493 - 1 Part
(Mk. 4:35-41)

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.



Amen. He was not sleeping in the back of the boat. I'm going to read you the King James translation of Mark 4, verses 35 to 41, and then you will see something in your notes that I've never showed you before. I have a new Bible program which allows me to print the Interlinear Text. I've been waiting for this for years, and my Bible program just upgraded to this feature. I hope that it doesn't confuse you.


In the past, when I have preached messages where I do not really go into every word in detail such as What Really Happened in Gibeah or there are several of the messages about Jacob and Esau where I did not go into every word. I just gave you the revelation as the Lord showed it to me, and in the past I came in with photocopies of my Interlinear Text, but it really wasn't what I needed to do the job that I wanted to do. What I have here and what I can do now and also share with you now is I actually have a reprint of the Interlinear Text. This is what I work from. It is a series of four lines. The first line is what is called the transliterated text which means that it is the phonetic pronunciation of the Greek word, and the second line is the Greek text, if you read Greek. The third line is the Strong's number, and the fourth line is the King James translation, the literal King James translation. It is not written in good English, but it is a translation of each word. They are lined up fairly well if you look at each word you can see Kai, #2532, and that Greek word means "and." So, they are lined up fairly well. The fifth line in brackets is my Alternate Translation so that I now have everything in front of me to preach what I call "an off the cuff" message, and I don't have to rely on my memory to remember what Alternate Translation I chose for a particular word. Does anybody have any questions about this format before we start? I hope it is a blessing to you, but if it isn't certainly it is no worse than when I preached when you did not have any notes at all.


So, I am going to read you the King James translation of Mark 4:35-41. And the same day when the even was come He saith unto them, let us pass over unto the other side, and when they had sent away the multitude they took him even as he was in the ship, and there were also with him other little ships, and there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full, and he was in the hinder part of the ship. It doesn't say Jesus. It says "he." He was in the hinder part of the ship. So that means that the King James translators guessed that it was Jesus that was in the hinder part of the ship, but I have a different guess, and the reason my guess is different is that the Greek word translated "hinder" is a female word, and you can't tell me that Jesus was in the female part of the ship. Satan was there. And he was in the hinder part of the ship asleep on a pillow, and they awake him and say unto him, master carest thou not that we perish, and he arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, peace, be still, and the wind ceased and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, why are you so fearful. How is it that ye have no faith, and they feared exceedingly and said one to another, what manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey him?


Now, I will say this to start out with. When we translated Jonah we did the whole book of Jonah, and I think I must have redone at least the first Chapter, I just have redone it three or four times. As you know, the way I study is that as I go deeper and deeper the Lord just shows it to me deeper and deeper. Sometimes I make errors. In Jonah I made a lot of mistakes. I think as I get more and more practiced at this I'm making less and less mistakes, and when I say mistakes all that a mistake is, that I don't go deep enough the first time. That's what a mistake is or I don't go deep enough to see what the Scripture is really saying. Again, as I tell you even in the messages where the translation is not what the Lord really wanted it to be the spiritual principles that I'm talking about are still accurate, and the tapes are very valuable. I have to go really deep, and I really have to arise into my Christ mind and cover over that carnal mind. I have to really get in touch with the Glorified Jesus Christ to understand what this is really saying. So when we did Jonah we found out that big wind, I can't quote you the Verse right now, but he was at sea, he was in the ship at sea, and this great wind rose up, and we thought it was Satan, but no, the great wind is the Hebrew word ruwach. It is the word for spirit. That's the word that's used to describe the Spirit of God, ruwach. So we found out, it took me 3-4 times to get it, that the big wind that blew was the spirit of Jehovah, and here in this account we are going to translate the spirit here, it is translated wind in the English, but it is the Greek word that means spirit. I am going to suggest to you that it is the Spirit of Jehovah, and the Spirit of Jehovah is Elohim. Elohim is the one who is the foundation of this whole creation. Remember, Elohim is Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, and Adam is a manifestation of Elohim, and Jesus is a manifestation of Elohim. Elohim is Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, and there are two sides to that seminal fluid. There is water and seed, and Michael is the seed of Jehovah's seminal fluid. So, actually Jesus is a manifestation of Michael, but He is also a manifestation of the whole semen which is called Elohim. So this spirit that's beaten up here is the Spirit of Elijah because Jesus was not yet glorified.


Let's start with Verse 35, King James, And the same day when the even was come He saith to them, let us pass over unto the other side. I am going to suggest to you that Jesus is the one who is talking here. You will see in my notes which are all in brackets, I've made them all caps and in brackets so that you can identify them. I'm sorry I have to correct that. My notes are in all caps. The words that are in brackets are amplifications. So you see the word "en" that's the fifth line of that first section there. I have "Jesus" in brackets, "who are" in brackets, and then I have the word "in." This word in is not translated. It lines up with #1722, and the Greek word is"en." That's the word that means "in," and you can see that it was not translated. I want to suggest to you that this phrase should be, And Jesus said to the ones who are in the day. He wasn't talking to the ones who are in the night. Jesus did not happen to talk to the disciples one day. The Scripture is not saying, well, here it is August or September 3 or whatever and Jesus just happened to talk to the disciples. He is talking about the spiritual day. Jesus spoke to the ones in the day. He did not speak to the ones in the night, and we don't really know who He spoke to because it is not naming any of His disciples. We don't know how many people were following Him, and I don't even think that they had to be there physically. You know, Jesus is speaking to us today through this very Scripture. He's speaking to everyone who is in the day through this King James translation. Everyone who is in the Mind of Christ that's hearing this tape Jesus is talking to you, and He's saying the same thing that He said 2000 years ago. He's still saying it. I'm just echoing what He said 2000 years ago. He's not repeating Himself. It is the same word that He said 2000 years ago to all of His disciples who are in the day, who are in the light, who are living and thinking out of the Mind of Christ. Jesus said to them, Let's go over to the other side. Hallelujah.


The word translated "even," Strong's #3798 means nightfall. Evening, technically means nightfall, and we are going to be translating it the carnal mind. The phrase "when was coming" that's simply the verb "to be" which can also be translated to exist. So we will translate it "existing." And we are going to translate the other side as the etheric plane. Mark 4:35, And Jesus said to His disciples who were in the spiritual day, who are in the Mind of Christ, let us cross over the existing carnal mind. Let us step over our carnal mind, let us cover over our carnal mind, and enter into the etheric plane. You see, it is the carnal mind that is projecting this physical world. It is the Mind of Christ that projects the etheric plane which is in Christ Jesus, but we have to get over, we have to cover over our carnal mind to get into the etheric plane in Christ Jesus. That can be done. To get into the etheric plane with the carnal mind, but to be honest with you I don't know, oh yes, the Lord just told me. To get into the etheric plane with our carnal mind we have to cover over our conscious mind. You may recall we did a message called The Fifth Level of Consciousness and the Smoke Covered the Air where the Lord revealed that our carnal mind is the veil. The carnal mind is the veil. I'm sorry, the conscious mind is the veil that is covering over our subconscious mind.


I was talking about our spiritual virginity, but it must have been on a prior tape. The Fiery Serpent who is our spiritual virginity would like to pierce through our conscious mind and be our everyday mind, and when that happens, when your subconscious mind, the Fiery Serpent....our subconscious mind is always the Fiery Serpent. Either she is married to Christ Jesus or she is not married to Christ Jesus. When I say the Fiery Serpent and your subconscious mind that means she is not married to Christ Jesus, and she is ascending of her own accord, and she is in Satan's power. When I say Christ Jesus is your subconscious mind it is presupposed that the Fiery Serpent is bound underneath Him. She is our subconscious mind, she is either a virgin, she is either unmarried or she is married to Christ Jesus, or unfortunately for you if she is married to Leviathan. Every time the Fiery Serpent, our spiritual sexuality gets out from under the control of our personality and goes awhoring after Leviathan, if she makes contact with Leviathan she bites into him, they join with a bite, then if you are in Christ the Lord has to send somebody to break up that unholy union because when the Fiery Serpent joins with Leviathan Satan comes forth in great power. That union can be likened to atomic fusion. There is a discharge of energy in great power, and the name of that energy is Satan. I mentioned this on the other tape also. The New Agers and all of the Occult philosophers, well I don't know about all the Occult philosophers, but the New Age in particular and metaphysics talk about forces and powers and energies, but they insist that they are not personal, but according to the Scripture all of the energy sources are personal. Satan is personal, Christ is personal, and the Scripture gives them personal names, Leviathan, the Fiery Serpent, so we are definitely at odds with the New Age teaching from this point of view. The energy forces that make up this world are most definitely personal. They are superior beings. Beings that are superior to us mortals, but they are personal. Sin is a person just as salvation is a Person.


Our carnal mind....I did this very quickly today so I may have to revise some of these Scriptures, and I see now that when we are ascending in Christ Jesus, when we are going into the etheric plane in Christ Jesus the whole carnal mind is covered, but if you are into witchcraft and you are ascending into the etheric plane out of the Serpent's household it is the conscious mind that has to be covered. Just the conscious part of the carnal mind has to be covered so that your subconscious mind can come to the forefront and live through you and think through you and be you because, we, the personality and the body that the personality lives in are just the glove that covers the spiritual being within us. Now it should not be so strange to you to face the truth that there is a spiritual being called the Fiery Serpent within us. You have no problem believing that Jesus is in you, and no problem believing that the Holy Spirit is in you, and no problem believing that Christ Jesus is in you so why can't you believe that a demon is in you or that the Fiery Serpent is in you? So whoever is hearing this tape I just rebuke your denial, and I rebuke your fear because the truth will set you free. This is the truth of our being, and it is the truth of the scriptural phrase called the "ingathering." That scriptural word called the ingathering, the great convocation, is talking about Christ Jesus coming to reside in an individual man and gathering all of the particles of our spiritual being unto Himself, under His dominion. He's talking about synthesizing the whole man because we are dissolved. We are under the sea. We are dissolved, we are disintegrated, we are not synthesized. We are supposed to be one man. That's how we can be torn in two different directions, that's how we can have conflicting emotions, that's how our unconscious or our subconscious mind can be riddled with envy or evil thinking, and on the surface with our conscious mind and our mouth we could be saying sweet words. We are disintegrated. We are dissolved in Satan's sea. We are in dissolution, but we must be synthesized, we must be gathered unto a Head and synthesized into one complete man under Christ Jesus.


Brethren, this has a real application. If you are hearing this message, and you have ever lost control of your emotions this is what has happened to you. To what ever degree you are gathered into wholeness in Christ Jesus, when you lose it Satan has come in like a flood and dissolved the part of you that is synthesized and gathered unto Christ Jesus, and the more dissolved our spiritual being is the less stable we are, and the mental institutions are filled with people who are completely disintegrated. I should say who are severely dissolved into Satan's ocean. They can't get a hold of themselves, they can't pull themselves together, these are all worldly terms. They need a controller. You see, the word Lord means controller. All control is not evil. Control under Christ Jesus is good. Christ Jesus is our controller. He comes in and controls our negative principles, and He pulls them together, He gathers them together unto Himself in the right moral order which is signified by the sun clad woman in Revelation 12. She is a personality in the right order. Praise the Lord.


So, Jesus said to His disciples who are in the spiritual day. That's us brethren, and I fully believe that when the Lord brings forth a message like this spontaneously the message is for everybody hearing. The word is let us cross over to the other side. For years, I cried out and said, when, when, when, how much longer? We are not waiting for Him to do anything. He's been waiting for us for 2000 years. He's waiting for us to get there, and this is a very hard word. We were talking about this yesterday. Maybe there is something, I don't know, I am sure there is a lot I don't know, but according to the information that I have right now the way we cross over is to focus our mind more and more on the Doctrine of Christ. So how do you do this if you have a secular job? I don't know. I just know that all things are possible with Christ, but right now everyone that I see that's really entering in is putting large amounts of time into the Doctrine of Christ. That's the only way I know how to get in at this time. Maybe things will change. So all I can tell you is that if you are hearing this message please don't be discouraged. Just tell the Lord that you would like it too. I remember the day that I prayed that prayer. I was a widow with a child to raise, working full time, very sick, and I wanted God so bad. I didn't know how I would ever find the time to do it, and look at what He did with my life. Look at what He did with me. So all things are possible with Christ if you really want it, but to the best of my knowledge we enter in by thinking on the Kingdom of God more than we think on the things of this world, and that is the truth that will set you free. Now you have got it, and you have to do with it what you want to do with it. Let us enter in, let us cross over and enter into the etheric plane. Praise the Lord.


Verse 36, King James, And when they had sent away the multitude they took him even as he was in the ship, and there were also with him other little ships. Now I don't know about you, but I always had a visin of a whole bunch of little ships, all of them out there in their own ship. Then again when I read the account that the disciples saw Him walking on the water in another place I did not get the feeling that they were in individual ships. Brethren, they are not in individual....well, they are not in individual physical ships. The ship is Christ Jesus, you see. Anything that you see in the Scripture that has to do with water, ship or being a sailor, it has to do with the astral plane. The astral plane is the spiritual sea. Years ago when I was a new disciple I had a lot of dreams about ships on the ocean. They were always sailboats on the ocean with several men on them. I don't know if I can really see their sex, but there was nothing particularly feminine about them, with widely dilated, hollow eyes, horrible eyes of a person in hell, and they were just sailing on this ocean with this empty look in their lives. At the time I didn't know what it meant. Now I know what it means, that all of us in the etheric part of our being are adrift in the sea of the astral plane. Spiritually speaking, with no purpose in life. Now we know that there are many people in this world that have no purpose in life. Unfortunately, frequently they are drug addicts or alcoholics, people that have no purpose in life. That's horrible, but that is just a spiritual type, a physical type of the spiritual reality where everybody in this world, no matter how productive your life is in this world, if you are on the good side of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, spiritually speaking if you are not moving into Christ Jesus you are adrift on that sea with that vacant stare in your eyes, spiritually speaking that's where you are.


Our ship is Christ Jesus, and we discovered this in our study of Jonah. If we enter into the astral plane without Him we can be destroyed. People entering into the astral plane without Christ Jesus signifies witchcraft activity whether you are actually shaking rattles or lighting candles or you are just a person who is angry all the time and filled with envy, and we talk about that a lot. I call it social witchcraft, socially acceptable witchcraft. It is witchcraft to be angry all the time. Your mind goes forth to hurt people. Envy, envy is a high satanic activity. I am not saying that you know that you are doing it, but if it is manifesting in you, you are guilty of the sin of witchcraft, and you have to deal with it in Christ Jesus if you want to go on. This is why the hidden sins of our heart must be exposed so that we can deal with them because everybody has got everything. Not in the same measure, but everybody has got everything. We all have the potential for everything, so if we ascend in to the astral plane without Christ Jesus, especially if we are not a focused witch, if we are not....you know, the focused witches don't die so easily. I don't know how they study their discipline. When I say a focused witch I mean someone that's chanting and saying spells and practicing witchcraft. The people who die young frequently are the people who don't know that it is a spirit of witchcraft operating in them. The people who are rage-aholics and envy-aholics and cover it up with the whitewashing of the Pharisees and think that they are OK, frequently people that are very angry get sick, and frequently they die, and if they don't it will go on their children. That is the fruit of this kind of witchcraft.


So when you hear about a ship in the New Testament it is talking about Christ Jesus, and it is your spirit that's ascending into the astral plane in a ship. Your spirit is not ascending into the astral plane naked. You are in a diving suit. The Scripture calls it a ship, but the significance of the word ship is that it is your ability to enter into the astral plane which is the spiritual ocean without being destroyed. So it is a symbol. Christ Jesus is our ship. When Noah entered into the ark he entered into Christ Jesus. He entered into Christ Jesus as Satan covered the earth like a flood which is happening again today.


In Verse 36 I amplified Jesus. And when they had sent away, I suggest to you that Jesus is the one who sent away. Actually, I typed "sent away" in there, but I think the Alternate Translation that I chose was sent forth. I should really change that. I mean to write sent forth. That is a legitimate translation of the same Greek word, and in brackets there I have Noah, and that means the word "when" is not in the Greek, and we are going to leave it out of our translation. The word "multitude" we have established quite a while ago that this Greek word translated multitude is used in the Greek New Testament as it is used in the Hebrew testament, and in the Hebrew this word multitude signifies the spiritual people. If you do a word study on the word multitude you will find out that it is talking about vibration and movement, and it is talking about the spiritual people. For years, I thought that there were thousands of people following Jesus around. I no longer think that. I don't think there were thousands of people following Jesus around. I think the number such as 5000 men and women and children are all symbolic numbers. I haven't had time to translate all these Scriptures yet, but I have looked at them. I did look briefly at the Scripture where Jesus is said to be feeding the 5000, and there are baskets left over. The scriptural understanding wasn't anything like that, and I really don't know if it happened in the natural or not. Only the Lord knows. I'm called to do the spiritual message, but I really don't think there were 5000 people. How could they have possibly heard His voice? I used to think they heard Him in the spirit, but when I looked at the Interlinear Text it was the spiritual people who were following Him, and He was gathering them unto Himself, and they were ascending into the brow center.


That concept of the baskets, the 12 baskets, spiritually speaking it is talking about being gathered into the brow energy center. A basket means a woven work, and as we are gathered into the brow energy center the spiritual forces were woven together with the Spirit of Christ and Christ Jesus, our human spirit and our personality are woven together, and that is the basket. We become a basket which is a woven instrument that contains the Spirit of Christ. We become the basket that holds the bread which is the Word of God. To be honest with you I don't remember at the moment what the fishes stood for. I did a quick study on it, I never wrote it up, and I never preached it. The multitude that followed Jesus were the spiritual men of Israel, and, brethren, the same thing is happening today in the church. The people in the church who are spiritual are following Jesus. I don't know how many are following Him in this hour. I know a lot of the spiritual people in the church today are following other prophets. The spiritual people in the church today are not content with the message in the church today because it is a carnal message, and if you do go into Pentecost you are allowed into preschool, and I am not knocking anybody, I am just telling you the truth. I was in Pentecost for a long time, I was in Pentecost for 5 years, and it changed my whole life. It blessed me so, but I graduated from Pentecost. If you are in Pentecost you can speak in tongues, and you can prophesy in the church, and you can interpret and maybe you can cast out demons and lay hands if you are in a church where they let you do that, and maybe you can even heal a few people if the power of God manifests that way in you. That's all preschool.


So many who are spiritual in the church, out of frustration, have gone off before Christ has led them off, and they have fallen into a pattern of ascension that is not out of Christ Jesus. There are many deceived in the church today, but the door is open for the ascension in Christ Jesus. It is through the Doctrine of Christ, and the spiritual people in the church who are truly seeking the Lord with all of their heart will be led to the Doctrine of Christ. We may never meet many of these people. We don't know who is getting our material off the Internet. We may never meet. There may be people that we never meet. I don't know what the Lord is doing with other people in other parts of the world, but it is the spiritual people that will be drawn to this message. If you are not spiritual this message would be death unto you. I've seen people actually grimace it is so offensive to them, but the spiritual people can't get enough of it. How can there be such radically different reactions to this message. The answer is very simple. The carnal mind has one reaction to it, and the Mind of Christ has the exact opposite reaction to this message so by your reaction I know what mind you are in. Do I condemn you? Of course not, but I know why you are rejecting it. I know why you are afraid of it, and I know why you are running from it. Because Christ has not been formed in you yet. When Christ is formed in you, you will be hungry for it. You won't be able to get enough of it. I can't get enough of it. I can't get it fast enough.


So Jesus sent forth the multitude, those who were spiritual. That English word "took" is Strong's #3880, and it can be translated "to assume an office," and I am going to suggest to you that the Lord Jesus, after He invited the disciples to go over to the other side with Him, had to impute Christ to them. He gave them a temporary manifestation of Christ because you can't go over to the other side unless your carnal mind is covered, and the only one who can cover your carnal mind is Christ Jesus. So Jesus who was in perfection had the power or the strength to impart His spirit to the disciples to the degree that for this experience Christ was formed in them and covered over their carnal mind. So they assumed the same office that He had. He was Christ Jesus, and they assumed the office of Christ. Do you know that if you have Christ formed in you, you are an ambassador for the Kingdom of God? And do you know that if you have Leviathan formed in you powerfully, you are an ambassador for the kingdom of darkness? Do you know that whoever your Fiery Serpent is married to that entity that comes into existence and dwells in the heart center when your Fiery Serpent gets married, that is the ambassador for whoever you represent. There is an entity that comes into existence when your Fiery Serpent marries either Christ Jesus or Leviathan and integrates with the personality. An entity comes into existence that indwells the heart center. The name in the Kingdom of God is Adam. He dwells in the heart center, and if you are good or evil, you could be the best person of this world, but if you are mature spiritually and there is an entity indwelling your heart center and it is not Christ Jesus, the name of that entity is the Devil. So there are good devils and bad devils. Someone will call me up and say, what do you mean good devils and bad devils? Well, that is sort of a semi-sarcastic remark. I am just trying to make a point that we are the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, but our old man is called the Devil. Whether we are living out of the good side of that tree or the evil side of that tree our old man is called the Devil. That's who the Devil is. The entity which is the synthesis of our personality, our Fiery Serpent, our spiritual virginity, and the person that she marries, either Christ Jesus or Leviathan. If we marry Leviathan we are synthesized into and increased into the Devil. So you can be a good Devil or you can be a bad Devil, but you are still a Devil, and the Devil dies after a period of time.


So we see that the multitude, the spiritual ones, assumed the same office that the Lord Jesus had, and He was in the ship, and I am suggesting to you that the ship is Christ Jesus. Then the King James talks about little ships, but brethren you can see for yourself that the word ship at the top of page 5 and the Greek word "little ships" which is a couple of lines down is the same Greek word, Strong's #4143. Now I honestly don't know, I can't deal with the prefixes in the Greek, the Lord has not anointed me to do that so I don't know whether there is a qualifying prefix there. I am looking at the form of the verb in the transliterated text. The ending is a little different. The word "little ships" is ploia, and the word "ship" is ploioo so I honestly cannot tell you if that is a qualifying prefix or what it means, but I am telling you that it is the same Greek word. I want to suggest to you that each disciple was caught up into Christ Jesus which was temporarily formed in them because of the Lord Jesus Christ's imputation of His spirit to His disciples. Of course, the Scripture bears that out, the Scripture clearly says in another place that He gave them power to cast out devils and to heal the sick. Jesus distributed His power to the disciples. If He can distribute His power to cast out devils and heal the sick, could He not distribute His power to cover over your carnal mind so that you can have a temporary experience in the etheric plane with Him? Why not? Praise the Lord. And, of course, we hear about this. We have heard about it over the years with John Lake and Smith Wigglesworth. I think it was John Lake who traveled in the spirit all the time. John Lake had a powerful ministry, but I personally do not believe that the man manifested Christ Jesus. I believe he had the Holy Spirit. I think he had a highly developed manifestation of the Holy Spirit which is the branch of the Tree of Life, and you can have great spiritual experiences having the branch of the Tree of Life alone, but brethren, the man still died. If he had the root and the branch of the Tree of Life he would not have died, and to have the branch of the Tree of Life alone and high spiritual experiences or any spiritual experiences associated with the branch alone, to the best of my knowledge, I've never seen it any other way which doesn't mean it can't be, but I've never seen it any other way, usually does not affect your character. The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance.


I recently heard some very well-meaning preacher saying that, at least that was what I perceived what was being said, that if somebody is preaching and doing signs and wonders and they don't have the fruit that they are not legitimate, but brethren that is not true. I didn't have the fruit when I first started preaching. I know lots of preachers who are very anointed in the Holy Ghost that had no fruit at all, but I know it was the Holy Ghost because I got intense deliverance from that ministry that I have in mind right now. So it is true that you should look for the fruit, but you should not shun a ministry where there is no fruit so long as the Holy Spirit is manifesting there, and the Lord has witnessed to you that it is the Holy Spirit. There is a false Holy Spirit in the church today. Praise the Lord..


So we see that ship and little ships are both rendered from the same Greek word, and this is the Alternate Translation for Verse 36. And Jesus sent the spiritual ones forth into Christ, and they assumed the same office that Jesus had. And Christ in the disciples was gathered together with Christ Jesus within the man Jesus. And Jesus sent the spiritual ones forth into Christ. He sent their consciousness forth into Christ. Well, to send their consciousness forth into Christ your consciousness first has to rise out of your carnal mind. This was a supernatural work. It is the same kind of work that the Lord Jesus Christ did in John Lake. The man traveled, had fantastic experiences traveling in the spirit, but he still celebrated Christmas. Do I condemn you if you celebrate Christmas? No. But I am telling you, anyone that's moving in the high realm of the imparted life of Christ Jesus which involves a change of nature and a change of character they are not celebrating Christmas. I condemn you not if you are celebrating Christmas, but you need to know that you are not moving in a high place of the imparted anointing. And what is the imparted anointing? That is the anointing which changes your character. The imputed anointing, you can be very powerful in an imputed anointing. The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance. You can have great experiences and have great gifts, you can heal, you've got words of knowledge, you can have every visible thing that the man with the imputed anointing has, but the difference between the imparted and the imputed anointing is that the imputed anointing can depart from you. The branch of the tree, the tree tops, can only last so long without the root. So if you have been serving the Lord Jesus Christ, even if you have been serving Him for years, if you are very anointed in the Word of Knowledge, in healing, in casting out demons, whatever gifts you are manifesting, you had better understand that the Lord is seeking with all of His strength to graft the root of the tree to you because He wants to preserve you as His servant. He wants you to stay in the ministry that He has placed you in, and He wants you to increase, and He wants you to overcome your carnal mind, and He wants that branch, that anointing of power that He has given you, to be perfected so that it remains in the earth, and that it is not lifted up out of the earth.


Of course, it is ideal that the power and the gifts should go with the fruit of the spirit. That is the ideal, but John Lake did not have that in my opinion. So where ever God has you is legitimate. If you are where God wants you to be, you are legitimate, you are in right standing. I preach to give you a vision, and the vision for the whole church is that we should have more than the gifts which are the leaves of the tree, but we should have the fruit also when we get there, but, by all means, practice the gifts until you get the fruit, and don't shun the ministries that have only the gifts so long as the Lord witnesses to you that it is of Him, and that He is sending you there for however long He's sending you there. We are all in the process of being perfected, and we are all in different stages of perfection, and we can be blessed and benefitted by every person that has any measure of the anointing at all, and, in particular, if the Lord sends us to that person.


The Alternate Translation of Verse 36 is, And Jesus sent the spiritual ones forth into Christ. He raised up Christ in them, and when Christ arose in them they, the disciples, the spiritual ones, the personalities, assumed the same office that Jesus had. Jesus clearly said, you can equal to me, but you can't be greater than me, you will never be greater than me. When Christ is manifesting in you, and you are living out of Him you have a spiritual office, brethren, and for anybody hearing this message if Christ is in you and you are walking around in a false pride saying, I am nothing, and what right do I have, etc, etc, you are insulting the royalty that has now taken up residence within your being. You want to be careful to not overstep your place. You should be seeking instruction. If you are not you may be dealing with a spirit of pride. You should be seeking instruction as to how to recognize what you are legitimately called to do, and what you are not called to do, and to distinguish between the two that you might serve the Lord to the fullest of your potential. If Christ is in you He is royalty, and you are an ambassador for the Kingdom of God. If the Fiery Serpent is married to Leviathan and occupying your heart center, you are an ambassador for the kingdom of darkness, and if your heart center is not occupied you are not an ambassador. The average human being lives out of his belly. You are not spiritual royalty. Am I preaching elitism? No, everybody is called to their heart center. Come, come, let the whole world come, but until you get there, until you mature to the spiritual place where you have synthesized into an entity that occupies your heart center, and hopefully it is Christ Jesus, you are not spiritual royalty. If you are there, you are spiritual royalty. If you are not there yet, you are not. But come, let everybody come. You have to pay the same price that everybody else has paid. You have to tread the path.


Verse 37, King James translation, And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat against the ship so that it was now full. Well, the King James translation sounds like it was the ship that was full and needed to be bailed out, but I want to suggest to you, brethren, that first of all the ship is Christ Jesus. That which was filled up was the disciples. Jesus gave them a measure of His spirit that manifested as Christ in them and covered their carnal mind, and then the Spirit of Elijah that was in the man Jesus joined with the Christ that the man Jesus had formed in them. I should not even say the man Jesus. Christ Jesus in the man Jesus or the regenerated Adam in Jesus imputed a measure of His life to the disciples, and then the Spirit of Elijah in the man Jesus joined with that imputed Christ in the disciples and filled them up into the brow center. He perfected them temporarily. He filled them up. That's what it means to be filled up. It means you are filled up with a combination of the regenerated Adam which is Christ Jesus in you and the Spirit of Christ, not the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit of Christ. And you have received such an outpouring of energy between the two that your energy rises into the brow energy center. That's what it means to be filled up. "Fill my cup Lord, fill me up Lord," do you know what it means? I know what that song means. Fill me up with the power of your spirit, give me enough of your water Lord that I should rise into the brow energy center, that I might put my enemies under my feet and help everyone else who is not in this place, help them in righteousness. We are the cup, we are a basket, we are water spouts, we are the vessel that holds spirit. We, the personality.


Verse 37, the English word "there arose" as you can see is Strong's #1096. That can be legitimately translated "assembled." That is a scriptural principle that means synthesis. I've already talked about it on this message. The Greek word translated "storms," Strong's #2978, can be translated whirlwind, and you might recall that whirlwind is another word or a scriptural term for energy center. The whirlwind, a mass of whirling water, the energy center. The word wind, Strong's #417, is really talking about breath. It means to respire or air. I put down Jehovah, but it really should be Elohim. Praise the Lord. The breath of this creation is Elohim. I'm sorry. I think I did decide that it is Jehovah. I just corrected my correction. I think I made it Jehovah based on our discoveries in Jonah. Let's leave it Jehovah and see how it works up.


Now this is very interesting. The word waves, the Greek word translated waves, Strong's #2949, means to bend or to curve, and we have had some studies here, we have illustrations on how the Serpent's time line curves. It is a curved time line. How the Serpent's time line, the ascension of the Serpent, hits the heart center and bows over. This was the woman who was bowed over for all those years that Jesus healed. I don't know whether she was physically bowed over or not, but I know that she was spiritually bowed over, that as her spirit tried to ascend beyond the belly, beyond the third energy center and ascend up into a place of dominion over her carnal mind which is the brow energy center, the place between the eyebrows that is mentioned in the Old Testament, and we also did find it in the New Testament in once place, and if you want to look it up in your concordance it is under the word "brow." You can look for it, it is in the New Testament.


This woman, this daughter of Israel, every time she tried to ascend past the belly Satan bowed her over or curved her over, and bent her ascension into a circle that led her right back down to the root energy center, and she just traveled that circle for all of her days until Jesus broke her bondage, and He broke that wall. She could not get through that wall. It is just like if you have ever seen a lake frozen over in the winter time. It is not happening so much any more because of global warming, but it used to be especially in the northern states of this country in very cold weather that the lake would ice over, and you could have ice several inches thick, and if somebody fell into the ice....every once in a while a child would fall into the ice, they would be skating on that ice when he should not have been, and would get to a thin place and fall under the ice and if he would float away from the hole that he fell through he would drown because he could not break through the ice. There was an unbreakable ceiling over him, and the only way that he could come out from under the water would be if he found that hole that he fell through. In the history of this country people have died. I guess overseas, too, in Europe where it is cold, people have died that way. They fall in under the ice, and they cannot find the opening to get back out of. That's what it was like for this woman who was bowed over. Every time she tried to ascend out of the third energy center which is her belly she would hit that solid wall. She could not pierce through into the heart center, and as she kept hitting that solid wall she would just bounce around and curve around and curve down into the Serpent's time line, and just go around and round and round in the Serpent's circle, and Jesus came and straightened her out. He broke that hard clod of earth that she could not get through, and she stood up straight and ascended. I don't know how high she ascended. If there is any more information about her I don't know about it, but I know that He broke the bondage that would not let her into her heart center.


And as I've told you many times we must be in our heart center to experience spiritual ascension. Spiritual ascension is for the spiritual people, and if you are a spiritual person you are in your heart center. Now should you be discouraged if you are hearing this message? No, just tell the Lord that you want to get into your heart center. If you are not spiritual, tell Him that you want to be spiritual. All things are possible with Christ. Don't go into self-pity and fear. So it is harder for some people than others. Academics is harder for some people than others. Some people have photographic memories, and they just fly through their PhD. Others have to work like the dickens just to get a college diploma. People are just different, but all things are possible with Christ. You have to admit that you can't do it and ask Him to help you, and then do your part, and you will make it. He wants you, He wants you. He doesn't care how weak you are. He wants you to prefer Him, and when you prefer Him He will reach for you, but you have to recognize His hand when it comes. Sometimes He sends Himself in the form of a man to help you, and your blindness turns that man away, and then your carnal mind tells you that Jesus did not answer your prayers. So be careful to rebuke your pride and punish your pride on a regular basis, and ask the Lord to open your eyes and let you see His hand when that hand manifests towards you. Praise the Lord.


So we see the waves....first of all waves refer to the sea, and we know that Satan is the sea, and I've had a revelation for quite a while that the waves are the part of Satan's sea that manifests in human beings, but here we see that the word waves means to bend or curve. So we are talking about human beings that are ascended in Satan's time line, in the Serpent's time line. The word " beat," Strong's #1911, can be translated " to belong to." We are amplifying the word "entered." We have the word "into," and we are going to say "entered into." Down on the next line we see the ship again. That is Christ Jesus, and the word "full," Strong's #1072, can be translated "to fill entirely." On the next line once again, that word "it" is Strong's #4143, and the Greek word for ship is #4143. The King James translators translated "it" as "it," but the word is ship.


Alternate Translation, Verse 37, And Elijah appeared in the great energy center. And that great energy center, I don't know, I could be the 7th or the 6th, but I put down the 7th energy center. I tend to get confused as to which center to use, but for the time being I am saying that the great energy center is the 7th one. I may change it to the 6th by the time I put this in the Alternate Translation. And Elijah appeared in the great energy center of Jesus, the One who belonged to Elohim's spirit. That word "spirit" is a translation of wind. I see it switched it back to Elohim. I don't know whether I will make it Elohim or Jehovah, but we will just let it go for now. And Elijah appeared in the great energy center of Jesus, the One who belonged to....I guess it really should be Jehovah's spirit. Jehovah's spirit. And Elijah who was the manifestation of Jehovah's spirit to the man Jesus, and Elijah filled Christ in the disciples to completion, and the disciples ascended into their brow energy center, and the disciples ascended into their brow energy center.


I was really rushing with this, and I am not really sure where that bracket should go, and I think maybe the ascended should be "entered." I think that is the word we used. And Elijah appeared in the great energy center of the man Jesus, the One who belonged to Jehovah's spirit, and Elijah filled Christ in the disciples to completion, and the disciples entered into their brow energy center. When you are completed that's where you abide, in your brow energy center.


Verse 38, And He was in the hinder part of the ship asleep on a pillow, and they awake him and say unto him, master, carest thou not that we perish? As I pointed out earlier, the Scripture does not say Jesus was sleeping anywhere. On the contrary, I don't know that I have seen it in the New Testament, but the Old Testament says in several places that the God of Israel does not slumber or sleep. God doesn't sleep, and men who are in perfection in Christ Jesus do not sleep. We did a study on that a couple of years ago on the slumber and sleep, and I looked at every Scripture that talks about slumbering and sleeping, and it is always the Serpent's household that sleeps. It is the Fiery Serpent within us that slumbers and sleeps. At the moment I don't recall the difference between the two words, but the household of God does neither. Well, what does it mean to sleep? It means to be in the astral plane. It means for the Serpent to be dead to the mental plane of God. Even when we had some Scriptures on a recent message in Samson and Delilah where we translated something in 1 Thessalonians that says, both when He is awake and when He's sleeping....I can't remember the rest of it, the Lord Jesus is alert and fully in the Mind of Christ whether He's in the astral plane or whether He's in the mental plane of Christ Jesus. He is still in the Mind of Christ. Everybody else, when they go into the astral plane, they did to the world that they come from. I've talked about this quite a bit tonight. When we sleep we did to this physical world, and we wake up in the astral plane, but we don't remember it because our brain is sleeping. But when Christ Jesus enters into the astral plane He does not die to the mental plane of Christ Jesus. He is awake in the astral plane. He does not go to sleep to the mental plane of Christ Jesus. He's in heaven and earth at the same time or He's in heaven and the sea at the same time. Christ Jesus never leaves heaven. He is never dead to the mental plane of God. He is, therefore, awake and asleep at the same time.


I suggest to you that it is Satan who is in the hinder part of the ship. First of all I perceived it was Satan, and then the witness that the Lord gave me is that the Greek word translated "hinder part," Strong's 4403, is a feminine word. The hinder part of the ship is talking about the unconscious part of the individual that Christ Jesus was raised up in. It is talking about the individual disciple. When Christ Jesus was imputed to that disciple Satan, the unconscious part of the carnal mind of that disciple, was covered over by Christ Jesus. That is what this verse is saying. Praise the Lord.


The English word "in" and "on" we are translating "above." That's the word that means above. The word "pillow," I looked at that word pillow, and it really directed me to a study in Ezekiel where Ezekiel talks about sewing pillows to the armholes of God's people, and the meaning of the word pillow is different in the Old Testament than in the New Testament, and I have chosen to take the translation of the Old Testament or the meaning of the Old Testament word pillow. Now in the Greek the word pillow merely means something you rest your head on, but in the Old Testament the significance of the word pillow is that it is the outer covering that's stuffed, the outer covering that is filled with goose down or foam rubber or whatever, and we, the personality, are the outer covering. So I am taking the Old Testament usage of the word pillow. The word "sleep" means astral plane. The word awake, Strong's 1453, can be taken spiritually to mean "to awaken from disease and death." That Old Testament meaning for pillow is something covered. When we arise out of our carnal mind, and we start living out of our Christ mind, it is a process, but we have already begun to die to the lifestyle of the Fiery Serpent, and we begin to awake to the world of Christ Jesus. Right now, I am largely in this world, but my mind is largely in the Kingdom of God . The day will come that my whole personality will catapult into the Kingdom of God, and this experience is available to all of you. We were talking about it off of the tape. Of course this change of position, this change of position has to do with the placement of our consciousness. As our consciousness ascends we migrate from one spiritual world to another spiritual world.


In the next row I haven't made any changes except that I did translate the word "master" to teacher, and I see that I did not write that in there. The word "not" is a negative particle which we will translate Satan, and the Greek word translated "carryest," Strong's #3199, I looked in Thayer's lexicon and in Strong's and the word means to be concerned with, that something should matter to you. To me, I don't really know what happened to the Greek text, but this word is much too weak for the significance of the verse. I suggest to you that the significance of the verse is that the disciples, when they died to their carnal mind, when their eyes closed to their carnal mind and their minds opened in the Mind of Christ, and they saw the truth of their own condition they said to their teacher, Jesus, Satan wants to kill us, Satan is concerned about fully destroying us, and the word "perish" means to fully destroy. Satan wants to kill us.


Brethren, even the people in the church, even the people that listen to this message frequently lose sight of the fact that Satan, everyday, wants to kill you. If you are not in a war everyday it means that your eyes are closed to the truth of what is happening in your life. Do I condemn you? No. I am just telling you your condition. Should you be unhappy everyday? No. I can be happy while I am aware that Satan would kill me in a moment if she could. People that live in a physical warfare zone, I've seen movies of....in particular, the movie that I have in mind was about the day that Israel was being born, that warfare for independence of Israel after World War II, and in they were fighting and shooting, and at night they would withdraw to their camps and have singing and dancing. You don't have to be walking around morbid to know the truth that Satan will kill you in a heart beat if she can do it, and I am not necessarily talking about physical death, although she would do that if she could if she has, but she is seeking to kill Christ Jesus in you, and when the scripture says that Satan is looking to kill you, Brethren the only life we have is Christ Jesus. You can be dead and still walking around on your two feet. If Satan kills Christ Jesus you are dead, and you don't even know it because your physical body is alive. Satan is seeking to kill Christ in you every second of every minute of every day, and where does Satan arise? She arises in the minds of your wife, your husband, your children, your friends, your employer, and your loved ones. Every time Satan defeats Christ in you she kills Him, but of course the Lord Jesus raises Him from the dead. If you are living an existence where you do not see this happening you are at a severe disadvantage, and you are blind. You are blind if you don't see this happening all the time. Satan rising in your own mind to kill Christ in you, and Satan rising in the clerk at the Post Office, in the clerk in the supermarket, everybody who tries to take authority over you and to seduce you to do something other than Christ Jesus has told you to do, whether it is something that Christ Jesus had told you personally, or whether it is an instruction that you have received from the head of a ministry when you go out and you choose to obey the person who has not given you the instruction over the instruction that you received Satan in that person has killed Christ in you at that moment. Everyday, if you are standing in the line at the supermarket and you know that something is right and the clerk tries to tell you that something is wrong and you believe it instead of believing what you know to be true in your own heart, Satan has killed Christ in you. Every time someone seduces you to agree with a thought that you really would not have agreed with if you weren't under their influence, Satan has killed Christ in you. Every time you are controlled, Satan has killed Christ in you because Christ is supposed to be our only controller. Do I condemn you? Of course not. This is a wake up call. Wake up, wake up, wake up. It is real. Satan is very concerned about destroying you completely.


I think the Lord just gave me some insight into why this is such a weak word "concerned," and I think this has to be amplified. I said Satan is very concerned about Christ rising in you and, therefore, desires to destroy Him fully. Satan is concerned about Christ rising in you. There are words missing there. "And seeks to destroy Him fully." Isn't that interesting. Praise the Lord.


Alternate Translation, Mark 4:38, And Satan was behind the disciples because Christ Jesus covered the astral plane. Satan was in the back. It was Satan that was in the back because Christ Jesus covered the astral plane and Satan is the astral plane. She was pushed to the back of the disciples mind. She was all the way in the back under Christ Jesus, and when Satan was all the way in the back the disciples awoke from the death of their carnal mind and said to Jesus, their teacher, Satan is very concerned that Christ Jesus is covering her over, and she fully intends to destroy us. At this point they are Christ Jesus. Satan is very concerned that Christ Jesus is covering her, and she fully intends to destroy us. Praise the Lord.


Verse 39, King James, And he arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, peace, be still, and the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. I suggest to you that this is Christ Jesus who arose and fully awoke. The Greek word translated "arose" can be translated "to be fully awake." The word "rebuke" can be translated "restrained," and we know that Christ Jesus is our controller or restrainer. I have the wind down as Elohim, but it is Jehovah. The wind is the spirit of Jehovah. I don't know, I have to pray about that, I keep going back and forth. And the wind, and the spirit, said unto the sea....now I know Jehovah doesn't speak to Satan. Jehovah usually speaks by Elohim. I have to find out how the Lord wants me to translate that. I will just leave it Jehovah for the time being. And Jehovah said unto the sea which is Satan, peace, Strong's #4623. Now this peace really means silence, and it means involuntary silence. That means Jesus shut Satan's mouth. Now this is talking about spiritual speech, Brethren. You may recall that Satan, even when she is under Christ Jesus, which is just another way is saying is she in the bottomless pit, Revelation 20 I believe, and an angel appeared with a great chain, and he cast it around that great dragon and cast her down into the bottomless pit and put a seal over it. That's what this is talking about. Christ Jesus is covering over the astral plane. She is down in that pit. She is under that ice and can't get out. She can't get back into the heart center. So Jesus spoke to the sea. The spirit spoke to the sea. I guess it really had to be Elohim. And Elohim which is really talking about the Spirit of Elijah said unto the sea....OK, Christ Jesus rose in the disciples. I am sorry I am confusing you like this, let's just leave it. Christ Jesus arose and fully awoke restrained Satan within the individual. OK, I've got it. Sorry about this.


Christ Jesus fully awoke in the disciples. This is talking about you and me, brethren. When Christ Jesus fully awakes in us He will restrain Satan in us. Christ Jesus is not fully awakened in me, but He restrains Satan in me a lot of the time, not all of the time, but one of the functions of Christ Jesus is that He arises in you to restrain your carnal mind. He is the controller, and He is arising in you to control your carnal mind, and then do great things through your personality. So Christ Jesus fully arose in the disciples. Now remember, Jesus or the regenerated Adam in Jesus imputed Christ, not Christ Jesus, to the disciples. Then the Spirit of Elijah rose up and joined with that Christ, and He increased into Christ Jesus, and when Christ Jesus fully awoke in the disciples the Spirit of Elijah, the spirit, the wind, arose in the man Jesus and said to Satan in the disciples. Now, brethren, hear this. The disciples got that seed. They got that measure of Christ, and as soon as they fully awoke, as soon as they understood what I've been preaching here to you for years that you have got to restrain Satan and Leviathan before she kills you. As soon as they understood this message they started restraining Satan and Leviathan in themselves, and as soon as that happened the Spirit of Elijah in Jesus rose up and silenced Satan. That's what is going to happen to you when you do your part. Your part is to restrain Satan to the fullest degree that you can, to the fullest degree of your strength. If she is overcoming you everyday Jesus knows if you are restraining her to the fullest degree that you can, and when you are doing this to the fullest degree that you can the Spirit of Christ, today it is the Spirit of Christ, will rise up and silence her. I am not even talking on a permanent basis, brethren, I'm talking about day-to-day. We wrestle with Satan day-to-day, and if you are in the middle of a big trial where Satan is overcoming you, where there is sickness in your life, where there are financial problems in your life, where there is emotional distress in your life, and you are doing all that you can and you cry out, Jesus, I just don't know how what to do any more, the Spirit of Christ will rise up and silence the sea when you have done all you can do in every given situation, and eventually it will happen on a permanent basis. I believe it happened today. I told you that there was a big outpouring as I studied this message, and I don't even know how it is going to manifest yet. I just know there have been a lot of problems for several people in the ministry, and the Spirit of Christ rose up today, and He brought deliverance in the mental plane of God. We will have to see how it is going to manifest now. He did a great work today.


So the Greek word translated "peace" means involuntary silence. I started talking to you about Satan's speech. Remember, Satan, even though she is down in the bottomless pit when she rattles her tail, and that is just an allegory, I am likening her to a rattle snake, when Satan vibrates in our personality she marks the earth of our personality and this is what sin is. When she marks our earth she engraves us with her nature, so it is not enough to lock Satan in the bottomless pit. She must be restrained from vibrating at all. She must be completely silenced. She just stop moving. That's what this word "peace" means, involuntary silence. Satan, you will no longer rattle your tail, you will not vibrate, and you will not mark the earth of this personality. The word "be still," Strong's #5392, means to muzzle. You will not speak, you will not whisper into the heart of these people who have been doing everything they can to restrain you, you will not tempt them, neither will you eat false doctrine any longer, you will not mark the earth, you will not speak spiritual speech, you will not mark the earth of the personality, you will eat false doctrine no longer, and you will not engrave your nature on these disciples any longer.


Then the King James says, and ceased. It sounds like the wind ceased, but this word "ceased" means to relax which means limp. It is Strong's #2869, and I want to suggest to you that it is the Fiery Serpent that went limp because we had almost the same exact word recently in our Samson and Delilah series. When Jesus said to the storm, you will not eat false doctrine and you will not vibrate any more, what happened? I mentioned it earlier on this tape. Brethren, Satan is generated in great power when the Fiery Serpent is in synthesis with Leviathan. The way Jesus stopped this great manifestation of Satan, He had to do it by pulling the Fiery Serpent away from Leviathan, and this muzzle is not even about false doctrine. Brethren, I told you that Leviathan and the Fiery Serpent are joined by a bite when they get close enough to each other. The Fiery Serpent bites into Leviathan, and that is how they are joined to each other. Well, if the Fiery Serpent has a muzzle on she can't be biting into Leviathan. So Jesus has muzzled the Fiery Serpent to stop Satan from talking. The Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of Elijah has pulled apart the Fiery Serpent and Leviathan and taken action, putting a muzzle on the Fiery Serpent, which makes it impossible for them to come together again, and He has silenced Satan.


Then we have the wind again which I can't decide whether it is Jehovah or Elohim. I guess it has to be Elohim because it is the Spirit of Elijah in Jesus. And there was a great calm, and the word "calm," Strong's #1055, means to be motionless, and that is referring to Satan's vibration. When Satan stops vibrating at a very high energy peak she became motionless, and, brethren, the higher you are ascended in the energy centers the most rapidly the spirit vibrates whether it is the Spirit of Christ or whether it is the spirit of Satan. The higher that she is ascended the more rapidly she vibrates. So for Satan to be all whipped up she has to be ascended into at least the brow energy center, and when she ascends into the brow energy center she becomes the vampire bat. She can only do that when the Fiery Serpent has bitten into Leviathan and synthesized with her. Praise the Lord.


Alternate Translation, Mark 4:39, And when the disciples were fully awake to the Mind of Christ, Elijah, Elohim's spirit, restrained Satan within them saying, be muzzled and be mute. Well, Satan is the one that's going to be mute, and the Fiery Serpent is going to be muzzled. When the disciples were fully awake to the Mind of Christ, Elijah, Elohim's spirit, retrained Satan within them saying, be mute and muzzled the Fiery Serpent. Well that has to come first. And when the disciples were fully awake to the Mind of Christ Elijah, Elohim's spirit, muzzled the Fiery Serpent and restrained Satan, saying be mute, and the Fiery Serpent became limp, and this is how Elijah, Elohim's spirit, made Satan that mighty sea motionless. Isn't that interesting. He muzzled the Fiery Serpent and restrained Satan and that great sea became limp.


Verse 40, King James Translation, And He said unto them, why are ye so fearful, how is it that you have no faith? I want to suggest to you that this is not a question. I know the King James and even the Interlinear Text makes it sound like a question, but we know that the Interlinear Text has been gone over many times by many difference scribes. I suggest to you that it is not a question. It is saying, the ones who are fearful. The Greek word translated "why" can be translated "the ones who are fearful," and the Greek word translated "are ye," Strong's #2075, is "belong to." "Have no" is a negative particle, and we are translating it Leviathan, and the word "faith" we are translating Christ. He is our faith. And Jesus said to them, the disciples who belong to Leviathan are fearful until Christ covers her. Brethren, we know fear is not of God. Well, if you are fearful it is because you belong to Leviathan. What does it mean to belong to Leviathan? It means that you are engaged in an on-going spiritual adultery with her. Don't shut off the tape. If it weren't true you wouldn't be aging and getting sick and dying.


And Jesus said to them, the disciples who belong to Leviathan are fearful. This is a positive verse. Until Christ covers her. Christ has to cover your carnal mind. Brethren, if you have any fear about anything that I have preached today or preach at any time it is because you are living out of your carnal mind. When Christ Jesus covers your carnal mind you won't have any fear. There is no fear in Christ. As soon as you perceive fear you have to rebuke it, and push it down under.


Verse 41, And they feared exceedingly and said one to another, what matter of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey Him? These verses probably have to be interspersed. Verse 41 probably goes before 40. The word "feared" can be translated "in awe." This word "they feared " is two Greek words, #5399, which can be translated "in awe" and #5401 which means "feared," and it is translated in the King James "they feared." So that second word really isn't translated. They were in awe of their great fright. I suggest to you that Jesus revealed and exposed fear in the disciples, and that they didn't even know that they were afraid. They were in awe of the great fright that they recognized in themselves, and they said, Strong's #4314, can be translated "near," the ones who are near to one another, the ones who are in the Mind of Christ, they said. The word "what" we will translate "who," and the "manner of man," really does not say man in the Greek, but the word means conclusion. The word "said" implies that they spoke from their carnal mind. The wind, once again, we are translating " the Spirit of Elijah". So far, I have said Jehovah, Elohim, and the Spirit of Elijah. Of course, they are all the same. I just have to find out how I am going to translate it. (End of Tape 1)




The word "sea" we are translating "Satan," and the Greek word translated "obey," Strong's #5219, can be translated "to conform to." I want to suggest to you that what the disciples are saying is that this man Jesus, both Satan and the Spirit of Elijah conforms to Him. In other words, not that He controls the Spirit of Elijah, but the Spirit of Elijah, and in our dispensation it would be the Spirit of Christ, honors His every prayer. It is the same thing where the scripture says with regard to Samuel, every word that he says was fulfilled. Not one of his words dropped to the ground. Everything he prayed the Lord honored. Everything that Jesus prayed the Spirit of Elijah conformed to, not because He was forced to, but because He chose to because Jesus was a righteous man. Every righteous prayer that we pray the Spirit of Christ conforms to. I believe that with all of my heart, and what is a righteous prayer? A prayer that is made out of a righteous motive, and that precludes every prayer that has your own self-interest at heart. Do I say you are bad if you pray a prayer that has your own self-interest at heart? No. You are praying for a husband and you are praying for money, you are praying for overtime, you are praying for a house, you are praying for a car, you are praying for a child, are you bad? No. What I am telling you is that Jesus may answer your prayer, and He may not answer your prayer, but if you are praying for the Kingdom of God to come He's going to answer your prayer. When your prayer lines up with what Jesus Christ would pray your prayer will be answered. That's what a righteous prayer is. It is talking about motive. When the prayer that you pray arises out of Christ or Christ Jesus in you it is, therefore, the same prayer that the glorified Jesus Christ would pray, the glorified Jesus Christ brings to pass what is His own prayer, His own will. Well, how can you pray what the Lord Jesus Christ wants to come to pass if you don't know what He wants to come to pass? And how could you even have the slightest idea of what the Lord Jesus Christ would like to bring to pass if you don't understand what His desires are, what His plans are, what His preferences are, what His priorities are? How could you ever know? You cannot. And the Lord's preferences, priorities, and goals are demonstrated and fully laid out in the Doctrine of Christ. If you don't have an understanding of the Doctrine of Christ you may be one of the people in the church who thinks that Jesus wants what you want or that Jesus wants your carnal understanding of the scripture, and you are doomed to disappointment. Those people who pray out of their carnal mind are doomed to disappointment, and the chances are like 99% that you will think that the Lord Jesus has abandoned you. He has not abandoned you, brethren. Everything in our life is a power play. Either you will conform to Him or He will conform to you, and I'll tell you right now, save yourself some trouble, He's not going to conform to you. So if you want the blessings of God on your life you must conform to Him, and to conform to Him you must find out what He is doing, what He desires of you, what He intends to do through you, and how He wants you to relate to other people and to every problem in your life. You want the victory? You want a quick victory? Do what He would do in every given circumstance. If you don't know you could always ask Him, and if you don't hear from Him you can ask His prophet, if you could find a prophet, a true prophet, one who has the wisdom of God. Praise the Lord.


Alternate Translation, Mark 4:41, And the disciples were amazed when they found out how fearful they really were, and the disciples who were near to their Christ mind drew the conclusion that both Elijah, Elohim's spirit, and Satan did whatever Jesus asked them to do. Because we see that one of the fruits of this whole encounter was that fear was revealed in the disciples, and fear is a manifestation of pride. Brethren, as you draw near to the Lord He's exposing pride in you. Pride is the foundation of the mortal man. Everybody has it. You would not be alive if you didn't have pride. Everybody is laced with pride, and as you draw closer to the Lord Jesus Christ you can expect to have pride revealed in you because it is only pride that makes you think a thought that is apart from the thought of God, and brethren, if every thought that you think lined up with the thoughts of Jesus Christ you would not be in the condition that you are in. So it is only pride that makes you think that you are walking hand-in-hand with Jesus when you are miles and miles apart in your thinking. Don't be deceived into thinking that because the Holy Spirit is active in your life that that means that your thinking the thoughts of Jesus. The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance. The Holy Spirit is given without repentance or with a general repentance. You are not required to have specific repentance to receive the Holy Spirit. You are not required to have the pride of your heart revealed to receive the Holy Spirit.


And the disciples were amazed when they found out how fearful they really were or how much pride they really had or how faithless they really were. The disciples were amazed to find out the degree to which they lived out of their carnal mind. That's what this is saying. And the disciples who were near to their Christ mind drew the conclusion that both Elijah, Elohim's spirit, and Satan did what the man Jesus asked them to do. Of course, the implication is that Satan and the Spirit of Elijah did not do it for them. This is just another witness to the ?, how come we couldn't cast out that spirit Master? What was your motive for casting it out? Were you trying to cast it out of your carnal mind? Or your Christ mind?


Recap Mark Chapter 4, Verses 35-41, And Jesus said to His disciples who were in the spiritual day, let us cross over the existing carnal mind and enter into the etheric plane, and Jesus sent the spiritual ones forth into Christ, and they assumed the same office that Jesus had, and Christ in the disciples was gathered together with Christ Jesus or actually with Adam. And Christ in the disciples was gathered together with the regenerated Adam in the man Jesus. And Elijah appeared in the great energy center of Jesus, the one who belonged to Elohim's spirit, and Elijah filled Christ in the disciples to completion, and the disciples ascended into their brow energy center. And Satan was behind the disciples because Christ Jesus covered the astral plane, and the disciples awoke from the death of their carnal mind and said to Jesus, their teacher, Satan fully intends to destroy us. And when the disciples were fully awake to the Mind of Christ Elijah, Elohim's spirit, muzzled the Fiery Serpent and restrained Satan within them saying, be mute, be completely silent, and the Fiery Serpent became limp. And this is how Elijah, Elohim's spirit, made Satan, that mighty sea, motionless. And Jesus said to them, the disciples who belong to Leviathan are fearful until Christ covers her, and the disciples were amazed when they found out how fearful they really were or how faithless they really were or the degree to which they were in their carnal mind. And the disciples who were near to their Christ mind drew the conclusion that both Elijah, Elohim's spirit, and Satan did what Jesus asked them to. Now the ones who were not near to their Christ mind, the ones who were near to the carnal mind, did not draw that conclusion. The ones who were near to their carnal mind must have thought evil in some measure of the man Jesus.


Brethren, this is the end of Chapter 4, but Chapter 5 of the book of Mark then goes on to say or to talk about the experiences of the disciples as they enter into the etheric plane. This whole account of Mark 4:35-41 is talking about the preparation that the disciples had to experience to enter into the etheric plane. Jesus said to them, to those who were in the day, let us cross over to the etheric plane, and then they had all of these experiences with Satan and with the Spirit of Elijah. We don't know how long it took, but, of course, we know that Jesus' ministry was only three years. Of course, it is taking a lot longer now because as, far as I know, there is no one around with the strength that Jesus Christ had. But these experiences


are going on today. We are having experiences with Satan, we are having experiences with Christ Jesus, we are having experiences with the Spirit of Christ, and this is what I was telling you off the tape earlier. We are just not sitting here listening to some nice story. Everything that we do here is preparation for crossing over into the etheric plane, and if you want to know what is going to happen when we cross over into the etheric plane you will have to come back on Sunday when we start to translate Mark Chapter 5, and I believe we will go through Verse 20. That is an account of what happens after the disciples and Jesus cross over into the etheric plane, and basically what happens is that they set a Pharisee free. You heard about the Gadarene demoniac in the tombs. Well, brethren, that Greek word translated tomb is the same Greek word that Jesus used when He told the Pharisees that they were walking seculars. They set a Pharisee free, brethren. That what they did. The Gadarene demoniac in which Adam was regenerated, but yet not strong enough to overcome the carnal mind which was fierce. This Pharisee needed the help of the collective Christ Jesus in the disciples that went over into the etheric plane. Adam was fully regenerated, and He did not have the strength to overcome the carnal mind in that man.


I've told you before that that whole account of Peter and Ananias had nothing whatsoever to do with the selling of physical land. All of those disciples were coming to Peter who had ascended into his brow energy center, and they were coming to him asking him to use his spiritual strength to put their carnal mind under the Christ that was already formed in them. Christ is formed in us. I can't believe He's not formed in you. I know He's formed in you. You would not be under judgment if He wasn't formed in you. I know He's formed in me. How could I be preaching this message if He's not formed in me? Why am I not in perfection? Because the Christ Jesus in me has not yet fully covered my carnal mind. So it is not enough to have Christ formed in you. He has to ascend above your carnal mind and cover her, and she is fighting every step of the way. I don't know about you, but I am really excited because I know when Jesus gives us a message like this especially since it was a spontaneous message, I had no intention of doing it, that this is a message to us. It is a personal message to this fellowship, and to everyone who hears this tape that the Lord makes it real to He's saying to us, let us go over to the other side. I am very excited at the thought of having this kind of a spiritual experience.


Praise the Lord, we have finished our study on Jesus, the Pillow and the Boat which is an Alternate Translation of Mark Chapter 4, Verses 35-41. The very next verse which begins Mark Chapter 5, Verses 1-20 is an account of the experience that Jesus and the disciples had after they arrived on the other side of the astral plane which is the etheric plane, and I have decided to make our study in Mark Chapter 5, Verses 1-20 a new number, a new message number so if you have listened to this tape, and you would like to follow through on this study I refer you to message #494, Gadara, The Other Side of the Astral Plane. (End of Tape 2)


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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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