sleep would mean in this situation, but if you do not know the Doctrine of Christ, there is no way you would understand what He is talking about. 

            Anyone who is listening to this message or reading this transcript, if you can go along with what I am saying, that you know that sleep in the Scripture means, according to the Church world, that you have died to the physical body and you are sleeping, waiting for your resurrection, surely you can understand that it is possible that there could be symbols in this same chapter that you just do not recognize as symbols, and that you do not have the key to.

11.31: For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. 

11.32: But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.

11.33: Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another.

11.34: And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that ye come not together unto condemnation.  And the rest will I set in order when I come. (KJV)

            What rest will he set in order? We will now start commenting on I Corinthians 11, Verse 1.

Paul speaking:

l Cor.11.1: Imitate me, even as I imitate Christ,(ATB) 

If you live as I live, Paul says, you are going to imitate Christ.  Christ is the head of the personality.  

11.2: Jehovah’s thought form. So that you should remember all the truth that I committed to you about observing traditions.(ATB)

            In case you had not noticed it, Paul is saying here, Do not observe traditions.  It is the exact opposite of the King James Translation.  I will go into this in more detail a little later on.  Paul is saying, This is the truth I told you concerning traditions.

            I mentioned this earlier in the morning part of this message, that traditions are what killed the Hebrews.  They chose their traditions over the spiritual life in Christ Jesus. 

            The Church is doing the same thing today. They love to take communion.  They love to drink grape juice and eat crackers and do it together and feel righteous. It is a tradition that carries no spiritual power whatsoever. 

            The spiritual communion of your spirit to the Spirit of Christ carries with it spiritual power, healing, deliverance, and ultimately eternal life. 

            Why does the Church prefer tradition over the spiritual reality?  Why?  Does anybody know why? 

            COMMENTS: The carnal mind wants to bring everything down to the physical. 

            PASTOR VITALE: The carnal mind wants to bring everything down to the physical, but even more than that, physical ritual traditions makes the emotions feel good.  It feels good.  They feel righteous.  They observe a tradition with a group of people, everybody doing the same thing, and they feel clean.  They feel good.

            There is a Scripture, I believe it is in Exodus where the Hebrew children in the wilderness are complaining, and they are complaining to Moses saying, We are tired of this light bread.

            I believe that in that case (and I even preached this in our series called Moses) that the Hebrew children had been very highly ascended in Egyptian mystery religion and witchcraft when they followed Moses. When you are high in witchcraft, and you want to come into Christ, you have to give up the ways of witchcraft.  You have to settle down and study. 

            A lot of people that come in here have had ministries in the Holy Ghost that the Lord has not prospered when they came in here.  I know we talked about that.  You were very distressed about it, why the Lord was cutting off that particular ministry that you had. 

            I explained to you that you have to die to the carnal mind, and you have to go through a period of study.  It is serious study where there is not much excitement happening compared to our years in the Church with the Holy Ghost.

            Then, eventually, when Christ is reproduced in you, ministry comes out of the Christ in you, a whole new level of ministry. 

            If the Lord tells you to do it, you have to give up the ministry that you had in the Holy Ghost.  He may not, if it is a music ministry, He may not tell you to give it up. 

            In your case, it was a ministry of counsel that was not the Spirit of Counsel, and He required you to give it up.  Eventually, I believe, you will have the true counsel, but you had to give it up.

            I believe that when the Hebrew children in the wilderness were saying, We despise this light bread, they meant that they were engaged in this program of study, of being instructed in the Doctrine of Christ, but their emotional needs were not being met, or they were being met just barely enough to keep them alive. 

            I can tell you I am experiencing this right now.  My emotional needs are not met.  I am fasting from the things of this world that satisfy the emotional needs, and I am putting all the strength that I can into pursing the Doctrine of Christ, and I am spiritual when the Spirit of Christ rises up in me. 

            All of the spirituality that I am experiencing, as exciting as it is for me to bring forth these translations, my emotions are suffering.  I believe that is what the Hebrew children meant when they said, We despise this light bread.

            The whole world is out there celebrating Christmas with this false spirit of joy that only lasts for a few weeks, and we are in here, just doing the same thing that we do all the time. I am not complaining now, I am giving you an example.

            The person who is not mature in Christ is saying, Well, I want to be out there.  I want to be happy.  I want to be joyous.  I want to be singing songs.  I want to be giving presents.  This is all satisfying to the emotions.  It has nothing whatsoever to do with Christ, but it satisfies the emotions. 

            If you are rejecting the things of this world and doing everything you can to be satisfied with the Doctrine of Christ and the Spirit of Christ, you are still on a fast.  As long as you are in this physical body, and you are still in your carnal mind, you are being deprived. 

            That is what the Hebrew children were talking about when they said, We are tired of this light bread. They did not want to walk that straight walk anymore.

            They wanted the excitement, the spiritual power in Satan.  Plus, when you have spiritual power in Satan, you also have all the things of the world.  You do not have to deprive yourself of the things of the world.

l Cor.11.3: Christ is the head of the personality that is spiritually male, and the spiritual male is the head of the spiritual woman, and God is the head of Christ. (ATB)

11.4: Every spiritual male praying or prophesying with Christ, his head, down under the Fiery Serpent, has the shameful Fiery Serpent for his head. (ATB)

            You may remember that, that word shame was developed in the Old Testament.  Shame in the Old Testament is the word that is talking about the female spiritual sexual organ.

11.5 But the spiritual women who pray and prophesy without the spiritual male, their head, covering them have the shameful Fiery Serpent for their head, and their anointing has been captured and enslaved, (ATB)

That is a translation of shaven.

11.6: Because if the spiritual women are not covered by the spiritual males, indeed, their anointing is sheared from them, so rather than let the shameful Fiery Serpent shear the anointing of the spiritual women, let them be covered.

11.7: The spiritual male indeed, ought not to cover Christ, his head, who is the glorious thought form of God.  Moreover the glorious spirit of Christ within the spiritual male also covers the spiritual woman. 


11.8: Because Adam, the spiritual male did not proceed forth out of the spiritual woman, but the spiritual woman proceedeth forth out of Adam, the spiritual male. (ATB)

            This begins the Doctrine of Christ here, now.

 11.9:  Also, Adam, the spiritual male, was not made for the spiritual woman, but the spiritual woman was made for Adam, the spiritual male.  (ATB)

            The spiritual woman is the personality.  The personality that is not joined to Christ Jesus has the shameful Fiery Serpent for her head.  I am going to start at the beginning of 10. 

11.10 And for this reason, spiritual women should have spiritual male authority over the shameful Fiery Serpent, their head, because the Primordial Serpent who seduced the woman before the fall, is appearing to spiritual women today as angels.(ATB)

11.11: Nevertheless, the spiritual woman is never apart from Adam, the spiritual male, and Adam, the spiritual male, is never apart from the spiritual woman, when the Spirit of Christ is controlling the spiritual woman.             

11.12 Because even though the spiritual woman proceedeth forth from Adam, the spiritual male, Adam, the spiritual male, is also in the midst of the spiritual woman.  But only the whole man, spiritual male and spiritual female, is of God.(ATB)

            The man is not supposed to be alone.  The spiritual man, Adam, is not suppose to be alone and the spiritual woman, the personality and the Fiery Serpent, are not suppose to be separated from Adam.

            The spiritual woman is only in right standing with God when she is joined to Adam, her true husband.  In the New Testament, He is called Christ Jesus. 

11.13: Therefore, let Christ Jesus, the strong tower within you judge the woman who prays to God uncovered.(ATB)

11.14: Have you not learned yet [now we are getting really deep)] that when the shameful Fiery Serpent expands within a spiritual male, she braids together with the Spirit of Christ?

11.15:  But if the Fiery Serpent within a spiritual woman expands, she braids together with the spirit of Satan, and then Leviathan covers her, and her own human spirit is smitten by Satan.

11.16: But to  those of you of the Churches of God who are inclined to disagree with our teaching that the human spirit flows together with Satan, we [Paul and the other apostles] will not engage in any such argumentative communication with you. (ATB)

            In other words it is true, the human spirit that is not joined to the Spirit of Christ flows with Satan.  If you disagree, I am not going to argue with you about it.  

11.17 Now, this is my commandment, that you assemble yourselves in Christ Jesus, the more noble thought form, and not in Leviathan, the less noble one.(ATB)

11.18 Because when you assemble yourselves into Christ Jesus, the true Church, you will understand how to distinguish between the faith of Christ Jesus, and the carnal mind, your other side.

11.19 Because there must be a division in the midst of you so that Christ Jesus, the one who is approved by God, can make His public appearance in you. 

11.20: Therefore, when you assemble yourselves together with Christ Jesus within yourself, Christ Jesus, the Lord within you will consume Leviathan as His supper.(ATB)

            After I go over this verse-by- verse, I will give you the Scriptures. This is the supper of the Great God. Come all you fowls of heaven and eat the flesh of kings and captains. The flesh that is being consumed is Leviathan, and this revelation was expressed strongly in our series, Fishing For Leviathan.

            11.20:  Therefore, when you assemble yourself together with Christ Jesus within yourself, Christ Jesus, the Lord within you, will consume Leviathan as His supper. (ATB)

            Of course, the reason Christ Jesus has the legal right to consume Leviathan is because Christ Jesus is the High Priest, Jehovah’s High Priest, who is boiling Satan within you, and when Christ Jesus boils the sea Serpent in Satan’s sea, she is cooked and the priest partakes of the altar. 

            We see that Leviathan is the sacrifice that is sacrificed by boiling.  Christ Jesus, the High Priest who boils Satan partakes of the altar.  He eats Leviathan, because everyone must overtake Leviathan within himself for his own marriage supper.  Christ Jesus in me cannot consume Leviathan in you.

            I can expose your sin.  I can pray for you.  I can strengthen you.  I can show you your sins, I can pray for you, I can expose Leviathan to you, but only you can resist Leviathan to the point that Christ Jesus, within you, consumes him.

            I cannot consume Leviathan in you.  That is your honor.  That is the honor to you who are joined to Christ Jesus, to consume Leviathan within yourself.

11.21: Because everyone must overtake Leviathan wihin himself for his own marriage supper…. (AtTB)

            And, of course, when Leviathan is consumed, you marry Christ Jesus.

11.21: Because everyone must overtake Leviathan within himself for his own marriage supper, and the one who is famished from fasting from the things of this world...(ATB

            When Jesus was in the temptation, He said, I hunger, I hunger. Jesus was fasting from the pleasures or the emotional satisfaction of this world.  He was in that wilderness experience where Christ Jesus had not yet covered over His need, the need in His emotions for the things of this world. 

            We will not always be fasting and experiencing light bread because we are depriving ourselves of the pleasures of this world.  There will be a translation.  There will be a day that we enter in more fully into the life of Christ Jesus where we no longer desire the things of this world.

11.21: Because everyone must overtake Leviathan within himself for his own marriage supper, and the one who is famished from fasting from the things of this world will consume Leviathan, but the others who are not fasting from the things of this world will continue to be ascended in the astral plane.(ATB)


            That is a translation of drunken.

11.22:  Indeed, do you not have your own spiritual bodies to eat and drink in? (ATB)

            That word bodies is a translation of house.  Did the demons not say, This is our house?  Leave us alone.

11.22: Indeed, do you not have your own spiritual bodies to eat and drink in?  So why do you despise the Church of God by letting the shameful Fiery Serpent possess you?  Is this Leviathan, the thought form that I commanded you to assemble yourselves into?(ATB)

11.23: Because I have delivered the same instruction to you that I received from Christ Jesus, the Lord, that the night the Lord Jesus was offered up, the disciples seized Christ Jesus, the bread from heaven. 

11.24:  When the disciples expressed gratitude for the Doctrine of Christ, the bread from heaven, the Spirit of Elijah broke forth from within Jesus saying, I have given you Christ, the same spiritual body in seed form that Jesus has. And Christ, your capacity to remember me and our life together before the fall will shoot forth within you and mature.

11.25: And in the same way, after the disciples had consumed Leviathan within themselves, the Spirit of Elijah said, my spiritual blood, the new contract which remits the sins of the world, is the Mind of Christ. You should seize Christ Jesus, the same thing that the disciples did, because when Christ within you flows together with my spiritual blood, frequently Christ will remember me and our life together before the fall. (ATB)


            How does your spirit flow together with the Spirit of Christ frequently?  Brethren, every time you sit under this kind of teaching, every time you sit under this anointing, every time you subject yourself to the preaching of the Doctrine of Christ by Christ Jesus within me, you are subjecting yourself to the seeds and to the Spirit. 

            The Spirit of Christ is the energy, and the seeds are the life of Christ Jesus. Here is the promise to you.  Some people have a more quick response than others, but here is the promise to you. 

            If you do this often, if you do what the disciples did, if you let your spirit flow together with my spiritual blood frequently, Christ in you, eventually, will remember me and our life before the fall.  That is your taking off  in the life of Christ Jesus.

            I told you time and time again, if you do not understand this message or aspects of it, do not worry about it.  The most important reason that you are here is to be seeded with Christ Jesus, to stir up and get the Mind of Christ in you moving, to get Him activated.  

            He is in you, but He is languishing.  If you are not living out of Him, He is languishing.  As you subject Him to this kind of teaching and this kind of anointing, He is gaining strength and, eventually, His eyes will open, and He will remember, and He will arise within you.  That is what your hope is. 

            If you are sitting here, or if you are a regular listener to these messages or reading these transcripts, your hope should not be that you know enough of this doctrine to go and preach it.  That is just your pride speaking. 

            The whole reason that the Lord has you in this ministry, in the studies that are coming forth here, is so that Christ can rise in you.

            When Christ rises in you, He will give you ministry, but He will be in charge, not you.  Before He gives you ministry, He will put you in right order.  Before Christ Jesus ministers through you, you must walk in obedience.

            The rest of your life has to be in order.  It is not unusual to see someone very heavily anointed in the Holy Spirit who does not work, does not have a job.  I have seen lots of people, very anointed in healing, deliverance, the word of knowledge and prophesy, whose lives are not in order.

            It was not too long ago when I was visiting another Church, and a prophet came in off the street.  He had the gift of prophesy, and he was prophesying over everybody, and it really seemed to be the Holy Spirit.

            Everybody that was there witnessed that it was the Holy Spirit.  He was saying all kinds of things and offering to do all kinds of things for the people in the Church.  Then he told us that he did not have a place to live. 

            You will not find this in Christ Jesus, brethren.  Your whole life has to be in order.  To minister out of Christ Jesus, your whole life must be in order. 

            That means your whole life must be in order financially, in your family life, with your children, with the other people in the fellowship.  You cannot be squabbling with the other people in the fellowship. 

            You take your problems before the Lord. The first thing you do if you are having a problem with someone in this fellowship, is say, Lord, if I am wrong, I want you to show it to me immediately.  I pray for the Spirit of Reconciliation.

            Before you even get to them, before you even talk to your brother about it, you make sure it is not you.

11.25: In the same way after the disciples had consumed Leviathan within themselves, the Spirit of Elijah said, my spiritual blood, the new contract which remits the sins of the world is in the Mind of Christ. You should seize Christ Jesus, the same thing that the disciples did, because when Christ within you flows together with my spiritual blood, frequently Christ within you will remember me and our life together before the fall.        

11.26: Provided that you consume the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread, and flow together with the Mind of Christ, you are proclaiming your death to the Fiery Serpent’s lifestyle. (ATB)

            You must die to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent and every time you subject yourself to this kind of ministry, you are declaring or proclaiming to Satan and Leviathan within yourself, your death to their lifestyle.

            You are saying, I will die to your lifestyle, and I will make this expression of determination until I do die to your lifestyle and Christ appears in me. I will declare you dead until the day that Christ appears in me.  Because the day that Christ appears in me, you will be dead.

11.27: Wherefore when Leviathan within you consumes the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread, and Satan within you flows together with the Spirit of Christ, which is in the Mind of Christ, Christ Jesus, the Lord within you shall subject Satan and Leviathan, the irreverent ones.

11.28: So consume the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread, and flow together with the Spirit of Christ, within Christ Jesus, the spiritual man that God approves of. (ATB)

            Brethren, Christ Jesus (Adam in the Old Testament) is the only one that God approves of.  He will never approve of your good works.  The glorified Jesus Christ will never approve of you. 

            There is nothing that you can do that will receive the approval of the glorified Jesus Christ, other than die to everything that you are, so that Christ Jesus can possess you.  You cannot even do that unless He helps you.  There is nothing you can do. Taking little crackers and grape juice does not please God.

11.29: Because the one who consumes the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread, and flows together with the Spirit of Christ, without recognizing that it is Christ Jesus preaching it through a man, will be corrected. (ATB)


            If you think it is just a man preaching to the body of Christ without recognizing Christ Jesus in that man, you will be judged by Christ Jesus, the Lake of Fire. 

            Do you know what that means?  It means that if you can get into a meeting like this, which is pretty hard to do, and you sit here, and you really think that it is me preaching this message, and you think that you are going to get this from me, especially if you come in here trying to flatter me or buy me, you are going to come under the judgment of Christ Jesus in me, because He is not going to take that from you.  That is what that means. 

            The Lake of Fire is Christ Jesus.  My judgment upon you, my correction upon you is the Lake of Fire.  It is better than Satan. 

11.30: This is the reason why many among you are spiritually weak and sickly.  (ATB)


            If you are spiritually weak and sickly, there is a good chance you are going to be physically weak and sickly. 

            I am saying spiritually weak and sickly because you cannot possibly be physically weak and sickly if you are not spiritually weak and sickly.  If you are spiritually weak and sickly, you may be physically sick and weak, and you may not.  We are going to say,

11.30:  And for this reason, many among you are spiritually weak and sickly, and many are spiritually asleep in their carnal mind. (ATB)

            If you are living out of your carnal mind, you are spiritually asleep.

11.31: Because if we recognize Christ Jesus, we will not separate from Him. (ATB)

            Brethren, if you recognize Christ Jesus in yourself, you will not choose your carnal mind over Him.  If you recognize Christ Jesus in a man, you will not separate from Him unless, for some reason, the Lord Jesus sends you for His own purposes to some place else. Anyone who departs from Christ Jesus, either in themselves, or in another man is in their carnal mind and self destructive. 

11.32: But when we are separated from Christ Jesus the Lord…. (ATB)

            That is the Lord within us.  Whenever you see the word Lord without Jesus after it, it is talking about Christ Jesus in you.  The Lord Jesus is the glorified Jesus Christ. 

11.32: But when we are separated from Christ Jesus, the Lord within us, we are disciplined by Satan, and the world condemns us. (ATB)

            When Christ Jesus disciplines you, there is no condemnation in it.  You are just corrected and asked to change, asked to admit that you did something wrong and make a change. 

              When Satan corrects you, you come under the condemnation of the world, depending upon how severe the correction is.  Therefore, we know when someone in the Church of God is condemned because they are not healed, either physically or emotionally, or from drug addiction or any other major affliction, Satan has corrected them. Condemnation is only of Satan.

            If you condemn a child of God, know that that is your carnal mind condemning, and that is Satan.  Christ Jesus never condemns you.

11.33: Wherefore, brethren, when you come together to consume the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread, accept one another. (ATB)

            I am not going to go into this now because I want to take it a verse at a time. 

11.34: If anyone is hungry, let him consume Satan, the energy of his own body.  Since there is no law against assembling into Christ Jesus, and when I come I will set the Fiery Serpent, the part that remains after you consume Leviathan, in the correct moral order. (ATB)

            I will tell you now that this is a very deep aspect of the message.  We talked about it here recently, how we steal energy from other people. 

            If we yield to our sin, if we are envious of others, if we think we are better than they are, if we are critical of them, if we have any ungodly thoughts towards our brethren that we are not dealing with, not only by restraining, but by confessing it as sin and repenting, the spiritual brethren are feeling the pressure of our thoughts. 

            The brother who is afflicted by the pressure of your ungodly thoughts must rise up and resist that spiritual attack.

            Do you think nobody knows that you are envious of that person?  You think you are repressing it and nobody knows, but if you are not confessing it as sin and asking the Lord to help you to not harm that person, they are feeling the pressure of your envy. 

            If they are spiritual, they are going to rise up and fight with you in the spirit, and warfare takes a person’s energy. 

Therefore, Paul says, When you come together, stop feasting on each other, but boil Satan in yourself.  Stop looking at the sins of your brother and draining their energy by making them rise up to resist you;  look at your own sins and boil Satan.  He says, When you come together with your brethren, accept them.  I will go into it in more detail as we do it verse- by- verse.  Brethren, I do not know about you, but I will take that translation any day.

            We are now going to do the work-up verse-by-verse of:

            I Corinthians, Chapter 11 King James Version, beginning with Verse 1.

I Cor.11.1: Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. (KJV)

            That Greek word translated followers can be translated imitators.  Paul said, Act like me, do what I do.  He did not mean only in your flesh.  He meant, be what I am

            Paul was saying, I am a follower of Christ.  He was not saying, Do the things that I do, or do the ritual that I do.  He was saying, Follow me like I follow Christ.  He was saying, Give up your carnal mind, reject your carnal mind and pursue Christ.  I can command you, and I can ask you to do this because I do it.  Be ye imitators of me in every way that I imitate Christ.

1 Cor. 11:2:  Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you. (KJV)

            Brethren, I looked up all of the Scriptures that are under the same Strong’s number translated ordinances.  I see that I did not put the number down.  I did not really go into the detail here that I do with the Hebrew translations, so if you want the Strong’s number, you will have to look it up yourself.

            First of all, the Greek word translated ordinances can also be translated traditions.  It is the same Greek word.  At least three out of the five Scriptures that use that word are using this word in a negative context.

Matt. 15:2, Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders?  For they wash not their hands when they eat bread.  (KJV)

Matt. 15:6, And honor not his father or mother, he shall be free.  Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. (KJV)

            You have made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. When you eat crackers and drink grape juice to fulfill the commandment of Jesus Christ, you make the truth and the power that He was trying to impart to you of none effect with your tradition. 

I Col.2.8: Beware, lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men; after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ. (KJV)

            We see that traditions, also translated ordinances, are used in a negative vein in three Scriptures.  Although the other two Scriptures sounded positive in the King James, I suspect I might have found them to really be Scriptures that were negative towards the ordinances if I would have had the time to study them.

            I suggest to you that Paul is not encouraging the Corinthians to keep the ordinances.  He is not encouraging them to keep the traditions of the elders, but he is telling them that he gave them the truth about it.     

I Cor.11.2: Now I praise you, brethren, that you remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you. (KJV)

            The word praise is Jehovah’s thought form. Imitate me, even as I imitate Christ, Jehovah’s thought form, so that you can remember all the truth that I committed to you about observing the traditions.

            I told you the truth about observing the traditions. Do not do it.  Observing traditions kills Christ in you.  Do not do it.

            Imitate me even as I imitate Christ, Jehovah’s thought form, so that you should remember all the truth that I committed to you, about observing traditions.

            He said, If you follow Christ as I do, you will remember everything that I told you about how observing traditions kills Christ in you.  But if you do not follow me as I follow Christ, if you worship God with your carnal mind instead of in spirit and in truth, you will kill Christ.

            Even though you may think you are worshiping Him in spirit and in truth, you are not.  The Holy Spirit is not the Spirit of Truth.  The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of Truth.  

            He says, Follow me, worship God with the Mind of Christ, in the Spirit of Christ, and when you do, the Mind of Christ will remind you to avoid traditions which kill Him.

            We see that it is not possible to observe the traditions of the elders, the traditions of men or the traditions of the Church today, such as Christmas, Easter, and the Communion ritual, when you are living out of the Mind of Christ.

            It is not possible to do this when you are living out of the Mind of Christ.  We see that there are very few living out of the Mind of Christ in the Church today, very, very few. 

            The Church today can be likened to the divided Israel, when the kingdom was divided into two kingdoms.  Israel claimed to be Hebrews, but they had the common men for priests.  They did not have Levities for priests.  They had golden calves for gods.  I am sure they had the Scripture.  Jesus met the woman at the well who was from Samaria, and she had some knowledge of the Scripture. 

            The Church today is Israel, but they are without their head.  Israel is the spiritual woman, and Judah is the spiritual male.  The Church today is uncovered.  Judah is the spiritual male, and in this hour Judah is manifesting as the sons of God.

            When I say Judah is the spiritual male, I mean that Judah has the root of the tree, whilst Israel has just the branch of the tree.  In this dispensation, the whole tree in the form of the Spirit of Christ is manifesting in the sons of God. 

            I am not saying that any natural Jew is the head of the Church.  If it sounded like that, that is not correct, and I did not mean it that way.             

            Who are the sons of God?  They are the believers who have the whole Tree of Life, the believers who have the energy of Christ and the nature of Christ,  the believers who are living out of Christ Jesus and out of the Spirit of Christ which is within Him. 

            These believers, these sons of God, are, spiritually speaking, the synthesis or the rejoined two kingdoms of Israel.  The whole twelve tribes together in the time of the Scripture signified or expressed the whole Tree of Life. In the age of natural Israel, the whole twelve tribes together signified or expressed the whole Tree of Life, the energy or power of Jehovah, plus the nature of Jehovah. 

            Judah was the tribe from which the kings that ruled the whole twelve tribes arose. The kings that ruled the whole nation arose from Judah, but ever since Israel was divided from her head, Israel went astray and, eventually, Judah went astray also.

            Today, that whole Tree of Life that was raised in Israel is being raised in a company of men within the Church that have both the root and the branch, both the nature and the energy of the glorified Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. 

            What Jehovah did in Israel is now manifesting in the Church, but the Scripture says that the Jews will be grafted back into their own tree.  What tree?  The Tree of Life that was in Israel died and that same Tree of Life is being raised up in the Church today in the form of the sons of God. 

            We have to stand. The Tree of Life is being raised up, but it is not standing.  It has not appeared yet.  It is not standing in full power.

            Israel will be grafted back into their own tree once that Tree of Life that came through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and existed in Israel, and died in Israel, once it is fully appearing in the Church.

            Once that Tree of Life is fully appearing in the Church, every member of the Church that is not standing in the fullness of the Tree of Life (the bride members of the Church) and Israel, the faithful of Israel (it is for whosoever will, whoever comes from Israel) will be grafted back into their own tree.  

            What tree?  It is the tree that died in Israel, and was raised from the dead in the Church in the form of the sons of God.  It is their tree.  It is the tree that was injected into the earth through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Judah.  It is their tree, but it died.

            They are going to be grafted back into their own tree, which is being raised in the Church.  Christ Jesus is the head wherever He is appearing.  It does not matter whether you are a physical Jew or a physical Christian; Christ Jesus is the head wherever He is appearing. 

            The person in whom Christ Jesus is the most mature is the head.  If someone more mature than you comes along, you are suppose to sit down because Christ Jesus can manifest in whoever He wants to. 

            It is no longer whether you are a physical Jew or a physical Greek.  The Scripture says it is their tree  (if that is what it says, I have not studied those verses in the Greek yet).

            We know that it was given to the Jew first, so they are going to be grafted back into their own tree that died.  They are the branches that broke off when the tree died. 

            Why was it not raised from the dead in Judah?  Why was the Tree of Life not raised from the dead in Israel? It was not raised because they rejected Messiah. 

            The resurrection of the Tree of Life is in the glorified Jesus Christ.  He is the power to raise the Tree of Life from the dead.  He who wants something from God must first believe that God is.

            It is my understanding that when Christ Jesus makes His public appearance, there will be many Jews who will recognize their God, and they will be grafted back into the tree.  It is the whosoever will.  Physical heritage does not count anymore if you have the Tree of Life. 

            If you have Christ Jesus, you are His.  If you have Christ Jesus, you have the capacity to enter into the New Covenant, the new contract that remits the sins of the world.  The Church is still under the Old Covenant, which was expressed one way to the Jew and is being expressed another way to the Gentile.

            Because Judah or Israel produced Messiah, the expression of the Old Covenant to the Gentile is much easier and more tolerable.  He comes in the form of the Holy Spirit rather than ordinances and blood sacrifices of animals, but it is still the Old Covenant. 

            The New Covenant is Christ in you, the only man, who is approved of God.  When you die to everything that you are in your carnal mind and all of the lusts of the flesh, and you become an expression of the only man who is approved of God, you too, will be approved of God. 

            There is no law against a righteous man.  Therefore, Satan has no power to take your life.  The Church is not under the New Covenant.  They are Israel gone crazy.  When Moses was up on the mountain, they were dancing and celebrating pagan feasts (spiritually speaking), dancing around the fire, giving gifts, celebrating the birthday of Tammuz, the pagan god.  Praise the Lord!

I Cor. 11.3: But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. (KJV)

            First of all, brethren, you have to understand that Paul is speaking about spiritual men and women.  There is no male or female in Christ Jesus.  If Christ Jesus is in you, you are a spiritual male. 

            If you have the Holy Spirit influencing your carnal mind, you are a spiritual female.  Christ is the only male.  If He is not in you, you are spiritually female.  Christ is the head of the personality that is spiritually male.  Christ is the head of the personality that He is attached to.  If Christ is attached to your personality, you are spiritually male.  The spiritual male is the head of the spiritual woman. 

            Who is the spiritual woman? The spiritual woman is any personality who is living out of their carnal mind.  I say spiritual woman because I believe Paul is speaking to the Church here.  If you have the Holy Spirit or you do not have the Holy Spirit, you are a spiritual woman.  God is the head of Christ.

 I Cor. 11:3: Christ is the head of the personality that is spiritually male, and the spiritual male is the head of the spiritual woman [the personality that does not have Christ], and God is the head of Christ.(ATB)       


11.4 King Every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonoureth his head. (KJV)

            The Greek word translated covered is Strong’s #2596.  It means down under.  The Greek word translated, dishonoureth, Strong’s #2617, means shame. 

            I have been teaching this for years here.  Shame in the Old Testament signifies the female sex organ and, spiritually speaking, the female sex organ is the Fiery Serpent.

I Cor.11:4:  Every spiritual male praying or prophesying with Christ, his head, down under the Fiery Serpent, has the shameful Fiery Serpent for his head. (ATB)

            What does that mean? If Christ is formed in you, He is your head, but many have Christ formed in them and they are still subject to, and obeying, and in agreement with, their carnal mind.

            It is possible to prophesy out of your carnal mind. That is why the woman has to be under her head, the spiritual male who has the capacity to recognize that it is not Christ speaking, but your carnal mind, thereby, stopping it by covering your sin because it is sin to prophesy out of your carnal mind. 

            The spirit of the carnal mind that prophesies is Satan.  Satan is the spirit of the carnal mind.  When Satan prophesies, it is a curse. 

            The spiritual male says, Oh no, that is not Christ, that is not true.  I rebuke that. Sit down.  Whoever that prophesy was for, now rejects the prophesy.  The spiritual woman who was ignorant that she was cursing that other person now has her sin covered, because we have spiritual males, personalities that Christ is formed in. 

            The personality still submits to Satan in the carnal mind when she wants to prophesy.  Paul is saying, If you have Christ in you, and you are submitting to your carnal mind, you are dishonoring Christ.  That is very serious. 

            Every spiritual male praying or prophesying with Christ, his head, down under the Fiery Serpent has the shameful Fiery Serpent for his head. 

            Can anyone tell us why I say down under the Fiery Serpent here?  It is because Christ is joined to the Fiery Serpent. The question is in what order is He joined?  If Christ is underneath the Fiery Serpent, it is a shame, and there is a warfare going on.

            If Christ in you is being dominated by the Fiery Serpent, Christ is fighting. That means He is bringing judgment into your life. 

            If Christ in you is not strong enough to reach your personality and convince your personality that she is agreeing with the wrong mind, Christ in you will call for help.

            Christ Jesus in a stronger believer or a whole fellowship will then rise up to pray strength to Christ in the personality who is being killed by the Fiery Serpent who is driving Him down under.

            Remember that Christ is the name of Abel in the New Testament, and Cain is woven together with the Fiery Serpent.  When we say that Christ is under the Fiery Serpent, it is just repeating what happened in antiquity, that Cain is once again killing Abel. This is just to put it in another way so that you can understand it. 

            Christ will yell for help, and every personality who is living out of Christ that has a relationship with that personality where Christ is being killed will hear.  Christ in the more mature believer will hear the call for help and will pray for the personality where Christ is being killed.  The result of that is that the personality where Christ is being killed will come under judgment. 

            What kind of judgment will that person come under?  Will they be punished? No! The Lord wants Christ free and ascended above the Fiery Serpent.  Christ is the man, and the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual sexual part of the female personality, and the man is supposed to be on top of the woman. 

            It is a perversion for the woman to be on top of the man, and it is the death of the man if he continues on in that condition.

            What happens when Christ in the believer is being killed by the carnal mind of that believer because they are ignorant, and they do not even understand what is happening to them?

            Other strong believers are raised up to pray, or mature believers are raised up to pray for Christ in the believer that is ignorant.  What happens is, the Fiery Serpent rises up to kill Christ and to keep the personality from hearing the instruction of the Lord. 

            This personality will start to perceive evil thoughts in their mind, the likes of which they have never heard before.  Evil will be exposed in that personality who thinks they are doing the right thing by denying Christ.  Maybe they do not even know that Christ is there.

            Did you ever hear of a young girl who is pregnant, and she did not know she was pregnant?  It is possible for a believer to be pregnant with Christ and not know He is there.

            I remember when I was pregnant with Christ.  The Lord sent two believers to me; one, a very strong prophetic believer and another one whom I was surprised about, but apparently she had the capacity for this dream, as well. 

            They both had dreams that I had this beautiful bouncing baby.  I remember the first sister that came to me.  She said, Pastor Vitale, he was just beautiful with big round cheeks, and he was healthy.  You had a baby boy.

            Then the second believer came to me and said that I was pregnant with a boy.  I had no idea what the Lord was trying to tell me.  I had absolutely no idea what He was trying to tell me.  I did not know what it meant.  I did not know what I was supposed to do. 

            We have believers all over the Church that do not know they are pregnant, and if they were told that they are pregnant, they do not even know what they are supposed to do.

            What are you supposed to do if you are pregnant?  You are supposed to feed the baby.  Christ needs the Doctrine of Christ.  That is His food. 

            If Christ is in you, and you do not know it, and you are still agreeing with the thoughts of your carnal mind, the Lord has raised up people to pray that Christ in you does not die, because you do not even know that He is there.

            The reason that you do not know that He is there is that all the years that you had the Holy Ghost, you thought the Holy Ghost was Christ, but you never had Christ all those years. 

            He just appeared in you now, and you do not even know that anything is different, so you are killing Him, your own child, the child that you need to be saved in childbearing. 

            The result of the prayers of the more mature believers will raise up the wrath of the Fiery Serpent in you, and the Fiery Serpent is protected by Leviathan and Satan, and Satan will speak evil thoughts into your mind, the likes of which you never thought you were capable of. 

            What is the purpose of this?  It is to help you distinguish between the evil thoughts of Satan and the thoughts of Christ.            What are you talking about, Pastor Vitale?  You could not tell the difference between the thoughts of Satan and the thoughts of Christ?

            When Satan was thinking good thoughts through you, you could not tell the difference between the good thoughts of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (because Satan is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) and the thoughts of Christ.

            The Lord has raised up the evil side of the tree so that you could tell the difference between Christ, the Tree of Life, and Satan, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. 

            If that offends you, I am sorry. You should pray about it because it is the truth.     

I Cor.11.5: But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head, for that is even all one as if she were shaven. (KJV)

            Every physical person that is not a spiritual male is a spiritual woman,. This saying, but the spiritual women pray and prophesy without the spiritual male. 

            Brethren, this truth is especially hard for physical men because it is possible that the physical male is a spiritual female, and that the physical woman is the spiritual male.  This is extremely hard for physical men, but it is the spiritual truth 

            The spiritual women pray and prophesy without the spiritual male, their head, covering them. 

            How does the spiritual male cover you? 

            I talked about this earlier.  He sits there, and He listens to what you are saying, and he says, Amen.  He would be saying, That is the Holy Spirit speaking through your carnal mind, amen.

            Or He would sit there and say, No, that is not the Holy Spirit, that is Satan speaking through your carnal mind.  I rebuke that, I put that thought down and I break that curse on that person.

            That is how the spiritual male covers you when you are prophesying.  The same thing happens when you are praying if you have an incorrect prayer, if you are praying for the wrong thing. 

            That is what happened here.  I have had people praying for the wrong thing here.  It is a sin to pray for the wrong thing.

            Why is it a sin?  Can anybody not make a mistake?  Christ does not make that kind of a mistake.  If you pray for the wrong thing, it means that it is your carnal mind praying, and we must worship God in Spirit and in truth.  He is Spirit.  We must praise Him and pursue Him in the spirit.

            If you pray with your carnal mind because you do not know any better, because you do not have Christ, and you do not know anyone who has Christ, it is still sin, but the Lord is winking at it.  To be under this kind of instruction and pray out of your carnal mind is sin. If you do not know any better, you get few stripes.  If you should know better, you get many stripes.

            It is the grace of God to have the spiritual male tell you that what you are praying is a wrong prayer, so that you can repent and take it back. It is the grace of God.  Spiritual women who pray and prophesy without the spiritual male, their head, covering them have the shameful Fiery Serpent for their head.

            Brethren, the Fiery Serpent is the spiritual sexual part of the personality. What does that mean?

            The Fiery Serpent and the personality are one. When the male, either Christ Jesus or Leviathan, joins with the personality, which is female, they join with the part of the personality that is called the Fiery Serpent.

            The Scripture calls the Fiery Serpent the spiritual sexual part of the personality. It is just the Lord's way of helping us to understand deep spiritual principles.

            I tell you all the time, I have dabbled a little in Hinduism, a little in Buddhism, a little in other occult religions, a little in Theosophy, and I have not seen any writings in any of these disciplines that the man in the street can make heads or tails out of.       

            The Christian Bible is the only spiritual book that I know of that has the power to impart true spiritual life, that a child could understand on some level. The King James Translation is a miracle of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Of course, once Christ is formed in you, a parable is not enough.  Christ in you needs the spiritual truth.

            I was talking about having the shameful Fiery Serpent for your head. The Fiery Serpent and the personality are one, the two are one.  The personality is supposed to be male to the Fiery Serpent, but the Fiery Serpent is shamefully pursuing who? Who is the Fiery Serpent shamefully pursuing?

            COMMENT: Leviathan.

            PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the Fiery Serpent is shamefully pursuing Leviathan and is in bed with Satan.  This is to the destruction of the personality.

            The personality is supposed to be controlling her own spiritual sex drive, but the personality does not have the strength to do it. Therefore, in the personality that is not joined to Christ Jesus, the roles are reversed, and the Fiery Serpent who is supposed to be female to the personality is male to the personality.

            The Fiery Serpent subjects the personality, because the personality alone cannot control the Fiery Serpent, Satan, and Leviathan, and the three are one.  The personality that is joined to Christ Jesus has the strength to resist the Fiery Serpent, who is strengthened by Leviathan and Satan.

            1 Corinthians 11, Verse 5 is saying, But the spiritual women who pray and prophesy without the spiritual male, without Christ Jesus covering them, have the shameful Fiery Serpent for their head.

            The only way the personality can be on top of the Fiery Serpent is if she is joined to Christ Jesus.

            The personality that is not joined to Christ Jesus is under the dominion of the shameful Fiery Serpent, who is shamefully pursuing Leviathan and Satan and the evil that they do.

I Cor.11.5: The spiritual women who pray and prophesy without the spiritual male, their head, covering them have the shameful Fiery Serpent for their head, and their anointing has been captured, and their anointing, or the Holy Spirit that is upon them, has been captured and enslaved. (ATB)

            Captured and enslaved, that is a translation of the word shaven.

            Once again, the Old Testament understanding of the word shaven is that usually when women are captured in battle, and taken as captives they are taken into the soldier's house to be his concubine, and there is a law concerning that.

            In the Old Testament, you shave her head. You let her shave her head and mourn for the life that she left behind, and then you take her into your bed and she is yours.

            That is what it means to be shaven. If you are a spiritual woman and you are prophesying out of your carnal mind, and there is no spiritual male around to tell you that this is wrong, or if you are in rebellion against the spiritual male, and you are not receiving the correction, you are already captured by the Fiery Serpent.

            If you are a spiritual woman, and there is no spiritual male correcting you, or if you are rebelling against the correction, you are already under the dominion of the Fiery Serpent, who is shamefully pursuing Leviathan and Satan.

            You cannot believe this because you prophesy by the Holy Ghost, and because the Lord talks to you and gives you visions. You say, Pastor Vitale, you must be wrong, I cannot possibly be captured! But you are, and the Holy Ghost is in there, anyway, trying to get you out.

            Until you understand that the Holy Ghost is not the be-all end-all  and that Christ is the head of the Holy Ghost, and that frequently, more often that not, you could have spiritual gifts without wisdom in the Holy Ghost, until you understand this, you are not going to submit to the wisdom of Christ.

            Until you get that lesson, you are not going to submit to the wisdom of Christ, wherever the Lord has placed that wisdom in your life. Someone lied to you and told you that Christ speaks to you directly, and that there is no true authority in the Church, that it is you and the Lord alone, so you continue to walk in whatever degree of trouble you are in.

            The harder the Lord calls you, the deeper the trouble you will be in.  Ignorance is no excuse for your rebellion and your pride.

I Cor. 11.6: For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn, but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. (KJV)                                                           

11.6: Because, if the spiritual women are not covered by the spiritual males, indeed their anointing is sheared from them.  Rather than, that the shameful Fiery Serpent should shear the spiritual women, let them be covered. (ATB)

           Be covered. Do not risk losing your anointing. No one is telling you that you cannot manifest spiritual gifts, but subject yourself to the authority that the Lord has placed over you and learn to recognize when you are being seduced, if you are being seduce. Do this at least until Christ is formed in you, then that you can judge yourself.

              There is nothing in Verse 6 that says the spiritual woman should stop prophesying, nothing that says let them stop prophesying.  It just says, Let them be covered. The Lord wants you to manifest your spiritual gifts.    

I Cor.11.7:  For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, for as much as he is the image and glory of God, but the woman is the glory of the man. (KJV)                                               

11.7: The spiritual male, indeed, ought not to cover Christ, his head, who is the glorious thought form of God. Moreover, the glorious Spirit of Christ within the spiritual male, also covers the spiritual woman (ATB)

            The spiritual male, indeed, ought not to cover over Christ, his head.  Do not put your head down under the Fiery Serpent, do not agree with the thoughts of the Fiery Serpent, and the thoughts of the Fiery Serpent, of course, are Satan arising through the Fiery Serpent to you. You must reject those thoughts.

            If you do not reject Satan's thoughts flowing through your carnal mind, you are not covered, and you are shaming your head. The spiritual male, indeed, ought not to cover Christ.

            The only way you can cover Christ, who is the head, who is the glorious thought form of Jehovah, is by agreeing with the thoughts of your carnal mind.

Moreover, the glorious Spirit of Christ within the spiritual male also covers the spiritual woman.

            If you are a spiritual male, if you have Christ in you, and you are agreeing with the thoughts of your carnal mind, not only are you dishonoring Christ, but you are not covering the spiritual females in your life, and that includes your relatives outside of the Church.

            If you are a physical man or a physical woman who has Christ formed in you, that means you have the capacity to be trained to think as Christ thinks in every life situation.

            If you are the only one in your family that is moving in this level of ministry, but you are not seeking the counsel of Christ, either within you or within the elder, you are shaming Christ, and members of your family are not covered.

            If you are not checking to see if your thinking is Christ by getting a second witness through the elder, when you go into your house, thinking that your judgment [whatever decision you have made for your family] is right, but you are thinking the thoughts of your carnal mind instead of Christ, not only are you shaming Christ in you, but the members of your family are not covered. 

            You have to get the right thinking, and the only way you can get the right thinking is practice. You have to have the thoughts that you are thinking, the solutions that you have to your every day problem, judged, so that you, too, can learn to make the right decisions in Christ. 

            It is not a question of learning, and it is not a question of memorizing, that in such a situation I do this, and in such a situation I do that. That is part of it, but that is not what it is all about.

            By submitting the every day situations of your family life, and getting a witness as to how Christ deals with such a situation develops Christ in you.

            The Lord wants you fully independent and functional as soon as possible. This is not a dependency thing. It is a building up of Christ in you, so that you can go out on your own and have your own disciples in this aspect of life situations.

            You can be proficient in the Doctrine of Christ but not ready to counsel.

1 Cor. 11.8:  For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. (KJV)

           Already, we are getting into the Doctrine of Christ and the beginning of the creation.

11.8: Because Adam, the spiritual male, did not proceed forth from the spiritual woman, but the spiritual woman proceeded forth out of the spiritual male. (ATB)

            Of course, the King James Translation says that the woman came out of Adam's rib, but we know that the Hebrew word translated rib means side.

            The woman was formed out of Adam’s earthen side. The spiritual woman is of the earth, which has the Serpent’s nature.

11.9: Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man. (KJV)

            In the Interlinear Text, the word neither appears twice. It does not appear twice in the King James Translation, but in the Interlinear Text it appears twice, and it is a translation of two different Greek words. The first neither is Strong's #2532, which we will translate, also, and the second neither is Strong's #3756, which is an absolute negative.

            Whenever we find an absolute negative, it can either mean not, or it can mean a member of the Serpent's household.            I think in this verse, we kept it as a not.

            How do I decide whether to keep it as a not or to translate it Leviathan or Satan? I decide by the context of the verse.

            I just love it when every once in a while, I find a verse where the context requires retaining the word not, because to me that proves that I am not just looking to translate the word not into Satan all the time. The context of this verse requires the word not.

11.9: Also, Adam, the spiritual male, was not made for the spiritual woman, but the spiritual woman was made for Adam, the spiritual male. (ATB)

            Of course, the spiritual woman was made for Adam, the spiritual male.  She was made to surround him so that he could fulfill his function as Jehovah's thought form, an accurate visible representation of Jehovah in the form of a mind, the thoughts of Jehovah’s mind.

11.10: For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head, because of the angels. (KJV)

            And for this reason, for what reason? That Adam, the spiritual male, was not made for the woman, but the woman was made for the man.

            What this is really saying is that the spiritual woman cannot stand on her own. The spiritual woman is the female tree, she is the partial tree. She is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. She is not whole without the man.

11.10: For this reason,  the spiritual woman should have spiritual male authority over the shameful Fiery Serpent, her head, because the Primordial Serpent, who seduced the spiritual woman in the first place, is appearing to spiritual  women today as angels. (ATB)

            That is the whole Doctrine of Christ. You have to read my whole book on Adam and the Two Judgements to understand that.

11.10: And for this reason, spiritual women should have spiritual male authority over the shameful Fiery Serpent, their head, because the Primordial Serpent, who seduced the woman, before the fall, is appearing to spiritual women today as angels (ATB)

            The Primordial Serpent who seduced the spiritual woman, which seduction resulted in the fall, is today appearing to that same spiritual woman who has become a many-membered spiritual woman, all of mortal humanity.

            That same Primordial Serpent is appearing to that same spiritual woman today, but the form of both of them has changed. The spiritual woman is appearing as the many members of mortal humanity, and the Primordial Serpent is appearing as Leviathan’s angels (Revelation 12:7).

            You may recall that the condition of the spiritual woman is that she has two sides to her. The spiritual woman is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. She is good, and she is evil, and when she is turned towards her good side, she is faithful towards Adam, her husband.  She has an evil side that continuously gnaws at her, and tries to turn her thoughts and her emotions towards the evil side.

            The evil side of the woman is the Primordial Serpent. The good side of the woman is Adam's wife, the faithful woman.

            The fall came about, because Adam did not discern that his wife, who was good and in obedience to him, had turned in her thoughts towards her evil side, and that Adam no longer was relating to his wife.

              He was now in an intimate relationship with the Primordial Serpent, who worked witchcraft upon Adam, who used delusion to seduce him, and Adam did not take the victory.

            Does anybody remember why Adam did not take the victory over the Serpent's witchcraft? What was Adam’s potential to take the victory?

            The witchcraft was too strong for Adam. He had no chance against the witchcraft, but what was the weapon that Jehovah had given Adam to overcome in the test? Adam had a test. What was the weapon that Jehovah gave him to overcome the witchcraft? Do you know?

            COMMENT: The knowledge that he was supposed to be in union with Jehovah?

            PASTOR VITALE: It was the law, it was the law. Adam did not have the spiritual strength at that time but he does now in his form as the Lord Jesus Christ. At that time, he did not have the spiritual strength to overcome the Serpent's witchcraft, which seduced his mind to think incorrectly. 

            Adam's sin was that he listened to the mind of his earthen side. If you just follow the law... Jehovah said, Thou shalt not. If Adam would have obeyed Jehovah and not the thoughts of his other self, he would have avoided the fall, which is being restored right now in Christ Jesus.

            This is who humanity is today. We are Adam and the woman. That is all that we are. Adam is divided into many members today in the form of Christ, and the woman is divided into the billions of members of mortal humanity.  

            The spiritual female, the two-sided spiritual female, the good and evil spiritual female, is now married to her own evil self who is the Serpent.

            The way that Jehovah set it up is that the good female is supposed to be married to Adam, and the Primordial Serpent is supposed to be covered over by their union. 

            The good woman turned away from Adam.  She turned toward her evil side, she married her own evil side, which is spiritual incest, and was divided from her true husband, Adam, and the whole household of God.

            The same situation goes on today. In every crisis, do we think for our self, or do we follow the law?

            If Christ is functioning in us, then the right answer comes automatically, the righteous answer comes automatically. However, in the areas that Christ is not manifesting the truth of the solution to the problem for us, our strength is in the law, and if we do not know what the law is, we can always say, Jesus, I do not know what to do.

            Let me give you an example. Let us make it something really simple. Let us say, our emotions desire to physically commit adultery. We know this is wrong, this is against God, this is destructive to our marriage, to our children, to our life, to everything that we fought for, and we say, No!  However, our emotions want it. We are saved by following the law.

In the case of Adam, the issue was how will the creation that Adam was in charge over, be matured? Would it be matured through experience or through union with Jehovah? 

            That is what the issue was. Would the creation be matured through experience or through union with Jehovah.  The law said…. Jehovah said to Adam, This creation, all of my sperm that you have charge over, all of the sons of God that you have charge over, will be matured through union with me.

            The Serpent came and said, No, let us mature them through experience.

              It could not possibly have been this simple, but that is the message. I cannot say how it actually affected Adam, I cannot even relate to the kind of being that Adam was in those days. He was not like we are now.

            He was a spiritual being, a great, powerful spiritual being, and a seduction flowed towards him, a suggestion, Let us mature the sons that you have charge over by experience.

            Brethren, the same thing is happening today. The Serpent's voice seeps into our mind in the form of an idea, and we think it is our own.  Jehovah had told Adam, Wait, my sons that you have charge over will be matured through union with me.

              The Primordial Serpent whispered a suggestion into Adam's ear, Let us mature them by experience.  Adam said, I thought Elohim said, No, that is not the right thing to do, but it sounds like a good idea, let us try it.  Adam fell, and the whole creation fell.

            Of course, it is not that simple, but that is basically what happened, and the same thing is happening today. The Serpent today, Satan today, is stronger than we are.

            This is her world, this is her turf, and there are certain areas where we have victory over Satan and Leviathan, and in other areas our only hope is to walk circumspectly behind the Lord, doing everything He tells us, because this thing is too big for us.

            If our pride rises up...Adam's pride rose up in him, he thought he could make his own decision.  You have to know who you are.

            The only time you can make your own decision is when Christ in you is matured in this particular area, and Christ in you knows that this is the right thing to do, and even then, I say, Lord, did I miss it, am I okay, is this right? That is to the glorified Jesus Christ. Did I get it right? Do not think you are something you are not.

11.10: And for this reason, spiritual women should have spiritual male authority over the shameful Fiery Serpent, their head, because the Primordial Serpent, who seduced the woman, before the fall, is appearing to spiritual women today as angels (ATB)

             And for this reason…. Adam the spiritual male was not made for the woman, but the woman was made for the male, and, therefore, the spiritual woman is the partial tree. She is not sound without the male. 

            For that reason, spiritual women should have spiritual male authority over the shameful Fiery Serpent, their head, because the Primordial Serpent who seduced the woman to turn to her evil side before the fall, is appearing today as angels that whisper thoughts into her mind.

            Who is the angel? The angel is the carnal mind. Who are the angels?

            Christ Jesus is the angel in me. Christ Jesus, the whole man, is an angel in me. 

            What is the name of the whole woman of the carnal mind? Does anybody know? It is the Devil.

            The Devil is the personality that is in complete agreement with the carnal mind, and Christ Jesus is the personality that is in complete agreement with the Mind of Christ. 

            The angels out there, brethren, are the carnal minds of the people. Do you know that it is possible for somebody's thought to register in your mind as your own thought?

            I do not know to what degree this happens to people who are spiritually asleep, but I know that it happens to me a lot. People's thoughts seep into my mind a lot, too much, as far as I am concerned.

            I am in warfare continuously, checking out the thoughts in my mind, checking if they are of God, checking if they are of me, and if they are not of God, where in the world are they coming from?  I am fighting them off  if they are not of God. The angels are the minds of other people.

            Do you know that if there is someone who wants to talk to you on the telephone, but because their pride is so strong, they will not call you, that those thoughts can vibrate towards you, and if you are spiritually susceptible to suggestions, you will pick up the telephone and call them?  The person will say, Oh hello, I was just thinking about you.

            Yes, you heard their thought, and you called them before they called you. It is a lot of fun being spiritual, it is a lot of fun prophesying and casting out demons and praying in the spirit, but, brethren, you are moving into a ball game that you do not have the vaguest idea about.

            You have no idea what you are dabbling in when you become spiritual, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are spiritual pre-school.

            You need a spiritual male to help you recognize when the thoughts in your mind are not of God, and are not even of you. Someone else's thought may be in your mind, you think it is you, you go out and you do it.

            Even if that thought is good thing, you are not supposed to be subject to the angels. Maybe the thought says, Let us go get a Reese's Pieces Sunday in Friendlys.

            Why would you want to do that if it is someone else's thought? You are being controlled by the angels, by the spiritual being of another person, and today it is a Reese's Pieces Sunday, but tomorrow it could be adultery.

            Brethren, we are to be controlled by no one except Christ Jesus.  Also, you are not to be covered by the spiritual male indefinitely.

            The spiritual male is to teach you to be independent, to recognize the thoughts of other people's minds, and to teach you all of these spiritual principles that we discuss here.

            You have a teacher as long as you need a teacher, but you are supposed to be growing continuously in your ability to cope on a spiritual level and, of course, we ascend into higher and higher spiritual levels.

            You are not supposed to remain an infant with a spiritual male covering you forever. Every spiritual female has the potential to mature into a spiritual male. Spiritual childishness or infantilism is not acceptable in the Kingdom of God.

11.11: Nevertheless neither is the man without woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. (KJV)

            The word Lord when it appears without the word Jesus after it is referring to Christ Jesus in the midst of you. The Lord Jesus is the glorified Jesus Christ. The Lord is Christ Jesus in the midst of you, and in the Old Testament, of course, it signifies Adam who is appearing in the midst of a man.

            The word Lord, unmodified, signifies Adam/Christ Jesus in the midst of the individual. Lord Jesus is the glorified Jesus Christ.

11.11: Nevertheless, the spiritual woman is never apart from Adam, the spiritual male, and Adam, the spiritual male is never apart from the spiritual woman, when the Spirit of Christ is controlling the spiritual woman. (ATB)

            What does that mean? It means that the spiritual woman is always running away from the spiritual man. Brethren, the spiritual woman within us is a harlot, she is unfaithful, and she lusts after Leviathan and Satan.

            Why is she running away from Christ Jesus? She wants Satan and Leviathan. She does not want what is good for her; she wants what is bad for her.

            She is under the same witchcraft that Adam fell under.

            Today, up until  this very moment, Satan, the present day manifestation of the Primordial Serpent, is still working witchcraft on the woman, and we are the woman. The personality is the woman, and the Fiery Serpent is her spiritual sexual part that lusts continuously, shamelessly, for Satan and Leviathan.

            Our only hope is that our true husband will arise within us, our true husband, Christ Jesus, will arise within us, and force us back home.

            Brethren, the Church and the world will never go back to Christ.   They may play Church, they may turn to the Holy Spirit, they may take little crackers and grape juice, and engage in all kinds of rituals on Sunday morning.

            They may prophesy in the Church, because it makes them feel good, but the people of this world will never walk this walk that will raise Christ Jesus fully mature in them, that will raise them up into mature spiritual manhood in the brow energy center. They will never pay the price.

            God always has a remnant, of course, but the Church at large, and the world will never pay the price of giving up the pleasures of this world, and the pleasures of the body, in particular.

            Therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ will disseminate His seed, and will go forth in the spiritual planes of humanity as a spiritual virus that will attach itself first to the Church, and then to the world.  It will propagate itself like a cancer, and Christ will be formed in the many members of humanity.

            He is a cancer, and that is not an insult to the Lord Jesus. He is a deadly cancer to this world system. 

            The Mind of Christ will be formed in the members of the Church at large, and once Christ is formed in them, once the Mind of Christ is formed in them, they will have the capacity to understand this message.

            You preach this message to the Church today, and they do not want anything to do with you, but once the Mind of Christ is grafted to them, they now have the capacity to understand.          As far as the Lord Jesus is concerned, His obligation to give them a fighting chance is fulfilled. Some will come and some will not.

            I do not know how long it is going to take to reconcile all of humanity to the Father, through Jesus Christ. It could take thousands of years, I just really do not know.

            Those who come will experience unending life in the earth, and those who do not come will live their lifetime and pass out of the earth. Those who do not come will continue to have babies so there will be new generations coming forth continuously and, eventually, everyone on the face of the earth will be a manifestation of Christ Jesus. 

            At that point, what happens? Does anybody remember?

            COMMENT: A new heaven and a new earth?

            PASTOR VITALE: A new heaven and a new earth, but what I had in mind is that Jesus Christ will offer the whole creation up to the Father.

            Once He puts everything under Him, including death, and there is no more death on this planet, or in this spiritual universe, He will offer the whole creation up to the Father, and there will be no more mediator.

            We will have been purified to the point that we will have a relationship with the Father directly.  What happens after that, I have no idea, and I have no idea whether this is going to happen in five years, five hundred years, or five thousand years.  I have no idea.

            I just know that at this time, we are waiting for the sons of God to manifest, we are waiting for the Saviors, we are waiting for the group of spiritually tough people who are going to be the first company in this generation to ascend into their brow (6th) energy center by the Spirit of Christ, and not by the spirit of Satan, and then will go forth as Saviors from Mount Zion. (Obadiah 21).

            Mount Zion is the brow (6th) energy center, it is a spiritual heaven. That is what we can expect in our lifetime, in this present lifetime. I expect when we get there, we will get more information, but we should not even need more information.

            We have got enough to do just trying to be faithful in everything the Lord has given me today. Let us just get through the day, fighting Satan in our mind and Leviathan in our emotions. Let us just get through the day, doing the right thing in every situation that we have.

            There is enough to worry about. There is enough evil today, we do not have to worry about what is coming a hundred years from now.

            I have read Verse 11 to you already. Nevertheless, the spiritual woman is never far from Adam. She is the partial tree, she is never apart from Adam, the spiritual male, and Adam, the spiritual male, is never apart from the spiritual woman when the Spirit of Christ is controlling the spiritual woman, so that she cannot run.

              Of course, I guess I should really say Adam/Christ Jesus, the spiritual male.

11.12: For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman, but all things of God. (KJV)                                       

11.12: Because even as the spiritual woman proceeded forth from Adam, the spiritual male is also in the midst of the spiritual woman, but only the whole man, the spiritual male and the spiritual female, is of God. (ATB)

            You are not complete unless the spiritual man is in the midst of you. The spiritual man being separated from you, the spiritual woman, is not of God either. This spiritual marriage is to be restored, this spiritual marriage between Adam, who is appearing to us as Christ Jesus today, and the personalities of humanity.

            He wants to occupy us like a man occupies a woman. He wants to live inside of us, and He will not cease from working towards that goal until it is accomplished.

11.13:  Judge in yourselves, is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? (KJV)

            The Greek word translated uncomely is Strong's #4241. It means to tower up. Christ Jesus is our strong tower, to tower up. Christ Jesus is out strong tower. You have to get spiritual when you look at this translation.

11.13:  Let Christ Jesus, the strong tower within you, judge the woman who prays to God uncovered. (ATB)

Do not judge the woman; do not let your carnal mind judge the woman. Only Christ Jesus can judge somebody.

            All judgment is given unto the son. If you are judging out of your carnal mind, you are a spiritual woman, and if you are judging out of your carnal mind, you are in great danger of misjudging a spiritual man. If you judge a spiritual man to be in sin, and it is not true, you are in sin yourself. 

            It is bad enough if you judge another spiritual woman, but if you accuse Christ of evil, you are going to reap what you sow if that spiritual male does not forgive your sins and correct you.

11.14:  Doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? (KJV)

 No, nature does not teach me that. Why would nature teach me that? I asked that question for years, how does nature teach me that?

            The Greek word translated nature is Strong's #5449, and it means growth or expansion. It is talking about reproduction; that is what the word means.  The Greek word translated teach, Strong's #1321, means learn, and long hair, Strong's #2863, means tresses.

            I looked up the word tresses in our English dictionary, and it means braided. The word braided is mentioned three times in the Scripture, once as this word hair. 

            I do not know how many times this word hair is mentioned, but it is also mentioned as plaited, once by Peter. As we have discussed here in the past, brethren, the spiritual concept of braiding is referring to the Fiery Serpent who braids together with Leviathan and the personality when they ascend all the way up.

            At this point, I am not sure whether it is the brow (6th) energy center or the crown (7th) energy center. I guess it is at least the brow (6th) energy center, but I am not really sure about that. But when the Fiery Serpent ascends all the way up she is braided together with Leviathan and the personality.

            Of course, Satan is present, but Satan is liquid, spiritual liquid. That braid just folds over and stays there in the brow (6th) energy center as a foundation of power. 

            Brethren, is it any coincidence that the traditional Chinese shave off all of their hair, and leave just a little patch of hair at the back of their head, which is probably where the third eye would be if it went all the way through, and they have a long braid coming out of that little patch of hair.

            That is no accident. It is a custom that has arisen, out of spiritual knowledge.

            We have talked recently about the Fiery Serpent ascended into the crown ( 7th)  energy center being a swine.  I am not sure whether it is the brow (6th)  energy center or the crown (7th)  energy center, but as she ascends, she braids together.

            We see that the word braid is a sign of spiritual ascension. You are not going to understand this Scripture without knowledge of spiritual principles. You are never going to understand it. You are never going to understand this New Testament or the Old Testament without a knowledge of spiritual principles.

11.14:  Have you  not learned yet that when the shameful Fiery Serpent expands within a spiritual male, she braids together with the Spirit of Christ?  (ATB)

            Who said the Corinthians were a carnal Church? Listen to what Paul just said to them.  Have you  not learned yet that when the shameful Fiery Serpent expands within a spiritual male, she braids together with the Spirit of Christ?

            If Christ Jesus, the spiritual male, is present, it means Christ Jesus is ruling the house. Therefore, He is going to block the Fiery Serpent from braiding together with Leviathan, and force her to braid together with Himself. 

11.15: But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given her for a covering. (KJV)

            Therefore, go into bondage, Church, and make all your women have long hair.  Are you really going to believe that physical hair could be a spiritual cover unto you? I am afraid for you, you who have begun in the spirit, are ending up in the flesh.

11.15: But if the Fiery Serpent within a spiritual woman expands, she braids together with the spirit of Satan, and Leviathan covers her, and she is smitten by her own spirit. (ATB)

            What does that mean, She is smitten by her own spirit?  The human spirit that ascends without a cover braids together with Satan, and they become one. The human spirit flows with Satan, and Satan is the part of the carnal mind that judges sin with the reaping and sowing judgment.

            Your own sin will find you out. Satan within you is the accuser of the brethren, and the executor of the sowing and reaping judgment. Satan within you brings all destruction and disaster into your life.

            Brethren, no disaster or destruction could happen to you if there was not a legal ground for Satan to expose you to it. You would walk out of a bombed building unscathed if you were sinless.

            Jesus said, The prince of this world cometh and he has nothing in me (Jn 14:30).

            Everything that happens to you is directly related to your spiritual condition. Either it is Satan in you, executing the reaping and sowing judgment (and you reap and sow good things, as well as evil things), or it is Christ within you, living His life through you and keeping you safe and alive, because you are a vessel that He is expressing himself through, and He is covering your sins.

            If you are living out of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and you sow good things into the earth, you will reap good things, but all of the good things that you sow will just reap you good things.

            They will not counteract the evil that you are reaping from previous generations, and the evil that manifests through your unconscious mind that you do not even know about.

            If you transfer into Christ Jesus, which is the White Throne Judgment that covers your sins through the instruction that changes your mind as to what is  right and wrong in accordance with how Christ Jesus sees it, you ascend above the reaping and sowing judgment.

            You ascend above the reaping and sowing judgment which is one step higher than reaping and sowing good things, because the fruit of the White Throne Judgment also cancels out the evil that you would be reaping from past generations and, because of the present sins of your unconscious mind.

            Therefore, doing good works is a good thing, but ascending into righteousness is better. The Holy Spirit is a good thing, but living out of Christ Jesus is better. 

11.16: But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the Churches of God. (KJV)

            I think I forgot to tell you something here. I thought that I had made a note about this Greek word translated man. I did, but I never told you about it. On Verse 3, I had a comment.  The word man that, up until this point, we have been translating male is Strong's #435, andros, and that means specifically male.

            I do not think I have ever spoken about this word to you before.  I have spoken to you about another Greek word that is translated man, and that is anthropos, Strong's #444, and that word means man faced creature.

            The Lord has indicated to me that this anthropos, Strong's #444, signifies Adam or Christ Jesus.  This word, andros, Strong's #435, is talking about a mortal man that is living out of the Mind of Christ.

            We see in Verse 16, we have the word man, which is Strong's #5100, and that word, Strong's #5100, really does not mean man.  It means any one, any person, any man, any woman. It is an indefinite term.

            The Greek word translated custom, Strong's #4914, means or can be translated intercourse, so that could mean intercourse of the mind, or intimacy, intercourse or intimacy. I am going to translate that word communication in accordance with the context of Verse 16.

11.16 (1st Half): But to those of you of the Churches of God, who are inclined to be argumentative....  (ATB)

            Inclined is a translation of the Greek word translated seem.

11.16 (2nd Half): ….We, Paul, and the other apostles, will not engage in such an ungodly form of communication. (ATB)

            I think I changed that in the Alternate Translation.  This is better; let me read it to you.

11.16:  But to those of you, of the Churches of God, who are inclined to disagree with our teaching that the human spirit flows together with Satan, we, Paul, and the other apostles, will not engage in any such argumentative communication. (ATB)

            You want to disagree with us, you want to discuss it, but your heart is really to change our opinion? We will not engage in any such argumentative communication.

            You do not have to believe it if you do not want to, but you cannot argue with me about it.  You should put it before the Lord. You should put yourself before the Lord for correction in the event that you may be wrong.

11.17: Now in this that I declare unto you, I praise you not, that you come together, not for the better, but for the worse. (KJV)

            That sounds pretty bad about the Corinthians.  Once again, the Greek word translated praise, Strong's #1867, we are translating as thought form, which is a definition that the Lord gave us a couple of years ago.

            After much prayer and deep study on the word, after recognizing that there must be another meaning to the word praise because of certain Scriptures, such as the praise of His glory, which made no sense to me, the Lord revealed to me that this word is speaking about Adam (or Christ Jesus in this generation).

The praise of the Spirit of God, is the accurate visible representation of the Spirit of God, the praise of His glory. 

            We see that the praise is of God, and that Christ Jesus, the only perfect, sinless man, is that praise.

11.17(1st Half): Now this is my commandment... (ATB)

            Commandment is a translation of declare. That you assemble..., that is a translation of come together,

11.17(2nd Half): ….that you assemble yourselves in Christ Jesus, the more noble thought form, and not in Leviathan, the less noble one. (ATB)

            We have had some discussion recently on the word to assemble yourself,  and the Lord has revealed to us that, spiritually speaking, the expression to assemble yourself, is talking about gathering all of your spiritual potential into the higher energy centers.

            This is the understanding of the phrase, count the number of the beast. It is talking about recognizing the man that has gathered his spiritual potential, that has focused his spiritual potential, and is manifesting through one of the higher energy centers, the throat (5th) or the brow (6th)  energy center.

            We are supposed to be gathering our spiritual potential together and ascending into the brow (6th) energy center, and our personality is suppose to be gathering into Christ Jesus.

            I have also found out that the true understanding of the word congregation is a group of people who are sitting in a meeting like this, who are gathered together into one spirit, as Christ Jesus is manifested through the preacher. 

            If Christ Jesus is not manifesting through the preacher, the people cannot be gathered into Him in Christ Jesus, and you are not even a legitimate congregation, according to this spiritual understanding of the Scripture.

            Paul is talking to this supposedly carnal Corinthian Church about deep spiritual things, saying, You are gathering together for spiritual activity. You are gathering all of your potential, all of your spiritual potential, by focusing on ascending into spiritual things, spiritual thoughts.

            But I come here and I see that some of you are gathering into Leviathan.  You are becoming a high spiritual manifestation of the Devil, that is the personality that is joined to the ascended carnal mind. 

            You are not supposed to be doing that, you are supposed to be ascending in spiritual strength in Christ Jesus.

            I suspect that these people in Corinth, or many of them, were not even aware that they were not ascended in Christ.

            We have that in the Church today. We have more people in the Church today ascended in Satan and Leviathan than we have ascended in Christ Jesus. They believe that they are ascended in Christ Jesus, but they are ascended in Satan and Leviathan.

11.17: Now this is my commandment, that you assemble yourselves in Christ Jesus, the more noble thought form and not in Leviathan, the less noble one. (ATB)

            Why do you think that some of the people at Corinth were ascended in Leviathan instead of Christ Jesus? How do you think that happens? Does anybody remember how that happens?

            You are doing everything you can to ascend spiritually, but you wind up ascended in Leviathan instead of Christ Jesus.  What did you forget to do, what did you leave out of your spiritual exercises?

            To ascend in Leviathan when you are trying to ascend in Christ Jesus, you have to flow through the wrong opening. There are two spiritual channels within you.

            What will assure ascension in the righteous channel? What will close the door to ascension through the wrong spiritual channel? What did Jehovah say to Cain?  If you do not do the right thing, sin lieth at the door.

            The only way you can ascend in the channel that will gather you together into Christ Jesus in the higher centers is by confession of sin and repentance, because when you confess the hidden sins of your heart, those simple little things that arise out of your carnal mind, when you confess them as sin, you are pressing Satan down.

            You cannot ascend in Leviathan when you are exposing Satan’s thoughts as sin.

            When you are not confessing these simple little things such as manifestations of pride, or envy, hidden envy in your mind you cannot ascend in Christ Jesus.

            If you are justifying it, if you are refusing to call it sin, and you are not asking the Lord to remove it from you, the chances are that you are ascending in Leviathan, because you cannot ascend in Christ Jesus in this kind of denial.

            It is as simple as that except that it is not simple. It is so simple when I say it, but you try to do it. How do you deal with the very nitty gritty of every day life?

            Whether or not you are willing to admit that these silly little things are truly sin or not determines which channel you ascend into.

             If you are willing to pay that price, if you are willing to sacrifice your pride and ask Jesus to help you in this way, you will crush Leviathan, and the door that will be open will be the door to the true timeline.

            If you agree with your pride and you say, That is not sin, that was just a simple little thing, the exact reverse is happening, and you are crushing Christ, and the only the door that will be open to you will be the door to Leviathan's timeline.

            The door that is open is the mind that is on top.  That is the door that is open. 

            If you are refusing to admit that these things are sin, if you are refusing to admit that this is the sin of pride in you, you are agreeing with the thoughts of your carnal mind, and your carnal mind is now on top of your Christ mind.   Whichever mind is on top, that is the open door.

            When you admit that what you call insignificant little things, are manifestations of pride, which is sin, then Christ is on top, and the mind that is on top is the open door. Only one door can be open at a time. Both minds cannot be on top at the same time.

            We see that confession of the silly sins, things that the average person would not even want to consider, that is the nitty gritty that determines which channel they are going to ascend into.

            This is because, as insignificant as it seems to you, if the thought is coming out of your carnal mind, and you want to retain that thought pattern, what you are really saying is that you are preferring the thoughts of your carnal mind over Christ, and that puts your carnal mind over Christ.

            That is just the truth now. Praise the Lord, I tell you the truth. 

11.18:  For first of all, when you come together in the Church, I hear that there have been divisions among you, and I partly believe it. (KJV)

            The Greek word translated first of all is Strong's #4412, and it merely means first, and first means chief, and Christ Jesus is the chief.

            The Greek word translated partly, actually is a translation of two Greek words. Strong’s #3313, means portion, or a side, and Strong's #5100, means a certain one. It is an indefinite word, a certain side.

            I believe it is a translation of the Greek, Strong's #4100, which means faith in Christ Jesus. When you assemble yourselves in Christ Jesus, you are in the true Church. And will understand, that is a translation of here. How to distinguish, that is a translation of divide. Between, that is the translation of among, between the faith of Christ Jesus, and the carnal mind, your other side.

11.18: Because when you assemble yourselves into Christ Jesus, the true Church, you will understand how to distinguish between the faith of Christ Jesus, and the carnal mind, your other side. (ATB)

            You cannot understand this message until you are in the Christ mind. You will never understand this stuff when you are listening to your carnal mind. Therefore, as an act of obedience and faith in Christ Jesus, confess your sins and repent and see what happens to you, give it up.

            Say, Okay, what I just said, what just came out of my mouth, that was my carnal mind, that was pride, I accept it,  and let us see what is going to happen now.  Challenge the Lord, He will show it to you. What have you got to lose but your pride?

11.19: For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. (KJV)

         The Greek word translated heresies is Strong's #139, and that word means disunion, and I will translate it division. Public is a translation of manifest.

11.19:  Because there must be a division in the midst of you, so that Christ Jesus, the one who is approved by God, the only one who is approved by God, can make his public appearance in you. (ATB)

            You must divide from your carnal mind, Christ Jesus must divide from your carnal mind to appear in you, and His appearance in you is life eternal, and that is what this drawing on the board is all about.

            All of humanity is in the image of Satan.  That is why Jesus called the Pharisees vipers. He was not calling them names. We are in the image of the spiritual Serpent, we are her flesh.

            For Christ Jesus to appear in us, we must die to the lifestyle and to the thought processes of Satan, and Satan is both evil and good. The good things we do come out of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is Satan and Leviathan.  She is good and evil.

            There must be a division in the midst of you for Christ to appear. The two minds are synthesized, they are joined.

            They are not symbiotic, they are not symbiotically dependant on one another, but they are joined to one another, and they must be separated for Christ to appear and impart eternal life.

            The only way that the two minds will separate is if you, the personality, distinguish between the two of them. You distinguish between the two minds by the thoughts of the mind, and when you reject the thoughts of the carnal mind, the good as well as the evil thoughts, and choose the thoughts of Christ in every situation, the two minds will divide. There must be a division in the midst of you.

            I remember years ago, I used to be in a lot of pain in the area of my heart (4th) energy center. I did not have the benefit of this teaching so I did not know what was happening to me.

            I was in pain for a long time, and some highly spiritual person prayed for me, and she said to me, Wow, I see a big crack, and she thought it was a negative thing, it scared her, and I said, No, it is not a negative thing, Christ is separating.

            I did have this knowledge that Christ is separating from the carnal mind, and that was it. I was in a lot of pain for a long time, and I praise God that I really do not get much pain in my heart (4th) energy center anymore.

            What does that mean? I guess I ascended above my heart (4th) energy center.

11.20: When you come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper. (KJV)

            It sounds like you are not supposed to eat in Church. You know, through this whole teaching, I keep seeing the face of this very pleasant man that was in the Church that I trained in.

            I keep seeing him say with this really amused look on his face, Yeah, they were so carnal in Corinth, they were coming to Church and eating each other's communion dinner and having fights over it.  I keep seeing him say that. (Chuckling)

            That brother used to say that. He was a very pleasant man, but he really believed that. (Chuckling)

            I remember the day I said to him, Brother, the Lord taught me today what the Scripture that says men should not have two wives means. I had been asking the Lord what the Scripture means when it says, Men should not have two wives.

            At the time I had a secular job, and the man that I worked for was a married man, and he had a girlfriend, and his girlfriend was the bookkeeper in the office that I worked in.

            On that particular day, which was before the Memorial Day weekend, his wife called, and she wanted to know if he was coming home for the weekend. I do not know what he told her, but I put the call through.  Then he came out of his office, and his girlfriend said to him, What are we doing this weekend? And the Lord said to me, That man has two wives.

            You see, it is not that you have two wives based on the law of the land.  He was not legally married to the other woman, but he was spiritually married to the other woman, and both women wanted him on the holiday weekend. He had two wives.

            I said, Brother, I am all excited, I found out what it means to have two wives.  He listened and said, Well, that sounds like it might be reasonable.  I said, Yeah, now I wonder what it means that a woman cannot teach in the Church, I wonder if that is accurate also?

            You know, he completely flipped out. I said either that a woman cannot teach in the Church, or that a woman could not be a pastor, or something like that, something to do with a woman, and he got flustered when I suggested that, that King James Translation might not be really what the Scripture was saying.

            You have to really ask yourself, what you want more, the truth or a lie. Every believer out there (if you hear this message, or if you read this transcript), should ask themselves if they really want the truth.  The truth might make you insecure, and the truth might shake some of the things that are very important in your life.

            Brother, a woman can preach if Christ Jesus is preaching through her. She could even be a pastor if Christ Jesus is pastoring through her.

            What is more important to you? Is it the lie that you believe, or the truth that will cause you to ascend in Christ Jesus? What is more important to you? What makes you feel secure in this world down here under the earth called hell?

            Are you really brave enough to face the truth that may cause you to have to change your mind and take another opinion? You may have to admit that you have been wrong all of these years.

            If you are a physical man, maybe you are afraid of women, and you are afraid they are going to get up over you. If you are a physical woman, and you are afraid of men, and the Lord calls you to be a pastor, maybe you are saying, Well, who can compete with all of those physical men?

            Are you going to follow Christ, or are you going to stay with your silly traditions. I call them silly, because they are deadly to you. They are silly because they are killing you.

            Will you go on with God, or are you going to sit down and die spiritually?

11.20 When you come together, therefore, into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper. (KJV)

            The word not is Strong's #3356. It is an absolute negative which we will translate Leviathan.

11.20: When you assemble yourselves together with Christ Jesus within yourself therefore, the Lord will consume Leviathan, His supper. (ATB)

            Within yourself is a translation of one place. Brethren, when you, the personality, gather together with Christ Jesus within yourself, and you become a powerful spiritual manifestation of Christ Jesus, that manifestation of Christ Jesus will consume Leviathan within you, and Leviathan is the supper of the great God.

Rev. 19:9: And he saith unto me, write, blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the lamb, and he saith unto me, these are the true sayings of God. (KJV)

            The marriage supper of the lamb, brethren, is when you, the personality, fully marry Christ Jesus, and Leviathan, your present husband, must be consumed.

Rev. 19:17, And I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried with a loud voice saying to all of the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God,                                        

19.18: That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men both free and bond, both small and great, that are joined to their carnal minds.                                    

19.19: And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gather together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army,                                                 

19.20: And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, and with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshiped his image. And both were cast alive into a lake of burning fire with brimstone,                                                  

19.21: And the remnant was slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth, and all the fowls were filled, with their flesh. (KJV)

            And the remnant was slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth…. That refers to the Doctrine of Christ being preached. ...and all the fowls, all the spiritual men were filled with the flesh of the carnal mind, which is Leviathan, and the personalities that were joined to their carnal mind.

            Brethren, it is no accident that Paul uses the word supper. He is talking about the spiritual supper, brethren.

            Wake up Church, wake up, wake up! Awake to righteousness!  Arise, you are dying, you are dying in your carnal Churches, wake up.

1 Cor. 11.20 Therefore when you assemble yourself together with Christ Jesus within yourself, Christ Jesus, the Lord within you, will consume Leviathan, His supper. (ATB)

            If you, the personality, assemble yourself with Leviathan and become a manifestation of the Devil, Satan and Leviathan will consume Christ Jesus. Whoever you (the personality), line your thoughts up with, the combination of the two of you, consumes the other mind.

            Every time you agree with the thoughts of your carnal mind, you kill Christ a little bit. Even in your ignorance, if you did not know that was the thought of the carnal mind, you still killed Christ a little bit.

11.21: For in eating everyone taketh before other his own supper, and one is hungry and the other is drunken. (KJV)

            The word taketh before, we are translating overtake. The word hungry, we are translating to be famished, eat, we are translating consume, and the word drunken, which means intoxicated, we are translating ascended in the astral plane.”

            We did a whole study on that word in one of the parts of Samson and Delilah, establishing that the word drunken in the Scripture signifies being ascended in the astral plane.

            When Peter spoke about the apostles who were speaking in other languages on the day of Pentecost, when Peter said, These men are not drunken, but this is what was prophesied by Joel, he was not suggesting that the men who heard the apostles thought that the apostles were drunk on wine or hard liquor.

            Peter was speaking out of the Jewish mind, out of the Jewish conception of spiritual principles, to the men of all of the nations that were hearing the apostles in their own language.

            He was saying to the men that were present, that were familiar with witchcraft which was rampant in those days, that the apostles were ascended in the Spirit of Christ, not in Satan, the spiritual power that was commonly manifested in that day.

            The apostles were doing something spiritual. The men who heard the apostles’ preaching in their own language knew that they were being affected by a spiritual move that some spirit was causing.

            Peter said to them, These men are not drunken, they are not ascended into the astral plane, they are not doing this by the power of Satan, but this is what Joel prophesied. This is the Spirit of Christ. You have never seen or heard it before, it is a new thing that Jehovah, the Lord, is doing in the earth.

            They did not think the apostles were drunk. They thought they were ascended in Satan. Jesus!

            Verse 21, Because everyone must overtake Leviathan within himself for his own marriage supper.... ...for you to marry Christ Jesus in the midst of you, you must agree with Christ Jesus in the midst of you to consume Leviathan in the midst of you.

            You must give up Leviathan and everything that she means in this world, which is basically your pride and your lust for the things of this world.

            If you want to fuse with Christ Jesus, you must acknowledge that every thought that arises out of the carnal mind, no matter how harmless you may think that thought is, is sin.

            If the thought belongs to the carnal mind, and you will not give it up, and you will not admit that it is of the carnal mind and, therefore, is sin, you are preferring Leviathan over Christ Jesus, or the carnal mind over Christ Jesus, and you will cleave to Leviathan, the mind that you prefer.

            I tell you the truth.

11.21: Because everyone must overtake Leviathan within himself, for his own marriage supper, and the one who is famished from fasting from the things of this world, will consume Leviathan, but the others will continue to be ascended in the astral plane. (ATB)

            This is saying, apparently, that if you are not willing to give up the things of this world, you will continue to be ascended in the astral plane. I guess what Paul is saying here is that spiritual experience outside of Christ is one of the things of this world that you have to give up.

            Spiritual experiences are very exciting, I love spiritual experiences, I wish I had more of them, but I only have what Jesus gives me. People that are truly spiritual, they pursue spiritual experiences.

            I guess for Paul to be saying this to the people in Corinth, at least some of them, if not a lot of them, had to be involved in occult spiritual experiences.

            Paul says, The only way you are going to have power with God, the only way you are going to ascend in Christ Jesus is to give up your ascension into the astral plane.

            In Christ Jesus you ascend into the mental plane. You have to pass through the astral plane without being swallowed up by it to get to the mental plane, but spirituality in Christ Jesus is in the mental plane.

            Paul said, Whoever will not give up their spiritual experiences in the astral plane will not experience power with God in the mental plane. You cannot have both.  You cannot be ascended in two timelines at the same time.

            When you ascend in one timeline, the door to the other timeline closes.

            I see here that I have some witnesses, I have those Scriptures for you where we brought forth the teaching that to be drunken is to be ascended in the astral plane. This is our Alternate Translation of 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5, Verses 6 to 10.

I Thes. 5.6-10: Therefore let us not experience the astral plane as others do, but let our consciousness be in the Mind of Christ, who prevents Satan from bubbling up, because when Satan, the astral plane, bubbles up, Satan influences the spiritual women who are active in the astral plane. But we who are of the Spirit of Christ, who is the day, abstain from Satan's spirit, by putting on Christ Jesus, the faith that is committed to cover our heart center, and cover our carnal mind, and give us hope that we should be saved. For Satan's violent passion has prostrated Christ Jesus, the timeline of God, who separated from his flesh for us, so that our lives should be preserved through union with Christ Jesus, our controller, whether our consciousness is in the mental plane in Christ Jesus, or in Satan's astral plane. (ATB)

            Christ Jesus still wants to preserve our life, but, of course, to preserve our life we have to come out of the astral plane. In other words, Christ Jesus is taking us even though we are filled with sin. He still wants us.

1 Cor. 11.22: What, have ye not houses to eat and to drink in, or despise ye the Church of God and shame them that have not? What shall I say to you, shall I praise you in this, I praise you not. (KJV)

            The word or, we are translating why do you. The word not, we are translating Leviathan, the word have, we are translating possess, and the word praise as Adam/Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s thought form.

            Indeed, do you not have your own spiritual bodies... Now, I am translating the word house, bodies. Brethren, that is just really obvious, the demons cried out to Jesus and said, This is our house, do not throw us out.

11.22(2nd Half): ... Indeed, do you not have your own spiritual bodies to eat and drink in, why are you stealing the energy from your brethren? (ATB)

            We have had a lot of teaching in this ministry about spiritual vampirism, about people that have the ability to ascend in the spirit and steal people's energy, and you do not have to be someone rattling a rattle, or sticking a pin in a doll to be doing this.

            There is what I call social witchcraft. Envy, pride, anger, hatred, is all witchcraft, and the people that you are directing these thoughts and emotions towards, are losing energy.

            Your rage towards them, your sin towards them, is zapping their energy, and if you are strong enough and if they are weak enough, you can make them sick, and you could even kill them. If the combination of your strength and their weakness is right, you could kill them.

            Witchcraft is murder, and you cannot be using the power of Christ Jesus or the Holy Ghost to be raging against, or envious towards, or critical of other people.

            Indeed, do you not have your own spiritual bodies to eat and drink in?  What does that mean? If you wanted to, you could drink or boil away Satan, and you could eat Leviathan. There is food and drink within your own spiritual being.

            Why do you despise the Church of God by letting the shameful Fiery Serpent possess you, and give you thoughts of envy, and criticism, and hatred, and competition towards your brethren? Is this Leviathan that is formed in you, the thought form that I commanded you to assemble yourselves into?

            We see that there was witchcraft going on in Corinth, and that Leviathan was manifested, and the Fiery Serpent was ascended very high.

            Does that shock you? You have never seen Leviathan manifested and the Fiery Serpent ascended very high in a Church? You have never seen envy and competition raging through a fellowship, and division between people who do not get along?

11.22: So why do you despise the Church of God by [letting] the shameful Fiery Serpent possess you? Is this Leviathan the thought form that I commanded you [to assemble yourselves] into? Indeed, why don’t you consume [Leviathan and] swallow up [Satan within your own spiritual] bodies? (ATB)        

11.23 For I have received of the Lord that which I also delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed took bread. (KJV)

            We have done all of these verses up until Verse 22 to just help us to understand that Paul was talking in a very deep spiritual way to the Corinthians, and the name of this message is Communion.

            Here, with Verse 23, we start with the teaching on communion, which is directly related to the verses that we translated in Matthew  26.

            For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread???                                                          

11.23: Because I have delivered to you the same instruction that I received from Christ Jesus, the Lord within me...(ATB)

            Paul was saying, I received the same instruction from Christ Jesus within me the night that the Lord Jesus was offered up, the disciples seized the bread from heaven...

            Matthew 26:26 says, Jesus said, Lay hold of this message, lay hold of this Doctrine of Christ...

            Paul is saying Because I have delivered to you the same instruction that I received from Christ Jesus the Lord, that the night the Lord Jesus was offered up, the disciples did what Jesus told them to do in Matthew 26:26, Lay hold of this message, lay hold of this bread in me.

            Paul says that because the Lord told him that the night the Lord Jesus was offered up, the disciples did what Jesus told them to do, the Corinthians, too, should seize the bread from heaven within Paul

11.24: And when He had given thanks, He brake it and said, take, eat, this is my body which is broken for you.  This do in remembrance of me. (KJV). 

            The Greek word translated break, you may recall, we translated broke forth. It was the Spirit of Elijah that broke forth out of Jesus, and also it was the disciples that gave thanks, and the disciples were grateful for receiving the Doctrine of Christ.

             The Spirit broke forth.  First you receive the doctrine and then you receive the Spirit.  This word translated this, we are translating the same as.  Down at the bottom of Page 5 in your notes where it says this do in remembrance of me, the Greek word translated do, Strong’s #4160, can also be translated to shoot forth.

            Of course, remembrance, you may recall, is the Mind of Christ.  Remembrance is the Mind of Christ, our ability or capacity to remember the one true God and our relationship with Him and everything about the world before the fall.  Our capacity to remember is in the Mind of Christ.

            As Paul said in another place, I will call to your remembrance.  Once the Mind of Christ is given to us, He must be instructed in the things that He has forgotten.

            The carnal mind is incapable of being instructed in the things of God’s kingdom.  The Mind of Christ has the capacity to be instructed but must study to show himself approved.

            You may recall from our recent study of Samson and Delilah that Samson warned his disciples that if they continued to agree with the thoughts of Satan, they would lose their capacity to be his disciples.  You must have the Mind of Christ to enter into a deep ministry like this. 

            The Lord does not permit anyone who is still in their carnal mind in here.  Is the Lord a respecter of persons?  No!  You must have the capacity to learn.  You cannot apply for a Ph.D. program if you have not graduated high school.  They will not let you in.  With all the money in the world, they will not let you in. 

            They have to keep up the standard of their school.  You must demonstrate that you have the capacity to pursue a Ph.D.

            How do you demonstrate that?  You must have a high school diploma.  You must have a baccalaureate degree, and you must have a Master’s degree with decent grades.  That is how you demonstrate that you have the capacity to pursue a Ph.D. 

            The way you demonstrate that you have the capacity to pursue the Doctrine of Christ is that you must demonstrate that the Mind of Christ is within you.  The proof is that you can understand it at some level, and that you can sit in a meeting like this without your carnal mind rising up and trying to kill me.

            Jesus said to the Pharisees, Why are you trying to kill me? They said, You must have a devil, we are not trying to kill you.  Jesus knew that their carnal mind was trying to kill Him.

11.24: And when the disciples expressed gratitude, the Spirit of Elijah broke forth from within Jesus, saying, I have given you Christ, the same spiritual body in seed form that Jesus has and Christ, your capacity to remember me and our life together before the fall, will shoot forth within you and mature. (ATB)

            Elijah gave them the seed, and the Doctrine of Christ is the bread that nourishes Christ.  Elijah gave a seed.  There was a measure of Christ manifested in the disciples. 

            The Scripture says that Jesus gave them power over devils and over diseases.  The disciples had an imputed Christ within them.  They had the energy, they had the branch of the tree, without the nature of God.

            Jesus gave them this because He was ascended into His brow (6th) energy center.  He gave them the capacity to sit with Him and understand Him, but that capacity that they had would have eventually dissolved, because it was the energy of the Tree of Life alone. 

            It would have dissolved if they did not have the root of the tree, the capacity to move into the nature of God joined to them. 

            Jesus gave them the capacity to understand the doctrine, but they did not have the nature yet. When they were grateful that Jesus had taught them this doctrine, the Spirit of Elijah broke forth and gave them the capacity to develop the nature of Christ.  In that capacity to develop the nature of Christ was the capacity for eternal life. 

            You say that the apostles died anyway.  I do not know what happened to them.  I know what Fox’s Book of Martyrs says, but the Lord has not told me what happened to them.  I do not know what happened to them.  I really do not.  I just know that Paul was executed.

11.25: After the same manner also, he took the cup when he had supped saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood.  This do ye, as oft as you drink it in remembrance of me. (KJV)

            The word when, we are translating in the midst of.  Let us see if there is anything else we are changing here.  The New Testament in my blood.  and as oft as you drink it, we are translating many times provided that.

             Let me tell you this first.  We are translating the word drink as flows together.  I told you this earlier when I did the Alternate Translation.  The word cup signifies the Mind of Christ.  The wine that is in the cup is the Spirit of Christ.  The word drink signifies the taking in or the mixing of fluids. 

            Sometimes I am translating the Greek word translated drink, to flow together or to water.  It has to do with the impartation and the taking in, the absorption of fluid. 

            I see in this verse, I translated the Greek word translated drink as to flow together, and the word cup, I am translating the Mind of Christ.

11.25: And in the same way after the disciples had consumed Leviathan within themselves, the Spirit of Elijah said, my spiritual blood, the new contract that remits the sins of the world is in the Mind of Christ. You should do the same thing that the disciples did because when Christ within you flows together with my spiritual blood, frequently He will remember me and my life together before the fall. (ATB)

            Do what the disciples did.  Seize Christ and submit yourself to Christ frequently, and that is not only in the Doctrine of Christ, but it is also when Christ exposes Leviathan, the hidden manifestations of Leviathan coming through your mind, through attitudes and words that you say. 

11.25: And, in the same way, after [the disciples] had consumed [Leviathan within themselves, the Spirit of Elijah] said, my [spiritual blood], the new contract [which remits the sins of the world, is in the Mind of Christ. [So] you should [seize Christ Jesus], like [the disciples did, because when Christ within you] drinks my [spiritual] blood frequently, [Christ within you] will remember me [and our life together before the Fall]. (ATB)

This is the final Alternate Translation of this verse:

11.25: And, in the same way, after [Christ Jesus] had consumed [Leviathan within the disciples, the Spirit of Elijah] said, my [spiritual blood], the new contract [which remits the sins of the world, is in the Mind of Christ. So] you should [seize Christ Jesus], like [the disciples did, because when Christ within you] drinks my [spiritual] blood frequently, [Christ within you] will remember me [and our life together before the Fall]. (ATB)

Let us go on to Verse 26 of the King James Version.

11.26: For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death until He comes.  (KJV)

            There are two Greek words translated provided that in the Interlinear Text, Strong’s #3740 and Strong’s #1437. 

            We will translate Strong’s #3740, as often as, and Strong’s #1437, provided that.

11.26: Because, provided that you consume the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread and flow together with the Mind of Christ, you are proclaiming your death to the Fiery Serpent’s lifestyle until Christ Jesus, the Lord, appears in you. (ATB) 

            Every time you submit yourself, not only to this teaching, but even more so, to the exposure of the sin nature in your thoughts and attitudes and words, you are making a declaration to Satan and Leviathan.

            You are saying, You are a dead man and I will continue to expose you, and reject you, and wage spiritual warfare against you until you are so deteriorated that Christ Jesus can pass through you and fully appear in me, at which point, you will be fully dead.

            This takes place every time you submit to the correction. Brethren, listening to this doctrine is the easy part, having your heart cut out, is a little more painful, but you do get used to it after awhile. 

            This is the final Alternate Translation of this verse:

11.26: Because, provided that you consume the [Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly] bread and drink down the Spirit of Christ, you are proclaiming your death [to the Fiery Serpent’s lifestyle] until [Christ Jesus], the Lord, [actually] appears in you. (ATB)

11.27: Wherefore, whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. (KJV)


            The Greek word translated unworthily can also mean irreverently, and we are translating that word, the irreverent ones.  The irreverent ones are Satan and Leviathan. 


11.27: Wherefore, when Leviathan within you consumes the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread, and Satan within you, flows together with the Spirit of Christ which is in the Mind of Christ, the Lord within you [that is Christ Jesus within you] shall subject Satan and Leviathan, the irreverent ones. (ATB)

What Paul is saying is that if you are submitting yourself to the correction, if you are really doing the best you can, when the day comes that Satan and Leviathan overtake you in any area, Christ Jesus within you will fight for you.  He is going to fight for you by subjecting them. 

            When Satan bubbles up and seeks to influence you, despite all of your resisting her to think evil or to say evil or to do evil, Christ Jesus will fight for you.  He will rise up and subject the evil principles within you.  We see that principle in the Scripture in Romans 8:

Rom. 8.18: Nevertheless, because the Lord Jesus Christ has given us the hope that Christ Jesus will subject Satan and Leviathan, the one who subjected us at the time of the fall, I believe that the calamities of this present age are nothing in comparison to what we shall experience when the Spirit of God is revealed in us, and when the creature [our mortal personality] shall be delivered from the slavery of corruption into the glorious freedom of the children of God. (ATB)

            That is our hope.  When I first did that Alternate Translation, up until this very moment in my mind, I thought that it was referring to the time that Christ Jesus will fully overshadow Satan and Leviathan.

            I realize, now that it means much more than that.  It means every day of our life, every hour of our life, every minute, where we may be overcome by Satan and Leviathan in our mind, Christ Jesus will fight for us if we are submitting ourselves to this program all along. 

            That is a hard word, but He does not fight for everybody.  It is interesting, because when I was resting inside before I started preaching tonight, I was talking to Him about this.  I do not really know why He put the thoughts in my mind.  I do not really know why, unless it is going to help me to impart something to you right now.

            That is just really hard to deal with, that He does not fight for everybody.  

            First of all, the glorified Jesus Christ only communicates with the Mind of Christ.  We have already established that.  That is what the Lord said.  The Holy Spirit is very limited as to how He can fight for you, because you are still in your sin nature. 

            The Holy Spirit really does not change your nature, He gives you the gifts to woe you to Christ. The Holy Spirit is given so that Christ can be formed in you, and Christ is the teacher.

            That Scripture that says the Holy Spirit will teach you all things is not a true translation.  The Spirit of Christ is the teacher, not the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is in part, the gifts are in part.  They are being taken away.

            The truth is that the more mature Christ in you is, the more He is capable of fighting for you. 

            Apparently, my understanding of the Scripture is that the glorified Jesus Christ does not come down and fight for you.  Christ in heaven does not fight for you.  It is Christ in your earth that fights for you.  Can you hear this? 

It is the mediator; Christ Jesus in your earth, that fights for you, and  the Lord is not saying, I will reward you by fighting for you if you submit yourself to this Doctrine of Christ and the exposure of the hidden sins of your heart.  That is not what He is saying. 

            He is saying that if you do this, if you submit yourself to the correction of your carnal mind and submit yourself to this doctrine, Christ will mature in you and the more mature that Christ is in you, the more likely He is to rise up and defend you.

            The carnal mind always gets it backwards.  The carnal mind wants to think Jesus will only fight for you if you do this or if you do that.  No, He is reproducing Himself in us, and the more mature, and the stronger, and, the more knowledgeable, and the more wisdom He has within us, the greater we are defended against the negative principalities of this world. 

            Why will the glorified Jesus Christ not come down and fight for me?  I am not really sure, but the answer that is in my mind is that all of the problems that we get into, is an issue of mind.  The glorified Jesus Christ is not a mind.  It has to be the mind in us that overcomes the carnal mind.

            If the glorified Jesus Christ came down and delivered us this one time, we would slip into the same mess the next day.  This is because we still have a carnal mind.  Our problem is our carnal mind.  The answer of the glorified Jesus Christ is for us to get this mind that was in Christ Jesus. 

            What you have to do is, Do this often so that this mind in you matures and becomes powerful so that when Leviathan rises up to swallow you up, Christ Jesus in you will be mature enough to subject her. 

            If it is the glorified Jesus Christ doing it, it will not help you. It is just like giving someone who is irresponsible some money, over and over again, and they go out, and they spend it on drugs.  That does not help them.  That is the principle. 

            The people that do not understand this message or have not heard this message and do not have Christ formed in them, and do not have this instruction, when Satan and Leviathan rise up, they backslide.  It is not the Lord’s rejection of them. The message is here. 

            You say, What if they never heard it?  The truth, brethren, is that if they prayed hard enough, if their heart really desired the truth enough, they would be directed to the message.  God is righteous.  God is righteous in all of His dealings with us.  He is righteous. 

            If we backslide, it is because we are not confessing that it is our fault.  Everything bad that happens to us is our fault.  We are under the sowing and reaping judgment. Jesus is not punishing innocent people. Jesus is the deliverer, the repairer of the breach that we, the personality, caused, back in antiquity, in another form. 

            It is hard, hard for me to live with that, but I know it is the truth, but it hurts me.  I look at all these ignorant people out there slipping and sliding, and flopping and falling, and hurting and in pain because they cannot tell their left hand from their right hand. 

            They cannot even get to this message because of their own ignorance.  Yet, righteousness says that they are their own worst enemy. 

            Even then, Jesus is not abandoning them.  He is working feverishly to raise up the sons of God with power to help them that oppose themselves.

            Right now I can just help the people who are willing to submit to me.  Eventually, we will be able to help the people that oppose themselves. 

            That is the condition that they are in; they are still sowing and reaping. They are still reaping the sins that their ancestors sowed as Jesus raises up the deliverance.  That is just the spiritual truth of our condition. 

            My carnal mind really fights it, but we are guilty and Jesus is righteous. I have to believe that or I am compromising my own position in Christ Jesus. 

            I did not tell you the whole thing.  What was in my mind as I was resting was what happened to the Jews in Hitler’s Germany. That is so hard.  It is so hard to understand that, that was a reaping and a sowing judgment, and that the God that they worshiped did not fight for them.  Why not? 

            It is because they were worshiping their rituals.  They worshiped the traditions.  They preferred the traditions of their fathers rather than the Spirit of the God of their fathers.  Wow, that is hard, that is hard!

            Three years ago, I met a Jewish woman from one of the Arab states.  She told me something that blew my mind.  She said that the Nazis were in that part of the world, but there were no concentration camps, and the Jews were not hurt there.  It was just the European Jews that were tortured and mutilated and brutalized. 

            This Jewish woman told me that the spiritual Jews were not hurt.  That hurts.

             Do you know how many Jewish people are wounded because they cannot cope with what happened in Hitler’s Germany?  Do you know how many Jews have now decided that God is a non-intervening God?  A lot! 

            For whatever reason, that is what the Lord was bringing to my memory as I rested inside.  That is really hard, and if you do not know it, I am Jewish. 

            Hear this message Church. Get spiritual, because the protection and all of the promises of the Scriptures are in Christ in you!!  They are not in the Holy Spirit.  They are not in crackers and grape juice.  They are not in celebrating Christmas and Easter.  They are not in the Poinsettia plants.

            All of the promises, all of the deliverance, all of the healing, all of the protection is in Christ in the midst of you.  If He is not in the midst of you, you do not have the promises.

            Christ is not in the midst of the majority of the Church today.  They are out there dancing and singing around their golden calves, which they do not even recognize as golden calves.  It is hard, brethren.  It is hard to deal with, but the Lord Jesus is righteous, and we are the sinners.

            I do not know why that is on this message, but it is here, and He wants me to tell you this. 

            The Lord revealed something else to me, tonight. He revealed some hidden bitterness in my heart about what happened to the European Jews, and that He did not intervene.  I had to repent. I did not even know it was there until He showed it to me.

            I know His answer.  I have known it for a long time, yet the Lord revealed tonight that there was some hidden bitterness in my heart about what happened to the European Jews, and that He did not intervene.

            I had to repent. God is always righteous. It is a very hard word, that these people, men, women and children in Hitler’s Germany, that did not even know that they were doing anything wrong, were reaping what their ancestors had sowed, their ancestors who knew better.

            They were keeping the rabbinical rules; they were practicing the rabbinical religion. They did not know the God that Moses knew, and they did not know they were doing anything wrong. 

            These people that were brutalized in Hitler’s Germany were reaping what their ancestors had sowed, their ancestors who knew better, their ancestors who knew the God that Moses knew.  Their ancestors knew the power of God and turned their back on it, and all these years later, maybe thousands of years later, their descendants experienced this horror. 

            That is a hard word, brethren, and there is much bitterness towards the Lord in Israel today.  I forgive their sins.  Maybe, that is what I am supposed to do.  I do not know why I am doing this tonight, but to the fullest degree that I am able, I forgive their sins. 

            May the Lord grant them repentance for blaming Him as a non-intervening God.  May they be grafted back into their own tree swiftly. 

            This is a very unusual day, brethren.  Have mercy on us all, Lord.  Have mercy on us in our ignorance.  We are all pitiful, Lord, just pitiful, spiritually pitiful.  I do not care what your education is or how much money you have, you are pitiful and so am I, pitiful.

            We are talking about Christ Jesus subjecting Satan and Leviathan in the people that are inheriting the promises, as Ephesians 1, Verses 22 and 23 of the Alternate Translation says.

Eph.1.22-23: And has sacrificed His personality as Jesus of Nazareth so that He could be the head of the Church, which is His body, which has been filled up with the substance of God and is, therefore, equipped to fill all mortal men, and  this is how He brought the whole creation into subjection to the Sons of God. (ATB)

Do you hear that? 

            He sacrificed His personality as Jesus, so that He could be the head of the Church, which is His body.  You are only a member of the true Church when you are part of His spiritual body. 

            The man, Jesus, was filled up with the substance of God and is, therefore, equipped to fill all mortal men as Christ Jesus in the midst of you, and this is how the glorified Jesus Christ has brought the whole creation into subjection to the sons of God, that they should be filled up with the life of God. 

            Christ has to be in you, not the Holy Spirit.  You have to have Christ formed in you.  All of the promises are in Christ Jesus.  They are not in the Holy Spirit.  The Church does not want to let go of the Holy Spirit.  You have to go on, Church, you have to go on.    

1Cor.11.27: Wherefore, when [Leviathan within you] consumes the [Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly] bread, and [Satan within you] drinks down [the Spirit of Christ, which is in] Christ, the Lord [within you], [Christ Jesus in another man], shall subject [Satan and Leviathan], the irreverent ones [within you]. (ATB)

            Now let us go unto Verse 28 of the King James Version:

11.28: But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. (KJV)

            Now the word man in this verse is Strong’s #444, anthropos, which we translate Adam or Christ Jesus.  That is the real man, the real man.  Remember that andros, Strong’s #435 means maleAnthropos, Strong’s #444 means the whole man.  That is the spiritual male and the spiritual female together as one whole man.

11.28: So consume the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread and flow together with the Spirit of Christ within Christ Jesus, the spiritual man that God approves of.  (ATB)

            Consume the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread and flow together….  That is talking about your human spirit.  Your human spirit should flow together with the Spirit of Christ, which is in Christ Jesus, the spiritual man that God approves of.

            Do not be assembled into Leviathan or into the Devil, but be assembled into Christ Jesus.

11.28: So consume the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread and flow together with the Spirit of Christ within Christ Jesus, the spiritual man that God approves of. (ATB) 

            If you flow together with the Spirit of Christ within Christ Jesus, the spiritual man that God approves of, if you flow together with Christ Jesus, the man that God approves of, you too will be approved.  Approved for what? 

            That means you will stop dying. You overcome all the powers and principalities of this world only through synthesis with Christ Jesus.  He is the only one that God approves of.

            You must be gathered into Him to receive all of His blessings.  To be gathered into Him, He must be in the midst of you.  For Him to be in the midst of you in good health and prospering, you must be willing to kill Leviathan.

            In order to kill Leviathan, you must be able to recognize her.  You can only recognize her by having her thoughts in you exposed, and her thoughts are good and evil.  It is very hard to believe that the good thoughts of Leviathan are sin, but that is what the Lord requires of us. 

11.28: So consume the [Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly] bread and drink down [the Spirit of Christ within Christ Jesus, the spiritual man that God] approves of. (ATB)

11.29: For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. (KJV)

            Because the one who consumes the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread and flows together with the Spirit of Christ without recognizing Christ Jesus, who is the body of Christ, that person will be judged by Christ Jesus, the Lake of Fire. 

            If you are sitting under a teacher like me, and you do not recognize that this is Christ Jesus in me teaching you, judgment will come forth from Christ Jesus in me upon your carnal mind.   How would Christ Jesus know that you do not recognize that it is Christ Jesus teaching you?

            Dishonor would come forth from you.  You would try to flatter me.  You would try to buy me.  You would try to control me.  You would try to judge me and rebuke me, and come to a conclusion that I am not serving God. 

            When you are sitting under this doctrine, and you do any of these things, Christ Jesus will burn up the sin in you through the exposure of that sin, which is the mercy of God.  

            Any preacher that takes your bribe or any preacher that lets you control him is killing you. It is his responsibility to rebuke you and to teach you that, that is wrong. 

I have a witness on this Verse 29.

1 John 4:2: Hereby know ye the Spirit of God.  Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. (KJV)

            Because the one who consumes the Doctrine of Christ and flows together with the Spirit of Christ without recognizing Christ Jesus, the body of Christ, in the man, is judged by Christ Jesus in that man.  That word judged is a translation of damnation.

ICor.11.29: Because the one who consumes [the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly] bread, and drinks down the Spirit of Christ, without recognizing [Christ Jesus], the body [of Christ in the preacher], will be judged by [Christ Jesus, the Lake of Fire, within the preacher]. (ATB)

ICor.11.30: For this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep. (KJV) 

11.30: This is the reason why many among you are spiritually weak and sickly and many are asleep in their carnal mind.(ATB)

11.31: For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. (KJV)

            The word judge, Strong’s #1252, we are translating recognized.  The word judge, and the word judged are two different Greek words. 

            The first one, judge, #1252 means recognize, and the second one, judged, #2919 means to separate, and that translation was found in the Thayer’s Unabridged Dictionary, not in my software. 

            Because if we recognize Christ, we will not be separated from Him.  No one in their right mind who can recognize Christ is going to do anything that will separate them from Him.  It is our blindness that kills us.  If we are blinded, who is blinding us? 

            It is the pride of our carnal mind that is blinding us, therefore it is pride that is being killed.   Our pride is rising up to save its own life, but we, the personality, must see through her seduction and through her witchcraft.

11.30-31 And this is the reason why many among you are [spiritually] weak and sickly, and  many are [living out of their carnal mind, which is spiritually] asleep, because if we recognize [Christ Jesus], we will not separate from Him. (ATB)


11.32: But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. (KJV)


            The word chastened we are translating disciplined.  When we are separated from Christ Jesus the Lord (that is Christ Jesus in the midst of us) we are disciplined by Satan, and the world condemns us. 

            What that means is that when we come under the discipline of the sowing and reaping judgment, which is mediated by Satan, there is always condemnation.

            It may be Satan in our own mind chastening us, or it may be Satan in the mind of another person, but with that correction comes condemnation.

            However, with Christ Jesus the correction comes without condemnation. The world does not see it.  It is a private correction amongst the brethren. 

            I do not think I have really explained how condemnation comes from Satan. 

            The correction can come in a variety of ways from Satan.  It can come through financial loss, it can come through illness, it can come through an accident; it comes through a disaster. 

            Satan’s correction comes through a disaster, and the end result is destruction unto you. You suffer a loss. The world looks on and says, Wow, I wonder what they did to deserve that?  Or Look at that person. Did she not deserve what she got? That is the condemnation.

            When Christ Jesus corrects you, it is without condemnation.  It is purely for your benefit, it is unto life. 

11.32: But when we are separated from  [Christ Jesus], the Lord, we are disciplined [by Satan], and the world condemns us. (ATB)

11.33: Wherefore my brethren, when you come together to eat, tarry one for another. (KJV) 

            Wherefore, brethren, when you come together to consume the Doctrine of Christ, accept one another. 

            That word tarry in the Thayer’s Unabridged Lexicon means to accept.  

            As I told you earlier, Paul was rebuking the Corinthians for zapping the energy of their brethren through criticism, envy, and competition.  Paul is saying to them, Accept one another.

            He is saying, Do not manifest any of these sins towards your brethren.  Do not take their energy.  Take the energy that you are using to be jealous of or competitive with that person, take the energy that you are using because you are threatened by that person, and turn it towards Satan within yourself. 

            If you allow yourself to think negative thoughts towards people, you are zapping their energy, you are zapping your energy, and you are going down.   If you turn that same ability towards searching your own heart and destroying sin within yourself, you are going up. 

            Accept one another and do not judge out of your carnal mind.

11.33: Wherefore, brethren, when you come together to consume [the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly] bread, accept one another, (ATB)

11.34: If any man hunger, let him eat at home, that ye come not together unto condemnation, and the rest will I set in order when I come. (KJV) 

            If any man hunger, let him eat at home. The word man is not in the Greek, so we are translating it if anyone is hungry.  That is not talking about being hungry for natural food.

            Brethren, to criticize somebody or be envious of somebody, these are all appetites.  Do you know that the Scripture talks about appetites, and that lust is an appetite, and a desire for sex is an appetite?  The desires for the things of this world are all appetites.

            Some people have a need in them that is released when they envy somebody. They have a need to envy and get a release when they envy, which I have, for years, called a spiritual organism. 

            Some people have a problem with scapegoating.  They have a need to scapegoat and are all agitated inside, and they feel relieved when they scapegoat somebody.  That is an appetite.  It is a need to scapegoat. 

            You discharge your own negative energy and your own pain by scapegoating another person, or by gossiping about another person, or by speaking evil about another person.  You have released your own negative energy.

            I have a whole message on that called Spiritual Garbage.  You dump your spiritual garbage on another person, and you hurt that other person.  We must learn to discharge our own frustrations and our own negative energy without hurting other people.  How do you do that? 

            You have to repent of the sin in your heart.  That pressure in you that wants you to relieve yourself by doing something that will hurt another person is sin in your heart.  It is sin in your mind. 

            Everybody has it to one degree or another and the way you deal with the pressure without bringing more sin on your head is to confess it as sin. 

            That is Satan in you. That is Satan in you that wants to gossip so bad that you cannot restrain yourself, because there is a release in it. 

            That is Satan in you, so you confess it as sin. You go before the Lord, and you confess it as sin and you repent. You ask the Lord to help you, and you start blessing that person. 

            Even if you do not feel it in your heart, you say it. Lord willing, a true spirit of repentance out of Christ Jesus, will fall upon you, and the true repentance will come forth. The negative energy could be discharged in tears or in any other way that the Lord chooses to discharge it. 

            If anyone is hungry….  If you have an appetite to gossip, to compete, to hate, to do evil in any way, if you have that appetite, let that person consume Satan, the energy of their own body. 

            Body  is a translation of home.  You could do that since there is no law against that.  That no law against is a translation of condemnation. There is no law against assembling into Christ Jesus.  It is okay to consume Satan in your own body.  There is no law against that. 

            If you have an appetite to be envious, to gossip, to steal, to spiritually steal, consume Satan, the energy of your own body, instead. 

            If you are amongst a group of people and every time someone opens their mouth to talk you cut them off and you do not let them talk, you have an appetite, a need to talk, that is harming that other person, and you enter into the sowing and reaping judgment.  

            If you consume Satan in yourself, if you go after Satan, if you take it out on Satan, if you start attacking Satan and Leviathan within yourself when you have this itch or this appetite, there is no law against that.  You are not going to sow anything that is going to bring a negative reaping into your life.

            The problem is we do not want to attack Satan in our self.  We want to talk about that other person down the street and say how bad they are. 

11.34: And if anyone has an appetite, let him consume Satan, the energy of his own body, since there is no law against assembling into Christ Jesus. And when I come, I will set the Fiery Serpent, the part that remains after you consume Satan and Leviathan, in the correct moral order.(ATB)

            You have to assemble into Christ Jesus to destroy Satan.  And when I come, I will set the Fiery Serpent, the part that remains after you boil Satan and consume Leviathan, in the correct moral order.

             What that means is, I will put the Fiery Serpent under Christ Jesus.  What Paul was saying is, I will give you the added strength you need to put the Fiery Serpent down.

            Ananias, for example, did not go to Peter to give his physical land.  All of those disciples were going to Peter so that Peter could apply his strength to their strength or join his strength to their strength to put the Fiery Serpent under Christ in them.

            You have to be very strong to put the Fiery Serpent under Christ in you.  Christ can be in you, but not strong enough to put down the Fiery Serpent. 

            Paul is saying, If you do this, if you judge yourself and you boil Satan, if you resist Satan, when I get there I will join my strength to you and together we will put Leviathan down.  We will take care of Leviathan and, therefore, subject the Fiery Serpent to Christ Jesus.  I will help you to do that. 

            How was Paul going to help them to do that?  He is going to rebuke them every time Leviathan manifests, and they are going to say Amen!  That is how you put Leviathan under.

11.34: And if any one has a spiritual appetite, let him assemble [into Christ Jesus, and] consume [Satan, the energy of his own] body, [since] there is no law against [that], and when I come I will set [the Fiery Serpent], the part that remains [after Satan is consumed], in the [correct moral] order. (ATB)


            I will read this Alternate Translation of 1 Corinthians 11 one more time and, Lord willing, we will end this message.  It has been a great blessing. 

11.1 Imitate me even as I imitate Christ, (ATB

11.2 Jehovah’s thought form, so that you should remember all the truth that I committed to you about observing traditions. 

            In other words, do not do them. 

11.3: Christ is the head of the personality that is spiritually male, and the spiritual male is the head of the spiritual woman, and God is the head of Christ.                                               

11.4: Every spiritual male, praying or prophesying with Christ, his head, down under the Fiery Serpent has the shameful Fiery Serpent for his head.                          

11.5: The spiritual women who pray and prophesy without the spiritual male, their head, covering them, has the shameful Fiery Serpent for their head.  Their anointing has been captured and enslaved,                         

11.6: Because if the spiritual women are not covered by the spiritual males, indeed, their anointing is sheared from them. Rather than let the shameful Fiery Serpent shear the anointing of the spiritual women, let them be covered.                                                         

11.7: The spiritual male, indeed, ought not to cover Christ, his head, who is the glorious thought form of God.  Moreover, the glorious Spirit of Christ within the spiritual male also covers the spiritual woman.                               

11.8: Because Adam, the spiritual male, did not proceed forth from the spiritual woman, but the spiritual woman proceeded forth out of Adam, the spiritual male.                                    

11.9: Also, Adam, the spiritual male, was not made for the spiritual woman, but the spiritual woman was made for Adam, the spiritual male.                                                         

11.10: For this reason, spiritual women should have spiritual male authority over the shameful Fiery Serpent, their head, because the Primordial Serpent who seduced the woman is appearing to spiritual women today as angels.

11.11: Nevertheless, the spiritual woman is never apart from Adam, the spiritual male, and Adam, the spiritual male, is never apart from the spiritual woman when the Spirit of Christ is controlling the spiritual woman.        

11.12: Because, even though the spiritual woman proceeded forth from Adam, the spiritual male, Adam, the spiritual male, is also in the midst of the spiritual woman, but only the whole man.  That is, the spiritual male and the spiritual female, as one, is of God.                                                              

11.13: Therefore, let Christ Jesus, the strong tower within you, judge the woman who prays to God uncovered.                                       

11.14: Have you not learned yet that when the shameful Fiery Serpent expands within a spiritual male, she braids together with the Spirit of Christ. (ATB)  

            Have you not learned yet? In other words, listen to what I am going to say now with the Mind of Christ. 

11.15: If the Fiery Serpent within a spiritual woman expands, she braids together with the spirit of Satan, Leviathan covers her, and her own spirit is smitten by Satan. (ATB)              

11.16: Which of those of you of the Churches of God who are inclined to disagree with our teaching that the human spirit flows together with Satan, we, Paul and the other apostles, will not engage in any such argumentative communication.                                                     

11.17: This is my commandment, that you assemble yourselves in Christ Jesus, the more noble thought form, and not in Leviathan, the less noble one. 

11.18: Because when you assemble yourselves into Christ Jesus, the true Church, you will understand how to distinguish between the faith of Christ Jesus and the carnal mind, your other side.                             

11.19: Because there must be a division in the midst of you, so that Christ Jesus, the one who is approved of God, can make His public appearance in you.                      

11.20: Therefore, when you assemble yourself together with Christ Jesus within yourself, Christ Jesus, the Lord within you, will consume Leviathan as His supper.                    

11.21: Because everyone must overtake Leviathan within himself, for his own marriage supper, and the one who is famished from fasting from the things of this world, will consume Leviathan, but the others will continue to be ascended in the astral plane. (ATB)

            Actually, I think it is famished from restraining himself from sinning will consume Leviathan.  Yes, that is right.

11.21:…the one who is famished from restraining himself from manifesting Leviathan’s nature in sin, will consume Leviathan…. (ATB)

            Instead of yielding to that lust to attack his brother.  We were just talking about that.

11.22: Indeed, do you not have your own spiritual bodies to eat and drink in? So why do you despise the Church of God by letting the shameful Fiery Serpent manifest through you or possess you?  Is this Leviathan the thought form that I commanded you to assemble yourselves into? (ATB)                  

11.23: Because I have delivered the same instruction to you that I received from Christ Jesus, the Lord within you, that the night, the Lord Jesus was offered up, the disciples seized Christ Jesus, the bread from heaven,

11.24: And when the disciples expressed gratitude, the Spirit of Elijah broke forth from within Jesus saying, I have given you Christ, the same spiritual body in seed form that Jesus has.  Christ, your capacity to remember me and our life together before the fall, will shoot forth within you and mature.                   

11.25:  In the same way, after the disciples had consumed Leviathan within themselves, the Spirit of Elijah said, my spiritual blood, the new contract which remits the sins of the world, is in the Mind of Christ.  You should seize Christ Jesus, the same thing that the disciples did.  Because when Christ within you flows together with my spiritual blood, frequently Christ within you will remember me and our life together before the fall.                 

11.26: Because provided that you consume the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread, and flow together with the Mind of Christ, you are proclaiming your death to the Fiery Serpent’s lifestyle until Christ Jesus, the Lord, appears in you.

11.27 Wherefore, when Leviathan within you, consumes the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread, and Satan within you flows together with the Spirit of Christ, which is in the Mind of Christ, Christ Jesus, the Lord within you, shall subject Satan and Leviathan, the irreverent ones.     

11.28: Consume the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread, and flow together with the Spirit of Christ, within Christ Jesus, the spiritual man that God approves of,     

11.29: Because the one who consumes the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread, and flows together with the Spirit of Christ without recognizing Christ Jesus, the body of Christ, will be judged by Christ Jesus, the Lake of Fire.                                                 

11.30: This is the reason why many among you are spiritually weak and sickly, and many are spiritually asleep in their carnal minds. 

11.31: Because if we recognize Christ Jesus, we would not separate from Him. 

11.31: When we are separated from Christ Jesus, the Lord in the midst of us, we are disciplined by Satan, and the world condemns us.

11.33: Wherefore, brethren, when you come together to consume the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly bread, accept one another.  Do not sin against one another.                               

11.34:  And if anyone has an appetite (that is a satanic appetite) let him consume Satan, the energy of his own body, since there is no law against assembling into Christ Jesus.  When I come, I will set the Fiery Serpent, the part that remains after you consume Satan, in the correct moral order. (ATB)

            Are there any questions or comments on this marvelous message?  What a day and night!





10/27/06 Jo Reformatted



1.     Imitate me, even as I imitate Christ,

2.     [Jehovah’s] thought form, so that you can remember all [the truth] that I have committed to you [about] observing  traditions.

3.     Christ is the head of the [personality that is spiritually] male, and the [spiritual] male is the head of [the spiritual] woman, and God is the head of Christ.

4.   Every [spiritual] male praying or prophesying [with Christ, his] head down under [the Fiery Serpent, has] the shameful [Fiery Serpent] for his head,

5.  But the [spiritual] women who pray and prophesy without [the spiritual male, their] head, covering [them, have] the shameful [Fiery Serpent for their] head, [and their anointing] has been captured and enslaved,

6.    Because, if the spiritual women are not covered [by the spiritual males], indeed, [their anointing] is sheared [from them], so rather than [let] the shameful [Fiery Serpent] shear [the anointing of the [spiritual women], let them be covered.

7.    Indeed, the [spiritual] male, ought not to cover [Christ, his] head, who is the glorious thought form of God. [Moreover] the glorious [Spirit of Christ within] the [spiritual] male, [also covers] the [spiritual] woman,

8 .   Because [Adam, the spiritual] male, did not proceed forth out of the [spiritual] woman, but the [spiritual] woman [proceeded forth] out of [Adam, the spiritual] male.

9.    Also, [Adam, the spiritual male], was not made for the [spiritual] woman, but the [spiritual] woman was made for [Adam, the spiritual] male,

10.    And for this reason, [spiritual] women should have [spiritual male] authority over [the shameful Fiery Serpent], their head, because [the Primordial Serpent who seduced the woman in a past age, is appearing to spiritual women today as] angels.

11.   Nevertheless, the [spiritual] woman is never apart from [Adam, the spiritual] male, and [Adam, the spiritual male], is never apart from the [spiritual] woman, [when the Spirit of Christ] is controlling the [spiritual woman]

12.   Because, even though the [spiritual] woman proceeded forth from [Adam, the spiritual] male, [Adam, the spiritual male], is also in the midst of the [spiritual] woman, but [the spiritual woman is acceptable to God, only when she is a part of] the whole [man (the spiritual female joined to spiritual male)].

13.       [Therefore], let [Christ Jesus], the strong tower within you, identify the [spiritual] woman [within you] who prays to God uncovered, [so that He can complete her].

14.       Haven’t you learned yet, that when the shameful [Fiery Serpent] expands within a [spiritual] male, she braids together [with the Spirit of Christ]?

15.       But if [the Fiery Serpent within] a [spiritual] woman [expands], her own spirit is smitten [because Leviathan] braids together with [the expanded Fiery Serpent, and]  the spirit [of Satan] covers her.

16.       But to those [of you] of the Churches of God [who] are inclined  to [disagree with] such a [doctrine, that the human spirit flows together with Satan], we [Paul and the other apostles] will not [engage] in any argumentative communication [with you].

17.       Now, this is my commandment, that you assemble [yourselves] in [Christ Jesus], the more noble thought form, and not [in Leviathan], the less [noble one],

18.       Because when you assemble yourselves into Christ Jesus, the [true] Church, you will understand  [how] to distinguish  between [Christ Jesus, your true] faith, [and the carnal mind, your] other side,

19.       Because there must be a division in [the midst of you], so that [Christ Jesus], the one who is approved [by God], can make His public [appearance within you].

20        Therefore, when you assemble yourself together with [Christ Jesus], the Lord, [Christ Jesus within you] will consume [Leviathan as] His supper,

21.       Because everyone must overtake [Leviathan within himself as] his own [marriage] supper. Therefore, [Christ Jesus within] the one toiling [to resist Satan’s thoughts and Leviathan’s lusts], will consume [Leviathan, but] the others will [continue] to ascend into Satan’s astral plane.

22.       So why do you despise the Church of God by [letting] the shameful Fiery Serpent possess you? Is this Leviathan the thought form that I commanded you [to assemble yourselves] into? Indeed, why don’t you consume [Leviathan and] swallow up [Satan within your own spiritual] bodies?

23.       I have delivered [the same instruction] to you that I received from [Christ Jesus], the Lord, that the night the Lord Jesus was offered up, [the disciples] seized [Christ Jesus], the bread [from heaven],

24.       And when [the disciples] expressed gratitude, [the Spirit of Elijah] broke forth [from within Jesus] saying, [I have given you Christ] the same [spiritual] body [in seed form] that [Jesus has, and Christ, your capacity] to remember me [and our life together before the Fall], will shoot forth [within you, and mature].

25.       And, in the same way, after [Christ Jesus] had consumed [Leviathan within the disciples, the Spirit of Elijah] said, my [spiritual blood], the new contract [which remits the sins of the world, is in the Mind of Christ, [so] you should [seize Christ Jesus], like [the disciples did, because when Christ within you] drinks my [spiritual] blood frequently, [Christ within you] will remember me [and our life together before the Fall],

26.       Because, provided that you consume the [[Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly] bread, and drink down the Spirit of Christ, you are proclaiming your death [to the Fiery

Serpent’s lifestyle] until [Christ Jesus], the Lord, [actually] appears [in you].

27.       Wherefore, when [Leviathan within you] consumes the [Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly] bread, and [Satan within you] drinks down [the Spirit of Christ, which is in] Christ, the Lord [within you], [Christ Jesus in another man] shall subject [Satan and Leviathan], the irreverent ones [within you].

28.       So consume [the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly] bread, and drink down [the Spirit of Christ within Christ Jesus, the spiritual man that God]  approves of,

29.       Because the one who consumes [the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly] bread, and drinks down the Spirit of Christ, without recognizing [Christ Jesus], the body [of Christ in the preacher], will be judged by [Christ Jesus, the Lake of Fire, within the preacher],

30.       And this is the reason why many among you are [spiritually] weak and sickly, and  many are [living out of their carnal mind, which is spiritually] asleep.

31.       Therefore, let us recognize [Christ Jesus, so that] we will not separate from Him,

32.       Because when we are separated from  [Christ Jesus], the Lord, we are disciplined [by Satan], and the world condemns us.

33.       Wherefore, brethren, when you come together to consume [the Doctrine of Christ, the heavenly] bread, accept one another,

34.       And if any one has a spiritual appetite, let him assemble [into Christ Jesus, and] consume [Satan, the negative energy of his own] body, [since] there is no law against [that], and when I come I will set [the Fiery Serpent], the part that remains [after Satan is consumed], in the [correct moral] order.

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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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