494 - Part 3
(Mk. 5:1-20)




Part 3 of 4 Parts

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.

Recap Mark 5:1 thru 13: And Jesus and His disciples passed over Satan's sea which is the astral plane and appeared in the left side of their heart center which is the etheric plane and while Christ Jesus was covering their personality in the etheric plane, they met a righteous pharisee and Adam was living within the pharisee, but could not knit together with the fiery serpent because Satan, the morally impure spirit had chained the mortal man to Leviathan. Even though Adam had shackled the righteous pharisee's carnal mind by chaining Leviathan and knitting together with the fiery serpent, Satan had broken Adam's chain in pieces, which was upon the righteous pharisee's carnal mind and severed Adam from the fiery serpent who was under him. And indeed, no mortal man has tamed Leviathan yet. Therefore, both Adam and Leviathan were living in the righteous pharisee, but he was speaking from Leviathan's brow and crown energy centers which was cutting Adam, the pharisee's righteous genetic heritage to pieces. But when Adam in the righteous pharisee, who was running the race perceived that Jesus was from the future age that was still afar off, the righteous pharisee submitted to Jesus. And Adam spoke loudly with the voice of the righteous pharisee saying, Elohim and I Am are with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God. I solemnly implore in the name of God to deliver me from Satan who is tormenting me. Then Jesus said, let Satan, the morally impure spirit depart from the fiery serpent's assembly with the spiritual insects of the third energy center in this Adam. And Satan asked Jesus, on what authority do you command me to leave? And Jesus answered saying, you have the morally impure nature of the second energy center and the strength of the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline, but the Spirit of Elijah is my authority and we are too great for you. As soon as they heard this, the spiritual insects of the third energy center who are married to the fiery serpent that were feeding in the sixth and seventh energy centers of the mighty Leviathan, requested earnestly that Adam not separate them from Leviathan's city. But Jesus called to Adam in the righteous pharisee saying, we will thrust ourselves into your etheric body so that we may enter into the midst of the spiritual insects who are married to the fiery serpent. And the righteous pharisee gave Jesus and the disciples permission to transfer into his etheric body and the spirits of Jesus and the disciples spread abroad and entered into the midst of the morally impure spiritual insects that the fiery serpent had increased into. And the spiritual insects that were feeding in the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline in the righteous pharisee plunged downward out of the astral plane into the righteous pharisee's second energy center. And this is how Jesus and the disciples choked off Satan's expansion from the second to the seventh energy center in the righteous pharisee.


Continuing with Mark 5:14: King James Translation. And they that fed the swine fled and told it in the city and in the country and they went out to see what it was that was done. We're translating, they that fed, as feeding. I have amplified that the spiritual insects were feeding. The word swine does not appear in the Greek in verse 14. As you can see, there's no Greek word. I have struck out the word swine. The Greek word translated fled, Strong's #5343 can also be translated vanished. So we will choose that translation. When someone flees away, they vanish. The phrase in the city and in the country; I want to suggest to you that the spiritual understanding of this phrase is that the city is speaking about the spiritual city. It's speaking about the spirit or the mind of Christ; that spiritual city that actually is greater than the mind of Christ; that spiritual city that extends from the heart center up to the higher energy centers. We know that the city of God is Jerusalem and the city of Leviathan is Babylon. The city of Babylon is that city which is formed when someone ascends in the lower energy centers and when someone ascends in the lower energy centers and they bow over and that timeline goes into a circle. A spiritual city is formed, whether it's above the heart center or below the heart center. I guess I have to draw a drawing of these spiritual cities.


This is our drawing #1. On the lower half of the board, we have the serpent's timeline, which starts down here where it says the first center. This is the slumbering fiery serpent. She ascends into the second center where she is now awakened and the second center, the scripture tells us, is the center where moral impurity resides. The awakened fiery serpent is seeking morally impure experiences. She ascends into the belly, the third energy center, at which point she sprouts wings and divides herself into a multiplicity of spiritual insects for the specific purpose of ascending into the seventh energy center. Now the serpent's timeline is spiralline, so we see that she's going around in a circle. She's not really ascending and this is the experience of everyone who ascends outside of Christ. As they go into the fourth energy center, the heart center; that's where the goat or the devil abides. That's just your old man: your old man is the goat or the devil. The fiery serpent continues to ascend in the form of spiritual insects that can fly up into the higher centers. The heart center is divided in half and the lower half of the heart center is underneath the firmament and underneath Satan's sea. The person that thinks they're ascending, when they hit the top of the heart center which is underneath the firmament, they get bowed over and they start going in a circle. They think they're ascending straight up, but they're not. They're ascending in a circle and as they go into the fifth energy center and the sixth energy center, the person who's having this experience does experience increased spiritual power. But it's a lie, you see. Because even though they have increased spiritual power, they're still underneath the sea and they're still under the dominion of the serpent. They have increased power, but they haven't really ascended anywhere. So we see that the spiritual insects are flying upward and they fly all the way to the seventh energy center.


I'm going to have to change this board. When I first drew this, I didn't have an understanding that the Lord just gave me. This is Leviathan in the seventh energy center. I'm going to change this to Leviathan. The spiritual insects which is really the ascended fiery serpent puts herself in a form that will let her fly upward. She bites into Leviathan and starts accessing energy which is beyond the individual that she's living in. On part 2 of this message, I give you a drawing showing you how that comes to pass. Now as the fiery serpent in her ascended form makes contact with Leviathan, Leviathan starts descending. There's a mixture of the energies. The fiery serpent is an energy stream; Leviathan is an energy stream; they're really different aspects of the same energy stream. Through this contact in the seventh energy center, Leviathan starts descending because the ascended fiery serpent has created a pathway for Leviathan to descend into the lower centers of the individual. We know that we came across scriptures in Samson and Delilah which said that Leviathan was in the third energy center. This really confused me. We found some scriptures that said Leviathan was in the fifth energy centers and then this one particular verse or a series of verses said that Leviathan was in the belly in the third energy center and I couldn't figure it out. As I started putting this diagram on the board, I was still confused as to who was in the seventh center.


The Lord just gave me the answer. Leviathan is in the seventh center, but when this fiery serpent ascends up to the seventh center and makes connection with him, she opens the door and Leviathan starts to descend. It's like a reverse Jacob's ladder. The fiery serpent starts to descend through the fiery serpent. Now for Leviathan to be descending, this man that's represented here has to be in deep sin. Leviathan descends and in some scriptures, Leviathan is in the fifth energy center and in those particular scriptures that I mentioned in Samson and Delilah or it may not be in Samson and Delilah, but it was one of the Samson messages. I don't think it was Delilah; it must have been Samson and the Foxes. Leviathan gets all the way down into the third energy center. Now that is a sign that the person is in deep sin; if you can hear this. For Leviathan to be in the third energy center, the fiery serpent has to have ascended all the way up to the seventh energy center and this is no easy thing to do. The individual has to be in more and more sin for the fiery serpent to ascend. Then once the fiery serpent gets up here, for Leviathan to start to descend, the individual has to be engaging in more and more illegal spiritual activities. So for Leviathan to be in the third energy center, those mortal men of Judah were in deep sin. They were practicing witchcraft. They were very spiritually active in Satan's spirit. Leviathan had descended all the way down to their third energy center and was literally paralyzing them, spiritually. Now of course that doesn't have anything to do with this message except that the Lord just gave me the revelation. Does anybody not understand what I just said?


So although my diagram is not too accurate; I'm sorry. You can see the serpent's spiralline timeline here. The whole purpose of this drawing with regard to today's message is to show you Leviathan's spiritual city. It encompasses the fourth through the seventh energy centers. Leviathan's city is called Babylon. It's spiralline and it's under the sea. It's curved and it's under the sea; it's under Satan's sea. So even though some people ascend as high as they could possibly go (and I'm not even sure what that is) in the serpent they're still under the sea. They never get out from under the sea. But for those people who go straight up into Adam or Christ Jesus' linear timeline, they overcome Satan here in the lower heart center and they don't get bowed over, but they go right through to dry ground. You may recall, where the ram is, that's dry ground, which is beyond Satan's grasp. Satan is the sea. So if you're on dry ground, you're beyond Satan's grasp. The ram signifies Adam or Christ Jesus. The ram occupies the upper heart center and he's suppose to occupy it and rule over it. Now remember, I'm drawing a picture of a ram, but this is really an energy force. An energy force can be in more than one place at a time.


So Christ Jesus occupies the heart center and never leaves it in the form of the ram. But an aspect of Himself continues to ascend and ascends into the fifth energy center. Where my revelation, to date, hasn't changed; I was teaching on this and at one point I was drawing the energy centers every time I preached. There was an eagle in both the fifth and sixth energy centers. The eagle in the fifth energy center protects the left side of the heart center, but when that eagle ascends high enough to get into the sixth center, he protects the whole heart center and he dries up Satan's sea. He dries up Satan's sea. He pushes Satan's sea back and he dominates the whole heart center and burns as the lake of fire on the lower centers and puts the serpent's timeline out of business, so to speak. Now if there's another symbol for the fifth energy center, the Lord has not shown it to me. There are many different kinds of eagles in our natural example. These are either two different kinds of eagles or eagles of two different degrees of maturity. In the seventh energy center, we have the glorified Jesus Christ who is the son of this man. This whole drawing is inside of a human being. Praise the Lord.


Now of course, one man cannot look like this. Either you ascend through the serpent's timeline or you ascend into Christ Jesus' timeline. If you're ascended in Christ Jesus, this whole board underneath the ram is burning in the lake of fire and is atrophied. So this drawing just shows you what it would be like for the people who go down, who go into the spiralline timeline. This is what it looks like in the man who goes up into Christ Jesus' linear timeline. But you can't have both of these; you have to have one or the other. If you are a man who descends, who gets bowed over and goes into Leviathan's timeline, all of the energy centers above are waste places. There is no ram; there is no eagle and you're not connected to the glorified Jesus Christ. All this becomes wilderness and dry waste places. So once again the purpose for this drawing and for tonight's message is to show you the two spiritual cities. We see that we ascend in the spiritual city of Christ Jesus by ascending up Jacob's ladder higher and higher. We ascend, which is really a mock ascension, into Leviathan's city by following this spiralline path of moral impurity. You have to be very involved in illegal spiritual activities to be this high in Leviathan's spiritual city. Of course, you could be at the lower echelon of it. You could be here in the lower heart center, which is a part of Leviathan's city. Satan is the sea; Leviathan is the sea serpent; they're really never separated.


We are Leviathan. Mortal man is Leviathan and we exist in a spiritual sea. So for those of us, which is most of us, we are living out of Leviathan. Even me, I'm living out of Leviathan to some degree. If that were not true, I would be in perfection. We are the Leviathan who plays in the spiritual sea. We play; I believe it's in Psalms, but I could have the wrong book, if you want to look that word up. There's that Leviathan playing in the sea. If you look up that Hebrew word, translated playing, it means playing war games. Leviathan plays war games and who do we play them with? Each other. We're killing each other every day. The people that we say we love, we're killing them every day and they're killing us; every day. Somebody has to take a stand and put an end to the murder. In order to take a stand and put an end to the murder, you have to face the truth without condemnation; the truth about yourself; the truth about your husband; the truth about your wife; the truth about your mother and your father and your sister and your children. Are you idolizing your children? Do I tell you to hate your children? No, the truth will set you free and it will set them free. If they have a character flaw; if they're doing something wrong; if sin is found in them; you must confess it before the Lord, if you want to help them. If you're lying for your kids, if you're lying to yourself, if you're lying to someone else; you're killing them. This is the spiritual reality of the scripture that says if you don't chasten your children, you hate them.


You have to admit it when they're doing something wrong. But that's not socially acceptable. Well, of course, you don't go talking to the church gossip or to the milkman. But to your brethren, who are in Christ Jesus who are walking in the truth, who are doing the same thing, who are willing to admit their faults and who, when it is appropriate, are admitting the faults of their children and their husband and their wife. When your turn comes, when the situations of your life are appropriate, you should feel free to confess the sin of your loved ones and of yourself. The scripture says, confess your sins one to another. But that means other people who are doing the same thing. You don't make another human being your mother confessor or your father confessor. Don't you be in a relationship with somebody where you're telling them all your sins and they're telling you nothing. If you're in a relationship where you're telling nothing and everyone is telling you their sins, you've got an ungodly relationship with somebody. If you want to ascend in Christ Jesus, you should not only be concerned with avoiding being in a relationship where you're pouring everything out and the other person is mother confessor.


But you should not want to be mother or father confessor either, because that's not a healthy place to be. It's a high manifestation of pride. It's a high manifestation of pride unless Christ Jesus has really raised you up to counsel this person. You better make sure that that's the case before you're doing that. If Christ Jesus has raised you up to counsel this person and because the person is so young in Christ that it is really not appropriate for you to be confessing your sins to them, you should be confessing your sins to somebody else on your level. If you are not confessing your sins to anybody else on any level, you should know that it's not Christ in you, being mother and father confessor. I tell you all the truth. Where did that come from? I have no idea. Is it for somebody here? I have no idea. It may be. It may be for someone who's going to be listening to the tape. I don't know. I don't know. Praise the Lord. Are there any questions on this drawing?


Let's go on with the message. Continuing with verse 14. Brethren. We've just translated city as the Spirit or the mind of Christ. It's really Christ Jesus or Leviathan's spiritual city. The country is the Greek word that simply means land. So from a spiritual point of view, I'm translating this word country as personality because the personality is made from the earth. They that were feeding vanished and the people that saw it told about it in the spirit, in the spiritual city that they ascended into. They also told about it with their physical mouth, with their vocal cords. Brethren, everybody speaks on two levels. We all speak on two levels. Lord willing, the two levels that we speak on, say the same thing. That should be one of our goals anyway, that our mouth should speak what our heart is speaking. If that's not the case, then we're divided. A house divided cannot stand. Oh you never heard that scripture used that way? Well neither did I. The Lord just gave it to me. Each one of us is a house. We cannot stand if we aren't single minded. Here's another scripture witness to it. Paul said, be ye single. I'm sorry, but I cannot remember what the King James Translation says, but it is misleading. The scripture says, be ye single. At least the scripture I have in mind does not say single in the King James Translation. Be ye single minded; that means that your two minds have to coincide. It means that your Christ mind has to bring your carnal mind into submission. Your carnal mind is suppose to be a reflection of your Christ mind. Your Christ mind is Spirit and your carnal mind is earth and the spirit is suppose to be engraving the earth and the earth is suppose to be an accurate reflection of the spirit.


When this is the case, what have we got here? What is it called? Does anybody know? A thought form; we have a thought form, when the spirit and the earth, when the light and the darkness are in agreement. This whole creation was thought into existence initially by Jehovah. But we don't look like Jehovah. We don't act like Jehovah. We don't think like Jehovah. We don't talk like Jehovah and there's nothing about us (except those of us who are in the process of being converted) there's nothing whatsoever about us that has anything to do with Jehovah. As a matter of fact, mortal humanity is the totally complete exact opposite of Jehovah. Jehovah is positive and mortal humanity is negative. What's wrong with this picture? The earth is not lining up with the spirit and we are a divided creation. This is the divided age. We are divided from Jehovah. Praise the Lord.


So the personality told all about it and the spiritual speech in the man also told all about what had happened. And they went out to see what was done. Alternate translation Mark 5:14: When the spiritual insects that were feeding in the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline in the righteous pharisee vanished, the righteous pharisee declared what had happened to him and he declared it with the mind of Christ; that's in the city. He also declared it with his personality; that's in the country. The people who heard went out to see him. He declared what happened with the mind of Christ. I tell you, brethren, that if he had declared what happened with his carnal mind, it would have been a totally different story. If the pharisee declared what happened with his carnal mind, he would probably be saying, that criminal Jesus and His cohorts came in and brutalized me. You see, what the mind of Christ sees as a deliverance, the carnal mind sees as a violation.


And the spiritual insects that were feeding in the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline in the righteous pharisee vanished. Can anyone tell us how they vanished? Why did they vanish? I remind you that when Jesus and His disciples entered into the etheric body of the pharisee, they mixed. Now remember, they entered in. They spread themselves abroad. They didn't enter into him with their physical bodies. It seems to me at this time that they didn't even enter in with their etheric bodies. Their spirit entered in. They entered into the pharisee in a spiritual form like particles, like a light beam. They entered into him like a light beam. Their spirit spread abroad and mixed with the energy stream known as the fiery serpent which was manifested as a multiplicity of spiritual flying insects. Jesus and His disciples mixed their energy with these flying particles of the fiery serpent in the pharisee and there was what the Lord has shown us to be a destructive interference. This is a term from the discipline of physics.


We did a study on this when we did Quantum Mechanics. The word interference means that two different energy streams would interfere with one another. They would touch one another. They would meet and they would contact one another. Constructive interference; what happens in constructive interference is that the two energy streams then join together and flow together and become one enhanced energy stream. It's a benefit to both energy streams. That's constructive interference. They meet each other; they interact with one another and they both benefit from it and a new creature is born, the combination of the two of them. But destructive interference means that when the two energy streams meet, one energy stream is destroyed and only one survives. Well the Spirit of Jesus in His disciples had a destructive interference with the energy stream known as the ascended fiery serpent, which was manifesting as the flying spiritual insects. They could not maintain their position. The spiritual insects could not maintain their position of ascendency around Jesus and the disciples. He broke their power to be ascended. He broke their power that enabled them to fly.


These fiery serpents really were just a manifestation of the fiery serpent. On part 2 of this message, the Lord likened it to all of the bronchi that branch out from the two bronchiole tubes. Yesterday, in part 2, the Lord also likened the fiery serpents to the leaves of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They are the branch of the tree. Then Jesus Christ and His disciples came in and cut down the tree. It was an absolute power play between the two sources of power. When the flying fiery insects were contacted by the Spirit of Jesus in His disciples, they lost their ability to fly, the fiery serpent, who was the trunk of the tree that was rooted in the root energy center. The roots of this tree of the knowledge of good and evil that had risen up in this pharisee were rooted in the first energy center and the trunk of the tree was in the second and third energy center and the branches of the tree were in the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh energy center. So Jesus in His disciples interfered with that spiritual increase and knocked down the branch of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You might say cut it off, circumcised it, chopped it down. Jesus chopped down the tree and the fiery serpent went crashing down into the second energy center and the spiritual flying insects disappeared. The fiery serpent had changed her form. She was appearing as a multiplicity of flying insects. It takes energy to do this. It takes power to change your form. It takes power to change your form! When Jesus drained the power of the fiery serpent, she could no longer sustain the image of herself as flying insects. She lost her power to stay up there in the high energy centers. Jesus cut her off from the energy she was gaining from Leviathan and drained her of the energy that she had and the fiery serpent went back down to the second energy center and the spiritual insects vanished. Praise the Lord.


I have a witness to this, John 12:9: Much people of the Jews therefore knew that He was there and they came not for Jesus' sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom He had raised from the dead. Much people of the Jews knew that He was there and they came not for Jesus' sake only, but that they might (okay I see why I put this in here). But that they might see Lazarus also, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. I've been saying for a long time that Jesus did more than raise Lazarus from the dead. When Lazarus rose from the dead, he was not in the same condition that he was in when he died. Lazarus rose from the dead as an ascended perfected man. He was ascended to his brow energy center and it had to be evident, somehow, that he was ascended into his brow energy center because the people came to see him also.


Now if it was just a question of Lazarus being raised from the dead, why didn't the people come to see the young man, the only son of the widowed woman, that Jesus raised from the dead? When He stopped that funeral and raised that young man from the dead, why didn't people come to see him? What about the little girl that everybody thought was dead? Jesus said, she was just sleeping and He raised her from the dead; what about her? Why didn't anyone come to see her? What was different about Lazarus? Lazarus was an ascended man. What's interesting about Lazarus is that as recently as two years ago (I don't know whether I put it on a tape or not) but I did believe that Jesus was giving His disciples spiritual experiences and I believed that they were going over into the astral plane and the etheric plane.


Based on some studies that I did a couple of years ago, I believed that Lazarus had attempted to have a spiritual experience without Jesus. Jesus was off elsewhere with other disciples and Lazarus entered into the astral plane without Jesus and got trapped there. I had this revelation two years ago and just recently, probably on this series of messages, I gave you an analogy of someone falling through the ice and then floating away from the hole that they fell through. I'm telling you that it's possible to drown under such a condition if you can't break through the ice and you can't find the hole that you fell through. Well, when Jesus said that Lazarus is but sleeping, we now know that the phrase to sleep is talking about the astral plane. Jesus was telling his other disciples that Lazarus had ascended into the astral plane and he couldn't get back. He couldn't find his way back. So finally Jesus said, Lazarus is dead because he completely died to this world. Therefore Jesus raised him from the dead, when He said, Lazarus come forth.


Now why couldn't Lazarus get back? Because as I told you on part 2 of this message, there is really only one channel of ascension. Well, let me put it this way. There are two channels of ascension, but there's only one doorway. The valve must close off the righteous timeline if you are to ascend into Leviathan's timeline and if you are to ascend into the righteous timeline, the valve has to close off the channel to Leviathan's timeline. Only one channel is open at a time. Lazarus succeeded. Well, I don't know where he was; I don't know which timeline he was in, but he ascended into the astral plane and somehow Leviathan closed off that valve and he couldn't get back. Jesus said, he's sleeping. I know what happened to him. He was in the astral plane for so long that he couldn't find that hole in the ice. He couldn't change that valve; he couldn't get back. So he did completely die. When Jesus raised him from the dead, it was evident that this man was a highly ascended spiritual man to even have that experience, even though it could have been a disaster for him. If Jesus hadn't delivered him, it would have been a complete disaster for him. He would have totally died fooling around with this kind of experience without the Lord. But when Jesus did raise him from the dead, it was evident that he was an ascended man and everybody came to see him. This is very interesting because off the tape, tonight, we were talking about ministering to witches and people who are involved in the occult. I was telling the whole group here, that the Lord has told me that He will go to spiritually active people with a spiritual sign and that spiritually active people in Satan's spirit are not likely to listen to someone who is a spiritual child compared to them. People who are spiritually powerful in Satan are not likely to listen to the doctrine of someone without any spiritual power. It makes sense to me.


As part of our meeting last night, we read the Alternate Translation of Jonah and the Lord showed us that when He sends us to spiritually active people in Satan's spirit, He sends a perfected man. Somehow, spiritually ascended people in Satan's spirit, recognize the spiritual condition of the man who is perfected in Christ Jesus. When they recognize his spiritual condition, then they're willing to listen to him. In the Alternate Translation of Jonah, the men of Nineveh said, who are you that you're having this experience? Who are you? What god do you serve? What god brought you to this ascended spiritual condition? And what are you doing here? When they asked him all these questions, Jonah preached the doctrine of Christ to them. So here once again, we have this message breaking through. What I'm talking about doesn't have anything to do with Mark 5, but the Lord is just having His way. We're having a lot of side comments in this message tonight. The ministry to the people who are spiritually active in Satan will come from someone who is in perfection, so that you get their respect and then they will listen to the doctrine of Christ.


So we see that the people that came to see Lazarus were coming to see much more than someone who was raised from the dead. They were coming to see someone who was spiritually ascended and so is the case with the righteous pharisee. They came to see, not only a man that was delivered from a highly demonized condition, but a man who was spiritually ascended as a result of his deliverance. The man went forth and preached when the spiritual insects that were feeding in the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline in the righteous pharisee vanished. He went out and he preached and he declared what had happened to him with the mind of Christ and with his personality and all the people who heard him went out to see him; not just to hear his message. They came out to see the mind of Christ. They came out to see the ascended man. They came out to see the miracle. Verse 15 King James: And they came to Jesus and see him that was possessed with the devil and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid. The only words that we're changing here is down in the second row. If you can see the word sitting; we'll be translating that married. That's a principle that we've carried over from the Old Testament. The word to sit, if you look it up in the Hebrew lexicons, they'll tell you it's an euphemism for being married. The word clothed; we're going to translate dressed. In his right mind, that Greek word translated in his right mind, Strong's #4993, we will translate sober. That is a legitimate translation of #4993; sober. We found out in message #480 part 6 of Samson and Delilah that the word, sober, in 1 Thessalonians 5:6 means not drunken, and that drunken means ascended into the astral plane.


According to our study in Message #480 Part 6 Samson and Delilah, where we translated 1 Thessalonians 5:6, we found out that to be sober means to be not ascended into the astral plane. That's just another way of saying you're a virgin. If you remember the teaching here, you're considered a virgin if you're not ascended into the astral plane and fornicating with Leviathan. Sober is just another way of saying that you're a spiritual virgin, that you're not partaking of illegal spiritual activities. The Greek word translated had, we're translating holding. The word legion, we're translating ascended into the second energy center. We dealt with that in a prior verse (verse 9 I think); ascended into the second energy center, but exercising the power or the strength of the seventh energy center. The Greek word translated, they were afraid, Strong's #5399 can also be translated awe. That word means that they were amazed. So I don't think they were afraid. I think they were amazed at the miracle that this righteous pharisee had experienced. The personality of the righteous pharisee was no longer ascended into the astral plane where he was tormented by Satan, that morally impure spirit.


Alternate Translation of Mark 5:15: And the people came to see the righteous pharisee who had been demonized because the fiery serpent within him married the spiritual insects in the third energy center. I think we changed that translation from married. We made it, increased into, because the fiery serpent had increased into the spiritual insects in the third energy center. And they came also to see Jesus who was covering the fiery serpent within the righteous pharisee. The righteous pharisee was holding back the moral impurity of the second energy center from acquiring the strength of the crown or the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline. The way he was holding back that moral impurity was that he was abstaining from Satan's thoughts. Brethren, no mortal man can abstain from Satan's thoughts unless Christ Jesus is fully manifested in you and covering over your carnal mind. We do not have the power to do it. On the contrary, the average person is not even aware of their unconscious thoughts, let alone in a position to restrain them. Most people cannot even recognize them and block them from going any further, let alone stop them before they ever manifest at all. This can only happen by an act of Christ Jesus. It is beyond the ability of any mortal man.


So we see here in verse 15 that the people that came out to see the righteous pharisee (and I suggest to you this is true of Lazarus also) that they did not come out only to see a man who had been demonized and was now an average human being. They came out to see a man who was beyond average. They came out to see a man whose unconscious mind was restrained by Christ Jesus. This is interesting. I told you the other day that I've had an unusual experience. When I came to the Lord, my life was utterly wrecked. I was filled with witchcraft from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes. I was dying and my life was a disaster. When the Lord restored me, He did not restore me to a positive lifestyle that one would expect in this world. But He catapulted me beyond the good things of this world into the next age. My physical body is here, but my mind and my life is of the next age. I don't live like other people live in this world. We see that the Spirit of Elijah in Jesus did the same thing for this righteous pharisee. He didn't just cast the demons out of him and give him an average life in Judah. He cast the demons out of him and he catapulted him into the new age. He cast out the demons; He raised up Christ Jesus in him; and He caused Christ Jesus to cover over the righteous pharisee's carnal mind with such power that Satan was inhabited from even thinking through him. He went into the next age. I want to tell you that this is what Jesus does. The more He does for you when you come to Him, the more likely you are to be catapulted into the next age. The more He saves you from, the less likely you are to be restored to a decent life in this world.


The people came to see the righteous pharisee who had been demonized because the fiery serpent within him had increased into the spiritual insects in the third energy center. They also came to see Jesus who was covering the fiery serpent within the righteous pharisee. The righteous pharisee was holding back the moral impurity of the second energy center from acquiring the strength of the crown energy center of Leviathan's timeline by abstaining from Satan's thoughts. Now brethren, this pharisee could not be doing this if Jesus was not covering him. This experience of this pharisee is described in another place in the scripture as the pharisee's spirit was gathered unto Jesus. He came under the cover of a perfected man, you see. The teacher that the Lord puts you under can do for you largely what that teacher does for himself. I cannot do for you what Jesus did for you. I can't do it for me. But what Jesus has done for me, I can help you to have the same experience. But when the perfected men in Christ Jesus start to appear on the earth, this is what we will be doing.


We will be covering over Satan in the carnal mind in other men who desire to live for righteousness and who desire to hold back their impure thoughts, but who cannot do it because they're overcome in their own mind. We're going first to the people who are crying day and night, Jesus, help me; who cannot overcome their weaknesses. We're going to lend our strength to them so that they can overcome. But at this point, I don't see any sign of us doing that for people who aren't crying out for help; if you can hear it. There are millions of people in this world that would turn to the Lord. They're bound; they're bowed over; their arm is withered; they're crippled; they can't walk; they're blind; they can't see; they're deaf; they cannot hear, but they have faith to be healed. What does that mean, that they have faith to be healed? They have some measure of Christ in them; imputed or otherwise. If they're Jews, they have the withered root of Abel in them. If they're descendants of Ham, they may have a root of His righteousness in them. The world is filled with people who desire to be righteous and don't have the power to perform their own will. There are more people like that than people who are outright mean and evil. I'm convinced of it. We have plenty of work to do. But our first job is to get up there our self. We have plenty of work to do. Remember this was a righteous pharisee who was crying out for help. This was not a pharisee who was saying, I'm fine in the condition that I'm in. Jesus is going to the ones who are crying day and night, day and night. Praise the Lord.


Verse 16, King James Translation: And they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil and also concerning the swine. The Greek word translated befell, that's just the verb to be. We're translating it; became. The word swine; we're translating the ascended fiery serpent. Alternate Translation of Mark 5;16: And he told everyone who came to see him that he became demonized when the fiery serpent married the spiritual insects within him and ascended to feed in the sixth and seventh energy centers of Leviathan's timeline. Well, I think we pretty much covered that tonight with the drawing. The pharisee was not just preaching, look, look, look, I'm healed. He was also confessing that he was demonized and he was telling everyone how he became demonized when the fiery serpent within him increased into the spiritual insects within him and ascended to feed in the sixth and seventh energy centers of Leviathan's timeline. Although it doesn't say it right here, brethren, for the righteous pharisee to be preaching this, he had to be confessing that he was engaged in some form of witchcraft. Now it might have been social witchcraft. He might have had a problem with anger. He might have had a problem with lust. He might have had a problem with envy. He might have had a problem with control and domination. He might have had a problem with criticism. This is all witchcraft. Criticism is cruelty. That's witchcraft. Since the man was a pharisee, my guess would be that his witchcraft was social. So he was out there preaching the whole message. I was demonized because; confessing his sins that he was unable to stop being envious; I couldn't stop controlling people; I really did everything I could and I couldn't stop. Now brethren, only Jesus knows if you're doing everything you can. Unless He tells me, I don't know. But Jesus knows and to the man who is doing everything he can; don't give up, because He's coming and He's coming with power if you're truly doing all you can. He's coming with power to deliver you to the point that you can do it if you want to. Don't ever give up. Keep trying and keep crying out and He's coming with the power to cast your fiery serpent down so that you can do what the righteous pharisee did.


The righteous pharisee was holding back the moral impurity of the second energy center from acquiring the strength of the crown energy center of Leviathan's timeline by abstaining from Satan's thoughts. Now you cannot abstain from Satan's thoughts until you first go through a period of time where you recognize Satan's thoughts and hate them. You have to see Satan's thoughts in your mind and say I don't want this thought. Now you can't see the thought in your mind and then deny it and say the exact opposite to cover it; which is what you do. You've been doing it so long that it's an automatic reaction for you. But that says something wonderful for you, that on some level you recognize wrong thoughts in yourself and you don't want to be like that. But somewhere, way back when, before you ever even knew Jesus, this method of dealing with it became cemented in you. What method of dealing with it? That somewhere in your subconscious mind, when that thought comes up, your mouth speaks the exact opposite. So you see, your mouth, your personality and your heart, are not lined up. It's not doing you any good because it's just covering your sin with whitewash. So somehow, by the grace of God, He has to break you out of this old habit. But He knows your heart and He knows that all your life you've not been wanting to yield to these wrong thoughts. You're just dealing with it the wrong way. So don't give up because He's going to break you free. He's going to break you free. You'll see. Praise the Lord. I'll read this one more time and I'll ask for questions or comments and then we'll close.


And he told everyone who came to see him that he became demonized when the fiery serpent increased into the spiritual insects within him and ascended to feed in the sixth and seventh energy centers of Leviathan's timeline. Praise the Lord. Let me just read you 14, 15 and 16. And when the spiritual insects that were feeding in the seventh energy center of Leviathan's timeline in the righteous pharisee vanished, the righteous pharisee declared what had happened to him with the mind of Christ and with his personality. The people who heard went out to see him and the people came to see the righteous pharisee who had been demonized because the fiery serpent within had increased into the spiritual insects in the third energy center. And they also came to see Jesus, who was covering the fiery serpent within the righteous pharisee and the righteous pharisee was holding back the moral impurity of the second energy center from acquiring the strength of the crown energy center of Leviathan's timeline by abstaining from Satan's thoughts. And the righteous pharisee told everyone who came to see him (see, he wasn't hiding his sins). He told everyone who came to see him that he became demonized when the fiery serpent increased into the spiritual insects within him and ascended to feed in the sixth and the seventh energy centers of Leviathan's timeline. He also told them how that happened to him through his social witchcraft. Any questions or comments tonight? Praise the Lord. God bless you all.



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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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