480 - Part 9
(Judges, Chapter 16)




Part 9 of 19 Parts 

The Following Message Has Been Transcribed For
Clarity, Continuity Of Thought, And Punctuation By
 The LEM Transcribing & Editing Team.


 Praise the Lord, this is the beginning of the exhortation that is based upon the alternate translation of Judges chapter 16, which is the foundation of our series, Samson & Delilah. We are going to review the spiritual principles that are manifested through these alternate translations. I'm going to make them as clear to you as I can, and the last two pages of your notes are an outline of the spiritual principles by verse, that we see in alternate translation, and we see that the first, tonight, if we complete our notes, we have the first ten verses, there is an interspersion, so the verses do go six, ten, seven, eight, and actually, they go five, nine, six, ten, seven, eight. I don't know if we'll get through all of these verses tonight. It depends on how the Lord leads me to expound on the spiritual principles that we see in the alternate translation. And this first ten verses of chapter 16, I suggest to you, are an overview of Judges chapter 16. This is an expression of one of the literary styles in the Bible, where the beginning verses are an overview, they tell you the whole story, but not in detail, and then after the overview is completed, the story begins again in more depth. This is typical style of the Scripture. So the first ten verses are the overview of what we're dealing with in Judges chapter 16, which I believe is thirty verses. So that means we have twenty verses after the overview, which reveal, or unveil the details that we read about in the first ten verses.


Verse 1 tells us about Samson's conversion, and everything that I read tonight will be the ultimate translation, we're not dealing with the King James tonight. "And Adam within Samson, saw the adulterous woman within Samson's third energy center, the lair of the fiery serpent, the wild beast within Samson, and Adam within Samson attacked the fiery serpent and Samson died to the fiery serpent's lifestyle.


So we see that the spirit of Elijah is raising Adam from the dead in the man Samson, or regenerating Adam in the man Samson, and this is the context of verse 1, because unless and until Samson is raised up into a position of high spiritual power, there is no subsequent story, because the whole account of Samson & Delilah, has to do with a supernaturally ascended man who is ascended by the power of Jehovah's spirit which is manifested to Samson as the Spirit of Elijah, or at least I'm calling it the spirit of Elijah. I have to go over this, I think this came out in the last message that I'm not really sure that Elijah existed at this time, and I think that the Lord is telling me, that he did not. So I'm going to have to go back and make all of these changes. If we are, historically speaking, if we are before Elijah's time, can anyone tell us the name of Jehovah's household who is manifesting in the role of spirit? The regenerated Adam always has a spirit within him.


Here in the New Testament okay, we have Christ Jesus and the spirit within Christ Jesus, does anyone know the name of the spirit that's always present with Christ Jesus? The Spirit of Christ is always present with Christ Jesus. And in the Old Testament, can anyone tell us the name of the Spirit that's always with Adam?


COMMENT: The Spirit of Elijah?


PASTOR VITALE: Okay, that's what I'm saying right now, that the spirit of Elijah can only be with Adam after the point that Elijah existed historically. So if we're in a time in Hebrew history where the spirit of Elijah did not yet exist, does anybody know the name of the spirit?


COMMENT: I'm going to say Michael.


PASTOR VITALE: Well, okay, I'll accept Michael, I'm really going to have to pray about this. Basically, the spirit is Elohim, okay, and Michael is the, okay, let's review who Elohim is. Can anyone tell us who Elohim is? Elohim is the name of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, okay, and the seminal fluid has two sides to it. Can anyone tell us what the two sides are?


COMMENT: Elohim and Michael?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, but what are they?


COMMENT: Oh, the water and the sperm.


PASTOR VITALE: The water and the sperm, and the water is, what's the name? Elohim is the name of the whole seminal fluid, okay, the water alone, okay, the name of the whole spiritual seminal fluid is Elohim and the name of the sperm is Michael. So to say, how am I going to say this, okay let me just leave it this way, I would have to say, if this account predates Elijah, then the spirit that is present with Adam is Elohim, the whole seminal fluid, not Michael alone, not just the seed, but the whole seminal fluid. We're basically talking about the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ. Does anyone remember the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ?


COMMENT: The Holy Spirit is given without repentance and it's usually to the carnal person, and the Spirit of Christ, my mind is blank (laughing).


PASTOR VITALE: Okay, does anybody know the difference between the two? Okay the Holy Spirit is the purified waters of the glorified Jesus Christ. The virile seed, okay, the virile seed, the seed part of Jehovah's seminal fluid is not present in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit or the waters or the energy alone, and the Spirit of Christ is the whole seminal fluid, both water and seed, or with regard to the tree of life, another way to say it is, the root which is the seed and the branch, which is the energy. And to receive the nature of Jehovah, or to receive the nature of Jesus Christ, who is the one who is imparting the nature of Jehovah to us, to receive that nature, we must have the seed, the nature of almighty God is not in the waters.


The nature of almighty God is in the seed part of the seminal fluid, and in the Old Testament, the seed part of the seminal fluid is called Michael, and in the New Testament, the seed part of the seminal fluid is called Christ, and the whole seed is Christ Jesus, and within Christ Jesus, the spirit of Christ, that's the part of the whole seed that can be transmitted, the Spirit of Christ, okay. So, the Lord is telling me I'm going to have to change these alternate translations in the book, when I put in the alternate translation, because this account of Judges, I'm pretty sure predates Elijah. So, let's see, can anyone tell us the difference between Elohim and Elijah? What is the difference, can anyone tell us the difference?


COMMENT: Elohim is spirit and Elijah was in mortal form.


PASTOR VITALE: The Spirit of Elijah, what' the difference between Elohim and the Spirit of Elijah? Elohim is Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, which departed from Jehovah, Jehovah is what we call the static energy, Jehovah, the source of all, he is pure thought, pure intellect, he is not active, he is static, he is inactive, Jehovah thinks and another part of him, the dynamic energy Elohim, goes forth, and does the work. It's as if to say, I wanted to write, my body doesn't move, but my arm goes out and grabs the pen and writes. So therefore the Scripture says that Elohim is Jehovah's arm, you see.


So Elohim comes right out of the godhead, Elohim comes right directly out of Jehovah. And it is Jehovah's intention to be reaching down towards fallen mortal man. So as Elohim descends downward or outward into the planes of consciousness which are further and further apart from Jehovah, as Elohim reaches out to communicate with we fallen mortals okay, he takes on human personalities, because we cannot relate to God, fallen man cannot relate to God. We've had many examples of that even today at dinner, we just don't think spiritually, we're carnal. This is why Jesus comes to us in the flesh of a human being who can speak our language, and who can say, wake up, wake up, look at the spiritual implications of what just happened? That's how far away humanity is from God. The majority of humanity is far away from God.


So, as Elohim reaches down, Elohim is Jehovah's arm, and as he reaches down or outward towards mortal man, he clothes himself, Elohim is an invisible spirit, and he clothed himself with personality. Elohim clothes himself with personality, and each personality that Elohim clothes himself with, for that time period, he calls himself by the name of the personality that he clothes himself with, until he takes on another personality and then he takes the name of the that personality, okay, and this can be likened to a human lifetime. Our name doesn't change, but we are not the same person at ten or twenty years old, as we are at one year old. We are a completely different person. So our name doesn't change, but our form certainly does change, and our method of communication certainly does change. And some people change their name, and some societies you would call your son, sonny, or son, and when he becomes a man, you start calling him by a different name.


So who can tell us who is the first personality that Elohim clothed himself with as he attempted to rescue fallen humanity, which is an acting out of Jehovah's thought, it is Jehovah's intention to rescue fallen mortal humanity. So he sent forth his arm, Elohim, and now the hand of Elohim is the personality, the hand is Elohim wrapped in a personality, you see. The hand is that part of us which grasps. We have fallen down into the asp hole, and Jehovah is reaching out to bring us out of this asp hole. Elohim is this arm, and the glove or the personality that wraps around the invisible Elohim is the hand that's reaching to grasp us. Can anyone tell us the name of the first garment or the first personality that Elohim clothed himself with?








PASTOR VITALE: Well, that is correct, but I'm talking about, that is correct, but it's out of context. I'm talking about fallen man.


It is true that when Elohim went forth to produce a thought form, an image, that would be the exact expression of Jehovah's thought that Elohim did wrap himself in Adam, and Adam is the exact perfect expression of Jehovah's original thought, but I'm talking about, but Adam is not a personality, Abel is not a personality, both Abel and Adam appear in human beings see, and express themselves through the personality. Let's try this question, what part of the primordial creation is appearing as the personality? Can anybody tell us that?


COMMENT: The fiery serpent?










PASTOR VITALE: Yes. The primordial ox is appearing today as the personality of fallen man. And it is the ox which is made from earth that covers over the spiritual principles. Therefore giving visibility to the spiritual principles. Can anyone tell us who is the first personality that Elohim clothed in, or at least the first one that we hear about in our history or the Hebrew history?




PASTOR VITALE: Cain is not a personality okay, can you understand that, that Cain is not a personality? Cain is a spiritual principle. See, Cain is appearing in all of humanity, Cain is appearing, but everyone has an individual personality. I'm going to put this on the board for you, okay, we have drawing number one on the board. I've done the best that I could to demonstrate this to you, but it's very difficult to draw on a flat board. On the lower level, the very bottom of the board, where it says, visible world, physical hell, dead personalities of mortal humanity. This visible world is covering the upper and lower window of the spiritual heaven and the spiritual hell of the fallen creature. This narrow line that I have down here, I just didn't know how to draw it, it covers this from the red down to the bottom. Just like the skin of our bodies cover all of our organs, you see. And the astral plane also covers everything underneath the etheric plane. Well the astral plane covers this whole lower window, but the personalities cover both the upper and the lower window of the fallen creation. These are our spiritual organs, the primordial serpent, the turtle, Cain, Abel, the fiery serpent, Leviathan, that can be likened to our heart, and our lungs and all of the organs, the physical organs that are under this skin. And what I've tried to draw on this board for you is the descending creation, the descending creation. And as you can see the creation began a living spiritual creature. And up here, we have the upper and lower window, at the top of the board, the upper half of the board, we have the upper and lower window of the living creature, spirit/heaven - upper window, earth - lower window, and between the two, between heaven and earth is the firmament, the King James calls it the firmament, which is the visible world. The firmament is the visible world, which projects an image of the visible world, you see.


The visible world is the our, is the reality, and then there's an image of the visible world, down here in the lower window, okay, the visible world is this lower window where Satan, Leviathan, and fiery serpents are, but we don't see that. They project, Leviathan, who is projecting the image of this world. And we exist in this image. We are the world in the mirror, we're not the real world, we are a reflection of the real world.


So this board is trying to show you the descending creation. Originally when the creature was alive the world consisted of Jehovah and Elohim above, and the primordial serpent, which is the earth, made of the earth, and the ox which was formed out of the unformed earth.


And Jehovah and Elohim came down, and the earthen part of the living creature went up and Adam was formed in the firmament, and Adam is spirit and earth. But then the creature fell, you see, Jehovah never left heaven, Elohim never left heaven, see. But the breath of life that was in Adam fell down when Adam died. In other words, it's as if to say, I would breathe upon you, that breath has left me and now it's upon you or it's in the atmosphere of this room. It doesn't mean that I have ceased to exist, I'm still full of breath, just like when a child departs from her mother's womb. The breath of Elohim that separated from Elohim that was given to Adam, that aspect of Adam fell down into the world below, and was born again, as Cain and Abel. I shouldn't even say that, it was born again as Abel.


So we see this red section here indicates the fall, and we see the primordial serpent is in Jehovah's role, she' the queen pin, and underneath her we have indications that the entity that the primordial serpent formed to cohabit with is called a turtle, I can't get into that right now, a spiritual turtle, and the primordial serpent was in the male role, and she cohabited with the turtle, both aspects made of the earth, and they brought forth a spiritual being called Cain and Abel. Well the ox has to be in there somewhere, but to be honest with you, at this moment, the Lord's going to have to show me, the ox is in here somewhere, I'm not going to redraw this whole board. The primordial serpent formed herself into two parts for the purposes of cohabitation, and brought forth a creature, a dead spiritual creature.


The primordial serpent is supposed to be at the bottom of the living creature, the primordial serpent is at the bottom, she's just the earth that isn't even formed, and when she is formed, she' formed into an ox, which is under Adam's dominion. But we see that after the fall, the primordial serpent is in Jehovah's role, and she's formed a part of herself into a spiritual creature, called the turtle, which guards Cain, and the creature that comes forth is Cain and Abel. The turtle guards Cain and Cain keeps Abel dead under the ground. And this is the dead spiritual creature, the upper window of heaven. So but just like here, just like in the living creature there's an upper window and a lower window, with a dead spiritual creature, there is also a lower window. And we see that the primordial serpent and the turtle are now manifesting the lower window as the fiery serpent, Leviathan, and Satan. I really am sorry, I could not do a better job of drawing for you, but Satan covers the whole lower window and this lower window of hell is basically Leviathan and the fiery serpent, and the fiery serpents are Leviathan's larvae, she's the worms that Jesus speaks about, and she's in each and every human being born of a woman, as a fiery serpent. Now the principle that I'd like to make right now is that as the creation descends, it divides. Up here by Jehovah, Jehovah is single, there is no division in him. Elohim is single, there is no division in him. At this point Adam was a single point, but as the creation falls, the point that I'm, I'm really struggling with this tonight, I'm really sorry, there is one primordial serpent, there is one turtle, there is one Cain, and Cain and Abel, you may recall, are a dual spiritual being, they're like siamese twins, they're inseparable, but as they descend, and come down closer to this visible world, which is the physical hell, the creation divides, it divides and divides and divides.


So this spiritual ox becomes the many members, the many personalities, and Cain and Abel, and Leviathan, Leviathan, the singular Leviathan becomes many fiery serpents, and the ox becomes many personalities. The division down here in this world exists only in this world. That's why if you get into some mature spiritual philosophy, they'll tell you this world is an illusion and division is an illusion. We're not divided, we're all one, because in the astral plane, we're all one, and in Leviathan we're all one, and it's really only one Cain and Abel, that has divided himself into many members and is appearing in many physical bodies. But at our spiritual roots, there's only one Cain and Abel, there's only one primordial serpent. This is just as she descends, it's just division after division after division after division.


Just as if you looked at a sack, I'm not sure what you call it, of insects that are, I guess it's really a nest or sometimes I'll see something hanging on my wall, and I see that it's a nest of insects, I recognize it, that if I don't kill it right there, that it may be ten or twenty little insects are going to be birthed out of it, a cocoon. So this world down here, where the world that has expanded into millions and trillions of human beings, but at our spiritual roots, we are all Cain and Abel, and we are all the primordial serpent, she is living in all of us, she is penetrating all of us, and we all come from this same root.


So when I talk about personalities, we cannot say that your personality is Cain or Abel, because there really is only one Cain or Abel that is expressing himself through this many-membered ox. You see the ox is the clay that expands into many members. It's just like saying there's one mind manifesting through many bodies. The Scriptural example is a man with three hundred and sixty five concubines, that's the spiritual example, that's the best that I could do for you, do you understand what I'm saying at all? And the personality is aspect of us that is unique, you see. The fact that I have a heart and that you have a heart is not unique. We are not unique, I am not unique because I have a heart and lungs. Everybody has a heart and lungs, Cain and Abel is in everybody, you see. I am not unique because I have two eyes and a nose. Everybody has two eyes and a nose, but I am unique in my ability to think independently, to have a characteristics that identify this expression of Cain and Abel as me.


My sense of humor, the way I walk, the way I look at things, the way I talk, all of these unique qualities that identify Sheila as me, that is the personality, but Cain and Abel is in all of us. Abel, well Cain and Abel is in all of us, well that's not, well, Abel is not in all of us, well, I can't get into this detail right now, Cain is certainly in all of us, Abel is dead. Abel was raised from the dead in Israel, okay, but I can't get into that right now. Cain is certainly in all of us, and Cain is that dumb spiritual animal, she is the mind of the flesh and she's in all of us, but she doesn't vary from you to her to me, Cain is Cain, she's that dumb ignorant animal that hates everything that's spiritual, and kills and intrudes on every attempt for Abel or Christ to rise in us and be spiritual.


But what makes the dumb ignorant animal that you are different from the dumb ignorant animal that I am, is what makes me Sheila, and what makes you is you. So can you see the difference between the personality and Cain and Abel. My whole point in this drawing is to show you that Cain and Abel are spiritual principles and Cain and Abel are spiritual principles. Can anyone tell us how spiritual principles are identified? By the words that they speak. Spiritual principles have to do with mind. So by the words that a person speaks, that's how you know them. Not by the words that come out of their mouth, but the words that come out of their heart, you know who you're talking to. You know whether you're talking to the negative spiritual principles, Leviathan, or Cain, or you know whether you're talking to the spiritual principle of fallen man, Abel, or in this dispensation it's the Lord Jesus Christ. Abel is manifesting today, in mortal man as the breath of life. He's the breath of life, he's the one who has survived of Elohim's breath and Adam. He's giving a consciousness, but he's not giving us personality qualities. Personality qualities are in the animal. Just look at your pets, they have personality, you're dog has a personality, he gets jealous, he cries, he begs, some animals have more of a personality than others.


Personality is in the animal, Cain and Abel, well Cain, I'm sorry Abel is mind, and Abel is spiritual mind, and Cain is the lust of the flesh. Now, this one person here might have a problem with gluttony, every human being does not have a problem with gluttony, but we all have potential, but we all have the potential to have a problem with gluttony, that is a characteristic of Cain, the animal nature. But that is not unique, you see gluttony is not unique. Lust is not unique, envy or hate is not unique, but every human being, every drop of clay that's formed into a personality is unique. They'll never be another Sheila, somebody exactly like me, somebody exactly like you, but there will always be Cain and Abel expressing themselves through this vessel of clay.


So the personality is that part of us which is unique, it's the spiritual clay that is molded. Did I explain that to you? Is everybody okay? Are there any questions on this drawing? Okay, we will try to get back to Samson. Up here you see, Adam projects the image of the living visible world, and down here we have the image of hell. This world is the image of hell, it's not even the real thing, the real hell is inside, although some people are tortured in the physical plane here, but if you want deliverance from physical torment, you really need a spiritual healing, because everything's rising up from this lower window of hell underneath. Satan is the one who executes the sowing and reaping judgment, Leviathan is the one who gives us tormenting thoughts, I'm talking about the individual now. And the fiery serpent is Leviathan, Leviathan's seed in the individual.


So the fiery serpent is individualized, there's a different fiery serpent in every human being born of a woman. Leviathan is the collective fiery serpent, but as you ascend, the creation is more and more convinced. There is only one Cain and Abel, manifesting through all of the members of humanity. There is only one primordial serpent, manifesting through all of the members of humanity shining through us the Scripture says, just as Christ shines through us. The personality characteristics, humor, leadership qualities, all of these things, all of these things are qualities of the flesh, I'm sorry, qualities of the personality, and all of these personalities and all of these human beings in the face of the earth, we're all temporary formations of pinches of clay that's been broken off from the primordial substance. And this is why certain spiritual philosophies like Hinduism and Buddhism, they'll tell you this whole world is an illusion.


That use to really upset me when I heard that because I know how much I've suffered in this world, but I did not understand they're definition of illusion. Illusion merely means changeable. Everything that we see today at some time in the future will be gone. It's not permanent, therefore it's an illusion. The only reality, well we know that the only reality is Christ, but as far as the Hindus and Buddhists go, the only reality is the high spiritual planes that they seek to ascend to, where they cease to reincarnate. Okay, everybody okay with that?


Okay, we're back in Samson and Delilah, this is an exhortation on the alternate translation of Judges 16, and we got off on some spiritual principles here. When I say spiritual principles, I'm talking about aspects that everybody has in them, Christ Jesus is a spiritual principle. The only thing that I know of that identifies Christ Jesus, is the doctrine of Christ. This is a mental aspect. Christ Jesus doesn't have personality, Christ Jesus doesn't have a nice singing voice, Christ Jesus doesn't have a sense of humor as we know a sense of humor down here. Christ Jesus is a mental spiritual principle. It is personality, it is the present day manifestation of the primordial ox which is appearing as personalities, the earthen personalities of mortal man that has the characteristics of emotion. Okay that's the word, Christ Jesus does not have emotion. Personality is usually identified by emotion. Sense of humor comes out of emotion. Ability to lose your temper comes out of emotion. Ability to be kind to people comes, it all comes out of the emotional personality.


So all aspects of mind are spiritual principle, and all aspects of the personality, which is the present day expression of the primordial ox, okay, is found in the emotional aspects of the personality. Now the only way, my memory of how we got into this discussion, is that I was telling you that the Lord has revealed to me, that Samson lived before Elijah. Therefore the spirit of Elijah is an incorrect translation in any Scripture that has to do with Samson, and I was asking you, okay, I know how I got into this, I was asking you or I was explaining to you, that Elijah is a personality or is one of the personalities that clothes Elohim. That's how we got into this. Elijah is one of the personalities that clothed Elohim being a spiritual principle, and if Samson lives before Elijah was a glorified man, then who is the spirit that was appearing with Adam? And we were talking about Elohim being a spiritual principle, Elohim being the right arm of Jehovah, but not being the personality of a man, personality being a manifestation of the primordial ox, and Elohim being pure spirit. And I had asked you, who was first or even one of the personalities that have clothed Elohim, can anyone tell us, can anyone name any of the personalities that the Scripture talks about clothe Elohim? I know that I taught you about the spiritually genealogy of Elohim. Nobody knows?


Okay, the first personality that we hear about that clothed, or that Elohim was trying to make his garment is Moses. And the second personality that we hear about in the Scripture is Elijah. And the third personality that Elohim is taken on is Jesus of Nazareth. And Elohim calls himself by the name of the most recent personality that he has appeared as. And right now, I'm talking about personalities that have become a permanent part of Elohim in the earth. Elohim has clothed himself with Moses, with Elijah, with the Lord Jesus, and he is now clothing himself with everyone through whom Christ Jesus is manifesting, and these are permanent aspects that Elohim has taken on, just like when you see a fetus being formed in the womb, in the first week certain organs are formed, and then other organs are formed, and then other organs are formed after that, Elohim is building himself into a spiritual man, and the name of that spiritual man is Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man.


And this spiritual man has started with the foundation of Jehovah, Elohim, Moses, Elijah and Jesus. These are the three personalities that have stayed with Elohim permanently, but Elohim has manifested through many of the men of Israel, Elohim has manifested through David, Elohim has manifested through Samuel, through all of the prophets that was Elohim manifesting through all of the prophets. But the first, and of course the first personality that he tried to make his permanent garment was Moses, and of course that was not completed, and the reason that Moses did not become a permanent aspect of this new creation man that Elohim is forming is because Moses' personality would not come into agreement with the righteous mind that Elohim had formed within him. And we found that out in the alternate translation. Moses despite the great work that he did, through the indwelling Jehovah and Elohim, despite those great works, Moses could not, well he had a problem confessing his sin nature. And we found that in the alternate translation, that to go on to be, to live forever, you have to have your nature changed, you have to come into the nature, of Jehovah, and you come into the nature of Jehovah, you and I must confess that our nature, our present nature is the serpent's nature. Because you cannot have a change of nature into Jehovah's nature, if you think that you already have Jehovah's nature, well that means there's no sin in you, that means there's nothing to change, and therefore you will not change. And if the truth is that your nature in the serpent's nature, you will never convert into Jehovah's nature, no matter how great the works you do, by the spirit that's upon you.


Your nature can only change when your sin nature is exposed, and you see it for what it is, and you prefer the nature of Christ Jesus. You cannot come into a change of nature without first having your sin nature revealed, and this is where people stumble, having their sin nature revealed. And the one thing that makes it tolerable, that makes having your sin nature revealed tolerable, is this knowledge that is being revealed and exposed for the purpose of conversion and that hopefully will get people through, but it's very painful to see your sin nature within you. Some people have a harder time than others. So I pray for everyone here, and everyone who will listen to these tapes, or will read the transcript of this message that the Lord should impart to you the ability to acknowledge your sin nature, that you might have a change of nature, and go on with God.


So that is my explanation as to why, so those of you who have been listening to the whole series, this is why I will be changing the spirit of Elijah to Elohim, the Lord has revealed to me, that Samson lived before Elijah's time, and the expression of Elohim before Elijah, was simply Elohim, Elohim before he had taken a personality on. And, the personality that Elohim manifests through, that is the personality that he has taken on. That is the personality that Elohim is manifesting through you. Samson was the personality that Elohim was manifesting through, this is why you may recall in our study of John 21, Peter when faced with Jesus tempting to give him the commission, the King James translation says, that Jesus said, "Feed my sheep", to Peter, and that Peter was very grieved. But when we did an alternate translation, we found out the reason why Jesus repeated himself three times was that Christ was not rising in Peter to respond to Jesus, but Peter's carnal mind was responding, and that is why Jesus repeated himself and those of you who have been under my correction might remember several occasions where I repeat myself. I'll ask you that question three or four times because it's not the right answer.


And in the account in John 21, Peter says to Jesus, "I thought John was Elohim." That's in our alternate translation, "I thought John was Elohim, I thought John was the one that Elohim was manifesting through, and I think in these recent studies we see the expression, these atoms, plural. You see, the resurrected Adam in this dispensation is Christ Jesus. If you are living out of Christ Jesus, you are of Christ, you are Christ Jesus. Now that doesn't mean you're perfect, if you're not perfect, you're not perfect, but in every aspect, in every situation, in every moment that you think out of the mind of Christ Jesus, or you're behavior flows out of the mind of Christ Jesus, you are Christ at that moment, for that situation, for that instance. So for those of us who live for God, and have a supernatural walk, even a part of the time, we can say that we are Elohim, Elohim manifesting as Christ Jesus.


Elohim is the foundation of the spiritual man, Christ Jesus. Jehovah, Elohim, Moses, Elijah, Jesus the Christ, and now Christ Jesus in us. Christ Jesus in us is Elohim in another generation. So now therefore we will be changing the spirit of Elijah to Elohim through the whole translation, because at the time of Samson, Elohim had not yet clothed himself with Elijah. Praise the Lord. So we will just say Elohim, and we're not saying Moses, because Elohim did not permanently clothe himself with Moses, it was Michael that we saw struggling with Satan, because Elohim is the name of the whole spiritual seminal fluid, water and seed, and Michael is the name of the seed. Michael is a part or an aspect of Elohim, and Michael as an aspect of Elohim was struggling with Satan for the mind of Moses, so that Moses could become a permanent aspect of this great spiritual man called Christ Jesus. But Moses did not take the victory. That's why the Scripture says, he didn't enter into the promise land, it was not a punishment that he did not enter into the promise land.


Jehovah was merely saying to him that Elohim did not overcome your carnal mind in the personality of Moses, but you'll get another chance. I have that in the alternate translation, you'll get another chance. It wasn't Moses that would get another chance, it was the regenerated Adam that Elohim had raised up Adam in the man Moses, and Adam did not, and it was Michael manifesting through Adam that did not overcome Moses' carnal mind. So where Jehovah said you'll get another chance, he wasn't talking to the personality, Moses, he was talking to the regenerated Adam. You will get another chance, Elohim will come and Michael through Elohim and raise Adam from the dead, in another personality, and Adam, you will have another chance to overcome the carnal mind of that personality, and the next chance that we read about that the regenerated Adam had, and of course it was Elohim manifesting through the regenerated Adam. The next personality that we read about, where this contest arose was with the man Jesus of Nazareth, and the regenerated Adam, Elohim manifested in the man Jesus, and brought forth, regenerated through Michael, regenerated or raised up from the dead, the dead Adam in the man Jesus of Nazareth, and that regenerated Adam, with the strength of Elohim that was present with him overcame the carnal mind that the man Jesus was born with. And therefore Elohim took on the personality of Jesus of Nazareth as a permanent aspect of the glorified man Christ Jesus, the only mediator between God and man.


Now, apparently there was enough, apparently Elohim had enough experience through Moses so that aspects of Moses are present in the glorified man, in Christ Jesus. Why do I say that? Because we saw Moses at the mount of transfiguration. Now it's my understanding that the man Moses was not completely apprehended by Michael and Elohim, yet aspects of him were found in the man Jesus, the Christ. So this is the understanding of the Scripture that says everything we do for Christ goes on, and what we don't do for Christ does not go on. The things that we do out of our carnal mind do not go on, but everything that Christ does through us, every experience that Christ has through us, is found in a higher plane in the man Christ Jesus. And it's found in our descendants. I feel like I'm hitting a blank wall tonight, I don't know whether it's me, or it's you, does anybody understand what I'm talking about? Okay there's a very heavy anointing here. Let's just go on with Samson.


And Adam within Samson saw the adulterous woman in Samson's third energy center, the lair of the fiery serpent, the wild beast within Samson, and Adam within Samson attacked the fiery serpent, and Samson died to the fiery serpent's lifestyle. Can anyone tell us who the adultery woman is?


COMMENT: The fiery serpent or Delilah?


PASTOR VITALE: Delilah is the adulterous woman, and Delilah is the personalities of the mortal men of Judah. Well, the adulterous woman speaking from the primordial times is the primordial ox. Adam was married to the primordial ox. Adam was invisible. Adam was a spiritual principle, he was mental quality. He represented the mind of Jehovah. He was a mind that represented the nature of Jehovah, and he was invisible, or if he was visible, he may have been vaguely visible, we know that there was dust mixed with him, we know that there was dust mixed with him. So that means he may have been visible on a very high spiritual plane, he may have been visible in a shadowy way, but Jehovah and Elohim formed an ox that they joined to Adam and the ox was darkness. See Adam is the morning. Those of you, you may recall from your studies in sonship that Adam is the morning, and the Lord Jesus Christ is an expression of Adam. The morning is rising in us. Christ Jesus is rising in us, Adam is the morning rising in us, and the creation is morning and evening.


And the difference between morning and evening is that both are a mixture between spirit and earth, but the morning is primarily spirit, and the evening is primarily earth. So Adam is the morning, he is spirit with just a smattering of dust. He's very hard to see. So we, Elohim and Jehovah joined him to a primordial ox, they scooped up some of the earth from the lower window, and we know that the primordial serpent is the earthen part of the creature, that received consciousness when the waters or the energy part of Elohim, Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid flowed over the spiritual earth, that spiritual earth which was white and barren and dead received consciousness upon contact with Elohim, with the waters of Elohim, and a creature was formed called the primordial serpent. And Jehovah and Elohim took of the clay of the moistened earth of the primordial serpent and formed a woman out of that earth.


Now Genesis says that they took, that Jehovah took one of Adam's ribs. If you look up that Hebrew word that's translated rib, it merely says one of Adam's sides. And Jehovah took one of Adam's sides and formed a woman out of it. Well Adam had two sides. He was spirit and he was dust. And the difference between dust and earth merely is that the dust is the part of the earth that lies on the surface. Adam was spirit and earth and Jehovah took of one of Adam's sides, he took of Adam's earthen side, and formed the woman out of the earth. And Adam was the mind of the woman. Adam is a spiritual mind, we know him as Christ Jesus today. He's our spiritual mind, he's our righteous mind, he's our conscious, our righteous conscience, he's a mind, he's not emotional. And Adam was married to this spiritual ox that was formed out of the primordial serpent's substance.


So we see that there was a marriage between the morning and the evening. There was a marriage between Adam, who is spirit and earth, and between his wife, who is earth and spirit. The primordial ox, I'm sorry the primordial serpent was the earth of the primordial serpent's ocean bed, that received consciousness form Elohim's waters, and it was the primordial ox who was adulterous towards her husband Adam. You may recall as the story goes the primordial serpent said that the ox, that the primordial ox is of my household, she' made out of my substance, and she is serving as Adam's wife, but she's of my household. I want her to be my wife. I want to be the man in this creation, and I want this ox to be my wife. And the ox being formed from this substance of the primordial serpent had the mentality of the primordial serpent within her. You may recall that the woman had two sides. She had a potential to be good or a potential to be evil, and the good side of the primordial ox or the woman that Adam was married to was that ox under the dominion of her husband Adam, but as soon as the primordial ox turned towards the instruction of the primordial serpent, the woman turned to her evil side. She was either in submission to her good side which was Adam, or her evil side which was the serpent. And when the woman chose to obey the serpent's command, rather than Adam's command, she became the adulterous woman, and the Hebrew word for woman and wife is the same word.


So we see that the primordial ox is the adulterous woman. And you may recall when we did this study on "What Really Happened At Gibeah". We found that the wife of the priest went back to her father and didn't want to leave his house. It was just another parable, those Scriptures that we studied in that message was just another parable demonstrating how, well demonstrated the primordial ox's tendency to revert to the nature of the earth. So we see that the adulterous woman is the primordial ox, and who is the primordial ox manifesting today in this present dispensation?


COMMENT: The fiery serpent?


PASTOR VITALE: No. Can anyone answer this question? She's manifesting as the personalities of mortal humanity. So we see that our very personality is adulterous towards Christ Jesus. What does that mean? The very personality that we are defaults to the serpent's household. The very personality that we are is uneducated will choose Satan and Leviathan over Christ Jesus and the Spirit of Christ any day.


Can anybody tell us Christ Jesus' answer to this character flaw that we all have. All of humanity has a major character flaw, that when left to our own devices, we choose Satan and Leviathan over Christ. Look at what's going in this country today? We choose Satan and Leviathan and we choose the religions that worship the serpent. We prefer them, humanity at large. Not us here of course, humanity at large prefers the religions of the serpent, over the religion of the true God, Jehovah, and his Son, Jesus Christ. What is wrong with humanity, that this situation exists? We, this is what's wrong with humanity? The personality is the present day manifestation of the primordial ox, which is formed primarily from the earth. We have the nature of the earth, which is the exact opposite of the nature of the Spirit of God, and because we have the nature of the earth, we are drawn to the earthen religion, and if you are familiar with many forms of witchcraft, or certainly with Wiccen, they will tell you this is the earth religions. There are many earth religions where they worship the earth, and the aspect of the earth, the trees the moon and the stars. Spiritually speaking, human beings, who worship the earth the aspects of the earth, are involved in self worship. Because we are the earth, we are the one aspect of the earth. So it's just like saying the head is worshiping the finger or the foot, when we worship the trees and the moon and sun.


And the truth of the matter is that we're worshiping the spiritual earth. The foundation of this whole world of which we are a part. Can anyone tell us what Christ Jesus' answer is to this problem, this character flaw that we have? We the personalities of humanity. We are the adulterous woman, we are the wife of Adam known to us in the generation as Christ Jesus, and we are continuously choosing Satan and Leviathan over our true husband, even though Satan and Leviathan beat us and abuses us and harm us in every possible way, we keep going back to that abusive husband. This means we have a severe character flaw. Can anyone tell us Christ Jesus' solution to this character flaw in his beloved wife?


COMMENT: This one I know, union with him.


PASTOR VITALE: That's true, but how we he convince us to join with him when we prefer Satan and Leviathan? What is his solution to our character flaw, you know. You're answer is not wrong it's just in the context of this sentence. Did you have an answer?


COMMENT: Mine was to repent and confess our sins?


PASTOR VITALE: Well how is he going to get us to do that?


COMMENT: He's going to expose our sins first.


PASTOR VITALE: Well that's true, but the answer that I'm looking for is education. He's not going to expose our sins until Christ is formed in us because the exposure of the sin nature is the beginning of the destruction of the sin nature, and he's not destroying our sin nature until Christ is formed in us, and Christ, in order for Christ to be formed in us, we have to have spiritual sex with our true husband Christ Jesus. So how is he going to convince us to be unfaithful to Satan and Leviathan. Brethren, the world and the church and many members of the church are severely faithful to Satan and Leviathan, extremely faithful to Satan and Leviathan. How is he going to convince us to leave Satan and Leviathan and turn towards him and the answer is education. Christ Jesus is a teacher. He is not a punisher of sins, he is an educator and his education is directed towards enabling us to make an intelligent choice. He educates us so that we have an opportunity to prefer him, not based on our emotions, or on our gut instincts, but he educates us so that we have the choice to prefer him based on our mental capacity to recognize which choice is beneficial for us and which choice is destructive for us. So we see that Christ Jesus is strengthening the mind over the emotions.


Our very emotions are Satan, so therefore if we live our life by our emotions, we will choose Satan and Leviathan every time, because she is our emotions. So the adulterous woman has a problem. Christ Jesus is married to the backslider, he's married to the spiritual woman who is formed form the earth, who has the nature of the earth, and who lusts for the earthen mind and the earthen activities of this world.


So, your answer was correct, he wants to give us his nature. Once we have his nature, we will not lust for Leviathan anymore, for Satan and Leviathan anymore, you see. But he wants us to come willingly, therefore he is educating us, and those of us, who prefer him will become a company of the Scripture calls us Saviors who will go forth to the rest of humanity who could not find the strength of character. Now a lot of people are going to be offended by what I just said, but it's the truth. Mortal man has a poor character. We have a weak character.


So the Lord Jesus is raising up a company of saviors, the Scripture says, to go forth, to help the rest of humanity, but first of all the rest of the church, who have this, such a weak character. Now is this not the definition of Delilah? This is the definition of Delilah. We're going forth to the church first that has such a weak character that they're mind perceives Satan and Leviathan to be the Lord in many instances, certainly in the instances of the doctrine of Christ and the issue of the exposer of sins. These are the two issues that will reveal to you who you're talking to, or that will reveal to you the mind that is shining through the personality that you're talking to. They're attitude towards the doctrine of Christ and they're attitude towards the exposure of the sin nature and the destruction of that sin nature in favor of Christ, this is how you going to know whether you're talking to Christ Jesus or whether you're talking to somebody's fiery serpent.


And the fact that they speak in tongues has nothing to do with it, because the gifts and the calling of God, are without repentance and carnally minded people, many carnally minded people manifest the gifts that come from the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is present towards carnally minded people, who have a basic relationship with Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord. So the adulterous woman is the person, or is the many-membered personality of mortal man, and this adulterous woman is depicted in the person of Delilah. I don't believe a Delilah ever existed, I believe this name, that this whole account of Samson is a parable that embodies the whole experience of the man in whom Adam is regenerated, and the problem that the man or the personality will have, in the man where Adam is regenerated, if Adam is regenerated in you, if Christ Jesus is regenerated in you, there is now two of you, you've become a Siamese twin, you see. If Christ Jesus is regenerated in you, it means that Abel has been revived and now you are both Cain and Abel. If you're a mortal man without Christ, you're just Cain. Abel is the breath of life, but he's not functioning in his mental faculty at all. When Christ appears in you, which is the revival of Abel, you now become Siamese twin, both Cain and Abel are manifesting, and which mind will you follow, which mind will prefer, which mind will you cleave unto. The rational mind of the spirit of God, or the mind of the dumb ox.


So this account of Samson and Delilah, it is an allegory describing the spiritual warfare that every mortal man will experience when Christ is raised in him. In the Old Testament Abel is revived and Adam is regenerated. In the New Testament, Christ is grafted to you, Christ is the revived Abel and he's grafted to you. And Christ Jesus is regenerated. Praise the Lord. So we see that Samson and Delilah signify either the regenerated Adam in the Old Testament or Christ Jesus in the New Testament, and your personality. Our personality is the adulterous woman. Now there's two parts to the personality. There's two parts to the adulterous woman to the adulterous woman. We have the adulterous woman and her spiritual sexuality. What's the name of her spiritual sexuality?


COMMENT: The fiery serpent?


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, the fiery serpent is the personalities, spiritual sexuality. And this spiritual sexuality is like saying our sex organ is running off and having sex with whoever she wants to. In a mortal man, our mind is suppose to control our sex drive. Whether you're a man or a woman, you're mind is suppose to control your sex drive. The knowledge that you have that is, it does not lead to a positive life to be having sex every time you feel an urge, you see. Even in this world we have to be educated, that you could not go out and have sex every time you feel a thrill towards a particular person, it will lead to a destructive lifestyle. So we see that we must be educated here in this world and that we must also be educated spiritually, with regard to our spiritual husband, to choose our spiritual husband Christ Jesus, and not Leviathan. So the adulterous woman has two aspects to herself. Her spiritual sexuality which lusts for the wrong man and the personality aspects of herself, which is really evil towards Christ Jesus. The personality of mortal man is evil towards Christ Jesus.


It's when Abel is revived in us, or Christ is grafted to us, that our righteous mind comes into play, and now there's two of us. Christ is grafted to us, he is the head, Christ can be likened to Abel in the Old Testament. He is the revived Abel and he is the head of Cain. And Cain is interwoven with the fiery serpent. So Samson signifies the regenerated Adam, or the regenerated Christ Jesus in the New Testament, and Delilah signifies the personality with her spiritual sex drive. And the Scripture distinguishes between the personality and the fiery serpent. The personality is evil towards Christ Jesus, the uneducated personality is evil towards Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit comes to influence the personality and direct her towards Christ, but our ultimate deliverance is union with the Spirit of Christ which is a change of nature, which does away with the character flaw, and causes us to desire Christ Jesus, so that there's no more conflict. In this hour, those of us who desire Christ Jesus, or who prefer Christ Jesus, we still have a conflict, I choose every day, I don't want you, I want Christ. I don't want you, I want Christ. I'll take it if you give it to me, Lord, if you don't give it to me I don't want it. I don't want anything that's going to hurt my relationship with you. That's a choice that my personality makes because he has educated me, and I know that there are certain things that if I pursue them, it will deteriorate Christ Jesus in me. This attitude in me is the fruit of my education in Christ Jesus.


So the personality is evil towards Christ, and he comes to war. The Holy Spirit comes to, the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus comes to make love to the personality. We have that expression further down in a few verses. He's coming after the personality, the adulterous woman, and he comes with gifts. He comes with healing and deliverance, he comes with ministry for her. So we see that Samson and Delilah is the account of the conflict that the individual mortal man experiences when Christ Jesus is regenerated in him. He now becomes two people, male and female, because Christ Jesus is the only true spiritual male. So if we don't have Christ Jesus, we're all female, and when the spiritual male comes, conflict comes with him. A spiritual male comes in the New Testament he's being grafted, he's being grafted to you in form of the seed of Christ James talks about. He says receive the grafted word, the engrafted word, and when the male seed is grafted to you, that means the whole of mortal man is in rebellion. All of the aspects of mortal man is in rebellion against this seed that has been grafted to you and says I'm your king.


So in this hour the Lord Jesus is starting with a small company of personalities who tend towards the good side, who have heard about Jesus Christ, who have experienced Jesus Christ, and who have chosen him for whatever they're reason, and he's working his nature into us, through the confession of sin and repentance, and exposure of sin, as you said. And when we are fully in his nature we will be sent forth to help the people who are suffering from the character flaw, which causes them to reject him, and we will be imparting the seed of Christ without their permission, but only when we're fully in the nature of Christ Jesus. And once the seed of Christ is imparted to the church, all of the those that have vowed they're allegiance to Christ Jesus but are still serving Satan and don't even know it, they will start to have the conflict and they will crying out to Christ Jesus, and Lord willing he will get the information to them.


So we see that those of us who have made a commitment to Christ Jesus, we are both Samson and Delilah, both Samson and Delilah exists within us. Christ Jesus is Samson and Delilah is our personality, and our own spiritual sexuality and our own spiritual sexuality, which is inclined towards Satan to engage in spiritual activities outside of Christ Jesus, and this is much more common than the church would like to admit. Of course the church is severely undereducated, but it is typical to find Christians who when asked for prayer cannot pray and stop there, they have to go forth and counsel you where they're not anointed to counsel you. This is the manifestation of spiritual activity outside of Christ Jesus. As far as I know I'm the only one who teaches on it. Prophesy, false prophesy, prophesy out of your own heart, see. I love spiritual things. Most people love spiritual things, but we have to divide or decide between the spiritual things of Christ and the spiritual things of Satan and it's very difficult to tell the difference when Satan is manifesting in a socially acceptable form of witchcraft, such as false prophesy, or counseling when you're not asked to counsel, and the Spirit of counsel is not in you, you're counseling out of your own carnal mind, which is very common in the church, telling other people what to do, domination, domination of authority, it's rampant in the church, absolutely rampant in the church.


So we all have Samson and Delilah, if Christ is in you, we have Samson and Delilah in the midst of us. And we had a whole exhortation on this, this morning, how we have to choose between following the anointing and following our carnal mind, which gives us an idea of what we think Christ would want us to do. That was the whole exhortation this morning. So will we follow after Delilah, or will we follow after Samson. Or I should say, I don't want to get too complicated now. Are we going to live, okay let's put it this way, are we going to live as Delilah, or are we going to live as Samson. Will we be Christ or are we going to be living as the personality who is dominated by the fiery serpent. Now, in this hour, in mortal humanity, the fiery serpent is manifesting as the husband of the personality. Now we all know that this is perverse, we know that the mind, the mind of the personality is suppose to be controlling the sex drive. But spiritually speaking the fiery serpent, the sex drive of the personality is husband to the personality, that is our condition. If Christ is not in us, she is the only husband that we have, and the fiery serpent is a manifestation of Leviathan to us.


If Christ is not in us, Leviathan is the only husband that we have, which is spiritual incest, and Lesbianism , because both the personality and Leviathan are female. But as soon as Christ is formed in us, we must turn to our true husband and to the headship that he will exercise over us. It's similar to the drawing that I have on the board, either we look up or we look down. If we look up, we have a husband in the nature of Jehovah, who wants to deliver us from this world, or if we look down, we have a husband waiting for us who wants to lead us to the primordial serpent and from the bondage of this age, or for unending bondage through marriage to the primordial serpent. And we are drawn to the serpent's household. So we must make a choice which is against our nature to do what is best for us. But before we can make a choice which is against our nature to do what is best for us, we must be convinced that it is best for us to turn towards Christ Jesus.


But today, we see a whole church full of many people, many of whom have the Holy Spirit, who do not believe it's in their best interest to turn towards Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord. So Adam within Samson saw the adulterous woman. Now I want to emphasize to you a principal in this translation that you will hear me saying either Adam was in Samson or Adam was in the mortal men of Judah. And it's very important that we distinguish between the two. Adam in Samson is strengthened by Elohim. Okay we're going to switch the Spirit of Elijah to Elohim now, and I explained to you why. Adam in Samson is defended by, strengthened by and defended by Elohim, and he is penetrating the minds of the mortal men of Judah to revive Abel, and raise Adam from the dead. So we see that Samson's mind or well Samson is a man in whom Adam has been raised, and that glorious mind, Adam and Elohim together, are penetrating the mortal men of Judah and bringing forth Adam in the mortal men of Judah, but this is a form of Adam that is, you might even say it's a gift, it's an imputed manifestation of Adam. It's a gift, these mortal men of Judah are not manifesting and regenerating Adam because they themselves have overcome and if it wasn't for Adam and Elohim in Samson's mind, Leviathan would easily overtake and destroy Adam within the mortal men of Judah.


So we see that Adam in Samson is a more mature expression of the mind of God than Adam in the mortal men of Judah, and indeed this whole account of Judges 16 is of the spiritual warfare by which Samson, by means of this glorious mind within him, Elohim and Adam, first raise up Adam in the mortal men of Judah, then protect Adam in the mortal men of Judah, and then see Adam in the mortal men in Judah cast down, and Adam in Samson raises Adam again in the mortal men of Judah. So we that Samson is a savior to the men that he is sent to, and we see also that Christ Jesus is appearing or Adam in the Old Testament, Christ Jesus is appearing in different levels of strengths. And then authority in the church is very important. If you want the very most you can get from God, it is important that you find the line of authority that he has placed you under. Find your right position, and stay there until he moves you, and it's the best place you could possibly be. You're going to get everything that he has for you when you're where he puts you. And you better believe that the seat is going to get hot when he puts you somewhere, cause Satan doesn't want you to be where the Lord puts you.


The truth of the matter is that the church is a mind field, that most of the people in the church today, are violating other people in the church, with their thoughts, with their words, with their behavior. One of things we are learning here is to try to come into right order, so that we're not violating other people even though we don't know it.


If you're violating someone else or you're violating some spiritual principle, you're violating it, it's no excuse that you don't know that you're doing it, but thank God for the education, which is not wisely being dispensed in the church today. Christ Jesus is a teacher. I remember when I was a young disciple and I had a lot of rebellion in those days, a law went out in the church that I went to, that if you come into the church early, that you shouldn't be talking to your neighbors, but you should just sit quietly and pray, and I was very offended at that law. It was never explained to me the reason for it was never explained to me. I felt it was bondage, and I therefore wouldn't come into the church early. There was never explained to me what I have explained to you here just this morning, how important it is, that the spirit is right for what Christ Jesus wants to do in the morning and it prepares us to receive the word. I was never instructed in that, I didn't know why. And my rebellion, I did not resist... (end of tape 1)


Tape 2


In my case the weapon that I needed to overcome my rebellion was the education, was the understanding of why that was necessary. And this is the difference between being under the law and being under Christ Jesus. I was in sin, it was rebellion in my heart against what my pastor was requesting, I'm not denying that it was sin in my heart, what I'm telling you was that Christ Jesus' method of helping us to overcome our sin is education. And I was educated when I found out the reason for such a request, my personality made a choice to line up with Christ Jesus, and I overcame my rebellion in that area. Christ Jesus is the great educator, and his goal is to induce the woman so who is weak and feeble minded and miserable, to agree with his way of doing things, so that he can save her life, not by the law, you see. If the Lord saves our life by the law, we're still spiritually female.


The Lord wants us to be spiritual males. He wants all of his wisdom to flow out of us like rivers of living waters. He wants us to understand. By all means get understanding. That's what the book of Proverbs says. Wisdom is good, but by all means, get understanding. See that was wisdom coming from my pastor. Don't fellowship at the beginning of the service, sit down and be in prayer. That was wisdom, but because I didn't have the understanding, I did not resist my sin nature. Praise the Lord. Believe it or not we are on a second tape and we're still on verse 1. We'll be on this exhortation for weeks at the rate we're going. Well, so be it.


So Adam was in Samson, saw the adulterous woman in Samson's third energy center. Now can anyone tell us why the adulterous woman would be in Samson's third energy center? What is the overriding characteristic of the third energy center?


COMMENT: it's lust.


PASTOR VITALE: Yes, it's lust. So we know that Delilah's characteristics are melancholy and lust and misery. All of these characteristics, lust and misery, and I shouldn't say lust, misery and unhappiness, and weakness, these are indications of pathos lust, forever yearning and never attaining, forever yearning and never being satisfied, or your satisfied for a moment and then you're not satisfied anymore. You're satisfied for a day and then you're not satisfied anymore. These are all characteristics of pathos lust, which when manifested in human being, makes one melancholy, a melancholy person, you're continuous, you're just never happy. We see a lot of people in this world that fill that category.


So all words in brackets are amplifications, are amplified, it's Samson's third energy center, Adam within Samson saw the adulterous woman that was pining away, and so therefore her consciousness, was in the third energy center. Does anybody remember the characteristic of the person whose consciousness is in the second energy center? The second energy center is the foundational area moral impurity. If you're consciousness abides in the second energy center, you're involved in unclean spiritual acts. Now that condition could be expressing itself physically, which would make you either sexually promiscuous, or engaging in some kind of unclean sexual activity, but this, well having your consciousness abide in the second energy center, can manifest spiritually.


You can be physically sexually pure, but engaged continually in lying, engaged continuously in envy, engaged spiritually in spiritual, in unclean spiritual activities. That is a sign that your consciousness is abiding in your second energy center. It does not have to be manifesting physically, although it could be manifesting physically, but it must be manifesting on some level, if your consciousness is in the second energy center.


And Adam within Samson saw the adulterous woman. What does that mean? We're talking about the exposure of sins. We're talking about the exposure of sin. Adam within Samson saw the adulterous nature of his own, of Samson's personality, and the significance here is that Samson the personality is in agreement with the regenerated Adam. So this is just another way of saying that Samson saw his sin nature, by the power of the regenerated Adam that was within him. Samson alone cannot see his sin nature. Our personality alone cannot see our sin nature. Our personality is ruled by Satan and Leviathan. She is not going to acknowledge the real depths of our sin nature. A house divided cannot stand, she's not going to do it. So the only way you could see your sin nature, is if Christ Jesus is regenerated within you, and you are close, you the personality, have a close relationship with Christ Jesus. And the only way you're going to have a close relationship with Christ Jesus, is by drawing closer and closer to him, by having moral intentions to the degree that you can and studying the doctrine of Christ. I don't believe that you see your sin nature from studying any surface translation of the Bible. Although it's possible, you see, now this gets very confusing because I know, let me try and straighten this out for you, all of you who are manifesting listening to this tape.


I know that if you're under the influence the Holy Spirit, he will show you some sin, he will show you behavioral sins, he will do that, and a lot of people have a lot of victory with character flaws, but their under the influence of the Holy Spirit, but I want to tell you that the Holy Spirit will not show you the depths of envy in your heart. He will not. This is the job of Christ Jesus, to show the people their sins. The Holy Spirit will help you with surface character flaws. But Christ Jesus goes to depths that the Holy Spirit does not go to. So the Scripture says, And Adam within Samson saw the adulterous woman. Samson was in agreement in his mind with Adam, and brethren, the only way you can be in agreement with the mind of Christ Jesus in the New Testament, is to think like he thinks. You know this is a big issue that we've discussed here. Let me review it. You've got to think like he thinks. You've got to think righteous judgment. You see, you could be out there casting out demons, healing the sick, reading your Bible, never missing a church service, tithing, doing every good work and obeying every law of the Scripture that you could think of, honoring your parents, doing right by people, being generous, doing the best you can to treat others as you would like them to treat you, and that none of that means that you are thinking like Christ Jesus thinks.


And the way you determine if you're thinking like Christ Jesus thinks, is by exercising the power of judgment in given situations. And in order to do that, you need to have an example of somebody who is thinking with the mind of Christ Jesus a large part of the time. You have to be able to compare the way you look at things with a person you believe to be in the mind of Christ Jesus most of the time. You must have an example, or you will never know how Christ Jesus views any given situation. And I'm talking about abortion, I'm talking about major obvious issues like that. I'm putting this on the tape, everybody here knows what I'm talking about , I'm talking about how you think in the nitty gritty decisions, or not even decisions, in the nitty gritty reactions that you have to the events of your every day life. How you respond to someone who said this, how you respond to someone who did that. How you respond to this news that you heard. Your thoughts and your reactions and your responses must line up with Christ Jesus. And that's no easy thing to do. And there are not many people around today whose mind is even in line with Christ Jesus for you to even test yourself against it. We see the carnal mind cropping up continuously saying, I am Christ. The way we look at things, the way we evaluate things, the way we perceive things.


This agreement of mind, this agreement of the mind of the flesh, with the mind of God that is now grafted to you, is that agreement that brings you closer to Christ Jesus and eventually makes you one with him. You must think like he thinks. And it's not even to say, well you shouldn't see what he does. Well you might say well, he cast out demons and I cast out demons, and Christ Jesus heals the sick and I heal the sick. So how can you say I'm not thinking with his mind? Because you can cast out demons with the carnal mind under the influence of the Holy Spirit. You can do all of these things, all of these good works that you're doing, when the Holy Spirit overlays you, but it doesn't mean that you have the nature or the mind of Christ.


The mind of Christ must be formed in you, by trial and error. You have to be around somebody, who thinks like Christ thinks, so that you could see the difference, so that they could point out to you your response to what I just said, that wasn't Christ. It's a program, it takes a long time, to come into agreement with the mind of Christ. Praise the Lord.


So Adam within Samson saw the adulterous woman within himself. He saw that part of himself. Now you might be saying, "Well I'm not melancholy and miserable and all those other names that you use to describe Delilah, that's not true of me. Well maybe you're not thinking with the mind of Christ. Maybe you think that you're a very up person, but compared to the way Christ Jesus thinks, you're morbid and melancholy. Brethren, if you think that death is normal, you're morbid and melancholy. Death is not normal. If you have accepted the fact that you will live for a season, and die because that is the way things are, you are Delilah, because that's a lie. And you're receiving death into your spirit. So we see its not so easy to agree with Christ Jesus. Brethren if the Lord tells you to go to the left, and you go to the right, you're thinking with a morbid mind, because any mind that doesn't follow after the Christ Jesus is a mind of death, simply because the fruit of choosing to follow after, even though it bypasses your conscious mind. You've made a choice to follow after your carnal mind, rather than Christ Jesus, you must be a very melancholy morbid person, because that path that you took leads to death, when you have an opportunity to take the path that leads to life.


So you see that we must approach every concept of the mind of Christ and not with the carnal mind. And if you don't know, how the Christ mind at any particular thing, you can always ask the Lord. And to assume that when you look at a concept, to assume that you're reaction is the reaction of Christ is a manifestation of pride. I ask the Lord frequently, Lord how do you see this? Show it to me with your eyes, I perceive there's just something not right in the way that I'm seeing this. And then I have a general fleece with him, let me see everything with your eyes, I want to be you Lord, and I am willing to resist the melancholy woman within me, so that I can live out of Christ Jesus, or so that I can live the life of my husband.


I had a very supernatural day last week. I won't go into the whole testimony, but I wound up in a store where I never would have been, and there was a newspaper lying there, and there was a whole series that whole day, and I wound up in Pathmark instead of the post office, and somebody said to me, You know Sheila, what a supernatural day you had, what you a supernatural life you live, she said there are people that would give anything to be led of the spirit like that. And I think that's probably true. I'm very blessed, and the way you get there, the way you get that kind of a life brethren, is to ask the Lord to direct you to somebody who thinks with the mind of Christ, and compare your thoughts to them continuously, rejecting the thoughts of your carnal mind and choosing the thoughts of the person that the Lord has witnessed to you, thinks with the mind of Christ, and give up your own thoughts, and cleave to the thoughts of Christ, and you too will have such a supernatural life.


And a supernatural life, it's not just for thrills. There's protection in the supernatural life. Do you remember just before you went on vacation I asked you where those staples were? Remember the staples, I asked you where the staples for the staple gun were? I went looking for the staples in the place where I thought they were, and they weren't there. I had no idea why I did it. Well, while you were gone, on your one week vacation we ran out of staples. If I hadn't asked you that question we wouldn't have known where they were. So that was a supernatural move of the spirit of Christ that led me to go looking for those staples, and at the time if you would have asked me, I would have said, I don't know why I went looking for them. The spirit led life is victory, is safety, is protection, and on top of that, it's exciting. But it's safety in this world.


So be educated and choose the mind of Christ, and give up your pride that wants to know everything, and wants to be able to teach you through you and wants to teach other people and wants to be an authority figure in this world, give it up, give it up, and join with the mind of Christ and come under his protection and be safe, and enjoy the life of the spirit. It's exciting, although you do get beat from it, but it's worth the price. I was beat up really bad Saturday, but it was worth the price, it was worth the price that Christ Jesus heard somebody crying out, moaning and groaning and suicidal, and stirred up in me to go through a series of events by which the Lord reached out to help this person. And then what happened, by engaging in this activity, opened a spiritual door which let me experience that person's severe depression, which knocked me down for a half a day. But it was worth it, I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world, and I just hope that I can find out what good my obedience to the Lord did for that person. I may find out, I may not find out, but that's the spiritual life. I know that somehow he was helped through my travail.


So we're still on verse 1, "And Adam within Samson saw the adulterous woman in Samson's third energy center, the lair of the fiery serpent." So we see that the fiery serpent hangs out in the third energy center, the lair of the fiery serpent, the wild beast, within Samson. So let's talk about the fiery serpent. Can anybody tell us who the fiery serpent is? There are many fiery serpents brethren, Leviathan is the collective name, Leviathan is the name of the collective fiery serpent. There are many fiery serpents, every human being born of a woman has a fiery serpent within them. The common name although it's a Hindu name, I think probably more people, if you stop them on the street and took a poll, more people would know what Kundalini is than what the Seraphim is. The Hindu name is Kundalini, and the Scriptural name for the fiery serpents is Seraphim and of course the Seraphim that is Hebrew word, and the English translation of Seraphim is fiery serpent. Sometimes this Hebrew word is translated fiery serpents, and sometimes it's translated Seraphim. When we read about Israel sinning and being bitten by the fiery serpents, when Moses and Aaron cried out and interceded for them, that Hebrew word translated fiery serpents is Seraphim. But the King James translators didn't translate it Seraphim, because Seraphim has a positive connotation in the Scripture. In the book of Isaiah we're told the Seraphim surround the throne of God crying holy, holy, holy, day and night. So how could the King James translators translate the serpents, the fiery serpents that were biting the men of Israel as Seraphim that cry holy, holy, holy. So they took that same Hebrew word and translated it fiery serpents. But it's the same fiery serpent.


The fiery serpent that is apprehended by and covered by and bound underneath Christ Jesus or the regenerated Adam, that fiery serpent cries holy, holy, holy around the throne of God day and night. But the rebellious fiery serpent, the liberated fiery serpent who was free from Adam and Elohim's restraint, she is out there biting the personalities that would turn towards Christ Jesus. If you recall I said earlier on this message, the personality is between two husbands. Leviathan through the fiery serpent has been married to her, or has been married to the people of humanity for eons, and for those people who have Christ Jesus grafted or regenerated in them, or in the Old Testament, Israel had Adam regenerated in them. Israel had two husbands. They had Adam regenerated in them through Moses, and they also had the fiery serpents that they were born with. Both wanted to be the husbands of the personalities of the mortal men of Judah. And the fiery serpents were snapping at and biting the mortal men of Judah, to turn those personalities towards the fiery serpents and away from Christ Jesus. And the legal ground that the fiery serpents had to be biting these personalities of the mortal men of Israel, was that the mortal men, the personalities of the mortal men of Israel were willfully sinning. They were murmuring against Moses. They were thinking with the mind of the fiery serpent, and as soon as the personality yielded to the thoughts of the fiery serpent, the fiery serpent rose up to bite them to bring them back into her stable.


So the fiery serpents are the fallen seed of Jehovah's spiritual semen. This creation is founded on Jehovah's spiritual semen, energy and seed, water and seed. And the seed part of Elohim collectively know as Michael, were flying in the upper window before the beginning of time, before the fall, and they were all within Adam. They were within Adam. On the this message earlier, we talked about a cocoon or a little sacs of hatching insects, how you'll find them stuck to your wall or if you're here in the summer time, or if you're here in the north, if you're in the south I guess you have that potential all year around.


Well all of the spiritual sperm of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, were within Adam and they were righteous, because of Adam's relationship with Jehovah, and they were all in Adam. Adam was the collective name for all of Jehovah's spiritual sperm. Adam is the thought form, the visible image of Michael. Michael is the collective name for the seed of Jehovah's seminal fluid, the seed which has the nature of Jehovah. Michael, that it's the whole seminal fluid, Michael, plus the water plus the seed plus the energy, together with the dust formed a visible image which accurately represents Jehovah's nature, and the idea that Jehovah had when the creation first went forth. And Adam was a many-membered man. Even before the beginning, he was a many-membered man. Adam is the collective name of all of the seed of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid mixed with the dust. Michael is the collective name of all of the seed of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid before it's mixed with the dust. Once all of these spiritual sperm mixed with the dust, the collective name for them is Adam.


So when Adam fell prey to the serpent's witchcraft and Adam died, all of the sperm, he was the collective expression of Jehovah's spiritual sperm mixed with the dust, and he lost control when he died, all of the sperm scattered. Smite the shepherd, and the sheep will scatter. So there was a conscious intelligence holding all of the sperm of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, in a particular formation and that conscious intelligence was Elohim. But the formation was broken. The seed was scattered, and they were drawn down by a spiritual gravity by the primordial serpent. Remember Adam is the seed of Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, mixed with the dust. Now either these seed were controlled by the spirit side of themselves, or they were controlled by the dust side of themselves. And when the primordial serpent broke Adam's image, see all of this spiritual sperm of Jehovah were formed into an image, when the primordial serpent broke that image the spiritual sperm scattered, and fell down under the primordial serpent's dominion and she drew them down through the dust that was in them.


The primordial serpent has authority over the earth, and as those spiritual sperm descended, the primordial serpent apprehended them, and changed the proportion of sperm to earth. She added more earth to them and engraved them in her nature. And Jehovah's spiritual sperm, which is signified as fish, when they had extra earth added to them, and they descended into the ocean bed of the primordial serpent, the became earth worms. There was so much earth added to them, that they became earth worms. The who were fish, and lived in the sea, became earth worms living under the ground of Jehovah's creation. Therefore, especially with regard to this account of Samson and Delilah, they are called spiritual Philistines. The definition or the understanding or the interpretation of the word Philistines is spiritual immigrant. The fiery serpents are the spiritual immigrants, they have immigrated from the upper window, where they flowed with Elohim and Adam, and they had immigrated down into the lower window where they are under the dominion of Satan and Leviathan. Another way to say that they've immigrated is to say that they have evolved from free flying spiritual sperm who swam happily and sang with joy in the heavenlies, and they evolved downward, or they didn't evolve, the devolved, they devolved downward into the primordial serpent's kingdom, and they not only changed position, they changed form, from spiritual fish to spiritual worms, and they changed their nature from Jehovah's nature to the serpent's nature. So they really did more than immigrate, they devolved downward, and is that not the truth of our creation, is that not the truth of our world.


Is not all modern man the offspring of Noah? That Noah was a supernatural spiritual being. Modern humanity as we know it today has devolved from the place where Noah was, from the high place where Noah was. So we see that the fiery serpents are the only immortal aspect of the creation. Only that which comes from Jehovah is immortal. The flesh is not immortal, the earth is not immortal, Jehovah's seed is immortal, and the energy which comes from Jehovah is indestructible. It can change form, but it is indestructible. Jesus said that he came to retrieve that which was lost. Jesus, the present day manifestation of Adam came to retrieve the rest of himself. Remember Adam is the collective name of the spiritual sperm of Jehovah's seminal fluid with the nature of Jehovah. And Adam rose again in the man Jesus to retrieve all of himself. Every fiery serpent is a part of Adam who is now in another form. I've used this example many times, there are many movies that are made from the old west, by a man being captured by an Indian tribe, and the woman raised as a squaw, having children by an Indian, and then her husband comes looking for her and she doesn't want to go back.


So Adam has come to retrieve that which was lost. All of the fiery serpents which he needs. He needs every single fiery serpent to be fully restored to what he is suppose to be, to what Jehovah had imagined him to be, every single fiery serpent must be restored and for this reason Christ Jesus is saving this creation. He is retrieving the immortal part of it. And we the personality, which are the present day manifestation of Adam's ox, he's come to save us too, but to redeem or retrieve the fiery serpents, and he has come to save or to preserve the personalities. But primarily he has come for himself. In the Lord Jesus Christ, Adam was restored to that high place in the spirit which he shares with Jehovah, but only an aspect of himself has ascended to that high place. And the rest of himself is down here in hell. He's in two places, he's in heaven and hell at once.


So he wants to retrieve the rest of himself from hell, and restore himself back into heaven. In doing so, he's willing to take his ox with him, and preserve our flesh. But those manifestations of the primordial ox, which will not agree with him, which will not go with him, they will pass out of this world and die, their spiritual substance will be reformed and ultimately all of the formations of the primordial serpent will come into agreement with Christ Jesus and be restored to the world above. And the personalities who don't agree with him, they will just experience the existence of this world. They will pass out of this world and devolve. And as the program of the Lord Jesus goes forward, in each generation, more and more people will be turning towards the lifestyle in Christ Jesus, and eventually, as I said, the people who don't will just pass out of this world, and eventually as there are larger groups of people manifesting the supernatural lifestyle of Christ Jesus, it will be easier for other people to follow, because most people don't have the strength to do what we're doing here. They don't have to walk a different path than the whole church. They don't have the strength to be different, they don't have the strength to believe something that no one else in the church believes. But as the Lord apprehends more and more people and this program of discipleship in Christ Jesus becomes more and more visible, it will be easier for the weaker people to follow after, when they see larger and larger numbers of people pursuing this discipline.


But don't be deceived, you know, Buddha started with just one man. Now he has disciples, of course he died, but he has disciples all over the world. Don't be deceived, what Christ Jesus is doing here is a new thing. We're in at the very beginning. So Adam within Samson saw the adulterous woman in Samson's third energy center, the lair of the fiery serpent, the wild beast within Samson. So we see that the fiery serpent is the wild beast within us. Cain is our beast nature, our animal nature. But the fiery serpent, she the wild beast, the significance being that she has spiritual power. The fiery serpent is the subconscious mind of the individual, and she has spiritual power. She is our spiritual mind, if you choose to become spiritual outside of Christ Jesus, it's the manifestation of the fiery serpent in you going forth to make you spiritual outside of Christ Jesus. All supernatural power outside of Christ Jesus is in the fiery serpent, and of course Satan is with her.


So she is the wild beast. She is the beast that speaks for Leviathan through the individual. See, just like Christ Jesus has mouth pieces, we are, I am the mouthpiece for Christ Jesus, and when you speak the words of Christ Jesus, you are the mouthpiece for Christ Jesus. And the fiery serpent is the one who speaks for Satan, and Leviathan speaks through the individual. You can judge a person by the words that they speak. It's not necessarily the words, the audible words, but they inaudible words. We have to hear the truth of the what their heart is saying. We have to hear the truth of which mind is speaking through them. You have to see the truth of people's motives. There is audible speech and there is inaudible speech.


And Adam within Samson saw the adulterous woman in Samson's third energy center, the lair of the fiery serpent, the wild beast within Samson, and Adam within Samson attacked the fiery serpent and Samson died to the fiery serpent's lifestyle. So there's a lot unsaid here. Adam saw the adulterous woman. We already stated that this must mean that Samson was thinking with the mind of the regenerated Adam. And for Adam to attack the fiery serpent, well, we see that Adam is our weapon, or in this dispensation, Christ Jesus is our weapon, that we cannot do anything with the will of the personality alone, because the will of the personality alone is really the will of Satan and Leviathan. So if we go forth in our own strength to deliver ourselves, we'll never be delivered because Satan is not going to truly herself. Therefore, so admission that we cannot do anything without Christ Jesus, Christ Jesus rises up to be our weapon to attack our carnal mind, to attack Satan and Leviathan, so that we can die to the fiery serpent's lifestyle. And what is the fiery serpent's lifestyle. The life of the existence of this world down here in hell is the fiery serpent's lifestyle. What is the fiery serpent's lifestyle, all you Christians out there that don't want to hear this? Marriage and family life. Jesus said there is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven. That means there's no family life in heaven, yet you're waiting to die so you can go see your dead parents or your dead sister or your dead husbands. There is no marriage or giving of marriage in heaven, but you will like the angels. The angels serve the Lord Jesus day and night. So to die to the fiery serpent's lifestyle is not talking about giving up your drinking, which is not a bad thing. It's not talking about giving up any of your vices in this world, it's talking about dying to the lifestyle of this world. Brethren, the fiery serpent is specifically involved in generating sexual activity. So to die to the lifestyle of the fiery serpent brethren, is to die to marriage, and family life, and physical sexual activity, and move towards the true sexuality, which is the union of your internal principle. The union of your spirit, or the union of Christ in you with the Lord Jesus, that is the true marriage. It is a spiritual marriage, which produces a glorious mind in you. When your time comes, whoever you are listening to this tape or reading this transcript, when the time comes that the Lord Jesus calls you, you must die to the lifestyle of this world.


You cannot marry the Lord Jesus Christ and continue in the marriage of this world, neither can you marry the Lord Jesus Christ, and continue of the family life of this world, because when you marry the Lord Jesus Christ, he apprehends you to minister to his spiritual family. Once again, you don't give up anything of this world, it must be swallowed up into the higher lifestyle of Christ Jesus, you don't give it up of your own will. If you give it up yourself or of your own will, it's just a religious work that's not producing any spiritual growth in you. Just as the Holy Spirit is swallowed up into the greater anointing of Christ Jesus, the King James clearly says, the gifts are passing away, because they will be swallowed up into the greater anointing which is Christ Jesus. In that same manner, your family life of this world will be swallowed up into the spiritual family life of Christ Jesus and you must wait for him to do that. You cannot do it of your own will. Well I think we've actually finished verse 1.


And Adam within Samson saw the adulterous woman in Samson's third energy center, the lair of the fiery serpent, the wild beast within Samson, and Adam within Samson attacked the fiery serpent, and Samson died to the fiery serpent's lifestyle. And when Samson died to the fiery serpent's lifestyle, he was given a congregation, although that congregation was hostile to him, he was sent to the mortal men of Judah to raise Adam from the dead in them. And let me tell you brethren, when God gives you an assignment like that, there is no time for a physical family in your life. Praise the Lord. Samson was given a spiritual family, and the allegorical name of that spiritual family is Delilah. He was given a spiritual wife. Praise the Lord.


Verse 2, "And the fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah, said to the personalities of the mortal...", oh, let me read the headings for you first. For verse 2, The fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah seduce the personalities of the mortal men of Judah. Now I want to point out to you that in verse 2, it is the fiery serpents doing the seduction, but in verse 5, it is Satan doing the seduction. So we will see that the seduction of the fiery serpents failed. The seduction of the fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah fail, and then the next step is that Satan raises up to seduce the mortal men of Judah. To seduce them to do what? To seduce them to disagree with the program of Christ Jesus or the regenerated Adam in the Old Testament. The seduction is for us to disagree with the thoughts of Christ Jesus, because when we disagree with the thoughts of Christ Jesus, we then agree with the thoughts, because there's only two sources of thought within us. Either Satan or the Spirit of Christ, those are the only two possibilities that we have. And the serpent's household is seeking to seduce us away from agreeing with Christ Jesus, so that we will agree with the thoughts of Satan, so that Satan will have the legal ground to apprehend us and to marry us, and to make us her spokesperson. We will either be the spokesperson for Satan or for Christ Jesus. And the problem that most people have with this teaching is that they do not understand that Satan is the spirit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


Satan generates good and evil thoughts. You could be thinking good thoughts, but as long as they're coming out of, or the good thoughts as this world sees good thoughts, but as long as they are coming out of your carnal mind, they are not righteous thoughts. It's good and evil thoughts, as opposed to righteous thoughts. So it's either Satan generating good or evil thoughts, or it's the spirit of Christ generating righteous thoughts within you. So the fiery serpent within the mortal man of Judah seduced the personalities of the mortal men of Judah to agree with them. And the fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah said to the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, that's really to Delilah, they're talking to Delilah now.


This is the Philistines talking to Delilah. The fiery serpents is our definition of the Philistines, and the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, signify Delilah. And this is what the fiery serpents, the Philistines said to Delilah okay, Adam is compassing Samson about. I talked in the message about the protection that comes from the Spirit led life. Adam is compassing Samson about. Adam is defending Samson. And now Samson will lay an ambush for all of the fiery serpents. Well why will Samson lay an ambush for all of the fiery serpents? Because Adam compassing him about means that Samson is one with Adam in his thoughts. Samson is thinking Christ Jesus' thoughts. Therefore the fiery serpents in the mortal men of Judah, know what's coming. And now Samson will lay an ambush for all of the fiery serpents who have ascended into Leviathan's city and attack us. Because Adam the head of the neck energy center of the upper window, intends to silence Satan and engrave all of the fiery serpents with the nature of Elohim, the light wave who calls forth Adam, the morning, and nail us to the upper window of creation.


Well let's take this a little bit at a time. And the fiery serpents within the mortal men of Judah, said to the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, Adam is compassing Samson about, and now because of that Samson has the same thoughts as Adam, and we know that Adam wants to apprehend us, so now Samson will lay an ambush for all of us fiery serpents who have ascended into Leviathan's city. Now this is interesting. The fiery serpents in the mortal men of Judah are specifically talking about the ascended fiery serpent. Adam in Samson, well according to the mind of the fiery serpents will lay an ambush for all of the ascended fiery serpents. Well it's probably true, I don't know if ambush is the right word, but maybe it is. Adam in Samson and we could say Samson, when Samson, the personality, is in full agreement with Adam, and it doesn't make any difference whether we say Adam or Samson, the two are one, Adam is going looking for all of the ascended fiery serpents in Judah. Now we recently had a whole message here on Gadara, and what the King James translation calls the Gadarene demoniac, we found out to be a righteous Pharisee, whose fiery serpent was ascended all the way up into Leviathan's seventh center, to the point that she became the swine, the glutton who cannot get enough energy. Samson is going looking for every ascended fiery serpent in the church. What's another way of saying that? What does it mean to have an ascended fiery serpent. Can anybody answer that question, what does it mean to have an ascended fiery serpent? It means that you're engaged in sinful thoughts, although they're maybe the thoughts of your unconscious and subconscious mind, it means that there are ungodly thoughts going forth from you, day and night, in your unconscious mind, thoughts that are damaging other people, but even more than that, thoughts that are damaging Christ Jesus in you and in other people.


So Samson and remember now Samson typifies a company of men who are sharing this same experience. Now brethren, this is happening in this congregation right here. I could be Samson and you could be the mortal men of Judah, and I'm going after you, to cast down your ascended fiery serpent. And those of you who are brave enough to stick with me are going to reap the benefits of it. I'm not going to leave you alone every time I hear that fiery serpent speak out of your mouth, I'm going to reveal it to you so that you can have the choice to reject it or not.


So the fiery serpents are telling the personalities of the people in this congregation, Samson's going to lay an ambush for all of us that are ascended in Leviathan's time line, or Leviathan's city, and when he gets us he's going to attack us, because Elohim, I have had him there, but it's a mistake, because Elohim, the head of the neck energy center of the upper window within Samson intends to silence Satan in the mortal men of Judah, and engrave all of the fiery serpents, in the mortal men of Judah with the nature of Elohim." So we see that the fiery serpents, the subconscious mind of the members of Samson's congregation are thinking evil towards him. This is the typical reaction of the carnal mind. They were thinking evil towards Samson, he's coming to hurt us, he's coming to steal our spiritual activity, he's coming to steal our ministry. He wants to take all of the glory himself. It is true that Samson is coming to attack the ascended fiery serpents, he's coming, and how does Samson attack? By exposing their activities as sin. By saying that good work that you just did, you didn't do it out of the Christ mind, you did it out of your carnal mind, that spiritual power that you just manifested, you're coming out of Leviathan's time line.


"And attack us, because Elohim, the head of the neck energy center...", the neck energy center. Brethren, the neck energy center is the highest place that we can ascend to and still be a mortal man. When we ascend into the brow energy center, we become a supernatural man.


I don't believe that Samson died to the fiery serpents lifestyle by overcoming his sin nature, I don't believe that Samson had a permanent change of nature. I believe that he was overlain by Elohim and Adam, and he died to the fiery serpent's lifestyle temporarily, I don't know whether it lasted through his whole life in this world or not, but if he had had a true change of nature, Samson would never had died, but would have been glorified, and I don't, I haven't come across anything that indicates the end of Samson yet, but I do believe that there have been many men over the centuries that have had this experience in Christ Jesus, who have not overcome their nature to the degree that we're working on it here. But that the Spirit of Elohim came and overshadowed them, and called them to this high commission, where they could help other men, but I could be wrong, but that's the way it looks to me. And the reason that I'm saying this is that we only saw one man come out of Israel that actually overcame his sin nature, and that man Jesus, the Christ.


So at this time I'm inclined to believe that all of these other heros, all of these other men, who did great works for the regenerated Adam that they received this power to do this because Elohim overlay them. If that were not true, if they had overcome their sin nature, then what did Israel and the world have to wait for Jesus of Nazareth for? Does anyone not understand what I'm talking about? It's called an imputed anointing. Elohim came and overlay Samson's, or whoever Samson signifies, Elohim overlayed his sin nature and gave him the power to be righteous, for as long as he was doing the work of Jehovah. You see, this is what happened with Jesus and his disciples. The Scripture says Jesus gave the disciples power over all sickness and all disease, and over demons, but they didn't receive that power because of the exposure and destruction of their sin nature, therefore so that the Scripture could be fulfilled because somebody had to betray Jesus, Jesus just lifted his hand, or the word hand typifies the subconscious mind, Jesus lifted his subconscious mind off of Judas' sin nature.


See, Jesus' subconscious mind was repressing the sin nature of all of his disciples, and Jesus lifted that repression off of Judah, and became a mortal man again, and his carnal mind rose to the surface, and he had an immediate reaction to the Christ Jesus, to the Christ that was formed in the man Jesus, and what is the automatic knee jerk reaction of the carnal mind to Christ? To betray Christ and to kill Christ if you can do it. This is why I tell you all the time, as you go on in this walk and Christ Jesus is matured in you, you must realize that your most beloved friends and relatives are potential enemies. Now that does not mean that you give up the relationship, all that it means is that you must keep your eyes and your ears open for suggestions and advice from your most beloved friends and relatives that would turn you against what Christ Jesus is telling you to do. Because every man is a potential mouthpiece for Satan. It's not a pleasant thought, but Jesus said I came with a sword, I came to divide. You love your family, you love your friends, you don't change your life at all, but every advice they give you, you've got to put it before the Lord, every suggestion they give you, you've got to put it before the Lord, if you want Christ Jesus in you to live in you and to continue to mature in you. Because when you follow the counsel and the advice of the serpent's household, Christ Jesus in you begins to deteriorate, and that is the truth.


So we were saying that the neck energy center is the highest energy center that a mortal man can attain to. And the fact that the Scripture talks about Elohim in Samson's neck energy center, is a proof, that Samson was not truly converted in his nature, but was overlain by Elohim. Samson never ascended to the best of my knowledge of my studies, this is the third chapter we are doing on him, he never ascended beyond the neck energy center. Once again, which indicates that his nature was not converted but that he was overlain by Elohim. He had an imputed anointing.


So the neck energy center, sometimes it's called the throat energy center, and it is the fifth energy center, and we see that Elohim is the head of the neck energy center. What does that mean? It means that the Spirit of Elohim enters in through the seventh energy center. The seventh energy center is the doorway to the world, to the higher world, that is beyond this world, so Elohim, or in this dispensation, it would be the Spirit of Christ if he visits us, would enter in through the seventh energy center and then he would descend into the, he might stay in the seventh energy center or he might descend into the brow energy center, and from there he communicates with the mortal man who has ascended into the neck energy center. And Elohim, in the seventh and sixth energy center is higher than, has more authority than, is more powerful than, the regenerated Adam or the regenerated Christ Jesus in the neck energy center.


This is just another way of saying something that I said earlier in this message, that every mind has a spirit, and the spirit is male to the mind. Christ Jesus is the mind of the household of God, but the spirit of Christ in Christ Jesus is the captain or the head or the authority over, the mind of Christ Jesus, or the whole man, Christ Jesus. The Spirit is higher than mind, spirit is higher than mind and every mind has a spirit in it. So Elohim, the captain, or the head or the authority over the neck energy center, that Samson had ascended into of the upper window, now remember, the upper energy centers, the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh energy centers exist in two time lines. The time line of the household of God has the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh energy centers. The time line of the serpent, Leviathan's time line has seven energy centers, one, two, and three. The first three energy centers do not exist in the household of God, or in the time line of the household of God.


They are lair of the wild beast, the time line of Christ Jesus, starts with the fourth energy centers, that's why in certain translations we will see the term the third energy center come up. I cannot think of an example right now, but I know that we've had this a couple of times, that the term, the third energy center came up, and it just wasn't appropriate in the context of the whole sentence, to say that this was talking about the third energy center, the center of lust. And then the Lord revealed to me no, it was talking about the brow energy center, the third energy center of the time line of Christ Jesus. The heart center is the first, the throat center is the second, and the brow center is the third, and the crown center is the fourth center of the time line of Christ Jesus. Because Christ Jesus does not count the lower centers.


See, the lower centers exist in the time line of Christ Jesus, but they become atrophied, they're inactive, they're sealed over, they're silent, they're not vibrating. Christ Jesus starts counting with the heart center. Praise the Lord. And of course the upper window, and the reason I amplified in the word upper before window, is because we're talking about Elohim and Adam, therefore we have to be talking about the upper window. The lower window is where this fallen world is. So we see that Elohim, the head of the neck energy center of the upper window in Samson. Elohim is in Samson now, intends to silence Satan, in the mortal men of Judah. How do I know that Elohim is in Samson, because Elohim is only present where Adam is present, and Adam is not been raised in the mortal men of Judah yet, so I know that it must Elohim in Samson. Now the fiery serpents are telling the personalities of the mortal men of Judah, this is the subconscious mind of the mortal men of Judah telling them Samson, the one who has been sent as a spiritual teacher to you by almighty God is going to lay an ambush for us. All of the fiery serpents. Let's all rise up against the pastor, he's our enemy. He wants to steal from us and wants to control us. It's Samson's intention to silence Satan in the mortal men of Judah.


Now, what is the significance of silencing Satan? I touched on this earlier. There are only two sources of thought, there are only two ways that thoughts can be generated in mortal men. Thought is generated by spirit, it's either generated by the spirit of Satan or it's generated by the Spirit of Christ. And very few people today have thoughts generated by the Spirit of Christ. Satan is good and evil. So the most heroic thought that comes out of your carnal mind is generated by Satan. Now that's a hard word, but I'm telling you the truth. She's the spirit of this good and evil creation, and she is the author of the lowest coming out of us and the highest thoughts coming out of the carnal mind. And the carnal mind can be developed into a high intellect, and the carnal mind especially under the influence of the Holy Spirit, can be, can have a righteous mind, can have a righteous thoughts, wouldn't be a righteous mind, but it would be righteous thoughts, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, but as soon as the Holy Spirit would withdraw as in the case of Judas, that carnal mind would revert under the control of Satan.


So we see that Samson intends to silence Satan. Every time I hear your carnal mind talking, I will rebuke you if it's in a ministry situation, I will rebuke you. That's Satan speaking through you. It's kind, it's very kind to say that it's your carnal mind speaking, because it's wounding to say that Satan's speaking through you, but you know that's the truth. If you're carnal mind is speaking through you, it's Satan speaking through you. And once again, I refer you to our study in John 21, where Jesus said to Peter three times, feed my sheep. When we did a deep study, when we looked up the Greek in that, we found out that the reason that Jesus asked the question three times, was that every time Jesus asked it, Peter's carnal mind answered. And because Peter's mind answered, he gave the wrong answer. Because Christ in Peter would never give the wrong answer. So Jesus said to Peter, I have a ministry for you, and Peter's carnal mind said, "Not me Lord." Christ says, "Yes, Lord."


When we did our study on Jonah, at the beginning of that study, in the earlier verses of the alternate translation , we see that Elohim comes to Jonah and says to him, well the Scripture says, Elohim comes to Abel in Jonah, and says I have an assignment for you, go forth and go to the men of Nineveh, and Abel in Jonah ran as fast as he could go, to fulfill the commission that was given to him. Christ in you goes immediately, Christ in you doesn't hesitate. Christ in you hears the voice of the Lord and goes. So Jesus said to Peter, "Feed my sheep", and Peter said, "I don't think so." So Jesus asked him again. And Peter didn't get it, you see, Peter didn't get it that Jesus kept asking him the same question because he was answering with his carnal mind. Listen brethren, when the Lord comes to you and gives you a commission, you don't say, "No Lord." When the Lord Jesus comes to you and asks you to do something, you don't say I'm going to ask my wife or my husband, your only responsibility is to confirm that it is the Lord Jesus talking to you, and then you do it.


You may recall from our study in John 21, that after the third time that Jesus asked Peter and Peter's carnal mind responded, Jesus said, You know Peter you've got a problem. I've just asked you a question three times, and all three times Satan has answered me. And the Scripture says, Peter was very grieved. Brethren that's the same incident that we had coming home from dinner tonight. When I made a spiritual statement concerning Halloween, and all three of you responded out of your carnal mind, and then I had to tell you, you just responded out of your carnal mind. And you were grieved, all three of you were grieved when you heard the truth, that you saw the truth of what I said to you, that you responded out of your carnal mind, that's why Peter was grieved. I think what I said to you in the car, was wake up, wake up, wake up, you're all spiritually dead. Well Jesus said to Peter, every time I talk to you Satan answers me. I don't see any difference in those two statements. Death answered in both instances. But be encouraged, Peter did the same thing as you did. So be encouraged. Praise the Lord.


So we see that Elohim within Samson intends to silence Satan. Satan must be silenced, and Satan is an energy force that speaks through vibration. Everything in this creation is vibration. We speak audibly because our vocal chords vibrate. Spiritual speech is the fruit of the vibration of Satan's spirit. So she must be stopped. To say to silence Satan means she must be stopped from moving, and for a spirit to stop vibrating is death. You see Satan vibrates on a particular level, Satan is going to, the way that she's going to be silenced is that she's going to be swallowed up into the Spirit of Christ, who vibrates on a much higher level. And certain levels of vibration are destructive and other levels of vibration are healing. A high pitch whistle can damage our ears, for a physical example, but other sounds, on a vibration that agrees with the vibration of our person, can be healing. Certain sounds can be very healing.


So Elohim intends to silence Satan, and engrave all of the fiery serpents with the nature of Elohim, and that we've already explained that the fiery serpents are the seed of Elohim, Jehovah's spiritual seminal fluid, and their nature must be changed from the serpent's nature back to Jehovah's nature. These fiery serpents who are earth worms must be restored to the spiritual, to the upper window okay, where they will be spiritual fish flying in the heavenlies once again. Praise the Lord. So, verse 2 says, "and engrave all the fiery serpents with the nature of Elohim, that light wave, who calls forth Adam." Now you may recall all of the teaching and drawings that we had during the Quantum Mechanics. Well we have two Quantum Mechanics series, Quantum Mechanics in Creation, where I drew many, many diagrams of how Elohim penetrates the earth, and picks up atoms of earth and brings them up into the upper window, in order to form Adam. So Elohim is the light wave that goes forth from Jehovah that dips into the earth, and rises again, to form the thought form of himself which accurately reflects Jehovah's nature and Jehovah's concept of what this man should be. Elohim is the wave of light that goes forth into the energy or the waters of creation to form the civilized man.


So we see that Elohim calls forth Adam. He is the wave of light, the wave of the energy of white light which signifies Jehovah, it goes forth to form Adam. That what it means to call forth Adam, he passes through the earth, picks up molecules of earth, and calls forth or manifests or forms Adam, and Adam is the morning, and we've already talked about morning and evening on this message, both morning and evening are mixtures of spirit and earth, morning has a preponderance of spirit, and evening has a preponderance of earth. Adam is the morning, he is the morning that rises, after Elohim the light wave passes through the earth, picks up the molecules of earth, and rises on the surface of the waters of the upper window, and Adam appears.


So we see that the fiery serpents are saying now that Elohim intends to silence Satan and engrave the fiery serpents with the nature of Elohim, the light wave who calls forth Adam the morning, and nail all of us fiery serpents to the upper window of creation. Well, who in their right mind would not want to be nailed to the upper window of creation? Who wants to live down here in hell? Only the fiery serpents, only the mind that has the serpent's nature. Why? Because this world down here under the sea, is indigent to the whole serpent's household. This is the world of the earth, and the serpent is the ocean bed of the sea upon which the whole primal creation exists.


So we see that the only mind that would say it's a horrible event to be nailed to the upper window is the mind which has the nature of the lower window. We see that the fiery serpents have truly been converted, they truly immigrated from the upper window to the lower, and that they now love their new home. They are the European who was captured by the Indian and became a squaw, and does want to go back. And they see their rescue by Adam and Elohim, as a negative event. And brethren, the majority of people that I speak to, or that I hear speaking, see salvation, or see a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as a negative event. They don't want it, they, many perceive it as a crutch. They disdain Christians, and have very evil thoughts, and these are people that have been. They see Europeans that were baptized into some church, the Methodist church, or some main line church, they just never practiced their religion, and they think it's a very negative thing to draw close to the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a witness that their mind has the nature of the earth, because the mind that has the nature of Christ goes running towards Christ Jesus, running, running, running towards the Lord Jesus. So am I putting anybody down? No, I'm telling you that as a son of God, you must have wisdom, you must know who you're talking to, and you know who you're talking to, or you're determined who you're talking to, by the words that come out of their mouth, and the people who disdain Christianity are the people who have the nature of the earth.


And the people who say to you, what must I do to be saved, have the nature of Christ. So we must know who we're dealing with, and who we're talking to, so that we can be fully equipped to execute the Lord Jesus' plan towards that person. It may be just a prayer. It may be just one word, but we must determine what it is that we're suppose to transmit to that person from the Lord Jesus, that we might do it. We must make this determination with the Christ mind, because when we make such a determine with the carnal mind, we usually offend the person and turn them away, and they go away saying bad things about Christians.


Well praise the Lord, we finished verse 2, and I'm going to end this message before tonight, Lord willing, we pick up next Thursday with verses 3 and 4, which are interspersed, and that will be part 10. Praise the Lord.




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Pastor Vitale's Bio

Sheila R. Vitale is the founding teacher and pastor of Living Epistles Ministries and Christ-Centered Kabbalah. In that capacity, she expounds upon the Torah (Scripture) and teaches Scripture through a unique Judeo-Christian lens.

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